Confederate Magazine 1898 Volume 6
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Posted : November 15, 2019
Confederate Magazine 1898 Volume 6
Confederate Veteran.
Asm VII. I. K, TkNN.
1 898.
Accurate Expressions 4TI
Afloat, Afield, Afloat ‘
Anderson, Kellar 866
Anthropological Discuss: on U3
Antic tarn
Army Heroes in Lost Charge 31
Ashby’s Tennessee Cavalrj Brigade 176
Ashby Monument
\ikin on, II. A
Ballad “i Emma Sansom
Banks, Miss Lula A
Btotholdt, Mr
Bate, William
Battlt of Hen ton villc
Battle of Chtcloa
Battle of Falling Waters
Battli ii Mountain 34, HO,
i i Qtlznenl in, Realized 52
Battle of Sharpsburg, Concerning
Battle-stained Banni i . Restore Our H7
Battlefield, Stones Rivei 58
Baylor, Col., i leoi ge W., ol l Nol d ] unllj
Bell, Tyree H
B i Flag
Hldgood, J. V 52>
Black, Robert J
i: la/ knall, C. C 527 kade Running 210
Blue Uniforms ‘■■• 361
boy who Baved Richmond, H. R. Wood 213
Urame, James T 131
Brlen, William Q 803
Brlggs, .1. B 337
Briggs, Mrs, Minnie Louise Hill 322
Bright sid.\ Looking on the 37
Brown, John Lucien 12>
Bronze Medals for Veterans 498
Buck Island. Tragedy of 528
Bullet in a Testament 151
Buried on .Johnson’s Island his
burled With Confederate Dead 30
burroughs, Dr. R. B 133
Cabinet’s Retreal from Richmond 293
Camp at Durham, N. C
Camp Chase s. 121, 16’J. 3tW
Camp Morton, Treatment ol Prisoners at 571
Camp Sam Davis in Texas 327
Captured I ‘.in noil 12 i
Capture of ihe Indinnola 573
Capture of the Maple Deaf 529
< ‘a ring for < ‘on federate Craves N’ort h .”,71
Carrington. J. M 149
Celebrating Lee’s Ruth. lay Si
Charming Nellie 14, 150, 422
Chew, Robert, Patriotic Deed of 25
Chickasaw Bayou 519
Chill Cure. Heroic 19
Chivalry of Southern People 66
Christening by a Confederate 326
Civil War. Notable Events of 20
Coffin. Charles ;.M
■ ‘ommomor.ition l>ay for the Country 463
irate Army Humor 521
Confederate Bazaar at Baltimore 131
Confederate Cemetery at Covington, tla 9
Confederates Commanding United States Regiments 365
Confederate Dead 310
Confederate Dead, by W. R. Brown 389
e Dead at Athet
D id at Lexington. Ky
Conf ad Buried North
Honot Roll ol
Confederate Employment B
e Flags
Confederate G merals, Neci
‘ !onfi i ‘i i h. . . .
uited in k i
Memorial Institute
Work, History ol
a UJ??
Confederal Buried in Hollyw
Confederate Veterans in New fork
rial Library, in the New ••<#■’•
Dark Chapter In Prison Life ……
Daughters In Summerville, S C
Daughters of Confederacy . .
Daughters of Confedei
Daughters of Confederacy, Arkansas Division .*,’..’..
Daughter of the South. Mrs. M. Davis Hayes .’.’…
Davis, Jefferson .’..
Davis. Jefferson, Reply to Criticism of ••/’•••
Mrs.. …v?
I’elh i n .’.’.’!
Sam 90, Hi’, I
Day During the War
Decline of Spain ‘
[let iMed Articles
DeRosset, W. L .’.’
Detroit when Lincoln Was Assassinated ..’.’
Devotion to Comrades P.
Dinsmore, Mrs. Stella ‘■
Dixie « • • “JJ
Dorchester. H. S .-”
Dudley. G. W £tgi
Duval’s Miss., Queen of the South ‘..HO,
Earl} Experiences in Camp
Editorials 16. 64, 112, 160, 200, 256. 304. 36S, 416. 464, 512,
Ellsworth, G. A., Morgan’s Telegraph Operator
Emerson, Elise, An Interesting and Historic Costume
Emmet t, Dan .IK
Employment Bureau for Confederates ,. L .
Engagements in North Carolina . ..1S8V
Episode at a Kentucky Conference
Errors Corrected
Escape from Prison, Thirty-Second Tennessee
Escape from Camp Chase
Estopinol, Albert
Events of the Civil War 20.
Expressions from Veterans
Fain, Ernest
Famous Durham,
Fine Watch to Edward Owen.
First Confederate Killed 320
First Virginia in the War 387
Fisher’s Hill Reunion 429
Fite, John A 52S
Flag Bearer for the Fifth Georgia 55
Flag of the Thirty-Second Tennessee, Escape from Prison… 537
Flemming, Robert I., Work of a Veteran 165
Florence Nightingale of the South 4S0
Fordyce, S. W 324
Forrest’s Cavalry Veterans 157
Fort Pillow, Our Evacuation of 32
Forty-Fifth Mississippi 175
Forty-First Mississippi Regt 152
Forty-Second Georgia, Jealous of Weil-Earned Victory 441
Fourth Tennessee, Last Roll Call of 409
Fox, William F 410
Fraudulent Pensions 3S
Freak of a Bullet 26
Gaines’ Mill 472. 565, 5S0
Getting Even, General Rousseau 309
Gettysburg. A Private’s Account 15, 14S
Gettysburg, Pickett’s Division at 567
Gifted Southern Writer 513
Goodner, J. F 528
Gordon, James B 216
Gore, R. C 271
Grady, Henry W 9S
Grady Hospital 150
Grant and ord 51
of Confederates North 147
Grubb, Sam 303
Gvrinette Cavaliers, Who Were They? 17
ila.ll, Thomas O., Christens the Kentucky 326
. I to’bert 528
Hampton Roads Conference – 328
llampu.ii. Wade, and Fitzhugh Lee 156
Dr. J. P «4
C. C 251
Hardeman, Gen. W. P 296
Harris, Gov. I. G., Correction Explained 525
N. 1 535
Hatcher, Faithful Uncle Dave 520
Hawkins, William, Inquiry About 36
Mrs. Maggie Davis, Daughter of the South 465
Hepburn, Mrs. Susan Preston 105
Heroes in Last Charge of Lee’s Army 31
Heroic Chill Cure 19
Hewen, Mrs. Fannie Schey 291
Highly Prized Jewelry 518
Historical Coin, U. C. V 15S
Historic Data, Freak of a Bullet 26
Hislorio Expressions 474
Historic Mule 297
History of Missouri 29
Ml, Pelham, Davis 362
m, Son of a Confederate Soldier 415
Hockman, Dr. John W 175
Hood and Pickett at Gaines’ Mill 504
Home. Lucinda, In Honor of 183
1 lorner, John J 334
Howard, J. K 52S
Hudson, J. M “6
Hudson Port, Passing the Batteries at 250
Humor in the Confederate Army 521
Indianola, Capture of the 573
In Hot Pursuit, an Incident of the War IS
Inquiry By and About Confederates 155, 272, 436
In the New Congressional Library 121
Interesting and Historic Costumes 19’J
Jackson, Stonewall 63
Jackson’s Valley Campaign 418
Jasper, William, Monument to 370
John Marshall’s Statue 317
Johnston, A. S., at Shiloh 66. 311
Johnston’s, A. S., Cane Head 68
Johnson’s Island 16S, 415
Johnson, Polk K J2£
Journey to and from Appomattox u
Jouvenat, Mrs. M. M 430
Keller, Mrs. J. M 49a
Kelley, D. C 337
Kentucky Cavalry, Service by 114
Kentucky Confederate Home Wanted 38
Knox, J. M 161
Lake, Richard P 532
I-ast Charge at Appomattox, Concerning 524
Last Charge of Lee’s Heroes 31
Last Days of the War in North Carolina 211
Last Roll Call of Fourth Tennessee 409
Lee’s Birthday, Celebrating 31
Lee, C. H. Jr 163
Lee, Fitzhugh, and Wade Hampton 156
Lee, Fitzhugh, in Army of Virginia 420
Lee Monument, Lee Circle, New Orleans 549
Lee, Mrs. Sidney Smith, Mother of Fitzhugh Lee 501
Leesburg or Balls’ Bluff 430
Dee’s War Horse 292
Lee With the Boys in Richmond 160
Lexington Convention 503
Little, Mrs. Medora Marchant 358
Looking on the Bright Side 37
Lookout Mountain 34, 110, 153
Losses of Life in War 153
Dost Sword of Forty-First Mississippi 152
Douisianians in Virginia Army 177
Douisville Wants Reunion Next Year 15S
Ludicrous War Incidents 297
Magruder, Captain, and Wife 507
Maple Deaf, Capture of 529
Maryland Cavalry, Company A. First 78
Maull, J. F 309
MeGowan, Miss Anna Maud 522
McLellan, Charles W 506
Mecklenberg Celebrations 194
Medals for Veterans 49S
Meeting of the Pickets 319
Memorial Hall, New Orleans 547
Memorial Hall, Charleston, W. Va 387
Memories of Virginia 74
Memories Against General Miles 161
Miller, Will 371
Minor, Launcelot 52S
Mississippians, Brown’s, at Leesburg 511
Mississippi Regiment, Nineteenth 70
Mississippi Regiment, Forty-First, A Lost Sword 152
Mississippi Regiment, Forty-Fifth 175
Mississippi Regiment, Pathetic Times in 463
Missouri, Correct History of 30
Montgomery County, Patriotism in 125
Montgomery, William A 365
Monument at Bowling Green, Ky 373
Monument at Concord 26S
Monument at Raleigh 229
Monument, Tennessee, Confederate 55
Monument, Tennessee, at Chickamauga 17S, 369
Monument to our Women 50
Monument to Winnie Davis *°3
Monroe, Frank 575
Moore, John Trotwood • 513
Morgan’s Raid, Federal’s Account of 56
Morgan’s Telegraph Operator 17*
Most Valuable of All Histories 89
Moving Story of Privation !35
Xlurfreesboro, Reminiscences of 255
Name of Our War 585
Nash, R. M 161
National Dignity and Confederate Honor 546
Necrology of Confederate Generals 360′ 1
Newsom. Mrs. E K I*” 2
New York Confederate Veterans 550
Nineteenth Mississippi Regiment 70
North Carolina 257
Qoofederate tfeterai).
North Carolina.. Division V. C. V 481
North Carolina in the Revolution 215
North Carolina List of Engagements
North Carolina Quota of Soldiers 584
North Carolina Reunion Proceedings US
North Carolina, Roster of 228, 4 14
North Carolina, Unite’ i Veteran n 217
North Carolina., Women of 217
N.i Family, Col. George \V. Baylor 165
October Veteran for the Da tl 33S
Ode to Johnson’s Island 415
iVTionnell. John 3i”l
OfflciaJ Statistics. Confederate 17
Ohio Veterans in West Virginia 16
Old Confederates Who Morgan Led 90
Old North State 20
One Day During the War 47!’
One Hundred Dollars in Prizes 130
Ord a.nd Grant 51
Organization of U. D. C 578
Orphan Brigade, Hlstor: 317
Our Be – 147
Our Southern Girls 53S
Owen, Eidwa rd I n R i …. 326
I’m k\\ 1, ‘I. o i ii 577
Parker, n 1 163
Pathetic Times In I ppl 463
Pa I and Sin man Combined 30
Patriota’ Deed of Roger Chen 25
Patriotic Kerftucky Mother 77
Patriotic Mississippi
itlc Mother and H i – – 511
Pat! lotlc T’ urn ssei
i’at riot ism in a Tenm
Patriotism in bhe South
Patriotism >: I j Ill
Pegram, WHUam J
Pelham Da Is, Hoi on 362
Pelham, John, R iJ if 436
Pendleton, J. P 149
Pensions for the Soldiers 47i;
Pensions, Fraudulent 3S
Penzel, Miss Iledwlg 334
Pdckett’s B Mill
I ‘ I ‘ 128
Pickett’s Division at G 569
Pickett and Hood art Gaines’ Mill 565
Pluck] Palmetto Girl 7”,
Passing the Batterl at 251
Powell’s, Miss Ella, Patriotic Worn 397
Presentiments in Battle 52
Prison Life, Dark Chapter in 71
Providence or Legs Saved Him 176
Pardon, s. H I7i;
“1 i ho Smith
Ha i ooon Roughs 376
Raihn, Rev. Dr 200
H Gabriel J 199
I ihannock Cavalry 4U
Religion in Confedi rate Arm; r.7:’
Reply to criticism of Jefferson Davis 33
Retreat of Cabinet from Richmond 2M
Returning- Confederate Flags 252
Reunion Arrangements 86
Reunion Association Convention S6
Reunion at C m 48S
Reunion at Fisher’s Hill 5u
Reunion at Atlanta 50
Reunion of Tenne Pulaski 4s2
Reunion Suggestions for 1 :omradi a 25
Reynolds, A. J 169
Richmond, Boy Who Saved 213
Roberts, Thomas P., Wounded Confederate Prisoner 410
Roche, Frank T., Virginian and Texan 132
Rockj Face Ridge, \n tncldem of :ns
Hosot-rans, Gen. William S 161
Rousseau, Gen., c-ttinc. Even With 309
Sad Story of the War 116
Sam Davis Camp In Texas 327
Sandridgo. John M 573
Sanson). Emma (Johnson) 4v7
B. H
J. J
id Louisiana at Gettysburg 417
Sentiment Ia’ a ‘ 526
Serious Words With Veterans 116
Service by Kentucky Cavalry 114
11 Tenness
-1 ine 308
Shepherd, S. G r.L’s
Shiloh, A. S. Johns! >n at
Ships That Passed In the Night <
a Faithful 1 1
Skelton, L. 11
Sketches of Confederates
Sketches of v. C. V. Officials
Sketches of 1 s C. V
Smith, A. J
Snowden, Mrs. Mary A 3m
1 21s
Special! Department 39
Soldier Who Literally Obeyed Ord 122
Southern Memorial A 167
Southern Side at Ohlckmauga 407.514,556
Southern Sentiment. 370
.chad’s Church. I n 310
Stonewall In the Shenandoah Valley 149
■ I Privation 135
of the Six 1 11s
Suggestion ms 25
Stimmerlin, John S 574
Sword 367
-giving Day
‘rii. 1. 1 T\v on andri d Dollar r
9 Life in the Old Land Y. 1 .,:
They’ve Named ai 414
Third Tennessee. Well Barn d Honoi
Thlrty-Sixl 1 I
Thompson, Oapt E,i Porter
Thompson, Jeff
To An Old Saber 31s
Tompkins, s Nightlngal
M is. Ella K. ..
Tragedy of Buck 1 523
ler, Lee’s War II 1-
Tribute to Heroism, I. H 441
te to the Merit of the Publication
Tribute to Winnii Da>
Trulock, J. H
Truth ■ n
Tw entieth Tennessee
Twentj S
U ” V
1 . c. v., Atlanta, Ga
1 . ”. V., Augusl jfl
I’. C. V. Camps and h 49*
U. C. V. tit Charleston 40:,
I’. C. V. in Atlanta
1′ C. V., List Of Officials of
r. c. v., Arkansas D ampment M
r. C. V., Trans Missl 3l Department ‘. . 63
in I Veterans in North Carolina . 217
1 ates 47)
U. S. C. V 89, 37, 134
Vance, Zebulon Baird 190,415
Vaughan, A. J j%, 3»;
Visit With Mrs Davis lhi
Walker, C. 1 ‘. 33.*
Walshe, B. T 57i
Walthall. !•: C 305, 762
War ot Conquest 510
Weir, A. T 4J?
(^federate Ueterai)
Wheeler and His Family 361, MM
Where the U. D. C. Will Meet 190
Why Atlanta Reunion Should Be Held 242
Williamson. W. H 528
Willard, Miss., and the South 112
Wilmington Boll Call of Honor 22″, ■
Wilmington, Sketches of 224
Wolf. John B 386
Women of North Carolina 227
Wood, Halifax Richard 213
Work of a Veteran. RobertT. Fleming 16.i
Wounded Confederate Prisoner, T. J. Roberts 410
3 iree, J. R 2T
“Alabama.” The 173
Arlington Hotel 192
Armory of Wilmington 200
Atlanta Baptist i ‘lunch 374
Atlanta Reunion Hall, Front -I s
“Arkansas.” Confederate Ship 61
Armory of FayetteviHe 206
Asheville, N. C, in 1891 – ,; ‘ ;
Atlanta in the Sixties 239
Atlanta Reunion Committee 2S7
Baptist Church, Atlanta 374
Battle Flag of Ninth Texas 253
Bennett House 213
Bombardment of Fort Fisher 211
Bragg’s Headquarters at Missionary Ridge 564
Camp at Calhoun, Ga 31”
Camp Ohase Prison, Front •■ ]
Camp Chase Decorations 3li3 . 364
Oarap Seen- of First Kentucky 355
Cojpit .1 Avenue in Atlanta 307
Confederate Artillery Monument at Chiekamauga. . . .-. 178
Confederate Cemetery at Covington, Ga 9
Confederate Flags 252
Confederate Generals Headquarters at Wilmington. N. C… 201
Confederate Memorial Hall. New Orleans. Front 543, 545
Confederate Monument, Bowling Green 373
Confederate Monument, Charlotte, Va 194
Confederate Monument, Clarksville, Tenn 12o
derate Monument, FayetteviHe, Ark 167
Confederate Monument, Frederick, Md 19
derate Monument, Lexington, Ky 10
Confederate Monument, Louisville, Ky I* 6
Confederate Monument, Raliegh 22 9
Confederate Monument, Wilmington 888
Confederate Soldiers’ Home in Georgia 14d
derate States Cruiser “Alabama.” 1T3
Confederate Steamer “Gaines.” 393
Confederate Steamer “St. Mary.” 393
Court House at Decatur, Ga., Front 95
Crawfish Springs .- 515
Dallas. Tex., Monument Dedicated 2 ”
Dan Emmett’s Cabin Home S3
Davis, Sam, Arch at Pulaski 4S3
Davis, Sam, Home 9 ^
Davis, Sam. Monument Erected by His Father 501
Decatur, Ga., Court House : 95
ii 1 nation of Monument at Dallas, Tex 299
Design in Representing the First “Stars and Bars.” 424
nixie 84
Dudley Mansion in North Carolina 20;>
Durham, N. C – i –
Kastman Hotel at Hot Springs 49 1
Emmett’s. Dan. Cabin Home 49J
First Kentucky at Corinth 355
First Presbyterian Church at Charlotte, N. C 202
Flags of the Confederacy 263
Flag of Thirty-Second Tennessee 289
Florida Girls With Stars and Bars 175
French Broad River 6
Georgia Capitol 306
Georgia Confederate Soldiers’ Home 145
Grady Hospital in Atlanta 151
Gulpha near Hot Springs 190
Happy Hollow 19S
Hilton Park on Cape Fear River 211
Historic Mule 296
Honoring Sam Davis’s Memory 413
Jasper, William N., Monument to 370
Lee, James M., Residence 226
Lee, Monument at New Orleans 543
Lodge at Entrance to Oakdale Cem terj 826
Lookout Mountain .’ 1
Madonna and Child 467
Mecklenburg’ Camp, Charlotte, Va
Memorial Hall, G. A. R., Wakefield. R. I..
Memorial Hall. University of Virginia
Monument to Unknown i ‘onfederate Dead.
Morgan’s Cavalry
Mountain Team in Ashville
Ninth Texas Battle Flay
Omaha Exposition and Grounds 92
Ouachita River near Hot Springs 183
Orchard Knob Grant’s Field Headquarters 563
Orton Residence on Cape Fear River 814
Pegram, Picture Of Place Where He Fell 271
Peach Lri e Sti :et in Atlanta 97
Perilous Way to Escape 428, 429
Place Where Pegram Fell 871
Places of Capture and Burial ‘if Jefferson Davis 163
Port Hudson, La
Raccoon Roughs 376
Kaleigh Resident ■ 80S
Reunion Hall at Atlanta 4S
Running the Blockade 210
Saint Michael’s Church 310
Shiloh Church 314
Snodgrass Hill 497
Snodgrass Hill, Looking Southwest 37
Snodgrass Home 553
State Capitol, Raleigh, N. C 201
Street Scene in Atlanta 312
Tennessee’s Confederate Artillery Monument, Chiekamauga.. 17S
Thirty-Second Tennessee Flag 289
Terminal Station at Tennessee Centennial 137
Texas Rangers at Austin 372
Trj in’a Palace at Wilmington. N. C 215
U. D. C. at Hot Springs, Front 495
U. D. C. at Nashville 552
University of Virginia 388
United States Post Office at Atlanta 316
Vance Monument at Asheville 198
Vance’s, Zebulon. Home and Company, Front 191
Veteran Office in Atlanta 241
Webb, R. C, Camp at Durham, N. C.
V. M. C. A. Building in Atlanta
Anderson, Jno. K
Arlington. W. R
Bach. W. B
Bagby. Robt. W
Balbridge, R. J ISO,
Bargainer, J. F
Bell, John Henry
Brown, J. P. W
Brumbelow, Leon
Buell, Don Carlos
Cantrell. F. M
Carey. John B
Carpenter. R. W
Carter. Wm
Dickson. Mike
Downey, Mai k
Duncan. Mrs. Jas
Ellis. Wm. Turner 43S
Filer. \V. W 277
Fincbum, John 180
Gardner, Mrs. J. Coleman.. 485
Gulley, E. S 322
Halliburton, Turner Ill
Hamm, J. T 534
Harris, Albert W 485
Harris, W. T 534
Herbat, Charley 583
Holt, T. B 41
Hudson. Andrew 276
Jackson, Jas. 1 438
Jones, A. B 438
Jones, Richard E 274
Kelley, Jas 182
Langhorne. Maurice M 322
^oi?federat^ l/eterar;
Li onard, i ‘. W !2i
LInsey, Dr. Livingston 276
LM,k,,u. s. h i8i
1. -I. .si an, Michael 109
Macon, Geo. S 822
Martin, Wm. H 276
Ma; . -Miss White
McDonald, Wm. N 42
McLemore, Root. W 273
m. Re . w . B 322
Mi Hit, prances. ios
Moore, i. T ’12
Neeley, .las. it in?
Nesbett, J”s S3-)
Peajr, Austin 109
I’enissoii, \i.tor 182
Phelps, it. 11 119
Powell, Fielding T 1-2
Qulntard, Bishop 27c
Reddi n. i li 277
Robertson, W. S
RugleQ .in” D 276
Runph, i ‘lnaslian W *37
Russell, .1. A 13S
Georgi s >34
to, tuggs, W. H. M 180
Sharp, Thos 138
Slaughter, W. it m .34
Smith, B. F 182
Snowden, Mrs. M. a
Spence, Dr. O. 11..
Spencer, L. R
Sl. i nnard. John B.
Smart, R. II
Sykes, \\”. J
Tate, w. x
Tin. mas. B. F . …
| SI I
… 5
Til. .mas. David
Thomas, E I.
Troll. .1 .1
Trousdale, Felix
Ti i ■ in. i ii. :’ i. !
Vaughan, v\ m A
Wh te, .las li i:a
Wilkins, 1 1. \
w o ids, R C
Wright. W. A.
AltMlghit, Job w
Alexander, Jno. K
Allien, J. \V
Allen, T. F 56
Anderson, G. w
A nil. rson, w m. E
Asbury, A. E
Baker, A. .1
Banks. Miss Lule
battle, R, n
Baylor, G. W
li. ai h. Edwin C
Beale, Mrs. C. Phelan
Binforil. James R
Black, George 11
Blakemore, M. N
Blount, J T
Boggs, Wm. M
Bond, frank A 7s,
Honor. John 11
Brooks, .1, N
Brown. It. I)
Broun, Thos. L.
I trow n, w El
Briininr. J. II 77.
Bryan, John M
Bulger, M. J
Cabell, Gen. W. L
Cade, Mrs. E. M
OaJl, Mrs, Maggie Arthur..
Cappjeman, Josle Fra.zee…
i J. S
( arraway, I >. T
i ‘l.ail.i.nn ‘. John M
Clark. M. II
Clark. Wm. J
Coi ‘it in, .1. A
< diliiis. John L
i •niiiior, \v. O
book, ll. H
< iooper, J
■ ‘ra Ige, Kerr
Grain, Dr. J. N
I Ullllll :. :s C. C 431,
Camming, Kate
Cunnyngham, w. G. E
Dabney, T. C
1 le Lee, Van Huron
1 ia\ is, Mrs
DeRosset, w. I
i>o\v. R, l:
Duncan, .lames F
Blast, Mrs. Virginia C
Ellsworth, Oearge A
Evans, Clemenl \ 50, 27s,
Flldes, Mrs Chas
Filmore, /. T
Ford} ‘ e, s, w
i ‘.o . John I’
Fox, Norman
John W
French, Re\ Geoi ge W
i iabbel i. Mrs
i i&rdner, ion
Garnett, .las. M
Cast oi. William
Hill. Mollii 5
Gilmi r. Mrs. ill M…
GoOlsbj .1 C
‘ Km ‘la. John B
I iraii.lnii .1 \l
i li een, P. A
Guild, I’attie
Hall. Tom
Hall, W. It
Hampton. Wade
Harding, It. J
Harris. Mrs. S. R
ii irrds, N. ll
Harvey, C. C
Hawthorn -. J. B
ii tyes Mrs M D
llaynos, .1. 1 155.
Heard, C I’
HIbbett, A. .1
Hobs on, John M
I lol.son, Mary
Hodgson, Mrs. Daisy
Hogan, N. B
Holman, .1. A 153,
Hope, H. B. Hi I.
i [oughton, W. R
Houston, Mrs. A. W
Howell, l’\ A
iiuii. a. l
1 lutehison, K. H
Johnston, David E
Johnston, .1 • toddard
Jones, “‘has. E
Jones, Chats, i’
Kalgler, Wm
Keilly, W. S
Kent, c. w
Nhilz. Theo. F
Knauss, W. H 121, I6S,
Lake Richard r
51 n
.,;, .
52 1
Lastinger, w. H . .
‘ ll. Jr
Lee. Fitzhugh
Lee, R. E
la . . Stephen D. ..
Leigh, Hulda
lal tie. Mrs. Ml il’ i a M
Lloyd, W. G
London, H. A
I OVi II. Mrs. R. S
I.\ ie, John N
U li key, Franklin H
Maney, 1>. D
Mai mad uk… \ lor ni
Martin, R M
Masseniburg, T s
Maury. Dabney….
M.-i ‘liosiu > , Walla–. 11.
M. ‘ ‘I. II , , Ml
McLemore, Jeff
MciMui raj . I »r. W, .1
Mi Noilly. Jas H
Mi I’h is oi .1 i;
Merchant, Mrs. \V. C. N
M.1I-. Jas 1 It, T
Moore, Daviu H 2fi,
Moon. John i”
m.i u. John Trot b
Moon . John W
Moore, M V
Moori , l:. T
Moon . w. T
m oi i son, w I
Nash. R. M
\ i hols, R I.
Nix ii. W. C
■ . T. W
‘ Ula . r. It. W
‘ ‘ loo n, J B
Orr, ”. i:
‘ » erall, John w
Parker, Dr. Daniel
I’ii keshiii, i ‘has
r all h. Chas. A
Pendleton, J F
I’llso-ali. Wm. K
Pol’lard, Mrs. i.izzi.-
Polley, J. B 14 169,
i, John W. 11
I ‘”Vl.T, M I,
Potts, .1 M »….
Preston, J .Earl 15, 19,
I la iii.s. Mrs
Randall, Jas. l;
Ransom, Mr 19″
Randolph, [nnis
Alberimthy. 1.. E…
Albright, W. B
Allison, Mrs. Jno. P.
Allison, Mrs. R. A
Anderson, E. J
Anderson. Keller 3W
A io I its. .ri, T. J 344
Arnett, Mrs. (‘. T 166
i:.. I. li. L. S
Ballentine, Sadie -“.n
Barker, Cioero R 222
Barney, Mrs Nannie s …. 162
Ham, h. Miss Sadie 2as
B a\ lor Geo. W 1H4. 326
ii. all. Louise 11 307
Brail. Mrs. T. B 4s’.t
la ar.l. ii. Walter S 17s
Bay. J.,- M 261
R ai. W. D 670
Richards, J. Fraise 162 W. 11 121
i: dl< ! li I 407, 514, 556
‘ ‘I .lu.i, . ; 511
Robert R G 520
It. W 120
Rock™ i ;. K 91
. Rob ii I. 51
II, Wm, 1 15
Sanders, D. w ill
Sanders Mm i” 225
Sayas.” . ‘ ii’ 77
Savery, P M 551
Si l, \i ii.w M 3is
Shell. ■’ \ 58
‘ I’ li loan 531
Sherrell. M. M 159
Sli|.|i, Mrs M. 1 227
Smith A I’ ,… 307
Smith. Cap:. F. H 297
.-initio II II 55
Snowden, R B 24S
Spark ‘ 58
Daniel 210
Stovall, F, M 174
Sykes E T 525
‘I ‘inn. r. .las 338
Taylor, Mrs N. in,- ;
I . ue B H 520, 671
‘I’m. h. John W 661
Thomas, D C 71
S i 19
rhompi in Mrs, Frank 319
Thruston, Jas 573
T. II. s Wm. I 32S
Trulock, Jas II 433
•fil.r. e’. W IK
\ am . . /., B 211
i I >\ ke, H< in > 66
Van Pelt, B B 504
Van is ii. Main oi Bennett.. 184
n. Miss so I. 463
\\ -I It li . 1 1 . E C
W at , i, .: – L70, 39il
Watts, V ‘I’ 67
w • Her, John H 315
Wiekhams M.I I 314
Wileox. Ella Who, … … . )s4
\\ ill. ml. Miss 112
Williams. Mrs Nannie 538
\\ iis.ui i leorge 413
\\ “Ola. k ,i ■ ‘.
Wood K C 30
WoodUff, Mi in G 4S7
W Irnff, Miss J. <; 499
W Is. F. J 157
Woods, W, H 124
li.aur. gard P ‘1 T 329
B llamy, Eliza M 22S
Bell, Tyree 11
Bidgood, Jos. \’ 528
Black, K. J 435
i.iaoknall, C. C 627
Blair. Florence 35o
I: 10I io Pearl 510
Bragg, Braxton 407, 56!
Hi am. , Jas. T 134
lil-ies’s. J. B 337
BriRRs. Mr- Minnie Hill…. 322
I’.roadfoni. Kate 269
Brown, John Badger 219
Brown, 1 .a. a a 12s
1 ii- iw 11 m is John c 451
Brown, J. l’. w m-
Qopfederate .
Buckner, Airs. H. B 631
Burns, J. G 508
Bui-well, Miss Fannie 198
Burroughs, R. B 433
Byrum, Jos., Turner, Nat,
and Mark 309
Cabaniss, Mrs. H. H 423
Cabell, W. L 302
Cage, Miss Annie Grant 249
Cal houn, W. L 384
Cappleman, Mis. Josie.
Capps, Chas. R 314
Carey, Col. Jno. B 41
Carnes, W. W 3S4, 516
Carpenter, R. W 274
Carter, Capt. Jno. H 379
Case, Jno P 308
Casler, Miss Lucille 359
Cathey, B. – 220
Ohadwick, W. D 325
Chestney, Mrs. T. 45S
Childs, Mrs. Wm. and
daughter 5:
Clark, Mrs. B. A 500
Clark, M. H 293
Clark, Mrs. L. W 127
Claybrooke, Frederick 123
Clayton, Henry D 515
Cochet, Miss Nesrteld 204
Coleman, R. B 302
Connor. W. O f05
Cook, V. Y 365
Cox. Mrs. A. H 423
Craige, Miss Josie 208
Cravens, Mrs. J. L 456
Crawford, Kate T 336,419
Cummings, C. C 432
Cunnyngham, Rev. W. G.
E 65
Currie, Mrs. Kate C….301, 452
Daniel, Wilberforce 323
Dashiel, Geo 379
Davidson, Miss Mary 523
Davies, W. W 342
Davis, Jefferson 329, 403. 2S5
Davis, Jefferson…frontis, Sept.
Davis, Jefferson Hayes 466
Davis, Junius 217
Davis, Miss Winnie 401
Davis, Mrs. efferson 401
Davis, Sam 450
DeLa Houssaye, Miss S 579
DeRosset. Annie 224
DeRosset, W. L 217
Dillard. H. H 136
Dinsmore, Mrs. S. P 199
Duncan. Mrs. Jas. M. Jr 42
Duval, Miss Mary 510
Dyce, S. W 324
Dyer, S. B 515
Elder. Mrs. Dr 53S
Ellrr, Sam 216
Ellis, Gov 206
Ellis. W. D 383
Emerson, Eloise 199
Epperson. Mrs. Lula B 89
Estopinal, Col. Albert 573
Etter, W. W 277
Evans, Clement A 342
Evans, Sarah Lee 339
Fain, Earnest 532
Ferguson, J. B 504
Flnley, Luke W 444
Fleming. Robt. L 165
Fore. J. E 24
Fore, J. F 24
Folk, Mrs. Carey A 459
Forney, Mrs. C. A 455
‘Foute. A. M 326
Fry, Jas 203
culler, Mrs. Sadie Hord ?61
Gaines, Jno. H 3S2
Galloway, J. S j. . 5,2
Gilmer, Mrs. Elizabeth 4S4
Gilmore, Miss Mary 574
Gloster, A. W 380
Goodlett, Mrs. M. C 451
Gordon, Col. Augustus 376
Gordon, Jas. B 217
Gordon, Jno. B 213
Gordon, Mrs. Loulie I_l
Gracey, F. P “26
Grady, Henry W 98
Grant, Mrs. W. D 411
Greene. S. P 431
Green, Will S 581
Grier, Miss Feriba 207
Guild, La-yafette and wife… 31
Hale, Solomon 508
Hall, J. G 220
Hall, Thos. 326
38 1 Planner, Jas. P 434
Hardeman. W. P 296
Harrall, Richard A 508
Harris, Albert W 485
Harris, Gen. N. H 70
Hasell, M. J 435
Hatcher, Uncle Dave 51
Hawthorne, Rev. J. B 75
Hayes, Mrs. Margaret D.403, 4i”5
Head, Thos. A 136
Helm, Mrs. Ben. H 554
Hemphill, W. A 99
Hepburn, Mrs. Susan 105
rierbst, Charley. 5S3
Hickman, Jno. P 383,450
Hill, A. P 331
Hindale, Ellen 203
Hcndsdale, Eliza’b-eth C 262
Hobson, Richard P 363
Hoke, Francis 203
-■xoke, Lily 202
Holt, Thos 41
Hood, J. B 330
Horner, Jno. J 334
Horner, Miss Mimi 385
Howell, Clark 101
Howell, Mrs. Clark 424
Howell, Evan P 100
Hunter, Mrs 249
Jackson, Stonewall. . .53, 329, 41S
James, Miss Emmie S…333, 375
Jewell, Wm. H 383
Johnson, Anna B 354
Johnson, Polk G 120
Johnston, A. S 311
Johnston, Jos. E 329
Johnston, Sue 471
Jones, Mary A 203
Jones, Miss Converse 207
Jones, Miss Sallie 453
Keenan, Sarah 225
Kelley, D. C 337
Key, Idene 469
King, Miss Porter 425
Knox, R. M 324
Lake, Richard L 532
Lamb, Wilson G 219
Lee, Jas. M 514
Lee, Mrs. Fitzhugh 452
Lee. Mrs. Jas. M 514
Lee, Robt. E front is, Sept.
Lee, Robt. E 8, 329
Lee, Robt. E. and others… 293
Lee, Stephen D 333
Lewis, Annie D 343
Lockett, R. R 403
Lockett, S. H 181
London, H. A 221
London, W. L 221
Long, Miss Emily 53>
Loosean, Michael 109
Maffltt, J. L 20i
Mathes, J. Harvey 582
Mathes, Mrs. J. Harvey 479
Matthews, W. D 3>6
Maxey, Miss Ora 35i
May, Miss White 334
McCall, Jno. T 406
McCutChen, Jas. T 38C
McDowell, E. C 250
MoGowan, Miss Anna M 522
McClellan, C. W 506
Merritt, Leonidas 266
Miller, Capt. Will A. and
wife 371
Miller, Maj. Francis 108
Miller, Georgia and Jessie.. 518
Miller, Mrs. Jas. Russell 350
Mims, Livingston 476
Monroe, Frank a 575
Montogmery, Wm. A 365
Moore, David H 20
Moore, Ethel 4n2
Moore, Martin 267
Moorman, Geo 243
Morehead, Mrs. Jno. L 424
Morgan, Wm. H 5S1
Motes, C. W 329
Motes, Eva 46S
Myers, Henry C 411
Myers, Penelope 303
Murphy, Mrs. Jeannette 314
Neal. T. B 177
Newsom, Mrs. E. K 102
Norris, Mrs. Oliver 502
Osborne, A. E 259
Ottley, Mrs. J. K 310,457
Ottley, Miss Passie May ?41
Overman, Margie 212
Owen, Dr. Edward 550
Owen, Frank A 88
Owen, Ruth 88
Oxford, Josie 46S
Packwood, Geo. H 576
Parker, F. M 221
Peay, Caroline 325
Pelham, Maj. John T02
Pender, W. D 330
Pendleton, Mrs. E.C 355
Penney, Mrs. Kate Speake. 585
Penzel, Miss Hedwig 334
Peters, Mrs. E. C 434
Phelps, R. H 179
Philips, Miss Martha 197
Pickett, Geo. E 330, 472
Plane, Mrs. Helen 339
Powell, Dr. F. F 1S2
Powell, Ella 377
Raine, Mrs. L. H 453
Raines, Gabriel Jr 199
Rankin, Jennie M 204
Rankin. Grace 223
Ray, Jas. M 223
Ray, Miss Willie Emily 262
Reagan, Jno. H 296
Reeves, Miss Lillian 410
Reilly, Thos. L 508
Richardson, Jas. D 557
Roche, Frank T 132
Roden, Lillian 358
Rodgers, Robt. L 51
Rounsaville, Mrs. H 340,450
Rouss, Chas. B 278
Kyan. Father 291
Sandidge, Jno. M 572
Saunders. Miss Olivia 414
Sawyer, Daisy M 22 1
Scales, A. W 2o0
Scott, Miss Birdie 5i9
Scott, John Jos …578
Siotl. Ma.iy E 454
Sea, Andrew 417
Semple, Miss Mary 357
Sharp, Thos 438
Short, E. W 379 Miss Daisy 2”> v
SkeiUn, L. H 444
Sloan, Miss Margue-rit 357
Smith. B. F 1S2
Smith, Henry H 381
Smith. Martin 53U
Smith. Mrs. Huke i:’4
Smith, Pinckney 380
Smith, S. H 218
Smithlee. J. N’ 385
Smythe, Robt. A 342
Snowden, Mrs. Mary A 183
Snowden, R. B 218
Snow, Adelaide 203
Stanley, T. E 381
Stephens. Alexander 329
Stewart, A. P 408
Stuart, J. E. B ….330
Stubbs, Annie 573
Sum’inerlin, Jno. S 574
Sykes, E. T 116, 525
Tate, W. N 275
Tench, Mrs. J. W 501
Terry. Col 373
Thedford, Mrs 409
Thedford, Mrs. Caroline…. 516
Thompson. Ed. Porter 315
Thompson, Miss Stella 197
Tolley, W. P 3i’2
Torrance, Miss Kate 212
Trader, Mrs. Ella 163
Trousdale, Felix 107
Truelock, Jos 433
Turley, Thos. B 37
Tyler, Emmie 127
Underwood, Ellen 264
Vance, Zebulon B 196
Van Hoose, Jennie 363
Vittetoe, Hiram 556
Vaughan, A. J 33b
Vaughan, Wm. A 336
Walker, Irwin 335
Walshe, B. T 275
Walshe, Elizabeth 576
Walthall, E. C 305
Waterman, Geo 20, 59,170
Waterman. Mrs. Alice 43
Wheeler, Jos 200, 563
Wheeler and family, .frontls.
Wheeler, Old Jim and Mule. 571
Whitaker, Miss Bessie 538
White, Jas. H 179
White, Robt 474
Wilkins, D. A 133
Williams, A. B :…. 219
Wilson, R. E 222
Woods, Halifax Richards.. 215
Woodward, Chas 291
Woodward, Emmie and
Elizabeth 223
Woodward. Eugene 291
Woodward, Marion 291
Woodward, W. J 218, 291
Wrenne, Mrs. B. W 122
Wright, Miss Agatha 470
Wyatt, Henry 261
Wylle, David G 479
O 9P8*
t_ *
^P^HE above scenes will be familiar to those who were in the Camp Chase prison. The street at bottom of picture is Broadway, and
CI. the “four mile house,” illustrated in December Veteran, is near the center of this area. The main prison is at’Juppcr left’hand
corner and about halfway from Broadway to the Confederate Cemetery. The group of buildings, six in the row to the right of
the main prison, is the Confederate Hospital, while the two-story building at lower tight-hand corner of picture is the Federal Hospital.
Camp Chase was a regular camp of instruction, and the long rows of buildings at right of campus, comprising two squares, indicate the
Federal soldiers’ quarters. It is evident that in a few years the city will extend fully out to the cemetery. £• *• ft f f
»»3»»»d3a»»; Sjj
Joseph Thompson, Proprietor; George W. Scoville, Manager.
Opposite the Union Depot. Elcc
trie Railway at the Door to a’l
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Hold Your Checks for Our Porter.
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The Leading School and Teachers* Bureau of
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J. W. BLA.ER. Proprietor, Successor to MT88
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Send stamp for information.
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Free tuition. We give one or more free schol-
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Will accept notes for tuition
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Address J. F. Draughon, Pres’t, at either place.
Practical….. T*st£/2P j S7/>
Business …. x&Cj&t£€%/v
Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typew ritlng, etc.
The most thorough, practical and /^
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patronized ones in the South. Indorsed by
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weeks in bookkeeping with us are equal to
twelve weeks by the old plan. J. F. Draughon
President, is author of Draughon’s New Systec
of Bookkeeping, “Double Entry Made Easy.”
Home study. We have prepared, for home
study, books on bookkeeping, penmanship ami
shorthand. Write for price list “Home Study.’
Extract. “Prof. Draughon— I learned book
keeping at home from your books, while)]
a position as night telegraph operator.”— C I
Leffingwell, Bookkeeper for Gerber& Ficks
Wholesale Grocers, South Chicago, 111.
(Mention thts paper when writing.”)
Bowling Green Business College.
Easiness, Shori hand, Typ iwril La?, T’>U*?ra-
phy.aud Penmanship tan^iu. Graduates seem e
positions. Beautiful catalogue free. Ajidress
CHERRY BROS., Bowling Green, Ky.
VICTOR Incubator
Hatche* CI
srlf regulating. The -imp!
reliaole, and i hi
market. Clrenian FREE.
iui;. lfl i BUSINESS
2d 8oor Cumberland Presbyterian Pub. House
A practical schO”l of established reputation
No catchpenny methods. Business men recom-
mend this College. Write for circulars. Men
tion this paper, address
K. W. JENNINGS. Principal.
Veteran Subscri
bers, are you inter’
ested in poultry ?
200 First Premi
ums. All about
incubators and
brooders in 1898
catalogue. Send
for one.
Homer City, Pa,
Trade Marks
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Anyone sending a sketch and description may
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“One Country,
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Flags, Banners, Swords, Belts, Caps,
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with Central Mississippi Valley Route Solid
Fast Vestibule Daily Train for
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and the West. Particulars of a/ents of the I. C
R. R. and connecting lines.
WM. MURRAY, Div. Pass. Agt., New Orleans.
JNO. A. 8C0TT, Div. Pass. Agent, Memphis.
A. K. HANSON. O. P. A., W. A. EELL0ND. A. O. P. A.
Chicago. Louisville.
Qapfederat^ .
Entered at (he poetoffice, \’a-h\ llle, Tenn., as Becond-clasB matter.
Advertising Rates: $1.50 per inch one lime, or (15 s .war, except last
page. One page, one time, special, (85. Discount: Half year. one
one year, two issues. This is below the former rate.
Contributors will please be diligent to abbreviate. Tie- -pare is too
important tor anything that lias not Bpecial merit.
The ‘late to a subscription is always given to the month before it ends.
For Instance, if the Veteran be ordered to begin with January, the date on
mail list w ill be Deoember, and the subscriber is entitled to that number.
The “civil war” was too long ago to be called the “late” war, and when
correspondents use that term the word “great” .war will be substituted.
Circttlation: ’93, 79,430; “94, 121,644; ’95, 154,992; ’96, 161,332.
United Confederate Veterans,
f’nited Daughters of the Confederacy,
Sons .d’ Veterans and other < irganizatione.
The Veteran is approved and endorsed by a larger and
more elevated patronage, doubtless, than any other publication
in existence.
Though men desen e, they may not win success,
The brave will honor theorave, vanquished none the LesB.
PRIOI. J1.00 T-KK \ EAR. I v y i
Sinoi.k Corv, 10 Cents, i v lu ” ‘•
ier n , IB. A. CUNNINGHAM.
u- • i Proprietor.
Scene from the Receni Governaieni Purchase on Lookoi i Mountain.
Cieii. II. V. Bovnton, President of t lie National Park Commission, and his assoi iates are to be congratulated upon this addition.
. ^.-”
“■” ‘-At
s, r \ i on French Broad River below Asheville, n. c”.
Qopfederate l/eterar>
Older readers of the Veteran will readily recall the
story of “Uncle Dan” Emmett in the Veteran for
September, 1895, and the reproduction of the original
“Dixie.” These plates are the more valuable now,
since he has lost the original, and may be republished
in the Veteran next month.
Not having heard from the genial, appreciative old
gentleman in many months, inquiry was made, to which
he replied, November 5, 1897:
I am in good health for a young man now in his
eighty-third year, and I sincerely hope that God has
bestowed on you his mercies and blessings, and may
this short letter find you chock-full of roast beef and
corn bread! I must now inform you of my misfor-
tune. You are aware that the “Actors Fund” of New
York has regularly contributed $5 each week for my
support, but for some unexplained cause this contribu-
tion was discontinued about six weeks since. This has
caused me to get in debt for my board and other neces-
saries. Now, my good friend, if it is not too much
trouble to you to help me in my distress, could you, in
conjunction with some of your particular friends, get
me up a “benefit? ”
Being in New York soon after this, a visit was made
to the office of the “Actors’ Fund,” when a promise was
made to restore “Uncle Dan” to the list, and it was
hoped permanently ; but in a letter of December 30 he
They very kindly donated for my relief for ten weeks.
I ‘have two more payments to receive, and then God
only knows what I shall do. I live in hopes of my
Southern brethren doing something for me.
Two years ago the Veteran announced its opposi-
tion to a miscellaneous appeal for aid, and has peremp-
torily declined to do so since until now; but this case is
exceptional. That the author of “Dixie,” whose parents
were Southern-born, an upright, kindly old gentleman,
should be in want for the necessaries of life is a direct
appeal to every man and woman whose memory thrills
at the mention of ” Dixie”— the most inspiring tune ever
conceived, at least by the Southern people — justifies ex-
ception to the rule, and request is made of every friend
to consider the conditions at once. Let camps of Vet-
erans, chapters of Daughters, and the Children of the
Confederacy everywhere consider what they can do to
supply this “benefit.” Send to Daniel Decatur Em-
mett, Mt. Vernon. O., or to this office, and the amount
will be forwarded to him promptly. If sent direct,
please give notice to the Veteran.
The Washington (D. C.) Friend at Court:
This dear old song, which has given its author, Dan-
iel Decatur Emmett, imperishable fame, has become
so thoroughly identified with one section of our coun-
try that it may be doubted whether or not it is en-
titled to be classed among our national songs; but it is
confidently asserted that, had it not been for the divi-
sions created by the great war, it would have been as
popular in the North to-day as it is in the South, since
it first came out North and achieved almost instanta-
neous popularity there — the boys taking it up on the
streets — and there would have been no occasion for its
diminished favor in that section but for its adoption in
the South. It must be generally conceded, whether
it is sectional or not, that there are but few songs which
have more power to move a popular audience in any
• geographical section of our country than has this soul-
stirring melody. . . .
“Dixie” was taken up and adopted by the South, and
Dixie’s land and the South have become synonymous
terms the world over. That is as Mr. Emmett intend-
ed it should be; he meant by “Dixie” the land of the
South, according to his own testimony. He says that
negro minstrelsy in the days in which “Dixie” was
written, the spring of 1859, always carried with it an
idea of the South, and that he meant the South when
writing the word “Dixie,” which he clearly indicated
by the words “the land of cotton” and other expres-
sions of similar geographical coloring.
Mr. Emmett also wrote another song which became
exceedingly popular throughout the country: “Old
Dan Tucker;” but “Dixie,” which has power to raise
a Southern audience to its feet anywhere and to cause
a stir of enthusiasm among any people, is perhaps the
most lively and inspiring air that the musical world has
ever known.
Dr. J. W. Cocke, of Waco, Tex., died January S,
1898. He went to Waco from near Hockley, Tex.,
and was very popular. In the war he was a noted sur-
geon in Stuart’s Cavalry, and was a well-known con-
tributor to medical publications.
(Confederate 1/eterap.
The casual reader will pass over this long list of
names without being interested, but to others it will be
read with breathless concern, Many, many Confed-
erates were captured whose families have never known
their fate, although prayerful diligence was exercised
as long as there was a ray of hope. May this list of
thousands of names give consolation to mourning
hearts, as it will when found that husband, brothvr, or
son, having stood by his colors until overwhelming
numbers compelled capitulation, and that whatever op-
portunities for freedom may have come to him, all
were rejected, and he went down to death a faithful
Confederate soldier! The paragraphs are alphabetical.
These honored names have been preserved by the
authorities, and the arduous work of copying has been
done by a soldier of the Union army, or at his personal
expense. This man is YV. 11. KnaUSS, He and his
comrades, who realize with him the high claim to
praise as “Americans,” will see to it that these graves
are kept green the rest of their lives.
The occasion of an entertainment by these men to
the editor of the Veteran, reported last month, will be
a record directly connected with results of the great
war in honor to the gentlemen giving it. Not a man
among them gave utterance to anything hut what
would be received with gratitude by the Southern peo
pie, and they will ever hereafter take the greater pleas-
ure in .helping to preserve in honor the graves of those
thousands of American patriots reared and educated in
the South, and for whose peculiar institutions they
cheerfully suffered until released by death.
Col. Knauss will furnish for the VETERAN names of
the other Confederate dead in the state of Ohio.
William Adkins. Va. ; William Austin. 10th Kv. Caw; 11. A. Ad-
kins, nth Va. Cav.; .1. C. Allen, nth Tenn Cav.; .1. Alford, w.
A a.; O. IV Amhnster, state ami command unknown: D. C. At-
kins, ilth Va. Cav.; T. B. Alexander. Ala.: B. I,. Allen. 60th Tenn.
Inf.; E. Anloniff. 8th Tenn. Cav.: William R, Ashtacks. 8th Tenn.
Cav.: Creel Arnett. I8th Va. Inf.; William 11. Allen. 6th Ala.
Cav.; W. A. Arnold. 2d Ky. Cav.: William B. Atkins. 24th Ala.
Inf.; laike Arthur. 86th Va. Cav.; William Adkins, Witcher’s Va.
Cav.; Kobert Anderson, 5th Tenn. Cav.; Benjamin Anderson. Cth
Oa. Cav.; U II. Archil, aid. 36th Ala Inf.: It. F. Arthurs. 19th Va.
Cav.; H. U. Asbury, 10th Ky. Cav.; William Adams, 6th Ky. Inf.;
J. R. Adams. 67th Va. Inf.; William .1. Atchison. 6th Tex. Inf.; L.
W. Anderson. 171 h Va. Cav.; Basham Arnold. 60th Va. Inf.; W”.
Aml.rson, 29th C,a. Inf.: J. Anderson. 2d Kv. Cav., W. B. Aiken.
Mil Oa. Inf.: Al.i.iah Anderson. I’.ith S. C. Inf.; 0. D. Adams, 8th
Ga. Inf.; J. Anders, Quartermaster Department; J. M. Arramps,
Johnson’s conscripts: James Adamson, 30th Oa. Inf.; J. Arm-
stead, 22d Va. Inf.; D. Anderson. 67th Ala. Inf.; Frank Albert.
20th Ala. Inf.: 1!. F. Avers. 86th Va. Cav.; 11. Atkins, Mnreland’s
Cav.; Benton Adnv. Sth Ala. Cav.; C. A. Allen, citizen of Ga. ;
Sol O. Andrews. 63d Oa. Inf.; Eliiah Agnew, 16th Ga. Inf.: Jo-
seph Abbott, 26th Va. Sharpshooters; A. J. Askins, Sth S. C. Inf.;
Simeon Able. 66th Ga. Inf.
II. Blackwell, 8d Kv. Inf.; G. 11. Brook, 2d Ky. Inf.: Russell
Brown, 11th Tenn. Cav.: Benjamin Bridget. Co. C. 4th Ky.; An-
drew Burns, 86th Va. Cav.: Ellis Brazier, 64th Tenn. Inf.; John
Barber. 4th Ala. Inf.; Frank Blgsby. 4th Ky. Cav.: F. 11. Barron,
4th S. C. Inf.: U. Brooks, 2d Ark. Inf.; Brown; E. K. Boone.
1st La. Cav.; Q, W, Bolton. 44th Ala. Inf.; J. F. Bass. 22d Miss.
Inf.; J. L. Barrett. 6th Miss. Inf.; J. D. Burton. 16th Tenn. Cav ;
John Black. 19th Va. Cav.: Alexander Boyd. 54th N. C. Inf.; J. H.
Bennett, 86th Va. Inf.; M. P. Brasswell, 89th Ga. Inf.; William
M. Blackburn. 4th Ga. Cav.; F. Bird. 36th Ga. Inf.: Richard
Blackwood. 20lh Va. Cav.; H. Rrangenly, 55th Tex. Cav.; John
Barrett. 4th Tenn. Cav.; George H. Burgess, citizen of Ohio:
Noah BIckerstaft, 54th N. C. Inf.; w. R. Bartlett. 46th Ga. Inf.;
John M. Black. 6th Ala. Cav.; Nathan I’.umpers. 4th Ala. Inf.:
M. P. Brantley, Tullis Artillery; Burnett, citizen of La.:
David Basham. Storr’s Cav.; Leonard Bass. 12d Ga. Inf.; Jesse
Bryant. 66th Ga. Inf.; John Disherer, 57th N. C. Inf.; William
Brown, 33d Ala. Inf.; A. L. Brown, 30th Ga. Inf.; Jacob Baxter,
54th N. C; G. K. Bullock, 6th Fla. Inf.; Robert Brown, 30th Ga.
Inf.; William S. Barrett, 42d Ga. Inf.; N. F. Brookhire, 1st Ga.
Inf.; John 1 6th Ala. Inf.; Hiram Black, 34th Va. Cav.;
Thomas M. Beatty. Stewart’s Cav.; R. D. Berrell. 4th La. Inf.;
T. R. Bullington. Sth Tenn. Cav.: T. C. Barrett. 15th Tex. Cav.;
Ezra Bell, ISth Ala. Inf.; James M. Baker. 7th Tenn. Cav.; John
M. Brown. 15th S. C. Inf.; Charles Boyles, 55th Ala. Inf.; Crock-
ett Brown. ISth Tenn. Cav.; David A. Bruge, 30th Va. Cav.; D. E.
Brown, government emplovee. Ala.; Thomas R. Bailes. 22d Va.
Cav.; William D. Barrett. Sth Tenn. Inf.; D. D. Bumpers, 24th
Ala. Inf.; J. D. Brock. 24th Ala. Inf.; James B. Bickley, 22d Va.
Cav.; J. W. Blank. 54th Ala. Inf.; E. B. Brooks. 1st Ga. Inf.; J.
M. Baker. 46th Ala. Inf.; C. A. H. Brock, 50th Ga. Inf.: B. C. Bush,
6th Fla. Inf.; Evan Butcher. 46th Battery, Va. Cav.; John Benni-
field, Beauregard’s Battery; James Balkum, 80th N. C. Inf.; E.
W. Baswell. 4th Tenn. Cav.; Louis Barker. 5th Ky. Inf.; S. A.
Barnett. 6th K\. Cav.; W. Bustle, sth Tenn. Cav.: Charles Bow-
ers, 2ith 5. C. Inf.; John M. Brash. 10th Tenn. Cav,; James C.
Banton, I9th La. Inf.; James A Becket Bth Con Ca.\ : J. F.
Barnes. 1st Va 1 ‘a \ , John G. Bell, 3d Fla. Inf.; J. B. Brigans,
2d Tenn. Inf.: John H. Bell, 4th Fla. Inf.; John F. Berry. 4th Ky.
Cav.; Abijah for Booth) Banth, 36th Va. Inf.; W. O. Barbie.
2d Ark. Cav.: II. P. Blair, 1st Ga. Inf.; W r . E. Boyd, 7th Ala. Cav.;
C. E. Brooks, 2d S C. inf.: 3. W. Bagwell, 15th Miss. Inf.;
Thomas Bacon, 25th Ga Inf.; si. phen Browning, 45th Ga. Inf.;
Jacob Beck, N. C. conscripts; W. R. Butts, 11th Tenn. Inf.; R. B.
Brown, 5Sd Ga. Inf.: David W. Barnes. 7th Fla, Inf.; B. F. Beas-
th Ala. Cav.: R. S. Brown. Uth Va. Cav. .1 Is, 21th
S 1 Inf.: B. Bridges. 7th Ala. Cav.; John Built. 19th S. C. Inf.;
W. J. Bettess. 13th La. Cav.; John Bott er’s Scouts;
. w Brooklin, 57th Ga. Inf.; Matthew B. Bushy, 4th Ky.
J. r.aliin. 4th I. a, inf.: 1 >. Bird, 16th S, c. Inf.; Ely M.
Brasham, 8th 8. C tnl . Robert W. Boyd, 1st Ga, Inf.; Pleasant
Bertram. 22d Va. Cav.: Calvin Brock. Sth S. C. Inf.: F. W.
Barnes, 2d Tenn. Cav.; Thomas Bedworth, 13th Ky. Cav.; James
H. Bailey, 15th Miss. Inf.; James Bowman. 3d Engineers: J. Bur-
ton. 4th Kv. Cav.; B. Browning, 29th Ky. Inf.; John B. Bumgar-
Cav.; Henry Briggs, 89th N. C. inf.; H. P. Bethea,
sth S, C Infantry; J. F. Bowers. Hampton’s Legion; w. S.
Brown, Madison’s Artillery; J C Bradford, 10th Miss inf.;W. J
80th Tenn. Inf.; W. H. ith Ala. Cav : w. w.
Bagwell. 7th S, C. Inf.: Samuel 1 a. Bat.; J. T. Brooks.
at.; W. B, Booth, 21si Va. Cav.; John Brown, Tenn.
rlpti W. W. Blair. 28th Miss, Cav.; J. W”. Benlley. 37th
Miss. Inf.; N, O. Barker, 40th Ala. Inf.: H. E. Benton. 21th S, C.
Inf.: W. Bassentine, 10th Ga. Inf.; J. s. Bush, 33d Ala. Inf.; T. H.
ett, 6th Miss, Inf.; 11 C I barren’s l’.egiment: J.
Baker, 12th Ky. Cav.; J. W, Barton, 6th Fla. Inf.: George Burk-
hart. Hill’s Cav.; S. Boyd, 3d Miss. Inf.; M. Brown. Wo
Butler, 5th Bat. Va. Inf.; A. G. Brool a. Inf.;
J. .1. Brown, 22d Ala, Inf.; W. Bond, 3d Miss. Inf.; F. J. Burt. 22d
Miss. Inf.; ):. 11. Bryans, 17th Va. Cav.; W. Baker. Ith Tenn.
Cav,: E. F. Bowlin. tlith Vn. Inf.: W. Black. 51st Va. Inf.: W. A.
Beck. 2.1UI1 Ga. Inf.: It. Briant. 21st Va. Cav.: J. A. Beaucamp,
6th Fla. Inf.; E. Batson, 16th S, C. Inf : J. Burnett. 1st Tenn.
Cav.; W. Bachelor, loth Ala. Inf.; John Beasley, 4th Tenn. Cav.;
.1. W. Black. 17th Ala. Inf.: R. I.. Blackman, 1st Fla. Inf.: I. A.
Beaslcv. loth Ala, Cav.: B. .T. T’.alev. 7th Miss. Inf.; George Burk-
hart. 7th Fla. Inf.; Andie Burt. 22d Miss. Inf.: W. B. Bagerly,
41st Tenn. Inf.; John E. Barton, nth Ga. Inf.; s. W. Bryan, 25th
Ga. inf.; Salathiel Berry, 4th Ala. Cav.; Wiley B. Brown, nth
Tenn. Inf.; W. S. Benslev, 4th Tenn. Inf.: George W. B
1st Ala. Cav.; II. Barnes. 57th N. C. Inf.; M. I. 1 Ith Va.
Cav.; Daniel Bush, 39th Miss. Inf.; Andrew Bertrand, 3d La.
Inf.: G. W r . Bonds. 20th Ga. Inf.; I. G. Berry. 31th Ala. Inf.; I. A.
. 31st Ala. Inf.: P. A. Bryant, 46th Miss. Inf.; John G.
Blount, 17th N. C. Inf.: w. W. Brantley, 42d N, «’. int.; F. A.
Blanton, 4th N. C. Reserves; John A. Burkett, Sth Fla. Inf.; I.
i’. Burgess. 8th Ga. Inf.; Martin Barger, N. C. Reserves; J. D.
Brvan. 39th Ala. Inf.: S, F. Bunch, 20th Tenn. Inf.; August R.
Bolton, Freeman’s Bat.: J. Byn, 9th Ark. Inf.: R. Brtnkley, Free-
man’s Bat.; E. A. Brown. 7th Va. Cav.; J. Bailey. 7th Ala. Cav.
J. F. Cherry, of Tenn.; J. I orr ell, Ith Ala. Inf.; H. Carroll,
Walker’s Bat.: J. D. Cain. 10th Kv. Cav.: Thompson Cooper, cit-
izen of Va.; J. D. Cochran. Sth Kv. Inf.; J. Cox. 3d S. C
W. R. Crum. Stodgalis’s Cav.; George R. Carter. 9th Tenn. Cav.;
Peter Combs, Sth Kv. Inf.; S. Collins. 1st Kv. Cav.; Robert Con-
ran, citizen of Va.; J. B. Caper. 23d Va. Cav.; James Cook, 86th
Y.i Inf.; B. christian, sth Oa. Inf.; Jacob Christian, 24th Bat.
Va, cav.: S. H. Crow. 3d Ala. Cav.: Thomas F. Canada. Fornett’s
1 : Bat.; Joseph M. Camp. 64th Oa. Inf.; John Coydell. Bat. N.
C. Inf.; II. Cliptnn. : William F. Carroll, 40th Ga. Inf.; Will-
iam Carpenter, Sth S. C. Cav.: William Carr. 24th Ga. Inf.; John
Cook, citizen of Va.; Christopher Cogee, citizen of Va. : Tuck
1 1 ter, 13d Tenn. Tnf.: Lieut. John II, Cathoart, 43d Tenn. Inf.:
James II. Cress. 21st Va. Cav.: E. W. Carnett. 1st Ga. Cav.; J. T.
Cunningham, 64th Ala. Inf.: J. s. Cochran, 41st Miss. Inf.; Rob-
ert Carson, 37th Va. Cav.: M M Clerpuns, 31st Miss. Inf.; R. M.
Chamberlain, 36th Tenn. Cav.: J, W. Carney. 4th Ky. Inf.; E. J.
Clark, 4th Ala. Inf.: Thomas B Clayborn, 56th Ga. Inf.: R. F.
Clements. 36th Ala. Inf.: J. T. Chambers. 37th Va. Cav.: William
T. Carmlchael, Sth Tenn. Cav.; Thomas Creed. 35th Miss. Inf.;
A. W. Cowart. 40th Ala. Inf.; J. J. Campbell. 40th Oa. Inf.; John
Crawford. 36th Vn. Inf.: J. A. Campbell. 20th Tenn. Inf.; J. M.
Craig, 48th Tenn. Inf.: W. M. Chllders. 43d Ga. Irif. : B. Cornelius,
18th Ala. Inf.: S. Cunningham, 27th Miss. Inf.: William Cooper,
10th S. C. Cav.: W. C, Cragle, 61st Tenn. inf.: Isaac N. Canter-
bury, S2d Ala. Inf.; B. Carroll, 57th Ala. Inf.; P. C. Chana, 3d
Fla.’ Inf.: James Collins. 63d Ga. Inf.: N. W r . Crane. 88th Ga. Inf.:
John Coatney, 6th Fla. Inf.; John Cochran. 39th Miss. Inf.; A. J.
Currier. 22d Ala. Inf.: John W. Calvin, 14th Ky. Cav.: J. B. Cap-
devllle, 80th La. Inf.; J. L. Canseg. 3d Bat. Miss. Inf.: J. w.
Clemens, 62d Va. Inf.: H. Y. Clark. 54th Ala. Inf.: T. E. Can-
non. r,th Kv. Cav.: J. C. Cunningham. 3d Confederate Cav.: J. J.
Cazby, 58th Ala. Tnf.: Thomas Cone, 21si Tenn. Cav. : Henry P.
Colle’dge, 21st Tenn. Cav.; W r . C. Cantrell, 21st Tenn. Cav.; J. E.
Qor?federate .
G° clfsteV 1 4’n’ £^^””1, T – CIark ‘ Moreland’s Bat. Cav.; W.
G. Custer, 29th N. C. Inf.; W. “W. Corrall 57th N C ■ I H Cnl-
Inf” Ro^erf rSKP’Mfe Miss – I”£ : Ri’cha?d Crabb J 2Uh Aia
Inf. .Robert Carter is . Md Cav.: William Camp. 4th Ala. Inf.;
CanJrVhSi £ \ v 5 ‘4 h Ala / Int ‘ : W – B – Cassell. 7th Fla. Inf.; A
Campbell. 2d Ky. Bat. Cav.; W. R. D Crane 7th Ala Cav •
Crulchflelri^O^ 15 ‘, Tenn – , In . f – ; JF Clanahan. r m e ri Ala. fit ; R £
Crutchne Id, Quartermaster’s Department; I. M. Cullin 22d Ala
ArV- J SPtESSi ^J\, T s en S.- ? a 7’ ; Steph « n L – Cox 4th La Bat
clrr B7thA?» T% ^ S ‘ , C ~ Inf – : S – Campbell. 1st Ga. Inf.; R.
Marshair,^ a ‘t a rV ^”r? 1 Cowan – 50th Ala. Inf. ; Albert Clark,
4th Ala Inf Aii^nV nA C f US ,?’ ? 3 £ N ‘ C ‘ Int – : W – L – Chambers
I w riilv ^i en A R – < ? h ! ek ^ 41 ?, t Ga – Inf -: R – Clayton, 14th N. C.
CuHair Pmh% c tit ^KiV*’ ^- Carlisle, 18th A ia. Inf.; W
land “.iith cf ‘ Tnf • ^’,- M – C g x ‘ ^ 2d Ala ” Inf -i George A. Cope-
lana, 5bth Ga. Inf.; William S. Cooper, 33d Miss. Inf • J M
Cooksey 1st Ga Sta.; J G Cole, 37th Ga. Inf.; M Cla?k.’ 2d Kyi
J W r™, ?i 5 ? M a V^ th AIa -‘ l nf A : Moses Carter . 3d Miss. Inf.
»P.Wi ™ C A Ca Y : J ‘ S – Crow ‘ nth M ‘ss. Inf.; J. Craft
Jn!h of ?„ a 7- ; T J -^ W – Crowley. 32d Tex. Bat. Art.; J. M Coggins
50th Ga. Inf. ; J. Coonts, 27th Va. Cav. ; R. O Ch twood rS’
escort; J Cass, Young’s Bat. Art.; t’w. Channel 2a Ga Cav
Griffin Clement, 30th Ala. Inf. ; James Crawford Conscript
Guards; F Campbell, 8th Tenn. Cav.; J. J. Cook 30th Ala Inf
William Cavender, 8th Miss. Inf.; H CarroO 7th Miss Inf J
Campbell 4th La. Inf.; J. J. Clark, 7th Fla Inf ECronk 54th
Va. Inf.; J W. Chillaett, 13th Tenn. Inf. ; Jackson CutHp 19 h
Va. Cay.; J. Crenshaw, 7th Fla. Inf.; P. B. Cheek 16th Ga Cav •
H. Crabtree 27th Miss. Inf.; Thomas Gammons ^ 12th Tenn itrf =
W. J. Callahan, 63d Va. Inf.; Eli Canipy, 5Sth N C Inf ST
Consert. 47th Tenn. Inf.; H. Crosswhite, 10th Ala. Cav •’ S H
hell% h t’h 3 v!j o iSS – w- ; /?’- Cr «nshaw, 52d Ga. Inf.; R. B. Camp-
* i J’ t r r?” Cav V ; W L Carroll, 4th Ala. Cav. ; N. H. Caigle, 17th
Ala. Inf.; G. B. Campbell, 17th Ala. Inf.- J D Cease 15th SC
“■: E. T. Chapman, 63d Ga. Inf.; J. N ‘ Co whine ^ 30th Ga Inf
John Coleman 17th Ala. Inf.; James W. Crowder, 5th Tenn. Inf
Clark Ca^All°r A ‘a Cav ;- H. Cowinan. citizen’ of Va; Robert
SL» k i| Co, i^ rk ‘, : Charles W. Coy, 8th S. C. Inf.; Jeff
,V d £?I’^ th Va – Inf – ; Joel Carter, 63d Va. Cav.; Stephen Car-
roll 22d Miss. Inf. ; R. B. Childs, 30th Ga. Inf. ; C HCarrigan
lH T, enn r I”*! Willia m Carter, 1st Tenn. Cav.; T. J CampbeU
6th Mo. Inf ; Ellas Ccwell, 20th Va. Cav.; R. C. Cochran it h
Ca S fT,f n – f -W J w Se r.? aSey ‘ D % n i’^ Bat – Art ‘ : Alexander ■ Cupp. 7 h
?nf’ ■ £ ‘tJV^ Clearn 3 a n- 3d Miss. Inf.; John Crawley, 60th Ga
Inf.; G. W. Conoway, 46th Ala. Inf.; G. P. H. Cree 29th Ala Inf
James Carral, 94th Va. Inf.; John Clark, 4th ITa Cav • M T
Clark 29th NC. Inf ; E. P. Colton, 56th Ga Inf ; T T.’ Carle.’
4th La. Inf.; James Claiman, 1st Va. Bat Inf ■ R P C Calri
lSO? , fS St r M ^.V nt: A a’ ?. arter ‘ 24th S – C Inf. f James Chambers
16th Ga. Cav ; James A. Caine, 55th Ala. Inf.; G. W. Coble 1st N
N. C°cfv nP ; V ‘ d T ‘ C ° le ‘ 56th Ga ‘ Inf ‘ ; Hen^y clay? 5th
P. F. Davis, 5th N. C. Cav.; Lieut. J. A. Daniel 17th Tenn Cav ■
C. II. Dudley, 10th Tenn. Cav.; J. J. Duncan Forres\”sTemV
Cav.; I. Duncan, Sth Tenn. Cav.; J. D. Derryber?y 11th Ten”n
g^i^ L?^, 10th Confederate Cav.; M. Dethridge, 2d Ky.’
Cav: Martin Doxey, 1st Ky. Cav.; Milton Dagley, 2d Tenn Cav ■
W. II. Dean 1st Ga. Inf. ; John Daniels, 2d Va Inf John w’
Duncan, 56th Ga. Inf.: David Dunaway 34th Ala inf T R
Dougherty, 4th La. Inf.; T. H. Date. 22d Ala. Inf.; W P Doig
40th Ga. Inf.; B. F. Darby. 57th Ala. Inf.: D. Demain 7th S C
Inf.: George W. Duncan, 3d S. C. Inf.; W. Dougherty 1st Ga’
Davidlo^imh’va’ 2 r Va ‘ f. av ii J ^ W – Daniels ‘ 54t « Ala. Inf.; J.
iels 57 th Ala S’nf nf -/. James S. Douglas, 34th Ala. Inf. ; K. D£n-
S^^f W\ f^^ Colis^t TinS’G?!^:
S mhKvCav Rwr, n5 f rs ‘,!? A , la ‘ Cav – J – A – Dillin^-
gers 7th 7t?\Z’ tA’J’ Y- Dirden, 45th Ala. Inf.; Simpson Dril-
fsth Ala fnf ‘■ T r ^ \ Dorlas, 32d Miss. Inf. S. W. Dickev
Dougherty 22d Va. Cav.; Stephen Duke, Marshall’s Bat’
_J?seph Ellis, Marshall’s Bat.; Joseph Ellis 5th Kv • FC r
fst’K?’ Ca7 a N n F ; ai’i S ‘ E t Iliot t,62d P N. C. C’a”; Owen^dw^rdl;
r?= S S Y.” Jf. Eagle, nitre mining bureau: B O Estes 1th
Ga. Inf.; John Estes, 5th Miss. Inf.; H. K. Edd n? 3d Tenn Cav
Henry S Edson, citizen of Va. ; E. W Ellis 6th Fla Inf- w’
i^vf’ fnf ■ l\ C ^- R – S ‘ England, 2d Mo. Inf.; W. M Eve
n d f.7p N f Eng?a n nf ‘sdV’s f^ C ?V’ ^ J ! llam E ™ ns ‘ 4 «h Ga!
M. Efste’r; ll^t cly ‘; ^^^’^^f^g ?.
lafntlarffsf 8°’ C Va i’nf H ‘T M k E ^ r ?, tt J 2d Tenn^CayTjam^s b!
28th Xa Inf F’ w irnh N -b. Ese Ji’ 5 ?; h Ala – Inf ‘ : L – Bnbanks,
28thVa.Ca” Eubanks, 3d Ala. Cav.; Hiram Elorge.
Fi S «’h A ; ^f” 38 ‘ 3 i& S ‘ Cav ‘ : Jef£ Fennell, 17th Tenn • W H
Fisher, citizen of Va. ; J. D. Ford • F A Si™ «h t„ ‘ t i 1 ‘
J. J. Fox 11th Tex. Cav^E. Foust, ‘sfh Tenn Inf 3 A Van’
ii\ 1 t ne M- 12th T V f a – S av ‘ : W ‘ E – Fenton, 20th vl Inf M k Fuller”
41st Miss. Inf.; S. Faris, 25th Tenn. Inf.; S. L Flake” 15th Tenn
Inf. Jacob H Farmier, 42d Ga. Inf.; Thomas G Flurry 42 dA “a’
gwfrns’ ^s h s Te iL n ‘; c A av P w Fefr 4 1;^ 1 “^
?om 5th t er , S n°?’ S wn : ^ Farreir^th’Tl’a^fnf.TMmt?’ F^
F? m, Tnf .^ y -Tj n t ; W ” Fra ncum. 58th N. C. Inf.; Falsom 6th
Miss Inf • j^’^Fe’r^f^n 12 ^? 6 ^- Ca , v – : AIb ^ rt PranW°”‘«th
v» p.,, .’ ‘t a i Fe rsuspn, 37th Miss. Inf.; James P. Fox 17th
Y£. C ? v 4- J ^, S n Erasier, 2d Miss. Inf.; Theodore Fannin — Va
T w W-i ” P1| PP°. «th Ai a . Inf . B B Freeman 28th T g j f a :
FarTell 56t!f a c n a 5 t th f V w In J’ •J’ A ‘ Floyd ‘ 49th Ala Inf” Gw.’
™il «’h i £ a – In £ ; T^-x, C – Ff ncher, 66th Ga. Inf.; A. H. Far-
ri SI 1 ? ^ Cav -: F – B – Fishbrom. 37th Va. Cav.; S. Fuller Sth
V a V^’ fe- . J – Fircley, 31st Miss. Inf.; M. S. Frisbie 29th M C Tnf
J. F. Faircloth, 57th Ala. Inf.; B. F. Fry 7th Miss Inf -‘=?R –
Firney, 54th Ga. Inf.; Thomas Frazrell lith jf’w.T •
Fleming, 22d Va Cav.;’ W h tt PoS Hth’kla’ Int fj R f ‘ F reScn S
S a f c r °r SC T r ‘ Dt: d- W ‘ Fr ?cman, Sth Ala. Cav.; W. P Freeman
^fn Ga ‘f In T ; r H ?, nry Frler son, 9th Tenn. Cav.; J. Fields ‘1st
Tenn. Inf.; J. L. Fowler. 13th Va. Inf.; P Folv 3d La Tnf -I M
FreeSaS’ TOth^ ‘/nV ^ & F » z ^r a id F & Va^Ca^’M.’ M.’
FrfdW % v, t f xt’ : Finne , y . Reeling. 4th Ala. Cav.; John
Fridley, 22d I Va. tot; Newton Frier, 4th Fla. Inf.: J. G. Forrest
111″ 9V Inf \W^ auI , Farthlnff ‘ nth N. C. Inf.; H. B. Folkner ciH-
flffiV F^o’wilr^th^Ky 84 Ca^;’ gft WS^SSS
fiE ! A^JSSSft&i«: I V n a f. fcaV ‘ : ^er C F6rI h ^h aS M Ps e s.
. E ; H -. Gardner, 4th Ga. ; Benjamin Griffith citizen of Vi •
Andy Gibson 3d Confederate Sharpshooters; David Growm citil
an”? ?0 f th K : v S Tnf G A ld ^’ 2 ° f th “XT Cav ‘ ; Ed ^ in G^gsbTiTeuten-
t. ^ y ‘Jn : ^ Ga ” nt ‘ citizen of Va.; James L. Greer. 2d
Tenn. Cav.; H. Gordon, 51st Ga. Inf.; R. R. Goldburv 13th kv
SS^&EFfl ^ Gerr °o’^ Ci i i , zen of Va – Joseph Godwin, 29th Ga!
Inh’nt rJffi Gr , ee ( n p 28t ^ ,a n Inf ‘ ; X Gantlin. 4Sth T4nn. Inf.
R Piln’i, M,V 1St r G J’ B , a i’ : F A A G-ilsland, 1st Ga. troop; W
R. Gilpin, 13th Va. Inf.; Adam Gob e, 10th Ky. Cav • I P Guid-
Wh Ala h w In A t; J ameS Gold smjth, 14th N. C. Int; L. Garriol
ral- m \? n,h N ‘ G o?i ne ?; lst T Ga ‘ Inf ‘ : A. A. Glover, 6th Ga
Cav M. V Giddons, 29th Ga. Inf.; Stephen Gibbs. government
S /™;,^ H- Cost, 27th Va. Cav.; J. Gill. 1st Ga. Inf. : H . S
Graddish, 4th Ala. Cav. ; L. Green, Va. Cav. ; W Garner 1st
Ky. Cav.; Clement Griffin 30th Ala. Inf.; M S.’ GilfoiU 4th iX
Inf.; Adam Gissmer, 3d Va. Inf.; I. Griffith, 46th Miss. Inf.-
Morgan Gilmore ,16th Va Cav.; W. F. Gregory, 66th Ga. Inf.; J
w a( ? Ick T ‘ ?;?, berts „ M ‘SS- Cav.; John M. Gooldsby. 28th Ala. Inf.;
W. J. N. Gilmer, 2d S. C. Inf. ; J. C. Goodhead, 14th Tenn Inf –
Confederate l/eterar/.
D. Garrett, citizen of Va.; T. G. Gothard, 30th Ala. ; S. C.
Gill, 13th Ky. Cav.; M. Galliway, 18th Ga. Int.; S. Griffith, 50th
Ga. Inf.; James Griffith, 24th S. C. Inf.; J. W. Gulleht, assistant
surgeon 16th Ky. Cav.; William M. Gray, Tenn. Conscripts; Alex
Grey, 1st Fla. Inf.; A. I. Goldon, 17th Va. Cav.; D. W. Gunter,
34th Ala. Inf.; C. C. Gowman, 41st Miss. Inf.; Bradford Gober,
Va. Art.; S. B. Goar, 41st Mo. Inf.; John Green, 36th Ala. Inf.;
John W. Gregg, Sth S. C. Inf.; J. W. Granger, 15th Ky. Cav.;
James Gable. Moreland’s Ky. Cav.; R. H. Gaston, 4th N. C. Inf.;
D. J. Geldie, Freeman’s N. C. Bat.; John H. Giger, ; J. N.
Gladstone (or Glasson), 1st N. C. detail; W. W. Gellam, 33d Ala.
Inf.; J. M. Gloss, 34th Ala. Inf.; James P. Gee, 16th Tenn. Cav.;
Charles Green, 49th Ga. Inf.; Thomas Green, 64th N. C. Inf.;
William Garrett, 46th Ga. Inf.; W. A. Green, ISth Tenn., Inf.;
James H. Godby, 17th Va. Cav.; S. M. Gardner, Albany niter-
workers; W. M. Gossett, 22d Ala. Inf.; H.H.Griffith. 51st Va. Inf.;
H. C. Germany, 8th Confederate ; W. A. Gladden, 15th S. C.
Inf.; W. R. Graham, 2d Ala. Cav.; J. B. Grogg, 63d Va. Inf.; G.
W. Goldsby, 28th Tenn. Inf.; Joshua Garrett. Intli Ga. Inf.
S. Horton, 4th Ala. ; W. H. Harper, 30th Miss. Inf.; J. II. -n-
drick, 13th Tenn. ; W. A. Hendrick, 2d Tenn. ; J. T. Har-
ris. 39th Ala. ; J. W. Hamby, 16th Ky. Cav.; Alton Hill, 1st
Tenn. Cav.; Henry Huffman, 20th Va. Bat.; Cole Hurlbert, citi-
zen of Va.; J. Holbrooks, 7th Ala. Cav.; H. E. Harmon, 3d S. C.
Inf.; S. Z. Hendon, Owentown, Ky.; J. C. Hagan, 27th Va. Cav.;
A. S. Hoover, 19th Va. Inf.; P. Hackett. 57th Va. Inf.; D. Hollis.
38th Ala. Cav.; S. R. Harris. 1st Ga. Inf.; M. Holmes, 1st Ga.
state troops; R. C. Hobbs, 38th Ala. Inf.; Albertus Harlow. Cth
Ga. Cav.; A. D. Hamilton, 60th Va. Inf.; George R. Hartman,
36th Va. Inf.; Rush T. Harmon. Sth Va. Cav.; J. D. Huffaker,
36th La. Inf.; Franklin Hellon, 91st Tenn. Inf.; W. H. Hawkins.
1st Ga. Inf.; Martin S. Harris. 17th Ga. Cav.; A. Hunter. 28th
Miss. Cav.; A. R. Hendricks, 22d Ala. Inf.; C. Hughes. 16th Va.
Inf.; Gus Hathawav, 6th Fla. Inf.; W. J. Howery, 41st Va. Cav.;
F. Hill, 30th Ga. Bat.; H. F. Hatcher, 17th Va. Cav.; Thomas
Hill, 6th Fla. Inf.; S. Humphreys, 66th Ga. Inf.; R. H. Howell,
18th Ala. Inf.; W. H. Hines. 41st Ga. Inf.; A. S. Huesley, 45th Va.
Cav.; Curtis Hook, 59th Ga. Inf.; A. J. Hicks, 34th Va. Cav.; J.
Hamilton, 13th Va. Inf.; J. O. Hamilton, 4th Ala. Cav.; P. E.
Hides, 5th Ga. Cav.; E. Harrison. 31st Ala. Inf.; T. W. Hays. 18th
Miss. Inf.; D. A. Hughes, Thomas’ N. C. Legion; Amos Huff, 4th
Ala. Cav.; B. H. Hill, 36th Ala. Inf.; John W. Hardy, 40th Ga.
Inf.; John Hamilton. 60th Va. Inf.; William Hamlet. 35th Miss.
Inf.; I. F. Hundley, 36th Va. Cav.; Thomas Hand, 5Sth Ala. inf.;
William H. Hearn, 2d Ga. Inf.; F. B. Harris, 2d Va. Cav.; James
Head, 19th Ala. Inf.; J. H. Hill. 1st Tenn. Inf.; John Hammock,
citizen of Va.; Louis Hoffmaster, 36th Va. Inf.; E. R. Hall. 4th
Ala. Inf.; John L. Hall, 9th Tenn. Cav.; J. P. Hoyle. 54th N. C.
Inf.; Jacob Hoffman, 30th Va. Cav.; A. R. Hughes. 1st Miss. Inf.;
J. B. Harrison, 36th Ala. Inf.; H. L. Hudson, ISth Tenn. Inf.;
Henlnmin Helman. 64th Ga. Inf.; W. M. Hamilton, 19th S. C. Inf.;
H. \\ , llelvev, Mli Va. Cav.; Ewing Hopkins, 12th Tenn. Inf.;
David Hudieson, 7th Ala. Cav.: Joel Hughes, 2d Tenn. Cav.; Will-
iam D. Hughes, 31st Ala. Inf.; William House, 4th Tenn. Inf.;
William Hodge, 29th Ga. Inf.; Stephen Herring, 10th S. C. Inf.;
H. F. Hunt, 22d Va. Inf.; B. Hanley. 39th Ga. Inf.; H. C. Hanley,
Sth Ga. Cav.; Thomas J. Hall. 2d Ky. Mounted Inf.: Thomas M.
Hill, 10th Ky. Inf.: E. W. Harper, 20th Ala. Inf.; Wiley Hall. 23d
Ala. Inf.; Samuel S. Hicks, 43d Rat. Va. Cav.; Davis Holmes,
33d Miss. Inf.; J. Herrlngton, 29th Ala. Inf.; A. Hall, 32d Miss.
Inf.; J. H. Hancock. 2d Miss. Cav.: C. J. Hughs. Sth Miss. Cav.;
James Hagerty, 10th Tenn. Inf.; J. C. Hill, 1st Ga. Cav.; J. D.
Hutchlns, 17th Ala. Inf.; L. C. Hall. 42d Tenn. Inf.: J. W. Huff.
42d Ga. Inf.: J. C. Holman, 7th Ky. Cav.: E. W. Hamilton. 16th
S. C. Inf.; P. H. Harris. 1st Ala. Inf.; E. Hysch, Woodward’s
Battery; S. G. Himbra. 1st Ga. state troops: W. D. Hudson, 27th
Miss. Inf.; G. S. Hicks. 1st Ga. state troops; Wesley Hendrick,
33d Ala. Inf.: Thomas Hale, citizen of Tenn.; J. C. Hurt. 19th Ga.
Inf.; W. S. Hanks. 39th Miss. Inf.; G. Honeberger, 13th Ky. Cav.;
J. O. Hally, 35th Ala. Cav.; T. S. Horton. 15th Miss. Inf.; W. S.
Harrington. 4th Ky. Cav.: W. S. Houston, 1st Ga. Inf.; Robert
B. Hopkins. 5th Tenn. Cav.: W. A. Hughes, 22d Va. Cav.; R. H.
Halley, 1st Fla. Inf.; J. N. Heason. 46th Ala. Inf.: James Holden,
S2d Ga. Inf.; E. Hull. 15th Miss. Inf.; B. T.. Huston, 12th La. Cav.;
J. W. Hall. 29th Ga. Inf.; W. I. Henninger. 13th Bat. Va. Cav.;
Valentine Harding. 6th Ky. Cav.: W. H. Hunt. 30th Miss. Inf.:
W. S. Hamilton. 1st Ga. Inf.: J. W. Haines. 46th Ala. Inf.; Davis
Hunt. 4th Fla. Inf.: H. F. Harris, 19th Tenn. Cav.: J. W. Hill,
36th Ala. Inf.; Levi Hamilton, 6th Fla. Inf.: James Hutchcolrt.
4th Miss. Inf.: John S. Hampton. Sth Ala. Cav.: R. M. Hankins,
16th Va, Cav.; P. W. Hlgden, 13th Ky. Cav.; .1. C. Harris, 31st
Miss. Inf.: D. H. Hicks. 12th Ky, Cav.; w. A. Hemphill. 30th
Bat. Va. Cav.; D. W. Heidlelberg, 6th Fla. Inf.: Asher Heron,
10th Ky. Cav.; L. Holton, 7th Miss. Inf.: .1. 11. am. F.>uts’s Bat.:
J. Harrold. 19th Tenn. Inf.: J. Homberger, 2d Ark. Cav.; E.
Hall. 29th Ga. Inf.: I. D. Hall. 3d Ky. Cav.: T. B. Horton. con-
script: J. M. Hancock. 7th Ala. Cav.: D. P. Haleman. 15th S. C.
Inf.; II. Horton. citizen of Ala.: M. I. Haleman, llth Miss. Inf.;
A. A. Utile, 30th Ga. Tnf.: Thomas Hatch, 3.1 Fla. Inf.; S. J.
Hester, 66th Ga. Inf.; E. M. Hodges, 1st C. S. Inf.; Benlamln F.
Hlncly. 13th Ga.. Inf.; Bcniamin Hicks, .I.] Miss. Cav.; J. Hamp-
ton. 53.1 Ala. Inf. ; J. G. Huff, 36th Va. Cav.; .7. M. Hill, 19th— Inf.:
William Hughes. 29th Ala. Inf.: Joel Hoffman, 37th Miss. Inf.;
Benlamln Hocter, 49th Ala. Inf.; W. F. Henderson, 15th Miss.
Inf.; J. B. Herring, 13th < ‘, s Cav.; James H. Horton, 51th Tenn.
Inf.; Lewis L. Howard, 26th Va, Cav.; William M Hall. 21th Ala.
Inf.: William B. Hicks, laborer; Thomas Hatcher. 80th Ala. Inf.:
A. W. Holcomb, llth Va. Inf.; .lames M. Holden. Moreland’s
Cav.: W. H. Herron. 13th Ky. Cav.: J. Honker. 19th Va. Cav.;
Thomas Harrison. 7th Va. Cav.: Ellsha Hobbs, 10th Kv. Cav.;
M. Harris. 32d Ala. Inf.: George W. Hughes. 8th Kv. Cav.;
Thomas C. Hart, 2Sth Ala. Cav.; K. W, Hudson. 36th Ga. Inf.;
G. W. Hensted. 26th Va. Cav.: James Harding. 4th Fla. Inf.: A.
J. Haley. 36th Miss. Tnf.: J. K. Harris, N. conscript: W. H. Ha-
alewad, 1st Ala. Cav.; Hiram Holston. 4th La. Inf.; J. B. Haider.
17th Ala. Inf.: G. W. Harper, 29th Ala. Inf.; John Hubbard, 33d
Miss. Inf.; Wesley Henendon, 67th Ga. Inf.: J. B. H. Huff, 18th
Ala. Inf. ; James K. Hughes, 1st Miss. Inf. ; J. A. Hughes, 23d Ala.
Inf.; William Hill. 14th Va. Cav.; D.J. Hoffman. ISth Ala. Inf.;
F. M. Hood. 54th Ala. Inf.; J. S. Hollowev, 37th Ga. Inf.; W. H.
Hicks, 23d Ala. Cav.; Samuel Hartszoge, 1st Ky. Inf.; John
Harmer, 13th Ky. Cav.
Charles Isen, 10th Tenn. Inf.; J. E. Ives. ISth Tenn. Inf.; Will-
iam Irwin, 9th Ark. Inf.; I. F. Ingram, 7th Ala. Cav.; B. In-
graham, 4th Ala. Cav.
William Jackson, 6th Reg.; J. C. Irwin, 3d Fla. Inf.; R. Jetton,
Ala. Cav.; J. Jackson, Sth S. C. Inf.; David Jones, 54th Va. Inf.;
Abraham Jarett, 22d Va. Inf.; J. Jones, 1st Miss. Inf.; Stephen
Jones, 1st Fla. Cav.; B. R. Johnson, 36th Ala. Inf.; W. F. Jones,
1st Ga Inf.; W. F. James, 1st Tenn. Cav.; S. W. Johnson. 8th
Va. Cav.; Eliga Johnson, Sth Tenn. Cav.; Thomas Johnson, 40th
Ala. Inf.; J. D. Jarold. 33d Tenn. Inf.; Franklin Johnson, citizen
of Va.; H. W. Jenkins, 65th Ga. Inf.; H. A. Johnson, 67th Ala.
Inf.; W. R. Jordon, 29th Tenn. Inf.; George Jarrett, citizen of
Ga. ; Edwin Jones, 62d Tenn. Inf.; A. J. Johnson, 32d Va. Cav.;
James Jacks, 51th Ala. Inf.; John M. Jones, 12th Va. Cav.; M. J.
Jones, 63d Ala. Inf.: G. Jones, ISth Ala. Inf.; John Jones, ISth
Ala. Inf.; G. M. Johnson. 40th Ga. Inf.; R. J. Jones, 10th Ala.
Cav.; William Jenkins, 65th Ala. Inf.; John T. Jackson, 66th Ga.
Inf.; S. E. Jett. 1st Miss. Art.; Sq. Jones, E. Tenn. reserve- L. I.
Johns, 1st Fla. Cav.; A. A. Jenkins. Sth Miss. Cav.; Joseph Jones,
23d Ala. Inf.; G. James. 19th La. Inf.; H. I. Jackson, 6th Ga. Inf.;
W. E. Jones, 20th Va. Cav.; A. Jackson, 4th Ky. Cav.; R. H.
Jones, 37th Miss. Inf.; W. A. Jones. 1st Ga. state troops; G. Jen-
kins, 65th Ala. Inf.; A. J. Johnson, 24th Ala. Inf.; W. B. Janney,
6th Va. Cav.; J. H. Jackson. 5th Miss. Inf.; J. E. Jackson. 38th
Ala. Inf.; S. C. Johnson, 4th Fla. Inf.; A. Jorda, 30th La. Inf.;
R. M. Johnson, 20th Va. Cav.; C. A. Johnson, 42d Ala. Inf.;
James L. Johnson. 42d Ga. Inf.; T. H. Johnson. 64th Ala. Inf.;
Henry Jackson, 4th Miss. Inf.; John Jenkins, 45th Ga. Inf.; Mo-
Bes Johnson, 46th Ala. Inf.; J. Jumverson, 21st Va. Cav.; W. M.
Jobe. 31st Miss. Inf.; W. F. Jacobs, E. J. Jarvis, 46th Va. Cav.
William Kelly. 4th Ala.; Benjamin Kettle, citizen of Va.; J.
Kenney, conscript of Va.; H. Keys. 40th Ga. Inf.; Newton
King, 37th Bat. Va. Cav.; William Keadon, 17th Va. Cav.; W. C.
Keith, 7th Ala. Cav.; John G. Knotts. 13th Ala. Inf.; D. G. Knoles,
36th Ala. Inf.; W. J. Keaton, 17th Va. Cav.; James M. Keenea,
14th N. C. Inf.; James Kirk, citizen of Ga.; J. A. C. Klutts, citi-
zen of Ga. ; John H. Koon, 32d Ala. Inf. ; Charles Kenedy, 32d Va.
Cav.: John Knox, 3d Ga. Inf.; William King, 34th Ga. Inf.; T. N.
Kennedy, 22d Va. Cav.; Samuel King, Sth Tenn. Cav.; John A.
Kuhn, 2d Md. Inf.: T. L. Kelly, 5th Ala. Inf.; J. C. Kennedy, 28th
Ala. Inf.; James M. Kelley, 57th Ala Inf.: James Kenney, 1st La.
Inf.; Jacob Kelly, 57th Ala. Inf.; Henry Kight, 58th Ala. Inf.; L.
M. Kincald, 55th Ala. Inf.; W. Kennedy. 37th Ga. Inf.; A. A.
Kiken, 40th Ga. Inf.; S. King, 13th Ky. Cav.; J. L. King, 1st Con-
federate Inf.; G. Kelly, 1st Fla. Cav.; F. Kent, 15th Miss. Inf.;
William Knole. 63d Va. Cav.; C. J. Kitchen, 23d Ala. Inf.; E. J.
Kesse, 20th Miss. Inf.; W. J. Kennedy, assistant enroller’s offi-
cer; J. G. Kersey, 23d Ala. Inf.; G. E. Koon, 15th S. C. Inf.; Col.
Keister, 34th Miss. Inf.; J. L. Kemp. 1st Ky. Cav.; B. S. Kelly.
46th Ala. Inf.; John N. Kirk. 38th Ala. Inf.; M. A. Kemp. 16th
Tenn. Inf.; H. H. Keleclofy. 56th Ga. Inf.; S. V. Knowls, 23d Ala.
Inf.; John Kay, Moreland’s Miss. Cav.
S. C. Logan, Ky. Cav.; R. N. Lee. citizen of Ky.; Samuel
Lemly, 19th Va. Cav.: T. J. Latimer. Merry’s Tenn. Bat.; W. P.
Lee, 3d S. C. Cav.; M. P. Lee, 2d Tenn. Cav.; Merida Lemaster.
6th Ky. Inf.; K. Lee. ; George Larimore, Co. G, ; Led-
better, ISth Tenn. Inf.: James Letterel, 27th Bat. Va. Cav.; I. F.
Lang, 30th Ga. Inf.; W. H. Leatlnger, 29th Ga. Inf.; I. J. Lamb.
1st Ga. Inf.; G. W. Lichty. 4th Ga. Cav.; Robert Lively, 16th La.
Inf.; Strethers Lawer. 34th Ga. Inf.; J. F. Lenebaugh, 22d Ala.
Inf.: G. W. Logan. 2d Ky. Cav.; E. S. Laprude, 1st Ga. Inf.; J.
M. Lightfoot. 22d Ga. Inf.; Lewis Lester, 16th Ga. Cav.; J. W.
Lester, 23d Tenn. Inf.; T. P. Lindley. 1st Confederate Inf.; James
R. Lark. 4th La. Inf.; J. Lester, 1st Ga. Cav.; P. W. Lee. 4th La.
Inf.; A. L. Lamper, 15th Tenn. Cav.; W. J. Ludlow, 16th La. Inf.;
E. Lackey. 21st Va. Cav.; W. M. Lamb. 35th Miss. Inf.; A. J.
Lynn. Stuart’s Cav.; Benjamin Lockhart, 16th Va. Cav.; Wllev
B. Lassiter, 1st Fla. Inf.; Randolph Lee. 24th Tex. Cav.; W. Las-
slter, SSth Ala. Inf.; Franklin Legg, 36th Bat. Va. Cav.; Jessee
Lee. 19th Ala. Inf.; Eliga Loop. 1st Tenn. Cav.; K. J. Lewis. 3d
Confederate Cav : R. W. Lagrove, 41st Miss. Inf.; G. N. Lane Sth
Ga. Inf.; George Lacroy, 46th Ga Inf.; J. G. Lester. 30th Ga. Inf.;
H. Lassiter, 1st Ga. state troops; Noah Long. 34th Ala. Inf.;
Thomas F. Llnder. Sth Ga. Cav.; J. M. Landers. 4th Ala. Cav.;
John Langhorn. 57th Ala. Cav.; Thomas J.. Leonard, 13th Bat.
Va. Inf.; T. E. Lewis. 6th Miss, Inf.; C. Leonard. Sth Va. (‘
J. Law. 22d Va, Cav.; Elisha Lake, 42d Ga. Inf.: W. T. Lockwood,
1st Md. Cav.: R. Lemax, 39th Ala. Inf.: M. W. Lester. 4th Ga. Inf.;
W. Lemaster. 5th Ky. Inf.; I. J. Loonev. 34th Ala. Inf.; W. J.
Lofton, 30th Ga. Inf.; A. W. I.asiter, 17th Miss. Inf.: T. Latimer,
2d Tenn. Cav.; W. I, Leavall, 1st Ga. Inf.: T. H. Lanson. 4th Kv.
Cav.: R. O. Lee. 54th N. C. Inf.: G. W Lease, llth Va. Cav.: D.
H. Lockett, 3d Ky. Cav.; Loren Lee. 29th Ala. Inf.; H. A. Lucas,
Roddy’s escort: A. G. Lancaster. 29th Ga. Inf.; W. H. LIndsey,
26th Ala. Inf.: Allen Luker, 32d Ala. Inf.; John R. Lake. 62d Ala.
Inf.; D. L. Lease. ISth S. C. Inf.; J. H. Lytham, 31st Miss. Inf.;
George Ledbeater. 31st Ala. Inf.: John Leonard. 10th Ala. Inf.:
J. N. P. Lynch. 21st Tenn. Inf.; John Leech. 43d Miss. Inf.; John
Lee. 41st Ala. Inf.; G. R. Lester, Blst Ala. Cav.; J. J. Long. 30th
Ga. Inf.: G. W. Lovitt. 53d Ga. Inf.: J. S. Lawson, 4th Tenn.
Cav.: Nicholas Lynn, Ith Ky. Cav.: John Leavall, 2Sth Miss. Cav.;
Michael Lltlker, N. C, troops: E. W. Lester, 67th Ala. Inf.; Alex
Lamb, 4th N. C. reserves; Thomas Lee, 45th Ala. Inf.
Pleasant Moore, 3d Ky. Cav.: J. C. McAllister, unknown: E.
Moore. Sth Tenn. Cav.; J. B. Mitchell, 29th Va. Cav.; J. C. Mar-
tin. 05th N. C. Cav.; George Moore. 16th Va. Cav.; S. R. Mlxton,
13th Miss. Inf.: W. D. MeCarvar, 69th Tenn. Tnf.; W. Marram
Smith’s Va. Rangers; T. D. Miller, citizen of La.; J. H. Mitchell,
1st La. Cav.; David Mester, 31th Bat. La. Cav.: W. C. Manlng.
1st Ky. Cav.: J. W. Moonev. 1st Ark. Cav.: S. B. Moore. 29th N.
C. Inf.: W. Meredith. 1st Ga. Inf.; R. D. Moss. 1st Ga. Inf.; G. W.
Mount. 16th Ala. Inf.; J. Munsey. unknown; Mcintosh, N. C.
Qopfederate l/eterai).
conscript; S. W. McWhorler, 1st Ga. Inf.; Joseph Mevers, 21st
Va. Cav. ; G. W. Morgan, sth Va. Cav. ; Thomas Menar, 11th Tenn.
Inf.; Thomas Martin, 37th Va. Inf.; J. E. Martin, 36th Va. Inf.;
J. C. McRoe, 3d Ark. Inf.; J. A. Martin, 2d Ga. Cav.; Albert Mells,
7th Fla. Inf.; W. H. McAllister, 34th Va. Cav.; John Morris, 24th
Ala. Inf.; John Medows, 21st N. C. Inf.; Henry Morris, 45th Ala.
Inf.; T. Mullens, 34th Va. Inf.; J. M. McCarter, 1st Ga. Inf.; D.
A. McArdy, 1st Ga. Inf.; J. T. F. Mash, 1st S. C. Inf.; A. T.
Meyers, 1st Confederate Inf.; S. C. Mullens, 44th Miss. Inf.;
James Molley, 36th Ala. Inf.; J. M. Mears, 5th Ga. Cav.; James
McKenney, 20th Va. Cav.; S. J. Miner, 3d Ala. Cav.; G. W. Mc-
Carty, 30th Ga. Inf.; O. C. Marlin, 4th Ala. Cav.; A. W. McDan-
iels, 5th Ala. Cav.; John T. Malone, 22d Ala. Cav.; E. L. McMa-
lon. 31st Miss. Inf.; J. B. McMurry, 1st Ga. state troops; Robert
Mooney, 43d Ga. Inf.; Joseph H. Merrill, 54th Ala. Inf.; W. S.
Marshall, Sth Miss. Inf.; William Maxwell, 1st Ga. Inf.; J. P.
Middlebrook, 53d Ala. Cav.; Isaac B. McGinnis, 34th Ga. Inf.;
James A. Miller, 42d Ga. Inf.; David McGilbury, 3Sth Ala. Inf.;
Davis McCcy, 57th Ala. Inf.; A. Morrison, 22d Ala. Inf.; James
Maberry, 22d Ala. Inf.; T. S. McQueen, 1st Ga. Inf.; J. W. Met-
calf. 54th N. C. Inf.; C. Moseley, 2d Ala. Cav.; Samuel Motteron,
3Sth Tenn. Inf.; J. L. McDaniel, 3Sth Tenn. Inf.; W. H. Moore,
3d Miss. Inf.; William Mobley, 39th Ala. Inf.; William Miers,
35th Ala. Inf.; James F. Miller, Sth Bat. Ga. Inf.; G. W. Mc-
Gowin, 54th Ala. Inf.; John McKenzie, 41st Miss. Inf.; R. Mc-
Donald, 5th Ala. Cav.; B. J. Moore, Sth S. C. Inf.; Zachariah
Martin. 45th Ala. Inf.; W. Moates, 62d Va. Inf.; W. McPherson,
39th Miss. Inf.; R. McKennie, 29th Ga. Inf.; D. C. Mitchell, Sth
Bat. Ga. Inf.; J. Mikael, 5Stii N. C. Inf.; T. J. McLaughlin, 51st
Va. Inf.; D. W. Moore, Francis Battery; H. I. Miles, 29th N. C.
Inf.; W r illiam Mitchell, 55th N. C. Inf.; J. P. McKie, 2Sth Tenn.
Inf.; J. J. McCurdy, 1st Confederate Inf.; William Mosely, 10th
Ky. Cav.; F. A. Myers. 24th S. C. Inf.; A. F. Matthews, ISth Ala.
Inf.; S. J. Marshall, 7th Miss. Inf.; J. W. Mosely, 2d Miss. Inf.;
J. McElrat, 54th N. C. Inf.; E. Matthews, 1st Inf.; C. O. Mar-
tin, 1st Ala. Inf.; James Morse, 20th Ala. Inf.; J. J. McWright,
44th Ala. Inf.; W. H. Miller, ISth Ala. Inf.; James Moore, 20th
Ala. Inf.; H. C. Meghar. ISth Ala. Inf.; C. R. Marlin, 13th La.
Inf.; G. W. Matthews. 4th Fla. Inf.; F. N. Myers, 19th Tenn. Inf.;
C. I. McCarter, 1st Ga. troops; T. B. McDaws, 3d Ky. Cav.; I.
Markham, 13th Ky. Cav.; W. B. McNeise, Sth Miss. Inf.; Henrv
Mann, 7th Ala. Cav.; E. McLaughlin, 36th Ala. Inf.; W. B. Ma-
dox, 30th Ga. Inf.; John Monroe, 2d S. C. Inf.; W. McCracken,
10th S. C. Inf.; Deacon Montgomery, 22d Tenn. Inf.; John Mead,
34th Ga. Inf.; G. Murphy, 13th Ky. Cav.; D. Mige, 25th Ala. Inf.;
Charles McCoy, Sth S. C. Inf.; Lynn McGhee, 3Sth Ala. Inf.- A
2-^S, Ghee ‘ 46th Ga – Inf – : J – Mald . 13th Ky. Cav.; J. W. McGowen,
£■ Ga – Inf – ; w – p – McCoy, Moreland’s Cav.; T. J. Morgan, 7th
Miss. Inf.; J. M. McCrary, 65th Ala. Inf.; A. I. McGaughey, 7th
Ala. Cav^; W. A. Mills, 12th La. Inf.; J. J. Morgan, citizen of
Ga.; J. P. McGlothen, 29th Ga. Inf.; H. McCov, 26th Va. Inf.;
Joseph Myers, Sth S. C. Inf.; A. L. McGuarity. 24th S. C. Inf
John McKean, 3d Miss. Inf.; J. Mitchell. 13th Ky. Cav.; W P
Morris 4th Ala. Cav.; J. M. Myers, 62d Va. Inf.; J. Mason, 37th
Tenn. Inf. ; J Messengale, 37th Va. Cav. ; R. S. May, 19th Va.
Cav.; Richard McDonald, 29th Miss. Inf.; W. C. Morreston, 20th
Va. Cav.; W. M. McElroy, 46th Miss. Inf.; J. W. McKowan, 30th
Ga. Inf.; G. W. Mobley, 44th Ala. Inf.; Joseph Meadow, 3d Ky.
Inf.; Isaac Martin, 13th Ky. Cav.; George W. Mafors, Thomas
T. Malberry, 9th Tenn. Cav. ; Joseph F. McCreary, 18th Tenn.
$ a ,Y,7 L -, Ma £, key – 31st Ala – Inf – ; James Morgan, 57th Ala. Inf.;
William G. Moore, 3d Miss. Inf.; William H. Myers, 1st Tenn
Ca /’ ; ^- . L – Masters, 10th Ala. Inf. ; W. N. Miller, 7th Miss. Bat.
t”? P’w , Mc , Key ‘ ,i 6 l n Miss – Inf ‘ ; Newton Murray, 57th Ala.
Inf., G.W. Ma one, 13th Tenn. Inf.; W. E. Mull. 39th N. C. Inf.;
James Mcintosh 43d Va. Inf.; Brien McCarty, 7th Miss. Inf.; H
P. Miller, 35th Miss. Inf.; H. C. McGuire. 46th Ala. Inf.; James
K. Marian, 44th Miss. Inf. ; W. A. Mixson. 44th Ky. Cav ; J B
Meadows, Derrick’s Bat. Inf.; David Moietv. 11th N C Inf’- j’
J Miller 39th Miss. Inf.; J. W. Mitchell, 5th Ala. Cav.; m” b’
M e°f r f?„ n, T 4t ? A Ti a -T Ca ,Y> : Zac Moss, 33d Ala. Inf.; E. B. Matthews.
41st Ga. Inf.; E. L. Moses, 27th S. C. Inf.; N. Mackev, B. Martin
54th N c r in? S ; B ‘ McCa11 ‘ 29th Ga – Inf -: J°hn Morris]
„ G , ranam N, eaI – citizen of Tenn.; Thomas Nash, 29th N. C. Inf.:
William Naboor, citizen of Va. ; A. S. Nichols, 25th Tex. Cav •
Alex Noble, 10th Ky. Cav.; Henry Norman. 11th N. C. Inf • J D
Newsom 29th Ala. Inf. : W. Nealey, 39th Miss. Inf.; David Nix,
M Ga i u’ : Joh T n W / Nelson, “th Va. Cav.; W. Neighbors, 25th
Ala. Inf ; Henry L Newson, 7th Ala. Cav. ; T. S. Norton, 1st Ala.
Cav.; Wesley A Nelson, 34th Ala. Inf.; G. B. Neff, Harrison’s
ntZ”. £• w ™ 1Ci lZ ls – A 6 th , Mi J 5s – Int – ; G – w – Nichols. 9th Tenn.
Cav G. W. Northcutt. 31st Ala. Inf.: J. W. Nash, 36th Ga. Inf.;
A Nidever 3d Tex Cav.; H. H. Northrop, 2d Ky. Cav.: J. P
S el l° n ‘,n»°, th , ^ la ‘ T \ nt – G H – Nettles, 30th Ala. Inf.; George
Nash. 30th Ala Inf.; Wash P. Nance. 10th Ala. Cav ; W. S
Nobley, 24th Ala. Inf.; R. S. Neely. 7th Ala. Cav.; James T
Northrop 39th Ala. Cav ; John W. Nelson, 29th Ala. Inf.; John
Nunn 13th Ky. Cav. ; Thomas J. Nash. 37th Ga. Cav. ; Robert
Nichols, 6th Tex. Cav.; P. R. Norman. 41st Ga. Inf.; J. B. New-
ton, N. C. detail; Isaac Norman. 37th Va Cav
William Odet 5th Ky. Inf.; J. Owen. 10th ‘Tenn. Cav.; J. M
2 t ? r ^ ant >, 5tn Ala – Cav – : John O’Clowd, 5th Reg.; J. H Onev
16th Va. Cav.; W. S. O’Brian, Sth Va. Cav.; John , Owen 3d S
federate — -; O Brient, 1st Ga. Inf.; W. H. Omens. 39th Miss.
Inf.; __ O’Donnell, 10th Tenn. Inf.: Wilson Omans. 7th Ala
Cay_: John Osborne 2d Bat. Ky. Cav.; W. Off eld. 65th Tenn. Inf
i- ?Y-„9 r , ve]l – 5th Ala – Cav -: L- Overstreet. 24th S. C. Inf • J Of-
fleld, 26th Tenn. Inf.: Thomas Orr. 43d Tenn Inf ■ WW ok
burn. 8th Miss. Inf.; D. D. Osteen. 1st Fla. Cav.; James’ O’Brian
4th Miss. Inf.; G. T. Oglesby. 36th Ga. Inf. nan ‘
W. L Pope. 9th Tenn. Cav.; P. R. Phillips, 10th Confederate
— -: J. S. Penny, 1st La. Cav.: J. H. Porter. Sth Va. Cav Rich-
ard Pendry. 10th Ky. Cav.: E. S. Pack, George E Pate 34th
Miss. Cav.: D. L. Pardeau. 7th Ala. Cav.; Joseph Parks 5th Kv
Cav.: Thomas J. Poe, 28th Ala. Inf.: John Parvett 60th v a Inf :
C. W. Penniston, 5th La. Cav.; A. Probpte, 1st Va Cav • Rich
ard Purdel. 36th Va. Inf.; Samuel Patten, 66th Ga. Inf.; Daniel
Pnnfl.H C1 £^,r-° f ?’« C; W – p – Perkison, 51st Ala. Inf.; John
Pollard, 5th Miss. Inf.; N. M. Petil, ISth Tex. Cav.; W. H. Pau-
– L ., X a % < – a ,y- : Jo hn Phillips, 37th Va. Cav.; Robert Phillips,
ojth Ala. Inf.; Henry Powell, Sth Va. Cav.; L. P. Pratt, 4th La.
Battery; John Pierce, 17th Ala. Inf.; AVilson Patrick, 16th Va.
lnt-;.T. J Pugh, 19th Miss. Inf.; Thomas B. Price, 4th Ga. Cav.;
Calvin Pledger, 23d Ark. Inf.; J. M. Paltatty, 19th S. C. Inf.; A.
§’ ? nc l’ ?/ l L ze ^ of Ky – ; Stephen R. Perry, 27th Miss. Inf.; E.
Packard, 40th Ga. Inf.; Archie Patterson, 4th Fla. Inf.- E J
Perry, 28th Miss. Cav.; A. Pitzenberger, 22d Ala. Inf.; Steve
Priger, 53d Ala. Cav.; James Patterson, 47th Tenn. Cav.; W
£?P% 2d 7 a ,’ In f-: James Parker, 19th S. C. Inf.; John D. Pitmar.
66th Ga. Inf.; Richard Pmkston, 27th Ala. Inf.; John Pace, 10th
Tenn. Cav.; J. W. Peacock, 63d Ga. Inf.; I. W. Pritchard, 1st
Confederate Cav.; Jacob Poling, citizen of Va. ; William Prid –
more, 27th Va. Cav.; Richard Parslev, 2Sth Tenn. Inf.- W L
Parsons, citizen of Jackson Co., Va.; T. P. Paschal, 53d Ala. Cav. :
W. D. Peacock, 3bth Ala. Inf.; W. G. Pierson, 34th Ala. Inf.; R.
M. Pierce ,55th lenn. Inf.; John M. Parker, 1st Ala. Inf.; John
Pullen, 25th Ala. Inf.; R. C. Price, 15th S. C. Inf.; Ira Pauley, Slh
Va Cav.; W. B. Peterson, 35th Miss. Inf.; W. H. Plant, 34th Ga.
Inf.; Preston Patrick, 6th Miss. Inf.; J. L. Paine, Sth Confeder-
ate Cav.; N. W. Pntchford, 10th Ala. Inf.; Thomas Pate, 4th
Ala Cav.; G W. Petty, Sth Tenn. Cav.; John Pruner, 1st Confed-
erate Ga. Inf.; I. L. Pratt, 36th Ala. Inf.; W. L. Paulk, 12th Ala.
Inf.; John E. Pitman, 6th Fla. Inf.; Puslunth, 11th Ky. Cav –
S. Patrath, 25th or 35th Ala. Inf.; W. R. Payton, 36th Ga. Inf :
R Province, 35th Ala. Inf.; W. T. Patterson, Thomas’ Legion I
W. P. Pruett, 2d Miss. Cav.; Samuel Peake. 24th S. C. Inf • W E
Preacher. 24th S. C. Inf.; T. E. Piles, Tenn. reserve; John Poe’
Tenn. conscript; R. P. Potts. 13th Ky. Cav.: W. E. Phillips, 13th
Ky. Cav. ; J. W. Pugh, 7th Va. Cav. ; W. H. Payne, 20th Ala. Cav. ;
Comodore Payne, 19th Va. Cav.; A. J. Philips, 5th Ga. Cav.; W
Pomdexter, 20th Tenn. Inf.; G. W. Pomphrey, 1st Md. Cav.- J R
Pope 23d Ala. Inf.; J. A. Pennell, 31st Ala. Inf.; Benjamin Pitts,
27th Miss. Inf.; J. W. Porter, 19th S. C. Inf.; George W Patter-
son, 37th Va. Cav.: William E. Porter, 39th Miss. Inf.; E. I. Pace
36th Ga. Inf. ; R. W. Powell, 56th Ga. Inf. ; John Phillips, Sth Ga.
i” 1 ^ 1 ^ – Park er, 46th Ga. Inf.; James W. Powell, 1st Ga. Inf ;
W. T. Posey, 5th Ala. Cav.
T °.- ^’ Q ueen , 20th Va. Cav.: G. W. Quinn, 34th Miss. Cav.;
John R. Quinn, citizen of Tenn.; R. Quisenby, 4th Ky. Cav ■ C
Quadelbum, 57th Ala. Inf.; A. A. Quickie, citizen of Va.; Patrick
Quinn, Miss. Bat.
Joel Rains, 5th Tenn.; Thomas Richards, 49th Tenn.; John
Rondme, 17th Va. Cav.; Daniel Roberts, 17th Va. Cav.; George
«r= n I^ 8 M i? y ri CaV \i A V Si Ru ssell, Hth Va. Cav.; John Rod-
fi^f’n? 6th N A C ” Ca ^- ; – A – M – R amsey, 14th Ky. Cav.; W. R. Reese,
11th Tenn. Cav.; Elijah Rudd, 2d Ky. Rifles; E. Roberts, Clay’s
Ky. Bat. ; R. T. Reed, 15th Tenn. Cav. ; W. Robertson, 15th Miss.
Cav.; S. J. Robertson, 41st Ga. Cav.; F. N. Ryan, 17th Va. Cav ;
Israel Robertson, Sth Va. Inf.; D. W. Reeves, 36th Tenn. Inf. •
Jackson Roberts, 36th Ala. Cav.; Joseph Roach. 7th Fla. Inf : J
M. Roper, 1st Ga. Inf.; Charles Reynolds, 53d Ala. Inf.; Thomas
Reynolds, citizen of Va.; James Read, Sth Va. Cav.; James Roe,
1st Tenn. Cav.; J. G. Rowland, 57th N. C. Inf.; Luke Rozar, 5th
Ga. Cav. ; David Roe, 2d Ky. Cav. ; Peter Rodgers, Sth Ky. Cav. ;
S. Reynolds, 29th Tenn. Inf.; John G. Reynolds, 16th Tenn Cav •
M. A. Roberts, 4th Ga. Inf.; F. H. Reville. 29th Ga. Inf.; John 6′
Rutledge, 19th Va. Cav.; F. Reed, 51st Va. Inf.; Isaac Russell
V 3 , 1 ^ a – Int; W – Rutherford, Ga.; M. W. D. Robertson, 4th
Ala. Cav.; David Rider, 43d Ga. Inf.; George Roddy, 33d Ga Inf ■
N. Robinson, 2Sth Tenn. Inf.; John Richards, 37th Bat. Cav.- John
H. Reese, 6th Va. Inf.; I,. D. Roberts, 3d Fla. Inf.; James A.
Rocketts, Sth Confederate Cav. ; John W. Ricks, 15th Miss. Inf ;
Berry Robinson, Co. H, Smith’s Va. Guards; R. R. Roberts, 15tb
Ky. Cav.; John Rabon, 24th S. C. Inf.; E. D. W. Rose, 51st Va
Inf.; J. A. B. Rodgers, 4th Ala. Cav.; Samuel Ratcliffe, 22d Miss
Inf.; O. H. P. Reese, 35th Miss. Inf.; William Ray, ISth Miss
Cav.; I. W. Rogers, citizen of Tenn.; J. W. W. Ross, 11th Kv
Cav; L. J. Rose, 1st Md. Cav.: W. H. P. Ruster, 17th Ala. Inf.;
F. M. Regester. 57th Ala. Inf. ; M. T. Rodgers, 20th Miss. Inf. ; R
P. Rose, 27th Miss. Inf.; P. A. Rathburn. 19th La. Inf.; J M
Roberts, 36th Ga. Inf.; J. H. Russell, 5th Miss. Cav.; John Rabon.
4th La. Inf.; W. Rutchford, 3d Ga. Cav.; M. Rutliff, ISth Tex.
Cav.; I. W. Radford, 56th Ala. Cav.; J. M. Rutledger, 42d Ga. Inf. –
Cyrus Raborn. 30th Miss. Inf.; Trusley Raborn, 19th Tenn. Inf ;
W. D. Richmond. 4th Ark. Inf.; R. Ramger, 46th Ala. Inf.- J H
Rutsel, 12th La. Inf.; J. D. Rawles, 13th Kv. Cav.; W M Rich-
ardson, Sth Ala. Inf.; J. S. Roundtree,’ 1st Ga. Inf • F W Rav
29th N. C Inf. ; M. Rodgers, 57th Ala. Inf. ; W. Rinchear. 1st Ala.
Inf.; L. M. Rodgers, 29th N. C. Inf.; W. C. Rainar, 26th Ala. Inf. –
James Ragham, 16th La. Inf.; W. M. Ross. Moreland’s Cav.;
Thomas Richards, 13th Tenn. Inf.; N. A. Roberts, 19th Bat. Va
Inf : G. W. Register. 1st Fla. Inf.; E. G. Reese. 20th Miss. Inf.;
J. Rodenberry, 7th Fla. Inf. ; Z. Rice, 30th Ala. Inf. ; B J Ralev
7th Miss. Inf.; Jeff Redden, citizen of Ala.; W. H Rolsey 61st
Tenn. Inf.; W. E. Roach, Armstrong’s Cav.; J. C. Ruth’ 41st
Tenn Inf.; T. J. Robertson. 3d Ga. Inf.; Warren Rogers, ISth
Ala. Inf ; H. C. Roberts, Rogers’ escort: James Rasberry, 31st
Miss Inf.: James W. Rogers. ISth Ala. Inf.; P. A. Rutledge, 25th
Ala. Inf.; Edmund Russell, 4th Ark. Inf.; J. W. Ranes. 55th Ala.
Inf.; A. I. Richards, 1st Tenn. Inf.; William Richardson, 36th Ga.
J” f – ‘• George Richards. 7th Fla. Inf.; R. R. Riddle. 10th Ky. Cav.;
W. S. Robertson, 36th Ala. Inf.; J. M. Rogers, 36th Ga Inf ■ P
Runnels, 7th Miss. Bat. Inf.; Miles Rusher, 4th N. C. Inf Jamei
B. Rader. 62d Va. Inf.: John Rav. 17th Ala. Inf
S. H. Sproul. 10th Confederate Cav.; G. B. Sharp, 10th Va Cav :
Robert, Jr., 2d Tenn. Cav.; E. L. Schriver. 5th Ky Cav’-
= °u er A S , t Jtu%l i ‘ J? th Va -£ av – : S – A – Stinnett, 2d Ky. ; Davi’a
Sellard, 16th Va. Cav.; J. D. Stead. White’s Va. Bat.; John Smith
citizen of W. Va. : J. B. Smith, 66th N. C. Cav.; J. Sherault. J.
St. Clair, G. Sizemore, 7th Ala.; W. S. Smith. 26th Va Cav ■
Virgil Smith. 2d Md. Cav.: W. N. Senles. 22d Ala. Inf • John m’
Sweeley, niter mining bureau; J. Stephens, 33d Ala Inf ■ n’
Saucier, 3d Miss. Inf. ; Moses Saunders, 39th Ala. Inf ■ Elijah
Confederate l/eterar?.
Shaver, conscript of Tenn.: J. Scriggs, 48th Tenn. Inf.; Howell S.
Smith, ISth Miss. Inf.; John A. bhawber, 22d Va. Cav.; D. P.
Sayer, 56th Ga. Inf.; Thomas Spain, 66th Ga. Inf.; Elf red Smith,
3d Miss. Inf.; G. C. Stewart, 35th Ala. Inf.; J. Strikland. 1st Ga.
Inf.; W. B. Sanders. 23d Ala. Inf.; A. C. b.-kes. 30th Miss. Inf.;
W. C. Simnes, Camper’s Bat.: E. H. Smith. 58th Ala. Inf.; B. F.
Stewart, 46th Ala. Inf.; J. W. Simmons, 5th Miss. Cav.; J. O.
Smith, 24th S. C. Inf.; J. W. Slaughter, 2d Miss. Cav.; W. W.
Stakes, 5Sth Ala. Inf.; H. B. Singleton. 34th Ala, Inf.; J. Stewart,
29th Tenn. Inf.; Isaac Shelton, 56th Ga. Inf.; James Sample, lmh
Kv. Cav.; A. J. Stovell, 5th Confederate Inf.; L. T. Smith, 21st
Ga. Inf.; I. L. Suddeth, 54th Ala. Inf.; I. S. Spicer. 2.1 Tenn. Cav.;
\V. A. Spencer, Moreland’s Cav.; E. Silas. 84th Ala, Inf.; C. N.
Smith, 86th Va. Inf.; I. H. Speers. 4th Ga. Cav.; J. Smith, 1st
Fla. Cav.; Pat Scandler, 5th Confederate Inf.; William Stephens,
3Sth Ala. Inf.; C. I. Sparkman. 4th La. Inf.; Hampton Shirly,
21th S. C. Inf.; G. M. Strother. 46th Ala. Inf.; 1. D. Schogan, 33d
Miss. Inf.; L. Sinkins, 23d Ark. Inf.; W. A. Sholer. 10th Ala
R. Ship, 39th Ala. Inf.; B. A. Smith, 67th Ala. Inf.; J. W.
Smotherman, 11th Tenn. Cav.; J. H. Shelton, Hays’s Cav.; J.
Steel, Tenn. reserve troops; J. E. Stickney, 19th S. C. Inf.; J. W,
Smith, 6th Fla. Inf.; J. B. Satterfield, Cth Ga. Cav.; T. Stiles. 13th
Ky. Cav.; D. Suppington, 14th Miss. Cav.; H. Shephnnl. Stew-
ard’s escort; I. H. Stephens, 1st Confederate Cav.; \V. At. Syl-
vester. 6th Fla. Inf.: V. A. Sanford, 1st Ala. Inf.; I’. Sellers, 2d
Ala. Cav.; F. E. Skinner, 13th Ky. Cav.: Mike Staub, 18th l.a.
Inf.; J. B. Snipe, 46th Ga. Inf.; W. A. Scrogan, 56th Ga. Inf.;
James A. Sharp. 2d Ky. Cav.; D. H. Scott. 23d Miss. Inf.; C.
Strickland. 89th Ga. Inf.; Simeon Smith, 20th Miss. Inf.; Sum-
merson Stenett, 40th Miss. Inf.; Alex Smith. 8th Va. Cav.; K. P.
W. Stalwker, 46th Ala. Inf.; Finney Staling. 4th Ala. Inf.; S. S.
Smith. 29th Ga. Inf.; Joseph B. Steel, 33,1 Miss. Inf.: R, W. Steal,
44th Miss. Inf.; C. T. Smith, 17th Miss. Cav.; C. S. Smallwood,
nh Ga. Cav.; Casal Stephens. 22d Miss. Inf.; W. H. Sorrulls, (2d
Miss. Cav.: James A. Sanders. 31st Miss. Cav.; William W,
Steward. 36th Miss. Cav.; Hazell Steward. 40th Miss. Cav.:
Thomas F. Sturdevant, 21st N. C. Inf.: E. B. Shane. 1st Fla. Inf.;
P. T. Stone, 9th Kv. Cav.; John Sellers, 6th Ky. Cav.; \Y. F.
Schafer, 17th Tenn. Cav.; W. II. Stanton. 35th Ala. Inf.; Joel
Stamper, 2d Kv. Cav.: A. M. Stickler. 26th Va. Inf.; George
Seimkins, J. Sparks, ISth Ala. Inf.; S. Stewart. 24th Va. Cav.; J.
B. Studer, 43d Ga. Inf.; E. A. Stlzer, Noah B. Smith. 42d Ga.
Cav.; J. H. Smith, 1st Ga. Cav.: John Simpson. 1st Ga. Cav.; W.
R. Salmon, 30th Ga. Inf.; J. P. Smith. 29th Miss. Inf.; George
Sampson, citizen of Va.; Abner St. John, ISth Tenn. Inf.; John
Shields. 19th La. Inf.; J. B. Spears, 1st Ga. Inf.; D. B. Seniker,
88th Va. Inf.; Douglas Stewart. 84th Ala. Inf.; L. P. Silver, 29th
N. C. Inf.; Thomas W. Stearns. 2d Ark. Inf.: S. .1. Stafford. Mh
Va. Cav.; William T. Stone. 12th Tenn. Inf.: W. P. Sandci
Miss. Inf.; David Sisenore, 37th Va. Cav.; T. .1. St phi [IS, 16th
La. Inf.: J. W. Shoop, 31st Va. Cav.; Jacob W. Shaniel. 8th N. C.
Inf.; J. L. Simmons. 54th Ala. Inf.; John S. Syree, 84th Miss, de-
tail; F. B. Smith, Dobbins’ Ark. Cav.; W. C. Smith, S3d Miss.
Inf.; B. H. Spencer, 5th Ga. Cav.: J. Alex Smith. 29th Ga. Inf.;
John Sanford, Ward’s Bat.; A. G. Sanscv. 1st Ga. Inf..
Schrader, citizen of Va.; W. F, E 16th S. C. Inf.: \V. B.
Stafford. Sth Va. Cav.; L. Shealcv. 16th S. C. Inf.: Ed Seoplne,
16th La. Inf.. Shemorick Smith, 2d Ala. Cav.; John Sermon
Ga. Inf.; James L. Sharp, 19th Va. Cav.; B. F. Stone. S6th M IS.
Inf.; Mnrshack Stephens, 4th Tenn. Cav.; Robert Summers. 46th
Ala. Inf.; Dennis Sullivan. 5th Confederate Cav.; George Sulli-
van, 4th Tenn. Cav.; J. W. Shearouse. S4th Ga. Inf.; John Sum-
in. rail. ;tii Bat. Miss. Inf.: Morgan Smith. 6th N. C. Inf.: An-
drew SpriggS, ]3th Hat. Va. Inf.: John Sherrew. 16th La. Inf.:
William Sinn. ISth Ala. Inf.: Cyrus Stephens. 39th N. C, Inf.:
William Snnott. 6th Confederate Inf.; Thomas Staggsdal. 65th
Ala. Inf.: Hillard Smith, 46th Ala. Inf.: .1. B. Strawl. 41st Tenn.
Inf.; J. P. B. Schrisopher. 7th Miss. Bat. Inf.: John Shepard 45th
Ala. Inf.: David Sanderson, 10th Ala. Cav.: S. J. Sills. 88th Miss.
Inf.; C. C. Smith. 84th Va. Rat. Cav.; Edgar Scarber, S8th Ala.
Inf.; Philip Sheppard. 3Sth Ala. Inf.; R. H. Secrese. 4th Mo. Cav.;
James C. Sutton, 12th Ark. Inf.: J. B. Sanderson. 10th Ala
A. H. Salter. 1st Ala. Inf.; D. W. Suggs, 6th Tenn. Inf.; F.
Sharp. 6th Tenn. Inf.; G. W. Sallev. 35th Miss. Inf.: J. D.
Stephens. 17th Va. Cav.; Charles W. Stewart 26th Ga. Inf.; J.
W. Staff. 7th Ala. Cav.; John S. Senasbaugh. 29th N. C. lit .
J. Shoemaker, 15th Tenn. Inf.; W. G. Stokev. 1st Fla. Cav.: Gas-
per Smith. 1st Ark. Inf.: A. H. Smith. : I. F. Shrouse. 52d Ga.
Inf.; James R. Stone. Wheeler’s Scouts; R. N. Smith. 21st Tenn.
Cav.; W. D. Smith. Sth N. C. Inf.; Louis Stafford. 1st K. C. detail:
John W. Summersett. ISth Ala. Inf.: .lame Small, 19th Va. Cav.:
Henry Swope. 30th Ga. Inf.; John Slngley, 80th Ga. Inf.: James
Spere, 17th Ala. Inf.; W. V7. Sti Ala. Inf.: X. S. Skin-
ner. 22d Miss. Inf.: A. R. Sutlors. 22d Miss. Int.: W. R. Scott. Sth
Ga. Bat. Inf.; A. M. Smith. 1st Ga. Bat. Inf.: M. D. Shanton. 24th
S. C. Inf.; — Stratton, Ark.; I. A. Senclair, 1st Confed-
erate ‘
II. Tanilin. 2d Cav.: Peter Tracv, citizen of Va.: John Taylor,
1st La. Cav.: T. E. Talton. 36th Ga. Inf.: 1\ W. Tevalt, lltli Va.
\V. Taylor, 31st Tenn. Inf.; W. Tunstill. 7th Ala. Cav.: W.
M Tolton, 16th Va. Cav.: K. Taylor. 33d Tenn. Inf.: W. I Tay-
lor, 22d Va. Inf.; H. F. Taliman. 45th Va. Inf.: N. S. Thompson,
7th Fla. Inf.: J. Thigpen. 20th Ala. Inf.: John C. Train’. 1st Ga.
Tnf.: J. W. Thornton, 1st Tenn. Cav.: Mi, ha, I E. Tricket, 30th
Va. Cav.: J. W. B. Trotten. Sth Va. Cav.; Jam is G. Thorn
Ala. Cav.; James ,T. Tavlor. 12th Tenn. Cav.; M. L. Turner, 14th
Tenn. Cav.: Daniel S. Tavlor. 17th Va. Cav.; Jonas Tally. N.
C. Inf.; George Tille. 24th Tex. Inf.: o. D. Thompson. Confeder-
ate Cav.; .1. D. Thompson. 88th Ala. Inf.; Albert Tlncher, 21st Va.
Cav.; W. N. Templeton, Sth N. C. Battery; J. F. Tralnum, 17th
Ala. Inf.; A. Thnmpkins. 37th Va. Cav.; W T, Terry, 84th S. C.
Inf.; E. H. Taggart, 29th fla. Inf.; S. M. Thomas. 29th Ga. Inf.;
I. D. Turner, 19th S. C. Inf.: James J. Thede. 34th Ala. Inf.;
Fleming Tice. 21st Va. Cav.; Charles B, Thompson. 1st Md. Cav. ;
lames A. Tavlor, S6th Miss Inf.: G. W. Thomson. 40th Ga. Inf. :
J. L. Tucker. 23d Ala. Inf.: T. Toualey, 3d Confederate Cav.: Sim-
eon Thompson. ISth Ala. Inf.: O. H. Talbot, 19th S. C. Inf ; W.
H. Tennison. Stuart’s escort; J. N. Thomas. Sth S. C. Inf.; J. J.
Triplet, 19th Tenn. Inf. ; 1. Tabor. 14th Va. Cav. ; J. Trusley. 19th
Tenn. Inf.; J. S. Tyler. 47th Tenn. Inf.; J. B. Taylor. 14th Va.
Cav., W. L. Tavlor. 36th Ala. Inf.; George W. Talbot. 34th Ga.
Inf.; William S. Thomas, enrolling officer; S. I. Tripp, 3d X. C.
Cav.; I. J. Thompson. 14th Tenn. Cav.; J. R. Townsend, 15th
Miss. Inf.; J. W. Tavlor, 2oth Ga. Inf.: William Thornhiil, 23d
A’a. Inf.; J. M. Tavlor, 1st Confederate Inf.; G. Thompson
Bat. Cav.; R. Tipton. 4th Ala. Cav.; W. J. Turnage. 16th La. Inf.;
Pleasant Tvlar. 4th Ala. Cav.: C. Tyson. 41st Ga. Inf.; P. Thomp-
son. Sth Va, Cav.; G. W. Tell. 46th Ala. Inf.: J. H. Thou
66th Ga, Inf.. I B I’horn. 25th Ga. Inf.; J. N. Templeton, 35th
Miss. Inf.; J. Tate. 11th Tenn Cav.; W. .1. Thompson. 3d Con
federate Cav.; i’. II. Thorn. 6th Miss. Inf.; Wesley Tomlin, loth
Ala. Car.. George Turner. 40th Miss. Inf.; W. B. Tomlinson. 17th
Ala. Inf.; Tie mas Terry, 17th Ala. Inf.; S. P. Turner. 13th Ky.
Cav.; Benjamin Thurner. 7th Fla. Inf.: F. D. Thornton, loth
Miss. Inf.; Martin J. Thackcr. 88th Tenn. Inf.; Robert R. Taylor,
4th Ala. Cav.; Robert M. Tarrb, 7th Ala. Cav.; James H. Tolan,
49th Tenn. Inf.; William Turner. 3sth Bat. N. C. H. G. ; J. I’.
Tappley. 39th Miss. Int.: B. R. Tobias, 37th Ala. Inf.; B. N.
Thompson, list X. c •
Calvin I pchurch, 5th N. C. Cav.; John Umphroy, 40th Ga. Inf.;
John Upchurch. S9th Miss. Inf.: W. J. Underwood, 10th Ala,
John Upright, x. C, state reserve.
A. G. Vetulol. 1st Tenn. Cav.: Osmon Vincent. Confederate
Cav.; 1′.. Vaughan, 1st Ga. Inf.; W. T. Venable, 55th Ala. Inf.;
Joseph C. Valentine. 46th Miss. Inf.; Joseph H. Vowell, 1st Ark.
Inf.; l: I ss, Inf.; David F. Vance, Sth
Cav.; J. C. Vining, 16th Ga. Cav.; 1. M. Vaughan. 25th Va. Cav..
Charles Vick. 27th Ala. Inf.: W. Vansant. 23d Va. Cav.; S. Vick-
ith Miss. Inf.; C. E. Vandlke, 2ist Tenn. Cav.; L. Victory,
12th Ga. Inf.: .1. A. Vaughn, 16th S. C. Inf.; R. Vaugh, loth Ky.
Cav.; L. Vanhoosar. ; Ambers Vaughn, 10th Ala. Cav.
I. Williamson. Mil Ky. Cay.: 11. Whetmore. 4th Ala. Cav.: J. A.
Watson, citizen of Va.; Thomas Woodward, lnth Ky. Cav.;
\\ Heard, : .1. A Watte, 10th Ky. Inf.: W. B. Wright, 6th
Cav.; George Wait, 24th Tenn. Inf.; S. Wilson. Sth Va. Cav.:
Capt. Walket, 4th Tenn. Cav.; J. Wells. A. Whettle, citizens of
Va.; R. \Y Iriin, 22d Va, Bat.; Ellis G. Winstud. 4th Ark. Inf.;
J. X. Wallkall, -Mh Ark, [l I Ga Cav I E. .1.
Williams. :t(iili Ga, Inf.; S. 1′.. Wilcox, 1st Ky. Cav.; J. P. Walls,
12th Tenn. Cav.; .1. X. Wolf, citizen of Va.: M. Wain. 19th Va.
Cav.; J. W. Warren, conscript of N. C. : J. H. Walker, 23d Tenn.
Inf.; A. P. Williams. 16th Tenn. Cav.; A. M. Watson. 29th N. C.
Inf.; J. B. W Ingond, 63d Ga. Inf.; A. Weese. citizen of Va. ; John
F. Wilbourn. 22d Va. Cav.: George Wheetley. 15th Miss. Inf.; W.
Wilder. 4th Fla. Inf.; W. Walker, 36th Va. Inf.; Samuel P. Wlls,
5th Confederate: W. I. Williams, 16th Tenn. Cav.; Henry Waru-
ble, 56th Ga. Inf.; W. F. Waul. 4th Ala. Inf.; John D. Williams,
12d Ala. Inf.; Levi Walker. 60th Va. Inf.; Isaac Weese, 1st Ga.
Inf.: Charles W’hitefield, ISth Tex. Cav.; J. S. Wheeler, con-
script from Tenn.; R. Woods. 36th Miss. Inf.: Friah Wright. Bal-
timore Art.; Henrv Wissing, Ga. Inf.; John Woodrum. 6th
Ga. Inf.: G. W. Ware. 12;:. 1 Va. Cav.; Samuel Williams, 23d Va.
Cav.; Thomas Watson. 1st Tenn. Cav.; W. O. West, 20th Va.
Cav.; James M. Windson. ISth Ga. Inf.; R. L. Wiggins, 36th Ala.
Inf.; Henrv Wirt. 34th Va. Inf.; W. A. Woods, 37th Va. Cav.;
James H. Warren. 18th Tenn. Inf.: W. H. Wisecarver, 11th Va.
.’av.. A. Wilson. 42d Ala. Inf.; Wilson Warden. 36th Va. Inf.:
William J. Warren, 47th Tenn. Tnf.: J. M. Watson. 1st Ga. Inf.:
George Wilson. Gilmore’s Bat.: John W. Wilkes, Sth S. C.
Inf.; David Weaver, 43d Inf.; Henrv Wagoner, 54th N. C. Inf.:
T. Woodson. 9th Tex. Inf.; B. F. Walker. 1st Ga. Inf.: Columbus
Wells. 42d Ala. Inf.; John A. Wilson. Lewis’ Ala. Bat.: J. W.
Weaver, ; J. P. Walker, nth Tenn. Cav.; w. Warfleld, 1st
Md. Cav.: Stanley Walker, Sth Kv. Cav.; Owens Wilson, 7th Ala.
Cav.; O. R. Watkins. 37th Tenn. Inf.; Joseph R. Wilson, 1st Fla.
Inf.; Andrew Willoughby, 64th Ala. Inf.; J. C. Woville, 43d Miss.
Inf.; J. C. Wilson. 24th S. C. Inf.; Jackson A. Wines, 19th Va.
.’av.; S. C. Wiseman. 29th Ga. Inf.; J. W. Wisdom. 11th Tex.
Cav.; P. P. Wilson. 66th Ga. Inf.; Owen Wilson, 7th Ala. Inf.: C.
S. West. ISth Miss. Inf.; G. W. Williams. 1st Mo. Cav.; W. Whit-
field. 44th Tenn. Inf.: Havton Wines. 19th Va. Cav.: W. W. Ward.
12th La. Inf.; J. B. Wilkinson. 57th Ala. Inf.: William Winfleld.
37th Bat. Va. Cav.: J. W. Wesley, 2.1 Mo. Inf.; B. W. White. ?d
Tex. Inf.; J. M. White, 7th Fla. Inf.: Jonathan Wood, 4th Ala.
Cav.: Greene Woodruff. 46th Miss. Inf.; L. L. Wesson. 35th Ala.
Inf.; J. H. Wvatt. 62d Tenn. Inf.: R. H. Woodruff, 6th Ga. state
troops; B. T. Williams, 15th Tenn. Cav.; AV. F. Wade. 1st Mo.
Cav.; W. H. Williams. 6th Mo. Inf.: J. A. Woodall, 4th Ala. Cav.;
S. Washhurn. nth Ky. Cav.; Luke B. Williams. 1st Bat. S. S.
troops; E. H. Wiggins. 11th Ala. Cav.; II. White. 1st Fla. Cav.;
W. M. Walker. 1st Miss. Inf.; G. W. Wilson. 33d Ala. Inf.; E. F.
Williams, Sth Ga. Cav.; R. J. Williams, 2d Ala. Cav.; J. Waldon,
13th Ky. Cav : J. R. Williams, Dardon’s Bat.; L. M. Wilson,
24th Tenn. Inf.; I. F. Wilson. 40th Ala. Inf.: J. Wald. 13th Ky.
Cav.; Leonidas White. 16th Ala. Inf.: B. F. Widham. 3Sth Ala.
Inf.; I. 11. Warrick, 46th Ala. Inf.: A. S. Williams. 59th Tenn.
Tnf.: William Willet 18th Ala. Inf.; T. J. Walker. 13th Miss. Inf.;
B. F. Williams, conscript of Kv.: J. P. Wilcox, 49th Tenn. Inf.;
J. H. West, 80th Tenn. Inf.; O. Williams. 20th Ala. Inf.; N. D.
Wood, 10th Ala. Cav.; B. E. Woodward, 13th Ky. Cav.: Elijah
Widner, 21st Va. Cav.; John Walker, citizen of Ala.: J. Williams.
19th Va. Cav.: A. Whaler. 17th Ala. Inf.: Solomon Wade,
Fat.; John w Mi. I’Hi Fla. Inf.; Jackson Wilson. 13th Kv. Cav.:
T. A. Woodrad, 10th a : D. C. Weldon, 20th Ala. Inf.; O.
V. Walker. 2d Kv. Cav. ; W. Wildman, 56th Ala. Inf.; J. S. M.
Whitfield, 18th Ky, Cav.! R. 11. Wallace, 32d Miss. Inf.: I . M.
Williams, 10th Ky. Inf.; L. N. White. 39th Ga. Inf.: A. I. Win-
net, 4th Tenn. Cav.; A. J. Wheeler, 10th Tex. Inf.: Nelson Will-
iams, 65th Ga. Inf.; D. O. Walker, 8th Tenn. : John B. Will-
iams. 56th Tenn. Inf.; B. I. Whitfield, 13th Kv. Cav.; William A.
Woodall, 29th Ala. Inf.: A. E. Ward, citizen of E. Tenn.; John J.
Webb. 13th Va. Inf.; Addison Waydell, 25th A’a. Cav.; G. A. Wil-
liams, 5th Miss. Cav.: John B. Weaver. 51th Ga. Cav.: Thomas P.
Walstonhome, 43d Miss. Inf.; George F. Williams, 63d Ala. Inf.:
Confederate .
G. Y. II. Wright, 4th Ala. Cav. ; John Willard, 23d Bat. Va.!n£.;
S. W. Wldham, 23d Miss. Int.: J. L. Willis, 31st Ala. Int.-; C. S.
Wilfong, 3d N. C. — ; E. F. Waters, 46th Ga. Int.; Bennett
Whidden, 6th Fla. Inf.; Rice Willis, 1st Ky. Cav.
J. E. Yeager, 7th Ala. Int.; William Yancey. 1st Ark. ; Pe-
ter Young, 37th Va. Inf. ; J. Yonan, 1st Fla. Inf. ; E. L. Yost, 22d
Va. Cav.; Haz. Yarborough, 16th Ga. Cav.; T. J. Yother, 65th Ga.
Inf.; W. Yerby, Woodward’s Ala. Cav.; J. Yete, 11th Tenn. Cav.;
E. A. York, 26th Tenn. Inf. ; W. F. Yargin. 34th Ga. Inf. ; Francis
Youst, 20th Va. Cav.; A. I. Yarbrough, 4th La. Inf.; William A.
Young, 46th Miss. Inf.; W. H. Young, 46th Inf.; W. H. Young,
5th Miss. Cav.; Green J. Yeates, 1st Ala. Inf.
One unknown Confederate soldier.
The Confederates’ good friend who has done so
much for us in Columbus, O., furnishes the following:
The first prisoner brought to Columbus for alleged
participation in the rebellion was a man detected in
firing a bridge. He arrived June 27, 1861, and was
lodged in the station-house. The first batch of South-
erners brought from the field was a party of twenty-
three, mostly “wealthy and influential citizens of Vir-
ginia,” who had been taken in the Kanawha Valley as
hostages for Union men seized by the Confederates.
They arrived under guard July 5, and were lodged at
Camp Chase, but were released a few days later. The
Ohio State Journal of July 6, 1861, states: “Lieut. J. E.
McGowan, of Company B, Twenty-First Regiment O.
V. M., arrived in this city yesterday morning with
twenty-three prisoners, who were taken in the valley of
the Kanawha River. The prisoners are: R. B. Hack-
ney, A. B. Dorst, A. Roseberry, H. J. Fisher, R.
Knupp, Jacob C. Kline, Frank Ronsom, J. N. McMul-
len, J. W. Echard, David Long, G. D. Slaughter, A. E.
Eastham, J. F. Diltz, Robert Mitchell, S. Hargiss, E.
J. Ronsom, T. B. Kline, Alexander McCauseland, O.
H. P. Sebrill, James Johnson, W. O. Roseberry, Ben-
jamin Franklin, and James Carr. The majority of
them are wealthy and influential citizens of Virginia.”
Other extracts from the Journal are copied:
“On July 16 four arrivals at the camp from Virginia;
and twenty-eight more, mostly officers, arrived from
Virginia August 17.”
“A number of them appear rather communicative,
and talk of their sentiments like men who are convinced
of the justice of their cause and the ultimate triumph
of the South. We heard one of them remark that if
they took Washington City they would not burn it;
that there were too many good buildings there, and
they wished to make it the capital of the Confederacy.”
“Sixteen Confederate soldiers, captured near Cheat
Mountain, were brought in August 30. A squad of
fifteen or twenty secessionists, taken in Louisa County,
Va., and fourteen more captured in battle near Suni-
merville, same state, were added to the Camp Chase
colony on September 16 and 18 respectively. Forty-
three from Kentucky and twelve taken near Cross
Lanes, Va., arrived by special train from Cincinnati
October 27. Eight were brought in from the Kana-
wha Valley November 6, and eleven from Cheat Moun-
tain November 13. The total number at the camp at
this time was two hundred and seventy-eight. On
December 9 eight more arrived from Romney.”
The Journal of February 24, 1861, reports that “a
large number of Rebel prisoners, taken at Bloomery
Gap, in Gen. Lander’s Division, were brought to ‘Camp
Chase Hotel’ Friday night. The squad included one
colonel (Robert J. Baldwin, who was captured by Gen.
Lander himself in the assault upon that place), six cap-
tains, nine lieutenants, five first sergeants, six other
sergeants, five corporals, and nineteen privates. They
were brought there in charge of Maj. Armstrong, oi
the Fifth Ohio. Nine prisoners captured near Fay-
etteville, Ky., by Col. Scammon, of the Twenty-Third
Ohio, also arrived on Saturday last.”
The Ohio Statesman of November 6, 1861, states:
“The following distinguished secesh prisoners have,
by order of Gen. O. M. Mitchell, been sent from Camp
Chase to Port Lafayette: Col. B. F. Stanton, Isaac Nel-
son, Thomas Caston, R. S. Thomas, and George For-
rester. The rumor is that they concocted well-laid
plans for an escape from Camp Chase.”
The first burial there was on August 4, 1863, S.
Horton, Fourteenth Alabama; the second, August 14,
1863, William Adkins, a citizen of Virginia; third, E.
H. Gardner, Fourth Georgia. Prior to August 4,
1863, they were buried in the city cemetery, southeast
of Columbus, when the one hundred and thirty-five
were removed to Camp Chase. The first buried in the
city cemetery was April 6, 1862, J. M. Childs, lieuten-
ant, Third Mississippi; second, April 9, 1862, R. B.
White, Fourteenth Mississippi; third, April 9, 1862,
Thomas J. Tipps, Forty-First Tennessee. At Camp
Dennison, O., there were buried one hundred and six-
teen — the first, May 17, 1862, Henry Martin, Company
F, Seventeenth Alabama; second, May 17, 1862,
Baldwin, further unknown; third, April 20, 1863, P. S.
Carter, lieutenant, Third Mississippi. At Johnson’s
Island two hundred and six were buried — the first, No-
vember 6, 1863, J. E. Scruggs, colonel, Eighty-Fifth
Virginia; second, C. M. Triggle, captain, Thirty-Fifth
Georgia; third, Confederate soldier unknown.
Gen. Basil Duke was supposed to be one of the
heirs of the property now the Confederate cemetery.
The ground was first held by a lease. The deed of the
property, dated April 23, 1879, to United States of
America, was signed by M. J. Marshall, E. S. Halla-
way, P. S. Hallaway, and W. S. Hallaway, as execu-
tors of John G. Hallaway, residents of Kentucky, and
conveyed the property known and described as the Con-
federate Cemetery at Camp Chase.
The cemetery was fenced in by lumber from the
barracks. The government had wooden head-boards
placed at the graves, with the name and number of the
company and state of each one inscribed on them. The
place was neglected, and soon became very wild.
When ex-President Hayes was Governor he ar-
ranged with Mr. H. Briggs, a farmer near the ceme-
tery, to take care of the ground for $25 a year, paid from
the contingent fund. This was continued till Mr.
Bishop was Governor, when he ordered it stopped.
Nothing more was done until Mr. J. B. Foraker was
Governor. He communicated to the United States
Government the condition and disgrace of the grounds,
and through his influence an appropriation of about
$6,000 was made to build a substantial stone wall and
new wooden head-boards and to fix the place up gen-
erally. A large stone weighing about sixteen tons
was found three miles from the cemetery. This was
taken to the grounds, and the inscription “2260 Con-
federate soldiers of the war 1861-65 buried in this en-
closure” was cut in it. The balance of the money was
used to build a fence at the Sandusky Confederate
burial-grounds, and in this condition it was left until
taken up by private citizens and prepared for the sa-
cred services.
QoQfederate l/eterar?.
G. D. Heard sends a complete list of the Confederate
dead buried at Covington, Ga., and writes:
Some time since you published a partial list of the
Confederate dead buried in the cemetery at this place.
I send you a complete list of the names and commands
of the seventy-three, also a photograph of the ceme-
tery, kindly furnished by L. W. Glass. Each grave is
marked by polished marble head and foot stones, and
the plat is surrounded by a hedge of evergreens.
Near the center of the picture stand Judge Capers
Dickson. Commander of our camp (Jefferson Lamar
Camp No. 305), and myself. Just beyond the Confed-
erate is the city cemetery and a part of the city.
The Ladies’ Memorial Association of this city, who
have the care of the cemetery, had the marble head and
foot stones erected.
On each Decoration Day all of the business houses
and schools arc closed, and the people generally join in
honoring these dead heroes by decorating their graves
with choice flowers and other appropriate services.
1 >. Southerland, fist li Ga.
.1. C. Edwards, 85th Ga.
.1 . II. Carter. G3d Ga.
1 ‘. Itosirr. lUth On.
•I. S. ITallan.l, sth On..
K. s. Godfrey, 84th Ga.
.1 Bi asle; , 63d < ta
W. r. Howard, 66th Ga.
1 \\ Parr, fiittli Ga.
W. B. Hannah, Mth Ga.
W. D. Pool, 87th 1 ta.
K. S. Lading:, 65th 1 :•
.1. S Alirams. Gfilh (5a.
ii. Knight, 6Sd Ga.
William Brown, Slh Ga. Bat.
J. W. MaegrlnKo, 4th Ga. Bat.
G. D. Hanson. 1st Ga. Cav.
J. V. Woodson, Cobb’s legion.
T.. S. Porter, 84th Miss.
S. H. Forrester, 4.t,l Miss.
R. .i. Pearce, Mth Miss.
\ Measle, 33,1 Ala.
.1. Willis. 88th Ala
T. Weaver, sith Ala.
N. Martin. 89th Ala.
.1. Hester, 88th Ala.
M. A. Munson, RStli Ala.
W. A. Alaarson, !>Sth Ala.
A. H. Whllly. 1st Ala.
M. Koney, fitli Ala.
R. Thomson. 3f,th Ala.
J. S. rirooks. 33d Ala.
J. A. Roherson, 12th Ala. Bat.
.7. 10. Mitchell, Ark.
T. Wright. Cfith Ga.
w. Kemp, 6th Ga.
T. J. Beall. 37th Ga.
O. J. Batchelor, 66th Ga.
E. Rainey, 4th Ga. Bat.
W. H. Hendrick, 89th Mtss.
J. Kohh. 35th Miss
J. A. Clark, Miss
S. Connelly. 7th Miss.
J. Doohv. 8th Miss.
T. ‘ >tterson, nth Miss.
E. Edson, .’:7th Miss.
J. Allen. 88th Miss Cav.
W. D. Darkham, 2<1 Fla.
W. C. Rasberrv, 42d Fla.
H. E. Fank. 5th Ky.
ll. S. Londar, list Tenn.
A. J. Whitson. 6th Tenn.
S. i tosset, Tenn.
.1. M. White, 91sl Tenn.
W. w. Coffee, 26th Tenn,
.1 M. White. 19th Tenn.
R. Richardson. 3Sth Tenn.
W. Bally, 1st Tenn.
J. H. Adeoek, 1st Tenn.
Skelton. 2flth Tenn.
J. D. McDowell. 19th S. C.
w, w. Bally. 84th N. C.
.7. W. Rape. 7th Tex.
.7. J. Gill. Company G..
W. .1. Burtery, Baxter Art.
There are eight marked “un-
R. D. Edwards, Grand Pass., Mo.:
I have read with considerable interest every number
of the Vetekan for a long time, and am interested in
a few boys from my old home in North Carolina. In
the October number Mrs. Louise Wigfall Wright, of
Maryland, states that all the Confederate dead buried
in that state have been taken to Baltimore and buried
in Loudon Park. There were a few boys from North
Carolina who died in ] rison at Point Lookout, and
were buried at that place. Now 1 want to ask any one
who may know if those buried at Point Lookout were
also taken to Baltimore. These men “bore the bur-
den and heat of the day,” and belonged to the Twen-
ty-Sixth North Carolina Regiment, organized at Ral-
eigh in 1861. < In March 14 they were at Newbern,
under Col. Zeb Vance. On that date Burnside’s fleet
captured Newbern, and I might add that the Confed-
erates never regained that point. The Twenty-Sixth,
being on the extreme left, avoided capture. They
could not cross Brice’s Creek on the bridge, and had
to ford it. In crossing Col. Vance’s horse floundered
in some way. .and he would probably have been
drowned if one of the boys had not swum to him and
assisted him to the shore, and thus saved North Caro-
lina’s greatest statesman.
From that time on these boys played important parts
in many hard-foflght battles, being at Richmond, Chan-
cellorsvillc, Manassas, and Gettysburg. On the first
day at the last-named place they were in lleth’s Di-
vision, and helped drive back Meade’s center. They
were also in Pickett’s celebrated charge. O11 the re-
treat from Gettysburg, near Falling Water, Gen. Petti-
grew was killed. I think his brigade covered the re-
treat, and the Federal cavalry rushed upon and cap-
tured these comrades. They were taken to Point
Lookout and held there seven or eight months, and
then paroled. They returned to service, and I last saw
them in the ditches at Petersburg. They were cap-
tured at that place and again taken to Point Lookout,
where many of them died.
Tf any one will kindly answer the questions in begin-
ning of this or supplement the data here given, it will
be appreciated.
Confederate l/eterao.
List of Confederates buried in the Confederate lot
in the cemetery at Lexington, Ky. :
T. W. Ward, E., 30th Ark.
T. H. Hunter, C. 2d Term.
M. T. Searles, B, 20th Ala.
John D. Ives, 4Sth Tenn.
R. D. Nichols, A, 56th Ga.
A. P. Smith, G, 54th Ga.
T. O. Putman, I, 12th Tenn.
G. W. Palmer, G, 4Sth Tenn.
A. R. Sergeon, P, 2d Ark.
George A. Boykin, E, 6th Fla.
G. W. Eavins, H, 59th Ga.
L. Ross, G, Buford’s Brigade.
J. H. Jones, F, 54th Ga.
R. H. Brown, , 7th Fla.
W. Hicks, C, 59th Ga.
G. R. Phillips, G, 59th Ga.
A. S. Alligood, C, 54th Ga.
Charles A. Gordon, I. 1st Ark.
Zac Johnson, B, 1st Ala. Leg.
J. R. Butler, A, 6th Fla.
Josiah Merritt, F, 7th Fla.
E. Varner, D, 6th Fla.
Chark s Mcjones, C, 7th Fla.
Sam Ingreen, Buford’s Brig.
D. Burchfield, F, 39th Ga.
James Ross. H, 54th Ga.
R. C. Tipton, A, 54th Ga.
James Wilson, , 2d Ark.
John Seals, , 12th Tenn.
J. E. D., C. S. soldier.
N. G. Winlield, D, 3d Ga.
J. S. Barker, , 6th Fla.
A. Fowler, A. 7th Fla.
Peter Helm, D, 54th Va.
G. Foley, F, 6th Fla.
J. C. Mercer, B, 6th Fla.
J. Nawls, F, 6th Fla.
J. R. Coopland, G, 4Sth Tenn.
R. C. Steed, B, 3d Ga.
D. J. Robinette, F, 3d Ga.
G. F. Landham, H, 14th Ark.
J. C. Randolph, E, 34th Ga.
M. Drvberrv, B, 39th Ga.
C, W. Massey, C, 29th Va.
J. Deas, G, 7th Fla.
T. M. Fore, F. 43d Ala.
Wiley Pope, C. S. soldier.
P. W. Pierce, , 6th Fla.
J. W. Brooks, F, 2d Ark.
T. C. Robinson, , 48th Tenn.
Thomas Hawkins, I, 43d Ala.
J. H. Harris, F. 54th Ga.
John Jenkins, G, 9th Miss.
Burke, C. S. soldier.
Daniel?, , 6th Fla.
L. F. Krout. H. 20th Ala.
John Williams, 1st Ark. Cav.
J. S. P. Wardrope, D. 20th N. C.
R. T. Chambers. H. 34th Ga.
J. W. Hartley, C, 54th Ga.
J. Williams, F, 42d Ga.
L. K. Frisbey, G, 15th Tex.
Thomas Coker, I, 47th Tenn.
R. S. Huff, H, 54th Ga.
S. J. Williams, H, 6th Fla.
Robert Rivenback, G, 1st Fla.
James Allen, H, 56th Ga.
H. L. Tucker, A, 43d Ala.
Elijah Maddox, F, 6th Fla.
S. L. Rowan, E, 6th Fla.
John Cowen, H, 6th Fla.
James L. Sweet, , 6th Fla.
E. Hays, C, 6th Fla.
Richard Stewart, C. 30th Ala.
John Martin, — , 10th Tex. Cav.
E. A. Standridge, A, 29th N. C.
George Newman. D, ISth Ala.
C. G. Knatzar, F, Kv.
R. Fletcher, C. S. soldier.
Rodes, C. S. soldier.
W. R. Grider, Morgan’s Cav.
P. Pickens, C. S. soldier.
N. B. Buchanan, 62d N. C.
W. Rose, C. S. soldier.
James S. Ray, D, 10th Kv. Cav.
J. B. McCarty, C. S. soldier.
J. Chambers, D, 1st Kv. Cav.
O. P. Hamilton, 14th Ky. Cav.
John Whit, A, 34th Va.
J. J. Columbia, citizen prisoner.
J. McComas, Jessee’s Cav. Bat.
David Cook, citizen prisoner.
C. W. Cook, citizen prisoner.
C. Howard, A. 12th Kv. Cav.
W. R. Gains, C. S. soldier.
Hiram Taylor, C. S. soldier.
Henry Eades. citizen prisoner.
Charles W. Jones, .
Bernard Johnson, ■ . K. Cav.
William Russell, — , Tenn. Inf.
W. D. McGee. F, 11th Kv. Cav.
C. W. Savage, , Ga.
S. W. Garrett, ■ , 2d Ky. Inf.
Charles Byrne, Quirk’s Scouts.
C. A. Sanduskv, F, 5th Ky. Inf.
W.A. L.Philips, E, 5th Ky. Cav.
T.E.Thomasson, B, 2d Ky. Inf.
J. C. Griffith. B, 2d Kv. Iiif.
M. W. Virden, B, 2d Ky. Inf.
R. P. Austin, D. 5th Ky. Cav.
W.W.Weatherred I, 2 Ky.Cav.
Frank Boyd, A, 2d Ky. Cav.
A. R. Atchison, — , 2d Ky. Cav.
Dennis Burns, A, Sth Ky. Cav.
The foregoing was furnished by Comrade John
Boyd, to whom the South is indebted for years of un-
remitting zeal to preserve the noble record made by
Confederates in our great war. In a personal note
Gen. Boyd states: “You can say that there is not a
cemetery anywhere that is better kept or tended, and
there is no more lovely spot on earth than where these
brave boys sleep.”
The “old boys” of the Tennessee Confederate Sol-
diers’ Home had a good Christmas. At a special
meeting of the inmates of the Home they passed pre-
amble and resolutions, in which they say:
The benevolent ladies of Nashville, Memphis, and
Franklin have in the warm generosity of their kind
hearts contributed most liberally toward supplying us
with our Christmas dinner, reminding us most forcibly
of “ye olden times,” when “boxes of goodies to the
front” was the order of the day; and such amiable gen-
erosity is to us an assurance “strong as proof of Holy
Writ” that the charming daughters of this day are the
worthy descendants of the noble mothers of other and
darker times.
Our warmest and most heartfelt thanks are tendered
to those kindly and loving spirits, whose thoughtful
charity prompted them to include us, “the wrecks
whose broken masts and rifted decks tell us of the
shipwreck that is o’er,” in the list of remembrances on
this the natal day of our Lord and Saviour. This gen-
erous charity is most highly appreciated, and the fair
donors will ever hold a warm place in our hearts.
Signed: Jesse Taylor, Jo A. Hill, E. W. Avene, G.
S. Cotton, Jo Brady, John Dagnon, Committee.
Comrade J. H. White, Superintendent, reports it.
In the notice of J. R. Matlock published in the De-
cember Veteran, page 625, the address of his mother
should have been given as Lewisburg, Ky., instead of
Tennessee. May some one give information of him to
his aged parent!
E. A. Robinson, of Kiowa, Ind. T., desires to hear
from any of the survivors of Lieut. Gravel’s Pioneer
Corps, of Cleburne’s Division, which was in winter
quarters at Tunnel Hill, Ga., in February, 1864.
Confederate l/eterao.
The dear old army had passed away from me for-
ever, and I had been through the Confederacy. It was
the last week of the war. Gen. Lee’s army was
camped near Petersburg, and I had been there all win-
ter,, at Mrs. Richard Kidder Meade’s, to be near my
husband, who was medical director of the Army of
Northern Virginia and on Gen. Lee’s staff. Agnes
Lee had been on a visit at Mrs. Meade’s, but left Sal
urday morning for Richmond. Sunday morning I
was dressing for church, when my ambulance drove
up to Mrs. Meade’s door, and old Wilson, my faithful
old soldier driver who had always driven my ambu
lance, gave me a note from my husband saying: “The
enemy are entering Richmond. 1 do not wish to leav
you within their lines. Wilson will know when
take you.” 1 immediately put some necessary articles
in a small trunk and had it put in the ambulance, got
in. and Wilson drove off. All that day and all th tt
night we drove and drove. I do not remembei
mi:/, hut 1 do know I slept. Once in the night T awoke
and heard sounds of sorrow, and was told that they
were from Mrs. A. P. Hill’s ambulance, and that Gen.
Hill had been killed just before our army left I’
Well, we went on and on. Occasionally 1 saw
husband, and other officers would ride up and
“Mrs. Guild, we have no command; we will rally
around your ambulance.” Our poor soldiers would
come to me and ask for food, and know I had none to
give; but each day my husband. T suppose, would man-
age to get mc something to eat, for I was never hungry .
Often on that march my husband or some other i
would ride up hurriedly and speak to old Wilson, and
he would whip up the mules, and we would rush across
fields in any direction. It would be because the eneim
had cut our lines. Finally Col. Baldwin, of < Jen
Lee’s start”, came to me and gav( me fifty dollars in
greenbacks — the first, I believe, I ever had. He said
he did not know what would happen, and I might nee!
it; but I was so young and thoughtless in those days
I did not dream of danger or surrender. I was
happy on that dreadful march; everything was so
strange. T was the only lady. My husband would
often ride up to my ambulance and cheer me in every
way he could. At last, one evening at sunset, my am-
bulance Stopped, Wilson saying he had orders to halt.
By ami by several officers came up, and soon the bag-
gage-wagons. My husband ordered his servant. Na-
than, whom he had brought from the old plantation,
and who had been with him through the war, to gel
out his best clothes. He and other officers dr
themselves in their best. I asked Dr. Guild why it
was, and he replied that they might be captured, and
wanted to make a good appearance. Then my hus-
band went with me to a house near by. where 1 re-
freshed myself. Returning to the ambulance. T found
all the officers lying around on the ground with their
military cloaks thrown over their faces, asleep in the
moonlight. It was a strange sight. I got in my am-
bulance, and was soon asleep myself. When T awoke
it was daylight, and we were moving. Soon my hus-
band came to mc and said there might be a fight there,
but that T was in no danger, and must not be fright-
ened. He took me out of the ambulance and put me
in a gully, barricaded it with wagons, and told old
Wilson to keep the ambulance ready, so he could put
me in it. and where to take me if certain things hap-
pened; but just then an officer rode up and said there
was a house a mile off, and my husband put me in
the ambulance and took me there. It was the home
of Gen. Morton, and he made me welcome, and took
me to a room on the first floor, where my husband
bade me good-by and returned to Gen. Lee. 1 [i
hardly left me. when a body ‘if our men and a pai
the enemy met in a skirmish right in front of my room.
When it was over 1 laid my hat. watch, and chain <>|Y.
and went to bathe my face, just as my door was burst
open and a Dutch soldier, with pistol in his hand,
came in, cursing the Rebels. I said not a word, but
quietly left the room. I found the whole house filled
with soldiers. I saw an officer, and told him what had
happened, and he instantly went with me. I found
my watch and chain gone, but was too glad to escape
with that to murmur. I heard that Gen. John Gib-
Kin, wlin used to be a dear old armv friend, was near.
Confederate Ueterap
and I asked if I could send him a note. Immediately
a man was sent with my little penciled note to Gen.
Gibbon, and quickly a reply came, saying he would
come to me; and he came even while I was reading
his note, the same kind old friend. He put a safe
guard around the house; but, notwithstanding that, the
next morning a negro soldier came to my room, but,
as they had always been my slaves, I did not feel afraid
of him. I ordered him out, and he went. Our little
Indian boy, Joe, whom we had since he was seven
years old (then twelve), was with me. Then my hus-
band came and told me of the surrender, and he broke
completely down when he spoke of Gen Lee.
Well, we left Appomattox Court-House. My am-
bulance followed Gen. Lee’s, which was empty, he
riding with his staff and those of the army who went
with him to Richmond. I shall never forget how, as
Gen. Lee rode away from Appomattox the Union sol-
diers cheered and cheered him. He was grander to
me on that sad march back to Richmond than he ever
was after one of his great victories. Often on that
march he would come to my ambulance early in the
morning with a cup of coffee, depriving himself for the
only woman who was on that sorrowful, hopeless
march. We would all, from the highest officer to the
humblest soldier, have given him our last drop of
water or food, we loved him so; and on that march,
when we would camp near a house, they would pre-
pare their best for Gen. Lee; but he would sleep in his
tent or on the ground with his staff, and say that I must
go and have what was prepared for him. How pro-
voked they must have felt to see a forlorn little woman,
instead of Gen. Lee! When we reached Richmond we
all separated. I never saw Gen. Lee again, but my
husband went back to Richmond to see him; and now
I feel sure they are not very far apart in heaven. And
for me,
Would those hours could come again, with their thorns and
I would give the hopes of years for those bygone hours.
Dr. Lafayette Guild was a native of Tuscaloosa, Ala.,
and a nephew of the late Judge Jo C. Guild, of Nash-
ville, Tenn. When the great war broke out he was a
surgeon in the U. S. Army and on .duty in California.
He resigned and went on to Richmond, Va., with Gen.
A. S. Johnston, and became a surgeon in the Army of
Northern Virginia. When Gen. Lee took command
of the army he telegraphed: “Send me Dr. Lafayette
Guild.” He appointed him on his staff, and made him
medical director of the Army of Northern Virginia.
Gen. Lee was very fond of and confidential with Dr.
Guild. His report to Gen. Lee of the battle of Gettys-
burg is a part of the commander’s official report in the
“War Records.” After the war Dr. Guild commenced
the practise of medicine in Mobile, Ala., in partnership
with a brother of Admiral Raphael Semmes. He died,
however, soon after going to Mobile.
In the list of chapters, U. D. C., reported in the De-
cember Veteran the officers of some were not given,
not having been reported to the Recording Secretary.
.Among them was the chapter at Rock Hill, S. C., of
which Mrs. R. T. Fewell is President and Miss Eliza-
beth Sherfesee, Secretary.
I notice in the Veteran for November the statement
of Col. George A. Ellsworth, who was Gen. John H.
Morgan’s telegraph-operator, regarding Gen. Mor-
gan’s capture of Gallatin, Tenn., in August, 1862. I
am the J. N. Brooks whom he mentions, one of the
men now living, and remember the occurrence as well
as though it were yesterday. Col. Ellsworth’s state-
ment is in the main correct, but he fails to go into the
particulars of my capture. I suppose he was in so
many raids it is but natural that he would overlook
some of the minor features of this one.
I was employed by the Louisville and Nashville Rail-
road Company as agent at Gallatin, and had charge of
the freight, express, and telegraph offices. About day-
break August 12, 1862, I heard some one coming up-
stairs to my room, and thinking it was my porter, who
usually went up about that time with fresh water,
thought nothing of it, and turned to go to sleep, but
was aroused by a voice saying: “Surrender! I demand
it in the name of Gen. John Morgan.” I instantly
found myself looking down the barrels of four navy
revolvers. Col. Ellsworth and his associate had one
in each hand. I was ordered by Col. Ellsworth to
get up and dress myself. After putting on my pants
and boots he allowed me to look down the barrel of his
revolver again, asking me if I had any money. I said.
“Yes,” and handed him my pocketbook, which he
took, and counted the contents, saying, “Forty dol-
lars,” and handed me back the empty pocketbook. He
then asked if that was all I had. I replied that it was,
but now confess that I told a falsehood, for I had $500
in a leather pocketbook between the blankets of the
bed. I was then ordered down-stairs to open up the
office and to find out where the trains were and wheth-
er on time or not. In doing this I worked as awk-
wardly as I dared, in order that the operators on the
line would detect something wrong. Shortly after-
ward Col. Ellsworth, keeping me under guard, took
charge of the instrument After working a short time,
Jimmy Morris, the operator at Northeast Nashville,
suspected that something was wrong at Gallatin, and
he called me up and asked if I got that bottle of nitric
acid he sent me a few days ago. Col. Ellsworth turned
to me and asked the same question, and I answered
no. He then allowed me to look down the barrel of
his revolver again, saying that if I told him a falsehood
he would blow the top of my head off. I still stuck to
my answer, and he went back to the instrument and
gave Morris some indefinite answer. Well, within five
minutes after I had denied receiving the bottle I re-
membered the circumstances. Jimmy had sent me a
bottle of whisky, and labeled it “nitric acid” so the
boys on the train would not drink it. Now, if the
question had been asked whether I got a bottle of whis-
ky or not, I would have answered yes; but, as I had
denied getting the nitric acid, it was too late to recall
my answer. Jimmy Morris then knew that there was
something wrong at Gallatin.
Col. Ellsworth asked me where I kept my express
money, and I told him in the desk. He then ordered
me to open it, and took out a package of money con-
taining fifty or sixty dollars that had come in the night
Confederate .
before for some lady, whose name I have forgotten, and
put that in his pocket.
About half-past seven Mr. Culp, who kept the hotel
just across from the depot, and with whom I boarded
(the father of Mr. Culp who was for a long time Gen-
eral Freight Agent of the L. and N. R. R.), came into
the depot and told me to come and get my breakfast. I
said: “How can I go? I am under guard here; but if
these guards will go with me, I will go.” They readily
agreed, and as we went out of the office we had to pass
the stairway to my room. I asked them to wait at the
foot of the stairs and allow me to run up and wash my
face, which they did. I did not care so much about
washing as I did to get my pocketbook nut of the bed.
I got it and put it in my boot-leg, we1 my face, and
came down, and we went to breakfast. Col. Ellsworth
with us. By the way, I have that same old leather
pocketbook yet.
About ten a.m. Washington Morgan, a cousin of
Gen. John H. Morgan and an officer in his command,
as I understood, came to the depot and ordered the
guards to turn me over to him. I must confess 1 be-
gan to feel quite uneasy, not knowing what he wa
with me, although I had looked down the barrels of
several revolvers during the morning. When we were
about half-way to die Public Square he broke the si-
lence by saying that he had been asked by some of the
oldest citizens (among them Col. Helms) not to harm
me, as I had treated everybody with civility, etc. After
crossing the creek he said he wanted a drink, and want-
ed it badly, and for me to take him where he could get
one. We went to a saloon, and found all the doors
closed and no one there. After reaching the next one,
and finding the front door closed, we went to the rear
and found the proprietor, who, after a little persuasion,
let us in and gave my friend what he wanted, and we
parted feeling happy, at least I did, although 1 had been
admonished not to attempt to leave the town under
any circumstances.
I returned to the depot, and about this time Con-
ductor Murphy came in with a freight from Louisville,
which was taken charge of by Maj. Dick McCann and
unloaded. After the war I became well acquainted
with Maj. McCann, and we often talked over the cap-
ture of Gallatin. I laughed at him undertaking to
break the spokes of the drivers of the engine with an ax.
About two o’clock that day you would have thought
there was a circus in town. People came in from far
and near, and hundreds of wagons came and loaded up
with the government stores taken from this train, and
before night they were all gone. Nearly every farmer
in the county got more or less. There were three car-
loads of artillery horses and about fifteen of govern-
ment supplies. I was a spectator, with my occupation
gone, having been superseded by Col. Ellsworth.
I still had my pocketbook in my boot-leg, and when
I went up to my room I found a new coat, for which T
had paid $25, and my shirts, etc., absent. I looked all
around for them, and at last found that Col. Ellsworth
had appropriated them. In fact, I hardly recognized
him. About four o’clock that afternoon Gen. Morgan
commenced concentrating his forces on the Public
Square. Tie was sitting on his horse when I went up
to him and introduced myself, telling him about the
money and clothing that had been taken from me and
by whom. The General replied that he had no right
to take those things from me, and said he would see
that I got them back again. I never saw the General
after that, but believe if he had lived he would have-
complied with my request. Gen. Morgan was an ex-
ceedingly fine-looking man, affable and pleasant, at
least to me.
I remained in Gallatin the following day, and about
nine o’clock the day after I took the telegraph instru-
ment out, put it under my arm, and started for Louis-
ville, getting into a large corn-field adjoining the depot,
by the side of which the railroad track extendc
about three-quarters of a mile. Nearing the end of this
field I heard the clattering of horses’ feet on the pike.
My heart was in my mouth, as I thought Gen. Mor-
gan’s cavalry was looking for me. I lay down in the
corn-field until the sound of feet had died away, and
nothing was heard but the rustling of corn-blades. when
I ventured to renew my journey. Arriving at the
fence on the pike, I could see no one. and I crossed the
road into another ce>rn-field. Having gone through
this. 1 went to the railroad track, and along it to South
Tunnel ; then got the section boss to take me to Frank-
lin. K v., 1 m his hand-car, taking the train for Louisville.
J. T. Blount, Water \ alley, Miss.:
The reference made by C. E. Merrill in the Decem-
ber VETERAN to the’ nerve exhibited by Capt. Roland
W. Jones, who was so desperately wounded at the bat-
tle of Franklin, awakens memories of the past. The
incident is well remembered by Col. M. D. L. Ste-
phens, of this place, who commanded the Thirty-First
Mississippi Regiment, and who was also badly wound-
ed, and was with Capt. Jones and others in the Mc-
Gavock House at the time. Capt. Jones was from this
county (Yalobusha), and commanded a company in
Rayburn’s Battalion. He not only saved enough of
himself “to make a cavalryman,” but he also lived to
serve his country in civil life with equal honors as those
won upon the bloody field at Franklin. He married
one of the ladies who waited on him while wounded,
and the children of that union are now of the first
people of this state. Capt. Jones never fully recovered
from his wounds, and died about four years ago, the
soul of honor and loved by all who knew him.
Col. Stephens had good cause to remember the con-
versation that occurred, for, after turning from Capt.
Jones, the surgeon said to him: “Well, Colonel, we will
certainly have to amputate your leg.”
Col. Stephens himself was too weak to refuse, but
there was a Dr. Wall present, who had promised the
Colonel not to allow his limb taken off, and he pro-
tested: and when the surgeon seemed determined he
said: “I promised Col. Stephens I would not allow his
leg taken off, and I will shoot the first man who puts
a knife on it.”
The surgeon remarked, “Well, there is no use being
a fool about it!” and walked off.
Col. Stephens recovered, and is to-day in full enjov-
ment of health and limbs. He is Commander of Feath-
erston Camp No. 517, United Confederate Veterans.
W. F. Brittingham, a Confederate naval veteran, who
for some seven years past has been engaged in busi-
ness in New York City, and was an officer of the Con-
federate Veteran Camp there,, has removed to Charles-
ton, W. Va., and is interested in the daily Gazette.
Confederate .
Botetourt County, Va., December 20, 1864.
Charming Nettie: Is it a dream, or have I really been
a soldier for the last four years? is a question I fre-
quently ask myself nowadays; for here in this old Vir-
ginia country home of genuine kindness and hospital-
ity — where I take my place three times a day at a
bountifully provided table; sleep on a feather bed, be-
tween clean, white sheets; hear the chatter and laugh-
ter of little children; and may, when I choose, listen
to the low, sweet voices of refined and cultured wom-
en or the music evoked by skilful fingers from a me-
lodious piano — there is little to remind me of the cruel
war except a pair of crutches, my missing limb, and the
empty sleeve of my genial host, Capt. John J. Allen
The crutches are “out of mind as soon as out of sight;”
my wound has healed nicely, and gives no pain; the
Captain is post-quartermaster at Buchanan, and always
there during the day — and so, whether talking with the
ladies in parlor or library or (he taking snuff and I
smoking a long-stemmed pipe) sitting with Judge Al-
len, of the Court of Appeals of the state, in his cozy lit-
tle law-office in the yard, and thinking lazily of a future
that is always to be happy, I can easily — too easily, per-
haps — forget my comrades of brigade, regiment, and
even company, who are struggling and suffering in the
cause of the South.
It is the most selfish of selfishness, but I can not
help it. This peace and plenty, rest and content, are
too pleasant and soothing to mind and body to be dis-
turbed by thoughts of either my own past or the hard-
ships of my dearest friends.
Trust no Future, howe’er pleasant!
^ 1 Let the dead Past bury its dead!
Act, act in the living present!
Heart within and God o’erhead!
may have been, when written, good advice to the civil-
ians of that day, but is not applicable in its entirety to
a fellow in my situation. “Let the dead past bury its
dead” is doctrine to which I willingly submit, but /
must trust the future, for in it lie all my hopes and am-
bitions. As for acting “in the living present,” that is
so diametrically opposed both to bodily condition and
to feelings that I absolutely refuse to obey the injunc-
tion. I want and I need repose, and nowhere can I
find it in such perfection as among these kind and
thoughtful friends here in the mountains of Virginia.
I speak of home so seldom that young Mrs. Allen ex-
pressed surprise the other day at my apparent apathy.
“Why, Miss Lizzie,” said I, addressing her by the
name I used to call her when, as a callow youth two
years her junior and she a young lady out in society,
I claimed her as a sweetheart, “I am so sure of going
home that I am just luxuriating in the first feeling
of certainty permitted me since June, 1861 ! ”
“That statement is not very complimentary to your
sweetheart,” said she. “Don’t you want to see her? *’
The question placed me fairly on the horns of a di-
lemma — the one, natural gallantry; the other, regard
for truth. To add to my embarrassment, Miss Eva,
the Captain’s sister, entered the room in time to hear
the question, but not the prelude to it, and she also
insisted on an answer. I hemmed and I hawed, tried
the efficacy of a joke I had never known to fail, and
went off at a tangent on half a dozen other subjects,
but all in vain; the ladies held me relentlessly to the
inquisitorial rack, and in self-defense and to escape a
lie I had to reply: “No; not a bit more than to see
my mother and sisters. She is as much a certainty
as they.”
“Maybe not,” mischievously remarked Miss Eva;
“ladies change their minds sometimes.”
“My sweetheart is not of that sort,” I proudly re-
plied. Don’t you think I am right?
Whether because of previous long fasting or the
keen, invigorating air of these mountains, my appe-
tite has become a veritable tyrant, so insatiate in its
demands as almost to ignore the law of physics that no
two bodies can occupy the same space at the same
time. In camp my grievance was not getting enough
to eat; here it is inability to eat enough of the plenty
I get either to satisfy the cravings of the corporeal
system or the hospitable solicitude of entertainers As
the last forkful of meat on my plate starts to reenforce
its predecessors the Judge lifts another slice of ham,
corned beef, or turkey from the dish, and, if not warned
to desist, lays it silently before me. The other folks at
the table are equally attentive.
Just before I left Richmond to come up here the
Veteran came to see me, and, as he had been consid-
erate enough to bring his rations along, I could afford
to ask him to dinner. Ravenous as was my appetite,
the provender furnished by the hospital was barely suf-
ficient for one grown man, let alone two. We had a
jolly day of it, for he brought both the latest news
and the latest jokes from camp. One of the jokes was
on Jim Cosgrove, who helped me off the field on the day
I was wounded. Cosgrove is fond of fun and excite-
ment, plays a practical joke on a comrade whenever
he can, and is always making himself heard. One day
when rations were slenderest and he hungriest he said
to his messmate: “I would eat anything in the world
— snails, frogs, grasshoppers, dogs, rats; anything but
cats. I draw the line at those cussed, sharp-clawed,
treacherous creatures.”
“I helped eat a cat once,” remarked Babe reminis-
cently and with a far-off look in his hungry eyes, “and
it was good too; and I shouldn’t object to the leg of
one right now.”
“But I would,” protested Cosgrove. “Just remem-
ber that, please ; and if you ever have cat for breakfast,
dinner, or supper, count me among the missing. Why,
I’d — I’d eat a buzzard sooner than a cat, any day.”
Babe made no reply, but a bright idea struck him:
Cosgrove would be on picket that night, and when he
came back next day was sure to be too famished to be
inquisitive, and he might be taught that cat was not bad
eating, after all his antipathy to it. Luckily for Babe’s
plans, an old bachelor citizen lived near camp, whose
most cherished pet was a half-grown, fat, and sleek
pussy, that was in the habit of taking a nightly stroll
through the camp. That night Babe lay in wait for
it, and next morning its remains swung from the rafters
of its captor’s little cabin, and later in the day became
the principal ingredient of a “rabbit” pie, so called in
deference to Cosgrove. The intended joke would be
too good for one man, besides Babe didn’t care to be
alone with Cosgrove when the truth was revealed to
him, and so he invited a friend to dine with them.
Qopfederate .
“What have you got in the skillet to-day, old man?”
asked Cosgrove when, released from duty, and standing
before the mess fire, he caught a whiff of savory odors.
“The fattest little cotton-tail rabbit you ever saw,”
responded Babe with a childlike smile.
“It smells good, anyhow,” remarked Cosgrove ap-
provingly. “Isn’t it most done? ”
“Yes,” answered his messmate; “get off your traps,
and take a fair start with us.”
Soon the three were seated around the skillet, busily
consuming its contents.
“Umph!” grunted Cosgrove as he closed his teeth
on a juicy morsel; “if this isn’t good enough eatin’ for
Gen. Lee! Where’d you get it, Babe? ”
“Out of a hollow stump.” answered his comrade,
with his mouth almost too full for utterance.
The skillet was soon sopped clean enough to bake
a cake in. Then, with his feet high up on the jamb of
the fireplace, Jim folded his hands across In- corpo
rosity and said in his mellowest tone: “Lord! Lord!
Lord! how good that mess was. and how peaceful J
feel! Why, Babe, a five-year-old child could play with
me now, and I could be amiable even to a Yankee.”
Babe looked at Jim a moment, took his stand in the
doorway, and. discovering that retreat was possible,
remarked: “I thought you didn’t like cat, Jim? ”
“Cat?” shouted that suddenly surprised gentleman;
“eat? Is it a cat I’ve been eatin” ”
“Of course it is.” said the guest; “and it’s powerful
good eatin’ too.”
Cosgrove turned pale as a ghost, and endeavored to
get rid of the portion of flu:- animal he had appropriated,
but in vain. His digestion had not been worked to ils
limit for a long time, and it clung’ successfully to its
prey. Then he gut mad. but Babe Metcalf was out
of sight and hearing, and the guest could not be held
responsible for any deception, and so poor Cosgrove
had to stomach both the cat and the joke.
“But,” said the Veteran, “you’d better not say ‘cat’
to him when you meet; he has already thrashed one fel-
. low within an inch of his life for just mewing like a eat.”
William L. Royall, in a letter to the Richmond Times:
When you start on your excursion over the battle-
field the first thing to arrest your attention is the num-
ber of monuments and memorial stones. You can
scarcely go twenty yards in any direction without run-
ning upon one of these, and all to commemorate the
performance of some Federal command. So far as I
saw, there is not one to speak of the heroic valor dis-
played upon that world-renowned held by Southern
men. They performed deeds there that will live for-
ever in the ballads of men, but the monuments to those
deeds rest in memory alone. All the world knows the
battle of Gettysburg was fought July 1-3, 1863. The
first day’s battle was an unexpected engagement be-
tween about twenty-two thousand of Ewell’s and Hill’s
Corps and the First and Eleventh Federal Corps of
about the same number. It resulted about 4 p.m. of
that day in the total rout and almost destruction of the
two Federal corps. They flew pell-mell through the
streets of I rettysburg to the “heights” immediately be-
hind the town.
The criticisms that have been made upon Gen. Long-
street’s part in the battle of the 2d and 3d of July relate
to two points. It is said that when Gen. Lee saw how
the enemy was routed and demoralized on July I he
wanted the attack pressed at once, and told Gen. Long-
street that evening to get his two divisions (Hood’s
and McLaw’s) up and attack Meade’s left at daylight
of the 2d. Gen. Longstreet was in the open field to the
Confederate right of Gettysburg with Gen. Lee at 5
P.M. of the 1st, and den. Lee then told him with em-
phasis, in reply to his suggestion that our army should
file around Meade’s right and threaten Washington,
that if Meade was there next me>rning he should at-
tack him. Both knew that the part of Meade’s army
which had arrived was utterly beaten, even routed, and
they knew a great part of his army was not up. 1 1
street knew the attack was to be made next day : he
could see there was no enemy that amounted to any-
thing between Gettysburg and Round Top. Hood’s
and .McLaw’s Divisions reached Marsh Creek, on the
Chambersburg road, at 12 p.m. of the night of July 1,
which is only three miles from the seminary. They
could have been given two hours rest and marched to
the seminary before it was light. . . .
I have said that I saw no Confederate monument
upon the battle-field of Gettysburg, and this is substan-
tially but not literally true. Where Pickett’s Virgin-
ians, led by the glorious Gen. Armistead, broke ovei
the stone wall a block of granite has been set up by the
Gettysburg Memorial Association, 1 believe. This
sti me marks the spot wh< re Gen. Armistead received his
mortal wound. It has on it these words only: ” Brig.
Gen. Lewis \. Armistead, C. S. A., fell here July 2,
1863.” This simple inscription will quicken the pulses
and move the hearts of men for many \ ears to come.
Just by the spot, to the left, stands a granite monument
to Cowan’s hirst New York Battery, which bears the
inscription Upon it. “Double canister at ten yards,”
and the inscription states that Confederates came with-
in ten yards of the guns. This monument is all of fifty
\ ards inside of the st> me wall.
J. Earl Preston, Esq., of Navasota. Tex.:
At the battle near Resaca. Ga., in the campaign from
Dalton to Atlanta, the Forty-Second Alabama, Baker’s
Brigade, was engaged. Lieut. -Col. Lanier, command-
ing regiment. Capt. McNeil (Company A”) acting as
major. First Lieut. T. P. Preston, commanding Com-
pany A 1 1 food’s Corps), made the celebrated, although
unsuccessful, charge on Sherman’s breastworks. My
brother was mortally wounded near those works. He
was taken prisoner, and sent to a Federal field hospi-
tal. The surgeon wdio dressed his wounds, at the re-
quest of my brother, wrote to another brother, lion.
S. S. Preston, of Wilson County, Tenn.. to send him
some money and clothing, which was promptly done,
in care of the Federal surgeon, whose name is not re-
membered. Nothing more has ever been heard of
Lieut. Preston, except that he died of his wounds.
His widow (now dead) soon after the war went to
Resaca and visited the battle-field, to see if she could
locate his grave. There were the usual trenches into
which the killed were tumbled and covered with Geor-
gia soil, but no mark or name showed who the patriots
were. This good wife could never find her husband’s
grave. If that surgeon is living, we would be grat-
ified to hear from him. I le amputated my brother’s leg.
Qorjfederate l/eterai}.
Confederate l/eterag.
S. A. ( rsNlM.iiAM. Editor and Proprietor.
Office: Methodist Publishing House Building, Nashville, Tenn.
This publication is the persona] property oi s. A, ‘ unningbam. All
one who approi »■ its principles, and realize its benefits as an organ for
Associations throughout the South, are req nested t” < imend its patron-
age and to oooperate in extending it.
Unusual difficulties have occurred in presenting just
what was desired in this issue of the Veteran. The
extensive space necessary to print the list of Camp
Chase prison dead — and it seemed best to have it com-
plete in one number — compels postponement of some
articles regarded with special concern. Of these, the
most important are reports of the Daughters of the
Confederacy in Texas, in Missouri, and in Maryland.
Let all who have reports for the Daughters to go in the
February number send them in as soon as practicable.
A serious complication arose in connection with the
award of the $200 or piano premium for the most suc-
cessful solicitor of new subscriptions. It is in the hands
of a committee, and may not be decided in time for the
closing pages of this number.
Profiting by that experience, it is sincerely hoped that
all will be perfectly clear in giving the rewards offered
for March 1. These rules will govern the distribution
of $100 due at that time:
New subscriptions only will be counted, the names
all to be reported and money paid. No information
will be given other than that printed in the Veteran
as to the progress of the competition. The person
sending the largest number of subscriptions by March
1 will be paid $50; the next largest, $30; the next, $15;
and the fourth will receive $10. This last prize has
been increased from $5, so the prizes for March 1 ag-
gregate $105.
In addition, those who fail to secure one o f the cash
prizes will be allowed to select some premium offered
for the number of subscriptions to their credit. In this
way every person may be compensated for all the work
done. There is no lottery in this. It is a means of-
fered to put the Veteran in the homes of more and
more people, in the hope that lasting good may be ac-
complished. Those desirous of competing for these
prizes will be furnished sample copies and report-blanks
on application. Letters mailed February 28 will be
“Peace and good will to men” is a beautiful senti-
ment. The Union and its preservation under the old
flag, the flag of our fathers, is the only hope of the
American people for the system of inherited govern-
ment. Appreciation for every kindness extended to
Confederate veterans by those who fought for the Un-
ion is universal, and tributes from them to the honor
of our dead comrades fill Southern hearts with grat-
itude. Even the antipathy for the term “blue and
gray” is subdued by this gratitude. But our former
enemies who are acting so nobly in these things must
bear with our less liberal people when the vandalism of
their war comrades is considered. The Veteran is
consistently diligent to go far in the line of reconcilia-
tion, much as it sympathizes with those who are irrec-
oncilable to the policy of pouring oil on the disturbed
In this connection the cruelties perpetrated by — let
us hope foreigners and hirelings — men in blue uniforms
are recalled from nearly all sections of our Southland,
and “spring up as the deadly upas.”
There is a painful illustration of these terrible things
in an old Natchez (Miss.) Courier of February 18, 1867,
that happens to be at hand, copied from the Holly
Springs Reporter, which tells of an army of twenty
thousand at that place, under Gen. Smith, in August,
1864. A non-combatant, a worthy gentleman, lived
there, whose wife was so dreadfully ill of an incurable
malady that a shroud had been made for her burial, and
it was kept under her pillow, to be ready at her deat’a.
Some Federal soldiers in search of plunder entered the
sick-room and rudely took her off the bed and laid her
on the floor, that they might search the bed for valua-
bles. They found the shroud, and it attracted their
special attention. They inspected it thoroughly, ma-
king most profane and jesting remarks, and one of the
fiends put it on over his uniform and yelled and danced
around the room in it. Afterward they tore it into
shreds and decorated themselves by putting the strips
on their hats and clothes, all the time yelling like de-
mons. The horrid shock was too much for the frail
constitution of this Southern lady, and the next day,
without her beautiful shroud, she was buried in her
mother earth, and her soul doubtless entered into a
“peace that passeth understanding.”
The Veteran would heal all wounds as effectively as
possible. For the good of the country in the coming
years it chooses to record the pleasant things, but jus-
tice demands that much consideration be had for those
who suffered as did the family of this poor woman, if
they refuse to exult in these comminglings.
Let us in this connection revert to the deportment of
the Confederate army under Gen. Lee when it invaded
Pennsylvania, and consider the contrast.
The fact that the Veteran has entered its sixth year
without a known unkind criticism creates intensest de-
sire to continue to the end in so upright and patriotic
a manner as to have mankind North and South say:
“Well done!” The cooperation of gallant men who’
fought throughout the war to perpetuate the Union and’
now honor Confederates as patriots and heroes argues
more for the future of oui great country than is us. ally
appreciated, and the Veteran ‘will do all in its power
to honor them and to strengthen the Union for which
they risked their lives ; but nothing under the sun can
induce it to ignore the consideration for noble people
of the South who were robbed and insulted without
ever having done aught to induce the villainy.
Confederate l/eterao
An officer who served in the Union army possesses
the flag from which this picture is engraved. He
would like to return it, and makes inquiry through the
Veteran. He writes that it was captured by the Sec-
ond Brigade. Second Division, Army of the Cumber-
land, at Rockwell. Ga., during the Atlanta campaign.
The words under “( iwinnette Cavaliers” are “I lur
State and Union,” and in the columns, •’Wisdom. Jus-
tice, Moderation.” Write the Veteran.
John W. II. Porter, a comrade of Stonewall Camp
Confederate Veterans, writes from Portsmouth. Ya.:
On page 561 of the November number of the Vet-
eran are published certain statistics purporting to give
the strength of the Confederate armies January I, 1864.
and the number of men paroled April 9, 1865, and
among them I find the following: “The largest mus-
ter-roll of the Confederacy for troops ready for duty
at any one time was on January 1, 1864 — 472,781.”
There is a difference of more than 250,000 between
this and the Confederate official reports. According
to those reports. Gen. Lee began the campaign in Vir-
ginia in 1864 with 64.000 men of all arms, and was re –
enforced before the army reached Petersburg by Pick-
ett’s Division, 5.000; Breckinridge’s command, 2,200;
Hoke’s Brigade of Early’s Division, 1,200; and by
Hoke’s Division, 5.500 — making a total of 77,900. In
addition to these there were in the valley a force of
3,000 men composed of regular troops, the Virginia
Military Institute cadets, and home guards, for the de-
fense of Lynchburg, thus making the total force in Vir-
ginia of all kinds and conditions 80,900. Breckinridge
joined after the battle of New Market, and the com-
mands of Pickett and Hoke took part in the defeat of
Butler at Drcwry’s Bluff, and their losses in that en-
gagement are included in this report.
Gen. Johnston had with him at Dalton at the begin-
ning of that campaign 45.000 men, and was rcenforced
bv Polk’s Corps of 14,200 men from near Vicksburg
and 4,000 cavalry, making a total of 63,200. He was
subsequently rcenforced by 3,000 Georgia militia under
Gen. G. W. Smith, thus swelling his army to 66.200.
Gen. Kirbv Smith’s official report gives the total
present for duty west of the Mississippi — in Arkansas,
Louisiana, and Texas — at 18.180 infantry, 10.000 cav-
alry, and 2,000 artillery — in all, 30,1?
These were all the troops the l onfederacy had in the
field in 1804. except tin detached cavalry commands
of Forrest and Morgan and the garrisons of .Mobile,
Savannah, Charleston, and Wilmington, with a few
scattered battalions here and there on outpost duty. I
am sure 30,000 would be an overestimate for them all.
Now ht us add tin si together:
Under ( ien. I .ee, in Virginia 80,900
Under 1 ien. Johnston, in » ieorgia 66,200
Under Gen. Smith, in Trans-Mississippi. 30,180
\l other posts 1 if duty 30,000
Total 207,280
As these figures are taken from the official reports ■ !
the Confederate commanders, and are -‘05.000 below
tin’ statistics compiled (or the Veteran, it is incum-
bent upon the compiler to state in what part of the I
federacy those men were doing duty.
The state -incut also that there were 174,223 Confed-
erate soldiers paroled April 9, 1865. is very misleading.
Below I give you the total number of Confederal” – in
the field who were surrendered then and subsequent to
that date, taken from tin most reliable souri
l’.\ Gen. 26,000
Bv Gen. Johnston 27,500
By Gen. Taylor 10,000
1 \y Gen. Jones 8,000
By Gen. Thompson 7-454
By ( ‘.en. Smith 20,000
Total 98.954
( >f course there were a number of civilians who :
1I1. oath after the surr “it they should not be
counted as soldiers.
The Sioux City (Iowa) Journal states:
The organization of the Confederate Veterans’ Em-
ployment Bureau in New < Means indicates the ear-
nestness of the Southern people in their efforts to care
For the broken and aged veterans who served in the
Southern arum s. In some states pensions are pro-
vided for the dependent ex-Confederates, but the mea-
ger revenues of the states makes this but a partial rem-
edy for the unfortunate situation. The veterans are
growing old and are being crowded out of the offices
and workshops b\ younger men. hence the organiza-
tion of this association or bureau in New Orleans to as-
sist them to bread-earning positions.
Hon. John M. Thompson, living in the vicinity of
where the battle of Nashville was fought, states that
last summer Mr. L. G. Puckett. of Winchester, Ind..
was at his home. When looking over the battle-field
of the second day’s fight around Nashville, in 1864,
Mr. Puekett said he was in the last charge made
against our lines on that day, and that he had in his
possession a dinner-bucket taken from a battery sta-
tioned about two hundred yards west of the Franklin
pike. He would like to return the bucket. It has the
name of the captain of the battery on it.
Confederate .
Mrs. Kate Lee Shaw Nichols, a daughter of one of
Forrest’s soldiers, gives the following as literally true:
A sultry August noon, with the sun’s piercing rays
beaming down upon two little figures trudging up a
long, dusty lane.
“Somehow it seems awful far to-day, Milly. May-
be, though, it’s because I have such a headache.”
“Hurry on, Mary; we’ll soon be there. Just think
how hungry sister must get waiting for her dinner!”
They quickened their footsteps, and soon reached a
stone stile leading into a cool, shady yard, in the cen-
ter of which stood a low, rambling log house, with here
and there a room added to suit the fancy of its owner.
When they entered the front room a scene of disor-
der and confusion confronted them. It was plain that
something had happened, for there on the lounge lay
Aunt Amelia, sobbing and muttering incoherently.
Between her disjointed sentences and outbursts a
vague fear seized the children, until they asked in one
breath: “Where is George, Aunt Amelia? ”
“Those vagabond Yankees took him off to Carthage
a little while ago. Oh, dear me! I know that Miss
Sallie will be heart-broken when she hears of it.”
Mary and Milly exchanged glances. A fixed deter-
mination suddenly filled the hearts of both little girls.
Seizing their pink sunbonnets and darting out of the
door, they called back to the dazed old woman: “Tell
sister we’ve gone for George.”
In vain she called after them as they sped out the
back gate and through the orchard. On through the
meadow into the stubble-field ran the panting children,
oblivious of briers or stubble. They knew that the
road wound around many a broad acre, and, if their
strength did not fail them, they could, by going
through, overtake the Federal cavalry before they
reached the main Carthage pike. Once they paused
when a vicious dog pursued them into a yard, where
they sought refuge upon an ash-hopper. The noise of
the clattering boards and the shrieking children
brought the owner to the door in time to witness a
ludicrous scene. Perched upon one corner of the di-
lapidated hopper was a brave little creature, with one
arm clasped tightly around the smaller and younger
sister, while with the disengaged hand she hurled clods
of hardened ashes at their pursuer, and at intervals
wailed: Oh, do come and take your dog away! for
we’re in a dreadful hurry.”
Released from their embarrassing position, they fled
without any intelligible explanation. They soon spied
blue uniforms mingled with the dust in the distance.
Nearer and nearer they drew, until Mary waved her
bonnet aloft. The captain drew rein, as did the entire
company, and awaited the approach of the flushed littU
girls. They clambered over the fence, and, walking
up to the foremost man, Milly asked timidly : “Are you
the captain, sir? ”
The surprised officer answered in the affirmative.
“Then, sir, do, oh, please do, give us back George!”
A magnificent bay, bearing a ruddy-faced Dutch-
man, nickered at the sound of his name and sight of
those children.
Not waiting for a reply, the quavering little voice
hurried on: “Oh, sir! he was the only horse we had,
and we would miss him like he was one of our family.”
Mary stole to the horse’s side, and, fastening her fin-
gers in his dark mane, she looked up with eyes full of
pitiful entreaty. “Oh, Mr. Captain, do let us take him
back home, for we do love him ever so good.”
In a few polite phrases the young officer tried to ex-
plain that all such captures became Gen. Payne’s.
“But, oh, sir, just think how your own little girls at
home would feel if some big, strange men were to take
away their own dear horse! ”
The man’s face softened as he turned to the glower-
ing Dutchman and said in a low, imperative tone:
“Dismount, and give that horse to these children!”
Then, alighting himself, he took a blanket from under-
neath his own saddle, and. placing it on George, prof-
fered to assist the happy children in getting up.
What a glad pair they were returning home!
Dr. S. H. Stout, Cisco, Tex.:
After Sherman’s march from Memphis to the relief
of Chattanooga, in the fertile valley of Elk River, his
column having subsisted upon the country through
which it passed, many families were destitute of pro-
visions. The guards left to protect the bridge over
Elk River, on the line of the Nashville and Decatur rail-
road, depended upon foraging parties to procure their
subsistence. These parties had so repeatedly called
at Mrs. Dr. Upshaw’s, a mile or two south of the
bridge, that her supplies were reduced so low as to
threaten starvation. She saddled her pony and rode
alone to the headquarters of the colonel commanding
at the bridge, and told him in a polite and bland man-
ner that it was her wish that he would send a couple of
wagons to her house and get the rest of her provisions,
as she was tired of the daily visits of his foragers;
her husband being away from home, she always felt
alarmed when they came there.
The colonel expressed his pleasure at so frank an
offer, pronouncing the policy she was pursuing the
best that could be adopted by all the Rebel families in
the neighborhood. The next day he sent a commis-
sioned officer in charge of a detail of men with two
wagons to Mrs. Upshaw’s. The lady politely con-
ducted the officer to her smoke-house and corn-crib
and through every apartment in her dwelling. No-
where did he find a pound of meat or a dust of meal
or flour. Going to the kitchen, she directed the men
to put a single shoulder of bacon and a bushel of corn
stored there — all the provisions she had in the world —
in their wagons. Turning to the officer, she said:
“Now, Captain, you have seen all that is left, and have
it in your wagons ; please notify the fact to your colonel,
and tell him I hold him to his promise not to permit his
foraging parties to come here again.”
Qoofederate l/eterai},
Instead of the colonel being offended, he chival-
. rously “took in” the lady’s condition, and ordered one
of the wagons full-laden with provisions to return to
Mrs. Upshaw’s with his compliments and the assur-
ance that should she at any future time be destitute of
provisions, upon notifying him of the fact, she should
be supplied. The colonel put a restraint upon indis-
criminate foraging, and afterward had little difficult)
in procuring supplies for his command from those in
the vicinity who had a surplus.
It was after this period that Sherman said that a
crow could not find sufficient food in that section.
S. F. Thomas, Commander of Alexander Young
Camp, U. C. V., Frederick. Md. :
In the October Veteran an article appears under
the caption of “Daughters of the Confederacy in Mary-
land,” in which the writer states that “in all the South-
ern States the Confederate dead lie in scattered graves
and villages” and that “in Maryland they have all been
brought to Baltimore by the Army and Navy Society,
C. S. A., and laid in the large Confederate burial-lot of
Loudon Park.”
Allow me to say that in Mount ( )Hve1 Cemetery,
Frederick, Md., repose the remains of about three hun-
dred Confederate soldiers who fell in the memorable
battle of Mono-
c a c y Junction,
about three miles
from our city,
each grave sur-
mounted by a
marble tomb-
stone, upon
which is in-
scribed, wher-
ever possible,
the deceased’s
name, address,
and regiment
under which he
served. There
are m a n y un-
known dead, of
whom no infor-
mation could be
secured. Facing
the long row < if
the soldier dead
in “God’s Acre,”
a noble monu-
ment rears its massive form to the sky, and stands as a
silent sentinel over the humble last resting-places of
those who gave their lives for the cause the} believed
to be jusl and right. This monument is in the form of a
private i onfederate soldii r standing at parade-rest, and
is a beautiful specimen of the sculptor’s art. It. to
gether with the front stones to the graves, was pur-
chased and erected by the loyal women of this city and
vicinity, and speaks volumes for the longevity of that
sympathj ami devotion for the South and its Lost cause
that is characteristic of its champions of both sexes in
every state of the Union. I enclose herewith a photo-
graph of the monument to go with the description.
I Miring the last few years we have organized and
maintained a camp known as Alexander Young Camp
No. 500, U. C. Y.. which numbers forty-five member-.
The graves and monument have been turned ovi
our charge, and we and our friends meet in Jun
each year and strew tin gi our comrades with
flowers and see that everything is in good condition.
The camp also meets on the 19th day of January annu-
ally, and celebrates with appropriate ceremonies the
birthday of our great general. Robert E. Lee.
J. E. Preston likes the words “heroic cure for chills.”
In the November number 1 1897) °f tne Veteran I
find two stories under the same heading in substance
as above. I believe my story (which is true) will cap
the two referred to. On the _• 1st and 22<i of Novem-
ber, 1861, the Seventeenth Alabama was encamped
near the navy-yard, about seven or eight miles below
Pensacola, Fla., and about one and one-half miles in
rear of Fort Barancas and other Confederate forts and
sand batteries, when the celebrated fight took place be-
tween Fort Pickens, on Santa Rosa Island, and two
navy ships (Federal). The ammunition of the Feder-
als was evidently faulty, because not one-half of the
shells thrown from Pickens and the two vessels ex-
ploded. Hundreds of the Yankee shells passed over
the forts and fell in and near our camp, and did no
damage, not exploding. A few days after the fight
the Eighth Mississippi (I think it was the Eighth), Col.
Chalmers (afterward general) commanding, was as-
signed to camps adjoining our regiment. Many of
them were suffering from chills. The surgeon made
the usual prescription in such cases, and suggested to
the messmate of one of the sufferers to heat a rock
and place it at the feet of the sufferer about the hour
the chill usually came on. The messmate could not
find a rock, but he found one of those unexploded, in-
nocent-looking, ten-inch Yankee shells, and rolled it
into the fire. After he thought it was hot enough he
rolled it into the sick man’s tent, raised the blankets,
and carefully placed it against his feet, and took his
seat near his friend. In a few minutes or seconds a
tremendous explosion took place. The whole camp
was aroused. Result: A demolished tent, the patient
lying about tin feel from where tin tent had stood, his
blankets on lire, .-md hi- friend, trying to stand up
claiming: “Have the Yankees opened fire again?”
Strange to say, neither of these good Mississippians
was much hurt, but it is certain that the sick man had
no more chills while the regiment remained in Florida.
\ month or so after this this regiment was ordered
to join the army either in Virginia or Tennessee, for
more active fields of usefulness in the cause we lo
The Howitzer Battery, of Richmond, Va., which has
long been the most prominent mriitarv organization in
the stale, will soon make a change in uniform from the
present blue and red to (“onfederate gray. The (
ernor has given his approval for this change. The
Howitzer Battery has a war record of which any mili-
tary 1 irganization might be proud, and it will be a pleas-
ant sight to the old members to see the company ap-
pear in the familiar gray. Capt. John A. Hutcheson
is now commander of the battery.
Qoofederate l/eterar;
The Veteran’s request for a naval reminiscence
conjures up the summer of 1861 and the pomp and
circumstance of its battles. Being too young, I was
refused membership in the Washington Artillery, so
the navy was the
only service for the
eldest of eight chil-
dren, born in New
Orleans. My father
invoked the kindly
aid of Gen. David
E. Twiggs, our
summer neighbor
at Pascagoula and
friend for many
winters in the Cres-
cent City. It was
not a trivial thing
for the General to
interview brave
Hollins in my be-
half. Gen. Twiggs
had served in tin-
war of 1812 and
under Jackson in
Florida. He was in
his seventy – first
year, and he had to
climb the Custom-
House stairs many
times for me. Al-
though second to
Gen. Scott in com-
mand of the nation-
al army, he cast his fortunes with his native Georgia.
He served under Gen. Taylor, winning distinction at
Point Isabel, and commanding the right wing at Palo
Alto and Resaca de la Palma. A sword from Con-
gress and a major-generalcy interpret Twiggs at Mon-
terey. He was then ordered to Gen. Scott’s line at
Vera Cruz in 1847. Fighting at Cerro Gordo, Gen.
David E. Twiggs planned the attack, and, storming
with his divisions the enemy’s position, carried the
main height. It is but little known that during the fa-
mous times of nullification in Charleston, S. C. (1832),
President Jackson ordered to that city, in support of
the Federal authority, Gen. Twiggs, Joseph E. John-
ston, with others, and that the war-ship “Natchez,”
sent to that harbor, was “executed” by the future ad-
miral, Lieut. David G. Farragut. It was no ordinary
sacrifice my father asked of him to climb those Cus-
tom-House stairs, and I can now appreciate that serv-
ice by one who had served in Florida in Jackson’s day.
The General sent over the gunboat “Oregon,” Capt.
A. L. Myers, the first armed vessel’s deck I had walked.
It was a bright day to run by Ship Island, where 1
saw at the foot of that spot of history the reconstruc-
tion of the uncompleted fort, Massachusetts (now
wearing the name of Twiggs). The run through the
Rigolets was a swift one, and Fort Pike made a deep
impression on my young mind. The General passed
away during the next year, at the Georgia homestead,
where he was born seventy-two years before.
“^^►.Wl^lW p *)A
Readers of the Veteran can picture me in my teens
learning from my father that the General called by
the store in his barouche, saying: “Tell George he can
pack his valise.”
The Commodore said: “I’ll send you over to the
station in Berwick’s Bay and have Lieut. Shepperd put
you under Lieut. Cenas to work you into shipshape
aboard the ‘St. Mary.’ Give my regards to the Gen-
I hopped down-stairs and made my way to his res-
idence to thank the stout old warrior for his aid, when
he bade me keep a journal and to have something in
it tip-top for his perusal. ” God bless you, George, and
keep you steadfast to the end! ”
I reported at Berwick’s Bay, some eighty miles west
by rail from New Orleans. Lieut. Francis E. Shep-
perd commanded the station, aboard the “Mobile;”
and, reporting to him, I was sent for duty to the “St.
Mary,” Lieut. Hilary Cenas. There was so much
business and scholarship and simple manners in Lieut.
Shepperd that I remember him to this day with fond
admiration. He was the first captain of the “Virgin-
ius” steamer, and it was a bold and graceful act when
he took leave of her in Caribbean waters. Lieut. Hila-
ry Cenas, of New Orleans, was a graduate of the naval
academy in 1859, serving two years before he joined
his fortunes with his native state. Lieut. Shepperd
was a North Carolinian, and was an instructor in the
academy when Lieut. Cenas graduated.
The “Mobile and the “St. Alary” were given the
duty of patrolling the waters of the Atchafalaya to the
gulf, and our cruising-ground stretched from Caillou
Bay at Last Island, on the east, to Sabine Pass, on the
west. As the “St. Mary’s” draft was two feet less than
the “Mobile’s,” we had the most of the run. There
was the blockading fleet, barred by their enormous
weight, from running close into shore. We saw one
to three or four of these vessels keeping watch of the
coast night and day.
The “Mobile” was a propeller, with crew of sixty
men. She had four guns, a bow and a stern, and two
broadside guns; while the “St. Mary” had but two
“pivots,” a breech-loading rifle forward, and a thirty-
two pounder rifle aft, with a crew of forty men. The
military importance of this station consisted chiefly
in being the channel of the supply of Texas beef cattle,
and there was a supply of fuel for the steamers, over
sixty thousand barrels of coal, lying in the yards. The
swampy shores around this station of ours afforded
fine “stomping-ground” for wild cattle, and among my
earliest forays in the service was the chasing and shoot-
ing a wild steer through the caney thickets. The steer
came at me active voice, imperative mode, present
tense; but the end of all was peace — excellent piece of
beef for our vessel. Lady Brashear, owner of much
of this region, had, with great public spirit, given us
permission to shoot all that were needed to supply the
“Mobile” and the “St. Mary,” but enjoined us to re-
port the number thus disposed of.
The authorities had located Forts Berwick and
Chene in commanding position — Fort Berwick about
four miles from Brashear City. The former was quad-
rangular-shaped, with earth parapets five feet high,
with the rear protected by palisades seven feet in
height. This fort had a moat six feet wide in front
(^opfederate Veterai)
and three feet in rear, and was loop-holed for musketry.
The garrison contained a company of infantry and one
of sappers and miners. Four twenty-four pounders
and one thirty-two pounder rifle gun were mounted in
front. Fort Chene was much like Fort Berwick, but it
had only one company of infantry and four twenty-four
pounder pivots. Lieut.-Col. Edward Fry commanded
these forts.
We had a favorite anchorage at Shell Island, fifteen
miles from Brashear City, at the junction of the main
Atchafalaya channel and Shell Island Bayou. We had
at high water nine feet on the Atchafalaya bar and
never less than four feet on the bayou. As yet no fort
had been placed on Shell Island.
After counting the hazard of hunting those wild
bayou cattle in the thickets— tierce as the famous
white cattle of Scotland — we next estimated the dan-
ger of being tired on by the guns of the blockading
fleet. The length of our patrolling was great for one
vessel to bear the chief burden; but the “St. Mary”
rejoiced in a commander perfectly at home in these
waters and vers, d in the coast-line of Caribbean waters
and always in the heartiest humor, wdiatever the obsta-
cle, lie protected with his guns the erection of two
r r
thirty-two pounders at Grand Caillou, and made a
speech to the two rom panics in their new quarters.
( In the third week’s run we lay the “St. Man ‘•’ one
night along the north shore of Last Island, deep in the
shadow eif oaks, while anticipating a party of boat
raiders from the blockade fleet. The enemy didn’t
come. I suppose because we wanted him to wade in.
Among the charts and sketch-maps of my profu-
sion, packed up in 1863 to follow me to the Confederate
States naval school on James River, was my first
drafting — a little survey of Last Island, where two
nights wire spent awaiting attack of boats from the
blockade fleet. 1 had letters from Lieut. Shepperd to
the able chief of astronomv. navigation, and surveying.
a noble ( ieorgian. My folks at home gave me a tragic
account of the devastation of Last Island in August,
1856, over two hundred lives stated to have been lost.
\t this day, three dozen years after. I recall the
pleasure of my first furlough, though one day only was
accorded me. I reached New Orleans in the night,
and the cathedral loomed grandly in the moonlight,
and sonic of the brilliance tipped the bronze horseman,
throwing expression, a- it were, into his stern vis
This replica of the grand equestrian statue in Lafayette
Park, fronting the White House, of Washington City,
attracted me as 1 speeded, light of heart and light-foot-
ed, homeward bound. 1 spent that memorable day in
the Crescent City. To a lad fresh from grammar-school
the hero of New * Irleans was a living image, and his
defense of my native city in 181 5 a reality based on
boyish enthusiasm. It was not long before the bronze
of rearing charger and horseman saluting with his
chapeau vanished, and the charm of gentle smiles and
loving words and tendercst embraces fell to the lot of
(lie sailor lad, and my sleep was long and sweet.
I started out next morning to make the most of the
day. The “McRae” was lying in the river off Canal
Street, and 1 went aboard to see my schoolmate, Mid-
shipman Sam Blanc. 1 te introduced me to the versa-
tile Mississippian, Lieut, (.’hades W. Read, the 1
utive officer of the “McRae.” The “McRae” was a
propeller of about six hundred tons, bark-rigged, and
mounted six thirty-two pounders, one nine-inch Dahl-
green gun on pivot, ami one twenty-four pounder
brass rule, also on pivot, making in all eight guns.
After examining this armament I was present
Commander Thomas B, linger. This representative
of the old navy had just returned from the Mediterra-
nean, where he had served on the first cruise of the
“Iroquois.” A quarter of a century had been spent by
him in the United States Navy.
There w sk surprise party that night at the
residence of Mrs. Alfred k n 1’rytania Si
We “dressed to kill,” wearing masks, but in full uni-
forms, not knowing “who was who.” My sister Sa-
rah paid me marked attention. Fortune favored auda-
cious Sam. and, strange to say, Delphine Blanc felt it
to be her bounden duty to render to my brother offi-
cer lur regards for the uniform. “Tin Way We Have
111 the Navy” was sung sweet ami low to him, all
of the strictly sisterly sentiment. Until the hour of
unmasking we two brethren had the rare felicity of
In ins; entertained by our respective siMcrs, and the
charm abides forever in the song:
‘Tis midnight hour, the moon shines bright,
The dewdrope blaze beneath her ray;
The twinkling stars their trembling light
Like beauty’s eyes display.
Then sleep no more, though round thv heart
Some tender dream may idlv play,
For midnight song, with magic art,
Shall chase that dream away.
I saw that my native city had derived an immense
wealth through the active cooperation of her best mer-
cantile leaders. The Mississippi Valley was consid-
ered the prize for which the war might well be w;
for its possession would decide the conflict; but who
could forsee the outcome of the civil war?
In the cabins of the “Mobile” and the “St. Mary”
I found, shortly after my return, that the comma
had studied the situation on strictly military principles.
They set down on a chart the lines of the defer
Xew Orleans, the greatest city of the I on)
Each had followed out the lines devised by them joint-
lv. using needles with colored wax heads. Tt was well
understood that Vicksburg would be the great center,
should New 1 irleans fall into Federal hands.
Moore, of Louisiana, was advised by telegram from
Confederate l/eterar?
Hon. John Slidell, January 10, 1861: “The danger is
not from St. Louis, but from sea.” The warning of
Commodore Hollins extended to the authorities at
Richmond: that the enemy would approach through
the 1 ‘asses, rather than from above the city. This had
occurred to Lieuts. Shepperd and Cenas. It is the in-
evitable that happens to Anglo-Americans; the unex-
pected in the world of Frenchmen. Four days now
had rolled by with their watch and routine work when
news came that Farragut had “slided” over the bar,
and the prophecy of the brave Hollins had come to
pass : that Farragut had come to the Passes. Prepara-
tions for “business” began from the hour the enemy
opened fire upon the lower forts, Friday, April 18.
Farragut had years before touched at one of these
forts, coming as a voyager on a vessel laden with
bricks to be laid in its walls. Shepperd and Cenas
were ordered to take both steamers “as fast as engines
can paddle” into the Mississippi, and ascend the Yazoo
before Foote could get down or Farragut get up and
make a junction against us.
We set about reaching Plaquemine, on the right
bank of the Mississippi, one hundred and eleven miles
above New Orleans, a point which made the great sea-
port midway to the Passes, the same distance below.
The Atchafalaya and Plaquemine Bayous must be trav-
ersed. Said the two commanders: “Here is Farra-
gut to come up and Foote to come down the Missis-
sippi.” Said the gentle Shepperd: “We shall get up
into the Yazoo ahead of them. Once in the Yazoo
we’ll blow our big bazoo.”
A voyage of one hundred and fifty miles through
this region must be pioneered by our steamers. With
settlements and dikes and causeways of railroads, it
would be hardly’ possible for us to-day to reperform
this navigation. We sailed in at sundown, and now 1
can see the pine-knots blaze from the sheet-iron roofs
of both pilot-houses. Lieut. Shepperd set the “St.
Mary,” with her wheel-houses and lighter build and
draft, to lead. The Atchafalaya was so narrow that
cypresses and live-oaks in many places bent their
branches over the water till they interlocked hand-
somely. But the trained commanders shut their eyes
to mere picturesqueness the better to observe the time
for action. Now, in this threading the bayous, like
Porter and Sherman up the Yazoo, who encountered
resistance and who made military engineering reports,
we had the rare fortune to fight no enemy. During
all our traverses we never knew — that is, up to May 4
— that New Orleans passed on May 1 under command
of Gen. Benjamin F. Butler. Many times — so tortuous,
so doubled and twisted, snaking in and snaking out, was
our watery way — it was hard to know which boat was
leading. The “St. Mary” was a van-ner, that we
knew; but right over there, not two hundred yards off.
steers the “Mobile” away from us, with full three miles
intervening. We had to look keenly at the binnacle
lights to determine the true course we were running.
Hickory, sycamore, oak, magnolia, cypress, and Cot-
tonwood twine the drooping vines to the surface of the
stream, and to pass our side wheels we wielded the
keenest axes and the stoutest arms continuously. We
often skirted both banks with our wheel-houses, which
made it easy to step down and out of our boat to the
precarious foothold of the bayou. We had to stiffen
the spine of our smoke-slack, “substanehionate” our
hurricane deck, brace the pilot-hous,e, reset the paddles,
replank our wheel-houses now and then. On the third
day the “St. .Mary” had hove to to rig up new braces
for the prostrate smoke-stack, to keep it from going
overboard. Now and then we “dentisted” decaying
logs, snags from the mouth of the water. For some
miles we were making a road of corduroy, and the “St.
Alary” and her mate, “Mobile,” actually tried their
skating powers. For all this we expected that when
that flood of waters subsided and the cruel war was
over we would be remembered as heroes
In the days when we were pioneers, oh, fifty years ago!
With all the excitement and toil of day and night —
watch and watch — we had felt the isolation of this
gloomy region, shut off from the world and news.
Without news this world, you know, is all a fleeting
show. We hadn’t heard of our surrendered city just
at the time when our hearts were the sorest over her
fate. We were drawing nigh to the business of war.
As we drew nigh to the quaint, romantic village of
Plaquemine we gladly noted the first smoke spiraling
from her peaceful chimneys, getting ready for the
morning feast, and the clinkle, clankle, clinkle of the
bells of cattle in the thickets cropping the dew-
sprinkled herbage were musical — at least, till the charm
of voices reached our ears — after our solitary pilgrim-
age, progressing through dense, dark, swampy regions.
The “St. Mary” now let the “Mobile” precede her, and
both ships seemed to straighten up and roll along, feel-
ing already the propulsive power of the glorious king
of floods. Quaint and picturesque, this waterside
townlet captured our gaze. No telegrams at this
point, so we boatmen did not tarry. Lieut. Cenas
waved his gay cap and his features brightened. “Hur-
rah! we’ve beat the Yanks! We’ve axed and sawed
and planed our way, traveling toward the “Arkansaw.”
I say, Frank, and gentle shepherd of my soul, we’re De
Sotos now. We’ve discovered the Mississippi, and
we’re ready for the enemy.”
We were now rolling northward, and we exulted;
yet we saw the lessening town-picture with regret. Its
picturesqueness has not been forgotten through all
these five and thirty years. I had never been so far
north of my native New Orleans, and I sighed for
home and kindred. But the sigh arose from the en-
C^opfederate Ueterap.
trancing notes of the mocking-bird’s “singing all the
day.” The majestic King of Floods rolled our ships
like a sea. The boom of a crevasse just above Baton
Rouge startled us as if Foote or Farragut had opened
their cannonade upon us. The suction was tremen-
dous, and many a stouter craft than ours has had to
strain fearfully to escape from the vortex.
As a voyager on the Mississippi for the first time,
I found much of interest. On each side were wide
clearings, on which were mansions of many rich plan-
tations, bordered by swamps covered with cypress
trees and lying lower than the river. The Mississippi,
[ike the Nile, was now running upon a ridge, the
ground sloping gently to these mi Tasses.
The little obscure post village, Hickey’s Landing —
Port Hudson, as it is known to fame equal with \
burg— loomed off our starboard bow about nine
o’clock, with the moon struggling behind cloud banks
like a ship striving with wave and weather. 1 hardly
knew the name Port Hudson as yet, the steamboat
landing being the ruling word. There was something
about the distant eminence and the bends of the mighty
river on either shore that caught my fancy as 1 stood
the watch. My commander joined me suddenly and
addressed me rather gravely. Replying kindly to my
questions and making clear in his happiest vein, Lieut.
Cenas added: ” I guess, Waterman, we’ll have a chance
in a few days or this summer to make things lively;
and you may find something yet for our mutual friend,
Gen. Twiggs, if the old gentleman is alive now over
there in Georgia. So keep notes for your journal. I
had to do it in my middy days, but it was over in
This landing commanded the mouth of Red River,
where many thousand head of beef-cattle must be
brought for our use, as well as for other forces toward
the Atlantic. The distance we now had covered from
Plaqucminc (one hundred and eleven miles above New
Orleans) to Port Hudson was one hundred and fiftv
six miles, and we had yet to make one hundred and
ninety-eight miles to strike the burg of Yick, below
the mouth of the Yazoo.
Fort Adams is a civic namesake of a bright little
landing-town. It has its historian romancer. The
hero Lieut. Nolan. U. S. A., was tried by a court mar-
tial at Fort Adams in 1807, and heard by chance of the
siege of Vicksburg. As Nolan has been around the
world years behind the times, he wonders if this can
be the little burg of Old Man Yick he used to know.
The name of the novel is: “The Man without a Coun-
try.” For six and fifty years he had been an exile,
kept within a hundred miles of the coasts of the United
States, and died at sea the day before the battle of
Raymond, Miss., on the nth of May, 1863.
With all our military glances, we didn’t lose sight
of our coal-bunkers: for was not Farragul hastening
up the river after us and Foote heading down our way?
It was 11 a.m. when we reached Natchez, the trees
abloom and shaking off their shiny mantles. Here
we learned details from the naval station at New Or-
leans of the military situation. Letters awaited us from
home, with deep gloom, of course, reflected from even’
epistle. The city had passed under the caintrol of Gen.
P.. F. P.utler on the 1st of May. My mother wrote- me
of the fall of the city, virtually announced. “Farragut
has passed Forts Jackson and St. Philip!” — given by
strokes of the church-bells. While all the bells did
lay and cleric service for the city, the splendid-toned
St. Patrick’s was chosen for this event — twelve belis
inuous. Standing near the foot of Julia Street,
•my mother witnessed the Federal fleet come to anchor
off the city and saw the burning wreck of the ironclad
“Mississippi” drift helpless and abandoned past the
victorious ships. There was a distant view of the still
blazing levee, with its cotton, rice, sugar, molasses, and
coal still smoldering, despite the rain, and these rising
columns of smoke cast a pall over the melancholy scene.
“Natchez the Beautiful” wears the name given her
by the most famous write] oi I issippi Riv<
Xatchez-on-top-of-thc-hill — himself a waterside char-
acter of Missouri. It is singular wdiat a fane
“Natchez” as a title the owners of steamboats have.
Nine lives — nine individual boats equal a cat’s life —
have registered “Natchez.” The United States Gov-
ernment was fascinated, too, as bad as a steamboat
company. In 1832 the sloop-of-war “Natchez” laj 111
Charleston harbor. Then there floated a famous
” Natchez” whose commander was a waterside charac-
ter, Capt. Robert Waterman (kinsman of mine), who
built her in New York City in 1836 to ply between that
ambitious suburb of Natchez and the home station.
“It is the farthest point to the north at which oranges
ripen in the open air and endure the winter without
shelter.” But Natchez-under-the-hill is still small,
straggling, and shabby, and the most celebrated river
writer and pilot goes farther, and says : ” Baton Rouge
is not on a hill, but only on high ground.”
My commander’s cousin welcomed the quartette
from the two ships anchored at the wharf — the two
commanders and the junior midshipmen. Sparks and
Waterman. The banquet was of France Frenchy, and
hearty enjoyment was unbroken from 1 to 4
Baton Rouge had a foundry within her corporate
limits busy running out cannon-balls. As coal is con-
traband of war as much as guns, horses, or gunpowder,
and quite scarce, the enemy will capture this. If now
any red-rag flaunting takes place in Baton Rouge, and
the enemy seizes tin’ coal in the foundry, he will be
very apt to “confisticate” it. and then they will all pay a
big sum for a small bit of foolishness. Just receive the
officers who come ashore in Natchez as gentlemen on
duty, and you will find that the currency of good so-
ciety, pleasing ways, and kindly feeling, will be its own
reward. Vicksburg and Natchez are merely trading
towns as yet. You will find that fair dealing as to coal
or other prime necessities will be paid for in gold.
Now, my kind Aunt Euphrosyne, you read of King
David’s day in the Old Testament, when the g
temple was building, how there was “the gold for
things of gold.” The reader sees in the light of the
subsequent proceedings that flaunting a meaningless
flag for four days in New Orleans led to the hanging
of one man and the coming of Gen. Butler — King
Stork, instead of Admiral Farragut, King Log.
(Concluded next month.)
Gen. William R. Hamby, of Austin, Tex.: “Accept
congratulations on the excellent journal you are giving
us. It is an honor to the South, and should b<
pride of every ex-Confederate.”
Qopfederate .
J. E. Fore now lives at Riley, Ala. He enlisted as a
private in Company H. Forty-Second Alabama In-
fantry, May lb. [862. He was captured in the battle
at Corinth,’ Miss. He was in the siege of Vicksburg,
and afterward was in the battle on Lookout Mountain,
Term.; also in battles at Missionary Ridge and near
Dalton, Ga. Attacked by smallpox at Dalton, he was
not with the army again until at Marietta, but was in all
the battles of his” regiment from then until August 18,
1864. That night he and his brother, Thomas Fore,
were wounded through the legs by the same ball, while
facing each other, folding up their blankets, getting
ready for battle, as the enemy had made a night at-
Forty-Second Alabama Infantry.
Forrest’s Cavalry.
tack. When the pickets fired the two brothers rose to
their feet, each seizing the blankets to fold them up.
Mr. Fore writes: “My brother was at one end of the
pallet and I was at the other, he with his back to the
enemy. A ball struck him just below the knee and
passed through the calf of my leg; so we both fell al-
most instantly. We were sent to Griffin to the hos-
pital for treatment. My brother got a furlough and
went home, and was on his crutches about eight
months before he was able to use his legs. I was sent
to Macon, Ga., and on October 22, 1864, my leg was
amputated by Drs. Lipscomb, of Alabama, and Lee,
of Virginia. ‘ When Sherman’s army came through
Georgia I was sent to Cuthbert, where I remained till
March 10, 1865. I then g ot a furlough home.”
John F. Fore, Pine Apple, Ala., writes of Forrest:
I was mustered into service September 15, 1861, at
Montgomery, Ala. Our company was soon ordered
to Memphis, Tenn., and camped about four miles out
of town with a squad of cavalry commanded by N. B.
Forrest, who told us that he had orders to raise a regi-
ment, and we joined it. He had us drilled every day
for about a month, during which time several other
companies joined. There were five companies each
from Alabama and Tennessee, and known as Forrest’s
Cavalry; later it was ”Forrest’s Old Regiment.”
Our four days’ siege at Fort Donelson and the way
Forrest brought us out when the fort was surrendered
proved our merit as soldiers and his generalship.
During that campaign I was one of twenty-five men
selected to go down on the north and east side of
Cumberland River, under Capt. Bradshaw, as inde-
pendent mounted rangers, to watch the movements of
the Federals. On Saturday night, February 15, 1862,
we reached the ferry on the opposite side of the river
from Fort Donelson, and tried to get the ferryman to
put us across the river’ into the fort, but he refused to
do so; and it was lucky for us. About four o’clock
Sunday morning a man came to our camp, awoke us,
and said that Fort Donelson had surrendered, and that
we must flee for safety. We mounted, and left for
Nashville and farther south.
In the battle of Shiloh we did hard fighting. After
that Maj. D. C. Kelley took about two hundred men
and, leaving Corinth, went near the Tennessee River
to find out about the enemy. When we found them he
attacked them, although they were about eighteen
thousand strong. In a short time part of the command
was completely cut off. Coot Maxwell, F. M. Mc-
Kenzie, and I were the last to leave the battle-ground.
Maj. Kelley told us that we were cut off and to make
our way out. He sprang off on his big sorrel horse,
and we followed. We were shot at, but escaped un-
hurt. Maj. Kelley would fight with us when there was
fighting to do, and then preach to us at leisure hours.
He was a good and brave man.
We fell back from Corinth to Tupelo, where we re-
organized and enlisted for four years or during the
war. We were then ordered to Guntersville, Ala.
During the summer the Federals came up on the oppo-
site side of the Tennessee River and opened fire on
Guntersville, across the river, with their artillery. I
was ordered to take a posse of men out to a cross-roads
south of town (now known as Wyeth City), to keep the
enemy from coming into town on that side. The citi-
zens had to leave town during the fight. A lady was
brought through my lines who had been struck with a
cannon-ball. It was a horrible sight. Our men got on
an island in the river with their small guns and drove
the enemy back and held the town.
Later on Gen. Bragg started on his march into Ken-
tucky, and we were ordered to Chattanooga, where we
were made his advance-guard. Making our way to
the front, we drove the Federals into Nashville; then
we withdrew, went up the Cumberland River, and
forded it, keeping between the two armies until Gen.
Brao-g got ahead of the enemy, and then we became his
rear-guard. We had to keep a sharp lookout day and
night and had much skirmishing and some heavy fight-
ing. On one occasion we were crossing Green River
at Mumfordville and I was sent with a squad of men a
half-mile down the river to guard a ford to keep the
Federals from crossing and cutting off our forces at
Mumfordville. I held the ford until one regiment
crossed the river and opened fire upon us. I was then
cut off, if they had known it, but we got back without
the loss of a man or a horse. On another occasion, a
few miles south of Elizabethtown, Col. Wharton, who
was at that time colonel of the Texas Rangers, gave me
a posse of men, and told me to hold Red Mills until lie
released me; and if any Federal troops came down from
Elizabethtown, to report to him at once. He took his
regiment and fell in with Forrest’s Cavalry and went
back about a mile and attacked the Federal forces, and
held them in check until ( it n. Bragg moved on in the di-
rection of Louisville; but when I ol. Wharton fell back,
instead of returning by the Elizabethtown road, he
took the New Haven road, and left me to confront the
wnole Federal forces. 1 held my post until a blue
streak of Federal soldiers, four deep and half a mile
long, marched up to within about two hundred yards
of me. Col. Wharton had not sent any orders to me,
so I told my men that we would evacuate Red Mills
and make our way across the country to New Haven,
a distance of about ten miles. Before reaching that
point we had added to our squad until there were about
seventy-five. We made the trip without loss of men
or any damage and joined our old command at New
Haven. None of us were ever punished for disobey-
ing Col. Wharton’s orders in leaving Red Mills. I
never saw him afterward.
When we had reached Bardstown, Col. Forrest, for
his gallantry, received orders to go back to Murfrees-
boro, Term., and raise a brigade. We made one day’s
journey in that direction, passing through Springfield,
at which place I spent the last night that I camped out
during the war. Sunday, September 28, 1862, we
reached Lebanon. On that day and at that place I re-
ceived a wound in my foot, which caused my leg to be
amputated. That was a few days before tin- battle of
Perryville. After I received the wound Forrest stood
over me and made a speech, saying that I was one of
the first men that joined his regiment at Memphis, and
had always been true to him and to our Southern
cause; that he had seen me tried in many dangerous
conflicts, and always found me at the front. Turning
to some ladies who had gathered around me. he said to
them: “I am going to cell on you to volunteer. Who
among you will take this gallant young soldier to your
private home and take care of him till he gets well? ”
Three noble-hearted ladies responded at the same time,
claiming me for their guest. Col. Forrest then turned
to me, and asked me if I had any money. I told him
that I had but very little; and he took from his pocket
$25 and gave it to me, saying: “I give you this for
your gallantry. It will do to buy your tobacco till you
gel able to travel; then report to me, and T will give
j on a furlough home.” Gen. N. B. Forrest was one 1 if
the greatest and bravest men in the Southern army.
He was a tender-hearted man, though firm in all his
commands. The ladies who volunteered to take me
to their homes were Mrs. Judge Kavanaugh. Mrs.
Hood, and Mrs. Hogue. Mrs. Kavanaugh being the
first to send conveyance for me, 1 went with her. I
was placed under Dr. Shuck, who tried faithfully for
about a month to save my foot, but failed. Then Drs.
Braidy anil Morris, of the Northern army, took charge
of me and treated me kindly and successfully. On
< Ictober 24, [862, my leg was amputated. 1 remained
with Mrs. Judge Kavanaugh till January 14, 1863; then
reported to the Federal authorities, who sent me to St.
Louis, Mo., and kept me till .April. 1 was very will
treated while in the Northern prison, and made friends
everywhere 1 traveled. I was scut from St. Louis to
City Point, Ya., and exchanged about the 1st of May,
[863. Tims ended my war career.
Mr. W. K. Houghton, of Birmingham, writes a sug-
m and the commendation of it that comrad
reunions wear on their hats or some other conspicuous
place the number of their regiment. He stati
This would aid in recognizing comrades long parted.
So many have drifted from their former homes that
the name of the camp usually worn as badges furnish s
little aid in locating men whose features have been al-
tered by time.
This comrade puts on his letter: “Second Georgia.”
I ten. C. A. Evans, Commander of the Georgia Di-
vision, commends this, and will ask its promulgation
through Gen. Moorman, as well as this publication.
The Veteran for April, 1895, contained editorially:
nrades, receive and act upon this suggestion
fore going to Houston: Call at a printing-office in your
town or city and ask the printer to do you a 1
Tell him to give yon two or thru- cards 2×3 or 2×4
inches, and to print your name, company, and regi-
ment in the war on the top side, so it may be read
distinctly above the hat-band, and keep it in your hat
at Houston. A choice copy of the \ 1 n iiAN will lie-
sent to every printer who will do delegates this favor.
It is unnecessary to add brigade, division, etc. Don’t
fail to do this, and you will be gratified with the result.
This appeal met with response by many, as has been
seen at every I”. C. V. reunion since then.
Patriotic Deed of Roger Chew. — Mrs. Virginia
C. East, Charlestown. W. Ya., writes that in June, [861,
it became known that the troops under Gen. J. E.
Johnston, stationed at Winchester, Y’a., were in sore
need of ammunition. Powdir was abundant, caps
were being rapidly manufactured, but lead was exceed-
inglv scarce. This urgent need coming to the knowl-
edge of Mr. Roger Chew, a farmer residing near
Charlestown, he communicated with Gen.T. J. Jackson,
who had just succeeded Gen. Johnston in command of
the valley troops, and he sent a squad of soldiers and
four wagons to dig and convey to camp one-fourth
mile of lead piping, used to convey water to the house
and grounds. That Sabbath day was a busy one.
Finding the task beyond their powers, the laborers and
wagons of the neighborhood were pressed into service.
The precious metal was conveyed to camp and hur-
riedly molded. This same ammunition served a great
purpose in turning the tide of battle at the first Manas-
sas. It was used when Gen. T. J. Jackson was
to stand as a “stone wall.”
Qoofederate Veteran
David H. Moore, D.D., editor of the Western Chris-
tian Advocate, Cincinnati, who was lieutenant-colonel
of the One Hundred and Twenty- Fifth Ohio Volun-
teer Infantry, writes:
Dear Comrade Cunningham: Recalling our last inter-
view, in which our conversation was concerning a for-
mer not so pleasant acquaintance at the opposite ends
of smoking guns on Rocky Face Ridge, I will give you
briefly the story of the Rebel lead which, after having
passed downward through the face of one of my sol-
diers, and bearing with it the marks of his teeth,
brought up on my hip. The day before we had raced
for the crest of the hill, my regiment, the One Hundred
and Twenty-Fifth Ohio, with the First Wisconsin, I
believe. Honors were easy, although we were on the
summit long enough to get our breath before the stal-
wart Northwesterners made their appearance. Nor
did we meet with serious resistance. A volley or two,
which went high, was about all, until we reached the
top; then we suffered more. My losses were five
killed and nineteen wounded. But the next day, when
we had located your works farther along the ridge’s
crest, we speedily learned that you did not propose to
make us a present of the coveted position. All day
long we were hotly skirmishing. I remember writing
a letter to my wife under the protection of a tree which
was all too narrow for my comfort. Some of the bark
chipped off by your bullets I enclosed as a memento of
the occasion. Your works were strong, and built
where the ridge spread out fan-shaped, with the handle
of the fan toward us, and constituting the only means
of approach, barely wide enough for an advance in
column of fours; and in that formation four regiments
of our brigade charged. We were not the first regi-
ment. The Seventy-Ninth Illinois, the Sixty-Fourth
Ohio, and the Third Kentucky preceded us. It was
my first charge on a fortified position. Taking my
place as lieutenant-colonel side by side with Col. Op-
dycke (afterward major-general), I went in at the head
of my command. Remembering Lot’s wife, I never
looked back, but kept my eyes on the coveted position
in front. I must have been dazed, for I suddenly be-
came aware that there was no charging column be-
tween me and your works, and that a well-known and
valiant officer fanned my face as he made tracks past
me to the rear. Then I glanced over my shoulder, ex-
pecting to see my command at my back, and found that
I was going it alone. That was a critcal moment for
the Confederacy, for I was minded to take those works
alone; and yet a better thought led me to spare you
the great humiliation.
Fortunately, at this juncture I seemed to see a blue-
coat disappearing on my right oblique front over the
side of the ridge, and, following the example, executed
a right oblique in the same direction, and, leaping
down out of the range of your muskets, I found my-
self in the midst of the troops who had preceded my
regiment, together with not a few of my own men.
Col. Mcllvaine, of the Sixty-Fourth Ohio, was being
borne to the rear, mortally wounded, shot through the
abdomen; and, as the ranking officer on the ground, I
was in command. We were only partially sheltered,
and, pressing forward under cover of the rocks, we
succeeded in preventing a countercharge by your
troops; but the shoutings and banterings back and
forth between the opposing forces were something
amusing, had the situation not been so serious. Our
men were suffering quite severely; and, as I was giving
directions to those behind me, I felt the sharp sting of
a ball on my hip, and, whirling to the front, caught in
my arms the brave Corp. Calvin, of my regiment,
whose face had been pierced diagonally by a ball,
which ranged from below the brain on one side, and
had torn through his face and come out through his
jaw on the other side and struck me on the hip, bear-
ing with it the indentations of his teeth. He was a
noble soldier, and, cheering him as best I could, I sent
a comrade to help him to the rear, never expecting that
he could survive, but, to my great joy, he fully recov-
ered, and now files with my wife a claim to the bullet,
which he insists bears his stamp, although the nine
points of law, possession, are in my favor. It was a
hot place, reminding one of the darky refrain :
” Keep your eyes sot on the land of rest,
For hell is hotter than a hornets’ nest.”
Inside of three minutes thereafter I was hit by frag-
ments of balls in the breast and abdomen and had my
right coat-sleeve torn away by a Minie shot. Fortu-
nately for me, my belt, doubled back from the buckle,
gave the fragment which struck me in the abdomen a
glancing direction, so that it inflicted no damage be-
yond a flesh-wound. My regiment’s total loss on the
ridge was fifty-five.
That night, as I recollect, your men reconsidered
your purpose to hold the ridge, only to fall back to an-
other and stronger position, thus inaugurating that se-
ries of unparalleled struggles which has gone down in
Confederate Veterans
history as the ninety days’ battle. Your division was
almost constantly opposed to us during the Atlanta
campaign. So accustomed had we become to your
style of righting and to the vicious soprano of 3 1 iur
Minie balls and to the indescribable fury 1 if your battle-
shouts and charging-yells that it was lonesome when
by chance we struck a stranger foe. | I *r. Moore re-
fers to Cheatham’s Division. — Ed. ]
David E. Johnston, Bluefield, W. Va. :
In October last, after the lapse of thirty-five years,
I visited the battle-field of Sharpsburg in company with
(ien. Carman, of the Battle-Field Commission, and
Sergt. White, of the Twenty-Fourth Virginia Infantry.
Sergt. White and I went mainly to aid Gen. Carman in
locating tin positions occupied by the Seventh and
Twenty-Fourth Virginia Regiments during tin- battle
of the 17th of September, 1862.
The plan of that battle by Gen. Met lcllau was sub-
stantially similar to that adopted bj Gen. Lee in the
opening of the seven days’ battles around Richmond.
Lee crossed the Chickahominy beyond the Federal
right, withholding his center, and as the Federals were
driven down the Chickahominy threw forward his
right; and so Gen. McClellan, reversing the order of
things, crossed the Antietam beyond Lee’s left, with-
holding his center, and, as he pushed back Lee’s left,
threw forward his left, under Gen. Bumside. Lee’s
plan, like human plans sometimes do, succeeded: while
McClellan’s failed.
Since my visit I have often thought of doing what
every ex-Confederate should do: write something 0!
the part he took and what he saw in the battles in
which he was engaged, whereby much of the history
of the war between the states might be preserved.
In no great battle of that war was the disparity of
numbers more marked than in the battle of Sharps-
burg. and in none other were there greater prodigies
of valor performed by Confederate soldiers. Tin bal
tie of Sharpsburg was not a necessity on the part of
the Confederates, hut rather a gratuity. Harper’s Fer-
ry had been surrendered to Gen. Jackson early on
Monday morning. September 15. and the greater part
of the Confederate army was south of the Potomac,
while the remainder, immediately under Gen. Lee’s
personal direction, was concentrated at Sharpsburg,
only about three miles from the Potomac River, and
had ample time and ways to have crossed over at any
time before the morning of the 1 7th and draw P 1 el is r
concentration with that portion of the army under Gen.
Jackson, as well as to have secured the assistance of
several thousand men. who. on account of either sick-
ness or of being barefooted, had been left at Lccsburg
on our way across the Potomac, but had been sent for-
ward from there to Winchester. \idcd by these and
on Virginia soil, we should doubtless have gained a
great victory instead of having a drawn battle.
But is is not my purpose to write a criticism on the
battle, but more particularly to briefly discuss that por-
tion of it on the extreme right wing of the Confederate
army, and in which T was engaged.
As to the number engaged on each side, records dif-
fer quite materially. Gen. McClellan reported eighty-
seven thousand one hundred and sixty-four engaged
on the Federal side, and Gen. Lee reported that he had
less than forty thousand men engaged. Some Confed-
erate writers have placed the numbers as three to one
and some five to three, while on the Federal side it is
not generally admitted that such disparity existed.
When it is remembered that Gen army had
fought the seven days’ battles around Richmond and
the second .Manassas and Turner’s Gap, in which it
sustained heavy losses, it is not surprising that his bat-
talions had been reduced to less than fifl\ pei cenl ol
what they numbered when the series of battles began
around Richmond on May 31. At the second battle
of Manassas tin regiment to which 1 I 1, the
Seventh Virginia Infantry, Kemper’s Brigade, lost
about thirty-three per cent 1 if its numb, r, p igether w ith
its colonel, lieutenant-colonel, major, and adjutant, and
at the battles of Turner’s Gap and Sharpsburg was
commanded by Capt. Phil Ashby, of Culpeper County.
1 ‘n the morning of the 14th of September (Sum
our division, under Gen. Longstreet, was at II.,
town, Md. \ 1 >< 1 vi t 11 v.m. the long roll was sounded,
and we were soon in line and on the march to Turner’s
Gap, some fourteen miles distant, reaching there about
3 P.M. We marched to the right in the direction of
Cox’s Gap, and when about half-way up the moun-
tain we turned immediately to the left and into tin
turnpike road at the gap and moved forward up the
mountain to the left of the gap; and on reaching tin
top we found ourselves face to face with tin enemy.
On our march from the gap up the mountain wc
were subjected to a severe shelling from a Federal bat-
tery on our right rear, and had one man killed by a
shell. We must have reached the mountain-top about
4:30 P.M., and at once became hotly engaged with the
enemy, the tight continuing until long after nightfall,
when we withdrew to the turnpike and down to
Boonsboro. My company ( D) lost two killed. Si
wounded, and was reduced to thirteen muskets, and the
regiment to one hundred and seventeen.
We continued our march through Boonsboro and
Keedysville, crossing the Antietam and reaching
Sharpsburg about 10 A.M. on Monday, the 15th. The
brigades of Jenkins, G. T. Anderson, part of Toombs’s,
Garnett’s, Drayton’s, and ours (Kemper’s) were di
ployed on the range of hills to the east and southeast of
Sharpsburg, while Gen. Toombs, with two of the regi-
ments of his brigade, the Second and Twentieth Geor-
gia, and a battery of artillery, was sent to guard a
bridge across the Antietam, which was in our front
and near our right center. The afternoon of Monday
and the whole of Tuesday were spent by the armies in
preparation — the one for assault, the other for defense.
During all the day of Tuesday we were being shifted
about from place to place, never getting far away from
our starting-point, and during this marching ami coun-
termarching we were subjected to a most unmerciful
shelling from the Federal batteries across the river.
Gen. J. G. Walker’s Division, consisting of two bri-
gades, was withdrawn from the right and sent to the
left, and at an carlv hour on the morning of the 17th
Gen. G. T. Anderson’s Brigade was also sent to the
left, leaving alone Gen. D. R. Jones’s Division, com-
posed of Jenkins’. < iarnctt’s, Drayton’s. Kemper’s, and
Toombs’ Brigades, to hold the right and keep back
Burnside’s corps of fifteen thousand mi n.
From — or, even before — daylight on the T~th until
Qopfederate l/eterar?.
high noon the battle on the left center and extreme left
raged and swayed to and fro, with varying fortunes to
the combatants. About noon, or a few minutes there-
after, it was reported that Gen. Burnside’s troops were
pressing heavily against Gen. Toombs’s at the bridge,
and the Twenty-Fourth Virginia Regiment, with ours
(the Seventh, of Kemper’s Brigade), was detached and
sent some six hundred yards to the south and right of
the brigade, the Twenty-Fourth Regiment halting in
an open field some forty yards east of the Harper’s
Ferry road and just north of a narrow strip of corn
which ran from the edge of that road in a southeastern
direction and toward the forty-acre corn-field into
which the left wing of Harland’s Federal Brigade sub-
sequently charged. Our regiment took position at the
southeast edge of the narrow strip of corn referred to,
and, so far as we knew, we constituted the extreme
right of the Confederate army. No other Confederate
troops were in sight to our right.
Burnside did not succeed in forcing the passage of
the bridge until about I p.m., or a little later, and then
only after he had found a crossing lower down, by
which he was enabled to flank Gen. Toombs out of his
position in front of the bridge.
Toombs retired slowly, fighting all the while, and
taking advantage of the shape of the ground to cover
his troops from the fire of the enemy’s artillery.
It was past 3 p.m. when Gen. Burnside’s skirmishers
appeared in our front, and, meeting the fire of the
skirmishers of our brigade, posted in part behind a rail
fence at the base of the hill, they staggered, scattered,
and fell back out of sight. In a few minutes Burn-
side’s first line, composed, as it seems, of the brigades
of Fairchild and Harland, appeared on our front some
five hundred yards away, and our skirmishers opened
a rapid fire, which threw more than one of the Federal
regiments into some confusion, and their ranks became
broken and uneven, but they continued to advance at
a rapid pace. At this juncture our regiment, occupy-
ing an advanced position, was ordered to fall back some
two hundred yards into the Harper’s Ferry road, here
finding a lodgment behind an old board fence and em-
bankment and just south of the narrow strip of corn.
The distance between the left of our regiment and the
right of the Twenty-Fourth Virginia was about two
hundred yards, and that between its left and the Sev-
enteenth Virginia — the right regiment of Kemper’s
Brigade — was four or five hundred yards. The situa-
tion was grave indeed, and the outlook for a successful
issue of the battle was most unpromising to us.
In all the battles of the war in which I was engaged —
and they were numerous — never did I feel, not even at
Gettysburg, so much solicitude for the safety of our
army, for I knew that no help could be expected from
our left, as our troops on that part of the field had been
fought to exhaustion ; and there we stood, our division
covering nearly a mile of front and numbering not
exceeding two thousand muskets, to engage with a
force of fifteen thousand well-equipped and well-fed
men; while we had but little to eat, were almost naked,
and many were barefooted (myself among the number).
However, with proud, defiant spirits, with our mus-
kets and forty rounds of ammunition, we prepared for
the desperate’ conflict. It was near 4 p.m. when por-
tions of Gen. Rodman’s Federal Division crowned the
heights, meeting at some points severe resistance.
When the leading line of Fairchild’s and Harland’s
Brigades had advanced up the heights in front of Dray-
ton’s Brigade of two Georgia and one South Carolina
regiments and Kemper’s First, Eleventh, and Seven-
teenth Virginia Regiments, they were advanced, and
took position behind an old worm fence and opened
fire on the advancing line of Federals at fifty or sixty
yards with their remnants of three hundred and sixty
muskets. The Seventeenth Virginia, commanded by
Col. M. D. Corse, was on the right, and numbered but
fifty-five men and officers, of which seven officers and
twenty-four men were killed and wounded and ten
captured. Their commander was wounded in the foot
and captured. The Federal left overlapped them by
more than a hundred yards.
The two left companies of the Eight Connecticut
Regiment, of Harland’s Brigade, ran over and cap-
tured Mcintosh’s South Carolina Battery, which had
been thrown forward on the right of the Seventeenth
Virginia without support; and, in fact, it was run over
before it had time to fire a shot.
By the forward rush of portions of Fairchild’s and
Harland’s Brigades the right of Kemper’s and Dray-
ton’s Brigades was broken off and forced back across
the Harper’s Ferry road into the edge of Sharpsburg.
Having returned to the position formerly occupied
by our regiment in the Harper’s Ferry road, we had
placed our guns through the board fence, drawn back
the hammers, and stood with fingers on triggers, ready
to fire as soon as the enemy emerged from the corn,
the eastern edge of which his lines had about reached.
While in this position Gen. Toombs, with his brigade
at a double-quick, passed us, going to our left, and in
less than five minutes after his brigade had gotten by
Archer’s Confederate Brigade moved obliquely across
our front, striking the Federal line in flank and rear.
Just then we saw another and another Confederate
brigade rise to their feet and advance in the same di-
rection. Our batteries opened, Toombs’s men poured
a volley into Rodman’s advancing column that had
broken off Kemper’s and Drayton’s right, then there
was a grand, a wild Confederate yell and charge along
the whole line, and Archer’s gallant Tennesseeans and
Alabamians and Branch’s North Carolinians and
Gregg’s South Carolinians and Georgians opened a de-
structive fire on the flank and rear of Harland’s Bri-
gade, and Kemper’s, Drayton’s, Jenkins’s, and Gar-
nett’s men returned to the charge, and Burnside’s men
fled in confusion toward the bank of the Antietam.
The fight was over within thirty minutes.
In the headlong rush of the Confederates they re-
took Mcintosh’s Battery and recaptured Col. Corse.
On account of the destructive fire of the Federal
batteries across the Antietam the Confederates halted
about midway between the line occupied by them when
the battle began and the Antietam. Gen. Branch, of
North Carolina, was killed just as the charge ended.
After night we returned to our brigade and occu-
pied that night and the whole of the next day the same
ground we had occupied in the forenoon of the 17th,
and gathered up our wounded and buried our dead, as
well as such of the Federal dead as lay within our lines;
also ministering to such of the enemy’s wounded as
we could reach, even risking our lives to accomplish
this. In fact, while making an effort to care for the
Confederate l/eterai).
Federal wounded in our front one of our regiment was
shot dead by one of their sharpshooters.
In front of our brigade lay some thirty-five dead men
of the Eighth Connecticut Regiment. The tlag of the
One Hundred and Third New York Regiment, of
Fairchild’s Brigade, was captured by Lieut. \V. W.
Athey, of the Seventeenth Virginia.
Lieut. Stone and Private Travis Burton, of my com-
pany, on the night of the battle, while looking up our
wounded, captured a member of the Fourth Rhode
Island Regiment, a mere boy. A very interesting sto-
ry is connected with his capture, but 1 omit it now.
Now, as to question of numbers engaged, Gen. D.
R. Jones reports that in his five brigades on the morn-
ing of the battle he had about twenty-four hundred
men, too high, in my opinion, by four hundred. Gen.
A. P. Hill, who had made n rapid march of seventeen
miles that morning from Harper’s Ferry, reaching the
field about 2:30 p.m., reports that his three brigades
engaged in the battle numbered two thousand, which
would make about four thousand against Burnside’s
splendid corps of fifteen thousand men.
The losses in Kemper’s, Drayton’s, Toombs’s, and
part of Jenkins’ Brigades was very heavy. The loss
in Gen. A. P. Hill’s three brigades is reported at three
hundred and forty-six. Putting the loss of D. R.
Jones’s Division at five hundred, we have a total Con-
federate loss in the fighl with Burnside’s Corps of
eight hundred and forty-six. while the loss in Burn-
side’s Corps was twenty-two hundred and twenty-two.
Gen. Vincent Marmaduke, of Missouri, writes from
his home at Sweet Springs an address upon the sub-
ject of history to Confederates, in which he states :
The honor and glory of this great struggle was with
the South, and Southern soldiers ought, in justice to
themselves and their dead comrades, to preserve the
memory of it. While the North and Northern soldiers
are inveighing against all manifestation of sectional
feeling, they are erecting monuments to their sua
ful leaders and telling the story very much to their
credit and to our detriment.
The North had more than four soldiers to one in the
South. Its armies were reenforced and assisted by six
hundred ships of war, manned by thirty-five thousand
sailors. It had unlimited credit, which meant an un-
limited supply of money. It had factories to manufac-
ture everything needed to arm and equip, to supply and
maintain, its armies and fleets. Tt had railroads run-
ning in every direction for the transportation of its
troops. It had intercourse with the whole world, and
could draw recruits for its army and navy from it.
The South had none of these advantages, or had
them only to a limited extent. But, notwithstanding
all its advantages, it took the North four years to crush
the South, and then it did it by a grinding process and
without having gained a single decisive victory.
In a comment upon this the Nashville American says:
Evidently it is not the purpose of Gen. Marmaduke
to engender sectional feeling by the publication of this
address. All of that has been laid aside, and is gone
forever. But it is the duty of every enlightened South-
ern man to see that the truth — not biased and warped
accounts — of the history of the civil war is transmitted
to posterity. The nobleness, the chivalry, the self-
denial, the bravery, and the tireless endurance of the
Confederate soldier should be instilled into every
Southern child. No history should be taught them
which pictures their ancestors as traitors and re
They should understand the great principles which
were contended for prior to the war, which wen
tied by the highest tribunal in the countrj . the Supreme
Court, favorably to the South, which the North would
not accept, appealing to a “higher law,” and which
were finally referred to the arbitrament of the sword.
. . . Southern children ought to know of the im-
perishable grandeur of Gen. Ice. of tin- magnificence
in battle of Stonewall Jackson and Ubert Sydney
Johnston, of the daring braver) of Forrest, of Morgan,
and of Cheatham. I he renown of the Confederate sol-
dier is not told in splendid monuments; it rests in the
hearts of the Southern people, and there it must be
kept fresh and green forever. They want their chil-
dren to receive facts. From facts no conclusions can
be drawn derogatory to the courage of Southern sol-
diers or to the genius and military prowess of Southern
The Executive Committee of the Historical Societj
of the Ex-Confederate Association ..f Missouri met in
Kansas City November jo. There were present Cols.
Vincent Marmaduke, lolm S. Moore. John T. Crisp,
Dr. Lester Hall, Albert O. Allen, and J. M. Allen.
It was resolved that the history to be written of Mis-
souri should be impartial and correct concerning
causes which led up to the civil war: that it should cor-
rectly represent all of the military organizations in the
state, and deal alone with facts. The committei
lected Col. John S. Moore as historian.
This history will include the personnel of the soldiers
on both sides, as well as having much to do with the
history of counties from which the citizens and their
parents went to Missouri.
The committee adjourned to meet again December
30. The chairman, Col. Vincent Marmaduke, was di-
rected to extend an invitation to the ( . S. A. camps in
Missouri and Daughters of the Confederacy to send
delegates to said meeting: also to invite such other
persons as he saw fit. All persons knowing of remi-
niscences of war-times in Missouri, or any one having
scraps of history which would aid in the preparation of
the book, should send them to Col. John S. Moore,
Kansas City, Mo.
J. Colton Lynes, Adjutant and Secretary of At-
lanta Camp No. 59, writes that at a meeting of the
camp on November 15. 1897, the follow resolution, of-
fered by Comrade Stratton, was unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That it shall be the duty of our Adjutant to
send a concise report of our annual memorial service,
together with a list of our deceased comrades, to the
Confederate Veteran, at Nashville, for publication
immediately after such service every year.
C^oofedera te l/etera^
A member of Camp Jeff Davis No. 475, Birming-
ham, Ala., sends the following sketch of an honored
member, which contains valuable historic data as well:
James M. Arnold entered the military service of the
Confederate States as a private in the Columbus Rifle-
men, of Columbus, Miss., on May 1, 1861, which com-
pany afterward became Company K, Fourteenth Mis-
sissippi Infantry, commanded by Col. W. E. Baldwin.
He was with his company in the battle of Fort Donel-
son, and there became a prisoner and was sent to Camp
Douglas. He was exchanged with his regiment in
1862, which reorganized at Raymond, Miss., where he
was made sergeant. He served with this company in
the skirmishes and small fights in North Mississippi
and in the defense of Jackson.
In January, 1864, the Sixth Mississippi Cavalry was
organized, with Col. Isham Harrison commanding, at
which time Arnold was elected second lieutenant of
Company I; C. A. Johnson was captain. The regi-
ment was attached to Mabry’s Brigade, which was in
service under Gen. Forrest during the skirmishes in
and around Vicksburg, and was at the taking of the
transports and gunboats on the Tennessee River, near
Johnsonville. This campaign having disabled the
horses of Mabry’s Brigade, it was for a while left in
garrison at Corinth, Miss. Later the brigade was in
the lead of the charge at the battle of Harrisburg,
Miss., one of the bloodiest of the war, where cavalry
alone were engaged. The brigade was dismounted
and marched in line of battle to within fifty steps of the
Federal line, entrenched, where Mabry’s horse was
shot down and Col. Isham Harrison and Lieut.-Col.
Nelms, of Arnold’s Regiment, were killed, his captain
slightly wounded, and over one-half of the privates
were killed or wounded. The regiment was afterward
united with two others, forming Stark’s Mississippi
Brigade, in Chalmers’ Division, and was engaged in
skirmishes with Gen. Wilson’s command en route to
Selma, Ala. The other brigade of Chalmers’ Division
(Armstrong’s) met Wilson’s command in the last battle
of the war.
James Arnold surrendered with his command under
Forrest at Livingston, Ala. He was never sick nor
absent during the four years of the war, except while
sitting as a member of the Mississippi Legislature.
Being a member of that body, he was exempt from mil-
itary service, but remained with his command all the
while, except during the sessions of the Legislature.
After the war he returned to Columbus, Miss., where
he commenced the practise of law, and continued to
practise until 1877. when he was appointed circuit
judge of the district by Gov. Stone. He held that po-
sition for a number of years, and then was appointed
one of the justices of the Supreme Court of Mississippi,
and was afterward made chief justice of that court,
from which position he resigned, when he returned to
the practise of law at Birmingham, Ala.
James A. Bell, Charleston, S. C: “If Capt. Bowen, of
Mississippi, Capt. Ward and Dr. Lipscomb (surgeon),
of Virginia — all of the Confederate man-of-war ‘ Pal-
metto State’ — are still alive, they will oblige Capt.
James E. Aldert, ex-pilot of their vessel, by writing to
him at Charleston.”
A most commendable movement has been inaugu-
rated in Richmond, and its purposes are made known
to the public over official signatures of R. E. Lee
Camp of Veterans, the R. E. Lee Camp Sons of Veter-
ans, and the Daughters of the Confederacy there in the
following paper:
There lie in prison cemeteries throughout the North
thirty thousand of our dead. With two exceptions —
Camp Chase and Camp Douglas — no stone marks
their resting-place. It is true they sleep well, “for all
the world is native land to the brave.” But soon even
the localities will be forgotten. ” Died in prison,” these
brave boys of ours, many of them far from the South,
in their blue jeans and brown cotton clothes, shiver-
ing from the cold blasts of the North, even before the
icy hand of death touched them. Who has reminded
us of our duty to the memory of these dead heroes? A
generous Federal officer bearing the scars and still suf-
fering from the wounds won honorably in battle with
these men. All honor to Col. William H. Knauss, of
Columbus, O., who in May, 1897, sent out an appeal to
United Confederate Veterans, asking that the graves
of Confederate prisoners buried at Camp Chase should
be remembered! This was done, but there are still
thirty thousand who rest in unmarked graves. Had
we forgotten our dead? No; but the cry of the needy
wives and children of these dead have ever been at our
door, and we could not reach beyond.
The time has now come when these graves must be
marked. To accomplish this object it will be necessa-
ry to raise about $4,000. We only ask for a simple
shaft at these places, erected before the next annual
meeting of the United Confederate Veterans in July,
1898. Whatever sum this committee has in hand by
next spring will be divided equally between the follow-
ing thirteen prison cemeteries: Alton, 111.; Camp But-
ler, Riverton, 111. ; Camp Morton, Indianapolis, Ind. ;
Elmira, N. Y. ; Finn’s Point Cemetery, N. J. ; John-
son’s Island, O.; Hart’s Island, N. Y. ; Old Capitol
Prison, Washington, D. C; Point Lookout, Md. ; Rock
Island, 111.; Sandusky, O.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Pea
Patch Island, Del.
This fund is to be known as the “Monument Fund
of Confederate Prisoners Buried in Northern Graves,”
and all contributions are to be sent to the Treasure-,
Col. James T. Gray, Past Commander of R. E. Lee
Camp No. 1, C. V., Richmond, Ya., and nothing can
be drawn from this fund except over his signature.
These dead heroes of ours from every Southern state
appeal to their survivors throughout our land. Re-
member their sacrifices and suffering. All should feel
it their privilege to contribute to this cause. Those
who have relatives or friends still “wounded and miss-
ing” may join in these monuments, and feel that their
loved ones will now be recognized. It is such a mod-
est sum that is asked it ought to be readily gotten at
once from our camps and Confederate organizations
alone; but, to insure success, we cordially invite every
one who is interested in the Confederate cause to con-
tribute a mite toward the accomplishment of this noble
object. All contributions will be duly acknowledged
bv the Treasurer.
Confederate tfeterar?.
R. T. Mockbee. Memphis, Tenn. :
I have read with much interest the “Last Charge of
Lee’s Army,” in the November Veteran, as I am al-
ways interested in the part taken by Tennesseeans in
the struggle for Southern independence, ami especially
of Archer’s ISrigade, the only representatives of the
Volunteer State in the Army of Northern \ irginia
during the entire war. It was composed of Turney’s
First, Hatton’s Seventh, and Forbes’s Fourteenth Ten-
nessee Infantry Regiments, with the Nineteenth Geor-
gia Regiment until after the death of Gen. Stonewall
Jackson, also the Fifth Alabama Battalion. When A.
F. Hill was made lieutenant-general and the old divi-
sion was assigned in part to Pender’s Division, Arch-
er’s Brigade was attached to Gen. Harry Ileth’s Divi-
sion; then the Thirteenth Alabama Regiment took the
place of the Nineteenth Georgia Regiment, which was
transferred to a Georgia Brigade. The Fifth Alabama
Battalion was made provost-guanl of 1 1 ill’s Corps. On
the death of Gen. Archer Col. William McComb, of the
Fourteenth Tennessee, was promoted to brigadier-
general, and Gen. Bushrod Johnson’s old brigade was
consolidated with Archer’s at Petersburg, Va., in 1864.
Gen. McComb was a native of Pennsylvania, and
about 1856 came to Montgomery County, Tenn. The
writer remembers him as a handsome young man of
more than ordinary intelligence, engaged in superin-
tending the erection of a large flouring-mill in Mont-
gomery County, at Price’s Landing, on the Cumber-
land River. He remained in that section until the out-
break of the war, and enlisted as a private in Hewitt’s
company (L), of the Fourteenth Tennessee Regiment,
composed of eleven companies. He was promoted to
lieutenant soon afterward, and made adjutant of the
regiment by Col. Forbes. At the reorganization at
Yorktown, Va., in 1862, the writer, with other friends,
put forward the name of William McComb for major
of the regiment, and he was elected. At the battle of
Cedar Run Lieut. -Col. George Harrell was mortally
wounded, and died in the hospital at Charlottesville,
Va. Maj. McComb then became lieutenant-colonel.
In the second battle of Manassas Col. W. A. Forbes
was killed, and Lieut. -Col. McComb became colonel.
During this time Col. McComb was repeatedly
wounded in battle, sometimes seriously, but always re-
turned to the regiment for duty as soon as able. \s
brigadier-general he was assigned to command of the
consolidated brigades.
( In the fateful morning of April 2, [865, when the
last charge of Lee’s army was made in an effort to re-
take the works, which had been captured and were
occupied by the Federals, I was present and partici-
pated with probably live or six hundred others left of
the old brigade. If there were any who hesitated, I
don’t remember it. 1 am willing to accord to Capt.
Harris all praise for true bravery, but I know he will
say that Capt, Norris, of his own regiment 1 Seventh
Tennessee), Capts. 11. II. Avcritt and Harry Bullock,
of the Fourteenth Tennessee (the latter giving up his
life in that charge, after going through the whole war
unhurt), and scores of others \\ ere as brave men as ever
lived. Capt. Harris knew those men would fight and
go wherever he or Gen. McComb dare lead. Why,
J. Hick Johnson, major commanding the old Four-
teenth, who always went into battle smiling, ami his
noble brother, Polk G. Johnson, acting as aid to Gen.
McComb on that day, were there. The latter was one
of the most conspicuous figures in that charge. The
writer recalls him on that occasion with pride.
Soon came the order to close in to left along the
breastworks, where we had been deployed ten paces
apart all night, that being the strength of Lee’s line, at
that point, at least. From there we were ordered to
move down the line at right angles to the works. Si k hi
the enemy were encountered in force, and the charge
was ordered. The Second Maryland Battalion did
terrible execution, and the enemy fled back to their
main supports, where they had first broken our lines.
We followed until reaching Davis’ Mississippi I’m
gade’s winter quarters, where we were compelled to
halt, on account of the overwhelming numbers that
met us. It was there that we lost most of our men,
and finally we were forced back toward Hatcher’s Run,
but contesting every inch of ground against a force
double our number in front and overlapping both
flanks, until at last the order was given for every man
to “save himself.” The writer and several others
made their way to the south side of the railroad, and at
a commissary depot found parties in charge of the
stores distributing provisions to those who wished
them. A large country ham attracted my attention,
and soon found a resting-place on my bayonet. We
made our way to the Appomattox River, at a point
where there was a flouring-mill, and there found Gen.
Heth, accompanied by ” Billy” Green, a courier, trying
to get across the swollen stream with a message from
Gen. Lee to Gen. Gordon, in Petersburg. Green (who
was a member of Company A. Fourteenth Tennessee,
on detail as courier for Gen. Heth) noticed the old
country ham on my bayonet, and, after a hurried con-
sultation with the General, came back to the door, and
said: “Bob, Tien. Heth hasn’t had a bite of meat in two
days. Won’t you give him a piece of that ham?” I
gave Gen. Heth half of the ham, and, goin^ by his di-
rections, met the army at Amelia Court- 1 Ions,
F. A. Howell, Bowling Green. Miss., asks that some
comrade will kindly correct any errors in the following
list of companies composing the Eleventh Mississippi
Regiment, j^ i \ i n <; names of companies, captains, and
the counties from which they came:
Company A, Capt. Lowry, University Grays (made
up of schoolboys from all over the state); Company B,
.Capt. , Coahoma Rifles; Company C, Carroll
Rifles, Capt. P. F. Liddell; Company D, Neosho Rifles,
Capt. Franklin; Company E, Prairie Guards, Capt.
Hairston; Company F, Noxubee Rifles, Capt. G<
Weir; Company G, Lamar Rifles (Lafayette County).
Capt. Helm; Company II, Chickasaw Guards. Capt.
Moore; Company I, Van Dorn Reserves (Monroe
County), Capt. Reynolds: Company K, .
Concerning the battle of Manassas, Comrade How-
ell writes: “Companies A and F, being right of the
regiment, got on cars and reached Manassas in time
to engage in the first battle. The other companies
could not get on, and were left. I was of Company F.”
Confederate .
Miss Kate dimming, author of “Gleanings from
Southland,” sends copy of a letter from Edwin H. Ses-
sel, which portrays some events of the war yet fresh in
memory*. Comrade Sessel was a native of Nova Sco-
tia. He had not been long in the South, and was but
eighteen years old. After the war he studied for the
ministry in New York City, and was ordained deacon
and priest in Trinity Church. He went West as a mis-
sionary, but, his health failing, he returned to New
York, and died there.
Abbeville, Miss., August 14, 1862.
My Dear Cousin: As you wish to hear the particulars
of the evacuation of Fort Pillow, I will give them as
near as I can remember. On the 28th of May last the
order was issued for the infantry to move, which they
did under trying circumstances, the rain pouring in
torrents, and the mud awful. However, the infantry
did move, leaving one artillery regiment to cover
their retreat. The next afternoon the Yankee fleet
made its appearance around the point, and was re-
ceived by our double-shotted guns in a becoming man-
ner, and it was driven back. That night the artillery
regiment left, and we commenced the work of destroy-
ing our guns and property. First we set fire to the
quartermaster’s stores; next, the commissary, and then
every “shanty” on the “hill.” We blew up all the
guns, except two which would not burst. It was a
terrific sight — the rain pouring down, the thunder roll-
ing midst the lightning flashes, while the Yankees
were pouring a stream of fire, making the sight sub-
lime, though terrible.
After the work of destruction the general, a portion
of the staff and officers on horseback, the adjutant-
general, myself, and a few others got on board the
“Golden Age” at Fulton, and made double-quick time
down-stream, the Yankees keeping uncomfortably
close behind us. They were stopped at Memphis by
our fleet, and we kept on to Vicksburg, where we had
to undergo another stream of fire from the Yankees.
We soon left there, and after three or four days of trav-
eling arrived at Grenada, where we met our infantry.
We remained at Grenada about two weeks, when
Mr. Yankee came to Tallahatchie River, and we were
immediately ordered to repulse him, which we did after
a severe conflict, in which we lost quite a number of
men. Since then we have been skirmishing more or
less all the time, sometimes marching to within ten
miles of Bolivar, Tenn., where the enemy have most of
their forces.
If anything should happen to me — and I have had
very narrow escapes during impending battles — and it
be possible, I will let you know; but God alone knows
whether it will be possible, for I have seen many a
poor fellow left behind in our retreats who will never
be heard of again. God grant that this accursed war
will soon cease! but I shall see it to the bitter end,
come weal or woe.
One of the regimental bands is now playing ” Home,
Sweet Home,” and it naturally makes me feel a little
like being there; but these are no thoughts for a soldier
in the face of an enemy. Still I can not keep from
thinking of my home in far-away Nova Scotia, and
wonder if my father is thinking of me and if my sainted
mother is looking down upon me. I feel that she is.
Dear, departed mother!
John K. Alexander, Salinas City, Cal. :
In reading the September Veteran I notice that a
member of the Baltimore Chapter, U. D. C, writes
concerning the capture of the “Caleb Gushing” by
Lieut. Charles W. Read and his men, of the bark
“Tacony,” on the 26th of June, 1863, and mentions
that “it would be interesting to learn something of the
subsequent fate of Lieut. Read and his men, and to
what state he belonged.”
Lieut. Read and I attended school together when
very small boys at Jackson, Miss., in the years 1853-54;
therefore I am sure he belonged to the state of Missis-
sippi. The last time I saw Read he departed from
Jackson under appointment to the naval school at An-
napolis, Md. We corresponded for years after that,
but when the war intervened our correspondence
ceased. However, I watched his career with pride,
and at the close of the war, by inquiry, hunted him up.
He became captain of a merchantman 1 tinning from
Mobile, Ala., to Liverpool, and, I think, died in that
harness. At least, I have print of a telegram in my
scrap-book, of which the following is a copy: “Merid-
ian, Miss., January 26, 1896. — Capt. Charles W. Read,
during the war a noted Confederate naval officer, is
Charley was captured, as stated, at Portland, Me.
(though I understood it was at Bangor), confined at
some fort near Boston, and, as I learned, escaped after
some months, and finally worked back into the Confed-
erate lines. I can not vouch for the truth of this state-
ment, but I do know that he was in command of the
Rebel ram “West,” on and in the Red River at the
time of the surrender, and refused to surrender. He
loaded his vessel with cotton and undertook to get out
to sea, and succeeded in passing Vicksburg without be-
ing discovered until he had passed, and sent a boat
ashore and cut the telegraph-line between Vicksburg
and New Orleans; but too late, as the officials at the
latter place had been notified of his coming, notwith-
standing he came very near getting by, and when dis-
covered showed fight, put on all the steam he had, and
got by; but in the hurry and excitement ran into and
stuck in the river-bank, and the vessel was captured,
but not Read nor his men, as I was informed.
I give you this for what it is worth, and hope it may
be the means of bringing to the light of day the hero-
ism of Read, who was a brave man, a hero in the true
sense of the word, whose memory ought to be ever
green in the hearts of all true Confederates. Inquiry
of Thomas or Joshua Green, bankers, of Jackson,
Miss., or Holland Coffey (in Tennessee for years), and
any of the old boys about Jackson would doubtless be
of value as to the life and character of Read. William
T. Ellis, of Fort Worth, knew him well, as we all at-
tended school in Jackson together. Ellis volunteered
in Virginia.
In Vol. II. of the “Union and Confederate Naval
Records” there is much said of Lieut. Read.
In a letter to Lieut. John N. Maffitt, commanding,
dated May 6, 1863, he proposed to “take a brig and a
crew of twenty men, proceed to Hampton Roads, and
Confederate l/eteran.
cut out a gunboat or steamer of the enemy. ‘* He wrote:
“As I would be in possession of the brig’s papvrrs,
and as the crew would not be large enough to excite
suspicion, there can be no doubt of my passing Fortress
Monroe successfully. Once in the Roads, I would be
prepared to avail myself of any circumstance which
might present for gaining the deck of an enemy’s ves-
sel. If it is found impossible to board a gunboat or
merchant steamer, it will be possible to fire the ship-
ping at Baltimore. If you think proper to accede to
my proposal, I beg that you will allow me to take Mr.
E. H. Brown and one of the firemen with me. Mr.
Brown might be spared from this ship, as his health is
bad; you could obtain another man at Pernambuco.”
It is a coincidence worthy of record in the Veteran
that during his visit to the Tennessee Centennial Ex-
position—coming officially as a member of the His-
tory and Literature Committee — Gen. Dabney 11.
Maury met the Third United States Cavalry, with
which he was connected before tin- great war com-
menced. It was then a regiment of mounted rifles.
As major-general in the Confederate army this distin-
guished gentleman of noble ancestry had charge of the
troops of Mississippi, Alabama, West Tennessee, and
Louisiana. Gen. Maury was one of the first to learn
of Forrest’s innate power as a commander, and named
him the “Thunderbolt of War.” Gen. Maury bears
well his three-quarters of a century. He resides in
Richmond. The General is mentioned as the oldest
surviving major-general of the Confederate army.
Nashville was favored at the time of his visit with the
presence of these other Virginians: Col. John D. H.
Ross, of Lexington, of the Fifty-Second Virginia In-
fantry, Jackson’s Corps; Dr. George Ross, of Rich-
mond, associate medical director of Gen. A. P. Hill’s
Corps and surgeon in charge of the battalion of Vir-
ginia Military Institute cadets at the battle of New-
Market; and Gen. Charles J. Anderson, adjutant-gen-
eral of Virginia. All are old Institute men.
In connection with the above, the farewell order of
(Jen. Maury to his troops is given:
Headquarters of Maury’s Division, six miles east of
Meridian, May 7, 1865.
Soldiers: ( lur last march is about ended. To-mor-
row we shall lay down the arms which for four years
we have borne to defend our rights, to win our liber-
ties. We know and the world knows and history will
record that we have borne them with honor. We now
surrender to the overwhelming power of the enemy,
which lias rendered further resistance by us hopeless
and murderous to our own people and our own cause.
We can never forget the noble comrades who have
stood shoulder to shoulder to this moment, the noble
dead who have been martyred, the noble Southern
women who have been wronged and are unavenged, or
the noble principles for which we have fought. Con-
scious that wc have played our part like men confident
of the righteousness of our cause, without regret for
our action in the past, and without despair of the fu-
ture, let us to-morrow with the dignity of veterans who
are the last to surrender perform the duty which has
been assigned to us.
Signed: Dabney H. Maury, Major-General of the
Confederate Army, and by D. W. Florrerree, A. O. G.
The copy of above was issued by Maj. H. C. Semple,
commanding battalion.
True to herself and the high character of her fat lur.
Mrs. Margaret Davis Hayes, daughter of Jefferson
Davis, is ever diligent to vindicate the noble life of her
father. In reply to an unreasonable criticism of Mi’.
Davis, said to haw been repeated by the late Judge
Mills, of Wisconsin, Mrs. 1 [ayes writes to the paper:
I was very much pained to find my father, the Hon.
Jefferson Davis, so grossly misrepresented in the col-
umns of your paper, and therefore I ask you to publish
this denial of the statements said to have been made by
the late Judge Joseph T. Mills.
Judge Mills may have known my father, though I
never heard my father mention him, fully and charm-
ingly as I have heard him tell of his life in Wisconsin;
but this I do know: that Judge Mills is the one person
I have ever known to accuse my father of financial
sharpness, and I can only say he many times lost heav-
ily through his belief in the honorable intentions of
I have been in Wisconsin many times, and found the
people who had known and been associated with my
father admired and respected him, which could not
have been the case if he had been guilty of the “sharp
practises” Judge Mills is said to have accused him of.
I fail to see anything “amusing” in so dishonorable a
story, and am at least glad, though Judge Mills con-
descended to repeat such an unfounded story, that he
did not vouch for its accuracy. I notice he is also said
to have repeated the often-told story that my father
eloped with President Taylor’s daughter, which is an-
other evidence of how little he knew of the circum-
stances he professed to have had such an intimate
knowledge of. My father certainly married Miss Tay-
lor without the consent of her father, but he married
her from her aunt’s house, in the presence of members
of her family, and afterward a warm and enduring
friendship existed between President Taylor and him.
I may also add that my father was known to have
been a power among the miners of Wisconsin, whom
he assisted and protected in every practicable way,
which makes the absurdity of this unfounded story 1 f
Judge Mills’s even more apparent, and I regret that a
Kentuckian, therefore a fellow statesman of my father,
should have been the author of it.
H. H. Dickenson, of Lebanon, Va., inquires for Col.
James Giles, Twenty-Ninth Virginia Infantry Regi-
ment, Corse’s Brigade, Pickett’s Division, A. N. V.
When last heard from he was with a corps of surv.
in New Mexico. Any one who can supply this in-
formation will confer a favor on Mr. Dickenson. Com-
rade Dickenson reports action of his camp requesting
that the Atlanta reunion be postponed until in October.
Various communications have been received from com-
rades and camps of like purport, which would be print-
ed but for the question having been already settled.
Confederate Ueterar?.
In the January Veteran of 1896 Comrade R. J.
Dew expressed a desire to learn of the battle of Look-
out Mountain from one who was in it. After waiting
in vain for some on with an abler pen, I give a brief
account of my experiences in that battle. No private
soldier can tell positively more of a battle than what
he saw. I was a private in Company E, Thirty-Fourth
Mississippi Regiment, Walthall’s Brigade. We had
been stationed on the northwest slope of old Lookout
for some two weeks doing picket-duty. Our line was
down near the base of the mountain, nearly half a mile
from camp, and it extended quite a distance to the
west and north. Chattanooga Creek, a small stream,
flowed between us and the Yankee pickets. We were
on very friendly terms with each other, and exchange
of canteens, tobacco, coffee, etc., occurred daily. It
was understood along the picket-line that if either side
received orders to advance they would give a signal,
so the enemy could have time to get back to their
A few days before the battle Brown’s Tennessee Bri-
gade came to reenforce us, and encamped just east of
Walthall, on the slope under Point Lookout; and these
two commands only comprised the force on Lookout
Mountain. I do not know the numerical strength, but
the regiments were tolerably full, having done no fight-
ing since Chickamauga, and in that time had been re-
cruited. I think the Thirty-Fourth Mississippi num-
bered nearly seven hundred.
The day before the battle our company (E) was on
picket near where the Nashville and Chattanooga
railroad crosses the creek. Everything was quiet, the
pickets were in plain view, and neither thought of
shooting without giving notice. That night about
twelve o’clock the pickets were relieved, Company F”
taking our place. Picket posts were always relieved
at night.
The next morning, November 24, about sunrise, we
heard several musket-shots down on the picket-line,
assuring us that “friendly” relations had ceased. In a
few minutes a messenger came from the picket-line,
calling for two companies from our regiment. By the
time those two got to the front another messenger
came, calling for the balance of the regiment. When
we arrived at the foot of the mountain Lieut. -Col. Mc-
Elwaine, who was in command of the pickets, deployed
the entire regiment as skirmishers. Had we remained
in that position, the “battle above the clouds” might
have resulted very differently, because the line of pick-
ets covered nearly all that part of the western base
of the mountain, and could not have been successfully
assailed by the enemy; and we could at least have
skirmished with them until the remainder of the bri-
gade could have formed and been ready for the fight.
But fate, or Col. McElwaine, decreed otherwise. He
must have given the command, “Rally on the right!”
for in a few minutes the whole regiment was assembled
near where the railroad crosses the creek and formed
in column of companies. The western face of the
mountain being thus left unguarded by pickets, the
enemy had nothing to do but march up and find Wal-
thall’s Brigade lying around with their guns stacked
and depending on the pickets to give notice of the en-
emy’s approach. I was told that such was the condi-
tion of things in camp, but that Gen. Walthall got his
men in line promptly and checked the enemy’s ad-
vance and held them there all day and until late that
night. In the mean time our regiment was at the foot
of the mountain, cut off from the rest of the brigade.
Col. McElwaine ordered us to fall back, which we did.
We fell back slowly, as the mountain was very steep
and rugged. In all my war experience I never passed
through just such a bombardment. It seemed that
every battery in the Federal army was pouring bomb-
shells and solid shot into the side of that mountain.
The shells burst, knocking off thousands of pieces of
rock and scattering them hither and thither. The
whole face of the mountain was lurid with bursting
shells and seemed to belch smoke from every crevice,
while the mountain itself seemed to howl and shriek as
if a million demons had been aroused in its caverns.
Slowly climbing and struggling up through all that
awful storm of iron and smoke, we at last reached our
former camp, to find it literally covered with Federal
troops between us and our brigade, which was in line
of battle farther east. In a moment our flag was down,
and the Thirty-Fourth Mississippi Regiment had sur-
rendered. Our lieutenant, J. M. Glenn, Bud Lowe,
and I happened to be together. The lieutenant said,
“Boys, let’s get out of this!” and in an instant we
turned and, amid a perfect hail-storm of bullets, leaped
down over a ledge of rocks which runs eastward almost
parallel with the railroad, but some distance above it,
and so made our escape. Two other members of Com-
pany E got away, making five who escaped, out of
about eighty.
It was now well on in the afternoon. Gens. Wal-
thall and Brown still held their positions on the moun-
tain-side, and had effectually stopped the enemy’s ad-
vance. The smoke of battle and the clouds had set-
tled so thick on the mountain that it was almost like
night. The position of the two opposing lines of bat-
tle remained pretty much unchanged until late in the
night, when the Confederate troops were withdrawn,
leaving the Yankees in possession of the mountain.
So ended the “battle above the clouds.” I always
will believe that if our pickets had been properly
handled our two brigades (Walthall’s and Brown’s)
would have held Lookout Mountain.
Next morning those of our regiment who had es-
caped got together, formed line, and counted off, when
it was found that nineteen, out of about seven hun-
dred, had declined to take the trip North as prisoners.
Capt. Bowen, of Company D, I think, took command
of this remnant, and we were moved over to Mission-
ary Ridge and placed in Cheatham’s Division.
A recent contributor to the Sam Davis Monument
Fund is Capt. John Fisher, of Apalachicola, Fla., for-
merly of the U. S. Navy, a wearer of the blue. Capt.
Knickmeyer, who forwarded the contribution, writes
that it illustrates “the feelings and principles of a gen-
tleman who is loved and admired by all ages of our cit-
izens. He is familiarly known as ‘Capt. Fisher,’ of the
tug ‘Lottie,’ with a heart in the right place. At our
monthlv meetings a more welcomed veteran never en-
tered the Confederate camp of Tom Moore. He is al-
ways good-natured, but seems happiest when he re-
ceives the monthly issue of your valued journal.”
Confederate l/eterar>.
Official Orders Issued by George Moorman, Adjutant’
General and Chief of Staff.
gen. clement a. evans, historical editor.
Headquarters United Confederate Veterans.
New Orleans, La., August 28, 1897.
General Order No. 193:
The following recommendation occurs in the splen-
did and exhaustive report of the Historical Committee,
presented by its able chairman, Lieut. -Gen. S. U. Lee,
at the Nashville reunion:
“While your committee adheres to the opinion pre-
viously expressed and reiterated in this report, that
this association does not desire to appoint any one
person to represent this organization as the sole expo-
nent of its sentiments and opinions, but, on the con-
trary, wish to unite the individual efforts of main-
writers, believing that the field of history should be ex-
plored by many minds, yet your committee recognizes
the importance of securing the services of some com-
petent comrade to select historical data and many of
the fast-fleeting incidents of the war, to arrange the
same for the use of the future historian, and to give to
them such publication as may be proper. We there-
fore recommend that your committee be empowered
to appoint a historical editor, whose duty it shall be to
collect reliable historical data anil edit the same for
publication, subject to the approval of your com-
In conformity with the foregoing, and having been
notified by Lieut.-Gen. S. D. Lee, chairman, of the se-
lection by the committee of Gen. Clement A. Evans,
of Atlanta, Ga., the General Commanding hereby an-
nounces this distinguished soldier and civilian as the
Historical Editor of the U. C. V.’s.
The duties of the Historical Editor are to receive
from all sources whatever may be valuable as data for
Confederate history, and to preserve the same, subject
to the orders of the U. C. V. Association, for such use
as may be made of the material in authenticating his-
tory or in the preparation of historical matter.
The data may consist of individual experiences, man-
uscripts, pamphlets, books, magazines, newspapers,
pictures, photographs, etc., the expense of transmis-
sion to be borne by the party sending data.
The General Commanding appeals to all depart-
ment, division, brigade, camp commanders and veter-
ans everywhere to interest themselves in gathering to-
gether the scattered material of our Southern history
and forward same to Gen. Clement A. Evans, His-
torical Editor, at Atlanta, Ga.
new member of historical committee.
General Order No. 105:
Upon the recommendation of the Confederate Vet-
eran Association of Washington City Camp No. 17!,
approved by Lieut.-Gen. S. D. Lee. the distinguished
chairman of the Historical Committee and on South-
ern School History, created by General Orders No. 75,
118, and 147, current scries, from these headquarters,
Dr. Samuel E. Lewis, of Camp No. 171, is hereby ap-
pointed a member of the Historical Committee and on
Southern School History, vice W. Q. Lowd, of same
camp, resigned.
General Order No. 196:
1. The General Commanding announces that under
the resolution passed at the Nashville reunion and
under the custom established by the association, leav-
ing the date of the next annual meeting and reunion,
which is to be held in Atlanta, Ga., to the General
Commanding and the department commanders, the
next reunion will be held at Atlanta, Ga., upon the
following dates: July 20-23, 1898 — Wednesday, Thurs-
day, Friday, and Saturday, respectively. ( >ur ho
pecially requested the dates of July 20–:-. being anni-
versaries of tlie battles of Peach Tree Creek. Manas-
sas, and Atlanta, respectively. The rapid growth of
the association has caused such an accumulation of
business, which demands urgent attention at the com-
ing session, that it is absolutely necessary to give am-
ple time to dispose of all the matters to be submitted
to the delegates. Therefore four days’ limit will be
given for this session, instead of three, as heretofore.
2. With pride the < leneral Commanding also an-
nounces that e>ne thousand and seventy camps have
now joined the association, and applications received
at these headquarters for papers for one hundred and
fifty more. He urges veterans everywhere to send to
these headquarters for organization papers, form
camps, and join this association, so as to assist in car-
rying out its benevolent and patriotic objects.
As complete a list of U. C. V. camps as it was pos-
sible to prepare was published in the Veteran of July,
1897. This is additional –
Headquarters United Confederate Veterans.
New Orleans, La., December 11, 1897.
Genera! Order No. 194:
The General Commanding hereby announces the
fellowship of the following-named camps in the organ-
ization of the United Confederate Veterans, all regis-
tered in conformity with the dates in their respective
charters, also their numbers, to-wit:
Standwaite Camp No. 1007. Berwyn, Ind. T.
Adam Johnson Camp No. tOo8, Uniontown, Ky.
Cloud Camp No. 1009. Cloud Chief, Okla.
Confederate Veteran Camp No. 1010. Stillwater, Okla.
Confederate Veteran Camp No. 1011. Perry, Okla.
Confederate Veteran Camp No. 1012, Chandler, Okla.
Dawson Camp No. 1013, Greensboro, Ga.
Benton County Camp No. 1014. Camden, Tenn.
Arnold Elzey Camp No. 1015, Baltimore, Md.
Confederate Veteran Camp No. 1016, Capleville, Tenn.
Collierville Camp No. 1017. Collierville, Tenn.
L. N. Savage (.”amp Xo. 1018, Smithville, Tenn.
Boyd Hutchison Camp No. 1019, Springfield, Tenn.
Woody B. Taylor Camp No. 1020, Lynchburg, Tenn.
Wat Brysou Camp No. 1021, Hendersonville, N. C.
William Terry Camp No. 1022. Wytheville, Va.
Confederate Veteran Camp No. 1023, Aspen, Colo.
John R. Neal Camp No. 1024, Rockwood, Tenn.
Isaac R. Trimble Camp No. 1025, Baltimore. Md.
Murray Association Camp No. 1026, Baltimore. Md.
Pat Cleburne Camp No. 1027. Harrisburg, Ark.
Tatnall County tamp No. 1028, Glennville, Ga.
Stonewall Jackson Camp No. 1020, River View, S. C.
Sterling Price Camp No. 1030, Frisco, Cal.
Confederate .
John F. Hill Camp No. 1031.
John Mcintosh Kell Camp No. 1032, Crescent, Ga.
Confederate Veteran Camp No. 1033, Newkirk, Okla.
Confederate Veteran Camp No. 1034, Oakland.. Ind. T.
Perry County Camp Nu. 1035, Linden, Term.
James Adams Camp No. 1036, Austin, Ark.
Marble Falls Camp No. 1037, Marble Falls, Tex.
H. H. Harper Camp No. 1038, Latimer, S. C.
John H. Kelley Camp No. 1039, Melbourne, Ark.
Richard Robertson Camp No. 1040, Rapley, S. C.
Loring Camp No. 1041, Mannsville, Ind. T.
John S. Hoffman Camp No. 1042, Green Bank, W. Va.
Decatur County Camp No. 1043, Bainbndge, Ga.
John M. Stemmons Camp No. 1044, Greenfield. Mo.
Cleveland Camp No. 1045, Shelby, N. C.
James Breathed Camp No. 1046, Cumberland, Md.
Hankins Camp No. 1047, Lockesburg, Ark.
Confederate Veteran Camp No. 1048, Rayner, Tex.
Confederate Veteran Camp No. 1049, Carrollton, Ky.
Alex Stephens Camp No. 1050, Crawfordville, Ga.
R. S. Ewell Camp No. 105 1, Addison, W. Va.
Beauregard Camp No. 1052, Hacker Valley, W. Va.
Cary Whitaker Camp No. 1053, Enfield, N. C.
Gholeston Camp No. 1054, Planter, Ga.
R. E. Lee Camp No. 1055, Monroe, Ga.
Sam Davis Camp No. 1056, Rogers Prairie, Tex.
James W. Cooke Camp No. 1057, Beaufort, N. C.
Bratton Camp No. 105S, Crosbyville, S. C.
George W. Murphy Camp No. 1059, Sheridan. Ark.
R. G. Shaver Camp No. 1060, Salem, Ark.
Confederate Veteran Camp No. io6i,West Union, S. C.
Clement H.Stevens Camp No. 1062, Early Branch, S.C.
A. C. Haskell Camp No. 1063, Killian’s, S. C.
Wade Hampton Camp No. 1064, McCormick, S. C.
A. J. Lythgoe Camp No. 1065, Level Land, S. C.
M. C. Butler Camp No. 1066, Davis Precinct, S. C.
W. T. Tatom Camp No. 1067, Mt. Carmel, S. C.
John W. Hearst Camp No. 1068, Troy, S. C.
“Robert Boyd Camp No. 1069, Autreville, S. C.
Confederate Veteran Camp No. 1070, Cross Hill, S. C.
By order of
J. B. Gordon, General Commanding.
George Moorman, Adjt.-Gen. and Chief of Staff.
Grand Division of Virginia. —A Correction.
In the list of divisions given in the December Vet-
eran the Grand Division of Virginia U. D. C. is re-
corded as “Second Virginia Division.” This is not its
title. As a “Grand Division” it agreed to join the
United Daughters of the Confederacy, and as such it
was admitted. The resolutions of the U. D. C. con-
vention November 11, 1896, state: “That if so desired,
the Grand Division in joining us preserve its organiza-
tion intact, the U. D. C. recognizing two divisions in
the state — the First Division and the Grand Division —
so long as it is the desire of the majority of the chapters
to remain apart.”
The resolutions of the U. D. C. were accepted at the
convention held in Baltimore in November, 1897, and it
was agreed that the Grand Division “retains its right,
based on the first chapter in the state, to continue to
establish other chapters in the state for the U. D. C,
which will pay tax thereto. The chapters will still be
chartered by the Grand Division until such time as the
two divisions in Virginia shall agree to be one and the
same, when all the chapters in the state will be under
one government.”
Each chapter retains its number in the Grand Divi-
sion, showing its date of organisation, with the U. D. C.
number added, showing the date of entrance into the U.
D. C. Society. The Albemarle Chapter, for instance,
will always be “No. 1” in Virginia, and not simply
“No. 154” in the U. D. C. The numbers in all the
other U. D. C. chapters show when they were organized,
the most important point. This is a matter of history,
as well as of pride, to each chapter, and those embraced
in the Grand Division of Virginia would be losing their
identity if using only the U. D. C. number, as this gives
a wrong impression of the time of organization, and in
a few years will be still more misleading. It was by
accident that the Grand Division of Virginia, based
on the first chapter in the state, was not also the fir-^t
division, which it would have been except for waiting
for several chapters which desired to be enrolled when
the division was formed with twelve chapters.
At the time the Virginia Division was formed with
three chapters there were six organized from the Albe-
marle, ready to form into a division. Three months
later there were twelve, when Richmond and Lexing-
ton and others were organized, and the Grand Divi-
sion was formed at the University of Virginia, Feb-
ruary 12, 1896, the title being used in a collective sense
only, just as that of the Grand Camp of Virginia, C. V.,
is used. In six months, by July 1, when the Richmond
reunion was held, the Grand Division was doubled,
showing twenty-four chapters on its roll.
Can one wonder, then, that, with such a record, the
name should be dear to the chapters that are enrolled
under its charter, or that they should object to having
the date of their organization omitted, and the impres-
sion thus given that they were recently formed, instead
of being among the first to bear the honored name of
“Daughters of the Confederacy? ”
Frank Beaumont, Box 67, Nashville, Tenn. :
William Hawkins, of Tennessee, a valiant soldier of
the South in the great war and a poet of high rank in
his day, has been almost forgotten by those who should
have preserved his name and memory from oblivion.
An effort is now being attempted to that effect, and to
fulfil the plan the aid of the readers of the Veteran
is solicited. Some difference of statement in the data
at hand induces inquiries as follows: Birthplace and
date of birth? Early life — where and how spent?
Where educated, and when? Of what regiment was
he a member? Date of death, and circumstances?
Are there any relatives now living?
Explicit answers are very desirable, and will be re-
ceived gratefully.
G. P. Smith, Austin, Tex., who belonged to Com-
pany D, Twelfth Virginia Infantry, desires to hear
from Capt. James E. Tyler and Lieuts. John Lawton
and Zack Crawford, of his company, if they are still
living. Comrade Smith was captured in October, 1864,
and was in prison until June, 1865.
Qopfederate l/eterar?
More humor is wanted for the Veteran. At a re-
cent meeting of the Cheatham Bivouac, Nashville,
United States Senator Thomas B. Turley was one of
the guests, and in a general discussion for the good
of the order the guests, of course, were called upon.
Senator Turley was the first speaker. Apparently he
is not old enough to be a veteran, but he has a fine
record as a private in the “One Hundred and Fifty-
Fourth Senior Tennessee.” This regiment claimed to
be the First Tennessee, and when the honor was given
to Maney’s Regiment the members of this gallant com-
mand sought the other extreme and went beyond it.
Senator Turley said that we remember the humor
and the good times better than we do the privations
through those four memorable years. In illustration,
he stated that a man with gray beard called at his
room in the hotel and asked if he was Tom Turley.
lie replied to the cordial visitor that he was, but in
response to a hearty greeting lie had to admit that he
had no recollection of having seen him before. The
name John Jones being given, he instantly recalled a
night on the Hood advance into Tennessee when the
army camped on hills surrounding a well-appointed
farm. Sunn- enterprising (?) soldiers on the opposite
side of the farm were prompt to sil.ence some fat
near the farm-house that “might be vicious.” John
Jones took in the situation promptly. He went to his
captain and asked his uniform coat and sword, and by
the time he had donned them a group of comrades had
their guns, and in quick time they were on the way to
that hog-pen. Nearing it. one of the number ran
ahead, pretending to be a friend of the boys who were
skinning the fat hogs, and in a husky whisper warned
them: “Provost-guard!” The skinned hogs were
taken to the opposite hill.
Dr. J. B. Cowan, well known, especially among the
Tennessee veterans, and who was chief surgeon to
| « n \. B. Forrest, was also present, and. following
Senator Turley, told of a trick he played on Forrest’s
chief engineer. The command, only a little before the
surrender, camped for a night by the Tombigbee River.
The General, for reason, wanted to know how much
the water would rise during the night, and directed that
the engine* r attend to it. Next morning, when he in-
quired about the matter, the Doctor said: “At a stand.”
“No!” ejaculated Forrest; “I saw a boulder last
night that is now out of sight.”
Tn vindication (?) of the engineer, reply was mad<
thai he drove a nail into a flatboat just al the edge of
the water, and the water stood exactly as before. Of
course this joke did not stand long. Proper informa-
tion was given, and the surgeon had provided tin eti
gineer, who had faithfullv discharged his duty, a little
wine for the stomach’s sake.
1 if. S. II. Stout, who was eminent as medical direc-
tor of hospitals For the Western army, a man gifted
in letters, and who has long known the wisdom of good
cheer and exercised his excellent taste in making m ites,
furnishes the \ i i i k \\ many items. ( hie of these he
reports as follow s :
“Tn Roswell, Ga., there is a colored men’s debating-
society, of which my hostler is a zealous and attentive
member. Since he has been in my employ he has
learned to read the New Testament, spelling half the
words. Being in the service of the doctor, and able to
read, he assumes that he possesses an amount of wisdom
and learning beyond most of the fellows of the society.
One morning, not long since, he came to me greatly
rejoicing because of his advantages. Said he: ‘I am
glad I know how to read the Testament. Last night I
turned down some of the boys bad. Thev insisted that
there are only two Johns spoken of in the New Testa-
ment, but I proved to them that there are three. You
see there’s John the Baptist; that’s one. There’s St.
John; that’s two. \nd here [pointing to Rev. i. 9] is
/ John : that’s three.”
“I have not found it in my heart to disabuse the poor
fellow’s mind, and he still proudly enjoys his triumph.”
I h re is another from the Doctor’s ante-bellum 1
“\\ hen ( lie Bull made hi- fit trance at New
Orleans, among his audience was an elderly, old-fash-
planter, who had sold his cotton and been around
town enjoying himself generally. Ilis expectation of
enjoyment had been wrought to the highest pitch. I te
had all his life been Fond of ■Middle music.” and had
main a time taken a hand at a country breakdown.
lie had secured a seat in the middle of the parquet.
(‘li Bull, when the curtain rose, tripped upon the
stage, made his how, pulled off his white gloves, and,
seizing his violin and bow, began, amid the most pro-
found silence, an exercise upon one string. The old
planter silently waited For the pleasing (to him) part
of the performance. Ole Bull ceased; then came a
clapping of hands and shouts of encore. Th.
planter looked astonished and no little disgusted.
Confederate l/eterar?.
When Bull made his second appearance he could con-
tain himself no longer. Silence was restored, and the
performance was about to be renewed, when a voice
coming from the chair where the old planter was sitting
was heard all over the theater, saying: ‘Come, Old
Horse! you’ve done showed us you kin play; now give
us a toone.’ Of course he brought down the house.”
Tom Hall writes from Louisville, January 12, 1898:
At the first meeting of Camp George B. Eastin held
in 1898 one hundred and twenty-one grizzled old war-
riors, with many ladies, were present. One of the most
important measures taken up was a home for disabled
Confederate veterans, to be located in Kentucky, any-
where outside of Jefferson County, on the subject of
which Capt. John W. Green offered this report:
“The committee appointed to investigate and report
upon the practicability of establishing in the state of
Kentucky a home for disabled survivors of the Confed-
erate army respectfully submit the following:
“We recommend that all the camps of the Confeder-
ate Veteran Association in this state be asked to co-
operate in an effort to establish a home somewhere in
Kentucky, outside of Jefferson County, for the support
of indigent survivors of the Confederate army and navy
in our state. The home to be provided and furnished
by private subscriptions and supported by state aid.
“At the request of this committee Col. Young has
prepared and will submit to you a bill, the purpose of
which is to pledge state aid to support this home.
“We recommend that this meeting request each camp
of Confederate Veterans in the state to appoint a com-
mittee at once to confer at some early date, in this city,
with a committee of five to be appointed by the George
B. Eastin Camp, and take such steps as may be deemed
best to get the Legislature of Kentucky to pass this
bill, and put in practical shape this worthy undertaking.
After remarks by Messrs. J. W. Green, Bennett H.
Young, John H. Leathers, T. T. Eaton, Thomas D. Os-
borne, George C. Norton, J. W. Bowles, and R. H.
Thompson, on motion, the report was approved. A pro-
posed bill relating to the home was read by Col. Ben-
nett H. Young, and referred to a committee, to be re-
vised and, if possible, improved upon in its details.
A special committee, comprised of Col. Bennett H.
Young, John W. Green, John B. Pirtle, and George C.
Norton, with President Leathers as chairman, was ap-
pointed to take such steps as were deemed best to put
the association on a strong financial foundation.
A Committee on Arrangements for the national re-
union of United Confederate Veterans at Atlanta in
June was appointed as follows: Capt. Tohn H. Weller,
W. M. Marriner, W. J. Davis, R. H. Thompson, Nor-
borne G. Gray, J. W. Bowles, and Thomas D. Osborne.
Mr. Joseph Pettus, of the Membership Committee,
reported favorably, and the following new members
were elected: David K. P. Stone. Company E, Eighth
Tennessee Cavalry; Henry H. Smith, Company A,
First Mississippi Cavalry; John Ulrich. marine, under
Commander Montgomery.
The time for “remarks of the evening” having ar-
rived, Rev. Dr. T. T. Eaton gave a humorous account
of his fit of paralysis when sleeping in the rain at West
Point, Miss. Then Maj. W. J. Davis described very
impressively the death of Tommie Morgan in the at-
tack on Col. Hanson, at Lebanon. Col. J. W. Bowles
related his college experience at Yale, when he formed
the first Democratic club at that institution in 1854, and,
continuing, told how ten years later he met Capt.
Wheeler, of Connecticut, as a member of Col. Scott’s
Louisiana Cavalry. Rev. Dr. M. B. Chapman, of Fifth
and Walnut Street Methodist Church, related his expe-
rience at the crater, at Petersburg, Va., and how he
afterward crossed the Pacific Ocean to Japan, where,
with Supt. Loomis, of the American Bible Society, he
met one of the men he had faced and exchanged shots
with at Petersburg. The closing address was made by
Col. Bennett H. Youner.
Rev. Dr. David H. Moore, who commanded the
One Hundred and Twenty-Fifth Ohio in the great
war, writes, under the heading “Only the Wicked
Flee When No Man Pursueth: ”
The pension system is under fire. The annual ap-
propriation is enormous. It is known that some pen-
sion agents have pushed through many unworthy
claims and many fraudulent ones; so the pension list is
no longer an honor list. Every meritorious pension-
er is immensely concerned to have every fraud un-
earthed and punished. Pension Commissioner Ev-
ans believes that the publication of the full list of pen-
sioners, showing why these are pensioned, and in what
amounts, would clear the sky. Since a single news-
paper offered, for a monopoly of the privilege of print-
ing the entire list, to do it without cost to the govern-
ment, and to present the government with fifteen hun-
dred bound volumes, the Commissioner thinks the es-
timated cost of such publication by Congress, $200,-
000, is too great. Hardly would a worthy pensioner
object to the publication, while those who have some-
thing to fear could not be expected to be enthusiastic
for the publication of their shame. Every good sol-
dier is profoundly interested that the list be purged of
every unworthy feature. The papers would reprint
the list for their respective cities or counties, and thus
this desirable end would be secured. The scrutiny of
the people would cleanse it of frauds, and preserve it as
the brightest roll in the schedule of appropriations.
Gen. H. V. Boynton, eminent for loyalty to his wor-
thy comrades, as well as liberal in his praise to the
gallantry of Confederates, states :
If the cost of Congress, the printing-office, the bo-
tanical garden (expressed in the item legislative), and
the Agricultural Department be taken out, the pen-
sions for next year will equal the total cost of the re-
maining government service — that is to say, the cost
of pensions will, with the small exceptions noted, equal
the entire salary-list of the government in Washing-
ton and throughout the country, the expenses of all the
departments, including the whole judicial system, the
cost of the army and navy, post-office deficiencies, pub-
lic buildings, fortifications and ships, rivers and har-
bors, the Department of Labor, and the whole expense
of the White House and its salaries. A long array of
prominent items, such as those for the coast survey,
the life-saving service, the lighthouse system, the In-
dian service/the general land-office, the Marine Hos-
pital service, the National Soldiers’ Homes, the cus-
toms service, might be added to still further emphasize
the point under consideration.
Confederate l/eterao
dpi ted 5095 of (^federate l/etera9$.
Organized July 1. Jv«;, Richmond, Va.
ROBERTA. SMYTH, Commander-in-Chief, >„».,«,. „, , ,
DANIEL RAVENEL, Adjutant-General, | ««H”. Charleston, S.C
ROBERT 1 , NORFLEET, Commander, > „ ,…,.. … ,, „ „
GARLAND I . WEBB, AJMOTANT-GEN] BAL,| ‘” ‘- ‘■ ln8 “> n > • N – 1 —
T. LF.ICIl THOMPSON, COMM tNDER, Lew isburg, Tenn.
W. C. SAUNDERS, Commander, I ,. ,.. ,-, ivit,,n t<-x-
.1. II. BOWM W, Arm rANT-Gl ■ m: m . I ” x ‘ “‘■ ‘■ “””• iox –
Conducted by ROBERT \. SMYTH, < harleston, S. C.
Send all communical ions for this department to him.
[Comrades everywhere are urged to commend tin- organizatii
~ms. By ‘lr>inir so thej maj be verj helpful i” 1 ommander Smj th. 8.
There are two other camps to report chartered since
the appearance of the December Veteran: No. 55, Joe
Vaughn, Fayette. Mo.; No. 56. John Royd, Lexington,
Ky. It is very encouraging that tne Sons have at last
gained a foothold in Missouri. This is owing to the
efforts of Col. S. B. Cunningham, of the Veteran camp.
Many other camps should be organized in that large
state, and have a division to report at the next reunion.
Special t >rdvr No. 10 has been issued, app< linting Mr.
R. C. Clark Commander of the Missouri Division, and
he has been instructed to appoint his staff and proceed
immediately with the organization of the division. 1 lis
father. John B. Clark, was a member of Congress dur-
ing ante-bellum days, and was brigadier-general at the
beginning of the war. He was seriously wounded in
1 861, and was then elected to the Confederate Con-
gress. His brother, John B. Clark. Jr., enlisted as a
private in the Confederate army, and was promoted
through all grades to brigadier-general. His other
brother gave his life to the cause. Thus it will be seen
that Mr. Clark is richly entitled to membership, and by
personal merit attains the honor conferred upon him.
Herewith is appended a list of the camps of each di-
vision, with some account of the w : ork in the division:
Virginia Division.
R. S. B. Smith, Commander, Berryville, Va. No. 1,
1″. E. Lee, Richmond; No. 2, R. S. Chew, Fredericks-
burg; No. 3, A. S. Johnston, Roanoke; No. 6, State
Sovereignty, Louisa C. H. ; No. 8, J. E. B. Stuart, Ber-
ryville; No.’ 9, Pickett-Buchanan, Norfolk; No. 10,
Turner-Ashby, Harrisburg; No. 11, Hampton, Hamp-
ton; No. 12, Shenandoah, Woodstock; No. 13, Pickett-
Stuart, Nottoway; No. 14, John R. Cooke, West Point;
No. 19, Kemper-Strother-Fry, Madison; No. 20, Page
\ alley, Page; No. 21, Clinton Hatcher, Leesburg.
While there has not been much activity shown in this
division of late, we feel sure that hard work is being
done to promote the cause for the success of which
we are all striving, and we hope soon to have a large
increase in the camps of this division.
Maryland Division.
It is certainly to be regretted that so far our organi-
zation has been unable to gain any foothold whatever
in this state. The Department Commander, Mr. Nor-
fleet, and the w-riter have tried often to interest some of
the sons of veterans in Baltimore, but without success.
Will not the Veterans of this state come to our assist-
ance and aid us in awakening their sons to an interest?
North Carolina Division.
Charles A. Rland, Commander, Charlotte. No. 5,
George Davis, Wilmington; No. 15, Johnston-Petti-
grew, Asheville; No. 17, Norfket, Winston; No. 23,
Stonewall Jackson, Charlotte.
\ great deal of activity is being shown in this divi-
sion in the organization of more camps, and efforts are
now being made to arrange a successful meeting of all
the camps, so that tin- work may be advanced.
Waynesville and Salisbury will soon organize camps.
South Carolina Division.
M. L. Bonham, Commander, Anderson. No. 4,
Moultrie. Charleston: No. 7. W. W. Humphreys, An-
derson; No. 22, Maxc) Gregg, Columbia; No. 24, Ma-
rion. Marion; No. -7. Wade Hampton, Mt. Pleasant;
No. 31, Cadwallader Jones, Rock Hill;No.35, [ohnM.
Kinard, Newberry; No. 36, O’Neal, Greenville; No. }S,
B. 11. Rutledge, McCIellanville; \.>. 30. Clark Allen.
Abbeville; No. 40, W. D. Simpson, Laurens; No. 41,
James M. Perrin, Greenwood; No. 42, B. S. Jones,
inton; No. 43, James L. Orr, Belton; No. 44, Barn.
Bee, Pendleton; No. 45, Norton, Seneca; No. 47, Ri<
ard H. Anderson, Beaufort; No. 48, M. L. Bonham,
Saluda; No. 51, Louis T. Wigfall, Batesburg; No. 53.
Larkin A. Griffin, Ninety-Six.
This division is now the banner division of the or-
ganization, and the increase in the number of its camps
is most creditable. Mr. Bonham is probably one of the
most popular men in the state. \s Adjutant-General
he became acquainted in every city of the state, and
thus he is able to do invaluable work for the division.
Besides the camps on the roll, there is another large
camp in Charleston, Camp Henry Buist, which will
apply for a charter when they have one hundred mem-
bers on the roll. They now have ninety. There are
also active camps at Winnsboro, Church, and Laurens,
all of which will apply very shortly for charters.
Camps are also being organized at Spartanburg and
Darlington, and we hope soon to add them to the roil.
Kentucky Division.
R. C. P. Thomas, Commander, Bowling Green. No,
25, John H. Morgan, Richmond; No. 30, John H. Mor-
gan, Bowling Green; No. 56, John Boyd, Lexington.
This division is growing rapidly, and much interesl
is being shown throughout the state in the organization.
A camp is now being formed at Russellville, and we
trust will soon be thoroughly organized.
West Virginia Division.
So far there has been hut one camp organized in this
state: No. 54, J. E. B. Stuart. Marlinton. This cam;-,
however, is very active, and is taking steps now to or-
ganize others throughout the state. Movements are
on foot at Charleston and Martinsburg, and wc hope-
that the camps will soon be enrolled. The Command-
er of this state will be appointed as soon as the di-
vision is organized.
T. Leigh Thompson, Commander, Lewisburg, Tenn.
Qopfederate .
Georgia Division.
No. 18, Thomas Hardeman, Macon; No. 46, John
B. Gordon, Atlanta.
This division is practically unorganized, the only
really active camp being at Atlanta. The Commander
of the Atlanta camp, Mr. W. W. Davies, is hard at work
endeavoring to place other camps throughout the stare.
He has sent out one thousand circulars throughout the
state, giving instructions about formation of camps, etc.
There is also activity in Savannah, and a camp will evi-
dently be organized there soon.
Alabama Division.
This division consists of but one camp, No. 16, John
IVlham, Auburn; but the State Commander, Mr. P. H.
Mell, has been most active in his efforts, and, notwith-
standing the yellow fever restrictions, has organized
camps at Tuscaloosa, Tuscumbia, Carrollton, Birming-
ham, Jackson, Greenville, Dadeville, Opelika, and Sel-
ma, and expects to have their applications for charters
sent in very soon.
Tennessee Division.
No. 28, Joe Johnston, Nashville ; No. 29, Maury, Co-
lumbia; No. 32, W. H. Jackson, Culleoka; No. a,
Stone’s River, Murf reesboro ; No. 34, William B.
Brown, Gallatin; No. 37, James H. Lewis, Lewisburg;
No. 52, Archibald Grade, Bristol.
This division has not elected a Commander, but the
old state association of Sons has been dissolved, and a
meeting was called at Murf reesboro for January 13,
when the state division would be formed and all the
camps of the other association, about sixteen in num-
ber, would apply for charters to join the state division.
We therefore hope in the next issue to give a good re-
port of this meeting. Mr. Thompson is working hard
for the formation of this division.
In Mississippi, Louisiana, and Florida there are no
camps of Sons, so far as the officers of our association
have been able to ascertain, and so far no movements
are being made to organize any. Won’t the Veterans
come to our assistance?
W. C. Saunders, Commander, Belton, Tex.
7Y.ra.r Division,
R. K. Gaston, Commander, Dallas. No. 26, A. S.
Johnston, Belton; No. 49, W. L. Cabell, Dallas; No.
50, John B. Hood, Galveston.
This division is growing rapidly, and the interest be-
ing taken in the cause is most encouraging. A large
camp was organized in Austin on the 10th inst, and
several others are in process of organization.
Camp W. L. Cabell No. 49, of Dallas, on December
29 gave a very handsome “charity ball” for the benefit
of maimed and disabled veteran soldiers in the state of
Texas. The invitations sent out to this ball are beau-
tifully engraved and have the flag of the state and the
Confederate flag in colors at the head of it.
Missouri Division.
R. C. Clark, Commander, Fayette. No. 55, Jo
Vaughan, Fayette.
This is our newest division, but we expect it to he
one of the strongest. Old Missouri sent noble men to
the war, and her sons must be proud of their records.
The following beautiful tribute to the South and to
the Confederate soldier was written by Miss Belle B.
McClellan, of New York, in a private letter to a Union
veteran friend in Nashville, and was not intended for
publication. Miss McClellan is a cousin of the late
Maj. -Gen. George B. McClellan, a brilliant and appre-
ciative woman, who visited the Tennessee Centennial.
You ask me if I remember Lieut. and Dr. ,
of the Confederate Veterans? Yes; while life lasts
and memory remains I shall never forget how they ex-
tended hands and their voluntary introduction as they
stepped from the ranks of the veterans in gray, whom
I saw on Maj. Thomas Day for the first time in my
life. It thrilled my soul more than anything on earth
has ever done, and I felt that those brave men have
fought and won a greater battle in the silence and
depths of their noble, manly lives than was ever fought
or won on Southern battle-field with the awful roar of
the cannon and the agony of the dying around them.
When hostilities ceased seemed never to me the time
that victory was won; it only began at Appomattox, a
scene into the memory of which no true man ever en-
ters without uncovered head, no true woman only on
bended knee. God never created two more noble men
than Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant. As the
souis of the boys in gray and the boys in blue passed
out from the light of our day, down through the valley
beyond our sight into the shadow of the unseen, they
went in unbroken ranks, side by side; and it seems to
me that ever since, on Christmas night, their voices
have joined the angel choir as they sing: “Peace on
earth, good will toward men.”
Since I came back from my first visit to the South
the charm of the Southland has followed, and lingers
with me. Had we known them, had they known us,
the war could never have been. All the world shall
see how, after the clouds were gone and the sun of
peace rose clear, that no braver foes ever fought for a
principle on different grounds, and that there are no
nobler, grander, truer friends than the men in gray and
the men in blue. Those who fought the hardest and
bravest are those who can love the truest and deepest.
Tennessee is the only Southern state I know. My
visit to it was my first meeting with Southern people.
Your women are elegant and cultured; your men,
gentlemen born. The ardent, generous hearts of
Southern people are lavish with all the warm impulses
of noble natures. I find myself saying:, How could
we of the North, in whose veins the blood runs colder
and more slowly, do without our Southern men and
women? They send out to us the warm rays of sun-
shine from their hearts, and they will receive a noble,
loving response from, us, which will never grow cold,
but deepen and widen on through the ages.
As I call to mind how my heart and soul were stirred
to their very depths on Maj. Thomas Day, and while I
bow my head for the benediction of peace, I hear a
Voice as it says once more, while the army in heaven
and on earth stands with arms at rest and with uncov-
ered head — one part, the greater, in heaven; the other
part, few in numbers, on earth — “I have loved thee
with an everlasting love: therefore with loving-kind-
ness have I drawn thee.”
Confederate l/eterag
Col. John B. Carey, of Richmond, is of the Confed-
erate dead. In the VETERAN of July, 1896, there is a
sketch of him. In 1861 he established the Hampton
Military Academy, and he was appointed by Gov.
Comrade Holt was born at Holt’s Corner, Tenn., in
1835, and was reared on a farm. He and an older
brother enlisted in Starnes’s Fourth Tennessee ( aval
ry. While on furlough the brother was murdered by
a man known to Thomas, who resolved upon ven
geance. Afterward, h >wev< r, getting a terrible wound
in battle, he faced death, and learned that “vengeance
is mine” from a higher Source.
After the war that criminal was on trial in a court-
room, and Comrade licit was present as a witness.
The prisoner quailed in his presence, and begged the
sheriff to intercede with him. licit replied: “Tell him
he is safe. The time was when 1 would have shot him
dead in his tracks, but God has made me a different
man; all hatred has died out of my soul.”
\s Treasurer of the Hoard of Missions of the Mcth-
<>dist F.piscopal Church. South, Mr. licit had gone to
Texas, and at Weatherford, on the morning of his ar-
rival, November 17. he entered the room of the North-
west Texas Conference, when “he fell under a stroke of
THOMAS UK. NN I 1 1 1 ■ • > 1 I .
apoplexy,” but it is believed it was the result of a wound
received while in the Confederate army.
Mr. Holt has been succeeded in office by Mr. G. W.
Cain, who had been his assistant.
Letcher to the rank of major, and placed in charge of
volunteers then organizing in Virginia. After gallant
service in battle he was promi ited to lieutenant-colonel.
and assigned to the Thirty-Second Virginia Infantry.
lie was son afterward made inspector-general under
Magruder. When Magruder was sent West Col, Ca
rev became paymaster For the hospitals about Rich
ond. His funeral was attended by many friends, the
Confederate camps of Richmond taking prominent part
in the services. The Richmond Times gives an inter-
esting account of the service. Rev. Dr. Hoge, in .1
prayer, paid a touching tribute to the character of Col.
Carey, and Capt. Frank Cunningham sang sweetly and
pathetically, as lie so well ran. “Jesus Is There.’ – Re\
Dr. Hall said it was the wish of the deceased that no
eulogy be pronounced, but he added: -Your presence
here is an oration in itself.” The choir sang ” Ri
\.ges, cleft for me.”
In July of 1807 Dr. O. H. Spence, of l rj stal Spi
Miss., laid down the burdens of a busy life and en
into his rest. A man of handsome presence and genial
manners, he easily made friends and retained them.
Dr. Spence served with honor as a Confederati soldier
in the Army of Northern Virginia. He graduated with
distinction at the Medical College of New Orleans in
1866, and for nearly thirty years was actively eng
in the practise of medicine, lie was married in 1 S77
to Miss Amelia L. Ellis, who. with one son. survives
(Confederate l/eterar?.
him. In 1890 Dr. Spence retired from practise, and
removed to Crystal Springs, and became actively in-
terested in the prosperity of his town. He was Vice-
President of the Mutual Bank, and also identified with
various benevolent associations. With love for home
and family and humanity still strong within him, at the
age of fifty-eight the silver cord was loosed and the
bowl broken at the fountain. A lengthy tribute was
adopted July 16 by the Mississippi Chautauqua Assem-
bly, of which he was a member.
That fine old family journal, the Virginia Free Press,
reports the death of Col. L. T. Moore, of Winchester,
in his eighty-third year. The sudden summons came
while walking the street in Winchester, which had
been his home for fifty-three years. Comrade and Con-
frere Gallaher, the editor, wrote: “Trained to civil pur-
suits and a member of the Winchester bar, when the
war broke out he entered the Confederate army, and by
successive promotions rose to command of one of the
five splendid regiments of Virginians which composed
the famous Stonewall Brigade. He was desperately
wounded and made a cripple for life at the first battle
of Manassas while leading his men, but would not re-
main inactive. As soon as he could remount a horse
he reentered the service at the head of his regiment,
and was always cool and courageous at the post of
duty. As a citizen after the close of the war he dis-
charged every duty, and goes to his grave highly re-
spected by the people among whom he spent most of
his life. We may be pardoned for relating an incident
of the Confederate reunion and corner-stone laying in
Richmond in 1896. Col. Moore, though then nearly
eighty-two years of age and a cripple, and in spite of the
heat of the July sun, joined the remnant of the Stone-
wall Brigade in procession, and afoot took the long
march to the site of the proposed Davis monument.
Much fatigued, he sat down upon the grass beside the
editor of the Free Press, and some one present essayed
to introduce him. He smilingly remarked: ‘I don’t
need an introduction to Friend Gallaher; I know him.
He saved my life at the first battle of Manassas.’ This
was a revelation to us. We had no recollection, nor
have now, of rendering him such a service; but we then
knew why, whenever we met, during all the years since
July, 1861, his greeting and grasp of hand seemed more
than cordial. Peace to his ashes! ”
The same issue of the Free Press reports the death
of Capt. William N. McDonald, at Berryville, Va. He
was one of the twelve sons of Col. Angus McDonald.
Among his brothers were Col. Marshall McDonald,
United States Fish Commissioner under Cleveland;
Col. Edward H. McDonald, of Rosser’s Brigade;
Craig McDonald, of Gen. Elzey’s staff, and Maj. An-
gus W. McDonald. Capt. McDonald was born in
Romney, graduated at the University of Virginia. In
1857 he was elected professor of belles letters in the
University of Public Schools, Louisville, Ky.; later he
was superintendent of the schools of Louisville. In
April, 1861, he enlisted as private in Company G,
Second Virginia Regiment, Stonewall Brigade, and
was paroled at Appomattox, being captain of artillery
and chief of ordnance of Mahone’s Division. In con-
junction with Prof. John S. Blackburn, of Alexandria,
he wrote the first Southern school history of the United
States, which has passed through twenty editions, and
still has a wide circulation. He was editor of the
Southern Bivouac when it was most successful, and his
other contributions to literature were numerous and
valuable. As a soldier, a citizen, and a Christian gen-
tleman he had not a superior in all our Southland.
Capt. John K. Anderson was born in Fredericks-
burg, Va., February 15, 1837. Prior to the civil war
he was connected with the militia of his native town,
and when his company went to Harper’s Ferry, during
the John Brown raid, he was color-bearer. He was the
first officer in Fredericksburg to receive a military or-
der in 1861, and left there April 22 to take charge of the
steamer “George Page,” which had been captured and
taken to Aquia Creek from Alexandria. He was then
third lieutenant of Company A, Thirtieth Virginia Reg-
iment, was promoted through the intermediate offices,
and made captain of his- company January 1, 1863, in
which capacity he served until the close of hostilities.
He was wounded at Sharpsburg. Capt. Anderson died
in the fall of 1892, in the fifty-sixth year of his age.
Mrs. James M. Duncan, Jr.,
of Yazoo City, Miss.,
Corresponding Sec-
retary of the Na-
tional Order of the
United Daughters
of the Confederacy,
elected in their late
convention, is a
daughter of “histor-
ic Vicksburg.” She
is the presiding offi
cer of the Mississip-
pi Division, U. D.
C., and bears the
distinction of being
the most youthful
of all the State Pres-
idents. Mrs. Dun-
can was born after
the famous siege.
In the Baltimore
convention Missis-
sippi was conspicu-
ous in her plea to
the National Order
for cooperation and
assistance to pur-
chase “Beauvoir,” the home of the Confederate Presi-
dent, Jefferson Davis. In voicing the sentiment for her
constituents, the Baltimore Sun said: “Mrs. Duncan
made a brilliant and eloquent appeal for ‘Beauvoir.’ ”
The following is the parole given a Federal prisoner:
“I, the undersigned prisoner of war, David Laken,
captured near Murfreesboro, Tenn., hereby give my
parole of honor not to bear arms against the Confeder-
ate States or to perform any military or garrison duty
whatever until regularly exchanged; and, further, that
I will not divulge anything relative to the position or
condition of any of the forces of the Confederate States.
This 3d day of January, 1863. David Laken. Wit-
ness: C. W. Peden, Captain and Provost-Marshal.”
Confederate l/eterar?
Notice has gone forth of the beautiful service of a
Southern-born woman ai Madison, \\ is., during all the
intervening years since the war. F. W. Oakley. ( lerl
of the United States Courts for the Western District
of Wisconsin, has written to Capt. J. B. O’Bryan, of
Nashville, chairman of a committee appointed by
Frank Cheatham Bivouac to inquire into the subject:
Madison, Wis., January 3, 1898.
Dear Sir: Replying to your favor of December -‘7.
I beg leave to say that the article referred to in the
Times-Herald is not quite correct, and needs explana-
tion. During the early part of 1862 quite a number of
Confederates were captured at Island No. 10, and sent
to this city and confined in Camp Randall. While
here about one hundred and forty of them died, and
were buried in a lot in Forest Hill Cemetery, where
their graves remained uncared for for several years,
whan the work of improving and beautifying the
ground was taken up by Mrs. Alice W. Waterman.
\ i you and your associates will doubtless be inter-
ested in Mrs. Waterman and her work, I will briefly
give you an account of it. She was born at Baton
Rouge, La., October 18, 1820, and, although having
spent the greater part of her life in the North, had al-
ways a great affection for the Southland. Coming to
make her home in Madison in 1868, she discovered this
neglected spot where lay buried about one hundred and
forty Confederate dead. She at once began the work of
reclamation, and with her own hands and means worked
untiringly all these years, until overtaken by illness two
years since. Fortunately she succeeded in getting the
lot in such good condition that for the present it needs
but little care. She had placed about the lot a sub-
stantial Stone coping, but had not the means to carry
out her desire to place at the head of each grave a head-
stone of marble. However, the graves have been neat-
ly marked with white painted boards, bearing the name,
company, and regiment of each soldier. These boards
have been renewed three times at her expense.
When Mrs. Waterman took up the labor of love she
had quite an income, but, owing to unfortunate invest-
ments a number of years ago. lost her property. Hav-
ing no relatives, she came into my family to maki n 1
home in 1883, where she resided until her death, last
September, when, at her own request and in the sp >1
designated by her. we laid her to rest with hei “bo
as she so fondly called diem.
The movement came about in this manner: In con-
it ion with Capt. Hugh Lewis, an old comrade oi
mine and a friend of Mrs. Waterman (at present door-
er in the House of Representatives at Washing-
ion |, we thought it advisable to bring the matter to the
attention of some prominent Confederate- in Washing
ton, to ascertain if some provisions could not be made
by the different states to which these soldiers belo>
for the erection of a suitable monument to these Con-
federate dead, whereby their names and services may
be preserved. Capt. Lewis consulted Mr. F. H. Mad
ey, Vice-Commander of the camp at Washington, at
whose request he appeared before the camp, where he
was cordially received, and presented the facts; and a
committee was appointed to consider the matter and
report at a subsequent meeting.
I understand that at that meeting Judge Mackey was
appointed chairman of the Committee on Confederate
Graves, etc., and that he has made a report to the camp
diere which was approved and adopted, and a resolu-
tion passed making it ,1 standing committee, with in-
structions to report its progress from time to time.
What plan the committee has adopted I am unable
to state, but as soon as I learn its nature will gladly
communicate it to you.
The additions to the Sam Davis Monument Fund
have increased in gratifying proportions recently, and
the list is omitted for next number. If others still who
desire to subscribe will do so in the next few weeks, it
will be well. In this connection request is mad
suggestive inscriptions to go on the monument. Lei
them be from twenty-five to fifty words.
Delav of articles for the ” Last Roll” seems unavoid-
able. The death of Gen. L. S. Ross, of Tex.
among them.
The Washington City Camp has a report for the
next Veteran.
Qoofederate .
The Atlanta Chapter of Daughters of the Confederacy send out a letter in which
they solicit subscriptions and state: ” During the ensuing year its interest for Atlan-
lians will be unusually great. We will be alert for news of all kinds, and the Vet-
eran will be filled with items concerning Atlanta before, during, and since the war.”
The appeal is signed by Mrs. E. G. McCabe, Mrs. George Hillyer, Mrs. W. A.
Hemphill, Mrs. William T. Newman, Mrs. Eugene Spalding, Mrs. E. C. Peters.
~/U <7, ‘AT, Oi^^-pt,^^j>f[/^^ — ^
J i4u**/l */ Is fat */ Tfec zm*-*^
or the
There are cough medicines that
are taken as freely as a drink of
water from a dipper. They are
cheap medicines. Quantity does not
make up for quality. It’s the qual-
ity that cures. There’s one medi-
cine that’s dropped, not dipped —
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. There’s
more power in drops of this remedy
than in dippersful of cheap cough
syrups and elixirs. It cures Bron-
chitis, Asthma, Croup, Whooping
Cough, and all Colds, Coughs, and
affections of the Throat and Lungs.
Cherry Pectoral
is now half price for the half-size
bottles — 50 cents.
This oak ornaments Craw-
ford Street, in Thomasville,
Ga. When the town was
first settled the street was
a pond, filled with pretty
water-oaks. As time rolled
on and Thomasville began
to grow and was laid off in-
to streets this pond was
drained and the place filled
up. This oak, being of an
unusually pretty shape, like
an umbrella, was left, and is
now the pride of the town —
a thing of beauty, and a joy
to all who behold its enor-
mous dimensions. The tree
is said to be over seventy
years old.
This great umbrella oak is
one hundred feet in diameter.
Qoi?federate l/eterar?.
There is more catarrh in this section of the coun-
try than all other diseases put together, and until
the last few years it was supposed to be incurable.
For a great many years doctors pronounced it a lo-
cal disease, and prescribed local remedies, and, by
constant lv failing to cure with local treatment, pro-
nounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh
to be a constitutional disease, therefore requiring
constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Tolrdo, O.,
is the only constitutional cure on Ihr market. It Is
taken internally in doses from ten drops to B tl I
Bp iful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred
dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circu-
lars and testimonials. Address,
F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, < ».
-Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Operate Finest Vestibuled Pullman Ob-
servation Sleeping-Cars daily between
Kansas Citv and Galveston via the K.
C, P. and G. R. R. to Shreveport, H. E.
and \V. T. Ry. to Houston, and G. C.
and S. 1’. Kv. to Galveston. Dining-
Car Service via this line between
Shreveport and Kansas City. Meals on
the cafe 1 plan- — pay for what you get, and
at reasonable prices.
Passengers to and from St. Louis and
the East make close connections via Fris-
co Line at Poteo, via Iron Mountain or
Cotton Belt Routes at Texarkana or
via Cotton Belt Route at Shreveport.
Through sleepers via Q. and C. Route
from Cincinnati and Chattanooga make
close connections in union depot at
Shreveport. No transfers via this route.
Close connections in Central I’epot at
Houston with through trains for Austin,
San Antonio, Eagle Pass, El Paso, Rock-
port, Corpus Christi, and all Southern
and Western Texas and Mexico points.
Be sure to ask for tickets via Shreve-
port Route. For rates, schedules, ‘and
other information see nearest ticket
agent, or write R. D. Yoakum,
Gen. Pass. Agt.
W. M. Doherty,
T. P. A., Houston, Tex.
The Southern Railway, in connection
with the Nashville, Chattanooga, and St.
Louis Railway and Pennsylvania Rail-
road, operates daily a through sleeping-
car between Nashville and New York,
via Chattanooga, Knoxville, and Ashe-
ville. This line is tilled with the hand-
somest Pullman drawing-room buffet
sleeping-cars, and the east-bound sched-
ule is as follows: Leave Nashville 10:15
p.m., Chattanooga 4:20 a.m., Knoxville
8:25 a.m., Hot Springs 11 ^6 a.m., and ar-
rives at Asheville at 1:15 p.m., Washing-
ton 6:42 a.m., New York 12:43 p.m. This
sleeping-car passes by daylight through
the beautiful and picturesque mountain
scenery of East Tennessee and Western
North Carolina, along the French Broad
Nashville has a Tea Room in the Will-
cox Building, where elegant lunches arc-
served at low prices, and where ladies
can rest when tired from their shopping.
It is proving a great success, and out of
town ladies may find it a special conve-
nience. The ladies in charge are most
On February 1 and 15, and March 1 and
15, liSgS, the Cotton Belt Route will sell
round-trip tickets from St. Louis, Cairo,
and Memphis to all points in Arkansas,
Louisiana, and Texas, at one fare, plus
$2, for the round trip. Stop overs will
be allowed on going trip within 15 days,
and tickets will be good to return within
21 days from date of sale.
The Cotton Belt passes directly
through the best portions of Arkansas,
Louisiana, and Texas, and this will be a
splendid opportunity for home seekers
to secure a good location.
I 01 full particular as to rates, etc., and
for free copies of handsomely illustrated
pamphlets about Arkansas, Louisiana,
and Texas, write to W. (, Ad. mis. T. P.
A., 215 North Cherry Street, Nashville,
Tenn., or 1 W. LaBeaume, G. P. & T.
A . st. Louis, Mo.
Via the Oucen and Crescent Route.
New line, through Pullman Palace
Drawing-room sleepers daily from Cin-
cinnati. Only 34 hours en route. No
Other line makes this fast time. Solid
vestibuled train to Jacksonville. Direct
connection from Louisville via the South-
ern Railway. Low rate winter Tourist
tickets now on sale.
Mr. Walter O. Parmer advertises in
this issue for entries to his annua] horse
sale which takes place at Cumberland
Park from March 21 to 24. Entries.
however, must he sent in not later than
February 21. The demand for good
horses — trotters, pacers, saddlers,
matched teams, and for general pur-
poses has improved greatly within the
past six or eight months, and the indica-
tions are that the sale will be one of the
most successful he has yet held.
Old Roofs Made Good as New.
If an old leaky tin. iron, or steel roof,
paint it with Allen’s Anti-Rust Japan.
One coat is enough; no skill required;
costs little; goes far, and lasts long.
Stops leaks and prolongs the life of
old roofs. Write for evidence and cir-
culars. Agents wanted.
would i»
but 11. 1
B&mucn a
Allen Anti-Rust Mfg. Co..
A White Negro!
Afro-American Encvclopa-dia, wnlon contains over
100 :,, tides, cow tin | ■ ■■’■ rj topi” i I “‘■■” -■”■■ ‘ ■■ i
D, more I llgent colored men and ■■ i
. ■; ..1 over 50,000 coli red n sden la
t hal M is bej rad nil o impnrison i he best b diets
1 1 .. n 1 1 … t , ,. ,, Even colored family v. ml i
Agents are liavii if sales, find are 51 itina the
1 1 1 ■ 1 ever offered Bxclusi ve tei
Wi its [oi barms. I, T. Ralkt & Co., Publish. Kits,
34(1 Public Square, fi
.oRr^ Dr l5AAqHOriR50flj EYEWATER
V A Chance 7
To Make Money!
I have for many years made collec-
tions of curiosities. I specially want old
postage-stamps of Confederate States.
Will pay cink DOLLAR each for some
kinds Hunt up the old letters and earn
a few dollars Send me the stamp on the
envelopes, as they are much more inter-
esting. For each envelope mailed me, if
desirable, I will at once remit $i cash.
The editor of the Veter \n has mv ref-
en ‘ • es and knows my standing. Man}
an old chest, drawer, or garret, has plen-
ty of the old letters. I particularly want
the Stamp issued with names of postmas-
ters on, or names of the town, like Knox
ville, Charleston, Columbia, Baton
Rouge, Macon, and others. Recollect,
please, not to tear off stamps, but mail me
entire envelope. 1 will pay $2 each for
BOtne kinds not now in mv collection. No
matter if old, or dim, or simple hand
stamped, send them along, for I want all
curiosities. Will remit cash to you In-
registered letter, or return promptly
Correspondence respectfully solicited.
Joseph Watson, Jr.,
:^urti¥/iV«.i.iiL.i., I iiiiiViV<VrtiWttVrtr«VV^i.
S 5;
is Columbus, Gam :
I i
:» Strongest and Largest Fire In* %_
JS surancc Company in the 5j
;S South. £
:■ g
-S Cash Assets Over One Million £
% Dollars. I
“;| Agents throughout the South S:
■.J and the South only.
js Patronize the Home Company, fr
OUR MOTTO: ” Geod ” Work at Reasonable Prices.
Coaa.arwtltai.tloM. “ZFTQm.
Stegrr Building, uituviiir TTMl
161 N. Cherry St., HAMULI!, I EUR.
A. J. HAGER.O.D.S.. Manaaer.
Confederate Veteran
Are two of the factors which should be consiaV
ered in purchasing musical instruments, If you
consider price alone, youll probably not buy of
us, because we don’t sell cheap goods* But if
you are willing to pay a reasonable price for a
fine instrument we will sell you anything from
a piano to a jewVharp, xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Are sold exclusively by our house and are justly celebrated for their beautiful
tone and artistic finish, They are as good as the best, and better than many for
which double the price is asked, A written guarantee accompanies every Lynn*’
wood. Write for catalogue and full information as to prices, XXXXXXX
We Sell Everything in Sheet Music, MusioBooks, etc, We Will Send by Mail,
Post-paid, Any of These Pieces for Half the Price Named,
Only Girl in Town, Waltz Song, By W, R, Williams
I Wait for Thee, Waltz Song (flute obligato). By E, L Ashford
On the Dummy Line, Coon Song, By James Grayson . .
Hills of Tennessee, Ballad, By E, T, Hildebrand . , «
Sweethearts, Ballad, By H. L. B, Sheetz , 40c,
Dance of the Brownies, Waltz, By Lisbeth ], Shields ……. 40c,
Commercial Travelers, March, O, G. Hille ……… 50c,
Hermitage Club, TwcStep, Frank Henniger >••••… 50c.
Col, Forsythe’s Favorite. March. Carlo Sorani …….. 40c.
Twilight Musings, For Guitar, Repsie Turner …….. 30o
R. D0RMAN & CO., Nashville, Tenn.
Confederate .
Barber Shop, Russian and Turkish
Bath Rooms.
Also Barber Shop at 325 Church St.
6 Triumph” Melons
<T1AA In Cash Prizes for 4
$IUU largest “Triumph”
Watermelons grown in 1898,
from seed bought of me or my
agents, *«. A. *«. *«, A. ~v
Varieties to Plant for Shipment.
” Triumph,” ” Blue Gem,” ” Sweet’
heart,” ” Duke Jones,” ” Georgia Rat’
tlesnake,” and ” Kalb Gem.”
For Home Use or Near By Markets.
” Florida Favorite,” ” New Favor’
ite,” “Seminole,” “Duke Jones,” and
” Pride of Georgia,”
I have all of these varieties and
many more.
I make a specialty of this finest
forage plant in the LUnited States.
Better than peas or clover for improve
ing your lands.
Catalogue giving all information
sent free on application. I also fur*
nish free, to all parties buying mcb
on-seed of me, ” Full Instructions for
Growing Successfully a Melon Crop.”
Sixteen years experience in melon’
growing. Address
Post-Office Box 555. Monticello. Fla.
JOY & SON, ^o^s.
Cut Flowers, Funeral and Wedding Designs. Rose
Plants a Specialty, Express Orders Solicited. Men’
tion VETERAN when ordering. A! A.” A A A
Store, 610 Church Street, (telephone *84i Nashville, Tenn.
Union Teachers’ Agencies of America.
Pittsburg, Pa., Toronto, < ■ \
Co/.. Ckicegv, III.. St. Louis, Sfo . and /’. irwr,
There are thousands of posltlo s during the past season— more
hers. Unqualified facilities for placing teachers In every p trf oi the I
‘ egisters in nine offices. Address all applications to Saltsburir. I’a.
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:g thrifty persons unequal-
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*£ and good shipping facilities to all the 2;
5 larK<* markets. Liberal inducements r
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citizens of the ‘
The Cotton Belt passes
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routefortheintending j^
settler, asitis the only j.
line running comfort- *’
able chair cars and ;:
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49 Wesminster St.. Providence, R. I.,
Wants all kinds of Kaw Furs, Skins, (iinseng,
Seneca, etc. Full prices guaranteed. Careful
selection, courteous treatment, Immediate remit-
tance. Shipping Tags, Ropes, furnished free.
Writ’- for latest price circulars.
420,4 Union St., NASHVILLE, TENN.
( opfederate .
mu$k! music! music!
If you possess a piano or organ, you must buy more or less music, and we want you to buy it
from us. We fully realize that we can not have any of your trade without offering some strong induce-
ment for you to send us your first order. Every well-established and prosperous business is supported
by thousands of patrons who, by sending their first order, discovered that they had found a good
house to deal with.” We want that to be your experience with us, and we will spare no pains to
make it such
To induce you to make a beginning, and thereby give us a chance of securing in you a lifelong cus-
omer, we herewith make the greatest bargain offer of first=class, high=priced, and fine-quality
sheet music that has ever been known.
This music is to be of our selection, but we
desire you to state whether you want it to be
vocal or instrumental, waltz songs, polkas, schot-
tisches, marches, two steps, or variations ; in
other words, give us as accurate a description as
possible of the style, character, and grade of dif-
ficulty of the music you want. Please mention
also what instrument you have, whether a piano
or organ, as the music will be selected by com-
petent musicians, and they will send what is
most suitable for the instrument you have.
The twenty pieces will be first-class music in
every respect, printed from the finest engraved
plates on the best quality of paper, and many of
them will have beautiful and artistic lithograph
The average retail price of each twenty pieces
will be from $9 to $11, and it .will cost from 18
to 23 cents to mail each lot, and as the $1 re-
ceived with each order will not half pay the cost
of the printing and paper, none of the pieces sent
will be furnished a second time at this price.
We have a catalogue of over 5,000 publica-
tions of sheet music, and our object is to place
some of each of these pieces in every home that
contains a piano or organ, feeling assured that
the music thus introduced, when played and
sung, will be our best advertisement, and the re-
sultant orders will amply compensate us for the
sacrifice we make in this offer. If you prefer to
have sample copies of our music before sending
a $ 1 order, send us 30 cents in postage=stamps,
and we will send you 4 pieces, post paid.
With each $1 order we will send as a premi-
um a set of six photographs, representing six
different views and buildings of the Tennessee
Centennial Exposition
We deal in everything known in music, and
musical instruments of every description. No
matter what you want in the music line, write us
for catalogues and get our prices before making
your order.
Mandolins and Guitars,
What could be nicer for a Christmas present than one of these instruments?
as cheap as $3 and Guitars as low as $4. Send for Catalogues.
We have Mandolins
237 North Summer Street,
Qopfederat^ l/eterai?.
Entered at the postofliee, Nashville. Tenn., as second-class matter.
Advertising Hates: $l.r>n per Inch one time, or $1.”» a year, except last
page. One page, one time, special* 485. Discount: Half year, one
one year, two issues. This is helow the former rate.
Contributors will please be diligent to abbreviate. The space is too
Important for anything that has not special merit.
Tho date to a Bnbscription is always given to the month before it ends.
For Instance, if the Yf.tkkan be ordered t” begin with January ,the date on
mail list w ill he December, ami the subscriber Is entitled i” that number.
The “civil war” wns too long ago to be called the “late” war. and when
correspondents use that term the word “great” [war) will be substituted.
Circulation: ’93, 70,430; ’94, 121,644; ’95, 154,992; ’96, 161,332.
United Confederate Veterans,
United Daughters of the Confederacy,
Sons of Veterans ami other Organizations,
The Veteran is approved and endorsed by a larger and
more elevated patronage, doubtless, than any other publication
in existence.
Though men deserve, they mav not win Buccase,
The brave will h r theorave, vanquished none the less.
PniOK. J1.00 FEIt Yeak. i v .-,
Sinoi.e Corv, 10 Cents, t * ” L – ‘ ‘■
ilU. i.. j PROrBIETOR.
. , I- A., WIIKN THE “II \K ItnRli PASS] n 1 P VND I
The following changes were reported recentl) by
Adj. -Gen. George Moorman in camps of United Con-
federate Veterans :
Oklahoma Division: Change Col. B. F. Phillips, VI
jutani-General and Chief of Staff, A\’oca, Okla., to Col.
Taylor McRae, Oklahoma City. Okla.
Texas Division: Change Col. II. B. Stoddard, Ad-
jutant-General and Chief of Staff, Bryan, Tex., to Col.
Marcus F. Mott, Galveston, Tex.
Xorthwcst Texas Subdivision: Change Brevet Maj.-
Gen. Robert Cobb, Commanding, Wichita Falls, to
Brevet Maj.-Gen. II. I CNeal, Alpine. Tex.
No. 747, Franklin Buchanan Camp, Baltimore, M <1 :
Change Col. Winfield Peters as Adjutant to Capt Will-
iam M. Pegram.
No. 171, Confederate Veterans’ Association of the
1 )istrict 1 if Columbia, Washington, 1 ). C. : Change Com-
mander R. Byrd Lewis to Commander Robert I.
No. 39, W. J. Hardee Camp, Birmingham, Ala.
Change A. lit. I’. K. McMiller to Adjt. F. W. Lide.
No. 917, Frank Ragsdale Camp, Manchester, Tenn.
Change Adjt. S. L. Cook to Adjt. T. M. Emerson.
No. 1053, John Mcintosh Kell Camp, Darien, Ga.
Change headquarters from Crescent to Darien, Ga.
No. 1034, John C. Breckinridge Camp. < lakland,
Ind. T. : Change name of camp from Confederate Vet-
erans to John C. Breckinridge; also add Adjt. R. C.
No. 1076, Valdosta Camp, Valdosta, Ga.: Change
name of camp from Confederate Veterans to Valdosta;
also add Adjt. J. A. Dosher.
Qoi?federate l/eterar?.
Many appeals have been made to the Veteran to
urge that the reunion at Atlanta be postponed until
October, as that would be a more suitable time for it
in every way. On writing to headquarters about it,
the following reasons for the dates selected are regard-
ed as the most generally satisfactory. Gen. Evans
makes the following notes in this connection:
The time was chosen after very mature considera-
tion and wide correspondence. It is the most leisure
season of the year, as nearly all business, including
farming, is suspended. All crops are through culti-
vation, wheat all cut, cotton-picking not begun, many
people traveling, and railroad rates and hotel and
boarding-house rates are at their cheapest. The time
is especially called for by Texas, Louisiana, Missis-
sippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, Florida, and
South Carolina. It is not hot in Atlanta in July; the
hot month is June. The city is well shaded; altitude
one thousand and fifty feet.
Later, in August, all business begins. The farmer
is busy with his corn, fodder, cotton, etc.; the mer-
chants and clerks are laying in stocks and opening
fall trade; railroads are preparing for fall business, and
people are going home from travel.
The battle dates were only incidental. It chanced
that the three battles — 20th, 21st, and 22d of July —
occurring at this season presented a reason. The
South has never celebrated its Bull Run victory. Is
it not well to call a little public attention to the fact
that this battle actually occurred?
We want to satisfy all our comrades everywhere,
and would be specially pleased to place the date where
all would be gratified.
In conformity with a request from Gen. Clement A.
Evans, Chaplain-General Rev. J. William Jones, U.
C. V., issues a call for a reunion of chaplains at the
general reunion in Atlanta next July. The chaplains’
reunion is to occur on July 18, 19, and it is sincerely
desired that as many as can reach Atlanta on Saturday,
the 1 6th, so as to fill Atlanta pulpits on Sunday, the
17th. Dr. Jones requests the names and post-offices
of all Confederate chaplains. His address is 11 15
East Clay Street, Richmond, Va.
Comrade W. D. Stratton, of Atlanta, Ga., replies to
a circular letter of Mrs. E. G. McCabe, chairman of a
committee organized from the Atlanta Chapter,
Daughters of the Confederacy:
I am just in receipt of your circular soliciting sub-
scriptions in the name of your noble order for the
Confederate Veteran, I have been a subscriber
to the Veteran for several years, and, as poor as I
am. don’t see how I could get along without it. God
bless the good, patriotic Daughters of the Confedera-
cy, your chapter in particular, in your efforts to ex-
tend the circulation of our beloved Veteran! To me
it is a stain and a reflection upon Southern patriotism
that it is not in the home of even* Southern family.
Col. R. C. Wool writes from New Orleans:
At recent meetings in South Carolina, Georgia, Vir-
ginia, and elsewhere the subject of erecting a monu-
ment to the women of the South was agitated, and the
idea of uniting the U. C. V. camps to accomplish this
important object was made specially prominent. The
impression prevails that these meetings are the initial
movement in the direction indicated. Such is not the
case. In September, 1895, Dr. George H. Tichenor, a
battle-scarred veteran, an earnest and liberal supporter
of all Confederate memorial works, and Commander
then, as now, of Camp No. 9, U. C. V., brought this
matter, in a stirring address, to the attention of that
body, and urged some action that would result in the
erection of a beautiful and appropriate structure to
commemorate the heroic virtues of the women of the
war. He pointed out the imperative necessity of
uniting in harmonious action every sympathizing ele-
ment, in order to secure results commensurate with the
magnitude and importance of the undertaking.
Comrade J. W. Carnahan, a veteran “tried and true,'”
who had always been an earnest advocate of the ac-
tion proposed, ably urged the performance of this
high and holy duty.
Camp No. 9 responded promptly to Dr. Tichenor’s
earnest and eloquent effort. A committee was ap-
pointed to confer with like committees from other or-
ganizations and to devise and report upon some general
plan of procedure. It soon became manifest that the
time was not propitious for active operations. The
South was in a depressed financial condition, many
veterans were engaged in occupations that were then
unremunerative, and most of them had exhausted their
capacity to give by subscription to the Davis monu-
ment and other works of kindred character. Under
these adverse conditions it was deemed inexpedient to
enter into an immediate campaign of active solicita-
tion. The delays incident to the obstructions above
noted neither swerved the committee of Camp No. 9
from the performance of duty nor dampened the ardor
of Dr. Tichenor in the mission that he had undertaken.
At the convention of the Louisiana Division of the U.
C. V., held in New Orleans, June, 1896, the action of
Camp No. 9 was leported and unanimously endorsed.
At the Richmond reunion, a few days later, a full re-
port was submitted, which report, as will be noted by
reference to the official proceedings, was favorably re-
ceived, and referred to the appropriate committee. It
will be seen that the movement to erect a memorial to
the women of the South was formally inaugurated more
than two years ago, and that it has received official
recognition and approval. Comrade Tichenor indi-
cated the means of accomplishing a general desire.
He has devoted himself to this work, and will prosecute
it with intelligent zeal and energy. To one like him
success always comes in the end.
D. J. Wilson, of Lois, Tex., asks that Capt. J. E.
Simmons will write up Company A, Thirty-Third Mis-
sissippi Regiment of Volunteers, and that some mem-
ber of this regiment, in Featherston’s Brigade, will tell
what the brigade did in the war, that posterity may
have a correct account of its part in the great struggle.
Confederate l/eterag
Judge Robert L. Rodgers, Historian of the Atlanta
(Ga.)Camp, U. C. V.:
In the Atlanta Constitution of December 8, 1897,
Mrs. Elizabeth Belt gave an account of reconstruction
and the readmission of Georgia into the Federal
Union. She told how General Grant was affected by
an appeal made by a Southern woman, and how
he received it as “information in regard to affairs in
Georgia,” and sent a copy of her letter to the Recon-
struction Committee. It contained the usual flavor-
ing of Gen. Grant’s “magnanimity” toward Southern
soldiers and Southern people. This idea is magnified
beyond its proper measure. Let us not detract one
iota from Grant’s generous acts. Let us remember
thai President Grant was the general-in-chief of a vic-
torious army of largely superior numbers when he re-
ceived the capitulation of Gen. Lee. It may be that
there was sufficient leniency, but it may be also that
Gen. Grant was not alone or superior in his generous
terms of surrender. The event was not so sudden as
to cause general belief that it was on “the impulse of
the moment.” There may have been influences be-
hind him which he adroitly utilized to his own per-
sonal advantage. He had been in communication by
truce with 1 ien. Lee at least two days and nights, con-
templating the surrender. In that time he had evi-
dently conferred with bis subordinate generals con-
cerning the coming event, and he was manifestly anx-
ious to crush Lee and his antny. . . . .
Grant was reticent as to his general methods, but
his trend indicated his purpose to defeat his advvrsarv
by astounding him with unexpected hard blows. lie
did not fight on the idea of being generous, but to com-
pel surrender. He obtained a reputation for great
will force, with a generous, even magnanimous, dispo-
sition. His unceasing hatred of 1 hillock and other
generals of the Union army simply shows the true
personal character of the man. lie was vindictive in
spirit, and at times subject to violent outbursts of a
cruel temper. This was manifested about a week
after the surrender of Gen. Lee. Lincoln had the
night before been assassinated. Of course we all
know that Gen. Lee and ln> soldiers had nothing at
all to do with that horrible assassination. Gen. Grant
knew it as well; yet he flew into a rage, and still de-
sired to “crush the rebellion” by a strong blow upon
his vanquished foe after the combat had closed and
Lee and our soldiers of the South had gone on parole.
The telegraphic order of (ien. (.rant and the answer
of Gen. Ord demonstrate all that is claimed herein.
.My attention was recently directed to this by (‘apt.
“Tip” Harrison, a brave Confederate soldier u
Gen. Lee. The telegrams tell the whole story:
” \\ VSHINGTON ( in. \pril 15, 1 865, 4 P.M.
Maj.-Gen. ( >rd, Richmond. \ a.:
Arrest I. A. Campbell, Mayor Mayo, and the mem-
bers of the old council of Richmond who have not yet
taken the oath of allegiance, ami put them in Libby
Prison. Hold them guarded beyond the possibility
of escape until further orders. Also arrest all paroled
officers and surgeons until they can be sent beyond our
lines, unless the) take the oath of allegiance. I In
oath need not be received from an) one who you have
not good reason to believe will observe it. and from
none who are excluded by the President’s proclama-
tion, without authority to do so. Extreme rigor will
have to be observed while assassination remains the
order of the day with the Rebels.
“U. S. Grant, Lieutenant-General.”
I ■en. ( ird’s reply :
•• Richmond, \ \.. April 15. 1865,
“I len. L. S. ( .rant :
“Cipher despatch directing certain parties to lie ar-
rested is received. The two citizens I have seen.
They are old. nearly helpless, and 1 think incapable
of harm. Lee and staff are in town among tire pa-
roled prisoners. Should 1 arrest them under the cir-
cumstances, I think the rebellion here would be re-
opened. I will risk my life that the present paroles
will be kept, and, if you will allow me to do so, trust
the people here, who, 1 believe, are ignorant of the
assassination, done, I think, by some insane Brutus
with but few accomplices. Mr. Campbell and Hunter
pressed me earnestly yesterday to send them to Wash-
ington to see the President. Would they have done
so if guilty? Please answer.
“E. O. C. Ord. Major-General:’
“Headquarters Army of the United Stati
Washington, Vpril 15, 1865. 8 p.m.
“Maj.-Gen. Ord, Richmond. Ya.:
“On reflection, I will withdraw my despatch of this
date directing the arrest of Campbell, Mayo, and oth-
ers so far as it may be regarded as an order, and leave
it in the light of a suggestion, to be executed only so
far as you may judge the good of the service demand..
“U. S. Grant. Lieutenant-General.”
“Richmond, Va., April 15. 1865,9:30 P.M.
Received, 10:20 p.m.
“Lieut. -( Ien. I ‘. S. ( ‘.rant :
“Second telegram, leaving the subject of arrest in
my hands is received.
“E. O. C. Ord, Major-General.”
Confederate l/eteran
These papers are in the Official Records, Series I,
Volume XLVL, part 3, pages 762, 763.
Is it not apparent that Gen. Grant was mad or af-
frighted, and temporarily lost the equipoise with which
he has been credited? The order was given on his
own assumption of authority, as though he were the
supreme commander or dictator. Was he mad or
frightened? Was it magnanimous or malignant?
One was calm in the midst of paroled prisoners, while
the other was excited and petulant in the midst of vic-
tors fresh from the field, in their own capital. Which
deserves the credit for generous spirit — he who would
then and there risk his life on the parole of these peo-
ple, or he who would arrest old men and paroled pris-
oners, without civil or military authority, and hold
them in Libby Prison with “extreme rigor,” because
“some insane Brutus” had become a mean assassin?
Give honor to whom honor is due.
This bit of humor comes from Judge Rodgers:
When Gen. Lee made his great march into the ene-
my’s territory, and was on the way to Gettysburg, of
course it created consternation among many of the
“Pennsylvania Dutch” who had remained at home,
and were non-combatants, though perhaps they were
in sympathy with the Union sentiment. A portion of
the Confederate army had passed across a certain lit-
tle stream. Some of the heavy artillery came on, and
in the stream one of the heavy guns bogged up to the
axle in the soft mud bottom. It took some time to
get it out. While the men were struggling in the
stream to help out the battery the teamsters were
“cussin’ ” and kicking at the mules to pull it out, and
the poor brutes were pulling with all their might and
main. On the roadside was a fine field of waving
wheat, owned by a fat Dutchman. It was his joy, his
pride — that field of wheat. The Dutchman came to
the ford to see the struggle at the gun. While the
mules and men were tugging at the gun in the stream
others came up on the road. Finding the crossing
obstructed so, they soon began to tear down the fence
and march across the field of grain by an oblique
movement to a crossing at a ford higher up the creek.
Of course that excited the Dutchman, and he became
angry. Finding that he was unable by remonstrance
to check the tide of invasion on his fine grain, he be-
gan to jump straight up and down and to exclaim in a
loud voice: “Mine Gott! mine Gott in himmel! Tf
dot is der vay dis var is ter pe carried on, I vants it
shtopped righd now.”
R. H. Brooks, Raleigh, N. C: “In Manlv’s North
Carolina Battery there was a soldier, H. Jasper Rob-
ertson, from Murfreesboro, Tenn., who left college at
Chapel Hill in 1861, joined the company as a private,
and came out a lieutenant. A member of his old com-
pany would like to know if he is living. I correspond-
ed with him into the seventies, but since then can get no
news of him. A few months ago I wrote to the Mayor
of Murfreesboro, but he could give me no information
concerning him. Who can inform me of him? I went
over the Gettysburg battle-field last week. I think
every Confederate soldier that can raise the money
ought to see it. Our battery was with McLaws’ Divi-
sion, Longstreet’s Corps, in that battle.”
Comrade George. H. Black, of La Fayette, Ala., in
sending subscriptions to the Veteran, encloses one
for David H. Abernathy, and writes of that comrade’s
account of a presentiment and its results. Comrade
Black, after a year in the Alabama infantry, was three
years with John H. Morgan. Comrade Abernathy
has an empty sleeve. He belonged to the Forty-Sev-
enth Alabama Regiment, A. N. V., commanded by
Col. M. J. Bulger, the venerable officer who has been
prominent at our reunions and whose picture was in
the Veteran for July, 1897. His company was com-
manded by Capt. J. H. Vincent, the unfortunate ex-
Treasurer of Alabama, a genial and generous-hearted
man. After Abernathy had been in Virginia nearly
three years, early in 1864 he received a furlough of
forty days to come home and get married, should “the
girl” he “left behind him” be found still true to her
soldier boy. She was true, and they were promptly
married. The furlough days sped away rapidly, and
the faithful soldier returned to his command. Soon
after he started back the presentiment came to him
that in the next battle he would be shot in the left arm
between his wrist and elbow.
Abernathy was soon promoted to orderly sergeant
of his company, W. When he went to buy a pocket
blank book to use in official duties he sought as thick
a one as he could get to carry in his left breast-pocket,
hoping it might prove some protection to his life at the
fated moment. On the night before the battle of the
Wilderness he, Andrew Wilson, and William Aber-
nathy slept together on mother earth. The next
morning, while rolling up their blankets, William Ab-
ernathy said: “Well, boys, hot work before us to-day!
How do you feel about it? ”
Andrew Wilson quickly replied: “I am going to be
killed, and won’t be long about it.”
David Abernathy said, putting his right hand on
his left arm, “I guess I’ll catch it right here,” and
asked his nephew how he felt.
William replied: “Things look dark and cloudy be-
fore me. I can’t see through, but I don’t think I’ll
get hurt.”
David Abernathy says that he immediately fixed his
book in his left breast-pocket, together with a large
rag which he carried for rubbing his gun, in which he
felt much pride, and awaited the clash of arms.
Soon after the battle began Andrew Wilson was
killed, and later on, during some desultory fighting,
Abernathy distinctly saw one of the enemy aim in his
direction. He immediately brought his gun to shoul-
der to return the fire, but before he could get proper
aim and pull the trigger he saw the smoke rise from
the Yankee’s gun and felt the bullet strike his arm
between the wrist and elbow It went through his
arm, struck the book right over his heart, went partly
through it, was deflected from its course, and tore
through his arm again near the shoulder, where it was
amputated. William Abernathy passed through the
battle unharmed.
Sergt. Abernathy has kept all these years the book
that saved his life.
Confederate l/eterai},
Gen. Dabney H. Maury, of Virginia, has given a
sketch of Stonewall Jackson, in which he states:
No other man in history can be likened to him.
He has oftener been compared with Oliver Cromwell
than with any other great soldier. But Cromwell was
a great statesman, of far-reaching wisdom; we would
be inclined to pronounce Jackson a warrior, pure and
simple. Four years of incarceration together at West
Point and subsequent service together in the armies
of the United States and Confederate States gave me
as good opportunities of estimating the mind and na-
ture of Stonewall Jackson as any man has ever en-
joyed. I believe Jackson was as fond of me as he
ever was of any man of our times. It was for his wife
>.l s. 1 . |. sins i- w \l L) JACKSON,
to awaken and nurture, and, since his death, to dis-
close to the world the deep tenderness of that won-
derful character, a tenderness never before suspected.
In the life and letters of her husband are revelations
of affectionate gentleness unknown to any but her.
I entered the military academy at West Point in
June, 1842. A week afterward a cadet sergeant
passed, escorting a “newly arrived cadet to his quar-
ters. The personal appearance of the stranger was
so remarkable as to attract the attention of several of
us who were standing near and chatting together.
Burkett Fry, A. P. Hill, and George Pickett made our
group. The new cadet was clad in gray homespun, a
wagoner’s hat, and large, heavy brogans. Weather-
stained saddle-bags were over his shoulders. His
sturdy step, cold, bright gray eye, thin, firm lips,
caused me to say, “That fellow looks as if he had come
to stay,” and on the return of the sergeant I asked him
who that cadet was. He replied: “Cadet Jackson, of
Virginia.” Whereupon I at once ascended to his
room to show him my interest in him, a fellow coun-
tryman in a strange land. He received my courteous
advances in a manner so chilling that it caused me to
regret having made them, and I joined my compan-
ions with criticisms brief and emphatic as to his intel-
lectual endowments.
Days and weeks went by with no change in the
“snap shot” estimate then imparted. One evening,
while Fry and Hill and I were lolling upon our camp
bedding, the evening police were going on, and “Ca-
det Jackson, from Virginia,” was upon duty about our
tent, when I, desirous again to be affable and playful
with our countryman, lifted the tent wall and addressed
him with an air of authority and mock sternness, or-
dering him to be more attentive to his duty. His re-
ply was a look so stern and angry as to let me know
that he was doing that job. Whereupon I let that tent
wall drop, and became intensely interested in my yel-
low-back novel. So soon as police was over I arose
and girded my loins, saying that I had made Cadet
Jackson, of Virginia, angry, and must at once humble
myself and explain that I was not really in command
of that police detail. I found him at the guard-tent,
called him out, and said: “Mr. Jackson, I find that I
made a mistake just now in speaking to you in a play-
ful manner, not justified by our slight acquaintance.
T regret that I did so.”
He replied with his stony look: “That is perfectly
satisfactory, sir.” Whereupon I returned to my com-
rades, and informed them that in my opinion “Cadet
Jackson, from Virginia, is a jackass,” which verdict
was unanimously concurred in ; and thenceforward no-
body in that tent “projected” with that cadet until our
four years’ course was ended and we were emancipated
from the military prison of West Point, for we all liked
and respected him.
\fter our encampment of two months was over we
went into barracks, and were arranged in sections al-
phabetically, and thus it was McClellan and I sat side
b) side. “Mac” was a great help, and besides he was
a little bred-and-born gentleman, only fifteen and a
half years old.
“Old Jack.” as we called him, hung about the bot-
tom. At the first January examination all below him
were cut off. He was foot, and probably would have
been cut off also, but his teachers observed in him
such a determined intention to succeed that they felt
sure he would certainly improve; and he did.
Our rooms were small, each with two single bed-
steads (iron), a bare, cold floor, and an anthracite
grate. “Old Jack,” a few minutes before taps, would
pile his grate with coal, so as to have a bright, glow-
ing fire when taps sounded and all other lights were
out. Then he would lie prone upon the floor, when
the light enabled him to study the lesson for the daw
and very soon he began to rise in his class; and we
all were glad of his success, for. cold and undemon-
strative as he was, he was absolutely honest and kind-
ly, intensely attentive to his own business; and, as it
was. he came to be near the head of our class, the
largest that had ever graduated there. We had, alto-
gether, one hundred and sixty-four members — count-
ing those turned back into it — and we graduated sixty
after four weary, profitless years (to me”).
On returning to Virginia from West Point the boys
stopped at Brown’s hotel, where “Old Tack” had his
first and last frolic, to which in long years after his
fame had filled the world he dimlv alluded, when he
Qopfederate l/eterai?.
said he was too fond of liquor to trust himself to drink
it; but poor Dominie’s long-pent craving was never
slaked any more until his enfeebled frame was laid ro
rest in a soldier’s grave away off in the shadow of the
From the moment that Jackson entered upon his
duties in the army he evinced that terrible earnestness
which was the characteristic of his conduct in battle
or in work. During the battles in the valley he served
as a lieutenant of Magruder’s Battery and won many
distinctions. Having entered the service as a second
lieutenant, he was brevetted first lieutenant, captain,
and major in one year’s field service.
When John Brown made his attempt to arouse in-
surrection in Virginia Gov. Wise called out the troops
of the state and ordered the corps of cadets to be held
ready for immediate service. Gen. Smith, superin-
tendent of the corps, promptly obeyed the orders.
Maj. Jackson reported at the guard-room ready for
the field. Gen. Smith, after giving attention to some
matters requiring it, said: “Maj. Jackson, you will re-
main as you are till further orders.” At that moment
Maj. Jackson was seated upon a camp-stool in the
guard-room with his saber across his knees. Next
morning at reveille Gen. Smith repaired to the guard-
room and found Jackson sitting on the camp-stool,
and said: “Why, Major! why are you here?”
“Because you ordered me to remain here as I was
last night, and I have done so.”
Next year he went off to the great war between the
states, and won fame at once. Rumors of a great vic-
tory came. His wife and friends were anxious for the
news. It came by a courier, who spurred in hot haste
to his home in Lexington. These were the words:
“My subscription to the negro Sunday-school is due.
It is fifty cents, which I send by the courier.” Noth-
ing more. At the first Manassas his fame was made
when that noble soldier Barnard Bee cried out to his
wavering men: “See where Jackson, with his Virgin-
ians, stands like a stone wall! Let us form behind
them!” After the repulse at Malvern Hill Gen. Lee
and other generals were discussing the situation, and
what we were to do in the morning. Jackson was ly-
ing upon the ground, apparently slumbering, his cap
lying over his face. He was aroused and asked his
opinion of what was to be done in the morning. Re-
moving his cap from his face, he said: “They won’t be
there in the morning.” Nor were they.
One morning while marching with his staff he
stopped at the door of a farmhouse. A gentle-look-
ing woman was in the porch with a little child at her
knee, of whom he requested a drink of water. She
promptly handed him a stone jug of cool and fresh
water, which he quaffed like a horse. One of his staff
asked the good woman to “give me a drink of that
water, please.” She emptied the pitcher upon the
ground, went into the house, and brought out a white
pitcher, from which she gave the captain a drink.
“Why did you not give it from the other pitcher?”‘
asked the officer.
“Oh!” she replied, “no man’s lips shall ever again
drink from that pitcher.”
Again, while marching on to some new victory, he
haired by a farmhouse, whence a young mother came
out into the road with her young child in her arms.
and said: “General, won’t you bless my child?” He
took the little infant in his arms, and, reverently rais-
ing it, with uncovered head prayed for God’s blessing
upon it.
In the battle of Kernstown he was worsted by Gen.
Shields (one of the noblest of the Federal command-
ers), because of the Confederates’ ammunition being
all exhausted. Gen. Dick Garnett withdrew his
troops. Jackson arrested Garnett, one of the truest
and highest gentlemen in our army, and held him in
arrest until Garnett, by personal influence, procured a
trial by court martial. Jackson was the principal wit-
ness for the prosecution. The court acquitted Garnett
after hearing Jackson’s testimony, and only permitted
the defense to be spread upon the record on Garnett’s
demand that after such unusual and conspicuous se-
verity it was his right. Poor Garnett fell in front of
his brigade in the great charge at Gettysburg. He
was mourned throughout our army, for a braver and
gentler gentleman never died in battle.
While a professor of the Virginia Military Institute
Jackson arrested and caused a distinguished cadet to
be dismissed for an infraction of the regulations.
That cadet was distinguished as a scholar and soldier.
He found himself, after four years of study and schol-
arly achievements, deprived of the diploma which was
the object of his long endeavor. Without it his live-
lihood was imperiled. He was justly outraged by
such harshness, and vowed he would castigate Jack-
son, and prepared himself to execute that purpose.
He was a powerful and daring young man. The
friends of both were deeply anxious. Jackson was
urged to have him bound over to keep the peace.
This would involve his oath that he was in bodily fear
of his enemy. He replied: “I will not do it, for it
would be false. I do not fear him; I fear no man.”
Then the superintendent of the academy had to take
the oath as required by the law, and have the young
man bound over to peace. When the war came on
Jackson, upon his own promotion to a corps, had this
young fellow made brigadier, and he became one of
the most distinguished generals of the war, and is
known to-day as one of the ablest men of our state.
Jackson was awkward and uncomfortable to look at
upon a horse. In the riding-school at West Point we
used to watch him with anxiety when his turn came
to cut at the head or leap the bars. He had a rough
hand with the bridle, an ungainly seat, and when he
would cut at a head upon the ground he seemed in
imminent danger of falling headlong from his horse.
About 1850 Jackson was a lieutenant of artillery
stationed at Governor’s Island, when he was invited to
accept the chair of mathematics in the Virginia Mili-
tary Institute. In those days the government would
grant an officer leave of absence for one year to en-
able him to try such an office before resigning his
commission. So he came up to West Point to see
McClellan and myself and other comrades before re-
tiring from the army. He was more cordial and af-
fectionate than was usual with him, for he was never
demonstrative in his manners, and he was in good
spirits, because of his promotion and the compliment
paid him.
He informed us, however, of a peculiar malady
which troubled him. and complained that one arm and
Confederate l/eterar?.
one leg were heavier than the other, and would occa-
sionally raise the arm straight up, as he said to let
the blood run back into his body, and so relieve the
excessive weight. I have heard that he often did this
when marching, and, having become very religious,
his men supposed he was praying. 1 never saw him
any more, except at Manassas after the battle, when
Gen. Johnston and other officers were congratulating
him upon his fine conduct in the battle. These pe-
culiarities have often been cited as evidences of the
great genius he possessed.
I have always heard it said that he was an advocate
for raising the black flag and showing no mercy to the
enemy who were invading our country and destroying
our homes; and it has been said that he urged Gen.
Lee to assault the enemy in the town of Fredericks-
burg by night, after their defeat and while they were
retreating over the river, and that Gen. refused
to do so because of the peril to the people of the town.
I have never heard of Jackson evincing any sympa-
thy or gentleness or merciful regard for the wounded
enemies he must have seen nor tender emotions of
any sort. Therefore the delightful book lately pub
lished by his widow is a revelation and surprise.
Nothing in all literature can equal the exquisite gen-
tleness and sweetness this bock gives n^ of the stern.
Stolid, impassible nature, who lavished such tender-
ness upon the object of his love. To her he unlocks a
treasure of rich and pious and loving emotions, which
his most intimate friends had never before suspected
to exist.
William K. Pilsbury. Dawson, Ga.:
At the battle of Coosawatcbee, S. C., on the 6th of
November, 1S04. the Fifth Gei rgia Regiment lost five
color-bearers and its flag. The tight began about
noon, and the loss was heavy on both sides. The
Fifth Georgia went into this fight supported by the
Third Georgia Regiment 1 if state militia. During this
fight five bearers of the flag were shot down, and as
0111 man was slain another leaped to 1 :i kx- Ins place,
and the flag never touched the ground until the fifth
bearer was shot down. The last man that fell was
so far in advance of his line that there was no one to
take the flag. The retreat had been sounded, and the
men wire pushing to the rear, when the flag fell into
the hands of the bluecoats.
The last man to bear this flag was Lieut, William G.
Harp, who took it from the hands of Private Tip
Barnes as liv fell severely wounded. He moved for-
ward so rapidly with the flag that, amid the roar of
battle, he did not hear the command to halt and re-
treat, and was nearly half-way between the lines when
he fill lli nee it was impossible to recover his re-
mains or the flag,
\t a reunion of the Fifth Georgia Regim< nt. at Ma-
con, Ga.. in August, 1884, Capt. L. C. Young returned
the dear old battle-scarred flag, and accompanied it
with a feeling speech full of pathos. Capt Youi
one 1 if nature’s noblemen, and has a clpse place within
the hearts of the surviving members of the Fifth
Georgia. This officer was a brave Federal soldier, and
illustrated his devotion to his flag on many battle-fields,
At the battle of Murfreesboro the Fifth Georgia
Regiment lost three of its color-bearers, and the per-
centage of loss on the part of the regiment was large
in the battle of Chickamauga. It went into that fight
with three hundred men. and came out with erne hun-
As w’ill be seen by the following letter, Thursday,
Ma\ 12, next, has been agreed upon by the Tennessee
Chickamauga Park Commission and the National
Park Commission for the dedication of our Tennessee
monuments and markers erected on the battle-field of
Chickamauga :
Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Park Com-
mission. Washington, I >. C, January 15, 1898.
Maj. Charles W. Anderson, Chairman Committee, etc.:
My Dear Major: We have your letter of the 13th
inst., and. after consultation with Gen. Boynton, take
pleasure in notifying you that Thursday. Ma\ u next,
is a satisfactory date as Far as this commission is con-
cerned for the dedication of the Tennessee monuments
on th< ( ihickamauga fii
Frank ( >. Smi m. Major Second Artillery, Commis-
sioner and Secretary.
In due time a program for the occasion will be ar-
ranged, and announced through the local press of the
state. Application will also be made to all rail
running into Chattanooga for reduced rates, j n order
that comrades who participated in that great battle
may once more visit the field. Many survivors of the
battle arc farmers, and the above date was asked for
by the Tennessee Commission with a view- to their
special accommodation, as corn- and cotton-planting
will be over by that time, and many will attend who at
a later date could not leave their homes and crops.
Henry Hunter Smith writes from Atlanta interest-
ing reminiscences of 1861-62, in the Virginia cam-
paign. In referring to Lee on top of Valley Moun-
tain, he states:
1 never shall forgel the rainy evening while on my
return from Mingo Mats I passed his tent I saw a
tine head and a smiling countenance. I halted,
dropped my old musket to a rest, and said to the man
near me: “Are you dry? 1 lave you anything to eat?”
“Yes,” to both questions was replied, and “Come
in, and help yourself” was added.
After enjoying some ham, light bread, and pickle,
I said: “I feel good now. and will be going down the
mountain. Will you kindly tell me who you are? ”
“Lee is my name.”
“What? Not Gen. Robert Lee, our commander?”
The South Georgia (.’amp No. 819, Waycross, Ga.,
at its annual election of officers chose J. L. Sweat.
Commander: C. C. Grace, A. P. Perham. W. H. Sea-
bring, and L. Johnson, Lieutenant Commanders; H.
TT. Sasnett, Adjutant: Drs. W. P. Clower and T. S.
Paine, Surgeons: and Rev. J. A. McArthur, Chaplain.
Confederate .
Theodore F. Allen, who was a captain in the Sev-
enth Ohio Cavalry and brevet colonel U. S. Volunteers
in Wilson’s Cavalry Corps, sends the following to the
Veteran from Cincinnati, 1898:
The rain was pouring in torrents as night fell over
our camp at Somerset, Ky., July 1, 1863. We were
hugging ourselves in congratulation over the fact that
we had a good dry camp, and pulled our tent-flaps
tight to keep out the storm as we settled down to a
quiet rest, at peace with all the world for that night
anyhow. We were light-hearted youngsters, and
home was wherever nightfall overtook us or wher-
ever our colonel decided to stop.
In a lull of the storm the quick gallop of a courier
was heard. In an instant he reined up at the tent of
our commander, Col. Israel Garrard, of the Seventh
Ohio Cavalry, to whom he handed an order, which
read: “You will report for duty with your regiment
within one hour from receipt of this order, your troops
to be supplied with two days’ rations and forty rounds
of ammunition per man, one ambulance to accompany
your regiment.” This order had a businesslike look,
and in less time than you can say “caterpillar” the
regiment was astir.
Under the adjutant’s order the chief bugler sounded
“boots and saddles.” As the notes of the bugle fell
upon the camp the cavalrymen thrust their heads out
of their little “pup tents” and gave a cheer. This was
followed by “officers’ call” from the bugle, and the
commander of each company, coming on a run, re-
ported at the adjutant’s tent. Orders were given for
immediate preparation for the regiment to move, as
indicated, and the medical officers made ready with
ambulance and their “tools of trade.” Within a few
brief minutes we rode away in one of the heaviest
downpours of rain we had ever experienced.
Reporting to the commander of our brigade, we
were informed that Gen. John Morgan, with his divi-
sion of Rebel raiders, was about to cross the Cumber-
land River on one of his periodical raids through Ken-
tucky. Our regiment, twelve hundred strong, was re-
cruited in Southern Ohio, in the counties bordering
the river. A considerable portion of Gen. John Mor-
gan’s command was recruited from. the counties of
Northern Kentucky, also bordering on the Ohio River
directly opposite our homes. Thus we were by no
means strangers to each other, and had been prac-
tically neighbors.
Our rubber “ponchos” were drawn tight over our
shoulders in the downpour of rain. By midnight we
arrived at Fishing Creek, near Mill Springs, Ky., the
scene of Gen. Thomas’ victory and Zollicoffer’s death.
This mountain stream was sending down a torrent of
water with heavy driftwood, against which no horse
could stand, and was far beyond fording, and thus
precluded our farther progress that night. We biv-
ouacked as best we could till daylight, when, under
great difficulty, we forded the raging torrent with the
loss of only one horse, the rider being rescued by his
comrades. Arriving at the Cumberland River above
Burkesville, we found Morgan, with his division of cav-
alry, occupying the south bank of the river. For a
day or two we had skirmishing — “give and take.”
The river was fordable in many places, and we did not
expect to hold Morgan on the south bank of the river
if it was his desire to cross it. About July 4 we were
called in from our picket duty to join in the pursuit
of Morgan. It was the start of his famous raid which
extended across the states of Kentucky, Indiana, and
Ohio. Gen. Morgan and his troopers were the beau-
ideal raiders of the South. Morgan and his chief lieu-
tenant, Gen. Basil Duke, were very skilled in mislead-
ing their pursuers, and previous to this time had been
universally successful in their raids, inflicting much
damage upon railway lines that were supplying our
armies in the field, and had become overbold in their
operations. As soon as Morgan took up his line of
march northward from the Cumberland River our of-
ficers determined to follow him right in his own trail,
if it led them even to the state of Maine, and not seek
to head him off nor to be drawn aside by false maneu-
vers, although Morgan and Duke were exceedingly
fertile in producing false impressions regarding their
As Morgan crossed the state of Kentucky he inter-
cepted small garrisons of Federal troops guarding im-
portant places. At Green River Morgan called upon
Col. Moore, of a Michigan regiment, to surrender his
force to save the effusion of blood, and that officer
replied that his superior officer had stationed him at
that point for the purpose of effusing blood, and it
would begin right away if he desired it. Morgan ac-
cepted the challenge and made the attack, and one of
his own brothers was killed. Morgan did not have
time to continue the attack, and withdrew, continuing
his march northward, with our pursuing force “push-
ing him along.” We expected Morgan to turn east
before striking the Ohio River, but in this we were
mistaken, as, upon arriving at Brandenburg, some
forty miles below Louisville, he seized passing steam-
boats and landed his force in Indiana. Following his
trail, we reached Brandenburg, just in time to see his
rear-guard disappear over the river-bank, going north
into Indiana. His rear-guard stopped long enough
to wave their hats at us and bid us good-by. The
steamboats they had used in crossing were at that
moment bursting into flames, and burned to the wa-
ter’s edge tied fast to the Indiana shore. Other
steamboats were hurriedly obtained, and our pursu-
ing force hastily transferred across the river, men and
horses being tumbled aboard the boats in quick order
and tumbled off on the other side. There were many
laughable instances of men and horses falling into the
river, but everything “went” in those days.
The appearance of “Morgan’s men” on the north
side of the Ohio River created consternation in Indi-
ana and Ohio. The Governor of Indiana called out
the state militia to the number of fifty thousand, and
as Morgan’s advance turned toward Ohio the Gov-
ernor of the Buckeye state called out a like number
of militia from his state.
At Corvdon, Inch, the “Home Guards” gave the in-
vaders a brisk little battle, and delayed their advance
for a brief time. Gen. Hobson’s pursuing column, of
which the Seventh Ohio Cavalry was a part, arrived
at Corydon within a few hours after Morgan’s depart-
ure. The citizens of Indiana received us with the
greatest enthusiasm, and from the time of our arrival
at Corydon until the end of our march at Buffington
Island, O., a distance a distance of about three hun-
C^opfederace l/eterar?.
dred miles, our line of march was between two lines
of people occupying each side of the road — men,
women, and children laden with good tilings for us
to eat, the principal article being fried chicken. In
truth, and literally, there were six hundred miles of
fried chicken. It would seem that the telegraph had
announced our coming in Morgan’s rear, and at this
announcement every man, woman, and child in Indi-
ana and Ohio had begun to fry chicken for us (though
I desire to say here that we did not belong to the
negro troops) as the best thing they had to offer us.
At first this article of diet was acceptable, but six
hundred miles of fried chicken was more than we
could stand. We begged the kind people to tele-
graph ahead and stop the awful slaughter of chickens
for our benefit, and provide some hardtack and salt
pork, or they would kill ns with their kindness.
In our procession of three hundred miles between
this double line of excited and patriotic citizens these
tens of thousands of citizens greeted us with one song,
and only one song, always the same — viz., “Rally
Round the Flag, Boys!” This we heard by day and
by night, and it is related that after the raid was over
our commander, Gen. Hobson, was taken sick with
brain fever, was confined to his bed seriously ill, and
in his delirium insisted upon singing “Rally Round
the Flag, Boys!” Although it has been nearly thirty-
five years since these occurrences, I can yet hear them
singing “Rally Round the Flag, Boys! ”
In Morgan’s dash across three states in fifteen days
he swept a wide area absolutely clean of horses, giving
his own command frequent remounts, but leaving us
entirely without remount for the whole distance. In
fact. Morgan’s force had two horses for every man,
while Hobson’s had two men to each sadly worn
horse. Morgan’s force, when it started from the
Cumberland River, was exceedingly well mounted,
having some of the best blooded horses from Ken-
tucky, horses capable of long anil rapid marches, Me
set the “pegs” for us, and set them high every day.
The longest march made by his command at one
stretch was ninety miles in twenty hours, this being
the jump he made from a point in Indiana west of Cin-
cinnati to Williamsburg. O.. on the east of Cincinnati.
Morgan’s force did not exceed twenty-five hun-
dred troopers when he invaded the stares north of the
Ohio River, possibly five hundred less. I think two
thousand would be a fair figure to name for the num-
ber of troops he led into Indiana. Now two thousand
horsemen make a big showing, and to the excited citi-
zens, whose horses were being seized right and left,
this number was easily magnified to ten thousand,
and that was the number reported to us generally by
the excited citizens when they stopped long enough
from singing “Rally Round the Flag. Boys!” though
we knew the number hardly exceeded two thousand.
Our march of two hundred miles across the state of
Ohio was in many ways painful, as our horses were
failing rapidly. Twenty-two hours’ marching out of
each twenty-four was more than they could stand in
their exhausted condition. Our ambulance had been
dropped long ago, but our medical officers, mounted
on the ambulance horses, were with us.
We were now at home in Southern Ohio, and manv
of our regiment passed their own door-steps, stopping
only long enough to kiss the members of their fami-
lies and briefly listen to their song of “Rally Round
the Flag, Boys!” and partake of some more fried
chicken. At Piketon, O., the “Home Guards” had
delayed Morgan’s advance, and we began to pick up
some of his stragglers. It looked now as though we
might within a few hours more overtake him and
bring him to bay.
On the 1 8th of July our regiment, the Seventh Ohio
Cavalry, with the Second Ohio Cavalry and the
Eighth Michigan Cavalry, was pushed ahead of
Hobson’s column, and at daylight of July 19 struck
Morgan’s command in the valley of the Ohio River
near Buffington Island, where they had been delayed
by fog, waiting for daylight to cross over. At the
moment of our arrival the forces under Gen. Judah
had also arrived, coming up the valley of the Ohio,
while we debouched from the river hills, and the gun-
boats were holding the fords of the river.
We were ordered to attack immediately, and, under
Col. Garrard’s directions, I rode back along the line
of the regiment ordering the companies formed into
columns of fours. Our numbers were few, and I re-
member Lieut. Sam B. Johnson, who commanded
Company M of our regiment, told me that he had only
one set of fours. Capt. William T. Burton, of Com-
pany B, had four or five sets of fours. Of our entire
regiment, eight or nine hundred strong, when we
started from the Cumberland River, we did not now
show up over two hundred men, the remainder having
been dismounted by reason of disabled horses and
scattered along our trail for a distance of five hundred
miles. When the guidons of these three regiments
of Gen. Hobson’s advance fluttered in the breeze of
the Ohio Valley that July morning Gens. Morgan and
Duke knew their “jig was up.” We formed plainly
in their sight, and with but slight resistance to the
Federal attack Morgan’s entire force fled in disorder.
\Ye pursued as rapidly as the condition of our poor
horses would permit, and many of the enemy, seeing
that further effort was useless, their supply of ammu-
nition being nearly exhausted, surrendered.
After our pursuit at this point had ceased a fla
truce was brought to Col. Garrard by a Confederate
officer, who stated that Col. Howard Smith, with a few
other officers and men of Morgan’s command, were in
the woods near by, having been cut off from their
command, and, knowing the uselessness of further
effort, would surrender if an officer was cent to escort
them. Adjt. Allen and Lieut. McColgen. of the Sev-
enth Ohio Cavalry, were sent to receive them and es-
cort them to our lines. On the way to receive these
Confederates they were met already on the way, under
escort of a sergeant of the Eighth Michigan Cavalry,
whom they accidentally met in the woods. These
prisoners were received by the writer of these lines.
who was greatly surprised to learn that Gen. Basil
Duke was in company with Col. Howard Smith.
Gen. Duke bore himself with dignity, and I would not
have known that I had him with the other prisoners
if one of his own men had not accidentally disclosed
his identity to me. One of the officers with Gen.
Duke gave me a little Confederate flag about the size
of your two hands. I accepted this little flag, and
asked the officer his name. He replied: “Capt.
Hines.” I have the little flag yet, but have never
seen Capt. Hines from that day to this.
Confederate l/eteran.
‘”He jests at scars who never felt a wound.” This
quotation suggests itself by reason of the fact that,
under the varying fortunes of war, some months after
the events written of in the foregoing, in a sharp cav-
alry engagement in East Tennessee, I found myself a
prisoner of war in the hands of the Fourth Kentucky
Cavalry, one of Morgan’s regiments.
The prisoners captured by the Seventh Ohio Cav-
alry were turned over to the Federal officer in charge
of prisoners at Cheshire, O., and with this our connec-
tion with the Morgan raid ended. Gen. Morgan him-
self was not captured for several days later, but the
raid ended at Buffington Island, O., and the subse-
quent flight of Morgan with his detachment of a few
hundred men did not avail him anything.
From the time of Morgan’s landing on the Indiana
side of the Ohio River until the surrender at Buffing-
ton Island, O., not less than one hundred thousand
militia were called into the field to suppress him. The
force of veterans under Gen. Hobson, who pursued
Morgan from “start to finish,” comprised about three
thousand cavalry. Morgan gave us “a good run for
our money.” One can not but admire the dash, skill,
and courage of Morgan and Duke which enabled them
to lead their two thousand troopers on a raid of eight
hundred miles, of which five hundred miles were in a
hostile region, baffling for so long a time the efforts of
more than one hundred thousand men to capture them.
Soon after the close of this raid our regiment formed
a part of Gen. Burnside’s army, which occupied East
Tennessee. We had an active campaign here for over
six months, and saw our cavalry horses perish from
hunger, while our veteran cavalrymen sustained life
on a small portion of parched corn; and then, more
than ever before, we cherished the memory of the six
hundred miles of fried chicken we had on the Morgan
This sketch is not in any way intended as a history
of the Morgan raid, but is a memory of the part taken
by the Seventh Ohio Cavalry in this striking incident
of the war.
A committee comprised of Capt. C. A. Sheafe, D. D.
Maney, and Jesse W. Sparks, of Murfreesboro, sends
out the following circular letter:
About two years ago some twenty-five old soldiers,
representatives of the Federal and Confederate armies
in about equal proportions, residing at Murfreesboro,
Tenn., organized the “Stone’s River Battle-Field and
National Park Association.”
Their object was to interest the people of the United
States, and particularly those who had been soldiers
on either side in our great civil war, in promoting the
purchase by the United States of the land upon which
was fought the battle of Stone’s River, and its conver-
sion into a national military park.
With this view they obtained a charter from the state
of Tennessee, procured options for its sale from the
owners of the land where the battle was fought, have
marked by well-painted sign-boards many interesting
points thereon, and have procured the endorsement of
the General Assembly of Tennessee, the Grand Army
of the Republic at Buffalo, and the United Confederate
Veterans at Richmond. All this they have done at
their own expense, without pay, and without any per-
sonal interest in the enterprise.
Upon the field of Stone’s River occurred one of the
great battles of our civil war. It ought to be owned
and cared for by the government, which already owns
and cares for the national cemetery situated in its cen-
ter. It is of easy access, being penetrated by one of
our great railways. Those who can mark with accu-
racy its historic spots are rapidly passing away. What
is to be done should be done quickly.
We appeal to every post of the Grand Army of the
Republic and Sons of Veterans of the United States
and every camp of the United Confederate Veterans
and United Sons of Confederate Veterans in the Uni-
ted States and kindred organizations for their assist-
ance. We urge each post or camp of all organizations
to endorse the enclosed petition, that as many members
of each as approve the same sign it, and that the prop-
er official of the post or camp promptly forward the
petition, when so signed, to the Representative in Con-
gress from this district, Hon. James D. Richardson,
M.C., Washington, D. C.
The petition is “to the Senators and Representatives
of the United States,” and recites:
We further respectfully present the following con-
siderations in favor of the proposed measure:
The battle of Stone’s River was one of the greatest
of the conflicts which occurred in the war between the
states, in which were engaged more than eighty thou-
sand men, and the losses on both sides in killed and
wounded mark this battle as unsurpassed in the hero-
ism and unyielding valor of the American soldier,
whether from the North or the South.
A conflict so momentous and in which so many of
the noblest citizens of both sections of our country —
our loved and honored comrades, living and dead —
took part, and proved amid the consuming fire of bat-
tle a devotion stronger than the love of life to the land
of their birth or adoption, deserves a lasting memorial
of their fame.
And we further represent that this battle-field is eas-
ily accessible to all parts of our country. It is within
less than thirty miles of Nashville, and a great thor-
oughfare (the Nashville, Chattanooga, and St. Lou’s
railwav) runs through its- center, where is situated the
beautiful national cemetery, in which repose the ashes
of many of the brave men who made it immortal; and
we submit that the preservation of this field would be
a tribute to those whose blood crimsoned its soil and
whose mortal remains lie entombed in its bosom.
Preserved by the government as a national military
park, this now neglected battle-ground would be an-
nually visited by thousands of people to do homage to
the heroic dead, to reinspire their patriotism, and to
recall with profound emotions the thrilling history of
a great conflict of arms.
Finally, we submit that the lessons of exalted pa-
triotism to those who will come after us, and who will
be charged with the preservation of our national union
as the sheet-anchor of free institutions, can in no way
be better taught than by setting apart the field which
holds the graves of the dead heroes of Stone’s River
and by making beautiful the grounds consecrated by
their valor, adorned and preserved as a national mili-
tary park by the generosity of a grateful people.
Mr. Sparks is the Secretary of the association.
Qopfederate l/eterai?
After a generation I recall this banquet, and I still
see through my misty spectacles the pretty tree-em-
bowered mansion of my commander’s kinsman. The
magnolias, with their dense, rich foliage, adorn this
“paradise of pilots” — that being the name from Natch-
ez to New Orleans — wide, wide river, no bars nor snags
to vex the progress of steamboats.
But the reader of the last decade — in the nineties of
1800 — must view the ever-changing river (one hun-
dred rivers in one volume), more sharply than when
we sailed it, for banks are falling or caving in. islands
become mainland — in fact, the river is shortening itself,
and is now Uncle Sam’s two-thousand-mile torchlight
procession, from the land of Minnesota snow to the
i.l’ 1 >RGE s. HA I BR M \ \ .
sunny clime of Natchez, with thirty-mile light-stations,
and others yet to hear from.
As the “Mobile” and the “St, Mary” drew nigh
Vicksburg, the domain of Gen, M. L. Smith, signals
were thrown oul as per code, and the authorities re-
sponded, having been apprised of the sailing of our ex-
pedition from Berwick Bay, The stately bluffs, kin-
dred in fame to the great Rock of Gibraltar, arming at
every bend and turn with all the resources of military
engineering, was a sight never to be forgotten. The
brigade of Gen. Smith manned the batteries, and with
details from Maj.-Gen, Breckinridge’s Division guard-
ed the front and flank approaches. \\ ithers’ light ar-
tillery commanded all near approaches. We saw along
the Yazoo the vigilant horsemen of Starke’s cavalry
performing their duty, and learned that they covered
the shores of both rivers. Everything betokened the
coming year of battle for the domination of the great
river, and our two armed ships were now “facts and
figures” on this new line of the Confederacy. There
was at this time the following armament in the river
front batteries: Two ten-inch, one nine-inch, four
eight- inch, five forty-two and two twenty-four pound
er smoothbores, seven thirty-two, two twenty-four, one
eighteen, and two twelve – pounder rifled guns — in
all, twenty-six guns. We steamed up, passing this
Gibraltar’s front, three miles, against four-knot current,
in three-quarters of an hour. The strategic value of
the Yazoo was apparent, but it was some time before
we realized the immense wealth of supplies from this
valley. Until we cleared the fortifications bey< >nd these
immense bluffs we could not tell whether the Yazoo
River could be safely reached. So the “.Mobile” and
“St. Mary” made their best run, and it seemed that
they liked these new waters and tolled ahead with en-
ergy. Nine miles above Vicksburg we entered the
Yazoo. This was our cruising-ground, where fine
progress was being made on the ironclad “Arkansas ”
Having turned the bows of our ships toward Yazoo
City, 1 had much enji lyment, all-out-doors. The hours
of my watch night and day were fragrant, and they lin-
ger fondly yet. The bloom of \ icksburg’s vicinage,
with its balmy fragrance from below the Fortifications
and on up around up the Yazoo, had not yet faded.
though war had frightened off the families and diverted
the labor of gardeners. The rose and osage orange
hedges stood their ground still, dividing grand es-
tates. The grace of roses, the oaks, tlie myrtles,
and the magnolias are still delightfully recalled. In
later years Dame Nature brought out her floral treas-
ures profusely, and many roses seemed to seek an
abandoned gun in the obscurest angles of dismantled
forts as a preferred spot to ni stle, to show how mindful
is this tin ither 1 ‘f us all to heal the wi iund – of strife.
The Yazoo Valley is two hundred miles long and
sixty in width. Tt is singularly intersected by many
bayous, and it drains many hills. From below the
high grounds near Memphis the river is called Cold-
\n .iter, then the Tallahatchie, and below the junction of
tin? latter with the Yallabusha from the east its name
is \ azoo. It is a large stream, three hundred yards
wide, and always navigable for vessels of three feel foi
two hundred and fifty miles, from its month to Green-
wood. Yazoo City is ninety miles from the Missis-
sippi. Below this point the river makes several bends
to the west, receiving various bayous which have al-
ready been running in a southerly course, the main
one being called Big Sunflower. These bayou:
rivers branch off at times into two or more currents,
and unite farther down The reader recollects, of
course, that the Yazoo did not enter the Mississippi
as now. eight miles above \ ickshnrg. but followed a
blind lead, another bed known as » >1«1 River, diverging
from the present channel si\ miles above the contin-
ence. Familiarity with these waterways in their ram-
ifications was of greatest value t<> commanders of bat-
talions, as well as fleets, farther along in the- civil war
There had existed before this period a very large bayou
called Yazoo Pass, leading from the Mississippi opp 1
site Helena, and Yazoo City had been reached through
it; but the extension of levees across its month had
closed this outlet. Within this cordate-shaped re-
gion, with its timber growths, were discovered
Qopfederate Ueterai).
herds of live stock, large quantities of cotton, and many
well-filled granaries. Many steamers cruised over
these waters, and we saw many river boats at their
moorings which we had seen at New Orleans before
the surrender. Valuable timber abounded, adapted
for naval construction. The enemy was not slow in
discovering the Yazoo Valley resources.
Telegrams reached us here that on the 7th of May
seven war-ships, had arrived off Baton Rouge, sent up
by Admiral Farragut under the command of Capt.
■Craven, of the “Brooklyn.” Baton Rouge was sur-
rendered to Commander J. S. Palmer, of the “Iro-
quois,” on the 8th of May. On the 12th the Federal
fleet arrived off Natchez, and this hospitable and spir-
ited city also surrendered to Commander Palmer.
We learned that the “Arkansas” had been towed to
Greenwood, one hundred and sixty miles farther up
the river, where we found her, incomplete, surrounded
by refugeed merchant steamers. We now went to pa-
trolling the river its entire length of two hundred and
fifty miles. On the 21st the “St. Mary” ran down to
Vicksburg, Lieut. Shepperd going with us with im-
portant despatches for Gen. M. L. Smith, and tied up
at the wharf. I had the satisfaction of visiting the
city, whose majestic outline, with its battery-crowned
heights, had attracted my admiration. Up to this time
I had never boarded a man-of-war of the U. S. Navy,
although a native of New Orleans, where such vessels
had often touched before the war. But on the 22d
inst. my desire was fully gratified when Commander
S. P. Lee, representing Flag-Officer Farragut, made
demand for the surrender of Vicksburg, which was, of
course, refused. I looked at hulls and spars of the
Federal fleet afar off. No demonstrations were made
by the enemy after the refusal. Our vessel returned to
the Yazoo, where we again patrolled this singular
While plying patrol on the Yazoo we could hear the
bombarding of Vicksburg. The Federal fleet, under
Farragut. appeared off the city on the 26th of June,
and the Mississippi Valley witnessed the giant strug-
gle of two days, ending, of course, with the discomfi-
ture of the enemy. But Farragut resolved to run by
the fort early in the morning of the 28th. The “Hart-
ford” (flag-ship) was accompanied by six vessels. The
sixteen mortar vessels and transports .remained below
Vicksburg. The enemy formed a “coalition” with the
flotilla commanded by Flag-Officer Davis and the Ei-
let fleet. Memphis had been captured, and the Fed-
eral Foote left the scene of his services in the Western
waters, succeeded by Davis. This junction of the
Farragut-Davis-Ellet aggregation around the mouth
of the Yazoo did not escape the vigilant eyes of Gens.
Smith and Van Dorn, and we were in constant wiring
distance with them.
At the fall of Memphis (Tune 6) the “Livingston”
and “Polk.” gunboats, under command of Commo-
dore R. F. Pinkney, with the ironclad ram “Van Dorn”
(of the river defense fleet), migrated down the Missis-
sippi, and came up the Yazoo River to Liverpool land-
ing. Here, at the “raft.” or obstructions, sixty-five
miles from the mouth, where two forty-twos had been
planted on a hill overlooking the raft, the gunboats
found they could not pass through without breaking
the obstructions, which, under the condition of things,
was deemed imprudent. So they removed the arma-
ments and stores across the raft for service on this
side. The two eight-inch columbiads from the “Polk”
were placed on shore in battery for defense. The ene-
my’s fleet, Flag-Officer Davis commanding, started
down from Memphis, arriving July 2 near Vicksburg.
Word reached Yazoo City June 26 that boats from this
fleet would menace the Mississippi and the river and
streams to the north. The “St. Mary” was ordered to
go down to the relief of Commodore Pinkney at full
speed to the raft at Liverpool landing, some twenty-five
miles. As we rounded the point on the 26th we saw
volumes of smoke issuing from the hatches of the
“Polk” and “Livingston,” and at once our boats went
to their aid, but arrived too late. These gunboats, all
ablaze, lighted the scene, bringing into rugged promi-
nence the wooded heights and winding waters of the
Yazoo. These vessels had been set on fire carefully,
so that they might not by any means fall into the ene-
my’s hands. The nearness and magnitude of the hos-
tile fleet in the two rivers and streams to the north
were such as to justify this action of the Commodore.
The steam rams from Ellet’s fleet, the “Monarch” and
the “Lancaster,” on the 26th of June ascended the
Yazoo, bent on capturing, if possible, our gunboats at
the raft. But, seeing the three blazing vessels (for the
“Van Dorn” soon caught fire from the “Polk” and
“Livingston”), the enemy’s rams “turned tail” sud-
den-like and broke for the cover of the armada, not
staying long enough to fire a gun. Occupied as the
boats of the “St. Mary” were in behalf of the gun-
boats ablaze, we did not catch sight of the Federal
raiders of the river until they were about to round a
point of the Yazoo. The crews of the gunboats had
manned the battery of heavy guns while they lived
This spectacle of our blazing gunboats and ram was
appalling indeed, for the Confederacy was not at this
juncture too numerously supplied with armed vessels.
Fate was against us this day, when she let drift a burn-
ing gunboat against the ram “Van Dorn,” and, setting
her afire, caused her to fall quickly a prey to the flames.
These excellent vessels, burned to the water’s edge by
reason of military necessity, left a feeling of sadness
with their officers and the “St. Mary’s” also. The “Van
Dorn” was Commander Montgomery’s flag-ship in the
battle before Memphis, June 6/186*2, and out of the
fleet of eight vessels alone succeeded in making good
her escape. In the fight of Island No. 10, on the 7th
of April previous, the “Polk” and “Livingston,” as
also the “McRae,” “Jackson,” “Calhoun,” “Ivy,”
“Pontchartrain,” and “Maurepas,” were handled well.
Flag-Officer George N. Hollins was in command.
Here, in the same hour, these three vessels closed their
day-books and entered Dame History’s ledger in the
same short extension of time and place.
Lieut. S. G. Stone, executive of the “Polk,” while at
the shore battery which the crew had manned, pointed
to the two eight-inch columbiads. These, said he,
were taken away by him from Fort Randolph, a few
miles below Fort Pillow, on the Mississippi, where
they had been abandoned, with a large number of heavy
guns, shortly before the fall of Memphis. The “Polk,”
as well as the “Livingston,” had been compelled to
make quick time down the Yazoo River, their new
scene of duties. They steamed down the Mississippi
without their armaments; these had been placed in bat-
Qo^federate l/eterar?.
teries on shore at Randolph. But these twin colum-
biads, which he patted caressingly while talking with
me, had twined themselves in his good graces, and so
he carried them off.
Attention was now drawn to the yet incomplete “Ar-
kansas,” and the department sent out Lieut. Isaac N.
Brown, C. S. N., with his quarter-century service in
the old navy, to hasten the building and armoring of
this ironclad ram. He arrived on the 26th of May,
1862, with the amplest powers from Secretary Mallory
to finish the “Arkansas” “without regard to the ex-
penditure of men or money.” In two days he was at
Greenwood, and it did not take long to reach the con-
clusion that the vessel must be removed. He set to
work with vigor. A barge had brought out of the
Mississippi a large amount of railroad iron for armor-
ing, but had sunk in the Yazoo with its guns and ma-
chinery upon deck. There was but one blacksmith
forge and only five carpenters at work at ( Ireenwood.
The timber out of which the future gun-carriages
were built was yet growing in the woods. He raised
in two days the sunken barge, laden with its railroad
iron and some machinery, and the “Arkansas” was re-
moved one hundred and sixty miles nearer the enemy
to the future navy-yard at Yazoo City. Fourteen
forges and two hundred carpenters were now em-
ployed, with night and day sections, for continuous
work upon the ram. Railroad iron was wagoned
from Vaughan’s Station, on the Jackson railroad,
twenty-five miles distant. Lieut. Brown started drill-
ing-machines and contracted for the building of gun-
carriages. The story of the rapid building and equip-
ping of this ironclad is one of particular interest. To
build and equip such a vessel alone would be a fine
achievement, even if accomplished with ample ma-
chinery, materials, and men; but the work was per-
formed with very few facilities and against heavy ob-
stacles in six weeks. The “Arkansas” was one hun-
dred and eighty feet long by thirty feet beam, with
burden of from eight hundred to one thousand tons.
The ends only of her casemate were inclined, the Miles
being perpendicular to the sides of the vessel. Rail-
road iron, dovetailed together, formed her armor, the
rails running up and down upon the incline ends and
horizontally along the sides. This iron thus arranged
was nearly a solid mass about three inches thick,
heavily backed with timber. In the casemate between
the ports there was a further backing of compressed
cotton bales braced. A light sheathing of wood cov-
ered the cotton within as a guard against fire. The
wheel was within the shield. The top of the pilot-
house, through which the pilot looked while steering.
was two feet above the shield-deck, and was flat and
covered with inch bar iron. The smoke-stack was of
sheet iron. Her iron beak for ramming was below
water. Her two engines, built in Memphis, were new,
and she had two propellers. Her boilers were in the
hold below water-line, her speed was about nine knots
in smooth water, and her draft was fourteen feet. The
ten guns of the “Arkansas” were distributed: in the
bow, two heavy eight-inch columbiads; in the stern,
two six-inch rifles; and in broadside, two six-inch
rifles, two thirty-two pounder smoothbores, and two
nine-inch Dahlgrtn shell-guns.
The “Arkansas” was splendidly officered. Her com-
mander, Isaac Newton Brown, as stated, was a veteran
of the U. S. Navy, with twenty-seven years of varied
service to his credit. First Lieutenant Henry K. Ste-
vens, like his commander, was in the navy, though
neither had gone through the naval academy. Lieut.
John Grimball, of South Carolina, was a graduate, two
years senior to Lieuts. Arthur D. Wharton, of Tennes-
see, and Charles W. Read, of Mississippi — each of
whom had seen two years’ duty after graduation.
Lieut. Alphonse Barbot, of Louisiana, entered the
Confederate navy from the old at once, while George
W. Gift, a Tennesseean, had resigned from service ten
years before this time. Here were talent .-mil varied
experience, and the way the guns were bandied shows
how much this happy aggregation of superb fighting
talent made victory its own. There were two heavy
eight-inch columbiads at the bow with Lieuts. Grim-
ball and Gift, each with a broadside gun; Wharton
worked the starboard broadsides, and Barbot the port;
Read had the two stern-chaser rifles.
1 was now detached from the “St. Mary” and as-
signed to the receiving-ship “Star of the Wesl
tering on duty as an instructor of gun crews. Tins
large sea-going ship of the Pacific Mail Steamship
Line, with her double walking-beam engine (1.17:
tons), lay at anchor in the Yazoo, opposite the ram
This, my second vessel in the navy, had a notable his-
tory. It was early January. [861, when she was sent
from New York City with provisions and two hundred
troops for the relief of Fort Sumter. Charleston Har-
bor. She figured in the popular mind of the North
almost as much as the later scene of hostilities, for
she had been despatched from New York City, and was
fired upon January 9, and forced to return. Many
thousands recall the “Star of the West” at Fort Sum-
ter as a remembrancer of opening hostilities; yet three
months intervene between the baptism of fire of this
relief-ship and the boom of April 12. The “Star of
the West” was chartered on her return from Sumter
to New York by the Federal Government for the pur-
pose of withdrawing from Texas a large body of regu-
lar troops. But she was captured off Indianola April
17, 1861, and sent to New Orleans by Gen. Van Dorn.
where she served a lawful time as receiving-ship.
From day to day. after my duties with the training of
gun crews, I watched the growth of the “Arkansas,”
and I saw many of her officers frequently. Among
them I found Lieut. Alphonse Barbot, with his lively
French manners, a kindly disposed “senior” of the
service, from whom T received much professional
knowleds^?. He had begun to “gray.” His best
vears had been spent upon blue water.
The officials of the “Arkansas” were: Executive of-
ficer, Lieut. Henrv K. Stevens; lieutenants. John
Grimball. Arthur D. Wharton. Charles W. Read. Al-
phonse Barbot. and George W. Gift: surgeon, H. W.
Qopfederate l/eterai?.
M. Washington; assistant surgeon, Charles M. Morfit;
assistant paymaster, Richard Taylor; first assistant en-
gineer, George \V. City; second assistant engineer, E.
Covert; third assistant engineers, William H. Jackson,
E. H. Brown, James T. Doland, John S. Dupuv,
James S. Gettis; acting masters, Samuel Milliken, J. L.
Phillips; midshipmen, Richard H. Bacot, Dabney M.
Scales, Clarence W. Tyler; master’s mate, J. A. Wil-
son; gunner, T. B. Travers; pilots, J. H. Shacklett,
William Gilmore, James Brady, and John Hodges.
Full complement of officers and men, two hundred.
The men who received instruction in handling guns
— the duties of gun crews of seventeen — were “passed”
along in sections as soon as they evinced suitable pro-
ficiency and placed aboard the “Arkansas.” Several
times in my visits I noticed with much satisfaction the
creditable performance of “the pupils” from the “Star
of the West.” The gun crews were carefully trained
by the veteran officers of the “Arkansas.”
Six weeks’ active business energy of one man
brought the ironclad to her fighting level, able to en-
counter the Federal armada and try conclusions. The
raft (or “obstructions”) at Liverpool landing had been
laid firmly by our engineers, and it became essential in
the coming combat to open a passage-way for the ram
and to close the same after the ram steamed out.
Lieuts. Grimball, Read, and Gift made report that
such opening could be made in a few hours. Then the
greater matter arose: the number and position of the
enemy’s ships must be ascertained and laid down upon
paper, and the general commanding must be apprised
of the coming of the “Arkansas,” and plans of action
must be interchanged for enhancing the powers of the
ram by the concurrence of the land forces. Gen. Van
Dorn wrote: “There are thirty-seven ships of the ene-
my, and more coming.” The ram “Arkansas” must
run the gantlet of the Federal fleet and anchor under
the guns at Vicksburg. A more daring feat than this
had not been performed since Farragut ran past the
yet unsilenced forts up to New Orleans. Here were
nearly forty formidable war-vessels under Admirals
Farragut and Davis grouped along the river from the
mouth of the Yazoo, and past them all must this single
ironclad make her way. July 15, 1862, the “Arkansas,”
but six weeks in building, scattered -three vessels just
after breakfast, and then ran through the fleet of forty
vessels, great and small, adding to the reputation of a
“box of guns” that of a right smart pepper-box, and
reached the landing under the guns of Vicksburg by
nine o’clock.
The writer of this memoirette was rowed from the
“Star of the West” at the navy-yard to the “St. Mary”
on the ioth of July, 1862. Commander Cenas had been
honored with the escort duty. The “opening;” in the
raft across the Yazoo, through which both vessels
passed, remained unclosed for the return of the escort
ship, and anchorage was made at Haines Bluff near
midnight of the 14th until 2 a.m. of the 15th. My
commander had three academic comrades among the
lieutenants of the “Arkansas.” The morale was su-
perb. Well might Commander Brown and his exec-
utive feel sure of victory with such a fighting force
right early in the morning-.
I remember the bright, orderly, and engaging ap-
pearance of the “Arkansas” and her men when I left
her to return to the “St. Mary.” just after the anchor
was raised. The men of the “Arkansas” were now all
at their several stations; the guns were loaded, and
ready to cast loose; the gun-tackles were in the grasp
of willing seamen, ready to train; the primers were in
the vents, while the locks were thrown back, and the
gun-captains held the lanyards in hand. That little
precaution, strewing the decks with sand, meant busi-
ness. There lay the tourniquets and the bandages,
with the tubs filled with fresh water and set between
the guns. Down there in the berth-deck stood the
surgeons with their keen instruments, the lint, ano-
dynes, and the stimulants. Along the passageways
stood rows of men, ready to pass up the powder, shell,
and shot. All was quiet on the “Arkansas,” save the
dull thump, thump, of the propellers.
Slowly steaming up through Old River — the sole
figures in the morning landscape of the Yazoo, about
six miles from the Mississippi — three ships of war,
videtting or scouting, hove in sight. They were two
ironclads — “Carondelet” (thirteen guns) in the center,
“Queen of the West” to starboard, and the gunboat
“Tyler” port. Each vessel had seen varied service in
many waters already. These three Federal vessels
were in quest of something, something they knew not
what: the “Arkaiwazo.” The alert “Arkansas” fixed a
steady gaze upon the biggest foe, and moved against
the “Carondelet,” and the bow guns of the latter blazed
upon the little raider of the river at short range. We
watched through our glasses from the “St. Mary”
how the expected attack turned to a chase, for the
Federal vessels now steered as direct for the fleet six
to eight miles below as it was possible. The bow guns
of the “Arkansas” blazed upon the “Carondelet” and
raked her with terrific effect. We could see the speed
of the pursued ship slackening rapidly. The guns and
small-arm fire from “Queen” and “Tyler” had serious
effect upon the “Arkansas,” and their design to ram
and rake astern was met by the raiding ship steering
toward them something like an enraged bull with sha-
king horns, when they resumed their supporting dis-
tance. Meantime the “Carondelet” was feeling the
power of her antagonist. About half-past seven the
“Arkansas” had closed in with this ship, striking her
and driving her against the left bank of the river,
where she lay among the willows at the mercy of her
enemy. We saw that the greater draft of the “Arkan-
sas” forbade a nearer engagement. The colors of the
“Carondelet” had disappeared, although no white flag
had been run up. The wheel-ropes of the battered ship
had now been cut off, but as she swung around into the
bank she was able to fire her stern and starboard guns
into the “Arkansas.” We could distinguish damage
done to her casemate and hull and that her engines
had been disabled. The presence of Commander
Brown was a token of the greater triumph yet to come.
He had emerged from the shield to hail the “Caron-
delet,” with his life recklessly exposed to revolver or
Confederate l/eterao.
rifle. But, to his surprise, no response came from this
crippled ship, and he could not see or hear any token
of a soul aboard.
The “Arkansas” now abandoned the “Carondelet”
and made for the “Tyler,” whose fire had been galling,
but the fleet-footed Federal vessel succeeded in keep-
ing ahead two hundred and fifty yards and firing her
stern gun and occasionally pouring a broadside. The
“Arkansas” dealt most vigorous blows from her bat-
teries, both bow and broadside, and the “Tyler,” as
well as “Queen,” kept on at full speed to reach the
fleet for shelter. 1 laving witnessed the crippling and
grounding of the “Carondelet” and the chase of the
“Queen” and the “Tyler,” we found it was eight
o’clock. Before returning up the Yazoo we received
certain signals from the “Arkansas.” But, so vivid
had been our glimpses of this battle of giants, that we
watched the Federal fleet in its evident consternation.
(aught unawares, even with all notification, the hud-
dled ships seemed hardly to know which way to turn.
It looked like the terror inspired by an unscrupulous
butting ram getting into a pasture among a lot of
clumsy, tumbling calves and scattering them right and
left. We saw the “Arkansas'” smoke-stack had been
badly perforated, and with the difficulty in steam-ma-
king sin made no attempt to ram the “Carondelet.”
She dealt the “Carondelet” a most terrific parting
broadside as she passed within a few yards. We saw
how skilfully Commander Brown had combined au-
dacity and calculation, and added another achievement
in the annals of our navy w( irthy to rank with the hen >
ism of linger, W’arley, and Beverly Kennon in the de-
fense of New < )rleans.
| ( • included next month. 1
( i, n. \Y. L. Cabell, Commander of the Trans-Mis-
sissippi Department, United Confederate Veterans,
sends mil his annual greeting from Dallas, Tex.. Feb
nun i . [898:
1 greel you. my old comrade-, at the cli – of an-
year, with a heart full of love and affection and
witli ih” hope that a kind Providence will continue to
bleSs For man} years the heroes who Followed the flag
f\ the “lost cause/’ the noble women who suffered so
much during the war. the noble sons and fair daugh-
ters, as well as our noble association.
The Vdjutant-Gcneral reports one thousand and
seventy-eight camps, of which number the Trans-Mis-
sissippi Department has over four hundred, a contin-
ued increase. A number of our bravest and best com
rades have died during the year. The dead — all hon-
or to our noble women!— have been properly eared
for and buried in proper grave-yards, and in many in-
stances their names engraved on marble headstones.
Surviving Confederates who have grown old. and
those incapacitated by wounds, have been properly
cared for by the different states and territories in the
Trans-Mississippi Department. They have comforta-
ble homes, and are amply provided with good raiment,
so they can spend their last days in quiet and peace as
the honored guests of the great states of Texas. Ar-
kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Indian Territory.
1 therefore urge you. my old comrades, to continue
the good work, and again T appeal to the noble son-;
and fair daughters of the bravest men and the grand-
est women that ever lived in any country to organize
camps and chapters, and be ready to take our places
when we have all crossed over the river.
Apply at once to Gen. .Moorman, Adjutant-General
of the United Confederate Veterans, New Orleans, La.,
so that the Trans-Mississippi Department will send a
greater delegation to the reunion to be held in Atlanta,
Ga., July 20-23 than any other department Let every
camp be represented by as large a delegation as possi-
ble, and let them he fully authorized to represent their
camps in all matters. Where a delegate can not at-
tend, let the camps appoint proxies properly signed by
the officers of the camp.
In applying for membership, send a roll of your
camp, with your annual t\e of ten (10) e’e-nts for each
member, and $2 for initiation n-e. im i,,n. Moorman,
by \pril 1, iSeS
The Committee on Transportation will do all in their
power to secure reduceel rates on all railroads leading
to Atlanta. Ga.
The noble women of the whole South, proud of the
fact that they are the wives, daughters, and grand-
daughters of the brave men who wore the gray, have
organized one of the grandest of associations, 1
tin 1 laughters of the Confederacy, that has ever
known in our country. Their motto is; “Charit} to
the living, honor te> the dead, and preservation of the
truth of history.” They have accomplished nm.ii
good. Every Confederate home is their pride, the
cemeteries are beautified through their exertions,
memorial days are- observed^ and monuments honoring
the private and the chieftain ha\ e b< en ei 1 cted through
their labors of love. To these noble Daughters of the
Confederacy we extend a cordial invitation to attend
our reunions, and wish them unbounded success in all
their undertakings.
In every state’ and territor) camps of Sons of Veter-
ans at l 1 ing oi ranized by enthusiastic and patriotic
voting men who appreciate the valorous deeds of their
fathers and glory in the record tluy made in the con-
test from 1 Si. 1 t.. 1865.
The monument to our great chieftain. Jefferson Da-
\is, is still in the hands of the 1 proper committee. The
corner-stone was laid in Richmond, Va., July 2, 1896,
and T urge- all camps throughout this department to
continue to take up subscriptions for this noble pur-
The camps throughout the’ Trans-Mississippi
Department are requested to aid all in their power to-
ward erecting the great Battle Abbey, or memorial
hall, in which redics of the civil war will be kept. The
gallant old cavalryman, Charles Broadway Rouse,
proud of the record made by the Southern soldier, and
anxious to preserve the records of » onfederate braverv,
has contributed $100,000 toward this building fund,
and all comrades are urged to contribute, so that it
may s< h 111 be built.
The Times, of West Texas, reports Camp Gano as
having had a royal New-Year dinner, for which “Duf-
fel’s fattest Angoras” we’re supplied in abundance. The
membership of the camp was increased from forty-two
to fifty. Of the proceedings a lengthy poem entitled
“From the Other Shore,” with many beautiful figures
by Mrs. Kittie Fllis Hill, was read by little Alice Maude
Qopfederate l/eteran.
Confederate l/eteran.
S. A. CUNNINGHAM, Editor and Proprietor.
Office: Methodist Publishing House Building, Nashville, Tenn.
This publication is the personal property of S. A. Cunningham. All
persons who approve its principles, and realize its benefits as an organ for
Associations throughout the South, are requested to commend its patron-
age and to cooperate in extending it.
The unprecedented growth of the Veteran in the
beginning of its sixth year caused a complete absorp-
tion of the extra copies, which were thought to be
abundant. The misfortune induces request that all
who have copies, and do not care to file them, can
have two of any other numbers in the place of that, if
they will kindly mail it to this office. Of this number
there are seventeen thousand copies printed, and it will
evidently be short of the demand.
Now a word to friends: Won’t you take an interest
in extending its subscription to Twenty Thousand?
That number would be listed in thirty days if friends
would at once cooperate in commending it. How
rapidly comrades are passing away! If the Veteran
possesses accredited merit, much comfort would be
given many noble fellows who know not of it if you
would only exert your influence as suggested. A sub-
scription-blank may be expected, enclosed herein.
Kindly return with it one t>r more names as subscrib-
ers, and deduct the cost of remitting. You can in this
way contribute to a success which will honor the people
of our Southland, who stood the greatest test that has
ever come to any portion of America, and in addition
exalt the nation, in which survivors and descendants
have been a credit since that unprecedented ordeal.
lished fact that the Federal lines did not completely
invest Fort Donelson, and that a number of the in-
fantry , when the surrender was determined upon,
marched out of Dover and into the country without
seeing a Union soldier. It is from these he desires
very earnestly to hear.
Some misfortunes have delayed this issue and caused
the use of articles which could better have waited than
some that are held over. Noble deeds of the Daugh-
ters of the Confederacy in nearly all of the Southern
states deserve record ; they would fill a number of the
Veteran. Unhappily, nearly all of them are held
over, and notes of deceased comrades, for several of
whom engravings have been made, are also reserved.
The work of raising funds for Uncle Dan Emmett is
moving on beautifully. Since the report was put in
type Miss Estelle Coleman, of Vicksburg, Miss., has
sent $44.50 for Children of the Confederacy, with notes
to appear hereafter.
Dr. John A. Wyeth, of 19 West Thirty-Fifth Street,
New York City, formerly of Russell’s Fourth Ala-
bama Cavalry (Forrest’s Brigade), who is writing a
life of Gen. Forrest, desires to communicate at an ear-
ly date with all survivors of the battle at Fort Donel-
son who escaped on foot across Lick Creek or along
that stream after daylight on the morning of Febru-
ary 16, 1862. He does not include in this request any
troops — either cavalry, artillery, or infantry — who rode
out with or after Forrest. It is now a well-estab-
As a guest of the Massachusetts Reform Club, Mr.
Joseph Bryan, of Richmond, discussed living issues,
in which he said that in i860 Virginia had a popula-
tion of one million white people and half as many more
of negroes, nearly all of the latter being slaves. The
business of the state was done by the whites. The
population now is one million seven hundred thou-
sand. It is larger than it was before the state was di-
vided. Its local currency then was $10,000,000, while
now that issued by the national banks is $1,900,000.
In behalf of the people of the South Mr. Bryan de-
clared that their course in this silver business had been
from motives far different from those which controlled
the people of the West. The struggles of the South-
ern people had been like those of a man who was be-
ing suffocated. The South had no silver mines and no
silver bullion to sell to the government. Its cry for
free silver was to get a currency with which to do
It is very unpleasant to criticize in these pages any
man who was entitled to be called a Confederate, but
there is a duty to the public which must be met. One
of the most aggravating characters is that of “Com-
mander” Brain. A publisher has written recently in
regard to him, in which he states:
I have found him to be a fraud. Some months ago
he wrote to me in reference to getting a prospectus.
He said he wanted to see it very much. Not knowing
his record at that time, I sent the prospectus to him,
and he has used it to serve his own purpose. He has
gone among the people and represented that he was
an agent for the book, and I learn that he has collected
over $30 in advance, which no person had a right to do.
We have never received one cent of the money that he
collected, and we can not trace him. After sending
the outfit to him I happened to look through some back
numbers of the Veteran, and noticed an exposure of
Mr. Brain; but it was then too late to get back the pro-
spectus. If I knew where to locate him, I would en-
deavor to head him.
Brain got his name put on the Tennessee pension-
roll, and drew the money for some time, until his de-
merits were shown. It is very bad policy to support
men who make plea for Confederate sympathy, unless
they prove themselves worthy. It is wise to investigate.
In sending $5 for the Monument Fund H. L. Tay-
lor, of Bentonia, Miss., writes: “The magnificent record
as a Confederate soldier exemplified in the heroic and
tragic death of Sam Davis should cause the bosom of
every Confederate to swell with supreme pride and a
determination to erect a monument that will commem-
orate for ages to come the heroic valor and unselfish
devotion of this the hero of the war between the states.”
Confederate l/eterai).
The Veteran ‘has started it sixth year with a bound.
Its growth is about double the best of all former New-
Year periods, and tributes to its merits are most gener-
ous. A review of these comments may be given in an
early number. They come often from highest sources.
One has been handed in by the venerable Dr. W. G. E.
Cunnyngham, who is one of the most highly esteemed
ministers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South.
He entered the Holston Conference as a young man
about fifty-five years ago, and has had an unbroken
career of usefulness. After serving in various posi-
tions at home, he gave ten years to missionary work in
China. Since his return from that held he has been
successively an Influential pastor, an effective college
professor, and for eighteen years the General Sunday-
School Editor of his Church, with evidently the largest
number of Southern readers that any man has ever ad-
dressed. Though very modest and retiring, he is a
man of the finest information and a most charming
companion. His preaching is so simple that even the
little children understand it, and yet so full of thought
that it catches and holds the attention of the most culti-
vated auditors. From his youth up his life has been
absolutely stainless. He makes no loud pretensions to
sanctity; but his daily contact is so full of humility, of
gentleness, and of devotion to good works that no one
can fail to recognize him as a Christian of the highest
type. Revered in his own family, honored by his
Church, respected by all good men, he is spending a
sweet and beautiful old age in full hope of a better
home on the other side. This venerable man will
hardly excuse the prominence here given him. His
tribute was at first spoken as of the abundance of the
heart, and when he wrote it he simply gave his initials
as a signature. However, they would be recognized,
perhaps, by a million people.
My Dear Sir: I have frequently thought, after read-
ing a number of your valuable magazine, that I would
write and tell you how much I admire it. I do not
speak of its beautiful appearance as a work of mechan-
ical art or as to its literary character, both of which are
excellent, but as a treasury of facts and incidents con-
nected with the civil war, especially with the heroic de-
fense made by the Confederate armies against the over-
whelming military power of the North. The future
historian of our country, when he comes to study the
bloody record of the years from 1861 to 1865, will be
greatly indebted to the Confederate Veteran for
the material necessary to a fair and impartial judg-
ment of many important events connected with that
fearful struggle. Vmi now have access to the original
sources of information, the testimony of eye-witnesses
the men who helped to make the history— hut the)
are passing away, and with them the opportunity for
collecting reliable historical data. It is now or never.
The South will value your work more and more as the
\ ears gi 1 by.
The Confederate Veteran < >ught to be in every
home in the Southern State- It would help to edu-
cate the young people of the present generation in re-
gard to tlie greatest war of modern times, the causes
which led to it, and the manner in which it was con-
I wish you great success in your good work. I read
every number of the VETERAN with much interest.
Yours respectfully, W. G. E. Cunnyngham.
Nashville, Tenn., January, 1898.
In renewing his subscription A. Y. Burrows, oi
Knoxville, Tenn.. writes these encouraging words: – ‘T
have no idea of letting go your most excellent maga-
zine. T feel that it should be in the home of every vei
1 ran and son of a veteran in the South. We need it; the
youth of the South need to be educated through the
medium of an honest, truthful history of the war. and
from a Southern standpoint. My father followed J< ihn-
ston, Bragg, Hardee, and others, and I feel it an honor
to be called and to know that I am the sou of a Con-
federate soldier. We of to-day can teach our children
nothing nobler than that our father- fought for their
country and for principle- as dear to the survivors now
as in 1 861, and in the grandest anm ever known.”
A collection of back numbers of the Veteran has
been secured for late subscribers through the kindness
of friends furnishing missing copies, and, as we wish
to make up still more of these volumes, those wdio have
the following copies, in good condition, will be credited
one month on subscription for each they can supply:
1804. January. March, April. May; 1805. April. Ma.
[896, January, May, October, November, December.
Please do not send unless in good condition.
Confederate l/eterai),
Rev. Dr. Henry Van Dyke is reported by the New
York Times as author of the following, illustrating the
chivalrous sentiment of the Southern people:
When I was a child, early in 1861, my father took me
with him on a trip to Charleston, S. C. The state au-
thorities had already passed the “ordinance of seces-
sion,” the citizens were wrought up to a high pitch,
and Maj. Anderson had been shut up in Fort Sumter.
I remember my experiences at that time vividly.
The Federal troops were almost destitute of provi-
sions, and it was a question as to how long they could
hold out at Fort Sumter. It was well understood in
Charleston that any attempt on the part of the United
States to reprovision the garrison would be resisted by
force; but there stood Anderson with his handful of
men, under the stars and stripes, facing starvation and
surrender, possibly annihilation. I observed one day
that a number of small boats were putting off from the
docks and making for Fort Sumter, where lay the be-
leaguered Federal troops, and I learned that the wom-
en of Charleston had laden these boats with provisions
of all sorts, from substantials to luxuries, and were ac-
tually sending them to the soldiers whom their brothers
and fathers were trying to subdue by starvation or by
shot and shell.
As the boats were pulling out I looked into them to
see what kind of food the ladies were sending to the.
enemy, and I saw everv delicacy that could be found
in the market.
Shortly after the sending of these provisions to the
beleaguered fort by the women of Charleston the men
of that city, from their batteries on Morris Island, fired
upon the “Star of the West,” which was engaged upon
a similar mission. Charleston would not have allowed
the Federal major and his garrison to starve, but was
determined not to permit the United States Govern-
ment to provision the fort. The distinction was clear
enough, and the presence of war itself could not hold in
abeyance the obligations of hospitality.
I remember just as vividly another experience in the
South. Shortly after the war I was in Virginia with
my father, and he took me to see Gen. Robert E. Lee,
who was then at Washington and Lee University. I
don’t think that I have ever seen a man whose person-
ality impressed me more. Gen. Lee was one of the
few men I have seen who seemed to me to bear upon
his brow the unmistakable stamp of greatness. He
was exceedingly courteous and kindly. It occurred to
him that I, who was a boy at the time, might like a
ride on his war-steed, and Traveler was brought out,
and the General placed me in the saddle. So for a few
moments I sat upon the horse that his companionship
in march and in battle had made famous.
C. F. Waldron, who was a sergeant in the Twenty-
Ninth Ohio Infantry, now at Welaka, Fla.: “At the
battle of Antietam, September, 1862, I found in a piece
of woods a Confederate soldier badly wounded in the
lower part of the leg. He was struck early in the
fight, and was lying under the roots of an upturned tree
for protection. I think he was a sergeant and that he
told me lie belonged to a Georgia regiment. Near
him, in a path, was a man who belonged to the Fifth
Ohio Infantry, shot through the head and dead. If the
Confederate is alive, I would like to hear from him.”
J. A. Cochran, of Culleoka, Tenn., writes as follows
about Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston at Shiloh:
While Gen. Johnston was at Bowling Green, Ky., I
was ordered to report to him as sergeant of his couriers,
and as such was with him until his death, at the battle
of Shiloh. A little after two o’clock the General and I
were alone at a point of observation. He turned his
head, and said: “Sergeant, are none of my staff in
sight?” Receiving a negative reply, he said: “Where
are your couriers? ”
I replied: “They are all gone.”
“Well, we will ride down here,” said the General,
indicating the direction.
We rode, I suppose, three hundred yards parallel
with our line of battle, when he turned square to the
right and rode up to the line, passed through it, turned
a little to the right, and said: “Boys, fix bayonets and
follow your general.”
We made a successful charge, but alas! The Gen-
eral was dressed in gray coat, old-time, black-corded
pants, and a gray military cap, and had his sword
buckled on. He rode a beautiful dappled-brown
horse, a magnificent animal. In the charge a shell
burst and tore a part of his left boot from his foot,
while a piece of the same shell slightly wounded my
horse. Soon afterward the General was struck with a
Minie ball just below the right knee, cutting a half-
circle in the top of his boot-leg, passing through and
lodging under the skin on the inside of his leg. As
we rode back we were met by the late Senator Isham G.
Harris, who asked him if he was wounded, and he re-
plied: “I fear mortally.” Gov. Harris pointed to a ra-
vine, and said: “Bring Dr. Yandell quick!” I did as
ordered, but too late. He had bled to death in Gov.
Harris’ arms. The bullet was removed by Dr. Yan-
dell and sent to his family in California, and I think
that it is in the possession of Mrs. George J. Dennis or
John Shirly Ward, Los Angeles, Cal.
Gov. Harris was a volunteer aid to Gen. Johnston,
and was fearless in executing the orders given him.
The next day we carried the body of Gen. Johnston
to Corinth, and from there to New Orleans, and then I
reported to my regiment, Company F, First Tennessee
Cavalry, and soon afterward I was elected first lieuten-
ant, in which capacity I served the remainder of the
war, and was surrendered at’ Charlotte by Gen. Joseph
E. Johnston.
William Pendleton, Ocala, Fla.: “In the November
Veteran I read that one of the most interesting ex-
hibits at the Tennessee Centennial Exposition was a
pair of great iron rollers, mounted on the grounds near
the History Building, which were described in hand-
some raised letters “as follows: ‘These wheels were
made in England. Under the protection of the cele-
brated war-ship “Alabama” they ran the blockades;
were a part of the famous Confederate powder-mills at
Augusta, Ga., and made powder for the year 1861.’
This is a great mistake. Those two rollers and twenty
others, with their heavy bed-plates, were made in Rich-
mond, Va., at the Tredigar Iron Works. I received
them, put them all in position, and had charge as gen-
eral superintendent, and made all the powder used by
‘the Confederate army after 1861. All the machinery
for the powder-mills was made in the South.”
Confederate l/eterar?.
A. T. Watts, Adjutant-General and Chief of Staff to
Gen. W. L. Cabell, Commander of the Trans-Missis-
sippi Department, U. C. V., Dallas, Tex.:
In die December Veteran an extract from a letter
of Col. J. H. Moore to Capt. F. S. Harris is given,
which relates to the famous assault at Gettysburg on
the 3d of July. I was an eye-witness to that assault,
and so situated as to observe the entire movement and
at the same lime to be practically out of danger.
I was a private in Company A, Sixteenth Mississippi
Regiment, and was then on the skirmish-line. About
ten o’clock in the morning we learned that an artillery
duel would occur in the afternoon, and were directed
to prepare for it. Our position was in plain view of
the Federal line on the heights and quite as near to
that as our own line of battle. We excavated pits to
protect ourselves against shot and shell.
A short time after noon our batteries opened upon
the Federal position, and for more than an hour a fierce
artillery duel ensued. We had a converging fire, and
silenced all the Federal batteries along that part of the
line. There was a plank fence running parallel with
our skirmish-line and about forty yards in rear of it.
About the time the Federal batteries were silenced we
were ordered to knock the plank off the fence, so as to
permit our assaulting columns to pass. This was ac-
complished, and we returned to our pits.
We supposed that Anderson’s Division would be in
the assault, and prepared to fall into line when the col-
umn reached our position ; but we were ordered to re-
main on the line we then held. By this time the as-
saulting column was approaching, and as soon as it
passed I mounted the pile of earth in front of my pit,
and there remained until the assault had been made
and our forces were on the retreat. My position was
on the left — that is, about one regiment passed to my
left. There was but very little artillery tiring (lending
the assault and until our men were on the retreat, and,
in fact, it was not then severe.
I saw the entire column ascend the heights. It
seemed to preserve perfect order until just before it
reached the Federal line. The position was such as
enabled the Federals to pour a front and Hank fire upon
our extreme left, which caused confusion. Some of the
men halted, and others pushed forward. The same
condition seemed to exist on the extreme right, but on
account of the distance, I can not speak positively.
Except upon the extreme left and, perhaps, upon the
right, the column maintained its alinement until it
reached and forced back the Federal line. By that
time the smoke had become so dense that I could only
see the left of the column, which was being flanked and
driven back. In a short time I saw our men, who had
forced the Federal line, retreating down the hill.
About that time the Federals moved a short distance
down the hill, as if to follow up our retreating nun
Gen. A. P. Hill came down to the skirmish-line and
ordered us to stop the retreating men and make them
form on the pits. Just before they reached the skir-
mish-line the batteries on Round Top opened an en-
filading lire, and the men refused to rally, and contin-
ued to retreat. One or two well-directed shells from
our batteries drove back the Federal column, after
which everything remained quiet.
The divisions of Pickett and Heth went in together,
remained together, and retreated together. It has al-
ways been a matter of surprise to me how Pickett’s Di-
vision was accorded all the glory for that assault, when
I knew that Heth’s men had gone as far and remained
as long as did Pickett’s men.
No blame could be attached to the men on the ex-
treme left. The center of the column encountered only
a front fire, while those on the left encountered the front
fire and also a terrific flank fire at close range by troops
who were not being tired upon in return.
1 then and still believe tJiat if the assaulting column
had been supported by McLaws’s Division on the right
and Anderson’s Division on the left that we would
have held the heights.
Col. Moore is correct in the statement that Heth’s
Division is entitled to coequal credit with Pickett’s.
Comrade George Wise, of Alexandria, Va.:
I respectfully submit the following in answer to that
part of Col. J. H. Moore’s letter to Capt. F. S. Harris,
as published in the December VETERAN, page 624,
Virginians, as a rule, want only the truth as regards
the history of the great war, and when inaccuracies
are brought out in the Confederate Veteran, the
official journal of most of our camps and associations,
it is for history’s sake that they should be corrected.
No disparagement of Heth’s Division can be truthfully
made by any one, as it was composed of as true, brave,
and honest soldiers as were to be found in the Confed-
erate armies. Official reports from eye-witnesses, at
this late day, are about as correct descriptions of a bat-
tle, especially when those eye-witnesses are of high
rank, as one can secure, and when all these eye-wit-
nesses agree as to any one point it becomes indisputa-
ble. The following extracts from the “War Records”
are submitted to prove what part of that line of valiant
men charging the ramparts of the enemy at Gettys-
burg first gave way:
From Gen. Lee’s report: “Owing to this fact (want
of ammunition by our artillery), which was unknown
to me when the assault took place, the enemy was ena-
bled to throw a strong force of infantry against our
left (Heth’s Division, commanded by Gen. Pettigrew),
already wavering under a concentrated fire of artillery
from the ridge in front and from Cemetery Hill on the
left. It finally gave way, and the right (Pickett’s Di-
vision), after penetrating the enemy’s lines, entering
‘his advance works, and capturing some of his artilh
was attacked simultaneously in front and on both
flanks, and driven back with heavy loss. The troops
were rallied and reformed, but the enemy did not
Gen. Longstneet: “The enemy’s batteries soon
opened upon our lines with canister, and the left
seemed to stagger under it: but the advance was re-
sumed, and with some degree of steadiness. Pickett’s
troops did not appear to be checked by the batteries,
and only halted to deliver a fire when close under mus-
loet-range. Maj.-Gen. Anderson’s Division was or-
dered forward to support and assist the wavering col-
umns of Pettigrew and Trimble. Pickett’s troops,
after delivering fire, advanced to the charge, and, en-
tering the enemy’s lines, captured some of his batteries
and gained his works. About the same moment the
troops that had before hesitated broke their ranks and
Qonfederate l/eteran.
fell back in great disorder, many more falling under
the enemy’s fire in returning than while they were at-
Maj. J. Jones, commanding Pettigrew’s Brigade:
“When within about two hundred and fifty or three
hundred yards of the stone wall behind which the ene-
my was posted we met with a perfect hail-storm of
lead from their small arms. The brigade dashed on,
and many had reached the wall, when we received a
deadly volley from the left. The whole line on the left
had given way, and we were being rapidly flanked.
With our thin ranks and in such a position, it would
have been folly to stand and against such odds. We
therefore fell back to our original position in rear of
the batteries.”
I will answer only one of Comrade Moore’s asser-
tions, and close this article, now getting rather lengthy.
He says: “Every brigade in the division lost more in
proportion than did Pickett’s, and Pettigrew’s Brigade
lost more men, killed and wounded (not prisoners),
than all of Pickett’s combined.”
There were three days’ fighting at Gettysburg: the
1st, 2d, and 3d of July. In the first day’s battle Heth’s
Division fought most bravely, and lost very heavily.
Gen. Heth’s report of this battle has the following:
“The Twenty-Sixth North Carolina Regiment lost in
this action more than half its members in killed and
wounded, among whom were Col. Rengwyn, killed,
and Lieut. -Col. Lane, severely wounded.” The Twen-
ty-Sixth belonged to Pettigrew’s Brigade. That bri-
gade lost in the three days’ battles (official) one hun-
dred and ninety killed and nine hundred and fifteen
Pickett’s Division (not brigade, as the Colonel has
it) fought only on the third day, and lost (official) two
hundred and twenty-four killed, eleven hundred and
forty wounded, and fourteen hundred and ninety-nine
missing. Many of the missing, as stated in the “War
Records,” were no doubt among the dead.
The data for this article is from the official records
of the Union and Confederate armies.
H. J. Horner (of Field’s, afterward Walker’s, Bri-
gade), Horner’s, Va. :
I noticed in the September Veteran what Col. Fas-
inholt had to say in regard to Heth’s Division giving
way at Gettysburg, and am glad that Col. Moore has
refuted that statement. I do not doubt Col. Farin-
holt’s sincerity at all, but he is certainly mistaken. My
recollection is exactly that of Col. Moore. A goodly
number of us did individually give way, and we brought
the lead with us. The behavior of my command was
highlv creditable up to the time that wounds com-
pelled me to drop my gun ; and though I lay some time
where I fell, the fight drifted onward and away from
me. I, for one, am not ashamed of Heth’s Division at
Gettysburg. We fought under Brockenborough, of
the Fortieth Virginia, who at the time was acting bri-
gade general.
M. Warner Hewes, of Baltimore, Md., makes this
correction in his article, on page 613, in the December
Veteran: After the words “Gen. Stuart warned him
against needlessly exposing himself, but soon Ashby
turned,” should be “but soon Stuart turned to me and
said, ‘ Let’s go and see the Maryland boys charge.’ ”
A. J. Hibbett, Rogana, Tenn. :
Yours of the 21st came to-day, asking me to give you
the history of Gen. A. S. Johnston’s cane-head, which
I have in my possession. Here it is: When the war
between the states began my sister, Mrs. J. R. Franklin,
and her husband, now of Fort Worth, Tex., were living
in California, where Gen. Johnston was stationed, in
the service of the United States Government. His
cane was broken in some way, and he gave the head —
a piece of solid steel, highly polished, and the exact
size and shape of the diagram I sent you in November
— to a friend of his, a brother, I believe, who was an
intimate friend of Mr. J. R. Franklin, who was a great
admirer of Gen. Johnston, and procured the cane-head
from this mutual friend to keep as a souvenir. Frank-
lin came from California in company with Gen. John-
ston in 1861, when the latter was on his way to Rich-
mond to offer his services to the Southern cause.
Franklin brought the cane-head with him to my fa-
ther’s home in Sumner County, Tenn., where he came
to meet his wife, who had come in advance by steamer;
and while there he gave the cane-head to my brother,
Dr. J. L. Hibbett, of the Twenty-Fourth Tennessee.
He gave the head to me, and it has been in my posses-
sion ever since. Gen. Johnston was killed in the thick-
est of the fight, and the last sound he heard was the
shout of victory from his soldiers at Shiloh.
The Society of the Army and Navy of the Confeder-
ate States in the state of Maryland makes nominations
and elects officers at a subsequent meeting for this year.
Nominations were made November 16, 1897, and the
election was held December 21. The officers elected
are: President, Brig.-Gen. Bradley T. Johnson; Vice-
Presidents, Capt. George W. Booth, Capt. George R.
Gaither, Capt. William L. Ritter, Engineer Eugene M.
Browne, Private R. M. Blundon, Lieut. H. M. Graves,
Midshipman John T. Mason, R., Private D. Ridgely
Howard, Private Hugh McWilliams, Private Frank T.
Blake, Private George Eisenberg, Private James L.
Aubrey; Recording Secretary, Capt. Augustine J.
Smith; Assistant Recording Secretary, Private Joshua
Thomas; Corresponding Secretary, Private John F.
Harden; Treasurer, Capt. F. M. Colston; Executive
Committee, Private James R. Wheeler, Maj. W. Stuart
Symington, Sergt. William H. Pope, Private August
Simon, Private R. J. Stinson, Private Mark O. Shriver,
Private D. L Thomas; Chaplains, Rev. W. U. Murk-
land, D.D. (sergeant-major). Rev. William M. Dame
(private), Rev. Benjamin F. Ball (sergeant), Rev. R. W.
Cowardin, S. J. (sergeant); Sergeant-at-Arms, Sergt.
George W. Schafer.
W. T. Hardison, Nashville, Tenn.: “My brother, M.
E. Hardison, a member of Capt. Aydelott’s Company,
Forty-Eighth Tennessee Regiment Infantry, surren-
dered at Fort Donelson; was sick in the hospital at the
time, and has never been heard from since. Informa-
tion concerning him would be gladly received.”
If the friends and relatives of Capt. J. J. Partin,
Fourth Tennessee Cavalry, would like to know of his
fate, they can learn particulars by writing to W. H.
Coffey, Palestine, Ark., who was a member of Com-
pany B, Fourth Tennessee Infantry.
Qopfederate l/eterai}.
‘Twas a bright summer morn and the beautiful sun
Shone out in splendor so grand,
And the sweet-scented violets were kissed by the dew,
With a blessing by Heaven’s kind hand.
On a steep mountain-side was a lone mound of clay,
O’er this grave stood a gre illou -trt e.
By some unsteady hand was a board rudely carved:
“Rest Ye, Soldier of Robert E. Lee.”
To my eyes came sad tears as I gazed on that mound,
And my heart with sorrow was filled,
As my thought wandered back to the days long gone by,
And dear voices once heard, but now stilled;
Lying in this lone grave on the side of the hill
Rests a hero from all sorrow free:
But perhaps some poor mother awaits the return
Of this soldier of Robert E. Lee.
Calmly sleeps this brave soldier on Virginia’s dear shore,
And sweet birds sadly chirp o’er his mound;
But no sound of then music will e’er reach his ear.
Till God’s trumpet sweet music will sound.
On the great judgment-day, when heaven’s gates open wide,
And God’s children from earthly cans tlee,
A welcome will sound from the sweet pearly gates
For a soldier of Robert E. Lee.
For a cause he has given his true noble life.
For the sunny South’s honor he died;
And Virginia has claimed him — he now lies at rest
In a grave on the green mountainside.
O dear martyred son in that grave on the hill,
Virginia has oft wept for thee,
s lie wept when bereft of her two bravest sons.
George Washington and Robert E. Lee.
Four of the few surviving members of the celebrated
scouts organized by Capt. H. B. Shaw met in Nash-
ville recently and made the following report:
We, the surviving fellow scouts, have met and from
memory given to the Veteran a list of all who be-
[i mged tn Shaw’s Scouts:
II. B. Shaw, captain, known as “rapt. Coleman,”
was 1. i lied by a steamboat explosion on the Mississippi
Ki\ er after the war.
John Davis, once wounded, had a severe ease of ty-
phoid fever, and was honorably discharged. Was
killed in the same explosion with Shaw.
Alf H. Douglas, captured twice; escaped oner, and
iva • recaptured by Gen. Forrest. Stayed to the end.
Thomas M. Joplin. wounded twice, captured once,
and was stolen from Nashville by Miss Anne Patterson,
m iw Mrs. A urn- 1 1 ill. of Nashville.
Bill T. Robinson, captured twice, escaped once.
Was in prison at the end.
Everard Patterson, wounded three times, captured,
and escaped from the penitentiary after having been
COUrt-martialed and sentenced to be shot. Paroled at
Kingston. < ia.
Bill Roberts, captured once, escaped, and stayed to
the end.
Bill} Moore, captured twice, and escaped from the
court martial while being tried at Pulaski. Came back
and stayed to the end.
Joshua Brown, captured and sent to prison; never
returned to us. Now lives in New York Citv.
Munford Street, captured once, wounded, and sent
to prison. Never returned.
“Cup” Kibble, captured and never returned.
Tom Brown, captured, exchanged, and surrendered
with Dick Taylor.
Alex Gregg, captured twice, wounded twice, and
killed, but not in battle.
Sam Roberts, captured three times, escaped twice,
court-martialed and sentenced to be shot; escaped from
Clifton with a Yankee who was also sentenced to be
shot. Dead.
Tom Hughes, badly wounded and discharged.
Dee Jobe, captured near Triune and murdered.
Dan Sneed, captured four times; escaped three times,
twice in Indiana and once in Kentucky, by cutting
holes in box-cars; was sent to prison the last time,
where he stayed to the end of the war.
Sam Davis, captured and hanged at Pulaski
Jack Coffee, captured three times, escaped twice;
finally captured and killed.
John Mclver, wounded twice badly; returned to
duty and stayed to the end. Dead.
Hob Owens, wounded once; staved to the end.
John Diane, wounded once; staved to the end.
Pillow Humphreys, captured, exchanged, and stayed
to the end. Head.
“Kage” Everett, wounded twice, captured twice, and
died in prison.
Dick Dillard, captured, and killed because he would
tell nothing.
James T. Patterson, captured, returned to duty, and
was honorably discharged on account of bad health.
Newt Vaughn, wounded badly; staved to the end.
E. Grant, killed on his first day’s duty.
Hans Carter, captured twice, recaptured once, went
to prison and staved there all during the war.
Jim Carter, captured and sent to prison. Never
knew what became of him.
Hick Kelh\ , killed third day after entering service.
Josh Luck, captured twice; tried for his life at Frank-
lin, Tenn.. was defended by Gen. W. G. Brien, who
saved him before a court martial: went to prison, re-
turned to duty, and was killed near Nolensville. After
being shot off his horse he killed two men.
Tom Gvvinn, captured twice, exchanged once, went
to prison. Don’1 know what became of him.
Charley Lippingwell, captured, and never returned
to us.
( (scar 1 »avis, too young to he in regular service, l>nt
was of great service to the scouts. So was Billy Wood-
ruff, a mere boy. who would go on any hazardous ar-
i and into the Yankee lines.
Houston English, the negro boy who stole the pa-
pers which hung Sam Davis, deserves our highest es-
teem for what he did fur us in saving us from capture.
He went back and forth from Pulaski to Mr. English’s,
where we were all known. He saved the boys time
and again.
Mr. Cunningham, we. the undersigned, do highly
appreciate your efforts to raise a monument to Sam
Davis, and will do all we can to help it financially. We
have tried to furnish you a complete list of Coleman’s
Signed: Alf TT. Douglas. E. M. Patterson, William
B. Robinson, Tom M. Joplin.
Confederate l/eterai),
Gen. N. H. Harris, of San Francisco, Cal., wrote to
Gen. James Longstreet, February 12, 1894, as follows:
I had the honor of serving under you during the war
between the Northern and Southern states. The Nine-
teenth Mississippi Regiment, Col. Christopher H.
Mott, was a part of your old division, and I was a cap-
tain in that regiment, and became its colonel on the
resignation of L. Q. C. Lamar. Afterward, when the
troops were brigaded by states, the Nineteenth Missis-
sippi formed part of Featherston’s Brigade, Anderson’s
Division. Posey succeeded Featherston and I suc-
ceeded Posey in command of the brigade, and remained
in command until Appomattox, Mahone commanding
the division. I indulge in this prelude in order to re-
call my command to your memory, for very many
years have passed since the events I shall refer to oc-
curred. The enclosed is a clipping from one of the
daily papers of this city; and, if you are quoted cor-
rectly in the interview reported, you have done injus-
tice to a command which on many occasions obeyed
and followed you with great confidence.
April, 1865, Mahone’s Division occupied the Ches-
terfield front between Swift Run and the James River,
my command (Harris’ Mississippi Brigade) holding
the right of the line. About one o’clock on the morn-
ing of April 2 I received an order from Gen. Mahone to
withdraw my command from the works, march with-
out delay to Petersburg, cross at the upper pontoon
bridge, and report to Gen. R. E. Lee. In obedience to
this order the command was at once withdrawn from
the works, leaving only the line of pickets, and at
quick time marched toward Petersburg. We arrived
at Petersburg about sunrise, and crossed at the upper
pontoon bridge, as directed. I met Gen. Lee a short
distance from the bridge, mounted and accompanied
by several members of his staff. I at once reported to
him for orders. Turning to one of his staff, he in-
quired if Gen. Gordon’s line was still intact; and, be-
ing answered in the affirmative, he ordered me to move
with my command to the Boydton plank road and re-
port to Gen. Wilcox, near the Newman House. My
brigade had been in winter quarters near the Newman
House during the preceding winter. I was perfectly
familiar with the ground, and soon arrived at the in-
dicated point, where I found Wilcox without an organ-
ized command. He had two or three members of his
staff with him. The enemy, during the preceding
night massed (Wright’s and two divisions of Ord’s
Corps) before the front of Wilcox’s Division, and at an
early hour of the morning charged and broke through
his extended and thin line, passed to the rear of our
works in the direction of the Appomattox River, and
at the time of my arrival were forming their lines to ad-
vance toward Petersburg — unmolested, except by the
firing of two pieces of artillery in front and near the
Newman House and a scattering fire from squads of
men from Wilcox’s disorganized command.
By Wilcox’s direction, I moved west on the plank
road about a quarter of a mile and formed line of battle
across and perpendicular to that road, advancing a line
of skirmishers well to the front. The enemy made a
careful disposition for their advance, and moved for-
ward in two lines of battle. My skirmish-line was soon
forced back, and, realizing the futility of attempting to
check the advancing lines of the enemy with my small
force (about four hundred men) in such an exposed
position, I fell back to the vicinity of the Newman
House, where I again met Wilcox. On the Boydton
plank road, about four hundred yards from the New-
man House, in the direction of Petersburg, Battery
Gregg was located. It was a detached, enclosed work,
with gorge or postern in rear, and surrounded by a
ditch. To the north, in the direction of the Appomat-
tox River, and about six hundred yards from Battery
Gregg, was a similar earthwork, called Battery Whit-
worth. These two works were constructed to meet
the very emergency that had now arisen — i. e., to pro-
tect the rear of the’ lines in the immediate front of Pe-
tersburg in the event our lines farther to the right were
forced by the enemy. After a conference with Wilcox
I fell back and occupied these two works, placing the
Twelfth and Sixteenth Regiments in Battery Gregg,
with Lieut.-Col. James H. Duncan, of the Nineteenth
Mississippi Regiment, in command, and the Nine-
teenth and Forty-Eighth Regiments in Battery Whit-
worth, taking personal command of that work. In
Battery Gregg there was a section of the Washington
Artillery under command of Lieut. McElroy. In Bat-
tery Whitworth there were four rifled guns, but they
were withdrawn after firing only a few rounds, in spite
of my protest. At this time I received instructions
from Gen. Lee to supply my command with plenty of
ammunition, as he expected me to hold the two works
until Longstreet arrived from the north side of the
Qopfederate l/eterai).
James with a part of his corps. The enemy first as-
saulted Battery Gregg, and were repulsed with great
loss. Again and again they charged the works, being
as often driven back by the deadly, withering fire, until
at last, by the momentum of numbers, they pushed
into the ditch, then up onto the parapet, where for a
few minutes, amid the hand-to-hand conflict that en-
sued, both the Federal and Confederate colors were ‘
seen. The struggle was too unequal, and the defend-
ers, after a most determined and heroic struggle, were
compelled to yield to the host that swept over the
works. Gregg was assisted materially by a flank fire
from Whitworth. Of this defense Swinton, in his
“Army of the Potomac,” page 603, says: “The attack
was directed against Forts Gregg and Alexander
[Whitworth], two strong enclosed works, the most
salient and commanding south of Petersburg, The
former of these redoubts was manned by Harris’ Mis-
sissippi Brigade, numbering two hundred and fifty
men, and this handful of skilled marksmen conducted
the defense with such intrepidity that Gibbon’s forces,
surging repeatedly against it, were each time thrown
back. At length, at 7 a.m., a renewed charge carried
the work, but not till its two hundred and fifty defend-
ers had 1 been reduced to thirty; and it is calculated that
each of these riflemen struck down at least two assail-
ants, for Gibbon’s loss was above five hundred men.
. . . This increase of his force, slight though it was,
together with the protracted resistance offered by Fort
Gregg, enabled Lee to establish what of force remained
to him in such wise as would best avail for the defense
of the city.” The two regiments defending Battery
Gregg suffered severely, but the loss was not as great
as Swinton states.
After the fall of Battery Gregg the enemy formed
his attacking column to assault Battery Whitworth,
and was moving upon that work when a staff officer of
Gen. Lee came to me with orders to withdraw the re-
mainder of my command at once from Battery Whit-
worth, as Longstreet had arrived with his troops. The
order to evacuate Battery Whitworth was given to the
commanders of the Nineteenth and Forty-Eighth
Regiments, but as the enemj was close upon us and
we were nearly enveloped and under a cross-fire, our
withdrawal was made without much regard to order.
The enemy pursued us but a short distance.
\s we were retiring and crossing Town Run, Ben-
niug’s Brigade made its advance near the Cox road.
To what extent it became engaged with the enemy I do
not know; I heard only the dropping fire of skirmish-
ers in that direction. This I do know, however; my
command had been fighting the enemy and holding
him in check for more than two hours before Benning’s
Brigade arrived on the field.
Tn conclusion, T beg to state that it is not my pur-
pose to impugn your motive, as T do not believe you
were correctly reported, and T feel assured that you
would not do intentional wrong to any command of that
grand old army, to whose honor and renown you con-
tributed so much; but for the truth of history and in
justice to the gallant men who on that fateful day, by
their heroic and determined struggle, held the foe at
bay until the arrival of your troops I record these facts.
The engraving of Gen. Harris was made to go with
a different sketch; but conference with him was neces-
sary, and he is in Europe.
I was captured in North .Mississippi by the Seventh
Illinois Cavalry, October 22, 1863, together with an old
friend named R. L. Robinson (and several other whom
] did not know), who was at the time a paroled Vicks-
burg prisoner, but they refused to recognize his parole
papers. Soon after my capture the command was or-
dered on a march. A sergeant named Porter rode up
to me and assured me that I should not be mistreated,
not even insulted, and told me to report any ill usage
to him. He was a small, win man with keen, restless
black eyes and an open, honest countenance, and Sir
Walter Scott’s lines flashed through my mind:
” I take thj courtesy, bj Heaven,
As tree!} as ’tis nobly given!”
I requested that my friend Robinson and I be not
separated. He ordered Robinson brought to where 1
was, called a corporal named Joe Dewey, and ordered
him to remain with us and see that I was properly
treated as a prisoner of war. The cold October rain
gave me a pretext, and I put on my Mexican blanket
and concealed my money as best I could. About mid-
night we reached a country church and took shelter for
the night. Robinson and I were permitted to lie down
in the pulpit, where we spent the night whispering our
plans of escape to avoid the winter in a Northern
prison. Before day a thief came to me and took my
tine Mexican spurs off my boots. He thought me
asleep, but 1 was far from it. The next morning Serg.
Porter told me that he had heard that a thief had stolen
my spurs, and that he had recovered my property, at
the ame time offering to return them, but I requested
him to accept them as a present. He thanked me, and
offered to pay me for them, but I refused the money.
Long after this, while a prisoner at Fort Delaware, I
learned by letter that my spurs had been recovered at
Fort Pillow when Forrest captured the place. I sup-
pose that Porter was killed there.
That evening we arrived at Collierville, a town of
tents, as we had burned the place about a week before.
Joe Dewey invited me to take supper at his table, apol-
ogizing for the “short meal,” and said that he receh ed
tine butter from home a few days before, and
would have had some for supper “if you fellers had
not smoked us out.” After supper Dewey invited me
to walk with him through the camp, and I gladly ac-
cepted. He said that if I would promise not to attempt
to escape he would not take any arms with him. I
made the promise for that walk, but told him candidly
that when we returned my promise would be null and
void, as I should certainly try to make my escape if an
opportunity offered afterward. In our walk through
the camp it was very dark, and I regretted having made
the promise. At the sutler’s tent he handed me a good
cigar, the first I had seen since crossing the Mississippi.
On our return I was incarcerated in a log pen which
had been improvised for a guard-house. Soon after
we lay down Joe disappeared, and a drunken brute in
Federal uniform stumbled in and fell down on me. He
cursed and abused me, saying that he recognized me,
that T was a bushwhacker, and that I should have atten-
tion in the morning, as he would report me. This did
not soothe nie to a refreshing slumber, for the latter
Confederate l/eterar?
part of his charge was true. The guards finally pulled
him out of the pen and drove him off. Next morning
I was taken to headquarters; but the commanding offi-
cer, after questioning me for a few minutes, ordered me
taken back to the guard-house.
That evening all of the prisoners were placed on
board the train and carried to Memphis. At the en-
trance of the Irving Block we were saluted with the*
cry of “fresh fish” by about one hundred unfortunates
who had preceded us. We were searched and robbed.
About dusk we were arranged in columns, and two
filthy negroes, each with a tin bucket, came in. One
handed each of us a cracker, and the other would gig
up a small piece of fat meat with a sharp stick and
push it off to us with his thumb. The ladies of Mem-
phis would often drive by our prison door and wave
their hands, their handkerchiefs, or throw flowers at
us, but we were not permitted to speak to them. It
was here that I first saw that noble Southern lady, Miss
Mary Cherry. Through some influence she was per-
mitted to speak to us and to send in for distribution
such clothing as was most needed.
Ten or fifteen days later we were marched down to
the Mississippi River and onto the boiler-deck of an
old steamboat, and a strong guard was placed in the
cabin. The old boat backed out, groaned, puffed, and
in a few minutes we were going up the great Missis-
sippi, away from home and friends, we knew not
where, because they said we- were in rebellion.
It was a glorious evening — clear, calm, and just cool
enough to be pleasant. The sun was setting in splen-
dor, but no one can imagine my feelings. My brain
was racked trying to devise some means of escape.
About dusk the cry was raised, “The yawl is gone!”
and immediately a hundred Yankees were on hurri-
cane-deck with guns in hand. I looked down the river,
and could see the little boat floating, but no person was
visible in it. After it was well out of gunshot a man
raised up, grasped the paddles, and struck out for the
Arkansas shore. We learned that our lucky comrade
was a young man who had been married but a few days
when he was captured, and was now landing near the
residence of his young wife.
A few days later we arrived at Alton. 111. We were
marched into the inside of the outer wall of the old
penitentiary building, and were taken up a stairway,
one by one, thoroughly searched, and again systemat-
ically robbed. While waiting for my name to be
called Dr. J. S. Riley came to a gate in a partition wall
and looked through at me. I inquired of the sentinel
stationed at the gate if I could speak to a friend. In a
gruff voice he answered, “No!” but at the same time
looked off in another direction, which encouraged me
to take my chances. I stepped up to Dr. Riley, shook
hands with him, and placed a five-dollar gold piece
in his hand. He whispered to me to try to avoid the
hospital, and, if possible, to avoid vaccination, saying
that they were using poisonous virus.
My name was soon called, and I ascended the stair-
way, entered the search-room, and was ordered to take
off my coat, boots, pants, etc., was well searched, mv
gray jacket thrown on the filthy floor and the buttons
cut off, taking out a piece of cloth about the size of a
twenty-five cent piece at each button. I was then or-
dered down another flight of stairs, and instructed to
go to the hospital and be vaccinated. At the foot of
the stairway I discovered a narrow, dark alley at right
angles, and, without knowing what the result would
be, I sprang into the dark. After groping my way for
perhaps a hundred feet, I saw light, and, stepping out,
found myself among about twelve hundred fellow pris-
oners. So there 1 was, more than a thousand miles
from home, surrounded by stone walls forty feet high,
in a cold latitude with but little clothing or bedding,
guarded by bitter enemies, with but little prospect of
ever again seeing the land of Dixie. And for what?
Because I had dared to defend my home and South-
land when invaded by enemies.
The winter was unusually severe, even for this cli-
mate, and our supply of provisions, coal, and wood was
very limited. I was soon prostrated with a severe fe-
ver, and when Dr. Riley visited me he pronounced it a
distinct case of smallpox, and told me that it was his
imperative duty to report it to the authorities, and thai
1 would be sent to the smallpox island. Imagine my
feelings. The Mississippi River was now frozen over,
so that wagons loaded with green wood and drawn by
six mules were constantly crossing on the ice. Soon
after Dr. Riley pronounced mine a case of smallpox
two men placed me on a litter and carried me, to the
river’s edge, where I was rolled onto a sled and drawn
over the ice to the island, where I was again placed on
a litter, carried to a tent and rolled off onto the ground.
I told Dr. Gray, a Confederate prisoner on detail serv-
ice that I was a special friend of Dr. Riley, and re-
quested that I be furnished with a bed. Dr. Gray in-
quired of a nurse if he could furnish me a place to lie
down. The nurse replied that a man had just died, and
that as soon as he was removed I could have his place.
This smallpox island was in the Mississippi River, be-
tween the Missouri and Illinois shores, and the hospi-
tals were cloth tents. After waiting for some time I
was carried into the tent and tumbled off onto the dead
man’s bunk, the nurse remarking: “They have sent
some more dead men over here for us to bury.”
On the bunk were two pairs of blankets : one pair to
lie on, and the other to cover with. A nurse ap-
proached, and asked how many blankets I had. I re-
plied that I had three pairs, but that one pair was my
private property that I had brought with me. With an
oath he snatched my blankets, remarking that I was
entitled to but two pairs of blankets, and should have
no more. I was as weak as a child and had a burning
fever, but my anathemas dumfounded him, and with-
out a word he laid my blankets on another bunk, and
left the tent. A convalescent prisoner named Lane
was a witness to what had occurred, and when the
nurse left the tent he brought my blankets and spread
them over me, and said that a detail had been over that
day from the prison and had washed and hung out to
dry some blankets, and that as soon as it grew dark I
should have another pair. He was true to his prom-
ise, and also took the socks off my feet, washed and
dried them, and did all in his power to render me more
comfortable. That night a nurse came round and
placed on my bunk a tin cup filled with a white fluid,
which he said was milk. There was also a hard lump
of boiled corn-meal in the cup. This he called mush.
Being thirsty, I drank the white fluid, but did not know
how to manage the lump, as I had no spoon. My good
friend Robinson, hearing through a returned convales-
cent of my condition, bribed a passing guard, and sent
Confederate .
me a spoon and an apple. That night a man called for
a nurse to come with a light, saying that a man was on
him in his bunk. When the nurse came the delirious
man had gotten off the bunk and was sitting on the
ground at the foot of it dead. All day and all night,
day after day and night after night, the groans and
prayers of the poor, suffering prisoners could be heard
piteously begging for water or for some trivial atten-
tion from the cold-hearted nurses.
After some two weeks ten or fifteen of us were pro-
nounced sufficiently recovered to return to prison, and
each of us was furnished with a pair of old blue pants
with a huge hole cut in the seat and an old army i >\ t r
coat with the tail bobbed off in an unshapely manner.
These garments, which they compelled us to wear, they
called the “Jeff Davis uniform.” The sun had shone
out for several days, ami the ice on the river was begin-
ning to thaw. We were marched across the river, a
distance of about a mile, sinking into the mush ice up
to the top of our shoes at every step, and when we
reached the city and were again incarcerated in the old
penitentiary my feet were wet. half-frozen, and a ring
of ice around each ankle. Why this trip did not kill us
all is more than I can explain. A few days later 1 was
stricken down with pneumonia, followed by flux, and,
although that eminent physician and true friend of
mine, Dr. Riley, gave me every attention, he despaired
of saving my life, and my messmates were permitted,
one by one, to visit me and to look on me, as they sup-
posed, for the last time in life. I well knew that I >r.
Riley had lost hope, and requested him to administer a
powerful stimulant, which he did. to gratify what he
supposed my last wish. The stimulant had the desired
effect, and 1 was soon asleep. When 1 awoke Dr. Ri-
le) was standing by me with a smiling countenance.
lie inquired if 1 wished the stimulant repeated, and
when 1 answered in the negative he told me to try to
Bleep and that I would soon be up again. Dr. Riley is
still living, at Pilot Point, Vanzandt County, Tex.
When I was well enough to return to my mess I
learned that a roll was being made up of those who had
recovered from smallpox, and that they would be -> nt
somewhere, but we could not learn where. At all
events, tluy were to leave Alton; and, although 1 was
very weak. I determined to try to have my name en-
rolled, and at least start away from that abominable old
penitentiary. Dr. Riley tried to prevail on me to re-
main, and informed me that he had the promise of a
position as medical director on the smallpox island;
that if 1 would remain he would secure me a position
as superintendent of gardening on the island, and that
we two could certainly make our escape and go to Can-
ada. The prospect was tempting, but I did not be-
lie\ e that 1 could live there until spring, and determined
to leave, although I did not know where 1 was going
or what would be my fate. The Doctor carried out his
program, made his escape, and. under an assumed
name, wrote to me from Canada. My name was en-
rolled, and on February jo, 18114, with the assistance of
friends 1 boarded the train, and was soon whirling over
the prairies of Illinois.
A day or two later we learned that our destination
was Fort Delaware, and that it was simply a hell on
earth, a statement which I afterward learned was liter-
ally true. We were crowded together in box-cars,
with no accommodations, but little to eat. and poor fa-
cilities for warming, although the face of the earth was
covered with snow and ice from Alton to Philadelphia.
On .March 5 we landed at Fort Delaware. We were
again searched and robbed. Once in Hades, all pros-
pect of escape or exchange vanished, and here I was
destined to remain and suffer cold, starvation, insult,
and injury until June following Gen. Lee’s surrender.
I had yet to deal with the unfeeling Scheoff.the genera]
commanding; with the cold-hearted Capt. Ahl; the
Dutch ignoramus, Lieut. Deitz: the unscrupulous Serg.
Miller; the calm, calculating villain, Serg. O’Neal; with
the kind, well-meaning, but fanatical, Billy Graham;
and last, but not least, with that ape-faced, idiotic, cow-
ardly scamp. “( >ld Hackout.” who was himself a pris-
oner, it is said, in consequence of his dastardly coward-
ice at the battle of Manassas.
William M. Hoggs, Esq., Charleroi, Pa.:
On July _’, 18O3, I was taken prisoner by Wofford’s
Georgia Brigade, near the peach-orchard, at Gettys-
burg, during Longstreet’s charge. While on my wax-
to the Confederate rear, under guard, through a field
in rear of Sherfy’s brick house, well strewn with dead
and wounded Confederates, and while our batteries
were raking that territory, one of tin- wounded, a splen-
did young fellow, looked up at me and said: “Yank,
for God’s sake help me out of this!” ( draining the as-
sent of my guardian, I put my right arm under him,
acid, lifting him to his feet, almost carried him for
probably a mile (under that tire it seemed fully ten
miles) to a field hospital in a stone farm-house, and
there deposited him. Before leaving each had learned
that the other was the son of a widowed mother; and,
as 1 was already a prisoner and he expected to be, we
exchanged our mothers’ addresses. The slip of pa-
per on which his mother’s address was written, with
divers other goods and chattels, was taken from me by
Imboden’s men after we had crossed the Potomac, and
I have never been able to recall his name. According
to agreement, he wrote to my mother from Fort Dela-
ware, and she promptly proceeded there, taking with
her those tasty delicacies a dear, good mother knows
how to furnish, ami nursed him into convalesc
My mother dying suddenly took away that mean
learning his name. 1 only know that he was a I
gian, and simply out of curiosity and the natural inter-
est the incident created 1 would like to hear of it from
him. I may add that 1 have abiding respect for a Con-
:e veteran — a real one — and I know* that, if alive,
he is a genuine specimen.
Rev. James F. Duncan, No. 1008 Hardy Street,
Houston, Tex., desires to secure information of a
brother. He writes: “My brother. W. A. Duncan.
sergeant of Company A, Twenty-Second ‘ labama
Regiment, was shot in the head 011 Sunday morning
of the second day’s battle at Chickamauga and taken
to the hospital — I think about ‘ Dyersbridge.’ on the
Chickamauga Creek — and died on the Tuesday follow-
ing, and was buried by a companion, Erastus Nelson,
now dead. I am anxious to learn if the bodies of
those who died at this field hospital were removed. 1
know some of the Confederate dead were reinterred at
Marietta. Ga., but am unable to learn about my
Confederate .
With laurel oft your brows have been entwined,
In other days when victories you have gained,
And got applause from all the world combined
For feats of arms, with cruelty unstained.
Now that your days of warfare here are o’er,
With cypress we do deck your resting-place,
And with sweet strains our love in sadness pour
To you our heroes, grandest of your race.
New Orleans, La.
by charles parkhill.
James River.
river of story, fair dream of delight,
as onward to ocean, mid scenes of my love,
The tempest ol war and its record of blight
is lost in thy rippling and the plaint of the dove.
From thy rise in the highlands to Chesapeake Bay
Thy hurry of waters to the embrace of the sea
Is heard in its fretting by night and by day,
And the capital’s rapids are music to me.
1 love the soft breeze that steals from thy breast;
It is laden with memories that perfume the past;
It speaks of my mother, ever glorious and best,
Whose bosom is now healed from war’s deadly blast.
The State.
The sun is ever bright when Virginia is kissed;
The sigh of the wind is an eloquence dear;
Each rustle of grass is melody missed,
And the moan of the pine is ever sweet to the ear.
The zephyr of spring, with its breath of the flowers,
Intoxicates senses now wrapped in reflection.
The fragrance of meadow, when blessed by the showers,
Tells of thee, faithful mother, in fondest affection.
O may I never falter in devotion to thee,
Or cease to remember the hand that bore me,
As I hail sic semper, the acclaim of the free.
The boast of thy people from mountain to sea!
These things are all true of other lands, too,
But they speak not the language that can not abate.
Thy sons who forget thee are not of. the true
Who in love never thinks of his own native state.
The joy of musing on scenes of the past
Is an insight most dear to those of the race
Who in fond recollection are wont to recast
Their tenderest emotions that time can’t efface.
Baltimore, Mil.
Among the ancient Greeks and Romans courage was
synonymous with virtue. They looked upon a brave
man as one possessing all the qualities which make the
ideal character. In our own day courage is more ad-
mired and lauded than any other virtue. The man who
has shown himself to be fearless in the presence of op-
position and danger is everywhere the favorite and idol
of the people. In a matrimonial contest, if the coveted
prize be a truly womanly woman, such a man fears not
the competition of one of doubtful courage. If he be-
comes a candidate for office, his friends keep constantly
before the public the facts of his history which illustrate
knightly valor. There is no argument or eloquence
that can match the magnetism of a battle-scarred face.
The war-marked countenance of John B. Gordon has
done more to enthrone him in the hearts of Georgians
than all the beautiful words that have fallen from his
lips. There is no slogan that kindles such enthusiasm
among a people who are responsive to noble sentiment
as the pregnant words of some brave soldier who stood
in a fearful breach and beckoned his comrades to follow
him to victory or death.
Another fact indicative of the profound regard which
men cherish for this virtue is that no epithet is so of-
fensive to them as coward. A man of exceptionally
dull sensibility will hear himself denounced as deceitful,
tricky, and dishonest without feeling much humiliation ;
but when some one confronts him before the multitude
and brands him as a coward he feels degraded, and he
will either wipe out the stigma by a brave and manly
resentment of the insulting accusation or he will drop
his head and ignominiously sneak out of sight.
If you are courageous, you have the groundwork
upon which a noble character may be built; but if you
begin life a coward, there is scarcely anything on which
we can base a reasonable hope of your growth into an
honorable manhood. One of the proverbial sayings
of a distinguished lecturer on ethical questions is that
“a rascal may be reformed, but there is no hope for a
fool.” My observation teaches me that the possibili-
ties of a coward are even less than those of a fool. I
would rather undertake to make an honest man out of
a rascal or a wise man out of a fool than a heroic man
out of a natural coward.
Nothing is more common in this world than counter-
feit courage. In social, commercial, political, literary,
scientific, and religious circles there are legions of peo-
ple who admire bravery and think themselves brave,
but an analysis of their conduct shows them to be cow-
ards. There is no human quality that can be so easily
counterfeited as courage. There is no virtue which
men and women are so often tempted to counterfeit and
none concerning which they can so readily deceive
themselves and bamboozle a credulous public.
If I can help to distinguish the true from the false,
so that men may be able to form a more correct esti-
mate of themselves and to see more clearly where they
may justlv bestow admiration and honor, I shall have
accomplished my purpose in this article. Candor com-
pels me to say that I have never found a human being
who in all his life and in every part of him was thor-
oughly and consistently courageous. Doubtless there
are some persons who will be wounded by this asser-
tion. They think themselves brave, and they are brave
in some things; but, if they would permit me, I could
show them some very strange and humiliating contra-
dictions in their conduct and character. I could show
them that on one side they are heroic and on another
side almost pusillanimous.
I have a distinguished military friend who in all his
eventful life has scarcely felt such an emotion as phys-
ical fear. I shall be very careful not to mention his
name or the place of his residence. I will go to jail
before I will gratify any curiosity that may be excited
by my complimentary or uncomplimentary allusions
to him. There is nothing in the history of war that
surpasses the daring of some of this man’s deeds. A
Confederate l/eterar?,
true description of his valorous conduct amid the
smoke, thunder, and carnage of the great battles in
which he was a conspicuous figure would be greeted
among brave men anywhere with loud and long-con-
tinued applause. But intellectually my distinguished
friend has scarcely more courage than a common idiot.
He has no opinions of his own upon any subject. He
investigates nothing but public opinion; he accepts as
true whatever a majority of the people among whom he
lives have declared to be true. If he were a Tennes-
seean (I will not say that he is not a Tennesseean), and
a majority of the people of the state should decide that
the man in the moon is the only proper object of re-
ligious worship, he would throw away his Bible and
prayer-book and become a conspicuous devotee at the
shrine of the Lunar god. If he were a Georgian, and
a majority of the people of old commonwealth
should declare that monarchy is the best form of gov-
ernment for this country, he would furl his Democratic
flag and become as blatant in his advocacy of royaltj
as any subject of the Russian czar. The mildest thing
that my sense of truth and justice will permit me to say
about my distinguished military Friend is that he is an
intellectual coward.
A few years ago I witnessed an extraordinary ex
hibition of social courage on the part of certain strong-
minded women who had met in a national convention
to assert their rights to be voters, political stump-speak-
ers-, lawyers. Congressmen, constables, policemen, cir-
cus acrobats, riders of bicycles, and imitators of even-
species of masculinity. Verily, it was no mean display
of courage for these women thus t<> defy not only the
Bible and the law of God written upon their own phys-
ical and mental constitution, but that irrepressible and
incurable social sentiment to be found in every ortho-
dox and conservative community which is utterly intol-
erant of all such unfeminine aspirations. After listen-
ing to those brave women for four long days, and my
mind had recovered from the shocks it had received
from their fierce denunciations of “the lords of crea-
tion,” I reached the conclusion that if they had moral
courage equal to their intellectual and social courage
they would he a little more just and gentle in their
treatment of their feeble-minded husbands. 1 suppose
it has not escaped your observation that every strong
minded woman who has entered the matrimonial state
has a feeble-minded husband.
It is not uncommon to find men who, though intel-
lectually and morally brave, arc almost destitute of
physical courage. They would run from the tiniest
mouse that ever nibbled at a crumb; they would sit up
all night rather than sleep in a dark room: when the
sky betokens the approach of a thunder-storm they
seek refuge in a feather bed.
M\ many friends and comforters will not allow me
to be unmindful of my own weaknesses. While giving
me credit for some degree of physical courage and
moral heroism, they say that my manhood utterly evap-
orates when confronted by a belligerent woman clad in
the habiliments of her subjugated husband. I plead
guilty to the indictment. It would he worse than hy-
pocrisy to deny it. But let me say that such a feminine
monstrosity is about the only thing on the earth or
under the earth that does make my knees fail me. I
could stand in the presence of such an embodied spirit
of evil and truthfully say what Macbeth said to the
ghost: “Approach thou like the rugged Russian bear,
the armed rhinoceros, or the Hurcan tiger; take any
shape but that, and my firm nerve shall never tremble;
or be alive again, and dare me to the desert with thy
sword. And, if trembling I inhibit thee, pronounce
me the baby of a girl.”
We may be reluctant to admit it. hut it is nevertheless
true that there is some weak place in every man’s ar-
mor. There is some spot when temptation penetrates
it and manly valor breaks down in cowardice. 1 am
free to confess that my own weak spot is a mortal drea I
of the new woman.
The ideal man is one in whose character all kind
courage exist and blend in harmonious proportions.
L. J. Johnson, Malinda, Ga., was shot through the
ankle at Fisher’s Hill, \’a.. on the 22d of February.
1864, and was taken to the field hospital by a hoy sol-
dier named Webster (?), Twelfth Virginia Infantry (?),
who was carrying his major’s horse to the rear, the ma-
jor having been killed or captured. If he is living.
Comrade Johnson would be glad to hear from him.
Copy of a furlough signed by a Confederate officer
Appomattox Court-House. Ya.. A pril 10. 1865.
The bearer. Private J. C. Gillespie, of Company E.
Seventh Regimenl of Tennessee, a paroled prisoner of
the Army of Northern Virginia, has permission to go
to his home and there remain undisturbed. S. G.
Shepard. Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding Seventh
Tennessee Regiment.
Confederate l/eterao.
An address has been published by members of the
Ladies’ Confederate Memorial Association of Atlanta
to all Memorial Associations of the South, requesting
them to formulate a history of their organizations, all
to be published in one volume as a tribute to the he-
roes of the Confederacy. The object of the move is
the propagation of Southern history. The memorial
associations have been organized ever since the war,
and have done excellent work. They deem it wise to
preserve a record of these acts. The resolution was
offered by Mrs. Clement A. Evans, of Atlanta. The
proposition was agreed to with enthusiastic unanimity,
and a committee was appointed to correspond with
memorial associations of all the Southern States in
reference to the object.
The appeal expresses the belief that “no trust more
sacred ever fell into the keeping of any people than that
which was committed to Southern woman at the close
of the bloody war in which so many brave and true men
died for the land they loved and the cause in which
they believed and for which they sacrificed all things
save their honor. For more than a quarter of a century
the ladies’ memorial associations have lovingly and
tenderly commemorated the patriotism and valor of
our Confederate dead by strewing upon their graves the
fairest flowers our Southern land produces. They
have discharged this trust in the recall of their own be-
reavements and in sympathy with those who were
mourning like themselves. But they also sought to
■declare by their annual tender observance of Memorial
Day how greatly they prized the chivalric character of
the noble Southern men who are sleeping the last sleep
of the brave in the hero’s grave. These impressive
annual ceremonies have had an influence which has
preserved and strengthened the truest and most exalted
virtues in the lives of the generation that has arisen
since the Confederate war, while they have contributed
beyond calculation to the patriotic spirit of our coun-
trymen everywhere. For these and other good rea-
sons we think that a full record should be made of the
noble work for perpetual preservation. Such history
should not be permitted to remain unrecorded. Not
that we would seek our personal glorv, but because
posterity should know the character of Southern wom-
anhood and emulate it we would have the transactions
of all memorial associations collected, compiled, and
preserved. We feel that you will enter cordially into
the spirit of this movement, and therefore, without hes-
itation, we lay before you the suggestion that you di-
rect your Secretary or some equally competent person
to write a full account of the original organization of
your association, and also a historic account of the work
it has done in observing Memorial Day, in caring for
soldiers’ “raves, and in all other patriotic offices ren-
dered in memory of our Confederate dead or in aid of
the Confederate living. It is also respectfully suggest-
ed that the organization of memorial associations be
preserved, because it is in itself a monument to the
memory of our heroes and because its work is as sa-
credly tender as ever. Its peculiar and single work
of caring for the last resting-places of brave soldiers is
as imperatively needed as ever, and its long continu-
ance in that duty only heightens the desire that it shall
perpetually observe Memorial Day. After all these
3’ears of devotion and faithful service let us now gather
together the work of all our sister associations in one
memorial volume as a tribute ‘to the heroes from the
heroines of the South.’ Trusting that we shall have a
general meeting of the ladies’ memorial associations
at the next reunion of United Confederate Veterans,
in 1898, we respectfully and earnestly request, through
the courteous press of our country, that you have pre-
pared at once a succinct history of your own associa-
tion, including roll of its members from the beginning
until now, and forward a copy by mail to the address
of the chairman, Mrs. Clement A. Evans, Atlanta, Ga. – ‘
The State Gazette, dated March 2, 1867, tells a story
of the devotion of a young Southern wife who accom-
panied her husband on foot from South Carolina to the
Lone Star State. Some months after the war a gen-
tleman overtook a well-dressed, paroled Confederate
soldier with a knapsack on his back, accompanied by
a neat, pretty-looking girl eighteen years of age, with
a bundle in her hand. The soldier stopped to ask some
direction about the road. The gentleman learned that
he was a Confederate returning home with his wife, and
invited them home with him to dinner, as he lived
near. The soldier, a fine-looking 1 exan, told his story.
His home was on the Nueces River; he belonged to
Johnston’s army, and had gone through the varied for-
tunes of a soldier; had, been once wounded and twice
a prisoner at Camp Chase.
In one of his various wanderings he had met and
fallen in love with the daughter of a widow in the north-
ern part of South Carolina, whose husband had fallen
at the battle of Manassas. The widow, from compe-
tence, had been reduced to want.
When the war closed our soldier went to the home
of his intended mother-in-law, and for a month worked
with all his might mending fences and putting the farm
in the best order he could; when, thinking it time to
see about his old mother in Southern Texas, of whom
he had not heard a word in two years, he prepared to
return home. It was hard to leave his sweetheart, not
knowing when he could make money to come for her;
but she settled the matter by saying she was going with
him. So one morning they were married and started
for Texas on foot without a cent of money. “But,”
said the bride, “we found people very kind; we have
made friends all along the road. We were never turned
off at night, we always got plenty to eat, and people
would often make us little presents of money. We
would frequently overtake a wagoner, who would give
us a ride as far as he was going our way. When I get
to my husband’s home I shall have traveled over
twenty-five hundred miles, and most of it on foot. I
wotild not take anything in the world for my trip. Ev-
erybody has been so kind and good! ”
The young husband looked into her bright young
face and smiled as though he saw there the reason that
every one was so kind.
“But were you not afraid to come so far with a wild
Texan?” was asked.
“Oh, no!” was the smiling reply; “I always liked the
Texans; they were such brave, good soldiers! ”
■ fter dinner the gentleman had his carriage brought
round and carried them a day’s journey homeward.
They drove off the happiest couple I ever saw. May
Heaven bless them!
Confederate l/eteran.
Prof. J. H. Brunner, Hiwassee College, Tennessee:
I chanced to be in Detroit in early April, 1865. The
clamor of war was still in the air. Soldiers from battle-
fields and recruits preparing to go to the front encoun-
tered one another upon the streets and at the hotels of
the city. Newsboys cried their papers and shouted
items of thrilling rumors of battles fought and victories
won. In a word, war was on every tongue.
One morning I went down from my room in the
hotel before any other lodger had made his entrance
into the office of ihc clerk, and was told there was sad
news from Washington: that President Lincoln had
been assassinated and Secretary Seward dangerously
stabbed the night before. I was shocked by this intel-
ligence, and at once thought of its effects Upon the peo-
ple of my dear native South. My immediate reply was;
“I am sorry for this. It is a sail thing For the Southern
people; they will fare worse under Johnson than they
would have fared under Lincoln.”
It will be remembered that Lee had surrendered
Richmond and his renowned command, and that the
Confederacy was in the throes of dissolution \ brave
hut prostrate people were at the mercy of their proud
conquerors. The feeling of confidence in securing len-
ient treatment, which had been inspired by the peerless
magnanimity of Grant in receiving the surrender of
Lee at Appomattox, must now be dashed as a cup from
the lips of the South, and she must be made to drink to
the dregs a cup of bitterest humiliation and oppression.
Such was m\ conviction. President Johnson T knew
of old. He lived in my native county, a trustee of my
alma mater college, the proclaimed foe of “Jeff Davis
and his Confederacy,” pledged to “make treason odi-
ous.” Hence my regret at the change of Presidents at
a time when the triumphant North was incensed by a
base conspiracy to assassinate their idolized Lincoln
and hi? cabinet.
1; would be impossible to describe the excitement of
that April morning. The morning papers fanned the
flame. Extras wore rapidly produced, giving addition-
al details. Proclamations by the Mayor were scatter* d
everywhere throughout the city, closing places of busi-
ness, calling an assemblage at the City TTa.ll. changing
the place of meeting to Campus Martins, where parades
of a military nature had often been seen. Hither at the
appointed hour came the thronging populace, thou-
sands upon thousands, of nil ages and conditions. At
one side gathered the negroes in solemn array, with
sorrow depicted on every face. Near them Capt. Day
and T took our stand to view the scene. Upon a speak-
ers’ stand, higher than T had ever seen before, the ora-
tor, climl ed by a ladder and took their places. Then
a hush fell upon the acres ,,f citizens assembled there.
Tt devolved unon the fiery United States Senator
“Zach” Chandler to explain the Aiject of the meeting.
This he did after the model set by Antony over the mur-
dered Ca?sar of old. Most minutely he portrayed the
scenes at Ford’s Theater the nighl before and those of
the last hours of Lincoln. Then lie told of the bloody
stabs Seward had received. Never before had T wit-
nessed an assembly so wrought up to fury. Tt was th :i
Chandler proclaimed that the South was in this con-
spiracy, and. for one. he was for retaliation, let slip
the do^fs ,>f war and raise the merciless war-cry of the
Roman legions marching against Carthage: “]’ae vic-
tis!” — woe to the vanquished.
The people were exasperated, swayed as a forest in
a storm. My companion, a loyal Northern man, see-
ing my Southern home-made clothes and the fun- all
around, said: “It is not safe to stand here.” But as I
had protecting papers from high Federal officials I
concluded to see the outcome of the meeting.
A Prof. Duff was called for. I was told he was a son
of the popular Presbyterian pastor and a leader among
the people. To him tin people gave ready heed. He
began by saying he could not agree with Senator
(“handler’s view that the people of the South were in
the Booth conspiracy, because there never was a peo-
ple so base as to become a nation of assassins; a few
might thus conspire, but- not the many. As a people
the South had had nothing to do with this sad affair.
There was a better model than the “vae zrictis” of the
heathen Roman-: it is the Christian motto. “Low
your enemies.” “In this case are they not our breth
ren?” With such words he soothed the turbulent pop-
ulace. The scene reminded me of the scriptural ac-
count of the storm-lashed Galilee and the Saviour’s
words: “Peace, be still; and there was a great calm.”
Rev. George Savage, agenl for the \merican B
Society throughout Tennes-e. and Kentucky, tel
interesting story, in which he is said to have “baptized
the Confederacy.” It was away back in 1862 that he
was at Millersburg. Ky., holding a meetine, and a
mother applied to him to baptize her four children.
When ready for the solemn rite he said:
“Name this child.”
Said she: “John Cabell Breckinridge.”
I baptized him. Then, referring to the next one, I
said: “Name this child.”
She replied: “Simon Bolivar Buckner.”
The same thing was rep< ated t r the third boy, when
she responded: “Pierre ( iustave Toutant Beauregard.”
There was a rustle in the audience. Biting my lip
and looking as solemn as possible, I knocked on the
altar-rail and spoke to the people, reminding them that
this was a very solemn service, anil that all levity was
inappropriate. Then, turning to the woman and re-
ferring to the baby girl that she held in her arms, I
said as before, “Name this child,” when she sang out,
“Annie F. Lee.”
This was too much for the audience. They stamped
their feet, clapped their hands, and broke forth into
laughter. Finally, to cap the climax, one brother. M \ –
ers. who stuttered badly, jumped up and called out:
“B-b-brother S-s-savage, you h-h-have b-b-baptized
the C-c-confederacv, and we arc all 1-1-loyal.”
That closed the service and the meeting too.
Camp Tom Moore No. 556. U. C. V., Apalachicola,
Fla., at their monthly meeting held January 3, 1898.
elected the following officers to serve the ensuing year:
Robert Knickmevet. Commander; J. T. Witherspoon,
P. Lovett, atid F. G. Wilhelm, Lieutenant Command-
ers; A. T- Murat, .Adjutant: William Neel. Quarter-
master; W. J. Donahue. Serjeant-Major.
Confederate l/eteran.
Capt. Frank A. Bond tells of the Gettysburg cam-
paign, a chapter of thrilling events during the Con-
federate invasion of Pennsylvania:
In June, 1863, Company A, First Maryland Cavalry,
C. S. A., was as fine a body of mounted men as was in
the Confederate army, which is equivalent to saying
that they were as good as any the world has ever seen.
There were one hundred men for duty, perfectly
equipped, splendidly mounted, well drilled, with per-
fect discipline, and an unbounded confidence in their
officers and themselves. The average age of the men
was twenty-one years, and there was an unusual
amount of intelligence pervading the whole.
Frank A. Bond, of Anne Arundel, was captain.
Thomas Griffith, of Montgomery; J. A. V. Pue, of
Howard; and Edward Beatty, of Baltimore City, were
lieutenants. The last-named had been severely wound-
ed at Greenland Gap, where Companies A and C had
stormed the blockhouse and lost five of the seven offi-
cers who went in with them. Nearly all the command
were veterans who had seen two years’ active service
and who had recently returned from a month’s cam-
paign in West Virginia, where we had overcome every
obstacle, both of flood and field, and, although outnum-
bering each of the other companies of our battalion, had
been the only one not to lose a man killed; neither had
we any captured or permanently disabled.
Lieut. -Gen. Ewell had selected our company to be
attached to his headquarters for special service on im-
portant occasions. We were sent with his corps of
Gen. Lee’s army upon the advance across Maryland
into Pennsylvania, known in history as the Gettysburg
campaign. We joined Gen. Ewell the day of the bat-
tle of Winchester, when the Federal general, Milroy,
was routed. This was the first occasion that the Sec-
ond Regiment of Maryland Infantry, commanded by
Col. James R. Herbert, was under fire, and they were
materially assisted by the mounted men of Company
A, who formed upon their right and advanced with
them, under a heavy artillery fire, and drove in the ene-
my’s infantry behind their batteries and breastworks.
For two days after the defeat of Milroy the company,
in squads, was actively engaged in pursuing and harass-
ing the enemy, who were retreating in great disorder.
Lieut. Pue, with six men, charged upon a body of in-
fantry numbering nearly one hundred, who surrendered
to him, but before he could disarm them a desultory
firing began, and he was compelled to withdraw and al-
low them to proceed. After this experience we opened
fire from ambush on similar bodies, and compelled
them to stack their arms before they discovered the
weakness of the attacking party. A great many in-
stances of personal daring was shown during this pur-
suit, and over five hundred prisoners of all arms were
captured. Our company was the only cavalry with
Ewell’s Corps at this time. From this time on to Car-
lisle we were in the advance, and as town after town was
occupied our duty was to guard the valuable stores
abandoned by the enemy and to keep them safely until
turned over to our commissaries.
June 28 and 29 found us camped around Carlisle, and
during this time I was sent several miles out into the
country on a scout, and, coming to quite a village about
noon, I determined to stop for dinner. All the men of
the town had fled from the Rebels, and the women re-
maining were very hostile. I took ten men with me,
among the number being Laurie Uickerson, Bob
Keene, John Gill, John Heighe, Fielder Slingluff, and
Josh Riggs, and demanded admittance at the largest
house in the town, sending the remainder in squads of
six and eight to other houses. / fter some delay we
were reluctantly allowed to enter, and with very bad
grace the good lady set about getting us something to
eat. We did our very best to put her at ease, and in a
short time we sat down to a comfortable meal. Soon
afterward she opened a door leading down into the
basement and called out, “You girls may as well come
up here, for I do not believe these men will hurt you !”
and with much trepidation and crowding, one after the
other, at least a dozen girls came into the room and
stood up close to the wall around us. We were ob-
jects of great curiosity to them, and it goes without say-
ing that the boys made themselves agreeable. The re-
mark, “Well, I declare! if they ain’t just like our men!”
actually occurred there.
I was called upon while there to furnish a non-com-
missioned officer and four men to carry a despatch to
Gen. Early, who was supposed to be at York, some
forty miles distant through an enemy’s country. Corp.
Arthur W. Bond, with Artis, Whaland, Tolby, and
Zepp, were detailed for duty. The undertaking was
extremely hazardous, but luck and pluck carried them
safely through, and they accomplished their mission,
escaping capture only by a hair’s breadth, and joined
the company just as the fight began at Gettysburg.
On June 30 the entire army, except ourselves, set
out to march to Heidlersburg, some twelve miles dis-
tant. My orders were to remain in Carlisle until two
hours after the last of the troops had left, then to re-
lease one thousand prisoners who were under guard in
the market-house, and to overtake the army and report.
These prisoners were one-hundred-day men, and after
relieving them of their arms and shoes they were re-
leased without parole. The situation became very in-
teresting when they realized that there were but one
hundred cavalrymen to hold them in check. I remem-
ber I thought of Cortez in the City of Mexico with
Montezuma as his prisoner, and felt that I was in a
worse fix. Why I should have been left with these or-
ders I never appreciated. For a time it seemed that a
collision was inevitable, but I announced that if we were
attacked I should retaliate to the utmost. Their old
men counseled peace, and we departed in peace, al-
though I am convinced that it was only the perfect cool •
ness and discipline of the company which prevented a
bloody fight. During the afternoon we reached the
headquarters at Heidlersburg, where Gen. Ewell sent
for and informed me that a body of cavalry had run in
his pickets upon the Gettysburg road, and directed
that I go out as far as that point, if possible, and, under
any circumstances, to attack with vigor whatever op-
position I might encounter, force them back, and learn
if infantry or artillery were in our front. This was “a
big contract” for one company of cavalry that had al-
ready done a full day’s work, and years afterward a
staff officer who was present when I received my in-
structions told me he felt sure that I was going to cer-
tain destruction. No such idea disturbed any member
of the command, however, and we marched about eight
miles, to within full sight of Gettysburg, without en-
Confederate l/eterar?
countering opposition, on the very ground Ewell’s
Corps fought over the next day. I left Sergt. Ham-
mond Dorsey and ten men as a picket, and returned to
Gen. Ewell, reporting no enemy near. During the
night Dorsey picked up three members of a battery of
Pennsylvania artillery, who, having been refused leave
to go to their homes, had taken a horse each and slipped
away, thinking they could return before daylight with-
out being missed. They were brave fellows, and were
distressed at the idea of being regarded as deserters.
These men were immediately taken to Gen. Ewell, and
furnished the first information of the whereabouts of
Meade’s army. The next morning, July i, was in-
tensely hoi and close. < >ur corps moved in the direc-
tion of Gettysburg, and I was sent with the full compa-
ny to escort Col. Johnson, of South Carolina, who had
despatches for Gen. Hill, who was on our right, about
ten miles away: but what might 1>v between us no one
knew. Col. Johnson set off at about three-quarter
speed, and the company held their own pretty well for
a couple of miles; but, as he never drew rein, when we
struck Hill’s pickets I alone was with him, and 1 was
exceedingly glad to bid him good-bj –
Soon after returning and reassembling my men I
heard heavy firing in the direction of Gettysburg, and
determined to go directly toward it rather than back
to Heidlersburg and follow the route of our corps. We
advanced with great caution, and found that we were
in the rear of the extreme Federal left, Buford’s Cav-
alry confronting them. Our situation was extremely
perilous, but before we were fairly discovered the Fed-
erals were pul to (light, and we advanced toward our
infantry line of battle. By going alone, very slowly
and bareheaded, 1 succeeded in reaching our lines
without being fired upon, but it was a very unpleasant
business l shall not attempt to describe the battle,
which I saw very fully.
1 was provost-marshal of < rettysburg for three days,
and my company was sheltered by its walls. Knowing
of the cavalry engagement on our left during the after-
noon of the third day, and being anxious for some ex-
citement — everybody else seeming to be having a
great deal of entertainment except ourselves — 1 quietly
drew out the company and made my way toward the
scene, and had nearly reached there, passing under a
heavy artillery fire for a considerable distance, when 1
was overtaken by one of Gen. Ewell’s staff with per-
emptory orders to return immediately: and the way
that old gentleman pitched into me when 1 got back
was a caution! He had lost a leg. taken a wife, and
joined the Church the previous year, and didn’t swear
then, but he was sufficiently emphatic without it.
I )n July 4 there was a pouring rain all day. and the
army was quiet on the lines of battle. No one knew
what had happened, but certainly no one thought we
were defeated. Just at dark Gen. Ewell summoned
me, and directed that at 10 P.M. I should stretch my
company across the front of his entire corps and remain
there until broad daylight, when T was to make a care-
fid observation in the direction of the enemy’s position,
and then follow the army, which, to my great surprise,
he told me was going to return to Virginia.
We had a most uncomfortable night. It was pitch
dark and the rain falling in torrents, and parts of the
field were thickly strewn with the enemy’s dead of the
first day’s battle, by this time very offensive. When day
broke Gettysburg was visible about a mile in our front,
but all was quiet and no enemy was in sight. I over-
took the army and reported to Gen. Ewell about noon,
and was then directed to pass on to the extreme front
and assist in escorting and protecting the wagon-train,
which was expected to reach the Potomac at Williams-
port during the afternoon of the next day, July 6.
It will be observed that this company was now to
entirely upon its own responsibility, and could loiter
by the wayside if so disposed. How it discharged the
trust remains to be seen, and I have felt it my duty not
to let its heroic conduct pass into oblivion, and for this
reason I have written this account. That night we
camped upon the top of the mountain, possibly twenty
miles from Hagerstown, and in truth we were “spoiling
for a fight.” By sunrise next morning we were on the
march, and about noon reached the head of the col-
umn — miles upon miles of wagons— which had halted
on the outskirts of Hagerstown. I had no authority to
give orders; but as there appeared to be no enemy
near, and a considerable body of our cavalry was in
the town, I determined to get some food for men and
horses, and for this purpose directed the men to
break ranks for an hour, and then to reassemble at the
same place, unless sooner called by the bugle, which I
considered very improbable. I rode off, and was in a
fair way to get a “square” meal, when 1 was informed
that the enemy in force was approaching the town
upon the opposite side to that by which we had en-
tered. As the information seemed reliable, I aban-
doned my dinner and hastened back to the rendezvi >us,
and the bugle-call soon rallied forty-six of my one
hundred and nine men. With this handful I rode
through town in column of fours, and halted immedi-
ately in the rear of the Tenth Regiment of Virginia
Cavalry, commanded by Col. J. Lucius Davis, an old
army officer. This regimen! was the advance-gt
of the army, and the head of its column was just at the
edge of the town, and no other troops were between
us and the wagons. I had been accompanied from
Gettysburg by Lieut. George W. Booth, the adjutant
of our regiment, who was not sufficiently recovered
from a wound received two months before for duty,
but who was by my side during the entire affair. K.
G. Harper Carroll, a brother of ex-Gov. John Lee Car-
roll, chanced to be in town as a civilian, and, although
he had only a pocket-pistol, he gallantly joined us, and
later on, when it appeared to him that we were running
away, his appeal to me not to retreat was earnest and
piteous. Leaving my small party, I passed to the
front, and saw a long column of Federal cavalry ap-
proaching by the turnpike and about a mile away.
It was very soon appearent that the enemy intended
to charge, and I suggested to Col. Davis that he meet
them with a countercharge, it being a well-estab-
lished fact that no body of mounted men in position
can repel an impetuous assault; but he gave no orders
at all, and, upon viewing his regiment, I saw that inde-
scribable tremor pervading them which convinced me
they would not stand. T hastened back to my little
command, and in the few moments I had for reflection
did not consider it was a physical possibility to keep re-
position in the street if the large body of troops in my
front should retreat precipitately, and resolved, there-
fore, to wheel about by fours, turn down the first side
street the length of my column, then wheel to the front
Confederate .
again, and, if our advance should be driven back, to
dash out between them and the Yankees, and to en-
deavor to check them and save the wagons, or, at least,
to make the best fight I could. The wheel about by
fours was made, but before we reached a side street the
regiment in front had been routed, and was fleeing in
the wildest panic. Every one knows the contagion of
such a rout, but, to the honor of our Maryland troops,
be it said that each and every one of those forty-six
men moved as a part of a machine, and the column was
as solid as if on parade. The enemy was immediately
upon the heels of the flying Confederates, and as soon
as our rear (soon to become the front) was uncovered,
my order was “Fours right about charge!” It was a
tremendous struggle for the sections of fours to force
their way around, crowded and pressed as they were by
largely superior numbers that filled the street from
house to house, and swirled around us as a mountain
torrent around a rock. The sections farthest from the
enemy were much longer making the wheel than those
who were first released from the pressure, and as each
man dashed at full speed at the enemy the moment he
could face them the charge was made nearly in single
Immediately the enemy perceived there was a body
of troops who did not intend to run, they checked their
pursuit and halted in a confused mass in the street, ex-
cept one, a sergeant on a bob-tailed horse, who came
slap into us, and I shot him down. Sergt. Ham-
mond Dorsey was the first man who dashed into the
enemy’s ranks and began to hew right and left. George
Lechlider followed him closely, and almost immediate-
ly the enemy broke and ran, and were pursued to their
main body by the entire company. Their loss was
about twenty men killed and wounded. Five of them
fell under Sergt. Dorsey’s sword, and the last of them
was a bugler, by this time in full flight. As he leaned
over his horse’s neck the bugle of brass, as thick as a
man’s arm, protected his head, and repeated blows were
necessary to disable him. I examined this bugle later
on, and it was cut nearly through in numerous places
as clean as a carrot might be chopped with an ax.
Sergt. Dorsey, boiling with wrath, informed me that
but for the bugle he would have gotten two or three
more. The enemy made no countercharge, and our
wagon-train was saved. Our only loss was one man,
Henry Stone, wounded by having a thumb shot off.
Our men used their sabers entirely.
It is believed that the Federals were led by Maj.
Ulric Dalghren, son of Admiral Dalghren, and that he
had four companies, or about two hundred men. Any-
how, he lost a leg at this time. He afterward got a
cork one, was promoted to colonel, and was killed the
following year in a bold attempt to burn Richmond.
It is a remarkable coincidence that when Dalghren,
nearly a year later, made his attack upon Richmond he
was again’met by the same men who had defeated him
in the streets of Hagerstown. The First Maryland
Cavalry, ably led by Gen. Bradley Johnson and Col.
Ridgely Brown, were the first troops to throw them-
selves in his way. and they never left him until his com-
mand was routed. He was subsequently killed.
We were flushed with victory, and retired to our side
of the town, where we were soon joined by reenforce-
ments, and two pieces of artillery were added to my
command. The enemy dismounted their sharpshoot-
ers and skirmished on the left of the town, and we dis-
mounted a few men to meet them, and drove them
back. In doing thisSoperChilds and his brother, Buck
Childs, displayed conspicuous bravery. About 4 P.M.
there appeared upon our left front a body of mounted
men I could not account for, but after what I consid-
ered careful investigation I opened fire upon them with
the artillery, and I think I never saw shells better
placed, but was horrified to find, a few minutes later,
that it was the staff and escort of Gen. J. E. B. Stuart.
It was a miracle that no lives were lost.
I withdrew from the field and went into Hagers-
town to find the dinner that I had been hurried away
from several hours before. I was at the hospitable
home of Dr. Harvey, waiting for supper, when a staff
officer of Gen. Stuart appeared, and, presenting the
General’s compliments, requested that Capt. Bond
would join him at the front, as he needed his assistance
badly. This was irresistible, and I hurried to the com-
pany, and at a trot went out the Williamsport pike
about three miles. I left the company in the road, and
went on alone with an orderly (Lechlider), and found
Gen. Stuart. He had about two hundred dismounted
cavalry on the right of the pike in a hollow, and was
endeavoring to induce them to charge a battery on a
hill several hundred yards in advance, which, by the
way, they did not appear to be anxious to do. He
said: “Bond, I want to see you; but first help me here.
We want to drive that battery off. Do you take one
end of this line, and I will take the other.” By a good
deal of galloping up and down in front and by voice
and action we induced the men to advance, at first
slowly, and then at a run, and the Yankees limbered
up and galloped away.
By this time it was dark, and, as we now occupied
tne same ground just abandoned by the enemy, our
batteries were dropping shells right among us that had
been going over our heads when we were in the hol-
low. I rode back to stop our firing, but did not go as
far to the right as I should, and continued in the line
of fire. A shell exploded immediately in front of me.
One piece cut off the collar of my overcoat, which was
rolled and strapped across the front of my saddle, and
another piece passed between Lechlider and myself as
we rode touching knees, slightly wounding him and
very severely wounding me by carrying away five
inches of the fibula near the knee-joint. I rode on and
stopped the firing, and then, by a special providence,
was accosted by Dr. Eliason, who applied a tourniquet
that saved me from bleeding to death. I was carried
on the shoulders of four of my men back to Dr. Har-
vey’s house and placed in bed. Here I remained until
November, passing as near death’s door as possible,
and was then taken on a stretcher by rail via Harris-
burg to Fort McHenry, and from there, in February,
to Point Lookout. In Mav I was exchanged and sent
to Richmond on the parole steamer “New York.” I
was met at City Point by Gen. Bradley Johnson and a
few other “wild” Rebels, and the contrast between the
“tame” ones who had been in prison for a vear was
great. I consider the most exhilarating sight I ever
witnessed was when I once again saw Confederate sol-
diers with arms in their hands, and it was the happiest
day of my life.
[The reader will admit that the three pages given to
an account of this company contain valuable history.]
Confederate l/eterag.
The 19th of January has long been and in-
creases as a day of note among Confederates,
and this year the anniversary of the birth of the
South’s dearest hero has been more universally
celebrated than ever before. From Washing-
ton to San Antonio come accounts of the cele
brations. It is impossible to give here more
than a mere mention of some of the different
entertainments. The entire South breathes
forth her love ami admiration for this patriol
soldier and Christian :
There was a large assemblage at Confederate
Veterans’ Hall in Washington, D. C, January
19, to celebrate the ninetieth anniversary of
Gen. R. E. Lee’s birth. The assemblage em-
braced representatives from all conditions of
life: dignified ministers, judges of courts, Sen-
ators, Representatives, and civilians of every
degree. The hall was beautifully decorated
with national and Confederate flags, and mag-
nificent pictures of Lee and Washington were
festooned with garlands of green. 1 In the sides
were pictures of Jefferson Davis, Stonewall
Jackson, and other not^d generals and officers.
The meeting was called to order by P
dent R. 1. Fleming, who, in a felicitous speech,
announced the significance 1 if the 1 iccasii in ; and
after a prayer bj the Chaplain, Rev. Randolph
McKim, Secretary I harles C. tvey read the
original Order No. 9. in the handwriting of
Gen. Lee, announcing the surrendei and terms
of peace at Appomattox. Judge Franklin 11.
Mackev read a short original poem to the mem-
ory of the dead comrades. Interesting addresses v ere
made by Private John Allen, of Mississippi; Hon. Pe-
ter J. Otey, Congressman from Virginia; ex-Gov.
Sims, of Mississippi; Senator Cockrell, of Missouri;
Justice Shepard, of the 1 >istrict Court of Appeals ; Sen-
ator Eppa Hunton, of Virginia; and Gen. M, C. But-
ler, formerly of South I an ilina.
After the guests and members bad feasted, singing
was indulged in for an hour or so, Capt. Frank Cun-
ningham, of Richmond, entertaining the company with
patriotic songs. Comrade Weber’s band furnished in-
strumental music, rendering such turns as “Dixie,”
“Bonnie Blue Flag,” etc., honored by tumultuous ap
plause. The association never tiad a more successful
and enjoyable occa
beautiful tribute to the women for their love and devo-
tion to the cause of the South, and quoted with fine ef-
fect Bartow’s words: “] go to illustrate Georgia.” He
-■aid thai not only Bartow but Georgians generally il-
lustrated their state nobly during the war. and urged
that they continue to illustrate it by beit to the
principles of those who have done so in the past. Maj
G. M. Ryals expressed the thanks of the Veb
ntertainment closed with three cheers for the la-
flics. Ri ven w jth a w ju ] )V the Veterans.
The Savannah 1 laughters of the Confederacy 1
brated Lee’s birthday by giving an entertainment to
the Veterans at Chatham Artillery Hall, which was
beautifully decorated with flowers and green the pic-
tures of our beloved Lee and other generals b
twined with laurel wreaths. There was a large attend-
ance of Veterans, wives, daughters, and friends, and
the occasion was highly enjoyed. \n abundant supper
was provided, followed by appropriate music and ad-
dresses. Judge I alligaut made an able address, paying
‘I lie celebratii n of < len. R. E. Lee’s birthday in Lit-
tle Rock was under the management of the Memorial
Chapter, U. D. C, Mrs. J. R. Miller presiding. The
Senate-chamber oi the state bouse was filled with an
enthusiastic audience to pay tribute to the most ■
of all the South’s great heroes. Dr. Newton Bragg,
one of the most eloquent orators of the state, deln
an able address on the life and character of Gen. 1 <
Refreshments were served and music of the Confeder-
acy rendered. Contributions were received for the
monument fund, which is now in the neighborhood of
1 1. The 1 laughters are ambitious to erect a mon-
ument worthy the memory of the heroic dead of Ar-
The most interesting feature of the occasion was the
Confederate l/eterar?.
presentation of a beautiful silk flag by Judge W. C.
Ralcliffe, in behalf or the U. C. V. Association of Ar-
kansas, to the Little Rock Chapter, U. D. C. Rev.
John Gass, rector of Christ Church, accepted the flag
for ‘the chapter in a speech which thrilled his hearers.
The court-house was crowded with a representative
audience in the celebration of the anniversary of the
birth of Gen. Robert E. Lee by Virginia Hanson Chap-
ter, Daughters of the Confederacy. The court-room
was draped in the colors, a large portrait of Gen. Lee
forming tire central figure over the rostrum. The ex-
ercises were opened with prayer by Elder W. S. Keenc.
Rev. J. J. Chisholm followed with appropriate and
feeling introductory remarks. Capt. Lee Hathaway,
as master of ceremonies, introduced the speakers in a
graceful and fitting manner. Mrs. Annie Swift Pen-
dleton and Miss Mary Haggard each rendered fault-
lessly beautiful and appropriate recitations. Hon. J.
Soule Smith, of Lexington, the gifted and eloquent
lawyer, writer, poet, wit, and orator, who followed Lee
through the war of the rebellion to the final and pa-
thetic scene at Appomattox, in his richest vein paid a
glowing and fitting tribute to the life and works of
him in honor of whose memory the assembly present
had gathered. The exercises were interspersed with
splendid music by Saxton’s Orchestra.
This was the second celebration of Gen. Lee’s birth-
day anniversary held in Winchester, and much of the
credit for its complete success is due to the President
of the chapter, Mrs. Jennie Catherwood Bean, who was
untiring in her zeal and for many davs devoted her
time and energies to the arrangement of the details.
The anniversary of the birthday of Gen. R. E. Lee
was celebrated in Baltimore by a banquet at the Car-
rollton Hotel under the auspices of the Society of the
Army and Navy of the Confederate States in Mary-
land, to which a number of distinguished guests were
invited. Among them were Col. Bennett H. Young,
of Louisville, Ky.; Gen. Dabney H. Maury, of Vir-
ginia; Gen. J. H. Berry, of Arkansas; and Col. W. A.
Jones, of Virginia. At the head of the table these
specially invited guests and officers of the society were
seated, and there were two long tables for the other
“Johnny Rebs.” The side table, at which the ladies
were seated, proved immensely popular to a number of
the veterans, who vied with each other for the honor
of entertaining their fair visitors.
The slumbering enthusiasm of the old veterans was
awakened by the efforts of two of the ladies: Miss
Magdalen H. Burger, who recited in thrilling style
“Gen. Lee at the Battle of the Wilderness,” and Miss
Lelia Ball, who sang the “Bonnie Blue Flag,” all the
Confederates joining in the chorus.
Col. Bennett H. Young’s speech in response to the
toast, “The Cavalry,” was one of the features of the
occasion, he paying a glowing tribute to the services
of the cavalrymen of the Confederacy. He told of Gen.
J. E. B. Stuart’s raid on Chambersburg, Pa.; of For-
rest’s pursuit of Streight. and Gen. Morgan’s raid into
Ohio. This address may be given in full later.
Gen. Maury responded to “Our Infantry,” telling
how glad he was to meet his Maryland brethren on
Gen. Lee’s birthday and signifying his appreciation of
the part the Maryland infantry had played in the
story of the Confederacy. Mr . George Savage, of
Baltimore, introduced as a “man who stood at the
guns,” responded to “Our Artillery,” telling many in-
teresting anecdotes of Gen. Lee. Congressman W. A.
Jones, of Virginia, responded to the toast to “Our
Navy,” and in his remarks made many amusing allu-
sions to the pension-list, and expressed the hope that
a movement would soon be put on foot to get the
muster-rolls of every Confederate regiment, in order
that the names of the men of the Southern army may
be handed down to posterity. The toast to “Our
Dead” was responded to by Gen. Berry, of Arkansas,
whose theme was the devotion of the women of the
South to the cause for which the men fought.
The day was celebrated at the Confederate Soldiers’
Home at Pikesville in an enthusiastic manner. While
the sumptuous dinner was being despatched many of
the men told stories’ about their great commander and
discussed the famous battles in which they had fought.
The dinner was given under direction of Mrs. Robert
Barry, member of the Board of Governors for January.
No armed foe ever penetrated the interior of Texas,
and its people in the days of 1861-65 went unoppressed
and unscathed in their homes. San Antonio is a bor-
der city of a border state. Previous to the war it was
the headquarters of the old United States Army, and
it is now, and has been since the war, the site of the
largest military post in the Union. Its citizenship is
of every nationality, and its commerical interests are
interwoven more with the cities of Mexico and of the
North than with those of the Southern states. Its cel-
ebration of Lee’s birthday is. therefore, worthy of note,
for it shows that time is doing its sure work of increas-
ing the fame of a great and good man.
A year ago, under discouragements which would
have frightened any less resolute beings than true
Southern women, the Daughters of the Confederacy
undertook to arouse, concentrate, and give expression
to the old Confederate sentiment. The result was a
celebration in honor of Lee; and, although it was not
notable in point of the numbers engaged in it, it served
to awaken and revive interest in the memories of the
war and make possible the largely attended and enthu-
siastic exercises which marked the celebration of this
year. The complete success of the entertainment was
largely due to the effons of Mrs. A. W. Houston, the
President of the chapter. She was ably seconded by
Miss Beaureaard (a niece of Gen. Beauregard), Mrs.
James. Mrs. Bee, and, indeed, by every member of the
large chapter. The exercises were simple, but appro-
priate and inspiring. Miss Sallie Maverick sang the
“Bonnie Blue Flag” with sweetness and spirit, and
Miss Lenore Paschal recited “Somebodv’s Darling”
with a pathos that drew tears. A flag drill by twenty-
four young ladies, under the command of Miss Edith
Newton, was pretty and unique. Altogether, the cel-
ebration was one long to be remembered, and did
much to help along the noble purpose of the Daugh-
ters to erect a monument in honor of Gen. Lee.
Qoofederate l/eterai)
The appeal published last month in behalf of Daniel
Decatur Enimett met with cordial approval so far as
known. Very promptly the following contributions
were sent in: Daughters of the Confederacy, Auburn,
Ala.. $5; A. F. McKissick, Auburn. Ala.. $1 ; P
W. O. Connor. Cave Springs, 1 ia , $1; F. W. Merrin,
Plant City, Fla., $1; collected by J. A. Hartman and
Dr. II. W. Manson, Rockwall, I 1 \.. $5; Sol J
Paris, Tenn., $1; John W. Earhardt, fur membi
Excelsior Fire Company, Newberry, S. C, $1.30: col-
lected by Capt. George B. Lake, Edgefield, S. C,
$3.20. Total. $18.50. ( >n receipt of this amount a
check for $20 was remitted to the vem rable author.
Since the foregoing, remittances have been reci
from Mildred ‘ ■ hapter, I ‘. D. C, Fayetteville,
Ark., $3.20; Miss Lizzie Reagin. Moscow, S. C, 50
cents; J. R. Youree, for U. C. V. I ‘rairie Grove,
Ark., $3.50; Dr. R. L. Brodie, Charleston, S. <
Mrs. Jane Gibson. Treasurer (J. 1>. C, Kan-.;- Cil
Mo., $5; U. D. C. of Alabama appropriated $25.
The Lucy Minor Otey Chapter, Daughters of the
Confederacy, Lynchburg, and other chapters and in-
dividuals are taking this up. Do let us rally to the
rescue of “Uncle Dan” and make him feel that when
he honored “Dixie Land” with the animated notes 1
a “Walk Round” he paid a tribute to the most hospil
ble class of people in existence. Young pei iple can get
up amateur entertainments, have a good time, and se-
cure a few dollars for him without sacrifice.
On the next pages may be seen a photo-engraving
of the original ” Dixie.” the only a implete reproductii in
in existence. So valuable are the plates that these
prints are from copies, the lir.-t being preserved, as is
the plate 1 laph letter about it. The original
sheet has been lost by the author Mow fitting this
d for the Confederate Veteran!
.~2fcL^ J /art *^ <*.<&£***’*
84: Confederate .
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Confederate .
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Ct-Ciif fffkix. biLx*, A J <:]«_ ^^ ./Itr /0yf^^
Confederate Vetera?
Gen. George Moorman, Adjutant-General, reports:
No. ioyi, Stonewall, Salisbury, Mo:, C. H. Wood-
son, F. M. Clements; No. 1072, Gen. Clanton, Brew-
ton, Ala., N. R. Leigh, J. M. Davison; No. 1073, Bat-
tle Ground, Regnant, Ga., Chess Flanders, J. B. How-
ard; No. 1074, Ponchatoula, La., , John M. De-
Saussure; No. 1075, R. M. Gano, Ross, Tex., , S.
L. Makeig; No. 1076, Confederate Veterans, Valdosta,
Ga., S. T. Kingsbery, ; No. 1077, Confederate
Veterans, Taneyville, Mo., W. G. Connor, ; No.
1078, Charles W. McArthur, Alamo, Ga., A. C. Mc-
Clennan, M. D. Hughes; No. 1079, Pat Lyon, Ball
Ground, Ga., P. H. Lyon, D. B. Lyon.
In General Order No. 198 the general command-
ing, by Adjt.-Gen. Moorman, notes the death of several
prominent Confederates. Fine tribute is paid Col. T.
C. Standifer, of whom a sketch has herein appeared.
Concerning Gen. Ross the paper states:
The lengthened shadows of 1897 have barely disap-
peared before the dawn of 1898 when the mournful
news is wired that the silent reaper has gathered an-
other member of the Commanding General’s staff into
his harvest, a great Confederate soldier of the West;
that “taps” has again sounded for one of the most con-
spicuous actors in the drama of 1861-65; that the light
of the earth has forever faded from the eyes of one who
was a beloved leader in the civil and military history
of the Lone Star State; that the death angel has taken
by the hand and led away one who was a hero in
peace as well as in war; that at College Station, Tex.,
on the 3d inst., the great heart of Gen. and ex-Gov. L.
S. Ross ceased to beat, and as the curtain fell it closed
the earthly career of one of the most renowned Texans,
one of the greatest and purest citizens of the republic,
and a most chivalrous soldier.
A born soldier, a boy captain at nineteen years of
age, and while yet a mere college lad. he rode into bar-
tie with his company by the side of Van Dorn and the
trained officers of the United States army against the
Comanches, and forever broke the power of that
warlike race. As a fearless fighter and rescuer of cap-
tive maidens he won immortal fame in the Indian wars.
for which daring feats he has beer, knighted by hi?
countrymen with the badge of chivalry.
In fighting his way up from private to general in the
Confederate army he won imperishable renown. A
great Governor, a distinguished college President, an
honest, pure man — he has performed his part well. Il-
lustrious in war, equally illustrious in peace — a pro-
tege of Houston, reared in the shadow of the Alamo,
Goliad, and San Jacinto — he was a hero in a land of
heroes, and easily won the proud distinction of primus
inter pares.
Clad as she is to-day in the habiliments of woe, and
bowed in sorrow and grief, Texas does not mourn alone
for her “favorite son,” for at this moment, in palatial
residences and in humble homes, in her sister states of
Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi. Tennessee, Georgia,
Alabama, and wherever his bright blade flashed and
the deeds of the brave are sung, his name is reverently
?nd tenderlv spoken and the story of the gfreat Texan
is told, and sorrow is deep and profound for the death
of the “Little Texas Cavalryman,” whose plume was
ever seen dancing upon the crest of battle and whose
courage and nobility won the undying love of his
friends and the unstinted admiration of his foes.
Executive officers in charge of reunion arrange-
ments for Atlanta are: Gen. Clement A. Evans, Pres-
ident; Hon. W. A. Hemphill, Vice-President; John O.
Waddell, Secretary.
Vice-Presidents are from various locations in Geor-
gia, and represent districts: Maj. G. M. Ryals, Savan-
nah ; Col. John Triplett, Thomasville ; Hon. Phil Cook,
Leesburg; Capt. J. W. Murphy, Columbus; Hon. W.
A. Hemphill, Atlanta; Col. C. M. Wiley. Macon; Col.
J. S. Cleghorn, Summerville; Hon. W. F. Jenkins,
Eatonton; Hon. W. P. Price, Dahlonega; Hon. M. I.
Branch, Berzelia; Hon. H. G. Turner, Quitman.
Reception Committee appointed by the Georgia
Legislature: From the Senate — Hons. C. G. Gray, Fort
Valley; H. W. Hopkins, Thomasville; C. H. Mann,
English Eddy. From the House — Hons. T. B. Feld-
er, Atlanta; J. S. Bovnton, Griffin; T. M. Pace, Coving-
ton; W. E. Faust, Anon; G. G. Ford, Att.
Chairmen of subcommittees, Anthony Murphy, Fi-
nance; C. A. Collier, Transportation: J. A. Miller, Car-
riages, Horses, etc.; H. H. Cabaniss, Music; Clark
Howell, Publicity; Joseph Jacobs, Decorations; W. L.
Calhoun, Rules;W. H. Harrison, Badges; W. J. Ken-
drick, Military; J. C. Hendricks, Halls; Amos Fox,
Commissary (Commissary-General Georgia Division,
U. C. V.); F. P. Rice. Quarters; Joseph Thompson,
Hotels and Boarding-Houses.
Executive Committee, for the reception and enter-
tainment of the veterans: W. A. Hemphill, Chairman;
C. A. Collier, J. W. English, W. L. Calhoun, T. B.
Neal, Livingston Mims, F. P. Rice, E. P. Chamber-
lin, Hoke Smith, T. G. Woodward, R. F. Maddox, E.
C. Peters, T- A. Miller. E. P. Howell, Toseph Hirsch,
W. D. Ellis, Forest Adair, Clark Howell, W. W. Da-
vies, H. H. Cabaniss. T. D. Turner. R. D. Spaulding,
G. B. Adair. J. Carroll Payne, W. W. Draper, B. F.
Walker, Anthonv Murphv, Martin Amorous, R. J.
Lowrv, T. B. Felder, E. L. Connally. J. C. Hendrix,
C. I Branan, W. F. Slaton, Amos Fox. Toel Hurt.
George W. Harrison, T- T. Glenn, B. F. Abbott, C. S.
Arnall, William M. Crumley, J. M. Slaton, R. M. Clay-
ton, Willis Raran. T. K. Ottlev. S. W. Wilkes. D. N.
McCuIloiirh, Dr. W. P. Burt. Fulton Colville, C. S.
Northern.’ T. A. Hammond. Tr.. T. L. Mavson, W. J.
Kendrick, T. W. Nelms. C. F. Rice. W. H. Patterson,
Clarence Knowles, W. T. Northern. J. W. English, Jr..
Eugene Black, T. C. Whitner. Aaron Haas, H. L. Wil-
son. 1. S. Dozier. E. P. Black, A. C. Bruce, Albert
Howell. A. S. Holbrook, W. H. Brotherton, Paul Ro-
mare, Toseph Tacobs. Gen. Evans (ex officio), T. R. R.
<~r>M\ W. H. Harrison, Porter Kin?. A. J. West, B. M.
Blackburn. Albert Steiner. J. H. Shndden.
Headquarters are in Room TT2 Kimball House,
open now for all comrades who may be in Atlanta.
Miss Alice Haskins, of Pheba, Miss., is anxious to
know where she could procure copies of “Six Months
in the Confederate States.” by Col. Freeman, of the
British armv, and “Cities and Camps of the Confeder-
ate States,” bv Capt. Ross, of the Austrian army.
Confederate .
United 50175 of Confederate l/eterar^.
Organized July i. 1896, Richmond, Vo..
ROBERT A. SMYTH, Commander-in-Chief, ) ,, …,,-,, , ,
ham i.i. a wkm.i.. aim i i int-General, | ‘■■^-‘■•< liarleston,S.C.
ROBERT C. NORFI.EET,.OOMXANDEB, | .. . ….. w . , , . ,.
GARLAND E. WEBB, Aiui taut-General,! Box ‘-• “,,,-.,.„. ». C.
T. LEIGH THOMPSON, < OMMANDER, Lew isburg, Tenn.
W. C. SAUNDERS, COMMANDER, I Rn _ ,., ,.,.,.„ Tnv
■I. II. BOWM W, \n.ii PAOT-G) KERAL.j BoX ‘”‘ ‘••”””- «*•
Inctedb] ROBERT \. SMYTH, Gharle ton, S. C.
Si ■nil all communication* for thia department to him.
[Comrades everywhere are urged to commend the organization of
Sons. By doing bo “they may be very helpful to Commander sin
A. I I’NMNIill AM.]
We arc glad to report to the organization the char-
tering of lour camps since the lasl issue. They arc
as Eollows: No. 57, Camp V 1 Bogges . Decatur,
Tenn.; No. 58, Camp James McCutchen, Kingstree,
S. C; No. 59, Camp Charles Broadway Rouss, Austin,
Tex.; No. 60, * .imp McDowell Phoenix, S. C. This
makes ilie total membership of the organization sixtj
camps, ami we believe that the one hundred mark wiil
soon be reached. These sixty camps an distributed
as follows, in order of numbers: South Carolina Divi
sion, 22; Virginia Division, 14; Tennessee Division, 8;
North Carolina Division, 4; Texas Division, 4; Ken-
tucky Division, .}; Georgia Division, _’; We 1 Virginia
Division, i ; Missouri Division, r; Alabama Division, 1.
The camp at Austin, Tex., has chosen the name of
Charles Broadway Rouss. This is certainly a good
name for an organization which proposes to do chari-
table work, for we know how good Mr. Kouss has
been to the cause for which he fought. This cam]’ is
very active and enthusiastic, and numbers fifty mem-
bers, with a prospect of increasing its size very mate-
rially in the near future.
Two of our divisions have organized in the pasl
month. ( >n January 13 the Sons of Veterans of Ten-
nessee met at Murfreesboro, dissolved the old organ-
ization, and formed a Tennessee Division. Mr. Jesse
W. Sparks, the Judge-Advocate General on the start
of the Commander in Chief, was elected its i ‘ommand-
cr. The constitution adopted divides the slate into
three brigades. The First Brigade is Middle Tennes-
see, and its Commander is Mr. Leland Hume, of Nash
ville: the Second Brigade is West Tennessee, and the
Third Brigade is East Tennessee. The Commanders
of these last two brigades are not yet elected. How-
fever, they will he promptly organized, and will go to
work to enlist all the camps of the old state organiza-
tion. Much credit for the success of this meeting is
<\\\c to Mr. T. Leigh Thompson. Commander of the
department, who is working hard to make his depart-
ment rival that of the Army of Northern Virginia.
The Kentucky Division lias now been thoroughly
organized by Mr. R. C. P. Thomas, its Commander.
The following is the staff: G. E. Snell. Adjutant-Gcn-
cral. Bowling Green; William 11. T.ncas, Quartermas-
ter-General, Lexington; Dr. M. McDowell. Surgeon-
General, Cvnthiana: W. \Y. Longmoor. Jr., Insoector- Frankfort: S. Young. Commissary -General,
Louisville: Rev. C. H.Jones, Chaplain-General, Louis-
ville; H. S. McCutchen, Judge-Advocate-General,
Russellville. Mr. i homas has written urgent lot i
each member, impressing the importance 1
trated action on their pari , c him to build up
the division by the Forming of nev can 1 re are
now in process of formation some four or fi
which will, it is 1 be chartered very soon.
Mr. P. II. Mcll. commanding the Alab;
has iss rcular, which he has distributed thr<
out the state, calling upon the camps to join the I ‘nited
1 “rganization, so that the division can be well n
sent., reunion in Atlanta. There is
number of camps in that state, but only one of them
has barter from the United
We are at last able to report that Florida has awa-
kened to the fact chat her sons are not doing their duty
in perpetuating the l of her l Idiers.
Jacksonville has instituted tin first steps. Through a
committee of the R. F I , urgent
al has been sent through all the 1
thi sons oi th( state, calling upon them Lo ip the
work which they, the veterans, are rapidl) having.
sonville expects to organize a camp within
days, and the I hief will appoint a Stare
Commander from that camp, who will at once take up
the work and thoroughly organize this division.
It is pleasing indeed to see the diffi grad-
ually falling into line in this noble work. Last month
we reported the interest aroused in Missouri: this
month it is Florida; and next month we hope to have
either Mississippi or Louisiana enlisted for the pres-
ervation of the records of those who wore the gray.
We trust that the Veterans in these two states will
aid the officers of our organization in getting a foot-
hold, and earnestly ask that names and addresses of
interested young men will be forwarded, so that
through < idehce they can be helped to form
Members of (amp No. 46. of Atlanta, Ga., are
making strenuous efforts to organize camps through-
out that state, and also to make the reunion of the
Sons next July a great success. Mr. W. W. Da
its Commander, has sent out to every son in Georgia
circulars, giving instructions as to how to form a
camp, also sending a constitution to aid them in
adopting their own, and other necessary information.
The result of this has ! irouse the entire state,
and camps have ahea.K been formed at Gainesville.
Athens, and Waycross, while others are being foi
and will soon be chartered. Mr. Davies certainlj de-
serves high commendation for his enthusiastic work,
and he is sure to meet with great success. It is im-
portant for the camps to remember that they can not
be represented at the reunion at Atlanta nor take pan
in it unless they are members of the 1 ‘nited < (rganiza-
tion. and charters should therefore be applied for im-
mediately to. the headquarters. This camp is named
for 1 fen. John R. Gordon.
Sergt. Robert J. Baxter, a member of Stonewall
Jackson Bivouac, McKenzie, Tcnn., died at his resi-
dence there on January 0. lie was born Februarv 2(1. ami enlisted in Company G, Twenty-Second Ten-
nessee Infantry, C. S. A., in June, 1861; paroled May
TO. l8o;.
Confederate l/eterar?.
It must have surprised some readers that the January
Veteran did not contain an account of the fortunate
solicitor in securing the $200 offered for the largest
number of new subscribers by January I. A compli-
cation arose in connection with “blocks” of subscrip-
tions to individuals. The Veteran had ruled that any
number might be counted to one person on the pay-
ment of $1 for each, and upon this ruling $201 was re-
mitted by a contestant who had secured seventy odd
names, and ordered the remainder to be sent in blocks.
The matter was submitted to a committee of disinter-
ested persons, who were several weeks in determining
it. In the meanwhile, because of the eminent merit of
the two leading contestants, $ico was sent to each.
(The person securing the smaller number of names
would doubtless have secured three times as many but
for detention and seclusion for weeks because of a vio-
lent and contagious illness.) The committee finally
official organ, which, if read carefully in the spirit in
which it is written, will make us better and grander
men. With best wishes and a God bless you for your
work’s sake.
In a former letter Comrade Owen wrote:
The Confederate soldiers are scarce in the country
that I travel in, and it makes my heart ache to find some
who can not spare the one dollar. I know they would
gladly pay for it if they, were able ; they are getting old,
and will soon be unable to work. I have the heart to
take care of them all, and wish I could.
decided in favor of Miss Ruth Owen, of Evansville,
Ind., who shared the efficient aid of her father, Com-
rade F. A. Owen. He has been an unceasing and dil-
igent advocate of the Veteran for years. Upon thai
decision being made, the additional $100 was remitted
to Mr. Owen for his lovely, patriotic daughter Ruth,
which amount was returned by him, with an extraor-
dinary reply : . . .
The idea was suggested during the canvass by find-
ing so many old comrades who expressed their desire
for the Veteran and their great anxiety for Ruth to
secure the prize. They seemed truly to regret that
they were not able to spare the dollar. I do not write
this for publication, as I have never sought notoriety.
} 1 pweyer, I would enjoy a kind word editorially, if yon
think my efforts worthy and that by so doing you
could stimulate many to a greater exertion for our
Frank Amplias Owen enlisted as a private in Compa-
nv A, Eighth Kentucky Infantry, at the age of sixteen.
He was wounded and captured at the battle of Fort
Donelson and imprisoned at Camp Morton, from where
he and Thomas Carlisle escaped during a heavy rain
and thunder storm. Walking through the country to
Evansville, Ind., he embarked on the steamer “Storm,”
bound for Green River, arriving at his home in Hop-
kins County in eight days after leaving Indianapolis.
Soon thereafter Col. Adam R. Johnson and Lieut. -Col.
Robert M. Martin went into that section to raise a cav-
alry regiment. He enlisted with them, and was elected
second lieutenant of Company A of that regiment, the
Tenth Kentucky. He commanded the remnant of that
old regiment as the rear-guard of Gen. John H. Mor-
gan’s command from Cheshire to the surrender, near
Zanesville, O. He was imprisoned at Camp. Chase
three- weeks, removed to Johnson’s Island, O., and was
paroled for exchange; but the exchange was stopped,
and he was there until the war closed. He was released
on parole June 22, 1865, and arrived home on the 26th.
Comrade Owen has made Evansville, Ind., his home
most of the time since. His occupation is that of trav-
eling salesman, and he is Commander of U. C. V. Camp
A. R. Johnson No. 481.
Qopfederate l/eterai}.
The other contestant, Mrs. Lulu B. Epperson, is as
faithful a Daughter of the Confederacy as was ever
charmed by the thrill of “Dixie,” and it was she who,
in the Veteran for March, 1897, protested against the
argument by a Chicago woman that it is “time to call
off ‘Dixie.'” The additional mention is made that
she is the eldest daughter of W. R. Bringhurst, of
whom account was given, together with that of his
brother Robert, who surrendered his noble life in the
battle of Franklin, haying entered if oii crutches with
a furlough in his pocket. He was wounded al Peach
tree Creek in July previous
This more extended nqtice of Mrs. Epperson is given
because of the good fortune of her assistance on the
Veteran, which begins next month. She will have
al charge of reunion arrangements for the
bran at Atlanta, ami the pleasing announcement is
made that far better facilities exist For efficient aid to
this than to any preceding reunion. The \ 1 1 k.r.w
has already arranged to make a showing in that con-
nection which will be the pride of ever) Confederate.
While this is true, certain cooperative obligations rest
with the < Confederates and public spirited people of the
< ity to the South, and that they will conform is
m ‘t doubted.
Mrs. Carrie 1’helan Beale, President of the “Cradle
of the Confederacy,” Chapter No. 04. United Daugh-
ters, presented a gavel at the Baltimore meeting “inlaid
with memories of our cherished martyr President,”
from the heart of a “Beauvoir” oak. which was secured
and presented to Mrs. Beale by the widow of Gen. Jo-
seph R. Davis, residing at Biloxi, Miss. The Mont-
gomery daily Adz’ertiser of January 1 1, 1898, copies al
length from the Veteran for December the early his-
tory of the memorial Association, in which the father
of Mrs. Beale, Judge John D. Phelan, was an active
“Dixie,” whose writings may hereafter be expected
in many issues of the VETERAN, writes :
A charming little Southern woman, in an article
about Ella Wheeler Wilcox and her writings, says:
“She writes poetry that rimes at both ends, with sense
in the middle.”
Whatever criticisms may be made upon the writings
of the fair poetess, these facts can not be questioned.
Although many of her poems portray a thorough
knowledge of the world and worldliness, in just as
many instances the “milk of human kindness” is
shown. Her charity and forbearance with the errois
of her fellow creatures is beautifully demonstrated in
her reeent book. “An Erring Woman’s Love.” The
pictures drawn are thrilling, saddening, yel triumphant
in the thought that “Cod looketh into the hearts 1 f
men.” and forgives the truly penitent, although, from
the standpoint of this world, despair is pictured as an
erring woman who has been awakened from the drow-
siness of her life of shame, and understands the mean-
ing now 1 if w’i imanhi m id and chastity, and that
” There is no loneliness
That can so sadden and oppress
\- when beside the burned-out tire
1 if sated passion and desire
The w akening spirit in 1 glance
Beholds its lost inheritam
1 1 foi 1 ■ women who will denounce this
double-standard life! In tl orld “cus-
tom makes law,” but in the judgment of the Almighty
1 man is just as responsible for bis deeds as a woman,
and from her fello tres a woman has just as
much right to expect consideration me chance
to reclaim herself from degradation as a man. A sum-
ming of this poem rmd its influences is admirably con-
densed in a shorl one previously written by Mrs. W r il-
cox, entitled “Worth While,” beginning:
It is easy’enough to lie pleasant
When life flows bj like a song,
But the man worth while is the one’who will smile
When everything noes dead wrong.
The Veteran has secured very liberal propositions
for the entire stocks of our best histories on terms
whereby friends can secure them free by a little dili-
gence in extending its patronage. Of these are:
“The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government,”
by Jefferson Davis.
“Johnston’s Narrative,” a history of his own opera-
tions specially, by Gen. Joseph E. Johnston.
“Life of Albert Sidney Johnston,” by his son, Will-
iam Preston Johnston.
“Reminiscences, Anecdotes, etc., of Gen. R. E.
Lee.” by Dr. J. William Jones.
Fitzhugh Lee’s “Life of Robert E. Lee.”
The above and other very valuable Confederate his-
tories are becoming very scarce, and it would be wise
and well to secure copit s soon. Write for particulars
to Confederate Vf.i eran, Nashville, Term.
Subscriptions to the Sam Davis monument fund ag-
gregate $2,208.56. There has been published prior to
this issue the names to $1,948.61 and the $259.95 re ”
mainder is given herewith. Of the sums collected,
$1,500 is invested in United States 4 per cent govern-
ment bonds. It is desired to purchase another bond
as soon as enough of the subscribed amounts is paid in
Whiteside, Miss A. L., Shelbyville
Term %
Robert, P. G., St. Louis. Mo
Dibrell, J. A., M.D., Little Rock.
Lea, J. ‘ 6. . Charleston, S. C……….
Gordon, Mrs. D. M., Nashville
Kenan, Capt. W. R., Wilmington,
N. C ,
Oxford, Miss Josie. Birmingham,
Eldridge, “j. W., Hartford, Conn,
Browne. Dr. M. S., Winchester, Ky.
Nnlen. C. L., Huntsville. Ala
Bowles, Fred Pope, Louisville, Ky..
Webb. Johnson, Winchester, Ky
Rowland, Miss Kate Mason, Balti-
more, Md
McPherson, Ernest, Louisville, Ky.
Brown, Phil P., Blue Ridge Springs,
Mangold, A., Hazlehurst, Miss
Sexton. J. S.. Hazlehurst, Miss
Cunningham, I. W., Goodlettsville,
Des Portes, Col. R. S., Columbia,
Tait. Mai. Felix, Nellie. Ala
Snyder, R. J., Louisville, Ky
Brownson, Mrs. J. M., Victoria,
Henry. Mrs. E. M., Norfolk. Va
LaBree. Benjamin, Louisville. Ky..
Baskett, Capt. L. T., Greenwood,
Carter, T. G., Deadwood, S. D
Savage. Col. John H., Smart. Tenn.
Yanpelt. C. B.. South Bend. Ind
Webb. Mrs. T. S.. Knoxville, Tenn..
Morrison. Mrs. W. J.. Nashville
Baughman, G. H., Richmond. Va…
Warren, J. M., for Lee Camp, Rich-
mond, Va
Owen, Allin B.. Evansville. Ind
Merritt, Phil L., Hartensville. Ky…
Morgan. Calvin, Nashville
Hurt, R. A.. Jackson. Tenn
Herblin. J. D., Nashville
Herblin. Mrs. J. D.. Nashville
Duncan, J. W.. Gadsden, Ala
Henderson, C. K., Aiken. S. C
Van Pelt, Miss Nina C, Danville,
nrerkenridge, Mrs. Lilla. Danville,
Bodes. Capt. B. O.. Danville. Ky
Shears, John, McCrory. Ark
Oarrett, W. C. Pine Bluff. Ark
Bell, D. S.. Pine Bluff. Ark
Saunders. J. T.. Pine Bluff. Ark
Martin, S. C. Pine Bluff. Ark
Elliott, J. M.. Pine Bluff, Ark
Triplett, C. H.. Pine Bluff. Ark
Tavlor. S. M.. Pine Bluff. Ark
Knox. S. V. T.. Pine Bluff. Ark
Jennings. W. B.. Moberly, Mo
] 00
5 00
1 no
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 1,11
1 00
1 00
i no
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 no
1 no
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 (10
5 00
r, 00
10 00
1 nn
1 on
1 00
1 no
1 on
1 on
1 on
1 no
i 01
1 on
1 on
1 00
1 00
2 00
1 on
1 00
1 on
1 on
1 no
1 on
1 00
1 on
1 on
1 00
\ 00
Chew, Phil, St. Louis, Mo
Desha, Mrs. R. R.. Cynthiana. Ky..
Cook. Col. V. T., Elmo, Ark. (addi-
Mitchell, J. A., Bowling Green, Ky.
Wilson, Col. J. D., Winchester,
Adams, J. I. J., Erin, Tenn
Stone, David. Anchorage, Ky
Williamson, D. W., Memphis, Tenn.
Nelson, Miss Kate Page, Shreveport,
Landes, J. M., Greene, la
Collins, J. A. M., Keokuk. la
Two Tennessee Confederate soldiers.
Patterson, Judge E. D., Savannah,
Reid, W. D.. Holladay. Miss
Simmons, S. M.. Denton. Tex
Foute. W. E., Atlanta. Ga
Featherston, L. C, Featherston,
Ind. T
Fox, John, Jr., Big Stone Gap, Va..
Rvman, Capt. T. G. Nashville
Atkins. Gen. J. D. C. Paris. Tenn..
Crawford, J. A.. Greenwood. S. C…
Parr. Dr. H. A.. New York City
Lubbock. Gov. F. R., Austin. Tex…
Owen, Miss Ruth F., Evansville,
Williams, J. J., for Camp Ashby,
Winchester, Va
Daughter of a veteran, Louisville,
Clark. Miss M. E., Covington, Ga…
Clark. Miss Belle. Covington. Ga —
Fisher, Capt. John, Apalachicola.
Laslev. W. W., Lewisburg. Ky
Lynn, Mrs. E. S., Buffalo, 111
Ridings. Dr. E. W.. Dickson. Tenn..
Garnett, Miss Alice, Hot Springs,
Rogers. William P.. Chapter* D. of
C. Victoria, Tex
Davis, W. P., Moberly. Mo
Lee. Mildred. Chapter U. D. C, Fay-
etteville. Ark
White, Ann. Chapter TJ. D. C, Rock
Hill. S. C
Smith. H. C. Hartsville. Tenn
Gaines. W. A.. Georgetown. Ky
Robinson. E. A.. Kiowa. Ind. T
Lenoir. W. T., Sweet Water, Tenn..
Reagan. J. A.. Sweet Water. Tenn..
Jones, John M.. Sweet Water. Tenn.
Clark. W. L.. Sweet Water, Tenn….
Martin. Miss Bettie, Sweet Water.
Coffin. Miss S. M., Sweet Water.
Tenn >
Coffin. Miss Ella. Sweet Water,
Cleveland. W.. Sweet Water, Tenn..
Gibson. R. B.. Sweet Water. Tenn..
Bachman. J. L., Sweet Water. Tenn.
Whitman, John B.. Sweet Water.
15 00
1 00
1 00
5 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 on
1 00
2 00
2 nn
5 on
1 00
1 on
1 on
5 00
1 ‘J0
10 CO
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 no
1 00
1 00
5 00
2 00
1 CO
2 50
2 00
2 50
1 00
3 00
5 on
1 on
1 nn
1 on
1 ‘W
1 00
5 00
1 00
1 00
5 00
1 00
1 00
2 00
1 00
1 00
Warren. J. C, Sweet Water, Tenn..
Mansfield, W. C, Sweet Water,
Grace, L. E., Sweet Water, Tenn
Lyons, J. A., Sweet Water, Tenn
Lenoir, H. L., Sweet Water, Tenn…
Peerless Lodge No. 73. K. P., Elk-
ton, Kv
Ellison, J. W.. Ellison. Ariz
Hance, Capt. E. S., Defeated, Tenn.
McAllister, A. H., Cotton Plant,
Meux, T. R., Fresno, Cal
Eldridge, B.. Brenham, Tex
Alexander. Mrs. Terry. Henry, Tenn.
Dougherty, John L.. Glendora, Cal..
Dougherty, W. E., Glendora, Cal
Richardson, B. W., Richmond, Va..
Gardner. D. B.. Fort Worth. Tex
McPherson, Ernest, Louisville. Ky.
Chase, Sanborn, Florence. S. C
Kilvington, Miss Mary, Nashville…
Kilvington, Miss Nellie, Nashville..
Young, Evan, Lexington. Mo
Basve, Capt. E., Louisville. Kv
Charles, L. H., St. Clair. Tenn
Reagan, Lenoir. Sweet Water. Tenn.
Taylor. H. L., Bentonia, Miss
Green. R. H., Covington. Tenn
Hill, Dr. L.. Covington, Tenn
Green. A. B., Livingston. Tex
Litteral. Jake. Carterville. Mo
Pierce, Dr. W. H., Collirene. Ala
Seav. Lieut. Samuel. Jr., Nashville.
Lnckett, Mrs. Percy. Knoxville,
Adger. Miss E. J.. Charleston, S. C.
Mast. Capt. D. P.. Winston. N. C
Coleman. J. M., O’Bannon. Ky
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 nn
1 nn
5 00
2 nn
1 00
1 no
1 00
1 no
1 00
1 00
1 nn
1 nn
3 00
1 00
1 00
5 00
5 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
5 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 no
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 CO
W. G. Lenoir. James R. Bachman,
Charles L. Clark. J. H. Patton. Sweet
Water, Tenn.; S. H. Perkins. P. O. Duffy,
J. C. Johnson. E. B. Weathers, Elkton,
Kv. : J. C. Malone, Elberton, Ky. (sixty
cents!. Total. $4.60.
S. T. Burch. Jr.. Isadore Sulzbacher,
Florence. S. C. ; c. M. Butt. Portsmouth,
Va. : J. M. Ewing. J. P. Lenoir, W. A. Le-
noir, W. F. Lenoir, R. E. Lenoir. Sweet
Water. Tenn.; H. R. Roper. J. B. Miller. C
A. Denney, J. A. Goodman, W. A. Dickin-
son. J. T. Penick. Horace Rutherford, T.
T.. Gant. J. B. Perkins. J. M. Weathers, C.
N. Holmes. H. B. McKinney. H. G. Boone.
Dr. Rogers. J. A. Thuss. J. P. Hunter.
John Hardin, L. B. Reeves. Elkton, Ky.
Total, $6.50.
J. W. Howard. P. B. Jarrot, Miss Elvira
Rhodes. Mrs. J. W. Brunson. Edward
Burch. Master J. McSween Harllee. Flor-
ence. S. C; William H. Hill. Palo Alto.
Miss.; C. G. Christian. Elkton. Kv. (fifteen
cents). Total, S5 cents.
Confederate l/eteran.
Only an old Confed, sir, only an old Confed,
Who fought tor the South, sir, with the band that Morgan led;
Who fought for home and honor, sir, on many a bloody held.
And only laid down his anus, sir, when the fate of the South
was sealed.
Who fought for the right as he saw it, and fought with might
and main,
‘Neath scorching heat ol summer’s sun and winter’s sleet and
Yes, I’ve suffered, sir, from hunger on many a midnight ride,
But he could boast who suffered most wdiile riding at Mor-
gan’s side.
Ah, a gallant band w in’s, each man as true as steel.
Men who fought like tigers, and their leader well might feel
As Morgan felt — that, hacked by his heroes grand.
He ceuld drive a host of Yankees from his native Southern
Rut we got licked (thanks for the dime) — perhaps it’s for the
And many of Morgan’s raiders
Only a few years. Colonel and when the last old vet is d<
There’ll be no tear on the silent bier of a bt >\vn Confed.
— Tracy Kingman Rocktvood.
Tt is usuall) discouraging to attempl n pi rts of the
I ee anniversary, ;is there arc so many celebrations
omprising reports, together with addresses, which de-
serve place in the Veteran. These celebrations do
good, and should be kept tip to honor the unexcelled
career of the most completely rounded charact*
soldier, statesman, and Christian — the grandest man-
in history. The celebration at San Antonio, a city so
far west, shows the extent of this day’s observance.
The Virginia students of Johns Hopkins Universit)
celebrated the day by organizing a Virgini i Associa-
tion. This is intended primarily to bring the students
of the Old Dominion into closer touch, and there is a
possibility of its lines being extended in the way of
promoting educational facilities of the mother state
Official U> C. V. Order No. 19 calls attention to the
fact that at the reunion held in Richmond, Va., July :.
1896, a cordial endorsement was made of the proposi-
tion to establish 1 military park at and near Freder-
icksburg, Chancellorsville, the Wilderness, and Spott
sylvania C. H. The battles fought on these fields In
the years 1862 64 were among the fiercest ami bloodiest
in history, and the purpose <>f the National Battle-
Field Park Commission is to induce Congress to mark
the sites where they occurred, and thus enable the sur-
vivors of each side and their descendants to erect suit-
able ami enduring memorials where \mericans met
Americans in fiercest conflict. The purposes <>f this
commission are similar to those which led to the estab-
lishment of military parks at Gettysburg, Shiloh, and
Chickamauga. The general commanding therefore
suggests that the officers and individual members “f
the United Confederate Veterans petition the Senators
and Members of Congress of their respective states to
assist in carrying out the patriotic objects <>f the Na-
tional Park Commission. The importance of this
great work will be at once recognized, as well as the
neccssitv for prompt action before the survivors of the
heroic struggle have passed away.
In one of the unsuccessful efforts to secure a share
of advertising this letter was sent to advertisers :
The Confederate Veteran merits the attention
of advertisers. Although its circulation is not so large
as that of leading magazines in cities of over one mil-
linn inhabitants, and while circulation is the mam
thing to advertisers — with possibly less than deserved
discrimination — the Veteran occupies oil the territory
of the Southern slates. It is more ardently supported
than has ever been a class teal. Investigation
will prove this. Then its subscription patronage is
regular, rather than in precarious sales of news agents.
With candor as to its comparative circulation — and
contracts are conditional on its proof- the totals are
referred to with pride. No magazine in the South has
been more prosperous upon its subscription rev-
enue. The owner of the Veteran lias ever been con-
centrate! upon its merits and increasing its circula-
tion; hence the spaj si advertising.
To reach those who took part in the great war and
secure their patronage the best possible channel is the
VN, the highest order of histor-
ical journal ever issued by an American printing-
press. Kindly consider, or send to your agents.
Then a guide to circulation was enclosed, showing
the states and the number at the post-offices where
there are four and more.
Would you like to use an inch as a trial for any kind
of acceptable notice at the low price of $1? The reg-
ular price is $] .50 an inch.
It is a pleasure to be able to offer the following val-
uable Southern books to Veteran subscribers, and
this will lie about the besl opportunity they will have
to secure one or more simply by a little exertion in
a good cause. Those who prefer to buy outright will
be entitled tn a year’s subscription to the VETERAN
with order for any binding at price specified:
“The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Govern-
ment.” by Jefferson Davis, will be furnished in four
bindings, a- Follows: Cloth, $10; Sheep, $12; Half
Morocco, $14; Full Morocco, $20. Fifteen yearly
subscriptions to the VETERAN will secure this book in
cloth binding; eighteen, the sheep; twenty, the half
Morocco; and thirty will secure the full Moroi
“Johnston’s Narrative.” a history of his own op-
erations specially, by Gen. Joseph E. Johnston. Il-
lustrated with steel plates and maps. Sheep, $5; Half
Morocco, $7. Ten subscribers will secure tins book
in sheep binding: twelve subscribers, half Morocco.
“Life of Albert Sidney Johnston.” by his son, Col.
William Preston Johnston, with maps, a line portrait
on steel, and illustrations. Cloth, $5. Will lie sent
as premium for ten yearly subscriptions.
“Personal Reminiscences, Anecdotes, and Letters
of Gen. R. E. Lee,” by Dr. J. William Jones. Illus-
trated with steel and wood engravings. Sheep. $5:
Half Morocco. $7. Given as premium for ten yearly
Qopfederate .
On June i, 1898, the Trans-Mississippi and Interna-
tional Exposition is to be opened at Omaha, Neb. It
will close November 1. The work of construction is
being vigorously performed in all departments. The
harmony of design attained through artistic grouping
of the buildings is most pronounced. Plans have been
arranged on an elaborate scale of architecture for all the
principal buildings. The main buildings are ranged
along either side of the basin. fit the west end stands
the Government Building, flanked by imposing colon-
nades, which converge toward the west. The Arch of
States is one of the most noticeable in the group of
structures, decorated with a frieze composed of the
arms of the Trans-Mississippi states, the whole being
surmounted by sculpture figures. The canal, or ba-
sin, is spanned occasionally by picturesque bridges,
built with little arches to permit the passage of gondo-
las and various small boats. Its two ends -terminate
respectively at the Government Building on the west
and at the viaduct on the east. Vine-shaded prome-
nades of columns, treated in the Pompeian manner,
extend between all the buildings, and provide viskors
with, nearly a mile of continuous shade all around the
basin. All the buildings, gateways, colonnades,
bridges, etc., forming this main group are parts of a
composition, each having its own share in the archi-
tectural effects to be produced. The designs keep free
from the influence of other expositions. The buildings
will be given the tint of old marble, the staff work be-
ing colored to produce this effect. The site is upon a
broad plateau within the city limits, on the north side.
The Grounds are easily accessible from ail points.
A circular letter from the Weekly
Constitution states that it “goes to
more homes than any newspaper pub-
lished on the face of the earth;” that
” as an exponent of Southern opinion and purveyor of Southern news it has no equal on the
continent,” and ” that the Constitution’s special features are such as are not found in any other
paper in America.” An arrangement has been made whereby the Weekly Constitution and the
f* /* i > £?J J can both be had for #1.50 a year. This
KSOTltGClGrCltG 1/CtOrClTl combination is opportune, as the Consti-
tution will contain a great deal more about reunion matters than can be expected in the Vet-
eran. Let thousands send $1.50 for both. This is considered the best combination with the
Veteran that has ever been made, and the sooner accepted the better. Address Veteran.
Confederate l/eteran
S!00 REWARD, S100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn
that there is at Least one Breaded disease that science
has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh, Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive
cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh,
beine a constitutional disease, requires a constitu-
tional treatment. Hall’;, Catarrh Lure is taken in
temally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving the patienl
strength bv building up the constitution and assist
iny nature in doing its work. The proprietors have
so much faith in Its curative pow ers thai they offer
One Hundred Dollars for anj case thai 11 I
cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address F.J. CHENE\ .V • <>.. 1-1. do, l ‘
*Sold by Druggists, 751.
John Trotwood MooRB.
Illuminated cover. Price,
-47 P«ges
Those “Sonus and Stories from Ten
nessee” will strike a tender chord in the
hearts of the patriotic sons and daugh-
ters of the old Volunteer Stale. After
waiting for a greater one to do what h<
felt should le done, Mr. Moore, nol
native Tenmsteean, but a resident for
some years, las expressed to the world
his love and admiration for the middle
basin of our state — “the dimple of the
universe ” Manv an exile from her bor-
ders will appreciate the tender pathos of
the old negro’s lament:
Oh, I’m longin’, jes’ er longin’ fer er sight
ob Tennessee,
Fur de cabin in de valley ‘neath de shadl
Fur de purple on de hilltop, an’ de green
upon de plain,
An’ dat hazy, lazy sweetness ies’ ter till
my bones ergain.
Do de colts all cum a pacin’ lak dej use
ter cum fer me
Do de lie’ lark sing as sweetly frum de
shugar-maple t ree
Will de chilluns cum ter meet me, an’
my wife dat’s dead an’ gone:
Will she sine jes’ lak she use ter in de
cotton an’ de cohn :
O chilluns, I’m cummin’, fur de ole man’s
almos’ free,
An’ I’m longin’, jes’ er longin’ fur er
Sight ob Triirit
The book has at once taken a promi
nent place in Southern literature. Of
“Ole Mist is,” one of the stories, the Chi-
cago Inter-Ocean says. ”It is one of the
very best short stories in the English lan-
e;” while the Chicago Tribune
says, “Moore has done for the middle
basin of Tennessee what Craddock
did for the mountains.” “Mile Mistis’
brought a sob from the heart of
the world,” writes the celebrated South
em authoress. Octave Thanet, “but
■Thoroughbred is especially fine ”
“Thoroughbred” was published in the
VETERAN some time ago, as was also the
poem “Sam Davis,” of which Prof.
Merrill, Professor of Elocution ai \ an
derbilt University, who is now usin”, it
in his repertoire, says ” it is the best poem
ever written on the young hero-scout.”
This book has been bo well received
that the tirst edition is nearly exhausted,
and the publishers are making arrange
ments for a second edition. Published lo
John C. Bauer, Chicago, III. Hunter ,’v.
Welhurn and T. II. Hard ,\ Co., are
Nashville i/l’enn.) agents.
Operate Finest Yestibuled Pullman Ob-
servation Sleeping-Cars daily between
Kansas City and Galveston via the K.
C, P. and G. R. R. to Shreveport, H. E.
and W. T. Ry. to Houston, and G. C.
and S. F. Ry. to Galveston. Dining-
Car Service via this line between
Shreveport and Kansas City. Meals On
the cafe plan — pay for what you get, and
at reasonable prices
Passengers to and from St. Louis and
the East make close connections via Fris-
co Line at Poteo, via Iron Mountain or
Cotton Bell Routes at Texarkana or
via Cotton Belt Route at Shreveport.
Through sleepers via (J. and C. Route
from Cincinnati and Chattanooga make
close connections in union depot at
Shreveport, No transfers via this route.
Close connections in Central Depot at
Houston with through trains for Austin,
San Antonio, Eagle Pass, El Paso, Rock-
port, Corpus Christi, and all Southern
and Western Texas and Mexico points.
Be sure to ask for tickets via Shreve-
port Route For rates, schedules, and
other information see nearest ticket
agent, or write R. 1). Yoakum,
Gen. Pass. Agt.
T. P. A., Houston, Tex.
An old pi el Ired from pi 1
placed in his hands b] n 1 asl India missions]
i . .( ! simpli vegetable remei I
spi ed) and pertnanenl cm i I
ehiiis. < ii.irili. Asthma, and all Throat and l
\if( in Also .1 posith e and radii
\ , ■ D< bility and all Nervous ■
i i : ■ .’in! curat ive pow ers In
thousand: ni en i desiring to relievi
ring, 1 w ill send free oi charge to
1 English, with
tamp, naming
\V. A.N’.: p i : h Rochester, X. V.
Nashville has a Tea Room in the Will-
cox Building, where elegant lunches are
served at low prices, and where ladies
can rest when tired from their shopping.
It is proving a great success, and-out-of
town ladies may find it a special conve-
nience. The ladies in charge are most
A Woman Florist.
ROSES m ‘■■’
Red. White, rink. Yellow an
d [ ■
Send i” cents for the above ] ■ if Rosen T
.11 samples of the Roties 1 grow, hence
tin- offei Mv er. ni M unalne “Hon To Grow
l lower*” three months FRJuS with every order.
Rtar of Gold* deep bo Snow flake, pare
v?aj i in bl iom, Brtdeamnld, the I test
■ el] bnds, < ritnawn Bvdder, rich trelratj
riin-i’ii in I’ Mra* Plcrponi Korean,
shell pink, n EmpreM of Chin*,
ovei blooming pink rone either baan or climber.
< loth tide *>«Mi|Mri. the great garden or not rose. I’run-
i’i«t.i» kriitiT. copper] yellow an i i Lmson*
Bome Special BARGAINS !■ Flower Collection*.
3 11 ill,-. I
■ ■■ i ■ ” I Z6cts
s ol i he lovelieal train I
H H ,t-,l . I . ■
i timna,doubleoi
nla, suitable for i <>■- or t ho yard, .
6 Beautiful Gcdeua, will make a charming bed, ■ 25 eta
8 Sweet i I ■■ i’s
8 Love! ‘ ndSi node 25cti
[OLoveli Glad lower grown, . 25cte
LS Supei b I ..■ i ■ i
ftPECTAT, OVF1 R,— Any 6 eels for t3.00 ; half of any
, ■ ■
Miss r II V V BUMS. Box 162, spilnefleld, 0.
& J. Xoftin
Is a candidate for Register of
Davidson County at August
election, subject to action of
Democratic primaries. JV Tk.
lland-ome historical lithograph, colored
bird’s-eye view oi Chattanooga, Mission-
ary Ridge, Walden’e Ridge, and portions
of* the Chickamauga field as seen from
the summit of Lookout Mountain. High-
est style of lithographer’s art. On fine
paper, plate, 10×24. Mailed for 10 cents
in st. mips. w. C. Rinearson, Gen. Pass.
Vgl Q. and C. Route, Cineinnati, O.
The Rosea wo send Rre
I. rd rhcy tire lia \ ij
>n thpii
own root”, and “til Idon
unei b, w ■ guarantee i h
.. freely thii
ni ii> reai h
* ,,N 111 ■■■
taer planted
ol 1 undition.
Hammer <|ihm>ii. deep Ri h link.
The Queen, purr Snow \\ in”’
Pearl oi’ ilu* Garden*, deep Golden fellow.
Phrlatlne «!•* None, Hrieht Scarlet.
Rata Gold, aliadea of lied and Fawn.
<:iili. Mermcft. Everybody 1 <
Neleor. Mid V’olvi’tj 1 ri in-. ,11
Haman rochet* Salmon and FleBb in Clusters,
White l*«*;»ri of the Gardens, w ixs w bite
Val!«r <le Chmnounlx, Tawnj Shades of Gold.
“Wlfcin/a yo-u. Oaxx Buy for 25 Cents.
s Roses, all sorts, Hardy, Tea Climbers, etc 85c.
s Fragrant Carnatf it Pinks, 8 kinds 85c.
•* ieranlnms, nil r»nlors and kinds . . ‘.Tir.
8 Chuire Prlz” ‘>irv«anthemuraa 2.1c.
i P 1 1 in and -i ii’ Inirtipes Stic
lonmi.vst Gladiolus 35c.
<> Sweet Scenied Double Tune Roses . , , 85c.
(Special Dfflcr. fVny ‘■ Bete f r *l.on; hall ol an?
flnral Mai ■ inj threi iu< nthe free \\u\i ever) order <
fir. oitin :s: TO-DAY. \ ■
12 Lnrge Flowered Psnsj Plants .
H Coleus, will make a briebt bed . ■ ‘J-lr.
8 Double and Slnjrfc Fuchsias, all colors ‘-i^v.
8 Basket and Vase Plants 85c.
5 Hard> Plants for Cemetery 2.1c
8 Plant’s assorted, for house or yard . . . 25c.
10 Pkts eleganl Sweel Peas, all differenl . 25c.
si’!-, M i- ll<»« •<> Grow Clo^vcra. B
i \ . .ii i aeighboc to club with you. Our L’atalogve
The Memphis
flnd Charleston R. R.
The Short Line (310 miles) Between
Memphis and Chattanooga.
Shortest Line
Shoitest Line
Quickest Time
Quickest Time
to the East.
to the
Great West.
Pullman Sleeper
No Changes to
and Coach
Memphis, and
Close Connection
Memphis and
with All
Roads West.
Maps and all information on application
to any M. and C. agent.
Illinois Central R. R.
Double Daily Service
making direct connections with through trains
for all points
North, East, and West,
including Buffalo, Pittsburg, Cleveland, Boston,
New Vork. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Richmond,
st. Paul, Minneapolis, Omaha, Kansas City, Hot
Springs, Ark., and Denver. Close connection
with Central Mississippi Valley Route Solid Fast
Vestibule J ►« ily Train tor
Dubuque, Sioux Falls, Sioux
… Gity 9 mm m
ami the West. Particulars of agents of the [. C.
R. R. and connect in y; lines.
VVM. MURRAY, Div. Pass. Agt., New Orli a<
JN<>. A. SCOTT, L>iv. Pass. Agent, Memphis.
A. II. HANSON, 0. P. A.,
i Chicago.
W. A. KELLOND, A. 0. I’.
Old Roofs Made Good as New. i
If an old leaky tin, iron, or steel roof,
paint it with Allen’s Anti-Rust Japan.
One coat is enough; no skill required;
costs little; goes far, and lasts long.
Stops leaks and prolongs the life of
old roofs. Write for evidence and cir-
culars. Agents wanted. . — —
Allen Anti-Rust Mfg. Co.,
Wagner Sleeping-Cars, Private Corn-
apartment Sleeping-Cars. Parlor;
Cars, and Elegant Coaches,
Union Depot, Cincinnati.
No Transfer across the City.
e. o. Mccormick, warren j. lynch.
Pass. Traffic Mgr., A. G. P. aid T. A.,
Cincinnati, I thio.
Veteran Subscri-
bers, are you inter’
ested in poultry ?
200 First Premi-
ums. All about
a incubators and
brooders in 1898
catalogue. Send
for one.
Homer City, Pa,
“One Country,
. . . ©ne aflag.”
The ….
to Purchase . .
Flags, Banners, Swords, Belts, Caps,
and all kinds of Military Equipment it at
J. A. JOEL <£ CO.,
88 Nassau Street, NEW YORK.
Columbus, Ga.
Strongest and Largest Fire In<-
surance Company in the
Cash Assets Over One Million
Agents throughout the South
and the South only,
Patronize the Home Company. _
established 1867.
Telephone 734.
.Mo. 204 Court Square. Nashville, Tenn.
[C rade Frank Anderson is ex-President of
Frank Cheatham Bivouac.— En. Veteran.]
South Carolina
AND Georgia R. R.
•The Charleston Line,”
Only Southern line operating Cele-
brated Wagner Palace Buffet Drawing-
Room Sleepers. Only Sleeping-Car line
between Charleston and Atlanta. Only
Pullman ParlorCar line between Charles-
ton and AsheTille, N. C. Best and quick-
est route between Yorkville, Lancaster,
Rock Hill, Camden, Columbia, Orange-
burg, Blackville, Aiken, and Atlanta, G».
Solid through trains between Charleston
and Asheville. Double daily trains be-
tween Charleston, Columbia, and Au-
gusta. L. A. EMERSON,
Traffic Manager.
Confederate ueterap
Barber Shop, Russian and Turkish
Beth Rooms.
Also Barber Shop at 325 Church St.
6 “Triumph” Melons
(TtAA In Cash Prizes for 4
$IUU largest “Triumph”
Watermelons grown in 1898,
from seed bought of me or my
agents. A. A. A. «v A, A
Varieties to Plant for Shipment;
” Triumph,” ” Blue Gem,” ” Sweet’
heart,” ” Duke Jones,” ” Georgia Rat*
tlesnake,” and ” Kalb Gem,”
For Home Use or INear By Markets.
” Florida Favorite,” ” New Favor’
ite,” “Seminole,” “Duke Jones,” and
” Pride of Georgia.”
I have all of these varieties and
many more.
I make a specialty of this finest
forage plant in the United States.
Better than peas or clover for improve
ing your lands.
Catalogue giving all information
sent free on application. I also fur’
nish free, to all parties buying mel’
on^seed of me, ” Full Instructions for
Growing Successfully a Melon Crop.”
Sixteen years experience in melon–
growing, Address
Post-Office Box S55. Monticello. Fla.
Union Teachers’ Agencies of America.
Pittsburg, P,,., Toronto, , ■ 1 Orleans, L.,., New York, X. P.. Washington, P. C. Sen Fra .
Col.. Chicago, III.. St. Louis, Mo., and Demur, <
.Is oi positions to he filled. We had over \ooo vacancies durin K the past season— more
I nqualified faciliti s ;lnn
‘ ■■ ■ -isier-. in nine offio. Address all applications to Saltsburg p a
Y. M. O. A. BUILOINd. ♦ ♦ .
:; offer to .-ill els
:» thrifty persons unequal-
-2 e l Inducements t»» lo-
:» cate wit hin their borders
I To the Farmer,
: 5 is offered k l land at low pries, f :
■S and hi o isj h i me , g | marki tsfor s
S all he raises, and never- failing crops. ;-
*E ” ■
;| To the Laborer:
t* a country where work is easy to gel j».
i» and where g i wages are paid.
I To the Merchant:
4« good openings, where honest, legiti-
5 mate business can becarried on with
;» profit.
| To the Manufacturer:
Z an unlimited supply otrawmaterials,
» and g l shipping facilities toa
large markets. Liberal inducements
» are offered by the citizens of the
various localities.
The Cotton Belt p.
directlj throuj b the
best poi (ious , i m, S e
siaies, and Is the i est
routeforthelntending ;
settler, asltlsiheonly ;
line running comfort- ;
al I i chair ears and ;
I’ul lman si e epe rs ;
{through from Memphis, to Arkai
land Pexaa without cnanire. If you are |
; thinking of moving, write for free ;
; copies of our handsomely illustrated ;
! pamphlets— “7ixas,” “Homes in the’,
‘ “Truth about Arkansas” \
‘”Glimpses of Southeast Missouri, Ar- ‘,
I kansas and Northwest Louisiana” and \
! ‘Lands for Sale Along the Cotton Brit.” I
: Th ey will help you to And a good!
; location. ;
w. c. aih«s.
E. ff. l.aREItUIE.
.JJ Trni . Put*! AgWlt,
;S \ L8H1 Ill.K, TBHR.
anil TH. Ket.,
ST. Lni IS. flO
fc4ftAB»«&ae».£&A»;.4&flte > £
** Friend
the … .
it Kenwood
A (jL/ f * /A Wheel You Can
‘ \\ Depend Upon.
For Lightness, Swiftness and
Strength it is Unsurpassed,
You can learn all about it
by addressing
Hamilton Kenwood Cycle Co.
203-205-20? S.Canal St., Chicago.
With all the latest known improvements, at
greatly reduced prices. Satisfaction guaran-
teed. Send for circular. II. MATT in
Cor. 4th Ave. & Market St., Louisville, Wy.
Confederate l/eteran.
The Veteran will give to every person
20 New Subscribers
either one <<i the Beautiful Fine Gold
Rings described here.
No. 1.
No. 1 lias a bright and perfecl dia-
mond renter, surrounded by four beautiful
No. 2.
No. 2 lias a bright and perfecl dia-
mond center, surrounded by four genuine
Aimandine gurnets oi beau til ul red color.
These rings are tin- newest and mosi
fashionable style. The atones in them are
Ol the very lines! quality, and they are
equal in every respect to the best that
could be bought in an) first-class jewelry
store In New ^ ork C ity.
When ordering, please send a ring made
of a piece of small wire, to show size
w anicd, to the
Confederate Veteran,
The above oV-igns and advertisements
were prepared by ihe manufacturer at my
request, and specially for the Veteran.
These rings wire ordered through a desire
to furnish premiums absolutely as de-
scribed and which will be of permanent
value. I have known the manufacturer
since his boyhood, and won Id take his word
sooner than rely upon my own judgment
about jewelry— He is perfectly reliable. I
wanted to name his firm, but he preferred
not, as they manufacture for Tiffany and
other leading houses. These rings will
prove to be all that is claimed for them.
S. A. Cunningham.
TJhe Smith {Premier uj/pewriter
jCeada them all.
&or Catatoguc, Prices, etc., address
Brandon Printing Company,
9fashviite, Tjenn*
< {£/g rofor by pormt’ssion So tho
£ditor of ‘ tA<? QSctGr-ctn.
ZMG£srMfD/fosrCojfP££r£BffG€r^crofiroN£Mm Wmtz/q*
Goods are the Best
J*arrjr7n&% **w\ £ _ _
UlIiilllllHARBACH & C0.809 Filbert St.Phila.Pa.
Trade Marks
Copyrights <fcc.
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable. Communica-
tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
Bent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
special not ice, without c harg e, in the
Scientific American.
A h-ndsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir-
culation of any scientific journal. Terms. ¥rf a
vear; four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers.
MUNN & Co. 36,Broadway New Yoii
Branch Office, (135 P St.. Wasn ! – -on, n n
Via the Queen and Crescent Route.
New line, through Pullman Palace
Drawing-room sleepers daily from Cin-
cinnati. Only 34 hours en route. No
other line makes this fast time. Solid
vestibuled train to Jacksonville. Direct
connection from Louisville via the South-
ern Railway. Low rate winter Tourist
tickets now on sale.
The Southern Railway, in connection
with the Nashville, Chattanooga, and St.
Louis Railway and Pennsylvania Rail-
road, operates daily a through sleeping-
car between Nashville and New York,
via Chattanooga, Knoxville, and Ashe-
ville. This line is filled with the hand-
somest Pullman drawing-room buffet
sleeping-cars, and the east-bound sched-
ule is as follows: Leave Nashville 10:15
P.M., Chattanooga 4:20 a.m., Knoxville
8:25 a.m., Hot Springs n :^6 a.m., and ar-
rives at Asheville at 1:15 p.m., Washing-
ton 6:42 a.m., New York 12:43 p.m. This
sleeping-car passes by daylight through
the beautiful and picturesque mountain
scenery of East Tennessee and Western
North Carolina, along the French Broad
Rheumatism, Asthma, Blood, Liver,
Skin, and Kinney troubles speedily
cured. Luxurious Turkish ■ Russian
hath for well. Semi for particulars in
regard to securing one of these Hygien-
ic Bath Cabinets as premium for .-sub-
scribers to the Veteran,
Qopfederat^ l/eterai?.
Entered at the postoffice, Nashville, Tenn., as second-class matter.
Advertising Rate.s: $1.50 per Inch one time, or flfi a year, except Last
page. One page, one time, special, |85. Discount: Halt year, one issue;
one year, two issues. This is below the former rale.
Contributors will please be diligent to abbreviate. The space is too
Important far anything thai has not special merit.
The date to a subscription is always given to the month bejbre it ends.
For Instance, if the Yetkkan be ordered to begin with January, the date on
mail list will be December, and the subscriber is entitled to that number.
The “civil war” was too long ago to be called the “late’ 1 war. and when
correspondents use that term the word “great” i»ar) will be substituted.
Circulation: “93, 7!>,430; ’94, 121,644; ’95, 154,992; ’96, 161,332.
United Confederate Veterans,
United Daughters of the Confederacy,
s..iis of Veterans ami other Organizations.
The Veteran is approved and endorsed by a larjrer and
more elevated patronage, doubtless, than any other publication
in existence.
Though men deserve, they may net win -u< i c
ih. brave will honor the orave, van one the leas.
PRIOK. |1.00 rKK YUK. ( v v |
Single Corv, 10CENTS. t ‘ OL – ‘ ‘■
N – o IS, A. ( I’NNINCHAM,
The building with the long columns was Sherman’s headquarters on capturing the city, and is of the few not burned at that time. The
cupola on building beyond is on the Governor’s mansion. This view practically begins one of the handsomest residence avenues in America.
Qopfederate l/eterar?.
In a “greeting to Georgians,” the Veteran has sent
out advance specimens of print and engravings to be
used in reunion number, with the following:
The Confederate Veteran greets comrades and
their friends in Atlanta and Georgia with open and ex-
tended columns, to be used freely and without stint in
advancing their aspirations to supply the richest enter-
tainment ever given to survivors of the Confederate
Its physical life throbs from printing-presses which
do not belong any more to Tennessee than to Georgia
and to every other Southern state. The Veteran is
the spirit of the Southern people who espoused the
cause of independence in the sixties, regardless of rank
or location. Its unparalleled success is attributable to
these facts and to their acceptance by all the people
and their united cooperation in its maintenance.
The Veteran has yielded the strongest possible aid
to the management of all reunions for United Confed-
erate Veterans, and now it announces improved facili-
ties for the coming assembly in Atlanta, which will en-
able it, with a fair share of cooperation, to present the
most remarkable city on Southern soil in brightest col-
ors to the thousands who will gather in its gateways
during the most notable anniversary in its history.
This cooperation is sought by one who served in its
defense from Mission Ridge and Lookout Mountain
back to Atlanta, to Jonesboro, and to Lovejoy, and
who identified his life in its most sacred sense with
Georgia. He has ever been a special advocate of the
Empire State of the South, which has given to the
country an amazing record of eminent men and wom-
en. While Atlanta and Georgia have not excelled
other cities and states in their cooperation to strength-
en the Veteran, in proportion as it has stood for
them, the opportunity is now at hand for them to do so.
The Atlanta Daughters of the Confederacy — Heaven
bless them ever! — have shown their appreciation of its
unstinted liberality in their behalf, and will assuredly
continue to do so.
In these pages there is revived something of the
most eminent man of his years that America has pro-
duced, of whorn a biographical sketch appears in a
small book containing the more famous of his speeches.
Henry Woodfin Grady was born in Athens, Ga.,
May J”, 1851; and died in Atlanta, Ga., December
23, 1889.
No written memorial can indicate the strong hold
he had upon the Southern people nor portray that
peerless personality which gave him his marvelous
power among men. He had a matchless grace of soul
that made him an unfailing winner of hearts. His
translucent mind pulsated with the light of truth and
beautified all thought. He grew flowers in the garden
of his heart and sweetened the world with the perfume
of his spirit. His endowments were so superior and
his purposes so unselfish that he seemed to combine
all the best elements of genius and live under the in-
fluence of divine inspiration.
As writer and speaker he was phenomenally gifted.
In writing on politics or on the industrial development
of the South, or anything else to which he was moved
by an inspiring sense of patriotism or conviction of
duty, he was logical, aggressive, and unanswerable.
When building an air-castle over the frame-work of his
fancy or when sounding the depth of human feeling
by an appeal for charity’s sake, his command of lan-
guage was as boundless as the realm of thought, his
ideas as beautiful as pictures in the sky, and his pathos
as deep as the well of tears. As an orator he literally
mastered his audience, regardless of their character,
chaining them to his thought, and carrying them cap-
tive to conviction. He moved upon their souls as the
Divine Spirit upon the waters, either lashing them into
storms of enthusiasm or stilling them into the restful
quiet of sympathy. He was unlike all other men; he
was a veritable magician. He could invest the most
trifling thing with proportions of importance not at all
its own. From earliest childhood he possessed that
indefinable quality which compels hero-worship.
The swift race he ran and the lofty heights he at-
tained harmonized well with God’s munificent endow-
ment of him. In every field that he labored his
achievements were so wonderful that an account of his
career sounds more like the extravagance of eulogy
than a record of truth.
He was educated at the University of Georgia, grad-
uating from that institution in 1868. He was a boy of
bounding spirit, and by an inexplicable power over his
Confederate .
associates became an unchallenged leader in all things
with which he concerned himself. He had no fond-
ness for any department of learning except belles-
lettres. He was an omnivorous reader. That great
novelist, Dickens, was his favorite author. In college
he was universally popular. He had a real genius for
putting himself en rapport with all sorts of men. His
sympathy was quick-flowing; any sight or story of suf-
fering would touch his heart and bring tears.
After graduating at Athens, he completed his educa-
tion at the University of Virginia. 1 ‘.of’ ire he attained
his majority he married Miss Julia King, of Athens.
She was his first sweetheart, and kept that hall
place always. He was tender and indulgent to his
family and generously hospitable to his friends. The
best side of him was always turned toward his hearth-
stone. His home was his castle, and in it his friends
were always made happy by the benediction of his wel-
Soon after marriage he moved to Rome. Ga.. and be-
came joint owner and editorial manager of the Rome
Commercial, which paper was soon enveloped in bank-
ruptcy, costing Mr. Grady thousands of dollars. Soon
after that he moved to Atlanta, and became connected
with the Atlanta Herald. That paper was a revelation
to Georgia journalism. He put into it more push and
enterprise than had ever been known in thai section
He sacrificed everything to daily triumph, regardless
of consequences. In this venture Mr. Grady sank all
that he had left after the Rome wreck and involved
himself considerably in debt. At twenty-three
of age he had failed in bis only two pronounced ambi-
tions. While those failures seemed cruel setbacks
then, they may be counted now as helpful discipline to
him. They served to stir his spirit the deeper and fill
him with nobler resolve. Bravely he trampled mis-
fortune under bis feet anil climbed to the high place
of honor and usefulness for which he was destined.
A few months after his last misfortune he was ten-
dered ami gladly accepted a position on the editorial
staff of the Atlanta Constitution. After a while he se-
cured an interest in that paper, which fact, it may be
said, fixed his noble destiny. It emancipated his gen-
ius from the bondage of poverty, quickened hi– sensi
tiw spirit with a new consciousness of power for good,
and inspired him to untiring service in the widest fields
of usefulness. Atlanta was his home altar, and thi re
lie poured out the best libations of bis heart. That
thriving city to-day has no municipal advantage, no
public improvement, no educational institution, no in-
dustrial enterprise, which does not either i >w c it< begin-
ning to his readiness of suggestion or it> mature de-
velopment to his sustaining influence.
In politics he was an undeniable leader, and yet nev-
er held office. High places were pressed for his ac-
ceptance times without number, but he always resolute-
ly put them away, as office had no charm for him.
It mattered not how far he traveled from home, he
made himself quickly known by the power of his im-
pressive individuality or by some splendid exhibition
of his genius.
Two speeches of Mr. Grady — one made at a ban-
quet of the New Pncdanrl Society, in New Vork City.
and the other at a state fair in Dallas. Tex. — achieved
for him a reputation which spanned the continent:
while the most magnificent effort of cloqurnce which
he ever made was the soul-stirring speech delivered in
Boston on the “Race Problem,” just ten days before
he died.
The political sagacity of Alexander H. Stephens, the
consummate genius of Robert Toombs, and the im-
passioned eloquence of Benjamin 11. Hill were his.
On the 2ist of December. [886, Mr. Grady, in re-
sponse to an urgent imitation, delivered an address at
the banquet of the New England Club, New York:
” [“here was a South of slaver) and secession; that
South is dead. There is a South of union and free-
dom; that South, thank God! is living, breathing,
growing every hour.” These words, delivered
tin- immortal lips of Benjamin 11. Hill, at Tanmi.un
Mall, in tS66 — true then, and truer now — I shall make
m\ text fi it 1. 1 night.
Mr President ami Gentlemen: Lei me express to you
(.’in.. \v. A. HEM PHI] l ,
1,’iimlrr oi tin- “Atlanta Constitution.”
my appreciation of the kindness bv which I am permit-
ted to address you. 1 make this abrupt acknowledg-
ment advisedly; for 1 feel that if. when 1 raise my pro-
vincial voice in this ancient and august presence, I
could find courage for no more than the opening sen-
tence, it would be well if in that sentence I had met in
a rough sense my obligation as a guest, and had per-
ished, so to speak, with courtesy on my lips and grace
in my heart. Permitted, through your kindness, to
catch my second wind, let me say that I appreciate the
significance of being tin- first Southerner to speak at
this board, which bears the substance, if it surpasses
the semblance, of original New England hospitality,
and honors the sentiment that in turn honors you, but
in which my personality is lost, and the compliment to
my people made plain.
I bespeak the utmost stretch of your courtesy to-
night. I am not troubled about those from whom I
come. You remember the man whose wife sent him to
a neighbor with a pitcher of mill<. and wdio, tripping on
Qopfederate l/eteraij.
the top step, fell, with such casual interruptions as the
landings anorded, into the basement, and, while pick-
ing himself up, had the pleasure of hearing his wife
call out: “John, did you break the pitcher? ”
“No, I didn’t,” said John; “but I’ll be dinged if 1
So, while those who call me from behind may in-
spire me with energy, if not with courage, I ask an
indulgent hearing from you. I beg that you will bring
your full faith in American fairness and frankness to
judgment upon what I shall say. There was an old
preacher once who told some boys of the Bible lesson
he was going to read in the morning. The boys, find-
ing the place, glued together the connecting pages.
The next’ morning he read on the bottom of one page,
“When Noah was one hundred and twenty years old
he took unto himself a wife, who was”— then turning
the page — “one hundred and forty cubits long, forty
cubits wide, built of gopher-wood, and covered with
pitch inside and out.” He was naturally puzzled at
Associate of Mr. < Irady as Managing Editor, Atlanta Constitution.
this. He read it again, verified it, and then said: “My
friends, this is the first time I ever met this in the
Bible, but I accept it as an evidence of the assertion
that we are fearfully and wonderfully made.” If I
could get you to hold such faith to-night, I could pro-
ceed cheerfully to the task I otherwise approach with a
sense of consecration.
Pardon me one word, Mr. President, spoken for the
sole purpose of getting into the volumes that go out
annually freighted with the rich eloquence of your
speakers : the fact that the Cavalier as well as the Pu-
ritan was on the continent in its early days, and that
he was “up and able to be about.” I have read your
books carefully, and I find no mention of that fact,
which seems to me an important one for preserving a
sort of historical equilibrium if for nothing else.
Let me remind you that the Virginia Cavalier first
challenged France on the Continent; that Cavalier John
Smith gave New England its very name, and was so
pleased with the job that he has been handing his own
name around ever since; and that while Miles Stand-
ish was cutting off men’s ears for courting a girl with-
out her parents’ consent, and forbade men to kiss their
wives on Sunday, the Cavalier was courting everything
in sight, and that the Almighty has vouctisafed great
increase to the Cavalier colonies, the huts in the wil-
derness being as full as the nests in the woods.
But having incorporated the Cavalier as a fact in
your charming little books, I shall let him work out his
own salvation, as he has always done, with engaging
gallantry, and we will hold no controversy as to his
merits. Why should we? Neither Puritan nor Cav-
alier long survived as such. The virtues and good tra-
ditions of both, happily, still live for the inspiration of
their sons and the saving of the old fashion. But both
Puritan and Cavalier were lost in the storm of the first
Revolution; and the American citizen, supplanting
both and stronger than either, took possession of the
republic bought by their common blood and fashioned
to wisdom, and charged himself with teaching men
government and establishing the voice of the people
as the voice of God.
My friends, Dr. Talmage has told you that the typ-
ical American has yet to come. Let me tell you that he
has already come. Great types, like valuable plants,
are slow to flower and fruit. But from the union of the
colonists, Puritans and Cavaliers, from the straighten-
ing of their purposes and the crossing of their blood,
slowly perfecting through a century, came he who
stands as the first typical American, the first who com-
prehended within himself all the strength and gentle-
ness, all the majesty and grace, of this republic: Abra-
ham Lincoln. He was the sum of Puritan and Cava-
lier, for in his ardent nature were fused the virtues of
both and in the depths of his great soul the faults of
both were lost. He was greater than Puritan, greater
than Cavalier, in that he was American and that in his
honest form were first gathered the vast and thrilling
forces of his ideal government — charging it with sucn
tremendous meaning and elevating it above human suf-
fering that martyrdom, though infamously aimed,
came as a fitting crown to a life consecrated from the
cradle to human liberty. Let us, each cherishing the
traditions and honoring his fathers, build with reverent
hands to the type of this simple but sublime life, in
which all types are honored, and in our common glory
as Americans there will be plenty and to spare for your
forefathers and for mine.
Dr. Talmage has drawn for you, with a master’s
hand, the picture of your returning armies. He has
told you how, in the pomp and circumstance of war,
they came back to you, marching with proud and vic-
torious tread, reading their glory in a nation’s eyes.
Will you bear with me while I tell you of another army
that sought its home at the close of the late war — an
army that marched home in defeat, and not in victory;
in pathos, and not in splendor, but in glory that equaled
yours and to hearts as loving as ever welcomed heroes
“home? Let me picture to you the footsore Confeder-
ate soldier as, buttoning up in his faded gray jacket
the parole which was to bear testimony to his children
of his fidelity and faith, he turned his face southward
from Appomattox, in April, 1865. Think of him as —
ragged, half-starved, heavy-hearted, enfeebled by want
and wounds, having fought to exhaustion — he surren-
ders his gun, wrings the hands of his comrades in si-
Qopfederate l/eterar}.
lence, and, lifting his tear-stained and pallid face for the
last time to the graves that dot old Virginia’s hills,
pulls his gray cap over his brow, and begins the slow
and painful journey. What does he find — let me ask
you who went to your homes eager to find, in the wel-
come you had justly earned, full payment for four
years’ sacrifice — what docs he rind when, having fol-
lowed the battle-stained cross against overwhelming
odds, dreading death not half so much as surrender,
he reaches the home he left so prosperous and beauti-
ful? He finds his house in ruins, his farm devastated,
his slaves free, his stock killed, his barns empty, his
trade destroyed, his money worthless, his social sys-
tem (feudal in its magnificence) swept away, his people
without law or legal status, his comrades slain, and the
burdens of others heavy on his shoulders. Crushed by
defeat, his very traditions are gone. Without money,
credit, employment, material, or training; and, besides
all this, confronted with the gravest problem that ever
met human intelligence: the establishing of a status for
the vast body of his liberated slaves.
What does he do — this hero in gray with a heart of
gold? Does he sit down in sullenness and despair?
Not for a day. Surely God, who had stripped him of
his prosperity, inspired him in his adversity. As ruin
was never before so overwhelming, never was restora-
tion swifter. The soldier stepped from the trenches
into the furrow; horses that had charged Federal guns
marched before the plow, and fields that ran red with
human blood in April were green with the harvest in
June; women reared in luxury cut up their dresses and
made breeches for their husbands, and, with a patience
and heroism that fit women always as a garment, gave
their hands to work. There was little bitterness in
all this. Cheerfulness and frankness prevailed. “Bill
Arp” struck the key-note when he said: “Well. I killed
as many of them as they did of me, and now I’m going
to work.” Of the soldier returning home after defeat
and roasting some corn on the roadside, who made the
remark to his comrades: “You may leave die South if
you want to, but I am going to Sandersville, kiss my
wife, and raise a crop; and if the Yankees fool with me
any more, I’ll whip ’em again.” I want to say to Gen.
Sherman, who is considered an able man in our parts,
though some people think he is a kind of careless man
about fire, that from the ashes he left us in i S64 we
have raised a brave and beautiful city: that somehow
or other we have caught the sunshine in the bricks and
mortar of our homes, and have builded therein not one
ignoble prejudice or memory.
Bui what is the sum of our work? We have found
out that in the summing up the free negro counts more
than he did as a slave. We have planted the school-
house on the hilltop, and made it free to white and
black. We have sowed towns and cities in the place
of theories, and put business above politics. We have
challenged your spinners in Massachusetts and your
ironmasters in Pennsylvania. We have learned that
the $400,000,000 annually received from our cotton
crop will make us rich when the supplies that make it
are home-raised. We have reduced the commercial
rate of interest from twenty-four to six per cent., and
are floating four per cent bonds. Wc have learned that
one Northern immigrant is worth fiftv foreigners; and
have smoothed the path to southward, wiped out the
place where Mason and Dixon’s line used to be, and
hung out the latch-string to you and yours. We have
reached the point that marks perfect harmony in every
household, when the husband confesses that the pies
which his wife cooks are as good as those his mother
used to bake; and we admit that the sun shines as
brightly and the moon as softly as it did before the war.
We have established thrift in city and country. We
have fallen in love with work. We have restored com-
fort to homes from which culture and elegance never
departed. We have let economy take root and spread
among us as rank as the crab-grass which sprang from
Sherman’s cavalry camps, until we are ready to lay
odds on the Georgia Yankee as lie manufactures relics
of the battle-field in a one-story shanty and squeezes
pure olive-oil out of his cotton-seed, against any down-
easter that ever swapped wooden nutmegs for flannel
sausage in the valleys of Vermont, Above all. we
know that we have achieved in these “piping times of
MR. 1 I ARK Nov
1] t<» his father on the Atlanta I onstituttnn,
peace” a fuller independence foi the South than that
which our fathers sought to win in the forum by their
eloquence or compel in the field by their swords.
It is a rare privilege, sir, to have had part, how
humble, in this work’. Never was nobler duty con-
fided to human hands than the uplifting and upbuilding
of the prostrate and bleeding South — misguided, per-
haps, but beautiful in her suffering, and honest, brave,
and generous always. In tin record of her social, in-
dustrial, and political illustration we await with confi-
dence the verdict of the world.
But what of the negro? Have we solved the prob-
lem lie presents or progressed in honor and equity to-
ward solution? Let the record speak to the point.
No section shows a more prosperous laboring popula-
tion than the negroes of the South, none in fuller sym-
pathy with the employing and land owning class. He
shares our school fund, has the fullest protection of our
laws and the friendship of our people Self-interest,
as well as honor, demand that he should have this. Our
future, our very existence, depends upon our work-
Confederate Ueterap.
ing out this problem in full and exact justice. We un-
derstand that when Lincoln signed the emancipation
proclamation your victory was assured, for he then
committed you to the cause of human liberty, against
which the arms of man can not prevail; while those of
our statesmen who trusted to make slavery the corner-
stone of the Confederacy doomed us to defeat as far as
they could, committing us to a cause that reason could
not defend or the sword maintain in sight of advancing
Had Mr. Toombs said — which he did not say — that
he would call the roll of his slaves at the foot of Bunker
Hill, he would have been foolish; for he might have
known that whenever slavery became entangled in war
it must perish, and that the chattel in human flesh end-
ed forever in New England when your fathers (not to
be blamed for parting with what didn’t pay) sold their
slaves to our fathers (not to be praised for knowing a
paying thing when they saw it). The relations of the
Southern people with the negro are close and cordial.
We remember with what fidelity for four years he
guarded our defenseless women and children, whose
husbands and fathers were fighting against his free-
dom. To his eternal credit be it said that whenever
he struck a blow for his own liberty he fought in open
battle, and when at last he raised his black and humble
hands that the shaekles might be struck off, those
hands were innocent of wrong against his helpless
charges, and worthy to be taken in loving grasp by ev-
ery man who honors loyalty and devotion. Ruffians
have maltreated him, rascals have misled him, philan-
thropists established a bank for him, but the South,
with the North, protests against injustice to this simple
and sincere people. To liberty and enfranchisement is
as far as law can carry the negro; the rest must be left
to the conscience and’ common sense. It must be left
to those among whom his lot is cast, with whom he is
indissolubly connected, and whose prosperity depends
upon their possessing his intelligent sympathy and con-
fidence. Faith has been kept with him, in spite of ca-
lumnious assertions to the contrary by those who as-
sume to speak for us or by frank opponents. Faith,
will be kept with him in the future, if the South holds
her reason and integrity.
But have we kept our faith with you. In the fullest
sense, yes. When Lee surrendered — I don’t say when
Johnston surrendered, because I understand he still
alludes to the time when he met Gen. Sherman last as
the time when he determined to abandon any further
prosecution of the struggle — when Lee surrendered, I
say, and Johnston quit, the South became, and has
since been, loyal to this Union. We fought hard
enough to know that we were whipped, and in perfect
frankness accept as final the arbitrament of the sword
to which we had appealed. The South found her jewel
in the toad’s head of defeat. The shackles that had
held her in narrow limitations fell forever when the
shackles of the negro slave were broken. Under the
old regime the negroes were slaves to the South; the
South was a slave to the system. The old plantation,
with its simple police regulations and feudal habit, was
the only tvpe possible under slavery. Thus was gath-
ered in the hands of a splendid and chivalric oligarchv
the substance that should have been diffused anions’
the people, as the rich blood, under certain artificial
conditions, is gathered at the heart, filling that with af-
fluent rapture, but leaving the body chill and colorless
The old South rested everything on slavery and agri-
culture, unconscious that these could neither give nor
maintain healthy growth. The South presents a per-
fect democracy, the oligarchs leading in the popular
movement — a social system compact and closely knit-
ted, less splendid on the surface, but stronger at the
core — a hundred farms for every plantation, fifty homes
for every palace — and a diversified industry that meets
the complex needs of this complex age. The South is
enamored of her new work. Her soul is stirred with
the breath of a new life. The light of a grander day is
falling fair on her face. She is thrilling with the con-
sciousness of growing power and prosperity. As she
stands upright, full-statured, and equal among the peo-
ple of the earth, breathing the keen air and looking out
upon the expanded horizon, she understands that her
emancipation came because through the inscrutable
wisdom of God her honest purpose was crossed and her
brave armies were beaten.
This is said in no spirit of time-serving or apology.
The South has nothing for which to apologize. She
believes that the late struggle between the states was
war and not rebellion, revolution and not conspiracy,
and that her convictions were as honest as yours. I
should be unjust to the dauntless spirit of the South
and to my own convictions if I did not make this plain
in this presence. The South has nothing to take back.
In my native town of Athens is a monument that
crowns its central hill — a plain, white shaft. Deep cut
into its shining side is a name dear to me above the
names of men, that of a brave and simple man who died
in brave and simple faith. Not for all the glories of
New England, from Plymouth Rock all the way, would
I exchange the heritage he left me in his soldier’s death.
To the foot of that I shall send my children’s children
to reverence him who ennobled their name with his
heroic blood. But, sir, speaking from the shadow of
that memory, which I honor as I do nothing else on
earth, I say that the cause in which he suffered and for
which he gave his life was adjudged by higher and
fuller wisdom than his or mine, and I am glad that the
omniscient God held the balance of battle in his al-
mighty hand, that human slavery was swept forever
from American soil, and that the American Union was
saved from the wreck of war.
This message, Mr. President, comes to you from
consecrated ground. Every foot of soil about the city
in which I live is as sacred as a battle-ground of the re-
public. Every hill that invests it is hallowed to you
by the blood of your brothers who died for your vic-
tory, and doubly hallowed to us by the blow of those
who died hopeless but undaunted in defeat — sacred
soil to all of us, rich with memories that make us
purer and stronger and better, silent but stanch wit-
nesses in its red desolation of the matchless valor of
American hearts and the deathless glory of American
arms, speaking an eloquent witness in its white peace
and prosperity to the indissoluble union of American
states and the imperishable brotherhood of the Amer-
ican people.
Now what answer has New England to this mes-
sage? Will she permit the prejudice of war to remain
in the hearts of the conquerors, when it has died in the
hearts of the conquered? Will she transmit this prej-
udice to the next generation, that in their hearts.
Qopfederate l/eterar?.
which never felt the generous ardor of conflict, it may
perpetuate itself? Will she withhold, save in strained
courtesy, the hand which straight from his soldier’s
heart Grant offered to Lee at Appomattox? Will she
make the vision of a restored and happy people which
gathered above the couch of your dying captain, tilling
his heart with grace, touching his lips with praise, and
glorifying his path to the grave — will she make this
vision, on which the last sigh of his expiring soul
breathed a benediction, a cheat and a delusion? If
she does, the South, never abject in asking for corn-
radeship, must accept with dignity its refusal; bul it
she does not refuse to accept in frankness and sincerity
this message of good will and friendship, then will the
prophecy of Webster, delivered in this very society for-
ty years ago, amid tremendous applause, become true,
be verified in its Fullest sense, when he said: “Standing
hand to hand and clasping hands, we should remain
united as we have been for sixtj years, citizens of the
same country, members of the same government, uni-
ted, all united now and united forever.” There have
been difficulties, contentions, and controversies, but I
tell you that, in my judgment,
“Those Opened eve-..
Which like the meteors of a troubled heaven,
All of one nature, of one substance bred,
Hid latelv meet in th’ intestine shock,
Shall now, in mutual, well beseeming ranks,
Ma rrli all one \va\ .”
In his speech at the annual banquet of the Boston
Merchants’ Association, in December, 1889 (the last
he made), Mr. Grady said:
Mr. President: Bidden by your invitation to a dis-
cussion of the race problem, forbidden by occasion to
make a political speech. I appreciate in trying to recon-
cile orders with propriety the predicament of the little
maid who. hidden to learn to swim, was yet adjured:
” Now, go, my darling, hang your clothes on a hickory
limb, and don’t go near the water.”
The stoutest apostle of the Church, they say, is the
missionary, and the missionary, wherever he unfurls
his flag, will never find himself in deeper need of unc-
tion and address than 1. hidden to-night to plant the
standard of a Southern Democrat in Boston’s banquet-
hall and discuss the problem of the races in the home
of Phillips and of Sumner. But, Mr. President, if a
purpose to speak in perfect frankness and sincerity, if
earnest understanding of the vast interests involved,
if a consecrating sense of what further disaster max’
follow further misunderstanding and estrangement —
if these may be counted to steady undisciplined speech
and to strengthen an untried arm. then, sir, f find the
courage to proceed.
Happy am I that this mission has brought m\ feel
at last to press New England’s historic soil and my
eyes to the knowledge of her beauty and her thrift.
Here, within touch of Plymouth Rock anil P.unker
Hill — where Webster thundered and Longfellow sang.
Emerson thought and Channing preached — here in
the cradle of .American letters, and almost of American
liberty. T hasten to make the obeisance thai ever}
American owes New England when first he stands un-
covered in her mighty presence. Strange apparition!
This stern and unique figure, carved from the ocean
and the wilderness, its majestj kindling and growing
amid the storms of winters and of wars, until at last the
gloom was broken, its beauty disclosed in the sun-
shine, and the heroic workers rested at its base, while
startled kings and emperors gazed and marveled that
from the rude touch of this handful, cast on a bleak and
unknown shore, should have come the embodied gen-
ius of human government and the perfected model of
human liberty. God bless the memory of those im-
mortal workers and prosper the fortunes of their liv-
ing sons and perpetuate the inspirations of their handi-
work’ !
Two years ago, sir. I spoke some words in
York that can-lit the attention of the North. As I
stand here to reiterate, as I have done everywhere, ev-
ery word 1 then uttered, to declare that tin sentiments
I then avowed were universally approved in the South,
I realize that the confidence begotten by that sp
is largely responsible for my presence here to-night.
I should dishonor myself if 1 betrayed that confidence
by uttering one insincere word or by withholding
essential element of the truth. Apropos of this last.
let me confess, Mr. President, before the praise of New-
England has died on my lips, that 1 believed the best
product of her present life is the procession of seven-
teen thousand Vermonl Democrats that for twenty-
two years, undiminished by death, unrecruited by birth
or conversion, have marched over their rugged hills,
cast their Democratic ballots, and gone hack home to
pray for their unregenerate neighbors, and awake to
read the record of twenty-five thousand Republican
majority. Ma) the God of the helpless and the hi
help them, and may their sturdy tribe increase!
Far to the South, Mr. President, separated from this
section by a line once defined in irrepressible differ-
ence, once traced in fratricidal blood, and now, thank
< -oil! hut a vanishing shadow, lies the fairest and rich-
est domain of this earth. It is tin hi ime of a brave and
hospitable people. There is centered all that can please
or prosper humankind. \ perfect climate, above a
fertile soil, yields to the husbandman every produi 1 of
the temperate zone. There by night the cotton whi-
tens beneath the stars and by day the wheat locks the
sunshine in its bearded sheaf. Tn the same field the
clover steak the fragrance of the wind and the tobacco
catches the quick aroma of the rains. There are
mountains stored with exhaustless treasures; fori
vast and primeval, and rivers that, tumbling or 1.
ing, run wanton to the sea. < if the three essential
items of all industries — cotton, iron, ami wood — that
region has easy control. Tn cotton, a fixed monopoly;
in iron, proven supremacy; in timber, the reserve sup-
ply of the republic. From this assured and permanent
advantage, against which artificial conditions can not
much longer prevail, has grown an amazing system of
industries. Not maintained by human contrivance of
tariff or capital, afar off from the fullest and cheapest
source of supply, hut rest ins;- in divine assurance, with-
in touch of field and mine and forest: not set amid
costly farms from which competition has driven the
farmer in despair, hut amid cheap and sunny lands,
rich with agriculture, to which neither season nor soil
has set a limit — this system of industries is mounting
to a splendor that shall dazzle and illumine the world.
That. sir. is the picture and the promise of my home
— a land better and fairer than T have told vou. and vet
^opj^ederace l/ecerai?,
but fit setting, in its material excellence, for the loyal
and gentle quality of us citizenship. . . . The strange
fact remains thai in 1880 the bouth had fewer Nortn-
em-born citizens than she had in 1870; fewer in 1870
than in i860. Why is this? Why is it, sir, though the
sectional line be now but a mist that the breath may
dispel, fewer men of the North have crossed it over to
the South than when it was crimson with the best
blood of the republic, or even when the slaveholder
stood guard every inch of its way.
Mr. Grady’s able argument may be given hereafter.
Iii an address at Dallas, Tex., October 26, 1887,
Mr. Grady illustrated the persistence he would have
exercised for the industrial development of the South
by the story of a Confederate soldier who lay desper-
ately wounded on the battle-field:
The South needs her sons to-day more than when
she summoned them to the forum to maintain her po-
litical supremacy, more than when the bugle called
them to the field to defend issues put to the arbitra-
ment of the sword. Her old body is instinct with ap-
peal, calling on us to come and give her fuller inde-
pendence than she has ever sought in field or forum.
It is ours to show that»as she prospered with slaves she
shall prosper still more with freemen; ours to see that
from the lists she entered in poverty she shall emerge
in prosperity; ours to carry the transcending traditions
of the old South, from which none of us can in honor
or in reverence depart, unstained and unbroken into
the new. Shall we fail? Shall the blood of the old
South, the best strain that ever uplifted human en-
deavor, that ran like water at duty’s call, and never
stained where it touched — shall this blood, that pours
into our veins through a century luminous wir.h
achievement, for the first time falter and be driven
back from irresolute heat, when the old South, that left
us a better heritage in manliness and courage than in
broad and rich acres, calls us to settle problems?
A soldier lay wounded on a hard-fought field. The
roar of the battle had died away, and he rested in the
deadly stillness of its aftermath. Not a sound was
heard as he lay there sorely smitten but the shriek of
wounded and the sigh of the dying .soul as it escaped
from the tumult of earth into the unspeakable peace
of the stars. Off over the field flickered the lanterns of
the surgeons with the litter-bearers, searching that
they might take away those whose lives could be saved,
and leave in sorrow those who were doomed to die.
With pleading eyes through the darkness this poor
soldier watched, unable to turn or speak, as the lantern
drew near. At last the light flashed in his face and the
surgeon kindly bent over him, hesitated a moment,
shook his head, and was gone, leaving the poor fellow
alone with death. He watched in patient agony as
they went from one part of the field to another. As
they came back the surgeon bent over him again. “I
believe if this poor fellow lives till sundown to-morrow
he will get well:” and again left him — not to death, but
with hope. All night long those words fell into his
heart as the dew fell from the stars upon his lips — ”if
he but lives till sundown to-morrow, he will get well.”
He turned his weary head to the east, and watched for
the coming sun. At last the stars went out, the east
trembled with radiance, and the sun, slowly lifting
above tne horizon, tinged ins pallid face wun name.
He watched it, inch by inch, as it climbed slowly up
the heavens, .tie thought of life, its hopes and ambi-
tions, its sweetness and its raptures, and he fortified lus
soul against despair until tne sun had reached high
noon. It sloped down its slow descent, and his life
was ebbing away and his heart was faltering, and he
needed stronger stimulants to make him stand the
struggle until the end of the day had come. He
thought of his far-off home, the blessed house resting
in tranquil peace, with the roses climbing to its door
and the trees whispering to its windows, and dozing in
the sunshine the orchard, and the little brook running
like a silver thread through the forest. “If I live till
sundown, I will see it again. I will walk down the
shady lane, I will open the battered gate, and the mock-
ing-bird shall call to me from the orchard, and I will
drink again at the old mossy spring.”
And he thought of the wife who had come from the
neighboring farmhouse and put her hand shyly in his,
and brought sweetness to his life and light to his home.
” If I live till sundown, I shall look once more into her
deep and loving eyes and press her brown head once
more to my aching breast.”
And he thought of the old father, patient in prayer,
bending lower and lower every day under his load of
sorrow and old age. ” If I but live till sundown, I shall
see him again and wind my strong arm about his feeble
body, and his hands shall rest upon my head while the
unspeakable healing of his blessing falls into my heart.”
And he thought of the little children that clambered
on his knees and tangled their little hands into his
heart-strings, making to him such music as the world
shall not equal or heaven surpass. “If I live till sun-
down, they shall again find my parched lips with their
warm mouths and their little fingers shall run once
more over my face.”
And he then thought of his old mother, who gath-
ered those children about her and breathed her old
heart afresh in their brightness and attuned her old
lips anew to their prattle, that she might live till her
big boy came home. “If I live till sundown, I will see
her again, and I will rest my head at my old place on
her knees and weep awav all memorv of this desolate
And the Son of God. who had died for men. bending
from the stars, put the hand that had been nailed to the
cross on the ebbing life and held on the stanch until the
sun went down and the stars came out and shone down
in the brave man’s heart and blurred in his glistening
eyes, and the lanterns of the surgeons came, and he
was taken from death to life.
The world is a battle-field strewn with the wrecks of
governments and institutions, of theories and of faiths,
that have gone down in the ravage of years. On this
field lies the South, sown with her problems. On
this field swing the lanterns of God. Amid the car-
nage walks the Great Physician; over the South he
bends. “If ye but live until to-morrow’s sundown, ye
shall endure, my countrymen.” Let us for her sake
turn our faces to the east and watch as the soldier
watched for the coming sun. Let us stanch her
wounds and hold steadfast. … Let every man
here pledge himself in this high and ardent hour, as I
pledge myself and the boy that shall follow me— every
Qopfederate l/eterar?.
man himself and his son, hand to hand and heart to
heart — that in death and earnest loyalty, in patient
painstaking and care, he shall watch her interest, ad-
vance her fortune, defend her fame, and guard her hon-
or as long as life shall last. Every man in the sound of
my voice, under the deeper consecration he offers to
the Union, will consecrate himself to the South, having
no ambition but to be first at her feet and last at her
service; no hope but, after a long life of devotion, to
sink to sleep in her bosom as a little child sleeps at his
mother’s breast and rests untroubled in the light of
her smile.
Among the many noble women in the South whose
names are dear to the Confederate veteran none is held
in more affectionate remembrance than Airs. Susan
Preston Hepburn. It was not her privilege to be an
active participant in the actual scenes of war, as her
residence was within the Federal lines; but. having in
the Confederate service a brother and many relatives
and friends, her sympathy in the cause was ardent and
her efforts to relieve the suffering of the Confederate
soldiers in the local hospitals and Northern prisons
were active and efficient. Without ostentation she
joined quietly with other noble women of similar feel-
ing in the work of visiting the sick, burying the dead,
and marking their graves, and in sending relief under
the Federal regulations to the prisoners a; Camp
Chase, Camp Douglas, and Johnson’s Island, who
were beyond the ministrations of their friends within
the Southern lines. The relief sent by the noble w< mi
en of Kentucky was not limited to the soldiers of that
state, but embraced the unfortunate prisoners of the
whole South. Clothing, food, and delicacies for the
sicl<, books, magazines, and everything which could
contribute to their bodily, mental, or spiritual comfort
were raised by organizations covering the whole state,
and sent continuously during the war to relieve the
wants of the suffering. And thus, while the women of
the South were ministering to the wants of the soldiers
in the field, the women of Kentucky were alleviating
the necessities of their imprisoned fathers, husbands,
and sons.
When the war was over, and the necessity for such
exertions was no longer required. Mrs. Hepburn con-
rinued her good work in a field where relief was quite
as essential. Many helpless orphans were to be cared
for and the infirm, maimed, and needy veterans to be
looked after. One of her first works in this direction
was to aid in the establishment of a Masonic widows’
and orphans’ home, the first of the kind in the United
States, to the successful foundation of which she con-
tributed by her unremitting labors more, perhaps.
than any other individual. This great charity, while
not limited by any sectional line, was instrumental in
relieving many of those left dependent by the war.
Rut concurrently with this work she, in conjunction
with other good women, formed associations for the
relief of surviving Confederates and was active in pro-
moting the permanent organization of the Confederate
Association of Louisville, through which the necessi-
ties of the sick and dependent veterans have been pro-
vidi d for. In her labors she was untiring. Her influ-
ence over the Confederate veterans able to contribute
by their means or personal exertions was such that
they responded with alacrity to her every suggestion,
while the Southern women recognized in her a worthy
leader, under whom they labored with equal alacrity.
Possessed of a superior faculty for organization and the
gift of a conciliating diplomacy, she united elements
too often rendered ineffective by dissension and jeal-
ousy into a harmonious cooperation. Thus, by in-
augurating fetes, excursions, lectures, and by direct ap-
plication to those able to contribute, she provided
means to meet all the necessities and relieve all requir-
ing help who would apply or could be found by vigi-
lant search, until it can be said that no one ever saw
an ex-Confederate begging his bread in her vicinity.
The great work 1>\ which Mrs. Hepburn’s good
name will be perpetuated, and that which engaged her
ardent efforts during the last decade of her life, is the
handsome I onfederate monument which was con-
ceived by her and erected chiefly through her exer-
tions. For this purpose she organized the Woman’s
Confederate Monument Association, and was made its
President It is doubtful if a movement for this pur-
pose could have been successful it” projected by the
Confederate soldiers themselves, as from the relation
of Kentucky to the war it might have engendered
feelings which would have endangered its success.
But the devotion of this good woman was so pure.
the spirit of her conception was so noble, and her
devotion so elevated that she not only enlisted the
earnest cooperation of the Confederates, but elicited
Qopfederate Ueterai),
the fullest sympathy and hearty good will of the Fed-
eral soldiers themselves. A noble granite shaft of six-
ty feet or more in height occupies a circle on one of the
handsomest streets of Louisville, surmounted by a life-
size Confederate private in bronze and flanked on
either side by a bronze cavalryman and artilleryman —
all of the most artistic execution. It bears the simple
inscription “Confederate Dead” on one side, and on
the opposite side one to the effect that it was erected
by the Confederate women of Kentucky. It was ded-
icated with appropriate ceremonies July 30, 1895. The
successful execution of this work crowned the labors
of Mrs. Hepburn’s life. She had raised the money,
$12,000, to pay for it before it was erected, lacking a
small sum, which was raised afterward. Her last ef-
forts were directed toward securing a fund for its
proper enclosure, and in this she had succeeded a
short time before her death.
The infirmities of age and ill health were no barriers
to her efforts, but her extraordinary will seemed to
sustain her and prolong her life until her aim was
completed. Then, rejoicing in the consummation of
her labors, she calmly passed from earth. But the
monument will not be complete until it bears an ap-
propriate tablet with her name, making it, in fact, to
future generations, as it is to the present, a lasting tes-
timonial to her own memory.
Mrs. Susan P. Hepburn was born near Louisville,
Ky., July 17, 1819; and died in that city October 5,’
1897. She was the daughter and youngest child of
Maj. William Preston and Caroline Hancock, his wife,
both of Botetourt County, Va., who early settled in
Kentucky. Her only brother was Maj.-Gen. William
Preston, of the Confederate army, prominent in civil
life as a member of the state constitutional convention
of 1849, Representative and Senator, Member of Con-
gress, and Minister to Spain under President Buchan-
an’s administration. He was a lieutenant-colonel in
the Mexican war, and won distinction in the Confed-
erate war on many fields, but particularly in the battles
of Murfreesboro and Chickamauga.
The eldest of Mrs. Hepburn’s four sisters was the
first wife of Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston. In 1841
she married Howard Christy, of St. Louis, who died in
1853; and in i860 she married Hiatt P. Hepburn, a dis-
tinguished lawyer of San Francisco. In 1864 she was
again widowed, and for the remainder of her life de-
voted herself to good works. As a young woman, pos-
sessed of a superior mind and cultured education, she
was conspicuous for her intellectual attainments, her
great beauty, and her lovely character. Having had
before age had encroached on her vigor her full’share
of sorrow, she seemed to find relief in taking up the
burdens of others. Not blessed with children of her
own, she became a mother to the motherless, and nev-
er turned a deaf ear to a suffering cry. When the re-
sources of a once ample fortune restricted her own
bounties she inspired others by an unselfish devotion
to charity, and. became alms-gatherer in its cause and
the faithful trustee of the contributions of others, as
well as of herself. Her life was sunshine to the afflict-
ed and an inspiration to the many able and willing to
do good and yet needing a leader and exemplar, “and
in her death her memory is embalmed in the gratitude
of many whom she succored and in the love and admi-
ration of all who knew her.
Qopfederate l/eterar?.
Comrades J. L. Lemonds, A. II. Lankford, James
S. Aden, and C. F. Potts, of Paris, Tenn.. send a trib-
ute to Felix Grundy Trousdale, whom they all knew
from boyhood. Extracts are as follow s :
On November 5, 1897, Felix G. Trousdale, an ex-
Confederate soldier and a deputy sheriff of Henry
County, Tenn., came to a sudden and unexpected
death at his home, four miles north of Paris. lie had
been from home that day on official business, and re-
turned about 7:30 p.m. IK’ ate bis supper, talked
cheerfully about some farm work, and took his usual
smoke in his room, lie afterward went to the back
porch for water, thence to the front porch, when a shot
was heard, which took his life. It was supposed that
he had shot at a dog or some other animal in the yard,
but members of the family, g< ling out, f< nind him lying
dead, a bullet having entered the hack part of his head
lie was an affectionate husband and father and a
popular neighbor. He had been deputy sheriff con-
tinuously for ten or twelve years, and was fearless in
the discharge of his duties.
Comrade Trousdale was the youngest son of Dr.
James and Susan Whitehead Trousdale; was born in
Henry County. Tenn., near Buchanan, in September,
1844. His father, a native of Sumner County, Tenn.,
was. at the age of twenty, in the war of 1812. His
mother was born in i8oi, was a native of Virginia, and
was a woman of much energy, with strong traits of
character. Comrade Trous listed 111 the Con-
federate army in the fall of 1S01 as a member of the
Forty-Sixth Tennessee tnfantry, commanded by Col.
John M. Clark. His older brothers, James \l
lieutenant) and Alexander, had gone out with the
Fifth Tennessee in the \la\ preceding. The father,
Dr. Trousdale, though old. went with them to Union
City, where he did hospital service in the treatment of
measles and other diseases of earlv camp-life.
At the surrender of Island No. to Felix G., with
others, escaped 1>\ means of a raft. and. wading, made
his way to the army at I’ort Hudson, La. He was
afterward transferred to the Fifth Tennessee, to be
with his brothers. He served through the war, being
in many battles, including the I >alton-Atlanta cam-
paign. \t “Dead Angle” he received a wound thai
was thought to hv fatal, and from the effects of which
he never recovered. He lav in the hospital at Atlanta
eight or nine months. After the surrender, when he
had gained sufficient strength to travel, he was
brought to Nashville by a Mr. Whiteman, a paper-
manufacturer, who furnished him the means to reach
home, and whose kindness In- always gratefully re-
membered. As age came on he was subject to spells
of cramping, but his hidden wound appealed only to
the sympathy of those who knew of its seriousness.
After he had regained sufficient strength he began
the struggles of life at the age of twenty-one, with the
many disadvantages entailed by war. In 1868 he was
married to Miss Eunice, a daughter of Capt. William
S. Blakemore, a most estimable woman, who survives
him. together with three industrious, self-reliant sons
and five amiable and intelligent daughters. On. oi
the sons. A. P.. Trousdale, is our Circuit Court Clerk.
The funeral service was conducted by Elder Tames
S. Aden, a Confederate comrade, and he was buried in
Old Bethel church-yard by his father and mother and
near his childhood home.
James R, Neeley, postmaster at Franklin, Tenn..
died early in January, lie entered the Confederate
army a boy, and lost a leg at Perryville. Kv. After the
war he served sixteen years as Circuit Court Clerk, and
was in that office in April. 1894, when President Cleve
land appointed him postmaster, which position hi
until his death. These responsible positions so long
maintained attest his merit as a citizen. At a meeting
of the McEwen Bivouac fitting tribute was paid to
his memory. M. P. G. Winstead, in speaking upon
the resolutions offered, said: “Our friendship began in
the time of war. I knew him under circumstances
which tried the souls of men — in camp, on the march,
in battle, and in prison. Side by side we fell in battle;
side by side we lay in the same corner of the fence,
covered with the same blanket, and were fed from the
Confederate Veterans,
same cup. Together we marched down the aisle, knelt
at the same altar, were baptized and received into the
Methodist Church. If to-day I could meet the soldier
who disabled us for life, I would take him by the hand
and tell him he was a brave man.”
Maj. Francis Miller was born in Diisseldorf, Prus-
sia, April 23, 1822, and was educated at Coblenz. He
came to America in 1839, joined the United States
army, and served three years in Florida during the
Seminole war; was mustered out of service at Charles-
ton in 1842. He went to Virginia the same year, and
the following year was married to Miss Mary A. Stone-
man. He entered the Confederate army early in 1861,
and served as a private for a while; was made commis-
sary-sergeant, and served as commissary officer of his
regiment, though not commissioned. He was elected
captain of Company E, Forty-Fifth Virginia Regiment,
in May, 1862, made a good officer, and was frequently
in command of the regiment; was promoted to the
rank of major, though after the war was called “Capt.”
Miller. He had command of the regiment during Ear-
ly’s retreat out of the valley, but was captured just after
the Fisher’s Hill affair and sent to Fort Delaware, Md.,
where he remained in prison about three months.
After the war he engaged in farming in Surry Coun-
ty, N. C. He lived an upright life, was a prominent
member of the M. E. Church, South, and was generally
a delegate to the Annual Conferences. He was for
several years chairman of the Board of County Com-
missioners, and during that time there was not a bar-
room in Surry County. Maj. Miller was fond of trav-
el. He visited his native country (Germany) in 1870,
and again in 1895; attended the reunion at Richmond
in 1896 and at Nashville in 1897. He was intensely
Southern, and was among the first to join Surry Coun-
ty Camp, U. C. V.. He was a subscriber to the Vet-
eran, and dearly loved the same. He contributed to
the Sam Davis monument. He died November 23,
1897, and was buried at Zion M. E. Church, members
of his camp acting as his pall-bearers.
Heroic Volunteers — J. P. W. Brown.
J. R. H. contributes to the Veteran a sketch to be
used in connection with an excellent engraving of
Comrade John Brown, whose untimely death in De-
cember, 1896, caused universal sorrow in the ranks of
Cheatham Bivouac and to many friends throughout
the South.
John Preston Watts Brown was born in this city,
May 16, 1845. He was, therefore, in 1861 but sixteen
years of age, and
truly one of the
very youngest of
the many youthful
defenders of the
“lost cause.” Born
to the heritage of
that lofty, untram-
meled spirit which
easy and cultivated
environment en-
genders, this brave
boy quickly caught
the enthusiasm that
pervaded the very
atmosphere, and
early requested to
be allowed to join
the ranks of the
volunteers. This re-
quest was, of
course, denied; but
the needs of our
country became
more and more ur-
gent, and before
many months had passed Comrade Brown was fated
to enter the army, but in a more exciting and romantic
way than even his impetuous and reckless spirit would
have asked. In later years Mr. Brown wrote an ac-
count of his hazardous adventures, a brief resume of
which will be of interest here.
After the fall of Fort Donelson and the occupation
of Nashville by the Federals, John Brown, with his
friend and companion, John Kirkman, resolved to es-
cape from the city and join the Confederate army.
Their plans were made, but, with the incaution of
youth, were not well guarded, and just on the eve of
their departure they found themselves arrested and im-
prisoned in the state penitentiary. Here they re-
mained for a month, but, through the intercession of
friends, were released on paroles on the plea that they
were too young to be held as prisoners of war.
At this’ point all would have gone well but for the
hot-headed recklessness of the two boys, who, upon
the news of an order Tor the exchange of all prisoners,
Confederate Veterans
according to a treaty between Presidents Davis and
Lincoln, rushed back into the hands of the provost-
marshal, thinking to join the army at last in this way.
But again they were doomed to disappointment, for the
treaty only included prisoners of war, and they were,
by the terms of their paroles, civil prisoners; and, more
than this, their paroles were forfeited. The military
governor of the state, Andrew Johnson, turned a deaf
ear to further intercession on the plea of youth, and
their only other chance, the oath of allegiance, was, of
course, out of the question.
After a few months of imprisonment, which, in spite
of prejudice, they were forced to admit was not severe,
the necessities of a fellow prisoner, John Goodrich —
who had been caught just outside of the city in Fed-
eral uniform, with a suit of gray concealed under his
saddle, and was, therefore, to be hanged as a spy in
three weeks’ time — urged these boys to an attempt to
escape. In the room in which they were confined was
a door which opened on some steps leading into the
yard inside the high prison-walls, and this door and a
large jack-knife some one had contrived to smuggle to
John Brown furnished the only chance of life and lib-
erty. With their comrade’s life at stake, they worked
diligently and cautiously at night, covering their prog-
ress from sight during the daytime by piling their
beds in that corner of the room ; and after five nights’
work they had cut a hole large enough for a man I >
squeeze through. Then they waited for a rainy night,
which, fortunately came very soon. At the last mo-
ment the other prisoners in the room learned in some
way that there was hope of escape, and. naturally,
wished to be included; and. in the end. while the guards
sought shelter from the storm, nineteen men besides
the three conspirators left that room, and at last found
themselves safe on the outside of the walls, barefooted
and in the driving rain, but undetected.
As previously agreed, they then proceeded cautious-
ly to the home of Dr. Hudson, not far from the pi
and there learned of the position of the chain pick-
ets and other dangers to be encountered, The line
of pickets was just in the rear of the Hudson place.
The tires were about fifty yards apart, and their only
chance of escape now was to crawl on their knees in
corn-field mud across the line of light made by the
fires. They managed to go through the line, and then
arose and ran for all they were worth until out of hear-
ing. When satisfied of their safety they held a council,
and the little company disbanded, going in several di-
rections. Brown joined Dibrell’s Cavalry; Kirkman
lost his life before the war was over; Goodrich’s fate is
not known.
With such pluck and determination, it is no wonder
Southern boys proved so hard to whip and passi
bravely through the long, unequal struggle and also
through the almost as fierce days of reconstruction.
Austin Peay died at his home near Bell, Ky., Feb-
ruary 16, after long suffering from Blight’s disease.
He was about fifty-four years of age, and was one of
the most valuable citizens of Western Kentucky. He
made a gallant Confederate soldier, and participated in
many of the most important’ battles of the war. He
was a man of strictest integrity, of noble sentiment,
and a firm friend to those in distress. Tn his death the
Veteran lost a stanch supporter and advocate.
A native of Caher, Count} Mayo. Ireland, Michael
Looscan was lulled to sleep in his infancy by Celtic
songs. He witnessed much of the famine of 1848, but
was spared the consequent suffering by his provident
father. The family came to America in 1855, when he
was fifteen years old. Two years later the youth was
in Mobile, a press-boy on the Mercury. He went to
Texas in 1858. forty years ago. and taught school at
Longview. Upon the suggestion of Judge M. H.
Bonner, of Longview. young Looscan entered his of-
fice and began the stud) 1 f law. From there he enlist-
ed in the Confederate army, and was soon made adju-
MAJ M ICH Ml. I <>«.-, AN
tant-general on the staff of Gen. John R. Baylor, and
was subsequently assigned as inspector-general on the
staff of Gen. S. B. Maxey. Loyal to the memories of
sacred days, Maj. Looscan was active in organizing
the Dick Dowling Lamp at Houston. Tex. The won-
derful achievement of Capt. Dick Dowling, with forty
odd Irishmen, at Sabine Pass has been recorded in the
Veteran. After the war Maj. Looscan practised law
successfully. In 1881 he married Miss Briscoe. He
enlisted in the public welfare of his state with earnest
zeal, and was quite a power with the people. He was
a member of the Board of Managers of the Texas Con-
federate Home, located at Austin. He died in Hous-
ton several months ago. and Dick Dowling Camp
passed suitable resolutions in his honor.
Confederate .
The P. C. Woods Camp No. 609, at San Marcos.
Tex., mourns the death of their Commander, for whom
the camp was named. The committee, E. P. Rey-
nolds, chairman, says:
For half a century his splendid judgment as a physi-
cian and his benign influence as a citizen impressed all
who had the good fortune of his acquaintance. Dur-
ing the long years in which he was unquestionably our
first citizen his influence was for good. As an arbiter
for his neighbors his conclusions were always just and
From resolutions by the camp the following is taken:
In the death of Col. P. C. Woods the town loses its
first citizen; the Church, a pillar; humanity, an expo-
nent; the poor, a friend; his profession, an ornament;
and the camp, its most venerated and distinguished
member. In his spotless life he has been an exemplar
of all that is noble and good in man; and, dying, has
shown that death had no terrors be feared to face. In
P. C. Woods we had an example of manhood in its
highest development — brave as the bravest, tender as
the tenderest. No words of praise can add to the es-
teem in which our dead friend is held, and the closest
scrutiny of his life-work would reveal no unmanly
deed, no act that might invoke the charity of forgetful-
ness. In this hour of their sorrow we extend to the
bereaved family and friends our tenderest sympathy,
feeling that completest condolence will come to them
in the knowledge that he has reached the Christian’s
goal. Life’s journey ended, he sleeps well. The
members of this camp will wear mourning for thirty
days, and a report of the proceedings of this memorial
meeting will be furnished the family, our local news-
papers, and the Confederate Veteran, of Nashville.
Maj. John Beverly Stannard died at Berryville, Va.,
on January 25. He was born in Fredericksburg, Va.,
in September, 1820, the only son of Caroline Chew and
Col. John B. Stannard, of the U. S. army. He grad-
uated at William and Mary College, and entered the
law-office of his uncle, Judge Robert Stannard, of the
Virginia Court of Appeals, but later entered the pro-
fession of engineering. He was major of engineers in
the Confederate army, engaged on the fortifications
around Richmond, and served throughout the war.
After the war he married Miss Susie McDonald, a
daughter of Col. Angus McDonald, of Winchester.
In 1890 he removed to Berryville.
J. C. Hillsman, of Ledbetter, Tex., reports the death
of Mike Dickson, an old comrade, at Lexington, Tex.,
and writes that he left with his nephew, J. W. Dickson,
a small red-back, gilt-edge Bible, on the fly-leaf of
which is written: “John Aber, Allegheny Count),
Pa. Captured June “30, 1862, in the enemy’s camp.”
Mr. Dickson will take pleasure in returning the Bible
to anv member of Mr. Aber’s family.
Turner Halliburton, who served in the Eleventh
Tennessee Regiment, died at his home in Clarksville,
Tenn., after a long illness, aged fifty-seven years, and
was interred in the Confederate plot at Greenwood
Cemetery. He was a member of Forbes’s Bivouac.
J. Earl Preston, Navasota, Tex.:
Comrade Woodson, of Memphis, is not altogether
correct in his account in the January Veteran of the
“battle above the clouds.” It is true that Walthall’s
Brigade was stationed around the point of the moun-
tain looking northwest and doing picket duty about
10 a.m. The Federal batteries in the valley between
the mountain and Chattanooga opened fire on the
mountain and Missionary Ridge, and kept it up until
dark. It was believed that this bombardment was a
feint to cover “Grant’s retreat” from Chattanooga, as
many troops were seen crossing the river on pontoons
and going west, but in this view the Confederates were
misled, as the movement of Federal troops west of the
Tennessee River was for the purpose of making an at-
tack on the mountain at daylight November 23. It
was Sherman’s Corps that crossed the river, moved
down it, and recrossed to the rear of Raccoon Moun-
tain, some eight miles below Lookout Mountain. They
attacked Walthall’s Brigade at daylight November 23.
That gallant brigade held back Sherman’s whole corps
until about 8 a.m., when many of them came through
our brigade (Gen. John C. Moore’s), which was about
five hundred yards in rear of Walthall’s Brigade,
around the point of the mountain on the east side, in-
stead of Brown’s Brigade, as Comrade Woodson says.
It was almost 8 a.m. when Moore’s Brigade was or-
dered forward, engaged the enemy, and held them
where Walthall’s Brigade left them until about 3 p.m.,
when, becoming much exhausted, we were relieved by
Clayton’s Brigade, who took the place of Moore’s Bri-
gade and held the enemy at bay until some time after
night. Then Clayton was relieved by Pettus’ Brigade,
and the fight continued until about midnight, when fir-
ing ceased. About 2 a.m. November 24 an order was
received from Gen. Bragg to evacuate, and thus ended
the fight on Lookout Mountain. My recollection is
that there were only four brigades of Confederates on
the mountains — to wit, Walthall’s, Moore’s, Clayton’s,
and Pettus’ — except a battery of field-pieces on the
top of the mountain. This was A. T. Stewart’s Divi-
sion, but Gen. Jackson, of Georgia, was in command.
At sunrise we reached the base of Missionary Ridge,
and were halted to partake of an elaborate breakfast of
corn bread and raw, fat bacon. The bread was three
davs old and the bacon of uncertain age.
The soldiers, rank and file, in the great war made
history for the world the like of which has never been
equaled, and the Veteran is giving it truthfully.
Grant’s, Stephens’, and Davis’ learned works are
largely devoted to accounts of their own acts and oth-
ers in the great political movements preceding the war
and their subsequent acts and the results. The Vet-
eran should be in the hands of every boy and girl in
the South, that they may learn of the heroism of their
ancestors and the cause for which they fought.
Comrade Woodson will pardon me for calling his
attention to his error. Gen. Moore is still living, so
Gen. Cabell informs me; and if he takes the Veteran,
he will no doubt see this article and sustain my report.
There was no officer in the Confederate service who
did more gallant fighting than Gen. John C. Moore.
His soldiers and officers all loved him, and when he left
us for other fields of duty strong resolutions were
passed expressing their love and confidence.
Confederate l/eteran.
At the opera-house in Jeffersonville, Ind., recently,
Maj. D. W. Sanders, of Louisville, by special invitation
of the ladies of the G. A. R. Relief Corps and Mayor
Whitesides, spoke before an enthusiastic and overflow-
ing audience for the benefit of the charity fund of the
corps, the subject being “Grant and His Campaigns.”
The great characters of that epoch, from Lincoln to
Lee, were vividly, reverently, and eloquently sketched.
Concluding his masterful address, Maj. Sanders spoke
touchingly as follows:
And 1 desire to say to-night, as a Confederal
dier, that in the history of all wars, where people or-
ganized armies, established a provisional government,
and attempted to overthrow the constituted authori-
ties,, never before in the histor) of the world were such
terms granted to the unsuccessful soldier as (.rant at
Appomattox and Sherman at Greensboro gave to the
Confederates. It was an epoch in civilization. Un-
like Ffavelock in the Indian war, the Sepoy rebellion
of 1857. who shot the unsuccessful leaders from the
mouths of Ins cannon, we were invited back upon our
paroles to assume all the duties and obligations ol citi-
zenship. And a curious fact it is that after thirty three
years of peace with our country, great and prosperous,
more magnificent in her commercial activities and in-
dustrial developments, and grander in all that makes a
people worthy of the age and civilization in winch they
live, you will find that the Confederati- soldiers,
through the magnanimity by which their paroles were
granted them by these two greal militar) men, have
presided upon the supreme bench of the United States,
they are Senators and members of < Ong ess of the
United States, they .are Ambassadors and Ministers to
•foreign countries, honored and trusted. And you have
to-day an example that nowhere else under the sun
could occur except among people such as these states
have produced: that the only political, diplomatic
point requiring courage, intellect, tact, integrity, and
exceptional patriotism that you have had in thirty
three years of peace is now filled 1>\ a major general of
the Confederate .army, who fought against Sheridan
and Grant, and who stands to-day as the representative
of the Government of the United States, with the entire-
confidence and .approbation of the American people, in
the complicated situation at Havana.
It shows that, while once we bore the emblem of sus-
picion, subsequent events have developed the charac-
teristics of as true devotion, of as absolute reliability ft ir
all trusts and authorities imposed by the Government
of the United States in the breast of the Confederate
soldier as are to be found anywhere in this great land.
Permit me to say. in conclusion, that, while Gen.
Lee is an ex-Confederate soldier, yet, if this country,
with its great conservatism, its absolute caution, should
determine that the pending difficulties with Spain can
find solution only in a declaration of war against that
power, then, in that event, the administration will be
enthusiastically and heroically supported by the soldier
population of the South to maintain our flag wherever
it may be carried, and to give life and bright manhood
in defense of our government. If a resort to arms he
called, the old Confederate soldiers in the South, with
their armies all vanished and their flags forever furled
and the dust of civil war laid forever, will all rally to the
support of the flag of our common country, and no bet-
ter or truer man will be found to lead under the colors
of the United States than Gen. Fitzhugh Lee.
Gen. Bradley T. Johnson, of Maryland and Virginia,
who, as a special correspondent of the New York Jour-
nal. spent some time in Cuba, is quote. 1 as follows:
I have no opinion as to the ” Maine” explosion. Mi n
always think what they want bo think. Therefore
there is a general tendency to charge the Spaniards
with the terrible catastrophe. But we don’t know.
I am prouder than I ever was in my life of the \mer-
ican people. In the midst of events that would have
thrown France into revolution, that would have light-
ed the fires of jingi asm all 1 iver < >t\ at Britain and
man)-, the great, magnanimous, self-contained Amer-
ican people are holding their breath and gritting their
teeth until they know. But, as one of them. I don’t
want to see this government go off in a pet or a fury—
a pet of temper over De Lome or a fury of excitement
over the blowing up of the “Maine.” The real motive
of action lies deeper than these incidents. The Amer-
icans owned S50.000.000 worth of property in ( uba
They had a great trade there Their propertj hats
destroyed and their trade dissipated. They went to
Cuba under tin pledge of this government that their
flag should cover them. The) have been murd’
■-tarved, binned out, and thousands are nmv reduced to
poverty. for an hour of Andrew Jackson! Then
the independence of the Republic of ( uba would be ac-
knowledged; then a treaty of alliance would be made
with it. and .m American licit and an American army
in thirty days would wipe Spain off the map of North
America. France did .all this for us in 1778; we oughl
to do it now for Cuba, and let stocks go. But don’t
make a quarrel about a foolish letter or a catastroph*
for which the Spanish Government may or may n
responsible. Let us base our action on the broad
ground of justice, of right, of humanity, and of duty to
the American flag and the American citizen.
C. C. Cole, Huntsville, Tex., was a member of Com-
pany B, Caldwell’s First Kentucky Cavalry, and, hav-
ing lost his discharge, wishes his comrades to help him
establish his identity as a member of that company.
This company was raised in Rocky Hill, Barren Coun-
ty, Ky.. and Mr. Cole served with it until disabled and
discharged by the regimental surgeon. He thinks al-
most any member of the company will remember the
“boy Cole,” or Columbus Cole, and the information
sought will be a great favor to him.
At the reorganization of A. S. Johnston Camp No.
115, Meridian, Tex., Capt. T. C. Alexander was elect-
ed Commander, and Maj. 11. M. Dillard was reelected
Adjutant. This camp has a memorial hall of its own.
where meetings are held, and to which all veterans in
the county have free access.
W. T. Butt (Company C. Forty-Fifth Alabama Reg-
iment), Augusta. Ga., wishes to learn of Mrs. A. L.
Marquess, who lived in Sparta. Tenn., during the war.
She had a son on the staff of Gen. J. E. Johnston
Confederate .
Confederate .
S. A. CUNNINGHAM, Editor and Proprietor.
Office: Methodist Publishing House Building, Nashville, Tenn.
This publication is the personal property of S. A. Cunningham. All
persons who approve its principles, and realize its benefits as an organ for
Associations throughout the South, are requested to commend its patron-
age and to cooperate in extending it.
It must be attained. The need of the Veteran is so
great in so many homes and among so many comrades
who have no home that it is determined to print edi-
tions of twenty thousand copies after the April number.
The May number will be largely devoted to the “Old
North State,” and many extra copies are ordered by
comrades in its area. After that the great reunion at
Atlanta will have diligent attention; so that the twenty-
thousand mark will begin, to continue, with an increase
by July if possible. Anyhow, twenty thousand copies
are guaranteed for May, June, and July issues.
The report of the Pension Board for Confederates in
Tennessee shows that there are five hundred and forty-
three beneficiaries listed, and that one hundred and
twenty-three of the number have died. The state ap-
propriates $60,000 a year to the maimed citizens who
established good records as soldiers, who fought her
battles upon the call of her Governor in the sixties.
The report contains the names of the veterans, the
counties in which they reside, and the amount paid to
each, ranging from $100 to $300 a year.
Mrs. Hallie A. Rounsaville, of Rome, President of
the United Daughters of the Confederacy in Georgia,
has undertaken to save the Confederate Soldiers’
Home for Georgia, near Atlanta. She seeks one
thousand men who will subscribe $10 each. This is a
highly commendable action.
The May Veteran is expected to be devoted espe-
cially to the interests of North Carolina, and to be
ready for distribution at Charlotte on the 20th. Let
all comrades and others who have a word of worthy
tribute to the “Tar Heels” in the great war send it in
Maj. Charles W. Anderson, chairman of the Chick-
amauga Park Commission, is making diligent effort
to secure a large attendance at Chickamauga Park on
“Tennessee Confederate Day,” May 12, when the
monuments of the Volunteer State will be dedicated.
James M. Kelley was born in Lake County, O.,
moved to Monticello, Mo., and there joined the Con-
federate army. He has never been heard of since by
family or friends. If any comrade can give informa-
tion as to his fate, it will be gratefully appreciated.
Send to the Veteran.
The Nashville (Tenn.) American contained an article
recently concerning the late Miss Frances E. Willard
and the South, reproducing a letter written by Miss
Willard fifteen years ago. It is copied here not only to
show the appreciative disposition of Miss Willard, but
as proof that the editor of the Veteran has ever been
diligent in behalf of the cause that is dearer to the
Southern people than any other theme.
In the winter of 1883 Miss Willard delivered an ad-
dress in Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, at the conclu-
sion of which Mr. Beecher sprang to the platform from
a seat in the auditorium, and said it was the “finest
speech ever made in Plymouth Church.” He stated
that there was not. a dissenting voice to anything she
said. There was, however. Mr. S. A. Cunningham,
who now edits the Confederate Veteran, wrore for
the press an account, in which he stated that “the ex-
traordianry discourse was marred in its beauty only by
an assertion of the opinion that there were those in the
South who regretted that slaves were freed,” and, with
partizan emphasis, that “the dominant party had suc-
ceeded in the late elections in states that had voted in
favor of prohibition.” He added that these statements
were the more regretted because of the sincere devo-
tion to Miss Willard in the South.
In reply to Mr. Cunningham’s article, Miss Willard
wrote, January 19, 1883, en route in Georgia:
“Kind Friend: . . . Thanks for your cordial no-
tice of my address in Plymouth Church, only permit
this demurrer: I can not think you quite understood me
if you thought I spoke one unpleasant word of the
South, to which I don’t know how to be a more loyal
friend than I have been ever since my first trip, in 1880,
even unto this third and last one. As to saying that
‘the dominant party in Iowa took up the prohibition
question,’ is it not true? I even avoided naming the
party, for I am favorable to neither of the old, but am
committed to the new, non-sectional, antisaloon party,
whatever its name may be. And as to the further
statement that in the olden time many good men took
their text, ‘Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants
shall he be,’ and preached the providential origin and
character of African slavery, it can not be denied. I
merely used the illustration to show that, by parity of
reasoning, good men now quote the Bible as the friend
of moderate drinking, but will not, later on, when our
cause is the success it is certain to become. Sometimes
I begin a lecture thus:’Less than a century ago the Pres-
ident of Yale College sent out to Africa a hogshead of
New England rurh, upon condition that a slave should
be returned to him as its equivalent. No such thing as
that could happen now,’ etc. Surely such an allusion
can wound no friend of either North or South. Be-
lieve me, kind editor, I have done no despite to the
warm and generous welcome accorded me in your be-
loved Southern land, nor will I, be assured. Yours for
the temperance party, where the best men of both sec-
tions will ere long march, side by side.”
Monroe Coneby, Second Kentucky Cavalry, C. S.
A., now residing’ at 1121 Rufer Avenue, Louisville,
Ky.. inquires for T. J. Loyal, who belonged to a Vir-
ginia battery.
Qor^federate l/eterai).
A Confederate of Georgia, and Wiley Wills, of Ten-
nessee, had an impressive experience the night of the
battle of Franklin. The Georgian writes of the event,
stating that he was sent as a courier to Maj. Prest-
man, chief engineer, and that Wiley Wills, a cou-
rier, was on a like errand from his commander. The
two were together near Spring Hill, when the) en-
countered a group of a dozen men or so. The one in
front gave a military salute, and asked for the news of
the battle. Reply was made that it was “sadly disas-
trous,” and the cavalcade was about moving on when
states “a thing occurred which excites my won-
der even now. A paroxysm of patriotic courage took
possession of me, and I demanded that they halt and
tell me who they were before going farther. There
were twelve to fourteen of them against two. The
elderly gentleman raised his hat, commended our sol-
dierly vigilance, and said: ‘I am Gen. J. E. Johnston.’ ”
Both couriers thought they recognized ! .ien. John-
ston, and asserts that he knew one of the staf)
personally; but they are certainly mistaken as to I r( ti
Johnston. He would not have gone into that section
of country at the time.
This is no fancy picture. Many such cases occurred.
I do not allude to these things to rekindle the passions
engendered at that time, but that the people of the
South may the better appreciate the sacrifices made for
them by tire noble patriots of that section.
W. L. Morrison, Hamilton, Tex.:
I was much interested in the Arkansas letter con-
cerning Buck Brown’s battalion and the experiences
of families of Southerners in Northwest Arkansas and
Southwest Missouri during those terrible years. As
occasionally the news would come to us in the army
by “underground telegraph” of our old fathers being
murdered, our mothers, wives, sisters, and sweethearts
being robbed and insulted, our homes pillaged and
often burned — and that, too, by those who were former-
ly our friends and neighbors — you can imagine run
mental agonies and how hard it was for ‘.is to keep
from leaving the regular army and going back inside
the Federal lines to still hunt for those miserable mis-
creants who, calling themselves “home guards,” were
only a pack of cowardly murderers and thieves. I am
glad to say they were held in as much contempt by the
Brave regular Federal soldiery as they were intensely
hated by Confederates. If people generally under-
stood the true state of things in that unhappy country
at that time, there would not be so much condemnation
of the desperate warfare of Quantrell, Bill Anderson,
Todd, Holtzclaw, and others: for. if men ever had
cause to be intensely desperate and return evil for evil,
we of Western and Southwestern Missouri and North-
western Arkansas had it.
But the history of the civil (terribly imcivil) war in
that section will never be written. It never could be,
except with a pen dipped in the blood crushed from the
heart of some noble, devoted Southern woman who,
having learned of her husband’s death on some far-off
battle-field and his burial in an unmarked grave, has
been compelled to witness the butchery of her old
white-haired father, and then to see her home commit-
ted to the flames, and she and her little ones left to
Freeze or starve in a country where it was almost a
crime for some kind Union man to befriend th( m
One of the most noted Confederates entered on the
“last roll” recently is Moses P. Handy, of Maryland.
His ancestors were prominent in the history of the
state, and his family has furnished many of the most
distinguished lawyers of Maryland. His father. Rev.
Isaac Handy, was a prominent Presbyterian clergyman.
While under age he entered the Confederate service,
and served with gallantry during the closing months of
the war. He was employed by the New York Tribune
as special correspondent during the ten years’ war in
Cuba, and won distinction by his report of the “Virgin-
ius” massacre. Later he became managing editor of the
Philadelphia Times, and subsequently editor of the
Philadelphia daily News, lie was commissioned from
Virginia to the Centennial Exposition in 1876, commis-
sioner to the Vienna Exposition, and was chief of the
Bureau of Publicity and Promotion of the World’s Co-
lumbian Expi sition. In 1895 he became editor of the
Chicago Times-Herald.
W. II. Reym Ids, I ommander of (‘amp Hardee,
\\ 1 ii ‘dhw 11. Ala., n ports the death of a membei – \- ■ ■■■
B. Nave, on the 29th of December, from pneumonia.
Comrade Nave was a private in the Fourth Alabama
Regiment, and lost his right arm in one <>! the \ irginia
battles. lie was a brave, true soldier and a faithful
member of his camp. Comrade Reynolds writes that
his camp has passed a bright year, ami had a good
many additions. I luring the month of December they
distributed $66.64 m charity and relief. Once
month the members attend some church in abodv.
\. Green, Adjutant of Camp No. 268, U. C. V.,
Seale, Ala.: “During tins year our camp has lost two
of its most valuable members: B. R. Henry, first ser-
geant Company I, Thirty-Fourth Alabama Regiment,
and J. C. Williamson, firsl sergeanl R. H. Bellamy’s
Battalion, Waddell’s Artillery. Both of these were
faithful, efficient Confederate soldiers and good citi-
zens. Thus the survivors of those gallant coram
are passing ‘over the river.’ 1 note with sadness
death of Miss Lucinda B. Helm, sister of Gen. Ben
Hardin Helm, to whom I am indebted for kindness
rendered as I was returning home from Johnson’s
Island. ( ‘)., through Kentucky.”
George Adv. General Agent of the Union Pacific
System, Denver, Colo., who served in the Second Iowa
Cavalry, in the old Grierson Brigade, writes that he
takes a great deal of interest in accounts of the opera-
tions of Gen. Forrest’s command, and would like to
hear of Capt. Allen, of the Second Arkansas Cav-
alry. Mr. Ady was under obligations to Allen when a
prisoner, and has always hoped to meet him.
Alden McLellan, 727 Common Street, New Orleans
La., wishes to know where he can procure the book
entitled “Mountain Campaigns of Georgia,” and will
appreciate the desired information.
Confederate l/eterai).
Col. R. M. Martin, of the Tenth Kentucky Cavalry,
under Gen. Morgan, writes from Louisville, Ky., and
sends a reminiscence filled with valuable historic data.
Capt. Allbright, referred to, lives at Columbus, O., and
is active for our cause there:
In June, 1862, Adam R. Johnson and I entered our
native state, Kentucky, authorized to recruit a com-
mand and operate within the enemy’s lines, by which
method they would be forced to employ much larger
forces to protect their lines of communication. Uur
first halt was in Henderson County. There Adju.
Owen, who had just escaped prison, joined us. War
on the border was inaugurated that night by our attack
on the Federal post at- Henderson. They had one
company of about sixty men. There were three of
us. The fight commenced about ten at night, and
lasted till 2 a.m. By August we had done much hard
fighting, notwithstanding our forces were yet in de-
tachments. However, we had captured in the mean
time arms and ammunition sufficient to justify us in
calling our forces together for a more compact organ-
ization. We rendezvoused at Nebo, Hopkins Coun-
ty, and in a few hours an organization of the Tenth
Kentucky Cavalry was completed. Col. Adam R.
Johnson assumed command, I was lieutenant-colonel,
W. G. Owen major. Col. Starling was then in command
of about two hundred men at Hopkinsville, and, as
they were the handiest, our column was headed for
them within two hours after organization. As was a
custom with me, I was soon miles on the road, with
one picked man, to personally look the situation over
before the attack. I spent a couple of hours in the
city. We left our horses a convenient distance out-
side, pickets having been flanked. After a midnight
lunch with a friend I set out to join Johnson. At sun-
rise we had met the enemy, and “they were ours.”
This plum was so easy that we at once sought other
and larger ones. Clarksville, Tenn., was near by,
where there were very large accumulations of army
supplies, estimated in value at a half-million dollars.
The railroad could not move the stuff as fast as it came
up the river. A few minutes’ private conversation put
us in possession of such facts as we desired as to the
strength of the enemy occupying Clarksville and the
general situation. Johnson was a man of but few
words, hence our column was soon in motion by a side
road to Clarksville. With my man I was again after
facts in detail, which I could only obtain by riding into
the city next day in broad daylight. We attracted at-
tention of a few citizens, but not the soldiers. After
riding within a few feet of the piece of artillery, I made
for the Russellville pike to meet Col. Johnson, which
I did some three miles out. He was at the head of
his column, coming at half-speed. I turned to his side
and reported, as we rode at an increased gait, that Col.
Mason, in command of the post, had one piece of ar-
tillery and his Seventy-First Ohio Regiment of In-
fantry. By this time we had come near Mason’s forti-
fied position, which was very formidable. It was in
a large brick college buildine, with windows and doors
blocked with baled hay. The building occupied an
eminence and was enclosed by a cedar-pale fence
twelve feet high. Port-holes were cut and rifle-pits
thrown up on the inside, the artillery covering the
main entrance.
As the street diverged, Johnson ordered me to hold
the post in check where they were, and ‘if they came
out to charge them in column. In the twinkling of an
eye he had cut off two companies and was dashing into
the city to take charge of and destroy all the great
barge-loads and any levee-crowded stores which were
en route to the front. Without checking the column, I
did not stop till uncomfortably close to the enemy;
and, without exposing the rear end of my line, I cut
off one company under Maj. Owen, sending him to
my right flank, there to make best show of strength
he could. In the mean time not a shot had been fired
except a few scattering ones by Johnson’s men in the
city to clinch our bluff. I sent in a flag, demanding
a surrender. Col.. Mason sent for me, and I rode in-
side his position, where he stood. Formal salutes
were passed between us. He seemed to cavil and to
show fight. At this junction an immense Rebel yell
came from the north side, which up to that time had
been quiet. Mason asked what command that was,
and I told him it was Col. Woodward coming in by
the Hopkinsville pike. He turned to one of his staff
and ordered him to place his men in line and stack
arms, at the same time handing me his sword, whicli
I returned to him. We were not long in taking
charge of the arms and reversing the muzzle of the
artillery, the first we had captured. Johnson, upon re-
ceiving my message saying not to burn anything, that
the post had surrendered, was so astonished that he
came himself to verify it. (See “Military History of
Ohio,” page 158.)
With the view of organizing a brigade, Col. John-
son instructed Col. Woodward to complete his regi-
ment, and he left me in command, while he returned
to Hopkins County to assist Col. Fowler in organizing
his regiment, which, like Woodward’s, was well under
way. Shortly afterward they were both killed while
leading their men on the field.
I must not forget to mention a most delightful com-
pliment paid us by the ladies of Clarksville just as Col.
Johnson was taking leave of us. He sat on his hand-
some roan mare telling us good-by, when a great
throng of citizens approached, and a lady unfurled the
handsomest silk flag I ever saw. She gave in brief its
history. It was made for a Tennessee regiment which
was captured at Fort Donelson, and was, by corr ,v non
consent, promised to whoever rescued Clarksville from
Federal rule. Col. Johnson’s reply was equal to the
occasion, and he rode off feeling quite happy.
We remained in Clarksville a few days in full en-
joyment of all the good things that could come to a
soldier’s life. Having considerable accessions to our
forces, we perfected our organization. W. B. All-
bright, of Clarksville, was of the accessions. Though
young in years, he was old in service, having partici-
pated in the battles of Forts Henry and Donelson as
an artilleryman, serving in the water battery against
the gunboats.
Having information concerning the strength of the
post at Fort Donelson, I concluded to try my luck on
her again, having been whipped there six months be-
fore. I sent for Allbright. and ordered him to take
charge of the gun and to organize a squad of the best
men that he could find in the command for that serv-
Confederate l/eterar?.
ice. After a hard, all-night march we drew up within
a few miles of Fort Donelson. I had sent a strong
scouting party ahead, who captured the pickets, and
reported no indications that our presence was known.
Then it was I made a fatal mistake by sending for Col.
Woodward, who had had more experience than I.
When he rode up I told him I would waive rank, and
asked him to take command and make the light. We
were badly whipped, losing some valuable men. Col.
Woodward, leading the charge, had his horse killed
under him within a few feet of the fort. He had re-
versed my whole plan of attack. Our piece of artil-
lery, however, did its full share by rapid firing of blank-
cartridges (all we had) from a fine position.
After the defeat at Fort Donelson we took the river
road back to Clarksville. We went into camp about
midnight some ten miles from Fort Donelson, at the
old Cumberland ironworks. At daybreak next morn-
ing our pickets were driven in by the Fifth Iowa
Cavalry Regiment, stationed at Fort Henry. The val-
ley at that point was quite narrow, and at a glance I
saw we had a fine position. The ironworks, having
been burned, left a stone foundation just the height for
breastworks. They were quickly occupied, and our
horses were secured in the background. I dropped a
couple of companies along under the river-bank. I had
ordered Allbright to occupy a position well down the
road in the direction of the approaching enemy. They
appeared most formidable as they came at half-speed
in platoons of eight up the level, smooth cinder road,
their horses’ feet roaring like distant thunder. They
had to turn at a sharp right angle when within a few
hundred yards of us, then to cross a bridge in full
view and range of our six-pound piece of artillery,
which was rammed to the muzzle with Minie balls.
Having stopped a moment at the cannon to give final
instruction to Allbright, I passed on to the bridge to
invite them on; but there was no special need of that,
for here they came. The gun was in the middle of
the road with a sweep of five hundred or six hundred
feet to the bridge. I fell back to the cannon. Know-
ing that but one shot could be made, I told Capt. All-
bright to send his men and caisson to one side, as they
would be crushed by the horses if exposed, and to save
his fire until he could see the whites of their eyes, to
which he replied that he would do his duty. Falling
back to Capt. Fisher’s company, supporting the artil-
lery, I turned to see if the duty was well done. The
column was very close when the gun was fired. Lieut.
Summers, with drawn sword, was leading, and about
half the column had crossed the bridge. The rear of
their column, seeing the fate of their head, checked,
and in a panic stampeded badly. They were admira-
bly mounted and equipped, and it seemed a pity to
down such fine fellows. What followed is best told by
Capt. Allbright. who said:
‘As they approached, goinc north before crossing
the bridge, the scene was magnificent. It is vivid with
me still. When they crossed the bridge, entering the
fine stretch of road looking directly into the mouth of
my gun, they did not falter, but spurred their horses
to greater speed. They came as an avalanche to sweep
everything before it. The few hundred feet were soon
covered. At a glance I saw that I would get but one
shot, and ordered my squad to flee for safety. Having
no friction matches. I had to use the torch from a small
fire near by kindled for that purpose. There I stood
waving my firebrand to keep it alive, and at the same
time keeping an eye on my gun and the enemy. It
seemed an age for them to cover that short distance
leading up from the bridge. I was eager to have it
over. I confess that I felt something more than eager-
ness when they came abreast in columns of eights, their
sabers flashing in the light of the sun, which was then
just rising. I could not but f ee ‘ a hesitancy in firing on
such men. In these few seconds the head of the col-
umn had almost reached me. I gave my firebrand a
whirl in the air to make sure of its being a ‘go,’ and
lowered it to the powder. They were so close that the
smoke and dust enveloped the entire front of their col-
umn; in fact, the whole moving mass was enveloped in
a hcavv charcoal dust thai tilled the air until it became
CAPT. \V. B. ALI.HH It. II I .
as ‘dark as Egypt.’ I had no time for anything. A
jam and crash of men and horses were all around me;
the road seemed to be piled full of them. Kind provi-
dence and a big beech-tree were my salvation this time
sure. Men and horses were all about me, so close 1
could feel them move about. The charging column
was only checked, and imagine my surprise, when the
smoke cleared away, not to find the road filled with
the dead. Upon looking about for my cannon it was
many feet away, having been thrown from its trun-
nions. The carriage was lying upside down. All
this was done by the momentum of their heavy horses
and their speed when the gun was fired. At the close
of the fight Col. Martin congratulated me on the part
I had so well executed. It was all clone with a little
‘ Fourth-of-July’ gun, but promoted me to the rank
of captain.”
Qopfederate .
John L. Collins, Coffeeville, Miss.:
I relate a sad incident of the war which came under
my immediate observation, and it was one of the most
grievous that I witnessed during all the bitter trials
of that four years’ crusade.
In a skirmish right with the Federals at Decatur,
Ala., as Hood’s army was advancing into Tennessee
after the fall of Atlanta, Adj. Sykes, of the Forty-
Third Mississippi Regiment, Adams’ Brigade of Mis-
sissippians, was mortally wounded, and, strange to
say, was carried to the old homestead of his youth for
medical treatment’. The old plantation near the bat-
tle-ground had long years before the war been the
property of his father. At the place of his birth Adj.
Sykes received the last acts of kindness that human
hands could bestow, and died in the same room in
which he was born. Lieut.-Col. Columbus Sykes, of
the same regiment, was the Adjutant’s bi other, and
was permitted to carry the remains to Aberdeen, Miss.,
for interment, while the Confederates moved on to-
ward Tuscumbia, where they turned noithward for
Tennessee. The result of that expedition to the Con-
federates need not be told. No other in the war
equaled it in hardship and privation.
After the death of our lamented commander, Gen.
Adams, at Franklin, ex-Gov. Lowry (now living at
Jackson, Miss.) by seniority became commander of the
brigade. Late one afternoon, somewhere in the hills
of Itawamba County, Miss, (the writer thinks), a day’s
march from Tupelo, while slowly moving in retreat
after a hard day’s march, the head of our brigade (Col.
Lowry and staff) was met by Lieut. Sykes, returning
from the sad mission to bury his brother. Col. Lowry
invited him to go into camp with himself and staff.
Col. Lowry established brigade headquarters, and
Col. Sykes took occasion to select for himself and mess
a place close by; and when his regiment came up Capt.
Perry and his brother-in-law, a Mr. Owen, and their
servant joined Col. Sykes. Fires were soon started,
and a Confederate soldier’s repast promptly des-
patched, not long after which a deathlike silence
reigned supreme in our camp.
It will be remembered that the winter of 1864-65
was very severe, from which the ground had grown
very rotten, just such a season as old dead trees take
occasion to fall. The writer and his mess had stretched
their blankets on a dry knoll near the trunk of an old
dead white oak tree about four feet in diameter, Col.
Sykes locating about thirty feet distant and immedi-
ately between Col. Lowry ‘s mess and ours. It was a
dark, drizzly night, which apparently added to the
stillness of the hour. Under these conditions down
came this old oak. It fell squarely across the bodies
of Col. Sykes, Capt. Perry, and Sergt. Owen. The
two latter evidently never knew what struck them
Their servant lay at the feet of the three, and escaped
injury. Col. Sykes was not killed outright, and his
moanings soon aroused the whole camp. By Hercu-
lean strength of the many that monster oak was raised
so as to release the bodies of the three. Capt. Perry
and Sergt. Owen were laid out in the silent embrace
of death. Col. Sykes was entirely conscious of all the
surroundings.’ I shall never forget the piteous lamen-
tations of this noble-hearted man and brave soldier.
He said that he would not mind it if he had fallen like
his brother. We did everything we could to relieve
our unfortunate comrade of the intense agony he was
undergoing. He gave prompt testimony of gratitude
to his last breath; there was a tender look and kind
“Thank you.” Never shall I forget the scene. Sev-
eral hundred of as brave soldiers as Mississippi ever
gave to the “lost cause” stood around with bowed
heads and weeping hearts at the sad fate of Col. Sykes.
I was kneeling and holding a pillow in the palms of
my hands when my attention was drawn to the nota-
ble expression of contented calmness on the Colonel’s
face which just prior to death supplanted that which
writhing agony had produced. From it came the
farewell token of lips ready now to be closed forever
by death: “Tell my dear wife and children I loved
them to the last.” He pronounced these words in a
clear, distinct tone of voice, after which not a muscle
At early daylight we placed the bodies of our ill-
fated comrades in an ambulance, and Dr. W. G. Sykes
(then a member of Gen. Featherston’s staff), with an
escort, proceeded to Aberdeen, where they were buried
in the family grave-yard. Our command, under its
bitter trial, solemnly moved in retreat toward Tupelo.
In connection with the above, mention is made that
doubtless more members of the Sykes family served on
duty as staff officers. At request of the Veteran, Col.
E. T. Sykes, adjutant-general and chief of staff to Gen.
Stephen D. Lee, U. C. V., has given a sketch of all
these for use in a subsequent number.
Confederate l/eterai?.
J. B. Polley writes from Floresville, Tex. :
Originally it was not my intention to publish all the
letters written by me during the war to Charming
Nellie, but the reception by your readers of the hist
two or three encouraged me to publish all of them m
the order of their dates, and thus make a continuous
narrative. Unfortunately, however, the two first writ-
ten were inaccessible, and 1 was forced to begin with
that written after the retreat from Vorktown. These
are now forwarded — that is, such excerpts lrom them
as are impersonal and likely to revive pleasant memo-
ries in the minds of my Confederate comrades.
To me the scenes and incidents recalled are sad-
dened by the thought that of the members oi my mess
at Dumfries, \ a., 1 am now the only survivor. The
Veteran died at my house last June. No braver, truer
Confederate soldier ever bore a gun, no better man and
citizen ever died. Confederates lowered his coffin into
the grave and heaped the dirt over it. Haywood Bra-
han — a soldier and a gentleman sans pair et sans rc-
prochc, my friend at college, in camp, and in the years
that whitened both our heads — died last fall, and I
stood sorrowing over the grave in which his body was
laid. Floyd’s head was cut off by a cannon-ball at
pettysburg; Sneed, wounded at second Manassas,
died in Mississippi twenty years ago; and Dansby’s
body lies hid in an unknown and unmarked grave.
Peace to their ashes! res’ to their souls!
Winter Quarters of Fourth Texas, Near Dumfries,
Va., January 3, 1S62.
Charming Nellie: Your cordial and flattering ac-
knowledgment of our introduction at long range is
both gratifying and encouraging. It is not only evi-
dence of the deep interest the ladies of the South take
in our glorious cause, but it also proves that the hum-
blest Confederate soldier is not friendless, and thus
furnishes him with additional incentives to meet the
inevitable trials and dangers of war with uncomplain-
ing fortitude and courage. ‘While not vain enough to
appropriate the compliment of your letters entirely to
myself, I shall try to deserve them as well because the
correspondence will be a great pleasure to me, and for
file reason that by showing myself worthy I may, I
trust, count on having a friend “at court.” In that
capacity you may prove yourself of immense service
and earn my warmest gratitude. While it may be true
that “absence makes the heart grow fonder.” I fear
the statement applies only to the absent organ, not to
the deserted. …….
All things considered, our winter quarters are quite
comfortable. They may lack symmetrical proportions,
furniture, and now and then doors and roofs, but we
have expended so much muscular energy upon them
and have taxed our combined architectural abilities so
enormously that we are not only proud of them, but
glad to be relieved from further strain of mind. The
responsibility for the cabin which shelters my mess
was impartially and judiciously distributed among its
members. To the Veteran. Mr. William Morris,
whose service in the Mexican war entitles him to that
distinction, was entrusted the planning and general
supervision; to Flovd, Sneed, and Dansby, the cutting
and hauling of the timbers and the riving of the clap-
boards for the roof; and to Brahan and your humble
servant, the digging of a level foundation on the side
of the hill. Then, when the frame was built, the pick-
ets set in place, and the roof finished, there was a re-
apportionment. The Veteran volunteered to build the
stick chimney, and I to make and carry the mud (mor-
tar); Sneed and Floyd took charge of the interior fur-
nishing and decorating, and Brahan and Dansby
daubed up all the cracks. The product of our joint
labors is a most elegant structure; but, unfortunately
for the Veteran and Dansby, the former made such a
miscalculation of the space required for six men that,
to punish him for his carelessness, he and Dansby
have, by unanimous vote of the four for whom there
is room, been condemned to sleep in a tent. It is hard
on Dansby, I” admit, but he has no business to have a
bedfellow so poor at figures. ….
The weather has been terribly cold and rainy for the
last three weeks. I have suffered from it perhaps
more than anybody else in the compam ; for, to please
Brahan’s fastidious taste as to soldierly appearance
and to keep even with him, I weakly yielded before we
left Richmond to his suggestion that we should buy
caps, and then foolishly gave the splendid hat I
brought from Texas to a darky. The top of the cap
tilts to the front at an angle of forty-five degrees, and
thus carries water over a visor just big enough to
catch hold of with the thumb and forefinger down on
the point of my nose, and the back of it follows the
slope of the occiput, and conveys even drop of rain
or flake of snow that falls down my spinal column.
Brahan, orderly sergeant; I, a humble private. He
stays in camp; while I stand guard, do fatigue dutv,
and otherwise expose myself. And thus, you see, al-
though I have kept even with him so far as presenting
a soldierly appearance goes, he does not near keep
even with me in the way of discomfort.
Barring guard and fatigue duty and the deprivation
of female society, our time passes very pleasantly vis-
iting friends in other companies and regiments
playing checkers, chess, and cards. Whist and euchre
are the games most indulged in, but poker has many
devotees, and is the favorite with a couple of m< sses 1 f
our company which occupy cabins on opposite sides
of the company street and at the lower end of it
gives a peculiar but well-recognized notice of its read-
iness for a game. When the supper dishes are washed
and put away Dick S steps outside, and cries in
his deep bass voice, “Char-c-o-a-1! char-c-o-a-1! char-
c-o-a-1!” in exact imitation of the venders of that com-
modity in the large cities. Following him. or perhaps
preceding him. the musical tenor of Walter B is
heard singing the first stanza of an old song known
as “Old Mother Flannagan,” and ten minutes after
either call the dining-table of the mess from which it
proceeds is surrounded by as many players as can
find room to sit and the cash to venture. No great
amount of money is ever won or lost, for our amateur
gamblers have not yet acquired the nerve of profes-
sionals, and never go beyond “cent ante.”
The dailies of Richmond reach us every evening,
and from them we learn much that otherwise would
remain concealed from us. The great cry and hope is
for recognition of the Southern Confederacv by
France and England. Everv item, argument, and ex-
pression on that subject is listened to with an avidity
Confederate .
that gives the lie to the loud-mouthed declarations of
our fire-eaters that they are thirsting for Yankee gore,
and would be ashamed to go home without a smell of
the powder of battle. It may convict one of coward-
ice, but nevertheless I frankly confess that I would be
glad to get home without a single taste or memento of
conflict. I am strictly bucolic in temperament, you
see; not in the least warlike. Satisfied that
” The chance of war is equal,
And the slayer oft is slain,”
and, warned by that truth, I have no desire to experi-
” The stern joy which warriors feel,
In foemen worthy of their steel.”
Still, I propose to take my chances with my comrades,
and, if there be fighting, do my duty to my country as
conscientiously as my legs will permit.
It is really amusing to note the eagerness of some
men to hear news. One old fellow of Company F has
a habit of listening open-mouthed to what is being told,
and then placing a hand to his left ear and saying,
“Please tell that over again, will you?” and the boys
find great fun in manufacturing sensational news and
playing upon his curiosity and credulity. The profess-
or of Latin for Company F calls him a quidnunc, but
whether as a term of reproach or compliment is be-
yond my ken. …….
You were kind to wish we had a “merry, merry
Christmas.” Every mess had its egg-nog or a first-
class substitute for it the first thing in the morning
and something better than common for dinner, while
after supper, the Veteran says, the whole company be-
came “tangle-footed.” But he must be mistaken; the
fellow that is drunkest always claims to be the soberest
man in the party. Anyhow, he and I were at Capt.
Cunningham’s quarters until midnight, and when we
left them I found no difficulty in reaching my own.
The Veteran attributes the circumstance wholly to the
fact that I went down-hill, but I scorn the base impu-
tation. The next day headaches were both epidemic
and contagious, and I admit that I caught one. .
You must pardon the dulness and egotism of this
letter. Only the most trivial incidents occur in these
days of waiting and watching. Had you acquaint-
ances in the regiment, I might- entertain you by re-
lating some of their ups and downs. Deprived of that
foundation for gossip, one has to be more egotistic than
is in good taste. Sentiment would be dangerous, I
fear, in this stage of our acquaintance, even were it
not interdicted by loyalty to “our mutual friend.” If
the war continues, though — which I hope and pray it
may not — I will likely find many incidents to relate that
will be entertaining to as ardent a Rebel as yourself.
In accordance with the wish of a South Carolina
subscriber, request is made that some one contribute
something about de Gardean’s Battery, of New Or-
leans. Some member of it may be able to furnish an
interesting article as to its service.
Dr. George Hammond, formerly assistant surgeon
of the Eighth Georgia Infantry Regiment, is of the
Confederate dead. Although serving with Georgia
troops, he was a Marylander, and one of those who
early in the struggle gave their service to the South.
(Fourth and Last Part.)
Since I began to write this story I have been asked
why the six hundred were put under fire on Morris
Island off Charleston and why we were starved in such
a cruel manner. In this last part I will, perhaps, be
able to give some of the reasons assigned for this cruel
treatment. I will also in this part of my story sub-
stantiate many things that I have heretofore stated by
the testimony of others.
On the 13th of June, 1864, Maj.-Gen. Sam Jones —
commanding the Department of South Carolina, Geor-
gia, and Florida, with headquarters at Charleston —
addressed a letter to Maj.-Gen. J. G. Foster, command-
ing United States forces on the coast of South Caro-
lina, of which the following is a copy:
“General: Five generals and forty-five field officers
of the United States army, all of them prisoners of
war, have been sent to this city for safe-keeping. They
have been turned over to Brig-Gen. Ripley, command-
ing the First Military District of this department, who
will see that they are provided with commodious quar-
ters in a part of the city occupied by non-combatants,
the majority of whom are women and children. It is
proper that I should inform you that it is a part of the
city which has been for many months exposed day and
night to the fire of your guns.”
Gen. Foster wrote to Gen. Halleck, on receipt of this
letter, enclosing a copy of it, which resulted in an or-
der sending six hundred Confederate officers, who
were prisoners of war at Fort Delaware, to be placed
under fire on Morris Island. I think it was on the
20th of August, 1864, that the six hundred Confederate
officers were selected and placed aboard the ship
“Crescent” at Fort Delaware, and it was sent under
the warship “Eutah” as a convoy. About four o’clock
on the morning of the third day out we were ordered
on deck to assist in getting the ship afloat. She was
aground near Cape Romain, off the South Carolina
I have heretofore given a detailed statement of what
took place up to the time we were landed on Morris
Island, and I have also stated rather fully of how we
were treated upon Morris’ Island. Our daily meals
there were as follows: In the morning we were given
two moldy crackers and two ounces of boiled pickled
meat. About four o’clock in the afternoon we were
given two moldy crackers and a gill of bean soup.
This was our daily ration. Col. W. W. Goldsboro,
who wrote an article on this subject several years ago,
makes this statement: “. . . When he brought
around the first of our two daily meals, which consist-
ed of two moldy crackers, two ounces of salt meat,
and a gill_ of bean soup.” This statement of Col.
Goldsboro perhaps needs some explanation. I think
my account is correct. The gill of bean soup and two
moldy crackers were given at four o’clock in the after-
noon. Two moldy crackers and two ounces of pickle
meat were given in the morning about seven or eight
I have previously made a full statement of how we
were fed at Fort Pulaski, but my statement, as I now
remember, is not strictly correct. For more than
fortv davs at Fort Pulaski we received as a daily meal
one pint, or about ten ounces, of corn-meal and one
pickle. The corn-meal was near three years old. We
could not eat the pickle at all. Hence the rotten corn-
meal was the whole ration. In my previous statement,
in addition to this, I put in one-fourth pound of bread.
This is not correct. I got the one-fourth pound of
bread mixed up with the mode of feeding at a previous
Col. Fulkerson, of the Sixty-Third Regiment, gives
a very correct account of this matter in his written
statement, which I here quote:
“Fort Pulaski formed a portion of Gen. Gilmore*s
department, but was under the immediate command
of Col. Brown, of New York, and was garrisoned by
his regiment of infantry, which had seen service in the
field. Col. Brown was not only an accomplished and
humane officer, but was a kind and courteous gentle-
man. Soon after our arrival he visited the fort and
made a personal inspection of our quarters, and told
us that he intended to make that prison the best one
in the United States; that some of his regiment had
been prisoners in the South, and were treated with
kindness, and that others, including himself, might be
captured, and in that event he would hope to receive
the consideration at the hands of the Confederates that
he intended to show us. He ordered full army rations
to be issued, made requisition on the department quar-
termaster for blankets for the prisoners, and not only
permitted but urged the prisoners to write to their
friends in the North for money and clothing, the latter
especially. Col. Brown’s kindness was highly appre-
ciated, and the prisoners became cheerful and content-
ed, or as well contented as prisoners of war could well
be. But to our great disappointment and to the regret
of Col. Brown himself, we were allowed to enjoy his
hospitality and kindness but a short time. Some es-
caped prisoners from the Confederate prison at An-
dersonville came through the lines into Gen. Gilmore’s
department and reported to him that for more than a
month before they escaped the prisoners at Anderson-
ville had nothing issued to them but corn-meal and
sorghum, which had caused much suffering and sick-
ness among the prisoners. The unfortunate six hun-
dred having been selected and sent to Gen. Gilmore
for retaliatory purposes, an order was issued to place
them upon like rations, and the privilege of receiving
money, clothing, or provisions from Northern sympa-
thizers was withdrawn. After this sweeping order was
put in force we understood that the blankets ordered
by Col. Brown and quantities of clothing and other
articles for the prisoners were received at the fort, but
were never delivered; and we were compelled to pass
the winter in the damp and cold brick-floored and
brick-lined casemates, with no bedclothing except til, 1
private blankets before mentioned, and without cloth-
ing- except the scanty supplv brought with us. Col.
Brown explained the situation to us. and expressed
regret that the order was peremptory, and that he was
powerless and without authority to modify it. The
allowance of corn-meal was ten ounces to the man per
day; and. as sorghum could not be obtained within the
Federal lines, it was suggested in some quarters that
armv pickle be substituted. This suggestion was
adopted, so that our rations consisted of ten ounces of
corn-meal, with acid, blood-thinning pickle. The ef-
fect of the pickle was to thin the blood, so its use was
quickly abandoned by the prisoners. Still it was is-
sued to us day by day in kegs, which were not opened.
The corn-meal was furnished us in barrels, delivered in
the casemates. The barrel-heads showed, the place
and date of manufacture of the meal, and were marked
thus, “Corn-meal, kiln-dried, 1861, from Mills,’
etc. Thus the meal upon which we were forced to sub-
sist was four years old, kiln-dried, and full of worms.
To understand the insufficiency of ten ounces of wormy
meal to sustain life and health it is only necessary to
state that the regular army ration issued to soldiers
consists of one and a quarter pounds of meal or one
pound of flour, three-fourths of a pound of bacon or
one and a quarter pounds of fresh beef, with coffee and
vegetables. As might have been expected, and doubt-
less was intended, great suffering among the prisoners
ensued. One of the effects of insufficient and un-
healthy food was scurvy, with which large numbers
became diseased and many died; and I am satisfied
that quite a number died from actual starvation. The
prisoners cooked their own bread, and for this purpose
tin pans of the size of an ordinary pie-pan were fur-
nished and a cooking-stove to every alternate case-
mate. Each casemate furnished a detail of cooks. I
remember, on one occasion, an inspecting physician
from some other post in the department was brought
into the prison by some of the officers of the fort, and.
observing the pans of bread upon the stove, remarked
to the officers accompanying him. ‘Why, is it possible
that you feed your prisoners on pies? ‘ evidently mis-
taking our wormy corn-cakes for pies. One day a
prisoner picked from his ration a dozen or more of the
larger-sized worms, and was in the act of throwing
them through a port-hole into the moat when he was
stopped by a passing friend, who remarked: ‘My
friend, if you take the worms out of your meal you
will starve, as the meal without the worms has no nu-
triment in it.’ He immediately raked the worms back
into the meal. The fort was garrisoned from the be-
ginning of the war by different detachments of troops.
The prisoners’ quarters were separated from the case-
mates occupied by the soldiers of the garrison by a kind’
of gate made of heavy iron bars. The soldiers of the
garrison had a great number of cats; indeed, every
soldier seemed to have his pet. The cats had free ac-
cess to our quarters through the iron grating, and.
being gentle and friendly disposed, they were given a
warm reception by the prisoners. Not a great while
after we were put on retaliation rations some enter-
prising or half-starved prisoners conceived the happy
idea of testing cat flesh as an article of food. The ex-
periment proved a success, and thereafter the cats rap-
idlv disappeared. The cats were generally captured.
killed, and dressed during the night. The soldiers
were at a loss to know what had become of their pets,
but they soon discovered the skins floating in the moat,
and this led to the discovery that the prisoners were
killing them for food.”
We are sure there is not a darker page in the his-
tory of the war than the treatment of the six hundred
prisoners at Morris Tsland and at Fort Pulaski. It is
the darkest blot upon the civilization of the American
people. It will be the duty of the future historian to
ascertain all of the facts and to place the responsibility
where it properly belongs. Who was responsible for
the murder of so many of the unfortunate six hundred?
The question of prison life has not been thoroughly
investigated nor understood by the people of the Uni-
Qonfederate .
ted States. I fully believe that a full investigation of
this matter would show that the Confederate Govern-
ment did alj that could possibly be done for the well-
being of Federal soldiers in the hands of Confederates;
but I believe that the truth, when fully known, will
reveal the fact that the Federal Government was crim-
inally negligent in her treatment of Confederate sol-
diers, and in many respects were guilty of wilful, in-
tentional cruelty. Out of 270,000 Federal prison-
ers in Confederate hands, 22,000 died; while out of the
220,000 Confederate prisoners in Federal hands, over
26,000 died. The ratio is this: More than twelve per
cent of the Confederates in Federal hands died, and less
than nine per cent of the Federals in Confederate hands
died. These figures tell the whole story, or, at least,
a sufficiency of the story to prove the assertions which
I have heretofore made. It is evident that Federal
soldiers in Confederate hands were better treated than
Confederate prisoners in Federal hands; and this, too,
in the face of the fact that the Confederates had neither
clothing, provisions, nor medicines in sufficient quanti-
ties to supply even her armies in the field. Who was
responsible for the bad treatment of prisoners and for
the loss of over forty-eight thousand Americans in
On July 24, 1863, Alexander H. Stephens, armed
with full power to treat upon this subject, and with
power to make any kind of an arrangement with refer-
ence to the exchange of prisoners for the better treat-
ment of prisoners, requested to be permitted to go to
Washington City on this subject. His request was
refused. ♦ Gideon Well, Secretary of the Navy, wrote
that the request of Mr. Stephens was inadmissable.
On July 24, 1864, Robert Ould, Confederate agent
of exchange, requested that all prisoners on each side
should be attended by a proper number of their own
surgeons, and that these surgeons should receive and
distribute all contributions that might be sent to the
prisoners and make all necessary reports, not only of
their own acts, but of any matters relating to the wel-
fare of prisoners. This request was not noticed..
The Federal Government broke the cartel for the
exchange of prisoners, refused to receive and hear
Alexander H. Stephens, and refused to reply to the
note of Robert Ould.
In August, 1864, the Confederate Government made
two more propositions. This time the Federal pris-
oners also made earnest appeal to their government.
The last proposition made by the Confederate Gov-
ernment was made some time in August, 1864, which
was to the effect that the Federal Government might
send and get all of her sick and wounded prisoners
without paying anything for them in exchange. This
the Federal Government paid no attention to until
about the 12th or 13th of December, 1864, when she
sent ships to Charleston and Savannah, and did re-
ceive some of her sick and wounded, and some few
sick and wounded Confederates were about this time
exchanged. Now bear in mind that the most cruel
and inhuman treatment at Pulaski was in January and
February, 1865.
How will the historian ever be able to justify or ex-
cuse the treatment received by the six hundred? I
speak of this in sorrow, and not in anger, for we are
all American citizens, and are all proud of our civiliza-
tion: but will not the future historian be compelled to
record the fact that we were not as civilized as we
pretended to be? Will he not also be compelled to re-
cord the fact that the Southern people were guilty of
no intentional, wanton cruel acts of barbarity?
I do not wish to make invidious comparisons, but I
do believe that when all of the facts are known the
verdict will be that the South conducted the war with
more chivalry, with more humanity, and with more
Christian forbearance and zeal than was displayed by
our Northern brethren — that is, in fine, that we were
a more civilized and Christianized people than were
our Northern brethren.
Robert W. Robertson, New Orleans:
Last summer one of my sons called my attention to
a communication from Charleston in the Veteran for
May, 1897, in which information was sought concern-
ing the fate of four twelve-pound brass Napoleons
captured in the battle of Atlanta on July 22, 1864.
I was away from home a good deal then, and so the
matter was lost sight of until recently, when I was re-
minded of it again by reading over some back num-
bers of the Veteran. I am convinced that the writer
of the inquiry, Gen. C. I. Walker, Commander of the
South Carolina Dnision, U. C. V., has fallen into an
error as to the name of the battery to which the guns
in question were assigned, spelling it “Garrity’s,” in-
stead of “Girardey’s” Battery. Under this supposi-
tion I can throw some light upon the history of these
guns, and possibly some of the other survivors of Gi-
rardey’s Battery may be able to carry the account far-
ther. While the fighting around Atlanta was actively
going on I left my home in Augusta, Ga., with a com-
pany of reserves composed of old men and boys under
eighteen years of age, being myself just past my six-
teenth birthday. We were sent to the forts and bat-
teries below Savannah to relieve the regular and vol-
unteer troops there, and did garrison duty up to and
during the siege of Savannah by the Federals in the
batteries at Wilmington Island, Turner’s Point, and
In the fall of 1864 I was sent home to Augusta on
sick furlough of thirty days’ duration, and at the ex-
piration of my leave, being cut off from my com-
mand, was attached to a battery of light artillery then
being organized in Augusta for the purpose of util-
izing such men as could not reach their proper com-
mands and certain captured guns taken in the fighting
around Atlanta. Failing in the attempt to procure
men and guns enough for a battalion, as was first in-
tended, four brass twelve-pound Napoleons and two
Blake steel rifled guns were thrown into a single bat-
tery, manned with one hundred and twenty-five men,
and commanded by Capt. Camile Girardey, of New Or-
leans, who was at his brother’s home in Augusta on
sick furlough. During the organization of this bat-
tery the men were placed with regard to their former
service, the commissioned and non-commissioned offi-
cers all being selected from the artillery and the drivers
from the cavalry branches of the service.
Under the name of Girardev’s Battery this command
was immediately ordered to Pocataligo, S. C. by way
of Charleston, “arriving at its destination while a hot
fight was in progress around Fort Coosawhatchie, the
next station toward Savannah on the Charleston and
Savannah railroad. Being officered by men of expe-
Qopfederate l/eterar?
rience in that line of service, the men had been well
drilled during the organization of the battery, conse-
qtrently there was a rapid unloading and limbering up
of the battery, and one hour after the arrival of the
train at Pocataligo the guns were being pushed
through the swamp corduroy road leading to the
scene of action and going into Fort Coosawhatchie in
a gallop under lire with the loss of several horses.
At this time the attack of the Federal gunboats was
directed against the Confederate line of defense be-
tween Coosawhatchie and Pocataligo, with the hope
of cutting off the retreat from Savannah, and infantry
was landed for the purpose of capturing the Confed-
erate position, which was a very strong one, under the
command of Lien. P. M. B. Young. Girardey’s Bat-
tery, as it was named from its organization, was here
divided up into three sections, each section being
placed under the command of a lieutenant at some
point where the lines needed strengthening. The
writer was attached to the section having the two
rifled guns, and was stationed at a point on the public
road between Coosawhatchie and Dawson’s Bluff,
where we fought gunboats and a battery of thirty-two
pounders erected by the Federals near the gunboats,
which were on the Coosawhatchie River, about a mile
below the railroad bridge. We were there on Christ-
mas day and later, the fact being fully impressed on
in\ boyish mind by the fact that our only Christmas
dinner was hickory-nuts, gathered in haste between the
gun-fires from under trees which had been well shaken
by the bursting shells. Two of the bras- Napoleons
were stationed in the fori at Pocataligo and two were
■eld in the long grove of live-oaks which formed the
ftvenue leading up to the front door of the mansion
of the Heyward plantation.
Girardey’s Battery remained here until after the re-
treating troops from Savannah had passed, many of the
men composing the battery being claimed by their re-
spective commands as they passed by. The writer
was .inning these, and there joined his command.
which then formed a portion of Gen. Johnston’s rear-
guard, and continued with his old company (then
Known as the Fifth Georgia Reserves, Company G)
until just before the surrender at Greensbi ro, N. C.
at which time, under a reorganization, he was allowed
to join Company A of the Fifth Georgia Volunteers,
which contained a number of his friends and relatives.
As the writer has since that time lived twice the length
of the life he had then attained, he may be pardoned
slight inaccuracies, but it is his recollection that Gi-
rardey’s Battery went back to Augusta to disband after
the surrender of Charleston, As lie was at that time,
gowever, in the “foot cavalry” and plowing through
the swamps of the two Carolina.*, his evidence is not
reliable as to the final disposition of these guns.
Tn this battery was a Lieut. McDonald, from Savan-
nah : two cavalrymen from near Savannah, named re-
spectively Blitz and Morgan (drivers in the battery’);
a sergeant named Al Connell. from Mt. Zion. Ga..
who was an old school friend of the writer’s, and after-
ward went West: and three North Carolina men of the
same name as the writer (Robertson’! — father and two
sons. Blitz and Morgan- — being old veteran cavalry-
men, full of fun and frolic, and taking especial pleasure
in guying other cavalrymen, all of whose weak points
were familiar to them, and who did not expect such
searching gags from the drivers of artillery — were an
unending source of amusement to the boys connected
with the batterx’. and so impressed their names and
personalities upon the writer, who would dearly like to
know what became of them.
[Gen. Walker’s inquiry is on page 207 of Veteran
for May, 1897. James Garrity’s Battery was from
Alabama, C. E. Girardey’s Battery was from Louisiana,
while that of Isadore P. Girardey was from Georgia- –
Ed. Veteran.]
Col. W. H. Knauss, of Columbus. Ohio, has had
much of interesting correspondence because of his no-
ble service in earing for Confederan graves at I
Chase. He sends a letter from \Y. 11. Richardson, of
Austin, 1 ex. Extracts are copied from the letter:
Now, to tell an unvarnished tale, the story as it was
written in hunger and suffering, might bring to the
surface bitter memories, and be considered unseeml)
and out of place. Therefore 1 will only deal in a g< 11
eral way. After thirty-three years, my memory is as
fresh as if it was yesterday. Arriving at Camp Chase
early in August, 1864, we found an order curtailing ra-
tions to the lowesl minimum possible to sustain life.
Therefore, a constant want of the necessary healthy
food to sustain life fast filled those graves — with the
weak first, those who contracted disease next, while
the stron- nun. inured to hardship and rations, wore
on. 1 )uring this time the sutler was not allowed to sell
anything, not even pepper. You can imagine the rest.
No wonder, then, any scheme bo escape was read-
ily entered into. Our mess, composed of officers only,
mostly border men. organized for the purpose of es-
caping. There were twenty-four of us in a room
twenty-four feet square, the barrack shanty was
built on posts two and one-half to thret feet off the
ground. In one end was a pine plank, one contract
blanket, .me suit of cothes. Cold and hungry, we dug
and worked for eight long months, only to be disap-
pointed again and again. Silent, scant tunnels, grand
charging combinations, all failed.
1 will q;ive you an account of one of the many ef-
forts which failed, through spies or “weak-kneed”
brothers. Nine of us formed a secret organization,
pledged to one another by all we held sacred, to get
away. The wall of No. 1, on the side next to Co-
lumbus, was moved farther out. making more room,
and a new sink, about 8×16 feet, eighl feet deep, was
dug. We conceived the idea of getting into it as soon
as opened for use and tunneling out. as we had only
about twenty feel to go. 1 volunteered to take up the
planks and let down a detail to dig. Mine was the
post of honor. Immediately in front was a street
lamp: on the wall, a sentinel: a trusty, five feet awav.
I worked long and hard. The planks were double
nailed and the tools were not numerous. The faintest
shadow hid the form of the Confederate soldier from
the aim of the sentinel, only too willing to fire: but the
boldness of the thing was its strong point. Xo one
suspected: not even the “spy” saw the dark line of that
desperate, hungry soldier, working for life and liberty.
The first night the planks were raised, and the work-
progressed rapidly: two or three shifts were pressed
Confederate Ueterap
rapidly, and the work stopped for another night. The
ground was pot frozen solid enough where the new
sewer led off, and when the tunnel struck it it caved in,
and daylight revealed the plot.
Then a howl went up. Under the very feet of the
sentinel, in the light of a street lamp, a bold, daring at-
tempt to escape was planned. The excitement in the
Federal camp was great. It was ration day — rations
were issued every two days. Instead of rations, an or-
der was posted, which read: “Until the men concerned
in the attempt to escape come forward or are brought
forward, no more rations will be issued.”
“Razorbacks,” or weak-kneed Confederates, were
ready to sell us for a mess of pottage. But little we
cared. We, the “picked nine,” were known only to
ourselves, and were not giving a circus. That we
would be betrayed, and probably shot, bothered us but
little. We found that hungry men soon lose human
feeling. Col. Hawkins, preacher and soldier, volun-
teered to go before the commandant, and eloquently
presented the case, saying that “old men, innocent
hundreds were being punished for the attempt of oth-
ers.” So rations were issued, and that job ended.
Colonel, thirty odd years is a long time. You and
I are through fighting, and after these long years are
past we can look back on the scenes of long ago with-
out bitterness. We can appreciate true manhood as
we find it and can commend a noble act or condemn
the reverse. We prisoners of war at Camp Chase were
captured on the battle-field, fighting as best we knew
how the battles of our section. We struck no dishon-
orable blows; we treated prisoners as true soldiers.
Then for a great government — strong in all that made
an army, blessed as Ohio was with the rich fruits of
earth — to pen such men up and starve them till the si-
lent testimonials within that tottering wall — out of all
proportion to the number confined — tell the tale is a
sad record. When the vast throng of spirits mustered
under the white banner of peace on that far-off shore
shall shout praise’s before the throne of peace, great
will be the reward of the man whom God raised up to
honor the resting-place of those who died in those
Colonel, in our Texas home is a hearty welcome; a
Virginia wife and a lot of Texas children will welcome
you. Our rations are yours, and this old cavalryman
of J. E. B. Stuart will swap yarns with you till the bu-
gle calls us home.
Excuse this scrawl; I write as I fought: at will.
May the God of battles and the white-winged Messen-
ger of Peace keep vou always!
p. S. — The chief of our mess was Col. Abner, broth-
er-in-law to Brownlow, of Tennessee. Col. Hawkins,
author of several poems, among others the “Bonnie
White Flag” — now misplaced — was from Tennessee.
The writer, a Marvlander. served under Stuart in Vir-
ginia, and came to Texas in 1866. The January Vet-
ERANhas a correct plot of Camp Chase on the cover.
Mr. Richardson, in a letter to the Veteran, says:
Your December number, with its Camp Chase arti-
cle, reminds this subscriber of the horrors of that in-
stitution from August, 1864, to March, 1865. “Retal-
iation for Andersonville” was the excuse for the refine-
ment of crueltv practised by the authorities of that
prison pen. We had one suit of clothes, one contract
army blanket, were housed in box-board shanties three
feet from the ground, with rations calculated to keep
life with hunger gnawing at all hours. Not a cent was
allowed to be spent for food from the sutler, nor was
any one on the outside allowed to send in an ounce of
any kind of food. Such was Camp Chase for eight
The resting-place of these martyrs (who, like all their
kind, sacrificed their lives that a great principle might
live) lay neglected till a noble and gallant soldier of the
Federal army, rising above the animal that battles for
blood and standing far to the front of his comrades and
their comrades, raises the “bonnie white flag” and
challenges the admiration and support of all true sol-
diers and men under whatever flag
Gallant Col. Knauss! May his home life and com-
radeship be one continued day of happiness till he tod
is mustered under the one great flag beyond the river!
Such men live that manhood may be perpetuated.
To you, comrade, is due the gratitude of every Con-
federate soldier for the work you have done and are
doing. May you get the support you desire!
Col. J. P. Douglas, Commander of Camp A. S.
Johnston No. 48, Tyler, Tex., makes the following im-
portant suggestions:
I desire to call the attention of all Confederate
camps to the importance of collecting material for the
military history of their several jurisdictions without
further delay. This camp is engaged in securing full
muster-rolls of all the military organizations formed in
Smith County, Tex., during the war period. When
these rolls are complete the history of each company
will be sketched and these rolls and records put in
proper shape to be filed in the archives of the Confed-
erate memorial building. This work should be under-
taken at once by every camp in the South. The ar-
chives will become of great value as time passes.
The men who can furnish this data are growing old.
We have allowed thirty years to slip by with but little
work of this kind. A few more years and the oppor-
tunity will be lost. What can be accomplished now
with but little effort would be an impossibility ten
years hence. The Commanders of camps can inau-
gurate this work, and very soon w^e shall have a mass cf
material the most valuable for preservation in our Bat-
tle Abbey or memorial building.
A Baltimore Daughter of the Confederacy writes
that the poem beginning
Come, leave the noisy Longstreet,
Come to the fields with me,
the authorship of which was requested in the Veteran,
was written by the late Innes Randolph, of Virginia,
but for many years prior to his death a resident of Bal-
timore. He also wrote that capital poem beginning,
“Oh, I’m a good old Rebel!” This Baltimore Daugh-
ter wrote the communication regarding the capture of
the “Caleb Cushing” in Portland (Me.) Harbor, which
has attracted much attention. In this Veteran, page
32, tribute is paid to Lieut. C. W. Read, the hero of
that daring exploit.
QoQfederate l/eterai).
Tribute to Maj. Claybrooke by Dr.W. J. McMurray:
Maj. Frederick Claybrooke was a son of Col. John
S. and Mary Perkins Claybrooke; was born September
21, 1837, in Williamson County, Tenn.; was educated
at Hardeman Academy, in that county, under Ebe-
nezer Crocker, and at the military academy at Nash-
ville, and in Virginia. In a county with eighteen hun-
dred voters twenty-two hundred volunteers went into
the Confederate army. On May 27, 1861, Fred Clay-
brooke joined a company known as the Webb Guards,
with William Rucker as captain, and he (Claybrooke-)
was chosen second lieutenant. The company was D,
of the Twentieth Tennessee Regiment, commanded bv
that noble Roman, Col. Joel A. Battle, who was
wounded at the battle of Shiloh April 7, 1862, and
captured. In the reorganization of the regiment, in
May following, the gallant Thomas Benton Smith,
only twenty-two years old, was elected colonel. The
Twentieth Regiment was assigned to Zollicoffer’s Bri-‘
gade, and was the first Confederate infantry to enter
Kentucky through Cumberland Gap. Its first en-
gagement was at Barboursville, Ky., when victory
crowned its banner.
In three engagements Fred Claybrooke was a sub-
ordinate officer in his company, but at the battle of
Fishing Creek, Ky., January 19, 1862, Lieut. Clay-
brooke commanded it, and in that famous regiment no
company was more gallantly led than was Company D
by its handsome young lieutenant. Succeeding that
battle came a long, hard retreat, in dead of winter,
through the mountains of Fastcrn Kentucky and East
Tennessee down the valley of the Cumberland, recall-
ing Napoleon’s retreat from Warsaw. For ten days
the command was without rations, except corn.
Lieut. Claybrooke’s faithfulness to every duty was
ever conspicuous, even among his Confederates com-
rades. In that memorable battle of Shiloh. on Sun
day of April, 1862, the Twentieth Tennessee suffered
heavily. Out of threejiundred and fifty men, it lost in
killed and wounded one hundred and fifty-eight. Its
commander, Col. Battle, was wounded. After that
battle the regiment camped at Corinth, Miss., until
May, when it was reorganized, and Fred Claybrooke
was deservedly elected captain of his company. Soon
after the reorganization Lieut. -Col. Jack Gooch re-
signed on account of a gunshot wound in the shoul-
der, inflicted at Fishing Creek, when Maj. Frank M.
Lavender was promoted to lieutenant-colonel, and
Claybrooke was made major of the regiment.
The writer saw Maj. Claybrooke, while on those
long marches in Mississippi, get off his horse, mount
two broken-down Confederate soldiers thereon, take
the musket of another soldier, and strike out through
the sand half-leg deep.
Maj. Claybrooke was witli his command at the first
siege 1862. and a little later participated
in the battle of Baton Rouge, La., after which we were
ordered to Knoxville, Tenn., thence to Murfreesboro.
While stationed there the Twentieth Regiment was or-
dered to an advanced post on the Nashville pike, near
La Vergne, and remained there until a few days before
that great battle of Murfreesboro, which began De-
cember 31, 1862. The Twentieth Regiment was in
Gen. John C. Breckinridge’s Division, Preston’s
Brigade, and was held in reserve on our extreme right
along the bank of Stone’s River. About 2:30 our
brigade was ordered across the river to charge a bat-
tery supported by a mass of Federal infantry just
across the railroad cut from where the Federal cem-
etery is now located. The brigade formed some six
hundred yards south of the Federals, but in full view
across an open field. The enemy held their artillery
fire until we started forward. There was a picket
fence standing right in the way of the Twentieth Reg-
iment, in which we tore a hole, going through by the
right flank, and formed on the other side under a ter-
rific fire, both of cannon and small arms. We moved
as if driven by a whirlwind, sweeping down by the
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Cowan house, and passed across the turnpike, leaving
the railroad cut to our left. Just here the Twentieth
Regiment became separated from the other four reg-
iments of the brigade — viz., Sixtieth North Carolina,
First, Third, and Fourth Florida — they having ob-
liqued to the left, and were some four hundred yards
from us in a cedar glade. We were halted in a cotton-
field within about two hundred yards of the enemy’s
line, and ordered to lie down. The Yankees turned
loose their artillery and infantry, and we were ordered
to fall back, which we did as far as the Cowan house.
In the mean time the enemy had sent some eight hun-
dred men across the east end of the cotton-field, ta-
king position by the river-bluff behind a fence. About
this time our colonel, Thomas Benton Smith, was
wounded, his brother, John Smith, our gallant color-
bearer, was killed; and here Maj. Claybrooke per-
formed as gallant an act as did Lennes at the bridge
of Lodi — viz., when his colonel had been wounded and
his color-bearer killed he took a color-guard, Isaac
Hyde, up behind him while under that fire and rode
up and down our line, rerallied the line and charged
the eight hundred Federals on the bluff of the river
with less than three hundred and fifty men, killing,
wounding, and capturing more men than he had, and
drove them back under fire of their guns. Maj. Clay-
brooke led the Twentieth Regiment in that bloody
charge of Breckinridge’s Division on Friday evening,
and the extraordinary success of this movement was
due to his sagacity and courage January 2, 1863, when
four thousand six hundred men assaulted the entire
left wing of Rosecrans’ army. In this charge the
color-bearer and five of the six color-guards went
down, and the color-staff was twice shot in two. The
survivor of this color-guard, Frank Battle, wrapped
the colors around him and was seen forty paces in
front of our line when it seemed impossible for a corn-
stalk to stand.
It is a coincidence that the regiment entered the
fight, having recruited, with the same number as at the
battle of Shiloh, three hundred and fifty strong, and
lost one hundred and forty-six as against one hundred
and fifty-eight at the former place. In a large degree
to Maj .Fred Claybrooke is due the credit of these suc-
After the battle of Murfreesboro we fell back to Tul-
lahoma and went into winter quarters, and while there
the wife of Gen. Breckinridge made a stand of colors
out of her wedding dress and requested the General
to present it to the most gallant regiment in his divi-
sion. A day was set and the review took place, and
when it was over the colors were presented to the
Twentieth Tennessee, a compliment that every mem-
ber of that regiment believed we deserved.
Some two months afterward the regiment was sent
to guard Hoover’s Gap, about eight miles from Tulla-
homa, and was located about two miles from the Gap
on the Manchester pike. June 24, 1863, came in as
lovely as we could wish, but afterward rain set in and
continued on through the day and night. About 10
a.m. the long roll began to beat and couriers were seen
dashing in every direction. The enemy had surprised
our cavalry at the Gap and had forced their way
through. The gallant Bate was on the ground — we
were now in his brigade— and he hastily formed the
Twentieth Regiment and Caswell’s battalion of sharp-
shooters, about four hundred men, and double-quicked
to the Gap. When we got within a half-mile of the
Gap we met the enemy’s skirmishers, which we drove
back quickly to their main force. By this time our
line was advancing and it was getting hot. The Fed-
eral artillery was playing on our battery in our rear, so
that our line of battle was between the two fires. Our
skirmish-line was hotly engaged. Under these condi-
tions Maj. Claybrook rode up to his old company, and
was preparing to dismount when a shell from the ene-
my’s line burst near him, and he fell mortally wounded.
On that fatal day he rode up to his old company and
told them he would ever stand by them, and two of
them were killed bv the same shell He was taken to
a farmhouse near by, where he died that night, June
24, 1863 — as noble a spirit, as true a patriot, as brave
a soldier, as warm-hearted a man as was ever clad in a
suit of Confederate gray.
In this engagement we fought about five to one, and
history will some day record that if Gen. Bate, with his
four hundred, had not held in check the great odds,
the two wings of Bragg’s army at Shelbyville and Tul-
lahoma would have been cut in two. The regiment
lost forty-five men out of three hundred, including the
almost mortally wounding of our competent and brave
adjutant, James W. Thomas, who was afterward a
State Treasurer of Tennessee.
How better can a soldier die
Than fighting fearful odds
For the ashes of his fathers
And the temple of his God?
This sketch is written not from hearsay, but of what
I saw.
A Daughter of the Confederacy sends to the Vet-
eran a copy of these beautiful lines, thinking that as
they “so perfectly express the feelings of every South-
erner visiting the new Congressional Library they will
be appreciated in the columns of the Veteran.” The
composer is Rev. W. H. Woods, pastor of Franklin
Square Presbyterian Church, Baltimore, Md.:
He trod the Hall of Captains; o’er him high
Were shining names; the Macedonian bold,
Rome’s mightiest, mightier he of Carthage old,
And later lights new risen in War’s wild sky
Dazzled upon him. Long with wistful eye
The soldier sought a name nowhere enrolled
On those bright walls; but after, in the cold
Capitol wandering, came by chance anigh
A western window — there Potomac lay
Rimmed with Virginian hills, and in the sun
Far off a pillared mansion; then the gray,
Worn warrior straight uncovered, and his one
Unwounded arm was lifted the old way
For his lost Captain — Lee of “Arlington.”
J. J. Roberts, of Coleman, Tex., is very anxious to
learn something of his father’s people. At the begin-
ning of the war his father, James Coleman, was a sur-
veyor in Northeast Arkansas and Southeast Missouri,
and he and his outfit were captured in Arkansas by the
Federals. By some means Mr. Roberts got away and
went into West Tennessee, and there joined Forrest’s
Cavalry, and was killed at Harrisburg. His son was
born in 1864, some time after his father’s death. The
mother dying when the child was quite small, he was
reared by a man named A. S. Lyles, whom he left when
fifteen years old and went to Texas. He has never
been able to learn anything of his father or people. In-
formation will be appreciated.
R. C. Gore, Gurdon, Ark., seeks the war record of
his father, T. B. Gore, who went out with the First
Mississippi Infantry. Mr. Gore writes: “I can not say
definitely what command he was with subsequently,
but in one of his letters to his sister, dated July 10, 1861,
he advises her to direct all letters to Mott’s Regiment,
care of Capt. McConie — as well as can be made out
from the faded writing.” No doubt T. B. Gore will be
remembered by some comrade.
Confederate l/eterai?
Judge C. W. Tyler, Clarksville, Tenn.:
A land that could forget its own sons who once took
up arms and sacrificed their lives in response to its call
is a land whose people must be intrinsically base; and
if the cause was lost for which these sons contended,
the failure to cherish their memories becomes doubly
dishonorable, for then their good name, having no fa-
voring government to uphold it. must rest alone in the
keeping of the men who shared their convictions and
suffered defeat with them. Upon these it devolves as
a sacred duty to defend the “lost cause” against tra-
ducers, to uphold the motives of their fallen comrades,
and to transmit to posterity, as worthy of emulation, the
story of their virtue, their courage, and their sacrifices.
In no county in Tennessee in the early days of 1861
was the war spirit Higher than in the border enmity .if
Montgomery. Married mvn and single, old men and
boys, hastened to enlist after the fall of Sumter, and of-
fered their services to the Governor. The number of
volunteers, more than two thousand, exceeded the en-
tire white population subject to military duty. It is
doubtful if this can be said of any other county in the
state or in the South.
As the county responded nobly to the call of the
South for aid, so she suffered heavily in the contest
that followed. The regiments that were made up in
whole or in part within its limits were tin Fourteenth.
the Forty-Ninth, the Fiftieth, and the Tenth Tennessee
Infantry. The Tenth Tennessee and the Second Ken
tucky Cavalry were also recruited in the county. ( if
the Fourteenth Tennessee. Col. W. A. Forbes, Lieut.
Col. George llarrel. Maj. Morris, and Adjts. Bell and
Thompson were all killed in battle. Of the Tenth In-
fantry, Col. Herman died of hardships endured in a
Northern prison; Lieut.-Col. McGavock, Maj. Grace,
Adjt. Kelsey, and the chaplain, Rev. Father Bliemel,
were all killed in battle, t if the Fiftieth, Col. C. V.
Sugg, Lieut.-Col. Beaumont, Maj. Robertson, \<1
Robertson, and Adjt. Fletcher Beaumont were all
killed in battle. Lieut.-Col. Alfred Robb, of the For-
ty-Ninth, fell early in the war at Fort Donelson, with-
in thirty miles of his home. Col. Woodward, of the
Second Kentucky Cavalry, and Col. Trezevant, of the
Tent It Cavalry, were also killed in battle.
Wit li these regimental officers and their brigade
commander, Gen. Robert Hatton, fell a hosl of subor-
dinate officers and of brave and true men. Mam of
these were husbands, gray-haired fathers, and beardless
boys. The loss among the boys was fearful. The
senior class of Stewart College, Clarksville, in the
spring of 1861, was composed oi thirty-two youths.
(if these, twenty-nine volunteered in the Confederate
army. Sixteen of the number were killed in battle,
seven died in hospital from disease or wounds, and six.
returned home in 1865.
The Fourteenth Tennessee remained in Virginia
during the entire war. Its ranks were dreadfully
thinned. Its battle-flag was riddled with bullets and
captured at Gettysburg after the color-bearer had been
shot down. It is now among the archives at Washing-
ton. The regiment went out eleven hundred strong in
1861 ; it returned a mere skeleton in 1865.
Of the other regiments the figures show appalling
Gen. W. A. Ouarles, of Clarksville. led his brigade
into action on July 2S, 1864, near Atlanta, with nine
hundred and thirteen men. The official report next
day showed four hundred and ninety-six of these killed
and wounded. The Forty- Ninth Tennessee was in
this brigade. Capt. Thomas H. Smith, of Clarksville,
went into the fight seventh in rank in this regiment.
When the fight ended all above him had been killed
or wounded, and he was in command of the regiment.
I – ‘
• ieti. Ouarles had two horses shot under him while
leading his men into action, and was himself afterward
desperately wounded. His young aide-de-camp,
G. Johnson, had his horse shot under him and wa
wounded in the engagement, and here the gallant Col.
W. F. Voting had his right arm torn off by a shot.
At Chickamauga the Fiftieth Tennessee was nearly
annihilated. A letter written b) Col. C. A. Sugg, Oc-
tober to. 1S03. sa\ s: “\\’e were in it three hours. ( hie
hundred and eighty-six men went into the fight; only
fifty-four came out. Col. Beaumont and Maj. Robert-
son were killed. Maj. Combs seriously wounded, Capt.
Confederate l/eterai).
Williams killed, Lieuts. Hays and Whitley killed,
Lieut. White will probably die, Capts. Pease and Sex-
ton were wounded, Lieut. Holmes Wilson seriously
wounded, Lieut. Wheaton wounded, and a host of
men.” At Missionary Ridge, November 25, 1863, the
next general engagement, the writer of the above (the
noble Col. Suggs) was himself borne mortally wound-
ed from the field.
The Tenth Tennessee Infantry in the same battle suf-
fered as severely. It carried into action at Chickamau-
ga three hundred and twenty-eight men ; of these, two
hundred and twentv-four were killed and wounded.
Only two of the regiment were captured, and both of
these were lying wounded on the field.
Company E, of the Tenth Cavalry, from Montgom-
ery County, went into action at Chickamauga with
twenty men. Thirteen of these were killed and wound-
ed, leaving only seven for duty at the end of the day.
The gallant young Col. Trezevant had been killed at
Thompson’s Station, Tenn., a short while before.
Woodward’s Kentucky Cavalry, which comprised a
good many Tennesseeans, went through the entire war,
and lost heavily. Col. Woodward himself was killed.
Lieut. Joe Staton, Charley Lurton, and many other
gallant Montgomery County boys lost their lives in
this command.
Cobb’s Kentucky Battery (afterward Gracey’s) was
originally Company F, of the Third Kentucky In-
fantry. Its first captain was H. B. Lyon, who was
afterward made colonel of the Eighth Kentucky and
then brigadier-general. Capt. Cobb commanded until
after the death of Maj. Graves, at Chickamauga, when
Capt. F. P. Gracey took command of the battery. This
battery was conspicuous at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton
Rouge, Jackson, Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Mission
Ridge, Resaca, New Hope Church, Kennesaw Moun-
tain, Atlanta, and Jonesboro. The men of this com-
mand managed the Bayou heavy battery at Vicksburg
and the gunboats captured by Forrest on the Tennes-
see River. A detachment from this battery filled the
places of the dead on the gunboat “Arkansas Ram” in
her memorable engagement with the entire Federal
fleet in sight of Vicksburg.
When the war closed, bringing disaster to the cause
for which these brave men contended, the solemn duty
remained to erect a monument to their memory to
transmit to posterity the fact that they braved dangers,
hardships, and suffered and died at their country’s be-
hest; that their cause was our cause, and their heroism,
courage, and sacrifices a rich legacy to our children.
There was one duty, however, which took prece-
dence even over this obligation: it was to provide for
the destitute widows and children of those who had
fallen. Bravely our people undertook this work. The
battered survivors of the conflict were in many in-
stances maimed for life and shattered in health. No
pensions awaited them. They took up the battle of
life when they came home, and, with the aid of the no-
ble women who had learned much in the hard school
of adversity, they waged unceasing war against pov-
erty. The tax-books of the county tell a cruel tale of
the pecuniary losses which the prolonged conflict in-
flicted on our people. In i860 the assessed value of
all property in the county was $10,720,795; in 1866
this had sunk to $3,389,716.
Notwithstanding all this, however, the women of
Clarksville and the surrounding country, as soon as the
smoke of battle had lifted, set themselves to work to
establish a home for the destitute widows and children
of the men who had lost their lives in the war. A so-
ciety was formed, with the late Mrs. G. A. Henry,
President; Mrs. E. B. Haskins, Mrs. A. G. Munford,
Mrs. Galbraith, Mrs. Finley, Mrs. Hornberger, and
Mrs. A. D. Sears as officials.
Bv untiring exertion the sum of $25,000 was raised
by these noble women, and a beautiful home and farm
purchased near Clarksville. Here the little orphans
and widows of dead Confederate soldiers were shel-
tered for years. The institution was supported alto-
gether from voluntary contributions. Dr. D. F.
Wright, surgeon of the Fourteenth Tennessee, gave
Confederate .
his medical services without charge. Many of the
merchants donated supplies of various kinds. Mr.
George Hillman headed the list the first year with a
subscription of $500, to be taken in goods from his
store. Farmers brought their products, and willingly
helped to maintain the families of those who had fallen
in the war. As years passed and the children grew up
homes in private families or positions in business
houses were procured for them, and many of them are
now useful men and women in the community.
When the purpose was accomplished for which this
institution was founded, the promoters of the enter-
prise planned to sell the property and build a Confed-
erate monument at Clarksville. This was the original
purpose. Unfortunately, however, this latter idea was
not expressed in the charter of the association. The
subscribers to the fund had become scattered far and
near; many of them were dead, and it was impossible
to obtain the expression of their wish that their dona-
tions should eventually go to the erection of a Confed-
erate monument. A bill was filed in chancery, asking
that the proceeds be appropriated to the erection of
such a monument; but the courts had no power to
grant this request, and the money was turned into the
treasury of the state.
Forbes Bivouac, an association of Confederate vet-
erans, was organized. Polk G. Johnson was elected
first President of the association, and with characteris-
tic energy and zeal he devoted himself to the task of
Obtaining funds sufficient for the erection of a credita-
ble Confederate monument at Clarksville. Public in-
terest was soon aroused in the enterprise. The ladies.
foremost in every good work, organized a Ladies’
Monumental Association, of which Mrs. L. W. Clark
was chosen President. This association rendered val-
uable aid in bringing the plan to successful execution.
The little children became enthused, and, by the sale
of war-songs, swelled the contributions intended to
perpetuate the memory of the heroic dead. The
young men of Clarksville had raised a sum for the pur-
| pose of forming a hook and ladder company. This, by
j unanimous consent, they turned into the treasury of
the bivouac, preferring to see it applied to the noble
purpose in which the whole community was now deep-
ly interested.
The Monumental Association proper was organized
in 1SS9, and Capt. Frank P. Gracey was elected Presi-
dent. His interest in the work was such that he head-
ed the subscription-list with a contribution of $500 and
a further offer to raise this sum to ten per cent of the
LITTLE EMMIE, li.ui.nri l; or I! in. I IVI.ER.
total amount needed, whatever that might be. The
other members of the committee were: D. N. Kenne-
dy, M. H. Clark, Rev. A. D. Sears, Polk G. Johnson,
C. II. Smith, C. H. Bailey, J. J. Crusman, C. G. Smith,
W. M. Daniel, L. Bloch.’W. S. Poindexter, B. W. Ma-
crae, C. W. Tyler. D. N. Kennedy was chosen Vice-
President and W. S. Poindexter Treasurer of the as-
sociation. Six of the members of this committee
(Rev. A. D. Sears, Polk G. Johnson, Thomas H. Smith.
W. S. Poindexter, C. G. Smith, and Leopold Bloch)
passed from earth before their work was completed,
and one other, Capt. Frank P. Gracey, has died since
the monument was erected.
On November 30, 1891, a special committee was ap-
pointed, known as the Design Committee, with author-
ity to select a plan and conclude a contract for the
monument. The following gentlemen composed this
committee: C. W. Tvler, C. H. Bailey, B. W. Macrae,
\Y. M. Pcttus. J. J. Crusman. M. H. Clark, D. N. Ken-
nedy. Competitive bids were advertised for, and on
April 11, 1892, the committee met to inspect the vari-
ous designs submitted. Twelve different firms com-
Qopfederate l/eterai?
peted for the award, and sixteen designs were submit-
ted. After a thorough examination the committee
awarded the contract at a stipulated price of $7,500.
This, however, did not include the cost of ornamenting
the beautiful spot known as Confederate Circle, where
the monument stands.
The monument is made of granite taken from the
quarry at Barre, Vt. It is forty-eight feet three inches
in height and thirteen by nine feet at the base. The
crowning figure is that is a Confederate infantry sol-
dier. This is a bronze statue eight feet in height. One
of the figures below is that of a cavalryman; the other,
that of an artilleryman. Each of these is of granite,
six feet six inches in height. These three figures were
all modeled from photographs of Confederate soldiers
who had enlisted in Montgomery County. On the
front panel is the inscription: “In honor of the heroes
who fell while fighting for us in the army of the Con-
federate States, 1861-65.” On the reverse panel is the
inscription: “Though adverse fortune denied final vic-
tory to their undaunted courage, history preserves
their fame made glorious forever. Confederate Me-
morial. ” The engraving in this article is from a pho-
tograph of the monument taken on Memorial Day,
with little girls grouped about the base.
On Wednesday, October 25, 1893, the monument
was unveiled, and the people of Montgomery and sur-
rounding counties met to pay a fitting tribute to the
memory of the heroic men who had lived, suffered, and
died for conscience sake nearly a generation before.
Little Hope Gracey, granddaughter of Capt. Frank P.
Gracey, was selected to draw the cord that exposed the
shaft to the view of the thousands present. The work
which had enlisted the affection and energies of our
good men and women for years was at last accom-
plished. To have passed away and left no enduring
monument to the memory of our noble dead would
have been a lasting stigma upon us. As for the brave
men whose heroism we have sought to commemorate,
no act of ours could add luster to their imperishable
renown, nor can the breath of slander ever detract from
it. They fought the good fight, and theirs are among
the name? that posterity will not willingly let die.
Maj. Brown was born March 29, 1800, in Clark
County, Ga., of Virginia parentage; and died near
Nashville January 9, 1884. On January 20, 1824, he
married Miss Jane Weakley, of Nashville, Tenn., who
died in 1845. When the war with Mexico occurred
he enlisted promptly, and was appointed to an office in
the Subsistence Department. He knew personally
and was intimate with Gens. Worth, Butler, and Lane:
and, although a commissary, he participated in several
engagements on the battle-field.
When peace was restored with Mexico he returned
to Nashville, and afterward married Mrs. Mary Had-
ley, of Gallatin, Tenn.
Although over sixty years of age when the war be-
tween the states began, he was among the first to es-
pouse the Southern cause, and was assigned to the
Commissary Department, with rank of lieutenant-colo-
nel. When Tennessee seceded he was transferred to
the Confederate States army, and again assigned to the
Commissary Department, with rank of major.
Maj. Brown was with Gen. Zollicoffer until his
death at Mill Springs, and was then assigned to the
command of Gen. John C. Breckinridge, serving as
chief of subsistence until the fall of 1863, when Gen.
William B. Bate was given the command of the Breck-
inridge Division; and, being his warm and intimate
friend, he remained with the division until the close of
the war. As before, while commissary participating
in many battles, at Shiloh, at Stone’s River, and in
other battles he was a participant. At Baton Rouge,
La., he led a charge, and drove from the field a Federal
battery that had done much damage to our troops.
His valor called forth commendation from his com-
manding general. On the other hand, his action on
the field called forth from the authorities at Richmond
an order that officers of the Commissary Department
should not engage in battles. This was well; for,
while the boys were fighting, it was also necessary that
arrangements be made to appease their hunger.
Maj. Brown was a very brave and chivalrous sol-
dier and had the esteem of soldiers and officers of the
army. He was intimate with Gen. Joseph E. John-
ston, whom he considered one of the greatest generals
of the war. A man of noble heart and generous im-
pulses, a friend to all, without any ulterior designs —
how could he be otherwise than highly esteemed and
immensely popular?
On January 10, 1884. we laid him away in Mt. Olivet
to sleep and rest until the Commander of the universe
shall call the dead from all the battle-fields and the
cemeteries of earth to come forth unto life again. Til!
then farewell, noble, true, and brave old soldier!
The only survivor of the Major’s children is Miss
Sallie Brown, of Nashville.
Confederate l/eterar?.
Dr. Frank R. Ross, son of the late Gov. L. S. Ross,
of Texas, wrote to Maj. T. P. Weakley, of Nashville,
who was a schoolmate of his father:
. . . Father was very devoted to his schoolmates
from Florence, Ala., and great was his love for his sol-
diers. So often he has spoken affectionately of his as-
sociates and the happy days he spent at Florence. He
was anxious to attend the reunion at Nashville last
summer, but his duties here demanded his attention.
Bessie, his daughter, went, and met many of his
friends there, and upon her return brought innumera-
ble messages of love and affection, and 1 remember
how happy he was to receive them.
He was a good and kind father, and gratified every
desire of his children; and, indeed, throughout his
whole life he was happiest when giving happiness to
others. A movement has been started to erect a mon-
ument to his memory, and it seems to have awakened
an interest throughout the whole state; every one
seems to favor it. It is indeed a consolation to us to
know of the esteem and affection borne hi n every-
Gov. Ross left a wife ami six children, the youngest
sixteen years old. Lawrence S. Ross, married, is a
merchant in Martin, Tex.; Florine is the wife of 11. II,
Harrington, professor of chemistry in the state col-
lege; Harvey, married, lives on the farm, near Waco;
while the author of the above, single, is a physician,
and has recently practised in Houston; Bessie is a
young lady, and \”ev is a eadet in the college. The
familv will reside in Waco.
Charles T. Loehr, Richmond, \ a.. Secretary of the
Old First Virginia Association:
1 notice, in alluding to Pickett’s charge at Gettys
burg, the figures of losses are continued as published
by the “Records of the Rebellion.” This is wrong
I wrote ami enclose,! you a slip from an address of
Capt. E. P. Reeve on this subject. The First Virginia
Infantry, of which 1 was a member, is recorded as hav-
ing lost one killed and twenty-three wounded; where-
as, any history of the old First gives the names of
twent) seven killed and ninety-five wounded and miss-
ing; and so on with the rest of the regiments. The di-
vision lost over four-fifths in the charge. Of the near-
ly four thousand who entered it, only some four to five
hundred came together after the charge, and many of
these wxre wounded. Only two out of fifteen colors
were brought back. The spot where Armistead fell is
marked as the “high-water mark of the rebellion;” and
if any other men besides those of Pickett reached there,
let them give their names. It will be the “Pickett’s
charge at Gettysburg” as long as history lasts.
John Hancock, private in the Thirty-First Missis-
sippi Regiment, died at Water Valley, Miss., on De-
cember 23, 1897, in his sixty-sixth year. Tie was
dreadfully wounded in the Atlanta campaign, and ever
afterward suffered from it, the wound never healing.
Capt. T. P>. Cannefat died recently at his home in
Springfield, Mo. Ho was severely wounded at Pied-
mont, Mo., during the war. and never fully recovered.
Some ten vears since he was struck by lightning.
Annual Encampment Arkansas Division, U. C. V.
As General Order Xo. 1, Series No. 2, Col. V. Y.
Cook, Adjutant-General and Chief of Staff for Gen. R.
G. Shaver, issues the following:
The second Tuesday in April having been fixed oy
the State Encampment, Arkansas Division, U. C. V.,
as the day of the annual meeting, notice is hereby given
that said encampment will convene at the state-house
in the city of Little Rock on April 12, 1898, at 12 m.
The camps, in accrediting delegates to the encamp-
ment, will be governed by the provisions of the consti-
tution and by-laws of the association.
To the end that the membership and strength of the
association in the state may be ascertained and official-
1\ declared, and that the encampment may be informed
of the facts and data necessary to an intelligent and sat-
isfactory determination of the representation to which
each camp is entitled, H is ordered that a full and
plete roster and muster roll of each camp in full affil-
iation and connection with the state encampment be
prepared, dul) authenticated b) tin- commanding offi-
cer and \djutaut of the same, and sent to the Adju-
tant < leneral by April 1. 1898,
The failure to comply with the requirements of this
order will be recognized in the Adjutant-General’s re-
port as an indication that such derelict camp has either
disbanded or suffered its charter to lapse
Prices< ederati States Postagi Stamps.
— Theo K. Thompson, t lalveston, Tex., as a subscriber
to the \ 1 11 ran, calls the attention of his comrades
and their families to the value of many of the postage-
stamps issued in the South during the war. A well-
known, reputable stamp ami coin catalogue published
in New York quotes the following values of some of
these stamps: Stamps of Knoxville are worth, each.
$100; Baton Rouge, $65 to $100; Charleston, $12 to
$25: Columbia. $15 to $25; Macon, Ga„ $35 to $–5 1;
Nashville, $18 to $150; Spartanburg, $250 to $350
Rheaton, Tenn., $200. Comrade Thompson is not a
collector or purchaser of stamps, but writes this sold}
with the desire that any one owning Confederate
Stamps ma\ ascertain ami obtain full value for them.
II. I. Darden, orderly sergeant of Darnell’s Regi-
ment of Infantry, was taken prisoner at Arkansas Post,
and his sistvr, Mrs. T. C. Douglass, of Kind’s River,
Cal., is very anxious to hud where his remains were
buried, as she wishes to have the spot marked and
taken care of. She thought he was a prisoner at Camp
Chase, but did not find his name in the list as published
in the January Veteran. Mrs. Douglass states “in-
fantry,” but the only Col. Darnell of the U. S. Govern-
ment Record commanded the Eighteenth Texas Cav-
The recently elected officers of Lamar-Fontaine
( hapter, U. D.’ C, Alvin. Tex., are: President. Airs. E.
Grey Cobb; Vice-Presidents. Mrs. Regina B. Lacy,
Mrs. Emma Durant, Mrs. Kate C. Edwards; Secretary,
Miss Elizabeth Fontaine: Treasurer. Mrs. M. A. Ed-
wards; Historian. Mrs. L. Ford Ronau.
Confederate l/eterar?.
Both explanations and apologies are in order. The
accumulation of papers for publication in the Veteran
has increased more rapidly than ever, and many im-
portant articles for this number must wait. Obituaries
of fallen comrades are of these. Will friends be careful
to condense such notices closely? Some rule must be
adopted to make these notices very brief. Faithfulness
to duty and sacrifices made by veterans are higher con-
siderations for space in these pages than rank or the
pecuniary prosperity that may have attended com-
rades since the war. Variations from this rule will be
occasionally made, but by accident or ignorance, rather
than choice. Preference, however, should be given
those who do what they can to sustain the publication.
The gravest omissions are about Daughters of the
Confederacy, who are doing more already in helpful
wavs than the camps. Let all who have reports of their
work send them in promptly. The May number is to
be devoted largely to North Carolina. Let the “tar-
heels” note this, and be diligent to supply data for it.
An absorbing issue to all patriots, the threatened war
with Spain, is not ignored. Confederates will do their
part in a crisis. Something on this line in our next.
The competition for prizes offered by the Veteran
to those who would secure the four largest lists of sub-
scriptions from January i to March I enlisted some
spirited workers and has put the Veteran into the
hands of some who did not know it and who have. al-
ready shown their appreciation. The awards were as
follows: First prize ($50), Miss Mattie Davis, Thomas-
ville, Ga. — 131 subscriptions. Second prize ($30),
Miss Ruth Owen, Evansville, Ind. — 115 subscriptions.
Third prize ($15), J. M. Liggett, Nashville, Tenn. — 20
subscriptions; Fourth prize ($10), Miss Richard Snead,
Athens, Ala. — 17 subscriptions. •
Miss Ruth Owen, it will be remembered, secured the
$200 in January, the largest reward ever given by the
Veteran; and her patriotic father returned half the
amount to be applied to sending the Veteran to com-
rades who are not able to pay for it.
Mildred Lee Chapter, U. D. C, Fayetteville, Ark.,
$3; Miss Lizzie Regin, Moscow, S. C, 50 cents; J. R.
Youree, for U. C. V. Camp, Prairie Grove, Ark., $3.50;
Dr. R. L. Brodie, Charleston, S. C, $1 ; Mrs. Jane Gib-
son, Treasurer U. D. C, Kansas City, Mo., $5; Miss
Estelle Coleman, for children of the schools of Vicks-
burg, Miss., $44.50; Mrs. H. C. Ellis, Hartsville, Tenn.,
$2; A. Kane, for Mrs. Kane’s school, Vicksburg, Miss.,
$3; J. B. Seawell and Mr. Haffey, Atlanta, Ga., $2; W.
E. Norvell, Nashville, Tenn., $1 ; Zollicofifer-Fulton
Chapter, U. D. C, Fayetteville, Term., $10; J. C. Har-
dv. Superintendent, for children of public schools of
Jackson, Miss., $14.25; William P. Rogers Chapter, U.
D. C, Victoria, Tex., $5; F. O. Daniel, Santa Ana,
Cal., $1 ; James E. Duvall and Minnie L. Duvall, Belfast
Mills, Va., $2; Sidney Lanier Chapter, U. D. C, Ma-
con, Ga., $2; Miss Sue M. Monroe, Wellington, Va., as
contribution and collection, 76 cents; A. C. Oxford,
Birmingham, Ala., $1. Total, $101.51.
There has been contributed through the Veteran
for D. D. Emmett $120.01, and, in addition to that,
some contributions have been sent direct. Only a few
of these have been reported to the Veteran — namely,
$25 by the Alabama State Division, U. D. C, in con-
vention at Birmingham, and $5 by the Winnie Davis
Chapter at Meridian, Miss.
Mrs. Hallie Alexander Rounsaville, Rome, Ga.,
chairman of the Badge Committee appointed at Balti-
more, furnishes the following paper:
In answer to many inquiries from those desirous of
purchasing badges as to what action has been, or prob-
ably will be, taken by the Badge Committee of the U.
D. O, it seems best to give
through our official organ such
information as we now possess
upon the subject.
During the convention of the
U. D. C. held in Baltimore, No-
vember 10-13, 1897, the ques-
tion of a change of badge for the
national organization arose.
The principal argument in favor
of such change was that a firm
in Nashville was selling badges
of our design without authority
from our officials for so doing, and, as a consequence,
these badges could be bought by any person, from any
section, whether a member of our organization or not.
After much discussion a resolution was passed au-
thorizing the President to appoint a Badge Committee,
consisting of representatives from every division, and
every charter chapter where no division existed, this
committee being empowered to consider and decide
upon the advisability of retaining our original badge,
and further protecting it, or the adoption of a new
badge; being instructed, in the latter case, to contract
only with Southern dealers, located in the South, and to
require the best protection possible, either by copy-
right or patent, for the design adopted.
The President of the U. D. C. appointed upon this
committee the Presidents of the various state organiza-
tions, in this way giving every division and charter
chapter an opportunitv to express its wishes through
its presiding officer. Immediately after the close of
the convention all members of this committee, present
in person or by proxy, met in the convention hall to de-
cide upon a plan of work. A vote was taken to ascer-
tain as nearly as possible their views and those of their
division members on the question of a change of badge.
A majority favored retaining the present badge and
taking steps to secure its protection, some were in
doubt as to the desires of their chapters, while a few
favored a change. All were requested to ascertain the
wishes of their respective divisions and communicate
the results to the chairman at the earliest date possible,
Confederate l/eterai}.
being assured that if a change was desired by a majori-
ty of the committee each division would be given an
opportunity to submit a design for consideration by the
whole committee before a choice was made. The
proxies for absent Presidents of state organizations
were instructed to communicate to them these facts,
and request them to advise the committee chairman of
their attitude on this question.
So far, the majority of those heard from favor retain-
ing the original badge. A few of these would person-
ally prefer some other design, but feel that a change
would be unjust to the many members who have al-
ready purchased badges. Others argue that a change
would suggest instability on the part of the Daughters;
also that if another design should be adopted for our
badge it would necessitate a change of die for our offi-
cial papers and the refurnishing of the two hundred and
five charters and about five thousand certificates of
membership which have already been issued with the
impress of the present badge upon them — all of which
would entail an expense equal to the per capita tax of
several years. An effort is now being made to secure
more thorough protection for our present official
badge. If this effort is successful, the badge will prob-
ably be retained by the committee.
In the mean time, however, every chapter which has
not yet done so is requested to express to their division
President their views upon this subject, that the final
decision may be, as nearly as possible, satisfactory to all
and expressive of the wishes of the great majority of in-
dividual members.
Georgia, I believe, stands ready to acquiesce in what-
ever the committee ma\ deride is best, and 1 think ev-
ery division will be actuated by the same motives and
reach the same conclusion, realizing that, while it is ex-
ceedingly important that the design of our badge
should be, as nearly as possible, satisfactory to each in-
dividual, it is infinitely more important that that badg .
when worn, shall indicate chat the wearer is a member
of a united body of women too thoroughly imbued with
a sense of the high purpose for which they were organ
ized to allow any merely personal preference, even in so
important a matter as that of the badge, to create the
smallest discord in their ranks.
As every state is represented on the committee by its
President, and, therefore, every state has a voice in the
decision to be arrived at. it is earnestly hoped that this
question may be soon settled finally and satisfactorily.
The Veteran must reply to the statement above that
the Nashville firm (the P>. H. Stief Jewelry Co.) refused
to supply badges until learning that they were in the
miscellaneous market; and even now, in selling, re-
quires proof that it is for a member of the Daughters of
the Confederacy, and, as proof, an official order is re-
Capt. T. W. Irwin, of Savannah, Term., reports that
on March 15 the Albert Sidney Johnston Camp of Con-
federate Veterans was organized at Shiloh Springs, on
the famous battle-ground, with John S. Atkins as Ma-
jor. Judge John M. Taylor, of Lexington, has been
invited to deliver an address to the camp at their next
meeting, April 6, the anniversary of the battle. There
will be a gathering of veterans of both armies there and
in that vicinity on that day.
The Confederate Relief Bazaar will be opened at the
Fifth Regiment Armory on Easter Monday, April 11,
and last until April 20. It will be under the auspices of
the Daughters of the Confederacy and the Confederate
Society of the Army and Navy in the state of Maryland,
and is for the relief of Confederate veterans, their moth-
ers, and their widows. Sick or destitute soldiers of the
Confederacy, through the state, receive a regular pen-
sion from the Society of the Army and Navy, but to the
Daughters of the Confederacy falls the more delicate
task of relieving distress in the homes. Many a South-
ern gentlewoman, delicately reared, but with whom for-
tune has dealt harshly, has been compelled to appeal 10
this society, and < tften for the necessities of life. Inabil-
it\ to provide for all of these needs has compelled the
societies to adopt .some plan Lit replenishing their treas-
uries. A bazaar held in 1885 having been very success-
ful, it was decided to repeat the effort. Donations to
any of these tables will be gladly received.
With the exception of the Jefferson I ‘avis, the R. E.
Lee, the Stonewall Jackson, the Admiral Buchanan,
and Murray Association tables, the tables will be named
after the Confederate States. Maryland is to be repre-
sented by the Maryland Line Relic Room, the Murray
Association, and the Maryland state tables, with the an-
nex of Eastern Shore and Western Maryland. Mrs.
K11] urt C. Kirn is chairman of this committee. The
design over the table will be “Maryland, My Mary-
land,” in colored lights, over the central arch, and
“Eastern Shore” and “Western Maryland” in similar
design on either side.
The Maryland Line Relic Room is being planned
under charge of Miss Blunt, Mrs. W. Bowly Wilson,
and Mrs. J. T. Mason. Relics from all parts of the
South will be shown there. An interesting feature will
be a display of colonial relics which belonged to distin-
guished ancestors of men who served the lost cause. A
journal will be published daily from the Relic Room,
with bazaar news, historical articles, original poems,
and contributions from well-known persons.
The Murray Association table will be in charge of
Mrs. Frank Markoe, Mrs. W. T. Thelin, and Mrs. W.
P. Zollinger. It is to be a country store, replete with
every article imaginable. This is one of the largest
working committees of the bazaar.
The Virginia table will occupy a large space at the
entrance of the bazaar. A colonial portico will be rep-
resented, and fair Daughters of the Confederacy will
pour tea From old colonial silver, and will serve it from
Thomas Jefferson’s table, on which the Declaration of
Independence was signed. This will be an art table,
and the committee is composed of the whole Virginia
contingent in Baltimore.
“Think of that when you smoke tobacco” will be
the motto of the North Carolina table, under charge of
Mrs. Painter, a niece of Gen. D. H. Hill, and toba<
to form its staple commodity. Donations of the finest
tobacco in the Old South state ha e been promised.
South Carolina will be represented by a tree of gen-
uine palmetto, sent on for the occasion, with Southern
nieiss and yellow jasmine. This will be a fancy table,
and a large and influential committee are at work, un-
der Mrs. Edgar M. Lazarus and Mrs. Francis T. Miles.
Mrs. W. T. Brantley is chairman of the Georgia table,
which will be decorated by a design of unique charac-
Confederate .
ter. Lemonade, cake, etc., will be sold. Mrs. Brant-
ley has a large committee consisting of about forty
Georgia women.
Florida, the land of flowers, will be transplanted to
the armory by a large bower in the middle of the room,
filled by contributions from private greenhouses and
many plants sent on from Southern states. It will be
in charge of Mrs. R. C. Barry.
An art table, under the chairmanship of Miss Can-
non, will represent the state which has the honor of
having been the home of Jefferson Davis: Mississippi.
“Louisiana” is the name given to the lunch-room.
It will be in charge of Mrs. Ernest N. Morison and a
large committee.
The Lone Star state, under Mrs. G. F. French, will
have a large ice-cream booth and many attractions in
the shape of confections of various kinds.
Mrs. Gustavus Brown, as chairman for Arkansas, is
to have a harlequin table, a delightful melange, and a
veritable “Arkansas Traveler,” on an old-time fiddle,
will give forth strains recalling the old days before we
“hung up the fiddle and the bow.”
Kentucky, Mrs. Waller Bullock, chairman, will be
near the Old Dominion table, and, with its old-fash-
ioned log cabin, forms a delightful contrast. The Dan-
iel Boone hunter’s lodge is represented, with its quaint
old shot-bags and pouches and guns of a past genera-
tion. Curiosities from the Mammoth Cave and skins
fresh from the trapper’s hands will vie with the delicious
ice-cream and cake in attracting the throngs.
The Alabama table is under charge of Mrs. M. Gil-
let Gill. Tea will be dispensed out of charming souve-
nir-cups decorated with Confederate flags by young
ladies in Japanese costume.
The Missouri table will be in charge of Mrs. O. B.
Jones, and is a fancy table.
The Jefferson Davis table will be in charge of Mrs.
Henry C. Kennard. A large committee, composed of
ladies from all the different states, will work with her.
The Robert E. Lee table will be in charge of Mrs.
Neilson Poe, who has a large committee, and urgently
solicits contributions of any kind. Fancy articles will
be sold.
Stonewall Jackson’s table will be in charge of Mrs. J.
H. Tegmeyer, and is a confectionery-booth, with an an-
nex of West Virginia attached. A gypsy tent is con-
nected with this table, where a professor of palmistry
will read the fate of youths and maidens.
Admiral Buchanan, a gallant son of Maryland, the
pride of the Confederate navy, has a table named in his
honor and under the charge of his daughter, Mrs. Felix
R. Sullivan, and possibly the largest committee in the
The officers of the Daughters of the Confederacy are:
Mrs. D. G. Wright, President: Mrs. Charles Marshall,
Mrs. John P. Poe, Vice-Presidents; Mrs. F. M. Col-
ston, Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Hugh H. Lee,
Recording Secretary; Mrs. E. S. Beall, Treasurer; Miss
Dora Hoffman, Registrar; Mrs. F. T. Miles, Mrs. J. F.
Dammann. Mrs. William Reed, Mrs. T. B. Gresham,
Mrs. B. J. Taylor, Managers.
Frank T. Roche was born in Hampton, Va v Sep-
tember 16, 1843, an d was educated at the Hampton
Military Academy. At the commencement of the war
he enlisted in the Wythe Rifles (VV. B. Willis, captain),
which company became part of the battalion com-
manded by William L. Goggin, and afterward of the
Thirty-Second Virginia Regiment.
This command participated in the battle of Big Beth-
el, the first engagement of the war in Virginia. It
served at Gloucester Point and Yorktown, rendering
effective service in holding back AlcClellan’s hosts.
It retreated from Yorktown to Richmond, and partici-
pated in the battle of Williamsburg and those around
Richmond. It was then in the Maryland campaign, at
Second Manassas, South Mountain, Harper’s Ferry
(where eleven thousand Federals and large stores were
captured), Sharpsburg, and Fredericksburg.
At Sharpsburg the company formed pan of
Semmes’s Brigade, and was the center of McLaws’ ad-
vance to stem the tide of disaster occasioned by the
pressing back of Stonewall Jackson by the Federal
masses. The retreat was checked, and the Federals
were pushed back faster than they came. McLaws
saved Jackson from being crushed and Lee from defeat
at Sharpsburg, but his men paid a fearful penalty for
their valor.
At the rout of Pickett’s Division at Five Forks-
where it was attacked by the whole of Sheridan’s Cav-
alry and three corps of infantry, giving way only wher
overwhelmed by numbers — Corse’s Brigade, in which
were the Fifteenth and Thirty-Second Virginia, alone
stood firm and preserved its organization.
At Appomattox the Thirty-Second Virginia sur-
rendered about forty officers and privates, all that were
left of the once magnificent command. They had
fought to the verge of annihilation, and now not more
than a dozen of those old heroes remain to tell the
story of their superb valor and generous services to
their country. Comrade Roche was with his command
everywhere, never missing a march, a skirmish, or a
battle, until in September, 1864, when he was wound-
ed in the right leg by the fragment of a shell. It was
amputated a few inches below the knee. While in the
trenches, in 1864-65, he was made sergeant-major of
his regiment, and served as adjutant. He was cap-
tured in Richmond when that city fell.
At the end of the conflict young Roche, then a hum.’
boy, returned to his home on crutches, possessing
nothing but his gray uniform. He taught school sev-
eral years, and afterward accepted the position of city
editor on the Norfolk Journal. In 1877 he came to
Texas and located in Travis ( ounty, and reported leg-
islative proceedings for the Houston Telegraph and the
Galveston News. In the same year he entered the
state Land Office, where he was a clerk for twelve
years, and for four years he was clerk with the state
Land Board. Having occupied several of the princi-
pal desks, he is perhaps the besl equipped man in his
tate on all matters pertaining to the public domain
and routine work of the state Land Office. He was
recommended by Gov. Richard Coke For the position
of United States Revenue Collector, but, as he enter
tained ardent free silver views, President Cleveland se-
lected another.
Comrade Roche was fourth Commander of John B.
Hood Camp of Confederate Veterans. He was a di-
rector of the Confederate Home, under private and also
under state control, and it was largely due to his ef-
forts that the state took charge of the institution. He
lives al Georgetown, Tex.
W. T. Butt, Augusta, Ga., who was of Company C,
Forty-Fifth Alabama Regiment: “In the Veteran For
January. 1897, Capt. J. L, Power, Secretary of State for
Mississippi, gives a list of commands of the \nny of
Tennessee in 1S65. In it he makes a mistake by giv-
ing the Forty-Fifth Alabama Regiment to Shelley’s
Brigade. The Fourth Alabama and the Forty-Fifth
Mississippi Regiments were ‘twin brothers’ in Low-
rev’s Brigade. 1 fe leaves that gallant old regiment, the
Forty-Fifth Mississippi, out entirely. I know that
regiment was always on hand when any fighting was
Boing on.”
Charles P. Pickens, Dota. Ark.: “In the July Vet-
eran of 1897 T find inquiry of a soldier’s grave situated
near Pulaski, Tenn., on the old farm of D. T. Reynolds.
It is that of my father. Israel McReady Pickens, a Con-
federate soldier under Hood, who was killed on De-
cember 24, 1864. His regiment was skirmishing in
the rear when he was wounded. The grave-stone was
placed there by a distant relative, whose name. I think-,
was Williams. I think my father was a colonel. I
was a small boy then. Would like to correspond with
any of his old comrades, so as to learn all I can of his
record and position in the army.”
S. J. Boggs, member of Camp Henry Gray No. 551,
U. C. V., Timothea, La., died on the 6th of December,
1807. He served in Company B, Twenty-Eighth
Louisiana Infantry.
D. \. \\ II K IN V
James R. Binford writes from Duck Hill, Miss.:
D. A. Wilkins died at his home, in Duck Hill, Miss.,
October 5, 1897, from brain congestion. He was a
lieutenant in the Nineteenth Tennessee Regiment, Da-
vid H. Cummings, colonel. The writer served in Zol-
licoffer’s Brigade with him, ami we were together on
the memorable battle-field of Fishing Creek, where the
brave Gen. Zolli-
coffer was killed,
and in which the
Fifteenth Missis
sippi and Nine-
tf enth and Twenti-
eth Tennessee bore
the brunt of the
Comrade Wil-
kins was born near
Athens, Tenn., July
,io. [837. After the
war he. like many
“i lurs, was not per-
mitted by the Un-
ion men to live at
his old hi ime, so he
moved to Texas.
Subsequently he
went to Mississip-
pi, and located at
Muck Hill in 1868.
I le accumulated
handsome proper-
ty, married, and became the father of four children, two
<>t whom survive him.
Mississippi had no truer or better citizen than
“Dock” Wilkins. H e measured the full standard of
manhood: was progressive, and ever ready to aid in
the progress of his town or section, and his death is a
loss to the state. He was buried by Barksdale Camp,
U. C. “\ .. of which he was an active member, and a
large number of comrades and friends stood by when
his mortal remains were consigned to their last resting-
place. Well might any state be pn lud 1 >f such a son!
George C. Kinzer, of Madison Run, Va.. desires to
hear from Cook, of Hadley’s Mills. N. C; N. R. Doug-
lass, Orr’s First South Carolina: W. H. Green. Com-
pany C. Sixth Alabama Regiment: Frank Collins,
Cook, Butler, and Rogers, of Battle’s Alabama Bri-
gade; Sergt. Martin, of Tennessee; and Neuner, of
Mississippi, one of Gen. Heth’s scouts, and “what he
did with my pet kitten.”
Jim Pearce Camp, at Princeton, Ky., was reorgan-
ized some months since, and those members living in
Lyon County joined the Lyon County Camp, at Eddv-
ville. Gen. Lyon was elected Commander of this
camp, and George McElroy was so honored bv Tim
Pearce Camp. \ djt. T. J. Johnson, of the latter camp,
thinks forty or fifty will attend the Atlanta reunion.
Ace Walker inquires about J. F. Walker, a private
of Company K, Fourth Regiment of Arkansas In-
fantry. He was last heard from at the battle of Mur-
freesboro, where he was seriously wounded. He vol-
unteered to make what was called the “Cedar Brake
charge,” and there received his wound.
Confederate l/eterai).
doited Joos of Confederate l/etera^.
Organized July i, 1S96, Richmond, Va.
ROBERT A. SMVTH, Commander-in-Chief, / ,, ™. charieston g c
DANIEL KAVEXEL, Adjutant-General, ) Box d«7,L 11.11 lesion, s.c.
Box 128, Winston, N. C.
GARLAND E. WEBB, Adj it ant-General,
1. LEIGH THOMPSON, Commander, Lewisburg, Tenn.
W. C. SATTNDERS. Commander. I ■»„.. ,«, r .„ lton Tp ,-
J. H. BOWMAN, Adjutant-General, 1 1!ox wl < ” elton i lex ‘
Conducted by ROBERT A. SMYTH, Charleston, S. C.
Send all communications for this department to him.
[Comrades everywhere are urged to commend the organization of
Sons. By doing so they may be very helpful to Commander Smyth. S.
A. Cunningham.]
The work this month has been characterized by the
organization of five divisions — viz., Florida, Arkansas,
Georgia, New Mexico, and Indian Territory. Upon
the proper recommendation, a Commander has been
appointed for each division. These officers have been
commissioned and instructed to proceed with the work
of building up their respective divisions, and we hope
soon to report the successful prosecution of their work.
On February n Mr. D. U. Fletcher, of Jacksonville,
was appointed to command the Division of Florida.
He has taken hold of the work with much enthusiasm,
and already the young men of his state have been
aroused to a great deal of interest. The greatest ac-
tivity is being shown in the Division of Georgia, to the
command of which Mr. W. W. Davies, of Atlanta, was
appointed on February 16. Mr. Davies is doing a
great work, and it will very soon rival the others. All
of Georgia is enthusiastic on the subject; some fifteen
or twenty camps are now in process of formation, and
will soon apply for charters.
Mr. W. C. Saunders, commanding the Trans-Missis-
sippi Department, is determined that this large terri-
tory shall be thoroughly aroused by the time of the re-
union in July. To this end he is devoting his atten-
tion to the organization of the various divisions, and
upon his recommendation the following appointments
have been made: February 24, Mr. D. H. Cantrell, of
Little Rock, to command the Arkansas Division;
March 2, Mr. N. E. Bailey, of Deming, to command
the New Mexico Division; March 3, Mr. W. B. Ruth-
erford, of McAlester, to command the Indian Territo-
ry Division. With these divisions well organized, the
work of establishing camps in the various cities will be
rapidly pushed.
Six camps have been chartered since last report to
the Veteran, as follows: John A. Broadus No. 61,
Louisville, Ky. ; Christopher C. Pegues No. 62, Selma,
Ala.; Sul Ross No. 63, Alvin, Tex.: Fitzhusfh Lee No.
64, Waycross, Ga.; R. B. Baxter No. 65, Sparta, Ga.;
Bulldog Pelham No. 66, Louisville, Ga. Thus it will
be seen that great interest is being shown in the work
and activity in all the divisions is being increased.
The South Carolina Division will hold its third an-
nual reunion in the city of Charleston on April 27 next.
This division now leads the Federation in point of
number of camps and thorough organization. It has
held three annual reunions, at each of which all of its
camps were represented by delegates and sponsors.
The entire state is deeply interested, and there are now
some ten or more camps being formed, so as to join
the federation and take part in the division reunion in
April. We expect that by that time this division will
be twice its present size.
The R. E. Lee Camp No. 1, of Richmond, Va., has
gone systematically to work to obtain the names of all
Confederate soldiers who enlisted from Virginia. The
committee to whom the work is entrusted is doing
faithful service, as is shown by the fact that several
thousand names have already been copied for the ar-
chives of the camp. As soon as the committee finishes
copying those in hand the files of newspapers will be
consulted and brought into service. The importance
of such work can hardly be overestimated. These
rolls will be the source of reliable statistics for all years
to come. In addition to the copy to be placed with the
camp, a duplicate will be deposited in the archives of
the “Confederate Museum.” Besides this work, the
camp has fully paid for the cottage erected last fall at
the Soldiers’ Home at a cost of $2,500. A notice of
the dedication was published in this department. One
of the members is compiling a sketch of border war-
fare from original and authentic sources.
We cordially commend to the attention of all camps
the value of the work undertaken by Camp R. E. Lee
for the collection and preservation of the rolls of Con-
federate soldiers who enlisted from the different states.
Not only would the camps have a definite object in
view, toward which to direct their energies, but would,
of course, greatly increase the membership and inter-
est in the camp, and at the same time be doing a great
work for coming generations. The Sons must collect
within the next few years true accounts and histories
of the South, if they ever propose to do so. Many of
these valuable accounts and names of soldiers are pre-
served only in the memories of the comrades who are
now alive. Unless the Sons secure them soon, they
will be forever lost.
Roland Gooch, lieutenant of Company C, Forty-
Second Tennessee, Nevada, Tex.: “In the December
Veteran I notice that George I. C. McWhirter, of
Newberry, S. C, in writing of Gen. Walthall’s having
commanded the rear-guard on Hood’s retreat from
Nashville, fails to mention that Quarles’s Brigade was
of those composing it. This brigade was composed of
the Forty-Second, Forty-Eighth, Forty-Ninth, Fifty-
Third, and Fifty-Fifth Tennessee and the First Ala-
bama, and was commanded by Gen. George D. John-
son, of Alabama, on the retreat. It was the last bri-
gade of infantry that crossed the Tennessee River on
our way from Nashville. I write this in order to do
justice to as noble a set of men as there was in any bri-
gade of the Confederate army. The First Alabama
was commanded on the retreat by Lieut. C. M. Mc-
Rae, and I was detached from my regiment and placed
with him in charge of the left five companies of this
regiment, and remained most of the time until the con-
solidation at Smithfield, N. C.”
W. H. Eason, of Wall Hill, Miss., inquires for H.
Edrington, who lived at Milliken’s Bend, La., and was
at school at Florence, Ala., when the war began.
C^opfederate l/eterar?
In our old marching days the privations we endured
seemed to stimulate the imagination, and the story of
our sufferings lost nothing of pathos as the sufferer told
it. We had a deep sense of our sacrifices, and often
used them to stir the soul of pity in some good woman,
so as to add to our rough and scanty rations. Very
seldom was a prosperous farmhouse visited by a soldier
who had eaten anything in three days, and the look of
gaunt, hollow-eyed hunger he could assume would
melt the heart of a graven image, and has brought
forth many a good dinner from the unsophisticated,
who had not learned to distrust the pitiful plea.
One case comes to mind where the tale was so touch-
ing that it moved even the soldier himself to tears over
his own sad case — at least that was what some of the
boys who saw it all reported afterward in the regiment.
After a hard day’s march, we went into our camp a
little before sundown, and three days’ rations of corn
bread and bacon were issued to us and stowed away in
our haversacks. Near our camp there flowed a beau-
tiful stream, and on its banks were fine farms that
seemed to have an abundance of things good to eat.
The instinct and the appetite of the men at once told
them that it was a good place to replenish rations, and
so a number of them, with or without permission,
started out to forage, not waiting to lay aside or empty
their haversacks.
Pretty soon they came to a farmhouse in which the
family were just sitting down to supper. They sent in
one of their number to see what could be gotten. This
one was very skilful in gaining the good will of any
one that sympathized with the “poor soldier.” As he
walked into the dining-room he saw a great dish of
broiled ham, plates of hot biscuits, pitchers of milk-.
jars of honey, and he also detected the fragrance of
“sure-enough” coffee. There were dainties to make
his mi >uth water.
Tic Found the family to consist of a mother, evidently
a woman of refinement, and three or four children,
while there were plenty of servants At once he put
on his best manner, for he was a gentleman “to the
manner born,” and in a moment he was invited to sup-
per. He proceeded to make himself agreeable, for he
was a delightful converser, and he found that the fam-
ily were intensely Southern, the father being with Lee,
in Virginia, As the farm was rather out of the line of
the armies, it hail not been visited before by hungry
soldiers, and they were glad to see a Confederate.
After an extraordinary meal — for our boy was long
and “hollow to his heels” — he told the lady that this
was his first meal in three days, and asked if she would
have three dozen biscuits made for him. with a slice
of broiled ham in each. He wanted them for himself
and his two messmates, and would pay well for them
She, pood and guileless woman, told him that she
would gladly do what she could for a Southern soldier,
and would not think of taking pay — which was well,
as he had “forgotten” his purse. The cook was or-
dered to prepare the biscuits and ham.
Meanwhile he laid himself out to entertain the lady
with the storv of our privations. With touching pa-
thos he described the pangs of hunger, and emphasized
his own sufferings in contrast with the abundance he
had left at home. He painted the weary inarch and
the long and lonelv vigil of the sentinel, almost ex-
hausted by his lack of food. So moving was the story
that the lady wept and the children sobbed in sympa-
thy. At last the soldier himself was so carried by the
pity of it that he shed tears freely over the mournful
Right in the midst of the sad scene the cook came in,
bringing the great dish of ham and biscuits, and set it
down before the sorrowing soldier. He at once began
to take care of it, and, picking up his haversack from
his side, he took out pone after pone of corn bread,
and then a big “hunk” of bacon, laying them on the
table, while their place in his haversack was taken by
the more toothsome viands. All the while he went on
with the talc of his sufferings.
Directly he noticed that the sobbing had ceased and
there was a strange stillness with his weeping auditors.
Looking up, he saw the lady gazing at him with an
expression of wonder and amusement, while the tears
still glistened on her cheeks, and it flashed on him that
he had forgotten to empty his haversack before he
came in, had forgotten in his anguish of spirit how this
fat haversack would discredit his story. His imagina-
tion was so vivid that it neglected the facts entirely,
and he really believed his own story. He had simply
allowed the embellishments to hide the facts, until the
facts asserted themselves.
Of course there was no explanation possible. The
soldier was too fine an artist to offer one. The lady,
fortunately, was gifted with humor, and saw the com-
edy of the situation. As he waited for her reproaches
she broke into the merriest laugh, in which he could
only join, a self-revealed fraud. She said he was wel-
come to the rations, for she had not enjoyed so good
a cry in a long time; it was such a relief to her. But
she begged that in the future he should not give way
to his grief, but try to bear up under his sufferings, and
no doubt, when lie was again nearly starved, a kind!
Providence would come to his relief, as in this case.
Then she bundled up his bacon and corn bread for
him to take with him, for she knew such an appetite
would need all it could get.
The hero of this storv was an excellent soldier —
brave, faithful, kind. Since the war I have reason to
believe he has chastened his imagination. He is now
a member of the Church, a fine business man, and has
been a member of the Legislature. References : Rev.
J. H. McNeilly and C. H. Bailey, both of Tennessee.
At the annual convention of the United Daughters
of the Confederacy of South Carolina, in Abbeville,
December I, 1897, the following officials were chosen:
Mrs. William C. McGowan, Abbeville. S. C, Presi-
dent: Mrs. H. B. Buist. Mrs. C. R. Holmes. Mrs. James
Evans, Mrs. L. A. Vandiver, Vice-Presidents. Mrs.
Thomas Taylor was reelected Secretary, and Mrs. S.
A. Durham was reelected Treasurer.
W. H. (“Buck”) Porch reports some unintentional
omissions from the list of “Coleman” Scouts, com-
manded by Capt. H. B. Shaw, as published in the Feb-
ruary Vetekan. They are R. F. Cotton, George
Hughes, and John Schute, besides his own name. He
took an active part in nearly all the duties connected
with that organization, and he was with Sam Davis the
night before he was captured.
Confederate .
Thomas Anthony Head, author of this history, is a
native of Van Buren County, Tenn. He was born in
1838, and was educated at Burritt College. Enlisting
in Company I, Sixteenth Tennessee Regiment, in May,
1 861, he was present for duty until captured at Kenne-
saw Mountain, in June, 1864, and was kept at Camp
Douglas until tire close of the war. After the war
Comrade Head engaged in teaching in Southern Illi-
nois for ten years, returning South in 1875, where he
continued teaching until 1893.
In 1883-84 he wrote the history of his regiment. The
book contains four hundred and eighty-eight pages,
with illustrations, and is a history of the Western army.
It is supplied with the Veteran for a year at $1.50.
Comrade Head is devoted to his old major, H. H.
Dillard, of Cookeville, Tenn. Maj. Dillard entered
the army as captain in the Sixteenth Tennessee Infant-
ry, John H. Savage, colonel. As soon as his company
was organized he repaired to Camp Trousdale. They
went through the Cheat Mountain campaign, and then
on the coast of South Carolina. When the army was
reorganized he resigned the captaincy of his company,
but continued in the service in other capacities. At
the battle of Chickamauga he was assigned to duty as
major of that regiment, and served in that capacity
through this battle with a gallantry that endeared him
to the soldiers of his command and to all who knew
him. At the close of the war Maj. Dillard resumed
the practise of law at Cookeville, and is a leading at-
torney of the mountain district.
A circular letter from the Weekly
Constitution states that it “goes to
more homes than any newspaper pub-
lished on the face of the earth; ” that
” as an exponent of Southern opinion and purveyor of Southern news it has no equal on the
continent,” and ” that the Constitution’s special features are such as are not found in any other
paper in America.” An arrangement Jias been made whereby the Weekly Constitution and the
can both be had for $\S0 a year. This
combination is opportune, as the Consti-
tution will contain a great deal more about reunion matters than can be expected in theJ.VET-
eran. Let thousands send #1.$0 for both. This is considered the best combination with the
Veteran that has ever been made, and the sooner accepted the better. Address Veteran.
jjapci 111 rtiuci n-a. rtu ai 1 a11gt.111v.1iL uao uctu uiauc v
Confederate veteran
^confederate Veteran
Leaving any point in the West, Arkansas, Texas,
and the Southwest, the veterans attending the Vtlanta
reunion will find the route via Memphis (Nashville,
– tv
The exhibit in tliis building is continued; it tos been enlarged
w ith Confederate relics, .mil will be kepi open ill summer.
Chattanooga, and St. Louis railway | and Nashville the
best and most historic; in fact, is the true “war route.”
During the civil war Nashville Formed an important
base of operations for the Federal army after the fall of
Fort Donelson, which event occurred Februar) t6,
[862. The city fell into the hands of the Federal
forces March 8, [862; After the battle of Franklin,
November 30, 1N04. lien. Hood, of the Confederate
forces, moved on to the city of Nashville, and posted
his army on the beautiful range of hills south of the
city, where he was attacked by Maj.-Gen. George V
Thomas December 15. 1864. The iines and redoubts
of the old fortifications are still ver) distinct.
Continuing the journey, two miles before Mur-
freesbori > is reached the road passes through the bal
tie field of Stone’s River, called the battle of Mur-
frccsboro by the Confederates, where one of the most
desperate battles of the war was fought during three
days, between R< isecrans, commanding the F ederals,
and Bragg, commanding the C< nfederates. The
battle was begun December 31, [S62, and lasted un-
til the afternoon of January -‘. [863
\t Chickamauga, only a few miles south of Chatta
nooga, was fought. September 10. 20, 1863, one of
the bloodiest battles of the war. It also was foughl
by Gen Rosecrans, commanding the Federals, and
Gen. Bragg, commanding the Confederates. The re-
treat of the Federal forces from the battle-field of
Chickamauga was covered bv Lien. Thomas, saving
the Union army from complete disaster. Rosecrans
was removed alter this battle, and Gen. 1 .rant placed
in command. The troops under Hooker and Slier-
man were added to < .rant’s command, and the bat.
1. 00k, ml Mountain. 1 r the “battle above the cloud;.”
was foughl November -‘4. [863. The next day the
battle of Missionary Ridge was fought, after which
Bragg retreated into < .eorgia.
The United States Government has established the
Chickamauga National Park on the battle-field. It is
the most comprehensive military object-lesson in the
world, and will well repay a visit.
I \ t . & St. L. Railway. Lessee) was made famous n
tne campaign in which the aggressiveness of Sherman
was met by the skill and strategy of Joseph E. John-
ston. This road passes through battle-grounds almost
the entire distance from Chattanooga to Atlanta-—
first, Missionary Ridge; then, in succession, Chicka-
mauga, < uavsville. Ringgold, funnel Hill, Rocky Face,
Mill Creek, Dalton, Dug Gap. Resaca, Adairsville, \1-
l, Big Shanty, Brush Mountain. Kennesaw Moun-
tain. Smyrna, and Peach Tree Creek. A volume
would be required to give the details of the battles
fought on the line of the
and the Western and Atlantic railroad. The fields of
-lory winch lie on these lines will stir the blood and
“.Ft 5 p^«
■.1 u < v YIRIVD
r* Jii-W
animate the soul and awaken the patriotism of Amer-
ican citizens through many centuries to come.
On account of its historic associations, first-class
train service, low rates, and quick time, the Nashville,
Chattanooga, and St. Louis railway and Western and
Atlantic railroad have been chosen as the official route
to Atlanta by many of the bivouacs throughout the
South and West.
The following officials of the line will take p]
ure in answering questions, whether asked personal-
ly or by letter. Write, or sec them, and they will ar-
range your trip in speed, comfort, and safety.
R. C. Cowarpix, W. P. A.. Dallas. Tex.
A. T. Welch, D, P. A., Memphis, Tenn.
W. F. March, \. G. P. and T. A., Nashville. Tenn.
W. L. Danley, G. P. and T. A.. Nashville. Tenn.
Confederate l/eteran.
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any
case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall’s Ca-
.tarrh Cure. F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney
for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly hon-
orable in all business transactions and financially
able to carrv out any obligations made by their firm.
WEST & Tkiax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Walimxg, Kjnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Drug-
gists, Toledo, O.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents
per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
A Memorial Volume.
This is a “Southern Book on a South-
ern Man by a Southern Author for the
Southern People.”
Dr. Jones is author of ” Reminiscences,
Anecdotes, and Letters of Lee,” “Christ
in Camp,” ” Army Northern Virginia
Memorial Volume,” etc., and formerly
Secretary Southern Historical Society.
A publisher’s notice states that it is pub-
lished by authority of Mrs. Davis. Also
that it is a most accurate and complete
narrative of the life and the work of this
remarkable man, to whose genius the
world pays homage. It contains a sketch
of Mr. Davis’ life, as written by himself.
In this work the soldiers and statesmen
of the world give their estimates of the
man and the cause he championed. It is
a powerful inspiration to the growing
generation to build characters on the
foundation of principle.
No one was more intimate with the
great leader or enjoyed his confidence to
so great an extent as Dr. Jones, and
hence no one could be so well qualified
as he to write, from the standpoint of the
man, the life of Mr. Davis. *
The author says in the preface that the
“aim of this work is to give, in a single
volume, not only a history of the life
and times of the great Confederate lead-
er, but to gather and preserve choice se-
lections from the world’s splendid tribute
to his memory, and thus be a prized
souvenir in the homes of the people who
loved him, and not unacceptable to oth-
ers who are willing to know more of the
man who played so conspicuous a part-in
American history.”
The volume contains 672 large pages
printed from new plates on fine calen-
dered paper, weighs three pounds, and is
illustrated by Mr. W. L. Sheppard, a
popular artist.
This valuable work by Dr. Jones is a
subscription book, and the price, $2.75,
has been reduced to $2.25. It will be
sent post-paid, with a year’s subscription
to the Veteran for $2.50, or free for
five yearly new subscriptions to the
Veteran until an edition recently pur
chased is exhausted.
Handsome historical lithograph, colored
bird’s-eye view of Chattanooga, Mission-
ary Ridge, Walden’s Ridge, and portions
of the Chickamauga field as seen from
the summit of Lookout Mountain. High-
est style of lithographer’s art. On fine
paper, plate, 10×24. Mailed for 10 cents
in stamps. W. C Rinearson, Gen. Pass.
Agt. Q. and C Route, Cincinnati, O.
The Bowen-Merrill Company, of In-
dianapolis, Ind., has recently issued a
work by the late Senator Daniel W. Voor-
hees entitled “Forty Vears of Oratory,”
which contains his best and most famous
speeches and public addresses, all of his
lectures, and a sketch of his life. It is in
two large volumes and contains fifty full-
page illustrations.
This book should be popular through-
out the South when it is remembered
that he was an eloquent advocate in be-
half of Southern rights after the war, and
denounced in unmeasured terms the
means used to degrade our people. The
Richmond (Va.) Times said of him: “Mr.
Voorhees was known during the war as a
war Democrat, but he had no part in it,
and when the conflict of arms was over
his heart went out to all of the South
with th’e tenderest and kindest sympa-
thy. In Congress and upon the hustings
he lifted up his voice in noble and pow-
erful protest against the mad policy of
sectional hatred that the Republicans set
on foot against us, and he never omitted
an oportunity to appeal to the country
for justice and considerate treatment to
the South. He had a warm place in the
affections of our people, and he will be
sincerely mourned all over the Southern
land. The South has lost in him a de-
voted friend, and the country has lost an
upright and pure statesman, who never
sullied his private or public life with one
single action of a doubtful character.”
Others have written: r- 1 –* ■ ‘
” His death is deplored by the Southern
people especially, for he had earned their
gratitude as no other Northern states-
man ever did. He was always their
friend in the hours of their need. He
succeeded in the Senate that radical
of radicals, Oliver P. Morton, who held
hot irons to the body of the prostrate
South, and until he left the Senate the
South had in him at all times and in all
weathers a fearless and eloquent cham-
pion and defender at court. — Macon (‘”‘.)
Telegraph. ~~
” Voorhees was the friend of the South
in the dark days when we most needed
friends. It will be a still darker day for
this section when our people cease to
hold the now fallen ‘Sycamore of the
Wabash’ in grateful remembrance.” —
Chattanooga {Tom.) News.
“Loving the whole Union, he was
necessarily a friend of the South, and on
all questions during his service in both
branches of Congress opposed harsh
measures against the South. No man
was more active in efforts to break down
the barrier of sectionalism and to restore
fraternal feelings. His death is a great
loss to the whole country, and will be
sincerely mourned in every state.” —
Montgomery (.!/</.) Advertiser*
An old physician, retired from practise, khad
placed in his hands by an East India missionary the
formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the
speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bron-
chitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung
Affections, also a positive and radical cure for
Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints.
Having tested its wonderful curative powers in
thousands of cases, and desiring to relieve human
suffering, I will send free of charge to all who wish
it, this recipe, in German, French, or English, with
full directions for preparing and using. Sent by
mail, by addressing with stamp, naming this paper.
W. A. Noyes, S20 Powers Block, Rochester, N. Y.
Operate Finest Vestibuled Pullman Ob-
servation Sleeping-Cars daily between
Kansas City and Galveston via the K.
C, P. and G. R. R. to Shreveport, H. E.
and W. T. Ry. to Houston, and G. C.
and S. F. Ry. to Galveston. Dining-
Car Service via this line between
Shreveport and Kansas City. Meals on
the cafe plan — pay for what you get, and
at reasonable prices.
Passengers to and from St. Louis and
the East make close connections via Fris-
co Line at Poteo, via Iron Mountain or
Cotton Belt Routes at Texarkana or
via Cotton Belt Route at Shreveport.
Through sleepers via Q. and C. Route
from Cincinnati and Chattanooga make
close connections in union depot at
Shreveport. No transfers via this route.
Close connections in Central Depot at
Houston with through trains for Austin,
San Antonio, Eagle Pass, El Paso, Rock-
port, Corpus Christi, and all Southern
and Western Texas and Mexico points.
Be sure to ask for tickets via Shreve-
port Route. For rates, schedules, and
other information »ee nearest ticket
agent, or write R. D. Yoakum,
Gen. Pass. Agt.;
W. M. Doherty,
T. P. A., Houston, Tex.
Tin- Roses we send are on their own root-“, and will bloom freely this Summer, either in pots or planted
in yard. They an- hardy ever-bloomers. We guarantee thern to reach you in good condition.
Summer Queen, deep Rich Pink.
TI10 4(iiri-ii. pure Snow White.
l*e:irl of” (lit* Gardens, deep Golden Yellow.
i ‘liriNline <lc \«ne. Bright Scarlet.
Ruby <it>Ul. shades uf Red and Fawn.
Caih. Tier met. Everybody’s Favurite.
Meteor, rich Velvety ( rim son.
Maman Cocliet. Salmon ami Flesh in Clusters.
White 1’earl of Ilie Oar-dens. Waxy, While.
Valle <Ie C’liamouiiix, Tawny Shades of Gold.
“Wlxat you Can. Buy for 23 Cents.
8 Roses, all sorts, Hardy, Tea. Climbers, etc. 25c.
8 Fragrant Carnation Pinks, 8 kinds . . . 25c.
8 Geraniums, all colors and kinds . . . .25c.
8 Choice Prizo Chrysanthemums 25c.
1 Palm and 3 Heliotropes 25c.
10 Choicest Gladiolus 25c.
6 Sweet Scented Double Tube Roses . . .25c.
12 Large Flowered Pansy Plants 25c.
8 Colcus, will make a bright bed . . . . 25c.
8 Double and Single Fuchsias, all colors 25c.
S Basket and Vase Plants 25c.
5 Hardy Plants for Cemetery 25c.
8 Plants, assorted, for house or vard . . – 25c.
10 Pkts. elegant Sweet Peas, all different . 25c.
Special Offer.— Any 5 sets for £1.00; half of any 5 sets, fin ets. How to Grow Flowers, a great
florid Maeazine, three months free with every order. Get your neighbor tu club with you. Our Catalogue
free. ORI>t:K TO-DAY. Address,
(Confederate l/eterao.
A $5,000 CASH OFFER!
The Veteran announces, in connection with the Artanta Weekly
Constitution, a new offer in which every one may have a chance.
Contest Began March 1, will End September 1, 1898,
In Connection with the
Confederate Vetera 9
BOTH. In Connection with this Clubbing Rate You
Can Have a Chance at the Splendid Cash Prizes. X X
Here it is* Read it all very carefully.
First Award : To the subscri-
be] oi *ubsci ibei – naming
ill’ 1 exaci i i- i or m
■ i niii i f bales
in tin p of ISM 9£
we will gil ••, it’ t!n> est miate
la rei eived
IfOjjrhM ipril. 2,000
It During May or i -na
June, i89s i |t_M t\t
II 1 luring .lul\ or 1 i w \i \
Uigust, isua 1 ,uuu
Second Award : I
nam in- i be first
■ ■ ■ ■
i be • ■- i eh ed
hi. March , a; i cao
•pi ,.mHI
If During April,
If l>n i
June, i>’-
Third Award : i
-I’ll bera naming t be Becond
next nearest h i
t be < – cei Ted
‘Tr^:: 1 :: $1,000
11 During Ju
If Dunn
June, 1
Ii During Ju!) <-r .* -a
August, 1- IB — >’U
So that the First Three Prizes Amount to $5,000 in Cash.
NATF Wppfl A I IV ” ‘he kxact fieur< luring this contest, the money will
I'” ■ i- Oi Lv.lrAI_l_ I • be paid to ly will get the’- too* not revert to the I 1 1 ■ ■ submits d. – 1 i than
irreel 01 equally 1 orrei 1 ■ gtimate be filed in th ntest, the a at of tl ■
be divided equal n among the correct answers 1 he pi izes are offered in cash. There 1- no ” missing
word” in this; it is brain On l problem it might be well to
rop that haa al –
use the figure then
The estimate is to tx made upon th< total 1 nit< I i on crop f
ready b El ot tin- crop to be planted this spring, be<
not be obtainable until Septembt r I, 1899, but il is for the crop alreadi in and mark) ted, offii lal figures
Of which will be ann sed in September. [“he Is ten c puts from
lad will aid yon in the estimate. The figures given bj Latham, Alexander & Co., oi New York, are
1 as official, and their latest edition of “Cotton Movement and Fluctuations ” is as follows :
ltfclC- 111 ‘
1*-; W I? ifi1,S!»7 7,
i .. i 18,290
18* Ml, 171 KM i 11,322
I ■ 20,714,937
Sm on t Planted. In Crop
18,067,924 6,71
189 “I 19,684,0110 7,649,817
1894 <‘■ 21,454,000 9,901,261
1* 1 “. ”7 22,341,000 –
Tlu’ir 1 ng this contest, 1 1 –age for the crop of
. of next column.)
First.— if the prises offered under the first
ded upon sxai 1 estimate up-
on the number oi ball b, i ■■ prises off n d under
the second proposition will go to the nearet
timate; but if the tirst | given for the
\ i Ma • . d correctly
gures, then the second prizes would
lie -•-‘■”ml near* si estimate and the
■ ises for the third nearest esi imate.
S 1 1 oh i> 1 1 some 1 Bhould submit r •■■ >i 1 set
vision of the 1 1 m« shown »nd
1 some
Inter <li\ ision, this rank
only an ae the first
■ ■ ■ \ ionsly :m arded to si itne one a ho
Third.— Ev* 1 1
i.\ b year’s subscription to the weekly Cbnstitu*
well a- tic vktsrax or renewal [1
1 Lugust, the eal
crop « ill be f rwarded , It m
sent in the envelope with the subscription, jou
mil no) su bscribe n< m an i Bend ] our es I
ird. The estimate must come with the
subscription, 01 nol at all. Should a party send
■ . . ■ imate, he or – he a I
to a share of the prise-tuod undei which ii may
prise for 4
i iy enter i he contest as many 1 imes «s
thej send Bubscriptions, and undi 1 the rules the
1 the
■ B
■ in. -In making your answer, just
simpl] ite tlir numbet ■ ■ f bates of cot*
ton will be ‘ Make 3 out I
plain. If you want to make estimates later, >»r if
you wanl to repeal the estimates you have made,
ption f< r yourself or your friends will en
Add 1 1 ■– all clubbii ■ the
Confederate Veteran,
Nashville, Tenn.
BOW, BO VOU may Irani uiixli about
• it reunion and also get b chanci for a
Illinois Central R. R.
Double Daily Service
making direct connections with through trains
for all points
North, East, anil West,
includ it 1 leveland, & ■
New Yorh Philadelphi 1, . Richmond,
•lis, t >maha, Kansas < it] ..
springs, Ark., and Denver. nection
with Central Mississippi Valley Route Bolid Fast
lily Train for
Duhuque, Sioux Falls, Sioux
m m m City,
and the West. Particulars of agents ol thel.G.
R. R. and connecting lim
\9M. MURRAY, Dh Pass lgfc M New Orli nns.
.)>. 1 \ SCOTT, Div. Pass \- nt, M<
A. 11. B IKSON, <.;. r. A., W. A
Qopfederate l/eteran.
Union Teachers’ Agencies of America.
Pittsburg, Pa,, Toronto, Can., New Orleans, La., New York, N. T., Washington, D. C, San Francisco,
Cai., Chicago, III., St. Louis, Mo., and Denvtr, Colo.
There are thousands of positions to he filled. We had over vacancies during the past season — more
vacancies than teachers. Unqualified facilities for placing- teachers in every part of the United States and
Canada. One fee registers in nine offices. Address all applications to Saltsburg, Pa.
The ” Lone Star is waving-“— the Hag of the free —
Then strike for Texas if men vou would be.
No idlers are wanted, the thrifty and wise,
To wealth and high station can equally rise.
Where corn, oats, and cotton, the richest of loam
Which yields to tin- settlers provisions and home,
Trees of every description arise on each hand,
From alluvial soil to the rich table-land.
Here springs are exhaustless and streams never dry.
In the season from winter to autumn’s bright sky,
A wide panorama of prairie is seen,
Of grasses of all kinds perennially green.
Here millions of cattle, sheep, horses, and goats
Grow fat as if stall-fed or fattened on oats.
No poverty is found in the mighty domain,
To the man who exerts either linger or brain.
Here are homes for the millions, the rich and the
While Texas opens wide her hospitable door.
She has thousands of acres — yes, millions — to sell,
Vet can point without cost to where preemptors
can dwell.
Her terms will be easy with those whom she deals,
While security, all, in their title can feel.
Buv land while ’tis cheap, and the finest select,
‘Twill, voung man, prove a fortune when least you
Old man, for your children, buv, lib- it away;
A Godsend ’twill prove on some rainy day.
For a handsome book free, fully describing this
wonderful country, address E. P. TURNER, Gen-
eral Passenger and Ticket Agent Texas and Pacific
Railway, Dallas, Tex.
The Southern Railway, in connection
with the Nashville, Chattanooga, and St.
Louis Railway and Pennsylvania Rail-
road, operates daily a through sleeping-
car between Nashville and New York,
via Chattanooga, Knoxville, and Ashe-
ville. This line is filled with the hand-
somest Pullman drawing-room buffet
sleeping-cars, and the east-bound sched-
ule is as follows: Leave Nashville 10:10
p.m., Chattanooga 4:10 a.m., Knoxville
8:25 a.m., Hot Springs 11:46 a.m., and ar-
rives at Asheville at 1:15 p.m., Washing-
ton 6:42 a.m., New York 12:43 p.m. This
sleeping-car passes by daylight through
the beautiful and picturesque mountain
scenery of East Tennessee and Western
North Carolina, along the French Broad
A second train leaves Nashville daily
at 3:30 p.m.; Chattanooga, 10 p.m.; Knox-
ville, 1:15 a.m.; Hot Springs, 4 a.m. Ar-
rives at Asheville, 5:10 a.m.; Washing-
ton, 9:35 p.m.; New York, 6:23 a.m.
This train carries elegant Pullman Sleep-
ing-car from Chattanooga to Salisbury
and Salisbury to New York without
Santa Fe
Sao Diego to Alaska (including the Klondike),
A Santa Fe Agent can give you information as
to rates, connections and tickets.
W. S. Keenan, General Pass. Agent,
*&&A£&i<!S>^i:&** JS&&8.iS
Pullman Vestibuled Train Service ■with
Newest and Finest Day Coaches,
Sleepers, and Dining-cars
Terre Haute, Indianapolis,
Milwaukee, St. Paul,
Southern Passenger Agent,
Chattanooga, Tenn.
Commercial Agent,
Nashville, Tenn.
Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent,
fhe Wittenberg Optical Co.,
428 Church St., Nashville, Tenn.
rE3TINE(j |jfr FREE
We now grind the most difficult Lenses onr-
•olves, so you can get your
Spectacles or Eyeglasses
the same day your eyes are examined. Frames
of the latest designs in Gold, Silver. Nickel, Steel,
\lu. ninium. MODERATE PRICES.
Rheumatism, Asthma, Blood, Liver,
Skin, and Kidney troubles speedily
cured. Luxurious Turkish – Russian
bath for well. Send for particulars in
regard to securing one of these Hygien-
ic Bath Cabinets as premium for sub-
scribers to the Veteran.
v opj-ederate l/eterar).
musk! music! music !
If you possess a piano or organ, you must buy more or less music, and we want you to buy it
from us. We fully realize that we can not have any of your trade without offering some strong induce-
ment for you to send us your first order. Every well-established and prosperous business is supported
by thousands of patrons who, by sending their first order, discovered that they had found a good
house to deal with. We want that to be your experience with us, and we will spare no pains to
make it such
To induce you to make a beginning, and thereby give us a chance of securing in you a lifelong cus-
omer, we herewith make the greatest bargain offer of first-class, high-priced, and fine-quality
sheet music that has ever been known.
This music is to be of our selection, but we
desire you to state whether you want it to be
vocal or instrumental, waltz, songs, polkas, schot-
tisches, marches, two steps, or variations; in
ether words, give us as accurate a description as
possible of the style, character, and grade of dif-
ficulty of the music you want. Please mention
also what instrument you have, whether a piano
or organ, as the music will be selected by com-
petent musicians, and they will send what is
most suitable for the instrument you have.
The twenty pieces will be first-class music in
every respect, printed from the finest engraved
plates on the best quality of paper, and many of
them will have beautiful and artistic lithograph
The average retail price of each twenty pieces
will be from $9 to $11, and it will cost from iS
to 23 cents to mail each lot, and as the $1 re-
ceived with each order will not half pay the cost
of the printing and paper, none of the pieces sent
will be furnished a second time at this price.
We have a catalogue of over 5,000 publica-
tions of sheet music, and our object is to place
some of each of these pieces in every home that
contains a piano or organ, feeling assured that
the music thus introduced, when played and
sung, will be our best advertisement, and the re-
sultant orders will amply compensate us for the
sacrifice we make in this offer. If you prefer to
have sample copies of our music before sending
a $ 1 order, send us 30 cents in postage-stamps,
and we will send you 4 pieces, post-paid.
With each $1 order we will send as a premi-
um a set of six photographs, representing six
different views and buildings of the Tennessee
Centennial Exposition
We deal in everything known in music, and
musical instruments of every description. No
matter what von want in the music line, write us
for catalogues and get our prices before making
your order.
Mandolins and Guitars.
What could be nicer for a Christmas present than one of these instruments?
as cheap as $3 and Guitars as low as $4. Send for Catalogues.
We have Mandolins
237 North Summer Street,
Mention VETERAN when you write.
Qopfederate l/eterao.
TJhe Smith {Premier uypewriter
jCeada them all.
■&or Catalogue, !Prices, etc., address
ffirandon ^Printing Company,
life refer by permission to tAe
£di?or of tiio Veteran.
9?ashvtlle, “Uenn.
Veteran Subscri
bers.are you inter
ested in poultry?
200 First Premi-
ums. All about
incubators and
brooders in 1898
■ catalogue. Send
for one.
Homer City, Pa,
V. M. O. X. BUILDING. ♦ ♦ •
Barber Shop, Russian and Turkish
Beth Rooms,
Nashville, Tenn.
_, -\j J-t 9 OFFERS FREE:
The YOlitrl 5 szo in Gold . Bic » cle i
1 UMl11 *^ Gold Watch, Diamond
Ring, or a Scholarship
in Draughon’s Bus.
College, Nashville.
Tenn,. Galveston or
Texarkana, Texas, or
in almost any other Bus. College or Literary
School for a small club of subscribers.
The Youth’s Advocate is a i6-page journal, read
with interest and profit by people of all ages.
Non-denominational. Est’d 1890. Stories and
other interesting matter -well illustrated. Any
one of the several departments is worth its sub-
scription price. It is a practical educator as well
as a high toned literary paper. Indorsed by
State officials, teachers and others. Agents want-
ed. Sample copy sent free. Address as above.
“©tie Country,
. . . ©ne fflaa.”
The … .
to Purchase . .
Also Barber Shop at 325 Church St.
Flags, Banners, Swords, Belts, Caps,
and all kinds of Military Equipment U at
J. A. JOEL & CO.,
38 Nassau Street, NEW YORK.
{Positions* , .
Under reasonable
Free tuition. We give one or more free schol-
arships in every county in the U. S. Write us.
Will accept notes for tuition
orcan deposit money in bank
until position is secured. Car
fare paid. No vacation. En-
ter at any time. Open for both
sexes. Cheapboard. Send for
free illustrated catalogue.
Address J. F. Draughon, Pres’t, at either place.
Draughon’s ^? /M
Practical….. /^S^vLoy^/
Business…. x^tjut^Ccif^
Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc.
The most thorough, practical and progressive
schools of the kind in the world, and the best
patronized ones in the South. Indorsed by bank-
ers, merchants, ministers and others. Four
weeks in bookkeeping with us are equal to
twelve weeks by the old plan. J. F. Draughon,
President, is author of Draughon’s New System
of Bookkeeping, “Double Entry Made Easy.”
Home study. We have prepared, for home
study, books on bookkeeping, penmanship and
shorthand. Write for price list “Home Study.”
Extract. “Prof. Draughon — I learned book-
keeping at home from your books, while holding
a position as night telegraph operator.” — C. E.
Leffingwell, Bookkeeper for Gerber & Ficks,
Wholesale Grocers, South Chicago, 111.
{Mention this paper when writing.)
Established 1867.
Telephone 734.
No. 204 Court Square. Nashville, Tenn.
[Comrade Frank Anderson is ex-President of
Frank Cheatham Bivouac— Ed. Veteran.]
,de Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probahlv patentable. Communica-
tions atrictlyconodential. Handbook on 1’atents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
special notice, without c harg e, in the
Scientific American.
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir-
culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, fi a
year: four months, th Sold byall newsdealers.
MUNN & Co. 361Broadway New York
Branch Office, 625 F St., Washington, D. C.
Enlisted in September, t86l, in Company
D, Thirty-Second Tennessee Regiment,
at the age of fifteen years, lie went
from the battle of Fort Donelson with
his regiment to the battle of Chicka-
Riauga, where he lost his leg. Was pa-
roled with Starnes’ Cavalry at Washing-
ton, Ga., May 5, 1865. He was Register
of Williamson County from iS7oto 1S7S;
moveil to Nashville in 1879, ami has been
an honorable citizen of this community
since. Comrade Loftin i> a candidate
for Register of Davidson County at the
Augusi election, subject to action of the
Democratic primaries.
The Good that Men Do Lives
After Them.
WilliPrescribe and Advise
They have turnedjtheir formulas
over to the OIL CURE CjABORA-
TORT, thai the afflicted may relieve
their Bufferings al the lowest possi-
ble price for the oils. Where the
case is sufficiently serious a moderate
fee will be charged for personal serv-
ices. Ninety-five per cent, of cases
only Hood the oils and our advice.
The doctors developed the therapy
of 1 iils for 1 he cure of ( lancer, Lu-
pus. Fistula, Catarrh, Eczema, in
fact ;ill diseases of the skin and Mu-
cous Membranes.
In the lasl five years they have
been in Nashville, they have cured
thousands of our prominent people,
and confidently ivi’or to such nota-
bles as:
Rev. J. L i”T, yorkville, renn., Cancer.
Rev l». VV. Bftbb, 1 Bville, Mtas.,1 ancer.
Re* \v S. B ‘ 1. man, R< dwood, Miss., 1 ancer.
I T \ G01 1 li, Nftslr* mi. . 1,111 . :
Dr. T. \ Heath, Shiloh Landing, Miss., Epithe-
i im
1. \\ Knison, Fason ia, W
Hon. \i ha TI as, Fi anklin, renn., 1
Mrs. .1. S Brown. Springfield, Tenn., Lupus.
Hon Vsa Moore, Bloomington, 111., 1
Mrs, VV E. Baskette, Miirn 1 esboro, 1 > an
Mrs.] I Wi lis, Nashi ille, renn . Ulc-erati ■! Hand.
Joseph Peach. Fi ank 1 in. Penn., Fistula.
,1. M. Dardis, 1 1 on., Fistula.
Larkin WhitaUer, Nash* ille, Tenn . Catarrh.
Mrs T v si. el, 1 ittli Ro
.■’mi onno r, Na sh v i 1 1 e , Te nn . « a tarrh .
1 pom on we will furnish j
lisi ..I those cured of Ulcers, 1 1 es. re-
male Diseases, Rectal «nd other Disease – of the
sum and Mucous Mi mbranes.
‘ iur ion f predigested Oils,
” Make You Fat,” SI per 8-ounce I
Oil Suppositories, for Constipation,Sl 1
Oil Pastiles, for Female Diseases, S2 pel
Bauitari end ol Bi 1 al * ai line.
Oil Cure Laboratory,
Y. M. C. A. Building. Nashville. Tenn.
Produces Cleanliness, Health, Strength, and
Makes a Beautiful Comp
\M> V \l-Ol
Onlj Perfect Bath Cabinet Hade.* 1 Nature’s Health Preserrer. Absolute Home
S’oo’SNity. Nii|ii>rior to MS Jiter Hat lis. Smrs >lrili<ine and Doctor .tills.
Enioj luiki-ii. Russian, Sulfur, Perfumed, Medi- I Dfcydi Ootda. Ann, SWn du
ated Baths in your room foi 8c Oui method # «°*’ an&arupttmu ovru Khm.
■ , punfii a, invigorates, and tones up the “”””/”. “‘
ff«I” yi nwardh and outwardh bj ope • %j£<SF^^&2$5$ l
the ■ Ilion i logged pores ol the skin, enabling /-
muni- in her own waj to expel bj presp i • ra»i, fltai, Hmv, uxd Ktdm§
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Mak< – your blood pure, your si* i p Bound. You feel like a new bein
,. ( dorsed bj the most i minenl phi I ladies are enthusiastic in its
s)\ I praise. No assistant or • Kp< i ii nee needed, A child can operate it. De-
\ \V\^, Bcription: Wt., 6 Xba.\ Besl Made; patent jusl allowed; folded, 16 in
qkVVX k square, i in. thick. Eai Ij ■ m Shipped to anj address on receipt
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^’ARFWT^ WAWTCnf Rwtwtw WJTttor] i<- $W in one dnr : another . $7fi In
, ^ULlllO TlHlllL 1 ‘. , ,,.ii,, i r, ti . , r * ,100 lu
nvn month-; imrl one DU bought ihtlMD (lnm Id I ill doing ?plcii iid!\
QIErs’lC BATH CABINET CO., Nashville, Tenn.
Confederate Survivors,
and United Confeder-
ate Veterans of Vir-
ginia. North and South
The Atlantic Coast Line,
South Carolina and
Georgia Ry., and
Georgia Railroad
( iffrr the most pleasant
and comfortable accom-
modations for those who
will attend the
Annual Reunion
following liberal offri Read carefully. All or-
ders reci ived foi boob lets at regular i
■ i below i befoi e .pi I ito, 1898, a ill be b< l
aside and one-fourth of the proceeds distributed
to compel itors i n following c I il ion
i . i ‘ ( . i , m u si send ■ cents in P. Ord er bo
a i klet. Noi responsible foi mone]
senl any ol her \\ ay. Those Bern I
i it ii may send with remittance solutions to
fi illow . Person sending ai bi boi i –
ii n^ will receive 10 ol pi ids sacon bi ,
2 ; sixth best, 1 . If responsi
:< low esti) ■(. firsl prize will be 8100; ii 8,0
sponses,$2u0, etc. Probli ms i I nd I he – imple
imprest on !|IX)0 from i lotober 9, 1894, to March i*.
1898, :*i 7 . ii V town w ishes .■• cu bii
to hold 420,888 gallons ; whal dim< .■ \
square field, 2J^ acres, which he wishes to
plant in (run 1 1 eee one rod apart, no trei
m arer the fence than v ft.; how n
Cd) W| ■ iirofit buying am ‘■<
al Pennsylvania mine? at i on and retail-
ing in Geon a bushel, 1 1 ■
M and wast< 10 ‘
3 I im- bookli ts, 11 • the VI t y li ■■ Won ;
i/ ■ ■■/ Don’ Make ‘RiBtoerats; Juay 26 cents
each. \”\ you bi led senl on recei pi of ]
Cash prizes senl as soon as possible, li you wish
i” bnow resu It, enclose stamp.
i. Fteferenci Poni master Pi i allege,
or in\ bodj else in my town.
WALTER W. BROWN, WUliamston. S. C.
A universal pain reliever, penetrating the mus-
cles, membranes, and tissues, tht n n n King the
tse, Indispensable to the hi ■
farmer, stock raiser, or mechanic. All druggists
: nd ag cents a bottle. A hi lusc
‘i”Ui neo ssltry. Circulars for stamp. Am an old
veteran. Wil al inducements to veteran
agents. /. W. BILLINGTON, New Orleans. U.
Confederate Veterans.
Are two of the factors which should be consioV
ered in purchasing musical instruments, If you
consider price alone, you’ll probably not buy of
us, because we don’t sell cheap goods, But if
you are willing to pay a reasonable price for a
fine instrument we will sell you anything from
a piano to a jew s^harp, 2£2£?£J£X.?£?£?£~£~£?£?£?£
Are sold exclusively by our house and are justly celebrated for their beautiful
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which double the price is asked, A written guarantee accompanies every Lymv
wood. Write for catalogue and full information as to prices,
We Sell Everphing In Sheet Music, MusicBooks, etc. We Will Send by Mail,
Post-paid, Any of These Pieces for Half the Price Named.
Only Girl in Town, Waltz Song, By W, R, Williams , .
I Wait for Thee, Waltz Song (flute obligato). By E, L, Ashford
On the Dummy Line, Coon Song, By James Grayson , .
Hills of Tennessee, Ballad. By E, T. Hildebrand . , .
Sweethearts, Ballad, By H» L, B, Sheetz ,
Dance of the Brownies, Waltz, By Lisbeth J, Shields . ,
Commercial Travelers, March O, G, Hille . . , •
Hermitage Club, TwcStep, Frank Henniger . . .
CoL Forsythe’s Favorite, March Carlo Sorani , . .
Twilight Musings, For Guitar, Repsie Turner . . .
R. D0RMAN & CO., Nashville, Tenn.
mention VETERAN when you write-
Vol. 6.
No. 4.
Confederate Veterans
Joseph Thompson, Proprietor; George W. Scoville, Manager.
In announcing to the touring ar
traveling public the advantages of 3
the Kimball House I especially in’ 2£
vite their patronage, assuring them ..’?
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dations shall always be our object.
Lately renovated and command’
ing an advantageous location to all
travelers, we solicit your patronage.
Yours very truly,
American Plan, $2.50 to $5 per day.
European Plan, $1 to $3,50 per day,
European Plan (double rooms), $2
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Opposite the Union Depot. Elec
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Delivery of Baggage,
Restaurant Open from 6 a.m. to
One Hundred Rooms, Private Bath,
Two Passenger Elevators.
No Waiting for Transfer of Baggage.
Hold Your Checks for Our Porter.
All Railroads entering Atlanta have
Offices in the Hotel.
inissouri Pacific Railway,
The great through line from
St. Louis to Kansas City, St.
Joe, Omaha, Pueblo, Denver,
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Fast Train, Kansas and Ne-
braska Limited.
Iron Mountain Route,
The most direct line via
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kansas and Texas, West and
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For maps, rates, free books on Texas,
Arkansas, and all Western States, and
further information, call on your local
ticket agent or write
Louisville, Ky.
H. C. TOWNSEND, G. P. and T. A.,
St. Louis. Mo.
Bowling Green Business College.
Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegra-
phy, and Penmanship taught. Graduates secure
positions. Beautiful catalogue free. Address
CHERRY BROS., Bowling Qreen, Ky.
VICTOR Incubator
Hatches Chickens bj Steam. Absolutely
Belf-rcgulatine- The >imp]’st, must
reliable, aod cheapest tirsl-ola*! Ua*clitr
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Via the
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Iron Mountain Route,
Texas & Pacific, and
Southern Pacific
Take the Famous…
A Train Without an Equal.
Leaves St. Louis 10:20 p.m., Tuesdays
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Sunny California.
Write for particulars and descriptive
H. C. TOWNSEND, G. P. & T. A.,
R. T. G. MATTHEWS, S. T. A.,
304 West Main St.. LOUISVILLE. KY.
2d floor Cumberland Presbyteri in Pub. I
A practical b< ho< 1 oi established repu
A noted mechanical expert said
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queen & crescent used hard coal
ontheirengines.” He saw only white
smoke, for the road uses all modern
appliances for avoiding the nuisance
of smoke, dust and cinders. The
Is the only line running solid ves-
tibuled, gas-lighted, steam-heated
trains to the South.
Standard day coaches (with smok-
ing rooms and lavatories), Pullman
drawing room sleepers, elegant
cafe, parlor and observation cars.
runs fullv equipped trains from Cincin-
nati to Chattanooga, Birmingham, New
Orleans, Atlanta and Jacksonville, with
through sleepers. Also through sleep-
ing cars Cincinnati to Knoxville, Ashe-
ville, Columbia and Savannah, and from
Louisville to Chattanooga without
change. Ask for tickets over the Q. & C.
w. C. Rinearson, General Passenger
Afirent, Cincinnati, O.
Confederate Veterans
Entered a! the po-l”rtiee, Nashville, Tcnn., as second -class matter.
Advertising Bates: $i.r>o per inch “m’ timet ” v *’■” •’ yeai’, except tast
page. One page, one time, special, $8fi. Discount: Halt year, one issue;
one year, two issues. This is below the former rate.
Contributors will please be diligent to abbreviate. The space Is too
Important for any thing that has not special merit.
The date te :i subscript Ion is always given to the month bejbre ii -nils.
For instance, if the Yi:ri:i; an he ordered to begin \\ tth January . the ‘late on
mail list will he December, and the subscriber is en title, l t.. thai number.
The “civil war” was too long ago to be called the “late” war, and when
correspondents nee that, term the word “great” CwarJ w ni be substituted.
Cikculation: ’93, 79,430; ’94, 121,644; ’95, 154,992; ’96, 161,332.
United Confederate Veterans,
fluted Pan-liters of t lie Confederacy,
Sons of Veterans and other Organizations.
The Veteran is approved and endorsed by a larger and
more elevated patronage, doubtless, than any other publication
in existence.
Though men deserve, they may not win BncottSS,
The brave will honor the Drave, vanquished none the less.
PBIOK, 11.00 IKK VKAK. ( v VT
Binolk Copt, 10 Cents, i VOL – vl –
The superb structure illustrated above was erected
eight years ago, mar the city of Atlanta, through the
enterprise of Veterans and Daughters of the Confed-
eracy. To their great surprise, after the building was
completed, the Legislature of Georgia refused to main-
tain it, and so it has been closed this lung while. A
debt of nearly $5,000 had accumulated against the
property, and the trustees considered its sale, when
Mrs. Hallie A. Rounsaville, of Rome, President of the
Georgia Daughters conceived the idea of buying and
maintaining it. She and a delegation of representative
Daughters were on hand to assume the indebtedness
and opvn the home, when, at the sale, double the in-
debtedness was offered. Comrades who had it in
charge decided to withdraw the property from sale. It
cost $35,000, and is in excellent condition.
Confederate Veterans
That “they are dropping out of ranks very rapidly,”
and similar remarks, have become quite common in a
general way for a year or so past; and, while strictly
true, survivors have become accustomed to it, and we
conclude that a considerable portion will live to ad-
vanced age, and that “I” will be of that number.
• While it is well to take that view of the matter and to
continue valiant soldiers as manly men in the execu-
tion of life’s exacting duties, we may make ourselves
quite ridiculous in gushing about what we would do
as soldiers in the impending war. The martial spirit
is good; the demonstration of our comrades, which is
absolutely sincere, will be a lesson of value to the gen-
eral sentiment of patriotism, and it verifies the truth, oft
declared, that motives of Southern men in the “civil”
war were for the good of the government established by
the founders of this republic. But the talk about the
men who fought for the Confederacy, or for the Union,
away back in the sixties becoming soldiers again is ri-
diculous. Regardless of the issues involved, human
nature’s limit is too far spent for survivors of either side
to be of much value as soldiers. Exceptions to the rule
there are, but they are not numerous.
True, there are among the officers men who have
had easier times and who have been successful all
through the intervening years, whereby they have
more vigor of both body and mind than the average
soldier or subordinate officer, and it is gratifying that
they tender their services to the President in all sin-
cerity, but they too may be content to remain aside.
Younger men have the mental ability and are versed
in the improved tactics so thoroughly that as com-
manders of armies the veteran officers would soon be
superseded. Remember Gen. Scott, of the U. S. army,
1861. No, no; the active life of soldiers or officers who
participated in battles over the third of a century ago
makes them inefficient now. Take them as a body, and
they would hardly be able to care for each other.
They would break down on the march, while humilia-
tion would take the place of fancied pride in their for-
mer leaders at seeing young blood rus’h to the front. A
country weekly edited by a veteran gives a ludicrous,
but philosophical, view of this subject. In it is the
following: “There are a very few of them under sixty
years of age; old, spavined, decrepit fellows who would
be a burden instead of a help to any army. The inten-
tions may be all right, but the dear old boys have
fought their last battle. Martial music may arouse
their proud spirits, but weak nature can not undergo
the turmoil of field and camp. Their age has passed
into ‘the lean and slippered pantaloon,’ and the best
thing they can do now for themselves and their country
is to stay at home and quietly await the tattoo, ‘ Lights
out,’ which will surely come soon without Spanish aid.”
Of the few exceptions to this rule the service of our
eminent and gallant Confederate comrade, Gen. Fitz-
hugh Lee, who detracts not from the family name hon-
ored through many generations and representing in
one member the most perfect character belonging to
the human race, would evidently be of great value. Of
course, against invasion of their homes, those even jn
crutches would rally. Johnny knows his gun.
The Veteran would not be misunderstood. It repre-
sents as patriotic and chivalrous people as live on the
earth. While the editor is active as a schoolboy in a
general sense, he is past fifty-four, and knows he could
not endure the hardships of camp-life, and would not
consider his services of value as a soldier. His only
son, however, already in the government service, pro-
poses to do whatever his superior officer advises, ex-
pressing inclination to go to the front.
In this connection it seems that borne recognition —
recognition of the Souths patriotic integrity through
all the years of the past — is in order. Let us now be
honest with ourselves. For the third of a century we
have in vain sought recognition for patriotism by the
northern section of the Union. We have declared it
and lived it, and our comrades by scores of thousands
have gone down to death demonstrating its truth, and
all in vain. Our tattered old banners have been held as
trophies, and when Mr. Cleveland, as President, indica-
ted the respectful thing of returning those sacred flags
to their states, the howl was so great that his independ-
ence quailed and the project of their return was aban-.
doned. Only two years ago the chosen Commander of
the Grand Army of the Republic refused to have a re-
union in New York with Confederates, because it was
suggested that the latter wear gray clothes. Such is the
predominating sentiment of victors in the war that end-
ed a third of a century ago. Such is the odium that a
large element of Northern people have deliberately sub-
jected the South to all these years. Happily, all the
Union soldiers are not that way, and the Veteran has
labored without ceasing to ally on our side all who re-
gard the South in its true light. There is not an in-
stance of praise to a Union soldier in the Veteran in
which that was not its chief reason. The North owes
the South such recognition. The Southern people
have so declared all these years, and personal honor is
above patriotism. Their honor will shine forever.
The duty of Confederate veterans is clear. They
should, as they will, be as helpful to the government is
practicable in every way. There is no discount on the
average Confederate until he is dead. The highest ob-
ligation now resting upon the remnant of survivors is
to so act that the patriotism which inspired them will
imbue their children to extended generations, and that
whatever may happen, their sacrifices in the Confed-
erate army shall not be ignored or underestimated.
They should rally to a standard like this publication
and help to extend truthful record as long as they live.
They should be diligent about it, too, for they can have
no successors. The startling fact is here stated that
nearly half of those wbo have contributed to> the col-
umns of the Veteran in the five years past have gone
to their rewards.
Confederate Veteran
The following paper has been addressed to the Gov-
ernors and the Legislatures of the Southern states:
Atlanta, Ga., March 30, 1898.
We have the honor of constituting a commission ap-
pointed by the Governor of Georgia, in compliance
with a joint resolution of the Legislature, approved by
him, to communicate with the Legislature of each of
the Southern states upon a subject of important and
pathetic interest.
The attention of the Governor and the Legislature
was recently called by the Daughters of the ( !i mfedera-
cy residing in Georgia specifically to “the fact that
there are in the Northern states thirty thousand un-
marked graves of Confederate soldiers, who gave their
lives obediently to their states in defense of a cause they
believed to be just and right.” Sympathizing with the
sentiment expressed by these tender and true Southern
women, that “it is the bounden duty of the Southern
people to see that the graves of these heroes shall each
be suitably marked and properly cared for,” the Geor-
gia Legislature authorized and the Governor appoint) d
this commission to invoke the cooperation of all South-
ern states in an appropriate designation of these graves
of brave men by the names of those who till them, cut
in durable headstones.
The records of many national cemeteries and of far
more numerous private burial-grounds give memora-
ble and terrible evidence of the loss of life in the four
years of firm resistance made by the South to the ar-
mies of invasion. Tn the official! report of the Quar-
termaster-General’s office, July I, 1896, appears a list of
national cemeteries, containing a total of 335,819 in-
terments, of which 9,300 are Confederates. The Uni-
ted States Government is caring for these cemeteri s
by large appropriations, supplemented by contributions
from many sources. So far as has been ascertained*
the graves of our Confederate dead within the bounda-
ries of the Southern states have been cared for chiefly
by the ministrations of our loving Southern women,
who have also from time to time made appeals in be-
half of those graves situated outside the Southern
states, which their faithful services thus far have been
unable to reach.
The commission has the information that Southern
Confederate soldiers are buried in large numbers in the
following cemeteries in the Northern states — to wit,
Alton, TIL; Camp Butler, 111.; Camp Norton. Indian-
apolis. Ind.; Elmira, N. Y.; Finn’s Point, V. J.; John-
son’s Island, Ohio; Hart’s Island, N. Y.; Sandusky,
Ohio; Philadelphia, Pa.; Peapatch Island, Del.; Fori
Delaware: Madison. Wis.; also in the cemeteries of
Chicago, Pittsburg, and Loudon. Without counting
those buried in Washington and on various battle
fields and in scattered burial-grounds, it appears that
twenty-five thousand brave men are reposing near the
prisons in Northern states, where they were kept in
confinement until they died.
Tt is gratifying to us to lie able to say to you that all
these graves have not been totally neglected 1’v the
efforts of one noble Southern woman the burial-plao
of one hundred and thirty-nine Confederate soldi’
Madison, Wis., has been protected, and now awaits our
assistance in having their graves suitably marked.
Our ex-Confederate survivors residing in Chicago and
New York City have affectionately protected the re-
mains of their comrades who sleep in the custody of
those great cities. A patriotic Federal soldier, Mr.
Knauss, has taken fraternal and praiseworthy action in
regard to our dead in Ohio. So elsewhere enough has
been done to now show us where the Southern states
may cooperate in a more complete preservation of the
burial-places of men who obeyed the call of the state,
and by that obedience lost their lives.
In presenting this communication through the Gov-
ernor to the Legislature we do not deem it necessary to
enter into further details, and would not presume to
suggest any measures beyond the appointment of a
commission, without expense, to have charge of this
nil irtant matter, and such appropriation as may be
necessarj to properly mark the graves in Northern
states ,>f those devoted young men who died for their
states, far away from home, and who were buried where
they died.
The commissioners for Georgia, who send out the
above, are: Gen. Clement A. Evans. Atlanta; Capt. F.
Edgeworth Eve, Vugusta; Capt. Robert E. Park, Ma-
con; Mr. M. Newman. Sandersville ; A. M. Foute, Car-
tersville; William K. Pilsbury, Dawson.
If the Legislatures of all the Southern states will ap-
point like commissions and agree upon equal assess-
ments for the unknown dead and for sums to put uni-
form headstones to the known, the result will have a
line effect. ‘I’he VETERAN commends that comrades
in all the South use their influence to this end.
Confederate flags that are kept at Washington as trophies?
It would do much good, and in no sense harm. The
Confederate Veterans
following is a list of those captured by Union troops
and now stowed away in boxes in an attic of the War
Department, compiled by Mr. Ben La Bree, from the
Flag of Twelfth Virginia Volunteers, near Beverly
Ford, June, 1863, by Gen. Kilpatrick, U. S. A.
Flag captured May 3, 1863, at Chancellorsville, Va.,
by Seventy-Seventh New York Volunteers, Gen. A. P.
Howe’s Division, by Corp. Michael Lamey.
Flag of Company F, Tenth Virginia Volunteers, at
Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863, by Sixty-Eighth
Pennsylvania Volunteers.
Flag of First Tennessee Battalion, captured at
Chickahominy June 27, 1862, by Serg. John Marks,
Company D, Thirteenth New York Volunteers.
Flag of Yalabusha Rifles, captured at battle of the
Cumberland, January 19, 1862, by Corp. Albert Esson,
Company G, Second Minnesota Volunteers.
Flag of Seventh Virginia Infantry, captured by
Eighty-Second New York Volunteers.
Flag of First Virginia Infantry, captured by Eighty-
Seoond New York Volunteers.
Flag of Second Mississippi, captured, with entire
regiment, by Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers.
Flag of Seventh North Carolina Infantry, at Gettys-
burg, Pa., July 3, 1863, by J. B. Malberry, Company F,
First Delaware Volunteers, Second Brigade, Third Di-
vision, Second Army Corps.
Stars and bars of Eighteenth Virginia Infantry, cap-
tured by Lieut. C. E. Hunt, Fifty-Ninth New York
Flag of Fifty-Third Virginia Infantry.
Flag of Thirtieth Arkansas Infantry ■ — blue flag,
white cross.
Flag of Eighteenth Alabama Regiment, by Lieut. S.
F. Joslyn, Thirteenth Illinois Infantry, Gen. Oster-
haus’s Division, Fifteenth Army Corps, battle of Mis-
sion Ridge, November 25, 1863.
Flag of Thirty-Eighth Alabama Infantry, at Mission
Ridge, November 25, 1863, by Second Regiment Ohio
Volunteers, Col. A. G. McCook.
Flag of the Fortieth Virginia Infantry, by the First
Michigan Cavalry, at Falling Waters, Md., July 14,
Flag of Texas Brigade, at Sharpsburg, Md., Septem-
ber 17, 1862, by Private Webster Eaton, First New
York Artillery.
Flag of Texas Brigade, at Sharpsburg, Md., Sep-
tember 17, 1862, by Ninth Pennsylvania Reserves.
Flag of First Georgia Regiment, from Gen. Garnett’s
Confederate forces, at the battle of Cheat River, July
13, 1 861, by Capt. Blake, Ninth Indiana Regiment —
silk flag of Wilson’s Invincibles.
Flag of Hood’s Texas Brigade, by Samuel Johnson,
Ninth Pennsylvania Reserves.
Flag of Sixteenth Georgia Volunteers, by Ninth
Army Corps, from Confederate Gen. Longstreet’s
forces, at taking of Fort Saunders, Tenn., November
18, 1863.
Flag of Twenty-Eighth North Carolina, near Mal-
vern Hill, Va., July 28, 1864, by Private S. L. Malleck,
Ninth New York Cavalry.
Flag of Twenty-Seventh South Carolina Regiment,
by Private F. C. Anderson, Eighteenth Massachusetts.
Battalion flag of Twenty-Fourth North Carolina,
August 21, 1864, by Private J. A. Reed, Eleventh
Pennsylvania Volunteers.
Flag of Thirty-Second Virginia Cavalry, by Edward
Hampford, Second United States Cavalry, near Wood-
stock, Va., October 9, 1864.
Flag of Eighteenth Georgia Infantry, by Private Ul-
rick Crocker, Sixth Michigan Cavalry.
Virginia state flag, September 19, 1864, near Win-
chester, by Private George Reynolds, Ninth New York
Colors of the Forty-Fourth Georgia Infantry, in the
battle of Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864, by Chief Bu-
gler S. N. Wills, Sixth New York Volunteers.
North Carolina state colors, captured by Private
James Sweeney, First Vermont Cavalrv, October 19,
Flag of Sixth Alabama, by B. T. Davis, Twenty-
Second Massachusetts Veterans.
Flag of Thirty-Sixth Virginia Volunteers, September
19, 1864, Winchester, by Private McEnroe, Sixth New
York Cavalry.
Flag of Nineteenth Georgia Regiment, December
13, 1862, by Private Jacob Cart, Second Pennsylvania
Flag of Fifth Alabama, by One Hundred and Elev-
enth Pennsylvania Volunteers, at Chancellorsville, Va.,
May 3, 1863.
Flag of Twelfth Louisiana Infantry, July 20, 1864, at
battle of Peachtree Creek, Ga., by One Hundred and
Fifth Illinois Volunteers.
Flag of Sixth Kentucky Volunteers, by Company G,
Tenth Michigan Volunteers, battle of Jonesboro, Ga.,
September 1, 1864, with Color-Serg. Lee.
Flag of First Mississippi, at Peachtree Creek battle,
by Private Dennis Buckley, Twenty-Sixth New York
Volunteers, July 20, 1864 — flag of cavalry command.
Seventieth Division, Mississippi.
Flag of Thirty-Eighth Alabama Volunteers, at bat-
tle of Resaca, May 15, 1864, by Capt. Fox, Twenty-
Seventh Indiana Volunteers.
National standard, battle of Resaca, May 14, 1864,
by Army of the Cumberland.
Flag of Sixteenth Alabama, by A. Greenahault, One
Hundred and Fourth Ohio Volunteers.
J. R. McPherson, Gap Mills, W. Va.:
I was a private in Company C, Twenty-Eighth Vir-
ginia Infantry, Garnett’s Brigade (formerly Pickett’s),
Pickett’s Division, Longstreet’s Corps. On the morn-
ing of July 3, 1863, third day of the battle, we were put
in position in rear of our batteries at the edge of some
woods. The batteries were about one hundred yards
in front of our line, on the crest of a little hill. An ar-
tillery duel opened a short time after noon, and contin-
ued an hour or more, and was terrific beyond descrip-
tion. Three hundred guns or more were engaged, but
not a musket, except an occasional sharpshooter,
was heard during that awful fusillade. After the can-
non ceased all seemed as still as death for a time, dur-
ing which Gens. Lee, Longstreet, and Pickett held a
consultation. It is said that Longstreet pleaded with
Confederate Veterans
Gen. Lee not to have Pickett’s Division make that as-
sault, as it would be a sacrifice of his men. Gen. Lee
had great confidence in Pickett and his men, as they
never had been repulsed. From our batteries to the
enemy’s works — say one thousand yards — it was open
fields, with a few fences in the way.
In making the charge Gen. Pickett rode in front of
his men and gave the command: “Forward!” Every
man responded. When we reached the little hill where
our batteries were we could see what we had to en-
counter, but on we went, until within about three hun-
dred yards of the Federal line. Then a galling fire of
musketry was poured into our ranks, but we gave them
as good as they sent.
Near this point I received a severe wound in my
right arm. On the boys went and into the enemy’s
works, from which they had fled. My captain, M. P.
Spe v ssard, encountered three Yankees at the works, who
had hid there. One of them wrung the sword from
Spessard’s hand and ordered him to surrendvr, but. in-
stead, he ran the Yankees from the works with stones,
and then made good his escape, leaving his only son
mortally wounded. Capt. Spessard was promoted for
his gallantry. The Federals had limbered up their ar-
tillery, and were retreating from the field: but when
they found that we had no reenforcement they rallied,
and, with the aid of a fresh corps, captured a number of
Pickett’s men in the works, while the remainder suf-
fered great loss in retreating, the Federals using grape
and canister on us. When I returned to the edge of
the woods, in rear of our cannon, there I saw a line of
infantry in commotion. The officers were trying to
advance them. I understood they were of Heth’s Di-
vision. We had no support on that part of the line.
< )ur loss was heavy. My company went into the
charge with about forty men. and next morning only
five answered roll-call. Gens. Garnett and Armistead
w ei e killed and ( ion. Kemper left for dead on the field.
Col. Allen, of the Twenty-Eighth Virginia, and Lieul.-
Col. Ellis, of the Eighteenth Virginia, were among the
Col. C. S. Peyton brought the remnanl of Gar-
nett’- Brigade from the field. Gen. Withers’ Brigade.
of Pickett’s Division, was not engaged, having been de-
tached a few days before the battle.
Two hundred and fifty years ago Spain reveled in the
clover of imperial opulence. Her splendid possessions
belted almost the entire globe. In addition to the
greater portion of the western hemisphere, she also
owned the Netherlands and other scattered fragments
of the earth’s crust. Great Britain was no match for
her in territorial prestige.
But what has become of the superb empire which
once belonged to this Croesus of the nations? One by
one her colonies, have spurned her yoke until now but
three remain to her — viz., Cuba, Porto Rico, and the
Philippines. Ere another decade has elapsed each of
these may be enrolled among the separate and inde-
pendent nations of the earth. Cuba is already on the
border-line of freedom, and Porto Rico and the Philip-
pines are just behind her.
Spain lost her first imperial colony when the Nether-
lands broke loose from her in 1648. While the sacri-
fice of this comparatively unimportant stronghold was
not great in itself considered, it marked the entering
wedge of her colonial downfall. Since that time she
has met with numberless disasters, and fate has been
unalterably against her. In succession Mexico, Chili,
Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, the Central
American republics, Bolivia, Peru, and the various
other strongholds of the western hemisphere over
which the Flag of Spain once waved have each succeed-
ed in establishing their independence.
What made these colonies revolt? Despotism.
Spain’s treatment of her colonies has always borne the
marks of tyranny and selfishness. In dealing with
them she has never once betrayed the least semblance
of parental love. She has only sought to make them
tributary to her coffers.
A Boston paper of 1873 is credited as follows:
We were traveling out of the Shenandoah Valley,
and maneuvering very successfully to draw Stonewall
Jackson along m . nil rear. Not a man of us but swore
that the Rebel general should not get to Massachusetts
before we did, that the foul invader should not set foot
on the frontier of our native state without finding us
sternly confronting him in the interior: and it was only
necessary to gaze once into each soldier’s face to see
that the hated enemy could not capture us without
stepping over the boundary-lines and violating the ter-
ritory of Maine. I wished several times during the re-
cent races that I had the gray mare I rode through that
campaign here to enter for some of the purses. The
bursts of speed which that faithful creature showed on
several occasions would pass belief, if you did not know
just how’ near the detested foe got to us at times. It
may not be that I won any spurs in the Shenandoah,
but I had a pair to start in with, and I used them well
coming out. No; I am confident that none of us won
any spurs down there, though we played straight poker
for most everything else, and I lost my blankets once
to a captain, who subsequently had no need for them.
J. F. Pendleton, Ryan, Ind. T. : “Will some comrade
about Vicksburg inform me if Dr. Edwards or any of
his family, who lived near St. Albans, are still living!*
In company with Serg. J. T. Riley, I spent some ,
ant hours at the Doctor’s while camped near his home.
I saw them last when I was a prisoner passing his
home, after Grant invested Vicksburg. They were
giving water to the prisoners, and Miss Laura, her sis-
ter, and Miss Hogan bade us good-bye. I often think
of their kindness.”
J. M. Carrington. of Cleveland, Ohio, a member of
Company E, Tenth Michigan Infantry, writes that on
April 10, 1863, his company had a “little fracas” at
Antioch, Tenn., with (it was supposed) the Eighth
Texas, more commonly known as Terry’s Rangers.
During this affair Mr. Carrington’s sword and pistol
were taken away from him by a lieutenant and a pri-
vate. He would like very much to recover these arti-
cles, and would appreciate any information of them.
Confederate Veterans
The Grady Hospital,
Atlanta, Ga., is a credit to
the state, and suitably
honors the memory of the
gifted son of the South
whose name it bears.
In a report of the an-
nual election of the ladies’
auxiliary to the hospital
recently held, the Atlanta
Constitution states:
A large and enthusiastic
membership was present,
and the election was one
meeting with universal
approval. Mrs. Robert J.
Lowry was reelected
President of the auxiliary
by a unanimous vote, and
accepted the honor by ap-
propriate expressions of
appreciation. She has
been at the head of the or-
ganization for three years,
and, through her faithful
work and the inspiration
she has been to the mem-
bers, the auxiliary has been of the greatest assistance to
the hospital. They have built the children’s ward and
seen its operation a success, and will continue to work
in the interest and development of the hospital in every
respect. Mrs. Nellie Peters Black, Mrs. E. L. Con-
nally, and Mrs. Schlesinger were elected Vice-Presi-
dents; Mrs. Robert Clayton, Secretary; and Mrs. Sal-
lie Brown, Treasurer. Mrs. Lowry appointed Mrs. A.
B. McD. Wilson chairman of the Executive Board.
Camp, Near Fredericksburg, Va., April 5, 1862.
Charming Nellie: Your long delay in answering my
letter written at Dumfries last January deserves punish-
ment, and I can imagine none more severe than to com-
pel you to read a lengthier communication.
January and February passed with but two little
breaks in the dull monotony of camp-life. One was the
desperate but successful resistance made on the Occo-
quan, quite near the enemy’s lines, by a party of Texas
scouts to the attack of a regiment of Federals. There
were only nine of the Texans, and, although the house
in which they sought refuge was surrounded, they held
the assailants at bay for several hours, and after killing
and wounding quite a number frightened the survivors
away by a stratagem which ought not to have deceived
a schoolboy.
I shiver at the mere remembrance of the other inci-
dent. Company F was sent on a two days’ tour of
picket and fatigue duty to Cockpit Point, on the Poto-
mac, where an effort was being made to establish a
masked battery to play upon our shipping on the river.
Brahan has become acquainted with my inborn and
cultivated aversion to handling pick, shovel, and spade
— in fact, doing any kind of manual labor — and I shall
always believe he arranged with Capt. Cunningham the
deceptive scheme to call for volunteers from the com-
pany for the picket duty that was to. be done. Any-
how, such a call was made as soon as we reached the
Point, and, glad of an opportunity to escape hard labor,
and beguiled to my undoing by a seemingly friendly
wink from Brahan, I was one of the first to step to the
front in response. For the first six hours I had no rea-
son to regret my rashness. After three months’ camp-
life it was positively a recreation to sit and inhale the
salt atmosphere of the tide-water, listen to its music, as,
stirred by gentle breezes, it broke in little waves upon
the shore, gaze up, down, and across the broad Poto-
mac, and enjoy the life apparent everywhere. Then,
suddenly and most calamitously, a stray norther came
sweeping down from the Arctic regions, the hitherto
bright sun hid himself behind threatening clouds, and
rain, sleet, and snow, in turn, began to beat upon my
face and drip unceasingly down the front and rear of
my cap. Under these distressing circumstances I
awoke to the error of my ways, the foolishness of my’
choice, and as cheerfully as King Richard would have
bartered his kingdom for a horse I would have given a
horse for a man to take my place and let me sneak back
to the huge fires which my comrades — who, on ac-
count of the rain, had been- relieved from their task —
had built, and were enjoying in a sheltered place hun-
dreds of yards from the river-bank. Convinced that
the Yankees would never choose such weather for an
attack, I found solace in the fancy that the pickets-
would also be relieved, but that straw of comfort was
too fragile to lean upon.
Confederate Veterans
When dreary night had wrapped its impenetrable
mantle over all things mundane the captain cam.?
trudging through the snow to my post, and, with a dis-
gustingly obvious pretense of compassion, informed
me that until daylight the safety of the Confederate:
army would be entrusted wholly to the vigilance uf
Charley Brown, Herman Gabbert, and myself; and
that, as it would be very inconvenient for an officer to
tramp from the fire to the post every two hours to re-
lieve us in regular military style, we were expected to
sleep near enough to the post to wake each other.
“Bu-bu-but, Gabtain,” chattered Gabbert, who is „
Dutchman, and was then on post, “how — how — ‘how
vill ve know ven der zwei hours ish oop? ”
“Oh, you can guess at them, 1 reckon!” responded
the officer, who turned on his heel and made what he
thought was a bee-line for camp.
Neither of the shivering monuments of man’s inhu-
manity to man whom he left behind felt in the least in-
clined to apprise him that lie was proceeding in the
wrong direction, and he had not gone fifty yards when
he stumbled over a hidden log and fell headlong into a
muddy branch. Rising to his feet, he sputtered en-
treatingly: “Say, boys! which way is the camp from
“Oh, you can guess at it, I reckon!” I answered in-
stantly, repeating his own words of a minute before.
But Gabbert, more tender-hearted, shouted: “Go up
mit der grick, Gaptain, und yer fin’s her purty quick,
by tarn! ”
Then we arranged a program. A bed was made
down, to be occupied by the two not on duty, while the
third kept watch for an hour, as nearly as he could cal-
culate the time — Brown to wake me, I to wake Gab-
bert, and Gabbert, in his turn, to wake Brown. Fair
and equitable as the plan appeared, there was too much
guesswork in it to be wholly satisfactory, and that was
the longest, coldest, ami most wretched night 1 ever
lived through. Each of us went on duty thirteen times
before daylight; but if there was any miscalculation it
was by Gabbert, for Brown and I were positive we
made a liberal estimate on each hour we were on post.
The Ducthman, however, declared stoutly: “Mine Gott
in Himmel! boot by tarn! T schust stand oop effer time
more as von hour und .i half! ”
About the ist of March a rumor went flying broad-
east through the camp that some grand movement of
the army was in contemplation, but “old Joe” de< med
it wholly unnecessary to inform us that it was to be a
retreat until the morning of the 8th and of our d<
urc for this place. ……
There is a member of my company whom T shall dub
|.h Is. lest, by revealing his identity, the tale I relate
Should cling to him longer and closer than did that of
his overcoat. Booking more to his own comfort and
Sense of the fitness of things than to uniformity of dress
and the consequent soldierly appearance for which my
friend Brahan is such a stickler, Jack disdainfully re-
jected the munificent offer of the Confederate States
‘ ” n ernment to furnish him a gray and strictlv military
overcoat for $5 on a credit, and expended $25 in the
purchase of one of a quality and fashion to commend
itself to the most fastidious aristocrat. The first night
out from Dumfries the weather was so intensely cold
that he decided not to remove any of his garments,
and so, wrapping himself in a couple of blankets, he
Ian! down very close to a huge log tire, where, lulled
by the genial warmth, he soon fell soundly asleep, and
began to snore at his liveliest and merriest gait. About
midnight Bob Murray’s acutely sensitive olfactory
nerves were offended by the scent of burning cloth,
lie had only to look once to discover that the fire had
burned lower and lower, Jack had edged his back near-
er and nearer to it, and that at last a stray coal had
lighted a flame that was playing sad havoc with his
blanket and coat. Aroused by Bob’s shouts, lack did
some rapid hustling around, but alas! too late to pre-
serve the anatomy, the pristine symmetrical tout ensem-
ble, of the cherished garment, and prevent its trans-
formation from an elegant frock into a nondescript, al-
together too open at the back to be comfortable, and
with two pointed tails hanging in front, instead of in
the rear — in short, in two sections, whose only bond of
union was the velvet collar. Next morning the crest-
fallen owner sought to repair the damage bj si
the burned edge- together, but thai heroic remedy,
while reducing the tails to one, and that pointing in the
right direction, rendered it impossible to button up the
Front, and kept him so busy during the day answering
questions that when night came he was too hoarse to
A few days ago Gen. Sickles, not content with the
fame won in his quarrel with Barton Key. decided to
Seek the bauble reputation
Even in the cannon’s mouth,
and with this laudable object marched his brigade of
s in the direction of Fredericksburg. Barker,
of ( ompany G, Fourth Texas, one .if the first Coin. 1
crates to discover the movement, came near paying
dearly for the information. While on a scout in the
vicinity of Dumfries he caught sight of a couple of
darkies in blue uniform, armed and equipped for bat-
tle. Never a slave-owner, but always wishing to be,
he decided then and there to make use of his oppor-
tunities and capture and confiscate both of the likelv
fellows, and immediately began a stealthy approach;
but, like the milkmaid with her basket of eggs — vide
Webster’s “Elementary Spelling-Book,” lasl paj
Who counted her chicken- before the) were hatched,
Barker counted his “niggers” before they were caught;
for. when he got within fifty feet of them’, and stepping
from behind a tree, called on them to surrender, they
instantly dropped their guns, and took to their heels.
Afraid to shoot, lest he should depreciate the value of
the chattels, Barker set off in chase, and, stimulated by
thought of the prize at slake. gave his whole mind to the
race to such purpose that he was reaching out his hand
to grasp the collar of one fellow, when pursuer and
pursued entered open ground, upon which, fifty yards
distant, was Sickles’ guard detail, and two hundred
yards beyond that the camp of his brigade. Taking in
the situation at a glance. Barker came to an abrupt
halt, while the officer of the guard shouted, “Turn out
the guard! turn out the guard!” as loudly as he could.
The darkies were too badly frightened by the appear-
ance of a Rebel in hot chase of their comrades to obey
orders, and Barker took advantage of the general con-
fusion to regain his breath. Then, just as order began
to resolve itself out of chaos, he saluted, in exact imita-
Confederate Veterans
tion of an officer of the day, and, saying politely, “Nev-
er mind the guard, sir,” turned on his heel, and van-
ished from sight.
Gen. Hood (our colonel has been promoted to the
rank of brigadier-general, you see) no sooner heard that
Sickles was on the war-path than he determined to grat-
ify the gentleman’s bellicose appetite, and at the same
time win honors for himself and brigade. The regi-
ments of the brigade — that is, the First, Fourth, and
Fifth Texas, the Eighteenth Georgia, and Hampton’s
Legion — manifested a spirit and zeal largely due, I fear,
to the report circulated by some mischievous fellow
that all prisoners taken were to be held as the private
property of the captors; and on the march toward
Dumfries there was not a single laggard — in fact, so
rapid was the advance that we reached the ground
where Parker discovered the darkies at 2 p.m. But
alas! greatly to our regret, the doughty Sickles and his
”nigger” compatriots were nun est inventus. Whether
frightened by Barker’s impetuous charge and cool re-
treat, or terror-stricken when notified of the approach
of the Texas brigade, they had ingloriously fallen back
to a point nearer the Potomac and reinforcements than,
reckless and anxious to confiscate contrabands as we
were, we dared to go. Properly supported by other
troops, we could easily have marched ten miles farther
in pursuit of laurels and camp servants, and not a man
have fallen lame; but, wholly unsupported, and with-
out hope of either glory or plunder, men and officers
alike instantly became footsore and weary; and, to add
to our woes, snow began to fall. ….
Rev. Dr. W. C. Hearn, who was lieutenant-colonel
of the Forty-First Mississippi Infantry, and compelled
to resign because of ill health, writes from Talladega,
I have seen little concerning the service of the regi-
ment mentioned above, and yet a more gallant com-
mand did not enter the field in defense of the South.
It was raised and organized by the lamented Gen. W.
F. Tucker, who was brutally assassinated at his home
after the war.
I ask space to mention one engagement only, in
which there was shown a courage worthy of a place in
history. It was at Perryville, Ky., October 8, 186,2.
As we crossed the creek, because of a precipitous bank”,
I was compelled to dismount and go forward on foot
with the command. Reaching the top of the creek-
bank, we found ourselves on a piece of table-land of a
few acres, where we were held under a most disastrous
fire from the enemy, behind a fence on the hill, for per-
haps thirty minutes, during which time Gen. John C.
Brown, commanding the brigade, fell from his horse
with a shot through the thigh, and was soon followed
by Col. W. F. Tucker, with a shot through the right
arm, from which he fainted, and was carried by his ad-
jutant off the field. The only way out of the difficulty
was up that hill and over the fence, which, after a brief
consultation with the officer commanding an Arkansas
regiment on my left, was done in a run and very quick-
ly, losing, however, very heavily in the charge.
We found the enemy in an open field beyond and in
full force, stubbornly contending for every inch of
ground, but falling back slowly and in good order.
The afternoon was spent in traveling about a mile.
A battery of four guns on the opposite side of that
corn field proved a serious obstacle in our progress;
but the noble men of the Forty-First went in to win,
and they did. We entered the battle with about four
hundred and seventy-five effective men, and roll-call
after the fight showed our casualties to be one hundred
and sixty-one. Those heroes bowed their heads and
wept when that roll was called. Lieut.-Col. Roy, of
Gen. Hardee’s staff, in telling the story of that charge,
said: “I sat in my saddle and saw the charge made at
Perryville, Ky., by the Forty-First Mississippi Regi-
ment. They were outnumbered at least two to one,
and the enemy behind a fence on top of the hill; but
those heroes never faltered for one minute. They
moved steadily, but rapidly, up the hill and over the
fence into the open field. Col. Tucker fell before the
charge was made, but the lieutenant-colonel remained
in command, unhurt.”
Leaving my sword (which I never saw afterward)
strapped to my saddle when I was compelled to dis-
mount, I found myself in battle without arms. There
were many swords on the field, and I picked up a fine
blade. I afterward had a scabbard made, and carried
it to the end of my service. There was a little blood on
the hilt and the regulation “U. S.” on the guard, but
I could find no name or mark by which it could be
identified. If, however, any one who lost a sword at
Perryville should see this, and will drop me a card, I
will gladly send it and a Dixie scabbard, with my com-
Miss Frances S. Bell, daughter of Hon. Casper W.
Bell, of Salisbury, Mo., who has served in Congress,
and was also an officer in the Confederate army, writes
of a visit to Mrs. V. Jefferson Davis, and in her girlish
way gives a vivid description of a torn dress, etc. In-
troductory to the article, an extract is made from a let-
ter of Senator Vest, of Missouri, stating that “she is a
young lady of the highest character, refined and ac-
The red-letter day of the writer’s life is the one on
which she received a missive written by one of the
grandest and noblest of women, Mrs. V. Jefferson Da-
vis, who stated in this note that at four o’clock the same
day, at the Marlborough Hotel, New York, she would
“be glad to receive the daughter of an old acquaint-
ance.” At the appointed hour, arrayed in a brand-new
dress (the newness was its only recommendation), the
writer, accompanied by a friend, went to the Marlbo-
rough. On entering the hotel passage the brand-new
dress caught on and had a hole torn in it by a piece of
projecting lumber that the workmen were using in re-
pairing the building. Suddenly sunshine turned to
shadow. To make a first appearance before the distin-
guished lady in such a plight seemed out of the ques-
tion, but finally it was decided to make the best of the
accident and be announced to the hostess at once.
The writer was greatly frustrated by the occurrence,
and was bemoaning her fate when the elevator stopped.
A lady stood at the landing, whose cordial smile was
Confederate Veterans
so reassuring that all embarrassment and thoughts of
torn clothes were forgotten. Mrs. Davis — for it was
she, though obliged to walk with a cane — had come to
the elevator to meet and conduct her vistors to her pri-
vate apartments. This gracious act worked like a
charm. All flutterings and frowns were dispelled, and
by the time the drawing-room was reached an onlook-
er would have thought it was a meeting of old friends.
Attention being called to the torn dress. Mrs. Davis
expressed much regret at the accident, and mentioned
that she was an expert darner, and if agreeable would
mend the torn place. After selecting suitable material
from her work-basket, she drew near and began what
the writer’s superstition would never have permitted
any human being except Mrs. Davis to do: mending the
dress while she (the writer) was wearing it. Just
think! a dress mended by Mrs. Davis! Something to
make every Southern girl envious. As the needle, di-
rected by the skilled fingers, was weaving in and out
main- threads of admiration and love were being v,
around’a visitor’s heart that will last while she lives.
Mrs. Davis is an admirable conversationalist, being
conversant with a variet) of subjects, but never does
she appear to greater advantage and seem more lova-
ble than when engaged in the womanly occupation of
sewing. However, more wonderful than her conver-
sational powers i- tlie surprisingly -lion time it takes
her to find out the subjects of which other people can
talk. The most taciturn person will say something to
Mrs. Davis. She talked of many things — mentioned
little incidents that had occurred in her travels, and
gave interesting descriptions of several great paintings.
She lias a line sense of humor, and tells a funny story
That particular portion of the dress has been cut out,
and is kept by its possessor a– a work of art. as well as
a remembrance of the lady who is pointed out to every
Southern girl as a model of all the gracious qualities
that should belong to a true woman, be her station
great or humble. “Noblesse oblige” must surely be
Sirs 1 >avis’s life motto.
The civil war COS) 303,000 lives. Of this number
98,080 were slain in battle, the vast army which suc-
cumbed to disease was no less than [84,33] ; while the
remaining 20,000 or so died of wounds received.
At tin’ battle of Waterloo 51.000 men were kill 1 .
disabled. There were 1.45.000 soldiers in that 1
struggle, and it is estimated that one man was either
killed or disabled for every four hundred shots tired.
counting both the artillery and rifle-shots.
In the Crimean war 95,615 lives wen- sacrificed; and
at Borodino, when the French and Russians fought.
78,0,10 men were left dead on the battle-field. There
were 250,000 troops in combat in that engagement. Of
the 95,615 men who perished in the Crimea, 80,000
Turks and Russians.
Since the birth of Christ 4.0 00,000 men have
been slain in battle.
\1 Canea, where the Romans suffered tin worst de-
feat in their history, it is said that 52,000 1 >f their sol-
diers were slain. The Roman army in this battle con-
sisted of 146,000 men, the picked brawn and sinew of
the empire.
In the Franco-Prussian war 77,000 Frenchmen were
killed. The Germans fired 30,000,000 rifle-shots and
363,000 artillery discharges.
In none of the battles mentioned was dynamite used.
I )nly recently has the use of dynamite in land warfare
been considered safe for the army using it. Men who
have studied the mortality statistics of the past shud-
der at the thought of what may be in store in the wars
that are to come. Civilized nations shrink from the
dynamite idea in warfare. The fearful explosive has
been used in Cuba, but only by the insurgents.
J. A. Holman, Company F, Texas Rangers, writes
from Comanche, Tex. :
Mention is made by comrades of a very critical mo-
ment in the situation of Johnston’s little army at Ben-
tonville, .March 21, 1865. 1 will give an account of
What 1 saw, and 1 feel confident that many of Terry’s
Rangers now living will bear me out in the main
ments. In the January (1895) Veteran, page 20,
Comrade B. L. Ridley quote from his journal, “kept
at the time:” “‘Cummings’ Brigade charged the enemy
in front; Eighth Texas Cavalry struck the two divi-
sions of the Seventeenth Army Corps in flank and
routed tfhem.” In the February numbei same
year, page $7> Capt. Guild calls Comrade Ridley to
“taw.” and states: “About three o’clock on the evening
m question Gen. Mower’s Division of the Federal
army advanced s. ■ far and unexpectedly on our left
rear as to threaten the bridge. Everything was in grea’
confusion. Gen. Hardee came rushing down the road,
and the first troops he came across art of the
le\,is ],, igad< (Eighth I exas ami
Regiments), commanded by Col. Baxtvr Smith. He
at once ord. led ( tol. Smith to charge, which he did in
gallant style with these two regiments, throwing Mow-
er’s Division into confusion and driving them back.”
Now, to mend matters, in the February (1897) num-
ber, paj;e ON. Comrade Fuller, doubtless speaking of
mi, event, states: “The Yankees, about six thou-
sand strons;. poured through the gap between the left
of Wheeler’s Cavalry and the river. These six thou-
sand valiant veterans were hurled back not by an
number, but by one hundred and eighty men and offi-
a fragment of Cummings’ old Brigade and a
South Carolina battery.”
I be creek, across which was the bridge, runs north
and south (?), and our line of battle in the morning
faced southeast, with the Rangers on the extreme left.
I’he i’ : that part of the line during the dav had
repulsed several assaults ,,f the enemy in an effort to
turn our left, which necessitated the continual shifting
of lines farther north and in the direction of the road
leading to the bridge and running parallel with the
creek. In repelling these assaults the Texas brigade
lost heavily, including the entire field and staff officers
of the Eight Texas, which left Capt. “Dock” Mat-
thews — a smooth-faced boy, as gallant as ever drew
sword under the Confederate flag — in command of the
regiment. Tn the confusion Gen. Hardee came up in
great haste, and. after apparently a few words with
Capt. Matthews, the regiment filed left, and moved rap-
idlv north. Tt came into the road before mentioned
Confederate Veterans
just as a body of demoralized cavalry had passed on
toward the bridge. We understood these to be South
Carolinians. The regiment was right-faced into line,
the charge was sounded, and down they went through
the heavy pines and thick underbrush, and soon ran
over the enemy’s skirmish-line, killing and capturing
about all in their front, and on to a double line of in-
fantry, who poured a volley into them at only a few
paces’ distance. After the third charge, they retreated
some distance up the hill, when a body of Confederate
infantry came to their support. This may have been
Cummings’ Brigade, but it was understood at the time
to have been Cheatham’s Division.
The regiment was estimated at about two hundred
men when it went into action, and among the losses in
killed was the sixteen-year-old son of Gen. Hardee,
who had joined the Rangers a few days before, the fa-
ther not knowing but what his son was at Chapel Hill
in school until after his death.
If any other portion of the Texas Brigade was in this
charge, but few if any of us knew it. At all events, it
is certain that the Rangers were personally compli-
mented by Gen. Hardee, and the gallant charge was the
general talk among the infantry for several days after.
No, comrades; we did not strike these fellows in thp
flank, but square to the front.
In a concluding sentence Comrade Holman says:
“Boys, subscribe for the Veteran.”
J. W. Allen, first sergeant of Company H, Nine-
teenth Louisiana Volunteers, now of Mansfield, La.,
has a Testament with a history. He writes :
This little Testament was presented to me in No-
vember, 1861, at Camp Moore, La., by my captain, J.
H. Sutherlin. My company, called the Creoles, be-
longed to Gen. R. L. Gibson’s Brigade, and had but
one man taken prisoner during the war. I partici-
pated in every battle and skirmish in which the regi-
ment was engaged, from the great battle of Shiloh to
that at Jonesboro, Ga., August 31, 1864.
In the battle of Chickamauga,- September 20, 1863,
the first charge in the morning was repulsed. Being a
little in advance of the line, I did not know when the
order was given to retreat, and on looking around I
saw the brigade two or three hundred yards away in
full retreat, I only left to hold the line or follow suit,
and I followed suit in a turkey trot for twenty or thir-
ty yards, when the music of so much lead caused me to
take a tree, but not to climb it, as the boys in blue were
looking at me from their line of battle. After resting
a few moments I decided to make my escape, even at
the risk of my life. On leaving the tree it seemed that
they fired a peck of balls at me, only one striking my
knapsack on. my back, passing through my blanker
twenty or thirty times, through two company books,
clothing, and entered my Testament, breaking through
the back and mashing itself nearlv flat. It is in the
book now, just where it struck thirty-four years ago.
My compliments to the boys in blue, whose aim was so
bad. I would not care to sell this Testament now, were
it not for my needy circumstances.
Notes from report of Historian, Miss M. L. Porter:
On December 10, 1897, in spite of the wintry weath-
er, love of a cause that will live in memory forever in-
duced thirty-two ladies to assemble and organize a
chapter of the L’nited Daughters of the Confederacy.
Not a large town is Summerville, S. C, but many of
its women have known the horrors of war and helped
to alleviate its sufferings, and now prove themselves
ready to do all in their power to brighten the last days
of those who fought so nobly and to keep in memory
the deeds of dead and living heroes.
The name chosen for the chapter, that of Gen. C.
Irvine Walker, is an inspiration in itself. It stands for
as brave and upright a soldier as ever fought.
The officers elected are as follows: President, Mrs. C.
Irvine Walker: Vice-Presidents, Mrs. J. Pendarvis and
Miss Mary Brownfield; Recording Secretary, Miss H.
E. Quackenbush; Corresponding Secretary, Miss C. L.
Dickenson; Treasurer, Mrs. J. J. Wescoat; Historian,
Miss M. L. Porter.
From the first the chapter has increased in numbers
and enthusiasm, and now there are sixty-six members,
all eager to help on the good work.
On the evening of the anniversary of Lee’s birthday
a memorial meeting was held under their auspices, .
when veterans, with their families, from far and near at-
tended and listened to the praises of the great chieftain.
Many children were present, and listened eagerly, per-
haps a little surprised at the enthusiasm of the “grown-
up” folks, and joined ‘heartily in the hurrahs.
The chapter hopes to form a junior chapter soon.
Interesting talks on the events and leaders of the war 1
will cause these young people to rightly appreciate the]
history made by their own fathers and uncles. More-
over, greater love and reverence will be given the he-]
roes who died and those who still hold their place in!
the ranks of the veterans.
A unique gavel was presented to the chapter. The
wood came from the platform of the mortar that fired
the first shot on Fort Sumter, and was presented to the
donor by one who stood near it at the time. This was
when the fort was under control of the U. S. army.
Beautifully polished, the mallet represents a mortar and
the handle a sponge staff.
Confederate Veterans
Mrs. Carry Phelan Beale, Montgomery, Ala.:
The second annual convention of the Alabama Divi-
sion, U. D. C, convened in Birmingham February [8,
the date to commemorate the inauguration of Presi-
dent Davis. The attendance was large, and much in-
terest was manifested.
On the first day a beautiful address of welcome
made by Mrs. J. A. Montgomery, of the Pelham Chap
ter, of Birmingham, and was responded to by Mrs.
Chappel Cory, of the Cradle of the Confederacy I
ter, of Montgomery, who. in connection with her re-
sponse, presented a gavel from her chapter, made of
historic wood. Miss Sallie Jones, of Camden, Presi-
dent of the division, accepted it with a must touching
and beautiful speech.
It was decided that each of the various chapters in
the state should establish a per capita tax and send to
Mobile for aid of the monument to be built there to
Admiral Semmes; also to aid in the same way the ere,
tion of a monument to the Confederate dead in Vthens .
Ala. The vote was unanimous to send $25 to Daniel
I). Emmett, the author of “Dixie.”
The second day was taken up with discussion of
plans for establishing a soldiers’ home, relic hall, and
library in Montgomery, Ala. The work of the divi-
sion is to purchase the Jefferson Davis mansion, known
as the first “White House” of the Confederacy. Ml
the chapters agreed to go to work and raise the neces-
sary funds as soon as possible. A temporary home,
however, is to be rented and put in order in a few
months, to be kept up by the Alabama Daughters, until
the Jefferson Davis house can be secured for the pur-
pose. Memorial rooms were asked for by many ladies.
The division has doubled the number of chapters
since its organization a year ago. It now has thirteen.
An interesting letter was read from Mrs. Kate Cab-
ell Currie, of Dallas, Tex.. President of the U. D. C.
She sent a message of love, and urged the memorial
associations to merge into the Daughters of the Con-
federacy. The convention adjourned to meet in Sel-
nia, Ala., February 18, 1899.
The most touching feature of the second day was the
addrvss of the old veteran, Col. D. M. Taliferro. lie
was seventy-two the day he made the address.
I Ither reports of the Daughters are held over.
\i the annual election of officers of Camp McMil-
lan. Chipley, Fla., the following were elected for the
[898: S. M. Robertson, Commander; Uex Car-
miohcal. William Jeffries, Lieutenant-Commanders; I
L. Vickers, Quartermaster; R. B. Bellamy, Adjutant.
All of the officers, except Adj. Bellamy, are one-armed
Comrade Roberston is enthusiastic for the Vetera?*,
“the grandest publication in the United States.”
In the October’ a mistake was made in
mentioning that a reunion of Confederate veterans
was held in August previous at Selmer. Tenn. It
should have been Henderson, Tenn.
Mr. J. J. Haynie, not old enough to be a soldier,
gives reminiscences of war times:
In a careful reading of the Veteran, from first num-
ber to date. I have failed to see any mention of the
First Mississippi and Twenty-Fourth Alabama Regi-
ments of Infantry and the First ami Sixth Mississippi
Regiments 1 if ( a\ airy.
In the First Mississippi Infantry there was a com-
pany from Macon, the Noxubee Rifles, and in that
company were William I Jeering and Dan Feather-
stone. This regiment belonged to the \ irginia army,
and was in all tlie important battles around Richmon
company were William Deering and Dan Feather-
erstone were missing.
In the Twenty-Fourth Alabama Regiment there was
a company from Mobile, the Gulf Cit) Guards, com-
manded by Alphonse Ilurtel, and in it there was a
squad of Mississippians, from Shuqualak. The last I
saw of any of them, except A. L. Haynie, mj brother,
who went through the war and died afterward in
as. was when the\ passed Up the Mobile and 1 >hio rail-
1 ‘ii a freight train on their way from Fort Morgan,
Ma., to luka. where they were ordered to rcenforce the
army around Shiloh. When this regiment was on the
way to luka, a stop of fifteen minutes was made, when
a multitude of men, women, and children — white peo-
ple and servants — assembled with baskets of good
things for the soldiers. In the crowd there was a hand-
some belle of eighteen summers, Miss Julia Hewlett;
and one of the soldiers, Lieut. W. E. Lloyd, of the
Gulf City ( iuards, in his bright, new uniform was a
handsome officer. All of his attention was paid to Miss
Howlett. At length the engineer blew the whistle, a
signal for the soldiers, a thousand or more in number,
who were on the ground in the crowd. A rush was
made for the train: but it was noticed that Lieut. Lloyd
lingered, as if utterly unmindful of the signal. M the
long train moved off. Lieut. Lloyd and Miss Howlett
stood in loving conversation; and when the last ear
neared him he grasped the beautiful girl in his arms
and showered kisses upon her cheeks, midst a drown-
ing chorus of soldier voices, and then reached the train
(running at a rate of ten miles an hour). For a mile the
track runs Straight, and the waving of hats, glitter from
the pretty uniforms. Confederate yells, and the –
of “Bonnie Blue Flag” from the band could he
seen and heard the distance. It developed afterward
that Lieut. Lloyd and Miss Howlett were already en-
The last I saw of the Sixth Mississippi Cavalry,
Col. Isham Harrison’s, was when they were retreating
from llarrisbnrg. where they met with heavy lo
The whole command was singing “Am I a Soldier of
the Cross?” with much feeling. Vboul every third
man was left dead or wounded on the battle-field.
The First Regiment, Mississippi Cavalry, was Col
Pinson’s. Many of this command were from and
Shuqualak Station, (apt. Beasley, of the Shuqualak
contingent, was killed in the first battle. Of this com-
mand I remember Lieut. S. B. Day. Privates James
MrMullin. Henry Haynes, William Feck. Si Jenkins.
fohn Hudson, Fee, Ford, and Mark Greer. Put wdicre
are thev now?
Confederate Veterans,
In a banquet-hall at Chicago, the night previous to
the dedication of the Confederate monument there,
Gen. Fitzhugh Lee responded to the toast “Shall Not
the South Grasp the Hand of Fellowship? ” He said:
Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen: The country seems to
be safe to-night. I find myself surrounded on every
side by the flag of the United States. I had a similar
experience about thirty years ago [laughter] at the
little village of Appomattox, and I remember sleeping
that night, after I had received my parole, between two
major-generals of the United States army. [Contin-
ued laughter.] I had not felt so safe for many of the
preceding days; both my flanks were well protected.
[Continued laughter and applause.] History, in a
measure, repeats itself. To-night the Mayor of what
he terms the greatest city in the world sits here quietly,
serenely smoking his cigar, between two rebellious
Rebel generals of cavalry, Wade Hampton and Fitz-
hugh Lee; and he is not afraid. [Great laughter and
applause.] I can respond to the toast with great pleas-
ure, because I feel that, as we are both Americans, we
are citizens of this great country, and it is our duty to
promote its glory, its grandeur, and its growth.
Each side had a cause to fight for; and, if you want to
have true fellowship in the country, we must give you
credit for fighting in behalf of a great cause gallantly
and nobly and heroically, and you must give us credit
for fighting for the faith that was in us. You fought,
and maintained this great country as an undivided re-
public. It was a great republic; it was a great cause.
We were brought up somewhat differently. We were
brought up in the theory that our states could speak
through the action of a convention which was its high-
est representative body; we were brought up in the be-
lief that when this great Union was formed, when the
constitution said nothing about the secession of a state,
that when the state spoke through its convention
and determined to leave the Union, the action of the
state was binding upon its citizens. Acid you could
not get men out from their huts and their cottages, and
stand them in long rows and pour shot and shell upon
them, as you fellows who wore the’ blue did, unless they
were fighting for the faith that was in them.
Thirty years have elapsed since the sound — the dead
echo, as it has been termed — of the last gun of the last
battle was heard. No more do camp-fires blaze
through the land; no more do you hear the strains of
martial music; no more are our men pitted against
your men. We know that you had as brave soldiers as
the Spartans who fought in the past at Thermopylae;
you should know that we of the South had as brave a
body of troops as the Old Guard of Napoleon when it
was called upon to go to the front an hour before the
field of Waterloo was won by Wellington. [Applause.]
Both sides had brave men. I saw your men, as one
example, at the battle of Fredericksburg, where the
lightning was scorching the ground beneath their feet
in front of Marye’s Hill; and you saw our men leaving
their lines at the battle of Gettysburg and moving to
the heights crowned with fire — moving as calmly, as
boldly, and as heroically as ever men marched in line of
battle. Give us credit upon the one side, and we will
give you credit upon the other; and, together, we will
make this great republic what our forefathers intended
it should be: the glory of America and the blessing of
the world. [Loud applause.]
Our men upon each side are rapidly passing away.
The sound of the taps upon the eternal shores is al-
ready being heard by some of them almost every day,
and many seasons will not pass before the veterans
upon either side will have furled their battle-flags for-
ever. Mr. Lincoln has gone, Mr. Davis is dead; the
swords of Grant and Lee have returned to their scab-
bards; the tents of Sherman and Joe Johnston are
pitched upon the eternal camping-ground; the swords
of Sherman and Stewart will not longer flash in the
forefront of battle, while many of the men that followed
them are now but a handful of dust, and soon fame will
shout with her trumpet voice: “Dead! dead upon the
field of glory!”
And so, my friends, our duty now is to believe that
by united action we can indeed make this a great coun-
try. Englishmen, whose past battles are recorded
upon the pages of history as evidence of their valor and
endurance, are proud of their country, whose morning
drum-beat follows the sun, and whose martial strains
are heard in unbroken and continuous lines all over
the world. And so we in America, we too, can be
proud of our country; we too, upon either side, as I
say, can build it up and make it a great and undivided
republic. But we can’t do it by abusing each other;
we can’t do it by firing at each other in times of peace;
we can’t do it by criticizing each other’s action on a
memorial occasion. I know we are always glad to see
your great demonstrations in honor of the courage of
your soldiers, and you should think that when we
come together for the purpose of honoring the valor of
our soldiers, for the purpose of paying respect to the
memory of our dead, there is nothing inconsistent in
that with all the duties which we owe to a great and
united country. [Applause.]
And now we can fervently pray with you that as the
veil of futurity is raised you will see visible a great re-
public representing power and commanding more re-
spect than ever the armies of Caesar and Augustus
won for the imperial eagle, and you can unite with us
in praying that state shall not lift up its hand against
state any more, neither shall they know war again; but
that the reign of peace, unity, and fraternity shall be as
lasting as the home of the stars and as everlasting as
the foundation of the everlasting hills. [Applause.]
Gen. Wade Hampton was next introduced. He said:
I came here with a grateful heart to thank the people
of Chicago for doing what I think is the most honora-
ble thing that has ever been done by any people in the
history of America. [Applause.] Narrow-minded and
bigoted men may abuse you and us who come here
from the South at your invitation, your invitation to I
do honor not to Confederate soldiers, not to victors in
a great civil strife, but to dead Confederates, men who
represented the bravery and courage and devotion to
duty — the very highest type of American manhood.
You have called us here to join you in doing honor to
these men, and we have come here to take the hand of
good-fellowship and comradeship you have offered us.
Confederate Veterans
At a meeting of the survivors of Forrest’s Cavalry
held in the Fogg School-Building, at Nashville, Tenn:.
June 24, 1897, the report of the Committee on Consti-
tution and Permanent Organization was adopted, and
is as follows :
Article 1. The objects of this association are to bring
together annually the soldiers who may at any time
have served under the command of Lieut.-Gen. Foi
rest for good fellowship, the collection of accurate his-
torical data, and the creation of a memorial worthy of
our great commander.
Article 2. Membership in this association shall in no-
wise be inconsistent with membership in any local
camp or bivouac of Confederate Veterans.
Article ?. All veterans of Forrest’s Cavalry shall be
entitled to membership on the payment of $1 per an-
num dues. When individual members can not attend
the annual reunion, any twent) veterans may unite in
sending one delegate to represent them in all business
coming before the annual meeting, said delegate being
entitled to cast twenty votes.
Article 4. The officers shall be a Commander, with
the rank of major-general, with three Brigai
erals, and an Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster-
General, with the rank of colonel — to be elected annu-
ally. These officers, with one manager bo be chosen
by the survivors of each brigade and battery (who were
at any time under Forrest’s command), shall constitute
an Executive Committee to transact all business ad in-
terim, subject to the approval of the annual reunion.
Article 5. The surviving members of Gen. Forrest’s
staff will form the staff of the Commanding-General, in
the positions and with the rank held at the surrender at
Gainesville. Ala., during their natural lives.
An election was held to fill the offices indicated in the
■ institution, which resulted as follows: Major-Gencnd,
H. P.. Lyon; Krigadier-Generals, 1). C. Kelley. R. ML
M.i ullough (another Brigadier-General to be el.
by the Executive Committee); Assistant Adjutant and
Duartermaster-General, with the rank of colonel,
George L. Cowan.
The association adjourned to meet one year hence at
Atlanta, Ga., at the time of the Confederate reunion.
It is requested and urged 1>\ the < leneral commanding
that all .survivors of Gen. Forrest’s command meet at
Atlanta and join the association. If those who can not
attend will send their address, name of company and
regiment, with $1, to George L. Cowan, Franklin,
Tenn., they will be enrolled as members.
II. B. Lyon, Major-Gcneral Commanding:
George L. Cowan, Assistant Adjutant and
Edgar E. Sell, 201 1 Mervine Street, Philadelphia,
writes to the Secretary of Frank Cheatham Bivouac:
During the year [864, while camping at .Madison
and Baldwin, Fla., it was my privilege to meet two
young ladies named Margaret and Olivia D. Reaves
(or Reeves), whose home was in Tennessee, and I think
a short distance out of Nashville, and from which they
were driven, clad only in their nightclothes and the
house and outbuildings fired by the Federals pursuing
Gen. Morgan. Two brothers of these young ladies
were of .Morgan’s men. Their father, an old man, was
in hiding in the swamps with the horses an.’, other
farm stock. The intense and well-known loyalty of
the entire family to their beloved South brought to
these young women intense suffering and exposure on
a cold, raw night; but they were afterward kindly cared
for and protected 1>\ a humane, warm-hearted Federal
officer, at great personal risk. His generous conduct
is worthy of record in Confederate history. Many
years have passed since then, and I have but little hope
of finding the family; and yet from the close and pleas-
ing associations with the daughters at that time I
would like to gain some tidings of them, if, perchance,
they be still on “this side of the river.”
F. J. Woods, captain of Company G, Twentj
enth Tennessee Regiment, now of Bell’s, Tenn.: “In
18(14 Capt. Alphonso Ilurtell. oi Mobile, Ala., and I
were on post duty in Atlanta, the latter commas 1
the barracks and I having charge of the troops in the
city. Capt. Ilurtell informed me one day that the
guards had arrested and brought to him a lady with an
infant, and she had escaped and left the baby. We
concluded it was best to advertise for a mother, and
soon a lady living near the barracks took the infant
away. In a few days another lady drove up and asked
for the baby. and. being told how it was, by long per-
suasion ami the assistance of Capt. Ilurtell, the baby
was delivered to her. After that the famous battle of
July J-‘ took place, in which I was wounded, and lost
sight of Capt. Ilurtell and the good woman who ado]
ed the baby. Who can now inform me of them? ”
A little fellow, who is a great admirer of “Old Jack,”
regrets that his parents did not name him Stonewall.
He is just beginning to read, and everything about
that herois eagerly devoured. He is fondof warstonts.
and especially of his favorite hero. I had told
him how Jackson became famous as “Stonewall,” and
at a gathering I asked him to tell the ladies how it was
that old Stonewall got his name. lie promptly said:
“Stonewall was in battle, and just knocking down Yan-
kees every time the) came to him. Mr. Bee was on
one side of him, and hollered to his men to ‘Look at old
Stonewall standing like a rock fence!
T. J. Young, Adjutant, Austin. Ark.: “A camp was
organized here on July 10 with eighty-five members,
and was named Camp James Adams, in honor of the
venerable Capt. Adams, who served through the war
with distinction as captain of Company I, Twenty-
Fifth .Arkansas Regiment. This camp has joined the
U. C. V., and is numbered 1036.”
C. C. McCorkle. of Van Alstyne, Tex., a member of
Company E. First Missouri Cavalry, Cockrill’s Bri-
gade, is very anxious to hear from any of his old com-
rades. He has been in Texas since 1870, and has not
seen a member of his company. He was paroled at
Jackson, Miss., May 12, 1865.
Confederate Veterans
At the annual meeting of Camp George B. Eastin
No. 803, Louisville, Ky v held on Tuesday evening,
April 12, the attendance was the largest and most en-
thusiastic the camp has ever enjoyed. Rev. H. D.
Moore delivered the opening prayer. The special oc-
casion of the evening was the initiative movement to
secure to Louisville the grand encampment of the Uni-
ted Confederate Veterans for 1899, and a great deal of
interest was manifested, because everybody was eager
to have the opportunity to do something to assist in
making a royal time for the war-scarred heroes of the
grand old South. Judge Richards, in an address, sug-
gested ascertaining the cost of entertaining, etc., be-
fore an invitation was extended to that grand body to
come to Louisville, but the majority vote ruled him
“out of order,” and his suggestion was side-tracked.
At this juncture the Veteran’s correspondent arose
and presented a petition signed by over three hundred
of the oldest and largest firms in Louisville, urging the
members of the camp to use their best efforts to secure
the grand reunion; also a paper signed by the mana-
gers of every newspaper in the city, tendering their
columns for that purpose. This settled the question,
and in a twinkle the camp voted for extending the in-
vitation by acclamation. This was greeted with wild
applause, and now it is an assured fact that if our fellow
Veterans in the South will urge their camps to vote for
Louisville when they go to Atlanta, we will get it; and
for such a compliment Louisville will give the good old
sTdiers the best time they ever had in 1889. The can-
non will then roar across Mason and Dixon’s line, but
under conditions of sweet peace.
One of the blessings of Louisville is its wide, level,
straight streets, any and all of which can accommodate
the largest and grandest parade that could be con-
ceived ; so this feature will be appreciated by all who at-
tended Richmond and Nashville or who may attend
the Atlanta reunion, and our people will be sure to
keep pace with either of those cities on entertainment.
Vote for Louisville, and see if they don’t.
__ During the evening an unknown member of Camp
Cheatham, Nashville, arose, and gave the camp a good
talk about how that city managed the ’97 reunion, let-
ting out many g-ood pointers. He failed to state his
name, but gave old Camp Cheatham a “real good
puff,” much to the joy of all who heard him.
Capt. George C. Norton presented a statement ob-
tained through correspondence with Nashville Veter-
ans, that was highly applauded. Commander Ben
Howe, of the local camp Sons of Veterans, tendered
the aid of his organization to the cause of the ’99 re-
union. Col. Bennett H. Young spoke glowinglv in
favor of the movement, as did many other members.
The next feature of the evening was the election of
officers, which resulted as follows: President, John H.
Leathers; Vice-President, Tohn w. Green;’ Corre-
sponding Secretary, T. D. Osborne; Financial Secre-
tary (new office). William M. Marriner; Treasurer,
Sain Murrell: and the old Executive Board. It was an
all-round reelection by acclamation, but one at a time.
Mrs. Katharine E. Hirst, of Louisville, sent word
that if the camp would secure the grand encampment
in 1899 she will furnish a grand banquet to the grizzly
guests. This was received with prolonged applause.
Treasurer MurrelTs report showed receipts during
the year $448.53; disbursements, $315.05; balance on
hand, $133.48.
A short address was made by the Rev. Dr. M. B.
Chapman, who was especially applauded in declaring
that the man most honored in America to-day was the
nephew of Gen. Robert E. Lee.
Gen. George Moorman issues General Orders No.
201, stating that the General commanding, having been
notified by Lieut. -Gen. S. D. Lee, Chairman of the
Historical Committee and on Southern School His-
tory, that the committee had filled the existing vacan-
cies, annouaces the following as members of the His-
torical Committee — to wit, D. C. Richardson, of R. E.
Lee Camp, of Richmond, Va., vice J. N. Stubbs, re-
signed; C. Charles Hume, of Magruder Camp, Galves-
ton, Tex., vice Col. H. L. Bentley, resigned; Col. John
J. Hornor, of Samuel Corley Camp, Helena, Ark., vice
Col. W. P. Campbell, deceased.
General Orders No. 202, dated New Orleans, April
2, 1898, state that the General commanding announces
the fellowship of the following-named camps in the or-
ganization of the United Confederate Veterans, all
registered in conformity with the dates in their re-
spective charters, also their numbers — to wit:
Stonewall Camp No. 1071, Salisbury, Mo.
Gen. Clanton Camp .No. 1072, Brewton, Ala.
Battle-Ground Camp No. 1073, Regnant, Ga.
Ponchatoula Camp No. 1072, Ponchatoula, La.
R. M. Gano Camp No. 1075, Ross, Tex.
Valdosta Camp No. 1076, Valdosta, Ga.
Confederate Veteran Camp No. 1077, Taneyville, Mo.
Charles W. McArthur Camp No. 1078, Alamo, Ga.
Pat Lvon Camp No. 1079, Ball Ground, Ga.
Charles Wickliffe Camp No. 1080, Wickliffe, Ky.
Confederate Veteran Camp No. 1081, Freed, W. Va.
Edward T. Bookter Camp No. 1082, Pleasant P. O.,
S. C.
Screven County Camp No. 1083, Sylvania, Ga.
John White Camp No. 1084, Warrenton, N. C.
William M. Mcintosh Camp No. 1085, Elberton, Ga.
M. T. Owen Camp No. 1086, Lebanon, S. C.
Confederate Veteran Camp No. 1087, Warrenton, Ga.
Confederate A r eteran Camp No. 1088, Canton, Ga.
Sam Davis Camp No. 1089, Milford, Tex.
George T. Ward Camp No. 1090, Williston, Fla.
William Barksdale Camp No. 1091, Paul’s Valley, I. T.
Wier Boyd Camp No. 1092, Dawsonville, Ga.
Hammond Camp No. 1093, Hammond, La.
The Confederate Soldiers’ Association Camp No. 1094^ li
Augusta, Ga.
Col. W. T. Black Camp No. 1095, Ellaville, Ga.
Reynolds Camp No. 1096, Reynolds, Ga.
Confederate Veteran Camp No. 1097, Athens, Tenn. I
Senoia Camp No. 1098, Senoia, Ga.
Tallahatchie County Camp No. 1099, Charleston, Miss.
Albert Sidney Johnston Camp No. 1100, Shiloh, Tenn.
Gordon County Camp No. 1101, Calhoun, Ga.
Washington Artillery Camp No. 1102, Charleston, S.C:
Confederate Veteran,
In the cemetery at Athens, Ala., there are buried
forty Confederate soldiers, all of whom died in battle
in or near Athens. Recently the ladivs have had them
moved from the various portions of the cemetery and
buried in contiguous lots, and now they wish to place
marble headstones over them and to encompass the
lots with a stone coping. Friends of some of these
dead soldiers would no doubt like to contribute to such
a worthy cause, hence we give below a lis) of their
names, and commands to which they belonged, ear-
nestly requesting that their friends and comrades in
arms will aid in the undertaking:
Alabama: J. \Y. Clover, killed in iNoj; T. Al. Holli-
day; T. Sparks, Company A. Fifth Cavalry; Silas
Beedeford, Moreland Battalion, Roddy’s command.
Arkansas: Maj, John Price; [ones, killed July
7, 1862.
Louisiana: Charles Castleman, cavalry; ML Tassin,
First Cavalry; C. II. Tarpley, cavalry, killed May 1,
1 802.
Tennessee: William Radish, Elijah Rams, Second
Eavalry; R. B. Fullerton, Second Regiment, killed
September 2, 1864; C. W. Crissman, Fourth ; G.
W. Buyles, Seventh Regiment, Forrest’s Cavalry; J.
\Y. Douttliich, – – \ eal, Forrest’s Cavalry; Lieut, F.
Eckford, George J. Clay (died October 12. 1804),
James Bledsoe (died October 24. [864), \ Shelby,
twelfth, Hardin’s Cavalry; G. Reed, Z. T. Gay (Com
tiny \, killed September, 1864), T, M. Pincon (Com
panv E), T. A. ( rardner 1 1 ompany H), ( 1. W. Osborne
Company F, killed September 28, [864), rwentieth
■ennessee Regiment; J. Clark. Twenty-Firsl Regi-
ment: T. ]. Tyler, Vicksburg; 1. D. Grubbs, I. R. ,
John P. Kilpatrick, Lieut. Reddick, R. E. D , and
eight unkm urn.
These ladies are exerting themselves to the utmost
to secure amount necessarj to make the improve
ments, and will appreciate any contribution for thai
purpose. \ number of relics were found iii the graves
when tin bodies were removed, such as buttons, a
buckle, a silver spur, etc.. which they wish to dispose
of for thv benefit of this fund. It is hoped that many
will respond in this appeal. Address Miss Richard
Sneador Mrs. Maclin Hobbs, Athens, \la.
Comrade W. O. Connor, of Cave Spring, Ga., has
had made a handsome painting in oil of the different
“f the Confederacy, and. as a matter of history,
desires in inscribe under each the date of its adoption.
For two or mere years he has been trying in every di-
rection that would suggest itself to get the exacl date
of the adoption of the first flag, the stars and bars, but
SO far without success. \n\ one who can give him
this information will please write to him, SO that the
matter may be placed on record under the painting
which will be exhibited in \tlanta at me coming re
union, and he will also see that it is placed on 1
in the archives at Richmond. Comrade Connor has
found that this flag was adopted some time in Feb-
ruary 1861, probabh the 17th or iStli. but wants
exact date.
Fort Hatteras, August 28, 29, 1861; Elizabeth City
(or Cobb’s Point). February 10, 1802: Camden (also
called South Mills), April 19, 18O2: Plymouth, April
17-20. 1864; ram “Albemarle.” May 5, 1864; destruc-
tion of ram “Albemarle,” < October 28, 1864; Roanoke
Island, February 8, 1862; Hamilton, July 9, 1862; Pot-
ter’s Cavalry raid to Tar River and Rocky Mount,
July 18-21, [863; Greenville, December 30, 1863; near
Washington, May 31, 1862; Washington, September
6, 1802; Washington and Rodman’s Point, March 30-
April 4, 1863; Foster’s expedition to Goldsboro, De-
cember 12-18, 1862: Kin^Mon, December 14, 1802;
Xew Berne, .March 14. 1862; Pollocksville, April 14,
(862; near Xew Berne.May 22,1862; Bachelor’s Creek.
Newport Barracks, and New Peine, February 1-3,1864;
Bachelor’s Creek. May 20. 1804; Fort Macon, April 25,
[862; Wilmington, Fori Anderson, and Town Creek,
February 18-22, 1805; Sugar Loaf Battery, Federal
Point, February ii, 1865; Fort P’isher, November 25,
18(14, and January 13-15. 1805; explosion of magazine,
January 16, 1865; Clinton. May 10. 1802; Wilcox
Bridge, March 8-10, 1805; Averysboro, March i:>.
1865; Bentonville. March 10-21, 1865; Young’s Cross
Roads, July 26, 1862; Quallatown, February 5, 1864;
Durham Station, surrender of Johnston, April 26, 1865.
Comrades will please report omissions or errors in
the above, so a correct list may appear next month.
The Atlanta (Ga.) Camp No. 150. U. C Y ‘., held its
annual election recently. Col. L. P. Thomas, the re-
tiring Commander, in his address appealed to com-
rades to stand shoulder to shoulder for the success of
the great reunion. Thanks were expressed by a ris-
ing vote to the Daughters of the Confederacy in their
efforts in behalf of the Georgia * onfederate Home.
An extraordinary combination of incidents have oc-
curred in connection with this home enterprise, which
were expected from official source, but are not ready
for this issue. The new officers of the camp are: Com-
mander. \. |. Wise; Lieutenant Commanders. W. D.
Ellis, Dr. Durham, C. S \rnall. J. T. Stocks; Adju-
tant, J. C. Lynes; Quartermaster, C. L. D’Alvigney;
Commissary, S. 11. Landrum; Surgeon, Dr. K. S. Di-
Vs-i>taiit Surgeon, Dr. Arch Avary; Chaplain,
Rev. T. P. Cleveland; Treasurer. R. M. Clayton; His-
torian, R. L. Rodgers. Executive Committee: A. [.
West. W. 11. Calhoun, T. B. Neal, F. T. Ryan, J. H.
Shadden, F, \F Meyers, C. W. Motes. Relief Com-
mittee: Harry Krouse, Ed Cox, J. C. Carlisle, S. B.
Scott. T. M. Payne. Visiting Committee: P. M.
Craves, W. 11. White. J. A. Caldwell, J. C. Rodgers,
Men Floyd.
M. M. Sherrill, of Company K, Twenty-Fifth Regi-
ment, Pine Bluff, Tenn., corrects an error in an article
which appeared in the July Veteran, entitled “Serv-
ices of W. G. Smith.” In that it is said that the
Eighty-Fourth Tennessee Regiment was consolidated
with the Twenty-Fifth after the battle of Murfreesborq.
Comrade Sherrill says those regiments wei 1 r con-
solidated, but, after the battle of Chickamauga, the
Twenty-Fifth and Forty-Fourth Regiments were con-
solidated, and went to Virginia under Gen. Longstreet,
and were surrendered at Appomattox.
Confederate Veterans
Confederate 1/eteran.
S. A. CUNNINGHAM, Editor and Proprietor.
Office: Methodist Publishing House Building, Nashville, Tenn.
This publication is the personal property of S. A. Cunningham, All
persons who approve its principles, and realize its benefits as an organ for
Associations throughout the South, are requested to commend its patron-
age and to cooperate in extending it.
Special attention is again called to the May Vet-
eran, to be ready for distribution at the North Carolina
reunion in Charlotte, May 20, Mecklenburg Day. It
is designed to devote that number to the wonderful his-
tory of that people in war and in peace. Please write
at once of every Confederate monument in North Car-
olina, a brief sketch, and send picture of the monument,
where practicable. Send also immediately any data
desirable for that number.
See elsewhere list of battles in North Carolina, and,
if defective, correct it.
Advertising in the twenty thousand edition, $1.50 per
inch ; $40 per page.
For the reunion of the South Carolina Division,
United Confederate Veterans, the commanding Gener-
al, C. G. Walker, by his Adjutant-General, Col. J. G.
Holmes, requests that delegates arrive at Charleston not
later than the evening of April 26, as morning trains will
not be in time. The hall only being large enough for the
delegates and alternates, it is proposed to have a gath-
ering in the afternoon at the citadel. The Bureau of
Information will be at 210 King Street. Headquar-
ters for sponsors and maids of honor will be at the
Mills House, Meeting and Queen Streets.
The Press-Post, Columbus, Ohio, reports action of G.
A. R. Post No. 1, of that city, on April 18, as having
adopted the following:
Resolved: 1. That this Post joins in extending a cor-
dial invitation to the ex-Confederate soldiers and their
friends to visit our city June 4, 1898, to take part in the
memorial services in remembrance of their honored
dead, whose graves are at Camp Chase Cemetery.
2. That we will do all we can to make the occasion
one worthy a generous and patriotic citizenship, that a
new impetus may be given to that sentiment which
seems to make our country one in love, hope, interest,
and destiny.
3. That, in the name of our honored dead, on what-
ever side their lives were given; in the name of our fa-
thers’ devotion and sacrifice in the ‘holy cause, freedom;
in the name of our common humanity, and that sacred
tie of love that shall make us one in promoting the in-
terests of our common country and the oppressed of
other lands — we will welcome them among us.
On the night of April iS the R. E. Lee Camp of
Richmond celebrated its fifteenth anniversary in their
splendid quarters. Commander Laughton opened the
meeting, and Chaplain Smith lea the prayer. The
minutes of the first meeting of the camp (April 18,
1883) were read, and were quite edifying.
Maj. Norman Randolph talked of the history of the
camp, from which more than eleven hundred camps
have sprung. Thirty-eight men organized the camp,
and in all the camps one hundred thousand veterans
have been enrolled.
Capt. Curtis, who was of the C. S. Navy, emphasized
the fact that the first torpedo was made by a Confeder-
ate soldier, Capt. Hunter Davidson.
At the conclusion of a rich recital, “The Last Old
Gray,” by Polk Miller, Maj. Randolph entered the hail
with Consul-Gen. Fitzhugfi Lee. “It was as if pande-
monium had loosened its fastenings. Every old vet-
eran rose to his feet and yelled himself hoarse; and
when yells had lost their virtue, Gen. Lee was taken
into arms bodily, and for twenty minutes a wild scene
reigned, which included every mode of enthusiasm.”
This was followed by Polk Miller with his string
band. An enthusiast called out: “Go on, Mr. Miller!
If the Spaniards heard you, there’d be no war.”
Gen. Lee asked Capt. Cunningham, during one of
the intermissions, if he was going to war, and if lie
would sing “Star-Spangled Banner.” Capt. Cunning-
ham replied that he was going to the war, but he would
carry a Confederate flag in his pocket. He then sang
the “Star-Spangled ‘ Banner.” Polk Miller and his
band followed with “Bonnie Blue Flag.” Gen. Lee
and all the boys joined in both choruses.
Polk Miller asked Gen. Lee: “General, they say all
coons look alike to me. How do the Cubans look? ”
“They look alike to me,” laughingly responded Gen.
Lee, while the hearers roared.
Mr. Poindexter then sang, “All Coons Look Alike
to Me,” the audience applauding vociferously.
Commander Laughton pleasantly called upon Gen.
Lee to speak, and to give expression to “guarded” re-
marks. Gen. Lee smilingly complied. After the
cheer had subsided Gen. Lee shouted: “Turn out the
guard. I’m going to make some guarded remarks.”
He then went on to express the comfort he felt when
among Confederate soldiers, and stated that he was re-
minded of the progress the camp had made in its fifteen
years. It struck him as funny that these boys should
be singing the “Star-Spangled Banner,” when they
had, in 1861, fought so hard against it. “There never
was a band that fought against that flag harder than
you boys,” he said, “and here you are singing ‘Star-
Spangled Banner’ ” The thought made him feel good,
and the tear born of the throbbing of his grandly pa-
triotic heart threatened to spill over. It seemed
strange to him that Capt. Cunningham should be sing-
ing “Star-Spangled Banner,” but he didn’t wonder at
his not getting the pitch the first time. After paying-
fine tribute to the “Star-Spangled Banner” and his-
pride in it while at Havana, he referred to our great
war here in the sixties, and said: “We fought for a
cause we knew to be right, and we made a magnificent
record. I have never read of such a fight as we made.””
Confederate Veterans
A correspondent, who was a witness, writes:
When President Davis, with his wife, entertained a
niece and two lady friends who were allowed to visit
him at Fortress Monroe, on the 4th of July, 1866, an
incident occurred showing the petty spite of Gen.
Miles, now commander of the United States army. We
sat with open doors in the outer room of the casemate,
having dined, and on the mat outside lay dozing in the
midsummer sun President Davis’ pet, a poor, ugly,
homeless dog that had followed him day after day in
his walks on the ramparts, and, having been noticed
and kindly treated, had attached himself to the illustri-
ous prisoner, and was now looked upon as his special
property. Our hero talked with that matchless charm
and power for which he was so distinguished, while we
marveled at his calmness, his apparent spiritual ami in-
tellectual superiority to his surroundings. History,
literature, poetry — all were touched upon. Only the
present was ignored, and no word was said of what was,
of course, uppermost in our thoughts: the South and
her cruel fate, and the unhappy case of her chosen chief.
Then a step was heard advancing. It was Gen.
Miles in all his pomp and glory, sword by his side, and
with a haughty, ill-mannered air and swagger and fan 1
that never turned aside to give the slightest token of
recognition to President Davis or the least sign of
courtesy to” the ladies with him; but as he reached the
door-mat this mighty conqueror and tyrant paused a
moment, and, without vouchsafing us a glance, he de-
liberately kicked the dog with his heavy boot, and sent
him howling across the grounds. Then he moved on.
We ladies exchanged looks that spoke volumes, but
Mr. Davis continued his conversation with unruffled
countenance and demeanor.
The Richmond Times states, concerning Gen. Miles:
To read Mrs. Davis’ book and see the mass of evi-
dence there collected is enough to make one’s blood
boil with indignation. She says, on page 643: “Men
may be forgiven who, actuated by prejudice, exhibit
bitterness in the first hours of their triumph: but what
excuse can be offered for one who in cold blood delib-
erately organizes tortures to be inflicted and superin-
tends for over a year their application to the quivering
form of an emaciated, exhausted, helpless prisoner,
who, the whole South proudly remembers, though re-
duced to death’s door, unto the end neither recanted
his faith, fawned npon his persecutor, nor pleaded for
Again, on page 700. she copies from “Men and
Memories of Half a Century,” by Hon. Hugh McCul-
loch, the Secretary of the Treasury in President John-
son’s cabinet, in which Mr. McCulloch says: “My in-
terview witli Mr. Davis was very pleasant. There
have been few men more gifted than Mr. Davis, and
few whose opportunities for intellectual culture have
been better improved. I had not known him person-
ally, but T knew what his standing was among the able
men of the country, and expected to meet in him an ac-
complished gentleman. . . . T was his first visitor,
and he seemed to be pleased with the opportunity
which it gave to him for a free talk. He was indis-
posed to say much about himself, and it was only In-
direct questions that I learned the facts in regard to the
barbarous treatment to which he had referred. ‘ I
was,’ he said, ‘when brought to the fortress, not only
strictly confined to a casemate, which was little better
than a dungeon, but I was heavily ironed. As I had
been a submissive prisoner and was in a strong fortress,
I thought that chains were unnecessary and that I
ought not to be subjected to them. I resisted being
shackled, but resistance was vain ; I was thrown vio-
lently upon the floor and heavily fettered. This was
not all: the casemate in which I was confined was kept
constantly and brilliantly lighted, and I was never re-
lieved of the presence of a couple of soldiers. My
eyes were weak and sensitive, and I suffered keenly
from the light; and you may judge how my sufferings
were aggravated by not being permitted for months to
have one moment to myself.’ ”
Vuain, in her book, page 767, Mrs. Davis says: “One
day Gen. Miles came to the prison and said something
not recalled with sufficient clearness for repetition, but
of such an insulting character that Mr. Davis sprang at
the bars and said, as Gen. Miles recoiled: ‘ But for
these, you should answer to me now.’ ”
The late Gen. William Stark Rosecrans, who died on
a ranch in California, was born in Ohio in September.
1819. He started business life as a clerk in a store.
In 1837 he secured appointment to the West Point
Military Academy, and graduated in 1842. When the
great war began he was a private citizen, but soon vol-
unteered, and entered the Union service as colonel of
the Twenty-Third Ohio Regiment. He was success-
ful for some time, securing high promotion. He suc-
ceeded Gen. McClellan in command of the Depart-
ment of Ohio, and held important commands at Mur-
freesboro and Chattanooga. Tn 1864 he w : as assigned
to the Department of the Missouri.
R. M. Nash, Logansport, La.: “In the Veteran for
November, page 559, I note that Col. William L.
Thompson, of Houston, Tex., gives the honor of the
capture of Florence, Ala., to Capt. S. A. Hayden, and
says that Gen. Gibson told him that he selected Capt.
Hayden out of all the officers of his command to cross
the river at Florence, and that he did his duty bravely
and successfully. Now I would not detract anything
from Capt. Hayden’s fame, for he deserves it. He and
I have been in many close places together, for I was
one of his scouts, and always went with him when on
a scouting expedition. But the facts about the cap-
ture of Florence are these: Col. R. H. Lindsay, of the
Sixteenth Louisiana, with four boats containing
about seventeen men to the boat, crossed the river and
captured the town. I know this, for I was the first
man that jumped ashore, and was the right guide of
the skirmish-line, and received all my orders from Col.
Lindsay; and to him certainly belongs the honor.”
Mrs. M. J. Knox, Columbia, Tex., asks for informa-
tion of her father, A. M. Boyd, a member of Capt. John
Allen’s company, Davis’ Battalion, Clark’s Brigade,
Arkansas troops, who was lost on the retreat from
Kansas while bearing a despatch to Gen. Price. He
was about forty years old at the time, and a cripple in
his left leg, limping when he walked. Indirectly they
have heard that he was taken to St. Louis, and died
Confederate Veterans
The Florence Nightingale of the Southern Army.
Professor J. Fraise Richard, Washington, D. C, a
Union veteran, writes:
For more than two years I have been a careful and
interested reader of the Confederate Veteran, and
have, as a Northern man and ex-Union soldier, been
deeply concerned to see all the incidents and events of
the great war carefully and impartially presented. I
am free to confess that no paper or magazine is a more
welcome visitor to my table than the Veteran. I ap-
preciate and endorse the earnest appeals made in be-
half of its extension and enlarged usefulness. I sin-
cerely wish it could be extensively read throughout
our Northern states.
In all that this valuable periodical has contained I
have seen no record of the philanthropic and angelic
ministrations of a most useful class of beings : the army
nurses. Perhaps this is not strange. Commanding
officers, in their official reports, were concerned in nar-
rating the movements in battle that resulted in the de-
feat of the enemy, and hence had little time for and less
knowledge of the sacrifices and endurances of those
who cared for the maimed and suffering soldiers. But
the ministrations of these angels of mercy were none
the less meritorious.
To the honor of one of these I desire to contribute,
in recalling the deeds and sacrifices of Mrs. Ella K.
Newsom, the handsome, wealthy, and accomplished
young widow who at the outbreak of the war placed
upon the altar of the Confederacy her wealth, her time,
and all her consecrated womanly powers.
Mrs. Newsom is the daughter of Rev. T. S. N. King
(deceased), a Baptist minister of prominence in North
Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas. She is a native
of Brandon, Miss., but in her childhood her parents re-
moved to the wilds of Arkansas, where, amid the ad-
versities of pioneer life, she was thoroughly trained in
horsemanship, and became fully qualified for the or- I
deals through which she passed in the service of the
Confederacy. She became acquainted with Dr. Frank
Newsom, an educated and accomplished physician of
her section, who had removed from Tennessee. This
acquaintanceship culminated in matrimony. Within
two years he died, leaving her a young widow at the
opening of the war with ample fortune. Her only re-
lief from her loss of companionship was in consecration
to labor in the busy scenes and thrilling events of the
time. She concluded to devote all to the cause of her
beloved Southland, utterly oblivious to personal com-
fort, and hence entered the hospital service.
Mrs. Newsom’s experiences were identified mainly
with the Army of Tennessee, in the hospitals of Bow-
ling Green, Nashville, Memphis, Chattanooga, Cor-
inth, Marietta, Atlanta, and other points. When the
war began she was residing at Winchester, Tenn., su-
pervising the education of her younger sisters. These
sisters returning to the parental roof in Arkansas, she
collected suitable hospital supplies, and, taking a num-
ber of her own servants, went to Memphis, where her
career began.
In various capacities Mrs. Newsom labored until
December, 1861, when, taking her own servants and a
car-load of supplies, at her own expense, she repaired
to Bowling Green, Ky., to alleviate the almost inex- i
pressible sufferings of the Confederate sick. The
scenes of destitution at that place beggar description.
Want of organization, lack of suitable buildings,
scarcity of supplies, and exceeding cold weather pro-
duced untold suffering. With tireless energy she
consecrated her efforts to this distressing condition,
often laboring from four o’clock in the morning until
twelve o’clock at night.
It is impossible to chronicle here her devotion and
sacrifices to the soldiers as they moved to Nashville, to
Corinth, to Chattanooga, to Atlanta, and other points.
In all these movements, even to the capture of Presi-
dent Davis, she remained devoted to the cause she had
espoused. Letters, seen by the writer, from Gen.
Hardee and other prominent officers speak fully of the
value of her services. One prominent officer averred
that her presence in the army was, like that of Queen
Louise, of Prussia, equal to that of an army corps.
Before me lie two letters, from which I quote a par-
agraph or two. The first was written from Murfrees-
boro, Tenn., by Gen. Joseph B. Palmer. He says : ” I
was in command of a regiment at Bowling Green, Ky.,
and witnessed her appearance there as the friend of the
Confederate soldier, and saw her readiness to devote
her handsome estate, together with all the energies of
her splendid mind, heart, and the labor of her own
hands, to do all that was possible to aid her struggling
land, and to provide for the sick, disabled, and suffer-
ing members of all grades in the Southern army. Later
during the war she became chief matron of the Hos-
pital Department in that part of the army commanded
by Gens. Bragg, Johnston, and others, and so remained
until the close of our memorable and heroic Confeder-
ate struggle. To this hospital service she gave order
■ and system, value and efficiencv, much above and be-
yond’any similar effort in that direction ever before
made an’vwhere or by any one. This may, indeed, be
Confederate Veterans
said with emphasis, when the limited means at her
command and the general embarrassments of the well-
remembered situation are all properly considered.”
Ex-Gov. Albert S. Marks, in a letter written at Nash-
ville, October 29, 1885, called her the “Florence Night-
ingale of the Confederate Army,” and says: “When
the Confederate soldiers needed her she was by their
side, and her sacrifices for them is one of the memora-
ble events of the war.”
I need not say here that Mrs. Newsom was well
known to the leading officers of the Western army.
That fact is patent to all. In the two portraits here-
with presented they will recognize two significant pic-
tures: one the ministering angel of 1861-65; the other,
the lady in the year 1898. with impaired vision and
hearing, but possessed of all tin graces and accom-
plishments which only time and the severe experiences
and conflicts of real life can bestow upon people. The
second picture represents Mrs. Ella K. Trader, widow
of Col. W. H. Trader, a Confederate officer, whom she
married in 1867, and who died in 1885, leaving her to
struggle with life’s bufferings and disappointments as
best she could. Through the aid of friends she se-
cured a clerical position under the U. S. Government,
and is now an employee in the Pension Office.
I close this article with a paragraph taken from a
tribute I published in the American Tribune, of Indian-
apolis, in the winter of 1895:
“Could the stately pines and the redolent magnolias
of the sunny Southland reveal the many sacrifices made
by the maimed and dying beneath their refreshing fo-
liage; could the twinkling stars that looked down with
silent grief upon the heroic scenes witnessed upon nu-
merous battle-fields unfold their heart-breaking rec-
ords; could the hospital tents and hurried ambulances
give up the secrets of intense suffering and unutterable
woe which they only possess; could the briny tears of
joy and satisfaction that chased one another down the
cheeks of some darling boy, lately given up to war by
a devoted and affectionate mother — express the mes-
sage of gratitude experienced on account of loving and
timely ministrations in suffering; could the ominous
look, the suppressed whisper, the affectionate farewell
messages of the dying, and the untold evidences of sin-
cerest appreciation and gratitude voice forth their real
and full significance — yea, could all these multiform
witnesses of humane and almost godlike ministrations
on the battle-field, on the march, in the hospital, in the
camp, everywhere, join their testimonies in one mighty
chorus of gratitude — they would proclaim, in notes
quite divine, the untiring, the unselfish, the incessant,
and the inexpressible services of the army nurse; and
most prominent among these would stand the name of
our subject, Mrs. Ella K. Newsom, the ‘ Florence
Nightingale of the South.’ ”
C. H. Lee, Jr., Falmouth, Ky.: “At the Nashville re-
union, last Tune, it was claimed that Gen. M.J. Bulger,
of Jackson’s Gap, Ala., who honored the reunion with
his presence, was the oldest living Confederate soldier,
being ninety-one years old; hut Gen. Bulger will have
to yield the palm, of age at least, to a resident of this
(Pendleton) county. His name is Henry Lonaker, and
he is a little over one hundred years old. He enlisted
at Williamstown, Ky., in September, 1862, when Gen.
E. Kirhy Smith was in this section threatening Cincin-
nati, O. Mr. Lonaker became a member of Company
G, Fifth Cavalry (D. Howard Smith, colonel), and
served until the close of the war. He was called ‘old
man Lonaker’ then. When Gen. Morgan started on
his Ohio raid this comrade was left with the wagon-
train, because the officers thought he was too old to
stand the trip. He now resides with a son, who is over
seventy years of age, and is a remarkably well-pre-
served old man, being still able to do some work about
the farm. His wife, who was over ninety, died but a
few months ago. lie is almost totally deaf, and sel-
dom leaves home.”
The following is from an old Confederate paper:
“To take Manassas Junction
The Yankees thought was fun,
But greatl) were mistaken,
For they took the Run.”
The Strawberry Specialist, Kittrell, N. C: “By long
odds the most interesting publication treating of the
war from either side is the Confederate Veteran,
published at Nashville. Tenn. It is fair, dispassionate,
and without bitterness, and no one interested in the
great war epoch should be without it. It is a verita-
ble well of war information, from which every man
can draw according to his ability and his taste.”
II. S. Dorchester. City Hall, Providence, R. I., de-
sires to learn of his uncle, Walter Dorchester, who en-
listed in the New Orleans Home Guards at the begin-
ning of the war. It is understood that his company
went to Virginia promptly and participated in the first
battles. The family will appreciate any information as
to his fate.
G. W. Dudley, Iuka, Miss.: “In preparing a history
of the battle of Corinth, I am hindered by want of in-
formation as to the part taken by Phifer’s Texas Bri-
gade. I have been unable to find any official reports,
nor do T know of any living survivor. I would like to
have the address of any member of the Sixth or Ninth
Texas fdism. cav.) or Third Arkansas, of Phifer’s Bri-
gade, under Price.”
Confederate l/eterao
The Stonewall Jackson Camp at Charleston, W. Va.,
gave an entertainment in West Virginia last month, at
which they had for guests Union veterans from Ohio.
They were welcomed by Gov. George W. Atkinson,
who spoke words of praise for that great state. Some,
he said, were born great, and some were born in Ohio.
“On our arrival at Charleston,” says a guest, “a com-
mittee of Confederate and Union veterans received
us and escorted us in carriages to the Hotel Peyton.
After having about an hour to ourselves, there was a
general reception in the parlors of the hotel, partici-
pated in by all the better element of the city ; and there
was about an hour spent in general good-fellowship,
passing introductions, pleasant compliments, etc.
“About eight o’clock, the committee of Confederate
Veterans took possession of Col. Knauss, Judge Pugh,
and those who accompanied them from Ohio, and es-
corted them to the fine large banquet-hall of the hotel,
where there was an hour or two spent in partaking of
refreshments, which, for quality, quantity, and variety,
could not be excelled.
“Col. Green, toast-master, commenced his duties at
about 10:30 p.m.; and speech-making continued long
and interesting, until 3 o’clock. Like all other good
things, this had to come to an end. Sunday morning
the guests were specially invited to the Kanawha Pres-
byterian Church, where they heard an excellent ser-
mon from the pastor, Dr. David Winters.
“After dinner they were escorted about the city and
public buildings, state-house, etc. The evening was
spent at the hotel, with many of the Confederate Vet-
erans and friends. We left Charleston at six o’clock,
a.m., Monday, feeling that we had never met a more
pleasant, generous people.”
In this connection, a note from Col. Knauss, dated
March 16, ’98, is recalled, in which he states: “You see
I am not letting our cemetery interest lag. Through
the influence of Senator Foraker, the department at
Washington has ordered the quartermaster of the bar-
racks at this point to have estimates made for the cost
of fixing up the stone wall, and the quartermaster has
promised me that, if he can get the orders, he will have
it done before June 4.”
One of the most interesting articles of record is that
of Col. George Wythe Baylor in the December Vet-
eran concerning Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston at Shi-
loh. Since then some interesting data concerning Col.
Baylor and his family have been procured. If Col. Tom
Ochiltree could take them and “fresco the dome of
truth,” the narrative would be all the more interesting.
Col. Baylor is of a military family. A brother of his
grandfather, Col. George Baylor, was senior aid to
Gen. Washington, and gave his fortune and his life to
the cause of American liberty; while his grandfather,
at the age of seventeen, carried the colors of a squad-
ron of horse at Germantown, and was crippled for life
there. Our Comrade Baylor was born at a govern-
ment fort — Fort Gibson, Ind. Ter. — while his father
was a member of the Seventh U. S. Infantry. When a
lad of thirteen he landed in Texas, and went to school
at the Baylor University, in Independence. Since then
he has lived in various parts of Texas.
He was captain of a scouting company, and tried to
get at the Fort Sill Comanches, “who were robbing
and murdering almost daily our defenseless frontiers-
men and their families,” until just before he enlisted,
March 17, 1861, and was chosen first lieutenant in
Capt. Hamner’s company (John S. Ford, colonel), with
his brother, John R. Baylor, lieutenant-colonel (after-
ward a brigadier-general), and Edward Waller, major
of the Second Texas Cavalry.
It is a coincidence that their first fight was against
the regiment formerly commanded by their father, the
Seventh U. S. Infantry. Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston
reached Mesilla about this time, and selected Lieut. G.
W. Baylor for a position on his staff. He joined the
General on the way from Columbus, Ky., to Bowling
Green, and was appointed senior aid.
Col. Baylor reports a painful recollection of riding
from Nashville to Richmond, in Bedford County, the
night that Fort Donelson fell.
After Gen. Johnston’s death Col. Baylor accepted a
position on Gen. Beauregard’s staff. President Davis
soon after promoted him to lieutenant-colonel, and au-
thorized him to organize a battalion, and subsequently
a regiment.
Col. Baylor went to Louisiana when Gen. Green was
defeated at Camp Bisland, and was ordered to the front
as senior colonel in Gen. J. P. Major’s Brigade, and,
upon the latter’s promotion at Mansfield he was put
in command of Lane’s Brigade, Gen. Walter P. Lane
having been wounded in that battle. The brigade was
called Bavlor’s Brigade, against Col. Baylor’s protest,
Confederate Veterans
as Gen. Lane was in the same company with Baylor’s
brother, Walker, at San Jacinto, and he said it seemed
a poor way to reward so gallant a soldier as Gen. Lane
by changing the name of his brigade as soon as he was
wounded. The brigade consisted of Baylor’s, Crump’s,
Miller’s, and Madison’s Regiments, and Col. Baylor
commanded it until some time after the unfortunate
fight at Yellow Bayou.
On returning to Texas his regiment was dismounted,
greatly to the disgust of himself and men, as they were
among the oldest of the cavalry commands. Changes
here led to the unfortunate difficulty between him and
Gen. John A. Wharton, in which the latter was killed.
Col. Baylor was recommended for brigadier-general
by Gens. Kirby Smith, Magruder, John G. Walker,
and others, and started to Richmond, but returned after
reaching Shreveport, where he met Gen. Wharton.
In a personal letter, soon after Judge Wharton’s
sketch of Gen. Wharton appeared in the Veteran,
Col. Baylor stated: “Judge Wharton’s article leaves
the impression that a friend had taken Gen. Wharton’s
life. We should have been friends, as our families
were related by marriage, Maj. E. C. Wharton, of New
Orleans, being my nephew; and my wife’s family, the
Sydnors, of Galveston, were intimate friends of his
wife and mother. But the difficulty was one of those
sudden, unfortunate things that seem determined by
fate. I will only say that he came into Gen. Magru-
der’s private room after we had had a difficulty on the
street, and struck me in the face and called me a liar.
He ought to have known I would resent it at once, for
he had seen me in battle. The whole thing lias been a
lifelong sorrow to me. In justice to my children I in-
tend to give an account of the unfortunate difficulty.
Gen. Joseph Harrison, the only person present, was
deaf, and heard nothing:.”
The Commander of U. C. V. Camp, Washington
City, Col. Fleming, has had a career of extraordinary
interest, lie was born in Goochland County, Va.,
January 15, 1842; was the son of John Malcolm Flem-
ing, of Aberdeen, a descendant of Sir Malcolm Flem-
ing, of the historic families of renown in Scotland, and
a relative of Col. William Fleming, the hero of the bat-
tle of Point Pleasants, fought in September, 1774. It
is said that all of the Flemings in the United States
sprang from that ancestry. That name is well known
and distinguished in the rolls of the Revolutionary war,
and in civil service it is distinguished as well.
Col. Fleming’s mother was of the old Robertson
family of Virginia, eminent in history.
He enlisted in the Richmond Fayette Artillery April
25, 1861. This gallant old battery, which was so re-
nowned during the war, was organized in the city of
Richmond, Va , May 29, 1824, and, in compliment to
the Marquis de La Fayette, who was then on a visit to
the city of Richmond, was named after him. Gen. La
Fayette presented the company with two brass six-
pounders, brought by him to this country during the
Revolutionary war. Enlisting as a private, Comrade
Fleming was promoted to corporal, sergeant, sergeant-
major on the battle-field at Suffolk, Va., and again pro-
moted to lieutenant on the battle-field of Cold Harbor,
Vn.. June 3, 1864, for gallant and meritorious con-
duct, and in August, 1864, was detailed to command
Bogg’s Battalion of four companies of artillery. Upon
the death of Gen. Gracie, of Alabama, commanding the
brigade to which Bogg’s Battalion was attached, he re-
turned to his old battery (Fayette Artillery), and
served to the close of the war.
Comrade C. C. Ivey, Secretary of the camp in Wash-
ington, who furnished all the data for this article,
enumerated the thirty battles Col. Fleming was in, from
April 19. 1801. to April 9, 1865. The report of these
battles concluded as follows: “He commanded a sec-
tion of artillery m ( reneral Walker’s Division, Gordon’s
Corps, composing the ivar-guard of Gen. Lee’s armv
during the retreat from Petersburg to Appomattox
Court-1 louse. He was selected by Gen. Lee to com-
mand ‘Forlorn Hope’ and to bring up the rear of the
army after the battle of Sailor’s Creek, Va., and to re-
tard the progress of Gen. Grant’s advance, in order that
Gen. Lee might have time to cross his army over the
‘High Bridge.’ This duty was performed iii the most
conscientious and gallant manner, to the entire satis-
faction of Gen. Lee. His battery, being cut off by Gen.
Sherman’s troops from the main army, forced its way
through to Lynchburg, Va., where the guns were
spiked and the carriages and caissons destroyed. The
battery disbanded after the surrender of Gen! Lee.”
Returning home, he surrendered at Richmond, Va.,
April 18, 1865, and was paroled.
E. H. Chamberlayne, in his “History of the Fayette
Artillery,” states: “His many noble, grand exploits are
well known to his superior officers, as well as to the
brave men of his battery. One of his brilliant acts
performed during the war was the capture of Lieut.-
Col. T. F. F’ellows (Seventeenth Massachusetts Volun-
teers), his adjutant, and orderly, while riding at the
head of an improvised picket. This capture was
made by Lieut. Fleming single-handed, he being some
distance in advance. Gen. Pickett presented Lieut.
Confederate Veterans
Fleming with Col. Fellows’ horse, its equipage, and his
pistol and sword.”
In the attack on Suffolk, Va., in 1863, a company of
infantry, deployed as skirmishers, fell back in disorder,
when Col. Armistead, commanding the regiment, Pick-
ett’s Division, ordered Serg. Fleming, who was mount-
ed and riding near him, to rally and reform them, and
lead them forward to the attack, which he did in a
most gallant manner, under fire of both infantry and
artillery, leading the company within easy range of the
fort. For this act he was complimented. in orders is-
sued by Col. Armistead, who afterward commanded
the brigade and was killed in Gen. Pickett’s charge at
At the close of the war Col. Fleming commenced
business in Richmond, Va., as an architect and builder,
and at one time was assistant engineer of the city.
Early in 1867 he located in Washington, D. C,
where he started a new era in building, and in a few
years rose to the front rank in his profession. In 1870
he entered the District National Guard as paymaster,
and was afterward elected captain of Company D, First
Regiment, then promoted to lieutenant-colonel, after-
ward colonel, and for over three years was the senior
officer commanding the First Brigade, N. G. D. C.
In 1872 he was elected a member of the Legislature
for the then territorial form of government for the Dis-
trict of Columbia; was also elected delegate to the Cin-
cinnati convention, which nominated Horace Greeley
for President of the United States.
At the dedication of the Luther Memorial Church,
Fourteenth and N Streets, N. W., February 12, 1875,
he purchased and dedicated a memorial pew to the
memory of Gen. Robert E. Lee.
In May, 1886, at a banquet in Washington, he enter-
tained the R. E. Lee Camp No. 1, C. V., of Richmond,
Va., one hundred and twenty-five strong, together with
a number of prominent business men and officials, as
his invited guests. They were returning from the re-
union at Baltimore, Md. On that occasion he made
an appointment with President Cleveland, and intro-
duced each member of the camp to him at the White
House. This was the first body of Confederate Vet-
erans to march up Pennsylvania Avenue, as an organi-
zation, after the close of the war. –
He assisted Lee Camp in organizing, and solicited
donations and subscriptions to its fair, held at Rich-
mond, Va., for the purchase of a soldiers’ home. He
gave them the first donation ; and afterward, on visiting
the home and finding the accommodations insufficient
for the old soldiers, he generously donated a sufficient
amount to remodel and to build an additional story to
the main building, which now bears his name. Upon
the completion of this building, Gov. Fitzhugh Lee, in
the formal acceptance of the keys of the same, thanked
Col. Fleming in behalf of the inmates of Lee Camp, Va.,
and the Southern people, and stated that, “while it had
been an honored custom to strew flowers on the graves
of our dead, here was a living soldier who had made a
magnificent gift to his living comrades, which would
never be forgotten.”
Gen. John R. Cooke, First Vice-President of the Lee
Camp Soldiers’ Home, wrote to Col. Fleming: “It will
be our care to keep in remembrance your generous
act, and, as one means to this end, so long as the
house you have added to and embellished shall continue
to shelter a single one of our old comrades your name
will be kept displayed on its front. We all rejoice that
you have been blessed with the means to give.”
He was also presented with the golden badge of
honor by Lee Camp, of which he is a member, for sol-
dierly and knightly qualities.
On October 27, 1886, Col. Fleming was married at
Washington, D. C., to Miss Bell Vedder, daughter of
Col. Nicholas Vedder, U. S. Army, who was Gen.
Sherman’s chief paymaster. They have two children:
India Bell and Robert Vedder Fleming.
Col. Fleming has become eminent as an architect in
the national capital. He is an active member of high
degree in Freemasonry, Odd-Fellowship, and Knights
of Pythias. In his active and useful life his comrades
take pride, but especially and above all else for his man-
ly zeal to do them and their dead comrades honor, of
which they are most worthy. Since his connection
with the U. C. V. Camp in Washington City much has
been accomplished, whereas before that there was man-
ifest timidity that threatened loss of much to the great
In the brief engagement that occurred in July of
1864 before the fortifications of Washington, when
Gen. Early attempted the capture of the national cap-
ital, seventeen Confederate soldiers were killed, and
buried in trenches where they fell. Nearly ten years
afterward these bodies were removed from their
shallow graves, into which dogs had dug their way,
and given Christian burial near Silver Spring. The
day was cold, but bright and clear, and the solemn
services of the dead were performed by Bishop Pinck-
ney, assisted by Dr. Buck, of Rock Creek Church; Dr.
Elliott, of Ascension Church, Washington; Dr. Anvill,
of Grace Church, where the services were performed;
and Dr. Williams, of Christ Church, Georgetown.
The following-named gentlemen acted as pall-bear-
ers: Col. Robert I. Fleming, of the District of Colum-
bia; Gen. P. M. B. Young and P. I. Cook, of Georgia;
H. W. Garnett, Dr. Young, Dr. Boyle, W. Harmon,
J. W. Drew, Col. L. Q. C. Lamar, William Stone,
George T. Howard, and Col. A. Herbert.
After the ceremonies were ended, Dr. A. Y. P. Gar-
nett, who had been selected as the orator of the occa-
sion, delivered the address, and Bishop Pinckney read
a poem. The Bishop sang in sweet numbers the lofty
virtues of the Confederate leaders — now no more —
while Dr. Garnett strove to prove that the South was
not only conscientious in its resistance to coercion, but,
looked at from a constitutional point at the time of the
struggle, was in the right.
On November 14, 1896, nearly twenty-two years
after the burial of these seventeen Confederate dead, a
monument erected over them by the Confederate
camps of Washington, D. C, and Rockville, Md., was
unveiled, with solemn and inspiring ceremonies, under
the auspices of the two camps.
W. A. Montgomery writes that the camp at Ed-
wards, Miss., lost five members during the yellow fever
epidemic there — namely, R. H. Noblin, C. H. Noblin,
Capt. S. J. Birdsong, John L. Slocomb, Robert Fair.
Confederate Veterans
Mrs. Lizzie Pollard, President of the above-named
Association, writes from Fayetteville, Ark.:
The Southern Memorial Association requests you to
publish in the Veteran the names of soldiers buried in
the Confederate Cemetery at this place. We made
careful effort, in the “gathering of our sacred dead,” to
preserve every clue by which, in future, friends might
be able to locate the graves of their loved ones.
This cemetery, of about three acres, is beautifully lo-
cated, just east of our little city, surrounded by a sub-
stantial stone wall, and holds within its depths the ashes
of eight or nine hundred Confederate soldiers. The
faithful and unremitting labor of the Southern Memo-
rial Association, of Washington County, Ark., has
achieved this result. It was organized June 10, 1872,
with the purpose to collect the Confederate dead scat-
tered over this and adjoining counties into a suitable
place and care for their graves. We have our dead
here from the battle-fields of Pea Ridge, Prairie Grove,
from hospitals, from skirmish-ground, from road-side
and fence-corner — just where they laid their burdens
Buried here are the remains of Gen. W. Y. Slack, of
Missouri, and a few other commissioned officers. The
others arc the “rank and file” — the men who bore not
title to the battle front. The fortunes of war left for
our care men from Missouri, Texas, Louisiana, Ar-
kansas, and the Indian Territory. We have brought
them together, devoting a section in our cemetery to
each state, and we have given them alike our care, our
tears, and our flowers. On the 10th of June, 1897,
the twenty-fifth anniversary of our organization, we
unveiled a handsome granite monument, dedicated to
the memory of the heroes we had given burial. The
monument is beautiful in design and perfect in execu-
tion. It bears this inscription: “These were men
whom power could not corrupt, whom death could not
terrify, whom defeat could not dishonor.”
All this has cost us many thousand dollars. Much
of this money, most of it. is the fruit of actual labor;
all of it the offspring of steady and fixed purpose, of
faithful and unwavering energy, of true and unfalter-
ing love for the memory of the heroes of the “Lost
< !ause.” We have annually called together friends
and comrades and paid fitting tribute to our dead.
This custom we will endeavor to leave as a sacred her-
itage to our children, to teach them that these were
men who, “true to the instincts of their birth, faithful
to the teachings of their fathers, died in the perform-
ance of their duty.” We make this tribute in loving
reverence to true courage and heroism — a tribute to
the valor of men who knew how to fight, who knew
how to die for principle. June 10, 1898, will be the
twenty-sixth anniversary of our organization. We
would be glad to know if there is another organization
of the kind in the South that antedates us. We are
duly incorporated, and hold our property in our own
J. H. D (died November^ 1861), T. Whitset, E.
F. Stevens (Moses’ Cavalry), Crockett
Barton, Thomas Burton, Gage,
– Hurd, B. Neuman, Lieut. J. C. McCoy, John W.
Gordon, Wadkins, Richard S. Dean, Starville,
Collins (comrade of R. S. Dean), Alexander
(Henderson County), McAvoy, Isom, CapL
Lieut. Pawley, Mack Keefe’s Company; Pull-
man. Stand Watie’s Regiment; Moulder, Fort
Smith; Thomas Perkins, Washington County;
M. Ilobbs, G
Confederate Veterans
Prewitt; William Harrison; Alex Campbell, Cane Hill;
Barnett, Clear Creek; Thomas Turner; Dock
Lewis, Cove Creek; William Rude, Elm Springs;
George Edwards, Tuck Smith’s company; • Will-
iams; Pope, Benton County; J. T. T , Hemp-
stead County; Humphrey Enyart, Washington Coun-
ty; Lewis C. Snider, Hill’s Regiment; Jeremiah Nar-
rod, Hill’s Regiment; J. F. Copeland, Sevier County;
T. J. Reynolds; W. H. Walker, Washington County;
Benjamin Butler, Van Buren County; James A. Pat-
ten; Jackson Greenwood, Lawrence County; Hiram
Thornsburg, Brook’s Regiment; Lewis Robbins,
Washington County; William White, Longview, Ash-
ley County; William Benjamin Ragsdale, Fayetteville;
James Blake, Benton County; R. C. Hutchenson;
Black; John Sharp, Cane Hill.
Lieut. Bliss, engineering corps; J. M. ; N. A.
Richardson; Rube Yates; Capt. Jack Cooper, Ch. 9,
M. V.; Grundy Hawkins; M. Parsons, Company G,
Thompson’s Regiment, Shelby’s Brigade; Thomas
Pane; W. Allen; Lieut. Pane; McGee; Wil-
son, Marshallcrest Fan; William Butler; Albert Sum-
mers; Isaac Martin, Price’s command; N. O. Martin;
J. Wiston, Missouri State Guards; A. N. Hull; Sarn
Polk; J. W. Dunaway; P. H. Clark, Roser’s Regiment;
Tames Robbet, Macon County; H. J. Thorp, State
Guard; J. J. Stephens; Bridges; R. F. Porter,
Campbell’s Company; R. J. Vaughan, Frost’s Regi-
ment; T. H. Miller; William Jobe, California, Mo.;
Capt. D. Martin, Shelby’s Brigade; Charles A. Parker,
Henry County, Mo.; R. E. Lansford, Campbell’s com-
pany; B. F. Lansford, Campbell’s company; Dallas C.
Payne; William Barton, Piatt County; Wilson;
Joseph Snoddy, Howard County; Andrew Green
Smith, Pleasant Hill; Bales Shumate, J. Nowland,
Jesse Brakefield, William Balance, Allen Barnett,
John A. Clark, Charley Clark, William Barnett, Willis
‘Northcut ; Lieut. Burgett, Clark’s Battery; Tames L.
Owen, John H. Ball, W. A. Smith, J. W. Wells, Brucie
Ball, Frank A. Taylor, Dock Downing, R. Bibb, A.
Conroy, Joseph Wells, William Wells, H. C. Young,
Silas C. Howard, Warren Moore, R. C. Beanlan,
George B. Warner, Elijah Stenton, James Gash, Hen-
ry Luckett, James Barnes, John Blackstone; Abjah
James, Piatt County.
Col. W. H. Knauss, of Columbus, O., sends the
following list of Confederate dead buried in the Con-
federate Cemetery at Johnson’s Island, near Sandus-
Col. J. E. Cruggs, Eighty-Fifth Virginia; Capt. C.
M. Tuggle, Thirty-Fifth Georgia Infantry; Capt. A. E.
Upchurch, Fifty-Fifth North Carolina Infantry; Sec-
ond Lieut. J. P. Peden, Hamilton’s Battery; Lieut.-
Col. Joel Barnett, Ninth Battalion Louisiana Cavalry;
Lieut. W. J. Hudson, Second North Carolina Infantry;
Capt. D. C. Webb, First Alabama Cavalry; Lieut. J.
W. Nullins, First Mississippi Infantry; Lieut. W. E.
Hansin, First Georgia Infantry; Capt. H. D. Steven-
son, Fifteenth Arkansas Infantry; Lieut. R. D. Copass,
Sixth Tennessee Infantry; J. D. Cassaway; C. B. Jack-
son, guerrilla, Va.; Lieut. J. F. Huffstettier, First Bat-
talion Arkansas Infantry; Lieut. L. B. Williams, Six-
ty-Third North Carolina Infantry; Lieut. W. P. Har-
din, Fifth North Carolina Infantry; Lieut. J. M. Dot-
son, Tenth Tennessee Cavalry; D. D. Kellar, Second
Tennessee Cavalry; S. G. Jetter, Thirty-First Alabama
Infantry; Capt. C. W. Gillespie, Sixtv-Sixth North
Carolina Cavalry; B. Anderson, Mo. S. C.; W. W. (M.
W.) Veasey, Tenth Kentucky Cavalry; Capt. J. W.
Gregory, Ninth Virginia Infantry; Peter Cole, Sixtieth
Virginia Infantry; William (or W. J.) Johnson, Poin-
dexter’s Missouri Cavalry; E. L. Moore; Daniel (or
John) Herrin, Poindexter’s Missouri Cavalry; Lieut.
J. W. Collier, Tenth Kentucky Infantry; Capt. John
M. Kean, Twelfth Louisiana Battalion of Artillery; S.
W. McWhirter, captain Third Mississippi Infantry;
John Dow, Pulaski, O.; R. (or J. B.) Hodges, Mem-
phis, Tenn.; Lieut. E. Gibson, Eleventh Arkansas In-
fantry; D. Christian, One Hundred and Twenty-
Eighth Virginia; T. Raisins (or Rains), Forty-Sixch
Virginia; Col. Samuel Fox; J. Asbury (or Ashby),
Kentucky; J. (or M.) Reeves, First Georgia Cavalry;
J. A. McBride, lieutenant (?) Sixtieth Tennessee In-
fantry; First Lieut. S. R. Graham, Third Texas Caval-
ry; Capt. S. W. Henry, Nineteenth Tennessee Cavalry;
Lieut. E. M. Orr, Sixty-Second North Carolina In-
fantry; Capt. Mark Bacon, Sixtieth Tennessee Infant-
ry; Capt. J. B. Hardy, Fifteenth Arkansas; Hugh Cab-
bie (or Gabble), Fifth Kentucky; Lieut. J. B. Cash (or
Gash), Sixty-Second North Carolina Infantry; Capt. J.
W. Johnson, Green’s R. Mo. S. G.’s; Capt. J. N. D.
King, Ninth Georgia Infantry; M. R. Handy, Hop-
kins County, Ky.; E. Morrison, Eighth Alabama In-
fantry; Col. Charles H. Matlock, Fourth Mississippi;
M. W. Davis, Thirty-Fifth Mississippi Infantry; Lieut.
W. N. Swift, Thirty-Fourth Georgia Infantry; Lieut.
A. Kelly, Tenth Arkansas Infantry; J. D. Canaway,
Sixteenth Virginia Cavalry; Capt. J. Middlebrooks.
Fortieth Georgia Infantry; Capt. J. B. Hazzard,
Twenty-Fourth Alabama Infantry; Capt. J. P. Vaun,
Bell’s Regiment Arkansas Infantry; Lieut. D. H. Mc-
Kay, Forty-Sixth Alabama Infantry; Capt. James R.
Jackson, Thirty-Eighth Alabama Infantry; Lieut. H.
B. Dawson, Seventeenth Georgia Infantry; Lieut. D.
D. Johnson, Forty-Eighth Tennessee Infantry; Capt.
J. B. Hardy, Fifth Arkansas Infantry; Lieut, W. T.
Skidmore, Fourth Alabama Infantry; Capt. M. D.
Armfield, Eleventh North Carolina Infantry; Capt. F.
(or G.) W. Lewis, Ninth Battalion Louisiana Cavalry;
Lieut. J. N. Williams, Sixth Mississippi Infantry;
Lieut. J. T. Ligon, Fifty-Third Virginia Infantry;
Lieut. F. G. W. Coleman, Seventh Mississippi Artil-
lery; Lieut. J. E. Threadgill, Twelfth Arkansas Infant-
ry; Capt. J. G. Shuler, Fifth Florida Infantry; Lieut.
B. J. Blount, Fifty-Fifth North Carolina Infantry;
Lieut. J. D. Arrington, Thirty-Second North Carolina
Infantry; Joseph (or James) Lowshe, Eighteenth Mis-
sissippi Cavalry; John (or James) C. Holt, Sixty-First
Tennessee; Samuel Chormley, Blount County, Tenn.:
Lieut. J. W. Moore, Twenty-Fifth Alabama Infantry;
Second Lieut. D. L. Scott, Third Missouri Cavalry;
Lieut. William Peal, Eleventh Mississippi; Lieut. J. T.
Land, Twenty-Fourth Georgia Infantry; Capt. N. T.
Barnes, Tenth Confederate Cavalry; Lieut. John F.
McElroy, Twenty-Fourth Georgia Infantry; Lieut. J.
Q. High, First Arkansas Battalion of Infantry; Lieut.
J. C. (or J. P.) Long, Sixty-Second North Carolina In-
Confederate Veterans
fantry; Lieut. R. C. (or B. J.) Harp, Twenty-Fifth
Tennessee; Lieut. W. S. Norwood, Sixth ScAith Caro-
lina Infantry; Second Lieut. R. C. K. Weeks, Fourth
Florida Infantry; Capt. S. P. Sullins, First Alabama
Infantry; Capt. P. J. Rabenan, Fifth Alabama (or
Louisiana) Infantry; R. H. Sisk, citizen; Capt. F. F.
Cooper, Fifty-Second Georgia Infantry; Adj. W. E.
Watson, First Tennessee Infantry; Albert F. (or A. J.)
Frazier, Fifteenth Mississippi (or Second Kentucky);
Lieut. W. E. Killem, Forty-Fifth Virginia Infantry;
F. T. (or F.) Coppege, Tennessee Infantry; J. L. Dun-
gan (or Duncan), Twenty-Second Virginia; Second
Lieut. S. T. Moore, King’s Regiment Alabama In-
fantry; John J. Gobeau (or Gobo), lieutenant Tenth
Mississippi Infantry; Lieut. W. A. Stephens, Forty-
Sixth Alabama Infantry; Capt. T. J. Loris (or Lewis),
Third Virginia Infantry; Lieut. John W. Hill, Ninth
(or Nineteenth) Virginia Infantry; Col. James B.
Campbell, Twenty-Seventh Mississippi Infantry;
Lieut. John Welch, Fortieth Virginia Infantry; Capt.
S. V. (or J. E.) Hamilton, Second Choctaw Cavalry;
Lieut. G. W. (or E. W.) Swink, Eighth Virginia In-
fantry; Capt. A. B. Archibald, Eighth Confederate
Cavalry; Lieut. J. Dean, citizen of Tennessee; Lieut.
C. B. (or C. E.) Nash, Thirtieth Mississippi Infantry;
Lieut. Francis Baya, Second Florida Infantry; Lieut.
F. (or T. J.) Alexander. Fourth Alabama Battalion;
Capt. M. C. Peel, Eighth Arkansas Infantry; First
Lieutenant R. C. Love, First Mississippi Artillery :
Capt. P. Nichols (or Nicholas), Eleventh Battalion of
North Carolina Infantry: Lieut. R. P. Rolling (or
Rowling), Sixth Georgia Cavalry: Lieut. J. B. Wood,
Tentli C. S. Cavalry; Lieut. B. F. Lock, Fourth Ar-
kansas; Lieut. P. W. Lane. Twenty-Third Arkansas
Infantry; Capt. Joshua Bisell (or Mizell), Eighth Flor-
ida Infantry; Lieut. S. H. Pankey. Forty-Ninth Ala-
bama Infantry; Surgeon John J. Nickell. Second Ken-
tucky Mounted Rifles; Capt. lames E. Webb, Eighth
Arkansas; Lieut. Willis Randall. Fifty- Second North
Carolina Infantry; Second Lieut. W. E. Phillips.
Fourth Alabama Cavalry; Lieut. E. B. Holt. Lexing-
ton. N. C. : Capt. W. J. Porter. Sixty-First Alabama In-
fantry; Lieut. Peter Mackin (or Mankind. Sixteenth
Mississippi Infantry; First Lieut. J. M. llenkcn.
Twelfth South Carolina Infantry; Maj. J. \. Lash,
Fourth Florida Infantry; Lieut. John F. Brigham,
fourteenth Tennessee: Capt. W. W. Wynn (or W. H.
Winn – !. Sixty-Fourth Virginia Infantry: Lieut. H.
Wilkinson, Ninth Virginia Infantry; Capt. W. I Mil-
ton (or Hilton), Twenty-Third North Carolina Infant-
ry; Capt. J. W. Day, Fifty-Fifth Georgia Infantry;
Lieut, for Capt.) B. B. Starnes, Ninth Alabama Cav-
alry; Lieut. E. N. Puckett, Twelfth Arkansas Infantry;
Lieut. J. W. Jacques, Twenty-Fourth Tennessee;
ond Lieut. J. W. McRae. Sixty-Seventh Georgia;
Lieut. W. P. Norton, Twenty-Second North Carolina
Infantry: Lieut. Henderson H. Cresswell, Freeman’s
Regiment: T. Coulter, citizen of Tennessee: Lieut.
Thomas Puffin. Fourth North Carolina Cavalry: Lieut.
C B. Morris. Ninth Alabama Infantry; Third Lieut. J.
Miller. Williams’ Arkansas Cavalry; Second Lieut.
Robert Gamble. Ninth Alabama Infantry; Lieut. P. T.
Noland. English’s Mississippi Battalion: Capt. J, M.
Hill. Dobbins’ Arkansas Cavalry; M. C. Reidv (or
Reading), Eleventh Kentucky Cavalry; Lieut. W. II.
Michael. Fifty-Ninth Virginia Infantry: Second Lieut.
A. G. Pitt, Twentieth Tennessee Infantry; Adjt. J. L.
Hood, Fifty-Ninth Virginia Infantry; and forty-nine
Confederate soldiers’ graves marked “Unknown.”
W. H. Lastinger writes from Waco, Tex., that
among the dead Confederate prisoners buried at Camp
Chase, Ohio, published in the January \ ETERAN, is
“W. H. Leatinger,” Twenty-Ninth Georgia Regiment,
of which he was a member. Knowing nothing of the
name “Leatinger,” Mr. Lastinger supposes it was in-
tended for himself. He is glad to report that he is
“still on the top side of terra firma, and in the enjoy-
ment of good health. Mr. Lastinger continues: “Un-
til I read the January Veteran I knew not where lay
G. W. Bonds. William Hodge, R. McKinney, John
T. Sirmons. Elihu II. Tygart, and William Anderson.
orderly sergeant — all members, as was I, of Company
G, and, as appears from the honor-roll, buried at
Camp Chase. The invocations of thousands of Con-
federates will go up to Almighty Cod in behalf of Col.
Knauss. who has done so much to preserve the mem-
ory of our departed comrades. The name of John T.
Sirmons recalls to memory the fact that during the
campaign of 1864, and before his capture in front of
Atlanta, he marched and fought for weeks without
pants, except the waistband and pockets. In all prob-
ability lie was captured in that condition.”
Mr. Lastinger, referring to typographical errors,
states that “S. S.” Smith was evidently “Levi T.”
Smith, a member of Company G.
The comrade makes this remarkable statement: “I
can call the roll of Company <! by heart, having com-
mitted it to memory from hearing it called so often by
Serg. Anderson; and T remember the face of every
member of the company, which numbered one hun-
dred and twelve when the campaign opened at Dal-
ton, in 1864. Our numbei atly reduced when
we i> ached Jonesboro, August 31. In that battle there
were only thirty to enter, and we lost ten of them.
I ( arroll, Henfy Stokes, and J. M. J. Mc-
Cranie were killed, and 11. II. Knight. M. D. Knight,
ch, John W. Peeples, and Aaron Moon
wounded. Two of these, Peeples ,and M. D.
Knight, have died since the war.
A. J. Reynold- (Company \. Tenth Kentucky Cav-
alry), Welaka, Fla.; “In the Qtica Globe of August,
1X07. 1 saw an article about Capt. lake Benner saving
his sergeanl in a raid on a wagon-train on the Mur-
boro and Lebanon turnpike while we were camped
at the forks of the pike, near Liberty, Tenn. As T was
the sergeanl that Capt. Bennett saved, this article
brings him back fresh to my memory, and. not having*
heard from him in twenty-five years, 1 write to ask if
any old soldier knows his whereabouts or ending.”
H. L. Parker died at Bryan. Tex., in October, 1S07.
He was born November jo. 1833. In the great war he
served as a member of Company C, Nineteenth Ar-
kansas Regiment, and was with it when it surrendered
as part of Churchill’s Brigade, at Arkansas Post.
After being exchanged he was with the Army of Ten-
nessee, Govan’s Brigade, Cleburne’s Division Corps.
Mr. Parker married a niece of Gen. Ben McCullough.
Confederate Veterans
Notable Events of the Civil War.
Reaching the navy-yard at Yazoo City late on the
15th, we found a telegram from Commodore Lynch
ordering a large number of officers with men to report
for duty at Jackson. We made the trip via Vaughan’s
Station, arriving and reporting to the senior officer in
person. I was sent on the iSth from Jackson with a
detachment of recruits for the “Arkansas,” at Vicks-
burg. This trip brought me officially aboard that vic-
torious ironclad, now truly the queen of the Missis-
sippi, and the trip was a joyous one for a subaltern. I
reached her on the 19th, four days after her achieve-
ment. There is still a happy recollection of the young
and the old lieutenants of the ”Arkansas,” and even
now I see them all “just as young as they used to be.”
Lieut. Barbot genially walked me below to the famous
deck and detailed his comrades’ work while giving his
experience. The deck at this time was thronged with
patriotic visitors, all anxious to see and hear about the
famous boat. The dents by the ports of the (old-time)
larboard broadside battery were proudly verified by the
Lieutenant. I saw several visitors actually looking
upon this veteran as a very plain-appearing gentleman,
but not up to their ideal of a dashing naval hero. He
made no covert criticism of his brother officers’ deeds
■ while praising them, and he felt that, being enrolled in
the book of fame, with date of July 15, 1862, he stood
in no need of manufactured laurels. Before my de-
parture I had the pleasure of shaking the hand and
congratulating the executive officer, Henry K. Ste-
vens, and as I turned on up the hill I saw him in active
consultation with his officers, all on the alert.
I reported at Jackson the acceptance of the detach-
ment making up the full- complement of the “Arkan-
sas.” Of course we must remain at Jackson until the
departure of the “Arkansas” for Baton Rouge, 4th of
August, being held in readiness by the commodore,
subject to the call of Gen. Breckinridge, against that
city, and I then returned to Yazoo City, and within
three days was aboard the “St. Mary” patrolling the
river. Lieut. Shepperd’s “Mobile” was placed on the
stocks for ironcladding. We made Greenwood, one
hundred and sixty miles north, at the junction of the
Tallahatchie and Yallabusha. A fort was shortly to
be located at this junction, to bear the name of Gen.
Pemberton, a compliment justly won.
Our Confederate right was a series of batteries or
forts twenty-three miles from the Mississippi on the
Yazoo, at the first bluff, called Haines Bluff; our left,
the fortified city of Vicksburg, and our line connecting
these was nearly fourteen miles in extent, and was a
natural fortification, strengthened by a year’s labor of
thousands of negroes, directed by the finest engineer-
ing talent of the Confederacy.
On the 1 2th of December the Federal flag-ship
“Benton” left the main fleet in the Mississippi, taking
with her the heavy “Cairo,” the “Pittsburg,” and the
light-draft “Signal” and “Marmora.” The last two
had just returned from a reconnaissance, reporting the
presence of both torpedoes and obstructions in the
Yazoo. They now returned to the scene of these ob-
structions, supported by the ram “Queen of the West,”
and followed by the heavier vessels. The “Marmora”
now moved slowly ahead, and the ” Cairo” followed, to
the objective point, which proved to be torpedoes. The
” Cairo” was struck by two explosions — one under her
bow, the other under her stern. So fierce was the first
explosion that her guns were lifted from the deck.
Commander Selfridge now drove the “Cairo” into the
bank and secured her by hawsers, to prevent her slip-
ping off into deep water; but she filled, and in twelve
minutes sank in six fathoms, with only her chimney-
tops visible. This “Cairo” now becomes the “Lost
Pleiad” of the seven original sisters, the first lost of
the seven — “Cairo,” “Carondelet,” “Cincinnati,”
Louisville,” “Mound City,” “Pittsburg,” “St. Louis.”
These, led by the “Benton,” constituted the great
squadron of the” West. During this “business in the
deep waters” the batteries blazed from the bluffs,
Haines being the chief crowned height, and the “St.
Mary” joined with her shot and shell the musketry
from the rifle-pits. The fierce fire made it extremely
hazardous for boating-parties to venture out into the
stream. While the heroic city on the Mississippi was
the Gibraltar of the Confederacy, we regarded Haines
Bluff, aloft with its great guns and alow with its rifle-
pits, as Gib. No. 2.
The lighter Federal boats now showed signs of de-
moralization, their upper works having suffered se-
verely. The “Baron DeKalb” came out to their pro-
tection, and was compelled for some two hours to re-
main across current. She stood the fire from the
heights, over thirty direct shots striking her. This
was mv first active engagement, and I remember well.
Confederate Veterans
the curling clouds above the tree-tops of this heavily
timbered region. While having our share of the can-
nonading, our chief attention was fastened on the
“raft.” This obstruction of the river consisted of fine
cypress logs, lashed by large chains, with anchors at
the shores, with more than thirty anchors resting upon
the bed of the Yazoo. The cloud of smoke canopied
our enemy and ourselves. How it deepened, darken-
ing the heavens! and the fierce batteries from deck and
bluff blazoned this scene with stinging flashes of sheet-
The rains made the roads quagmires for the enemy’s
troops and batteries, and his retreat gave the “St.
Mary” a return to her patrolling. When we reached
the navy-yard Lieut. Shepperd had taken charge of
the heavy guns at the new fort, Pemberton, display ing
energy and efficiency in manning them, as well as in
felling the trees in the waters above the fort, in order
to prevent the descent of boats; and he blocked the
roads leading into Pemberton with abatis of the best-
approved construction. At this point the Tallahatchie
sweeps sharp to the east, and then returns, forming a
horseshoe bend of some thirteen miles in length, while
the neck of this peninsula is not more than a quarter
of a mile wide where the Yallabusha enters — or, more
exactly speaking, at the head of the Yazoo. Pember-
ton was built of earth and cotton. A deep slough was
in front, while the right (lank was barricaded by a raft
similar to that at Haines Bluff. Here I renewed ac-
quaintance with the famous steamer “Star of the
West,” on her ocean-built hull, and I went to see the
last of her when she was sunk at this fort, ending her
varied career from salt water to this quiet shade of
peaceful fresh water. On the right flank of the fort
and above the raft in the Tallahatchie the “Star” had a
satellite, the “John Walsh,” these vessels reposing
dose together. The famous Mississippi steamer, the
“Pargoud,” was sunk on the left flank, in the Yazoo
proper, near Beck’s Ferry. At this point I lost sight
of Lieut. Shepperd. He went to the Potomac from
the Yazoo, and bore a distinguished part in the closing
months of the war on James River.
Capt. Shepperd, on a chance raid in his “Fredericks-
burg” against the Federal “Onondaga.” on the James
Riwr, tickled Gen. Grant’s left flank and menaced his
base of supplies; for the Federal commander was now
swinging to the south of Richmond, early in 1865. In
his wrath he caused a retirement of Capt. Parker, of the
“Onondaga.” It is singular that this Capt. Pari
“resumed” his naval service, and that his brother was
at this time superintendent of the Confederate State’;
Naval School, aboard the “Patrick Hcnrv,” at Drurv’s
The “St. Marv” had a closer engagement with the
Federal fleet at the time of Gen. Sherman’s last attempt
to carry the Bluffs, which ended on the 2Qth of Decem-
ber. Our forces had early notice or advices as to the
Federal movement, and we discerned on the shores in
well-chosen ranges where large bodies of Confederate
troops were without tents or shelter, and for some time
without even fires built, which were avoided to prevent
‘ the vigilant enemy gaining idea of their plans of move-
ment. Heavv rain and freezing were endured nobly
and uncomplainingly, and the men were rewarded with
victory. Here on the Yazoo was revived the spirit of
Valley Forge, of Revolutionary fame. You remember
how the sentinels, under the watchful eye of Washing-
ton, made their rounds in the winter, crimsoning the
snow from their bleeding feet, but stood steadfast to
the end. In what respect, save the incident of snow,
does this spirit of 1862 differ from that of 1776? I
noted with a great deal of state pride, which was nat-
ural, that Haines Bluff was justly regarded by the
Federal forces as a perfect Gibraltar, and that Maj.
George Purvis, in command, was a Louisianian, and
had the Twenty-Second Louisiana Infantry in active
service, under Col. Edward Higgins.
The “Benton” (lieutenant-commander, Gwin) ap-
peared December 2″], and, with several gunboats, again
attacked the batteries of Haines Bluff. Over three
hundred and fifty feet in length, this huge vessel was a
bulwark for her minor consorts; but she was rather un-
wieldy, being liable to fly up head or broadside to the
wind, and for this reason she was made fast to the op-
posite shore. She was finely worked. Her com-
mander, aboard the “Tyler” at the battle of Pittsburg
Landing (Shiloh), had thrown his eight-inch shells all
night, crashing the branches of the woods which shel-
tered the Confederate forces, and, with the aid of the
“Lexington,” making one every fifteen minutes until
daybreak. The guns of the “St. Mary” had an excel-
lent vessel to train on, and, in conjunction with the
shore batteries and musketry, we made her suffer in re-
turn for her commander’s fierce work up the Tennes-
see River in the spring of 1862. The “St. Mary” took
more pleasure in contention with this splendid vessel
than with the gunboats and the torpedo-searchers,
leaving them to the attention of the sharpshooters.
Much of the time in the narrow bend of the Yazoo the
consorts of the “Benton” could not very well throw
shells without the risk of doing damage to her.
The “Benton” was handled well, despite the com-
bined energies of our forces ashore, and much of this
success was due to the active, fearless supervision of
Commander Gwin. While many plunging shots
1 HI “M. MARY.
passed through her decks, her bow casemates were ac-
tually shot-proof. But the exposure of the command-
er proved fatal. He stood outside the pilot-house or
casemate, deeming that to be his post of duty. A fiftv-
pound rifle-shell tore away the muscles of his right
arm and breast, but he lived two days. Acting lieu-
tenant, George P. Lord, who came on deck at the dis-
abling of his chief, was himself severely wounded. My
commander had seen the latter officer during his term
at the academy, and was much taken with his clever-
ness on this sudden succession to responsible duty.
Confederate Veterans
This attack upon the Yazoo defenses of Vicksburg
was repulsed, and the Federal fleet and troops with-
drew. While Lieut. Cenas served in conjunction with
our troops, he was livelily interested in the way Gen.
Smith ruled that all the regiments that served through
these days of the Sherman-Porter demonstrations were
alike entitled to bear upon their banners the blazon
“Vicksburg,” whether their victory was at Chickasaw
Bayou or at Haines Bluff; it was all in defense of the
heroic city. Said he: “It was Vicksburg that was be-
ing defended, a city already distinguished, and the
name of which will always be a proud one and univer-
sally known.” Gen. Pemberton ordered the blazonry
accordingly, and directed Gen. Stephen D. Lee, whose
brigade captured the four stands of colors on the 2gth
of December, to designate a staff-officer to carry it to
Richmond; and Maj. Donald C. Stith was chosen.
The pluck of the little “St. Mary” at the wings and
in the center of the Confederate line of battle was
warmly regarded by several old-time friends of Lieut.
Cenas, her commander. These gentlemen, both afloat
and in the army, many times before the war sang with
him, “The Army and Navy Forever!” and a num-
ber of them ordered from a jewelry firm of Yazoo City
a superb silver shield bearing the blazon “Vicksburg”
in gold letters, with scrollwork, for he had acted well
his part in the defense of the heroic city. I recall an ex-
pression in his response to the donors: “That’s what I
came up here to do: my level best.”
The withdrawal of the Federal invaders was indeed
precipitate. The Yazoo was now able to flow unvexed
toward the sea. Gen. Sherman’s army, “terrible with
banners,” was, indeed, a “rather numerous” traveler to
the “Arkansas,” and that to a pretty lively tune; while
the grand naval squadron of the West was no less for-
ward in backing down and out of the river. Details of
their joint expedition into the state of Arkansas came to
us from our scouts, who were active and vigilant, and
up to a few years ago I had preserved a large number of
signals and messages which we succeeded in taking
down on the fly, deciphering them direct from the hill-
tops and other stations.
Returning to the upper Yazoo region, the “St.
Mary” found her way into new waters, “side issues” of
this rich river. Many a dark night we found ourselves
cutting across “points,” but with our bearings lost.
Beating around in the darkness, we were often hailed
by families from the second-story windows of their
dwellings amid this dreary, oceanlike waste of waters.
Our “St. Mary” steamed through this overflowed re-
gion under war’s shadow, it is true, but when she ran
into a colony of crows she struck a heavier shadow,
that shade humorously called “mitigated mourning.”
Worse than their inky cloaks were their sharp, metallic
voices. Often were we startled at the wood-top cawing
of the crows “throughout the gloomy day.”
This Yazoo River had, in 185 1, a narrow escape from
immortality in song. In the year 1 of compromise,
Stephen C. Foster composed, at Pittsburg, “The Old
Folks at Home.” While composing this national mel-
ody he asked his brother to give him a name of a river,
just two syllables, to fit into the verses. The brother
said: “Yazoo.” “Yazoo won’t do,” replied Stephen.
Then the brothers ran their fingers down the map,
and in a moment of inspiration Stephen cried: “Swanee
River, down there in Florida — just the thing! ”
At the navy-yard I bade farewell to the “St. Mary,”
parting from my first commander when my resigna-
tion had been accepted at Richmond. Lieut. Cenas
went subsequently to the gunboat “Gaines,” at Mo-
bile, and I started for Port Hudson, with the view of
joining Fenner’s Louisiana Battery, stationed there.
Later, in the year 1863, on returning to the navy, I
found, on reaching this gunboat, that Lieut. Cenas had
been ordered to duty on the seaboard.
Mention was made aboard the “St. Mary,” in May,
1862, of the first striking view of this Hickey’s Land-
ing post-office, or Port Hudson — these points a mile
apart — as well as of Lieut. Cenas’ suggestion that this
country hereaway, either shore, from Red River down,
must of necessity become battle-grounds somewhere,
somehow. Red River, forty-five miles above, flows
through a rich cattle country, and here I was remind-
ed to look about me closely for material for that jour-
nal promised to Gen. T , who had made me his
vouchee. Brig.-Gen. W. N. R. Beall was in command
of Port Hudson when the works were built, employing
a vast number of slaves on both batteries along the
bluffs and the land defenses. Maj .-Gen. Franklin K.
Gardner had now been in command of Port Hudson
since December, with twenty-seven thousand men.
Gen. Beall held the left, Brig.-Gen. S. B. Maxey’s Bri-
gade the center, and Brig.-Gen. John Gregg the right,
extending from the river. Gen. Maxey’s Brigade was
composed of the Fourth and Thirtieth Louisiana, For-
ty-Second, Forty-Sixth, Forty-Eighth, Forty-Ninth,
and Fifty-Third Tennessee, and the Texas battalion of
sharpshooters, Fenner’s Louisiana and Roberts’ Mis-
sissippi Batteries. Shortly after this the Tenth Ar-
kansas and Watson’s Louisiana Battery were assigned
to the brigade.
The parapets of Port Hudson were indeed com-
manding, at sixty feet above the river and numbering
eighteen siege-guns; average thickness of these para-
pets was twenty feet; the ditch below them was all of
fifteen feet depth. I started in one afternoon at Ross
Landing to make a kind of survey of the land defenses,
this being a mile below town, hoping to come out at
Thompson’s Creek, half a mile north of town. The
bold profile of these parapets was the mark of continual
admiration, from the enclosed bastion-work near the
river to that at the southeast salient of the line. I kept
on to the north, parallel with the river, and passed the
work near by the forks of the Bayou Sara and Baton
Rouge roads. From the south battery on the river
there stretched a line of fortifications, semicircular in
form, ten miles north to its junction with Thompson’s
Creek and the adjacent swamp, which formed a natural
defense above. Against approach of the enemy from
the southeast the line of defense was very strong. It
consisted of several lines of entrenchments and rifle-
pits, with abatis of heavy trees, so felled that approach
from almost any angle was well-nigh impossible. I
looked from the’northeast range of the rifle-pits, and a
long line of earthworks could be seen, and I admired
the glittering wave of the bayonets in the hands of our
men occupying them. That was a play of silver gleam
of our sharpshooters’ rifles, and many times I felt that
the gold of resolution and gallant endurance animated
our infantry. The deep ditch which protected this line
of defense was a fine bit of fortification for its solidity.
Confederate Veterans
It was twelve feet wide. Enfilading breastworks com-
manding all approaches were located at short range.
At this point I came across several cannoneers —
Shute, Palfrey, Renand, Rogers — who also had been
looking at the lay of the grounds, and they accompa-
nied me to their battery, the Fenner, north of the mag-
azine and two hundred yards to the rear of the breast-
works. The cannoneers had recruited from members
of Dreux’s Louisiana Battalion, who had served one
year along the Potomac. Capt. Fenner organized the
battery at Jackson, Miss., in May, 1862. The guns of
the Fenner were two twelve-pound howitzers, two six-
pounder smoothbores, and two six-pounder brass rilled
pieces. Here were many schoolmates and other towns-
men whom I had not seen since 1861, and we had
a time “swapping verities.” I joined the battery on
their picket duty the next night at Troth’s Landing,
below the fortifications around the “Graveyard,” to
watch the enemy’s gunboats, which were expected up
from Baton Rouge. Surely a year or two of war had
matured us by this time, yet history must record that
we found among the tablet tombs (level marble me-
morial slabs) a place to play a game of marbles, with
due precaution, of course, and thus while away a gre il
deal of the tedium of this service. Our beloved home
circles would have been edified at this ‘juncture, in the
spring of 1863, to see flash-lights taken of our diver-
sions after dark. Fortunately for the dignity of military
history, no kodak nor flash-light tyrannized over these
hillsides then. We would not have coincided with the
dreams of the folks at home) who fondly pictured us
pacing the lonely beat of the sentinel at the very hour
we were leap-frogging or seven-upping or playing the
schoolboy games at marbles.
The humor of this night venture was seen just after
bniimbering, when there succeeded foot-races to pre
empt or homestead a flat tablet for a bedstead during
picket service. This cold stone was warmer than the
damp Mother Earth — pretty much like that drawing
for the great American magazine by the Virginia cray-
onist. This crayonist of Virginia makes a striking
picture of a true incident at Fairfax Court-House “en-
durin’ the war.” In the court-house vestibule lay a
long, planed pine box, holding the remains of an officer
of the army, shipped for burial at home. As the cray-
onist, himself a colonel, casts an anxious eye on this
substitute for a couch the sentinel warns him that “that
box holds a colonel, sir.” “So I told the sentinel that
we would not disturb each other;” and so the two colo-
nels repose all night. “Death and His Brother,
Sleep,” tells the story of these brethren in arms.
Of course none of these light-footed, light-hearted
artillerists, much less the writer and his comrade of the
night, Cannoneer John K. Renaud. dreamed at this
juncture that every yard of this line of defenses would
be dyed with blood before the end came in midsummer.
Still less did anybody anticipate that a national ceme-
tery would be established both here and at Vicksburg
where the great river between these Gibraltars was now
a mare clausum, a closed sea or Mediterranean. Louis-
iana has four such cemeteries: Chalmete, Alexandria,
Baton Rouge, Port Hudson. At Port Hudson repose
592 known and 3,239 unknown Federal dead. The
four contain the remarkable number of 10,576 known
and 10,285 unknown. Vicksburg has 3,935 known
and 12.721 unknown Federal dead.
Federal maps number the Port Hudson batteries on
the bluffs from the town south one on to seven down,
but our boys, after the fashion of players, numbered the
batteries after their favorite game, “seven-up.” The
line of land defenses was nearly four miles, and its bold
profile, with eighteen heavy guns and thirty pieces of
light artillery, tested the endurance as well as the Han
of the Federal forces until the fall of the town.
Confederate States Cruiser Alabama (or ” 290 “)
1- I IIAvK
Confederate Veterans
In a letter from Monroe, La., March 14, 1898, George
A. Ellsworth, the noted telegraph-operator, sends “an-
other little item of unwritten ‘history of the great war:”
After Gen. John H. Morgan had succeeded in cross-
ing the Cumberland River, near Burkesville, Ky., July
2, 1863, on our way through Indiana and Ohio, Capt.
Ralph Sheldon, with a detail of twenty-five or thirty
men, was ordered to flank Columbia, Ky., and reach
the Lebanon branch of the Louisville and Nashville
railroad as soon as possible, and destroy bridges, tres-
tles, and culverts on that line. I was ordered by Gen.
Morgan to accompany Capt. Sheldon and find out
what I could by the enemy’s wires. We went to with-
in three or four miles of Lebanon and commenced de-
stroying bridges, etc., in the direction of Lebanon
Junction, and made a clean sweep of all the structures
for four or five miles. We destroyed the telegraph too,
as we had no use for that end of the line, expecting to
get all our information from the Lebanon Junction di-
rection. This was begun about 4 a.m. July 4. At
eight o’clock we had our work pretty well completed.
I attached my pocket telegraph instrument, and found
the current of electricity flowing freely from the direc-
tion of Lebanon Junction. The morning passenger
was overdue at this road-crossing, which we learned
from a Mr. Jackson, who resided near by.
I ventured to call up Lebanon Junction, signing the
signal for Lebanon. The signals of these offices I had
learned the year before. I asked the cause of the de-
lay to the passenger-train, the one we were laying for,
as we wanted to destroy the rolling-stock or motive
power in particular, and cripple their means of trans-
portation. Imagine my surprise when the operator at
Lebanon Junction ejaculated: “Why, you sent a mes-
sage around by Danville, Lexington, and Louisville
this morning, saying a party of Rebels came to within
three miles of Lebanon and destroyed the railroad and
telegraph, and not to let trains come. And .now you
ask where they are! ”
I thought my little scheme had miscarried, but I hap-
pened to be equal to the occasion, and quickly replied :
“Well, that was the report brought in by some drunken
section men, who were probably on a Fourth-of-July
spree; and, failing to get your office, a message was
sent around by Lexington. But you realize that the
line is all right.” I assured him that there was no
foundation to the report, and told him to let the train
come ahead. But he was suspicious, and said that if I
would get a message to that effect from Mr. Knox, the
agent there, they would let the train Droceed. Luck-
ily he said Mr. Knox, for I wouldn’t have known the
agent’s name from a crow.
The required message, over Mr. Knox’s signature,
was quickly manufactured, of course, and I flashed it
over the wire; and, to divert him from other questions
that I would be unable to answer, I commenced on
him, and invited him to come down on the train, as we
were going to have a big Fourth-of-July jubilee that
day and a grand ball at night. He “bit ;” said he would
come, and added: “I must hurry; the train is about to
go.” Well, he came, and he was one of the first pris-
oners that I captured. His name was Atwater.
A. J. Puckett writes from Hector, Ala. :
There were three of us — sons of Frederick Pickett,
formerly of Duplin County, N. C, who moved to Ala-
bama during the winter of 1832-33. Our grandfather,
William Pickett, was in the Revolutionary war. Flis
daughter, Mrs. William Farrior by second marriage, is
yet living, in Kenansville, N. C.
We all enlisted in the Confederate army. James F.,
the eldest, was in Capt. Powell’s company, Third Ala-
bama Infantry. While stationed at Norfolk, Va., he
was promoted to third lieutenant of Company I, First
Alabama Cavalry. He died July 3, 1895.
We were all in the same company. Hugh F., the
youngest, was first sergeant. He was an elder in the
Primitive Baptist Church, and died of typhoid pneu-
monia at Okolona, Miss., May 17, 1862, soon after the
first battle of Corinth.
I was wounded at Perryville, Ky., October 8, 1862,
imprisoned at Louisville and Cairo, and exchanged at
Vicksburg, Miss., December, 1862. I then joined the
Sixth Alabama Cavalry, and was again captured at
Bluff Springs, Fla., March 25, 1865; was imprisoned
on Ship Island under negro guards, and paroled at
Vicksburg May 6, 1865.
It seems like a long, long time since 1861-65. Wc-
old Rebels (?) — bless the word! — have had a rough,
tough time since then. I am, if anything, stronger in
the principles for which we fought than ever, having
thought and read a good deal. There is nothing I am
prouder of than the glorious record made by the im-
mortal six hundred thousand, while I believe the thor-
oughbred Southerners are the best fighters on earth.
Perhaps we will have a history after a while — a plain
statement of facts as to the causes of the war, numbers
on each side, the record made by each side, the civilized
or uncivilized mode of carrying it on, including treat-
ment of prisoners and citizens by each.
My old army servant, Jim, now blind, is yet with me
He has not only proved a faithful servant, but a true
friend. When I was wounded he went on the battle-
field to bring me off, and came near being killed. A
shell, with the “string” (fuse) still burning, fell by his
horse’s feet. He said he “didn’t stay there long.” In
speaking of the fighting, he said: “Our men stood still
and shot, they moved forward and shot. It was just
like a shower of rain moving.” He brought my horse,
pistol, etc.. home, and delivered them to my family. I
have never known Jim to tell a lie or to be dishonest.
Rachel, my old cook from Virginia, is now dead.
“Mama,” as the children called her, had a poor opin-
ion of freedom ; she had a poor estimate of the negroes
themselves. When I told her that she was free she
commenced crying, and asked if I wanted to get rid
of her. Afterward the old nurse came to see me again,
lamenting her hard lot, and said that she “used to
have a backer,” but had “no confidence in these new-
issue negroes.”
Dr. John W. Hockman, Davis, W. Va.: “I would
like to know the whereabouts of Benjamin Stayely and
James Brack, who belonged to Gen. Loring’s com-
mand, and were of the first troops that came through
the valley of the Shenandoah. They camped around
our home between Edinburg and Woodstock, Va., in
1 861 . Brack was taken sick and brought to our house
in the care of Stavely.”
Confederate Veterans
Group of Florida girls with the “Stars and Bars” Otis Tar.
vim s flag Washington’s Birthday.
J. S. Carothers, Shannon, Miss.:
I thank Comrade W. T. Butt, of the Fourth Ala-
bama, for his kindly vindication of my old regiment
(Forty-Fifth Mississippi) in the March Veteran. I
can not see how Col. T. L. Power, who is mainly very
accurate, could have made the mistake of omitting this
command from the roster of Mississippi troops in the
Army of Tennessee, or that it be left out as a constit-
uent of Lowrev’s Brigade.
It was the second command in age in the formation
of the brigade, and was first commanded by Brig.-Gen.
S. A. M. Wood, of Alabama, and afterward by M. P.
Lowrev, of Mississippi. It was a part of the grand
division organized at Bowling Green, Ky., in the win-
ter of iN<i 6_\ by Gen. Hardee. It was in the clash of
arms at Shiloh. IVrryville. and until he was promoted
to lieutenant-general, being succeeded by Maj.-Gen. S.
B. Buckner, and then by Maj.-Gen. P. R. Cleburne,
until his brave life went out near the Federal breast-
works at Franklin, in November, 1864.
In the early part of 1861, when volunteering was at
high tide and the state government was unprepared
and unable to arm and equip the troops as fast as ten-
dered, Gov. Pettus ordered the commands to rendez-
vous at Jackson, to drill and become inured to camp-
life until arms could be procured and equipage pre-
pared, before turning them into the Confederate serv-
ice. In response to this call seven companies were as-
sembled at the capital. Company A. Capt. Duncan,
was enlisted in Hinds County, Company B, Capt. Hen-
ry W. Martin, Itawamba County: Company C, Capt.
E. F. Nunn, Noxubee County; Company D, Capt.
Hammett, Choctaw County; Company E, Capt. Mc-
Nair, Amite County; Company F, Capt. Wolf, Tippah
County; Company G, Capt. William Houston, Ponto-
toc County.
Because aspiring men had obtained permission to
raise commands for their special colonelcy, the project
of recruiting three more companies to the seven, to
make «a regiment, was frustrated. These companies
grew impatient of the delay, and the daily rountine of
camp duties grew monotonous as they read of exhibi-
tions of glorious courage of their brothers in arms at
the front. Each company was camped to itself, but
they were in contiguous camps, as a convenience for
medical aid, for the distribution of commissary and
quartermaster supplies, and the division of camp duties,
such as patrolling and guarding.
Those were grand old days, boys, before we met the
wrinkled from of war. But the marplot came. A
spirit of jealousy and unjust rivalry as to organization
and the leadership of the composite command entered
and developed a species of electioneering, moving, and
checkmating among the aspirants that is refreshing to
\t this juncture A. B. Hardcastle, a private
of the famous I’. S. Second I >ragoons and one of the
•; thai came with Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston
across the plains from California, entered as a formi-
dable ci mpetitor for the honors, and bis prestige as a
soldier and by his preferment with authorities at Rich-
mond and with Gen. Johnston, he was installed as ma-
jor over companies A. B, and C, the other companies
having been ordered to New Orleans. The com-
mands, being constituted and christened the Third
Mississippi Battalion of Infantry, as an exigency, were
ordered to Bowling Ky., landing there in De-
cember. The other four companies, having shipped
to Xew 1 it without a commander, save the
assumption of Senior Capt. Wolf. who. from his age
and experience as a soldier in the war with Mexico,
was accepted pro tvm. as leader. \fter a short sep-
aration the troops at Xew < Orleans were ordered to re-
join us at Bowling Green, which they did a few days
before its evacuation and the retrograde movement of
the army prior to the fall of Forts Henry and Donel-
son, in February, 1862, Soldiers of the Army of the
Cumberland will remember that movement, how they
marched in the sleet and snow and how chivalrously
they bore the disastrous news of the capitulation of
Fort Donclson and the defeat of our troops at Fishing
Creek, having no distrust of our general or the ulti-
mate triumph of our cause. Ah, comrades! those were
times that tried men’s souls — with defeat, loss of ter-
ritory, with the homes of our brothers in arms, and all
our movements back, yielding, yielding, a tramp,
tramp, narrowing our confines dailv.
Our battalion then was identified as the Second Bat-
talion, Second Brigade, First Division, and as an in-
tegral command was listed in our state’s quota as the
Third Mississippi Battalion of Infantry. Our en-
campment was three miles east of Corinth, on the M.
and C. railroad. where we became a member of Woods’s
Brigade; and at the battle of Shiloh, by special request.
were detailed for picket duty, for the assaulting line of
Gen. Hardee’s Division on Saturday night, and opened
fire and maintained the fight against odds for one hour
and fifteen minutes on Sunday morning before our
advancing column came to our support and relief (see
report of that engagement by Gen. Hardee), when they
fell into their niche in the line, moving on in the fray.
The list of the dead and wounded attest their devotion
to courage and patriotism in this battle.
Confederate Veterans
We did not rest or remain idle long after our return
from Shiloh, for our major, always on the qui vive for
duty at the post of honor and danger, by request was
sent on outpost service beyond Farmington, on the
Pittsburg road, remaining out there for several weeks,
during which time we had several skirmishes with the
Federal advance. It was while we were on this duty
there was added to us two Alabama companies, made
up from detachments, absentees, convalescents, and re-
cruits of the Twenty-Seventh Alabama Regiment,
which was captured at Fort Donelson; and an ordei,
seemingly to pacify insubordination, was issued to
hold an election at once for field and staff officers, and
form a regiment. This election resulted in the choice
of Hardcastle as colonel; Richard Charlton, of Ray-
mond, Miss., lieutenant-colonel; and E. F. Nunn, of
Shuqualak, as major. Our regiment was numbered
as the Thirty-Third Mississippi, but finding that an-
other command was entitled to and held that number
(but not until we had been in the Munfordville cap-
ture, September 17), our number was raised in its “jun-
iority” to the Thirty-Eighth Mississippi; then, after
our participation in the battle of Perryville, October
8, we received our crowning pledge as the Forty-
Fifth Mississippi. The Alabama companies remained
with us until after their regiment was exchanged, when
they returned to it, and our command of seven compa-
nies retained the regimental organization.
It has always been strange to me that our numbers
were continually changing until just before the battle
of Murfreesboro, when our legacy became fixed, and
we were then to inscribe our flags as the Forty-Fifth
Mississippi Regiment of Volunteer Infantry.
To be ignored in a report by a state official is painful
indeed to a command whose courage was never ques-
tioned, but had manifested itself by sacrifices in every
pass at arms where the Army of Tennessee marshaled
and many minor engagements or desultory fightings,
where courage paled only before numbers; and, had
the war terminated differently, our old battle-flag, the
“silver-moon” banner, with inscription on it of battles
in which the troops were engaged, would have been
vindicating testimony of her zeal and bravery. Let
the blood of her field, staff, and officers of the line, with
her manly men, which stained every battle-field from
Shiloh through Kentucky, Tennessee, and Georgia co
the finale at Bentonville, attest her devotion and sacri-
fices to the “Lost Cause.”
It would be invidious to speak of the regiment in an
isolated way, but suffice it the Forty-Fifth Mississippi
was a real reality, a contingent of Lowrey’s Brigade,
Cleburne’s Division, from start to finish, and in the bri-
gade was associated with the Sixteenth, Thirty-Third,
and Forty-Fifth Alabama and the Thirty-Second, Fifth,
and Eighth Mississippi; and this fact alone would
justify the assertion that they had plenty of war train-
ing and experience, as it was the pride of their generals
to ever seek and be found in the whirlpool of battle.
Her reputation was molded in the character of her su-
perb commanders, and whatever of renown the asso-
ciate troops won she aided in its achievement.
Now, I feel constrained, from a long and favorable
acquaintance and friendship with Col. Power, to defend
him of intentional injury and wrong, and must believe
the mistake adverted to by Comrade Butt was an acci-
dent, and not design.
Often during the days that “tried men’s souls” we
found ourselves in places that tried also our legs, for
we had to run, and run fast. On one such occasion, in
1863, we were so closely beset by the enemy that we
were ordered to get out the best way we could, and for
a little while it was every man for himself; but we man-
aged to get back to our lines with very little loss.
After it was all over the boys talked a great deal of
the exciting episode, and of course each one had his
story of how narrowly he escaped. One of our regi-
ment was noted for his long legs, and he made good
use of them that day. A few days afterward he was
writing home about it. He wrote well, and he had’
been brought up by a good Presbyterian mother, with
a strong belief in divine providence, and his faith ex-
pressed itself in his letter. He read his letter over to a
number of his comrades who were his neighbors at
home. After a very graphic description of our dan-
gerous position and our rapid retreat and our final es-
cape, he closed with words to this effect: “I am bound
to feel that it was the providence of God alone that
saved us.”
One of the boys in the company — a magnificent sol-
dier, but not given to the religious view of things — was
much moved by the vivid description of the scene, but
at the closing sentence he entered his protest: “Provi-
dence? Providence of God, did you say, saved you?
Not a bit of it! it was those long legs of yours that
saved you. I’d trust such a pair of legs any time,
rather than Providence, to get me out of a scrape.”
The second reunion of this brigade will be held dur-
ing the sessions of the U. C. V. Association at Atlanta.
This brigade was composed of Wheeler’s First, Ash-
by’s Second, and McKenzie’s Fifth Tennessee Regi-
ments and Akin’s Ninth Tennessee Battalion. Sur-
vivors can obtain information as to the reunion from
any member of the Executive Committee — to wit,
John L. Jones, Columbia, Tenn.; Joseph T. McTeer,
Knoxville, Tenn.; W. G. Allen, Dayton, Tenn.; or
James P. Coffin, Chairman, Batesville, Ark.
J. M. Hudson, M. E. Publishing House, Nashville,
Tenn., wishes to obtain any information possible con-
cerning Andrew M. Hudson, who was a member of
Capt. Gracey’s company, and reported as killed in the
battle of Murfreesboro. It has never been learned
whether he was buried on the field where he fell or his
remains carried elsewhere. Any information in regard
to it will be appreciated.
Capt. Thomas M. Angel, a charter member of
Charles L. Robinson Camp No. 947, U. C. V., of
Franklin, N. C, died on January 12, after a lingering
illness. He commanded Company H, Sixteenth Reg-
iment of North Carolina Infantry, from Macon Coun-
ty, under commission of May 14, 1861. He was never
S. H. Purdon, member of Camp Townsend, Calvert,
Tex., died some time since, and was buried with mili-
tary honors. He was from Mississippi, and served 1
under Forrest.
Confederate Veterans
General Order No. 27 of Mecklenburg Camp No.
382, U. C. V., Charlotte, N. C, calls for a reunion of
the United Confederate Veterans of North Carolina, to
be held at Charlotte May 20, that day being the one
hundred and twenty-third anniversary of the Mecklen-
burg Declaration of Independence, and the day for the
unveiling of the monument which has been erected to
commemorate the memory of the heroes who p
their names to the immortal document, li is meet that
the survivors of the lost cause should join in doing hon-
or to Mecklenburg’s dead heroes.
The Army of Tennessee organization of Confederate
Veterans had its annual banquet in New ( Irleans re-
cetitlv. Report of that occasion has nol been fur-
nished the \ eteran, but the Times Democrat, on the
Sunday morning following, contained an address by
Capt. B, T. Walshe, President ol the Army of North-
ern Virginia Association, in which he responded for
that body as follows :
“I speak more particularly now of the infantry of
that army, but to those named should be added such
splendid soldiers as Col. J. B, Walton and Col. I’
Eshleman. the first and last commanders of the famous
battalion, the Washington Artillery, and of which the
first four companies served in Virginia; and Capt.
Louis 1”.. D’Aquin and Capt. Charles W. Thompson,
both of the Louisiana Guard Artillery, the first named
killed while commanding his batter) at Fredericks-
burg, and the latter also Is 1 1 led while in command at the
second Winchester. These and many others have al-
ready joined the silent majority, excepting only four:
Nicholls, York, Penn, and Eshleman.
“Mr. President, 1 will not attempt to speak of the
glories of that wonderful army, the Army of Northern
Virginia. That record is part of die history of the
Confederate States, giving luster and prominence to
the soldiers of the South; and as 1 can not add to the
fame of our comrades am I of ourselves as part of that
army, still, sir, I may, 1 think, properly mention as far
as I can recall the names of those gallant spirits who
died doing their duty as soldiers. Necessarily brief. I
will confine my remarks to the infantry, and to those
gallant men only who were either instantly killed or
mortally wounded while commanding Louisiana regi-
ments or battalions of infantrv serving in Virginia. . . .
“The recital of these memories of the past must bring
to us all, as it certainly does to me, the warm friend-
ships and affectionate regard we soldiers had for each
other in those days of camp-life, marching, and battle.
“The Louisiana commands serving in \ irginia
were as follows: The First, Second, Fifth. Sixth.
Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Fourteenth, and Fif-
teenth — in all ten regiments of infantry — the First, or
Dreux’s: the Second, or Wheat’s Louisiana Tigers;
the Fourth, or McEnery’s; the First and Second Lou-
isiana Zouaves; the Washington, or St. Paul’s Foot
Rifles; in all six battalions of infantry, the first four
companies of the Washington Artillery, the Louisiana
Guard Artillery, the Donaldsonville Artillery, and the
Madison Artillery (Madison Tips), in all seven com-
panies of light artillerv.
“These commands lost in battle the following field-
officers, killed or mortally wounded while in command:
First Louisiana Regiment, Lieut. Col. Michael Nolan,
killed at Gettysburg; the Second Regiment, Col.
Isaiah T. Norwood, mortally wounded at Malvern Hill,
and Col. John M.Williams, killed at the third Winches-
ter; the Fifth Regiment, Lieut.-Gol. Bruce Menger,
killed at Spottsylvania Court-House; ‘he Sixth Regi-
ment, Maj. Arthur MeArthur, killed at the first Win-
chester; Col. Isaac (J. Seymour, killed at t iaines’s Mill;
Col. Henry 1′.. Strong, killed at Sharpsburg, and Col.
William Mtonaghan, killed near Shi n, and to
Hhese, 1 think, 1 can properly add Col. Joseph rlanlon,
last colonel of the regiment, who was shot through the
body at the first Winchester, never fully 1 1. and
died shortly after the close of 1 1 1 , war; the Seventh
Regiment, Lieut 1 seul, killed at
Port Republic, and Major Aaron Davis, killed the day
before at Cross Keys; the Eightih Regiment, Col. Tre-
vanin Lewis, killed at Gettysburg, and Ool. German
A. Lester, killed a! Cold Harbor; the Ninth Regiment,
Maj. H. L. Williams, mortally wound, .1 al Gettys-
burg; the Tenth Regiment. ( ol. W . 11. Spencer, killed
at second Manassas. Gol. John M. beggett, mortally
wounded at Chancellorsvilie, and Major Thomas V.
Powell, killed in front >>\ Petersburg; the Fifteenth
Regiment, Lieut. -Col. R. A. Wilkerson, killed at the
second Manassas; Bhe lust Battalion, Lieut.-Col.
Charles E. Dreux, the first Lousiana officer to fall in
the war, killed in a skirmish on the I urtis barm, near
Newport News, fulj 5. t86i; tire Second Battalion,
Maj. Robert < “. Wheat’ killed at Gaines’s Mill; and the
Louisiana Zouave Battalion, Lieut. Col. Gaston Cop-
pens, hilled at Sharpsburg.
” \nd so it came to dial the Army of
Northern Virginia was invincible. At the last they
were overwhelmed and overpowered by the vast armies
recruited from every clime and commanded by that
great soldier, I len, U. S. ‘ .rant, who had his immense
army supplied and equipped as no army has ever been
in modern times.”
The First Brigade, Florida U. C. V., met at De Fu-
niak on the [2th of March for the purpose of electing a
Commander to till the vacancy made by the death of
Gen. ( lnplvy. ‘The meeting was called to order by
i ommander George Reese, Camp Ward No. 10, with
l’. V. Thompson as Secretary, lb M. McKinnon deliv-
ered a speech suitable to the occasion, after which nom-
inations were called for: and. on motion, Comrade
George Reese was elected ( ommander of the brigade.
This is not his first service in that capacity, as he served
the brigadv some years ago, and gave universal satis-
faction. He had resigned on account of conflict of du-
ties. The brigade is to meet at De Funiak every year,
during the Chautauqua session, the day to be fixed by
the Commander. ( hi motion, the Veteran was
adopted as the official organ of the brigade.
Flournoy Rivers, Esq., refers such inquirers as C. C.
Cole, Huntsville, Tex. (see March Veteran, page 111),
to the Bureau of Records, Col. F. C. Ainsworth, War
Department, Washington. The records of Confeder-
ate organizations at Washington are very imperfect.
However, Mr. Rivers’ suggestion is good.
Confederate Veterans
The following inscription is on the Confederate Ar-
tillery Monument in Chickamauga Military Park, near
In Commemoration of the Heroism of Her Sons,
Tennessee Erects this Monument. September 19-20,
E. W. Lyen (lieutenant of Company H, Second Ken-
tucky Cavalry, Morgan’s command), Harrodsburg,
Ky. : “The night following the battle of Perry ville (Oc-
tober 8, 1862) eight or ten Confederate soldiers were
buried in the cemetery here. The interments were un-
der the supervision of a Confederate colonel. If he is
still living, I would like to hear from him, or from any
one who could give me the names of these soldiers.
We contemplate placing a monument on the lot, and
would like to inscribe their names thereon. Capt.
Gabe Alexander, of Morgan’s command, was killed in
August, 1863, between the little town of New Hope
and the Rolling Fork Church, in Nelson County, Ky.
He had about fifteen men with him, and was trying to
get South. They encountered a large body of Fed-
erals on the road, and Capt. Alexander was the only
Confederate killed. If there is any one living who was
with this gallant soldier at his untimely death, I would
like very much to hear from him.”
(Freeman,) Capt. A. L. Huggins. Di-
brell’s Brigade, Armstrong’s Division, Forrest’s Cav-
Morton’s Battery, Capt. John W. Morton, Jr. Di-
brell’s Brigade, Armstrong’s Division, Forrest’s Cav-
Huwald’s Battery, Capt. Gustave A. Huwald. Da-
vidson’s Brigade, Pegram’s Division, Forrest’s Cavalry.
White’s Battery, Capt. B. F. White, Jr. Harrison’s
Brigade, Wharton’s Division, Wheeler’s Cavalry.
Scott’s Battery, Lieut. John H. Marsh, Lieut. A. T.
Watson, Capt. W. L. Scott. Smith’s Brigade, Cheat-
ham’s Division, Polk’s Corps.
Carnes’s Battery, Capt. W. W. Carnes. Wright’s
Brigade, Cheatham’s Division, Polk’s Corps.
Mebane’s Battery, Capt. John W. Mcbane. Stone-
wall’s Brigade, Buckner’s Division, Polk’s Corps.
Baxter’s Battery, Capt. Edmund D. Baxter. Re-
serve Corps of Artillery, Buckner’s Corps.
The dedication of the four monuments erected by
Tennessee will be of much interest, unless it be over-
shadowed by military operations of the United States
against Spain.
At the regular meeting of Marion County Camp No.
56, Ocala, Fla., on April 2, the following officers were
elected for the ensuing year: W. L. Ditto, Commander;
J. H. Livingston, Adjutant; Dr. T. D. Crawford. Treas-
urer; and the veteran Dr. John Gordon Law, Chaplain.
Commander Ditto writes: “Comrade H. C. Hemming,
of Gainesville, Tex., is a member oi our camp, and
kindly remembered it lately in a very substantial way,
and invited the whole camp to meet him at Jacksonville
about the 12th of May to witness the unveiling of the
Confederate monument in St. James Square, erected to
the memorv of our honored chiefs.”
Mrs. M. E. Lemon; 3404 Caroline Street, St. Louis,
Mo., is very anxious to locate a very dear friend of war-
times, A. M. J. Handley, second lieutenant of Company
B, Tenth Regiment, Missouri Volunteer Infantry. He
was wounded at the battle of Helena, Ark., and cap-
tured. After his wound had sufficiently healed he was
sent to a Northern prison, during which time he cor-
responded with Mrs. Lemon, and was afterward ex-
changed. From this date she lost track of him, and
does not know whether he is alive or not.
The Veteran has secured a very handsome photo-
engraved plate of Henry W. Grady, and will send
prints on fine white lithograph sheets to subscribers
renewing who will send a new name or names with re-
mittances. The pictures will be sent in tube — one to,
the friend sending renewal and one to each new sub-
scriber. This is a magnificent picture, and you can
help the Veteran by giving attention. This favor
will be extended subscribers who have paid in advance
without remittance, except for the new name or names.
Gen. A. J. Vaughan, of Memphis, Tenn., has pub-
lished a personal record of the Thirteenth Tennessee
Infantry, C. S. A., and mailed a complimentary copy to
each camp in Tennessee. Some have not been ac-
knowledged, and others have been returned “un-
claimed.” Gen. Vaughan wishes to know of any camp
that has not received a copy; and, if desired, he will
mail one. This book will be a valuable addition to the
library of any camp-room.
Confederate Veterans
Some Comrades Who Have Finished the Fight.
Chaplain R. H. Phelps was born in Parkersburg,
W. Va., July ii, 1844. He enlisted in the Confederate
service at the beginning of the war, serving with the
Army of Northern Virginia. He was wounded near
Lynchburg June 17, 1864, losing his right leg. An in-
cident which occurred there deserves to be retold in
this connection. Maj. C. Milstead, of Portsmouth, O.,
a Union veteran, in an address to the United Confeder-
ate veterans at the Birmingham reunion, said:
My object in coming six hundred miles south from
my Northern home is twofold. 1 am probably the only
representative in this vast audience who marched and
fought with the Northern army under the leadership of
Grant, Sherman, and Meade, Sheridan and Hancock.
I am here to commingle with the brave Miivivors of
your army, who marched and fought under Lee, Jack-
son, Gordon, Longstrect, Albert Sidnej anil Jos< p
Johnston, with as honest conviction and as pure mo-
tive as were my own. The primary cause, however, of
my coming here is to meet one of tin. bravest survivors
of” the Southern army, a man who to-day 1- fighting
life’s battle on one limb — the other lie gave as a –
fice to the cause he loved. 1 allude to Capt. R. 11.
Phelps, of Lagrange. Tex., whom I found on the field,
amid the earn,
of war, suffering
the pangs of •
from two wo
received in the bat-
dc of Lynchburg,
Va., on June if.
[86 |. Our goo I
chaplain, Jo-
Little, who. 1 .mi g
the d . and
to-day is biv-
ouacked on fame’s
eternal camping-
ground, and 1 kept
( apt. Phelps at our
a n d
did all we could
. wr. r. h. phelps. during the lo
hours of an event-
ful night to alleviate his suffering. We cut his 1′
from his feet and kept his frightful wound bathed 1:1
Cold water all through the night. We were lying
up to your line — so close, indeed, that we could not
build tiies without having them extinguished bj
from your guns. The next morning we fell hack into
a woods to reform our lines, and we carried I
Phelps to our field hospital. We returned (■> the light.
That afternoon our army was forced to retreat tov
the Kanawha Valley, and our Confederate frii
left behind.
Nearly thirty years have elapsed since we, in the dis-
1 mal woods in from of Lynchburg, delivered Capt.
‘ Phelps into tin’ hands of our hospital attendants, and
> this is the first lime we have had the pleasure of meet-
ing >inee then. Every 17th of June since 1 So j to 1891
■ I have never failed to think of this incident, and would
wonder whether my friend Phelps survived his wounds
and was living. In June. [891, 1 sent a detailed ac-
count to the Wheeling (W. Va.) Register, and Serg. Jo-
seph E. McMottien, one of Capt. Phelps’s comrades,
seeing it, wrote me at once, giving me the Captain’s ad-
dress. We have been corresponding with each other
regularly since 1891, and will continue to do so as long
as we both live.”
Capt. Phelp> .it Lagrange, Tex., in 1870, en-
gaging in the practise of law. In 1876 he was chosen
prosecuting attornej oi 1 ayette County, and as such
broke up organized crime in the county. In 1877 he
married Miss Nettie 1′. Shaw, a daughter of a veteran
of the republic of Texas, who with two daughters,
Mary and Nettie, and a son, Jdhn Bailey, survive him.
In 1884 Capt. Phelps was a Cleveland elector for the
Tenth District of Texas. te was elected Ma-
eneral of the Texas Divisii l !onfeder-
ate Veterans, lie was a lawyer of eminence, a true
Christian gentleman, loved by all : of Fay-
ette County, and was honored b) all Texas. 1 lis death
occurred March J). [898. His last request was that he
he buried in his ( lonfederate gray suit, with his badge.
James H. White, superintendent of the Confederate
Soldiers’ Home for Tennessee, died at the Home Feb-
ruary 18, 1898. Comrade White was in his fifty-eighth
year. He was born near Franklin, Tenn., in which \ i-
cinity he had always lived, except during the war and
after being called to take charge of the Confederate
1 1 Mme in another county.
Confederate Veterans
He served in the Twentieth Tennessee Infantry, Bat-
tle’s Regiment, until severely wounded at Peachtree
Creek. He was paroled from a hospital at Cuthbert,
Ga., after Lee surrendered. He was Secretary of the
veteran organization of his regiment, and was faithful
unto death.
Comrade White was one of the most steadfast
friends the Veteran ever had. His reports of new
subscribers were pleasantly frequent and quite regular.
He was a devout Christian, a Knight of Honor, a mem-
ber of the A. O. U. W. and of the Masonic Fraternity.
He was a charter member of McEwen Bivouac and
Starnes’s Camp Confederate Veterans. In a memorial
tribute the bivouac gave a sketch of his career, in which
they thus account for his promotion to second in com-
mand of his company for gallantry and unwavering
courage: “He endured hardships without murmuring,
and confronted peril without fear.”
From his last report to the Veteran, as Secretary of
his regimental association, the following are extracts.
They have not been published heretofore:
“The twenty-first annual reunion of the Twentieth
Tennessee Regiment, Rutledge’s Battery, was held at
Concord Church, in Davidson County, on the usual
date in September, 1897. There were present of com-
panies as follows: Company A, 1; Company B, 26;
Company C, 8; Company D, 4; Company E, 10; Com-
pany H, 3; Company I, 6; Company K, 1. Total, 59.
Also the surgeons and five honorary members.
“At the twentieth reunion, held at Smyrna, in 1896,
the regiment and battery gladly accepted the invitation
of friends in the vicinity of Cane Ridge to hold our
twenty-first annual reunion there. There were per-
haps twelve or fifteen hundred present, who spent the
early hours in hand-shaking and exchanging congrat-
ulations. Gen. Bate spoke, after which dinner was
served, and all agreed that it was indeed the best reun-
ion of all. After dinner the regiment retired to a con-
venient place, and was called to order by John Battle,
our President, with J. H. White, Secretary. The min-
utes of the twentieth reunion, at Smyrna, and our par-
ticipation in the grand parade on U. C. V. day in Nash-
ville were read and approved, and the Secretary was
requested to furnish the Veteran a copy for publica-
tion. The committee on the monument to Gen. Battle
made a verbal report. Comrade R. A. Jordan was
unanimously elected chairman of this committee.
“The following were elected to honorary member-
ship: Samuel Claybrook, Gen. W. B. Bate, James Wise,
Freeman’s Battery; Capt. J. G. Arnold, Twenty-Third
Tennessee: and R. G. Clark, son of Comrade Dr. Clark,
of Paragon Mills.
“The following were reported as having died since
the last reunion: Henderson H. Hyde, Capt. P. G.
Smithson, Company D; Ed Watson, William Barnes,
John A. Bland, Company C; Samuel Jamison, Compa-
ny E; Dick Carey, Company I.
“Gen. Smith, Dr. McMurray, and E. L. Jordan were
appointed to draft resolutions and place them in the
hands of the Secretary, in regard to the life, patriotism,
and death of Maj. Fred Claybrooke. [See March
Veteran, p. 123. — Ed.]
“Comrade Tim Johnson was elected President by
unanimous vote. The next reunion will be held at
Dr. Clark’s place, near Nashville, September 16, 1898.
The Ex-Confederate Association of Chicago.
through a committee composed of Rev. J. D. Pickett,
R. H. Stewart, and Samuel Sullivan, reports the death
of Capt. William B. Phipps, a faithful comrade and offi-
cial of the camp. He was a gallant officer in the Con-
federate army, and a reliable man in all relations of life.
R. E. Lee Chapter of Daughters of the Confeder-
acy and Sul Ross Camp of Sons of C. V. have recently
been organized in Houston, Tex., and are now in
splendid working order. To Commander C. C. Beav-
ens, of Dick Dowling Camp, U. C. V., is due credit for
these organizations, he having worked diligently for
that object since his election as Commander.
W. H. McCunne writes from Chicago:
Charles Moore Scruggs was born near Nashville,
Tenn., April 26, 1843. S e enlisted early in the Con-
federate army, under Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, as a
private in Company G, Seventeenth Tennessee Infant-
ry, and continued until the close of the war. For sev-
eral years after the war he filled the position of railroad
station agent at Wartrace, Tenn. In November, 1875,
Comrade Scruggs was married to Miss M. E. Davis, of
Little Rock, Ark. They removed to Texas in 1879.
living at Dallas, near Arlington, at Fort Worth, and
near Enless, Tarrant County, hoping for improved
health; but it continued to decline, and an attack of la
grippe, in January, 1897, resulted in his death in June.
He was an upright man, and an honored citizen of his
community. He leaves a wife and six children.
Rev. R. H. Stuart died at his home in Pulaski, Va.,
on the morning of January 1, having been afflicted
with heart-disease for many years. He entered Ran-
dolph-Macon College, at Boydton, at the age of sev-
enteen, and remained until 1861, when he enlisted for
the Confederacy, joining the division commanded by
Gen. George E. Pickett. He was wounded in three
different battles, and severely in the grand charge of
Pickett’s Division up the heights of Gettysburg. He
had been a minister of the Baptist Church for eighteen
years, and had done much valiant Christian work.
R. J. Baldridge died near Walnut Springs, Tex., in
November, 1897. He was reared in Rutherford Coun-
ty, Tenn., and enlisted in Company C, Twenty-Third
Tennessee Regiment, C. S. A., at the age of nineteen.
He participated in the battles of Shiloh, Perryville,
Chickamauga, and Murfreesboro, where he was
wounded, and was also in many other battles. He was
captured at Chickamauga, sent to Camp Chase, con-
fined in prison twenty-two months, and was on his way
to Richmond to be exchanged when the war closed.
Comrade Baldridge was a Christian gentleman.
Maj. W. J. Sykes, of Tennessee, died at the home of
his son, J. P. Sykes, in Memphis, the first of the month.
He was a remarkable man. In advocacy of the devel-
opment of the South he was very strong. During the
war his record for gallantry, earning promotion to the
rank of major, furnished a noble heritage for his family.
Comrade John Finchum died at Decherd, Tenn.,
March 21, aged sixty-two years. He enlisted under
Capt. Rambaugh, Sixteenth Tennessee Cavalry. His
first captain was killed in East Tennessee, and the com-
pany was then under Capt. Tom Williams.
The deaths occurring in Camp Sumter No. 332, Liv-
ingston, Ala., during 1897 were: J. J. Trott, Tenth Mis-
souri Battalion of Artillery, on January 3; and Zach
Tureman, of the Fifth Alabama, on August 1.
Confederate Veterans
Samuel Henry Lockett, native of MecklenburgCcnm-
ty, Va., entered the military academy at West Point in
June, 1854, from Alabama. Gen. Joseph Wheeler,
who was also a cadet at the time, in a sketch of him
pays high tribute to his standard of right and wrong.
He won scholarly distinction, and was made second
lieutenant in the corps of engineers. He was also-
elected assistant professor in the college. In October,
i860, he reported to Capt. W. II. C. Whiting (after-
ward a major-general in the Confederate service) as
assistant in engineering work for the Eighth Light-
house District, which extended from Charleston to
Fernandina, Fla.
When Alabama seceded Second Lieut. Lockett re-
cm., s. II. LO< RETT.
signed from the United States service and entered that
of the Confederate States. He was with Gen. Bragg,
and constructed the defenses of Corinth, Miss., and
succeeded Gen. J. F. Gilmer as chief engineer of the
army, upon the staff of Gen. A. S. Johnston, and then
with Gen. Beauregard until the battle of Shiloh ended.
During the worst of the conflict a regiment that had
lost all of its field-officers was retreating in disorder,
when, by direction of Gen. Beauregard, Lieut. Lock-
ett rallied and led them into another attack. He was
promoted to the rank of major for efficiency and gal-
lantry. After this he constructed the defenses of
Vicksburg and of the adjacent country. He was pro-
moted to lieutenant-colonel of engineers, and, again, to
colonel. After being exchanged as one of the Vicks-
burg prisoners, he was placed upon the staff of Gen. J.
E. Johnston, and earned a lasting reputation as a mili-
tary engineer of the highest order. He surrendered
with the troops of Gen. Dick Taylor, in May, 1865.
In 1867 Col. Lockett was elected professor of me-
chanics and engineering in the University of Louisi-
‘ana. In June. 1875, he was appointed colonel of en-
igineers in the Egyptian army, upon the commendation
of Gen. W. T. Sherman, then commander of the United
States army. Two years later he resigned that posi-
tion with much honor in what he had achieved to ac-
cept the professorship of engineering and mechanics in
the University of Tennessee. He was called from this
service by Col. C. P. Stone to aid in constructing the
pedestal of the Bartholdi Statue of Liberty.
In 1888 Col. Lockett went to Chili, where he secured
a railroad contract for the North and South American
Contract Company of $20,000,000.
Col. Lockett married Miss Cornelia Clark, of West
Point, and five of their six children survive him. He
died in October, 1891.
Edward L. Thomas was born in Clark County, Ga.,
and was a direct descendant of the famous Thomas and
Lloyd families of Maryland. He graduated at Emory
College, Georgia, in 1846, and early in 1847 enlisted as
a private in the cavalry service fur the Mexican war.
For conspicuous bravery he was made lieutenant, and
served with much gallantry until the close of that war.
In a brave and daring charge of one battle (Huemaret-
ta) he captured Iturbide, son of the ex-Emperor and
member of Santa Anna’s staff. The Legislature of
Georgia in 1848 passed resolutions commending his
gallantry. After the close of the Mexican war he re-
turned to Georgia, married, and went to planting; but
when the war between the states began his patriotic
zeal led him at once to the front. President Davis ap-
pointed him colonel, with authority to organize a regi-
ment in Georgia (the Thirty-Fifth Georgia Infantry),
which was “marched into service” at the battle of Sev-
en Pines. In this battle Brig.-Gen. Pettigrew was shot
from his horse, and the command of the brigade de-
volved upon Col. Thomas. The regiment went into
this battle with old, remodeled flint-lock guns, but
came out bearing the best arms of their enemies.
After that battle the regiments were brigaded by
states, and Col. Thomas was assigned to the brigade
commanded by Gen. J. R. Anderson; and when, during
the battles around Richmond, Gen. Anderson was
transferred to control and manage the Tredigar Iron-
Works, he succeeded to command of the brigade.
Gen. Thomas was in nearly all the battles around
Richmond. His command opened the battle of Me-
chanicsville. and was the only one to cross the famous
pond in front of the enemy’s works, and it held its posi-
tion with unsurpassed courage until Stonewall Jackson
came up. He was slightly wounded in this battle. He
commanded his brigade in A. P. Hill’s Division and
Corps, A. N. V., the remainder of the war.
After the war he lived a quiet, retired life on his plan-
tation in Georgia until in 1885, when he was appointed
by President Cleveland to an office in the Land De-
partment, and again, during Cleveland’s last adminis-
tration, as Indian Agent for the Sac and Fox Agency,
Oklahoma, which he resigned under McKinley.
Gen. Thomas was Major-General of the Oklahoma
Division, U. C. V., from 1895 to 1897, and the D. H.
Hammond Camp No. 177, Oklahoma City, met and
passed suitable resolutions on his death, which oc-
curred at South McAlester. Ind. T., March 8. He was
a member of Jeff Lee Camp No. 68, of the latter place,
bv which he was buried.
Confederate Veterans
Benjamin Franklin Smith was born August 27, 183 1
at Hillsboro, Tenn.; and at his death one of the noblest
Confederates and one of the best of citizens crossed
over the river. Capt. Smith was before and after the
war a railroad man. He entered the employ of the
Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad in 1854, and con-
CAI’T. B. F.
tinued until the outbreak of the war, in 1861. He then
enlisted in Company F (J. S. Butler, captain) First
Tennessee Regiment, and was engaged in all the bat-
tles and skirmishes of his command to the battle of
Franklin, where he was severely wounded. His record
in this respect is remarkable. Early after the close of
the war he returned to the employ of the Nashville and
Chattanooga Railroad, and, with the exception of a
brief residence in the state of Kansas, he continued in
that service until his death, February 9, 1898. Com-
rade Smith’s uniform courtesy and kindness in the ex-
acting positions he filled merited richly for him the
universal esteem in which he was held.
In reply to an inquiry in the March Veteran, M. W.
Stamper, of Stamper, Miss., writes: “A James M. Kel-
ley, who joined the Confederate army in Missouri, and,
I think, has told me that he was born in Ohio, lived in
our county several years; was at one time surveyor of
the county. I saw him last spring. He is a Baptist
preacher, and his address now is Sebastopol, Scott
County, Miss.
J. F. Spearman, of Yale, Miss., writes that, to the
best of his recollection, one James Kelley died at his
father’s house during the war, and was buried on the
L. R. Spencer, a member of Company C, Barksdale’s
Fifteenth Mississippi Infantry, died at Del Rio, Tex.,
October 22. A comrade writes: “He loved the cause
of the South and all old veterans and their people.”
The Holly Springs (Miss.) Reporter: “Another noble
soul has gone to recruit the array of Southern heroes
on the other shore. Entering the Confederate army
at the first call of his native state, Clifton Dancy rose,
grade by grade, from the ranks to the position of lieu-
tenant-colonel of the Forty-Fourth, one of the best
regiments that bore aloft the stars and bars of Missis-
sippi, the regiment whose banner was consecrated by
the sacrificial blood of the immortal Sam Benton.”
Col. Dancy was popular in the broadest sense, while in
his immediate family there was ardent devotion.
Dr. Fielding Travis Powell was born April 12, 1828,
near McMinnville, Tenn. He was educated at Irving
College, Tenn., and while there the productions of his
pen first attracted attention. He studied and practised
law until during 1858, when he began the practise of
medicine, a throat trouble so affecting him as to make
law practise injurious. During the war he was as-
signed to active service as surgeon on the battle-fields
of Chickamauga, North Georgia, and Tennessee. A
short sketch by him, entitled “A Touching Incident at
the Battle of Chickamauga,” in his personal experi-
ence, was extensively quoted. His pen was versatile.
For different dailies and periodicals he wrote many pa-
triotic war hymns, war editorials, and sketches. After
the war he contributed to many journals of Georgia,
and to some in Tennessee. Dr. Powell was the first
F. O’Brien, of Berwick, La., announces the death of
Victor Penisson on September 30, 1897. Comrade Pe-
nisson was a member of Fuller’s Heavy Artillery.
President of the Georgia Eclectic Medical Society, and
was continued in that office for nine years. In 1857 he
married Martha A. J. Powell (a distant relative), a
daughter of Dr. Chapman Powell, an eminent physi-
cian and citizen of Atlanta, Ga. He died in Atlanta
February 18, 1898. His widow and four children sur-
vive him — three sons and one daughter, Miss Ella M.
Confederate Veterans
The sketch of Mrs. Mary Amanncha Snowden, of
Charleston, which appeared in the Veteran for Octo-
ber, 1897 (pp. 532, 533), made a profound impression.
Its rereading will be the more interesting now that she
has fallen asleep. The Charleston News and Courier
begins a sketch of her career under the heading: “A
brief record of a life which was spent in services to the
city and the state, which will never be forgotten; a no-
ble woman whose memory will always be cherished in
the hearts of the people among whom she worked.”
In this sketch the News and Courier says:
There is a beatitude of the faithful dead, uttered from
the heaven to which they have passed, as truly as there
is a beatitude of the saintly living, spoken upon that
earth through which they strive. If the Son of God
utters his blessing upon the one from the holy mount,
the Spirit of God proclaims the blessedness of the other
from the very skies where it is made real. Tie says of
them: “They rest from their labors, and their works do
follow them.” And this is the beautiful and impressive
epitaph which has written itself in every thought with
the first tidings that Mrs. Mary Amarintha Snowden
has ceased from among the living. Rest from labor,
and that labor always and ungrudgingly for others,
could not conceivably come to her but with the cessa-
tion of life itself. For many years past infirmity of
health, advancing age, and many trials conspired to
make effort hard, and the necessity of respite seemed
Imperative, but the strong spirit overcame them all, so
that up to the very last of life the great interests and
tasks to which she consecrated her life received unceas-
ing attention, supervision, and unwearying effort. . . .
But “the cause.” though lost, was none the less dear.
At Magnolia, the city of the dead, lie the remains of
over eight hundred volunteers who Ml in defense of the
citv. With several friends she. in 1806. formed a me-
morial association, and from the funds raised bv this
body have been erected eight hundred marble “head-
stones, with the name, rank, and state engraved there-
on, and a statue in bronze of a Confederate soldier sur-
mounts the granite column standing in the center of the
enclosure. But in honoring the dead the living were
not to be forgotten, and in 1867 she bent her energies
toward preparing a home for the mothers, widows, and
daughters of Confederate soldiers. This institution,
the only one of its kind in the Southern states, was
founded in 1867. One dollar from a widow in Balti-
more was the first donation. Widows and mothers of
Confederate soldiers are here allowed a home and
daughters are educated for a merely nominal sum, or
as their means allow. Hundreds of the impoverished
daughters of South Carolina have been educated at this
institution, and many a widow and mother has found
there a “home and a resting-place.” Seventy thousand
dollars has been raised for its support since its incep-
tion. When the design was barely digested, and its
novelty had made the public doubtful of its ultimate
success. Mrs Snowden never hesitated a moment, but,
with her sister, mortgaged their own residence for pay-
ment of the first year’s rent on the building. But
friends came forward, subscriptions to the good work
increased, and the rent was paid. The building is now
owned by the association, and the nucleus of a hand-
some endowment fund is in the banks.
To the Confederate Veterans of Edgefield and Salu-
da Counties, S. C, belongs the honor of being the first
organization to raise a monument commemorative of
the heroism and noble deeds of a woman during our
dark days of war. Capt. G. B. Lake, the hero of the
Crater, has the honor of first proposing the patriotic
act, and he was the moving spirit in its final culmina-
tion. At a meeting of Abner Perrin Camp, Confeder-
ate Veterans, some years ago, Capt. Lake proposed
that a fund be raised and applied to placing a shaft over
the grave of ” \11nt l.ucinda Home.” There was a
generous response. One old veteran, noble-hearted
and brave old Sheriff Ouzts, said he was willing to give
his all, as he believed if it had not been for the tender
nursing of this good woman he would not have been
with his comrades to-day.
Subsequently this fund was augmented, the monu-
ment purchased and erected, and in July, 1897, in the
picturesque church-yard of Chestnut Hill Church,
where rests in silent peace this heroine of the “Just
Cause,” it was unveiled. A large number old soldiers
and citizens repaired to the church, where an organiza-
tion was perfected, and, after appropriate religious
services, a procession was formed and marched to the
grave, and. amidst bowed heads ami sympathetic ami
watchful eyes, the monument was unveiled.
There was no orator of the day or set speech, but
feeling addresses were made bv Capts. Allen and Lake
and Comrades Ouzts. Wright, Sample, and Amaker.
Much has been said and written of Aunt T.ucinda
Home, but not enough, for truly she was one of the fa-
mous women of the South. At the verv commence-
ment of the war she, with husband and son. volunteered
and went to the front, enduring all the hardships of a
soldier’s life.
Confederate .
dr/ited 5095 of Confederate l/eterar?$.
Organized July 1, lS9fi, Richmond, Va.
ROBERT A. SMYTH, Commander-in-Chief. | r „ tB07 ,,,.,,.,„.„„ R ,.
Daniel i;a\ i;m;l, ADji-TANT-LiiNKiiAi.. ) »°i*i»»,t,iiRries»oii,s.c.
ROBERT I’. MiItFI.EET. Commaxher, I . ..,., wi ,„ ton v r
GARLAND E. WEBB, Adjutant-General,] box ‘””‘ ” ll, * ton – «• ‘■’•
T. LEIGH THOMPSON, Commander, Lewisburg, Tenn.
J. H. BOWMAN, Adjutant-General,
Box 151, Belton, Tex.
Conducted by ROBERT A. SMYTH, Charleston, S. C.
Send all communications for this department to him,
[Comrades everywhere are urged to commend the organization of
Sons. Bv doing so they may be very helpful to Commander Smyth. S.
A. Cunningham.]
We are glad to report a large increase in the numbvr
of camps since the last issue, nine having been char-
tered. They are as follows :
No. 67. Camp Sul Ross, Houston, Tex.
No. 68. Camp Oliver E. Edwards, Spartanburg, S.C.
No. 69. Camp J. Z. George, Yazoo City, Miss.
No. 70. Camp William Shippe, Hendersonville.N.C.
No. 71. Camp Pickens, Pickens, S. C.
No. 72. Camp Stone Fort, Manchester, Tenn.
No. 73. Camp Olin M. Dantzler, Orangeburg, S. C.
No. 74. Camp W. E. James, Darlington, S. C.
No. 75. Camp Henry Buist, Charleston, S. C.
Besides these, camps are being organized at Elloree.,
Bennettsville, Florence, Edgefield, and Chester, in the
South Carolina Division, and camps have been organ-
ized at Franklin, Ky., Crawfordville, Ga., and Jackson-
ville, Fla., and will apply for charters soon. At Vicks-
burg and Crystal Springs, Miss., ■ and Ocala, Fla.,
camps are also being formed. In Mangum, Okla.,
one will be formed on the first Saturday in May,
through the efforts of Col. J. O. Casler, Adjutant Vet-
eran Division. The Veteran Camp of Tracy City,
Tenn., has also written for instructions as to the neces-
sary steps for the formation of a camp in that city.
Commandant of the Veteran Camp at Chipley, Fla.,
requests information and papers for Sons there, and
they propose to organize a camp. Others throughout
that section are expected to organize this month.
Thus it will be seen that the Veterans are taking an
active interest in aiding the Sons to form camps. They
will take part in the Atlanta reunion, and we hope to
report in the next issue a large increase in the number
of new camps.
Camp Henry Buist No. 75, of Charleston, S. C, or-
ganized last June, has a membership of ninety. This
gives Charleston the proud record of being the only
city in the South ‘having two camps of Sons, while
steps have been taken to organize a third, Sons of the
Washington Artillery Regiment, which will be char-
tered soon. Camp Moultrie No. 4, of this city, is the
largest camp in the federation, numbering two hundred
and twenty-five members. The South Carolina Divi-
sion now has twenty-seven camps, and it is expected
that some ten or more will be added by April 27, when
its third annual reunion will be ‘held in Charleston.
Much interest is being aroused in Mississippi, and it
is especially pleasing to report the chartering of the
camp at Yazoo City. Texas now has six camps, and a
reunion will be held on the 21st of this month at Dal-
las, the result of which, we hope, will be to largely in-
crease the number of camps in the state. As soon as
the camp at Franklin, Ky., is chartered that division
will have five camps, and can elect its own officers.
We are very anxious to hear of new camps in the
Virginia Division, and wish that the comrades of that
state would bestir themselves in the matter. The num-
ber now in that state should be doubled by the time of
the reunion in Atlanta.
Vernon, Tex., proposes to form a joint organization
of the Daughters of the Confederacy and Sons of Vet-
erans, and obtain charters from the United Daughters
and from our federation. It will be virtually two or-
ganizations merged into one, and we look forward with
interest to the result. The headquarters of the United
Sons has received a letter from Mrs. Ferrell asking for
information as to the forming of a camp of Sons, and
mentioning the proposed joint association.
A circular letter has been issued from the headquar-
ters of the Sons with reference to the Southern school-
book problem, enclosing to all camps for their atten-
tion a letter received from Mr. William C. Chase, of
Richmond, who has interested himself for some time in
this work and ‘has begun the formation of a Southern
School-Book Association, on business principles, for
publishing text-books written by Southern authors.
It is useless for chapters of Daughters and camps of
Sons to be formed and to endeavor to perpetuate these
records while in the schoolroom their children are be-
ing taught false history and receiving their education
from school-books which ignore or misrepresent the
South. The circular letter sets forth the facts fully.
A good many of the camps are anxious for some
definite practical object toward which they can work,
so that interest will be kept up in their meetings and
they may accomplish some visible good. This School-
Book Association certainly opens the way for a noble
work on the part of the camps. If they take hold of
the movement and arouse interest in and for it in their
cities and sections, and endeavor to have the school
boards adopt Southern text-books, our federation wtll
certainly have done a noble work in behalf of the South
and its heroes.
We earnestly ask the help of every Veteran Camp in
the work of increasing the strength of this federation
of Sons by lending their influence and aid to the organ-
ization of camps in their cities and sections. We
should have several hundred camps of Sons; and, if the
Veterans will but lend their aid now, it can easily be
done. Full and prompt information, with all neces-
sary papers, can be had by addressing the headquarters,
at Charleston, S. C. We can not find language strong
enough in which to urge and beg the help of the Vet-
erans in this work. The object of the federation ap-
peals directly to them, in that it proposes to create and
perpetuate a record for every member of the U. C. V.
and of their comrades who have preceded them into
eternity, to erect monuments to the brave dead, and to
mark every grave where rests a soldier who wore the
gray. Surely it is but right that the Veterans should
give their influence and aid to forming these camps.
(toughs, Consumption, Catarrh, La Grippe, and Other Lung Troubles at Last Annihilated.
Are you a consumptn e?
It is safe to assume that you are. for
nine-tenths of the human family Buffei
from one form or another of this King of
Diseases, this despoiler of homes, this com-
mon enemy of health, which strikes rich
and poor alike, ami is no respecter of
Heretofore wealth lias been a necessary
part of the cure — wealth to take you to
the green lields and the sunshine of
climes that know naught but summer
and none hut the hh.e Bkies ol June;
wealth to enable you to partake of the
elaborate systems of treatment; wraith
to buy this fleeting ho|e that leads you
on and on to the inevitable end — death.
But now all this lias been changed.
The poor— aye, Ihe p est of the p
may be saved from the clutch of Con-
sumption, I. a Grippe, Catarrh, Coughs,
and the kindred evils that belong to the
consumptive family.
In the great, busy, self-for-self metrop-
olis is one man one man of mighty
mind, one man of generous heart, one
man of philanthropic principles who
Stretches out the hand of help t.> those
who suffer, and say-: “Ask for this won-
derful cure, and it shall he yours.”
The Slocum System is “bottled life.”
It builds up the tired and worn-out
bodies of those who sutler. It goes at
trace i” the seat of the disea-e and drives
out the germs that are living mi your vi-
fcal strength. It takes hold of your bl I.
and where it was once sluggish and slow,
it causes it to leap and dance through
your veins with the vigor of health, h
makes rich, red, ros\ hi I; and rich
blood means health and strength.
The slocum System is a crystallization
of the mighty mind- of the medical
World. It is a practical condensation of
the investigations nf Koch, Pasteur, Vir-
I’liuw. and Metchnikoff, all put in practi-
cal form by one of the foremost medical
scientists of the country. It is putting at
the service of sufferers Ihe result of years
of study and research of eminent “men,
Which result i hey could not have bought
with kingdoms.
Tlie entire system is fully explained in
a new pamphlet brimful of testimonials,
which will be sent, with three free hot-
tie- of this remarkable system of treat-
ment, to any and all readers of the ( ‘o\i i i.-
Vi 1 1 i; w who will send their name
and full address to Or. T. A. Slocum, The
Slocum Building, New York City, and
who will agree to use them for tin” relief
of those who suffer.
Three Free Bottles of This Wonderful Treatment
to All Confederate Veteran Readers
For the Asking.
Medicine Reduced to an Exact Science by the
World’s Most Famous Physician.
Spectai Noir. All readers oft la’ Com kdkrateVeteb in anxious regarding the health
of themselves, children, relatives, or friends, can have Three Free Bottles of the New
Discoveries, a- represented in the above illustration, with complete directions, pam-
phlet–, testimonials, &C, by sending full address to Dr. T. A. Slocum, the Slocum
Building, New York City. This is a plain, honest, straight forward offer, and is made
to introduce the Merits of the New System of Treatment, and should be accepted at
once. When writing please mention the Confederate Veteran.
Confederate .
by local applications, as thev can not reach the dis-
eased portion <>f the ear. There is only one way to
cure deafness, and that is by constitutional reme-
dies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition
of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube.
When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling
sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely
closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflam-
mation can he taken out and this tube restored to its
normal condition, hearing will he destroyed forev-
er. Nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,
which is nothing but an inflamed condition eff the
mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case
of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can riot he
cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars
free. F.J, CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
SWSold by Druggists. 75c.
Operate Finest Vestibuled Pullman Ob-
servation Sleeping-Cars daily between
Kansas City and Galveston via the K.
C, P. and G. R. R. to Shreveport, H. E.
and W. T. Ry. to Houston, and G. C.
and S. F. Ry. to Galveston. Dining-
Car Service via this line between
Shreveport and Kansas City. Meals on
the cafe’ plan — pay for what you get, and
at reasonable prices.
Passengers to and from St. Louis and
the East make close connections via Fris-
co Line at Poteo, via Iron Mountain or
Cotton Belt Routes at Texarkana or
via Cotton Belt Route at Shreveport.
Through sleepers via Q. and C. Route
from Cincinnati and Chattanooga make
close connections in union depot at
Shreveport. No transfers via this route.
Close connections in Central Depot at
Houston with through trains for Austin,
San Antonio, Eagle Pass, El Paso, Rock-
port, Corpus Christi, and all Southern
and Western Texas and Mexico points.
Be sure to ask for tickets via Shreve-
port Route. For rates, schedules, and
other information tee nearest ticket
agent, or write R. D. Yoakum,
Gen. Pass. Agt.;
W. M. Doherty,
T. P. A., Houston, Tex.
On account of the Quadrennial Gen-
eral Conference of the M. E. Church,
South, at Baltimore, Md., May 4-28, 1898,
the Southern Railway will sell tickets
from all points on its line to Baltimore
and return at greatly reduced rates.
Tickets will be sold May 2, 3, and 4, with
final limit May 31, 1898.
The schedule accommodations via the
Southern Railway are most excellent,
and parties contemplating attending this
meeting and desiring rates, sleeping-car
reservations, etc., should communicate
at once with nearest agent of the South-
ern Railway.
Charles Kennedy, of No. 1200 North
Spruce Street, Nashville, Tenn., has re-
cently made some medallions of the Sam
Davis bust, and has succeeded better
than others who have tried to copy this.
Mr. Kennedy has them in composition
at $1, and plaster of Paris at $1.50, and
at either price expressage will be prepaid.
A Memorial Volume.
This is a “Southern Book on a South-
ern Man by a Southern Author for the
Southern People.”
Dr. Jones is author bf ” Reminiscences,
Anecdotes, and Letters of Lee,” “Christ
in Camp,” ” Army Northern Virginia
Memorial Volume,” etc., and formerly
Secretary Southern Historical Society.
The author says in the preface that the
“aim of this work is to give, in a single
volume”, not only a history of the life
and times of the great Confederate lead-
er, but to gather and preserve choice se-
lections from the world’s splendid tribute
to his memory, and thus be a prized
souvenir in the homes of the people who
loved him, and not unacceptable to oth-
ers who are willing to know more of the
man who played so conspicuous a part in
American history.”
The volume contains 672 large pages
printed from new plates on fine calen-
dered paper, weighs three pounds, and is
illustrated by Mr. W. L. Sheppard, a
popular artist.
This valuable work by Dr. Jones is a
subscription book, and the price, $2.75,
has been reduced to $2.25. It will be
sent post-paid, with a year’s subscription
to the Veteran for $2.50, or free for
five yearly new subscriptions to the
Veteran until an edition recently pur-
chased is exhausted. .
An old physician, retired from practise, had
placed in his hands by an East India missionary the
formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the
speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bron-
cnitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung;
Affections, also a positive and radical cure for
Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints.
Having tested its wonderful curative powers in
thousands of cases, and desiring- to relieve human
suffering:, I will send free of charge to all who wish
it, this recipe, in German, French, or English, with
full directions for preparing and using. Sent by
mail, by addressing with stamp, naming this paper.
W. A. Noves, S20 Powers Block, Rochester, N. Y.
Confederate Veterans, Daughters of
the Confederacy, and Sons of Confedrate
Veterans who expect to attend Reunion
at Atlanta or Charlotte should secure in-
formation as to rates, schedules, and ac-
commodations offered by the Atlantic
Coast Line before selecting their route.
II. M. Emerson, G. P. A.,
Wilmington, N. C.
On account of the meeting of the
Southern Baptist Convention at Norfolk,
Va., May 5-12, 1898, the Southern Rail-
way will sell tickets from all points on
its lines to Norfolk and return at rate of
one fare for the round trip. Tickets will
be sold May 2 to 6 inclusive, limited to
return fifteen days from date of sale, but
if deposited with agent of terminal lines
at Norfolk on or before May 16, the re-
turn limit will be extended fifteen addi-
tional days.
The schedule via this route is excel-
lent, and parties contemplating attend-
ing the Southern Baptist Convention
should communicate with the nearest
agent of the Southern Railway.
Manuscripts, war relics, etc. State
price. Address Prof. W. R. Smith, Ken-
tucky University, Lexington, Ky.
Governor R. L. Taylor,
‘7r’HE gifted orator and statesman,
^^ whose fame is national in the
use of beautiful words and good
will, decides to quit politics and de-
vote himself to lecturing. Three of
his lectures are in book form:
“Fiddle and Bow,”
“Paradise of Fools,”
“Visions and Dreams.”
The book, containing over 200 pages
and illustrations, is offered free to
subscribers who in renewing will
send a new subscription. Those
who have already paid in advance
can have this book sent post-paid
for one or two new subscriptions.
Do help the Veteran In this way.
The book sent post-paid for 25
cents — half price.
Manufacturers of
Umbrellas. Parasols,
and Canes.
Special Attention to Recover-
ing and Repairing.
222 N. Summer St..
Nashville, Tenn.
With all the latest known improvements, at
ereatlv reduced prices. Satisfacticn guaran-
teed. Bend for circular. B.MATTHEWS,
Cor. 4th Ave. & Market St., LouisviHe, Ky.
Confederate .
A circular letter from the Weekly a&
Constitution states that it ” goes to
more homes than any newspaper pub- *dl fll
lished on the face of the earth:” that
” as an exponent of Southern opinion and purveyor of Southern news it has no equal on the
continent,” and ” that the Constitution’s special features are such as are not found in any other
paper in America.” An arrangement has been made whereby the Weekly Constitution and the
f* /• J i €)) j can both be had for $\SO a year. This
KSOTllCClGrCltC £/GtCrCl7l combination is opportune, as the Consti-
tution will contain a great deal more about reunion matters than can be expected in the VET-
ERAN. Let thousands send $1.50 for both. This is considered the best combination with the
Veteran that has ever been made, and the sooner accepted the better. Address Veteran.
Those Dreadful
“Not to take
a cure for
fatal disease
is (o eoininit
If you suffer from Fits. Epilepsy, St. Vitus’ Dance, etc., have
children 01 relatives that do so, or know people thai are afflicted,
my New Discovery, EPILEPTICIDE, will cure them, and all you
are asked to do is to send for a Free Bottle and to trj il I am
quite prepared to abide bytheresult it Ims cured thousands
where everything; else has Sailed. Please give name and full ml-
dress. DR.’W. li. MAY. May Laboratory, 96 Pine St., New York.
K $3
I Indorsed by State Commanders. |
publishing j-fouse °f % Methodist Episcopal ^urch, South,
To Whom it May Concern :-
We have printed the CONFEDERATE VETERAN for
the past year. The editions are as follows:
1897 – April, 15,100; May, 15,100; June, 20,000; July, 17,000; August,
16,000; September, 16,000; October, 16,200; November, 16,200;
December, 17,000.
1898 – January, 16,000; February, 17,000; March, 18,000.
Average circulation, 16,633.
Circulation beginning with May, 1898, 20,000 per month.
This Pen sent free with 8
subscriptions to \Vetcran.
wA-tniMRN’s ideal rotiN-rniN pen
Or S4 sent lor pen will get
the Veteran one year free
Confederate l/eterai)
Union Teachers’ Agencies of America
Pittsburg, Pa., Toronto, Can., Nezv Orleans, La., Ne^v York, N. T., Washington, D. C, San Francisco,
Cat., Chicago, III., St. Louis, Mo., and Denvtr, Colo.
There are thousands of positions to be filled. We had over vacancies during the past season — more
vacancies than teachers. Unqualified facilities for placing teachers in every part of the United States and
Canada. One fee registers in nine offices. Address all applications to Saltsburg, Pa.
The ” Lone Star is waving” — the flag of the free —
Then strike for Texas if men you would be.
No idlers are wanted, the thrifty and wise,
To wealth and high station can equally rise.
Where corn, oats, and cotton, the richest of loam
Which yields to the settlers provisions and home,
Trees of every description arise on each hand,
From alluvial soil to the rich table-land.
Here springs are exhaustless and streams never dry,
In the season from winter to autumn’s bright sky,
A wide panorama of prairie is seen,
Of grasses of all kinds perennially green.
Here millions of cattle, sheep, horses, and goats
Grow fat as if stall-fed or fattened on oats.
No poverty is found in the mighty domain,
To the man who exerts either finger or brain.
Here are homes for the millions, the rich and the
While Texas opens wide her hospitable door.
She has thousands of acres— yes, millions — to sell,
Yet can point without cost to where preemptors
can dwell.
Her terms will be easy with those whom she deals,
While security, all, in their title can feel.
Buy land while ’tis cheap, and the finest select,
‘Twill, young man, prove a fortune when least you
Old man, for your children, buy, file it away;
A Godsend ’twill prove on some rainy day.
For a handsome book free, fully describing this
wonderful country, address E. P. TURNER, Gen-
eral Passenger and Ticket Agent Texas and Pacific
Railway, Dallas, Tex.
The Southern Railway, in connection
with the Nashville, Chattanooga, and St.
Louis Railway and Pennsylvania Rail-
road, operates daily a through sleeping-
car between Nashville and New York,
via Chattanooga, Knoxville, and Ashe-
ville. This line is filled with the hand-
somest Pullman drawing-room buffet
sleeping-cars, and the east-bound sched-
ule is as follows: Leave Nashville 10:10
p.m., Chattanooga 4:10 a.m., Knoxville
8:25 a.m., Hot Springs 11 =46 a.m., and ar-
rives at Asheville at 1:15 p.m., Washing-
ton 6:42 a.m., New York 12:43 p.m. This
sleeping-car passes by daylight through
the beautiful and picturesque mountain
scenery of East Tennessee and Western
North Carolina, along the French Broad
A second train leaves Nashville daily
at 3 130 p.m.; Chattanooga, 10 p.m.; Knox-
ville, 1 :i5 a.m. ; Hot Springs, 4 a.m. Ar-
rives at Asheville, 5:10 a.m.; Washing-
ton, 9:35 p.m.; New York, 6:23 A.M.
This train carries elegant Pullman Sleep-
ing-car from Chattanooga to Salisbury
and Salisbury to New York without
San Diego to Alaska (including the Klondike),
A Santa Fe Agent can give you information as
to rates, connections and tickets.
w. s. Keenan, General Pass. Agent,
To T^
Pullman Vestibuled Train Service witn
Newest and Finest Day Coaches,
Sleepers, and Dining-cars
Terre Haute, Indianapolis.
Milwaukee, St. Paul,
Southern Passenger Agent,
Chattanooga, Tenn.
Commercial Agent,
Nashville, Tenn.
Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent,
The Wittenberg Optical Co.,
428 Church St., Nashville, Tenn.
We now grind the most difficult Lenses oar-
selves, so you can get your
Spectacles or Eyeglasses
the same day your eyes are examined, Frames
of the latest designs in Gold, Silver.Nickel, Steel,
Rheumatism, Asthma, Blood, Livexi
Skin, and Kidney troubles speedily
cured. Luxurious Turkish ■ Russian
bath for well. Send for partiaulars in
regard to securing one of tnese Hygien-
Bath Cabinets as premium for sub-
scribers to the Veteran.
Confederate Veterans.
Read House,
[ offer to all classes of
; thrifty persons unequal-
I eM inducements to lo-
; catewithiuiheirborders
😐 To the Farmer,
:■ Is offered good land at low prices, i-
Zg and on easy terms; good markets i<>r j£
«5 all he raises, and never-failing crops. 2»
| To the Laborer:
!■ a country where work is easy to pot 5-
^g ami where good wages are paid.
I To the Merchant:
good openings, where honest, legiti- e business can be carried ou with
: To the Manufacturer: f.
an nnlimlted supply of raw material!
and good shipping facilities to all the
large markets. Libera! inducements
are offered by the oitiaena of the
various localities.
The Cotton ndt passes
directly through the
best poi tione < 1 1 hese
States, and is t be best
route for the intending
Bel I Ler, as it Is 1 be only
line running comfort-
able chair cars and
Pullman sleepers
through from Memphis, to Arkansas
and Texas without onanire. If you are
thinking of moving, write for free
copies of our handsomely illustrate. 1
pamphlets—” Texas*” ” Homes in the
■•,’,” ” Truth about Arkansas”
x ‘Gh»tpsfs of South fast Aftssout > , . J > –
kansas and Northwest Louisiana” and
yLands for Sale Along the Cotton Belt.”
Th’-y will help you to find a good
15 W. fi. MUMS,
1 2J Trm . Plua’r ^ciril.
■ABHTIL1 t . 1 » US.
E. W. l.jlilll >ll .’l PUS, ftnil TLl. \cl..
ST. Mil Is. 1(1 “‘
WANTED To Buy for Cash
Civil War Newspa-
pers, Autographs,
Magazinesm ….
and Whiskey tidbits
oared jii borne with-
oatpsin. ]t>>nk of par-
ticulars .tiii 1 ic 1 1
n.M.wom.M v. m.d.
i N. Pryor St.
Ml should read this book. We “ill
Inr II .It 11,.., „ Best Pen Points fur 10
rnts, :tll post-paid. Address Sot niERN Book
N , Almond, S C
I Attention, I
■ *
‘ –
Opposite Union Depot ami Lo-
cated on Site of the Historic
Crutchfield House.
The Read House
is the most conveniently located
Hotel in Chattanooga. It is in
the heart of the business center
and. in full view of Lookout
Mountain, Mission Ridge, and
Cameron Hill. Electric Cars
pass the Hotel for Lookout
Mountain and all the suburbs.
Ticket oflfil es of all the railroads
located in the Hotel building.
The Read Turkish Bath-Rooms
are the finest in the South, the
large, beautiful pool being sup-
plied with water from the Ar-
tesian Well. All water used
throughout the Hotel conies
from this same well. A number
of private bath-rooms, in the Ho-
tel just finished (with most ap-
proved plumbing and porcelain-
lined lulls’,
A Few Points of Interest
in and around the city are Cam-
eron Hill, Tennessee River
Bridge, Fort Wood, Fort Neg-
ley, Stone Fort (Custom I louse),
Thins Building Dome, National
i, emetery (Thirteen Thousand
interments), Chlckamauga Na-
tional Military Park (Five thou-
sand Acres), Orchard Knob
(Grant’s Headquarters), Vallom-
brosa, Mission Ridge (Two Ob-
servation Towers), I.ula Lake,
Signal Mountain, Point Lookout.
imi^mmmm eyewater
Confederate Survivors,
and United Confeder-
ate Veterans of Vir-
ginia, North and South
I The Atlantic Coast Line, [
| South Carolina and
: Georgia Ry., and
: Georgia Railroad
Offer the most pleasant
and comfortable accom-
modations for those « ho
will attend the
Annual Reunion I
:il Ml. ml i.i.
m.’tits made for I . < i
Write in .1 ‘■ W. Wm i i . Tn w-
blxng Pa ei \ ■ i . 793
i < .1. TI.’
will t.ike pleasure in giving full
information as to rates, schedule,
and deeping car aco
No trouble t” answer
t Traveling Put. Age. Q«Dtt*l Pam. Agt.
M ‘.I s [ \. ,, \
_, \r a\ % OFFKBS rREF.:
The YOUth S^^oS.
A J __ a Ring, or a Scholarship
AflVOC/lTP i” Draughou’s Bus.
AUYUtai^ College. Nashville,
Nashville, Tenn. J«n» g* 1 *™*”? or
Texarkana, 1< \
in almost any other Bus. College or Literary
School for a small club of subscribers.
The Youth’s Advocate is a 16-page journal, read
■with interest ami profit by people of all ages.
Non-denominational. Est’d i8<>o. Stories aud
other interesting matter well illustrated. Any
one of the several departments is worth its sub
scription price. It is a practical educator as well
as a high toned literary paper. Indorsed by
State officials, teachers and others. Agents wan t-
ed. Sample copy sent free. Address as above.
Y. M. O. A. BUIL.DINSI. ♦ ♦ •
Barber Shop, Russian and Turkish
B?th Rooms.
Also Barber Shop at 325 Church St.
Confederate l/eterai),
; Statement Showing Sales of Coca-Cola
<9,<555 Gallons.
1,155,440 Glasses.
received at Soda
Fountains when
sold at 5 cents
per glass,
556,672 Cash.
«eeee«€sss e 6€e«
165,297 Gallons,
20,902,016 Glasses,
$1,045,100,80 Cash.
«§* Note Enormous Increase in Seven Years. «§►
You Get
the Profits
Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbers
and Middlemen by buying di-
rect from the manufacturer.
Established 1867
Telephone 734.
No better wheel made than the
South Carolina
Georgia R. R.
‘The Charleston Line.’
Acme Bicycle jum wm produce co
Built in our own factory by
skilled workmen, using the best
material and the most improved
machinery. We have no agents
Sold direct from factory to the
rider, fully warranted. Shipped
anywhere for examination.
Our Interesting Offer
Acme Cycle Co., Elkhart, Ind.
No. 204- Court Square. Nashville, Tenn.
[Comrade Frank Anderson is ex-President of
Frank Cheatham Bivouac.— En. Veteran.]
OUR MOTTO: ” Good ” Work at Reasonable Price*.
161 N. Ciikkry St., H»»nilLUC, ICRR.
A. I. HAGER.D.D.S.. Manaier.
– Only Southern line operating Cele-
brated Wagner Palace Buffet Drawing-
Room Sleepers. Only Sleeping-Car line
between Charleston and Atlanta. Only
Pullman Parlor Car line between Charles-
ton and Asheville, N. C. Best and quick-
est route between Yorkville, Lancaster,
Rock Hill, Camden, Columbia, Orange-
burg, Blackville, Aiken, and Atlanta, Ga.
Solid through trains between Charleston
and Asheville. Double daily trains be-
tween Charleston, Columbia, and Au-
gusta. L. A. EMERSON,
Traffic Manager.
Handsome historical lithograph, colored
bird’s-eye view of Chattanooga, Mission-
ray Ridge, Walden’s Ridge, and portions
of” the Chickamauga field as seen from
the summit of Lookout Mountain. High-
est style of lithographer’s art. On fine
paper, plate, 10×24. Mailed for 10 cents
in stamps. W. C. Rinearson, Gen. Pass.
Agt. Q. and C. Route, Cincinnati, O.
Confederate l/eterai?.
TJhe Smith ^Premier Uj/pewri’ter
jCeada them all.
Jor Catalogue, SPri’ces, etc., address
Brandon ^Printing Company,
u/c refer 6 y permission to tne
ctrfitor of t/ie? tyrtfrran.
7/asAu///e, Ztenn.
••Only Perfect Bath Cubinet.”
■ ■ . h ‘ ; ■
■ .
• ‘ ■
l ii. » i, , i
■ l oati op- rati ■ l ■ • * ,,ul
ii. 5 i ow , SprinefP ->i” Home.
Veteran Subscri
bers, arc you inter’
cstcd in poultry ?
200 First Premi-
ums. All about
incubators and
brooders in 18^8
catalogue. Send
for one.
Bjjk INCUBATOR CO.. — r»
N, Homer City. Pa, V ‘
Free tuition. We give one or more fre<
nrships in every county in the L7. S. Write us.
O u * c Will accept noli
■J OSlttons, • • sit money in bank
C j -/ until position i ■
Cuaranteea i ar epaij. in
ter at any time. Open I
ii.l. 5end for
— free illustrated catalogue
Address J. F. DRAV..110N, l’re-‘t. at I
ositt’ons. . .
l r nder > ni.sonadlc
conditions ….
“One Country;,
. . . ©nc Jflafl.’
The … .
10 Purchase ….
Bookkeeping, 5horthand, Typew ritlng, etc.
The most thorough, practical and
^..ImhIs of the kind in the world, ami li
patronised ones in the South. Indorsi
ers, merchants, ministers and others. Four
weeks in bookkeeping with us are equal t.>
twelve weeks by the old plan. J. F. Draughon,
President, is author of Draughon’s New System
of Bookkeeping, “Double l-.ntry Made Bus]
Home study. We have prepared, fo:
Study, books on bookkeeping, penmanship and
‘and. Write for price li^t “Home Study.”
Extract. “Prof. Draughon— I li
kw pingat home from your books, while holding
1 position as night telegraph operator.”
I.kffinqwell, Bookkeeper for Gerber^i Picks,
Wholesale Grocers. South Chicago, 111.
(Mention thts paper wlit’ti writing.”)
Flags, Banners, Swords, Belts, Caps, A WllitC INCgTO’
and all kinds of Military Koiipment is at
J. A. JOEL & CO.,
M Nassau Street. NEW YORK.
cnroil a I In , in.. I.’ni>, …1 1 ttr. ‘fni-n
plum, Cocai n,
h lab j habits
cured Bt homo. Remedy 85. Cure Guaranteed.
KndnrMPil by physicians, ministers, and o there.
Bonk of particulars, testimonials, sic., free. To-
haccoi in’, the tobacco cure. Si. Established 1802
cut ioslty, but not
as the
Afro-American Encyclopaedia, which oonti
100 articles, coverio ■ i ■■ i- topic ■ I ” ,, ‘ ,, M lothi
i >v more than 200
rhe nn. I-. I -I Dvei 60,000 colored
thai ‘i ia beyond all o> mparison the best wobk thi
■ ; .
Agents ol sales, and ai ■
i terms. J. P. Hali i A Co,,Pui
Shortest Line.
►J- Quickest Time.
Excellent Service.
San Antonio.
Through Sleepers
and Day Coaches
Write us f’»r particular ii
and Mi
I.. TRH i D.J. PRII i
eral Supt. I icket Agent.
i ■
Old Roofs Made Good as New.
If an old leaky tin, iron, or steel roof,
paint it with Allen’s Anti-Rust Japan.
()ne coat is enough; no skill required;
costs little; goes far, and lasts long.
Stops leaks and prolongs the life of
old roofs. Write for evidence and cir-
culars. Agents wanted.
Allen Anti-Rust Mfg. Co..
BERKS HIRE, Chester White,
Jersoj Tied and Polan
lPigs. JexMj, GaeruMj asd Hol-
iteln tattle.
Sheep, Fancy Pi raltn , Honting
ami i
8- \v >miin. UoohrasiTtlle, Chester Co., iv-nn*.
^mummm eyewater iimagi
Confederate l/eterai),
Leaving any point in the West, Arkansas, Texas,
and the Southwest, the wterans attending the Atlanta
reunion will find the route via .Memphis (Nashville,
Tile exhibit in this building is continued; ii lias been enlarged
writ! ■ will be kept open all summer.
Chattanooga, and St. Louis railway) and Nashville the
best and most historic; in fact, is the true ”war route.”
(N. C, & St. L. Railway, Lessee) was made famous by
tne campaign in which the aggressiveness of Sherman
was met by the skill and strategy of Joseph E. John-
ston. This road passes through battle-grounds almost
the entire distance from Chattanooga to Atlanta —
first, Missionary Ridge; then, in succession, Chicka-
mauga, Graysville, Ringgold, Tunnel Hill, Rocky Face,
Mill Creek, Dalton, Dug Gap, Resaca, Adairsville, Al-
toona, Big Shanty, Brush Mountain, Kennesaw Moun-
tain, Smyrna, and Peach Tree Creek. A volume
would be required to give the details of the battles
fought on the line of the
and the Western and Atlantic railroad.
The following officials of the line will take pleasure
in answering questions, whether asked personally or by
letter. Write, or see them, and they will arrange your
trip in speed, comfort, and safety.
R. C. Cowardin, W. P. A., Dallas, Tex.
A. J. Welch, D. P. A., Memphis, Tenn.
W. F. March, A. G. P. and T. A., Nashville, Tenn.
W. L. Danley, G. P. and T. A.. Nashville, Tenn.
North Carolina doesn’t expect a reunion of United
Confederate Veterans, but the Mecklenburg celebra-
tion at Charlotte May 20, 1S98, will interest the whole
nation. Examine the above map and get tickets by the
Seaboard Air Line. For particulars address T.J. An-
DERSON, Portsmouth, Va., or F. 15. TEACHOUT, Nash-
ville, Tenn.
S. D. Robbins (Forrest’s Cavalry), Vicksburg, Miss.:
Is it true that at the beginning of the war, and while
the Confederate capital was yet at Montgomery, Ala.,
an agent of the Enfield Arms Company, of Enfield,
England, had an interview with President Davis in the
presence of Gen. Beauregard, Gen. Robert Toombs,
and others, and that this agent offered to sell to the
Southern Confederacy any number of stands of arms
and take in payment therefor cotton, to be delivered to
the said agent at any of the ports of the Confederacy?
This statement is said to have had the endorsement of
Gen. Beauregard, Gen. Toombs, and others. Is it true?
Mr. Davis says in his book, ”The Rise and Fall of
the Confederate States,” that he did not have arms suf-
ficient wherewith to arm the volunteers as they of-
fered their services, and he does not mention the above
alleged offer of arms. Let some one who knows con-
tribute the facts in regard to this alleged offer of arms.
It has also been charged that about this same time
two young men, named Frazier and Trenholm, both of
whom were then living in Liverpool, or Manchester,
England, bought of the British East India Company
an option on eleven large new ships, then just com-
pleted and ready for sea, and that they offered to sell
those ships to the Confederacy. In bis book Mr. Da-
vis mentions the fact that he sent Capt. Semmes to the
North to purchase ships, but he does not say anything
of this offer from the East India Company.
The Veteran does not believe in either of the above
offers. Certainly large pay would have been made for
arms if they could have been bought with cotton.
Vol. 6.
No. 5.
(birfedeFat^ Vetera p.
The visit was expected ; a sentinel was posted by a tent on the road of whom demand was made for
” unconditional surrender, permitting retention of side arms, but no commissaries,”
Joseph Thompson, Proprietor; George W. Scoville, Manager.
In announcing to the touring
traveling public the advantages of cA
the Kimball House I especially in-
vitc their patronage, assuring them
thai their interests and accommo»
dations shall always be our object.
Lately renovated and command’
ing an advantageous location to all
travelers, we solicit your patronage.
Yours very truly.
and (St$f}’
« of *J Tz dtZA
Opposite the Union Depot. Elcc
trie Railway at the Door to all
parts of Atlanta. No charge for
Delivery of Baggage.
American Plan, 52.50 to $5 per day.
European Plan, SI to $3,50 per day.
European Plan (double rooms), $2
to S6 per day,
Restaurant Open
from 6 a.m. to
One Hundred Rooms, Private Bath,
Two Passenger Elevators.
No Waiting for Transfer of Baggage-
Hold Your Checks for Our Porter.
All Railroads entering Atlanta have
Offices in the HoteL
■ «$**««
lUissouri Pacific Bailwag,
The great through line from
St. Louis to Kansas City, St.
Joe, Omaha, Pueblo, Denver,
and Salt Lake. Try the New
Fast Train, Kansas and Ne-
braska Limited.
Iron Mountain Route,
The most direct line via
Memphis to all points in Ar-
kansas and Texas, West and
Southwest. Free reclining
chairs on all trains. Through
coaches Memphis to Dallas
and Ft. Worth.
For maps, rates, free books on Texms,
Arkansas, anil all “Western States, and
further Infnrmaliun, call on your local
ticket agent or write
H. T. G. MA TTHEWS, S. T A ,
Louisville, Ky.
U. C. TOWNSEND. G. P. and T. A.,
St. Louis, Mo.
Bowling Green Business College.
Haiinoes, Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegra-
phy, and Penmanship taught. Graduates secure
position*. Beaotiful catalogue free. Address
CHERRY BROS.. Bowling Oreen, Kj.
Rheumatism, Asthma, Blood, Liver,
Kidney troubles speedily
Luxurious Turkish – Russian
l^__ .__’. “> ‘ ■■tth for welL Send for particulars in
21 \ eoi these Hygien-
~\ » H th < AhineU premium for sub-
^scribers to the Veteran.
The Waterman Pen. £
Most Popular Fountain
Pen in the Market.
This splendid Pen, makers’ price
54, will be sent free with eight new
subscriptions to the
Confederate Veteran.
Or the person sending 54 {or the
pen to the Veteran can have a year’s
subscription for it free of charge.
The Editor of the Veteran has used
one of these pens since the publica-
tion was founded. Properly treated,
it is always in order.
iii.;.. a BUSINESS
lw college.
2d floor Cumberland Treabyterian Pub. House,
A practical school of established reputation.
Ho catchpenny methods. Business nuu recc-XXb
m«nd thiu College. Write for circulars. Men*
tion thia paper. Addreaa
R. W. JENNINGS. Paiaoiru.
A noted mechanical expert said
recently : ” I didn’t know the
queen & crescent used hard coal
on their engines.” He saw only white
smoke, for the road uses all modern
appliances for avoiding the nuisance
of smoke, dust and cinders. The
Is the only line running solid ves-
tibuled, gas-lighted, steam-heated
trains to the South.
Standard day coaches (with smok-
ing rooms and lavatories), Pullman
drawing room sleepers, elegant
cafe, parlor and observation cars.
runs fully equipped trains from Cincin-
nati to Chattanooga, Birmingham, New
Orleans, Atlanta and Jacksonville, with
through sleepers. Also through sleep-
ing cars Cincinnati to Knoxville, Ashe-
ville, Columbia and Savannah, and from
Louisville to Chattanooga without
change. Ask for tickets over the Q. & C.
W. G. Rinearson, General Passenger
Aeent, Cincinnati, O.
Qopfederat^ .
Entered al the postoffice, Nashville, Tenn., as second-class matter.
Advertising Rates: (1.60 per inch one time, or (16 a year, except last
page. One page, one i ime, special, $85. Discount: Salt year, one issue;
one year, two Issuea, This is below the Former rate.
Contributors will please he diligent to abbreviate. The space is too
important for anything that lias not special merit.
The date to n subscription is always given i<> the month before M i nds.
For instance, 11 the Vetkran be ordered to begin with January, the date on
mail list will lie December, ami the Bubsoriber is entitled to thai number.
The “-civil war” was too long ago to be called the “late* 1 war, and when
correspondents use that term the \\ ord “great” [war] will be substituted.
Circulation: ’93, 79,430; ’94, 121,644; ’95, 154,992; ’96, 161,332.
h’iau.y represents:
United Confederate Veterans,
United Daughters of the Confederacy,
Sons of Veterans and other Organizations.
The Veteran is approved and endorsed by a larger and
more elevated patronage, doubtless, than any other publication
in existence.
Though men deserve, they may not win success,
The brave will honor thetnave, vanquished nunc the less.
PmiOI, J1.00 l’KR Year, j
Sinoi.k Copt, 10 Cknts. 1
Vol. VI.
fj. z, I 3 – A – CUNNINGHAM,
xi u. o. j PROrKIETOK.
Commanders and Adjutants receiving extra copies of this issue will please use to besl advantage. Agents are
wanted everywhere, and preference is given them. The Veteran should be well patronized by ever} Camp.
Exchanges will do the Veteran a .special favor bj re\ iewing this number. It deserves preservation.
Confederate l/eterai?.
One of tlu- ■ ispicuous characters conn
with the Southern movement for state rights and inde-
pendence was Zebulon Baird Vance. A brief re-
sume of his remarkable deeds will beget in every loyal
Si >iit hern heart sentiments of pride and of gratitude.
In the memorial volume published in his honor as
United States Senator this summary is given by Air.
Ransom, his fellow Senator.
Zebulon 1!. Vance, of Charlotte, was born in Bun-
combe County, X. C, May 13, 1830; was educated at
Washington College, Tennessee, and at the University
of North Carolina; studied law; was admitted to the
bar in January, [852, and was elected County Attorney
fi t Buncombe County the same year; was a member of
the State House of Commons in 1854; was a Repre-
sentative from North Carolina in the Thirty-Fifth and
Thirty-Sixth Congresses; entered the Confederate
army as captain in May, 1861, and was made colonel in
August, 186] ; was elected I iovernor of North Carolina
in August, [862, and reelected in August, 1804- was
ed to the United States Senate in November, 1870,
but was refused admission, and resigned in January,
[872; was elected 1 n vernor of North Car.. Una for the
third time in 1876, and in January. 1878, was elected to
tin United States Senate; was reelected in 1885, was
again reelected in [891, a id died at his residence in
Washington April 14. 18114.
Extracts are here copied from Mr. Ransom’s tribute:
His paternal and maternal ancestors both were Rev-
olutionary patriots. The Vance homestead was a large
frame building of the “olden time,” with broad stone
chimneys, indicative of comfort and hospitality. . . .
I know but little of his D03 h 1; but if the Senate will
tie, I will speak of an incident that illustrates his
charactei In the canvass of 1872 I was with Gov.
Vance in the mountain counties of our state. Passing
from Asheville over the mountain to Burnsville, we
made a srhorl -top at th. & X’ehemiah Blackstock,
not far from [yy Creek. Squire Blackstock was nearly
eighty years of age, and his good wife was but little
younger. He had been the surveyor of Buncombe
County for more than forty year-. 1 shall never forget
the meeting of Gov. Vance and that venerable couple.
They fell on each other’.- necks, they embraced, and
wept. The) had not met for years before. The con-
versation was short — not a half-hour long — and con-
sisted mainly of reminiscences. Vance, when a boy,
bad lived with the old people, and attended a country
school close by. Mrs. Blackstock, beaming with joy,
asked him if he remembered the scenes of his school-
boy days, and vividly depicted his wild, wayward mis-
chief, his frolics, his pranks, his plays with the girls, his
wrongs to the boys, his visits to the orchards, his raids
upon the watermelons, his practical jokes, his offenses
to the teacher, and many similar aberrations.
Old Mr. Blackstock, with a benignant smile, said:
“Well, you may say what you will about Zeb; he was a
mighty bad boy, and bard to control, but he had one
redeeming quality that made up for all bis faults: Zeb
would tell the truth. When you missed your eggs that
you wanted so much for the preacher, and were so mad
that they were all gone, and all the boys denied every-
thing about them, Zeb came up like a man, and told
that ‘he took them, but be would not tell who helped
him eat them. He would always tell the truth.”
Three acts of his administration are justly entitled to
be ranked as historic :
1. The organization of a fleet of vessels to sail from
Wilmington, N. C, to Europe with cargoes of cotton,
and return with supplies for the soldiers and essential
necessaries for the people.
J. In 1864 and 1865, when the resources of the South
were absolutely exhausted; when our noble armies
were reduced and hemmed in on every side, ragged,
hungry, and almost without ammunition; when starva-
tion and famine confronted every threshold in the
South, and a morsel of bread was the daily subsistence
of a family — in that dark and dreadful hour Gov. Vance
Confederate l/eterar?,
first appealed to the government at Richmond; and,
finding it perfectly helpless to give any relief, sum-
moned his council of state, and, by almost superhuman
efforts, prevailed upon the destitute people of North
Carolina to divide their last meal and their pitiful
clothing with the suffering Union prisoners at Salis-
bury. Humanity, chivalry, piety, 1 invoke from you a
purer, better, holier example of Christian charity in war!
3. During his administration as Governor in North
Carolina, although war was flagrant, though camps
covered the fields, though soldiers were conscripted by
thousands, though cold-hearted men of ample means
refused supplies to soldiers with bleeding feet, though
the whole militia was armed, though thousands of d –
sellers, refugees from duty, were arrested, though the
War Department daily called for more men, though ev-
ery art and artifice and device was practised to keep the
soldiers from the field, though spies and traitors \\ 1
detected and seized, though traders in contraband of
war were constantly caught flagrante delicto and cap
tnred, though in all countries in time of war civil au-
thority has been compelled to submit to military neces-
sity and power — yet in North Carolina, during the war.
the writ of habeas corpus, the great writ of liberty, was
never for one moment suspended. Immortal history,
worthy of Mecklenburg and the 20th of May. 1775!
Tn 1876 Gov. Vance was for the third time elected
( lovernor of the state, and his administration was the
beginning of a new era for North Carolina.
In 1878 he was elected to the Senate, and until he
SI I l I \ M I ll< >\1*
i\. I \\ 1 I I > \ II I I , \ <
died remained a member of this body, having been
four times elected a Senator. His record in the Senate
is part of the nation’s history. From the beginning he
Was an active, earnest debater, a constant, faithful
worker, a dutiful, devoted Senator, aspiring and labor-
ing for the welfare and honor of the whole country.
His heart every moment was in North Carolina.
His devotion to the state and people was unbounded;
his solicitude for her welfare, his deep anxiety in all
that concerned her. and his readiness to make every
sacrifice in her behalf was daily manifested in all his
words and actions. Si nator Vance was an uncommon
Miss M \KT1IA W. run. IPS, TARBORO, N. C.
M. spoke with great power. His style was
brief, clear, and strong. His statements were accurate
and definite, his arguments compact and forcible, his il-
lustrations unsurpassed in their fitness. His wit and
humor were the ever-waiting and ready handmaids to
his reasoning, and always subordinated to the higher
purpose of his speech. They were torch-bearers, ever
bringing fresh light. He always instructed, always in-
terested, always entertained, ami never wearied or fa-
tigued an audience, and knew when to conclude.
I le rarely, if ever, spoke without bringing down ap-
plause. I lis w it was as inexhaustible as it was exquisite.
His humor was overflowing, fresh, sparkling like bub-
bling drops of wine in a goblet; but he husbanded these
rare resources of speech with admirable skill, and never
displayed them for ostentation. They were weapons of
offense and defense, and were always kept sharp and
bright and read) for use. 1 le was master of irony and
111, but there was no malice, no hatred, in his
swift and true arrows.
He believed what he said. I le knew it was true; he
felt its force himself; his heart was in his wi *rds ; he was
ready to put place, honor, life itself, upon the issue.
This was the secret of his popularity, fame, and success
as a speaker.
He did not skirmish : he marched into the battle,
charged the center of the lines, and never failed f)
draw the blood of the enemy. Sometimes he was su-
preme in manner, in words, in thought, in pathos. He
possessed the thunderbolts, but, like Jove, he never
Confederate Ueterai?.
trifled with them; he only invoked them when gigan-
tic perils confronted his cause. In 1876, upon his third
nomination for Governor, speaking to an immense au-
dience in the State-House Square at Raleigh, he held
up both hands in the light of the sun, and with solemn
invocation to Almighty God declared that they were
white and stainless, that not one cent of corrupt money
had ever touched their palms. The effect was electric.
The statement was conviction and conclusion; the ar-
gument was unanswerable; it was great nature’s action;
it was eloquence; it was truth.
No man among the living or the dead has ever so
possessed and held the hearts of North Carolina’s peo-
ple. In their confidence, their affection, their devo-
tion, and their gratitude he stood unapproachable,
without a peer. When he spoke to them they listened
to him with faith, with admiration, with rapture, and
exultant joy. His name was ever upon their lips; his
pictures were in almost every household. Their chil-
dren by hundreds bore his beloved name, and his words
of wit and wisdom were repeated by every tongue.
He loved the Bible as he loved no other book. All
of his reverence was for his God. He lived a patriot
and a philanthropist, and he died a Christian. This is
the sum of duty and honor. He has gone. His mas-
sive and majestic form; his full, flowing white locks; his
playful, twinkling eye; his calm, homelike face; his in-
describable voice, have left us forever, but he still lives
in our hearts.
his eloquence, nor the enraptured multitudes listen to
the music of his voice. Never again will solemn Sen-
ators turn away from their dignity to delight in the
glow of his genial spirit. The warmth of joy has de-
parted from his lips; the star that once shed glory upon
the old North state has set forever. A coffin, a wind-
ing-sheet, six feet by two of Mother Earth, a monu-
ment, and precious memories are all that is left of the
In his oration at the dedication of the Vance monu-
ni t rut ^ Asheville, Gov. R. L. Taylor, of Tennessee, said:
. . . Never again will his people be entranced by
Sponsor for Mecklenburg Camp.
orator and actor, the humanitarian, the statesman and
patriot. … It would be presumptuous folly in me
to parade in your presence to-day the noble trails of his
character and the thrilling events of his life, which have
enriched the history of his state and made his name im-
mortal. They are thoroughly known to you all.
When I was a barefooted boy romping among the
hills of Tennessee the news of his fame and the tidings
of his marvelous campaigns used to come floating over
the mountains. The boys heard his yarns, and rolled
on the floor with merriment; the old ladies sat at the
fireside and cackled at his anecdotes, and thf sturdy old
farmers listened to his stories in the fields, and stopped
their plows to laugh. ……
No power ever checked the triumphal march of the
youthful mountaineer to the glorious destiny which
awaited him. No political foe ever withstood his wit
and humor and logic and his matchless eloquence.
They were his passports to the Legislature and to Con-
gress while yet a youth in his twenties, and as he grew
older his powers developed. His popularity was un-
paralleled, his influence was invincible. Through all
his long and brilliant career his love for humanity nev-
er waned and his devotion to his country never cooled
— always ready with a charming story to tell, always
quick at repartee. And yet his logic was as convincing
Confederate .
as the sword of Stonewall Jackson at Manassas or as
the guns of Dewey at Manila. He was as honest as
Davis, humorous as Lincoln, eloquent as Daniels, as
true to the hopes that perished at Appomattox as Gor-
don and Forrest, and afterward as loyal to the Union
as Wheeler and Lee, who now wear the blue.
Senator Vance was a splendid thinker and a states-
man of rare ability, but he always looked on the bright
side of things, and no music was half so sweet to him as
the songs and laughter of the merry throngs of country
folks who gathered about him on every occasion with
Shouts and halleluiahs to while away the happy hours.
And thus his busy life was spent in adding to the sum of
human happiness. … I would rather trust my life
and liberty in the hands of a laughing fool than in the
hands of a frowning tyrant. Nations do not suffer
When their rulers sincerely smile and govern with love
and mercy; but God pity the land whose ruler frowns
and rules with an iron rod, and God pity the ruler him-
self, for the harvest of his frowns is death !
The life of Washington eclipses the glory of Csesai
and the beautiful reign of Victoria outshines the ro-
mantic record of Napoleon’s rise and fall.
Laughter and love and hope and happiness are the
companions of pleasure, the patrons and allies of civili-
zation, the handmaids of religion, the evangels of God.
Senator Vance lived and loved and laughed and la-
bored for his people and for humanity. Tic planted the
flowers of mirth and joy in the hearts of others, and la-
bored on until the winter of age whitened his head with
the snow that never melts. But there was no snow
upon his heart: it was always summer there.
This bonnet was imported in [864 through the block-
ade, and cost, untrimmed, $45. The trimming is of
silk, a “before-the-war” dress, dyed, the lining being of
the white silk lining one of the flowing sleev< S.
The scarf is also of goods imported from England. ;i
gray flannel, figured with small Confederate flags in
colors, and is a piece of a dress proudlv worn by a
young lady of Wilmington in 1864.
I he fan is home-made, of goose-feathers, and was
used by a war-times bride.
The little girl wearing them is Elise Emerson, nine
years old. whose grandfather, Lieut.-Col. Murdoch
Parsley, entered the I Confederate service in May, i86t,
at the age of twenty years, and fought all through the
war. giving up his life at Sailor’s Creek, Va., three
davs before Lee’s surrender.
The special representative of the Veteran, “L. B.
F…” who has been in that state the past several weeks,
reports the most patriotic and hospitable spirit imagi-
nable in every section, and she has made many valuable
notes, some of which are held over to the June issue.
Some sketches of valiant heroes are ready, but with-
held for pictures; while some engravings are made for
1 Confederates without the supply of sketches.
When this Special number for North Carolina was
determined upon, correspondence was had with Col.
H. A. Brown (now of Co-
lumbia. Tenn.), who rose
from the ranks to com-
mand of the First North
Carolina Regiment, so-
liciting his aid, and he at
once sent a treasure, com-
plimentary, in the roster
of North Carolina troops
in the Confederate army.
This roster is compi
in four volumes, aggrega-
ting two thousand five
hundred and twenty-three
pages. This great work
was compiled by Maj. John W. Moore, was published
by the state, and is after the order of the “War Rec-
ords” publi.’.:ed by the national government. All hon-
or to the state that so records the names of all its sol-
dier heroes! Col. Brown is half-brother to Gen. James
B. Gordon, of whom a sketch is given in this number.
Robert A. Smyth, President United Sons of Confed-
erate Veterans, has a fine report for the Sons’ depart-
men held over for the June number, and much else of
great value to this special number it is seen at the last
must be held over to next month.
■ .1 \ . ‘. \UK III I. HUN ES
In the advertising sheet of the Confederate Vet-
EB \x the new edition of Dr. T. William Jcnes’s memo-
rial volume of President Davis is announced as a book
written “as by Mr. Davis.” Mr. Davis died before
Dr. Jones’s book was written, and neither Mr. Davis
nor I furnished a word of its contents, except that I
gave Dr. Jones the resolutions in Mr. Davis’ honor,
hoping by their being collected in book form they
might be preserved. This correction is due my hus-
band and myself. V. Jefferson Davis.
Confederate l/eterag,
Confederate Veterans
S. A. CUSOTKGHAM, Editor and Proprietor.
Oflice: Methodist Publishing House Building, Nashville, Tenn.
This publication is Uie persona] property i>f S. A. Cunningham. All
persons who appro* e its principles, ami realize ii^ benefits as nn organ for
Associations throughout the South, arc requested to commend its patron-
age and to cooperate In extending it.
Rev. Dr. Ralm, of Jacksonville, Fla., in renewing
his subscription, kindly calls attention to apparent
“partiality for the Lees” in connection with the edito-
rial, “Serious Words with Veterans/’ in the April num-
ber. The comrade is so considerate and so sincere
that response is made herein, in the hope that thou-
sands will appreciate the reference and the explana-
tion. This is not to retract about the Lees, but to il-
lustrate how easy it is to misjudge even the spirit of the
Veteran. It repeats the conviction that R. E. Lee
was the most perfect character of the human race.
Gen. Fitzhugh Lee was named in that article because
of his great prominence and deserved honor in connec-
tion with the Spanish question, and Gen. Wheeler was
not mentioned because so many other worthy Confed-
erates have expected record here of what they are do-
ing to confirm their declarations through all these
years as patriots to the common country and loyalty to
the flag- which has inherited such sacred associations.
The omission to mention Gen. Wheeler was regret-
ted at the time, because of ardent admiration of his ca-
– reer in Congress, as well
as in the Confederate sad-
dle. No man of the South
has been more steadfast
and active in his devo-
tion to our sacred memo-
ies, and no man more
diligent in repelling mis-
representation by “the
other side.” All honor to
Maj.-Gen. Jos. Wheeler!
In this connection is re-
corded the name of Mrs.
S. J. Smith, a sister of
Gen. Wheeler, very much
his senior, whose last yeais were spent in Brooklyn,
but whose sympathies for the afflicted South were as
intense through all the years of reconstruction as were
those of any human being. Another sister went to her
heavenly reward from a Northern clime, equally devo-
ted to the sacred cause of the Southern people.
While the Veteran deplored the issues that broke
the peace of the nations, it was gratified to see that
Gen. Wheeler was of the first volunteers to buckle on
armor again for his country, and it honored President
McKinley in appointing him to so high a place, as it
does for many other less prominent appointments.
Let comrades and all others understand that the
J 1
management of the Veteran endeavors to be impar-
tial, except on these lines: it favors its patrons who act
from unselfish motives; then it favors, above all others,
the poor private soldier who was faithful to the end;
while it honors without alloy the memory of every man
who gave his life in defense of his home and “Dixie.”
A partiality to which the Veteran admits guilt is to-
ward illiterate comrades who never wrote for any other
publication, and whose orthography is very bad; but
when it is possible to put their recollections in print, it
is done. They remember better than their learned
comrades. Complaint is sometimes made of partiality
toward the soldiers of one section over those of anoth-
er. This was answered by a comrade who recently said:
“It is your own fault; for, if your locality is neglected,
you should write it up and send it to the Veteran.”
To publish the Veteran as it is done is a Herculean
task, and it has many defects in the ways admitted, but
let the black ink be indelible that the best possible is
done all the time. And just here a word about the
duty of subscribers: All can see that Northern adver-
tisers have never shown liberality to the Veteran, al-
though their patronage has been sought with dili-
gence and at much expense; and hence its business de-
pends largely, almost exclusively, upon subscriptions.
The mail-list, giving date of expiration, has been main-
tained at an expense of thousands of dollars, so that ev-
ery one can see at a glance just what is due, or whether
paid in advance; and if each one should do that, help
would be incalculable. Will you look now to tliis mat-
ter? If behind, and you can’t remit at once, write and
say when you think you will be able to do so. The
Veteran is sent in the confidence that every reader
will try to pay for it, and it is credited to the poorest
human being who will ask it. The expenses are large
all the time, so please do not neglect to do your part in
helping forward its noble purposes. Upon you de-
pends not only its success, but its existence.
The effort to pay deserved tribute to North Carolina
has been unsparing in every respect. Repeated data
of most remarkable events
has been eliminated as
nearly as practicable.
Some articles of minor im-
portance are being used in
place of better that came
too late; hence what is
lacking in the May issue
will be made up in the
June, in the same number
of copies, twenty thousand.
The June issue is, there-
fore, specially commended
to all who are interested in the extraordinary record.
Confederate Veteran.
Two or three facts in connection with American his-
tory have induced the effort to present North Carolina
in a special issue of the Veteran; but, worthy as may
be the attempt, the publication is so small and the ac-
cessible resources are so defective that this attempt is
hardly a beginning of the extraordinary record.
Joshua W. Caldwell wrote a paper, which appeared
in the Veteran for February, 1894, upon Anglo-
Saxon supremacy in the South. He quoted from the
census of 1890 concerning Americans, in which he
showed that for every 100,000 native-born American-
there were 17,330 of foreign birth. New York state,
with a population of 4,400,000, had 1,600,001 foreign-
ers — ‘about 35 per cent, of the whole. In Illinois the
percentage of foreigners was ever 28; in Michigan, 35;
in Wisconsin, 44.4; in Minnesota, 56; in Montana, 48.4;
and in North Dakota, 804.
When we turn to the Southern States the contrast is
impressive. The white population of Tennessee is
1,336.000, and of this number 20,029 are foreign born;
that is to say, for each 100,000 native-born whites
there are 1,500 foreign born. North Carolina is the
most American of all the states, having a native-born
white population of 1,055,000, and foreign born of
3,702, or for each 100,000 native born 370 foreign born.
In the other Southern states there are: In Alabama.
833 native to 15 foreign; Arkansas. 818 native to 14
foreign; Florida, 225 native to 22 foreign: Georgia.
978 native to 12 foreign; Kentucky, 1,600 native to
59 foreign; Mississippi, 545 native to 8 foreign: Lou-
isiana, 558 native to 49 foreign; South Carolina, 462
native to 6 foreign; Texas. 1,700 native to 152 foreign:
Virginia, 1,000 native to 18 foreign; West Virginia.
730 native to 18 foreign.
The total foreign-born white population in all of the
South is about 380.000, while ‘Massachusetts alone has
Jr “^ xaHf < t\ _ jMl ft
‘if!’ |!fl|P ,l!
. … -.
STATE CAl’l I < » I , RALEIGH, N, C.
a foreign^born population of 657.000; New Jersey,
329,000, or nearly as many as the whole South; New
York, nearly 1,600,000, or four times as many as the
South; Pennsylvania, 845,000; Ohio, 459,000, or more
than the entire South; Illinois. 842.000; Michigan
and Wisconsin, each over 500,000; and California.
366,000. Then, if we omit Kentucky, Louisiana, and
Texas, the little state of Connecticut has 60,000 more
foreigners than all the remainder of the South; and wee
Rhode Island, as large as an average county, has with-
in 14,000 as many foreigners as the entire South, omit-
ting the three states named.
It is a positive relief to turn to the South, and feel
that there are still some Americans left. The small
percentage of foreign-born voters in the Southern
States is as follows: Tennessee. 3 per cent.: Kentucky.
An ancient resident e ol the De Rossel family.
7; Alabama, 2.5; Mississippi, 2; Louisiana, 10; Texas,
14; Arkansas. }; Virginia, 5; West Virginia, 5;
NORTH ( VROLINA, 0.61; South Carolina, 2;
Florida, 11; Georgia. 2.
Census reports of i860, 1870, 1880, and 1890 show
that, except in Kentucky and Louisiana, with the large
cities of Louisville and New Orleans, and along the
Mexican border of Texas, there has been no increase
in foreign population.
The white people of the South are, in the main, de-
scendants of a race known in the world’s history as
exemplars and champions of personal purity, personal
independence, and political liberty. They are, more-
over, almost exclusively descendants of the Americans
of 1775.
Now, with this remarkable lineage, much has de-
pended upon actions of North Carolinians to maintain
ancestral record. By their noble inheritance, the
highest duty of all Americans was put upon the “tar-
heels.” How well they maintained it may he seen.
In a review of the official war records the New Yi irk
Times, before it got into the hands of a Southerner, a
reliable journal containing “all the news that’s fit to
print,” contained the following remarkable statement :
The heroic valor of the North Carolina troops ex-
cites the highest admiration: and Pennsylvania, which
lost more in killed and wounded, in proportion to the
number of its troops, than any other Northern state.
can well send greeting to North Carolina, whose sol-
diers at Gettysburg did the hardest fighting on the
other side. The Official War Record is the book of
revelations as to both sides of the civil war. On the
Qoofederate l/eterai).
Confederate side. North Carolina lost more soldiers
killed than any other Southern State. The following
was the total loss in killed and mortally wounded of
several of the Southern States: North Carolina, 14,-
522; Virginia, 5,328; South Carolina, 9,187; Georgia,
5.553; Mississippi, 5,807; Louisiana, 9,714. North
Carolina head’s the list in the number that died of
wounds, and 20,602 of her sons died of disease. North
Carolina’s military population in 1S61 was 115,369,
but she furnished 125,000 to the Confederate cause.
The percentage of lost, killed, and wounded was great-
er in the Confederate armies than in the Union armies.
At Gettysburg, the Twenty-Sixth North Carolina, of
Pettigrew’s Brigade, went into action with over eight
hundred, and lost five hundred and fifty-eight in killed
and wounded. That same regiment had only two
hundred and sixteen men left for duty when it went
into Longstreet’s assault on the third day, and on the
following day but eighty were left. On the first day,
Captain Tuttle’s company went into action with three
officers and eighty-four men. ■ All of the officers and
eighty-three of the men were killed or wxmnded. On
the sanie day, Company C, of the Eleventh North
Carolina, lost two officers and thirty-four out of thirty-
eight men, killed or wounded. Captain Bird, of this
Daughter of Gen. It. ]•’. Hoke.
company, and the four remaining men then went into
what is call’led ” Pickett’s Charge.” The flag-bearer was
shot, and Capt. Bird brought out the flag himself.
This was the severest regimental loss during the war.
In a letter to the Veteran Capt. Tuttle — now a min-
ister of the gospel in Texas — writes that his company,
F, Twenty-Sixth Regiment, went into action at Gettys-
burg with eighty-eight men atid three commissioned
officers — the captain and two lieutenants — making in
all, ninety-one officers and men. Every man of the
rank and file was either killed or wounded. Thirty-
one, more than one-third of the number, were killed
outright, or died from wounds. There were in the
company three sets of twins, of whom five were killed
or mortally wounded. There were sixteen men of the
Bv the Grove where Reunion Is to Be Held.
same family connection, by the name of Coffey. Again,
at the battle of Bristol Station, the company went into
the engagement with ‘thirty-four men and officers, of
whom in a few brief moments thirty-two were killed or
wounded. Six or seven were left dead in that dreadful
carnage. He mentions a romance connected with the
company. In 1862 a young woman, in man’s attire,
joined its ranks, received the bounty of $50, donned
the gray uniform, buckled on the regulation accouter-
ments, and with gun in hand, drilled and did the duties
of a veteran soldier for some time. Finally, to the great
merriment of the whole army, she made herself known.
Then, after having returned the bounty money, and re-
placing the suit of Dixie gray with a woman’s gown,
she went back in happy mood and with an enlarged
acquaintance, to her mountain home. It will be re-
membered that the first commander of this famous reg-
iment was Zebulon B. Vance.
Mrs. S. M. Wilson, of San Saba, Tex., illustrates the
extent that North Carolina served in the army by men-
tioning that seven of her eight brothers were Confed-
erate soldiers, and that she was twice married, and that
both of her husbands were captains in the army.
Confederate l/eterar?
Commander-in-Chief: Gov. John W. Ellis, of
Rowan County, January i, 1859, ‘to June 7, 1861.
Aides-de-Camp : Col. Edward C. Jordan, of Person;
Col. James R. Love, Jr., of Jackson; Col. Thomas H.
Holmes, of Sampson; Col. J. N. Jordan, of Craven.
Adjutant-General: Col. John F. Hoke, of Lincoln.
Commander-in-Chief: Gov. Henry T. Clark, of
Edgecombe County, June 7, 1861, to September 8.
Aides-de-Camp: Col. Daniel M. Barringer, of
Wake; Lieut-Col. Spier Whkaker. of Halifax.
Adjutant-General : James G. Martin, of Pasquo-
Staff Captains: Augustus M. Lewis, Paymaster;
John Deveraux, Moses A. Bledsoe, Abraham Myers,
Assistant Quartermasters; A. Gordon, William B.
Gulick, John C. Winder, Assistant Adjutant-Generals;
James Sloan, Assistant Commissary; Alexander W.
Lawrence, W. W. Pierce, Assistant < Vdnance Depart-
ment; Thomas D. Hogg, diaries W. Garrett, Com-
Surgeon-General: Chas. E. Johnson, of Wake.
Commander-in-Chief: (k>v. Zebulon B. Nance, of
Buncombe County, September 8, 1862, to April 26,
Aides-de-Camp: Col. David A. Barnes, of North-
ampton; Col. George Little, of Wake; Lieut. -Col.
John L. Morebead, of Guilford.
Adjutant-Generals: R. C. Gatlin, of Lenoir; Daniel
G. Fowle, of Wake.
Lieutenant-Generals: Thophilus H. Holmes, of
Cumberland; Daniel H. Hill, of Mecklenburg.
[Young ladles selected to ride in the procession when Jefferson Davis’
body received at Raleigh, X. C]
Major-Generals: Robert Ransom, of Warren; Gad-
mus M. Wilcox, of Greene; W. H. C. Whiting, of New
Hanover; William D. Pender, of Edgecombe; Stephen
D. Ramseur, of Lincoln ; Robert F. Hoke, of Lincoln ;
Bryan Grimes, of Pitt; M. YV. Ransom, of Northamp-
Brigadier-Generals: Gabriel J. Raines, Junius Dan-
iel, James H. Lane, Robert B. Nance, Lawrence S.
Baker, James G. Martin. Alfred Iverson. John R.
Cooke, William W. Kirkland, James B. Gordon, Thos.
L. Clingman, Alfred M. Scales, L. 0*B. Branch, Geo.
B. Anderson, Robert D. Johnston, J. J. Pettigrew, W.
I \IT. | \s. IK 1 .
Noted In Blockade-Running itnd £01 His Interest in Cu
P. Roberts, A. D. Godwin, W. R. Cox, Rums Barrin-
ger, Collet Leaventhorpe.
Staff-Officers: Maj. James II. Foote. Maj. William
A. Graham, Assistant Adjutant-Generals; Lieut. John
B. Nea’therv, Majs. John Deveraux. James £
Henry A. Dowd, Lieut. Thomas White, Quartermas-
ters; Maj. Wm. I’.. Gulick,. Paymaster; Maj. Thos. D.
Hogg, Commissarv; Lieut. To’siah Collins, Ordnance-
( )fficer.
Surgeon-General : Edward Warren, of Chowan.
Surgeons: Peter F. Hines, Medical Director North
Carolina; E. Burke Haywood, lames F. McRee, W’v-
att M. Brown, S. S. Satohwell, J. W. Hall. Henry I.
Macon, Thos. R. Micks, Benjamin F. Fessendent. Will-
iam C. Warren, J. G. Broadnax, William T. Sutton,
W. A. Holt, Otis F. Manson, Eugene Grissom, Daniel
P. Summey.
Assistant Surgeons: J. C. Walker, Francis M. Hen-
derson, Harvev L. Hines, James M. Aberaathy, J. W.
Jones, W. A. B. Norcom, W. H. Hall, W. A. Duggan,
L. W. Robinson, A. E. Wright. William Little, Fran-
cis Gilliam.
Confederate l/eterai}.
On the ist of January, 1861. the Legislature of
North Carolina, in regular session, passed, by a large
majority in each House, an act declaring that in its
opinion the condition of the country was so perilous
“that the sovereign people of the state should assemble
in convention to affect an honorable adjustment of the
difficulties, whereby the Federal Union is endangered,
or otherwise to determine what action will best pre-
serve the honor and promote the interests of North
At the same time that the delegates were to be
elected, the act required that the sense of the people
should be taken whether there should be any conven-
tion or not. The election was held on the 28th of Feb-
ruary, 1 86 1, and upon the question of convention or
no convention the official count showed a majority of
194 votes against the convention, there being 45,500
votes for convention and 45,603 votes against conven-
tion. The vote of Davie County, which was not re-
ceived in time to be counted, would have increased the
majority against convention some 200 votes.
Changes were daily taking place, however, and the
proportion of an army of seventy-five thousand men, to
be used in the coercion of the seceded states. This
demand Gov. Ellis promptly refused; and he at once
convened the Legislature in special session, declaring
people were rapidly coming to believe that in united
action by the South lay the only hope for the future.
In April, President Lincoln, after the capture of
Fort Sumter, required of Gov. Ellis North Carolina’s
in his proclamation that the time for action had come,
and he recommended that twenty thousand volunteers
be called for by the General Assembly to sustain North
Carolina in her course.
A state convention was called by the Legislature on
the ist of May, and met on the 20th of May, 1861, in
the hall of the House of Commons. On this anniver-
sary of the Mecklenburg Declaration the ordinance of
secession was passed, and North Carolina made ‘haste
to become one of the “Confederate States of America.”
Many good people had hoped and prayed that the
troubles between the North and the South would be
peaceably arranged; but all hope of such result was
now abandoned, and the Whole state responded to the
appeal to prepare for the war. From every county
men pressed forward by thousands to enlist. Gov.
Ellis was hopelessly diseased; but with great vigor he
discharged the onerous duties of his station until his
death, on June 9, 1861. He was succeeded by Col.
Henry T. Clark, w’ho was Speaker of the Senate.
Col. John F. Hoke was succeeded as adjutant-gen-
eral by James G. Martin, late a major in the army of
the United States. The forts, Johnston, Macon, and
Caswell, were seized, as was also ‘the Federal arsenal at
Fayetteville ; and in this way fifty-seven thousand
stands of small firearms and a considerable store of
cannons and ammunition were secured.
The people of North Carolina exhibited their patri-
otism, courage, and endurance under most trying cir-
cumstances. In the first revolution North Carolina
had contributed twenty-two thousand nine hundred
and ten men to the defense of the united colonies;
in this second upheaval more than a hundred thousand
crowded to the fray and grew famous on more than a»
hundred fields.
For more than a month before the memorable 20th
of May, 1861, troops were volunteering and being re-
ceived by Gov. Ellis from many portions of the state.
The first ten companies were embodied in a regiment,
of which Maj. Daniel H. Hill was elected colonel by
the commissioned officers. They were at once sent
to Yorktown, in Virginia.
Confederate l/eterai),
On June 9, Gen. B. F. Butler, commanding the
United States forces at Fortress Monroe, Ya., sent a
column of troops up the peninsula to ascertain the pos-
sibility of reaching Richmond, soon after, it became
the capital of the Confederate government. Early the
next morning the Federal advances became confused
in the darkness, and two of their regiments fired on
each other. At Big Bethel, on the next day. the reg-
iment of Col. Hill supported a battery of the “Rich-
mond Howitzers.” There were also present two in-
fantry and three cavalry companies belonging to
Virginia. This force was assailed by the Federal
an 1 iy. but the attack was repelled and the assailants
retired in disorder to Old Poind Comfort. Only one
Confederate soldier was killed in the action, and that
was Private Henry Wyatt, of Edgecombe Count}.
He belonged to Capt. J. L. Bridger’s company, and
was the first Southern soldier slain in the Confederate
army. North Carolina, therefore, gave the first mar-
tyr to the South, and her 1 roups participated in re-
sisting the first Federal invasion of Southern soil.
Fortifications were necessary at Hatteras for the
defense of the many broad waiters covering so large a
portion of the eastern counties of North Carolina. A
small sand work, known as Fort I 1 at t eras, with an out-
lying flank defense called Battery Clark, was the
reliance for the protection of Albemarle and Pamlico
Sounds. Before these weak defenses a large Federal
fleet appeared on August 27, 1861, and. by means of its
superior armament, lay securely beyond the ranj
the guns mounted in Fort Hatteras while pouring in a
tremendous discharge of shot and shell. The Federals
effected a landing on the beach, and Col. W. F. Martin,
on the 29th of August, 1861, surrendered the fort. !n
two days’ operations the whole tier of eastern coun-
ties was thus laid bare to the incursions of !•■
troops and cruisers. There was greail alarm and sor-
row for the captured garrison, but the spirit of resist
ance was undaunted, and volunteering continued.
By the fortune of war in the Revolution, as again ia
1812, the state was nearly always left with a small pro-
portion of her own troops to defend the home of their
birth; so also when the spring opened in 1862. though
fully forty thousand nun of the state were under arms,
they were to be found in \ irginia and South Carolina,
except a small force left at Wilmington and Roanoke
This condition of affairs did not result, however.
from any indifference on the part of the general gov-
ernment to North Carolina, but because the main –
egetic points were iti other star
Roanoke Island was the onl\ hope of defense for
\11ii marie Sound and the many rivers flowing th,
To defend it Gen. Henry A. Wise was sent with a small
force to be addi d to the Eighth and Thirty-First Reg
iments of North l .Molina Volunteers. On February
7, 1862, when »nii. Burnside, with a greal Heel and in
teen thousand Federal troops, -ailed up Croat m Sound
and began the attack. Gen. Wise was sick, and Col.
I!enr\ M Shaw, of the Eighth North Carolina Regi
ment, was in command. He made a gallant but una-
vailing-defense. The Federals landed and moved up
the island in the rear of the forts, which had been con-
structed te> prevent the passage of vessels to the west of
the defenses. The on!, recourse left was to abandon
the li iwer batteries and c. meentrate the troops at a point
near the center of Roanoke Island.
It was hoped that the morasses indenting both
shores and leaving a narrow isthmus, would enable the
small Confederate force to defend that position, but Mie
large force of the enemy enabled him to turn both
thinks, and nothing was left Col. Shaw and his ■
mand but to surrender, so they fell back to the north-
ern end of the island and laid down their arms.
The battle had been hravcK Fought for two days, and
the two thousand Confederates and their gallant leader,
now- capth es, had inflicted heavy li es upi in their assail-
ants. The place was untenable against superior na-
* p”i
Confederate Veterans
val appliances, and quite men enough had been sacri-
ficed in view of the impossibility of preventing its isola-
tion by Federal fleets.
Another defeat was near New Berne. On March 14,
1862, Gen. Burnside, with the army and fleet so lately
the victors at Roanoke, moved to attack the forts which
had been constructed just below the junction of Neuse
and Trent Rivers. Gen. L. O’B. Branch was in com-
mand of the Confederates. They had never been under
fire, and consisted of the Seventh, Twenty-Sixth, Twen-
ty-Seventh, Thirty-Third, and Thirty-Fifth North ‘Car-
olina Regiments, a portion of the Nineteenth Cavalry,
with Brem’s and Latham’s light batteries, and a small
force of militia. They were stretched along a line from
Fort Thompson, on Neuse River, across the railroad 10
an impassable swamp, which afforded abundant pro-
tection to the right flank.
The battle began at seven o’clock in the morning and
continued until noon. The Federal attacks were re-
peatedly repelled until, by the giving way of the militia
in the center, the Confederate lines were broken and a
general retreat ensued. Gen. Branch lost two hundred
Col. Charles F. Fisher was especially valuable in the’
aid he rendered in making the timely approach of rc-
enforcements, but, after gallantly capturing the cele-
prisoners and seventy men killed and wounded, and be-
side these all his guns and stores. He was beaten in
his first battle, when perhaps naught but defeat was ex-
pected, but he soon won fine reputation as a brave sol-
dier and a skilful officer. Victory is not always possi-
ble to the best generalship. He met in a few days at
Kinston reenforcements that would have enabled him
to hold his ground at New Berne.
The fall of New Berne sealed the fate of the Confed-
erate forces at Fort Macon. Col. M. I. White, with
five companies of the Tenth Regiment (Artillery) en-
dured the Federal bombardment until the work was in
danger of being blown up, when he surrendered the
fort, on April 26, 1862. These disasters at home were
indeed calculated to dishearten, but the effect upon the
people at large was to increase the numbers of those
who were still volunteering by thousands to defend
North Carolina and the Confederate States.
The Fifth, Sixth, and Twenty-First Regiments of
North Carolina troops were engaged on the 18th and
21st of July, 1861, in the great victory at Manassas.
brated Rickett’s Battery, Col. Fisher was himself slain
in the battle. He fell at the head of his regiment, be-
yond the battery, while in pursuit of the enemy, be-
tween the two great armies struggling on the soil of the
Old Dominion. In this conflict the charge of the
Fifth North Carolina Regiment, under Col. Duncan K.
MacRae, excited the admiration, and its terrible losses
the sympathy, of both friend and foe.
In the bloody and glorious campaign in the Shenan-
doah Valley, where Gen. T. J. Jackson became immor-
tal, before the coming of midsummer the gallantry of
the Twenty-First Regiment at Winchester, like that of
the Fourth at Seven Pines, was as conspicuous as it
was bloody. In this latter battle, where so many other
men of the state were slain, the Fourth Regiment, under
Col. George B. Anderson, lost four hundred and sixty-
two men out of five hundred and twenty.
In the last days of June nearly all of the North Caro-
lina regiments and many other Southern troops were
concentrated around Richmond under the command of
Gen. Robert E. Lee, in place of Gen. Johnston, who
had been wounded at Seven Pines. In the week of
Confederate Veterar?.
battle which ended in the overthrow of the great in-
vesting army of Gen. McClellan they lost thousands of
their bravest and best. Ninety-two regiments consti-
tuted the divisions of Jackson, Longstreet, D. H. Hill,
and A. P. Hill. These were the forces that drove the
Federals to their ships, and forty-six (half of all) of
these regiments belonged to North Carolina, and it may
be safely asserted that more than half the men active-
ly engaged and disabled during the week were citizens
of North Carolina.
Amid the exultation that filled the hearts of the peo-
ple of North Carolina for the victories around Rich-
mond there was grief in many families for heroes fallen
in the discharge of duty. Cols. M. S. Stokes, Gaston
Meares, R. P. Campbell, and Charles C. Lee, together
with a great host of their compatriots, were gone, to re-
turn no more. It then seemed that the superior num-
bers and resources of the United States forces were
powerless before the fiery onsets of the Confederates.
In the month of August, 1862, Zebulon B. Vance, of
Buncombe County, then colonel of the Twenty-Sixth
Regiment, was chosen ( rovernor of North Carolina.
over William Johnston, of Charlotte, who had been of
late Commissary-General of the state.
The Maryland campaign, which occurred in the fall
of 1862, was an event of general interest. In the bat-
tles fought in that memorable campaign the North Car-
olina regiments won great reputation, but a terrible
loss of life. Gen. Brand! was killed and Gen. Ander-
son received wounds ai Sharpsburg of which he soon
died, and left grief in many hearts for his untimely end.
Col. C. C. Tew also fell in the same great battle. The
particulars of his death were never known.
In North Carolina (here had been comparative quiet
through the spri ig and summer months. Tire Federal
garrisons at Plymouth and New Berne were watched by
small bodies of Confederates, but no fighting occurred
except in Plymouth, which town was taken and held for
a few hours by Col. Martin, with the Seventeenth Reg-
iment, and then abandoned because of the Federal gun-
On Blackwater River, just below Franklin, in Yir-
MI–S 1 I K III A i,K I I K, ‘ II A l; I ‘ > 1 II, N c ,
Mail of H
ginia. there was a gallant conflict of a few cavalrymen
under Lieut. Thomas Ruftin. of the Fourth Cavalry,
and a Federal double-ender. The crew were all driven
from deck, and the ship lay at the mercy of the assail-
ants until her consorts came up the stream from below
and shelled the victors from their prev.
On December 13, 1862, the South Carolina brigade
of Gen. Evans, then stationed at Kinston, North Car-
olina, were surprised to see a few mounted Federal
soldiers make an attack upon the positions then held by
them. The Federals were driven back and pursued in
the direction of New Berne. Suddenly the South Can >-
linians found themselves confronted by more than
twenty thousand foes. In tin speedy retreat that en-
sued Gen. Evans was unable to burn the bridge a<
the river, and efifected his escape with some loss. He
was the next day reenforced, and awaited the Federal
approach under Gen. Foster on the Goldsboro road.
But the Federals were seeking to intervene between
that place and the one occupied by < ien. Evans. All
of the morning of December [6, [862, the masses of
tin 1 Union troops were seeking to cross Neuse River
at White Hall, but they were bravely met there by Gen.
Beverly H. Robinson, who with the Eleventh. Thirty-
First, Fifty-Ninth, and Sixty-Third Regiments and
Battery B. Third North Carolina Battalion, withstood
all their attacks and inflicted some loss upon the baf-
fled invaders. The contest lasted for eight hours, dur-
ing which Gen. Foster persisted in his efforts to drive-
off the Confederates, so that pontoons could be laid for
a bridge across the stream in place of the one burned
the night before. Failing to cross Neuse River at
White Hall, Foster marched in the evening for Golds-
Qoi}federate i/eterai?.
boro, and, having reached the bridge of the Wilmington
& Weldon Railroad, burned it, in spite of the gallant
efforts of Gen. Clingman and his brigade to prevent.
Foster retired precipitately, the burned bridge being
his only trophy from an expedition which was most
threatening at its inception.
A period of inactivity succeeded the raid by Gen
v^ ^
Foster which was only broken by the unsuccessful at-
tack on the town of Wilmington, N. C. Gen. W. H.
C. Whiting, who had made reputation as a division
commander in the Army of Northern Virginia, was
sent to assume charge of the Department of the Cape
Fear, with headquarters in Wilmington. This city had
been fearfully ravaged by yellow fever in the fall of
1862, and had now become all-important to the Con-
federacy as a port. Other Southern seaports were al-
most totally closed by blockade, and only at the Cape
Fear was there left a hope of access.
On May 2, 3, 1863, the battle of Chancellorsville was
fought. No battle of any age conferred greater honor
upon the victors, save in the irreparable loss of Stone-
wall Jackson. North Carolina was never more glori-
ously vindicated than on this famous field. Ex-Gov.
Graham, who was then in Richmond, said a few days
afterward in the Confederate States Senate that “half
the men killed and wounded at Chancellorsville be-
longed to North Carolina regiments.”
After Gettysburg; Gen. Lee was forced to return
with his defeated army to Virginia. On that last dread
day of the battle, July 3, 1863, thirty thousand of the
bravest and best, who had so long made the army of
Northern Virginia unconquerable, were lost to our
cause forever. Among the North Carolinians, Gens.
Pender and Pettigrew, Cols. Burg-\vyn, Marshall, and
Isaac E. Avery, were slain, and a host of subalterns
likewise perished.
During the month of June, 1863, Col. Spear’s cavalry-
raid in Hertford and Northampton Counties, N. C.
was driven back by Gen. M. W. Ransom, and beyond
this there were no movements of a hostile character in
the state limits during the year.
The recapture of Plymouth, N. C, on April 20, 1864,
was one of the most brilliant and successful affairs of
the war. The youthful and gallant Brig.-Gen. R. F.
Hoke was sent by Gen. Lee in command of a division,
with which he surrounded the strong fortifications and
took them by assault, capturing more than threfc thou-
sand prisoners. The help of the ironclad “Albemarle”
was very efficacious on this occasion, and her combat at
the mouth of Roanoke River a few days later was one
of the most stubborn naval engagements on record.
Single-handed, Capt. Cook fought and defeated a
strong fleet of double-enders and drove them, routed,
from the scene. This expedition of Gen. Hoke se-
cured his promotion.
M.iid of Honor.
In that terrible campaign of 1864, in the battles of
the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, and mi-
nor combats, which was not ended even when Gen.
Grant began the siege of Pittsburg, the North Caro-
Confederate l/eterar?
lina regiments were fearfully reduced. Gens. Ramseur,
Daniel, and Godwin, together with Cols. Andrews.
Garrett, Brabble, Wood, Spear, Blackball, C. M. Ave-
ry, Jones, Barbun, and Moore were of those who sealed
their faith with their life-blood.
No battle of the war was more brilliant in its partic-
ulars and results than that of Reams Station, fought on
August 24, 1864. So stern was Hancock’s resistance
that two bloody assaults had been repelled when the
privates of Cooke’s, MacRae’s, and Lane’s North Car-
olina brigades begged to be led to the attack in which
their comrades had failed. Their officers complied,
and with 1,750 muskets in the charge they took the
works and captured _\ioo prisoners and thirteen pieces
of artillery. The North Carolina cavalry regiments
were also greatly applauded by Gen. Hampton for sen
ices in this battle.
The importance of Wilmington to the waning for-
tunes of the Confederacy was the greater because of the
closing ijf other seaport;, by blockade, lien. Whiting
was an able and experienced engineer, and his main
defense, Fort Fisher, on New Inlet, was pronounced
by Gen. Beauregard as almost impregnable. Forts
Caswell and Holmes, at the mouth of Cape Fear River,
and the numerous works fringing both banks of the
stream from Wilmington to the ocean, had apparent!)
rendered hostile approach from that direction a thing
almost impossible to any naval expedition.
On Christmas day, [864, I ren. Butler, who had been
at the capture of Fort Hatteras in 1S61, came with an
army supported by a great fleet commanded by Ad-
miral D. 1). Porter. This vast armada, carrying six
hundred of the heaviest cannon modern science had
then constructed, opened lire upon Fort Fisher.
The fort was reenforced 1>\ a few companies from
other portions of Gen. Whiting’s command, and later
the division of Gen. 1 foke arrived from Petersburg and
took position in the entrenched camp at Sugar Loaf,
four miles distant tip the river. Gen. Braxton Bragg
had been for some time in command of the department,
and was present on this occasion.
All that Christmas Sabbath day a fiery storm of shot
and shell was rained upon the fort, which answered
slowly and deliberately from it- differenl batteries. In
the midst of the bombardment Gen. Butler landed his
army on the peninsula above the land face of the work,
but upon inspection of its strength he grew hopeless 0!
his undertaking, and on the night of December 26, 1 864,
having reembarked, the fleet returned to Beaufort.
There was much joy and relief in this evident Fed-
eral confirmation of the reported impregnability of the
great work’, nod congratulations occurred among the
Confederates by the defeat of the costly undertaking of
tlie invaders. Gen. Bragg withdrew Hoke’s Division
and all the force at Sugar Loaf except Adams Light
battery and the cavalry, with the intention of attacking
the garrison of New Berne.
lie was signallv interrupted in this undertaking when,
on the night of January 12, 1865, Col. William Lamb
telegraphed from Fort Fisher that the fleet had re-
turned and the troops were disembarking for a renewal
of the attack. Gen. Bragg hurried Hoke’s and all
other available commands back to the rescue, but
found the Federal army in complete possession of the
ground between the fort and entrenched camp, and too
strongly posted to be assailed.
The great lieu opened fire upon the land face, and.
having dismounted all but one of the twenty-two heavy
guns defending that flank, on the evening of the 15th
1 ren. Terry, by signal, changed the fire of the fleet to
the sea face batteries. The three Federal brigades that
had worked their way close up sprang forward in a
charge that resulted in the capture of seven traverses
and four hundred prisoners. The assailants lost their
three commanders and five hundred men. It was a
fatal blow. The Federals could not be dislodged, and
after brave and unavailing combat within the works.
Fort Fisher was taken, and its garrison, numbering two
thousand men. became prisoners. Gen. Whiting and
Col. Lamb were both badly wounded, and the former
soon died of his injurii
With the fall of Fort Fisher the fate of Wilmington
was sealed. With the federal troops in such a
One of the Famous Blockade- Runners.
lion the port was most effect ivch closed. The last con-
nection of the beleaguered Confederal with the outer
world was thus broken, and North Carolina with beat-
ing heart listened to Che approaching footstep- of
countless invaders. Gen. Fee. who had been made
general-in-c’hief of all the Southern armies, selected
Joseph E. Johnston to command in North Carolina.
Gen. Bragg’s force-, having retired from Wilming-
ton, met the corps of Maj.-Gen. Schofield in an unsuc-
cessful engagement at Kinston March 8. 1865. and
retired upon Goldsboro. This command, with the
troops lately in Charleston and Savannah, the remnant
of the Army of Tennessee and Hampton’s Di\
from Virginia, soon made an army of 25,000 men.
under the command of Gen. Johnston.
Against him came the larger combined armies of
Gens. Sherman and Schofield. the corps of Gen. Terry.
In addition to these overwhelming forces another col-
umn approached from the west under Gen. Stoneman.
Confederate .
Signal-Officer Daniel Shepherd Stevenson has writ-
ten for the archives of the Daughters of the Confeder-
acy at Wilmington, N. C, a sketch, from which the
following is taken:
In the soft, mild days of October, 1864, while we
lingered at our cottage by the sea, on Confederate
Point, I witnessed the most exciting and most interest-
ing scene of my life. It was during dark nights that
blockade-runners always made their trips, and the bar
was shelled whenever one was expected. The “Little
Hattie,” a blockade-runner, on which my nephew, D.
S. Stevenson, was signal-officer, was expected, and the
bar was vigorously shelled each night to keep the
blockading fleet at a safe distance.
Capt. Lebby, a dashing young South Carolinian,
commander of the “Little Hattie,” had ordered the
fires banked just at the dawning of the day, as they
neared Cape Lookout, intending to wait until the next
night, when he would run down the coast and come in
through New Inlet at Fort Fisher; but before the or-
der could be carried into effect ‘he saw, by the move-
ment on die Yankee fleet stationed off Cape Lookout,
that his vessel had been discovered. Immediately he
rescinded the command, and, turning to Lieut. Clan-
cey, first mate, and to Dan, said: “They see us, and I
am afraid we shall be captured, but we will give them
a lively race for it.” Then, turning to one of the men,
he said: “Tell the engineer to crowd on the steam,
have the fireman to feed the furnace with Nassau ba-
con, and we will make this run in broad daylight.”
The Captain then directed Clancey to run up the “fox
and chicken” (the private flag of the “Little Hattie”).
throw out the stars and bars, and fling to the breeze
every inch of bunting on board, saying: “If we must
die, we will die game.”
The fires on the Yankee fleet had been banked be-
fore the “Little Hattie” was sighted, and it took some
time to clear out the furnaces and raise steam. Thus
the “Little Hattie” had some start of her enemies, and
well she responded to her extra steam. Young Ste-
venson said that to his anxious mind it seemed that at
even- milsation of her great iron heart her tough oak-
en sinews would quiver as though instinct with life,
and she seemed to leap out of the water. Eight block-
ading steamers joined in the chase, and kept up a mur-
derous shower of shot and shell.
The foregoing my nephew told me; what follows I
witnessed. About nine o”clock on that lovely Octo-
ber morning, when all nature smiled so kindly upon
our war-desolated land, a courier rode up to our from
door and shouted: “There is a blockade-runner com-
ing this way, and she looks like the ‘Little Hattie.'”
The “Little Hattie” had two smoke-stacks.
I sprang to my feet, took some powerful field-glasses
belonging to Maj. James M. Stevenson, stepped out on
the roof of the porch facing the ocean, and looked.
Sure enough, it was the “Little Hattie,” and, to my
horror, I saw a figure on the paddle-box whom I
knew to be Dan, with flag in hand, signaling to the
fort. The agonizing suspense of his mother could find
vent only in prayer, and at a window looking toward
the sea she knelt and supplicated the Throne of Mercy
for her boy and his companions in danger. The shrill
screeching of shot and shell was agonizing.
Onward dashed the frail little craft, with eight United
States steamers following close in her wake, pouring a
relentless iron hail after her. When she came near the
fort the thirteen ships stationed off the mouth of the
Cape Fear River joined in the fray, but He who
“marks the sparrow’s fall” covered her with his hand,
and not one of the death-bearing messengers touched
the little boat. The guns of the fort were manned, and
shot and shell, grape and canister, both hot and cold,
belched forth from the iron throats of Parrot, Colum-
biad, Whitworth, and mortar. This was done to pre-
vent the fleet from forming on the bar and intercepting
the entrance of the “Little Hattie.”
For nearly an hour I stood on the roof watching the
exciting race, and when the “Little Hattie” came near
enough to discern features I recognized Capt. Lebby,
with his trumpet; Lieut. Clancey, with his spy-glass;
and Dan, still standing on the paddle-box with his flag,
which, having served its purpose for the time, rested
idly in his hand. Thus, at ten o’clock that cloudless
October day, there was accomplished the most mirac-
ulous feat: a successful run of the blockade by daylight.
I srive another incident in the blockading career
. of Signal-Officer Stevenson as received from him:
On the night of December 24, 1864, the same
fatal year, the whole attacking fleet was lying be-
fore the fort, when the “Little Hattie” came on her
return trip. As they saw the congregated’ lights
on the one side and the one lone light on the other,
Capt. Lebby remarked that they had made the
wrong inlet, and would have to come in on the
high tide between Smithville and Bald Head, as
they had passed Fort Fisher. “No, Captain,”
said young Stevenson; “we have not passed Fort
Fisher. The many lights you call Smithville is
the Yankee fleet, and the one light you call Bald
Head is Fort Fisher Mound light.” The captain
and Lieut. Clancey laughed at him and pushed on ;
but he proved to be right. Fortunately, the night
was very dark, and so many vessels were grouped
together that one more was not noticed by the en-
emy. Before the officers of the “Little Hattie”
were aware of it. they were in the midst of the fleet
which bore Butler’s expedition against the fort.
Confederate Veterar?
Consternation seized them. Escape seemed impossi-
ble. But they had a trusty and fully competent pilot
on board, Capt. Bob Grissom, who took his stand at
the wheel-house; and Dan, at the word of command,
mounted the paddle-box with his lantern, and signaled
to the fort to let up the shelling until they could get in.
J. C. Stevenson, his brother, who was also a signal-op-
erator, and on duty that night, reported that the “Little
Hattie” was at the bar, and asked that ti.e shelling be
stopped to let her in. A test question was flashed to
the bov on board, which, of course, he answered cor-
rectly, and the shelling ceased. In and out the little
craft wound among the vessels of the Yankee fleet, so
close at times that young Stevenson, as he stood on the
paddle-box, could hear the officers as they gave com-
mands, and see the men executing them; but again
they were shielded “in the hollow of His hand,” and
again made an almost miraculous escape. The next
morning, December 25, as the fleet was shelling die
fort, the “Little Hattie” steamed up to Wilmington,
and Dan walked in and gave us his perilous experience
of the night before.
All know that the first expedition against Fort Fish-
er was unsuccessful, and when the siege was raised the
“Little Hattie” left this port, never to return.
How well I remember the last time I saw Capt. Leb-
by! I had been down the street, and had met and
walked a few yards with him, bidding him good-by,
for he was to sail in a few hours. I crossed the street,-
and he called to me, and when I turned he stood with
hat in hand, making one of his most courtly bows, and
said: “You and your sister must not forgfet the ‘Little
Hattie* at night and morning. ” We never did. until
we knew that the dainty little craft and her perilous
trips were ended.
Extracts from lecture delivered by Senator Vance
in Baltimore in 1885:
Gen. Sherman arrived in Fayetteville on the 10th of
January, 1865. His forces burned the arsenal, one of
the finest in the United States. This he might have
properly done, but he also burned five private resi-
dences mar by; he burned the principal printing-office,
that of the old’ Fayetteville Observer; he burned the old
Bank of North Carolina, eleven large warehouses, five
cotton-mills, and quite a number of private dwellings
in other parts of the town, and in the suburbs almost a
clean sweep was made. In one locality nine houses
were burned. Universally houses were gutted before
they were burned, and after everything portable was se-
cured the furniture was ruthlessly destroyed. Pianos,
on which perhaps Rebel tunes had been played —
“Dixie” or “My Maryland” — disloyal bureaus, traitor-
ous tables and chairs, were cut to pieces with axes.
Then, after all this damage, fire was frequently applied
and all consumed. Carriages and vehicles of all kinds
were wantonly destroyed or burned. Old men sonic-
times had rlie shoes taken from their feet, the hats from
their heads, and clothes taken until they were almost
denuded. Their wives and children were also subject-
ed to like treatment. In one instance, as the mauraud-
ers left, they shot down a dozen cattle belonging to an
old man, and left their carcasses lying in the yard.
Think 01 that, and then remember the grievance of the
Pennsylvania Dutch farmers, who came in all serious-
ness to complain to Gen. Longstreet, in the Gettysburg-
campaign, of the outrage which some of his ferocious
Rebels had committeed upon them by milking their
cows. On one occasion, at Fayetteville, four gentle-
men were hung up by the neck until nearly dead, to
force them to disclose where their valuables were hid-
den, and one of them was shot to death.
Gens. Hampton and Hardee had crossed the Cape
Fear River, and destroyed the bridge. The forces
available to meet the enemy, according to Gen. John-
ston, were about five thousand men of the Army of
Tennessee and the troops in the Department of North
and South Carolina, amounting to about eleven thou-
sand more. These were in different parts of the coun-
try, and were not concentrated until several days after-
ward, owing to several causes, and many of them were
unarmed. A few days before, on the 7th of March,
Gen. Bragg, commanding the troops in the Depart-
ment of North Carolina, with Maj.-Gens. D. H. Hill
and R. F. Hoke, and a remnant of Clayton’s Division
of the Western army, attacked Maj.-Gen. Cox, who
was advancing toward Goldsboro from New Berne with
three divisions. The engagement took place at Kins-
ton, with considerable success on the Confederate side.
The enemy was driven back three miles, with a loss of
fifteen hundred prisoners and quite a number killed and
wounded. On tihe next day the Confederate forces fell
back to Goldsboro. Gen. Sherman made his way
steadily from Fayetteville toward Goldsboro, where he
was to’make a junction with Gen. Schofield. The cav-
alrv under Gens. Hampton and Butler and Wheeler
hung around his flank and front, impeding and annoy-
ing his march as much as possible.
A -harp engagement took place at Averasboro, and
a still more considerable one at Bentonville, in which
the Confederates were again successful, although
against overwhelming numbers. In fact. Gen. Joseph
E. Johnston, a sharp observer of men and armies, gives
it a’s his opinion that the life 0’f plunder and license in-
dulged in bv Sherman’s men had already worked its
leeitimate results upon them, and that they did not
fight with near the efficiency and steadiness _ which
characterized them on their entrance into Georgia.
This affair at Bentonville was the last considerable
engagement of the war, and was in some respects re-
markable. There was not a man, perhaps, of the ten
or twelve thousand Confederates who was not perfectly
aware that the war was over, and that his righting was
hopeless; yet they scarcely ever fought better. They
maintained their ground all day against large odds.
Again and again they drove them back over several
miles, covering the ground with dead, and capturing
nine hundred prisoners, while the enemy lost in killed
and wounded about four thousand. The little Confed-
erate force only fell back toward Smithfield when Sher-
man’s entire army had concentrated. Without further
hostilities, Sherman arrived in Goldsboro on the 23d of
March, and effected his junction with Schofield. Their
united force then exceeded one hundred and ten thou-
sand men. At Goldsboro he rested his troops, refitted,
and made his arrangements for the final operations.
The Confederate forces likewise rested near Smith-
field, half-way between Goldsboro and Raleigh, repair-
ing their losses as well as possible for the last struggle.
On the 10th of April Gen. Sherman put his troops in
motion toward Raleigh, when Gen. Johnston’s troops
promptly began to fall back slowly before him. About
the 10th and nth of April painful rumors were circu-
lated throughout the capital in confidential circles of
the surrender of Gen. Lee. Animated by these reports
and also by the fact that the Confederate forces were
passing through and rapidly uncovering the capital of
the state, and that all further operations were really in-
tended to secure such terms as were possible, I consult-
ed Gen. Johnston as to what it was best for me to do.
With the frankness of a soldier and a man of common
sense, he advised me to make the best terms I could for
the protection of my capital and people. I spoke to him
about the propriety of sending an embassy through his
lines to meet Gen. Sherman. Very soon thereafter he
went west to meet President Davis at Greensboro,
leaving the command to Gen. Hardee.
As this great army gathered toward Raleigh as a
common focus, the first Conflict was between the divi-
sion commanded by Gen. Hardee and the army of Gen.
Sherman at the hamlet of Averasboro. After a stub-
born fight, Hardee withdrew, and, having joined Gen.
Confederate l/eterai?
Johnston, the latter collected fifteen thousand men at
Bentonville, in Johnston County, on March 19, and
awaited Sherman’s approach.
Gen. Sherman on that day made six successive at-
tacks upon Johnston’s left, composed of Hoke’s and
Cheatham’s Divisions and the late garrisons on the
Cape Fear. The Federal assaults were all repelled,
and at the order for our troops to advance three lines of
the enemy’s field-works were carried and several bat-
teries captured. This success, however, was not with-
out sacrifice of noble lives. Gen. Sherman withdrew
to Goldsboro to meet Schofield and Terry, and John-
ston halted at Smithfield to await developments.
After so much bloodshed the end of hostilities, how-
ever, was near at hand. Gen. Sheridan, having assailed
the right flank of Gen. Lee’s defenses at Petersburg,
after hard fighting, succeeded in winning a decisive bal
tie at Five Forks on March 28. The loss of the six
thousand Confederates made prisoners on that day was
fatal to longer hold on the thinly manned lines around
the city that had been so long and nobly defended.
On the morning of April 2, 1865, in general assault
Gen. Lee’s lines were pierced in three \ laces. < len. A.
P. Hill was slain, and at nightfall the doomed Army oi
Northern Virginia began its famous retreat. After in-
Credible hardships, at Appomattox Court-Housc. the
small remnant of the heroes who had for lour years SO
dauntlessly withstood the largest armies ever mar-
shaled in this continent were overpowered, and on
April 9, at the command of their beloved leader, they
there laid down their arms.
On April 10, 1865, the Confederate army under Gen.
Johnston, having passed Raleigh, Gov. Vance accom-
panying it, Govs. Graham and Swain, accompanied by
Surg.-Cien. Warren, met Gen. Sherman at the head
of his vast army of one hundred thousand men a few
miles away, and asked “him to protect the city. This
capital city was taken possession of on April 13, 1865.
r,en. Johnston was soon apprised of Gen. Lee’s sur-
render, and after conference with President Davis at
Greensboro, he decided to surrender his army. To this
end, having communicated with Gen. Sherman, they
met on April 18, 1865, at the house of a Mr. Bennett,
near Durham. and agreed upon conditions of surrender,
subject to tlie approval of the President. Notwith-
standing the refusal of the then President of the United
States, Andrew Johnson, to carry out the agreement of
the military commissioners, the army of Gen. Johnston
was surrendered at Greensboro on April 26, 1865, and
sent home on parole on like terms with the Confederate
troops at Appomattox.
The.> F. Klutz, Jr.. Salisbury, N. C. :
Halifax Richards Wood was born at Prince Edward
Court-House. Va., on the 20th of July, 1846. His
widowed mother subsequently married a Mr. Arm-
strong. Young Wood was bright, witty, jovial, and
fearless. His only sister. Mrs. Virginia Bryan, relates
in a recent letter a remarkable instance of his pluck
and vigor. He had gone to Winston, N. C., at twelve
years of age, and alone would often walk the forty-five
miles home on visits. When the time came tiiat tried
men’s souls sorely, and every son of the South was
called upon to assert her rights upon the battle-field,
this boy of fourteen years volunteered to give his life
for his country. He entered Wharton’s First North
Carolina Battalion, Wilson’s company, on May o. 1861.
and in the battle at first Manassas he was severely
wounded. He displayed in this battle that cool, de-
termined valor which afterward enabled him to render
great service to the Confederate cause.
He was appointed courier to Gen. R. F. Hoke, and
in 1864, when Gen. Hoke was promoted to major-gen-
eral, »Wood was made division scout, a position for
winch he was well fitted. Federal outposts knew no
security from his forays, and on one occasion he alone
compelled the surrender of nine men, and guarded
them into camp. This was so reckless that it was
found necessary to rebuke him for capturing “too
many prisoners,” and to remind him that the acquire-
<^or;)-ederate l/eterar?
ment of information must be his primary object. In
this campaign (of 1864J he had seven horses actually
killed under him.
Many stories are told of his deliberate courage. As
he was riding along the heights of Petersburg a great
shell from the enemy tore off the edge of the broad
brim of his felt halt, but he was in no way discomposed.
Gen. Hoke once said that “Fax” Wood knew no fear;
that he had never known a man of such cool daring
and faithfulness to perilous duty.
In all his achievements, no other was so important
in its results as his act of saving Richmond by imper-
sonating a Federal scout. Maj. Graham Daves, of
Xew Berne, N. C, a versatile writer, contributed this
account of his daring feat to the Philadelphia Times:
“In May, 1864. when Gen. Butler landed at Bermu-
da Hundreds with two army corps, the Confederate
forces at first in his front were entirely insufficient to
successfully resist his march upon Richmond. He ad-
vanced to the neighborhood of Drury’s Bluff, and, go-
ing into position, extended his left until it seemed in-
evitable that he would envelop the right of the Con-
federate position and get possession of the road to
Richmond. This movement it was essential to check,
but, to get reenforcements, time was necessary. The
great question was how to get this precious time, so
necessary. Gen. Hoke, who commanded the Confeder-
ate right, determined to attempt its solution by a bold
ruse. Night was approaching, and it was felt that if
Butler’s further movements could be delayed until
darkness all would be well. Calling up Wood, Gen.
Hoke explained to him the position, and asked him if
he was willing to give his life, if need be, to save Rich-
mond. Without hesitation, the boy — for he was but
eighteen — replied affirmatively. He was then dressed
in the uniform of a Federal cavalryman, and ordered,
first, in some way to get into the rear of the Federal po-
sition, and then to ride boldly, as if coming from the
river, to Gen. Butler’s headquarters and report to him
that the Confederates were landing in heavy force on
the James River, on his right and rear. This done, he
was to ride away rapidly, as if returning to his post,
without waiting to be questioned closely.
” Wood, having thorough knowledge of the country,
rode off on his perilous errand. After he had been
gone for what seemed a very long time, it was observed
that the threatening movement of the Federals had
ceased, and it was evident that there was some change
being made in their dispositions. Shortly thereafter,
to the surprise of every one, no one expecting to see
him again, Wood rode up safe and sound, and, saluting
Gen. Hoke, reported that he had carried out his in-
structions to the letter. During the night the Confed-
erate reenforcements arrived, and the result of the sub-
sequent battle of Drury’s Bluff and the ‘ bottling up ‘
of Butler at Bermuda Hundreds are well known.”
Maj. Daves’ account adds that, shortly after the war,
Gen. Hoke met Col. Michie, of Butler’s staff, who con-
firmed tftie report Wood had made, adding that, though
the “cavalryman” was suspected to be a Confederace
spy, yet the delay to obtain information in regard to
his statement proved fatal to their plans.
For such deeds President Davis, at the solicitation
of all the generals of Wood’s division, ignored his age,
and appointed him a commissioned officer. His com-
mission was placed in the hands of Gen. Hoke, to be
reserved as a pleasant surprise for him upon his return
from a scouting trip upon which he had been de-
spatched, but he never returned.
It was a sad circumstance that, having survived so
many desperate straits, his fate should overtake him
almost at the very close of the war. After the Confed-
erates had evacuated Wilmington, young Wood, with
four companions, was sent on a scouting expedition
down the right bank of the Cape Fear River. It is be-
lieved that the five comrades, the night being dark and
stormy, unsuspiciously entered a house filled with Fed-
eral soldiers. Wood was killed and two of his com-
rades were wounded. Wood did not fall, however,
until he had killed or disabled several of the enemy.
His companions alleged treachery on the part of the
owner of the house, but subsequent investigation has
shown this charge to be groundless. The Federals
buried him near the place where he fell. Next day the
people of the neighborhood exhumed the body, and,
after encasing it in as good a coffin as they could pro-
vide, laid it to rest near a small oak about two hundred
vards from the house. In the course of time the lo-
cality of the grave was lost; but it has recently been
found, about fourteen miles from Wilmington, near
the Carolina Central railway. An effort has been
made to have the remains transferred to beautiful Oak
Dale Cemetery, at Wilmington, a last resting-place of
Confederate dead.
Besides the sister, he left a brother, Mr. W. W.
Wood, now of Greensboro, N. C.
No state in the Union possesses a record of nobler
achievements than North Carolina. Her people have
always loved liberty for themselves, and they offered
the same priceless boon to all who came within her
borders; and it was a full knowledge of this trait of
“tarheels” which made Bancroft say: “North Caro-
lina was settled by the freest of the free.”
(^federate l/eterar?
William E. Anderson, Pensacola, Fla., writes:
Every event in the history of our Southern land
which increases our pride in it should be kept from
oblivion for the inspiration of our children.
The first armed resistance to the oppressions of
Great Britain occurred on Southern soil. Long be-
fore Concord or Lexington, the men of North Caro-
lina, after vainly endeavoring by petition and protest
to get relief from extortionate taxes and imposts, which
amounted to confiscation, met the British forces in
battle. They were defeated; but, had the result been
different, the fire which afterward blazed up at Lex-
ington and “kindled the land into flame with its heat”
would have started the conflagration on the banks of
the Alamance River. That spark was quenched in
blood, and the Revolution was postponed four years.
The cause of the outbreak was essentially the same.
North and South — unjust taxation. Under the pro-
tection, and with the countenance of Gov. Tryon, the
officers of the crown, especially in the counties of
I Mange and Granville, oppressed the people with the
most iniquitous fees and charges. The Colonists then
called a convention, which met at Maddock”s Mill in
i ‘ci.iber, 1766, to consider their grievances. In April.
1768, they again met and formed an association “for
regulating public grievances and abuse of power.”
Hence the name “Regulators.” Their formal resolu-
tion bound them “to pay only such taxes as were agree-
able to law, and to pay no officer more than his legal
fees.” Their action was regular, their resolution was
published, and a respectful protest sent to the governor,
but they were continually disregarded. But the royal
officers were beaten, the courts broken up by force, and
prisoners were taken from the sheriffs.
In April, 1771, Gov. Tryon marched from New Berne
with 300 men; and. being joined by various bodies of
Royalists, encamped on the 1 yth of Mav on the banks
Scene “< the first outbreak of the Revolutionary Wir.
of the Alamance River, where the Regulators were as-
sembled in force. The Royal forces were 1,100 strong,
the Colonists about 2,000. ( >n the 15th a petition was
brought to the governor from the Regulators, praying
a redress of grievances as the only means to prevent
bloodshed. They were warned to disperse; but re-
turned a defiant reply; and on the 16th of Alav the
Royal troops advanced upon them, and a battle fol-
lowed. It resulted in the defeat and dispersion of the
Regulators, with the loss of twenty killed and many
wounded. The loss to the Royalistswas sixtv-one. The
prisoners taken were tried in Ilillsboro bv special court
for high treason, and were convicted and sentenced to
death. Six were respited to await the king’-s pleasure,
and six were hanged. The spol of their execution is
now marked by a plain, unlettered slab.
In the town of Hillsboro, N. O, upon the banks of
the Alamance River, wlas shed the first blood of the
Revolution. The records in the court-house at Ilills-
boro, the published book of Herman Husbands, the
leader of the Regulators, and Gov. Tryon’s official re-
ports, now on file among the state papers in London,
confirm this sketch. North Carolina should build a
monument on the banks of the Alamance River to
those of her sons who fell there in the first great strug-
gle for independence. There is one at Raleigh, as well
as at Charlotte.
The time is fast coming when equal honors will be
accorded the dead on both sides in the great contro-
versy. To America the graves of all her slain children
n ust eventually become equally dear. They are the
joint inheritance of an imperial race, and will ever re-
main the proudest evidence of the truth and valor of
our people.
During the retreat of the Confederates through
South Carolina, at the time of Sherman’s advance,
Serg. McDonald, of North Carolina, was sent on de-
tail to a town where a regiment of home guards was
stationed. These valorous heroes, seeing a soldier from
the front, gathered around him, eagerly enquiring the
news. “News?” said Mac solemnly; “I believe there
is none. Yes, there is a little, too, but it’s not of much
importance: Old Hardee burned up a regiment of home
guards at Florence the other day.”
Confederate .
Sketch by Hon. Kerr Craige, Salisbury, N. C:
At the commencement of the war Gov. Ellis issued
a call for ten regiments of state troops, to serve for the
period of three years or during the war. Of these,
eight were infantry, one cavalry, and one artillery. R.
Ransom, afterward major-general, was appointed colo-
nel of the cavalry regiment; L. S. Baker, afterward
brigadier-general, lieutenant-colonel; and James B.
Gordon, major. This regiment was known as the
First North Carolina Cavalry, and became famous in
the cavalry of the Army of Northern Virginia. It was
thoroughly drilled and disciplined by Col. Ransom and
Lieut. -Col. Baker, both of whom were graduates of
West Point, and its efficiency was greatly augmented
by the ability and skill of Maj. Gordon, who succeed-
ed to .the rank of colonel.
Gen. Gordon was a native of Wilkes County, and a
prominent citizen of the state. He had been success-
ful, was a gentleman of wealth
and leisure, and at that time a
member of the council of state,
and ‘he possessed many of tfhe
qualifications of a successful
soldier. H i s regiment was
first attached to the cavalry
brigade of Gen. Wade Hamp-
ton, which was composed, in
addition to the First and Sec-
ond South Carolina Cavalry, of
Cobb’s and Phillips’ Legions,
as a part of Stuart’s Cavalry.
Army of Northern Virginia.
In the spring of 1863, however,
the First North Carolina was united with the Second.
Third, Fourth, and Fifth North Carolina Regiments of
Cavalry, and formed into a brigade, thereafter known
as the North Carolina Cavalry Brigade. Gen. Gordon
was then promoted to the rank of brigadier-general,
and placed in command.
Gen. Gordon’s old regiment was incessantly en-
gaged, as a part of Stuart’s Cavalry, in the seven days’
battle below Richmond, in the Maryland campaign at
Sharpsburg, in the Pennsylvania campaign at Gettys-
burg, and in numerous cavalry battles in Virginia. In
all the operations of the cavalry during these years he
had borne a conspicuous part as a brave, daring, and
skilful officer. Among the many distinguished caval-
ry officers from North Carolina he stood at the head.
Gen. Gordon’s brigade, from this time till the death
of its commander, participated in the principal cavalry
battles of the Army of Northern Virginia. A detailed
account of these numerous engagements would com-
prise a history of Stuart’s Cavalry.
In May, 1864, while Gen. Lee was confronting Gen.
Grant, at Spottsylvania Court-House, Gen. Sheridan
attempted to capture Richmond by a movement in the
rear of Lee’s army. He approached within three miles
of the city on the Brook turnpike, and was only pre-
vented from taking it by the desperate fighting of Stu-
art’s Cavalry. This fighting cost the life of Gen. Stu-
art at Yellow Tavern and of Gen. Gordon at Brook
Church. Gen. Gordon was ordered to attack Gen.
Sheridan in the rear. This movement he performed
successfully. While leading his men in action he fell
mortally wounded, and died a few days thereafter at the
officers’ hospital in Richmond.
As a brigade commander Gen. Gordon ranked
among the bravest and best. Active, alert, and vigi-
lant, he was never taken by surprise, and was always
quick to take advantage of any mistake of his adver-
sary and to meet any emergency. He always led his
men in battle, and inspired them by his presence with
hope and confidence. His death was a heavy blow to
the cavalry arm of the service, and was felt as a personal
loss by the members of his brigade, all of whom were
warmly attached to him.
Gen. Gordon was tall and well proportioned, his
bearing soldierly, and his countenance singularly hand-
some. Kind-hearted, genial, and generous, he made
friends of all with whom he came in contact. His sol-
dierly bearing, his courtly and courteous manners, pro-
claimed the gentleman that he was. “without fear and
without reproach.”
When Sam Eller came home from the war minus a
leg, he went to work like the hero that he is, and has
supported himself and his family in an upright, honor-
able manner ever since. He is the favorit; of the
camp at Salisbury, N. C. Comrade Eller enlisted in
August, 1862, in Company H, Twenty-Third North
Carolina Regiment, Iverson’s Brigade, Rhodes’s Divi-
sion, and was continually with his command until shot
down at Gettysburg, July I, 1863, where he fell into the
hands of the Federals, and his leg was amputated. He
was exchanged the following December.
It is proper that a new generation should erect me-
morials to men who underwent so much to uphold
what they thought was right. With the lapse of time
many have been added to the list of those who perished
in the war. Death has not ceased his rounds even in
the times of peace, and each day the number of sur-
vivors is reduced. Before time has removed all those
who bore their parts in the struggle, and thus can tes-
tify to the truth, there should be such data left to the
men of the future that the unsuccessful may not suffer
by misapprehension of the facts. Justice to the men in
gray by no means implies hostility to the Federal gov-
ernment. In the providence of God we are again the
citizens of a united republic.
Confederate .
The survivors of the Confederate States army are no-
where more loyal to sacred memories and to patriotic
duties than comrades who direct affairs of the organi-
zation in the old North state.
M.ij. -i«ii. William I.. De Rosset, commanding the
North Carolina Division, was born in Wilmington, X.
C, of Huguenot extraction. IK’ received his educa-
tion at St. Timothy’s Hall. Catonsville, Md.; Si
James College, mar Hagerstown; and tin- University
nf North Carolina. Before completing the Junioi
year al Chapel Mill he wenl to Massachusetts to work
as an apprentice in the Lawrence Machine Shops; but,
that climate nol agreeing’wifh him, he returned to Wil-
mington, and was employed in the office of 1 >e !<
& Brown, of which firm he became a member in [86b
In 1X77 lie was employed by the \,i\ assa 1 mano Com-
pany, in whose service lie still continues as Secretar]
and Treasurer. In [855 lie w as made lieuieiiant in the
Wilmington Light Infantry, and in 1856 captain, in
which latter office lie served four years.
At the fall of Fort Sumter the Wilmington Light In-
fantry, under I ‘.-ipt De Rosset, was ordered to Fori
1 aswell. About two weeks afterward, on \pril 15,
[861, lie was ordered, wiili liis command, to occup)
Confederate Point, where a two-gun battery had been
erected. This command mounted the trims and did
duty at (hat post for several months. Of the entire
number belonging to the company, all hut three or four
held commissions as officers in the state or Confederate
forces within six months.
Cen. De Rosset was appointed hv Cow Ellis major
of the stale troops, and assigned to duty with the Third
North Carolina Infantry, under Col. Gaston Mcaresand
Lieut. -Col. R. H. Cowan.
Maj. De Rosset was appointed to a lieutenant-colo-
nelcy in 1862. He participated with his regiment in
the battles around Richmond, and upon the death f
Col. Meares, at .Malvern Hill, succeeded to command.
Cen. De Rosset was present during the entire .
paign of [862, up to the close of the battle at Sharps-
burg. At tln> battle of Boonesboro, or South Moun
tain, he was in command of Ripley’s Brigade, but was
not actively engaged. At Sharpsburg the regiment
went into action with 520 men, all told, losing during
that fearful struggle 320 killed and wounded, including
23 out of 27 officers, of whom 7 were killed or dh 1
from Bheir wounds. Here Col. De Rosset received a
disabling wound, a Minie ball passing through the low-
er pari ot his body, unfitting him for field service, and
from the effects of which he still suffers.
He resigned his commission as colonel of the Third
North Carolina Regiment in the summer of (863, and
m January, 1865, was appointed by the I ‘resident as
colonel in the invalid corps. 1′. A. C, S. He surren-
dered with John-ton’s army near 1 rreenstx Hi 1
Junius 1 ).i\ 1-. Adjutant-* General and Chief of Staff of
(.en. William L. De Rosset, commanding the North
Carolina Division. U. C. V., was born in Wilmington,
N. C, and now resides there. He was a member of
Company I-‘.. Tenth Regiment of North Carolina
troops. This was an artillery regiment, ami did good
service. Mr. Davis, in 1X63. joined this compam
private, when he was seventeen years old. He servi i
in his company for a short while in Eastern North Car-
olina, and afterward in Virginia. ‘at Bermuda Hundreds,
Dairy’s Bluff, Fort Harrison, ami in the lines around
Richmond ami Petersburg. Young Davis was wound-
ed in the last day’s tight at Petersburg. His last en-
gagement was at Appomattox, with Sheridan’s Caval-
ry, on the evening before the surrender.
^oofederate .
W. J. Woodward was born at Fayetteville, N. C,
September i, 1843. Prior to the war he was at Caleb
Hallowell’s famous school, located at Alexandria, Va.,
pursuing a special course in mathematics, with the
view of entering the United States Coast Survey. He
was one of the Southern students who was prevented
from joining the Virginia troops when they passed
through Alexandria on their way to Harper’s Ferry
during the John Brown raid. While at Alexandria he
was brought in personal contact with the officers of the
United States government, and before leaving there
had established a reputation in the special course he
was pursuing, and made many friends among the
prominent officials at Washington City. He continued
his studies up to the breaking out of the war, When he
joined the Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry, and
entered the Confederate service. This company was
made H, First North Carolina Volunteers, and he was
with it in the battle of Bethel, noted as the first pitched
battle of the war, June 10, 1861. While on the Penin-
sula he was frequently called to the headquarters of
Gens. J. B. Magruder and D. H. Hill to perform cler-
ical work, and was solicited by an old friend in the
Confederate States Ordnance Department, then sta-
tioned at Richmond, Va., to take a place under him,
but declined, preferring to remain- with his company.
In this campaign he received an injury to an eye, ne-
cessitating an operation to save his sight, from the ef-
fects of which he still suffers.
When the First North Carolina Volunteers were
mustered out of service he was tendered a position in
the Ordnance Department by Gen. Gorgas, and as-
signed to duty at the Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory,
under command of Alaj. John C. Booth. He soon be-
came one of the best clerical workers in the department,
and his services were in great demand. Serving un-
der Mai. Booth until his death, he was assigned to duty
under Capl. C. P. Bolles, Col. J. A. De Lagnel, Col. F.
L. Childs. and Capt. J. E. P. Daingerfield, and at the
close of the war was assistant military storekeeper and
paymaster, surrendering with Johnston’s army, near
Greensboro, N. C.
Col. Woodward resides at Wilmington, N. C. He
occupies a prominent and responsible position with the
house of Alexander Sprunt & Son, the largest cotton
exporters in the South shipping from one port. He is
Secretary of the Champion Compress and Warehouse
Company, Secretary of the Diamond Steamboat and
Wrecking Company. Secretary and Treasurer of the
Seamen’s Friend Society, and Colonel of the Uniform
Rank, Knights of Pythias.
As first of all the hearty cooperators for the Veteran
in this special edition will Col. Woodward be gratefully
remembered, and this acknowledgment does not by
any means adequately express the sentiment of indebt-
edness to him.
Samuel H. Smith. Chief Commissary of the North
Carolina Division, U. C. V., was born in Wadesboro,
N. C, September 15, 1846. He attended school at
Oak Ridge Institute, Kernersville and Winston, but
left school to engage with his brother-in-law, J. W.
Lambeth, at High Point, N. O, in the manufacture of
bayonets, scabbards, and cartridge-boxes for the Con-
federate government. He enlisted in the Confederate
army and served with Southerland’s Battery of Light
Artillery, Company I, Tenth North Carolina troops,
the last two years of the war. He was also courier to
Gen. Toseph E. Johnston at the battle of Bentonsville,
N. C. and was paroled at Greensboro.
He removed to Winston, N. C, in 1875, served sev-
eral years on the Board of Aldermen, and was twice
elected Mayor of the city. Before his last term of of-
fice as Mayor had expired he was appointed postmas-
ter bv President Cleveland; and was appointed assist-
Confederate l/eterai?.
ant postmaster during President Cleveland’s second
term, which position he now holds.
In 1883 he reorganized the Forsyth Riflemen, and
was elected captain of the company, serving thus until
promoted to major of the Third Regiment of the state
guard. He was appointed by Gov. D. G. Fowle As-
sistant Adjutant-General, and was reappointed to the
same position by the late Gov. Thomas M. Holt, serv-
ing until the expiration of Gov. Holt’s term. He was
appointed Quartermaster by Gov. Elias Carr, which
position he now holds. He is one of the most promi-
nent Masons in the state, having twice been elected
Grand Master of the Grand Lodge.
Col. Smith was one of the prime movers in organi-
zing Norfleet Camp No. 436, U. C. V., and was elected
their first Adjutant, which position he still holds.
At the breaking out of the war John Badger Brow n
was a resident of Wilmington, X. C, a member of the
Wilmington Light Infantry. Upon being commis-
sioned first lieutenant by the Governor, he went to
Kenansville, Duplin County, his birthplace, recruited
a company, and, under orders, reported to Col. Gaston
Meares, of the Third North Carolina Infantry, C. S. A.
With this command he served during the entire war.
Capt. Brown was severely wounded at Malvern Hill.
after having fought in the seven days’ battles before
Richmond, and while in the hospital was commissioned
quartermaster, ranking as captain, with orders to re-
port for duty at Raleigh, but declined to accept the po-
sition, preferring service with his command in the field,
lie was also badly wounded at Spottsylvania Court-
Housc. Owing to the terribly depleted ranks of ‘lis
comrades, he was frequently ordered upon staff dutv,
and served upon the staffs of Gen. Doles, of Georgia;
Gen. George H. Steuart, of Maryland; and Gen. Cox,
of North Carolina, lie surrendered with the latter at
Capt. Brown has always claimed that Cox’s Brigade
fired the last volley of the war, at Appomattox.
After the close of the war he lived for a short time in
Wilmington, X. C, and then went to X T ew York, but
finallv located in Baltimore, where he now resides.
MAI. WILSON ‘ I Wll’.. \IH ! .1 1 \M1\
Maj. Wilson G. Lamb is a native of Elizabeth City,
X. ( ‘,. Declining an appointment of naval cadet at An-
napolis, he joined the Seventeenth Xorth Carolina
Regiment, of which his brother, the gallant Col. John
C. Lamb, killed at Bermuda Hundreds, was lieutenant-
colonel. Maj. Lamb served as sergeant-major, lieu-
Confederate V/eterap.
tenant, and adjutant of his regiment. The historian of
Martin’s (afterward Kirkland’sj Brigade mentions
Lieut. Lamb as conspicuous for bravery in the battles
near Wilmington and Kinstnn, X. C. Maj. Lamb’s
ancestors were distinguished officers of the Revolution.
He is now President of the North Carolina Society of
the Cincinnati, which has recently been revived.
James (‘,. Hall, born February io. 1845, entered the
service of the Confederacy in the fall of 1861, getting
into active service in the spring of 1862 as second lieu-
tenant of Company F. Fifty-Second North Carolina
Regiment, which served successively in Pettigrew’s,
Kirkland’s, and MacRea’s Brigades, Heth’s Division,
A. P. Hill’s Corps. He followed the destinies of that
army in most of the campaigns up to the surrender at
Appomattox; was in all the principal battles of his reg-
iment, and was tendered promotion to the rank of cap-
tain, but preferred to remain as he had originally en-
listed. He was wounded at Gettysburg and at Peters-
burg. Since the war he has engaged in mercantile,
manufacturing, and other business pursuits. He was
elected to command of the First Brigade of the North
Carolina Division, U. C. V., in 1895, and has been re-
elected every year since.
Benjamin H. Cathey was born in Haywood (now
Jackson) County January 4, 1836. He Was engaged
in farming when the call to arms was sounded in 1861,
and he enlisted in the Confederate army on May 12.
His company, the first from Jackson County, was or-
ganized by Andrew Coleman, and became A, of the
Sixteenth Infantry. Capt. Coleman was killed at Fra-
sier’s farm, and in filling vacancies Comrade Cathey
was elected lieutenant, lie participated in many hard
battles from Seven Pines to Shepherdstown, and at the
Infer place he and Serg. John S. Keener, of the Six-
teenth, led the desperate charge which resulted in a
Confederate victory. On October 5, 1862. Lieut.
Cathey. with his company, was transferred from Vir-
ginia to Col. Coleman’s (the Thirty-Ninth North Car-
olina) Regiment, in Tennessee, and from then to the
close of the war they remained in the Western Depart-
ment. They were at Chickamauga, and afterward in
the campaigns under Johnston and Hood. Lieut.
Cathey was specially honored in a public testimonial
for his heroism in the battle of Chickamauga. When
the flag-bearer of his regiment was shot down Lieut.
Cathey seized the staff and carried it to the point, ral-
lying his men. After the surrender of Gen. Lee at Ap-
pomattox Lieut. Cathey returned to his home in Jack-
son Count)-. Since the war he has led a quiet farm
life. He refused to take the oath and vote under the
Canity constitution. He was appointed by Justice
Walter Clark as Historian of the Sixteenth North Car-
olina Regiment, which article is under publication.
W. L. London was born April 3, 1838, at Pittsboro,
N. C, where he was educated and lived. Early in
April, 1861, he assisted in raising a company in Chat-
ham County, and was elected second lieutenant; and
afterward aided in organizing the Fifth Regiment of
North Carolina Volunteers, which became the Fifteenth
Regiment of North Carolina state troops, when he was
promoted to first lieutenant. At the reorganization of
company. He took part in the seven days’ fight around
Richmond, and at Malvern Hill was wounded in the
right side. His company suffered very much in that
fight, only three men coming out unhurt. During his
absence his company was transferred to a North Car-
olina battalion, which formed the Thirty-Second Regi-
ment of North Carolina troops, and was assigned to
Confederate l/eterai?
Daniel’s Brigade, a part of Jackson’s ( ‘,< irps. i le par-
ticipated in most of the battles of that brigade.
He was wounded in the right arm at Gettysburg on
the first day, but did not leave the field. He had
charge of the brigade of sharpshooters on the night of
the third day when they made the advance. 1 lis com-
pany was so reduced by these fights t’hai he was ap
pointed inspector of the brigade, and afterward was ap
pointed assistant adjutant-general of the Confederate
army, and assigned to Daniel’s Brigade. 1 Iv took
part in Gen. Early’s campaigns, and was severely
wounded at Winchester, \ a., in [864, being shol –
tirely through the right breast. While a1 home wound
ed he married .Miss Carrie Haughton, Novembei I j.
1864. After recovering from his wound he returned to
his brigade around Petersburg, and remained with the
army until it surrendered at Appomattox.
At the organization of the camp of United Confeder
ate \ eterans in his county he was elected Commander,
and when the North Carolina Division was organized
in brigades he was elected Brigadier-General of the
Second Brigade, being reelected every year since.
Henry Armand London was born at Pittsboi
C, m 1846, where In has always resided, lie grad-
uated from the Universit} of V rth Carolina in 1865,
and obtained license lo practise law in 1866. In iSi m
he enlisted in Company I. Thirty-Second North 1 ai
lina Regiment, and shortly thereafter was app
courier on the staff of Maj.-Gen. Bryan Grimes
served in thai capacity until Lee’s surrender, being the
bearer of the last message delivered on the battle-field
at Appomattox Court-House, immediatelj preceding
the surrender. At the battle of Fort Steadman, March
25, [865, lie was tin . – 1 onfederate to 1< ave thi 1 1 J
era! entrenchments. May London takes an active in
terest in every effort to perpetuate the heroism of Con-
federate soldiers, having published several sketches ol
different North Carolina Confederate organizations
and delivered several memorial addresses in the lafgei
cities of his state. Hi has been Adjutant of Leonidas
I. Menitt Camp N ►. 387 ever since its organization,
and in November last was appointed aide-de-camp to
1 len. W. L De Ros
MAJ. II. \. LONDON, Aim: In I \m p
F. M. Parker was born in Nash County, N. C, Sep
tember 21, 1827, and was reared in tin 1 ■.. , ,i Tar-
boro. \ftcr receiving his education in schools at
Greensboro, Lincolnton, and Raleigh, he returned
home and took charge of his father’- plantation, but in
1852 purchased a farm, now his home, in Halifax
County. < In the occurrence of the John Brown raid
he helped to organize a militan company, the Enfield
Blues; and in March. 1861, this company offered its
services bo the Governor. Upon the reorganization of
the First North ( arolina Volunteers, the Enfield Blu
were placed in this regiment as Company I. The regi
Confederate l/eterar;
ment was soon ordered to Richmond, and subsequently
to Yorktown, and participated in the battle of Bethel,
under Gen. D. H. Hill.
While on the Peninsula Comrade Parker was elect-
ed colonel of the Thirtieth North Carolina Regiment,
then at Fort Johnson, on the Cape Fear River. In
May, 1862. this company was ordered to Richmond,
and fought as sharpshooters in the battle of Seven
Pines. When the Confederate troops were placed into
brigades by states the Thirtieth North Carolina was
put under command of Gen. George B. Anderson, and
.it the battle of Sharpsburg this brigade occupied the
historic “bloody lane.” It was here that Col. Parker
received a dangerous wound on the head, which kept
him from his command some time, but he rejoined it in
the spring of 1863. Gen. Anderson having died from
wounds received at Sharpsburg, his brigade was under
Gen. S. D. Ramseur. At the battle of Gettysburg Col.
Parker was badly wounded in the face, and was made
almost blind, and it was not until the 4th of May, 1864,
that he could again report for duty. He participated
in other battles from the Wilderness to Spottsylvania.
On the 19th of May, in attempting to cut off the right
and rear of Grant’s army, Ewell’s Corps had a stub-
born fight. In this engagement Col. Parker was des-
perately wounded through the body and rendered un-
fit for further field duty, and in January, 1865, he was
ordered to report for light duty to Gen. Holmes, com-
manding the Department of North Carolina. He was
placed in command of the post at Raleigh, and sur-
rendered at Greensboro, under Gen. J. E. Johnston.
render of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston at Greensboro, N.
C, April 26, 1865. After the surrender he entered the
drug business, and has been the active partner of the
drug firm of Theo F. Kluttz & Co., for sixteen years.
Cicero R. Barker was born in Salisbury, N. C, March
26, 1848; enlisted in Company K, Eighth North Caro-
lina Infantry, June 12, 1861, and was appointed drum-
mer boy; was captured with his regiment on Roanoke
Island, N. C, February 8, 1862, and exchanged the fol-
lowing September. His regiment was then assigned
to Gen. Clingman’s Brigade, Hoke’s Division, and he
served continuously with ‘his command until the sur-
Maj. R. E. Wilson volunteered in April, 1861, in the
first company, the Yadkin Gray Eagles, that left Yad-
kin County, and which was mustered into the Eleventh
North Carolina Volunteers at Danville, Va., May, 1861.
He was elected second lieutenant at the organization
of the company, and upon the reorganization of the
army at Manassas, February, 1862, this company (A)
and Company B, from Salem, N. C, commanded by
Capt. R. W. Wharton, were detached from the Elev-
enth and formed into the First North Carolina Battal-
ion of Sharpshooters. The senior captain, R. W.
Wharton, was promoted to major commanding, and
? laj. Wilson promoted to the captaincy of Company A.
This battalion was an important and active participant
in nearly every battle fought by the Army of Northern
Virginia, from Manassas to Appomattox, and, from its
peculiar and efficient drill, engaged in many skirmishes
in which the main army did not participate. Upon
the promotion of Maj. Wharton as colonel of a North
Carolina regiment, Capt. Wilson was promoted to
major and to command of the battalion.
August 9, 1862 . while charging the enemy near
Warrenton, Va., Maj. Wilson was severely wounded
by a Minie ball breaking both bones of the right fore-
arm, and at the same time having his left leg shattered
below the knee by a grape-shot, which disabled him for
several months; but as early as possible he was again in
Confederate Veterans.
the field. April 2, 1S65, at Petersburg, in a charge, he
was again wounded, his left leg being cut off by a shell.
He was carried to the hospital at Manchester, Ya., and
paroled on April 21 ; but ten days thereafter was, among
others, rearrested, carried to Libby Prison, and held
there and in other prisons by the enemy until Decem-
ber 20, 1865.
After his liberation from prison Maj. Wilson en-
gaged for several years in successful mercantile busi-
ness at Augusta, Ga. Retiring from the active compe-
titions of life, he now resides at Winston with his peo-
ple and among his old comrades, “reconstructed” after
his own ideas, but still adhering to the gray.
The flag, as shown in the picture, was made from the
silk dresses of the young ladies of the county and pre-
sented to the company b\ Miss Lou Glenn, afterward
Mrs. Joseph Williams. The Captain, in receiving it in
behalf of his company, closed his speech, as the writer
remembers, with thee words:
When itii^ cruel war is over, Miss I ou
This flag untarnished ~1im1I lie returned to you!
( m the reverse side of the flag is this striking motto:
We scorn the sordid lust of pelf.
And serve our countrj Eor herself.
This is perhaps the only company flag that was car-
ried through twenty six battles, from Manassas to Ap-
pomattox, through the war. and returned, unstained,
to its donors. The daughter of Mrs. Williams, Mr-
Robert Daniels, of Panther (reek, owns this flag, and
is as faithful to it as wi re the ( Irav Eagles
James M. Ray, born November L5, L839, near Abbe-
ville, attended “old Held schools” Of thai day. At
the age of fifteen years he secured a clerkship in a
Btore in Asheville. Some two years afterwards he
wen! to Emory and Henry College, Virginia, taking
a scientific course.
Upon leaving college, he went to Henry County,
West Tennessee, and, with his brother, engaged in
merchandising. He married a Miss Caldwell, and
immediately moved back to North Carolina, where
he engaged in farming and stock raising.
At the ” call to arms.” he volunteered, first doing
service for Ids State, his firsl campaign being into
the Laurel section of Madison County to suppress an
uprising of desperate and disloyal men — natives and
refugees banded together for robbery and bush-
whacking. Soon thereafter he raised a company,
and was made Firs: Lieutenant by acclamation,
having declined the captaincy. In a few months,
however, he was promoted to the captaincy, nis
company was a pari of McDowell’s Battalion, State
Infantry, recruited to a regimenl and numbered
•• Sixtieth.” The regimenl was ” turned over to the
Confederate stales Government,” ordered to Ten-
nessee, and put in charge of government stores and
guard to railroad. Upon Bragg’s return from the
Kentucky campaign, this regiment was assigned to
Preston’s Brigade, Breckenridge’s Division, and was
with the latter in all his campaigns and battles of
the West. Immediately after the battle of Mur-
freesboro he was promoted over several Captains
his seniors to Lieutenant Colonel, and was in com-
mand of the regiment mosl of the time until the bat-
t le of « ‘hickamauga. When .7. E. Johnston advanced
upon Vieksburg to the relief of Pemberton, he was
general field officer of the day preceding the night
of camping upon the I’.ig Black River; he placed
Confederate Veterans
and relieved the pickets <m thai memorable night.
After the battles in from of Jackson, .Miss.. Brecken-
ridge was ordered to Georgia to reinforce Bragg.
Col. Ray commanded Stoval’s Brigade en route from
Mississippi to Chickamanga. In the l >n 1 1 1 < – follow-
ing In- commanded his regiment, and on the famous
” Kelley’s field, – ‘ at 12 o’clock on Sunday, September
20, 1863, he was severely wounded and taken from
the field. The North Carolina State Commission,
aided by the National Park Commission, in locating
the positions of the various commands, erected this
tablet: “This [a tablet] marks the spot where the
Sixtieth North Carolina Infantry, at noon on Sun-
day. September 20, 1863, reached the farthest poinl
attained by Confederate troops in that famous
At the first organization of Confederate Veterans
of Western North Carolina, he was elected First
Vice Commandant, was subsequently twice elected
Commandant, and at the organization of the Zebulon
Vance (‘amp of United Confederate Veterans was
mailc Commandant, hi January,. 18′,H’>, was appoint-
ed Inspector General of the State Division, and at
Nashville Reunion, IS’.iT. elected Brigadier Genera’
to command the Fourth Brigade, North Carolina Di-
vision, United Confederate Veterans.
A column of infantry was one day marching along a
dusty road under a boiling sun. Close by, under some
trees, was discovered a cluster of sleek commissaries,
seated at dinner. A tall, raw-boned, and dust-be-
grimed “tarheel” went up to the fence, and. putting
his chin upon it, stared long and earnestly at the tempt-
ing table. At last, bursting with envy, he yelled out:
“I say. misters! did ar.v of ve ever hearn tell of the bat-
tle of Chanccllorsville? ” He got his dinner.
‘1 he history of Wilmington, X. C, on the Cape Fear
River, dates back to old colonial tinus. When George
III. was crowned it echoed hack the royal salute from
Brunswick, lower down, where British’ 1 ships of war
were moored and where the colonial Governor resided.
In later years the first armed resistance to the king’s
authority was bravely made at Tryon’s Palace, when,
on the 19th of February, 1766. one hundred and fifty
Americans, led by Ashe and Waddell. .Moore and Har-
nett, surrounded the Governor’s residence, and ‘
manded the surrender of the obnoxious stamp-master
and the destruction of the hated tokens of an unjust and
offensive tribute. This gathering storm was the first
mutterings of the war of independence which followed
nine years after in the battle of Lexington. When the
last royal Governor took refuge in the British sloop of
war ”Cruiser,” in Cape Fear River, he addressed his
requisitions for supplies to Mayor de Rosset, a French
Huguenot of the sturdy little town, then containing but
a handful of the men who afterward achieved the free-
dom which we now enjoy. The dignified and patriotic
answer denied the Governor’s authority, and made the
cause of liberty more potent with the people. For a
hundred and thirty years the honored name of the
Mayor of the Revolution was a household word in
Wilmington for public spirit and for private excellence,
and when the four years’ war began the eldest of seven
manly sons, William, Lord de Rosset, became the colo-
nel of the famous “Bloody Third,” the record of which
is the pride of Wilmington. One of the younger
brothers gave his life to the lost cause, and all the oth-
ers served their countrv well. -\ second sacrifice oc-
curred a few years after war had ceased, and on the
10th of May, still consecrated to the memory of our
martyred dead. A famous company, the Wilmington
Light Infantry, which was organized many years be-
fore the civil war, and which had been commanded by
Confederate Veteran
the eldest brothi r in olden times, was serving as a guard
of honor at the beautiful Confederate Cemetery, under
a younger brother, Capt. Thomas Childs de Rosset,
when he was suddenly seized with a mortal illness,
which shortly terminated his useful life.
It was the good fortune of your correspondent to
meet quite recently a most attractive daughter, Miss
Annie Blount de Rosset. Preeminent in grace and
beauty among the loveliest of her sex, her charms are
heightened by the exquisite refinement of gentle birth
and native modesty. She is described by those who
know her best as one whom everybody loves. Her
name is preferably mentioned throughout her state for
the honor of sponsor of the Confederate Veterans of
North Carolina at the general reunion in Atlanta in
July. Her beauty and her charming graces need no
other motive, but her unanimous election would also
honor her worthy uncle, the Major-General command-
ing the United Confederate Veterans of her native state.
U. C. V. Association of Wilmington is of superior
character. Col, John L. Cantwell is a grizzled veteran
of two wars. 1 [e served with gallantry in Mexico, and
later as colonel of the Eighteenth North Car
troops in the war between the states. He is still alert
and vigorous, and ready for the coming fray. We saw
many of the following veterans: Col. \. M. \\ j
Col. John D. Taylor, Col. John W. Atkinson, Capt.
Louis S, Belden, Dr. W, 1. H. Bellamy, Capt. I. I.
Metts. Capt. John Cowan, T. T. James, Capt. W. G.
MacRae. Mai. T. II. McKay. Capt. Henry Savage,
Col. Roger Moore, Rt. Rev. Bishop Watson, \\
Blanks. Lieut. A. D. Brown, Pi umming
J. G. Burr. M. Bellamy, Capt. W. II. Northrop, Capt.
W. P. Oldham. Capt. 1. T. Rankin. C. II. Robinson,
H. H. Smith. J. Alvis Walker, J. G. Wright, Dr. J. E.
Matthews, Col. U. P. Meares, T. D. Meares, J. H.
Boatright, Capt. J. L. Boatwright. William Calder,
Rev. James Carmichael, Capt. A. D. Cazaux, Junius
Davis, Capt. A. L. de Rosset, Capt. J. F. Devine, Clav-
ton Giles, B. F. Hall. Dr. W. W. 1 [arriss, Capt. G. W.
Huggins, W. R. Kenan. C. H. King, Capt. T. C. Lewis,
H. C. McQueen, Cant. E. S. Martin, Capt. R. W. Price,
James C. Stevenson, and many others.
A pleasing memory with me is of a delightful boat-
ing-party to the sea, in which your correspondent was
an honored guest. We saw historic scenes of war,
among them Forts Anderson and Fisher, which wit-
nessed the heaviest bombardment since the invention of
gunpowder; and when we passed their silent salients
and grass-grown ramparts, above which was hanging
in rich profusion the somber Southern moss, we
Steamed beyond the bar once guarded by the hostile
ships and saw the sun go down the flaming west and
disappear beyond a sea of glorious light and radiance,
and as we turned in restful silence and rounded the
rocking bell-buoy we called t . • mind the tender lines of
the good and gentle Thomas Moore:
1 1 1 >\v dear to me the hour when daylight dies
And sunbeam’; melt along the silent sea!
For then sweet dreams of other days arise.
And memory breathes her vesper sigh to thee;
And as I watch the line .if light th
Mong the smooth wave toward the burning west
I long to tread that golden path of rays.
And think [‘would lead to some bright isle of rest
WILMING i cis’– inn i ., \ i i in HONOR.
[Written foi Memorial Day. May io. |
All. yes! the war is over, and the past
nal past;
But memory bridges the yawning space.
I torch we stand face to face
ain with our “deathless dead.”
Om they march along;
One by one. they join the thn
Of heroes bold, of martyrs true.
Their country called to arms, they flew
‘I’m join in the carnage dread.
Our good old town sent forth to the fray
A- noble a band in theii
As ever marched to the battle-field
‘ ir fought for their flag or died on their shield
In ancient or modern time.
e come to-day to deck the graves
Of Wilmington’s daum – Miern braves.
1 o their sacred mounds sweet flowers of spring,
mournful tributi bring —n offering of love sublime.
rse your arms and muffle the drum.
Lower your 1 1 : , u . and silently come.
Patiently wait while we con them o’er:
We’ve gathered their dust from mountain and shore.
I ] -call of fame:
First Col. Meares is borne from the field.
With Wooster ami Moore cold on their shield —
first instalment that Wilmington paid
On the great di bl that pi iade.
We buried them as they c
The conflict d< i tinguished the light
In another home, tor James A. Wright
Has cr.i” 1 that nai im called Death;
And Wilmington stands with bated breath,
Counting the growing list so sad:
Confederate Veteran
Lieut. Ed Meares, again a Wright,
Johnnie Van Bockerlin, in young manhood’s mighty
Price and Davidson, Craige and McRee,
As part of the price of liberty,
Are among our “deathless dead.”
The Shackelford brothers, Theo and Dan,
Are called to die for their native land.
And on Virginia’s blood-stained soil
Lay down their lives to rest from toil,
But find with us a grave.
De Rossett and Cowan, from hospital ward, .
We laid to rest in Oakdale’s green sward;
Quince, Jacobs, Rothwell, and Moore,
With streaming eyes and hearts so sore,
We give each a soldier’s grave.
Faster and faster the death-roll grows:
Pert and Walker are slain by their foes;
Reaves and Robinson, Kelly and Deems,
Sleep the sleep which knows no dreams —
And they are forever free!
Ravenscroft, Eurr, Tennent, and Green,
Gallantly fighting when last they were seen;
Dodson and Martin, Lord and Lane,
Yield up their lives on battle-plain —
Another instalment for liberty.
Herring and Peck and another Lane
Join the host of Wilmington’s slain;
McMillan, Respass, McGuire, and Barr,
Forever at rest from the clang of war,
So peacefully down on the plain.
The days wear on ‘mid battle roar.
Giles has fallen, another Moore:
Two more of our boys in jackets of gray:
Majs. Robert and Henry McRae.
And yet grows the list of the slain.
For, moment by moment, we heard the yell
Of booming cannon and bursting shell,
And knew that in Fisher’s battlement wall
Full many a gallant form must fall;
And we had no heart for song.
O liberty! liberty! how great is thy price!
How vastly great the sacrifice
This beautiful city by the sea
Has paid, and still must pay, for thee
In tears and blood and heartache!
For still, on Bentonville’s green plain,
The long, long list is growing again.
Rankin responds to his country’s call,
And brave Zack Ellis, the last to fall — –
And the list is forever complete.
Armstrong and Anderson, Johnson and Hill.
Prone on the ground so cold and still;
Gallant Matt Murphy, a stranger to fear,
Ready to lead or to bring up the rear —
These, too, for their country have died.
Montgomery, Farrow, Bannerman, too.
Rest from their toils where soft falls the dew.
Sneeden and Usher, Wallace and Gregg,
With Parsley, refuse not their life-blood to shed;
And now they sleep side by side.
Nearer and nearer the storm-clouds come;
They gather and settle just over our home
On Christmas, the birthday of Christ our King,
And our sad hearts refuse to sing.
Hosannas died on our tongues;
These many years it has been our sad task
To honor our dead; and to-day we ask
That you deck their graves and shed a tear
In memory of our heroes dear,
Who died while they wore the gray.
They died for me, they died for you,
They died for principle just and true.
Angels watch over their sacred dust
Until the rising of the just. When time shall pass away!
Your traveling correspondent received a hearty wel-
come ‘here from each and every veteran -°f t’h e war, and also from m any others whose hearts a n . homes are always
open with true Southern hospitality. Under the courtly escort of Col. W. J.’ Woodward, we found ou
way most pleasantly prepared for speedy and successful inter- course. L. B. E.
Confederate Veteran
Our women have always been active in advancing
any good cause, and especially were they helpful in the
dark trials during and directly after the war. The
women of North Carolina were no exception to this
rule, and by their untiring exertions have done much to
keep alive the memory of those who so nobly sacrificed
themselves upon the altar of their country.
The following extracts were made from a paper hy
Mrs. M. L. Shipp, in the woman’s edition of Che News
and Observer, May jo. 1895, in regard to the most
prominent association of the state:
“The Ladies’ Memorial Association of Wake Coun-
ty was formed in 1S65. when it was necessary to remove
from the grounds of the Pettigrew Hospital the re-
mains of the Confederate soldiers buried there. It was
but a short while after the Federals took possession of
Raleigh before the Mayor was notified that they ad-
mired the spot where rested the Confederate dead, and
irdered that they be moved at once, or they would be
thrown out in the country road. A town meeting was
called, and the association formed, Mrs. L. O’B.
Branch being made President; Miss Sophia Patridge,
Secretary: and Miss \nnie Mason, Treasurer. The
other charter members were Mrs. Henry Miller. Mrs.
Lucy Evans, Mrs. Robert Lewis, Mrs. Mary Lacv,
Vice-President^ : Miss Margaret Iredell and Mrs. John
“A resting-place was selected for the reintermei
the beloved dead, and, with the help of the young men
and boys of the town, the work was successfully ac-
complished. The graves were comparatively few at
first, but none were safe front Sherman’s ‘bummer
there was scarcely a new-made grave anywhere but
what was opened by these men. in search of treasures;
so it was a sacred trust, most religioush kept by the
young men and women, to visit these graves almost
daily and see that they were kept in order. The .
ion grew in numbers and the interest increased.
Many Confederal d< ad from the country were n>
to this spot, and the grounds were laid off and im-
proved by Scrg. Hamilton, a soldier of the Confederate
army who lost both eves from a wound.
“After the death of Gen. Jackson the 10th of May
had been selected as Memorial Day, when the citizens
were to repair to the cemeterj t< 1 participate in I
ices there. No procession was allowed unless the
United States flag was carried, and. as it was si
years before the ladies were so much ‘reconstructed’
as to march under this flag, the gathering was without
special order or ceremony. The services were
simple, but impressive in the stillness of th< fi
“To raise funds to care for the Confederate dead
erect a monument to their memory, every legitimate
means was resorted 10 bv the association. Many en-
tertainments were given in town, and the young people
would go to villages near the town and assist in giving
entertainments there. This was not done without risk,
as it was reported that contraband articles wen
sale, such as Confederate flasrs, a strand of Gen. 1 ■ “s
hair, pictures ,,f President Davis or any Confederate
al; so then’ would be the sudden apoearance of a
bluecoat with orders to search con-
traband articles. None were ever found, however, and
the efforts of the ladies were so successful that they
were able to raise futvl? sufficient, with appropriations
from the state, to erect the monument now standing in
the cemetery. By this time the town and state were in
a measure relieved from martial law. and a fitting ded-
ication was allowed.
“The Ladies’ .’ temorial Associate in of Wake Countv
is still in existence, and through its efforts not only the
Confederate dead of North Carolina, but of other
Southern states, have been brought from the field of
sburg and the United States burying-ground at
Arlington, and now res; together in this cemetery.
Through their efforts, also, the Home for Old Soldiers
was secured, and after thirty years the state has hon-
ored her soldiers by placing a monument to their mem-
ory in thecapitol grounds at Raleigh.
“The success and noble work of the a — iation is
mainly due to its first President. Mrs. L. O’B. Branch,
30 nobly put .aside her own grief to care for those
who. with her husband, had given their lives to the
cause of truth and justice ”
By invitation of Mrs. Allison, of Concord, N. C, a
number of ladies met at her home on March 28 to or-
MRS. JOHK P A I I Is. ,\, oi\i iirii, N. <. .,
President Dodson Rani I D. C.
ganize a chapter of Daughters of the Confederacy, and
forty-two members nrolled at this first meeting.
The following officers v. ted: Mrs. John P. Alli-
son, President; Mrs. J. (‘. Wadsworth, Vice-President;
Mrs. D. B. Coltrane. Seen tan ; Miss Rose Harris.
The ladies conferred upon themselves the honor
of naming this the Dodson Ramseur Chapter, in
memory of the gallant Stephen Dodson Ramseur,
whose love for his native state and gallantry on the
battle-field were so marked as to lead to his promotion
in rapid succession until he was made a major-general
before he was twenty-eight. I le fell in battle the same
Confederate Veteran
year. His widow. Airs. Ellen Ramseur, was made an
honorary member. This chapter has started out to
work, and, becoming interested in the heroic Sam Da-
vis, sent a contribution of $10 for the monument fund,
and also contributed $20 to the Z. B. Vance monument,
unveiled at Ashevilk on the 10th inst. They are now
helping the Veterans of their county to purchase a
banner, and will then contribute to the fund to pur-
chase stones to be placed at the graves of our boys in
the North. The energetic President of this chapter is
the wife of Mr. John P. Allison, a prominent business
man of Concord, who, though too young for a Confed-
erate soldier, is loyal to the cause. Her father was the ■
Hon. Burton Craige, long a tower of strength to the
old North state, and she has three brothers who served
in its defense. James A. Craige, now a resident of
Maury County, Tenn., was major of the Fifty-Seventh
North Carolina Infantry. Capt. Kerr Craige served
in the First North Carolina Cavalry, and was Third
Assistant Postmaster-General under Cleveland’s last
administration. Capt. Frank Burton Craige, of the
Thirty-Third North Carolina Infantry, also lives in
Maury County, Tenn.
Carolina! Carolina! Heaven’s blessings attend her!
While we live we will cherish, protect, and defend her:
Though the scorner may sneer at and witling defame her.
Yet our hearts swell with gladness. whenever we name her.
Hurrah! hurrah! the old North state forever!
Hurrah! hurrah! the good old North state!
Though she envies not others their merited glory.
Say whose name stands the foremost in liberty’s story;
Though too true to herself to e’er crouch to oppression.
Who can yield to just rule a more loyal submission?
Plain and artless her sons, but whose doors open faster
To the knock of the stranger or tale of disaster?
How like to the rudeness of their dear native mountains,
With rich ore in their bosoms and life in their fountains!
And her daughters — the queen of the forest resembling.
So graceful, so constant, to gentlest breath trembling.
And truelightwood at heart: let the match be applied them—
How they kindle in flame. None know but \vho\ e tried them.
Then let all who love us, love the land that we live in —
As happy a region as on this side of heaven,
Where plenty and freedom, love and peace, smile before u; —
Raise aloud, raise together, the heart-thrilling chorus.
North Carolina was very deliberate in assuming her
place in the great American controversy, but. having
once reached a conclusion as to what was right in the
premises, there was no shrinking from responsibility or
forgetfulness of the men who went to the held to make
good the resolution of May 20, 1861. No community
ever so generally of its own accord took up arms.
Never in human records was there an instance of more
united determination than was seen in that memorable
spring, when the hope of peace had perished, and it was
realized that only by bloodshed was the act of seces-
sion to be consummated. North Carolina had not
been distinguished for love of the holiday displays and
pageants so dear to other communities. The militia
system had sunk into such neglect that the musters and
reviews of that day had become objects of ridicule to
many in the state. No people could have appeared
less disposed to mere military glory than the North
Carolinians, who listened so sadly for news from
Charleston and Fort Sumter. There were a few vol-
unteer companies of infantry belonging to the larger
towns, but not a company of cavalry or artillery in all
the state. The people loved peace, and had been
abundantly protected by the nature of their coast from
any apprehension of danger from abroad.
North Carolina, having exhausted counsel and en-
treaty upon those who were leaders on both sides in the
great contention between the states, was at length made
aware that peace had become impossible, and nothing
was left but the choice of sides in a controversy not of I
her seeking. Very calmly, and more in sorrow than
wrath, the fiat went forth that was to convert her peace-
ful fields into one great military camp. There had
never been much exceeding a hundred thousand votes
polled at any state election, and the whole sum of the
white population was but six hundred thousand souls
How many of these of their own accord left the endear-
ments of home at what they felt was the call of duty the
war records disclosed.
Confederate Veteran
The movement to erect a suitable monument to the
Confederate dead of North Carolina was put in mo-
tion by Capt. S. A. Ashe, of Raleigh, who agitated the
matter through the columns of his paper, and in June,
1892, a call was made for a meeting at the supreme
court building to form a Monumental Association.
This was done by the election of Mrs. Armistead Jones
as President; Miss Maggie Cowper, Secretary; and D.
W. Bain, Treasurer. The President at once mapp 1
out and prosecuted the work with energy and ability.
She appointed a Vice-President for each county, as it
was a state undertaking, and valuable assistance was
Mom mini AT RALEIGH, HI 1’U \ I I 11 M \\ 20, 1895.
received ici this way. Generous contributions by pri-
vate citizens also advanced the work materially. The
association was incorporated by the Legislature of
1893, which appropriated $10,000 for this work; and
when it was found that the required sum could not be
made up by the time the monument was completed,
$10,000 additional was appropriated in 1805. The de-
sign for the monument by the Muldoon Company, of
Kentucky, was accepted in May of that year, at a cost
of $25,000. For historic reasons the date selected for
the laying of the corner-stone was May 20. 181)4. but
as that came on Sunday it was postponed to the 22<1.
The ceremonies were imposing and impressive, and an
eloquent address was delivered by Hon. Thomas W.
Mason, one of Xorth Carolina’s most gifted orators.
One year later, on the 20th of May, 1895, the per-
fected monument was unveiled in the presence of thou-
sands of citizens of the old Xorth state, who had gath-
ered there to do honor to the brave men whose death-
less valor the monument perpetuates. Little Julia
Jackson Christian, granddaughter of the immortal
Stonewall Jackson, drew the veil. Capt. S. A. Ashe
delivered the address of welcome, and was followed by
many distinguished speakers. Col. Thomas S. Ke-
nan was chairman of the Reception Committee. The
monument was constructed entirely of Xorth Carolina
granite. The design is on the Corinthian order. It is
over seventy-two feel high, with a base of twenty-
eight feet. The shaft is a solid block of granite twenty-
eight feet high, and is surmounted by a handsome
bronze figure representing an infantry soldier. On
either side of the base is .1 life size statue — one of an
infantryman, and the other a cavalryman. The west
side bears the inscriptii in, “Ti 1 1 )ur ( ‘.< >nfc derate 1 ‘■
and on the east is, “Firsl at Bethel, Last at \pp<
tox.” < >n the ih-st base, which is six feel square, is a
large die block, and on its two h bronze medal-
lions 1 1 seal of North Carolina, and
the other the This is
considered one of the handsomest granite monuments
in America.
An early measure adopted by the Federal govern-
ment was the blockade of the Southern ports. Wil-
mington, Charlesto , and Galveston
were all watched by armed ships that sought bo exclude
the vessels of all countries from entering these harbors.
I ‘misers swarmed along the whol South) in coast, and
it became a matter of great peril and difficulty to
1 nu ■ >r bring in an) o >mm< di’ty by way of the ocean.
This soon led to a scarcity of salt, sugai . mo-
lasses, and everything which had been Formerly im-
1 from 1 bought of Northern merchants.
1’rices continually advanced, as such things became
very scarce in the Si mrh.
Wilmington was so situate. 1 tint an effective block-
ade there was almost in e were two in-
lets, and therefore two blockade fleets were necessary,
and even wirh this added difficulty the blockade squad-
ron could not prevent, on dark nights, the passage of
swift steamers, that swept in and out of the Cape Fear
River, and brought from Nassau and Bermuda what
w as in, .s| needed for the armies and the pei >ple.
Soon after the inauguration of I “>\ . Vance, Col.
Thomas M. Crossan was ,,111 to England for the pur-
pose of procuring a ship to supply the wants .it North
Carolina. Col. Crossan had been a naval officer in the
service of the United States, and had judgment enough
in such matters to select one of the swiftest ships in the
world. It was called the “Lord Clyde” abroad, but
that name was changed to the “Ad-Vance,” and the
vessel made many swift voyages before its capture.
In the superior clothing and equipments of the North
Carolina troops were the wisdom and activity of the
State government manifested; and, too, not only were
the necessities of our own soldiers supplied, but large
aid was extended to the troops of other states. Be-
sides this, cotton and woolen cards and many other
necessaries were brought in and distributed to the dif-
ferent sections of the state.
Confederate Veteran
Mr. R. C. Hoffman. President of the Seaboard Air
Line Railway, is a native of Baltimore, born July 13,
1839. He entered the railway service in May. 188S,
and was for some years Vice-President of the Seaboard
Air Line system, of which he is now President.
Mr. E. St. John, Vice-President and General Man-
ger of Seaboard Air Line Railway, engaged in rail-
roading at an early age. His longest service was with
the Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific. In January,
1895, he was made Vice-President of the Seaboard,
and since January 22, 1896, has been its General Man-
ager as well.
Mr. T. J. Anderson, General Passenger Agent of the
Seaboard Air Line, is one of the youngest and most
competent passenger men in the country. His interest
in the Carolinas is appreciated by all Carolinians.
The Seaboard
A i r Line is the
through line estab-
lished by the joint
control and man-
agement of a num-
ber of railroads
running through
the states of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina,
and Georgia, from Portsmouth, Va., to Atlanta, Ga..
and from Wilmington, N. C, to Rutherfordton. N. C,
composing a total of 957 miles. The parent company
and initial road, the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad
Company, a consolidation., February 22, 1849, °f tne
Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company of Virginia,
and the Roanoke Railroad Company of North Carolina.
The road was opened earlv in iS^s and rebuilt in
1851. The Ral- eigh and Gaston Railroad Compa-
ny, chartered Jan- u ar y 29, 1839, opened from Ral- eigh to Gaston in 1841, reorganized
in 1 85 1, and ex- tended t o Wel- d o n , N. C, i n
1852. Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad Company, char- tered as Cheat- ham Railroad
February 16, 1861 ; main line completed S e p – tember 17, 1871. Carolina Central
Railroad Compa- n y , reorganized after foreclosure sale May 31, 18S0, formerly the Caro- lina Central Railway Company. Georgia, Carolina, and Northern Railway Company, chartered April 17,
1887, and road opened throughout from Monroe, N.C, to Atlanta, Ga., April 24, 1892.
Confederate Veterans.
Seaboard Air Line — “Atlanta Special.”
The Best Line for Going to Atlanta to Attend Reunion of Confederate Veterans, with Best Accommodations and
Excellent Service. For Particulars Address B. A. Newland, G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga„
or T. J. Anderson, G. P, A., Portsmouth, Va.
The magnificent train of the Seaboard Air Line, known as
the “Atlanta Special,” which runs solid from Washington to
Atlanta, Ga.. is now undergoing a thorough overhauling and
rebuilding at the Portsmouth Shops. There is sufficient
equipment for five trains. The entire five trains will be re-
built, and one train will be always in the shops being over-
hauled, repainted, and varnished: hence the equipment will be
always fresh and new. The new train just from the shops is to
be the handsomest train ever seen in Virginia. This train is
composed of mail, express, baggage, second-class coach, first-
class coach, and two Pullmans. The day coach, a “palace on
wheels,” is like a Pullman sleeper, and seats seventy-four peo-
ple. It is equipped with standard Pullman trucks from the
mail-car to the last sleeper, and vestibuled from end to end.
The new color is a dark olive-green, with silver trimmings,
with the name of the train in script letters on the side of each
coach. The train is equipped with pintch light gas, having a
sufficient number of chandeliers to enable the passengers to
read in any part of the train. The tram is heated by steam.
Vice-President St. John is doing everything he can “to make
the Seaboard Air Line a model road in every way, and he i>
being ably assisted by his energetic and hustling General Pas-
senger Agent. Mr. Anderson, in looking after the patrons of
the line. — Virginian and Pilot. Norfolk.
if tou suffer from Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus* Dance, etc., have
children or relatives that do so, or know people thai are afflicted,
my New Discovery, EPILEPTICIDE, will curt- them, and all you
are asked to do is to send for b Free Rottle and to try it. I am
quite prepared to abide by the result it has cured thousands
Where everything else has failed. Please give name and full ad-
dress. DR. W. 11. MAY, May Laboratory, 96 Pine St., New York.
Headquarters for Confederates- The proprietors
are Veterans and the BUFORD is ” up to date,”
A Girls’ School of Highest
• Grade,
56th Year.
Easter Term Begins January 27, 1898,
School’building admirably equipped with
Laboratory, Libraries, and fine Gymnasium.
Superior advantages in .Art and Music.
Special attention to thorough instruction on
the violin.
Bedsteads, Springs, and Mattresses new
throughout and of the best material. A A
This Pea seat free with 8
subscriptions to Veteraa.
Or S4 seat lor pea will ge
the Veteraa oae year free-
Confederate Veteran
Dr. Bartlett Durham, in
1854. gave fame to his
name by the donation of
three acres of land to the
North Carolina railroad,
now the Southern. It was
“a mere wood and water
station, twenty-six miles
from Raleigh.” It was in-
corporated by the Legisla-
ture in 1869. J. R. Green
conceived the idea of man-
ufacturing smoking-tobac-
co at ” Durham’s.” His
factory was broken into
by Federal soldiers, and
his stock carried off. but
it proved a big advertise-
ment. Confederate sol-
dier?, too. got whiffs of the
tobacco, and the fame of
Durham’s smoking-toba.”-
co was fixed. Durham’s
great trade-mark, the bull,
is perhaps the most valua-
ble in the country. It is
said that Maj. Blackwell
sold him for $100,000. In
the rhird of a century the
manufacturing enterprises of
Durham have increased from
$500 to $5,000,000. The man-
ufacture of tobacco has grown
until about three-fourths of it
is transported by rail. A re-
port at hand indicates the re-
ceipts in one year 15,690.000
pounds. Blackwell’s Bull Dur-
ham, advertised in the Vet-
eran, is manufactured there.
Julian S. Carr is President of
the companv.
Confederate Veteran.
Coughs, Consumption, Catarrh, La Grippe, and Other Lung Troubles at Last Annihilated.
Are you a consumptive?
It is safe to assume that you are, for
nine-tenths of the human family auffer
from one form or another i>f this King of
Diseases, tli is < lespoiler of homes, this com-
mon enemy of health, which strikes rich
and poor alike, and is no respecter of
Heretofore wealth has been a necessary
part of the cure — wealth to take you to
the green tields and the sunshine of
climes that know naught but summer
and none but the blue skies of .lune:
wealth to enable you to partake of the
elaborate systems of treatment; wealth
to buy this fleeting hope that leads you
on and on to the inevitable end — death.
But now all this lias been changed.
The poor — aye, the poorest of the poor —
may be Bayed from the clutch of Con-
sumption, La Grippe, Catarrh, Coughs,
and the kindred evils that belong to the
consumptive family.
In the great, busy, Self-for-self metrop-
olis is one man one man of mighty
mind, one man of generous heart, one
man of philanthropic principles who
Btretches out the hand of help to those
who suffer, and says: ” \sk for this won-
derful cure, and it shall be youis.”
The Slocum System is “bottled life.”
It builds up the tired and worn-out
bodies of those who suffer. It goes at
once to the seat of the disease ami drives
out the germs that are living on your vi-
tal strength. It takes hold of your blood,
and where it was once sluggish and slow,
it causes jt, to leap and dance through
your veins with the vigor of health. It
makes rich, red, rosy blood; and rich
blood means health and strength.
The Slocum System is a crystallization
of the mighty minds of the medical
world. It is a practical condensation of
the investigations of Koch, l’asteur, Yir-
chow, and Metehnikoff, all put in practi-
cal form by one of the foremost medical
scientists of the country. It is putting at
the service of sufferers’the result of years
of study and research of eminent men,
which result they could not have bought
with kingdoms.
The entire system is fully explained in
a new pamphlet brimful of testimonials,
which will be sent, with three free bot-
tles of this remarkable system of treat-
ment, to any and all readers of the Confed-
erate Vetkran who will send their name
and full address to Dr. T. A. Slocum, The
Slocum Building, New York City, and
who will agree to use them for the relief
of those who suffer.
Three Free Bottles of This Wonderful Treatment
to All Confederate Veteran Readers
for the Asking.
Medicine Reduced to an Exact Science by the
World’s Most Famous Physician.
Special Note. — All readersof the Confederate Veteran anxious regarding the health
of themselves, children, relatives, or friends, can have Three Free Bottles of the New
Discoveries, as represented in the above illustration, with complete directions, pam-
phlets, testimonials, etc., by sending full address to Dr. T. A. Slocum, the Slocum
Building, New York City. This is a plain, honest, straightforward offer, and is made
to introduce the Merits of the New System of Treatment, and should be accepted at
once. When writing please mention the Confederate Veteran.
Confederate Veteran
The steady depreciation of Confederate and state
money was the greatest calamity of all in the trying
days of 1861-65. The cry of distress from famishing
women and children was increasing all the time, and
the state and county authorities were finding it more
and more impossible to meet by public charity de-
pressing wants of their people.
The pay of Confederate soldiers in the ranks was $15
and $17 per month in Confederate money. During the
latter days of the war Hour sold for $800 per barrel;
meat, $3 per pound; chickens, $15 each; shoes (bro-
gans), $300 per pair; coffee, $50 per pound. It may
be easily imagined how great was the suffering in the
South when it is remembered that numbers of soldiers’
wives were almost entirely dependent upon the pay of
their husbands for support. There were relief com-
mittees throughout the state, but the great scarcity of
provisions made them almost helpless.
Almost all the white men in North Carolina were in
the ranks of the different regiments and battalions mui-
tered into the Confederate service. When the Confed-
erate money became worthless, want and suffering ap-
peared in every section, and unhappy wives were clam-
orous for their husbands’ return to avert starvation.
The suffering families were ever in the minds of the
dauntless men who were away facing the enemy, for a
direr foe was thinning the blood and blanching the
cheeks of wife and child. Therefore some husbands
■ turned their backs on the scenes of their glory, and in-
curred personal ignominy and sometimes the punish-
ment of death for desertion.
The case of Edward Cooper was in point. He was
tried by court martial for desertion. He declined the
aid of a lawyer to defend him, and, as his only defense,
handed the presiding judge of the court the following
letter, which he had received from his wife:
“My Dear Edward: I have always been proud of you,
and since your connection with the Confederate army
I have been prouder of you than ever before. I would
not have you do anything wrong for the world; but,
before God, Edward, unless you come home we must
die. Last night I was aroused by little Eddie’s crying.
I called, and said, ‘ What is the matter, Eddie?’ and
he said, ‘O mama! I am so hungry! ‘ And Lucy, Ed-
ward — your darling Lucy — she never complains, but
she is growing thinner and thinner every day. And,
before God, Edward, unless you come home, we must
die. Your Mary.”
Gen. Cullen Battle and his associate members of the
court were melted to tears. Although the prisoner
had voluntarily returned to his command, they found
him guilty, and sentenced him to death, but recom-
mended mercy. Gen. Lee, in reviewing the case, ap-
proved the finding, but pardoned the unhappy artillery-
man, who was afterward seen by Gen. Battle standing
pale and bloody as he fired his last round into the re-
treating Federals. He then fell dead at his post.
The train we were to take had brought down a large
lot of Federal prisoners from Salisbury. I had great
difficulty ascending the bank, and finally halted near
the top, unable to proceed farther. Suddenly a dirty,
emaciated Yankee soldier on the top of the bank above
me lay down, extended his hand to my assistance,
and, with a polite “Allow me, sir,” pulled me up to the
top. I thanked him, and, calling to my servant, gave
him the remnant in my lunch-basket and all that was
left of a bottle of new apple brandy, that sole consoler of
Southern hopes at that time. Half-starved as he was,
he gave a fair shout of joy, and inquired my name,
which I gave him. Of course I never expected to hear
of him again, but I did. It proved to be both bread
and brandy cast upon the waters. When my native
town of Asheville was captured, about the time of John-
ston’s surrender, that same boy turned up in the ranks
of its Federal captors, sought out my widowed mother’s
house, which was in the suburbs and much exposed,
and guarded it from intrusion like a watch-dog, sleep-
ing in the porch before her door.
Gov. Vance related the following incident:
During a hurried trip from Raleigh to Salisbury, late
in the war, we were stopped a few miles beyond Greens-
boro by an engine in the ditch and in a deep cut. There
was much mud off the cross-ties, but we were com-
pelled to get off the train going west, climb the em-
bankment, and walk around to board another train.
Mr. Julian S. Carr, of Durham, deserves the grati-
tude of every friend of the Veteran. Unstinted in all
things that pertain to the honor and well-being of his
Confederate comrades, it is conceded that he has done
more for the comfort and pleasure of the unfortunates
than any other man in the state. His unceasing ef-
forts to secure the Confederate Home and for its main-
tenance, together with his personal beneficence at all
times in behalf of his comrades, entitle him to the grat-
itude and pride of every man in the state.
Confederate Veteran
Asheville, N. C.
In Ash< \ [He, in the
« I. and of the Sk\ .” in
the most beautiful and
picturesque par) of the mountain region of
Western North Carolina. Bracing air, cool
nights, delightful climate, average temperature,
for the summer but 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The
atmosphere, surcharged as it is with ozone, is a
perpetual tonic for the tired mind and body.
Competent judges admit that one-third more
work can be done here than in the low, flat
countries. The clear, cold, picturesque str<
and the wide-sweeping mountain views conspire
to make this one of the must attractive regions
On the American continent.
The “Summer School and
IServatory ” is an enter-
prise organized by the lead-
ing citizens of Asheville, and has been dul)
chartered bj the state. It offers onuses of
stud} in Music. Art, Languages, Science-. Elo-
cution, etc. Besides the regular courses of
study there will be, in connection with the
school, a series of superb concerts and high-
class lectures h\ the best talent America affords.
For carrying on this work the managers of the
Summer School and Conservatory have secured
the beautiful grounds and buildings and entire
equipment of the Asheville College for Young
Women. Hv the kindness of Mr. George W.
Vanderbilt the students in Botany and Biolog}
have the use of his extensive Botanical Gardens
and Arboretum -said to he among the finest in
w orld.
The School is open to both
men and W omen, and will be-
gin lulv 7 and close August
16. The advantages offered arc the \er\ best.
For Large Circular and Full Particulars Write to
ARCHIBALD A. .IONES, President, or WILLIAM H. MORTON, Secretary.
Confederate Veterans.
Devoted Entirely to Technical Education in All of Its Cognate Branches.
HIS Agricultural and Mechanical College, located at Raleigh, already
the pride of the state, was founded under an act of the Legislature,
and was opened < Ictober 2, 1889. The enterprise was inaugurated by Col.
Alexander Q. Hal lady, and in its organization was assisted by Profs. Mas-
sey, Hill, Chamberlain, and Kim-ally.
In Agriculture the graduate is ready to take intelligent charge at once
of his own farm in every department.
The Mechanical, Electrical, and Engineering Departments give stu»
W dents a general knowledge of mechanism, of building, of bridge-building,
2i of designing, of dynamos and dynamo -running — in fact, of all the work
/iv expected of the civil and mechanical graduates of first-class technical
institutions. It does not, however, make mere machines of its matricu-
lates, hut its aim is to make educated men and educated specialists. Gen-
eral courses of study, similar to those taken in other colleges, complement
the technical work. These include mathematics, bookkeeping, history,
physics, chemistry, botany, logic, English language and literature, and
all students are required to take thes. studies.
Col, Halladay, President, attended the University of Virginia and also
the University of Berlin. He is ably assisted in the noble work by Hon.
.1. C. L. Harris, President of the Board of Trustees, who is ever zealous
to promote the objects of the College. The large Faculty comprises men
of high standing in their respective departments.
A brand-new thing in Bible making.
By Dr. G. A. Lofton; 125,000 sold.
Talmage’s most eloquent book.
As Fast Sellers and Money Makers
for Agents.
In connection with a liberal commission we are offering some valuable
and costly premiums, such as
j Webster’s International Dictionary, $15 Edition;
| $75 High-Grade Bicycles,
Gold Watches, Etc.
Write us at once for full particulars, stating which premium you
: wish to secure, and what territory you desire assigned to you.
J. R. FLORIDA & CO., Publishers.
346 Court Square, Nashville, Tenn.
Attention is called to the proffer made
in the advertisement of the Oil Cure
Laboratory in this issue — viz., to cure
one Confederate Veteran in each town,
showing the confidence these Doctors
have in the curative properties of their
remedies, which we trust will prove of
great benefit to the afflicted.
Confederate Veteran.
There is more Catarrh in this section of the
country than all other diseases put together, and
until t lie last few years it was supposed to 1″- incura-
ble. For a great many years doctors pronounced it
;i local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and.
by constantly failing to cure with local treatment,
pronounced it incurable. Science has proven ca-
tarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore
requiring constitutional treatment. II. ill’s Catarrh
Cure, manufai tured bjj l . J. Chene} A Co., I
O., is the only constitutional cure on l!ie market.
It is taken internally in doses from ten drops to -i
teaspoonful. it acts directly on the blood and mu-
cous surfaces of the system. They offer one hun-
dred dollars i’ ‘i anj i lsi ii fails to cure, Send for
circulars and testimonials. Address
V.). l_ II EN I \ A ( (>,. Toledo, O.
fi^”Sold hy Uruggists, 75c.
The ” Star is waving “—the flag of the free —
Then sirikr foi 1 ‘ \-is if men \<m would be.
No idlers are wanted, the thrifty ami wise,
To wealth and high station can equally rise.
Whrre corn, o.ils, and cotton, the richest of loam
Which \ i«’lds to the settlers provisions and home,
Trees of ever) description arise tach hand,
From alluvial soil to the rich table-land.
Here springs are exhaustless and streams nevei di ■■ .
In the season from winter to autumn’s bright sky,
A wide panorama of prairie is seen.
Of grasses of all kinds perennially green.
Here millions of cattle, sheep, horst s, and goats
Grow .is if stall-fed or fattened on oats.
No poverty is found in the mighty domain,
To the man who exerts eithei fingei 01 brain.
Here are homes tor tile millions, the rich and the
I ‘■
While Texas opens n Ide he. hospitable door.
She has thousands of acres — yes, millions -to sell,
Yet cm point without cost to where pro
can dwell.
Her terms « ill be •■ isy with tt
While security, all, in tin ii Utl< 1 an <■
Buy land while ’tis cheap, and the finest selectj
Twill, young man, prove a fortuM when least you
Ohl man, for your children, buy, file d away;
A i rodsend ’twill prove o j day.
For handsome 1 k free, Eu
wonderful country, addn ^i P. Tl RN1 Ft, Gen
erai Passengei and Ticket Agenl 1 exae and Paclfii
Railway, Dallas, Tex.
Confederate Veterans, Daughters of
the Confederacy, and Sons of Confedrate
Veterans who expect to attend Reunion
at Atlanta or Charlotte should secure in-
formation as to rates, schedules, and ac-
commodations offered by the Atlantic
C<ast Line before selecting their route.
11. M. Emerson, (i. P, A.,
Wilmington, N. C.
An ohl physician, retired from practise, had
placed in his hands by an East Endia missionary the
formula of a simple vegetable remedy foi the
pei manent cui e of Consu u Bron-
chitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and 1
Vffections, a iso .1 positn e and 1 adicfl 1 cure t. .r
Nervous Debility and all Nervout Complaints.
■ tested its wondei ful • :ui -a\\\ •■ pov 1
of casei tig to relieve human
Buffering, I will send free of charg< to all wl ■
it. this recipe, in German, French, or English, with
full directions t”i preparing and using. Sent by
mall, h\ addressing with si. imp. naming this paper.
W. A. Notes, SjoPowers Bh> H r, N. Y.
SPooit/ons. .
Under reasonable
conditions. . . .
Scholarship free by doing ltv—r work for us at
your home. Write us to-day.
Accept notes for tuition or
can deposit money in bank
until position is secured. Car
tare paid. No vacation. Ea-
ter at any time. Open for
lx>th sexes. Board, $10 per
month. Send for free illus-
trated catalogue.
Address J. F. Draughon, Pres., at either place.
Texarkana, Texas. * Galveston, Texas.
Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc.
The most thorough, practical, and prog\
schools of the kind in the world, and the best
patronized ones in the Sonth. Indorsed by Gov.
Taylor, bankers, merchants, and others.” Four
weeks in bookkeeping with us are equal to
twelve weeks by the old plan. I F. Draughon
President, is author of Draughon s New System
o! r. ‘■•kkeeptng, “Double Entry Made Easy.”
Home .study. Have prepared, for home study,
books on bookkeeping, penmanship and short-
hand. Hundreds of persons holding good po-
sitions owe then success to our books for home
study. (Mention this paper when writing.)
I Attention,
Confederate Survivors,
i» and United Confeder-
al ate Veterans of Vir-
ginia, North and South
Carolina. «:
I The Atlantic Coast Line, |
I South Carolina and
ij Georgia Ry., and
:= Georgia Railroad
: £
•i Offer the most pleasant J:
5 and comfortable accom- E
modations for those who 5:
£ will attend the
| Annual Reunion 1
at Atlanta, Ga, Spi i
ments made for (J. C. V. Camps.
Write to JOK \V. Wini i , TrAV-
P i, JTS3
Inroad Street, Augusta, Ga. He
will l.ik.- pleasure in giving full
I ■ fiedule,
and sli epinj a< i ■
tions. No trouble to an:
^ Traveling rasa. Agt.. General fas*. Igt 5;
£ VUGUS1 A. GA. £
ti \/^–^-l-9 – OFI’Kns FREE:
The YOUtll S “° in Gold – Bic » cle .
» VM »-” *-” Gold Watch, OismonJ
A J__„__..i_„ Ring, or a Scholarship
A(J VOCate^ £ *raughon’s Boa
a *w t WUtV) College, Nashville.
Nashville, Tenn. J enn ; Galv ^ton or
Texarknua, lexas, or
in almost any other Tins. College or Literary
School for a small club of subset Lbers.
The Youth’s Advocate is a io-p;iv;e journal, read
with interest and profit by people of all ages.
Non-denominational. Est’d 1S00. Stories and
other interesting matter well illustrated. Anv
one of the several departments is worth its sub-
scription price. It is a practical educator as well
as a hipn toned literary paper. Indorsed by
St rite officials, teachers and others. Agents wan t-
ed. Sample copy sent free. Address as above.
owen f m Xvm.
Y. M. O. A. BUILDING. ♦ ♦ •
Barber Shop, Russian and Turkish
B?th Rooms.
Also Barber Shop at 325 Church St.
Confederate l/eterai?
li so, and you have a flowing
spring or stream, investigate
A new application of the hydraulic ram principle. Can be used on locations
impossible for a ram, and will run constantly. Every engine guaranteed to be js
represented or money refunded. Send your conditions for guaranteed estimate to
Ghauncey G* Foster, Agt. 9 Nashville, Tenn.
Men Uniirersiii Summer School.
Courses will be given in Latin, Greek,
French, German,’ English Literature,
History and Economics, Mathematics,
and Chemistry. The session opens June
20, [898 For Announcement address
J. T. McGILL, Secretary,
Vanderbilt University, – – – Nashville, Tenn.
I Governor R. L. Taylor, 5
‘HE gifted orator and statesman,
X ‘^T’ hc gutea orator ana statesman, /p
J Vl’ whose fame is national in the )|)
* use of beautiful words and good i<
0, will, decides to quit politics and de- »t>
Jj[ vote himself to lecturing. Three of 1
* his lectures are in book form:
‘Fiddle and Bow,”
‘Paradise of Fools,”
‘Visions and Dreams.
id The book, containing over 200 pages ifl
Jjj and illustrations, is offered free to ,11
subscribers who in renewing will *
send a new subscription. Those m
who have already paid in advance ^
* can have this book sent post-paid J
0/ for one or two new subscriptions. i»
^ Do help the Veteran in this way. $
The book sent post-paid for 25 jj
cents — half price. *
A White Negro! sstass
Afro-American Encyclopaedia, which cimtama over
41)0 articles, covering every topic of interest to the race,
by more than 200 intelligent colored men and women,
Tbe unanimous verdict of over 50,000 colored readers is
that it is beyond all comparison the best work the ne-
gro has produced. Eve 17 colored family wants a copy.
Agents are having a harvest of sales, nnd are getting the
largest commissi c ever offered. Exclusive territory.
Write for terms. ■). T. Balky & Co.. Pctblishebs,
SAG Public Square, Nashville, Tenn
VICTOR Incubator
HaKaea Chickens bv Steam. Absolutely
Aeif-r<‘ieiiliulti£. The flmplut, most
rellaolt, anil cheapest nr*t cla.1 Uatclier
in the market. lir.-uhir. HU.R. Addresfl
Santa Fe
San Diego to Alaska (including the Klondike),
A Santa Fe Agent can give you information as
to rates, connections and tickets,
w. s. Keenan, General Pass. Agent,
The Good that Men Do Lives
After Them.
The Oil Cure Will Treat One Confeder-
ate Veteran Free in Every Town.
Drs. Reynolds have turned their
formulas over to the OIL CURE
LABORATORY, that the afflicted
may relieve their Bufferings at the
lowest possible price for the oils.
Where the case is sufficiently seri-
ous a moderate fee will be charged
for personal services. Ninety-five
per cent, of cases only need the oils
and our advice. The doctors de-
veloped the therapy of oils for the
cure of Cancer, Lupus, Fistula, Ca-
tarrh, Eczema — in fact, all diseases
of the Skin and Mucous Mem-
In the last five years they have
been in Nashville they have cured
thousands of our prominent people,
and confidently refer to such nota-
bles as :
Rev. J. L. Cooper, Vorkville, Tenn., Cancer.
Rev. D. W. Babb, Louisville, Miss.. Cancer.
Rev. W. S. Blackman, Redwood, Miss., Cancer.
Dr. X. Gooch, Nashville, Tenn., Lupus.
Dr. T. A. Heath, Shiloh Landing, Miss., Epithe-
G. W. Faison, Faisonia, Miss., Cancer.
Hon. Atha Thomas. Franklin, Tenn., Lupus.
Mrs. J. S. Brown, Springfield, Tenn., Lupus.
HfMi. Asa Moore, Bloomington, 111., Cancer.
Mrs. W. E. Baskette, Murfreesboro, Tenn., Lupus.
Mrs. Ed Wells, Nashville, Tenn.. Ulcerated Hand.
Joseph Peach, Franklin, Tenn., Fistula. ;
J. M. Dardis, Franklin, Tenn,, Fistula. : «”
Larkin Whitaker, Nashville, Tenn., Catarrh.
Mrs. T. A. Steel, Little Rock, Ark., Catarrh.
John Connor, Nashville, Tenn., Catarrh. ,
Upon application we will furnish you a large list
of those cured of Ulcers, Eczema, Piles, Female
Diseases, Rectal and other Diseases of the Skin
and Mucous Membranes.
Our tonic of predigested Oils,
“Make You Fat,” $1 per8-ounce bottle.
Oil Suppositories, for Constipation, $1 per box.
Oil Pastiles, for Female Diseases, $2 per box.
Sanitarium, end of Belmont Car line.
Oil Cure Laboratory,
Y. M. C. A. Building, Nashville, Tenn.
“®ne Country,
. . . ©ne fflag.”
The ….
to Purchase . . . .
Flags, Banners, Swords, Belts, Caps,
and all kinds of Military” Equipment i» at
J. A. JOEL a CO.,
8S Nassau Street, NEW YORK.
Confederate Veteran
Wagner Sleeping-Cars, Private Com-
partment Sleeping-Cars, Parlor
Cars, and Elegant Coaches.
No. 204 Court Square. Nashville, Term.
[Conira.l^ Frank Anderson Is ex-President of
Frank Cheatham Bivouac— En. Vetiban.]
Old Roofs Made Good as New.
If an old leaky tin, iron, or steel roof,
paint it with Allen’s Anti-Rust Japan.
One coat is enough; no skill required;
costs little; L;oes far, and lasts long.
Stops leaks and prolongs the life of
Old roofs. Write for evidence and cir-
culars. Agents wanted.
■ Union Depot, Cincinnati.-
No Transfer across the City.
. I Hiio.
On May 3 and 17, June 7 and 21,
1898, the “Cotton Belt Route will sell
round trip tickets from -St. Louis, Cairo,
and Memphis, to all points in Arkansas,
Louisiana, and Texai at one fare, plus
$2, for the round trip. Stop overs will
be allowed on going trip within 15 days,
and tickets will be good to return within
21 days from date of sale.
The Cotton Belt passes directly
through the best portions of Arkansas,
Louisiana, and Texas, and this will be a
splendid opportunity for home-seekers
In secure a good location.
For full particulars, as to rates, etc.,
and for free copies of handsomely illus-
trated pamphlets about Arkansas, Louis-
iana, and Texas, write to W. G. Adams,
Traveling Passenger Agent, 2IJ North
Cherrv Street. Nashville, Tenn., or E.
W 1 a’Beaume, G. P. and T. A., St. Louis,
making direct oonnectiona with through trains
for all points
North, East, and West,
indudin i Buffalo. Pittsburg, < Cleveland, Bo
New York. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Richmond,
P ■ . Minni apolis, ( imaha, Kansas < ity, Bot
Springs, Ark.. Mini Denver. Close conm
with Centra] Mississippi Valley Route Solid Fast
Veal ibu’i Dnilj Train tor
Reaching the principal cities of the
South with its own lines and penetrat-
ing all parts of the Country with iti
Unexcelled Train Seryice,
Eleeant Eauipment, Faet Time
rthort Line Between the East, the North,,
the West and the South.
W. A.Tcrk.G.P.A., Washington, B.C
8. H. Hikdwicb, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ua,
C. A. Bekbcoter, A.G.P.A., Ch»ttanoo«a, T. • •
OUR ■OTTO: ” G.od ” Work at Reasonable Price*.
Ccnsultation JLTxo>«.
A. J. HAGER.D.D.S., Manager.
Stiger Bl-ilding,
161 N. Chekry St.,
HARBACH it. CO.809 Filbert St.Phila.Pa,
Confederate Veteran
Headquarters for CONFEDER’
A TE JEWELRY. Largest deal’
ers in the South in
Gut Glass,
Fancy Goods,
and Snectaclesm
Each department is stocked with
the choicest goods of its kind at
very moderate prices. Watches and Jewelry
carefully and promptly repaired.
Mail Orders
Receive Our Immediate Attention.
B. H. Stief Jewelry Co., I
20B and 210 Union St., NASHVILLE, TENN. W
WANTED To Buy for Cash
Civil War Newspa-
pers, Autographs,
Magazines. . . . .
196 pages. All should read this book. We will
also send One-Half Dozen Best Pen Points for 10
cents, all post-paid. Address Southern Book
and Notion Co., Almond, X. C.
Manufacturers of
Umbrellas, Parasols,
and Canes.
Special Attention to Recover-
ing and Repairing’.
222 N. Summer St.,
Nashville, Tenn.
MADDUIMC Opium, Cocain,
lYIUrvr’rlllVzL, whisky
cured at home. Remedy 85. ‘Cure Guaranteed.
Endorsed by physieianH, ministers, and others.
Book of particulars, testimonials, etc., free. To-
baccoline, the tobacco cure, 81. Established 1892.
With all the latest known improvements, at
greatly reduced prices. Satisfaction guaran-
teed. Send for circular. B.MATTHEWS,
Cor. 4th Ave. & Market St., Louisville, Ky.
“Only Perfect Bath Cabinet.”
atfst patent April 5, 1898, which puts it far ahead of any other.
Furkian, Russiao, or any kind of medicated bath in your 1 a for
ly. No
nly ‘,’, cents. Cleanses, purifies, invigorates, tones up the entire
system. Von leel like a new being, Ladies enthusiastic in its
praise. A child can operate it. Size, folded, 13×13, 4 in. thick.
Weight, . r > It.s. Price vevy low.
AGENTS WANTED! Exclusive territory.
one, MOO in six week*— all are doing splendid-
oich-pmny methods. 3’J-page book free. Write (o-day.
Diaptlt Cold*, Fevers, Skin DU-
X <a*(-s. Cured Rheumatism, Obesity,
• .V- UTOlgia, Asthma, Eczema. La
Grippe, Malana, Catarrh. Female
9 Complaints, Pneumonia, J’lhu.
I Drnpsy, and all Blood, Skin, Nm>e,
fk and Kidney Troubles. A Hot
I Springs at Home,
Some sell 12 a dav ; one aver-nceii 100 a month frr 7 months;
(opfederat^ .
Entered at the postoffice, Nashville, Tenn., as seoond-olass matter.
Advertising Kates: (1,60 per Inch one time, or (15 n year, except last
page. One page, one timet special, (35, Discount: Half year, one
one year, two issues. This is below the former rate.
Contributors will please be diligent to abbreviate. The space is too
Important for anything that has not Bpecial merit.
The ‘late to a subscription is always given to the month before it i rids.
For Instance, if the v in: nan he ordered to begin « ith January . the date on
mail list will be December) and the subscriber is entitled to that number.
The “civil war” w ne boo long ago to be called the “late” war, and w ben
oorrespondents use that term the word “great” [war] will be substituted.
Circi-lation : •93, 79,430; ’04, 121,644; “95, 154,992; ’96, 1(51,332.
“lticially represents:
United Confederate Veterans,
United Daughters of the Confederacy,
Sons of Veterans and other Organizations.
The Veteran is approved and endorsed by a lan^r and
more elevated patronage, doubtless, than any other publication
in existence.
Though men deserve, they may not win success,
The brave will honor theorave, vanquished none the less.
Pbioe. Jl.oo i’kk Year, i
Single Copv, 10 Cents. I
It is on tlie railroad side of the Kimball House, and
b to be a rendezvous for Veterans, Daughters, and
pons. Mr. Joseph Pelham (nephew gallant
lohn Pelham) has charge of the office \.s special aid
K> ( ommander-in-Ohief of the Sons, Robefl \.. Smyth,
Mr. Pelham will keep a regist< r of visiting Sons
Bistribute official badges. [“his office is also oi
headquarters of the LJnited Sons. Daughters of the
Confederacy wili appropriate the premises at will,
while comrades are invited to call there wherj coti
lenient, and especiallj on reuni m days.
11. ei every friend of the Veteran see to it that solic-
itors have credentials at [lie reunion. There was much
imposition a: Nashville. One young man, who was
tecommeni credible and was very active, sign-
ing’his name “J. G.” to receipts, collected $66 that can
be traced to him, and f. >r which he made no repi >rt ; and
it is impossible to tell how much moi ured.
Such dishonesty is doubly calamitous: the i fhci not
only loses ihe amount, while it fills all known con
-.Imt its reputation for business integrity suffers,
rons cm be of valuable assistance at the reunion
by helping solicitors, after being assured that they arc
all right. Let all patrons who can do so call at the
Veteran office, No. i- 1 Wall Street, Kimball House
Building, railroad sid’ . during the reunion.
Confederate Veteran
From General Order Xo. 204, United Confederate
Veterans, dated New Orleans, May 28, 1898:
There is not a single reason why the reunion should
not be held, and there are multiplied reasons why it
should. The presence of actual war will tend to in-
crease rather than diminish the interest of war veterans
in our great annual convention to be held at Atlanta,
Ga., in July next. The reunion, in its influence, will
give substantial aid to the government, and will be a
direct benefit to the development of the martial spirit
of the nation. The assembling of the surviving heroes
of the Confederacy — the men who participated in over
2,000 battles, and whose 600,000 enlisted men fought
i< it Fi mr long years over nearly every foot of their terri-
tory and until about one-half of their soldiers were dead
from casualties of war against 2,865,028 enlisted men,
aided by 600 vessels of war, manned by 35,000 sailors —
will revive the martial spirit of the people and will be
an object-lesson and inspiration for the youth of our
country. It will awaken sentiment, arouse enthusiasm,
inspire and quicken the patriotic resolve and purpose to
enlist in defense of the flag of our common country, as
many of our old veterans and their brave sons are now
doing — as the d’eeds of these old soldiers are now the
heritage of the nation, the common property of all.
Even had there been twenty wars, we must not for-
get our duty to our living and dead heroes. The man
who would neglect this holy duty is unworthy the name
of American. The people who forget their heroes and
history will in time be forgotten, for “they will inglo-
riou’sly perish from the face of the earth.”
In our holy reverence for our dead and care for our
living heroes we honor our race and our nation. The
bond of our allegiance to the restored Union is sealed
by our devotion and reverence for our living and dead,
and it is this God-given virtue which, challenges and
compels the respect of our former foes — now our breth-
ren — and of mankind. It is a sublime duty for a people
to consecrate their lives for the succor of their living he-
roes and perpetuation of the fame of their glorious dead.
The General commanding will faithfully devote the
few remaining years of his life to this sacred purpose
and for the upbuilding and glory of our common coun-
try ; therefore he announces
1. That the eighth annual meeting and reunion of the
United Confederate Veterans will be held, as stated in
General Order No. 196, current series, from these head-
quarters, in the city of Atlanta, Ga., upon the following
dates: July 20, 21, 22, and 23, 1898 — -Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, respectively — the
dates of July 20, 21, and 22 being anniversaries of the
battles of Peach Tree Creek, Manassas, and Atlanta,
respectively. All Confederate organizations and Con-
federate soldiers and sailors of all arms, grades, and de-
partments are cordially invited to attend this eighth
general reunion of their comrades.
2. With pride and pleasure he also announces that
eleven hundred and thirty camps are already enrolled in
the U. C. V. organization, with applications in for over
one hundred and fifty more. Ex-Confederate soldiers
and sailors everywhere are urged to form themselves
into local associations, where this has not already been
done, and all associations, bivouacs, encampments, and
other bodies not members of the U. C. V. Association
are earnestly requested to send in application to these
headquarters, without delay, in time to participate in
this great reunion, and thus unite with their comrades
in carrying out the laudable and philanthropic objects
of the United Confederate Veteran organization.
3. The city of Atlanta, Ga., where the reunion is to be
held, was fittingly chosen as a central location, accessi-
ble to the Veterans, from every section of the South, and
he believes that a united and concerted effort will se-
cure the lowest railroad rates, which he has no doubt
the generous officials of Southern railroads will extend
to the old survivors, so as to make ‘this reunion the
greatest ever held. He therefore urges the officers and
memhers of all camps to commence now, without delay,
making preparations to attend this great reunion, which
is to be held at the historic capital of the grand old
state of Georgia; and be has no hesitation in guarantee-
ing that from the world-renowned reputation of the
great people of that beautiful city and glorious state
that in the cordial welcome which they will extend to
the U. C. V., the grand old veterans of Atlanta, and
of the entire sitate of Georgia will strive by all the means
at their command to excel the boundless hospitality so
generously and lavishly extended at former reunions.
4. He especially urges all camps to commence now.
without delay, preparing for delegates, alternates, andj
as many members as possible to attend, so as to make it
the largest and most representative reunion ever held,,
as business of the greatest gravity, affecting the welfare
of the old veterans, will be transacted during this eighth
annual reunion, such as the benevolent care, through
state aid or otherwise, of disabled, destitute, and aged
Confederate Veteran
veterans and the widows and orphans of our fallen
brothers-in j arms, which will be one of the most im-
portant matters for our consideration. In this connec-
tion the General commanding calls especial attention to
the increasing age, multiplied sorrows, and corroding
cares of many of the gallant “Id soldiers who risked
their lives and fortunes fur what they considered right
during the eventful years of 1861-65. Through the
mortuary reports received at these headquarters he is
daily and almost hourly reminded that the lengthening
shadows of time are fast settling over tin- old In
reaching out already beyond the allotted span of hu-
man life, many of whom had alreadj passed the age oi
manhood when, thirty-five years ago, the) promptly
and nobly responded t>> Bheir country’s call. It is our
bounderi duly and the chief mission of the \’ . C. \ . As
soci’ation that these unfortunate, sick, disabled, and in-
digent comrades and brothers and their widows and or-
phans should have our attention, care, and such help in
their old age as their more fortunate comrades can pro-
cure and give as their infirmities anil misfortunes
require. This to him will Ik- a labor of 1′ >ve, and to the
carrying out of which he will devote his best efforts,
and in the prosecution of which sacred work he appeals
to all the members of the I”. C. V. Association who are
able fur their earnest, prayerful, patriotic help. We
must take care of our old comrades. And in doing this
he feels confident that appeals for employment for the
old Confederate veterans, who are so rapidly passing
away, and substantial aid for these old. sick, wounded.
indigent, and unfortunate soldiers will not he made in
vain to any slate, municipal government, or citizen of
any Southern state, nor to the’ rising generation them-
selves, tlie worth) descendants of heroes, who are all
alike participants in thai heritage of glorj so proudly
emblazoned upon the histor) of each state l>v the un-
paralleled valor and endurance of these aged, wounded,
and disabled old warriors, as it would he ingratitude
without parallel and degradation withoul precedent that
any of these should turn their hacks upon the old hen ies
and their ever-glorious records in their old age and dire
5. ( >ther business of the greatest importance will also
demand careful consideration, such as the care of the
graves of our known and unknown dead buried a
tysburg, Fort Wayne, Camps Morton, Chase, and
Douglas, Oakwood Cemeterj 1.1: Chicago), Rock Is-
land. Johnson’s Island, Cairo, and at all other points;
to see that they are annually decorated, the headstones
preserved and protected, and complete lists of the
names of < >ur dead heroes, with the location of I heir l.i-i
resting-place, furnished to Bheir friends and relatives
through the medium of out camps, thus rescuing their
names from oblivion and handing them down in his-
tory: the best method of securing impartial history and
to enlist each state in the compilation and preservation
of the history of her citizen soldiery; the consideration
of the different movements, plans, and means to com-
plete the monument to the memory of Jefferson Davis,
President of the Confederate States of America, and to
aid in building monuments to other greaJI leaders, sol
piers, and sailors of the South, to give all aid possible to
the Confederate Memorial Association in assisting to
raise the money and to complete the grand historic vd
itiee and depository of Confederate relics and the Ins
I of Southern valor, popularly known as the “Battle
Abbey.” and. as there is no relief and aid for our veter-
ans or their families outside of ourselves and our own
resources, to perfect a plan for a Mutual Aid and Be-
nevolent Association: to make such changes in the con-
stitution and by-laws as experience maj suggest, and
Other matters 1 if general interest.
6. 1 ach camp now admitted, into the United ( onfed-
erate Veteran organization and those admitted before
bhi reunion are urged to at once elect accredited dele-
gate’s and alternates to attend, as only accredited dele-
gates can participate in the business pari of the session.
The representation of delegates at the reunion will be
as fixed in Section 1. Article 5. of the constitution: one
delegate for every twenty active members in good
standing and one additional for a fraction of ten mem-
bers, provided every camp in g lod Standing shall be en-
titled to at hast two delegates. Each camp will elect
the same number of alternates as delegates, Who will
attend in ease of any failure on the part 1 if the deleg
7. Attention of camps is called bo Section 5. Article 5,
of ihe constitution: “Camps will not he allowed repre-
ion unless their per capita shall have been paid to
the Adjutant-* General on or before the first da\ of April
next preceding the annual meeting.
S. A program is to be observed at the reunion, and all
I he details will be furnished to :lie camps and to all vet-
erans in due time, and anv further information can be
obtained by applying to t lol. John < >. \\ add. 1, Secre-
tary Confederate Reunion Committee; or to Maj.-Gen.
Clemenl V. Evans, President Reunion Committee and
Major-General Commanding Georgia Division U C.
m ; ( ol \. r. West, Adjutant-General and Chief
of Staff, 1 leorgia Division, l”. C. V.
Confederate Veteran
9. The General commanding respectfully requests
the press, both daily and weekly, of the whole country
to aid the patriotic and benevolent objects of the United
Confederate Veterans by publications of these orders,
with editorial notices of the organization.
10. The General commanding respectfully requests
and trusts that railroad officials will also aid the old vet-
erans by giving the very lowest rates of transportation,
so as to enable them to attend.
11. Officers of the General Staff are directed to assist
department and division commanders and others in or-
ganizing their respective states, and generally to aid in
the complete federation of all the survivors in one grand
organization under the constitution of the United Con-
federate Veterans. By order of J. B. Gordon, General
George Moorman, Adj.-Gen. and Chief of Staff.
Gen. Clement A. Evans has dome no more appropri-
ate thing in connection with the coming reunion than
to call a meeting of Confederate chaplains. Writing
to Chaplain-Gen. J. William Jones of his plan, that em-
inent and faithful comrade took the matter in hand, and
a happy result is assured. Dr. Jones wrote to a large
number of chaplains and explained to them the purpose
of the movement, asking them to reply whether they
would like to attend. He sent out over one hundred
letters along this line, and received in reply a large
number of responses favorable to the plan. He thinks
that there will be a good representation of the surviving
Confederate chaplains and others who did religious
work among the Confederate soldiers during the war.
The object of the meeting is principally to renew old
friendships among those who have drifted far apart
since the war, to talk over old times and experiences,
and enjoy the social and brotherly ties of those who are
naturally drawn together by the hardships, pleasures,
joys, and sorrows they had in common during the
stormy days of 1861-65.
It is the purpose of those who have the local arrange-
ments in charge to have those who attend this meeting
reacli Atlanta on the Saturday before the meeting to be
held Monday and Tuesday, July 18, 19, that they may
fill the pulpits of the Atlanta churches on that day. It
is desired that those who contemplate attending will
communicate with Gen. C. A. Evans, Atlanta, Ga., as
to whether -they can attend and at what time.
It is expected that the chaplains will have concluded
their meeting before the regular gathering of the Veter-
ans, which will commence on Wednesday, July 20.
Due arrangements will be made for the best trans-
portation rates for those who attend, and provision will
be made for their entertainment while in Atlanta. It is
desired that not only chaplains Who served during the
civil war will attend, but also chaplains of Confederate
oamps and those pastors who were soldiers in the Con-
federate service.
Those who signed the call for the meeting are: J. C.
Granbery, Eleventh Virginia Regiment; A. C. Hop-
kins, Second Virginia Regiment; J. William Jones,
Thirteenth Virginia Regiment; T. D. Witherspoon.
Forty-Second Mississippi Regiment; I. T. Tichenor,
Alabama Regiment; James Nelson, Fortv-Fourth
Virginia Regiment; J. B. Taylor, Tenth Virginia Cav-
alry: S. M. Cherry, Army of Tennessee; A. M. Mar-
shall, Twelfth Georgia Regiment; J. J. Hyman, Forty-
Ninth Georgia Regiment; H. A. Tupper, Ninth Geor-
gia Regiment; J. M. Carlisle, Seventh South Carolina
Regiment; J. A. Hackett, Eighteenth Mississippi Regi-
ment; J. A. Chambliss, Haskell’s South Carolina Artil-
lery; A. B. Woodfin, Sixty-First Georgia Regiment;
Richard I. Mcllwaine, Forty-Fourth Virginia Regi-
ment; W. S. Lacy, Forty-Seventh North Carolina Reg-
iment; C. H. Dobbs, Twelfth Mississippi Regiment; A.
A. Lomax, Sixteenth Mississippi Regiment; Thomas
Hume, Jr., Post Chaplain, Petersburg, Va.; J. C. Hi-
den, Post Chaplain, Charlottesville, Va.; A. E. Dickin-
son, General Superintendent Army Missions.
A word of explanation is due the Chaplain-General
because of the much larger proportion of chaplains who
were associated with the Virginia army. Being con-
nected with ‘that army altogether during the war, his
personal friendships and acquaintances are nearly alto-
gether with it. Let there be a good attendance from
the Western and Trans-Mississippi armies of chaplains
at this first chaplains’ reunion.
The official call for the assembling of the Associa-
tion of Medical Officers, Surgeons, and Assistant Sur-
geons of the Confederate States Army and Navy at the
reunion of the United Confederate Veterans has been
issued. This is the first time the association has met at
a reunion of the Veterans, and will be an interesting
feature of that important event. The association is
quite a large one, and has been in existence for some
time. It has met at times during each year and held
reunions of its own, but it is intended this year to have
the largest and most entertaining reunion that the asso-
ciation has yet held. The official call is as follows:
“Atlanta, Ga., March 17, 1898.
“To the Association of Medical Officers, Surgeons, and
Assistant Surgeons of the Confederate States Army
and Navy:
Under the authority given us by Dr. Hunter Mc-
Guire, of Richmond, Va., President of the Association,
a meeting of the association and all surgeons and as-
sistant surgeons and medical officers is called to assem-
ble in the city of Atlanta, Ga., in July next, during the
reunion of the United Confederate Veterans, the exact
date to be given later, and notice served through the
press of the country. Our brethren of the medical as-
sociation and surgeons and assistant surgeons are
urged to take that interest and action which will insure
the largest attendance. We are authorized to say the
railroads will give the lowest possible rates. The press
of the country who honor the glorious memories which
cluster around the lost cause will kindly publish this
call. Respectfully and fraternally,
“J. McF. Gaston, M.D.;
“K. C. Divine. M.D., Surg.;
“Edwin D. Newton, M.D.”
Atlanta Camp No. 159, U. C. V.
James M. Null, Secretary, McKenzie, Tenn., writes
that as one of the dates for the U. C. V. reunion in At-
lanta is the same as that set apart for the annual reunion
of Stonewall Jackson Bivouac, July 21, the latter will
be held this year on July 16, in the McKenzie Grove.
Confederate l/eterar>. 245
Jacksonville, Fla., June 10, 1308.
Mr. S. A. Cunningham,
Confederate Veteran,
Nashville, Tenn.
My dear Sir:-
Replying to your letter of the 8th inst., I write to say that
as far as I can tell now, it will not he possible for me to attend the
Reunion of my old comrades in Atlanta in consequence of other obligations
and duties. I regret that I will not have the opportunity to testify,
as far as my presence could, my high appreciation of the valor and de-
votion displayed by the Southern Soldiers in the war from 1861 to 1865.
Very respectfully yours,
Major General Commanding.
A similar letter was’addressed to Maj. Gen. Joseph Wheeler, but he had sailed. Failure to reach him is regretted.
Col. W. 11. Knauss, in Columbus (Ohio) Press-Post:
. . . Attending the reunion of the United Con-
federate Veterans at Nashville last year — the same kind
of reunion as the Grand Army for the entire order — I
was much about the office of the Confederate Vet-
gran, a magazine that represents officially that large
organization, as well as the organization of Daughters
(same as our Woman’s Relief Corps) and the Sons of
Confederate Veterans. Evidence offhe high apprecia-
tion of thai independent, patriotic journal was manifest
m the continued stream of Confederates calling to see
the editor and express their appreciation and approval
of his work. Many of them were venerable gentlemen.
This proof of the high regard in which he is held by
the Southern people induced the Camp Chase Associa-
tion to tender Mr. Cunningham a banquet <m the occa-
sion of ‘his making a brief visit to Columbus last winter
As m\ guesl we were thoroughly cordial and confi-
dential, and 1 happened to learn that he had in his
pocket and regarded with becoming reverence an ex-
quisite flag, the stars and stripes.
At the banquet Mr. Cunningham referred to the na-
tional flag, which had been eulogized by the speakers,
and said that the Southern people do not relinquish
their ancestral interest in it; that they look solely to it
as their national emblem. “But,” he added with em-
phasis, “there is another flag which is absolutely sacred
to the Southern people, and will evei remain so. There
cling about it memories as dear as the hope of heaven.”
The thoroughly candid and intensely earnest man-
ner of Mr. Cunningham on the subject gave a clearer
insight into the sentiment of the Southern people con-
cerning those old “tattered banners,” and it begot a
friendlier feeling than many present had formerly had
concerning their battle-flags. It seems fitting, there-
fore, that lie should have introduced the subject of their
return, a Grand Army comrade of Ohio should
have voiced the sentiment of the veteran, and that a bill
should have been presented for suitable official action
b) a member of Congress from Ohio.
Record is here made of those who were thought-
ful and timely in sending floral tributes for Confederate
dead at Camp Chase Cemetery, Ohio:
Forbes Bivouac Veterans, Clarksville, Tenn.; Mrs.
Henrietta Ferguson; Julia Jackson Chapter, Crystal
Springs, Miss.; Confederate Association of Kentucky,
Louisville, Ky.; C. 11. Lee, Jr.. Falmouth, Ky.; I
John II. Leathers, Louisville. Ky.; Mrs. Thomas Dade
Luckett; C. C. Trabue, Richmond, Va.; Winnie Davis
Chapter, D. O. Mrs. J. D. Mclnnis, President, Merid-
ian, Miss.; G. B. Stone. 1 [umboldt, Tenn.; Ladies’ Con-
federate Memorial Association. New Orleans, La.; Col.
James G. Holmes, Adjutant-General. Charleston, S. C. ;
J. A. Reeves, Camden, Ark.; Frances J. Jordan, Sec-
retary- Wheeling Chapter. Elm drove, VV. Va.; William
C. Reynolds. Adjutant Stonewall Jackson Camp,
Confederate Veteran
Charleston, W. Va. ; George L. Cowan, Starnes Camp,
Franklin, Tenn.; Hunter Wood, Hopkinsville, Ky.; C.
L. Richardson, New Orleans, La.; Mrs. Aurora Mc-
Clelland, Athens, Ala.; W. K. Ramsey, Camden, Ark.;
J. Pinckney Smith. New Orleans, La.; R. B. Duncan,
Meridian, Miss.; Miss Sadie McFadden, President,
Franklin, Tenn.; Franklin Chapter U. D. C, Mrs. R.
N. Richardson, President; Ned Merriweather Camp
No. 241, U. C. Y.. Hopkinsville, Ky.; Bivouac Chap-
ter U. D. C, Miss Mary Nickol, Franklin, Tenn.
One of the most beautiful of ithe floral designs, ar-
riving too late for Saturday’s exercises, was one from
Ned Merriweather Camp No. 241, U. C. V., of Hop-
kinsville, Ky. It was a full-sized drum made of beauti-
ful lilies and other fine flowers.
At a meeting of the North Carolina Division, United
Confederate Veterans, held in the court-house at Char-
lotte, N. O, at 8:30 p.m. on the evening of May 20,
1898, Col. Thomas S. Kenan, of Wake, was called to
the chair, and Col. Junius Davis, Adjutant-General,
was elected Secretary.
Gen. J. G. Hall, of Hickory, addressed the meeting,
saying that he desired to urge one thing upon the at-
tention of the comrades present, and that was the di-
vision had never adopted any official organ, and that
he thought this ought to be remedied at once. He de-
sired to bring this matter to the attention of the meet-
ing, and hoped that any comrade present would sug-
gest any other matters for discussion that would tend to
foster our organization and preserve the records of the
Confederate soldiers.
Maj. H. A. London, of Chatham, introduced the fol-
lowing preamble and resolution in its interests;
“Many of us have known and patronized the Con-
federate Veteran since its beginning, in January,
1893, and we testify with pride that its management
has been absolutely faithful to the spirit indicated by its
name. It has all the while been just such a publication
as we are pleased to have in our homes and to preserve
for our children to the remotest generation.
“The Veteran deserves our unstinted patronage,
and as it has never had a reasonable share of general
advertising through its large circulation among the
best Southern people, and evidently has failed because
of its name, we will, so far as we can, overcome this
error by pledging ourselves to consider carefully the
merit of enterprises advertised in the Veteran, and
give them the preference in our patronage. We intend
in the future to be more zealous than heretofore for its
“In this connection we acknowledge with pride and
gratitude the current number of the Veteran, for it is
beyond question the finest showing ever made by any
periodical for any state in the Union; therefore be it
“Resolved, That the Confederate Veteran be the
official organ of the North Carolina Division of the
United Confederate Veterans.”
Lieut-Col. J. P. Leach, of Halifax; Capt. Harrison
Watts, of Mecklenburg; Capt. H. Clay Wall, of Rich-
mond; Gen. James M. Ray, of Buncombe; Maj. J. P.
Sawyer, of Buncombe, and Gen. F. M. Parker — all
spoke on the above resolution, heartily endorsing it,
and commending the Confederate Veteran in high
terms. The resolution was seconded by Maj. Sawyer,
and, after pleasant discussion, was carried unanimously.
Mr. S. A. Cunningham, of the Cox federate Vet-
eran, being present, addressed the meeting, thanking
his comrades for the kinds words spoken by them of
the Veteran, and pledging his paper and all his ear-
nest efforts to the perpetuation of the memory of the
Confederate soldiers.
Subsequent to the above proceedings, Col. F. W.
Kerchner, of New Hanover, urged upon the comrades
present the importance of a full representation of the
North Carolina Veterans at the next annual reunion at
Atlanta. He suggested that the Generals commanding
the several brigades of the division should meet and
take steps to secure a large attendance at this meeting.
Lieut. -Col. J. P. Leach, of Halifax, spoke to the same
effect, urging every comrade present to use ‘his utmost
efforts to induce all his comrades to attend the reunion.
Gen. J. G. Hall, of Hickory, said that there were two
formidable difficulties in the way of a large attendance
from this state: the poverty of the old North Carolina
soldiers and the lack of organization and discipline in
the several camps of the division. He also referred in
touching language to Mrs. L. B. Epperson and her
work in bringing the attention of the people K> the
Confederate Veteran as a record of the annals of
our soldiers and their heroic deeds. He introduced the
following resolution :
“Resolved, That Maj.-Gen. William L. DeRosset is
requested to write an official letter endorsing Mrs. L.
B. Epperson and her work as the duly accredited agent
of the Confederate Veteran; and ‘that each com-
rade present, who is able to do so, agree to take an ad-
ditional subscription to the Veteran, and have it sent
to some deserving comrade who is unable to subscribe.
Col. J. S. Carr! of Durham, seconded the resolution,
speaking in eulogistic terms of Mrs. Epperson, and it
was unanimously adopted, and the meeting adjourned.
The lady who is so much honored in the above de-
sires to express her appreciation, and sends this note :
Away from the busy throng, in the quiet retirement
of my own home, I wish, in my feeble way, to express
to the people of North Carolina my sincere gratitude
for the many deeds of gallantry and kindly services ren-
dered me during my recent journey through their state.
Truly my heart was in my work and the cause I felt
proud to represent, but the honors conferred upon me
by the U. C. V. of North Carolina are more than I
could have expected.
While I deeplv appreciate any recognition of the ef-
forts made by me to further what is, after all, a history
dear to every one of us, the second inspiration to suc-
ceed which possessed me, emanated from the enthusi-
asm that greeted me on every side and the hearty co-
operation of the “Tar Heels,'” even unto the “willing
dollar,” which was always reassuring.
The ill fate which threw me on my own resources
drifted me into agreeable fields of labor; and the de-
lightful acquaintances made will ever be a treasured
memory. My gratitude and thanks go out to them all.
Mavthe Veteran and its high purposes live as long
as will the glorious historv of the old North state!
Confederate .
£J pited 5095 of Confederate V/eterar)$.
Organised July l, lsnu, Richmond, Va.
ROBERT A. SMYTH, Commander-in-Chief, i
DANIEL KAVENEL, Adjutant-General, )
Box397,< harleston,S.C.
Box l’J .. Winston, N. r.
T. LEIGH THOMPSON, Commander, Lewisbnrg, Tcnn.
W. C. SAHNDEHS. Commander,
J. H. BOWMAN, Ad.ii-tant-Gkm r. li . .
Box 151, Helton, Tex.
Conducted by ROBERT A. SMYTH, Charleston, s. C.
Bend nil eomnranical long for this department to him,
[Comrades everywhere aro ut-ceil to commend tbr organisation of
Sons. Br <loin£ bo they may be very helpful bo Commander Smyth, s.
A. Cunningham. ]
Thirteen camps have been chartered as members of
the United Federation since the last issue, as follows:
No. 76. Camp Taliaferro, Crawfordville, Ga.
No. 77. Camp Joseph A. B lance, Cedartown, Ga.
No. 78. (amp Jack Folder. Amcricns, Ga.
Mo. 79. Camp Lafayette McLaws, Bayetteville,, Ga,
No. 80. Camp Charles C. Hemming, ( >eala. Fla.
No. 81. Camp A. J. Hoole, Florence, S. C.
V0.82. Camp Joseph 1′.. Kershaw. Camden, S. (
Xo. 83. Camp Stonewall Jackson. Jacksonville,
No. 84. Camp Washington’ Artiller) ,0hafleston,S.< –
No. 85. Camp William 11. Duncan. Barnwell, S. C.
No. 86. rami) John R. Culp, ( hester, S. C.
No. 87. Camj) Henry M. Aslibv. Knoxville, Tenn.
N0.88. Camp John M. White, Fort Mill, S. ( .
Two of this number are in Florida. The camp at
Ocala has the honor of being the firsl camp organized
and chartered in that division, (‘.imp Washington \r-
tillery Xo. 84 makes the third camp of Sons in Charles-
ton, S. C. Camp Moultrie No. 4. of Cha 1 has a
membership of two hundred and twenty-five, while
Camp Henry Buisl Xo. j$. also located there, has a
membership of one hundred ami five, showing the old
city of Charleston is very active in the work of our fed-
eration. We are glad to see the Georgia Division
growing so rapidly. There are now nine camps in that
divisil 111, w itli the prospect of a very material increase in
the number by tin- time of the reunion.
The third annual reunion of the South Carolina Di-
vision was held in Charleston April 27, 28, at the same
time as the Veterans’ reunion, and was largely a:
cd. The size of this division has been increased to
thirty-three camps, and all of them ‘had delegates and
sponsors present at thv recent reunion. This division
was organized in Columbia, S. C, December 31, 1896.
There were then five camps on the roll. At the second
reunion, hvld in Greenville in August .if last year, the
number had been increased to fourteen, and it is e\
pected that it will be increased to about fifty by the time
of thv Atlanta reunion, as there- is a general activity
throughout the state and the Sons are very enthusiastic.
\ great deal of business was attended to by this con-
vention, especially along- the line of specific work for
each camp. Committees were appointed, whose duty
it will be to arrange the work for the different camps.
Among the thoughts suggested for this is the collect-
ing of the names and record of all the soldiers from
each county of this state who served in the Confederate
army, with account of the battles in which they took
part, etc. If this is carried out b\ the camps, it will in-
deed lie valuable. They will also work along the line
ol Southern histories and school-books, and much good
is promised thereby. A special committee has been
appointe-d which will obtain space in the most promi-
nent newspapers in the lower, middle, and upper sec-
tions of the state, in which each week will be published
information concerning the growth of our federation
and helpful hints to aid thv Sons in organizing camps.
It is expected that many more camps will be organized
by this means and the young men of the state thorough-
used to their duty in joining this federation.
On the night of April 28 the sponsors – f the Sons
of Veterans, escorted by the entire division of the Sons,
entered the hall where the \ eterans were meeting. As
they entered the business of the meeting was interrupt-
ed, and tin- entire assembly arose to their feet, while the
sponsors triumphantly marched down the aisle to their
special seats in front of the stage. Appropriate ad-
dress, -s of welcome and responses were delivered. A
few minutes after their entrance the hem Wade Hamp-
ton entered, and his appearance was the signal for loud
an.l prolonged cheers and thrilling music. Altogether,
the occasion was mosl inspiring, and it enthused every
Son with renewed desire to work hard for thv cause.
The Mississippi Division has been organized 1>\ the
appointment, on April 13, of Mr. T. L. Trawick, of
Crystal Springs, .is the Commander. In this position
he will work to arouse the Sons of his state to their
duty in perpetuating “i of the glory of the men
who wore the gray.” Mississippi is far behind her sis-
ter states in our federation, and should therefore rally
to the support of Comrad( Trawick. He is prominent
in state educational circles, being President of the Mis
sissjppi Educational Association. He has appointed
Mr. 1 >. Newton, Jr.. as his Adjutant, and rep
ing progress already in his work. By the time of the
Atlanta reunion he expects to have quite a number of
camps in active operation in his division
The above was intended for the May issue. Since
then four more camps have been chartered:
X. 1. o, 1 1 .mi]) 1 >vw e\ , I lomer. ( la.
No. 91. Camp Martha \. McLean. Thomson. Ga.
No. 92. (amp James 1 ). [‘.landing. Sunih r. S
No. 93. Camp Francis S. Bartow, Savannah. Ga.
On May 21 the first meeting of the North Carolina
Division was held at Charlotte. X. C, and three of the
five camps were represented by delegates. Mr. Rob-
ert A. Smyth, the Commander-in-Chief, and Mr. R. C.
Norfleet, commanding the Xorthcrn Virginia Depart-
ment, were present, and assisted in formally organizing
the division. Dr. C. A. Bland was unanimously re-
elected the Division Commander. The state has been
divided into three brigades, and a Commander for each
brigade will be appointed. \ good constitution was
adopted, and the division now looks forward to rapid
growth and a large increase in the number of its camps.
The members of the federation are manifesting much
interest in the coming reunion at Atlanta, July 21-23,
and the camps are expected to make a splendid show-
ing- on that occasion. Tt is hoped that all the camps
will send delegations and that by that time the number
of camps will have reached the one hundred mark.
Confederate 1/eterai).
A great deal of interest is being taken by our mem-
bers in the present crisis, and, while the federation as a
federation can take no part therein, a large number of
its members have enlisted in the volunteer troops, and
many of them have been given prominent offices. The
patriotism of the fathers is showing itself in the sons.
We trust that matters will have quieted down and set-
tled into their normal condition, so as not to interfere
with the reunion in July. We will give next month a
full account of the preparations for the meeting of the
Sons and various instructions to delegates, etc., so that
they can all come fully prepared and informed.
Col. R. B. Snowden writes of Gen. B. R. Johnson as
“one of the ablest, yet most underrated, generals we had
in the army.” In a personal letter, suggesting the pro-
priety of a sketch, Col. Snowden states :
Maj.-Gen. Bushrod R. Johnson was born in Illinois
about 1810. He graduated at West Point in a large
class, of which Gen. U. S. Grant and other distinguished
officers were members. He stood high, as may be seen
by access to the army register — ahead of Grant and
other men of note. He served in the Mexican war, and
afterwards resigned from the army and became presi-
dent of the Western Military Institute, at Drennon
Springs, Ky., which, in the year 1856, was amalgamated
with the University of Nashville. He remained princi-
pal of this university until the breaking out of the war
between the states, when he offered his services to the
State of Tennessee, and was appointed by Gov. Harris
mustering officer for the state at large with the rank of
colonel. Some time afterwards, on the 5th of May,
1861, he mustered into the state service the First Ten-
nessee Regiment, composed of three companies of
Rock City Guards, two other Nashville companies, one
company each from Williamson, Maury, Giles, anil
Rutherford Counties — commanded by George Maney,
colonel; T. F. Sevier, lieutenant-colonel; Abe Looney,
major, and R. B. Snowden, adjutant. This was the
first regiment mustered in, and proved to be one of the
best in the Confederate army. Gen. Johnson appoint-
ed other officers, and proceed to muster in troops all
over the state. When the state troops were turned over
to the Confederate States, by act of the General Assem-
bly, Col. Johnson was made a brigadier-general, and as-
signed to a command at Fort Donelson. After the sur-
render of the fort he made his escape and joined the
army of Albert Sidney Johnston at Shiloh. In this en-
gagement he was wounded seriously, but was well
enough to take command of a brigade which was organ-
ized for him at Chattanooga on the assembling of the
army which Bragg took into Kentucky. He served
through the Kentucky campaign and at Mumfordsville,
Perryville, Murfreesboro, Hanner’s Gap, East T ennes ~
see, Chickamauga, Tunnel Hill, Knoxville (with Long-
street), Bean Station, Petersburg, Drury’s Bluff, and all
the fights around Petersburg and Richmond, and sur-
rendered with his division at Appomattox Court
House. After the war he returned to Nashville, and
with Gen. E. Kirby-Smith undertook the reestablish-
ment of the University of Nashville as a military acad-
emy. This proved unsuccessful, and he engaged in the
real estate business, with Gen. Granville P. Smith as a
partner. About the year 1873 he moved to Illinois,
where he had quite an extensive farm, under the man-
agement of an only son.
As principal of the two academies mentioned, he did
more than any one man in disciplining and. training the
young men, who made the best officers in the Confeder-
ate army. He died in Illinois a few years after moving
to that state. The commands which composed his old
brigade that followed his fortunes to the bitter end were
the Seventeenth Tennessee Regiment, Col. A.S.Marks;
Twenty-Third Tennessee Regiment, Col. R.H.Keebie;
Twenty-Fifth Tennessee Regiment, Lieut. -Col. R. B.
Snowden; and the Forty-Fourth, Col. John S. Fulton.
The part taken by this command at Perryville, Mur-
freesboro, Chickamauga, Fort Harrison, and the fights
around Richmond and Petersburg stamps it as the
equal, if not the superior, of any in the Confederacy.
I believe that if he had been placed in command of an
– ^iP\
& -Est
w ‘
K v iimnwiii
army he would have surprised the authorities at Rich-
mond. No officer in our army was more capable and
modest. When he took his command from Chatta-
nooga to Petersburg, after the battle of Chickamauga,
and came under the eye of Gen. Lee, he was soon madj
a major-general. The brilliant defense of Petersburg
against the approach of Gen. Ben Butler with a large
army was made with but a handful of men scientifically
handled by Gen. Johnson. Gen. Grant spoke of it as a
complete “bottling” of Butler by Gen. Johnson until
Gen. Beauregard came from North Carolina with re-
Col. Snowden did not prepare the foregoing as an in-
dependent sketch. It is here given as introductory to a
theme which will doubtless induce many tributes to his
sagacity and his valor.
Qoofederate l/eterar?.
A happy increase of advertising after part of this
number was printed compels the omission of much that
should have precedence. A fine engraving of Terry’s
Texas Rangers, and sketch of their late reunion at Aus-
tin, Tex.; splendid pictures of tin 1 Dallas monument,
and of Airs. Currie, who was the leader in its procure-
ment; a fine portrait of Airs. Currie as President of the
United Daughters, and of Airs. Rounsaville, President
of the Georgia Daughters — are of the many interesting
topics for the reunion number. As it is expected to
appropriate much space to the United Daughters of
the Confederacy next month, it is earnestly desired
that all such data be sent in at once.
Mrs. C. W. Hunter, the first President and organ-
izer of Appomattox Chapter, U. D. C, Virginia, of
West Appomattox, is an energetic and enthusiastic
worker of the United Daughters of the Confederacy.
She is an intelligent and vivacious young matron. She
organized the Appomattox Chapter No it in the
South and No. 4 in the state of Virginia with the as-
sistance of Col. Kirkwood Otey, of Lynchburg.
Mrs. Hunter was the successful President of the Ap-
pomattox Chapter for two years. As it was among
the first chapters
to be formed, she
assisted in much
of the state and
national work.
She was the first
State Recording
Secretary of the
Virginia Division,
being elected in
Alexandria at the
first state conven-
tion. She was also
elected to the of-
fice of the siatc
treasury at the
third state con-
vention in Lynch-
burg, Va. She de-
clined t li i s offer
three times from
the rostrum, so
urgent were the appeals for her to accept it. Her im-
promptu address to the stale convention on the histo
ties to be adopted in the schools of the South and her
forceful appeals to the Virginia Division of the U. D. C.
mmence work at once on securing the right his-
tories for the Southern youth and her heart) endorse
mem of the report of the Virginia Histor) Committee,
brought forth repeated applause From the audience.
Airs. Hunter is the daughter of J. C. Jones, a brave
ex-Confederate soldier of Appomattox, who was
wounded three times while storming the heights in the
battle of Gettysburg, causing him to lose his arm. and
he wounded in the knee, and while leaving the
field sorely wounded he was shot through the body, and
left on the field as dead; but. reviving, he requested
those looking after the wounded to take him, and was
refused, being told that lie could not live to reach the
II 1 \ 1 t K
•» •
1 *
ANN IF C,K \X 1 I Al.K.
The U. D. C. of Mississippi, in state convention at
Columbus April 26, made a wise choice in the election
as State A “ice-President of Aliss Annie Grant Cage, who
is also President
of the chapter of
U. D. C. at Jack-
son. Miss Cage
is represented as
the highest type
of young South-
ern Christian
womanhood. She
is enthusiastic and
patriotic, and is
from good South-
ern stock. On the
maternal side she
hails from the
Grants of Virgin-
ia; on the pater-
nal side she is a
granddaughter of
Col. Edward
Cage, at whose
hospitable home, near Clarksville, the poor received
the same courtesy as the guest of the house. All
the men of her family were Southern soldiers. The
regiment commanded by her eldest brother was among
the most daring and efficient in the Trans-Mississippi
Department, and turned the tide of victory in our favor
at Springfield, Mo.
At the recent meeting of Atlanta Camp No. 159,
United Confederate Veterans, officers for the year were
elected and considerable business of ‘the camp transact-
ed. Col. A. J. West was elected Captain and Com-
mander of the camp, and the camp promoted the lieu-
tenants. Col. L. P. Thomas, who retires from the cap-
taincy of the camp, was given a vote of thanks for his
-1 >lei hi id services to the camp, and he thanked the camp
for the expression of confidence. The following offi-
cers v ed l1 the meeting last night: Com-
mander. V I. West; Lieutenanl Commanders, W. D
Ellis, Dr. \V. Al. Durham, C. S, \rnall. and John T.
Stocks; Adjutant. T. Colton Lvnes: Quartern’
Charles L. D’Alvigney; Commissary. S. 11. Landrum;
Surgeon, Dr. K C Divine; Assistant Surgeon, Dr.
Arch \\.u\ ; Chaplain, Rev. T. P. Cleveland: Histo,,
an, R. L. Rodgers. Executive Committee: A. J. West,
chairman; W. IT. Calhoun, T.’O. Waddell, F. T. Ryan,
T. TT. Shadden. F. Al. Aleyers. and C. W. Motes. Re-
lief I Committee: Harry Krouse. chairman: E. Cox, J. C.
Carlisle, S. B. Scott, and J. Al Bayne. Visiting 1
mittee: F. N. Graves, chairman: W. II White. T. A.
Caldwell, John C. Rodgers. and Ben Floyd. Hall
( ‘oinmittee: W. A. Hemphill, chairman; J. C. Huff, W.
W Hulbert. A full endorsement of the recent action
of the Atlanta Chapter, Daughters of tin Confederacy,
with regard to the Soldiers’ Home, was made, and a
heart) vote of thanks placed on the minutes.
Camp No. 617. U. C. V., Madison, Ga., at a meeting
held May 7. changed its name from II. TT. Carlton to
Alorgan County Confederate Veterans, retaining their
number Charles W. Baldwin was reelected Com-
mander and W. A. Wiley was elected Adjutant.
Confederate l/eterai),
Account of Passing the Batteries at Port Hudson, 1862.
The following interesting account of the right be-
tween the Confederate shore batteries at Port Hudson,
La., and the lower Mississippi fleet, under the com-
mand of David G. Farragut, the renowned Federal ad-
miral, was written by Capt. E. C. McDowell, who par-
ticipated in that memorable encounter as a lieutenant
of artillery. The Captain is a tried and true veteran,
and a member of the John C. Brown Bivouac. His re-
cent appointment by the President as Assistant Quarter-
master U. S. A. gives marked expression to the senti-
ment for srenuine unity between the North and South.
Such acts by the dominant party will hasten the realiza-
tion of mutual sympathy and interest.
It is a vivid, as well as correct, account of the fight at
Port Hudson, La., between the Confederate shore bat-
teries and the fleet of Admiral Farragut, March 14,
1863. In this fight the man-of-war “Mississippi,” on
which Lieut. George Dewey was executive officer, was
burned and the “Richmond” and “Essex” disabled:
In 1863 the Confederates held Vicksburg, Miss., and
Port Hudson, La., and thereby controlled the Missis-
sippi River between these points. This part of the river
was very essential to us, as we thus kept up communi-
cation between the departments East and West. Red
River emptied into the Mississippi some miles above
Port Hudson, and down it we brought thousands of
cattle and great barges of corn to feed our army in the
Eastern Department. The Federals had undisputed
control of the Mississippi as far down as Vicksburg,
and from its mouth as far up as Port Hudson.
For the purpose of cutting off our supplies from the
\\ est and also as preparatory to the besieging of Vicks-
burg and Port Hudson, it was all-important that the
Federals should get control of the river between these
points. The fleet of the upper Mississippi, taking ad-
vantage of a dark night, ran a gunboat, the “Indian-
ola,” by the batteries at Vicksburg, and thus they se-
cured control of the disputed part of the river.
Gen. Gardner, in command at Port Hudson, called
for volunteers. An old ferry-boat was barricaded with
cotton bales, and, manned by as brave spirits as ever
trod the deck of any craft, joined a similar expedition
sent from Vicksburg, who went in search of the “In-
dianola.” The combined expeditions found the “In-
dianola,” sank her, and captured her crew, with all her
supplies. This enterprise should be written up by
some old Confederate who was in it. He would con-
fer a great favor upon ‘the readers of the Veteran in
giving a detailed account of this expedition and the
names of the volunteers. Lieut. Sherwin, who^ was
subsequently killed by a hand-grenade at Port Hudson,
was one of the volunteers aboard the ferry-boat
Then it became necessary to run other ships by the
batteries, and this was done by the teacher and trainer
of Dewey, Commodore Farragut — a Tennesseean, by
the way — who was in command of the fleet below Port
Hudson. He selected a dark night, March 14, 1863.
About 11 p.m. his fleet was put in motion. Our signal-
corps on the west side of the river gave warning with
signal-rockets and also set fire to a pile of combustibles
that had been prepared opposite our batteries. This
bonfire lighted up the river and put the ships attempt-
ing to pass in bold outline.
Our first battery was a single gun, a rifle siege-gun,
commanded by Lieut. Kearney. The next battery was
a single gun, an old navy thirty-two pound smooth
bore. This was the only hot-shot battery served a:
Port Hudson, and was commanded by Lieut. E. C.
McDowell. The next battery was a two-gun battery,
commanded by Lieut. Castalanos. The next was a
two-gun battery of twenty-four pound siege-guns, com-
manded by Lieut. D. D. Phillips. Then, next, came
two Columbiads, one commanded by Capt. Sewell and
one by Capt. Coffin, and then came three thirty-two
pound smooth-bore guns, served by a detachment of the
First Alabama Artillery Regiment. In all, our guns on
the river front numbered only thirteen, and they were
“out-of-date.” The Federal armament consisted of
fifteen mortars, on boats advantageously located under
a bluff below the fort, and which made the heavens lurid
with bursting shells. The “Hartford,” the “Rich-
mond,” and “Mississippi” were men-of-war carrying
— “Hartford,” twenty-eight guns, and “Richmond”
and “Mississippi” twenty-four guns each. I do not
know how many guns the “Essex” carried. Besides,
there were other gunboats that lay out of our range be-
low, and kept up an incessant fire upon us. The
“Hartford,” which was the commodore’s flagship,
came in the lead, with Farragut tied in the rigging
(this was protection against his falling, if he should be
wounded), and the “Albatros,” as tender, lashed to the
side presented to our batteries. Next came the “Rich-
mond,” with her tender lashed to her side. These
Confederate Veterans
seemed to be the only men-of-war they sought to run
by. The man-of-war “Mississippi” came nex:, fol-
lowed by the “Essex.” The rest of the fleet took posi-
tion just below, and poured shot and Shell into our
batteries. When the “Hartford” was abreast of our
batteries we opened fire. The “Hartford” and ■•Rich-
mond” did not respond, their purpose being bo run by;
but the “Mississippi” poured a broadside into us, and
was gallantly supported by the “Essex.” an ironclad.
The “Hartford,” with tender, dashed by, but a luck)
shot cut the pipe of the ” Richmond,” completel) disa
blingher. She floated at the mercy of the current; she
drifted almost against tin- shore. We poured shot into
her at close quarters with great damage. Her officer
cried for quarter. 1 ler tender had cut 1′ » >se and retreat
ed down the river. Finding the “Richmond” disabled,
we concentrated our fire upon the “Mississippi.” She
fought gamely, but was soon disabled, and ran aground
on the bar opposite and in full range of all our batteries.
When she was full}’ in flames the current carried her
stern around, her bow released its hold on the bar, and
she floated off down the river, turning round and round
as she went. Just as her broadside was broadly on us
the fire had reached and heated her guns, and she de-
livered a grand broadside fire upon US, as ii herself
fighting. The “Mississippi” was commanded by
Capt. Malancthon Smith, and Lieut. George Dewey
Was executive officer. I suppose the wounded and a
number of her men escaped in the small boats. Capt.
Smith and one hundred and twenty-five of hi– men
swam or waded ashore, and wire made prisoners. The
Lieut. Dewey is now Admiral Dewey, of Manila lame.
When we had ceased firing upon the “Richmond,”
and she floated out of reach, her tender took chargi >
her and towed her down the river. The “Mississippi,”
grandly beautiful, floated on down the river. The fleei
saw its danger and made all haste to flee. W hen she
had floated to a point a shorl distance below where the
fleet had been the fire reached her magazine. The
flames and fire leaped heavenward hundreds of feet,
then went out. and all was darkness, succeeded in a few-
seconds by a thundering explosion.
The next morning the river was free of the enemy’s
fleet, and we had peace for forty-eight hours.
Confederate Memorial Service ix New York.
— The Confederate \ eteran ( amp of New York held
a memorial service at Mount Hope Cemeter) on May
22. It was their first annual visit. Members of the
camp, their wives, sons, and daughters aggregated
the attendance to about two hundred.
In the center of the ploK is a granite shaft sixt) two
feet high, a gift from Charles Broadway Rouss, which
was unveiled a year ago. Surrounding the square
base of the monument are the graves of I leu. Thomas
Ionian. Serg. \V. W. Tavleur, William E. Florence.
W. I’. Fowler, and A. R. Salas.
When the party were gathered about the shaft Com
mandcr Thorburn explained the object of the visit.
The hymn “America” was then sung, and a prayer was
offered In- the Rev. Dr. Stephen 11. Granberry, Chap-
lain of the canqi. After tin- sin^m^ of “Nearer. My
God, to Thee,” Comrade W. S. Keiley delivered a pa-
triotic oration. “The fields of our own South, as well
OS many a battle-field in the North.” he said, “are dot-
ted with little mounds which but mark the spots whi re
former comrades lie awaiting the last call. Again has
the tocsin of war been sounded, and it has met with a
read) response from the fir forests of Maine to the
magnolia groves of Morula, and from the surf-bound
Atlantic coast to where the Pacific placidly laves the
shores of the (.olden Gate.” He referred to Admiral
Dewey’s victory, and to th< of Ensign Bagley,
“a Southern boy who was the first to give his life for
the country in the present war.”
At the conclusion of the oration rite graves were
strewn with cut (lowers, a hymn was sung, and the cer-
emonj concluded with the benediction b) Dr. Gran-
bery. Among the active participants were Maj. John
C. Calhoun, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Owen, Mr. and
Mrs. R. Wayne. Dr. and Mrs. G. 11. Winkler. Mr. and
Mrs. H. I’.ullington, Mr. and Mrs. William Pr
Hix, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Caskin, Mr. and Mrs. Davis
H. Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh R. Gardner, John F.
Black, Dr. J. II. Parker, Thomas L. Moore. Dr. J. II.
1 lew, and < r. W. ( ‘.try.
B. L. Aycock, Esq., of San Antonio. Tex., wants to
know what has become of the forty-two men captured
by the command of ( ien. ( >rd at Charles ( n ) Road Oc-
tober 7. [864. He doesn’t know of a survivor. Mr.
Aycock writes; “These prisoners of war were put under
the fire of Confederate mortars at ‘Hutch Hap.’ wdicre
Gen. Butler was digging a channel in the bend of the
James, about seven miles below Richmond, to let gun
boats through and escape our batteries at Drury’s
RlufT. which were located at the toe of the horse shoe.
The men were mostly, if not entirely, of Gregg’s (for-
merly Hood’s) Texas Brigade. We were kept under fire
of the mortars, which Gen. Butler devised .is a sti
gic move to stop the annoyance they were to the
progress of his work. The firing, .after notice j
our authorities, stopped for about twenty-four hours.
But one fine morning about two o’clock the Confeder
ate mortars began to belch forth, ami at intervals of
about ten minutes a shell would go skyward, anil we
would await the result. Some would burst before hit-
ting the ground or falling into the river beyond.
( Mhcrs would go entirely over our little camp of ‘ dog
tents,’ located right tit the margin of the channel,
which was then about twenty feet deep .and fifty feet
wide. There was a cordon of negro Si ►ldiers at” mud us.
Lor ten days Butler kept us there, and, seeing he was
mistaken in his calculations — that the government had
enlisted us to be killed — he had us removed to Ct
Point, thence to other prisons. 1 feel a keen interest
in how these comrade- come on .after these wars. If
any one of them should chance to see this, he w 11
please write to the VETERAN, and give his regiment,
etc.. s, 1 we can have a reunion at Atlanta.”
C. C. Harvey. Wood. Miss.: “Lining the last meet
ing of the Confederate Veterans of the E. C. I
(‘amp No. 942 1 was appointed on a committee to in
vestigate the death .and burial of two soldiers of the war
of [8l2. I have heard front the old settlers of this
neighborhood that two of Hen. \ndrew Jackson’s com-
mand died and were buried on Howard’s Hill, eight
miles northeast of Columbus, Miss. It is on the mili-
tary road which Hen. Jackson had cut on his march to
Xew < Means. I should be glad to know if any record
has been kept on file in Nashville of the death of any of
his command.”
Qoofederate l/eterai?
When making the plea in the April Veteran for
worthy recognition of patriotism in the South and ask-
ing that, as evidence, Confederate flags be returned,
there was hardly any ‘hope of such generous response.
The leading spirit in cooperation is Capt. Theodore F.
Allen, of Cincinnati, who took it up promptly, and
wrote to leading newspapers and to eminent men in the
North, and it has become a theme of public discussion.
The Press-Post, of Columbus, O., through an entertain-
ing contributor, Mary Hobson (Hobson is a fine name,
and especially so at this time), says:
The ex-Union soldiers of Columbus and vicinity,
touched by the readiness with Which the Southerners
now spring to the defense of the flag which they once
assailed, are preparing to receive the ex-Confederates
with every token of good will. I talked with more than
fifty ex-Union soldiers in regard to the return of the
captured flags, how they expected to greet the ex-Con-
federates, and the advisability of ‘having reunions with
them in the future, and during these talks was given an
exhibition of moral grandeur unparalleled.
An “open letter” of Col. Alien, which has been pub-
lished extensively, addressed to the veterans of 1861-65
— the Loyal Legion, the Union Veteran Legion, and
the Grand Army of the Republic — states:
The present war for humanity having demonstrated
that the ex-Confederate soldiers and their sons and the
ex-Union soldiers and their sons are one in devotion to
our united country, and that we are all good Americans
now, fighting under one flag — is not this the right time
to wipe out the last trace of ill feeling engendered in the
“argument” of 1861-65, and return to the survivors of
the Southern regiments the battle-flags which have
been held for the last thirty years or more as war tro-
phies ait state capitals of the North and at the. War De-
partment in Washington?
Is it not best that this shall be the free act of the sur-
vivors of the Union army, the men who won the battle
trophies, rather than leave it for our descendants, an-
other generation, to do? There is not much that the
veterans of “our war” can do in the present war except,
maybe, to make the way smooth for the younger men,
whose fathers fought on either side during 1861-65.
In this connection A. O. Mitchell, present Com-
mander of Wells Post, said: “We shall welcome the ex-
Confederates Who come here with all the cordiality due
from soldiers to soldiers.”
Mr. John A. McKenna’s reply was equally cordial.
Mr. John H. Sherry: “They took defeat like the
brave men they were, and now, after thirty-seven years,
they are proving themselves worthy of every considera-
tion. So, in my opinion, their flags should be returned,
and everything possible done to maintain the unity of
interest that now exists.”
Mr. William Gittan said: “Reunions between the
blue and the gray are a good thing, especially since our
numbers are getting smaller each year. I shall wel-
come most heartily the veterans who come here this
week, but I shall not shake hands with them.” ” Why
not?” was asked, thinking the expression very strange.
“Because they didn^t leave me any hands,” he replied,
holding up two gloved artificial semblances of such.
“Worst of all, they were taken just three days before
‘the surrender of Lee.”
Mr. Richard Albrittain, whose left arm is mutilated
and almost useless from a gunshot wound received at
the siege of Vicksburg, said: “As to the flags, I can see
no reason why they should not be given back. The
people of the South began to return swords and other
trophies of war to our soldiers in the early seventies ;
and if they really wish the flags, I favor their return.”
Gen. Wilson said: “As to the flags, send them back.
The men who fought under them are as loyal to the
stars and stripes now as if they had never thought of
any other standard. They know as well as we do that
their flags represent nothing that exists to-day, but they
are dear to them because of associations connected with
painful memories. ‘All sentiment,’ some would say;
but it is the kind of sentiment that lurks in many Amer-
ican hearts, and is rather difficult to eradicate. I would
like to have some one send me the sword which con-
tains my name, and was valued more than ordinary
arms because the gift of a dear friend. It may be per-
fectly useless, and I know if it were not ‘that I should
never use it again; but still I would like to have it.”
Mr. A. J. McCune, an ex-prisoner of war, said:
“Everv Southerner is as true as steel, and it’s time for
the wagon-drivers and bounty-jumpers to keep still and
let the past be buried in oblivion.”
Capt. J. B. Allen, who carries an empty sleeve, said:
“Between the soldiers who fought there never was
personal animosity like that which existed among some
who never knew the real meaning of war. When, at
Appomattox, Lee with proud dignity surrendered to
Grant, who said, ‘Let us have peace,’ there was no true
soldier heart that did not echo the sentiment; and, fol-
lowing the example of their great leaders, each of these
Confederate l/eterai?.
deemed it best to keep silent. But of course there have
always been some fools and fire-eaters who have en-
gendered more bitterness among the young people of
to-day than we had in the ranks at any time.”
Mr. William M. Armstrong replied: “1 heartily en-
dorse everything that will bring us into closer friend-
ship with the people of the South. I have an intense
admiration for them, and it’s odd : this was first
awakened during a fierce engagement. It was in Ten-
nessee. Our men were stationed on a slope of ground
behind parapets with head-logs. You know what head-
logs are? Yes? Well, the only danger to which we
could possibly be exposed during an attack was from
our own batteries, which were so placed that they could
fire over our ‘heads. In such cases shells often burst
before they reach their intended destination, and thus
play havoc in the ranks they are mean; to serve. Ev-
erything was againsl any who should attempt t^i come
up that line, but a force of Confederates tried it. Their
front lines were mowed down by the batteries, bu
the\ came, as though the) meant to take everything
before them, until one could but wonder what madness
Possessed them. Again and again the) were repulsed
by merciless firing, but every time the) would n
and come marching hack as proudly as if on review,
until— would you believe it? — they charged us -even
times, and every time the) came nearer, until in the last
era’te assault our defenses were reached, and.
plambering upon them, they fough! like madmen with
the butts ■•! their guns until our batteries swept them
down in a heap. 1 never saw anything
fequal it in m\ life, and 1 have seen some thrilling
lights. While they were fighting so heroica
like cheering them myself. It was such a m;
effort that, although victorx wa^ ours, it seemed trivial
and mean because so easil) won. especiall) > hen we
ied the remnants of that gallant band fall slowly
back, leaving the ground covered with gra) clad fig
tires. Since then I have always thought that sue
would be worthy having .as friends. 1 have made fre-
quent visits in the South of late years, and have met
man) i Confederates, with whom delightful friend-
ships were formed. They have such exquisite courtesy
in their own homes that I should have much regretted
it if arrangements had not been made to make their
visit here as pleasant as possible. If they wish for the
return of the dags. I don’t see why they should not
have them.”
Said Mr. Joseph Baker: “The return of the dags
would doubtless strengthen the regard which the peo-
ple of the sections now have for each Other.”
Mr. Simon Small exclaimed: “1 think our soldiers
should not only welcome the others as guests of the
city, but like comrades go out and help them decorate.
That’s what I intend to do. Their flags should have
been returned long ago as proof that their loyalty,
which is now so evident, is unquestii >ned.”
Mr. Walter Weber, an ex-prisoner, replied:
“We have asked the ex-Confederates to a camp-fire
with us, and have thus expressed our good will toward
them, but they have not invited us to participate in their
memorial exercises. I think we should wait until they
do so before we give this an) serious consideration.”
Mr. John Logan exclaimed: “There is nothing that I
would not do to make the ‘Johnnies’ feel that we are
pleased t( i have them with us, but there is just one thing
I’ll newer do, and that is help decorate at Camp Chase,
or any other place where the Confederates are buried.
The Southerners are brave and noble men. I honor
them for their many high qualities, 1 appreciate meet-
ing them in reunions and elsewhere; but 1 maintain that
there should be a difference in the honors given to the
men who died under our flag, true as steel, and those
died with their faces turned away from our gov-
ernment and toward one which they hoped to
It’s the proper thing For them to remember their dead
in this way, but the Southerners themselves would be
the last to expect us to assist them.”
i ‘, W. Fowler: “As we have but one flag now. and as
all Americans are supporting it. 1 don’t see why w*’
should keep the flags takvn in battle.”
Mr. Thomas Jeffery, Past Commander of McCoy
Post : “Thi ants in the civic struggle, as individ-
uals, felt no bitterness even during the war. The flags
should be given hack to those to whom the) an
because of personal associations a mnected with them.”
I. William Knauss: “The Press-Post knows m;>
opinion of these subjects lil I have been ad-
vocating the di ii of the graves of ,\ Confeder-
unions with those who are living for a long
Yes, 1 heli-we in the return of the flag-.
in everything conducive to the harmony among our
Bul talk about being patriotic! 1 have jusl re-
turned from Louisville, and for ever) flag that citii
the North have on their public buildings that city has
five. I oyalt) to the Union is intense throughout the
i. 1 am glad thai the n aj< n it) f iui
not like the prominent man who to da) remarked that
uld see no reason why the Southerners should
wish the return of the Hags, unless n was to perpetuate
Id principles, just as their organizations aim to do.
Against this I have in my p a cop)
lews of a Kentucky order, and there is not a single sen-
in it that would not he a credit to an) society,
v er patriotic.”
i apt. J. Hobensack’s statement was: “There is no
sit) toward the South to-day, but I don’t think
the flags should be returned unless the regiments that
captured them are willing that this should be done.
Confederate l/eterai?
They secured them at fearful cost, and if they consent
to this no one else should object.”
Air. Charles Robbins replied: “I advocate the return
of the flags and as many reunions as possible. We can
no see too much of the men whom we ardenth ad-
mire, even when they were our sworn foes. Respect
for bravery can not be controlled.”
Air. Frank Betts: “I am heartily in favor of every-
thing that will show that soldiers can fight and then be
truest friends.”
Said Adj.-Gen. Axline: “Of course reunions between
the blue and the gray are advisable; they develop fra-
ternity in a remarkable degree. Now that the boys of
each section have enlisted to figTit a foreign foe, the last
vestige of resentment has been swept away, and every
act of ours should demonstrate this to the world. As
to the flags, I was sitting by Gov. Foraker when he
wrote that message in regard to them, and at that time
I fully concurred in it; but this war has changed my
views, and now I say, Give them back.”
Capt. C. T. Clark said: “There never was enmity be-
tween the fighting soldiers Xorth and South; they al-
ways respected each other, and with us the respect
deepened into pride that our opponents were Ameri-
cans. Ever since the war we have talked over the
events of it in a friendly way, so I favor reunions. The
Confederate was a rebel, not a traitor. We are all reb-
els against laws and institutions we ‘don’t like; so why
not decorate the graves of rebel soldiers? ”
Dr. James C. Krosen: “‘Now, about the flags. Were
I an ex-Confederate, I should not desire them, because
of the painful memories they would arouse. It would
be like opening an old wound long healed; but if they
think differently, and the return of the flags will
strengthen the bonds of fellowship between us, then I
should advocate giving them back without delay.”
Said Capt. John Dana: “I was out such a short time
that my experience as a soldier scarcely counts, but I
think their standards should be sent back.”
Maj. John Chaplin, an ex-prisoner of war, re-
sponded: “Reunions between the soldiers North and
South are certainly to be commended. We favor the
coming of the ex-Confederates to pay tribute to the
memory of those who were dear to them in their dark-
est, saddest days, and we shall accord them most hearty
welcome. As to the flags, we would just as soon have
the flags under which we suffered things too hideous
for history to record kept out of sight.”
.Air. Henry Kalb: “I was at Camp Chase and helped
decorate last year. That is convincing proof of how I
feel toward our opponents in the war of the rebellion.”
Dr. N. Elliott: “There are no narrow antipathies be-
tween the soldiers, and they will do all in their power
to convince others that this is so.”
Isaac Hussy: “Many ex-Union soldiers intend to
help decorate the graves at Camp Chase. I favor re-
unions and the return of the flags.”
r.. F. Alinear: “I worked at Camp Chase all day last
year, and. shall, of course, do everything possible to
demonstrate to the men who will be here next week
that the feeling which brings them is understood and
respected. Yes, I favor the return of the flags.”
John A. Lawrence: “The return of the flags will ac-
complish more toward convincing others that we do not
cherish resentment than any words we may utter.”
Air. Lewis Kline: “Returning the flags will be an act
in accord with what we have decided to do: welcome
the ex-Confederates and bury the past completely.”
Air. George W. Gossan : “The return of’the flags is in
accord with the feelings of those who will be with the
ex-Confederates at Camp Chase this week.”
Air. C. D. De A’ennish: “When our last camp-fire
has gone out others will remember that we welcomed
to one in Columbus riven who came to decorate the
graves of those who died our foes. Can even the re-
turn of the flags, which I consider proper, give better
proof of our having buried animosities? ”
Fred Weidman: “We face our foes and decorate our
graves together now; so why hesitate about returning a
few flags if the Southerners desire them.”
Air. Frank Drake: “Give the boys a hearty welcome,
return the flags, and bury the past.”
Dr. Saddler: “The return of the flags would have a
decided effect upon those who do not yet understand
that the blue and the gray are united in thought and
Col. W. A. Taylor: “The Confederates, after they had
appealed to the tribunal of war, accepted its decision as
final. This settled it between the soldiers. Most cer-
tainly the flags should go back to them. Thoughtful
people do not malign the motives of the Southerners in
desiring them, and do not hesitate to say that this much
should be conceded to those who are proving their loy-
alty in every way.”
G. W. Bassett: “All meetings of blue and gray are of
interest, but this one will have even greater significance
than any that have preceded it. I shall go to Camp
Chase because I believe in everything that can further
cement the bond existing between former combatants.”
Capt. Kennedy: “As we near the time when we shall
all camp elsewhere old animosities fade away.”
Mr. H. K. Forbes: “Give back the flags, I say, to the
men Whose loyalty is unquestioned — those whom we
shall welcome as guests next Saturday.”
Mr. W. S. Brazilius: “I am for reunions, return of
flags, and everything that will show that the spirit of
fraternity is complete between the soldiers North and
Mr. John Jones said: “Life is too short to keep alive
any feeling that may once have been manifested be-
tween the sections. Their differences were settled in
battle. The soldiers cherish no resentment now; and
even in the bitterness of strife individuals, when they
met, could not forget that they were brothers. I re-
member one instance when this brotherhood particu-
larly impressed me. It was when it was thought ad-
visable to remove my foot because of gangrene result-
ing from a wound. The surgeon, a kindly faced man,
said to me: ‘Where are you from?’ I replied: ‘Co-
lumbus, Ohio.’ ‘ Indeed! ‘ said he. ‘ Do you know
Dr. Hamilton? ‘ ‘Certainly,’ I answered; ‘I lived near
his office when he first_ hung out his shingle.’ My
questioner’s face brightened as he said: ‘Dr. Hamilton
and I were classmates at Philadelphia. It is singular
that While we are no relation we have the same name.
A warm friendship existed between us. It is pleasant
to meet with some one that knows him. I will see
what I can do for you.’ He did much, for through his
skill and care I was compelled to lose only a portion of
the foot. I do not see Why the flags were not returned
long ago.”
History does not record a more sublime spectacle
Confederate Veterans
than that furnished by the veterans, who, seemingl}
forgetful of their own wounds, would cover the soars of
their former adversaries with the folds of the captured
flags and the flowers which they shall scatter upon the
Nesting-place of men who died their foes, but whose
pomrades in arms are now their loved and trusted
friends. Their words are typical of the whole North’s
better self.
The Baltimore Sim: “With the outbreak of che Span-
ish war the American civil war seems to have ended for
good. Lee and Wheeler are wearing blue uniforms,
and they and many others who wore the gray, or whose
Bathers followed She fortunes of the Confederacy, arc
BOW marching under the stars and stripes. Nor is this
all: Senator Foraker, of Ohio, one of the most ultra
Northern partizans, says: ‘It would be a good thing at
this time to return the Confederate battle-flags.’ ”
The i incinnati Commercial Tribune, a strong Re
publican paper, says: “The time Lo give back the cap-
tured flags lias come. Ohio wants no longer the tro-
phies taken from her sister states so long ago. She
would rather restore them once more to the hands and
tender care of those who first bore them aloft, as a token
of love for her sister commonwealths, whose defeat in
war has long since been turned into a victory oi peace.”
The Philadelphia Press, anoflher leading Republican
baper, says: “It, is believed thai the time has come
when the North should no longer cherish these tokens
of a divided country. The spirit shown by the South
in the war with Spain, the loyalty it is displaying to the
lag of the Union, the readiness to volunteer and bear
its share of the burdens, and the willingness for the time
being to sink all political differences and present a uni-
ted front to the enemy have made a profound inipres
sion on the country. It is the final and convincing
proof that the war between sections is ended, that the
country is united as it never was before in aim and pur-
poses, and that the American people Form an indissolu-
ble nation.”
It is announced that at the annual meeting of the
Brand \nm of the Republic, which will be held in t ‘in-
cinnati i:i September, a proposition will be made for the
return to the South of all the battle-flags cultured dur-
ing the war.
J. M. Kennedy. Marlin, Tex.: “Does am \ i mkan
reader remember a private by the name of \l-o Kvn-
who was killed or died during the war? It so,
and they will write me when and where he was killed
and what company he belonged to. I shall be grateful.”
J. L. Haynes, Sr., a veteran railroad conductor, who
was in that« service during the war. and has a vivid
memory of events during that period, ui response to a
request for reminiscences, sends the following:
( >n the morning before’ the battle 1 let: Murfrees-
boro with my train for Chattanooga. On arriving at
Tullahoma, ( apt. Butler, then military superintendent
of telegraph line on the Nashvilh and Chattanooga
railroad, ordered me to turn my engine, attach fil
cars, and put my train on the side-track as quickl) as
I could. Having done as directed, 1 reported tor fur-
ther orders, saying: “Capt. Jack, what are your or-
lb replied: “Put that train in Murfreesboro
as quickly as possible. The track is clear; there is
nothing in youTWay.” Written orders were not issued
then. John A. Law was my engineer. \\ e ran from
Tullahoma to Murfreesboro in two hours and fil
minutes on the old stringer track, taking wood and
water twice on the way. We got there about sun-
down with the fifteen cars loaded with ammunition.
The next morning about seven o’clock the battle com
menced, and raged until about two o’clock in the after-
noon. That evening four men brought in the cannon
captured from the Federal army. Mr. J. W. Thomas,
Sr., now President and General Managerofthe M.C &
St. 1.. Ry., was Master of Transportation then, lie wa-
in the yard, and hail me place the cars where he could
have the e. union loaded to ship South. Walking
among the cannon, he remarked to me: “This is glorj
enough for one day.” [The loyal and faithful em
ployee here pays tribute to his chief: “England had her
t iladslone: \mvrica has her Thomas — the grandesl and
best man to the laboring man that ever lived.”] 1 left
.Murfreesboro the day after the battle with a train of
wounded men. Two miles east of Stevenson, \la.. the
-pike- were pulled out of the track and my train was
ditched, killing seven of the wounded. 1 hail many a
soldier to tell me during the war that he had rather take
his chances in thai service than in mine.
Miss l.ula A. Banks, Jackson’s i lap, \la., great-
granddaughter of the venerable lien. M. J. Bulger,
writes in reply to notice on page of \pril Veteran
in regard to a veteran some years older: •• Ten nit me to
say that Gen. Bulger did not claim the ‘palm,’ but. on
the contrary, the next morning after the courtes) was
extended to him, he sent a note bo the paper in which
he had read this report, saying substantially that the
proceedings were erroneous ; that if it had been s,ii,l he
was the oldest surviving officer of the Confederate
army, perhaps it would have been true: but it had been
reported that a soldier from Kentuck) was older.”
(ien. Bulger is in tolerably good health, and says thai
he expects to attend the reunion at Atlanta.
‘flu- Albert Sidney Johnston Camp at Beaumont,
Tex., was one of the firsl Confederate organizations to
notify Spain of the untruth of the report Upon which
Sthe based her hope of open hostilit) in the South t>>
tin- United State- in the event of war. This was done
b) a series of resolutions endorsing unqualifiedly the
official actions of C,c\i. Fitzhugh Lee, and .he camp as
,i bod) tendering it- services to the President of the
United State-. At the same meeting a committee « is
appointed to organize a camp of Sons of Veterans,
Confederate l/eterag.
Confederate Veterans
S. A. I I’NNINi.lIAM. Editor and Proprietor.
Office: Methodist Publishing House Building, Nashville, Tenn.
This publication is the personal property of 8. A. Cunningham. All
persons who approve 11- principles) and realize itsbenetii> a > an organ i<>:
Associations throughout ihe South, are requested t” i mend its patron-
age and to cooperate in extending it.
The grave responsibility of serving Confederates in
establishing the truth of history makes it incumbent
upon them to be constantly diligent and cooperate per-
sistently. The unprecedented success of the Veteran
has come through the steady and undivided patronage
of the Southern people. That its steadfast mainte-
nance by them has accomplished great good, is demon-
strated in many ways, notably just now through its in-
fluence in behalf of returning Confederate flags. Our
people should see to this influence being maintained
The founder of the Veteran has for the past five and
a half years had the good fortune to be able to supervise
every sentence that ; has ever appeared in its pages. He
has done the best possible all the time. During this
period a multitude of coworkers who “helped to make
the Veteran of merit “second only to the Bible” have
gone to their reward. Each succeeding year the obli-
gations have increased by sacred associations until its
director feels impelled to protest against any action
that may interfere with its continued success. Unan-
imity of support is absolutely essential to success, and
every loyal Southerner should be steadfast in it. An
illustration of the calamity thait attends division of sup-
port is had in an experience in Atlanta within six
months. A liberal proposition was made to the
! laughters there, whereby, in working up a good list
for the Veteran, a fund was to be given them to aid in
their coming entertainments. They began the work
with diligence, and had fine prospects of success, when
suddenly there appeared an “Ex-Confederate” publi-
cation, and local interest ( !) was pressed until the good
women fell far short of their plans- One of the Con-
federate camps there took up the local periodical and
made it the official organ, and that right in the face of
the most systematic effort ever put forth by the Vet-
eran for comrades in their reunion. Then the news-
papers gave it quite a “send-off,” and that was not all,
for the calamity did not end by the abandonment of the
unmerited effort to supplant the Veteran, but ill feel-
ing engendered has affected relations that still impair
the usefulness of the Veteran with no good resulting.
Another movement has been inaugurated by a man
not to the manner born, but who seemed to conceive the
idea years ago that he was “the most capable person in
the world” to represent the Confederate cause. How
modest! The hypocrisy of his plans was illustrated by
the Frank Leslie press. New York, with a Kentucky
imprint. Now he commends the Veteran, although
he knows that division of patronage would be seriously
detrimental to it; but he has “been elected” to edit a
Confederate American-Spanish periodical and he pros-
titutes that sacred term “Lost Cause” for favor. Lt
seems sacrilege for such a title to be used from such a
source in such a way. Southern people will not be
misled knowingly, and hence this warning.
The editor of the Veteran is tired of controversy.
His labor has not been from mercenary motives, but
from an inspiration that by unprecedented cooperation
he is accomplishing the greatest good possible. As
proof to some who may not realize his steadfastness of
high purpose, the statement is here made that should
he ever digress from the true line, subscribers may
make complaint in the Veteran and appeal to all oth-
ers to cooperate, and if one-third of this number will
join in protest then he will assign to the subscribers the
publication in fee simple. It is free from encumbrance.
Yes; the cause of the Confederate Veteran is the
most sacred that has ever existed. The Southern peo-
ple should stand by it, and they will do so steadfastly.
unless misled by misrepresentation. It certainly has
done more by the united cooperation of the entire
South to establish rightful regard by all others than
any influence since the surrender of the Confederate
If you are for the Veteran, be bold to proclaim it
diligently. There is a subtle influence that would ig-
nore our sacred associations and make “all Yankees
now.” While noble sentiment is expressed by faithful
Union soldiers, that vile element that has ever misrep-
resented is on the alert to scatter poison. We are all
true-hearted Americans, just as we have been all the
time, and we are more careful now than at former times,
lest there may be some misconception. No peril can
be so great, however, that the Southern people will not
maintain their manhood and patriotism in unbroken
record. There never has been a time of greater im-
portance for unanimity of the Southern people in de-
claring for the glory of their dead, for their own honor,
and the credit of their children.
F. M. Stovall, Augusta. Ga.: “Since the Spaniards
have dubbed the invaders of their territory ‘ Yankees ‘
there is a marked tendency in certain quarters to adopt
the name for the whole population of the United States.
I have seen several extracts from Northern papers ap-
proving of this designation copied into our own papers
without comment, which wou’ld seem to be a tacit ac-
ceptance of the name as applied to us of the South. We
are not more Yankees than Chinese or Hottentots, and
I hope the Southern people will reject the appellation.”
Many beautiful tributes were paid to the exalted
character of Jefferson Davis on his last birthday, which
was generally observed throughout the South. The
Veteran is pleased to record this nohlc tribute to one
of the most remarkable men of any generation. Those
who found fault with him in life, if worthy to be called
Southerners in all that nobility comprises, may take
comfort in his heroism and in his extensive knowledge.
Qo^federate Veterar?
Two companies of colonists sent out by Sir Walter
Raleigh — one in 1585, the other in 1587 — settled on
Roanoke Island, in the eastern waters of North Caro-
lina. The island was then within the boundaries of
Virginia; and, indeed, the word “Virginia” had its
origin as the name of that region, but by the provisions
of the charter of 1665, of Charles II. to the lords pro-
prietors of Carolina, it fell within the limits of North
Carolina. On this island the colonists constructed
Fort Raleigh in 1585. There, on August [8, 1587 (O.
S.), was born Virginia Dare, the first child of English
parentage born in America. There, three days later,
she was baptized, as Manteo, the friendly Indian chief,
had been on August 13, 1587, one week before. These
baptisms were the first celebrations of a Christian sac-
rament within the limits of the original Unite. 1 States,
more than twenty years before Pocahontas.
North Carolina did not leave the Union until after
the Confederate government had been organized. In
February, 1861, the state voted against secession by a
majority of thirty thousand. North Carolina was next
to the last state to secede from the Union.
The military population of North Carolina in i860
was 115,369; yet the state furnished to the Confederate
army 125,000 soldiers, of whom 40,000 died either in
battle, from wounds, in prison, or in hospitals.
Of the ten regiments of either side which sustained
the heaviest loss in any one engagement during the
war, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Illinois, New Yuri-:.
Pennsylvania, and New Jersey furnished one each, and
North Carolina furnished three. North Carolina fur-
nished, from first to last, one-fifth of the entire Confed-
erate army, and at the surrender at Appomattox one-
half the muskets stacked for capitulation were from
North Carolina troops.
Intrepid North Carolinians, led by North Carolina’s
valiant son. Gen. William R. Cox. delivered the last
charge made by the Confederate army under Lee, anil
a battery from Wilmington, N. C. (Flanner’s), fired the
last gun. North Carolina troops, under Pettigrew, ad-
vanced farthest up the slopes at Gettysburg.
The last general engagement of the war was fought
at Bentonville, N. C, where Maj. Gen. Robert F.
Hoke, with 14.000 of her heroes, held 60,000 Union
veterans. — with 26.000. flushed with victory, within
6as) supporting distance — at bay for three dreadful
days. The surrender of Gen. Johnston to Gen. Slier
man occurred in the Bennett House. Durham, N. C.
North Carolina had the best-equipped and the best-pro-
visioned soldiery in the Confederate army. Her greal
war 1 lovernor, Zeb Vance, kept the port of Wilmingt m
opened to the extent that by means of blockade-run-
ning he brought into the Confederacy large quantities
of stoics, provisions, medicines, arms, aecontcnncnis. <
shoes, blankets, etc.
Twenty-six engagements were foug’hl on-North 1
olin.i soil — the most notable events living the n
ture of Plymouth, by Gen. R. F. Hoke, in 1864; the de-
feat of the Federal fleet in Roanoke River by the Con-
federate ram “Albemarle,” under Commodore C
the defense of Fort Fisher by Col. Lamb and Gen.
Whirring; and Johnston’s las! stand, at Bentonville. in
Tohnston Countv. N. C.
The following is a recapitulation of the roster of
North Carolina troops in the Confederate war as pre-
pared and compiled by John W. Moore, late major
commanding Third Battalion Light Artillery:
1 xecutive < Ifficers ….
( ienerals
First Regimen)
1 Regiment, . . .
Third Regiment
Fourth Regiment
Fifth Regiment
Sixth Regiment
Se\ enth Regiment ….
I’ ighth Regiment
Ninth Regiment
l\ntli Regiment
1 levi nib R egiment . . .
l’.rthel Regiment
Tu elfth Regiment ….
Thirteenth R egiment .
Fourteenth Regiment .
Fifteenth Regiment . . .
Sixteenth Regiment . .
.Si -\ enteenth Regiment
Eighteenth Regiment .
Nineteenth Regiment.
Twentieth Regiment. .
Twenty-First Reg
Twentj Second Reg . .
Twentj -Third Reg . . .
Twenty-Fourth Reg . .
Twenty -Fifth Reg ….
Twenty -Sixth Reg . . .
Twenty -Se\ enth Reg ,
\’\\ enty -Eighth Reg
Twenty-Ninth Reg …
“Ill i 1 ti. 1I1 Regiment . . .
Thirty-First Regiment
Thirty-Second Reg . . .
Thirty -Third Reg … .
Thirty -Fourth Reg.. .
Thirty Fifth Regiment
Thii ty Sixth Regiment
Thii t x -Seventh Reg . .
Thirty-Eighth Reg. . . .
Thirty Ninth Reg . . .
I 01 1 ieth Regiment . . .
Forty-First Regiment .
Forty-Second Reg
Forty-Third Regiment
Forty Foui ih Reg ….
Forty-Fifth Regiment .
Forty Sixth Regiment,
3 2
‘• s 37
1 ,802
‘•5’ ‘7
1,41 ”
>.-7 s
1 ,296
Forty Ni-\ enth lv-
Forty Eighth Reg
Forty -Ninth Ri e
Fiftieth Regiment . . .
Fifty-First Regiment .
Fifty-Second Keg
Fifty-Third Regiment .
Fifty Fourth Keg
Fifty Fifth Regiment
Fifty Sixth Regiment .
Fifty Se\ enth Reg
Fifty-Eighth Regiment
Fifty N 1 nt h Regiment.
Sixtieth Regiment ….
Sixty First Regiment .
Sixty -Second Keg
Sixty Third Regiment.
Sixty-Fourth Reg
Sixty- Fifth Regiment .
Sixty sixth Regiment .
Sixty-Seventh Reg . . .
Sixty-Eighth Keg . . . .n
Sixty-Ninth Regiment.
tst Bat, Sharpshooters.
i-t Bat. Heavj Artill’y.
I st Battalion Ca\ ,ilr\ . .
Thomas Batten
2d Battalion Infantry
3d Battalion Artillery .
4th Battalion Ca\ aln
5th Bat. Light Artill’y.
6th Hat . Arni.ii \ ( ,’ds
7th Battalion Infantry .
70th Reg. I r. Reserves.
71st Reg. ]r. Reserves.
7 jd Keg 1 1 . R I 1
7_;d Reg Si R< serves
74th Reg, Si . Resen es.
8th Bat. Heavy Artill’y
75th Keg. Cavalry ….
9th Bat. Jr. Reserves. .
II ith Bat. Intantr_\
75th Keg. Jr. Reserves.
1 1 ih Battalion t’.n alrj .
1 2th Battalion e’a\ alrj .
13th Battalion e’.n alrj .
N’a\ al Forces
1, .297
1. 24 j
N ‘l
1. 13 6
6 57
S S o
… 188
Total Number 104,498
When it became known that Gen. Johnston had sur-
rendered. Capt. , who commanded a regiment of
the North Carolina Junior Reserves, called over to see
an old chum in Hoke’s Division to ascertain if it were
really true that the army had been surrendered. Wh< n
informed that there was no longer any doubt about it
he invited his friend to accompany him back to the
regiment, wherv he had the orderly sergeant to form
In- company (numbering fifty-six. all boys), and made
them the following speech. Remember, they were
nothing but children, the oldesl not over eighteen years
old: “1 wish to say to you that I have been reliably in-
formed that Gen. Joseph E. Johnston has surrendered
to Gen. W. T. Sherman; and now. my boys, my advice
to you is i.i surrender; but, if you will not, we will cross
the Mississippi River, join Gen. Kirby Smith, and fight
it out to the bitter end.” This shows the spirit of the
Junior Reserves of North Carolina. They were fear-
less, and deserve as much credh*as any soldier in the
service. They never knew when to stop fighting.
^.OQjrederate .
Deaths In Confederate Armies.
North Carolina
South Carolina . . . .
Reg. C. S. Annv . . .
Border States
i otal 2,086 50,868
; .s4 N
:,( Hi’
. x, ‘7
Died of Wounds,
1. 57V
Died “I”
i..s, ,-
1 ,040
46 20,324 59,297 133,821
The above abstracts are made from Gen. James
B. Fry’s tabulation of Confederate losses from the
muster rolls on file in the Bureau of Confederate Ar-
chives. North Carolina makes the best showing.
It will be seen by the foregoing table that the losses
by all causes for the different states were, in percent-
age, as follows: North Carolina, 30; South Carolina.
13; Mississippi, 12; Virginia, 1 1 ; Georgia, 8; Louisiana.
5; Arkansas, 5; Tennessee, 5; Texas. 3; border states,
3; Florida, 2; regular army, 2. The foregoing figures
hardly seem credible, and yet they come from a trust-
worthy source. Alabama is given at one per cent.
Miss Dais’,’ siMs, CHARLOTTE, N. C,
Daughter of J. M. Sims, Fourth ( li.ilic-1 > North Carolina Regiment.
A little drummer boy of the Eighth North Carolina
Regiment, after a hard day’s march in the rain in East-
ern North Carolina, gave an old negro woman twenty-
five cents, all the money he had, to allow him to sleep
on her bed while she was engaged in cooking for a lot
of soldiers. He had no sooner struck the bed than he
was fast asleep. About daylight he felt a suffocating
sensation, and, upon opening his eyes, found a little
black negro baby with its arms tightly clasped about
his neck and its cheek fondly lying on his. It did not
take li mg for that bov to get out of bed.
This was the first of all the regiments from North
Carolina to take the field. Its period of service was to
be but six months, and so it was disbanded in the
fall of 1S61. It was known as the First Regiment of
Volunteers until the enrolment of the ten regiments of
state troops, when that of Col. M. F. Stokes was called
the First, and thus the command led by Col. Hill to
Yorktown was known as the Bethel Regiment through
its heroic service in the battle at Big Bethel, June 10,
1861. The officers of the Bethel Regiment were:
Daniel H. Hill, colonel — commissioned April 24,
1861, from Mecklenburg County: promoted to briga-
dier, major, and lieutenant general.
Charles C. Lee, lieutenant-colonel — commissioned
May 13, from Mecklenburg County: promoted Sep-
tember t, 1861, to colonel, and killed June 2j. 1862.
James H. Lane, major — commissioned April 24,
1861 ; promoted to lieutenant-colonel, colonel, and
Joseph B. Starr, lieutenant-colonel — commissioned
I October 6, 1861 ; promoted from captain of Company l\
Robert F. Hoke, major — commissioned September
1. 1861; promoted to lieutenant-colonel of the Thirty-
Third Regiment January 17, 1862; colonel of Twenty-
First Regiment in 1862; brigadier-general, January.
1863, and major-general in 1864: wounded at Freder-
icksburg December 13. 1^62.
Peter F. Hines. surgeon — commissioned August 13,
1861 : promoted to medical director of North Can ‘linn
Joseph H. Baker and John G. Hardy, assistant sur-
geons — commissioned August 13, 1861.
R. B. Saunders, captain and assistant quartermaster.
:ind Men.
Co. A* Edgecombe County, John L. Bridges, Captain …. 101
Co. B, Mecklenburg County, L. L. Williams, Captain 99
Co. C, Mecklenburg County, Egbert A. Ross, Captain …. 112
Co. D, Orange County, R. J. Ashe, Captain 82
Co. E, Buncombe County, \V. W. McDowell, Captain 97
Co. F, Cumberland County, Joseph B. Starr, Captain 9S
Co. G, Bunke County, C. M. Avery, Captain 96
Co. II, Cumberland County, Wright Huske, Captain ioc,
Co. I, Halifax County, D. B. Bell, Captain 74
Co. K, Lincoln County, William J. Hoke, Captain 120
Co. I. Bertie County, Jesse C. Jacock, Captain 97
Co. M, Chowan County, J. K. Marshall, Captain 67
Total 1. 1 48
* Henry Wyatt, “first Confederate slain in battle,” was of this company,
and killed June ro, 1861, at Big Bethel.
Company B, previous to being placed in this regi-
ment, was the “Hornets’ Nest Riflemen,” of Charlotte,
which company now exists, and will take part in the
exercises on the 20th of May. Company H was the
old Fayctteville Independent Light Infantry Company
(of Fayctteville), which company still retains its organ-
ization, and has been invited to act as the escort of the
Confederate Veterans at the reunion at Charlotte on
the 20th of May.
The Henry \Yvatt referred to is buried in a beautiful
spot on a high knoll in Section K, near the Confederate
monument, in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond. Va.
R. F. Armstrong writes from Halifax, Nova Scotia:
•• You ask for corrections in your list of battles in North
Carolina. I am able to point out one error in the list
given on page 159, April number: ‘Fort Fisher, No-
Confederate Veterans
vember 25, 1864,’ should be December 24. 25, 18(14.’
Battle opened (fifty-seven ships in line) at 2 p.m. De-
cember 24, and continued on our side until daylight,
December 26. Enemy ceased firing and steamed out
of range about 6 p.m. December 24; renewed the fight
with diminished number of vessels about 8 a.m. I lecem-
ber 25, and continuously bombarded until 6 p.m., when
they finally withdrew. Troops were landed on night
of the 25th. but were repulsed, and on this night also
the powder-ship was exploded.”
Sketch by Col. E. A. ( Isborne, of Charlotte:
The Fourth Regiment of North Carolina state troops
was organized in May, [861, at Garysburg, and mus-
tered into the Confederate service \u]]v 28, [861. The
field-officers were as follows: Colonel, G. B. Anderson;
lieutenant-colonel, J. A. Young; major, Bryan Grimes:
surgeons, Mrs. J. EC. King and B. S. Thomas; chap
lain. Rev. W. \. Wood; adjutant, (‘apt. John 1). Hy-
man; quartermaster, Capt. Thomas 1 1 . Blunt ; commis
sary. Capt. R. F. Simonton; sergeant major, F. 1).
Carlton. During the war these additional field officers
were appointed in the regiment : John A. Young, colo
nel, in the place of Col. Anderson, promoted; Bryan
Grimes, colonel, in the place of Col. Young, resigned;
James II. Wood, major, lieutenant colonel, and 1
nel: A. K. Simonton, major; David M. Carter, lieuten
ant-colonel; John W. Dunham, major; J. F. Stansil,
major: Edwin V ‘ tsborne, lieutenant-colonel and colo-
nel; Thomas 1,. Perry, adjutant: William S. Bai
adjutant: Marcus Hofflin, commissar) ; Rev. An-
derson, chaplain; John (I. Young, sergeant-major; E.
F. Morrison, quartermastei sergeant; John McBride,
Company A. from Iredell County: Captain, \. EC.
Simonton: lieutenants. \Y. L. Davidson, W. 1 1. Falls,
and William F. McRorie.
Company B, Rowan County: Captain, J. 11. Wood;
lieutenants, \. C Watson, J. F. Stansil, J. R. Harris.
Company C, Iredell County: Captain, John B. An-
drews; lieutenants, James Rufus Reid, Edwin Augus-
tus I )sbi irne. Ji iseph ( ‘. White
Company D, Wayne County: Captain, J. B. \\ hit ta-
ker: lieutenants, Alexander 1). Tumbro, I. 1. Bradlev,
R. 11. Potts.
Compan) E, Beaufort County: Captain, David M.
Carter; lieutenant-. Thomas 1.. Perry, E. 1. Redding,
I >aniel 1′. Latham.
Company F, Wilson County: Captain, Jesse S.
Raines: lieutenants. J. W. Dunham, I’. X. Simms,
Thomas E. Thompson.
Compan) G, Davie County: Captain, William (..
Kdley; lieutenants. Samuel A. ECelley, Thomas R
Brown, Samuel A. 1 )avis.
Company 1 1, [redi 11 ( ount) : Captain, E. \. < ‘
borne; lieutenants. John X. Dalton, Hal H. Wi
R ihn 1 ). Fi »rcum.
Company T. Beaufort Count) : Captain.W. T. Marsh;
lieutenants, Leo R. Creekman, Noah B. Sulen Bryan
S. Bonner.
Company K, Rowan County: Captain, 1-‘. M. Mc-
Neely: lieutenants, W. C. Coughenour, Marcus Hoff-
man, William Brown.
After the regimenl was organized at Garysburg, V.
C, we were ordered to Manassas Junction. Va., where
we remained until March, 1802. When we left Manas
si- Junction, on the 8th of March, 1862. the men
the bearing and spirit of veterans. The brigade « is
under the command of Col. Anderson, and the regi-
ment at this time was under the command of Lieul –
Col. Young. After a march of several days we stopped
at Clark’s Mountain, near Orange Court-House, and
about three miles from the Rapidan River, where we
remained until April 8, when we were ordered to York-
town. Here we had our first experience under fire
from the enemy, while performing picket duty.
(»n the night of the 3d of May, 1802, Yorktown v ,i.
evacuated. Maj. (.rimes was now in charge 1
picket-line, l.ieut. Col. Young in command of the reg-
iment, and Gen. Anderson still in command of the bri-
gade. Maj. Grimes held the picket-line until the
troops had gotten under way. The next da) the ene-
my came up with our lines at Williamsburg, when an
engagement ensued, ( )ur brigade had passed through
the town, but upon hearing the firing in the rear we
quickl) Faced about and marched in the direction of
the engagement. The rain was pouring and the streets
of tin’ town covered with mud. Women and children
were wild with excitement, waving handkerchiefs an 1
banners, ami urging us on to the conflict. Occasional
1\ we passed wounded men being borne upon litters.
‘hie excitement and enthusiasm of the men became in-
tense. The air rani; witli shouts as we pressed for-
ward. We marched directly to the field of battle, and
were formed in line, but the sun had gone down
the mists of night had gathered over the field. We
passed the night on the field, wet and faint with hun-
ger and fatigue. The night was cold, but no tires
were allowed, and the men suffered greatly. Some
would have died if they had ndl kept in motion by
stamping, marking time, or crowding together in
groups. This was Ma) 5. [862
( In the t.V’h of May we came to the Chickahominy
River, when’ we remained until the battle of Seven
Confederate l/eterai?
Pines, or Fair Oaks. On May 30 we were called out
and kept under arms, marching and countermarching,
most of the day. About sundown we went into biv-
ouack, and prepared rations for the next day.
May 31, 1862, twenty-five officers and five hundred
and sixty men reported for duty, and as they moved
toward the battle-field of Seven Pines they presented a
splendid picture of manhood, energy, and courage.
The brigade was still under command of Col. Ander-
son; the regiment, under Maj. Grimes, Gen. Young
having been sent home on special duty.
Here follows an interesting account of the battles of
Seven Pines, Mechanicsville, Cold Harbor, Boonsboro,
Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, Brandy Station, Chancel-
lorsville, Gettysburg, Spottsylvania Court – House,
Sprecker’s Gap, Winchester, Fisher’s Hill, and Cedar
Creek. Col. Osborne concludes:
On the 7th of April Cox’s Brigade, with two others,
under Gen. Grimes, formed line of battle, and hurried
to the relief of Gen. Mahon, whose line was giving way
before the enemy. A charge was made, and the ene-
my driven back and a large number of prisoners cap-
tured. Gen. Lee complimented the men in person for
their gallantry on this occasion. On the 8th the men
marched all day — hungry, tired, and sore, but cheerful
and brave. About nine o’clock that night heavy firing
was heard in front, when the men were ordered forward,
and we marched most of the night, passing through the
town of Appomattox Court-House before day Sunday
morning, the gth, and engaged in the fight which oc-
curred near that place. The men were withdrawn aft-
er driving the enemy from their position, and tlhe divi-
sion started to rejoin the main body of Gordon’s Corps.
Gen. Grimes rode forward and asked Gen. Gordon
where he should form his men. The General an-
swered: “Anywhere you please.” Struck by this an-
swer, Grimes asked for an explanation, when he was
told that the army had been surrendered by Gen. Lee.
Capt. J. B. Forcum, of Company H, commanded the
regiment from the battle of Fisher’s Hill until the sur-
render, Col. Osborne having been disabled by wounds.
Dr. J. H. Ramsay, of Seaboard, N. C, wrote Col.
Woodward, of Wilmington, two years ago:
I went from Jackson, Northampton County, N. C,
to Charleston, N. C, in March, 1861, with letters of
introduction from Hon. M. W. Ransom to Mr. J. John-
son Pebtigrew, then a lawyer in Charleston, and later
a general in the Confederate army. I also had a letter
to Col. Robert Alston, then a practising lawyer m
Charleston. I failed to find Mr. Peftigrew, but Col.
Alston advised me to join the Palmetto Guards, G. B.
Cuthbert, captain, who were on the eve of going into
camp on Morris Island. I joined the company about
March 5 or 6, 1861, enlisting as a private, with the un-
derstanding that I should be discharged when my state
should secede. I labored with the boys, carrying sand
in bags to build the earthworks where our battery was
to be stationed, until the work was completed. For a
few days after our three-gun battery (known as Ste-
ven’s Iron Battery on Cumming’s Point, Morris Is-
land) was completed, guns mounted, and all ready for
action our company did only guard and drill duty, un-
til the attack on Sumter.
On the morning of April 12, 1861 (I think it was on
Friday), we were ordered to man our guns; and about
half-past four on the morning of the 12th of April, 1861,
after a signal gun, Gun No. 1, a ten-inch Columbiad,
opened fire on Fort Sumter, and I am sure that the
first lanyard was pulled by the Hon. Edmund Ruffin,
of Virginia, wrio was a private in the Palmetto Guards.
He was a most dignified and venerable yet active and
gallant man of quite or nearly seventy years of age,
whose long, white, and silken locks fell upon his shoul-
ders, as straight and as graceful as those of a boy.
In a very short while after the firing of the first gun
— but a minute or two, at most — I pulled the lanyard
that sent another ten-inch shot into Sumter, and con-
tinued firing at short intervals of rest until the sur-
render of the fort, which occurred, say between 3:$:)
and 4 p.m. on Saturday, the 13th of April, 1861. I am
not positive that I fired the second gun, but I think I
did; but this I do know: I was the only soldier in the
company from North Carolina, and hence can justly
claim the honor of being the first from my state to fire
a gun in trie Confederate war.
Mr. Charles Edgeworth Jones, of Augusta, Ga.,
kindly furnishes the following statistics of North Car-
olina Confederates in the Federal Congress from 1865
to 1898. Mr. Jones states that it is ” complete and may
be relied upon.”
Oliver H. Dockery (lieut.-col.), M. C, July, 1868-71.
M. W. Ransom (maj.-gen.), U. S. S., April, 1872-95.
James M. Leach (Con. Con.), M. C, 1871-75.
Sion H. Rogers (col.), M. C, 1871-73.
Alfred M. Waddell (lieUt.-col.), M. C, 1871-79.
Augustus S. Merrimon (sol.-gen. Eighth N. C. Jud.
Ct., Confederate Government), U. S. S., 1873-79.
Thos. S. Ashe (Con. Con.), M. C, 1873-77.
Robt. B. Vance (brig.-gen.), M. C, 1873-75.
Wm. M. Robbins (C. S. officer), M. C, 1873-79.
Alfred M. Scales (brig.-gen.), M. C, 1875-85.
Jesse L. Yeates (maj.), M. C, 1875-79.
Joseph J. Davis (capt.), M. C, 1875-81.
Walter L. Steele (Sec. State Secession Convention
of 1861), M. C, 1877-81.
Zebulon B. Vance (Con. War Gov.), U. S. S., 1879-
Wm. H. Kitchin (capt), M. C, 1879-81.
Robt. F. Armfield (lieut.-col.), M. C, 1879-83.
Louis C. Latham (maj.), M. C, 1881-83; 1887-89.
Wm. R. Cox (brig.-gen.), M. C, 1881-87.
Risden T. Bennett (col.), M. C, 1883-87.
Wharton J. Green (lieut.-col.), M. C, 1883-87.
Jno. S. Henderson (private), M. C, 1885-95.
W. H. H. Cawtes (lieut.-col.), M. C. 1885-93.
Thos. D. Johnston (private), M. C, 1885-89.
Chas. W. McClammy (maj.), M. C, 1887-91.
Alfred Rowland (lieut.), M. C, 1887-91.
Benj. H. Bunn (capt.), M. C, 1889-95.
Wm. A. B. Branch (courier), M. C, 1891-95.
Benj. F. Grady (private), M. C, 1891-95.
Archibald H. A. Williams (capt.), M. C, 1891-93.
S. B. Alexander (staff-officer), M. C, 1891-95.
Thos. J. Jarvis (capt.), U. S. S., by gubernatorial ap-
pointment, April, 1894-Jan., 1895.
Romulus Z. Linney (private), M. C, 1895.
Confederate Veterans
there’s life in THE OLD land yet.
James R. Randall could hardly have foretold more
forcibly than in his poem, “There’s Life in the Old
Land Yet,” of the zeal of the women of his native Mary-
land could he have foreseen the Confederate bazaar
recently held in Baltimore. The Sun, on the morning
after the opening, said it “caused a prodigious jam,”
and promised fine results. The general sympathy felt
in the undertaking was indicated by the extraordinary
number of people who visited the bazaar during the
evening and by the eagerness shown by the large
throngs that assembled before the doors were opened.
The Sun added: “The interest is not confined to Balti-
more, as has been shown by the numerous and valuable
donations received from all parts of the South and from
other parts of the country.” Mr. Randall’s poem first
appeared in the New Orleans Delta.
By blue Patapsco’s billowy dash
The tyrant’s war-shout comes,
Along with the cymbal’s fitful clash
And the growl of his sullen drums.
We hear it, we heed it with vengeful thrills,
And we shall not forgive or forget.
There’s faith in the streams, there’s hope in the hills —
There’s life in the Old Land yet.
Minions, we sleep, but we are not dead;
We are crushed, we are scourged, we are scarred,
We crouch — ’tis to welcome the triumph tread
Of the peerless Beauregard.
Then woe to your vile, polluting horde,
When the Southern braves are met!
There’s faith in the victor’s stainless sword —
There’s life in the Old Land yet.
Bigots, ye quell not the valiant mind
With the clank of an iron chain:
The spirit of freedom sings in the wind
O’er Merryman. Thomas, and Kane.
And we. though we smite not. are not thralls;
We are piling a gory debt;
While down by McHenry’s dungeon walls
There’s life in the Old land yet.
Our women have hung their harps away.
And they scowl on your brutal bands;
While the nimble pom aid dares the day
In their dear, defiant hands.
They will strip their tresses to string our bows
Ere the Northern sun is set.
There’s faith in their unrelenting woes.
There’s life in the Old Land yet.
There’s life, though it throbbeth in silent veins;
‘Tis vocal without noise;
It gushed o’er Manassas’ solemn plains
From the blood of the Maryland boys.
That blood shall cry aloud, and rise
With an everlasting threat.
By the death of the brave, by the God in the skies.
There’s life in the Old Land yet.
Gen. James M. Ray, Vslheville, writes of the “Ex-
Confederate Soldier” and of his section:
“North Carolinians have made much history, but
have written very little of it. This old Rip Van
Winkle State, slow to net in the early sixties, awoke
from her lethargy at the righl lime, and went into
the war. as she does everything when aroused, with
her whole soul and strength. With a voting popula-
tion of 115,000, she furnished the Confederate States
Army over 125,000 troops— more than any other of
the seceding States. The first soldier killed in a
regular engagement was of this number, the gallant
Henry Wyatt, who, at Bethel, with two other com-
rades, volunteered the hazardous undertaking of
burning a cabin in advance of our lines to prevent
the Federal sharpshooters from usiug it.
“Of the ninety-two regiments engaged in the seven-
days’ right in front of Richmond, forty-six — just one-
half of them — were North Carolinians; and of the
killed and wounded at Chancellorsville, fully one-
half of them were from this State. At Gettysburg,
the Twenty-sixth North Carolina infantry,* which
won honors never surpassed iu heroism and sacrifice,
entered the flghl with 820, rank and tile, and lost in
killed and wounded 701, nearly 90 per cent. Com-
pany F, of this regiment, from’ Caldwell County, N.
C, commanded by Capt. R. M. Tuttle, went into the
engagement ill strong, and every man was killed or
wounded. The flag of this regiment was cut down
fourteen times, the last time from the hands of the
daring commander, Col. Bnrgwyn, who was killed.
About the same time Lieut. Col. J. R. Lane was shot
in the head, supposed to be fatally; but he recovered
and succeeded to the command of the regiment.
Col. Lane still survives. An erroneous idea prevails
with many that Zebulon B. Vance commanded the
Twenty-sixth at Gettysburg; but he had been elected
Governor of North Carolina in 1862, resigning the
colonelcy of his regiment in August of that year, and
Lieut. Col. Harry King Burgwyn, not then twenty-
one years old. succeeded him. The survivors of this
regiment and their friends have quite recently had
Confederate Veterans
painted portraits of the three Colonels — Vance, Bur-
gwyn, and Lane — and placed them in the State li-
brary at Raleigh.
” The last charge at Appomattox was made by a
North Carolina brigade led by the intrepid (Jen.
Grimes; and later, when that grand man, Robert E.
Lee, said, for the last time. ‘Stack arms!’ it was
found that one-half of them were in the hands of
North Carolinians.
“After returning from the Nashville reunion, I
attended the annual reunions of the survivors of
several companies, near here. The first was that of
Company I, Twenty tilth North Carolina Infantry,
Capt. Buck Thrash. This ‘Twenty-fifth Regiment
was first commanded by the distinguished North
Carolinian, Thomas L. Clingnian. and later by Col.
Henry M. Rutledge. At the reunion just mentioned
twenty men answered to roll call. The original
muster roll contained ninety-six names. Of these
only one escaped the vicissitudes of war without a
mark. Fifty-four were killed, and forty one more or
less seriously wounded. They were in the ‘ crater
blow-up’ at Petersburg. Sergt, Smathers there
captured a Federal colonel commanding negro
troops, and with great difficulty prevented his com-
panions from killing him. they were so incensed at
being confronted by negroes. He disarmed him and
retained his sword until last spring. Having learned
in some way Hie address of the Colonel, he instituted
going out from this part of the State. It was known
as the ‘Buncombe Riflemen,’ commanded by (‘apt.
\Y. W. McDowell, and became Company E, Bethel
Regiment. They made history quite early. It is
claimed, in fact, that this was the first company en-
Maid 01 1 1 1. in. r for North Carolina at Nashville Reunion.
a correspondence and proposed the return of the
sword. A representative was sent down to receive
it, and, with some formalities, speech-making, etc..
it was turned over.
” I next attended a reunion of the first company
Maid of Honor for Xorth Carolina at Nashville Reunion.
gaged in open field combat, having had a skirmish
with a company of Federals on June !), the day be-
fore I he Bethel fight. The casualties were light;
probably one or two Federals wounded and one
taken prisoner. It participated also in the ‘ Bethel
affair’ of next day, and some of the company wit-
nessed the killing of the gallant Henry Wyatt, men-
tioned elsewhere. This battle was between a force
of Federals under Gen. Butler, sent from Fortress
Monroe to Big Bethel Church, a few miles inland!
and the First North Carolina Regiment of Infantry
and four Virginia howitzers. Col. D. H. Hill, of
North Carolina, in command. There were several
instances of conspicuous bravery during the engage-
ment, on both sides. Notably on that of the Federal
side was a major who, in leading his men, was shot
down considerably in advance of his line of battle.
He furnished the first recorded instance of the ludi-
crous in bat lie, although there was much of it after-
wards. He fell grasping in his right hand his
sword, while in his left he held the neck of a goose
which he had supposedly caught up in a spirit of fun
as he started into the charge. His death grip on the
goose had extinguished its life. The flag borne on
this occasion was the first to have a baptism of
blood in a field engagement between the Confed-
erates and Federals. The Buncombe Riflemen were
made the color company, and the flag they carried
Confederate Veteran.
was made and presented to them by young ladies of
Asheville — .Misses Annie and Littie Woodfln, Fannie
:ind Annie I’atton, Mary < Jains, and Kale Smith.
The material was the silk dresses of three of the
makers and donors; the colors, red, while, and bine.
The presentation speech was made by Miss Annie
Woodlin, who, after the war, with deft fingers, em-
broidered upon it, ‘Bethel.’ The Misses Woodfin
mil I’atlon are still residents (if Asheville. Miss Fan
nie Patton being president of the Asheville Chapter
>f Daughters of the Confederacy. Miss Kale Smith
became Mrs. Mark Ervin. She died less than a year
igo. Her eldest son is now Commandanl of John
Son Pettigrew Camp of Sims of Veterans, the firsl
samp of Sons organized in North Carolina. .Miss
Mar) Gains becattre Mrs. McAboy, and a resident of
Knoxville, Term., but is now dead.
Meeting with the Bethel company was the ” K
ind Ready” Guard, Zeb Vance, original Captain,
iviin was succeeded by (apt. .1. M. Gudger, who
iides over these meetings. He was a worthj succi
if Vance so far as fighting went, ami probably ^”i as
mi eh fun out of the war a- any man in il.
” \Y. M. < rudger’s record, of t his company, is doubt
ess unparalleled, il sen! you his subscription a
phorl time since. i He never was sick a day, and
a \ er missei I a roll call or a battle in which his coin
lany took part. lie has mil been sick at all since the
•• Maj. Ballew, in whose company originally served
the • woman soldier,’ of whom you have heard much.
louliiless, is now a citizen of Asheville. She and
icr husband, named Blalock, served in the same
I’ompany; and for some lime before her sex was
mown she il id drilling, doing guard and pickel duly
then she could not Iran xcus s tn avoid it. li is
said she was an adept at excuse making. Mr. and
Mrs. Blalock, il is thought, yel survive, and are
thoughl tn lie residents of Texas.
“Riley Powers, who was one of the crew of the
Historic “Merrimac,” and 1 meel frequently, and lie
recites thrilling experiences. He saw her launched
and witnessed her blowing up.
” Several new camps have been organized in the
territory of my brigade since the Nashville meeting,
and 1 expect three mure by the time of our Slate
meeting at Charlotte, May L’ii — one to be of Cherokee
“Asheville, N. <‘.. was probably the only town in
the < ionfederacy thai the Federals wanted badly and
did nui capture. It baffled and held in check its be-
siegers until the very last, being under arms and
bravely beating back the invaders I’m- three weeks
after Gen. Lee’s surrender al Appomattox. It was
then ignobly taken possession of in violation of a
truce after the soldiery had dispersed and gone to
their homes. This was i he latter part of April,
1865. sioneman was besieging the town on the
south, while on the north, some days before, there
was a mixed force of regular soldiers and ‘ Kirk’s
bushrangers,’ as they were .ailed. The Confed-
erates had no more than 500 or 600 men and one bat-
tery of artillery. .1. I’. Gaston, a paroled soldier
from Appomattox, having walked the entire dis
lame, gave the firsl news of bee’s surrender and of
the armistice existing. Gen. J. <i. Martin, in com
mand of Hie Department, wenl out with his staff,
under a flag of truce, to confer with the Federal
commander. An agreemenl was entered into to the
eti’eci thai three days’ rations were to be furnished
in the Federal troops, and they were pledged nol i”
disturb public or private property. After the ra-
tions had been issued. ihe\ entered the town as a
I’, look possession of the town, arrested and in 1
prisoned men and boys, and sacked every house in
the place save one. thai the residence of an ‘ unconi
promising, fire-eating secessionist.’ Thej held high
revelry throughout the whole night, engaging in
every species of robbery, even stripping portions of
dress from ladies, in search of watches and other
valuables. For weeks following the good people of
Asheville were subjected to the tyrannical rule of
such characters, all claiming to be soldiers of the
bniled Stales ”
A school supplement condenses the following:
North Carolina did not leave the Union until aftei
the Confederate government had been organized, In
February, 1861, the state voted against secession by a
majority of thirty thousand; but in .March Mr. Lin-
coln became President, and called for volunteers to
subdue the Southern states that had seceded. 1 te
asked North Carolina for fifteen hundred men, but on
May 20, 1861, the state decided by a big vote to cast
her lot with the Confederate States. North Carolina
was next to the last state to secede, but it was the first
to suffer. Twenty-six engagements were fought in
North Carolina. The most notable events were the re-
capture of Plymouth by Gens. R. F. Hoke and AI. W.
Ransom, in 1864; the defeat of the Federal fleet in
Roanoke River by the ram “Albemarle,” uoder Com-
mander Cook; the heroic defense of Fort Fisher, under
Lamb and Whiting; and Johnston’s last stand at Ben-
tonville. Soldiers of North Carolina went farthest up
the slopes of Gettysburg, under Pettigrew, and made
the last charge at Appomattox, under Gen. W. R. Cox.
North Carolina furnished one-fifth of the entire Con-
federate army, and at Appomattox one-half of the mus-
kets surrendered were from North Carolina troops.
The military population of North Carolina in i860
was 115,369; number of troops furnished the Confed-
erate States army, about 125,000. The German loss in
the Franco-Prussian war was 3 1-10 per cent.; loss of
the allied armies in the Crimean war, 3 2-10 per cent.;
loss of the Union army in the civil war, 8 6-10 per cent.;
North Carolina’s loss in the civil war, 35 per cent.
The greatest loss suffered by any regiment on either
side in any one battle was that of the Twenty-Sixth
North Carolina at Gettysburg, commanded by Col.
Harry Burgwyn, of Pettigrew’s Brigade, Ffeth’s Divi-
sion’ It lost five hundred and eighty-eight men. In
one company of eighty-four men every man and officer
was hit. The Light Brigade, m the celebrated charge
of the six hundred at Balaklava, lost thirty-seven per
cent, of its men, but the Twenty-Sixth North Carolina
Regiment, charging up the heights of Gettysburg, lost
eighty-six per cent, of its numbers, and nobody blun-
dered either. The following list embraces the ten
heaviest losses in single battles, both sides: Twenty-
Sixth North Carolina, at Gettysburg, 588; Fourth
North Carolina, at Fair Oaks, 369; Ninth Illinois, at
Shiloh, 366; Forty-Fourth Georgia, at Mechanicsville,
335; Fourteenth Alabama, at Seven Days, 324; Eighth
Tennessee, at Stone’s River, 306; One Hundred and
Twenty-First New York, at Salem Heights, 276; For-
ty- Ninth Pennsylvania, at Spottsylvania, 274; Fifteenth
New Jersey, at Spottsylvania, 272; Fortieth North Car-
olina, at Gaines’s Mill, 272.
Gov. Taylor’s conclusion at dedication of Vance
Monument :
The name of Zebulon B. Vance is a household word
among the old; it is the glorious heritage of the young.
Sleep on, child of genius, in the grave where loving
hands have laid thee!
“Unwearied, unfettered, unwatched, unconfined,
Be my spirit like thee in the world of the mind;
No leaning for earth e’er to weary its flight.
But fresh as thy pinions in regions of light.”
The Red Springs (N. C.) Citizen says:
It is stated in Carroll’s “History of the United
States” that no pensions were paid to South Carolina
soldiers for their services in the Revolutionary war.
No muster-rolls were kept, men came and went as they
pleased, and it was impossible to verify any statement
of services by any record.
The great victory at King’s Mountain was achieved
by men who volunteered for a great emergency. No
man has ever seen a King’s Mountain muster-roll.
South Carolina passed an ordinance pensioning her
own soldiers, and about $20,000 was expended. A
large proportion refused to receive a pension.
In North Carolina many neglected or refused to re-
ceive any pay for services rendered. Gen. Joseph
Graham made no application for pension till he was a
very old man. Col. Thomas Robeson paid his men, in
1 87 1, after the battle of Elizabeth town, about £15,000,
or about $75,000, out of his own funds. The govern-
ment never rewarded him for his services as an officer
nor refunded any part of the large amount advanced t>y
him in payment of his soldiers’ wages and also quar-
termaster claims.
Pale, fainting from the battle-field.
Carolina leaned on dented shield;
Her broken sword and shivered spear
She laid aside to wipe a tear.
Sob-choked, I heard her feebly say:
“My sons! my sons! oh, where are they ”
The evening breeze, soft-whisp’ring, sighed:
“On freedom’s battle-ground they died.
Fame’s loudest trump shall proudly tell
How bravely fought, how nobly fell.”
Loyal, true-hearted men were they.
They sought no portion in the fray;
But Sunny South they could not see
Bow down to Northern tyranny.
Confederate Veteran
James I. Metts, Secretary, Wilmington, N. C:
A meeting of the officers of the Third North Carolina
Infantry Regiment was held at Wilmington on the
evening of February 2, 1866, to arrange for receiving
the remains of their friend and brother soldier. Col.
William M. Parsley. Col. W. L. DeRosset was called
to the chair, and Capt. W. A. Cumming and Adj. T. C.
James acted as Secretaries. A committee was appoint-
ed to meet the remains at the depot, escort them, offer
resolutions and expressions of sympathy, etc.
It was then resolved that the surviving officers of
the Third North Carolina Regiment, in good standing.
Form themselves into an association as “< )fficers of the
Third North Carolina Infantry,” and a committee was
appointed to draft constitution and by-laws. The) re
solved to meet annually on the 16th of Maj to
bra’te the anniversary of their regiment in the city of
Wilmington as long a 1 – one member is left, and a com-
mittee was appointed to arrange’ for the firsl celebra-
tion on the 16th of the following May, 1866.
In October, tXSS. the constitution and by-laws were
so changed as to admit the enlisted men. and the name
was changed to the Third North Carolina Infantry As-
sociation. The anniversay has been celebrated yearly.
The officers of the association then were William L.
De Rosset, President, and J. L. Cantwell, Secretary.
The latter has been succeeded by James f . Metts.
The following poem was recit< <\ by Hon. ( ieorge Da-
vis a’l the anniversary dinner of tlv; association in [879:
Who tear’- to speak of “sixty-one?”
Who blushes at its fame?
When cowards sneer at deeds then done.
Who hangs Ins head in shame?
He’s all a knave or half a slave
Who slights his record thus:
l’n! a I rue man. like you, men.
Will fill his glass with us.
\\ e drink the memory of the brave.
Ihi’ faithful — not a Few,
Some lie near Potomac’s wave.
Some sleep in “Oakdale,” too;
Hundreds are gone, but still live on
The names of those who died
All true men. like you, men.
Remember them with pride.
Some ‘neath the sod of distant states
Their patient hearts have laid,
Where, with the stranger’s heedless ‘ aste,
Their unwatched graves were made.
But though their clay be far from us.
Where Friends may never come,
In true men. like yon. men.
I In 11 spil it’s -till at home.
The dust of some is Southern earth;
Vrnong their own thej rest,
F01 the same land that gave them birth
Has caught them to her breast.
Ami we will pray that From their clay
Full many a race may start
Of true men. like J OU, men.
To act as brave a part.
They rose in dark and evil da\ s
Ti 1 right their native land;
They kindled here a living blaze.
That nothing could withstand.
Mas, that might should vanquish right!
They fell, and passed away;
And true men. like you. men.
\i e far too few to-day.
Then here’s their mem’ ry! May it be
For us a guiding-light
To cheer — though lost our liberty —
And lead us in the right!
Through good and ill be patriots still.
By each good impulse stirred.
And you, men. be true men.
Like the dead of the gallant Third.
The following poem was written by John 11. Boner,
Washington, D. C., expressly for the occasion of rein-
terring the Confederate dead brought from Arlington
and placed in Oakwood Cemetery at Raleigh. The
remains of one hundred and eight North Carolina sol-
diers were brought back in four immense caskets.
The graves were concealed from sight by flowers. The
Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry tired three
volleys over them, and the Arlington dead wen- left on
the sloping hillside, with hundreds of their comrades,
to rest until the glorious awakening of the last day:
At rest among their own —
Rest to be broken never —
Their folded flag for them outblown
No more forever.
They did not think to come
So silently, so late.
When, stepping to the sounding drum.
They left the state.
They thought to see again
The loved ones, kissed through tears;
Not in the trenches of the slain
To lie for years.
But lips they kissed grew old.
And eyes that wept grew blind.
And hearts that could not break lay cold.
By grief enshrined.
\nd spirits veiled in woe,
■ • 1- ing ti w . 1 t . 1 I: ■
Were called in tenderness unto
Eternal rest.
They came not; hut they come —
\ \ anquished, faithful few
In silence; and are welcomed hom<
In silence, too.
Their place of burial is
Hallowed by woman’- prayers.
\ nobler epitaph than this
Ci mid not be their-..
Maj. James M. Stevenson was born in New Berne,
N. C, April jr., 1824. In early life he married Miss
Christiana E. Sanders, and removed to New Hanover
t ounty. where he enlisted in the Confederate service.
By Gov. Ellis’ order, he seized the forts in this state.
1 le was then lieutenant of artillery. February 13, 1862,
he was elected captain of Company A, Thirty-Sixth
Regiment of North Carolina Infantry. January 23,
1864, he was elected major of the Thirty-Sixth Regi-
ment, and kepi at Fort Fisher nearly a year. Novem-
ber 23, 1864, Maj. Stevenson, with five companies of
his regiment, was sent to Georgia, and, after a short
but gallant campaign tinder Hardee, was ordered back
to his regiment, arriving in time for the siege of De-
cember 25, 1864, which was renewed by a fatal attack
on January 13, 1865, which lasted thrve days, when the
gallant few surrendered. During the siege Maj. Ste-
Confederate Veteran
venson was knocked from the parapet by the explosion
of a large shell, ami Fell bleeding and nearly paralyzed
among the garrison below. He was carried a prisoner
of war to Fort Columbus, X. Y., where lie died March
i o. 1865. His ashes now rest in the family burial-lot,
by his three children, in ( >akdalv Cemetery, near Wil-
The State Journal of Savannah, Ca.. published at the
time, gives this account: “After the late battle of Harri-
son’s Old Field, which was an advanced position four-
teen miles from Savannah, Maj. Stevenson was in com-
mand of a part of his own battalion and parts of the
Tenth anil Fortieth Battalions, when flanked by two
brigades of the enemy. Information reached Gen.
Hardee that his command was captured. Maj. Ste-
venson made his escape with all his men except thir-
teen, who were killed. He brought off all his wound-
ed, his artillery and wagons, and that same night
marched into Savannah, reporting in person to Gen.
Hardee, by whom he was warmly complimented.
In the state election of [860 the total vote polled was
112,586, the largest that had ever been polled. North
Carolina furnished over 150,000 men, or quite as many
soldiers as she had voters, during the four years of the
war. The total number of troops furnished by all the
states of the Confederacy was about 600,000, and it
will be seen that North Carolina furnished one-fourth
of the entire force raised by the Confederate Govern-
ment during the war. At Appomattox North Caroli-
na surrendered twice as manv muskets as did any other
state, and at Greensboro more of her soldiers were
among the paroled than front any of her sister states.
North Carolina’s losses by the casualties of the war
were over 30,000 men. — Our Living and Our Dead.
The men North Carolina furnished to the Confeder-
ate army were largely of her very best, young men of
intellect, education, and refinement, the sons of her
university and other seats of learning. The death-roll
on the walls of Memorial Hall, in Chapel Hill Univer-
sity, show what a large proportion of such young men
fell on the battle-fields. Among these was Leonidas
John Merritt. He was born on the 8th of June, 1830,
in Chatham County. His father was a worthy, intelli-
gent farmer, and his mother, a woman of exemplary
piety and good sense, was a sister of Hon. Abram
Rencher, successively a member of Congress from the
Chatham District. Minister to Portugal, and Governor
of Xew .Mexico. Reared on a farm, Leonidas first at-
tended neighborhood schools, and then the famous
school of William J. Bingham. He entered the State
University in June. 1850, and graduated with honor
four years thereafter. His university career gave high
promise of usefulness and distinction. Twenty years
old when he entered college, he was a young man of
fixed principles and becoming self-respect. He was a
leader of his class and in the Dialectic Society.
The writer, a friend and classmate, well remembers
him as dignified, without reserve, and proud, in the
proper sense of the word, without vanity or conceit.
He was affable to all, and especially considerate toward
those younger than himself. Recognizing this. Gov.
Swain, the President of the university, valued him very
highly as one who was unconsciously aiding him in the
government of the institution. In speaking of him a d
his younger brother, since an influential State Senator,
President Swain said they were excellent specimens of
what plain, pious home-raising on the farm would do
for voting men.
Confederate Veteran
Leonidas Merritt made a hisjh mark as a speaker anil
debater in his literary society. Xo member of his class
could fairly contest the palm in debate with him except
Thomas Newton Crumpler, who also lost his life on one
of the Virginia battle-fields, falling in the front of the
fight, a gallant major of a Xorth Carolina regiment.
Young Merritt became an able lawyer. Upon the
call of President Lincoln for troops, the Legislature
called a convention to take into consideration the rela-
tions of the state to the Federal Government. Merritt
became a candidate as delegate, and was elected over
able and distinguished competitors. With the othei
members he signed the ordinance of secession.
( in his last appearance in the convention he took his
seat in Confederate uniform, with his arm in a sling
from a wound bj a Minie bail. Me was then very near
the end of his noble career. When the convention ad-
journed he immediately rejoined his command, [“he
battles ari mud Richmond quickly followed, and in the
dreadful charge of Magruder at Malvern Ilill he was
pierced by a fatal bullet.
( lovernor Vance said aboul what the State did:
” By the general industry and thrift of our people,
and by the use of a Dumber of blockade-running
steamers, carrying out cotton and bringing in sup
plies from Europe, 1 had collected and distributed
from time to time, as near as can be gathered from
the records of the Quartermaster’s Department, the
following sidics: Large quantities of machinery
supplies, (id. (Kin pairs of hand cards, 10,000 grain
scythes, 200 barrels bluestone for the wheal grow
ere, shoes and leather for 250,000 pairs. 50,000 blan
keis. graj woolen cloth for al least 250,000 suits of
uniforms, 12,000 overcoats (read.) made), 2,000 best
Enfield rifles (with K’d rounds of fixed ammunition),
111(1.(1011 pounds of baron. 500 sacks of coffee for lies
pital use. $50,000 worth of medicines al gold juices,
large quantities of lubricating oils, besides minor
supplies of various kinds for the charitable institu-
tions of the State. Not only was the supply of
shoes, blankets, and clothing more than sufficient tor
the supply of the North Carolina troops, but large
quantities were turned over to the Confederate Gov
eminent for the troops of other States. In the win
lie succeeding the battle of < Jhickamauga, I sent to
Gen. I.ongsi reel’s corps l 1,000 suits of clothing com-
plete. Ai the surrender of Gen. Johnston the State
had on hand, ready made and in cloth. 92,000 suits
of uniform, with ureal stores of blankets, leather,
etc. To make good Ihe warrants on which these
purchases had been made abroad, the Stale pur-
chased and had on hand, in Irnsi for the holders.
11,000 bales of cotton and 100,000 barrels of rosin.
The cotton was partly destroyed before the war
closed; the remainder, amounting to several thou-
sand bales, was captured, after peace was declared,
bj certain officers of the Federal army.
“In addition to these supplies brought in from
abroad, immense quantities of bacon, beef, flour, and
corn were furnished from our own fields. … I
was told by Gen. Joseph E. Johnston that when his
arni\ was surrendered he had in Ihe depots in North
Carolina, gathered in the State, five months’ sup
plies for (id. (100, and that for many, many months
previous Gen. Lee’s army had been almost entirely
fed from North Carolina.”
M. V. Moore, Auburn. Ala., reports these ens
ments in North Carolina by his regiment, the Sixth
Xorth Carolina Cavalry, not in the list published last
month: Heath’s Mills, near Kinston. 1S04: storming
and capture of Fort Croatan, near New Berne, May,
(864; capture of gunboat “Albemarle/’ near Plymouth.
This regiment also had numerous engagements in the
Roanoke region. Foster’s Mills, Spring (mm Chi
Deep Gully, and elsewhere on coast-line of Nortl
hi’. 1 during the winter and spring of 1S04 05
Capt. M \ Mi ore. 1 f the North Carolina Cavalry,
is a natn 1 I < nn< sseean, but has lived in \ irg
Xorth Carolina, Texas, and Alabama, He partici-
tg tlie first compam for the 1 !onfed
west of the Blue Ridge. He “jined the cavalry,”
ever, and served much on staff duty. He served u
more than a do/en ( ionfedi r; and in nearh
the states where there « ere armies, lit was with
“Jeb” Smart in his famous ride around McCIellan’s
army, and wrote a For the \ irginia !
Society and also for Col. McClure’s Phi
v Capt. Moore reports having had a p]
rsation with Vice- Pn sid :nt He idricks in Y>
ington in 1885, nisl before the death of thai d
guished friend of the South, and said Mr. Hendricks
had givi ‘i ih ■ subji
of Independence much careful study, and that h(
convinced of the entire trustworthiness of the clain
the Carolina people to the genuineness of the e\ cut.
MJ ore now lives al Auburn, Ala . where he is
ed in lib ran and agi cultural work 1 lis wi
the i’ ell known humorous writer. “Betsy Hamilton,”
whose father, Col William B, McClellan, a graduate of
Wesl Point, was an officer in the G mfederate arm v.
Confederate Veteran
Mrs. R. S. Harris, Secretary Ladies’ Memorial Asso-
ciation, Concord, Cabarrus County, N. C:
All visitors to Concord, N. C. are attracted by the
handsome marble shaft in the Court-House Square,
standing in solitary contrast to the busy life around its
base. The memory of the Confederate soldier is thus
perpetually kept in remembrance and his brave service
proclaimed with silent eloquence. The Ladies Memo-
rial Association of Concord, aided by Mr. Jesse Willi-
ford, an old soldier, and by other patriotic citizens, in-
augurated the monument movement in 1891. In
April, 1892, it was placed in position, and on May 5,
1892, it was unveiled in the presence of an enthusiastic
assemblage from Cabarrus and the adjoining counties.
The shaft, built of eight pieces, rises sixteen and one-
half feet above the level of the ground. It weighs
twenty-five thousand pounds, and cost $900.
The inscription is as follows:
In Memoriam.
This Monument Is Erected to
the Memory of the Confederate Dead
of Cabarrus County, N. C.
With granite and marble and branch of the cypress
The emblem of peace shall thy slumbers enshrine.
Then take this memento; ’tis all we can offer.
O graves of our comrades, this tribute is thine!
Crowds of people attended the unveiling, eager to
see the monument and join in honoring the memory of
their neighbors, friends, and relatives who are of the
Confederate dead. Maj. W. M. Robbins, the speaker
of the day, was escorted to the square by a procession
of citizens and veterans, led by the Concord Black
Boys’ Drum Corps. In the procession the thirteen
Confederate States were represented by thirteen little
girls costumed in Confederate colors. The portico of
the court-house was used for a platform. A choir led
in singing the national hymn, “America,” and Dr. C.
M. Payne made the opening prayer. Maj. Robbii’.s
was introduced by Rev. H. W. Bays. The
was unveiled by four little girls, Emily Gibson, Bessie
Campbell, Clara Harris, and Lizzie Willeford. At the
close of the fine address the enthusiasm of the vast
crowd rang out in the stirring chorus of the “Old
North State”
In a tribute to the South Senator Ransom said:
You remember when the Northern people were all
praying for Gen. Grant to exchange prisoners — “for
God’s sake exchange them,” they said. Lincoln wrote
Grant and asked him to do so. and Grant replied: “I
can not exchange prisoners with the South. If I let
them have their prisoners back, they will fight on for-
ever. The only way to stop the war is to catch and
keep them confined.” That’s the undisputed estimate
of your valor and courage. You did it, my brother
countrymen, may God bless you! When the sun was
setting on Grant forever and when his light was going
out he declared his admiration for the Southern people,
and recorded it in words that will live forever.
The following account of the woman who enlisted
and served with her husband in the command of Col.
Z. B. Vance is taken from a letter of D. T. Carraway,
of New Berne, N. C, to the Journal, of that town. The
circumstances were patriotic as well as romantic:
Volunteering was rife throughout the state, and the
mountains were ablaze with enthusiasm. A couple,
not long married, lived by themselves in some moun-
tain cove near Grandfather Mountain. The husband
went to town one day, and found that everybody was
going off to war. He took the martial spirit, and en-
listed at once. On going home to prepare for his de-
parture to the tented field a difficulty presented itself
when he informed his wife of his belligerent intention.
“What is to become of me?” said the woman.
“Stay here and do the best you can,” was the reply.
“But I won’t stay here by myself while you are
gone,” she replied. “If you go to the war, I will too.”
Then the plan was made between them that she
should cut her hair short, put on a suit of her husband’s
clothes, and go with him to the recruiting-station and
enlist under an assumed name. Her name in camp
was Joe, but what else I never heard. In the regiment
Joe and the husband were looked upon as a couple of
mountain boys, well acquainted, and fond of each other.
On the 15th of April, 1862, a number of twelve-
month volunteers had completed their term of service,
and some wanted to go home and some were ready to
enlist for the war; hence there was a kind of reorganiza-
tion of some of the regiments going on. By some
means the husband had to undergo a medical examina-
tion, and was found to be physically unfit for military
service, and was discharged. Here was a dilemma:
Joe in the army, and the husband out. What would he
do at home by himself and his wife off to the war?
Something must be done, and there appeared but one
thing to do, and that was to confess the deception and
obtain her discharge, which would necessarily follow.
Accordingly, the next morning she went to the colo-
nel’s quarters, and that colonel was Z. B. Vance, of
blessed memory. “Colonel, I want to go home,” said
Joe, after the customary salutation.
“Well, Joe,” said the Colonel, “I suppose a good
many of us would like to go home, but just now we are
needed somewhere else.”
“But, Colonel, I ain’t a man.”
“No; but you soon will be, and doubtless a brave one.
“No, sir, I won’t,” Joe rejoined; “I’m a woman.”
“The d 1 you say!” said Col. Vance, surprised
and amused at the complete defeat of his proposition.
“Here, Doctor!” he called to the surgeon of the regi-
ment, “here is a case for you.”
So Joe was honorably discharged.
Toe had a good reputation for soldierly conduct, and
was thought to be a little the best cook in the regiment.
A certain officer of Company C, Ninth Virginia
Cavalry, was noted for his neatness, and consequently
was often teased by the boys. In the fall of 1863 he
passed through the camp of Gen. Barringer’s North
Carolina Brigade, when he sat as straight as an arrow,
and with great dignity rode along amid such bantering
as, “Good-morning, General! ” “Come out of that hat!”
and “Where did you get those boots?” etc. On arri-
ving near the general’s tent, he was stopped by the “tar-
heel” guard, who observed to him with great sympathy:
“Don^t mind them boys, mister; they are always hol-
lerin’ at some fool.”
Confederate Veteran
Following are extracts from an address made by
Maj. H. A. London at Wilmington, N. C, May 10,
1887, by request of the Ladies’ Memorial Association:
“While as Southerners we are justly proud of all
Confederate soldiers, yet, as citizens of this state, we
have a peculiar pride in the soldiers of North Carolina.
No state in the Southern Confederacy did its duty more
faithfully than North Carolina, and no soldiers in the
Confederate army fought more bravely or suffered
more heavily than did the troops from the ‘old North
state.’ Without wishing to draw invidious compari-
sons or detract in any way from the glory so fairly won
by all Confederate soldiers, yet upon this occasion I
must be pardoned for briefly calling especial attention
to some of the exploits of North Carolina’s soldiers.
“At the beginning of the war the white population
of North Carolina was only 629,942, and yet she fur-
nished to the Confederate army 125,000 soldiers. In
other words, one-fifth of North Carolina’s entire white
population was in the Southern armies. The total
number of soldiers in the Confederate army was about
600,000, so that North Carolina furnished one-fifth of
all the troops that constituted the Confederate army.
“North Carolina’s troops consisted of sixty-six reg-
iments of infantry, seven of cavalry, three of artillery,
and six battalions of infantry, seven of cavalry, and four
of artillery. While we refer with pride to the large
number of troops furnished by our state, we recall with
still greater pride their unsurpassed valor and heroism.
Always placed at the post of greatest danger — in the
front in every assault and protecting the rear in every
retreat — the soldiers of North Carolina on every battle-
field immortalized themselves and their state. In the
first battle of the war- — at Big Bethel, on the iotb of
June, 1861 — North Carolina troops, under D. H. Hill,
gallantly repulsed the Federal troops, under ‘ Beast
Butler; and on the 9th of April, 1865, North Carolina
troops, under the gallant Grimes, were the foremost in
the last charge, and fired the last volley at Appomattox.
In every battle fought and every victory won by tin’
glorious old Army of Northern Virginia North Caro-
lina soldiers were the heaviest sufferers. In the seven
days’ battles around Richmond, in the summer of 1862.
there were ninety-two Confederate regiments, and
forty-six of them were from North Carolina, and more
than half of the killed and wounded were our brave
North Carolinians. At Chancellorsville, in May, 1863,
there were ten North Carolina brigades, and of all the
Confederates there killed or wounded one-half were
from North Carolina. On the fatal field of Gettys-
burg North Carolina had thirty-eight regiments and
two battlions, and rhe dead Confederates found far-
thest in the Federal lines were North Carolinians. At
Reams Station, in August, 1864. after the first efforts
of the Confederates to dislodge the enemy had failed,
the three North Carolina brigades of Cooke, MacRae,
and I. ano. consisting of only seventeen hundred and
fifty men. were ordered to the charge; and so success-
fid were they that they not only routed the enemy, hut
captured twenty one hundred prisoners. At Spottsyl-
vania. in May, 1864, Ramseur’s Brigade immortalized
itself by a charge, for which Gen. Lee in person
thanked them, tolling them that they deserved the
thanks of the country; they had -avid hi- army.
“During the whole war no body of troops suffered
more heavily than did the Fifth North Carolina Regi-
ment at Williamsburg, the Fourth Regiment at Seven
Pines, the Third Regiment at Sharpsburg, the Twenty-
Sixth at Gettysburg, and the Twenty-Seventh at Bris-
toe Station. At Williamsburg, on the 5th of May,
1862, the Fifth North Carolina “Regiment lost, in killed,
wounded, and missing, 197 out of 240. At Seven
Pines, on the 31st of May, 18(12. the Fourth Regiment,
commanded by the bravest of the brave, Bryan Grimes,
went into battle with 25 officers and 520 non-commis-
sioned officers and privates; and of that number, e\ 1 j
officer, except one, and 462 men were either killed or
wounded. At Sharpsburg, on the 17th of September,
1862, the Third Regiment went in with 520, and lost
330, mostly in the short space of an hour. Out of its
27 “fficers, 24 were killed or wounded, among the lat-
ter being its gallant commander. Col. W. L. De R”–. t.
In the first day’s tight at Gettysburg the Twenty-Sixth
Regiment lost 549 men out of 800, including its youth-
ful colonel, the gallant Harry K. Burgwyn. In tins
regiment were two companies from Chatham County,
which went into that battle with 149 men. and lost 138.
We doubt if there was such a loss in any other compa-
ny in any battle of the war. At Bristoe Station, on the
13th of October. 1863. the two North Carolina bri-
gades of Cooke and Kirkland made one of the bloodiest
charges of the whole war. one regiment alone, the
Twenty-Seventh, in less than half an hour losing 291
out of 426. I could mention numerous other instances
of the heavy losses suffered by North Carolina troops,
but enough have been cited to prove that there were
charges made by North Carolina troops during the civ-
il war as gallant, as daring, as bloody, and as self-sacri-
ficing as the world-renowned chaige of the immortal
Six Hundred at Balaklava.”
Mis- KATE II. BROAD] FAY1 11 I Yll-I.l . N. <- .
Confederate Veteran
J. C. Goolsby, Richmond. Va.:
In a walk through our beautiful Hollywood on last
Sunday afternoon, after passing the monument to the
Confederate soldiers, and gazing with proud admira-
tion upon that everlasting memorial erected to our
dead heroes, my mind reverted to scenes of long ago,
and I moved, as if unconsciously, toward the grave of
that noble young officer. Col. William Johnson Pe-
gram, the idol of the battalion which he commanded
with such distinguished ability, as well as the knightly
Christian gentleman that he was. In the short life of
Willie l’egram we see much that our young people
might emulate. He possessed only those elements of
character that are ennobling, and his every act demon-
strated his patriotic devotion to the cause which he es-
poused, giving his life as he did in its defense. . It is a
fitting tribute of the association that bears his name
that they should have beautified the chapel of the Sol-
diers” Home with a memorial window to this gallant
artilleryman, and that Lee Camp Xo. I, Confederate
\ eterans, recognizing his exceeding great worth,
should have adorned this picture-gallery with the por-
trait of this noble young officer.
The stranger who visits this beautiful city of the
dead, as he approaches the .Monroe monument, will
observe to the left two marble shafts — one erected to
the memory of Gen. John Pegram, killed at Hatcher’s
Run. January, 1865: and one to Col. William Johnson
Pegram, killed at Five Forks, April 1. 1865.
The latter was a student at the LJniversity of Vir-
ginia at the commencement of the war. He promptly
returned to Richmond, and enlisted as a member of
Company F, of Richmond, commanded by R. Mil-
tun Cary (afterward colonel of the Thirtieth Virginia),
at that time possibly the best-drilled company in
the South. Capt. Cary was subsequently transferred
to the artillery, where he was destined to win the plau-
dits of the whole army. Here it was that the writer, a
private in the Crenshaw Battery, learned to know and
admire him. At Mechanicsville, on the 27th of June,
T862, Pegram, by the skilful handling of his guns, con-
tributed much to the defeat of McClellan. His subse-
quent promotion to the majorship and the formation
of the battalion which bore his name — composed of the
Purcell, Crenshaw, Braxton, Letcher, and Pee Dee
Batteries — gave to this young artillervman a wider
field of usefulness, as was evidenced by the masterly
handling of his battalion in the campaign against Pope,
especially after crossing the Rapidan and at Cedar
Run, where he fought his guns until late in the night.
The campaign of 1862 was one of long marching
and hard fighting, embracing the Seven Days’ Battle,
the battles of Cedar Run, Bristoe Station, Second
Manassas. CJiantilly, Harper’s Ferry, Sharpsburg,
Mine Run; and Fredericksburg — upon all of which
fields the ability Pegram displayed won for him the
commendation of the commanding general; and nota-
bly was this the case at Sharpsburg, where he arrived
after a forced march from Harper’s Ferrv, and. with
that quick perception so often manifested upon other
fields, seized at once a position which enabled him to
render invaluable service to our almost overpowered
forces, contending as they were with the whole Army
of the Potomac, commanded then by McClellan.
The winter of 1862-63 was spent by Pegram, with
his battalion, near Howling Green, Caroline County,
excepting a period that his command was doing out-
post duty on the Rappahannock.
When the Army of the Potomac, under the com-
mand of Hooker, moved out of quarters and resumed
operations in the spring of 1863 the Army of Northern
Virginia was prompt to meet them, and the Pegram
Battalion was soon on the road, marching toward Chan-
cellorsville, the scene of another encounter. That bat-
tle was fought on the evening of May I, 1863. Pe-
gram’s command was moved by the old Furnace road,
and came upon the enemy, who were engaging the
command of Rodes, near the Chancellor House. Pass-
ing rapidly on and by the Chancellor House, under a
heavy fire of the enemy, Pegram turned into an open
space and unlimbered his guns. The night was spent
on outpost duty. It was near here and at this time
that Jackson was fatally wounded. The next morn-
ing (Sunday) the battalion engaged the artillery of the
enemy, and, after a fierce conflict, drove them from
their guns.
Pegram’s Battalion, after this battle, moved to the
hills overlooking the Rappahannock, and remained
there until June, when it started up the valley, forming
a part of the Third Army Corps, commanded by A. P.
Hill, and crossed the Potomac and into Pennsylvania
to Gettysburg, where he opened the fight on the first
day, as, with cannoneers mounted, they rode down the
pike at a gallop, pouring a destructive fire into the
ranks of the enemy. They were supported by Hetli
and Archer. The second and third day of the battle
this battalion was on the ridge in front of Little Round
Top, where they were exposed to an almost continuous
fire of the enemv.
Confederate Veteran
The conduct of Pegram on the backward movement
from Gettysburg – was of a character to inspire his men
with a patriot’s devotion, always cheerful and ready
for duty. All the way to Hagerstown, and even to
the crossing at Falling Waters and into Virginia, the
soldierly qualities and modesty of this young com-
mander were conspicuous, though he was not yet
twenty years old.
In the winter of 1863-64 the Pegram Battalion was
in winter quarters (tents) near the border of the coun-
ties of Orange and Louisa, in the Green Springs re
gion, where every preparation was made for the com-
ing campaign, which was looked forward to with much
anxiet\ .
Gen. < irant having assumed the immediate command
of the Army of the Potomac, which was thoroughly
equipped, struck tents, and early in May crossed the
kapidan at Germama and Ely’s Fords, moving to-
ward the Wilderness, Warren in advance. 1 ien I e
apprised of his move, broke camp promptly, and start
ed to meet him. Pegram, now a full colonel of artil-
lery, moved out to meel the infantry, marching to
Spottsylvania, and soon In, guns were heard — from the
Wilderness down to the James and across the Appo
matt’ >\.
This was unquestionably the most active campaign
of the war, and his battalii m was destined to have much
work to do. ;h it was constantl) on the move to repel
the attacks made in efforts to cut our Southern connec-
tions. Conspicuous among She conflicts fough’1 during
this campaign were the Crater, Davis House, Belfield,
Reams Statin n, Burgess Mill, and Hatcher’s Run.
The winter of 1864 65 was spent in winter quarters
near Burgess Mill, on the extreme right of the line,
barring the frequenl marches to meet 1. ram’s troops
On March 25 our batter) (the Crenshaw), the compa-
nies of the battalion having become separated, moved
out of quarters and started toward Petersburg, somi
ten or twelve miles distant. Arriving within four or
five miles of that city, we were hurried to an engage
ment, in which we lost three men. We were SO
the road again, anil, passing Burgess Mill, leaving
Hatcher’s Run to our left, we soon passed the infantry
and came up with the cavalry, who were then engaging
Sheridan’s troops. After crossing the Squirrel Level
Creek, driving the enemj before us, we were halted to
await the closing up of our troops. At night we were
ordered to fall back, and earl) next morning we wen
put in position near the Forks. It was here that Willie
Pegram, who had been directing the tire of the Cren-
shaw Battery, received his mortal wound.
The position occupied by the batter) was on the edge
of an opening, which was in turn skirted by a thick-
growth of pines. The morning had passed and the
evening shadows were lengthening, when suddenly in
our front burst forth in all their wild Pun the cavalry of
Sheridan, the field itself becoming a living m;i- i
mounted men. This onslaught was not unexp
for the guns had been double-shotted with canister,
and, in addition, at the mouth of each piece, which
were now some thirty yards or more apart, were piles
of ammunition. read\ for such an emergency. Mount-
ed on his favorite horse, forgetful of self, moving up
and down the thin lines, which were then almost sur-
rounded, no one seeing him failed to admire the sol-
dierly bearing of the gallant young Pegram. Just be-
fore he received his fatal wound it was suggested that
he dismount to protect himself from the murderous
fire. He replied that duty required he should be
mounted; and. amidst the roar of artillery and the
crash of small arms, oblivious to all danger, with his
face to the enemy, he met a soldier’s death.
There was a certain magnetism about Willie Pe-
gram that impressed all who came into his presence
with his truly noble character. Never excited, pos-
sessing at all times that perfect equipoise so much to be
prized in a o immander, he em’b. >died all the qualities 1 A
a soldier. While a strict disciplinarian, hi’ was
kind anil thoughtful of his men. It is especiall) sad
that, after passing victoriousl) through so many con
diets, he should have fallen in the last severe battle if
the war. Of the man) noble souls that yielded up
their lives in defense of their state and section, none
have .1 more enduring place in the hearts of his sur-
vivors than that typical, brave soldier anil I k>d fearing
man. William Johnson Pegram.
Richmond. \ a., January, [898
The R. E. 1 ee I amp of Richmond has recently
added to the tine portraits which ornament its walls a
portail of George \\ . Randolph, who was the first
commander of the Richmond 1 lowitzers, and .afterward
1 immanded the First Virginia Artillery. The hall
well tilled. The presentation «as made by Mr. 1
Rolinson, of Washington, D. C. and was accepted in
a happ) address b\ Maj. Henry C. Tarter, (.’apt.
Frank Cunningham sang a solo. The portrait was a
gift from the Howitzer Association.
Col. V. Y. Cook, Elmo, Ark., reports thai at the en-
campment at Little l<< ck, 1 -i the [2th inst., John J.
1 lornor. .if I lelena. was elected Major-* icncral to com-
mand the Arkansas Division for the next twelve
mouths; Rufus J. Polk, of Little Rock, Brigadier-
eral commanding First Brigade; Brig.-Gen. W. F.
Slemmons, Monticello, to command the Second Bri-
gade; Brig. ( .en. W. S. Han 1 Morrill ton, to com-
mand the Third Brigade; Brig.-Gen. Joseph V Re \
..f Camden, to command the Fourth Brigade.
1 lornor appointed Col. I. C. Barlow, Of I lelena. as his
Adjutant-General and Phi., ol Staff. Col. Cook re-
ports .i glori -us meeting, one at which the Reb
w as several times beat d.
iel veil
R. C. Core, .f Gurdon, Ark., reports several an-
swers to his inquiry in a recent number of the \ E’l
eran. Capt. McCowan is requested by him to write
a short sketch of the Ninth Mississippi Regimenl
J, R. Youree. Prairie I trove, Ark.: “Comrade X
C. Underwood will answer no more the roll-call until
the grand reveille is sounded. He divd’ak Boonsboro,
Ark., lannarv 27, 1898. Enlisting in the Confederate
army in the fall of 1S01. he first served as quartermas-
ter, then as a member of (‘apt. Snow’s company, First
Tenness 1 I avalry. He was twice a prisoner, and
•online. 1 for nine months at I ‘amp Morton. I b
exchanged in the spring of [865, but was so nearl\ ex-
hausted by his prison fare that he only reached a
Louisville’ hospital. He suffered much from a shell
wound in the head.”
Confederate Veteran
Dr. J. P. Cannon. McKenzie, Tenn.: “If the Con-
federate officer who was arrested on the train between
Chattanooga and Atlanta about the ist of December,
1862, is living, I would be glad for him to write to me.
I can not recall his name, but he was a major on some
general’s staff (I think Gen. Buckner’s), and attempted
to get me through on ‘his passport. Both of us were
arrested and brought back to Chattanooga.”
Mrs. E. H. Nidermaid, Abingdon, Va., is the widow
of a Mexican soldier, and wishes to procure the name
of the colonel, captain, or sergeant of Troop C, United
States Mounted Rifles, who served in Mexico in 1846,
or of Troop F, same regiment, who was in that war in
1847. Any one who can give this information will
confer a favor by writing Mrs. Nidermaid promptly.
T. R. Lackie, 467 Vinewood Avenue, Detroit, Mich.,
wishes to learn if the Eighth Alabama Regiment was in
action at Laurel Hill, Va., on the evening of May 8,
1864, and if it lost an officer by death or as prisoner.
If so, what was his name?
Mrs. C. E. Wright, Vicksburg, Miss., inquires if the
dead from the battle-field of Sharpsburg were placed m
a cemetery, and if any of Itfhe graves are marked. She
had a brother-in-law in that battle, though she thinks
he died in the hospital. She will appreciate this infor-
mation from any one who can give it.
James L. Goodloe, Memphis, Tenn., desires the ad-
dress of W. H. Allis, who was in Barrack No. 1 at
Rock Island Prison in 1864. Both of these Confeder-
ates were members of the “K. C. 7,” and Mr. Goodloe
desires to write an article about the society. Mr. Allis
and Thomas A. Cocke were the chief officers. The
latter is dead. Mr. Allis lived at Goliad, Tex., for a
while after the war, but is not there at present.
Mrs. M. L. Wakenight, No. 1130 Argyle Street.
Baltimore, Md., desires to learn of the regiment in
which her husband served. He joined at Concord,
Tenn., and she thinks Col. Packston was in command.
Her husband was a musician, and was not long in the
army, having lost the use of one leg from rheumatism.
He was afterward put in the Confederate Government
stores at Knoxville. Mrs. Wakenight will appreciate
any information.
James R. Coleman, Riverside, Ala., inquires for a
boy who came to Company F, Tenth Alabama Regi-
ment, in the ditches at Petersburg in 1864, and re-
mained with the company until the 6th of April, 1865.
He was left with the ambulance, as they thought there
would be a fight. His name can not be’ recalled, but he
was about twelve years old at the time, and Mr. Cole-
man understands that he came out from Appomattox
with the Fourteenth Alabama. He also desires to
know the whereabouts of Willis and William Madden.
When last heard from they were in Louisiana.
J. W. Cook (Company A, Forty-Third Mississippi),
Helena, Ark.: “I would like to know the address of
Comrade ■ Parker, of Regiment, North Caro-
lina Volunteers. He was captured at Nashville, De-
cember, 1864 (I believe), and was incarcerated with me
in Camp Douglas, Barracks 54, but afterward trans-
ferred to Barracks 10. I would like to know if he re-
members befriending a little ragged Mississippian,
whom ‘Uld Mack,’ the prison guard, was about to
‘treat’ to a ‘ride on Morgan’s mule.’ He positively re-
fused to inform on me, kindly preferring to take the
punishment which he knew would follow.”
During Gen. Jackson’s campaign in the Valley of
Virginia, in the early summer of 1862, Gen. Turner
Ashby was placed in command of his cavalry. ” From
that time to the day of his death this chivalrous officer
served as commander of cavalry with untiring zeal and
intelligence.” After the signal defeat of Banks at
Winchester, Gen. Jackson was compelled to fall back”,
pushing on to Harrisonburg, to avoid the flanking col-
umns of the enemy.
“Gen. Ashby, as usual, held the rear, and the divi-
sion of Ewell was next.” Asby’s first serious encoun-
ter was with the boastful Englishman, Sir Percy Wynd-
ham, who intended to capture him at first opportunity,
but was himself captured and his New Jersey Regi-
ment routed a short distance south of Harrisonburg.
It now became necessary to offer strong resistance to
the approaching Federals. Ewell entrusted to Ashby
the First Maryland Regiment, under Col. Bradley
Johnson, and the Fifty-Eighth Virginia, under Col.
Letcher, to be used in protecting the rear of Jackson’s
army. His arrangements were made just in time, for
soon the enemy’s infantry advanced and a fierce com-
bat began. The Fifty-Eighth Regiment being hard
pressed, Ashby, seeing at a glance their disadvantage,
galloped to the front and ordered them to charge the
enemy. At this moment his horse fell; but, extricating
himself from the dying animal, and seeing his men wa-
vering, he waved his sword, and shouted, “Charge,
men! for God’s sake charge!” when a bullet pierced
him full in the breast, and he fell dead.
Thus, on the 6th day of June, 1862, fell, in the very
infancy of his growing fame, one of the most brilliant
and dashing cavalry officers in the Southern army.
Gen. Jackson said of him, in an official report of the
engagement: “An official report is not an appropriate
place for more than a passing notice of the distin-
guished dead, but the close relation which Gen. Ashby
bore to my command for most of the previous twelve
months will justify me in saying that as a partizan offi-
cer I never knew his superior. His daring was pro-
verbial, his powers of endurance almost incredible, his
character heroic, and his sagacity almost intuitive in
divining the purposes and movements of the enemy.”
This company is known as the Turner Ashby Memo-
rial Association. The charter members are representa-
tives of the S. B. Gibbons Camp of Confederate Vet-
erans, the Turner Ashby Chapter of Daughters of the
Confederacy, the Ladies’ Memorial Association, and
the Turner Ashby Camp of Sons of Veterans. The of-
ficers for the first year are: President, Col. D. H. Lee
Martz: Vice-Presidents, Mrs. E. G. Brooke, Mrs. Kate
S. Paul: Secretary, George N. Conrad: Treasurer, Ed
C. Martz. The company has contracted for one and
one-half acres of the land upon which is located the
spot where Ashby fell.
It is desirable to raise $500. The above-named offi-
cers and any of the directors are authorized to receive
subscriptions. Post-office address, Harrisonburg, Va.
Confederate Veteran
On February 3, 1898, there passed away in Kansas
City, Mo., a man whose life has been closely identified
with the business interests of that city from the time
he went there, in 1865.
W. A. M. Vaughan was born on a farm near Spott-
sylvania Court-House,Va., in February, 1829. His par-
ents were of English descent — the father from Mary-
land, the mother from Virginia. In 1835 the family re-
moved to Kentucky, and the father died the same year,
on the eve of their departure for Missouri. The moth-
er was left with four small children, but carried out the
father’s wishes and emigrated to Clay County, Mo.
When seventeen years old William entered a sad-
dler’s shop at Liberty, and, after learning the trade, was
given the management of the shop. In 1850 he ac-
cepted a clerkship in the Sutler’s Department at Fort
Kearney, Kans., and later was placed in charge. A
short time afterward he settled at Tecumseh, near the
site of Topeka, in the midst of the “Kansas war.” He
represented the district two terms in the Legislature,
and in 1858 returned to Missouri and went into the
mercantile business at Cameron. Although taking no
part in the sectional strife between Kansas and Mis-
souri, his sympathies could only be with the South and
her people: and for opinion’s sake he was arrested and
imprisoned by the Second Iowa Infantry, under Col.
(afterward Gen.) Curtis. He escaped, and in Septem-
ber. 1 S01 . joined the Southern army under (leu. Price,
and was assigned to the commissary department.
While holding this usually bomb-proof position he was
in the battle of Elkhorn, or Sugar Creek. He was in
many skirmishes in Missouri. After lie served at
Corinth and Tuka he was sent to Atlanta to secure uni-
forms for the officer^ of the Second Missouri, under
Col. Cause. In the spring of 1863 he was commis-
sioned as captain, serving under Gen. Shelby. With a
detachment of officers from different commands he was
sent to Arkansas and Missouri on recruiting service.
Leaving the army at Big Black Bridge, they crossed
the Mississippi River at Rodney, and after a ride of
thirteen days through swamps’ and canebrakes and
across bayous they reached Little Rock. Ark. After a
brief rest they crossed the Arkansas River and rode one
hundred miles to the camps of Gens. Marmaduke and
Shelby, at Batesville, on White River. The forces
were on the eve of a raid to Cape Girardeau, Mo., Gen.
Shelby commanding a division and Col. G. W. Thomp-
son commanding Shelby’s Brigade. Capt. Vaughan
offered his services to Col. Thompson as aid, and acted
in that capacity the remainder of the season. He was
in the battle of Cape Girardeau and the fights and skir-
mishes following, the battle of Helena and Bayou Me-
ter, in front of Little Rock, and participated iii the de-
fense of that city during its 1 vacuarion by the infantry.
He was also in the battle at Pine Bluff,’ fought under
Gen. Marmaduke, and in Shelby’s raid on the railroad
between Brownsville and Duvall’s Bluff, when a regi-
ment of infantry under Col. Mitchell, of Kansas, was
captured by the Confederates.
W !un the raid made by Hen. Shelby into Missouri
in 1864 was projected sixty officers and men. of whom
Capt. Vaughan was one. were detached to go forward
into various sections of North Missouri to recruit men
for the army, and to report them at such time as possi-
ble when the army should reach the Missouri River.
So completely was the country subjugated, however,
that but few men could be induced to enlist; and, fail-
ing to rejoin Gen. Shelby as he passed into Kansas and
southward, Capt, Vaughan and a few comrades, mostly
from Clay County, swam the Missouri River at Sibley
December 1, and crossed the border counties which
had been devastated under “Order No. II.” The mis-
sion was an important one. fraught with many hard-
ships and privations. An account of this was given by
Capt. Vaughan in the Veteran for April and August,
1897. On the reassembling of the army at Red River,
Tex., Capt. Vaughan, in the reorganization that fol-
lowed, was made adjutant of Col. D. A. Williams’ Reg-
iment of Cavalry, but, the end of hostilities coming soon
after, he returned to Missouri in October, 1865.
Capt. Vaughan engaged in the grain business in
Kansas City, organizing the firm of Vaughan & Co.,
and built the first grain elevator in the Missouri Val-
ley, which proved a successful investment. He was a
charter member of the Kansas City Board of Trade and
one of the organizers of the Merchants’ National Bank,
in which lie was .1 director. A widow and four children
survive him.
John R. Kemp wrote from Clinton, Ky., November
12, 1897: “From a loved one in dear old Middle Ten-
nessee comes the sad story of a noble life gone out,
leaving sorrow and broken hearts behind — Robert
Weakley McLemore, the loving husband, indulgent fa-
ther, chivalric Southern gentleman, and Christian. His
long life was useful. I knew and loved him. Imagine
niv sorrow and bitter anguish at the message from bis
dying lips: ‘I would be SO glad to see my soldier boy
once more before 1 am called home.’ Oh, how the
heart-strings quiver and the eyes grow dim with tears!
Confederate Veteran
I think of the dear old home at ‘ Everbright,’ with
father, mother, sisters, and brothers — not a link bro-
ken — with no cares upon them except their suffer-
ing Southland. It became the home of wounded Con-
federate soldiers, and there the writer was nursed back
to life. ‘A Confederate soldier’ was the password
which threw wide open his doors and brought loving
hearts and unwearied attention. Nothing was too
good for them; and “Johnny Reb,’ his Kentucky sol-
dier boy (now gray-headed, still suffering with pain
from that time), is yet trying to so live as to meet him
who has gone before. I never knew a better man, a
truer son of the South — generous to a fault. . . .
Farewell to thee, much-beloved and truest of friends!
May the sod of beautiful Rose Hill rest lightly above
thy noble form, and at last may there be a happy reun-
ion of all you loved here in the paradise of God! ”
The people of Collin County, Tex., have sustained a
serious loss in the death of Capt. R. W. Carpenter, of
Piano. He was a gallant and true Confederate soldier,
and since the war has bravely performed the duties of
life as husband and father and citizen.
Comrade Carpenter was ready for duty at the first
note of alarm, and, enlisting at McKinnev. Tex., he was
elected captain of Company I, Martin’s Regiment,
Texas Partizan Rangers. From that time till the army-
was disbanded he retained his position, and was always
at his post of duty. A remark made by one of his men
on the day of his death exemplifies his character: “1
have known Capt. Carpenter forty years, and have
never known of a single act inconsistent with his Chris-
tian profession.” It was his wish, often expressed, that
when he should be laid to rest the Confederate flag,
which he fought to defend for four years and loved to
his last breath, should be wrapped around him, and this
was done. The camp at Piano passed resolutions in
his honor.
.Mr. Richard Evan Jones died January 12, 1897, in
Birmingham, Ala., in the sixtieth year of his age. He
was a native of Caernawon, Wales, and emigrated to
this country when a youth to join two brothers who
had preceded ‘him. He lived in various states, but had
settled in Mobile, Ala.; and, although still a British
subject, he enlisted in the Confederate army with as
mud: ardor as if native-born. He was a member of
the Gulf City Guards, which company participated in
the capture of a hostile Yankee ship which had enter6d
Mobile Bay. For daring in this exploit he was paid a
prize. The Gulf City Guards disbanding, he joined
Company B, Alabama State Artillery, under Capt.
Gage. In March, 1862, his battery was sent to Cor-
inth, Miss. He was solicited to engage on the Mobile
Register, in place of serving in the army. Although
married to Miss A. A. T. Smith, of Montgomery, he
refused to abandon the field; and, to make doubly sure,
he cast off his allegiance to Great Britain and became a
citizen of the Confederate States. His young wife he-
roically encouraged him in his patriotic endeavor.
He was severely wounded in the first day’s fight at
Shiloh, being maimed for life. Though never able to
rejoin the army, he did all he could for the cause.
Ten years ago Mr. Jones started a printing-office, in
which two of his sons published the Alabama Soldier.
He was one of ‘the chief organizers of Camp Hardee,
and its Secretary for four years. He was its Com-
mander during the reunion in Birmingham, and ac-
quitted himself with distinction. He was also Colonel
on Gen. S. D. Lee’s staff. “His faith in God was firm,
his kindness and charity limitless, his reverence for the
memory of his fallen Confederate comrades and his de-
votion to the interests of survivors unceasing.”
Camp Hardee escorted his remains to the cars en
route to Mobile for burial, and the camp passed resolu-
tions in his honor. He was a prominent Odd-Fellow,
and P. G. M. of ‘that order and P. C. P. of the encamp-
ment. For six years he edited the Southern Odd Fel-
low, which he conducted with great ability.
The heroic Robert W. Bagby was color-bearer of the
Third Georgia Regiment of Infantry. He died at his
plantation home, near Covington, Ga., March 28, 1898,
after a lingering illness. The battle-flag of his regiment
was furled at Appomattox and brought to Georgia by
its last colonel, Judge Claiborne Snead, of Augusta.
At each reunion of the regiment Bob had always car-
ried the tattered remnant of the old flag which he had
so often waved aloft in battle. His dying requests were
that several distant comrades should attend his funeral
and that he would like to have his old flag laid on his
casket during the funeral obsequies. It was impracti-
cable to get the flag in time, but distant comrades re-
sponded. He had also expressed a desire that Rev. R.
J. Bigham, who was reared at his old home, Covington,
but lately connected with the M. E. Publishing House,
Nashville, should assist in officiating at his funeral. In
response to a telegram Mr. Bigham came, and with elo-
quent tongue portrayed the many virtues of our de-
ceased comrade — a sermon, in fact, that went deep
Confederate Veteran
down into the hearts of the many veterans present,
such as we could expect only from a chaplain who had
heard bullets whiz; but he was a “war boy,” and that
expresses it. Perhaps the proudest hour of Bob’s ca-
reer was at the Houston reunion, in 1895, when Miss
Winnie Davis called for the Third Georgia Hag to be
brought forward to the stage. Many of your readers
w’ho were there will recall the commanding ligure and
blushing cheeks of brave, one-armed (he lost an arm at
Deep Bottom, Va., in 1864) Ensign Bagby as he
worked ‘his way to the platform and received the greet-
ing of “our daughter” when she placed his flag beside
the old Mexican war colors of her father’s regiment.
Sandy Elkins, Woodbury, Tenn.: “In the year 1864
I was living with my aged father within four miles of
Woodbury on the old stage road between there and
McMinnville. One day Forrest’s Cavalry came up the
road, and were surrounded by Federals on all sides. A
short but desperate battle was fought, ami Forrest’s
men were at last obliged to retreat. \ Texas Ranger
was brought into our house with his leg shot off by a
cannon-ball. The surgeon dressed his wound as quick-
ly as possible, and then left him. One by one, his com-
rades rode up to the door and bade him farewell, say-
ing: ‘Good-by, D.’ His name was John D. Ruglev.
He died in a few hours, and was buried in one of the
grand old hills of Cannon County. He was never con-
scious of anything after beiiiL; shot. That brave Ran-
ger’s grave is marked by a tall rock that I put over him,
and bears the inscription: ‘John D. Ruglev. a Texas
Ranger.” I was only lift, en years old at this time.”
Col. E. I. Anderson died at his home in Bowling
Green, Va., January 1, 1898. He was a gallant Con-
federate, and rose, step by step, from lieutenant to colo-
nel. The following letter was written by him to Col.
John C. Shields, in 1863: “I have the honor to report
that with a small force Lieut. Graves and I succeeded
in capturing, near Raccoon Ford, on last Wednesday,
thirty-one of the enemy’s cavalry, with horses and
equipments, killing four and wounding one. They be-
longed to the United States regular army, with the ex-
ception of some twelve or fifteen, who belonged to a
Pennsylvania regiment. The force with which these
men were taken consisted of Lieut. Graves, myself, and
seven men. It also gives me pleasure to report that I
had none hurt.” Comrade Anderson was captain and
engineer officer of the Eighth Congressional District,
Because of the remarkable achievements of Comrade
W. N. Tate, request was made for reminiscences, and in
April, 1S97, he wrote briefly what i^ now properly an
obituary. Entering the Seventh Tennessee Infantry in
May. 1861, his regimen: was organized at Camp Trous-
dale, where it remained until July 15, when it was or-
dered to K111 1- ‘ itiia. He was
detailed to care for the sick of his company (11). and re-
joined his regiment the day before it was ordered to
Cheat Mountain, Va. He was wounded at Seven
Pines and again in the battle of the Wilderness. In a
battle at Harper’s Ferry, in which his brigade fought,
there were present of his company but two others be-
sides himself. Then at Shepherdstown tin 10 was but
one other besides himself. After this Gen. Lee sent for
the names of soldiers who had acted with special gal-
lantry, and Comrade Tate’s name was sent by Col.
Thomas, of Gen. Archer’s staff, and on August 30,
1862, he was commissioned second lieutenant. Soon
after that Capt. W. H. Williamson was promoted to
major of the regiment and Comrade Tate to first lieu-
tenant. In September. 1862, lie was promoted to cap-
tain, and commanded the company until the close of
the war without being absent a single d.i\ .
At Gettysburg Capt. Tate was so stunned by the first
cannon-shot from the enemy that his comrades left him
for dead, but he rallied and rejoined his command later
that day. On the retreat from ( iettysburg his regiment
was charged by a company of Federal cavalry, all of
whom were killed or captured. In the battle on the Pe-
Confederate Veteran
tersburg and Weldon railroad Capt. Tate had charge of
the brigade skirmish-line, when ordered to drive in the
Federal pickets. This was successfully done.
Capt. Tate’s regiment, it is understood, was in thirty-
seven battles and skirmishes, and he was in ail but two.
The value of the Veteran as a medium for informa-
tion is greater perhaps than has ever been any publica-
tion. Some one was complimentary enough to say:
“You can do anything through the Veteran.” It is
of so much importance in this respect that the responsi-
bility engendered induces boldness in the discharge of
duty. There is hardly ever an inquiry that does not
bring answer in quick time, and generally from sources
unexpected. In the April number Mr. J. M. Hudson,
of Nashville, published a brief inquiry about his broth-
er, who was supposed to bave been killed in the battle
of Murfreesboro. Soon a letter was received from D.
B. Estes, of Russellville, Ky., in which he states:
“Andrew Hudson was killed in the fatal charge of
Breckinridge’s Division on the left wing of Rosecrans’
army, where nearly two thousand men were lost in less
than an hour. While in this charge young Hudson
was struck in the head by a Minie ball, and fell forward
without uttering a word. I jumped over his body, as
we were on a double-quick at the time. I have thought
of this sad event a thousand times. He was a good sol-
dier, always ready for duty without ever a word of com-
plaint. He was a reticent, well-behaved, moral young
man. I was severely wounded a few minutes after An-
drew fell, and was left in Murfreesboro when our army
retreated. Some of the company told me they went
over the field and found Hudson’s body, and they think
he was buried in the old field near where he fell. I may
get more definite information as to his burial-place.”
William Harrison Martin was born in Twiggs Coun-
ty, Ga., September 2. 1822; removed to Troy, Ala., read
Jaw, and was admitted to the bar; removed to Texas in
1850, and was elected to the Texas State Senate in 1853
and again in 1855. In 1861 he raised a company of in-
fantry (Company K, Fourth Texas), of which he was
elected captain. This regiment was ordered to Vir-
ginia, and became a part of Hood’s Texas Brigade, A.
N. V. On reorganization, Capt. Martin was elected
major of the Fourth Texas. He fought through the
war, and with only one hundred and forty-four of this
brave regiment was paroled at Appomattox. Only
seven of his company of one hundred who left Texas
with him returned in 1865. The others sleep beneath
the blood-stained battle-fields wbere fought the great
Army of Northern Virginia.
Maj. Martin was made District Attorney in 1872,
and in 1886 was elected to represent his district in the
Fifty-First Congress, and was reelected in 1888. In
1894 he made his home in Hill County, Tex., where, at
his estate, “Eufaula,” a few miles east of Hillsboro, he
answered the bugle-call and joined the great majority,
on February 5, 1898. His remains were interred at
Hillsboro on the following day by the Hill County
Camp of Confederate Veterans, of which he was an
honored member.
Dr. Livingston Lindsey, Commander of Lloyd
Tilghman Camp No. 965, U. C. V., died January 3,
1898. Dr. Lindsey was born in Christian County, Ky.,
and moved with his father to Cadiz, Ky., when a boy,
where he was reared and educated. In 1852 he settled
in Clarksville, Tenn., and practised medicine. In Oc-
tober, 1 86 1, he enlisted as a private in Company F,
Fortv-Ninth Tennessee Regiment; was appointed as-
sistant surgeon December 37, 1861, and was captured
at Fort Donelson in 1862. He was promoted to sur-
geon August 27, 1862, and served with McDonald’s
Battalion, Forrest’s Cavalry; was captured at Farming-
ton, Tenn., in October, 1863, and paroled at Grenada,
Miss., May 18, 1865. His record as a soldier and loyal
friend of the South is without a flaw. He was a gentle-
man by birth and education, and his life as a husband,
father, and citizen illustrated all that is true and noble.
Dr. S. H. Stout, who was medical director of hos-
pitals for the Army of Tennessee, furnishes a sketch of
the career of Bishop Quintard for his camp, the Ster-
ling Price, at Dallas, Tex. He mentions the birth in
Stanford, Conn., December 22, 1864; the education in
Trinity School, New York City; that he studied medi-
cine and graduated from the University of New York
in 1847, and began practise in Athens, Ga., in 1851. He
afterward resided at Roswell, Ga., where he married
Miss King, daughter of the founder of that manufac-
turing city. Later he was connected with the medical
college at Memphis, Tenn., and edited the Medical Re-
corder. In 1855 he took orders as a deacon in the
Protestant Episcopal Church.
Early in the great war the Rock City Guards, of the
First Tennessee Infantry, selected Dr. Quintard as
chaplain by unanimous vote. He went with the regi-
ment to Virginia, and later served in the Hospital De-
partment of the Tennessee army until the end.
Bishop Quintard and the late Rev. J. H. Bryson,
D.D., were at the head respectively as chaplains of the
corps commands of Gens. Polk and Hardee, having
been selected for these positions by Gen. Bragg. Dr.
Confederate Veteran
Stout states : ” It is impossible to measure the usefulness
of these two reverend chaplains by aiding the medical
director in improving the morale of tire army. . . .
My pleasant official and personal intercourse with these
two able, sincere, and patriotic men of God is unal-
loyed with a single circumstance of regretful nature.
On the fields after the battles both of them were help-
ful *3t only in comforting the wounded spiritually, but
also physically. Dr. Quintard served as surgeon as
well as chaplain when there was a deficiency. He had
not only the confidence, but the admiration, of the
members of the medical staff.
Upon the death of Dr. Bryson, Dr. Stout furnished a
paper concerning him, which is on file in the camp.
Col. C. W. Heiskell, of Memphis, Tenn., who com-
manded the Nineteenth Tennessee Regiment, pays loy-
al tribute to his comrade and subordinate officer, Lieut.
W. W. Etter, who was assassinated at Palarm, Ark., on
the last day of December, 1897, fifty-nine years old.
He states that Etter’s father was a good farmer, a man
of high character and good sense; his mother, a wom-
an of sterling virtues.
At the beginning of
tin great war William
Etter enlisted in the
Nineteenth Tennes-
see Infantry, and, by
his deportment, was
promoted from the
r a n k s to second in
command of his com-
pany. He was its
commander much of
the time until the sur-
render at High Point.
N. ( ‘. He engaged in
battles when almost
too feeble to stand on
his feet, and after the
war he was greatly
afiheied with rheumatism. Col. Heiskell pays noble
triKute to his knightly deeds in service and to his
unselfish devotion to his sisters until his death. His
care even in his advancing years was not for himself,
but for them, in conformity to the dying request of his
father: “William, you must take care of your sisters.”
After the war he lived in Memphis and in Arkansas.
Capt. J. F. Bargainer was born January 17, 1834;
and died February 17, 1897. In 1S62 he joined Com-
pany A, Thirty-Third Alabama Regiment, and was
with the regiment in its Mississippi campaign. Later
he returned to Greenville, Ala., and organized a com-
pany, of which he was elected captain, and fought
through the remainder of the war with the Sixty-First
Alabama in Northern Virginia. His command partic-
ipated in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania,
and around Richmond. Capt. Bargainer was sheriff
of Butler County. Ala., from 1877 to 1880 and from
1892 to 1896. Of course he made a good officer.
Two deaths are reported from Camp I. E. Johnston.
De Leon, Tex. Lem Brumbelow, who served in Com-
pany I, Thirty-Fifth Arkansas Cavalry, died January
7. He was a prisoner of war at Little Rock the last
ten months of the war. The other, Dr. I. D. Redden,
a native of South Carolina, died January 13. He was
captain of a company from Fayette County, Ala., and
was afterward major of the Twenty-Sixth Alabama In-
R. J. Baldridge enlisted at Murfreesboro, Tenn., in
June, 1861, and served in the Army of Tennessee up to
the battle of Chickamauga, where he was captured and
carried to Camp Chase, being confined to the close of
the war. He died at Walnut Springs, Tex., November
21, 1897.
John M. Bryan, Commander of U. C. V. Camp, Ful-
ton, Mo., wrote the following letter last December, and
delay in publishing it has been unintentional. It is
hoped that some one can give information that will en-
title the old soldier mentioned to a home for the rest of
his days: “There is now at out soldiers* home one Mike
Tague, who, at the beginning of the war, lived in New
Orleans, and worked on the river from Memphis down.
He enlisted in the Confederate army, and in 1864 or
1865 he was captured and confined at Camp Morton.
His sister, who lives here, was quite small at the time,
and does not remember whether he was exchanged be-
fore the close of the war or released from prison at the
close ; nor does she remember to what command he be-
longed, but thinks it may have been Tennessee troops.
His papers were all destroyed by fire and he is par-
alyzed and speechless, and has no way of proving his
war record. He is helpless and penniless. The board
has ordered him removed from the home, as he can not
prove his war record. I think he is entitled to a home,
yet have no way of proving it.
James F. Smith. Morgan, Tex.: “I would like to find
out if the ‘Yank’ I rode off the battle-field at New
Market, Ya.. after I was wounded, is still living, as I
want to thank him at this late day. I know there are
some men now living in New Market who will remem-
ber the little ‘Reb’ on a big ‘Yank’s’ back as he came
gallantly riding into town, yelling at the top of his
voice. The noble ladies, young and old. had their
handkerchiefs up to their eyes, bu1 when they saw that
tine cavalry charge they had to stop crying and go to
laughing. A Minie ball had shattered my right
1 was one of Company A. First Missouri Cavalry, Capt.
Woodson commanding. We formed that company
after our return from prison and our commands had
surrendered at Vicksburg. I think we numbered sev-
enty-seven. Many warm friends have we up and down
the Shenandoah and Moorefield Valleys. T think I am
the only wounded Rebel that took’ a Yankee prisoner
from the boys and rode him off the battle-field.”
W. J. Hudson. 240 Treutlan Street, Nashville,
Tenn.. washes to obtain any information possible con-
cerning J. Ervin McGlothlin, who was taken prisoner
at Fort Donelson and carried to Camp Butler, 111.,
where he was kept a prisoner until the summer previous
to the battle of Chickamauga, where he was killed. It
has never been learned Whether he was buried on the
field where he fell or his remains carried elsewhere.
Confederate Veteran
This appeal conies from Gen. Clement A. Evans:
Office of the Acting President, Atlanta, Ga., April 21.
By direction of the last convention of the United
Conk-derate Veterans, the trustees of the Confederate
Memorial Association send forth this earnest plea for
aid in building our memorial temple (Battle Abbey),
in which shall be gathered relics to tell to the world,
and especially “our children’s children to the remotest
generations,” the valor and deeds of our comrades, the
soldiers of the South, and of our noble women, who,
amid unparalleled sacrifices, cheered and sustained us
during the storm of war; and in which shall also be pre-
served, in archive records, the true history of our
Southland, of her statesmen, her armies and navy, of
her battles, her victories and her defeats.
At the last reunion of the Confederate Veterans a
resolution was adopted calling upon each camp to sub-
scribe to this glorious purpose in proportion to its
membership. Bach camp of thirty members was
asked to raise not less than $5- each camp of fifty
members, not less ‘than $10; each camp of one hun-
dred members, not less than $15 ; and each camp of two
hundred or more members, not less than $25.
It was (the purpose of our late President, the late
Gen. W. D. Chipley, of Florida, to personally super-
vise the ingathering of the fund thus asked for, but his
untimely death prevented. It is an opportune time,
even in the excited present, to make this call, and we
hope to report to the next reunion (at Atlanta, Ga., on
the 20th of July) that our Memorial Institute is an ac-
complished fact. Now is the time to act. Division,
brigade, and camp commanders are urged to see that
each camp responds to this call.
Comrades, remember the past; recall the battle and
our noble dead. Let each surv ; ‘ing comrade lend his
aid. Sons of Veterans, help to perpetuate the deeds of
your heroic fathers. Daughters of the Confederacy,
your heart-work never fails. Aid us now to preserve
the true story of our Southland, to perpetuate the valor
and deeds of your brothers and fathers, as well as to tell
of the glorious women of the South in time of war, of
their sufferings, their saddened hearts, their deserted
homes, their heroic deeds, and their sublime devotion.
Gather in your offerings, and remit them before the
10th of July next, by check, draft, or postal-order, to
the Treasurer, the Fourth National Bank of Nashville,
Tenn., or to Gen. Clement A. Evans, Atlanta, Ga.,
Acting President.
By order of the Executive Committee : Clement A.
Evans, Georgia; Robert White, West Virginia; J. B.
Briggs, Kentucky.
Gen. W. L. DeRosset, Commander North Carolina
Division U. C. V., on receipt of the circular, writes:
I have no heart in this matter, and must decline
either officially or personally to make any efforts look-
ing to that end until a definite location is decided upon,
and the Executive Committee forbid further efforts to
be made by Gen. Underwood to raise funds from those
who I am well persuaded feel no interest in the Memo-
rial, and would, if they dared, oppose in every way its
consummation. I am well assured that the above ex-
presses the views of a large majority of the thinking
men among the Veterans Who constitute my division,
and that, though no definite action has been taken by
them, they will almost unanimously endorse the posi-
tion I have taken. When the location has been deci-
ded upon — and I do earnestly trust that it will be done
before our next reunion, and that the action of your
committee will be unanimously endorsed by the federa-
tion- — you may call on me for earnest efforts in raising
as much money from our impecunious men of this di-
vision, and I pledge you my best work.
The importance of decisive action upon this subject
at the Atlanta reunion can not be too strongly com-
mended. There is unanimity of sentiment concerning
the great purpose by the special benefactor, Mr. Charles
B. Rouss, and the Southern people should heartily co-
operate in its final consummation. The Veteran has
heretofore withheld all criticisms adverse to the move-
ment, but as the questions involved are to be taken up
at Atlanta the discord had as well be known.
Concerning the December issue of the Veteran,
Rev. Dr. Moore, of Cincinnati, who was colonel of the
One Hundred and Twenty-Fifth Ohio Infantry, wrote:
“It is one of the very best of its kind; have seen no su-
perior. It would do us bluecoats good to read it.
Foraker is your style of man.”
Mrs. A. Buckaloo, Sylvan Mills, Shelbyville, Tenn.,
asks that some fellow prisoner of her former husband,
William O. D. Fields, at Fort Delaware, will write her
in regard to his death at that prison. He was a lieuten-
ant in the Mexican war, as well as a Confederate sol-
dier, and she is entitled to a pension as widow of a Mex-
ican soldier, but needs a witness to prove his death in
Fort Delaware. Mrs. Buckaloo is a worthy woman
and in greatly reduced circumstances.
Confederate Veteran
LOCATION. – s ‘ x miles east of Atlanta, connected with tin- city by Georgia Railroad and
two electric lines.
BUILDINGS. Elegant brick buildings, trimmed with marble, built for school purposes ; heated
by steam, lighted bv electricity, with all modern conveniences. Spacious grounds.
FACULTY. Able and carefully selected teachers in all departments.
ADVANTAGES. The institute offers Literary, Scientific, Classical and Normal Courses.
Music and Art Departments very tine; instruction thorough; standard high;
best social and mural influences; all the advantages id the cit\ without its
Catalogue Containing Full Particulars Sent on Application.
F. H. GAINES, President.
~~~~x~s~v~v INGS, COME TO ~n~v — rSv — ~v
Twenty miles west <>f Atlanta, on Birmingham branch of Southern Railway. Leave Atlanta at s : 3° a “d
7:50 A.M.; 4:15 and 6:20 P.M. Nearest resort to theeitv. The most wonderful baths for
Rheumatism, Kidney and Bladder troubles. Two hundred room hotel;
rooms with hot and cold running water, baths, toilets, etc.
52 to $J per Day.
$10 to $20 per Week. (^yTr^S\ *** ^ BLA.KIS, Proprietor,
535 to 570 per Month. \^UjS WAJ’cJ Formerly of Pass Christian, Miss.
Confederate Veteran,
$100 REWARD, $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn
that there is at least one dreaded disease that
cience has been abb- to cure in all its stages, and
that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is thi
positive cure now known to the medical fraternity.
Catarrh, being a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh 1
taken internally, acting directly upon the blood ami
mucous surfaces of the system, therebj destroying
the foundation <.f the disease, and giving the pa-
tient strength by building up tin constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work. The ie
tors have so much faith in its curative powers that
they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that
it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address F.J. CIII.M-1 & CO., I lo, O.
Sold by druggists. 75c.
The Asheville Summer School and
Conservatory, announced in the May
~\ eteran, is, we hope, the beginning of
what we have long wished to see in North
Carolina. While thousands of people
come to our mountain resorts every
year, our teachers and others who wish
to combine opportunities for improve-
ment with their summer outing have
had to go North at great expense. This
school should and doubtless will offer
advantages equal to those to be had any-
where. Instruction in music, art, litera-
ture, and science, with concerts and oth-
er entertainments by the best talent, will
be given. A letter from President Jones
states that George W. Vanderbilt’s ex-
tensive botanical gardens will be open to
students in biology, botany, and kindred
subjects. When you go to the Assembly
go prepared to remain through the ses-
sion of this school.
The Elizabeth College, Chariot e, N.
C.| an institution which has been found-
ed with a view of affording the voting
women of the South advantages and
school comfort equal to those of the
best colleges of the North for young
men. The building is constructed of
pressed brick laid in brown mortar, and
trimmed with granite and Indiana lime-
stone. It is 172 feet in front, has a depth
of 143 feet, and is four stories high. It is
provided with all the modern conve-
niences. Has hot and cold water through-
cut the building, steam heat, andfelectric
lights. It is one of the„most complete in
the South.
The institution is in the vanguard that
is blazing the way for a more advanced
system of education for young women.
It offers full Collegiate Courses leading
to degrees, with a large number of schools
for special students. The courses of studv
are thorough and comprehensive, equal
in all respects to those in our best col-
leges for young men.
The Faculty is regarded as one of the
ablest in the South, only persons of dis-
tinguished scholarship being employed.
Every teacher must meet three inflexible
conditions: first, must be an approved
graduate of some chartered college of
repute; second, must have postgraduate
culture at a university of international
reputation ; third, must have had success-
ful experience as a teacher. Johns Hop-
kins, the University of Tennessee, the
University of Virginia, Amherst, Colum
bia, Vienna, Berlin, and Paris are repre-
sented in the Faculty. A recent visitor
to the College, writing of it afterward,
says: “I was astonished that so young
an institution has been able to command
so large a corps of thoroughly equipped
instructors, equal to those of any school,
however old or wherever located.”
The Institution is an honor to the
South. Catalogues may be had by ad-
dressing Rev. C. B. King, President,
Charlotte, N. C.
Many delightful summer resorts are
situated on and reached via the Southern
Railway. Whether one desires the sea-
side or the mountains, the fashionable
hotels or the country homes, they can be
reached via this magnificent railway.
Asheville, N. C, Roane Mountain,
Tenn., and the mountain resorts of East
Tennessee and Western North Carolina
— “The Land of the Sky” — Tate Springs,
Tenn., Oliver Springs, Tenn., Lookout
Mountain, Tenn., Lithia Springs, Ga.,
and various Virginia springs; also the
seashore resorts are reached by the
Southern Railway on convenient sched-
ules and at very low rates.
The Southern Railway has issued a
handsome folder, entitled “Summer
Homes and Resorts,” descriptive of
nearly one thousand summer resort ho-
tels and boarding-houses, including in-
formation regarding rates for board at
different places and rates to reach them.
Write to C. A. Benscoter, A. G. P. A.,
Southern Railway, Chattanooga, Tenn.,
for a copy of this folder.
Thousands who have answered my various advertise^
ments in the ” Veteran ” know of the great good re–
ceived thereby, and this is to urge every old soldier
who reads this to do as others, and receive in return
that which will make them wish they had written to
me long before,
I want an old soldier, or his wife, to act as my agent in every locality in the Union,
Write, stating age, and give five references,
THEO NOEL, Genl Agt..
858 and 860 Polk Street, CHICAGO, ILL
Confederate Veteran
Those Dreadful “Not to take a cure for an otherwise fatal disease is to commit suicide.”
Tf you suffer fmm Fits, Epilepsy. St. Vitus’ Dance, eto.. have
rliiliireii or relatives that do so, or know people that ire afflicted,
my New Discovery, EPILEPTICIDE, will can thei . and all you
are asked to do is to send for a Free Rottle and to try it. I am
quite prepared to abide by the result. It has cured thousands
where everything else has failed. Please give Dame and full ad-
dress. DR. \V. 11. MAY. May Laboratory, 96 Pine St., New York.
“Some Rebel Relics,” by Rev. A. T. Goodloe. Cloth. $i.
“The Southern Cross,” by Mrs. L. R. Messenger. $1.25.
“Four Years in the Stonewall Brigade,” by J. O. Casler. $2.
“The Other Side,” a thrilling poem of 900 lines, by Virginia
Frazier Boyle, Mr. Davis being her theme. $1.
“Bright Skies and Dark Shadows.” by Henry M. Field,
D.D. $1.50. This book comprises a series of letters on the
South. Fifty pages are devoted to the battle of Franklin.
The closing chapter are on Stonewall Jackson and R. E. Lee.
“Old Spain and New Spain,’ by Dr. Field. $1.50. Sent
with five subscriptions free.
Subscribers to the Veteran can have any book in above
list, post-paid, at half-price by sending one new subscription.
Ramsey’s Annals of Tennessee.
A few years ago it was regarded as next to impossible to
procure a copy of “Annals of Tennessee.” by Dr. J. G. M.
Ramsey. Second copies sold at from $2.50 to $5. By good
fortune the Veteran has secured part of an edition, and will
furnish them, together with the Veteran for a year, at $2.
Umbrellas. Parasols,
and Canes.
Special Attention lo Recover –
R( pairi ng*.
222 N. Summer St.,
Nashville 1 Tenn.
Great Bargains in ft ESP A IV! C
church UnuANd
w ■■ have ;i tares stoi I
we musi n dm e al once I loe instruments at
half totwo-ttairds rem ar values Prlci
1135, 1200. &00 and upward to ! KW 1
u ed ‘ manual orgao in perfect order for only
$150, Lei us hear from j on
I.WIN \ HEALT. 199 Wabash Are., Chicago.
A 1 Ilk ii Iti, «.
and Whiskey Hattltfl
cured at home with-
out i>uin. Hook of par-
tic ulara sent FREE.
B U Wl tOl LKY, M.l>.
ice MM N. Trjor St.
This Pen sent free with S
subscriptions to Veteran.
waterman’s ideal fountain PEN
Or $4 sent lor pea will get
the Veteran one year free.
Confederate Veteran
UADDUIUC Opium, Cocain,
nfUJKKrllWt, Whisky habits
cured at home. Remedy 15. ‘Cure Guaranteed.
Bndoraed by physicians, ministers, and others.
Book of particulars, testimonials, etc., free. To-
baocoline, the tobacco cure, SI. Established 1892.
Outfits, New
Metal Lint
Flue System
Screw and
Direct Steam
Pulleys, and
Write for Cata-
logue and Prices.
R. R. and Foundry St., Atlanta, Ga,
Perfect Bath Cabinet.”
Latest patent April 5, lt<9$. Absolute-
ly the Only One Automatically
Constructed so you can supply
yuuisflf with drinking water, mop
L or sponge your iace, and get rid ol
spent nixl Kail contents oi cabinet
4Yv\ Without Assistance. Self-Pu-
rifying— noxious eases from
pmes being promptly removed
and rt-phiced by fresh heat—
l Carrjine Its Full Quota
|\ ot’Oxyiren, which equalizes
iy and * si imulatee it* etlect.
Vl Don’t confound it with the
^\ heavy, gawky, Bungle-
tVl some Square, or the
KVL , cheap rubber claptraps
I\)\i. that ci-ntine the heat
%\\V5 and poisonous gases.
IV \\ wl!l wmcn >'”” P 0B1 ”
W v\l lively cannot take a f-at-
e one to help you. We Sell
Ten f’imt’S as Many as Any Firm in the World
(taking their own figures), in proportion In amount of ad-
vertising. Price, everything complete, only $5. Express
charges prepaid. 32-page book, “Health and Beauty,”
free Agents Wanted. One agent 300 in six weeks,
some sell 12 a day. K. M. IRWIN, Nashville, Tenn.
Opens June I. Elevation 2,200 feet;
one of the best family resorts in the
mountains of Virginia. Terms reason-
able. Long distance telephone connec-
tion. For descriptive pamphlet, terms,
references, etc., address
J. H. Chapman, Manager.
To handle a Stay Fence that will stay.
Large profits. Exclusive territory.
Columbus, Gam
:» Strongest and Largest Fire In’
3: surance Company in the
Cash Assets Over One Million
Agents throughout the South
and the South only.
Patronize the Home Company. .
WANTED To B “y for Cash
Civil War Newspa-
pers, Autographs,
Magazines, . . . .
Fine Building, Clean, Airy-
Rooms, Prompt Service
and Excellent Table Fare,
Try it for yourself,
A White Negro!
would be quite a
curiosity, but Dot
asmuch so as the
Afro-American Encyclopaedia, which contains over
MO articles, covering every topic of interest to the race,
by more than 200 intelligent coloeed men and women.
The unanimous verdict of over 60,000 colored readera 19
that it is bevond all comparison the best wok the »■
GEO HAS produced. Every colored family wants a copy.
Agents are having a harvest of sales, and are getting the
largest commissi..: ever offered. Exclusive territory.
Write for terms. J. T. Haley & Co., Publishers,
346 Public Square, Nashville, ienn.
Confederate Veteran
“Hotel Alhambra.” I
Peachtree Street, Atlanta. hi. K. Scott, Proprietor.
Take Peaehtrec Cars, Corner o,
Alabama and South Pryor Streets,
from Union Depot.
To those who expect to attend reunion, and desire accommodations i 5;
Half- way out on direct car line from Union Depot to Exposition 5:
grounds (place of encampment), out of the noise and dust of the city. S:
You can correspond and make arrangements before their arrival.
South Carolina
AND Georgia R. R.
‘The Charleston Line.’
Onlj Southern line operating Cele-
brated Wagner Palace Buffet Drawing-
Room Sleepers. Only Sleeping-Car line
between Charleston and Atlanta. Only
Pullman Parlor Car line between Charles-
ton and AsheTille, N. C. Best and quick-
est route between Yorkville, Lancaster,
Rock Hill, Camden, Columbia, Orange-
burg, Black ville, Aiken, and Atlanta, Ga.
Solid through trains between Charleston
and Asheville. Double daily trains be-
tween Charleston, Columbia, and Au-
gusta. L. A. EMERSON,
Traffic Manager.
io6 pagrs. All should read this book. We will
also send One II. ill Dozen Best Pen Points for 10
ctntj, .ill post-paid. Address S'”‘tmkrn Book
and Notion Co., Almond, N. C.
In connection with the Southern Railway,
is the
and the
Willi through Service between
A.tln lit a.
Special rates and arrangements for
the great Reunion at Atlanta.
For detailed information address
J. E. LOCKWOOD, a. p.;a.,
Kansas City, Mo.
Shortest Line.
«y* Quickest Time.
Excellent Service.
San Antonio,
Through Sleepers
and Day Coaches
Write us f<>r particular information about ‘
and Mexico.
General Supt. Gen’l Pass, and Ticket Agent.
Pai.v-.tink, Tkx.
5cholarsrHp free by doing: letter work for us at
your home. Write us to-day. •
Accept notes for tuition or
can deposit money in bank
until position is secured. Car
fare paid. No vacation. En-
ter at any time, open for
both sexes, Board. $10 per
month. Send for free illus-
trated catalogue.
Draii.iion, Pres., at cither place.
l r nder reasonable
conditions, . . .
Address J.
Texarkana, Texas. * Galveston, Texas.
Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc.
The most thorough, practical, and pro&
schools of the kind in the world, and the best
patronized ones in the Sonth. Indorsed by Gov.
Taylor, bankers, merchants, and others. ” Four
weeks in bookkeeping with us are equal to
twelve weeks by the old plan. J, I-\ Draughon,
President, is author of Draughon ^ New System
of Bookkeeping, ” Double Entry Mfl le Easy,”
Home study. Have prepared! for home study,
books on bookkeeping, penmanship and short-
hand. Hundreds of persons holding good po-
sitions owe their success to our books for home
study. (Mention this paper when writing.)
See that vour friends take the Veter \n.
Confederate Veterans
If so, and you have a (lowing
01 stream, investigate
A new application of the hydraulic ram principle. Can be used In locations
impossible for a ram. and will run CONSTANTLY. Every engine guaranteed to be as
represented or money refunded. Send your conditions for guaranteed estimate to
Ghauncey C. Foster, Ayt., Nashville, Tenn*
Illinois Central R. R.
Double Daily Service
making direct connections with through trains
for all points
North, East, and West,
including Buffalo. Pittsburg, Clpveland, Boston,
New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Richmond,
Si. Paul, Minneapolis, Omaha, Kansas City, Hot
Springs, Ark., and Denver. Close connection
with Centra! Mississippi Valley Route Solid Fast
Vestiba e 1 ‘aily Train for
Dubuque, Sioux Falls, Sioux
mm* Gity, m m m
and the West. Particulars of agents of the I. C.
It. R. and connecting lines.
WM MURRAY, Div. Pass. Agt., New Orleans.
J.V i. A Si i > IT, Div. Pass. Agent, Memphis.
, G. P. A., W. A. KELLOND, A. G. P. A,,
Reaching the principal cities of th»
South with its own lines and penetrat-
ing all parts of the Country with it9
Unexcelled Train Service,
Kleeant Equipment, Fast Time
Short Line Between the East, the NortV
the West and the South.
W. A. Turk, G. P. A., Washington, D. C
8. H. Hardwiok.A. G. P. A., Atlanta, G»
C. A. BF^innTT-T*. A.G.P. A .. Chflttftuooarft “> .
Santa Fe
San Diego to Alaska (including the Klondike),
A Santa Fe Agent can give you information as
to rates, connections and tickets.
W. s. Keenan, General Pass. Agent,
SJ ftdfid&«&^.3&&a>.a&&s«.f£
The Good that Men Do Lives
After Them.
The Oil Cure Will Treat One Confeder-
ate Veteran Free in Every Town.
Drs. Reynolds have turned their
formulas over to the OIL CURE
LABORATORY, that the afflicted
may relieve their sufferings at the
lowest possible price for the oils.
Where the case is sufficiently seri-
ous a moderate fee will be charged
for personal services. Ninety-five
per cent, of cases only need the oils
and our advice. The doctors de-
veloped the therapy of oils for the
cure of Cancer, Lupus, Fistula, Ca-
tarrh, Eczema — in fact, all diseases
of the Skin and Mucous Mem-
In the last five years they have
been in Nashville they have cured
thousands of our prominent people,
and confidently refer to such nota-
bles as :
Rev. J. L, Cooper, Yorkville, Term., Cancer.
Rev. D. \V. Babb, Louisville, Miss., Cancer.
Rev. W. S. Blackman, Redwood, Miss., Cancer.
Dr. X. Gooch, Nashville, Tenn., Lupus.
Dr. T. A, Heath, Sliiloh Landing, Miss., Epithe-
1 ■ . ,ma.
G. W. Faison, Faisonia, Miss., Cancer.
Hon. Mli. i Thomas, Franklin, Tenn., Lupus.
Mrs. J. S. Brown, Springfield, Term., Lupus.
Hon. Asa Moore. Bloomington, 111., Cancer.
Mrs. W. E. Baskette, Murfreesboro, Tenn., Lupus.
Mrs. Ed Wells, Nashville, Tenn., Ulcerated Hand.
Joseph Peach, Franklin, Tenn., Fistula.
J. M. Dardis, Franklin, Tenn., Fistula.
I.arkin Whitaker, Nashville, Tenn., Catarrh.
Mrs. T. A. Steel, Little Rock, Ark., Catarrh.
John Connor, Nashville, Tenn., Catarrh.
Upon application we will furnish you a large list
of those cured of Ulcers, Eczema, Piles, Female
Diseases, Rectal and other Diseases of the Skin
and Mucous Membranes.
Our tonic of predigested Oils,
” Make You Fat,” $t per 8-ounce bottle.
Oil Suppositories, for Constipation, $i per box.
Oil Pastiles, for Female Diseases, $2 per box.
Sanitarium, end of Belmont Car line.
Oil Cure Laboratory,
Y. M. C. A. Building, Nashville, Tenn.
to Purchase ,
Flags, Banners, Swords, Belts, Caps,
and all kinds of Military BQDirMMWU*
J. A. JOEL & CO.,
88 NatsMu Street, NEW TOk
Confederate Veteran
Elizabeth College, Charlotte, N.C.
CURRICULUM Equal to the best colleges for men. Facul-
ty of specialists with teaching experience from institutions
of international reputation. Twenty-one teachers and offi-
Superior Advantages in Music and Art.
HEALTHFUL LOCATION.— Campus of twenty acres, with
developed native trees, overlooking the citv.
EQUIPMENT.- New and best college building in the South,
with every modern appliance for health, comfort, and effei I
ive school work. Elegantly furnished. I’»” abundant and
healthful water supplies. Professional male cooks Dining-
1 1 i ‘in sen ants. Fit si class fare.
CATALOGUES sent on application.
C. B. KING, A.M., President.
Profits to the Norfleet Camp Confed-
erate Veterans’ Memorial Fund, Winston,
North Carolina.
Address R. E. WILSON, Winston. N.C.
Union Teachers’ Agencies of America.
Pittsburg, Pa., Toronto, Cam,. X.~. ■ OrUans t La,. A>:.- >”<“-*, .V. /”., Washington, D. C, Sam Francisco,
Cat., Chicago, 111., St. LOU$S t Bfo., and Dcnvtr, <
There arc thousands of positions to bo filled. We had over 8,000 vacancies during the past season— more
ichen. Unqualified facilities for placing teachers in every part or the United States
1. Onp fee registers In nine offices. Address all applications to Salisbury, P»
Advocate* ™ ^™^^ bu&
A *** v vv **^Vj College. Nashville.
Nashville, Tenil. £«”»» Galveston or
Texarkana, Texas, or
in almost any other Bus. College or literary
School for a small club of subscribers.
The Youth’s Advocate is a 16-page journal, read
with interest and -profit by people of all ages.
Non-denominational. Hst’d in-io. Stories and
other interesting matter well illustrated. Any-
one of the several departments is worth itssub-
scription price. It is ;i practical educator as well
as a high toned literary paper. Indorsed by
State officials, teachersandothers. Agents want-
ed. Sample copy sent free. Address as above.
With all the lateet known improvements, ai
greatly reduced pri< 1 iran
teed. Stnd for circular. B. MATTH]
Cor. 4th Ave. & Market St., Louisville, Ky
Confederate Veteran
This map is the
clearest outline ever
given in so s m a 1 1
space i ii the great bat-
tle-ground in North
l, known as
the area of ” one hun-
dred days’ fighting’.”
“While the map should
extend toward Ma-
con, to include Jones-
boroand Lovejoy, say
25 miles, it includes
the battle-ground of
Chickamauga, etc.
The public is in-
debted to Mr. ]■ tseph
M. Brown. Traffic
Manager of the West-
ern and Atlantic Rail-
road Company, who
has been connected
with this great prop-
erty, owned by the
state of Georgia, for
many years, in having
published interesting
historic sketches. In
Mr. Brown’s boyhood
his father, the late
Hon. Joseph E.
Brown, was Presi-
dent of the Board of
Lessees of the rail-
road, and having been
tin- War Governor of
Georgia, the son has
had special advan-
tages added t<» his
worthy pride in cor-
rect history, and es-
pecially along the
” Kennesaw Route. ”
Mr. Brown states
th;it there is not a
mile-post on the
Western and Atlantic-
railroad which was
not within the sound
of musketry, and not
a cross-tie from which
artillery firing could
not have been heard.
As Sherman’s only
channel for supplies
was by this railroad,
it was hugged by his
immense army with a
t e n aci t v w h i c h
showed bow indis-
pensable to success it
was. It required dai-
ly 145 car-loads to
supply his army. As
he advanced south –
ward he left a garri-
son to protect every
bridge. This great
railroad was almost
as ‘important to the
Confedera Gen .
Johnston and Governor Brown of Georgia importuned Richmond with
strongest appeals to have Forrest come to the rescue and destroy bridges be-
hind Sherman when possible. A history of these battles would fill volumes.
Survivors who marched the zigzags of that great campaign, and who were in
its fiercest battles, will enjoy a journey by that route to the reunion. Ar-
rangements can be made, by addressing Charles E. Harmon, General Passen-
T.he East and HSest of Alabama and the Marietta and North Georgia railroads have been built since the -war.
ger Agent, Atlanta, to stop over at any point on the road, just so the tickets
are used within the limit on other lines. This famous and valuable railroad,
owned by the state of Georgia, has been leased to the Nashville, Chattanooga,
and St. Louis system for a term of years, at thirty-five thousand dollars per
month! To go by that route from the Northwest secure tickets over the
Nashville, Chattanooga, and St. Louis line.
Confederate Veterans
Reunion of United Confederate Veterans.
A study of the list given below will show
that the Nashville, Chattanooga, and St.
Louis Railway is justified in announcing
their line the Battle-Field Route to Atlanta.
The following battles were fought on this
line between Memphis and Chattanooga:
l-:.. ei i. in-‘ campaign from Mui i to Tullahoma, \\ it M
engagements at Middleton, Hoover’s Gap, Beech <■
Liberty < iap, and < rraj ‘- ( rap, June :.; to 3 i, 1 863.
ill, 01 Round Hill | ea >t of Murfn ust 28,
Woodbury, January 24, 1S63.
Woodbury and Snow Hill, April 2 and 3,
Bradj \ ille, Mai ch 1, i s <>.v
Sparta, August (., [862; August 9, [863; and November -• 1
Calfkiller Creek, Februarj 23 and March 28, 1864.
McMinnville, August 30, [862; and October 3, 1862.
Manchester, August 29, [862; and March 17. [S64.
Elk River, Jul) 1 |. [863.
Tnu\ Cit) , January 20, [864.
r, June |. 1 s “.’.
I une 21, i v ‘
I’.t idgeport, April 29, [862.
Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain, I trchard Knob, ami Mission-
ary Ridge, No^ ember : ; t” -‘5. 1 ;
Battle above the clouds No 1 n ‘■■ 1 24, [863.
Bloi kh No :. Mill Creek, ( hattanooga, D r 2 una
Memphis, naval battle, June 6, [862; August 21, i864;and De-
cember [4, i v «’ 1
Germantown (east of Memphis), June 25, 1862; December 5 to
8, 1S74.
Smith’s raid into Mississippi, February to to 25, r
Somerville, March 29, 1S63.
Jackson, July 13, 1863.
Alvington, December 18, [863.
\\’a\ ei Ij , ‘ >< tober 3, [862.
Nashville, March 8, 1862; No vembei 5, [862; Maj 24, 1864.
In f ron 1 ol Nashville, December 1 to 14. [864.
Nashville, December 15 and 16, 1864
Between Nashville and Murfi ire:
Antioch Station, April to, 1863.
L.i\ ergne Station, 1 tctober 7, 1862.
Rural Hill, November 18, 1862.
Jefferson, December 30, 181
Vaught’s Hill. March 20, 1863.
Murfreesboro, July 13, 1862; and December 5 to 8, [864
Murfreesboro or Mom- River, December 31, [862, to January
2, [863.
An account of the battles fought <>n the W. .V A.
ami Atlanta, will be found in another part of this Magi
3, i s, ‘4.
Wauhatchie, ‘ tctober –7, [863.
K. R., between Chattanooga
The low rate– niailc- to Atlanta fur ilu Reunion df United Confederate Veterans
will enable mam persons to pass over the battle-fields listed. In addition to this the
N., C, and St. L. Railway, between Nashville and Chattanooga, passes
through the Cumberland Mountains, the scener} of which is unsurpassed
east of the Rockies. Bj the \\a\ of no other route can the traveler pass
through such a historic and scenic country. If you want to getjthe best,
see that your ticket reads over the Nashville, Chattanooga, and ‘St. Louis
Further information will be cheerful!} furnished bj anyj[ticket agent; or
write to
R. C. C< IWARDIN, Western Passenger Agent, Nashville, Chattanooga,
and St. Louis Railway, Dallas. Tex.
A.J. WELCH, Passenger Agent, Nashville, Chattanooga, and^St Louis
Railway. Memphis. Trim.
\V. I.. 1>.\\I.I’.\ , General Passenger and Ticket Agent,JNashville, Chat-
tanooga, and St. Louis Railway, Nashville,”Tenn.
Confederate Veterans
Use the Southern Railway to the Reunion at Atlanta. !
On account of the Reunion of the Confederate Veterans at Atlanta, July 20 to 23, 1S9S, the \l>
Southern Railway has arranged to sell tickets from points on its lines to Atlanta and return at ^
rate of one cent per mile in each direction for the round trip. H(
From points within a radius of 100 miles of Atlanta, tickets will be sold July 19 and 20 with Vg
filial limit Tulv 28; from points beyond radius of 100 miles of Atlanta, tickets will be sold July ty
17, lS, and 19, with final limit July 31, 1898. ■£
Fifty-five years ago the site of Atlanta was marked only by a group of about half a dozen small &
houses. A remarkably accurate prophecy was made by Alexander H. Stephens before that vi/
when stopping under a large tree for luncheon on a journey through that part of the state; he jjj
said that a large and prosperous city would be built there. Twenty years after- W
<*-£*’ ward Atlanta had become so important a railroad center and city that it was ii
made the principal objective point of Gen. Sherman’s campaign south from ^
Chattanooga; in the winter, spring, and summer of 1864 it was besieged, j{j
shelled, and nearly destroyed; but now, a little more \lf
than a quarter of a century since, it presents to the eye of ^
the visitor the finished, homelike appearance of a pros- Jjf
perous and long-built New- England city, her population *
being over 100,000 souls. She has long been the capital &
of the ” Empire State of the South,” and her name is &
synonymous of tireless energy. *
Atlanta is situated in about the center of the South- M
ern Railway System, whose main lines and branches S
enter the city from all points of the compass. Veterans \jj
attending the Reunion should see that their tickets read vtf
via Southern Railway.
The Southern Railway is the greatest highway of
travel in the Southern States, operating over 5,500
miles of track, traversing the states of Virginia, Ken-
tucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina,
Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi. It reaches the
principal cities and towns of the South with its own
lines, its train service is of the highest class, its coaches
and equipment are of the most modern and improved
construction, and its employees are polite and accommo-
dating, so that a trip over this magnificent railway is a
comfort and delight.
Wagner Sleeping-Cars, Private Com-
partment Sleeping-Cars, Parlor
Cars, and Elegant Coaches,
■ Union Depot, Cincinnati
No Transfer across the City.
E. 0. Mccormick, warren j. lynch,
Pass. Traffic Mgr., A. G. P. and T. A.,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Old Roofs Made Good as New.
If an old leaky tin, iron, or steel roof,
paint it with Allen’s Anti-Rust Japan.
One coat is enough; no skill required;
costs little; goes far, and lasts long.
Stops leaks and prolongs the life of
old roofs. Write for evidence and cir-
culars. Agents wanted.
Allen Anti-Rust Mfg. Co.,
Official WAR BOOK
by Murat Halstead, greatest living; war corre-
spondent; all about War with Spain, the navy,
all battle-ships. Splendid colortype premiums.
Tremendous seller. Biggest money-maker ever
known. Most liberal terms guaranteed. Agents
make $7 to $j^ per day. Large 50c \Y;ir Map free
with outfit. Credit given, freight paid, outfit free.
Send 6 2c stamps for postage. MOM ROE CO.,Dept.
H6135, 3*24 Dearborn St., Chicago.
liiLiLilLiHARBACH <k CO.aui) Filbert St. Phila.Pj.
QDpfederat^ .
Entered at the postoffice, Nashville, Teiin., as second-class matter.
Advertising Rates: $1.50 per inch one time, or $16 a year, except last
page. One page, one time, special. $:i. r i. Discount: Halt year, one issue;
one year, two issues. This is below the former rate.
Contributors will please be diligent to abbreviate. The space is too
Important for anything that has not special merit.
The date to a subscription is always given to the month before it ends.
For instance, it the VETERAN be ordered to begin with January , the date ‘”i
mail list will be December, and the subscriber is entitled to thai number.
Circulation: ’93, 79,430; ’94, 121,644; ’95, 154,992; ’96, 161,332.
The “civil war” wns too long ago lobe called the “late” war, anil when
correspondents use that term the word “great” (war) will be substituted,
United Confederate Veterans,
I’niteil Daughters of the Confederacy,
Sons of Veterans and other Organizations.
The Veteran is approved and endorsed by a larger and
more elevated patronage, doubtless, than any other publication
in existence.
Though men deserve, they may not win success.
The brave will honor tbe’biave. vanquished none the less.
Paioi, $1.00 rER Year, j v yr
8INGLI Copy, 10 Cents. ( v “^ yA ‘
The above engraving is from a photograph (by
Eiers, Nashville) of the flag indicated, Thirt; Second
Jennessee. h is doubtless the finest Confederate ban-
ner now in existence that was carried through a battle.
Tin- \ eteran thanks W. T. Rogers, of Chattanooga,
Tain., who i while looking after the interests of the
Nashville, Chattanooga, and St. Louis Railway in Ohio)
Learned from Mr. Theodore C. Lindsey, conducting a
loan and brokerage business in Dayton, < >.. that he hail
furnished an old soldier some money, holding the flag
as collateral for the loan. After going to the Soldiers’
Home at Marion. O., this Union veteran wrote Mr.
Lindse) to dispose of it The V] rERAN had engraved
on the picture: “Captured at Fort Donelson February
id. 1862.” It would have been better to have engraved
“surrendered” instead of “captured.” Members of
that regiment who know are requested to furnish in-
formation concerning the flag. It is expected that this
beautiful emblem of the stars ami bars will he em- 1]
by thousands at the Atlanta reunion.
Confederate .
Atlanta has practically grown up from a
burnt district since our great war. It had
grown to be a hustling town of eleven thou-
sand inhabitants before that, and was the cen-
tral headquarters for the Western army
through that terrible conflict. At the close
of the war about two-thirds of the thousand
houses had been destroyed.
About 1877 the people of Georgia voted to
transfer the capital from Milledgeville. In
1881 there was held an industrial exposition,
which tended largely to develop the city. An-
other exposition two years ago gave in-
creased impetus, and now the Atlantian can
boast of t\\ elve miles of area within the city.
The commerce of Atlanta annually has grown
to more than $50,000,000, while its realty is
valued at $60,500,000.
\\ ith an elevation above sea-level of one
thousand feet and piny woods in all direc-
tions, the atmosphere throughout the year is
extraordinarily healthful and delightful.
The magnificent State Capitol, illustrated
on page 306, built within the appropriation o
$1,000,000, is one of the finest public build-
ings in the country, and there are finer busi-
ness blocks than can be found in any other
city South. Atlanta as a railroad center is
conspicuous, while the local business for last
year involved the unloading of 76,564 cars.
The growth of Atlanta may be estimated in
the following figures: 1880— population, 39,-
000 ; value of real estate, $14,721,833 ; value of
personal property, $7,474,258. 1890— popu-
lation, 65,000; value of real estate, $39,729,-
894; value of personal property, $11,906,605.
Last year, 1897, the population within the city limits
was put at 87,250, while suburbs increased it to more
than 100,000 ; value of real estate, $43,476,868 ; value of
personal property, over $11,000,000. The wholesale
trade of Atlanta is $26,291,000, while the retail trade
exceeds $11,500,000. The cotton business now aver-
ages 175,000 bales annually.
The railway systems entering Atlanta are : Western
and Atlantic, property of the state of Georgia, under
lease to the Nashville, Chattanooga, and St. Louis sys-
tem ; the Southern; the Seaboard Air Line; the Cen-
tral of Georgia ; the Atlanta and West Point.
The postal receipts in Atlanta increased from a little
over $35,000 in 1870 to $159,262 in 1890, and to $265.-
091 in 1897.
In journalism the Atlanta Constitution has conspicu-
ous place, having attained leadership prominence at
the South. Its success began along with Henry W.
Grady’s magnificent and incomparable career, main-
tained by the same general management, its founder.
Col. W. A. Hemphill, being President of the company,
with Clark Howell editor, as successor to his father.
Hon. Evan P. Howell : while the devoted wife of Hen-
ry \Y. Grady is an active coworker in the office. The
Atlanta Evening Journal, with Hon. Hoke Smith Presi-
dent and H.H.Cabaness as business manager, has been
the only other successful daily in the history of the
9 Ml
city. The force of the Journal in espousing the cause
of President Cleveland was evidently the cause of its
President’s selection to membership in Mr. Cleveland’s
cabinet. The Journal is an acknowledged power
among the strong papers of the state.
Deposits in Atlanta banks for the last weeks of No-
vember (in the history of the Veteran) for five years
were: 1893, $3,977,930; 1894, $4,779,640; 1895,’ $6.-
672,006: 1896, $5,957,634; 1897. $6,385,336.
Commodore Schley, of the United States navy,
said : “History does not record an act of finer heroism
than that of the gallant men who are prisoners over
there [Morro Castle, Santiago], I watched the ‘Mer-
rimac’ as she made her way to the entrance of the har-
bor, and my heart sank as I saw the perfect hell of fire
that fell upon those devoted men. I didn’t think it was
possible one of them could have gone through it alive.
They went into the jaws of death. It was Balaklava
over again, without the means of defense which the
Light Brigade had. Hobson led a forlorn hope, with-
out the power to cut his way out ; but fortune once
more favored the brave, and I hope he will have the
recognition and promotion he deserves. His name
will live as long as the heroes of the world are remem-
Confederate Veteran.
Nashville Union and American, January 18, 1861 :
Last evening at five o’clock an immense number of
ladies and gentlemen assembled at the Capitol to wit-
ness the hoisting of the flag of the Confederate States.
Proudly it floated over our beautiful Capitol, and under
it we again feel ourselves a free and independent peo-
ple. Tennesseeans remain under no colors controlled
by tyrannical powers and leaders whose every st<
marked by usurpations. The heavens favored us with
a breeze, that our flag, in full length, should wave over
the joyous throng whose hearts beat happily in its tri-
umphant power. The beautiful women were there,
ready at all times to manifest their patriotism, and
whose appreciation of independence and constitutional
freedom nerves us on to victory in every contest with
the vandal hordes who dare pollute our Southern soil ;
and for them will our brave boys “fight till the last
armed foe expires.”
Gen. William Moore, of Coffee County, and Robert
Gibson, of Nashville, both soldiers of the war of [812,
were deputed by 1 Ion. J. K. R. Kay, our gallant Secre-
tary of State, to throw the colors to the breeze for the
first time over the Capitol of the proud state of Ten-
nessee. In doing so Gen. Moore acknowledged the
honor of the duty assigned him. having in t8l2 carried
the flag of the old Union triumphantly throughout that
War, remarking that “the one we now raise is to per-
petuate to our posterity all the blessings bequeathed us
by our Revolutionary fathers.”
A salute of eleven guns by the efficient artillery corps
of Capt. Rutledge, from two pieces of cannon, was fired
in honor of the eleven states that have so nobly de-
clared their independence, which was responded to by
the applause of the vast concourse of our free and de-
termined people. The interest of the occasion was
greatly due to Capt. Rutledge and the Dunlap Zou-
aves, which could not fail to stir every heart.
Capt. William Ewing, of Williamson County, was
called for, and responded with his accustomed flow of
eloquence. He was followed by Hon. R. G. Payne, of
Memphis, the orator of the occasion. His speech was
indeed a brilliant effort, and were it not for the already
acquired reputation of the speaker, it would have won
for him a name the brightest intellects might envy. It
was in all things appropriate.
Mrs. Fannie Schley Hewes. No. 48 East Patrick
Street. Baltimore, Md., wishes to learn the name of the
Confederate who captured Map B. H. Schley, of the
First Maryland Regiment, under Col. Kenley, at the
battle of front Royal, \’a., and took his sword. The
Confederate was very courteous and polite to the Ma-
jor, and gave him his name on a piece of paper, so that
in time the sword could be returned, but. much to his
■t, Maj. Schley lost the paper. He was taken
prisoner with others of his regiment, and kepi at Salis
bury, N. C. Maj. Schley is now dead, and the en-
quirer, Mrs. 1 [ewes, is his sister.
eorge S. Waterman. X”. 3000 Vernon Avenue,
Chicago, 111.: “1 am very anxious to know for .
that the 1 onfederate dead at Porl Hudson were buried
with soldierl) rites, and if there is a Confederate ceme-
terv in and around Port Hudson.”
Fort Hatteras, August 28, 29, 1861 ; Elizabeth City
(or Cobb’s Point), February 10, 1862; Camden (also
called South Mills), April 19, 1862; Plymouth, April
17-20, 1864; ram “Albemarle,” Ma) 5. 1864; destruc-
tion of ram “Albemarle,” October 28, 1864; Roanoke
Island, February 8, 1862; Hamilton, July 9, 1862; Pot-
ter’s Cavalry raid to Tar River and Rocky Mount,
July 18-21. 1803: Greenville, December 30, 1863; near
Washington, May 31, 1862; Washington, September
6, 1862; Washington and Rodman’s Point, Marc
April 4, 1863: Foster’s expedition to Goldsboro,
cember 12-18, 1862; Kingston, December 14, [862;
New Berne. March 14. 1862; Pollocksville, April 14,
1862; near New Berne. May 22, 1862; Bachelor’s Creek,
Newport Barracks, and New Berne, February 1-3,1864;
Bachelor’s Creek, Maj ?6, [864; Fori Macon, April 25,
[862; Wilmington, Fori Anderson, and Town Creek,
February 18-22, 1865; Sugar Loaf Battery, Federal
I ‘.Miit. February 11. 1865; Fort Fisher, November 2^,
[864, and January 13-15. 1805; explosion of magazine,
January [6, [865; I linton, May to. 1862; Wilcox
Bridge, March 8-IO, 1865: Vverysboro, March 16,
[865; Bentonville, March 19-21, 181.5; Young’s Cross
Roads, July 26, [862; Quallatown, February 5. 1864;
Durham Station, surrender of Johnston, April 26, 1865.
1 omrades will please reporl omissions or errors in
the above, so a correct list may appear next month.
The above was prepared for the \l.n issue.
COL, W. J. WOOOW VRD, “l WILMINGTON, N. i ., VXD SONS, i le\s.
Confederate Veterans
Thomas L. Broun wrote from Charleston, W. Ya.,
to the Richmond (Ya.) Dispatch of August 10, 1886, in
regard to Gen. Lee’s war-horse. Traveler :
Traveler was raised by Mr. Johnson, near the Blue
Sulphur Springs, in Greenbrier County. Ya. (now
West Yirginia) ; was of the “Gray Eagle” stock, and as
a colt took the first premium under the name of “Jeff
Davis” at the Lewisburg fairs for each of the years
1859 ar| d i860. He was four years old in the spring of
1861. When the Wise Legion was encamped on
Sewell Mountains, opposing the advance of the Feder-
al army under Rosecrans. in the fall of 1861, I was ma-
jor of the Third Regiment of Infantry in that legion,
and my brother. Capt. Joseph M. Broun, was quarter-
master of the same regiment. I authorized my broth-
er to purchase a good, serviceable horse of the best
Greenbrier stock for our use during the war. After
much inquiry and search, he came across the horse
above mentioned, and I purchased him for $175 (gold
value) in the fall of 1861, of Capt. J.W. Johnston, son of
the Mr. Johnston first above mentioned. When the
Wise Legion was encamped about Meadow Bluff and
Big Sewell Mountains I rode this horse, which was
greatly admired in camp for his rapid, springy walk,
his high spirit, bold carriage, and muscular strength.
He neither needed whip nor spur, and would walk his
five or six miles an hour over the rough mountain
roads of Western Yirginia with his rider sitting firmlv
in the saddle and holding him in check by a tight rein,
such vim and eagerness did he manifest to go right
ahead so soon as he was mounted.
When Gen. Lee took command of the Wise Legion
and Floyd Brigade, which were encamped at and near
Big Sewell Mountains in the fall of 1861, he first saw
this horse, and took a great fancy to it. He called it
his colt, and said he would need it before the war was
over. Whenever the General saw my brother on this
horse he had something pleasant to say to him about
“my colt,” as he designated him.
As the winter approached the climate in the West
\ irginia mountains caused Rosecrans’ army to aban-
don its position on Big Sewell and retreat westward.
Gen. Lee was thereupon ordered to South Carolina.
The Third Regiment of the Wise Legion was subse-
quently detached from the army in Western Yirginia
and ordered to the South Carolina coast, where it was
known as the Sixtieth Yirginia Regiment, under Col.
Starke. Upon seeing my brother on this horse near
Pocotaligo, in South Carolina, Gen. Lee at once recog-
nized the horse, and again inquired of him pleasantly
about “his” colt. My brother then offered him the
horse as a gift, which the General promptly declined,
and at the same time remarked : ” If you will willingly
sell me the horse, I will gladly use it for a week or so,
to learn its qualities.” Thereupon my brother had the
horse sent to Gen. Lee’s stable. In about a month the
horse was returned to my brother, with a note from
Gen. Lee stating that the animal suited him, but that
he could not longer use so valuable a horse in such
times unless it were his own ; that if he (my brother)
would not sell, please to keep the horse, with many
thanks. This was in February, 1862. At that time I
was in Virginia on the sick list, from a long and severe
attack of camp-fever, contracted in the campaign on
Big Sewell Mountains. My brother wrote me of Gen.
Lee’s desire to have the horse, and asked me what he
should do. I replied at once : “If he will not accept it,
then sell it to him at what it cost me.” He then sold
the horse to Gen. Lee for $200 in currency, the sum of
$25 having been added by Gen. Lee to the price I gave
for the horse in September, 1861, to make up for the
depreciation in our currency from September, 1861, to
February, 1862.
In 1868 Gen. Lee wrote to mv brother, statins; that
this horse had survived the war, was known as “Trav-
eller” (spelling the word with a double “1,” in good
English style), and asking for its pedigree, which was
obtained as above mentioned, and sent by my brother
to Gen. Lee.
Elder W. S. Keene, pastor of the First Christian
Church of Winchester, Ky., died April 18, after a short
illness, of heart trouble. He was born in England,
but, shipping before the mast at the age of thirteen, he
followed the fortunes of a sailor, eventually landing in
this country about the time of the breaking out of our
civil war. He connected himself with a Georgia regi-
ment and fought through the war on the Confederate
side. Toward the close of the war he became convert-
ed, and in the earnestness of his soul preached the. gos-
pel of Christ to his fellow soldiers. He entered the
Georgetown College after the close of the war, and be-
came a minister of the Baptist Church, but was after-
ward ordained a member of the Christian Church, in
which work he continued faithfully and successfully to-
the end. Resolutions of respect and sympathy were
adopted by pastors of other churches at Winchester
and by Roger Hanson Camp, XJ. C. V.
Confederate l/eterai?
Micajah H. Clark, of Clarksville, Tenn., served for a
period as acting Treasurer of the Confederate States of
America, and again as Confidential Secretary to Pres-
ident Jefferson Davis. At the time of the evacuation
of Richmond i\Ir. Clark was acting in the capacity of
chief and confidential clerk of the executive office.
Under the orders of President Davis he packed up all
the papers of the office, and left with him and his Cab-
inet. At Danville the departments were reopened and
a temporary capital was established.
Upon receipt of despatches April 10, conveying the
news of the surrender of Gen. Lee’s army, the Presi-
dent and Cabinet retired to Greensboro, N. C, where
Gen. Beauregard had his headquarters. The party
afterward moved to Charlotte, remaining there during
the truce declared between Johnston and Sherman.
At Charlotte the President gave Mr. Clark a staff ap-
pointment with military rank.
While in Richmond Mr. Clark was, like all clerks, in
the Local Defense Troops. Beginning as a private,
later he was assigned to duty in the medical purveyor’s
office. From Charlotte he went with President Davis
and his party to Abbeville, S. C, where the last cabinet
meeting was held. From that place the party went to
Washington, Ga., where the Confederate Cabinet dis-
persed, Hon. John H. Reagan alone remaining with
the President.
The treasury train caught up with the party of which
Mr. Clark was a member, at Washington, Ga.. and the
president appointed Mr. Reagan, the Postmaster-Gen-
eral, Acting Secretary of the Treasury, and Mr. Clark
Acting Treasurer. An interesting account of the wind-
ing up of the Treasury Department is published in the
ninth volume papers of Southern Historical Society.
Mr. Clark has a singular record as a Confederate : he
was on duty watching papers of the Confederate Gov-
ernment until December, 1865. and never paroled.
His commission as Acting Treasurer of the Confed-
federacy bore the last official signature of the President
of the Confederate States. The commission is now on
deposit at the Confederate Museum in Richmond. All
the gold and silver bonds and contents of the treasury
were turned over to the Acting Treasurer without bond
being required of him. President Davis honored Mr.
Clark with two personal visits to his home at Clarks-
ville. alter the war. He designated Mr. Clark as “the
last man on duty and faithful to the end.”
Micajah IT. Clark was born in Richmond, as was his
mother, who was Miss Caroline Virginia Harris.
His father. Dr. Micajah Clark, was a distinguished
physician, born in Albemarle County, the son of Will-
iam Clark, who served in the Revolution. Mr. (lark’s
ancestry bought many thousands of acres of crown
lands, and located some of the tracts in what is now
Albemarle County, near Charlottesville, in 1702-04, and
Was said to have been the pioneer settler of that county.
This family furnished many legislators, generals, and
Governors of states.
Mr. Clark wrote for the Richmond Times in 1897:
Partial histories of the evacuation of the Confederate
Capitol have been written by many, but few sketches
have been given by those who followed the civil gov-
ernment in its retreat south until executive power
ceased, and hope of the cause was lost.
It was my privilege to be with the President and
Cabinet from the evacuation of Richmond until within
a few days of the capture of himself and family, and a
portion of his staff, and the sole Cabinet officer remain-
ing with him.
As tlie government slowly fell to pieces, as quarter-
master and commissary of the part} . and member of his
military family, 1 was naturally thrown nearer and
nearer to his person, until below Sandersville, Ga., on
the 6th or 7th of May, 1S05, giving me my final orders.
lie sent me on with my train of supplies to Florida,
saying, “abandoning for the present everything on
wheels,” and left to join and protect his family.
The government existed for a week at Danville. \’a.,
where the various departments were opened, ami rou-
tine business was taken up.
The surrender of the army of Northern Virginia
necessitated retirement to Greensboro, X. C. It came
with the paralyzing shock of a Midden earthquake.
Then came the breaking of some of the bonds which
held the government together, and some who had fol-
lowed to this point, seeing that they could be of no
real service, and might be an encumbrance, sought the
President to express their great grief, and seek his ad-
vice for their own actions. These he received with
profound dignity, advised them with warm friendship,
and set them free to private life, with its duties.
Then 1 saw for the first time the man. 1 lis record as
soldier, legislator, and ruler of what was for four years
a powerful nation is a part of the history of the coun-
try. North and South.
At ( rreensboro, under his orders, through Col. Will-
iam Preston Johnston. \. 1′. C, I made up a team of
wagons with supplies and ambulances for baggage,
and. after a short stay, took the road for Charlotte, X.
Confederate Veterans
C. There cabinet meetings were held and communi-
cation kept up with Johnston and others in the field.
When the truce between Johnston and Sherman ex-
pired the line of march was taken up for Abbeville, S.
C, and finally to Washington, Ga., where the closing
events of the Confederate government were enacted
on May 4, 1865, with the, winding up of the last re-
maining department, that of the treasury.
Courage, fortitude, and all hope had not yet left the
head of the government, however, for the intention was
to reach the Trans-Mississippi Department, via Flori-
da and Cuba, and carry on the war for independence
until the great river could be crossed again.
All along the route the various bureaus of the de-
v^r ;M,X
\ isn \ m ,], in \ v
partments had been abandoned, and the President left
Washington, Ga., with a portion of his staff : Col. F.
R. Lubbock, A. D. C, ex-Governor of Texas; Col.
John Taylor Wood, A. D. C. ; Col. William Preston
Johnston, A. D. C. ; also Col. Thorburn, a naval agent;
Capt. Girven Campbell, and eight scouts; my train,
with its quartermaster and a small following. Hon.
John H. Reagan, Postmaster-General and Acting Sec-
retary of the Treasury, and I caught up with the party
next morning at sunrise, after traveling all night.
•Up to Washington, Ga., the march had no sign of a
retreat, and was made leisurely day by day. An es-
cort of cavalry was furnished at Greensboro, but it was
kept generally on parallel roads. From Washington,
Ga., the idea was to reach the Trans-Mississippi De-
partment with safety and by steady traveling, as no
speed could be made.
From Danville on I saw the government, with its
personnel, slowly but surely falling to pieces. Grief,
sorrow, and often indignation was felt and expressed
by the immediate party among themselves, but the face
of the great chief was serene, courteous, and kind al-
ways, beguiling the tedium of the weary miles with
cheerful conversation, reminiscences, and anecdotes —
as a gracious host entertaining his guests — reviving
the spirits, strengthening the hearts and courage of all
who were with him.
A horseback ride from Greensboro, N. C, to far
Southern Georgia was no holiday excursion, with the
dusty roads, weary riding, and generally coarse fare ;
yet he made it one in part in many pleasant ways to
those who rode with him, and it will never leave their
living memories. I never heard one hasty or petulant
expression escape his lips, yet all knew how his proud
heart was suffering, so weighted with anxieties for his
beloved people, who had given the pick and flower of
their families for the cause. Admiration, love, and in-
tense personal devotion to him grew day by day, until
laying down life for him would have been a willing
With all the weariness of the month’s retreat, on the
road were found many passing compensations. The
people, though they felt and knew that the end of all
their hopes was near, were true and hospitable al-
ways. Houses flew open to give what meager cheer
they held.
Through the little towns we passed the ladies (who
never gave up) and the children flocked around us
with flowers, eager to see, grasp the hand, bless their
President, and godspeed him on his way.
In every house which sheltered him at night he left
a blessing, with cheerful words of faith that God would
not desert his people, and left with his entertainers re-
newed fortitude and strength to meet, endure, and try
to oyercome the trials soon to come upon them, and
with fatherly advice as to their action.
And so it was all the way to Abbeville, S. C, where
the whole town was thrown open to the party ; and at
Washington, Ga., where the bitter end was known to
be reached, the welcome, though tearful, was full of
love, warmth, and tenderness. Dr. and Mrs. Robert-
son, who received in their hospitable home the Presi-
dent and his immediate followers, lavished every at-
tention that thoughtful, loving, patriotic hearts could
furnish, uncaring the consequences that might follow
from an incoming Federal garrison, and speeded the
going guest with prayer for his safety. This family
proved the traditional elasticity of Southern homes in
caring for guests.
And so the end came. History records the achieve-
ments of Jefferson Davis as soldier, statesman, and
chief magistrate ; but those who saw him and knew
him in those gloomy days when the Southern Confed-
eracy was dying the death will say that his grand spirit
rose the highest and shone the brightest, and his Chris-
tian character was more fully exemplified during hours
of adversity and defeat. And those he blessed with his
presence will hand down to their children’s children in
unrecorded traditions the precious and tender memo-
ries he left with them. It is my great good fortune to
share this gracious legacy.
Confederate l/eterai?
A paper was read by Mrs. R. S. Lovett before the R.
E. Lee Chapter, Daughters of the Confederacy, held in
Houston, Tex., June 3. The following are extracts :
We have met together to commemorate the life and
virtues of our immortal chieftain and patriot, Jefferson
Davis. A sacred and pleasing task is before us, and
from the very fulness and depth of the theme a difficult
one as well, as we approach with loving hearts and
reverent tread this shrine, made imperishable by the
sublimest heroism and devotion to right and truth and
country. Poetry, song, and history have brought their
richest treasures to perpetuate his undying fame; and
as daughters of the South, whom he honored and re-
\ ^> \ *
membercd in his last labor of love, when the shad’
evening were gathering about his life, we come to offer
the tender tribute which grateful, loving, and loyal
hearts can bestow, and to keep alive the memories of
his grand and unapproachable life as they gather
about our hearts and tremble on our lips. For his
country’s interests he lived and labored, and the annals
of the world furnish scared) a parallel for the sublime
fortitude and loft) heroism thai marked his diversified
life amid the vicissitudes 1 if his e\ entful and tragic his-
ln that supreme hour when naught was thought
of but the honor and glory of the infant government
which was about to begin its struggle for existence, and
to which h lied as its leader and chief executive,
he showed the w< irld the sublime spectacle of that high
1 courage based on truth and Faith in right, which
enabled him to follow- his conviction of duty at the peril
of his freedom and his life.
Tried by the fires of three wars, and not found want-
ing ; standing in the United States Senate, the incom-
parable statesman amid storms of debate and conflict,
with his knowledge of government and consummate
skill as a leader, combined with his versatility of genius
— “he was not eclipsed by the prudence of Pitt nor the
policy of Napoleon.”
He attracted the admiring gaze of the American peo-
ple as a soldier when scarcely a man in years, and when
war was declared with Mexico, under his gallant lead-
ership the immortal First Mississippi Regiment re-
paired to the field of strife. It was said of him that his
courage, self-possession, and leadership in the very cri-
sis of the battle of Buena Vista won for his country her
proudest victory upon foreign fields of war.
We see him again in his country’s service as member
of the United States Senate. Being twice elected and
continuing in the Senate until his resignation on the
secession of his state in 1861, “his career was brilliant
and unsurpassed, and he was regarded the peer of his
colleagues.” When his state seceded and called him
to her service, as a loyal son he w-ent to her defense,
and was made major-general of the Mississippi troops.
Soon after this he was chosen the leader of the South-
ern cause and became its chief magistrate. . . .
The spirit of Jefferson Davis still lives, and it re-
mains for posterity to judge the righteousness of the
cause for which he suffered and died — the wonder of
the ages and the glory of the Anglo-Saxon blood.
lie never deserted his convictions nor feared death,
and he possessed within himself the potentialities of
that mighty struggle which has made him immortal.
Through all the vicissitudes of life he bore himself
with a lofty dignity and composure worthy of his exalt-
ed manhood, lie kept his faith in men and women,
and, conquering himself, he forgave his enemies.
Years after the fall of the Confederacy, “when failure
settled upon its banners” and its brave armies retired
from the field of battle, with its great hold upon the
Southern people, he was still the representative of a
cause “which electrified the civilized world by the
grandeur of its sacrifice and the dignity and rectitude
of its aims.”
Disfranchised as a citizen, old and poor, after the se-
clusion of twenty-one years he emerged to make a tour
of the Southern states amid ovations which are only
paralleled in the history of kings and conquerors.
■Such homage is startling,” was the language of one
of the Northern critics, “and it is needless to attempt
to disguise or evade the conclusion that there must be
something great and noble and true in him and in his
cause to evoke this homage.”
During a recent called meeting of Camp George B.
Fastin Xo. 803. Louisville. Ky., Col. Bennett H.
Young, President of the Kentucky Polytechnic Socie-
that his organization intended erecting an el-
egant building in that city, and that he would see that
the Confederate \ eterans gol a permanent hall in it,
where they can hold meetings, give entertainments,
and other Confederate festivities at will. The state-
ment was received with prolonged applause. Anxious
eves are now fixed ti ward that coming edifice.
Confederate .
The salute fired by the Governor’s Guard over the
grave of Gen. William P. Hardeman at Austin, Tex.,
was the last sad rites paid to the honored dead. The
ceremony was imposing, and worthy of the distin-
guished dead. The state de-
partments were closed, and
the heads of departments
and the clerks attended the
funeral. The funeral cor-
tege took up the line of
march from the Confederate |
Home to the Episcopal I
Church, where sacred serv-
ices were conducted. The ‘
Governor’s Guard, as a mil- *
itary escort, marched in the ^H \ Jf
lead, followed by the hearse
and ex-Gov. Lubbock and
members of the family. Fol-
lowing this came the Knight Templars in full uniform,
and Knights rode on each side of the remains as a
guard of honor. The John B. Hood Camp of Confed-
erate Veterans were next in line, and with bowed
heads marched slowly in the procession.
The church ceremony was conducted by Rev. Dr.
Lee, and the large place of worship was crowded with
sorrowing friends. The Knight Templars assumed
charge of the remains on leaving the church. At the
grave, when the Knights concluded the ceremony, the
following tribute was delivered by Judge A.W. Terrell :
“My friends, I comply with perhaps the last earthly
request of a dear friend. Shortly before Gen. Harde-
man died he said: ‘Terrell, when they bury me say
something at the grave, and tell what you knew of me.’
That request was a command. For forty-five years, in
peace, in war, and in self-imposed exile, he was to me a
friend. To me he confided without reserve all his
hopes and disappointments, his troubles and business
cares. It is proper that he should be buried at this
place by these plumed knights of the mystic tie and by
these aged veterans of the Confederate Home, who
once rejoiced with him in victory and sorrowed with
him in defeat. Our dead comrade was indeed a true
and gallant knight. From yonder capitol floats at
half-mast the flag of the old republic, in token of loss to
the state. The executive and judicial departments
have closed their doors in token of sympathy, and your
Governor, by his presence, gives evidence of his appre-
ciation of the dead hero. History will take care of the
soldier ; I will speak of the man. Gen. Hardeman was
preeminently a just man. He died poor, but in the
days of his prosperity, before the war, when he was a
planter and a slave-holder, he was a hospitable man.
The wayfaring man always found shelter under his
roof, without money and without price. His slaves
loved him, for he protected and cared for them as fel-
low men. He was gentle and modest in his social life.
No man ever heard a profane word from the lips of
Gen. Hardeman or any expression that would cause a
lady to blush. He never sought promotion. His bat-
tles were for his country, for this Texas, and for a
cause that he believed to be right. Each step of pro-
motion, from private soldier to general, came to him
for deeds done in the saddle. He loved his fellow man.
sympathizing like a woman with the sick and wounded.
These veterans will bear witness that even when so
sick that he no lunger tasted food and until strength
failed he visited daily his sick comrades at the Confed-
erate Home. Survivors of Hardeman’s old brigade
will tell you that their old commander, by his tender
care, soothed the death-pang of many a dying soldier.
“His humanity recognized the brotherhood of man.
Let me illustrate this, for I see here old men who once
wore the blue. On the eve of the battle of Pleasant Hill
a Federal skirmisher received his death-wound in the
lungs. Gen. Hardeman and I had been charged by
Gen. Taylor to find out, if possible, whether the night
before reenforcements had reached the Federal army.
Leaving our regiments under the shelter of a hill, we
galloped to the wounded soldier, a stalwart Irishman,
who lay under the dead leaves of a fallen tree. His
first words were : ‘Oh, help me, holy mother of Jesus!
Curses on the bounty money ! Water ! water ! Give
me water ! ‘ Gen. Hardeman held his canteen to his
lips. He wanted more. We were two miles from wa-
ter, on a warm day, and on the eve of battle. Harde-
man placed his hand on the wounded man with the
words, ‘ Poor fellow ! poor fellow ! ‘ and left in his hand
his own canteen of water.
“During the pursuit of Gen. Banks down Red River
we captured a Federal officer named Cowan, who was
in a negro regiment. That night at a camp-fire a Con-
federate lieutenant jibed and denounced him. Harde-
man sternly reproved him, and. told him it was cow-
ardly to insult a prisoner of war.
“We are now burying the last Texan who heard the
thunder of Santa Anna’s guns at the Alamo. Harde-
The only surviving cabinet officer, C. S. A.
Confederate l/eterat?
man was then a boy, and, with a few others, attempted
the night before the massacre of the Alamo to enter its
walls and help Jim Bowie, Fannin, and Crockett
They were foiled by the Mexican pickets, and, after
leaving their exhausted horses, walked five days with-
out food.
“Gen. Hardeman was engaged in over fifty battles
and skirmishes with Mexicans, Indians, and Federal
soldiers. He never married until he had passed the
meridian of life. His home was in the saddle, and,
with ranger comrades, he made a wall of lire all along
the frontier between the women and children and the
scalping-knife of the Comanche and Lipan. What a
checkered life ! The simple truth must sound like ro-
mance. When broken by toil, age, and financial re-
verses he found himself widowed and forlorn and con-
fided his children to his near kinsman. Col. Folts, and
nobly has he performed his trust.
“Some years ago ex-President Jefferson Davis came
to this spot to visit the grave of his old friend and
classmate, Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston, who rests
near us. Spring had clothed this hill with her mantle
of green. I saw him stand for a moment with closed
eyes, as if in prayer; then, stooping, he plucked wild
flowers from the grave of his dead friend and placed
them in his bosom, as he looked around, saying : ‘ What
a lovely spot for the last rest of a soldier! ‘ His hopes
and aspirations were crushed, but the springs of feeling
were not dry, for those who then saw him will remem-
ber tears on his cheeks. Yes ; what a lovely place for
a soldier’s last rest! Here around slumber the dead
companions and friends of Gen. Hardeman: Ben Mc-
Culloch, Albert Sidney Johnston, W. R. Scurry, Ed-
ward Burleson, Frank Johnson, Tom Green, Hugh
Met loud — all generals ami leaders, who supplanted
despotism with law and created a republic. 1 knew
them all. ‘What a place for a soldier’s last rest !
“In a very short time the last one of the grand men
who created and sustained the republic of Texas will
have passed from among us. No purer, braver, or bet-
ter man will be found among them than William !’.
Hardeman. ‘He did justice, loved mercy, and walked
humbly before his God.” ”
[The engraving in this article comes from Prof.
Theo Noel, of Chicago, a devoted friend and admirer
who served under Gen. Hardeman.]
G. T. Willis, Greenville, S. C. : “1 would like very
much to meet at the reunion in Atlanta some of my old
comrades who escaped from Camp Morton with me on
the night of November 14. 1864. There were two
brothers Stewart, from Columbia, Term., the younger
having been wounded by a bayonet. Another was Cy
Means. He and I traveled together until we crossed
the 1 )hio River. I should be glad to see any of the
forty or fifty who escaped that night. At the Atlanta
reunion leave word at the Veteran office.”
At Adairsville, Ga., enclosed by a picket fence, with
roses and boxwood growing about, is the resting-place
of two Confederate soldiers. One of the two was W.
T. Furrow, who belonged to a Virginia regiment. He
was buried there on the Monday following the battle
at Resaca. Further information can be had by writing
to Thomas Johnson, at Adairsville.
Capt. F. H. Smith, of Norfolk. Ya.. sends the follow-
ing data about the “ancient” animal here given :
This mule was in the transportation of Grant’s army,
and after the war was sold to the father of C. D.
Powel, a large truck-farmer near Norfolk, and was in
that family at the time of its death. May 20. 1898. Mr.
Powel says the mule was six years old when it came
into their hands, in 1865. It had not been required to
do any work for eleven years, but was tenderly cared
for. the owner from time to time preparing special food
for it. He buried it decently. The picture was taken
by Mr. F. H. Smith. The l”. S. brand was on its
shoulder, but it did not show, as the hair covered it.
Who knows of an armv mule older than this one?
Experience of Rev. Dr. J.N. Crain, Atlanta, Ga. :
On the Sabbath after the battle of Chickamauga the
men of a certain regiment were gathered just beyond
the top of Missionary Ridge for religious service. A
good congregation of the soldiers was seated on the
ground. In the early part of the sen ice a batter) be-
longing to “our friends the enemy” sent a shell, which
exploded some two or three hundred yards below our
position. A negro cook, who had his belongings just
outside of the place occupied by the congregation, put
them over his shoulder with the significant remark :
“This nigger is gwine to git out o’ here.” That
caused a ripple of laughter in the congregation, but all
sat still. During the long prayer of our service an-
other shell came much nearer. When the prayer was
finished and the chaplain’s eyes were opened he saw
that the congregation, with the exception of five or
six, had foil’ >\\ ed the cook.
It was amusing in the war to see how quickly a
body of men could lm> completely out of sight when a
shell, against which they could offer no resistance,
came close to them. It seemed sometimes as if the
ground had opened and swallowed them. So it was
here. The chaplain and the few remaining soldiers
had a laugh Over the situation, but. like tin- rest of the
ci ingregation, disappeared.
Of the glorious dead at Camp Chase, there were
from Virginia 337: Kentucky, [58; Tennessee, 337;
Alabama, 431 : Texas. 22; Georgia, 265; South Caro-
lina, 85 : North Carolina, 82; Arkansas, 25; Mississip-
pi, 202: Florida, (>2 : Maryland. 9; Missouri, 8; Louis-
iana, 52; unknown, 125.
Confederate l/eterai)
: %mi^SMmS8m^X^SmwS^
STSTW— ->■•;» «..«V-*» *^-*^?^*;W
The following comes from N. A. Ramsey, Adjutant :
In March, 1896, a few old veterans met and organ-
ized in a body. At a subsequent meeting, held a few
days thereafter, the following officers were elected: J.
S.’Carr, Commander (Company K, Third N. C. Cav-
alry) ; W. Duke, First Lieutenant Commander (C. S.
Navy) ; E. J. Parrish, Second Lieutenant-Commander
(Company K, N. C. Cavalry) ; N. A. Ramsey, Adjutant
(captain Company D, Sixty-First N. C. Regiment) ; W.
G. Guess, Surgeon (captain Company C, Sixth N. C.
Regiment) ; P. M. Briggs, Chaplain (lieutenant Com-
pany A, Fifty-Fifth N. C. Regiment) ; W. T. Redmond,
Color-Bearer (color-sergeant Sixth N. C. Regiment).
The camp bears the honored name of Robert F.
Webb, for many years a citizen of the thrifty little city
of Durham. He was born in Washington City April
25, 1825. When quite a lad he went to Baltimore to
live, and remained there until he -was about twenty-two
years of age, when he came to North Carolina. He at
once volunteered in the Mexican war, and was a lieu-
tenant in the service of his country. After the war he
returned to Orange County, N. C.
In 1850, at the beautiful home of Willie P. Mangum.
he was married to Miss Amanda Mangum, daughter of
Col. E. G. Mangum, a near kinsman of the eminent
Senator. She died in October, 1871, and the year fol-
lowing he married Mrs. J. L. Beckwith, of Smithfield,
N. C, who still survives.
In April, 1861, he was mustered into the service of
the Confederate States as captain of Company B (Flat
River Guards), Sixth Regiment North Carolina Vol-
unteers. At the organization of the regiment at Com-
pany Shops (now Burlington) he was elected major.
and was subsequently promoted to lieutenant-colonel.
He was wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, taken
prisoner, and sent to Johnson’s Island, and held there
until July, 1865. He died in Durham in Jartuary,
1891, and rests in the city cemetery.
In all the relations of life Col. Robert F. Webb was
good and true, and his memory is sacred to all the
members of the camp that bears his honored name.
The same officers are in charge of the camp as at its
At the reunion in Richmond, Va., in July, 1896,
when the corner-stone of President Jefferson Davis’
monument was laid, two hundred and fifty members of
the camp were in attendance ; and at Charlotte, N. C,
on the 20th of May, 1898, there were one hundred and
twenty-seven in line — in both instances uniformed and
attracting more attention and the recipients of more
compliments than any other camp ; and this attributa-
ble to the good management, affability, and generosity
of their Commander, Julian S. Carr, who is preemi-
nently the friend of the Confederate Veteran, and
promoter and founder of the home for the aged and dis-
abled Confederate Veterans at Raleigh, N. C.
The camp has upon its roll over four hundred names,
representing all branches of the service and very many
commands. Many of the members live in Durham,
although the majority of them are scattered through-
out this and adjoining counties.
The Confederate Glee Club, of Louisville, will go to
Atlanta twenty-one strong, under auspices of Camp
George B. Eastin. It is the finest male vocal organi-
zation in Kentucky.
Confederate Veteran.
History of the Dallas Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, and Its Noble Work.
On March i, 1894, a small band of patriotic women
met with .Mrs. Kate Cabell Curric and conceived the
idea of securing a suitable resting-place for ex-Confed-
erates living in Dallas who might die without the
means of burial. No sooner the idea than the deter-
mination to form an association whose objects shoiu i
be justice to the living by preserving the truths “i his-
tory, charity for the needy veterans, and securing a
suitable burial-plot for them when life’s fitful battle
should be o’er. Organization speedilj followed, and
the name chosen was ” Daughters of the Confederacy.”
Thus this little band became the originators in the state
of Texas of the proud ass< iciatii in of I ‘. D. < ‘., that now
has fully twenty-five chapters on her roll of honor.
It was not long after this before other Texas cities
formed like organizations, and a state division was
formed. Mrs. Kate Cabell Currie was chosen its first
President, and enjoyed that honor until elected at the
Baltimore convention to be President of the U. D I
an honor bestowed in appreciation of her unceasing la-
bors for the advancement of the organization nol onlj
in the Dallas chapter and the I. one Star state, but
through the Southland.
Right well have the Dallas Daughters of the Con-
federacy performed their mission, for they have care-
fully examined the histories taught in the schools, cor-
recting errors where possible, calling attention to the
unparalleled bravery of the Confederate soldier, and
explaining to the young the causes thai led to the war.
They have secured the burial-plot, marking the
grave of each veteran with a pretty marble headstone
bearing his name and the company in which he fought
during the war. They have been as ministering angels
to the sick, thev have fed the hungry, clothed the un-
clad, supplied fuel for the cold and cheerless hon
the widow and orphans, and have ever been ready to
relieve those in distress. Their last efforts to bring
comfort to the veterans have been the placing of three
beds bearing the name “Daughters of the Confedera-
cy” in the St. Paul’s Sanitarium and supplying them
with the nicest of linen, etc., for the use of the veterans
111 sickness and need.
It was not long after organization before their work
broadened and a great desire to erect a grand Confed-
erate monument in the city park at Dallas. Tex..
sprung up. No sooner the thought than the work b<
gan, and on April 29, 1897, their hopes became a grand
realization, and the monument honoring the privates
and the chieftains was unveiled amid the shouts of the
multitude and the admiration of the old and young.
It is impossible to record the labors and sacrifices of
these noble women during these three years, but they
deemed it a pleasure and duty to deny self that valor
and patriotism might be honored.
As the monument was .0 stand on Texas soil, it
must be built by Texas workmen and of Texas stone.
The uniform of the Confederate soldier was gray, and
the towering column must be of gray granite; thus it
would be a reminder of the unwavering lines of gray-
clad soldiers who. under the stars and bars, ever stood
as a stone wall, ready to repulse every attack of the foe.
When the day of completion seemed far off and the
burden too heavy to bear, they had but to rememlx 1
the gallant deeds of the six hundred thousand men in
gray who- without an arsenal within the limit of their
country, with every seaport closed, cut off from the
world, narrowed and hemmed in by land and sea. with
no resources save those of their war-riven land —
fought two million seven hundred and fifty thousand
men for four years, and how victory wreathed with
chaplets of glory all their banners in nine battles out of
ten. and the burden would grow as feather-weight, and
with renewed zeal and energy they would begin their
work again : and success crowned their efforts, for the
monument, rearing its soldierly statue to the blue
dome of heaven, was ready for unveiling in April, 1807.
Qoijfederate l/eterai).
On three occasions the Daughters of the Confedera-
cy bade every one rejoice. On May 18, [896, the
ground was broken for the foundation
of the monument, and a great May-day
picnic was held in the city park.
June 25, 1896, was a great day for the
Daughters of the Confederacy, but a
greater day for the scarred and gray he-
roes of the great conflict of thirty-five
years ago, for the corner-stone was laid
with Masonic ceremonies, eulogistic
addresses by our greatest orators in the
presence of’ a vast concourse of people.
As the stone dropped into its place the
band played “Dixie,” and the old Rebel
yell was heard anew, that seemed as an
echo from a hundred battle-fields where
the Southern flag had waved for victory.
Almost another year of work lay be-
fore the Daughters of the Confederacy
before they could see their fondest
hopes realized , but they faltered not,
and at the appointed time all was com-
plete; and in their great joy they bade
all the world come and help them hon-
or the Confederate heroes. “Come,”
they said, “on April 28 and 29, for the
monument is completed, and it is a
thing of beauty and glory, for not only
is the private on his column of gray, but
our chieftains are there too, ready, as of
old, to stand watch and guard in sun-
shine and in rain. Yes, come to the
love-feast we have prepared for you and
to the unveiling ceremonies, for the
private is on his pinnacle of glory, and
on pedestals at the base are life-size
statues of President Jefferson Davis,
Gens. R. E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and Albert Syd-
ney Johnston.” This invitation went far and wide.
Gov. Culberson left his capital city to
show honor to our soldiery ; the Texas
Legislature closed its doors, that her
lawmakers might come, thus letting
the world know that the Lone Star
State honored such deeds ; Mrs. Mar-
garet Davis Hayes, son, and daughter
came from Colorado; Mrs. Stonewall
Jackson and little grandchildren came
from the old North State; Hon. John
H. Reagan, last surviving member of
the Confederate cabinet, was present ;
every state and territory in the Trans-
Mississippi Department was represent-
ed, while veterans from every town in
Texas, with their wives and children,
came, until never was there such a
crowd seen in Texas.
Dallas gave them a royal welcome.
Flags of the Confederacy and flags of
the Union fluttered from every store.
Every home was gaily decorated, and
the old and young made merry at the
love-feast that was held April 28 at 3
p.m. at the City Hall. All were eager
to see the monument, but it was veiled,
and “to-morrow” would be unveiling
day: so these battle-scarred veterans
from Arkansas, Tennessee, Missouri,
Oklahoma, Indian Territory, and Tex-
as met and talked of “long ago.” Mrs.
Hayes, Miss Lucy Hayes, and Master
Jefferson Davis Hayes were with them,
as stated, and added much to the pleas-
ure of all. Mrs. Stonewall Jackson,
being worn out from her long journey,
m WBB^Bb
■ I m
Confederate l/eterai).
could not join the veterans ; but on the morrow they
would meet her, and to-day they would anticipate the
morrow and talk of Stonewall and his gallant men.
When night came revelry reigned supreme, for a
‘grand reception and ball was given at the < (riental Ho-
tel, and Hrs. Hayes and Mrs. Jackson were the guests
of honor. Gov. Culberson, Veterans of Camp Sterling
Price, and every Daughter of the Confederacy formed
the Reception Committee, and made all feel as if they
were with friends, no matter how far from home.
The reception lasted from 8 to 10 P.M., then came the
grand march to the ball-room. Judge A. T. AYatts es-
corting Mrs. Hayes, and Col. Gaston Meslier and Mrs,
Currie in the lead, with Capt. L. S. Flateau as master
of ceremonies. Here occurred a pleasant interlude
and a surprise for Mrs. Currie. which added pleasure to
MKs. K A T F < A UK I 1- I UK II-.
tlie evening. Camp Sterling I ‘rice marched into the
ball-room and followed the hollow square, this time not
surrounded by bristling bayonets, but by the fairesl
daughters of the South. Into this square Col. Meslier
led Mrs. Currie, who was all unconscious of what was
to happen, when Capt. Bower, on behalf of Camp Ster
ling Price, presented her with a magnificent jeweled
badge as a loving testimonial for “our daughter,” be-
stowing upon her the sobriquet of “1 )aughter of Mon-
uments.” Proudl) gleamed her eye, bul emotion si-
lenced the words she fain would have spoken : but she
,i warm hand-clasp to every veteran and bade a
FGod bless them, one and all!” The beauty and
workmanship of the badge is magnificent, and the dia-
mond, ruby, and sapphire glisten round the stars and
bars that grace the shield bearing the words : “A token
of love from Cam]) Sterling Price.” It was made by
Mr. Taber, a gallant soldier who wore the blue, but his
heart was in his work, and he made it all the more
beautiful because it was to be given by Confederate
Veterans to the ‘•daughter of the camp.” Alter this
pleasant surprise the ball opened, and lasted until the
small hours of the morning.
Among the Daughters of the Confederacy from a
distance who attended the reception were Mrs. C. \.
Fornej . President of the Arkansas 1 Jivision, I ‘. I ). ( ‘..
ami Mrs. C. B. Stone, since chosen President of the
Texas Division. I”. D. ( .
The morning of April 3) was fair and clear. The
tiring of the artillery announced the dawn of day and
that all was in readiness to honor the brave. The pro-
cession commenced forming at 9:30 a.m., under the
direction of Grand Marshal Wozencraft and his effi-
cient aids: and. though it was very large, it moved
without stop until it reached the city park at 12:40
P.M. It was the most imposing pageant ever witnessed
in Texas. There were present hundreds of old sol-
diers whos C deeds of daring tilled pages of history.
young soldiers in the flush of early manhood, glittering
with the insignia of war; there were decorated car-
riages ami floats, in which were seated stately matrons
and beautiful girls; while members of civic and secret
orders, in bright uniforms, marched with the marchers.
* lner after cheer, mingled with the Rebel yell, went up
as the procession moved on — cheers for the daughter
of President Davis; cheers for the widow of Stonewall
Jackson and the niece of Gen. Beauregard: cheers for
Hon. John II. Reagan; cheers for Gov. Culberson and
staff ; cheers for the veterans in gray and blue, who
marched side by side on this glorious day of peace ;
cheers for the victorious Daughters of the Confedera-
cy, who had conquered every obstacle, completed the
monument bearing the inscription, “Erected by the
Daughters of the Confederacy,” and could point with
pride to the tribute they had placed there in memory of
the mothers of the Confederacy: “This stone shall
crumble into dust before the deathless devotion of the
Southern women be Forg< it.”
( In arrival at the monument. Dr. W. L. Lowrance,
Chaplain of Camp Sterling Price, I”. C. V., offered up
the prayer of thanksgiving. Capt. Flateau, as master
of ceremonies, announced that Gen. \Y. 1.. Cabell,
much to the regret of all anil his deep sorrow, had been
called from home the night before, so could not extend
the welcome on behalf of the Daughters of the Confed-
eracy, but that Maj. Pierson, a member of his staff,
would be substituted, and eloquently he did his part.
Mayor Barr) was ill, so Col. \Y. 1.. Crawford extended
the city’s welcome. Then Coy. Culberson was intro-
duced, and his welcome was as broad as the prairies of
the Lone Star State and as beautiful as the flowers that
deck them. Mrs. 1 laves and children and Mrs. Stone-
wall Jackson and grandchildren were now introduced
to the vast assembly, and never was a more hearty wel-
come extended than that given them that sunny April
day as they sio,„l at the base of the towering monu-
ment with its figures Still veiled. Capt. ( ‘. L. Martin
then expressed Camp Sterling Trice’s welcome to the
veterans who had come from far and near.
Then the unveiling ceremonies began. Hon. John
II Reagan pronounced the eulogy on President Da-
vis, and at the conclusion of his glorious panegyric the
Confederate .
cord was pulled by Master Jefferson Davis Hayes, the
veiling fell away, and the face and form of President
Jefferson Davis were revealed.
Hon. Geo. N. Aldredge in glorious words pictured
R. E. Lee as soldier and citizen, and then Lucv Haves
pulled the rope, and our great general was seen in chis-
eled marble, and again the Rebel yell was heard.
Hon. H. W. Lightfoot eulogized his great com-
mander, Stonewall Jackson, and at the conclusion the
little grandson of the great Christian general pulled the
veil away from his soldierly form.
Hon. Norman G. Kittrell paid a masterly tribute to
Texas’ adopted son, the gallant Albert Sidney John-
ston, and the veil was drawn away by the granddaugh-
ter of Stonewall Jackson.
Judge Watts told of the heroism of the private, and
scarce a dry eye was in all that vast assembly as they
listened to what he suffered and endured during the
four years of the war. The young ladies representing
the states. Daughters of the Confederacy, and every
veteran in reach pulled the rope that unveiled the pri-
vate’s chiseled form.
All was over now, save the “battle of flowers,” in
which every one in the audience took part. The air
was filled with fragrance and the mound was covered
with these bright weapons of love.
At 3 p.m. a mignificent banquet was served our visit-
ing friends at the Oriental Hotel.
Mrs. Hayes and children, who had been the recip-
ients of every courtesy, left next morning for their Col-
orado home. Mrs. Jackson remained several days, the
guest of Judge and Mrs. M. L. Crawford. Several
handsome receptions were tendered her, and the day
after the unveiling the veterans presented her with a
handsome gold badge.
One of the most pleasing incidents of the unveiling
ceremonies, and one that was a perfect surprise to him
and his family, was the honor conferred upon Gen. W.”
L. Cabell by the Daughters of the Confederacy : a mar-
ble medallion of him was placed on the main shaft of
the monument and a beautiful tribute pronounced
upon him as soldier and citizen by Capt. J. B. Simpson,
of Cabells Brigade, and a beautiful poem by Mrs. Eliza-
beth J. Hereford, composed in his honor, was read.
They have no more monuments to build in Dallas,
but the chapter, by its deeds of charity, is daily building
monuments in the hearts of all.
CiEN. R. B. CuLEMAN, I’. C. V , m’ALBSTEK, INI). “1.*
Shallenberger, of Ohio, said in Congress, in 1865,
when Mr. Raymond, of New York, asked what specific
act the South had committed, that she should not be re-
instated : “Has she not hurled your bleeding army
back in rout upon your capital, and has she not de-
stroyed another army that would almost reach around
the world in marching columns?” Why not tell us of
the battle of Spottsylvania and Wilderness, when the
Rebels resisted an assault for some days, and Grant’s
loss was 9,774 killed, 41,150 wounded, and 13,254 miss-
ing — 64,178; more than twice as many as had ever be-
fore been killed, wounded, and missing in any battle on
this continent. This was achieved by an army of
Southern gentlemen, directed by the best general in the
Hon. William G. Brien, of Nashville, delivered an
address at Jackson, Tenn., on Confederate Memorial
Day, May 15, 1885, which was in some respects pro-
phetic. It was then published extensively.
Nature is clad in her richest vesture of foliage and
flowers; the air is balmy and fragrant; the sky is so
cloudless, clear, and purely beautiful that God alone is
to be seen in heaven. We meet in the midst of pro-
found peace to recall the sad mem. iries 1 if war.
Every nation must exist in one of two conditions :
peace or war. The former is a state of health ; the lat-
ter is abnormal. War settles no questions, decidi
issues. It is a resort to physical force because the in-
tellectual power engaged has failed to compass its ob-
ject or attain its purpose. In what engagement of the
late war did an idea originate bearing on the subject in
dispute:’ In the mouth of what cannon and the muz-
zle of what rifle were found a major and a minor prem-
ise from which a logical lusion could be drawn?
What instruction did the blade of sword or point of
bayonel furnish? What mortal wound pr<
fact, or whal death established a proposition? War
may silence argument, suppress speech, and muzzle
the press, but it carries conviction nowhere. It nei-
ther enlightens the judgmenl nor convinces the rei
Here to day humanity with bowed head stands un-
covered in the presence of a threat sorrow. Sorrow is
sacred; it is the lot of humanity, it is the crucible in
which the human heart is purified and sublimed, it is
the retort in which the soul is refined. ‘There i- no
great life without ;. gre t sorrow. It teaches charity to
the spirit. gives to pride sackcloth and ashes, crushes
vanity and scatters its broken bones in the vallc\ of
humiliation, (“if all antiquity, the philosophy is sweet-
est which comes to us bathed in tears and softened by
sorrow, and its illustrative name will go down the ages
to the end of time.
On the Gulf of Mexico, where the wild waves wash
the white sand, there rises a humble cottage whose
lowly roof shelters the slight form and snowy head of a
poor old man. His race is run ; he is a part of the past,
and can not be separated from it ; memory can not part
company with him ; history will not surrender him.
The big brain of the North can perceive the emer-
gency now upon us. Horace Greeley, were he living,
could do it. Others there are that can and will. The
nation should tremble lest this old man die before the
official seal of the government has attested and authen-
ticated his pardon. Therefore haste, ere it be too late.
Let the record be that of universal pardon. Tt will be
the boast of the future historian that the magnanimity
of the American government was so great that no man
could escape its clemency,
The parchment on which this last act of love
grace is inscribed will become the heirloom (if the
American people, and future generations will read and
ponder the pardon of Jefferson Davis, while the world
Stands lost in wonder and admiration.
Let one gre? t monumenl 1 all, to which
state “‘il territon contributes it- Mock-, with its
name carved thereon. Let every victory of the war be
then I ; let all shine with one mingled glot
iated splendor; let the eye of patriotism gather
them all in one glance; let the world behold a monu-
ment which a nation of brothers can erect: let it rise;
let it rise till it meets the sun in his coming, and let his
last rays linger and play about its summit
Mrs. Maggie Arthur Call writes that Memorial Day
was suitably celebrated at Washington, \. C, by pla-
cing the figure of a Confederate soldier upon the mon-
ument that marks the place of comrades buried there.
The Memorial Association had long been working to
accomplish this, and finally succeeded, at a cost of
15. The address was delivered by Col. Julian S.
t arr, not unknown to the \ eteran readers, in which
he paid a timely tribute to Jefferson I »avis. A dinner
the Confederates present — about four
hundred from adjoining counties — by tin whose
every heart-th its in tender memory for
[“here i .1 prosperous chapt
the 1 Ihildren of the * bnfederacy there, and in 1 1 1 ■
;n the rear of the veterans, marched one
hundred children with b ach laden with flowers ;
as they ascended the hill upon which the monu-
ment 1 ‘earing a beautiful silk Confederate bat-
were wiped from many a sunburnt and
wrinl of gratitude fell and washed
. t -\ toil, for they knew ami felt that this service
was not in vain.
MISS l’i \ 1 1 “l-i B. MY] Ks, WASHINGTON, N. C.,
F01 North ( irolina at the Atlanta Reunion.
Samuel Grubb. Surgoinsville, Tenn.. who enlisted in
the Confederate army August 1 -‘. [862, al Creek,
Knox Count\’. Tenn., Sixty-Third Tent Kegi-
Irigg, was three times
woun 1 riously at
Drury’s Bluffs. He was captured at Hatcher’s Run,
Va.. April 2, I discharged al Point Lookout,
Mil.. June j,-.
Confederate l/eterar?
Confederate .
S. A. CUNNINGHAM, Editor and Proprietor.
Office: Methodist Publishing House Building, Nashville, Term.
This publication is the personal property of s. A. < unningham. All
persons who approve its principles, and realize its benefits as an organ for
Associations throughout the South, are requested to commend its patron-
age and to cooperate in extending it.
The horror of war to the Southern mind is unmiti-
gated. The devastation and ruin of that awful period
in every part of the South when privation caused pain
and anxiety almost unto death with all the people are
sadly vivid still to the older people. In consequence,
regardless of party alliance, there was general accord
with President McKinley in his strenuous efforts to
avoid it. They were ready to resent outrage upon
their nation’s flag in the destruction of the “Maine”
and so many of its crew, and they sympathized with
Cuba ; but they deplored the ultra action of young
Congressmen from the South and others who advoca-
ted war without volunteering to go themselves.
Now that the fight is on and the South is doing her
full share, some worthy comments may not be miscon-
strued. There would have been much bolder expres-
sions in behalf of the President, except for the reasons
stated. From across the old line there should be care-
ful deference until old prejudices are dead. Many
Southerners don’t admire blue uniforms still, and
there is not the propriety of overcoming that prejudice
that there was against the flag. The authorities sug-
gested wisely the use of brown as better in tropic cli-
mate than the blue, and that change should have been
adopted. Many a noble Confederate who is in blue
uniform to-day does not feel as comfortable in it as if
he did not remember the bitter experiences of 1861-65,
and no good can come from continuing to use that
color. The Veteran does not murmur at this, but it
boldly suggests the good that would come of a change.
No benefit can occur through any tendency to hu-
miliate proud-spirited people who sacrificed every-
thing but honor in the gray and revere it as they do the
flag that will ever be sacred to them. There should
not be anything maintained in this war except the flag
of our fathers to indicate the difference that existed
when the whole South was in anguish over principles
that are as sacred now as then, and principles which
will be maintained by the whole country at any cost.
Barring secession and slavery, all true Americans
would fight quicker to-day for the principles of the
Confederacy than in the cause espoused against Spain.
By and by the fraternity may be complete between
the North and the South, but it will not occur through
anything that is humiliating to the people of the latter
section. Personal honor is above country.
The organization of Confederates has done incalcu-
lable good, and it certainly will be maintained as long
as two or three ever, may assemble to share in recount-
ing holy memories and in helping unfortunate com-
rades or their families.
The Atlanta reunion just now seems opportune, and
the occasion should be improved to reexpress loyalty
to the United States government and to suggest that
such methods will be adopted as will spare ex-Confed-
erates and their sons from all things which would tend
to the humiliation that followed defeat in 1865.
The Southern people should all be diligent to main-
tain the truth of history and to induce cooperation to
maintain the government of the fathers. They believe
still in a white man’s government.
The game of Confederate heroes is designed to give
in outline some of the most prominent facts in the his-
tory of the Confederacy. It is played with cards, of
which there are eighty, divided into twenty books,
which are made up as follows : The flag-book, giving
the four flags of the Confederacy in their proper col-
ors ; one book giving the Confederate and border
states, the capital of the Confederacy, and some statis-
tics of interest ; two books devoted to President Davis
and his full cabinet, from the rise to the fall of the Con-
federacy ; eight books devoted to the most prominent
generals and their principal battles ; four books devo-
ted to other generals of note ; and four more, relating
to the navy, giving some of its most brilliant exploits
and illustrious names. The date and issue of each bat-
tle and the rank and command of every general men-
tioned are given, the whole being illustrated with por-
traits of the President and Vice-President and the land
and naval commanders.
The game of Confederate heroes has been prepared
by a lady who withholds her name from the public, and
she has made it a free-will offering for the benefit of the
Sam Davis Monument Fund. While the name is with-
held, the Veteran announces that the author proved
recently to be the highest critic in closest test of accu-
rate knowledge ever made in Tennessee. As soon as
the game is ready it will be announced in the Veteran.
The South in the Present War with Spain.
— The Albany (N. Y.) Journal graciously states: “Ex-
cept the work done by Dewey, the honors of this war
so far are being carried away by the sons of the South.
Bagley, of North Carolina, was the first officer killed ;
Gibbs, of Virginia, was the second. Hobson, of Ala-
bama, has won enduring fame by his act in sinking the
‘Merrimac;’ and now Blue, of South Carolina, has set-
tled the question of the location of Cervera’s fleet by
going into the country and overlooking the city of San-
tiago, where the bottled-up squadron was recognized.
Sons of the South are showing the same acts of hero-
ism that they have always shown in time of war, and,
unless the sons of the North bestir themselves the hon-
ors of this conflict may go to the Southland.”
Qopfederat-e l/eterai)
Edward Oarey Walthall, senior Senator from Missis-
sippi and late major-general in Stewart’s Corps, Army
of Tennessee, C. S. A., died in Washington, D. C, at
5:30 p.m. April 21, 1898. This announcement will cre-
ate mubh genuine sorrow. He was one of the most
distinguished and best-beloved public men of the day.
He was born in Richmond, Va., April 4, 183 1 ; received
an academic education at Holly Springs, Miss.; stud-
ied law there, and was admitted to the bar in 1852. 1 te
commenced the practise the same year in Coffeeville,
Miss. Was elected in 1856 District Attorney of the
Tenth Judicial District, and was reelected in 1859. He
resigned that office in the spring of 1861, and entered
the Confederate service as a lieutenant in the Fifteenth
Mississippi Regiment; was soon afterward elected lieu-
tenant-colonel of that regiment. In the spring of 1862
he was elected colonel of the Twenty-Ninth Mississippi
Regiment; was promoted to brigadier-general in De-
cember, 1862, and major-general in June, 1864.
After the war he practised law at Coffeeville until
January. 1871, when he removed to Grenada, and con-
tinued the practise until March. 1885. lie was a dele-
gate at large to the National Democratic Convention
in 1868, 1876, 1880, 1S84, 1892, and 1896, being chair-
man of the Mississippi delegation and one of the Vice-
Presidents of the convention of 186S. He was appoint-
ed to the United States Senate as a Democrat to fill the
vacancy caused by the resignation of linn. L. Q. C.
Lamar, who was appointed Secretary of Che Interior,
taking his seat March 12, 1885. He was elected by the
Legislature in January, [886, for Lhe unexpired term:
was reelected in January, iSSS, and again in 1 892. His
present term of service will expire in 1901.
In the year [839, while he was yet a lad. his family (of
the old Virginia line), seeking t<> repair 1 everses of for-
tune, found a home in 1 lolly Springs, Miss., then a
frontier town, but settled by educated and refined peo-
ple. With limited education, but with rare natural gifts
and high purpose, he began the study of the law. ( lb
tabling a license in 1852 and locating at Coffeeville,
nfiss., he at once entered upon a successful practise, in
which he continued until the beginning of the war, in
1861. At the call to arms he enlisted as lieutenant in
the Fifteenth Mississippi Infantry, but was soon after
elected lieutenant-colonel, being in command. Tn the
regiment’s tirsi bloody encounter, a: the battle of Fish-
ing Creek, where the fall, through treachery, of the la-
mented Zollicofrcr threw the Confederati – into
confusion, they were only saved from disaster by the
gallant stand of the Fifteenth under the rally and su-
perior military ability of their leader.
Tn the spring of 1862 he was elected colonel of the
twenty-Ninth Mississippi Regiment, forming a part of
the advance in Rragg’s campaign into Kentucky, and
taking part in Chalmers’ desperate and much-criticized
assault upon Munfordville, where so many valiant
Mississippians found blood v graves, and sharing in all
of the struggles of that swift and eventful march.
Tn December of that year (1862″) he was promoted to
the rank of brigadier-eeneral. having assigned to him
the Twenty-Fourth, Twentv-Seventh, Twenty-Ninth,
Thirtieth, and Thirtv-Fourth Mississippi Regiments,
known to the end of the war as Walthall’s Brigade, and
having a fighting record unsurpassed by any other
command of the Western array. With this brigade and
one other Gen. Walthall held Lookout Mountain
against Hooker’s heavy corps during the whole day
and far into the night, inflicting serious loss. as. rock by
rock, he yielded a position untenable before such supe-
rior numbers. In like manner, when the Federal col-
umns in successive lines charged the attenuated lines
on Missionary Ridge, he did not withdraw until after
support had been driven from right and left, and, al-
though painfully wounded, being disabled for many
weeks afterward, kept his saddle until after nightfall,
when the army withdrew in an orderly manner.
It was in these trying moments that his conspicuous
gallantry, his commanding presence, and his cool en-
■ 1 N 1 e. \\ All II All..
couragemenit inspired deed– of valor that make up the
matchless record of the men and their leader.
At Chickamauga. as part of what was organized as a
reserve division under Walker, this brigade opened the
figllil at Mexander’s Bridge, capturing a batter) early
in the engagement: and during the days of combat on
this famous field no individual command contributed
more in securing the victory than the Mississippians.
Promoted to major-general in June. 1864. Gen.
Walthall was in active field service until the close of the
war, his division forming a part of Hood’s army when
he hurried from Georgia into Tennessee, and being in
the fateful charge upon the breastworks at Franklin,
one of the deadliest of all the sad stories of the war.
Confederate l/eterar>.
When this campaign ended in disaster before Nash-
ville, and the broken ranks turned in retreat toward a
place of safety beyond the Tennessee River, Gen. Wal-
thall was assigned to the command of a meager force of
eight skeleton brigades, numbering scarcely three thou-
sand men, charged with the duty of covering the re-
treat, but destined, as was supposed, to certain capture.
It was when tendered this perilous post that he made
the prompt and characteristic reply: “Make your order,
Gen. Hood. I never sought a hard place for glory nor
a soft place for comfort.” With the assistance of For-
rest and his cavalry, the pursuing force, largely pre-
ponderating in numbers, was successfully held in check
through days of fierce encounter and nights of vigil, the
shattered army, with all of its trains, and also the pro-
tecting rear-guard, with its trophies of several cap-
tured guns, reaching the south bank of the Tennessee
in safety.
The hurry of events in ‘the closing struggle speedily
carried the “remnant of Hood’s forces to the assistance
of Gen. Johnston, in the East, and in the early spring
Gen. Walthall fought in his last battle at Cole’s Farm,
near Bentonville, N. C. In a letter written since his
death his distinguished corps commander gives this
vivid description of the engagement:
“The enemy, in overwhelming numbers, was upon
us. A cannon-shot struck the horse of Reynolds, of
Arkansas, in the chest, plowed its way through his
body, and took off the left leg of his rider, who could
not repress an exclamation of pain. Immediately in
our front lay Walthall’s Division, at the edge of an
open field, and it was my lot to send them forward to
the encounter. It was an inspiring sight, witnessed by-
many brave men, some of high rank, to see the firm,
steady lines, their intrepid commander, in whom all had
unbounded confidence, towering above them on his
own horse, advancing under a shower of bullets into the
storm of battle. The enemy gave way before their in-
vincible attack. I love to think of Gen. Walthall as he
appeared on that occasion.”
His sword sheathed, Gen. Walthall resumed the
practise of his profession at Coffeeville, Miss., remov-
ing later to Grenada, accepting the position of General
Attorney few the Mississippi Central Railroad Compa-
ny and of the subsequent great system of which it be-
came a part. In directing the legal department of
(^opfederate l/eterai?
these vast and valuable interests he took rank with the
great corporation lawyers of the day.
Though never seeking or holding political office
prior to 1885, he was a stanch party man of the Demo-
cratic faith, prominent in council, as is shown by his
attendance as chairman of his state delegation upon
every National Democratic Convention from 1868 to
1896 inclusive. Upon the resignation of Hon. L. Q. C.
Lamar, his intimate friend, to assume the duties of Sec-
retary of the Interior in Mr. Cleveland’s cabinet, Gen.
Walthall was appointed by Gov. Lowry to fill the un-
expired term, taking his seat in the United States Sen-
ate on March 12, 1885. This seat he held by successive
elections, without opposition, to the day of his death,
with the exception of fourteen months of one term,
when he resigned, because of ill health, but returned to
liis place the following year. His career in the Senate
is a part of the current history of the nation, his stand-
ing and influence and the personal esteem in which he
was held being evidenced by the fact that he was the
first of the Senators from the South after the war to be
honored with the appointment of chairman of the Sen-
ate Committee on Military Affairs.
Superb in this mental, moral, and physical endow-
ments, he had no occasion for ambitions. With a cool
head and a warm heart, fully equipped, When duties
were laid upon him he discharged them with courage
and promptness. When honors were bestowed he
wore them with dignity and grace.
His garments are empty. He rests where his child-
hood and youth were spent, under the dews that make
green the graves of his kindred. It may be permitted
one who lias stood near him through all the happenings
of his days to say that he was a man who dwelt upon
the summit of life, walking always in the light — that
light under which no virtue fails to shine forth, no
blemish fails to grow blacker. With him there was no
blot to darken, no reflection that did not give back
warmth and radiance. He was true to all the ties that
make home sacred, to all the bonds that guard friend-
ship as a treasure, to all the duties that in their fulfil-
ment ennoble life. “He serves all who dares be true.”
A. F. Smith, Clarksville, Tenn., who served in
Quarles’s Brigade, under Gen. Walthall, furnished the
Leaf-Chronicle, of his city, a sketch, from which the fol-
lowing notes are made:
At Kennesaw Mountain, Ga., about June 16, 1S64, he
was made a major-general and assigned to a division
composed of D. H. Reynolds’ (formerly McNair’s) Ar-
kansas Brigade, Canty’s Alabama Brigade (afterward
commanded by Gen. Shelly), and Quarles’s Tennessee
Brigade. Personally a stranger to every officer and
soldier of the division when he came to it, his splendid
presence and military bearing at once secured the ad-
miration of his new command, and this first impression
quickly ripened into a feeling of absolute confidence
and affection in the heart of every soldier under him.
He was a rigid disciplinarian, but lie scorned the meth-
ods of the martinet who avails himself of the mere let-
ter of the law to punish or persecute.
His division served under him from Kennesaw
Mountain to Jonesboro, participating in the battles of
Peachtree Creek, on the 20th of July, 1864, and Lick-
skillet Road (or Ezra Church), the 28th of the same
month; then on Hood’s raid into Tennessee, fighting
and sustaining heavy losses in the battles of Franklin
and Nashville, and forming part of that small but invin-
cible rear-guard (1,680 men) commanded by him which
checked and held at bay the pursuing hosts of Thomas
till Hood’s shattered army crossed the Tennessee Riv-
er; thence to Kingston and Bentonville, N. C, which
latter was the last fight of the once grand Army of Ten-
nessee, and in which Quarles’s Brigade captured a sec-
tion of a battery, the last artillery that was ever cap-
tured and held by the Confederate army.
•- . I M ON > \T \\ I M K, ATLANTA, GA.
Confederate l/eterar?
After passing Raleigh, X. C, on the retreat from
Bentonville, it was decided to reorganize the army by
consolidating the many skeletons of regiments into
compact ones of full quota, the troops of each state to
be put with others from their own state only. Only a
small fragment of Quarles’s Brigade being left, and
there being no other Tennesseeans in Walthall’s Divi-
sion with whom they might be combined, he was di-
rected to send them over to Brig. -Gen. Palmer, that
they might be incorporated with men of their own state.
This order he obeyed with his unvarying promptness,
but not without a pang at the parting. He wrote Gen.
Palmer a letter, saying in substance: “I send you, in
compliance with orders, one hundred and eighteen Ten-
nesseeans, the remnant of Quarles’s Brigade of six reg-
iments, which came to me thirty-seven hundred strong;
and I part with them with the sincerest regret. These
troops have endeared themselves to me by their faithful
performance of every call to duty that I ever made upon
them, and they have never failed me in any instance;
but, having no others from the same state, I must per-
force let them go with their own people.” This was
not the only communication sent by him to Gen. Palm-
er, along the same line, showing his interest in them.
It is enough to say that he had asked, in consideration
of their hard and faithful services, that they be given
one of the field-officers of the new regiment, and when
it appeared that this honor would fall to one of three
men whom he regarded as unfit for the place, he sent
one of his staff with a communication, saying that the
troops he had sent over were as good soldiers as ever
trod the field of battle; that their lives ought not to be
imperiled nor their earned honors jeopardized by the
selection of incompetent or unworthy officers ; and if
by any mischance such officers should be selected, he
would follow them to the War Department and ‘have
them turned out. The surrender came before the reor-
ganization was completed, and ended the matter.
Comrades, when we think of those memorable cam-
paigns the central figure of memory’s pictures of these
battles is that of a tall, erect, handsome officer, the finest
horseman in the Army of Tennessee, the general who
was always prompt to tell his men what to do: E. C.
Walthall. Whether as a subaltern of the Fifteenth
Mississippi Regiment, standing shoulder to shoulder
with the Twentieth Tennessee and Zollicoffer at Fish-
ing Creek, or as a brigade or division commander, he
always went right with the line to show them how and
When to do it. It is a memory that will not fail us while
life pulses through our veins and memory retains her
throne, and it will grow brighter to us as the fires of life
pale under the accumulation of added years, and as we
go down into the shadows of the valley to cross over
and rejoin the brave comrades who have gone before
the light of these davs will shine round about us and
show us the way to follow our brave leader.
While so much is a matter of personal interest to us,
there is another and broader view to be taken of this
man’s military services by all Tennesseeans: There is
not a battle-field in Tennessee of any note, barring Fort
Donelson, from the Tennessee River on the west to the
eastern boundary, that did not bear the imprint of Gen.
Walthall and that was not made more glorious thereby.
Murfreesboro, Tullahoma, Chickamauga, Lookout
Mountain (where, with a mere handful of men, he held
Hooker’s Whole corps at bay from early morning till
midnight in the so-called “battle above the clouds – ‘),
Mission Ridgv, Franklin, Nashville, the retreat from
Tennessee — all tell the story of duty performed by him
not only well but heroically. If Tennesseeans are
grateful for assistance rendered and favors conferred,
they will heap up the largest measure* to overflowing
when they mention the name of our loved and brave —
but alas! our dead — Gen. Walthall.
His courageous gallantry was known of all men, but
he was absolutely devoid of that spirit of vanity and
self-seeking which prompts the weak to thrust contin-
ually before the public their accomplishments and
achievements. For him to feel that he had done his
duty faithfully and well was enough. Let me add his
reply to Gen. Forrest When the latter, who was one of
‘his most ardent admirers, hunted him up at Columbia
and said: “I want you to command the infantry of the
rear-guard and cooperate with me on this retreat.
Will you go with me to Gen. Hood and second my re-
quest for that position?” Gen. Walthall said: “No; I
will do whatever Gen. Hood tells me to do. I am not
seeking any soft places nor dodging any hard ones.”
This was truly the keynote of his whole course of life.
He did not seek notoriety in extrahazardous ventures
nor court ease by avoiding a duty, but whatever duty
came to him he discharged with promptness and ener-
gy, leaving the consequences to care for themselves.
|OHver Wendell Holmes pronounced the following In he the finest wai
poem written during tile civil war.]
Ye spirits of the glorious dead,
Ye watchers in the sky,
Who sought the patriot’s crimson bed
With holy trust and high.
Come, lend your inspiration now,
Come, fire each Southern son
Who nobly fights for freeman’s rights
And shouts for sixty-one.
Come teach them how on hill, in glade.
Quick leaping from your side,
The lightning flash of sabers made
A red and flowing tide;
How well ye fought, how bravely fell
Beneath our burning sun :
And let the lyre in strains of fire
So speak of sixty-one.
There’s many a grave in all the land
And many a crucifix
Which tells how that heroic band
Stood firm in seventy-six.
Ye heroes of the deathless past.
Your glorious race is run.
But from your dust springs freedom’s trust
And blows for sixty-one.
We build our altars where you lie,
On many a verdant sod,
With sabers pointing to the sky
And sanctified to God.
The smoke shall rise from every pile
Till freedom’s cause is won,
And every mouth throughout the South
Shall shout for sixty-one.
T. B. Spain, of Cuero, Tex., desires to hear from any
surviving member of the Fifty-Second Tennessee Reg-
iment who was in the battle of Shiloh. Comrade Spain
was wounded there, and has not seen any of the com-
mand since the first day’s fight.
Confederate l/eterai)
Joseph Byrum, who lived near Corinth, Miss., in
1861, originally from North Carolina, although op-
posed to the secession of his state, espoused the cause
of the South, and sent seven sons to the Confederate
army, six of whom — William, Mark, George, Turner,
Joseph, and Naf — were in the Second Mississippi Regi-
ment. Thomas was in the Trans-Mississippi Depart-
ment. All were wounded except Turner, who was cap-
tured at Gettysburg and sent to prison at Fort Dela-
ware. All of the boys are still living except Thomas,
Who was accidentally killed two years ago.
The photograph, taken a few weeks ago, shows five
of these sons. It is something remarkable that so
many of one family who were in the war and who never
shirked duty should escape so remarkably well the
bloody scenes of the sixties.
J. F. Maull, Elmore, Ala., inquires for the friends
Who escaped with him from the prison at Elmira, N. Y.,
saying: “I know that W. B. Trawick is at Cold Springs,
Tex.; Bern- Benson, at Augusta. Ga.; C. Malone, at
Waldron, Ark.; G. G. Jackson, at Wetumpka, Ala.; and
William Lumpkin, at Faunsdale, Ala. I give these
names because any of the others, seeing their names
and addresses, may want to write. We had in the
crowd two Virginians — Webster and Crawford — also
a man from South Carolina, whose initials I have for-
gotten. I know of only one of the brave boys who got
out with n- having passed over the river to rest under
the shade of the trees: J. P. Putegnat, a noble boy.”
A mistake was made in the May number in giving
Capt. Fry’s name as ” James,” instead of “Joseph,”
and Capt’ Maffit’s should have been “John N.” Maffit.
Among Tom Ford’s chums were several incorrigible
foragers. When Gen. Rousseau, the gallant Kentuck-
ian. commanded the division he gave strict orders
against foraging. One day he saw Ford’s chums car-
rying a dressed sheep to camp. An>aid was directed to
arrest the foragers and march them to his side. “You
have been stealing sheep,” said the General.
“We killed this one in self-defense,” said a young
butcher. ” He was about to collide with us.”
“Nonsense! Take that mutton to my headquarters,
and go to your camp,” snapped the General.
The next day the same batch of foragers was again
caught with a large, fat sheep (?), well dressed. This
time the General scolded them savagely. As on the
previous occasion, the mutton was sent to the General’s
mess and eaten by him and his staff. A few days later,
when he and some friends rode through camp, the men
in Ford’s company barked like so many Newfoundland
dogs. He demanded of the captain to know what it
meant. One of the foragers was trotted out. “What
do you mean by barking as I came into this camp ? ”
“Well, General, you remember that last sheep you
had taken from us and sent to your mess? ”
“Yes; but What has that to do with this infernal
bowwowing? ”
“Everything, general. That wasn’t a sheep at all; it
was a Newfoundland dog.”
For half a minute the proud-spirited officer looked
hard at the man. Then he laughed and rode away.
The following story is told by R. W. Officer, an old
Confederate of Atoka, Ind. Ter. :
A small party of Confederate soldiers were left at
Fort Smith, Ark., to guard the crossing. The boys
found a small cannon, so determined to mount and load
it, and give the boys in blue a shot before they vacated.
It was suggested that they lash the loaded gun on a
big mule, and after the shot take it along with them.
All things were ready just about the time the bluecoats
appeared in force on the west side of the river. The
mule was led to the edge of the water, and the new
made gunner sounded out: “Match her off.” The old
mule stood quiet until the match was touched to the
fuse that had been introduced into the touch-hole, but
when it began to sizz and the fire to fall upon his neck
and withers his discomfort caused him to turn round
and round. . The boys, except the one holding the
mule’s bridle, instantly fell to the ground. The com-
mand, “Down, boys!” attracted the captain from slum-
ber in the old storm fort. Seeing the regiment in blue
across the river and his men in a scattered condition on
the ground, he commanded: “Up and into line, boys!”
No one stirred. The command came again and again
with deeper earnestness, when Sam Monro replied;
“Up and thunder and lightning! We will stay down
till that mule shoots.” In another instant the gun fired,
the mule tumbled down upon his knees, and the shell
struck far from its mark on the hillside and exploded.
The captain cried out: “Every man take care of him-
self; they arc all around us.” The laugh was on the
captain, and all retreated in order with mule and gun.
Confederate l/eterao.
St. Michael’s Church, at Charles-
ton, is one of the oldest and most his-
torical churches in existence. It
was located in July, 1672, and. was
originally called St. Philip’s. June
14, 1751, an act of the General As-
sembly was passed naming that por-
tion of Charleston St. Michael’s, and
directing that a church be built at a
cost of not more than $55,000, to be
paid for out of the public money.
February 17, 1752, the Governor laid
the first stone, at the southwest cor-
ner. Rev. Robert Cooper was the
first minister, and held his first serv-
ice February 1, 1761. The building
was one hundred and thirty feet long
by sixty feet wide, of brick, with a
slate roof. The steeple rises one
hundred and eighty-six feet from the
ground. January 6, 1762, subscrip-
tions were started to procure a ring
of bells. The clock and bells reached
Charleston July 15, 1764. The bells,
eight in number, were cast in Lon-
don, and cost, put up, £681 sterling,
and are said to be one of the sweet-
est-toned sets in the world. Eighteen
years afterward, in December, 1782,
when Charleston was evacuated by
the British, the royal artillery car-
ried them off on the last fleet that
sailed, December 14, 1782. A Mr.
Ryhiner, a merchant formerly of
Charleston, bought and shipped
them back to Charleston, where they
arrived November 20, 1783, anil
were again hung in their tower. In
1832 two of the bells were found to be cracked, and in
1838 were sent to England to be recast, and reached
Charleston on return in August, 1839. In June, 1862,
they were sent to Columbia, S.C., for snfe-keeping, and
were burned in that city by Sherman in February, 1865.
The fragments were gathered up, and in 1866 were
shipped to the successors of the original founders, who
were still in business in London, and recast of the same
amalgam and in molds made by the same trammels.
They reached Charleston in February, 1867, when a
duty of $2,200 had to be paid on-them, and in that year
the old sweet familiar music again gladdened every
heart and caused many an eye to fill with grateful tears.
The total cost of restoring them to their place in the
steeple was $7,723.01, of which the city contributed
$3,000. By act of Congress January 8, 1878, the duty
on the bells was refunded. The organ of the church
has a history only second to the bells. It was bought
in London, and reached Charleston in August, 1768,
and, like the church and all contained within it, has a
wonderful history. Some of the roofing of the church
was used to furnish lead to the army at the time of the
British invasion of 1776. A full history of the church
would fill a large volume.
[Printed for private circulation in England.]
In pine-brake and on mountain battle-ground,
In river-drift and Mississippian swamp,
Each as he fell — their overt work undone,
Their country trodden down and desolate —
Rest until doomsday the Confederate dead.
Yet, in that bitter shipwreck and the crash
Of all which in the passionate resolve
Of patriotic zeal they staked and lost.
They were not servants profitless; their names
Glow on the roll which duty keeps for fame —
That golden roll with iron pen engraved.
Dipped in the heart-blood of the noble dead,
Weighed well with truthful balance, scrutinized
By eyes that love no guile and grovel not
In vulgar worship of a forced success.
They lived accepted in the chosen band
Of those who in short time encompassed deeds
Whose worth the span of rolling centuries
Preserves in undecaying memory —
Stout, working preachers to their fellow-men
Of single stern self-sacrifice.
Whose unwrit sermons shall be garnered up
In the dim c.vcles of the coming time
For the refreshment of sick human kind.
Qoofederate V/eterai}.
The death of Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston at Shiloh
was one of those fateful incidents which seem to change
the whole course of contemporary events. In all human
probability it alone saved one great army from utter
destruction and doomed another to see the reward
of its valor snatched from its grasp at the critical
moment, and to find itself forced to rest content with
merely crippling an enemy it had hoped to crush. De-
tails of such events as these are always interesting,
and would seem to be called for in this case, as several
accounts of it have been published, none of which agree
entirely with the facts which are here narrated.
There was a spot on this battle-field of Shiloh where
the struggle was so bitter, where valor seemed so equal-
ly matched, anil where blood was so freely poured forth,
that to distinguish it, it has been named the “hornet’s
nest.” Here for a time an equilibrium seemed to have
been reached, and the fiercest attacks failed to break the
stubborn resistance offered. Bowen’s Brigade, of
Breckinridge’s Division, to which the writer was at-
tached as assistant adjutant-general, had been, early in
the day, divided into two portions, and each separately
moved to that part of the field where its services seemed
most needed. Two regiments, the Ninth and Tenth
Arkansas infantry, funned a portion of the line of battle
at the point of which I now speak. These troops, like
most of those by whose side they fought. had never been
in battle before. Raw and untried as they were, armed
with a mixed lot of old flint-lock muskets, squirrel
rifles, it is no wonder they hesitated and halted here,
where the most tried veteran would have thought it no
shame to pause. They had [ought all day long, and
position after position had been stormed in the onward
rush of their victorious ranks ; but now they had met
an obstacle which had brought them to a halt, which
seemed destined to prove fatal.
Here were two opposing parallel ridges, the ground
open between, a gradual slope from our side down-
ward, and a steeper ascent on the other side of the val-
ley. Over there the acclivity was covered with a splen-
did growth of forest-trees, and just in the shelter of this
line of woods lay the Union lines, pouring across the
open space a veritable storm of fiercest musketry. I
think the lines were not more than one hundred yards,
apart, perhaps less. My attention was naturally ab-
sorbed by the conduct of the two Arkansas regiments
of our brigade. The men appeared to be willing, full
of pluck and spirit, but every attempt to charge failed.
More than one gallant officer had thrown himself for-
ward with flashing saber or waving hat, only to f 1 11
headlong and add one more to the pile of corpses that
lay across the forward path. The men would load, ad-
vance to the crest of the ridge, fire and fall back just
enough to get cover to load again in safety. This was
repeated over and over again by each individual, and
not by ranks or companies, nor in any regular order.
Gens. Breckinridge and Bowen, with their staffs, were
on the ground, aiding the field and company officers
and urging the charge; but all efforts were fruitless,
and made no change in the condition of affairs. It
seemed fated that our onward rush was to be stayed
and our attack broken by the obstinate resistance of the
brave fellows across the ravine.
Just then Gen. Johnston rode up from the rear to-
ward the dangerous crest. Calm and imperturbable, as
he always was, he seemed in no haste and showed no
outward sign of emotion, save that his bronzed face
was more flushed than usual. He rode straight to the
top of the hill alone, and reined in his horse on the very
summit, just in front of the Ninth Arkansas Regiment.
His appearance as he sat there, steady and immovable
as a bronze statue, is one of those pictures that burn
themselves into the memory so deeply that they can
never fade. The horse stood broadside to the line cf
battle, the rider sat erect, turned sideways toward us —
horse and man, standing alone on the crest, amid the
roar of battle, were clearly outlined against the sky.
His right arm was raised over his head, as if grasping
a sword, lini in the hand was only a tin cup, which he
had evidently forgotten to throw aside after drinking
from some of the small streams th-t intersected the
field. For a moment he remained motionless in this
position, looking at our lines with a smile, as if to prove
to us by his example that the perilous hilltop was not
of necessity a fatal spot, and to invite us to advance.
Then he spoke to the soldiers a few words only. I
could hear ‘his voice, but the noise and confusion were
too great for me to catch more than a word here and
there. Others who could hear all told me that his
speech ran thus: “Men of Arkansas, you who boast
of using cold steel, don’t waste your ammunition. I
will lead you. Come and show us what you can do
with the bayonet.” At this moment Gen. Bowen called
to an officer near, whose name I can not recall : “Capt.
form your company on this line.” The gallant
captain sprang to the position indicated, and repeat-
ed the command to his company, which at once obeyed
Confederate l/eterat?
and formed on him. The example was instantly fol-
lowed by the whole line ; the ranks formed as if inspired
by one soul ; the wild rebel yell rang out clear and
shrill, and we swept over the ridge and down the slope.
It was a bloody path, and one along which many a fool
passed which never trod another.
Just as the charge commenced I noticed that our
commanding general was, for the moment, entirely
alone, and that, as far as I could see, I was the only
mounted officer in his immediate vicinity. It was evi-
dent that his own staff and orderlies had been sent away
by him on errands of duty. Seeing this, and thinking
that he might need the services of a mounted man, I
rode up to his left side, close enough for him to see that
I was near; and, recognizing my presence by a glance
and a nod, Ire went straight forward, the tin cup still
in his hand. He rode with the foremost rank of the
charging men, keeping even pace with them in their
rapid advance. I kept my position near him while we
crossed the hollow and commenced to mount the op-
posite slope. We were now very close to the Federal
lines, which commenced to waver and give signs of
breaking. Just then the excitement natural under
such circumstances overpowered me. and, forgetting
the General and my self-imposed duty as orderly, I
spurred forward. After this my memory recalls little
for a time save the shouting, smoke, and confusion of
battle and some personal incidents which impressed
themselves upon me too sharply to be forgotten.
It could not have been very long, however, before the
charge was over, the point was carried, and our disor-
dered ranks were halted to reform. Then I rode back
over the way we had come, seeking to find Gen. Bowen,
who had been wounded, and to procure a horse in place
of the wounded one that bore me. I passed over the
ground covered by our advance, and, on reaching the
valley near which I had last seen him, I found Gen.
Johnston stretched on the ground, surrounded by staff-
officers. I checked my horse and stood silently and
with a full heart gazing upon the sad scene, and then,
when I saw that all was over, passed on, with the bitter
conviction that our cause had suffered a loss for which
the victory, that seemed surely won, could hardly com-
pensate. During the charge and while I rode near
him the General received no wound. He passed un-
scathed across that valley of death, having fulfilled his
promise by leading us in person over the obstacles that,
without him, we had tried so often and failed to pass.
Qoi)federate l/eterar>
Maj. W. L. Wickham, of this city, served that day
as aide-de-camp of Gen. Johnston’s staff. He wit-
nessed his acts and heard his words as I have narrated
them, and his story fills the gap from the time I left
him until I found him again. When the charge com-
menced Maj. Wickham was unable to immediately join
us, owing to the fact that the body of charging soldiery
was between him and the General. He succeeded,
however, in reaching him soon after I had ridden away
and just after he had been rejoined by Gov. Harris, of
Tennessee, to w r hom he was giving an order at the
time. The Governor rode away to execute it, and the
General and Maj. Wickham had ridden together for
some distance, when the latter heard the thud of a ball
striking its object, and soon after noticed blood drip-
ping from the General’s left boot-heel. Calling atten-
tion to the fact, he proposed to move down under shel-
ter of the hill, but the General positively refused to do
so. Col. O’Hara, of the staff, then joined them, and,
observing the wound, rode off at full speed for a sur-
geon. Gov. Harris now returned, and, supporting the
General on one side, Maj. Wickham on the other, they
moved down into the ravine. On the way the General
fainted from loss of blood. They laid his form gently
on the ground, and but a few minutes elapsed before he
was dead. This was about 2 130 p.m.
SHILOH 11 \ 1 1 I E 1, Km NIL
In spite of the misfortunes which fell to his lot — mis-
fortunes rendered inevitable by the absurdly insufficient
means placed at his disposal to carry out what was ex-
pected of him — there was no man, not even excepting
Robert E. Lee, who was more loved and trusted by
those under his command than Albert Sidney John-
ston. During the battle of Shiloh he was everywhere,
pushing the attack, encouraging the men, and seeing
that the plan of battle he had so carefully explained the
night before to his subordinate generals was harmoni-
ously and accurately carried out by them. He exposed
his person without stint — more than would have been
right under ordinary circumstances, but with raw and
untried troops, needing the force of example to teach
them wtiat was theirs to do, he felt that he must exceed
a general’s duty. He knew that this battle was a great
crisis, big with the fate of the cause he defended. He
threw himself unreservedly into its vortex, and died as
a hero loves to die: on the field of glory and in the arms
of victory. He fell, confident that his work was well
done, and, happier than others, was spared the linger-
ing agony of a long, weary struggle ended by defeat.
The much-debated question of the surprise of the
Union army at Shiloh has been the ground of bitter
controversies and heart-burnings innumerable, but it
has all been on one side. I have never, then or since,
talked with a Confederate who was there who did not
think- that it was a complete one. Men who fought as
our opponents did could never have been so completely
routed from such strong positions as they occupied
had not our first attack been aided by the effects of sur-
prise. The appearance of the camps first entered told
the story completely — the evidence of haste and confu-
sion at every turn; the half-eaten breakfasts still on the
camp tables, furnishing us with the only meal we had
that day; officers’ side arms left in the tents; and, in one
place, an abandoned quartermaster’s or paymaster’s
chest, full of uncut new greenbacks — all bore evidence
to the fact that we were entirely unexpected guests.
Surely it is no compliment to the Union soldiers who
fought at Shiloh to say that it was not a surprise.
There is another controversy here which admits of
more debate: Could the Union army have escaped sur-
render or destruction but for Buell’s timely aid? It is
certain that when we went into bivouac on the night of
the 6th in the Federal tents, not knowing that a fresh
army was at hand to meet us, no man of us doubted
that the next morning would witness the capture of our
adversaries; and the only fear we felt was that they
would use the night and the gunboats to escape.
There is one other belief that we cherished, and that
always did most to sadden us when we talked the mat-
ter over around our camp-fires: It was that nothing
could have successfully opposed our final attack on the
evening of the 6th — that attack which never was made,
but which was only prevented by an order from our
own generals, founded on a want of correct informa-
tion as to affairs at the front. Had it not been for that
order, the arrival of Buell would have been too late.
Some Confederates have said that an attack was made.
Perhaps this was the case here and there by portions
of the line, but the general assault, for which all, as far
as I could judge, were prepared, never took place.
There was ample time, and the soldiers were but order-
ing themselves for the onset and awaiting the word to
advance. That word never came, but. instead, the
command was given to halt. The men were loath to
obey, and repeatedly the authority of the order was
questioned or denied. They were told: “You have
done enough for to-day. Go into camp; to-morrow we
will finish up the work.” They must obey; and the
weary Confederates went to their bivouacs on the
bloody field, and left their hard-won victory behind.
Qopfedera te l/eterai}.
Had Albert Sidney Johnston lived, that order would
never have been given, and his promise that at night
we would “water our horses in the Tennessee” would
have been fully redeemed.
It is not my intention to enter into any minute ac-
count of tire battle, but simply to relate in few words
the history of the death of Gen. Johnston, the great and
gallant soldier who planned the battle, put the troops
in motion, fought it, and just as he was about to wit-
ness a complete victory fell, mortally wounded by a
spent Minie ball. When he fell, the victory fell with
him. On that day I was acting as aide-de-camp to
Gen. Johnston. It was on the crest of a hill, with a
raviire in front filled with Federal troops, as was also
the ascent to a parallel ridge and the ridge itself, all of
which was heavily wooded, that Gen. Johnston ap-
peared in front of an Arkansas regiment, holding
something in his hand which I took to be a tin cup.
As he rode down the line, with his face flushed with
the excitement of the coming charge, with superb and
commanding person, he looked every inch the great
soldier that he was. With the cup he beckoned to the
men to raise their muskets, ordering them at the sanre
time not to fire, but to charge and give the enemy tire
bayonet. “I will lead you,” he said, together with
other words of encouragement which I could not hear,
but which were responded to by a most peculiar charac-
teristic yell that left you with the inevitable feeling that
your hair had turned into porcupine quills. Onward
these brave troops rushed into the ravine and up the
ridge, giving a mighty yell, which, mingled with the
roar of the muskets, made such a noise as I can not
undertake to describe. In the midst of the confusion I
became for a short time separated from Gen. Johnston,
but I soon pushed to the front with a lot of stragglers
whom I had collected, who were making their way to
the rear. The valley and hillside through which I
passed were filled with the dead and wounded, and just
as I reached the top of the ridge, from which the Feder-
als had been driven, in search of Gen. Johnston, I dis-
covered him giving an order to Gov. Isham G. Harris,
of Tennessee, one of the bravest and most indefatigable
of his staff-officers on that day. As Gov. Harris was
leaving I joined Gen. Johnston, and we rode on for
about an eighth of a mile on the level of this ridge, ex-
posed all the while to a heavy fire from the retreating
enemy, for the Minie balls were cutting off the
branches of the trees and striking the ground all
around us. I was riding so near to Gen. Johnston that
the nose of mv horse touched his saddle-blanket. I
heard a ball strike his horse, as I thought, but, on look-
ing, I saw no flesh wound upon his horse, but discov-
ered the blood drippinsr from the heel of the General’s
left boot, the side on which I rode. Had I known at that
moment that the femoral artery had been severed just
below the knee, which was the fact. I mieht have im-
mortalized mvself — as our surgeon, Dr. Yandell, after-
ward told me — by making a tourniquet with my hand-
kerchief, which would have prevented his bleeding to
death, as subsequently proved to be the case. Then I
neither knew the extent of the wound, nor the remedy
to apply. When I noticed the blood dripping, I said:
“General, you are wounded, and we had better go
down under the hill, Where we will not be exposed to
the bullets.”
He turned, and with a very positive and emphatic
manner said: “Xo; we will go where Hardee is. The
fighting is heaviest there.”
He turned his horse, and just at that moment Col.
O’Hara, of his staff (and a more gallant officer never
lived), rode up to him, and said: “General, your horse
is wounded.”
He replied: “Yes, and his master too.”
Col. O’Hara said, “I will go for a surgeon,” and, in-
stantly turning his horse, dashed off at full speed
through a shower of bullets.
A moment after, Gov. Harris rode up, and said to
Gen. Johnston that his order to silence or capture a
battery bad been executed. Then, discovering the
wound, he said, “General, you are wounded;” to which
Gen. Johnston responded, “Yes; and badly, I fear.”
I was then supporting him on his horse, on his left
side, when Gov. Harris came up and supported him on
his right. I said to Gov. Harris, who took me for Col.
Albert J. Smith, chief quartermaster of the army, that
we had better take the General down into the ravine,
as the enemy might capture us if we remained where
we were, to which he assented. As we rode along
Gen. Johnston fainted, and the bridle-reins fell from his
hands. A short distance more and we stopped, took
him from his horse, and laid him upon the ground,
over which but a few moments before he had driven the
enemy at the point of the bayonet.
Col. R. I. Fleming, Commander of Confederate Vet-
eran Association, Washington, D. C. : “No true Con-
federate should ever fail to do honor to the glorious
record made from 1861 to 1865. We fought from a
conscientious duty, believing that we were in a right-
eous cause, and simply did our duty; and out of tire
struggle between two brothers we have the strongest,
the richest, and most enlightened country in the world.”
W. C. Tyler, No. 105 Thirty-Ninth Street, Kansas
City, Mo., was a member of Company A, Thirty-Sev-
enth Virginia Regiment, which belonged to Stonewall
Jackson’s “Foot Cavalry.” He would be glad to hear
from surviving comrades.
Qoofederate Veterans.
Capt. John H. Weller, of Louisville, furnishes photo-
graph and sketch of Capt. Ed Porter Thompson, of the
renowned Orphan Brigade, of Kentucky. Capt. Wel-
ler states that when questioned as to his record as a sol-
dier Capt. Thompson says, “It is not in any way ex-
traordinary,” and further it is impossible to get him to
say. Hence the incidents in a life spent for his coun-
try and his kind, though they clothe his character with
a halo of imperishable glory, must rest with the reputa-
tion of his comrades, whose every name he has handed
down in illustrious story to a proud and grateful pos-
terity. Alas! those that could write of ‘him as he is,
even without embellishment, and knew him and saw
him daily during the four years of blood and afterward
in the truly greater struggles of peace, are rapidly be-
coming fewer, and are not used to recording deeds and
actions with the pen, though their lives were stamped
deeply in the heart of a cause so noble and dear to the
South. We wonder if it will be understood when we
say that Ed Porter Thompson was a typical Southron,
when for four years the ear was bewildered and the
earth shook with the thunder of strife. It is said thus
of so many that lie is constrained to say that his life has
not been an extraordinary one. We must believe that
it was. We lose our ideals if, even in that contest, there
looms none above the others. We glory in them and
our natures crave after them, and we must love them.
Yes; the man who Fought as he did, and on that reputa-
tion since has builded with patience amid trials, priva-
tions, impossible obstructions, invalided almost from
old wounds, yet still erect, before God and man a tower
of great strength, is still the hero of our worship, and it
makes us better that we cherish him.
Capt, Thompson was born near Center (La Fayette),
then in Barren (now Metcalfe) County, Kv.. May 6,
1834. His parents were Virginians. When his father
died Ed Porter was twelve years of age. As he was the
oldest of five children, and their circumstances were
somewhat limited, young Thompson took up the battle
of life as the “man of the family.” and thus began in
earnest to construct a heroic character, which is still
growing, and which has proved a rock against all ad-
verse comers and a brilliant light to Kentuckians. lie
eagerly devoted himself to every method that would
draw out his mind, and knowledge came to him rapidly,
so that while yet a farmer boy he became a cultured
scholar, and his neighbors enjoyed his erudition as a
teacher while he was yet a minor.
When the cloud of war began to lower his spirit was
aroused, as were his father’s and mother’s people dur-
ing the French, the Indian, and the Revolutionary
wars, the border wars of Kentucky, and the war of
1812. Turning aside from ambition as a lawyer, for
which lie was preparing himself, and, fully informed of
the legal status of our casus belli, he went straight to
the nearest body of troops being recruited and cast his
fortunes with the Sixth Kentucky Infantry. He never
hesitated when he bade adieu to his beloved wife and
two children. We who have since married and have
children and grandchildren can the better appreciate
such a sacrifice. As a soldier, it is only necessary to
state bare facts, and our comrades who read this in the
Veteran can judge whether his career was only an or-
dinary one. It is almost impossible to get from him
anything like data, yet he has besieged his comrades
continuously since the war for incidents concerning
themselves, and collated his wonderful book, in which
there is only a bare mention of himself, in alphabetical
order with the privates of his company, and in which
he would not allow his picture to appear.
In the roster of Company E, Sixth Kentucky, page
760, we read: “Ed Porter Thompson, Metcalfe County,
was appointed first sergeant of Company F March 2.
1862, and fought with that company at Shiloh. where he
was wounded; was transferred to Company E April 26.
1862, and appointed fifth sergeant ; was 1 lected hi st lieu-
tenant May 10, 1862; fought at Stone’s River, at which
latter place he was wounded January 2, 1863, and fell
into the hands of the enemy.” He was one of the thir-
ty-six officers wdio cast lots at City Point, \’a., May 25,
1863, for the chance of being returned to Fort Delaware
prison and shot in retaliation, but was one of the eight-
een who drew fortunate tickets and were admitted to
exchange. He was first lieutenant at Murfrecsboro,
and, still suffering from the Shiloh wound, went into the
charge on foot, ami was again desperately wounded.
In his report of the part taken in the battle of Stone’s
Piver by the Sixth Regiment, Col. (afterward Gen.)
Lewis said of him : “Of those wounded, several were left
on the field and at Murfreesboro, and of the missing I
fear all are either prisoners or some killed and wounded,
as they had all crossed the river. One of them. Lieut.
Ed Porter Thompson, was last seen with pistol, firing
on the advancing enemy. It is due him to say that, de-
tailed as commissary, he was not required to go into ac-
tion, but during that week he discharged his duties as.
Confederate ,
commissary and as an officer on the field, sharing the
hardships and dangers throughout.”
Capt. Thompson came back to the regiment after his
exchange, and, as his wounded leg had been improperly
treated while a prisoner, his knee stiffened with his
lower leg at an angle of about forty-five degrees. Not
being able to put one of his feet to the ground, of
course he could not walk, and was under fire several
times while on crutches. Col. Cofer, of the Sixth, who
succeeded Gen. Lewis to the command, promoted him
to the position of quartermaster, and, by putting both
crutches under one arm and balancing himself, he
would put his sound foot in the stirrup and throw him-
self into the saddle. Surgeon Newberry, of the Sixth,
finally got his leg straight, but ever after during the
final months he was compelled to keep it tightly ban-
daged. As chief of the trains that followed us on the
route from Dalton to Lovejoy Station, he was conspic-
uous and useful beyond similar officers in any other
Capt. Thompson has been an educator, editor, and
man of letters since the war. He has distinguished
himself in every position he has occupied and brought
honor and dignity to every calling. He has been the
chief editor of the Bentonville (Ark.) Advance, Owen
County (Ky.) Democrat, and founder and editor of the
Bentonville (Ark.) Bcntonian. He is the author of the
“Academic Arithmetic,” “Young People’s History ot
Kentucky,” “A Brief History of Arkansas,” “History
of the First Kentucky Brigade, C. S. A.,” and other
works in prose not recalled at present, besides being a
poet of unusual merit. His book entitled “The Priest’s
Temptation” has elicited the highest tribute from our
best critics. His magnificent career as Superintendent
of Public Instruction of Kentucky will never cease to
be a blessing to our school system. He is living quiet-
ly at his modest little home in Frankfort, surrounded by
his devoted wife and children, still hard at work.
What a privilege to have such a man living among
us — giving, always giving, out to the world more than
he receives! Those of us who went through the war
with the great body of men called Confederates certain-
ly glory in his deeds as a citizen after the struggle end-
ed. We are proud of him as one of our number, and
Confederate Veterans
we hope that so long as we meet to recount the dangers
and perils of the civil war we may not forget to do honor
to our heroes yet living, and that the noble life of Capt.
Ed Porter Thompson may come to us often as a bless-
ing and a benediction.
“The History of the Orphan Brigade” is Capt.
Thompson’s new book, just published in Louisville,
and dedicated to the Sons and Daughters of the Con-
federacy. On the dedication page he gives an unpar-
alleled epitome of the position we occupied in 1S61 and
the immortal principles we fought to maintain, and
which really do obtain now and forever — viz., “the in-
alienable right of a people to choose their own form of
government, and the sacredness of constitutional guar-
antees. Though the Confederacy failed of establish-
ment, these still live, and must live, if human liberty is
to endure on this continent.”
Chapter II. of the book is devoted to a “brief : t view
of the attitude of the Confederate element of Kentucky
on the question as to whether the South was to be co-
erced back into the Union.” which had a positively
negative answer, and Gov. Magoffin voiced the senti-
ment of all true Kentuckians when he replied to Mr.
Lincoln’s call for troops: “I say emphatically that Ken-
tucky will furnish tin troops for the wicked purpose of
subduing her sister Southern states.” Then the stor) of
how the state was wrought upon by ultra-Union men
until She assumed an attitude utterly unworthy of the
character and traditions of her people — neutrality, so
called — is briefly hut thoroughly told, and a full ex-
pose of the entire situation laid before the reader.
In this history is to be found the unprecedented
achievement by a single historian in ancient or modern
times in presenting the individual military record of
nearly six thousand men. In no book ever written
before has there been even an attempt to give the
history of the private soldier: but here you have
soldier and officer of the entire First Kentucky Brigade
of Infantry, or Orphan Brigade, with his place of enlist-
ment, the battles engaged in. where wounded ot cap-
tured, etc. As a writer said of the book, Capt. Thomp-
son has immortalized every member of the Orphan Bri-
gade. This brigade was composed of the Second,
Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Ninth Kentucky Infantry,
First Kentucky Cavalry, and Cobb’s Battery, besides
Graves’s Battery until after Donelson, and Byrne’s Bat-
tery until it joined Morgan’s Cavalry.
The book- contains eleven hundred and four pages,
and is full of general interest to the Confederate soldier.
A fair review of it can not be given here, but children
will be delighted with the one hundred and forty-live
anecdotes and incidents scattered through it, told in the
chaste language of a scholarlv Southern soldier. There
are fine engravings of many Kentuckians who formed a
part of that famous brigade. Not Kentucky alone is
interested in the storv of the famous command, but the
entire Southern people, for whom they were as true
and for whom they fought as gallantly and with as con-
sistent devotion as they could have displayed had they
been battling in defense of their own firesides.
For price, terms to agents, etc.. address Lewis N.
Thompson, 419 East Breckinridge Street, Louisville.
[Written by Innis Randolph, of Virginia, in 1866, at the time
of the placing the John Marshall statue on the base of the
Washington Monument in Richmond, the state at that time
being under martial law, and called, in military orders, “Dis-
trict No. 1.”]
We are glad to see you. John Marshall, my boy,
So fresh from the chisel of Rodgers,
To take your stand on the monument there
Along with the other old codgers.
With Washington. Jefferson. Mason, “and such.”
Who sinned with a great transgression
In their old-fashioned notions of freedom and right
And their hatred of wrong and oppression.
But you’ve come rather late to your pedestal, John;
Things are very much changed since you’ve been here:
For the volume you hold is no longer the law,
And this is no longer Virginia.
The “Marshall Law” you expounded of yore
Is no longer at all to the purpose^
And the “martial law” of the new Krigadier
Is stronger than habeas corpus.
So shut up the volume you hold with such care,
For the days of the law are over;
And it needs all your brass to be holding it there,
With “Justice” inscribed on the cover.
Could life awaken the limbs of bronze
And blaze in the burnished eye.
What would you do with a moment of time.
Ye men of the days gone DJ
Would you chide us or pity us. blush or weep.
Ye men of the days gone by?
Would Jefferson tear up the scroll he holds.
Which time has proven a lie?
\\ ould Marshall shut Up the volume of law
And lay it down with a sigh?
Would Mason roll up the “Bill of Rights”
From a nation unworthy to scan it?
Would Henry dash down the patriot sword
\n.l clang it against the granite?
And Washington, seated in massy strength
On his charger that paws the air.
Could he see his sons in deep disgrace,
Would he ride so proudly there?
He would get him down from his big brass horse,
And cover his face with shame —
For (lie land of his birth is now “District One: ”
“Virginia” was once the name.
W. T. Butt, Atlanta, Ga.: “Please correcl my correc-
tion of Comrade T. L. Powei in March Veteran. I
intended saying that the Forty-Fifth Alabama and For-
ty-Fifth Mississippi Regiments were twin brothers.
The Fourth Alabama was in Virginia making glorious
history for herself and state, while the Forty-Fifth Ala-
bama was carrying the ‘silver moon of Pat Cleburne’
in the Army of Tennessee.”
T. Leigh Thompson, President Tennessee Division,
S. C. V., Lewisburg, Tenn.: “In 1862 or 1863 a Con-
federate soldier named Gunston died at the home of
William Fowler, near Lewisburg, Marshall County,
Tenn., and was buried in the family graveyard. His
grave was decorated on the 14th of May by his Con-
federate comrades. He belonged to an Alabama regi-
ment, and is thought to have lived near Mobile. I de-
sire to communicate with some one who knew him.
The Sons of Confederate Veterans desire to put stones
to his grave with his full name and regiment.”
C N opJ – ederate l/eterai}
Thirty years ago the Confederate army of Gen. Jo-
seph E. Johnston was camped in the vicinity of Dalton,
Ga v in a fertile and beautiful valley, although destroyed
fencing and uncultivated fields indicated the presence
of armed men whose trade is destruction and war. A
mile north of the town ran a chain of small mountains,
called Rocky Face Ridge, which were impassable for
horse or vehicle, except at gaps, several of which were
within a few miles of Dalton. Across the ridge on the
north side lay the Federal army of Gen. Sherman.
Several spirited engagements had taken place at Rocky
Face and Snake Creek Gaps, invariably resulting in an
enforced order to “shinny on your own side” to Which-
ever army attempted or temporarily effected a passage
of the ridge. After several days of maneuvering and
ceaseless vigilance on both sides it became apparent
that Gen. Sherman intended forcing a passage through
the lower gap, Which, if successful, would have turned
our left Hank and placed his army in our rear, and, of
course, cut off our communications. But, able soldier
as Gen. Sherman was, he had in Gen. Johnston a foe-
man worthy of his steel;” and if the passage had been
attempted, the enemy would ‘have found braver and
more determined men than defended the pass at Ther-
mopylae. Indeed, nearly our whole army was within
striking-distance of the lower gap. To mask his real
purpose, Gen. Sherman sent a division of his army un-
der Gen. to make an attack and, if possible, force
a passage at the upper gap, some two miles northeast
of Dalton. It is to this division my story relates.
My section of artillery was encamped by the side of
the main road, which led up the valley and was half-
way between Dalton and the gap. The battery boys
were lounging about the guns in rather a listless, lazy
sort of way, unsuspicious of danger. I was lying un-
der the shade of a small tree, aimlessly gazing across
the open ground in my front, when I became interested
in the movement of a rapidly approaching horseman.
Upon his nearer approach I at once recognized Maj.-
Gen. S , who briefly informed me that a division of
Federal troops was driving our small command
through the gap, and would soon be upon me on its
way to capture the town of Dalton and the supplies of
our army. He ended his hurried information by or-
dering me to put my guns in position for action and
•’fight them to the muzzle of the guns.” Meanwhile
he would hurry any command he could find to my sup-
Well, this was an eye-opener sure enough! Just
think of it! “Fight them to the muzzle of the guns”
simply meant to die or be captured in your tracks; sac-
rifice yourselves and guns to gain a Httle time, and that,
too, absolutely without support. Why the order fairly
took my breath. I was not one of those men who
never felt the sensation of fear. Still I had hitherto
summoned courage enough to go in and stny when
comrades were around me and I felt that I bad a fair
chance; but with two pieces of artillery and without
support to fight a division of the enemy flushed with
success seemed preposterous. I confess that I was de-
cidedly rebellious, and my thoughts while preparing for
action were not the most pleasant. Still the order was
peremptory, and left me no discretion. What could
not be helped must be endured.
The enemy did not approach as rapidly as I antici-
pated, and our little band was disputing every inch of
ground; but the firing was perceptibly getting nearer
and nearer. Just then my attention was called to an-
other rider coming directly from the front. He was
kicking with both feet and beating his jaded horse with
his saber-scabbard. He was a badly demoralized,
straggling cavalryman. On he came to the battery,
and, checking up his horse, breathlessly asked what
command that was. Upon being informed, he partial-
ly turned in his saddle, and, looking in the direction of
the enemy, he said, “Now, d n you, I reckon you’ll
stop!” and away he went, kicking and spurring for
dear life. The incident was so supremely ridiculous
that my poor boys forgot their own peril in their jeers
and laughter. Looking at the figure of the retreating
cavalryman, our eves were gladdened by the sight of a
body of infantrymen coming from Dalton at a double-
quick, and riding at the head of the column was Gen.
Reynolds, who commanded a small brigade of Virgin-
ians and North Carolinians. He was a small, delicate-
looking man, calm and absolutely fearless; a stouter’
heart never beat in human breast. These qualities had
been apparent on many a bloody field. Early in the
war, on Gauley River, W. Va., his splendid judgment
and dauntless courage had saved the day, and ever
since he had been known as “Old Gauley.” My relief
at seeing him may be imagined, and I said: “Well,
General, you never saw a man so glad to see another.”
“Why, what’s the matter? Had you in a tight place,
didn’t they? But it’s all right, Lieutenant. If I can’t
take my fleet-footed Virginians and my ‘tarlveels’ and
whip any division of Yankees that ever lived, my name
ain’t Gauley Reynolds, and I want you to see me do it.”
The absolute confidence of his assertion and his evi-
dent eagerness to begin were inspiring and contagious.
Asking him if he would take the responsibility of or-
dering my guns to accompany him, he answered, “Cer-
tainly!” and told me to fall in after his first regiment.
Very soon the column was thrown into line, and the
proper distribution of troops made for the reception of
“our friends the enemy.” When our gap-guard, which
had been steadily and surely driven before overpower-
ing numbers, came in sight of our line of battle they
and we raised a tremendous yell, which was doubtless
the first intimation the enemy had of our presence.
But they too were veterans, and not to be stopped by
yells. On they came, confident and defiant. When
they had advanced within forty yards of our line Gen.
Reynolds gave the command to fire, and instantly
flashes of fire and storms of lead and iron succeeded
each other in rapid succession. The enemy recoiled as
from the mouth of a volcano. Several times they ral-
lied, but only to meet the same murderous fire. Verily,
“h 1 had broken loose in Georgia.”
Their loss had been heavy, they knew that they were
on our side of the ridge, and they doubtless imagined
our force much greater than it was. They fought with
less determination, and there was some evidence of con-
fusion in their lines. Gen. Reynolds detected this, and
gave the command to charge with the bayonet. Noth-
ing could withstand the impetuosity of that charge, led
by the General in person. The enemy gave wav in de-
feat, and utter rout followed. Everything was aban-
doned in their eagerness to reach the gap. and our vic-
tory was complete. What a change within a short
hour! Then I fully expected to be butchered or cap-
tured at my guns: now I was exullingly pouring shot
and sflicll into the ranks of the beaten foe. The Gener-
al’s entire confidence in his command had been verified
The genial, convivial gentleman, the able and in-
trepid general of whom T write, has also passed over the
dividing-line between time and eternity. Peace to his
allies! We shall not soon see his like again.
MY K. B. now.
Motionless and sheatlied. it lianas upon the ancestral wall,
No more to flash in sunlight or answer warlike call:
No more ’twill bid defiance to onward-moving foe.
Nor yet again with savage thrust will lay a chieftain low.
Yes; a relic of warlike days, it hangs a dreaming there
Of battle-shouts, of cannons’ roar, of blood and savage
But. its part in strife now ended, quiet is its meed.
And long will live in story the glory of each deed.
Demopolla, Al;t.
The years creep swiftly by. Friend G.;
We are on the same old spot,
Just where we met in sixty-three
Mid shells and balls and shot.
Two armies slept beneath the stars,
Two sentinels trudged their way —
You wore a suit of blue that night,
And I a coat of gray.
The place has greatly changed since then:
No smoke bedims our sight;
No groans of pain come from the men,
As after the first day’s fight;
No clash of arms rings in our ears;
No dead men round us lie.
You’ve changed your suit of blue, old friend;
My jacket of gray’s laid by.
Tall monuments are standing round
Where brave men fought and died
On Chickamauga’s battle-ground.
They fell on every side,
Mid the booming of the guns
And the shells which plowed their way
Through the bodies of the men in blue
And the soldiers in the gray.
The snows of two and thirty years
Have melted here in sorrow
On Chickamauga’s stains and blur
Of blood and strife and horror.
Where the aged and the young alike
Were butchered in the fray.
Near the foot of Mission Ridge they fell,
And died in blue and gray.
That night the throbbing stars shone down
On the lonely picket’s head.
On our dreary, dark, and gloomy round,
And the faces of the dead;
On mangled forms and pallid lips,
On life ebbing slowly away —
Pierced by balls and torn with shells
Were the men in blue and gray.
Ami here, beneath the weathered leaves,
Our friends and foes are laid;
They’ve crossed the river, their swords are sheathed,
They are resting under the shade —
While we, at Chickamauga Park,
Have met again to-day
To dedicate the untimely graves
Of the dead in blue and gray.
(Foundei <>( il”‘ Charleston Con ederate 1 tome and School.)
II V lll’I.DA l EIGH.
Most potent force, a noble life —
A gracious star whose light doth go
Through unknown ages, softly, rife
With beauty that doth add halo.
This fearless, patriotic life
Was spent that others strong might grow.
For youth’s great need, the homeless old,
Her great, deep heart did heat always;
Ne’er chilled by poverty’s white cold.
True, brave, and strong through all the days
She culture placed in deathless mold.
A shaft should nobly speak her praise.
M.iv, 189S.
(^federate .
In the May Veteran it is stated that Henry Wyatt
was the first Confederate soldier killed in battle, but
that is a mistake; and, as we are writing history, we had
as well have the facts in the case.
Capt. Marr, of the Warrenton Rifles, was the first
Confederate soldier killed by the enemy in die great
war. He was killed on the ist of June, about daybreak,
at Fairfax Court-House, and Col. Ewell (afterward
general) was slightly wounded in the shoulder. My
company, Goochland Light Dragoons (afterward Com-
pany F, Fourth Virginia Cavalry), was at Fairfax Sta-
tion, three miles off, and we were on the ground soon
after the affair occurred. A correspondent to the Rich-
mond Dispatch states : “If any one will go to the State
Library and examine, as I have done, the old files of
the Dispatch, he will see in the issues of both June 3 and
7, 1861, a full account of the fight at Fairfax Court-
House, Va., and the killing of Capt. J. Q. Marr, of the
Warrenton (Va.) Rifles, which took place June 1, 1861 ;
and in the paper of June 7, 1861, is an account of the
battle of Philippi, Barbour County, Va. (now West
Virginia), between the Virginia troops, under Col. Por-
lerfield, and tlhe Federals, under Col. Kelly, which bat-
tle took place June 3, 1861, and in which the account
states eight Virginia soldiers were killed, the names of
three being given — viz., Capt. Archy Richards, Thom-
as E. Sims, and a Mr. Dangerfield, of the Bath County
Cavalry. There were a number of others on the South-
ern side of the war who were killed before young Wy-
att, Whose deaith took place at Bethel June 10, 1861,
such as the eleven citizens of Baltimore who were killed
in a fight with Massachusetts troops in tlhe streets of
that city April 19, 1861. A somewhat similar event oc-
curred at the capture of Camp Jackson, near St. Louis,
Mo., May 10, 1861, in which the Federal troops, after
the surrender, fired on the prisoners and citizens, kill-
ing twenty-eight, including three of the Missouri mili-
tiamen. And again, when the Federal troops occu-
pied Alexandria, May 24, 1861, James W. Jackson,
proprietor of the Marshall House, of that city, killed
Col. Ellsworth, of the Federal army, for tearing down
a Southern flag which was waving over his (Jackson’s)
hotel, and was himself immediately afterward killed by
one of Ellsworth’s men. But though it may be said
that none of these latter were killed in battle, that will
not apply to the case of Capt. Marr, killed June 1, 1861,
at Fairfax, nor to those killed at Philippi June 3, 1861.
I write the above merely because I desire to see all his-
torical statements with regard to t<he civil war as nearly
correct as possible. I will add tfbat the battle of Phi-
lippi was a very considerable affair, having had, accord-
ing to the account I have alluded to, some twelve or fif-
teen hundred men engaged on the Federal side, against
nine hundred Virginia troops.
J. L. Schaub, Lagrange, Ga. : “Death has taken an-
other member of our camp. On the 28th of May Col.
W. B. Jones, Sixtieth Georgia Regiment, crossed over
the river to rest under the shade of the trees. Without
military education, he rose from private to colonel, and
was noted for (his gallant bearing in battle. He was
one of the South’s truest sons.”
J. L. Schaub, of Lagrange, Ga., a North Carolinian,
gives an instance of Zeb Vance’s humor:
In August, 1861, our regiment, the Fourteenth North
Carolina Infantry, moved from Suffolk, Va., over to
Camp Bee, near Stonehouse Wharf, on James River.
Col. Junius Daniel was in command. The company
officers of the regiment were drilled daily by one of the
field-officers, all of Whom were West Pointers. Either
Lieut.-Col. Lovejoy or Maj. Faison was drilling them
one day, when he gave a catch command to “order
arms” from a support. Capt. Vance promptly came
down with his gun, amid the laughter of the other offi-
cers. The Major said: “No, no, Captain; you can’t do
that.” Vance replied with a merry twinkle in his eye:
” Well, Major, I’ll be darned if I didn’t do it ! ”
The Charleston (W. Va.) Gazette quotes from some
foreign papers tributes to Col. Thomas Smith, son of
“Extra” Billy Smith, of Virginia. Col. Smith — or
Maj. Smith, as he held tihird official position in the
Thirty-Sixth Virginia Regiment during the Confeder-
ate war — previous to our great war practised law in
Charleston. He promptly enlisted with the Kanawha
Rifles as a private, and won his promotions. In the
mattle of Cloyd’s Mountain, May 9, 1864, Gen. A. J.
Jenkins, Maj. Thomas L. Brown, and Col. Smith were
badly wounded and carried off the battle-field. Gen.
Jenkins died. Maj. Smith, not being permitted to
practise law in Charleston after the war, returned to his
native county, Fauquier, and practised until 1893, when
President Cleveland appointed him Chief Justice of the
United States District Court in New Mexico.
Rosser Gibbons Camp, Confederate Veterans, has
been organized at Luray, Va., with sixty-seven names
enrolled. Capt. R. S. Parks was elected Commander;
S. N. Judd, J. W. T. Warren, and Paul Miller, Lieuten-
ants; W. E. Grayson, Adjutant; John S. Hershberger,
Sergeant-Major ; Thomas E. Schwartz, Treasurer; Dr.
T. B. Amiss, Surgeon. The camp will be largely in-
creased in a short while, as there are several hundred
old soldiers in this county. Col. Sim Gibbons was
reared here, and commanded the Tenth Virginia Reg-
iment during the war, and was killed at McDowell.
Many of the members of the camp belonged to his com-
mand, while quite a number fought under Gen. Rosser;
hence the name given to the camp.
John N. Cowan, Pleasant Hill, Ala.: “I would like to
get the post-office address of all the survivors of the Jeff
Davis Artillery. I have a roll of the company, made
from memory in 1885 — one hundred and seventy-three
names. There were seventy-two living at that time,
and I had the addresses of forty-four. I know of many
deaths since then. If any of the company wish a list of
the names, I will take pleasure in sending it.”
Dr. B. D. Brabson, Knoxville, Tenn.: “I have in my
possession a cedar canteen with the following inscrip-
tion: ‘R. Sullivent, Company G, Second Arkansas.’ If
this man is living, or any of his friends want it, I will
take pleasure in sending it as directed. I found this
relic only a short time since.”
Confederate l/eteraip.
List of Officials Corrected to Date.
Gen. John B. Gordon. General Commanding, Atlanta, Ga.
Maj. Gen. Geo. Moorman, Adjtuant General and Chief of
Staff, New Orleans, La.
Lieut. Gen. Wade Hampton, Commander, Columbia, S. C.
Maj. Gen. Thomas A. Brander, Commander, Richmond.
Col. J. V. Bidgood, Adjt. Gen. and Chief of Staff, Richmond.
Brig. Gen. T. S. Garnett, Coin. First Brigade, Norfolk.
Brig. Gen. Micajah Woods. Com. 2d Brigade, Charlottesville.
Maj. Gen. A. C. Trippe, Commander, Baltimore.
Col. J. S. Saunders, Adjt. Gen. and Chief of Staff, Baltimore.
Brig. Cen. Oswald Tilghman, Com. 1st Brigade, Easton.
Brig. Gen. Spencer C. Jones. Com. 2d Brigade, Rockville.
Maj. (ien. Win. I,. IVPossel, Commander. Wilmington.
Col. Junius Davis, Adt. Gen, and Chief of Staff, Wilmington.
Brig. Gen. J. C Hall, Com. 1st Brigade, Hickory.
Brig. Gen. \V. L. London, Com. 2d Brigade, Pittsboro.
Maj. Gen. C. Irvine Walker, Commander, I aarleston.
Col. J. G. Holmes, Adjt. Gen. and Chief of stair. Charleston.
Brig. Gen. Asbury Coward, Com. 1st Brigade, Charleston.
Brig. Gen. Thomaa W. Carwile, Com. 2d Brigade, Edgefield.
KEN i i < k\ DIVISION.
Maj. Gen. John Boyd. Commander, Lexington.
Col. John II. Carter, Vdjt. Gen. and Chief of Staff, Avon.
Prig. < ien. .1 nines v. Arnold, i lom. 1st Brigade, Newport.
Brig. Gen. J. B. Briggs, Com. 2d Brigade, Russellville.
Gen. John 11. Leathers, Com. 3d Brigade, I ouisville.
Brig. Gen. J. M. Poynte, Com. Itta Brigade, Richmond.
Maj. Cen. Koliert White. Commander, Whee
Col’. A. C. L. Gatewood, Adjt. Gen. and Chief of Staff, Lin-
Brig-. Gen. David E, Johnston, Com. 1st Brigade, BluefieUl.
Brig. Cen. s. s. Greene, Com. 2d Brigade, Charleston.
Lieut. Gen, s. n. Lee, Commander, Starkville, Miss.
Brig. Cen. E. T. Sj kes, \djt. (ien. and Chief of Staff, Colum-
bus. Miss.
GEORGIA division.
Maj. Cen. Clement \. Evans, I ommander, Atlanta.
Col. John A. Miller, Adjt. Gen. and Chief of Staff, Atlanta.
Gen. Jas. S. Boynton. Com. 1st Brigade, Griffin.
Maj Gen. Fred. S. Ferguson, Commander, Birmingham.
Col. II. E. .buies, Adjt. Gen. and Chief of Staff, Montgomery.
Brig. Gen. .’as. \i. Williams. Com. 1st Brigade, Mobile.
Brig. Gen. Win. Richardson, Com. 2d Brigade, Hui tsville.
Maj. Gen. A. J. Vaughan, Commander, Memphis.
Col. J. 1′. Hickman, Adjt, Gen. and Chief of stair. Nashville.
Brig. (ien. Jas. K. Carter. Com. 1st Brigade, Kimwille.
Brig. Gen. tie… \\ . Gordon, I om. 2d Brigade, Memphis.
Brig. Gen. S. F. Wilson. Com. 3d Brigade, Gallatin.
Maj. Gen. W. n. Holder. Commander, Jackson.
i – s. H. w itts, Adjt. Gen. and Chef ..f Staff, Meridian.
Brig. Gen. I). A. Campbell, Com. 1st Brigade, Vicksburg.
Brig. Cen. W. D. Cameron, Com. 2d Brigade, Meridian.
Mi I i. en. E. II. Lombard. Commander, New Orleans.
Col. .1. V. Cilmore. Adjt. Gen. and Chief of StalT, New Or-
Maj. Gen. J. J. Dickrson, Commander, Oeala.
Col. Fred. L. Robertson, Adjt. Cen. and Chief of Staff,
Brig. Gen. Geo. Reese, Com. 1st Brigade, Pensacola.
Brig. Gen. N. A. Hull, Com. 2d Brigade. Jacksonville.
Maj. Gen. W. H. Jewell, Com. 3d Brigade, Orlando.
Lieut. Gen. W. L. Cabell, Commander, Dallas, Texas.
Brig. Gen. A. T. Watts, Adjt. Gen. and Chief of Staff, Dallas.
Maj. Gen. Robert McCulloch, Commander. Boonville.
Col. H. A. Newman. Adjt. Gen. and Chief of Staff, Huntsville.
Brig. Gen. S. M. Kennard, Com. Eastern Brigade, St. Louis.
Brig. Gen. (1. W. Thompson, Com. Western Brigade. Barry.
TEXAS division.
Maj. Cen. W. T. Meriwether, Commander, San Antonio.
Col. M. P. Mott, Adjt. Gen. and Chief of Staff. Galveston.
1’rev. Maj. Gen. J. T. Wilson, Commander, Sherman.
Col. W. M. Abernathy. Adjt. Con. and Chief of Staff. MeKin-
Brig. (ien. John W. Webb. Com. 1st Brigade, Paris.
Brig. (ien. K. M. Van Zandt, Com. 2d Brigade, Fort Worth
P.rev. Maj. Cen. 11. O’Neal, Commander, Up
i .,i. .1. P. Earl, Adjt. cen. ami Chief of staff. Henrietta.
Prig. Gen. W. B. Plemons, Com. 1st Brigade. Amarillo.
Prig. Gen. A. T. cay. Com. 2d Brigade, Graham.
SOi :n TEXAS si movtsinx.
Maj. Cen. Thos. J. Gibson, i er, Mexia.
Col. J. W. Simmons. Adjt. Cen. and Chief of Staff. Mexia.
Prig. Cen. K. (‘has. Hume, Com. 1st Brigade, Galveston.
Brig. Cen. J. K Waities. Com 2d Brigade, Houston.
.1. B. Polley, Commander, Flores^
Col. II. c’. Thompson, Adjt’. Gi n. and Chief of Staff, Fl
Prig. Cen. W. P. I.awter, Com. 1st Brigade. Edna.
ion. Sam. Maverick. Com. 2d Brigade. San Antonio.
Maj. (ien. Jos. c. Bool der, A ustin.
Col. E. M. Phelps. Adjt. Cen. and Chief “I’ Stall’. Austin.
Brig. Cen. II. E »in. 1st Brigade, Austin.
Prig. Cen. J. D. fields. Com. 2d Brigade, Am
Prig. Cen. Joe P. Harrison, Com. 3d Brigade, Willow c
Maj. Gen. John J. Hornor, Commander. Hell
Col. Jos. C. Barlovi . Ml jt. I ien. and Chief of Staff. Helena.
Brig. Cen. Ruf US J. Polk, Com. 1st Brigade. Little Rock.
Brig. Cen. W. V. Slemons. Com. 2d Brigade, Monticello.
Brig. Cen. W. S. Banna. Com. 3d Brigade, Morrillton.
Prig. Gen. Jos. A. Reeves, Com. itb Brigade, Camden.
Maj. Cen. R, p. Coleman. Commander, McAlester.
Col. Louis C. Tennent, Adjt. Cen. and Chief of Staff, McAli S-
Brig Cen. John L. Gait, Com. Chickasaw Brigade, Ardmoie.
i. 1). M. Hailov. (.mi. Choctaw Hrigade, Kre
Prig. Gen. John Bird, Com. Cherokee Brigade, Muldrow.
Maj Cen. J. 0. Casler. Commander, Oklahoma City.
Col”. Taylor McRae, Adjt. Gen. and Chief of Staff, Oklahoma
Brig. Gen. C. R. Buckner, Com. 1st Brigade, Guthrie.
Briir (ien J. P. Saunders. Com. 2d Brigade, Shawnee.
Adjutant General and Chief of Staff.
J. E. Wandell, care State Bank of Florida, Jackson-
ville, is desirous of procuring; the address of some of the
boys of Company H, Twenty-Ninth Georgia Infantry.
Confederate l/eterao.
A True Daughter of Virginia Her Connections,
Mrs. Minnie Louise Hill Briggs, wife of George L.
Briggs, of Norfolk, Va., died in Washington, D. C.,
April 25, after a short illness, and was buried at Cul-
peper, Va., April 27, the home of her ancestors. She
was a daughter of the late Henry Hill, Jr., and grand-
daughter of Henry Hill, major and paymaster in the
U. S. army, who resigned in 1861 and became colonel
and paymaster-general of the Virginia Confederate
forces. She was a grandniece of the renowned Lieut. –
Gen. A. P. Hill, whose name was last on the dying lips
of Gens. Lee and Jackson.
Mrs. Briggs was married three years ago under a
Confederate flag, and, by a strange coincidence, her
death occurred under the same Confederate flag, on
the anniversary of her marriage.
Some years ago Mrs. Briggs (then Miss Hill) and
her twin sister, Miss Frances Ambrose Hill, were offi-
cially decorated by A. P. Hill Camp, U. C. V., Peters-
burg, Va., in recognition of the distinguished services
of their relatives and the worthiness of the recipients
of the decorations. She was buried with this badge
upon her bosom and with the Confederate flag across
her form, beneath which she was married and died.
The Culpeper and Norfolk Daughters sent beautiful
floral designs, and the grave was hung with white
cloth, white flowers being tastefully arranged thereon.
Mrs. Briggs was a zealous friend of the Veteran,
contributed to its pages, and did much to increase its
circulation and advance its usefulness.
Mrs. Briggs was a zealous and beloved member of
the Culpeper Chapter of Daughters of the Confedera-
cy, and subsequently of the Norfolk Chapter. She
was untiring in her devotion to Confederate memories
and the relief of needy Confederates. Her nature was
charitable, loving, and winsome, and she possessed
sublime Christian faith. A large circle of devoted rela-
tives and friends mourn her untimely death.
The father of Mrs. Briggs and Miss Hill, the late
Henry Hill, Jr., died during their childhood. He en-
tered the Confederate army at the age of seventeen, and
served through the war in the Fourth Virginia Caval-
ry, under Gens. J. E B. Stuart, Fitzhugh Lee, and W.
C. Wickham. He it was who took the body of Gen.
A. P. Hill (his uncle) from Petersburg to Richmond
the day Gen. Flill was killed, April 2, 1865, and the
lines of Lee’s army were broken. Gen. Lee direct-
ed that an ambulance be furnished for the purpose.
The body was coffined in Richmond during the night
of the evacuation of the city, after which Mr. Hill and
Col. Hill, his father, recrossed the bridge over the
James River while it was in flames, and buried the
body of Gen. Hill in a family burial-plot near Rich-
mond. The remains were afterward removed to Hol-
lywood Cemetery, and finally were reinterred beneath
the statue and pedestal erected to Gen. Hill’s memory
at Richmond and dedicated in 1892.
In a tribute to the memory of Capt. Maurice M:
Langhorne, a member of Camp Halloway, Independ-
ence, Mo., is the following: “In the march of life the
order of our great Captain has called from our rapidly
reducing ranks to join the army of the invisible our be-
loved comrade, Capt. Langhorne. We regard his as a
sacred memory. He ever marched forward to the bu-
gle-call of duty, and fell while pressing onward in the
battle which ended only with his life. His bravery will
ever be to us an inspiration and his faithfulness as a
soldier our admiration. We hereby express as a camp
our sympathy with his family in their loss, and spread
upon the roll, opposite his name : ‘Well done, and pro-
moted.’ ” The paper is signed by Ed W. Strode, Ma-
jor-Commandant, and Schuyler Lowe, Adjutant.
Dr. George S. Macon died on the 21st of April, of
congestion of the brain. He was born July 5, 1842,
the youngest son of George W. and Eleanor Green
Macon, of Franklin County, N. C. He enlisted as a
soldier of the Confederacy in Company K, Thirty-Sec-
ond North Carolina Infantry, Daniels’ Brigade, and
went through the war unscathed, save by a flesh-wound
in the battle of Gettysburg. After the war he chose
medicine as a profession. Leaving the Medical Uni-
versity of New York in 1868, he settled in Madison
County, Ala., near Huntsville, where he followed his
profession until his last sickness. He was devoted to
his work, and, with his gentle, sympathetic manner,
gained the confidence of his patients. Considerate of
the happiness of others, his life was made a blessing.
John Lawhon, Adjutant of Camp Sumter No. 332,
Livingston, Ala., reports the deaths among its mem-
bers : John J. Trott, Tenth Missouri Battery ; Capt. J.
W. A. Wright, Thirty-Sixth Alabama ; W. B. McRae
Second Missouri ; W. R. Arrington, Sixth Arkansas
Zack Tureman, Fifth Alabama; W. B. Burk,
Col. E. S. Gulley. Fortieth Alabama; B. F. Thornell,
Armistead’s Cavalry.
Confederate l/eterar>
Since the last reunion of the veterans their ranks
have been broken by the passing away of no braver
spirit than that of Col. Wilberforce Daniel, of Augusta,
Ga. A comrade intimately associated with him during
the great war pays the following tribute to his memory :
Col. Daniel entered the service as a private in Com-
pany D, Oglethorpe Infantry, First Georgia Regiment,
at the earliest call to arms. In the first skirmish he
was conspicuous for courage, indifference to danger,
and forgetfulness of self. On that occasion, while un-
der heavy fire at short range, his commanding officer
advised him to leave the road and seek the protection
of the trees; but he declined, holding his open position
and coolly loading and firing until the skirmish ended.
Soon afterward he was chosen sergeant by his com-
rades; and at the reorganization of the company, early
in 1862, he was elected lieutenant. During the last
year of the war he commanded the company, and was
captain at the surrender.
COL. « I 1 BEH ! ■ |R( 1 DANIEL.
Tn devotion to hi i flag, readiness to meet the gravest
personal danger, and endurance of necessary hardship
he was an ideal soldier, lie could have filled higher
pi isitions with credit t< 1 himself and to the service. I le
was not only brave, but kind and generous, ready to
share his last loaf of bread, and has been known to give
it all. reserving nothing for himself.
Vfter the war Capt. Daniel retained his interest in
military matters, serving for a time as lieutenant-colo-
nel of the Sixth Ge< rgia Battalion and as aid on the
staff of Gen. John B. < rordon when ( Jovernor, and was
called by the suffrages of his fellow citi/ens to fill other
positions of trust and honor in civil life.
Recalling as I do his earnest consecration to the
cause for which he fought, his gallantry in battle, his
patience tinder hardship and privation, his constant
courtesy and kindness in all our years of comradeship,
I lay in sadness and in love to-day this lowly wreath
upon his honored grave.
Joseph Britton, a pensioner of the state of Tennessee
and member of Kyle Blevins Camp, U. C. V., at Rog-
ersville, died at his home, near Burem, on the 3d of
June, aged seventy-five years. He enlisted in Compa-
ny K (Capt. Heiskell), Nineteenth Tennessee Regi-
ment, in 1862. He was severely w 1 iunded at Murfrees-
boro, then at the battle of Chickamauga, and again
wounded, and from these wounds he never recovered.
He was in all the one hundred days’ fighting from Dal-
ton to Jonesboro, then on with Hood to Franklin,
Tenn. From here he was sent to a Northern prison,
getting home in June, 1865. His last request, that he
be buried in a suit of gray, was complied with.
W. K. Pilsbury wrote from Daw-son, Ga. May 23 :
To-day. with Confederate official matter before me,
I came across the “Confederate Roll of Honor” as it
related to the Fifth Georgia Regiment of Volunteers.
Conspicuous for courage and good conduct on the field
of battle are: Private J. Kirby Brown, Company A,
killed in action ; Private Thomas B. Weir, Company B;
Corp. John Fox, Company C : Private James W. Hall,
( ‘< impany D ; Corp. John B. Johnston (a), Company E ;
Private M. Blackwcll. Company F; Private T. H. De-
vane. Company G: Company H made no selection;
First Serg. John P. Chapman, Company I; Private
James Torrence (a). Company K.
.Much of interest is now gathering around the battle-
field of Chickamauga, and specially worthy of preser-
\ at ion is the report of Bushrod R. Johnson in relation
to the battle. In this report he says: “As the division
moved forward to the attack the scene presented was
unspeakably grand. The resolute and impetuous
charge, the rush of our heavy columns sweeping out
fn mi the shadow and gloom of the forest into the open
fields flooded with sunlight, the glitter of arms, the on-
ward dash of artillery and mounted men. the retreat of
the foe, the shouts of the hosts of our army, the dust,
the smoke, the noise of firearms, of whistling balls and
grape-shot, and of bursting shells — made a battle-
scene of unsurpassed grandeur. Here Gen. Hood
gave me the last order I received from him on the field :
‘Go ahead and keep ahead of everything.’ Passing
over wagons, caissons, and pieces of artillery, we
reached Vidito’s house on the field. There were a
number of wounded Federal soldiers at this house.
The ladies of the house, who had taken shelter from
danger beneath the floor during the two days’ fighting,
now burst forth and greeted our soldiers with clapping
of hands and shouts of joy ; it was an impressive scene.
Gen. Bushrod Johnson’s Division commenced to
fight in the front line on September 19. and fought in
the front line through the conflict of both days, and at
the close was far in advance of all support.
M. M. Sherrill, of Company K. Twenty-Fifth Regi-
ment, Pine Bluff, Tenn., corrects an error in an article
which appeared in the July Veteran, entitled “Serv-
ices of W. G. Smith.” In that it is said that the
Eighty-Fourth Tennessee Regiment was consolidated
with the Twenty-Fifth after the battle of Murfreesboro.
Comrade Sherrill says those regiments were never con-
solidated, but, after the battle of Chickamauga, the
Twenty-Fifth and Forty-Fourth Regiments were con-
solidated, and went to Virginia under Gen. Longstreet,
and were surrendered at Appomattox.
Confederate .
At a meeting of Ben T. Duval Camp, U. C. V., Fort
Smith, Ark., on May 13, resolutions were adopted in
regard to replacing the monument to Gens. Mcintosh
and Stein in the National Cemetery, which was de-
stroyed by a cyclone on the 1 ith of January, 1898.
Before the destruction of the monument this camp
had in contemplation the erection of a more fitting
memorial to these generals and the two hundred and
fifty unknown Confederate dead from the states of
Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, and Indian
Territory, who are buried mostly in groups about the
monument, unmarked by any stone. By special act of
Congress, appropriations have been made to restore as
formerly all damaged property in this cemetery, and
contracts have been awarded for this ; and as the con-
tractor has kindly agreed, with the consent of the gov-
ernment, to allow the camp to add as large a sum as it
shall be able to raise to the sum appropriated by the
government for replacing the monument with a much
handsomer one, to cost not less than $1,250, and to be
of description hereafter determined upon by the dele-
gates appointed by the camps of the several states
above mentioned, it was resolved by the camp to ask
the assistance of a generous and patriotic public in so-
liciting cash subscriptions for this purpose. The First
National, American National, and Merchants’ Banks of
Fort Smith have been appointed the legal trustees of
this fund, and all contributions will be placed to the
credit of the Ben T. Duval Camp Monument Fund.
The camp authorizes such persons as are friendly to
the cause to solicit contributions to this fund, and they
are requested to deposit all collections, their creden-
tials, and list of subscriptions at any of these banks,
who will notify the Secretary of the camp of the same.
Col. S. W. Fordyce, of St. Louis, who served as
captain in the First Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and was
assistant inspector-general in the Army of the Cumber-
land, writes for the Confederate Yeterax :
To the ex-Federal soldier and to those of the North
who have lived among these ex-Confeder tes since the
Ex-Cummaqder of the Arkansas Brigade, I’. C. Y.
COL. s. w. FOR DYCE.
close of the war between the states, and who have had
opportunity to judge of the character of these brave
and true men, it was no surprise when, at the Presi-
dent’s first and second call for troops, they responded
as promptly and with as much alacrity as did the vet-
erans of the North. They are now vying with their
quondam adversaries in the army and navy and sharing
in the glory of victories on sea and land. There is now
no longer any North, South, East, or West, except as
to the geographical division of the country. All glory
alike in
union of hearts, a union of hands,
A union none can sever,
A union of lakes, a union of lands,
The flag of our Union forever.
It is especially gratifying to the patriotic people of
the North, as it must be to those of the South, that a
noble scion of the house of Lee was immediately as-
signed by the President to an important command in
the volunteer army of the United States. The plain
and direct statement of Fitzhugh Lee as to the condi-
tion of affairs in Cuba under Spanish rule was accepted
by the country he represented so well as sufficient
cause for our President to ask that the Spanish gov-
ernment recall her army of occupation and recognize
Confederate l/eterai)-.
the independence of Cuba. The refusal of this request
on the part of Spain was deemed sufficient for a decla-
ration of war by this government. A call for volun-
teers was made, which was responded to at once by the
ex-officers and soldiers of the Confederate army, as
well as by their descendants. An opportunity was
thus offered to demonstrate their patriotism and love
for a reunited and common country, thus forever elim-
inating what is commonly known as “bloody-shirt”
politics in this country.
Foreigners not familiar with the character of our
free-born American citizens must stand amazed at the
spectacle of Wheeler leading the advance of our army
against Santiago when they recall the I let thai he once
led the advance and covered the retreal of an army op-
posing the flag he is now so bravely defending. How
sublime the thought that the one-legged and om
armed Butler and < tates are now serving as generals
under that same flag before which thej fell, wounded
nigh unto death, ill the war between the States! Op-
portunity only is lacking for thousands of the rank and
file of ex-Confederates to show to the world that the)
would do battle for and. if need be, die in defense of
their government and their flag.
The unanimity with winch the ex < onfederates in
Congress voted money and suppprted measures in aid
of a vigorous prosecution of the war with Spain must
command the admiration of all the people North as
well as South, and shows to the world that we stand to-
gether, a li nd of brothers, if need be in battle array
against the armies of the world. This war with Spain
is worth all it will cost in blood and treasure for the
love it brings each for ilir other and the confidence it
begets between the i x soldiers of both armies, as will
as the fraternal feeling il will create between the peo-
ple of all the states.
< >ur President has demonstrated his patriotism and
magnanimity, as wall as his far-seeing sagacity, in ma-
king no distinction between the ex of the Un-
ion and Confederate armies in the distribution of com-
missions for important commands. He has shown to
M l^v , PROLINE PKYTON PI \ “i .
Maul ■>! Honor fur rVrkansjs .11 the All intn Ri
the country that, while we are divided on political lines
as to what policy is best for the happiness and prosper-
ity of the people in times of peace, no partiality will be
shown for or against any political party in tune of war,
and especially that no distinction will be made between
the ex-soldiers of the armies that once fought for and
against the Union.
With such an unselfish and patriotic spirit evinced
by the Chief Executive, fully equaled by the brave and
chivalrous ex-Confederates in this contest with Spain,
is there not cause for all the people to rejoice in a re-
united republic?
Col. Fordyce cast his lot with the South at the close
of the war, and has that broadened spirit of patriotism
whereb) he sees the good and the true across sectional
lines. He married a daughter of Rev. Dr. W. D.
( hadick, one o) the
-t ministers in the
Cumberland Presby-
terian Church. D r .
( hadick died several
• ago. In this
connection the Vet-
– is pleased to
give bis serv-
ices and experiences
I during the war.
When he saw the
war-cloud approach-
ing Ik said be would
rather die than see
the Union dissolved,
but when his state
went out be went with
it. heart and soul ; he
knew no half-meas-
ures in anything, lie
first went to Virginia as chaplain of the famous Fourth
Alabama Regiment, from and about Huntsville, Ala.
In the first battle of Manassas he shouldered a musket
and fought with his soldiers. Col. Egbert Jones, of
Huntsville, commander of the regiment, was severely
wounded. After the battle Dr. Chadick took him to
Warrenton ; ml nursed him for six weeks until his
death, and then attended the body to Huntsville for
burial. After a short stay at home he was appointed
major of a battalion, which went into camp near
Huntsville, but was soon ordered to Mobile, and from
there to < torinth, Miss., just before the battle of Shiloh.
lie went into tli it battle, and at the first tire all his offi-
cers were wounded and sent to the rear, and he had to
fight the battle alone: besides, bis horse was wounded,
so that he had to dismount and tight on foot. His
clothing on his right shoulder was pierced by a Minie
ball, but he was not hurt. He was wonderfully pre-
served. During this battle his command, in conjunc-
tion with Gen. Forrest’s, captured the Prentiss (Ken-
tu< ky) Brig de. As the prisoners filed past him to the
rear he st 1 on a stump looking at them, and re-
marked. “You arc a fine-looking set of fellows,” when
of them replied. “Yes; and you fight d well.”
The night aft :r the battle he stood on picket-dutv in
a bard rain, to spare his soldiers, many of whom were
wounded. He was soon attacked by rheumatism, and
Confederate Veterans.
lay at Tupelo, Miss., six weeks, unable to move hand
or foot. As soon as able, he joined his command in
Kentucky ; but, as he was still suffering, a furlough was
sent to him from Richmond, and he went home. Soon
afterward he was appointed chief of staff to the Gov-
ernor of Alabama, with the rank of colonel, and op-
erated between Montgomery and the Tennessee River,
making his headquarters at Whitesburg. He re-
mained in this capacity until the close of the war.
Commander, has a well-sustained claim of being the
youngest Confederate bearing arms. He was promo-
Comrade W. S. Keiley, at a dinner given by the Con-
federate Veteran Camp, of New York, January 22,
1898, in presenting a watch to Maj. Edward Owen, of
the camp, said :
On behalf of our comrades of this camp I am direct-
ed to ask you to accept a slight token of their esteem
and regard — yes, more : absolute affection — which
wells up in the heart of each of us when your name is
mentioned. And, sir, not only by us is your worth ap-
preciated, but when the chief executive of this great
metropolis was called upon to select some suitable per-
son to fill that most important position of Commission-
er of Accounts he cast aside political feelings and party
prejudices and, seeking the good of the community, se-
lected our “paymaster” as one in whom he could place
implicit confidence. We congratulate the Mayor —
not his Honor, out of respect to his Dutch modesty —
upon the appointment, as well as that of his most
worthy associates.
Now, sir, you have watched over us so long and so
carefully that we deem it proper, under the doctrine of
lex talionis, to place a “watch” upon you. Accept it,
sir, in the same kindly spirit which prompts its gift ;
and let me assure you that its commercial value is but a
feather’s weight when gaged in the scale of our per-
sonal esteem.
It is very embarrassing to stand here before you all
and be fired at by a battery of words such as those just
delivered. I feel deeply touched, comrades, at this
practical evidence of your appreciation of the services
which it has been my good fortune to be able to render
the camp in the past eight years ; but had I the elo-
quence of a Keiley, a Wise, or a Verdery, it would still
be impossible for me to express to you the feelings and
emotions which fill me at the present time.
To me the camp is a sentiment. My labors have
been willingly and cheerfully devoted to its interests,
because you are my old companions in arms, because
you stood shoulder to shoulder with me in that great
conflict of 1861-65, because you were good and true
and loyal and brave soldiers, and the proof of that is
that you are now members of the Confederate Veteran
Camp of New York.
P. M. B. Young Camp, at Cartersville, Ga., named
for the dashing cavalry officer, Pierce Young, is one of
the best camps in Georgia, and will go to Atlanta over
a hundred strong in uniform. The membership is now
one hundred and sixty-three. The camp elected its of-
ficers on the 7th of May. D. B. Freeman, the chosen
COL. A. M. KiL It, ( ARllllS\ ILI.k, GA.
A vote of thanks was given
ted from the adjutancy
him and the former Commander, Maj. Fouts, for zeal in
building up the camp.
Thomas O. Hall, of Louisville, ever proud that he
wore the gray in the sixties, had a compliment paid
him in being chosen to “dip the colors” at the christen-
ing of the battle-ship
“Kentucky” at its launch-
ing on March 24, 1898, off
Newport News, Va. This
compliment was paid him
because of his having se-
cured the naming of the
vessel through Secretary
Herbert, in 1892. On the
occasion he wore on the
lapel of his coat the Con-
federate button, and “it
■ showed beautifully.” The
😕 ceremony of “dipping the
colors” consists of hoisting
and lowering the United
States flag three times at
the rear pennant, waving
the cap between each dip,
as the vessel shoots off the ways into the water. Then,
after her momentum ceases, taking the streamer to the
main fighting-mast, hoisting it to the top pennant, and
placing it one hundred and sixty-five feet above tl>e
water. As the streamer goes up the cannon and whis-
tles roar and the people yell. Comrade Hall enjoys the
distinction of being the first ordinary citizen to confer
the honors of the navy on a vessel of the new type.
Confederate Veterans.
The annual reunion of Confederate Veterans under
the auspices of Stover Camp will take place at Fisher’s
Hill (Va.) battle-ground on Saturday, August 6, 1898.
Stover Camp was organized in 1892, and its first
work was to inaugurate such a system that in time it
might accomplish the much-desired object of bringing
together the remains of all Confederate soldiers buried
over the lower end of Shenandoah County, every foot
of which had at some time during the war been a battle-
field ; and when all were gathered and placed in a plot
of ground assigned to them in the Presbyterian ceme-
tery to erect over their sacred dust a monument. The
camp recognized this sacred dut) to their fallen com-
rades, and that it could not be postponed much longer.
To delay for raising funds seemed too long, so a noble
Confederate, a member of the camp, said: “Comrades,
I have the money, as much as may be desired, and the
camp shall have the use of it as long as they want it;
and I will myself become equally responsible with the
balance of you for its return.” The generous offer
was accepted and the work carried through. The re-
mains of one hundred and thirty-six fallen Confeder-
ates were collected, and a splendid monument erected
over them. Not one of these one hundred and thirty-
six dead was known to a single member of Stover
Camp; it is a monument to our “unknown dead.”
Nearly the entire amount borrowed has been re-
turned, and to his credit be it said that the man who so
generously loaned the money contributed more than
any other one man toward its return. I omit his name.
He served honorably in the Thirty-Third Virginia in-
fantry, and is a credit to the famous Stonewall Brigade,
of which that regiment was a part.
Stover (amp is now being uniformed, and hopes to
turn out fifty uniforms by August 6, the date fixed for
the next annual reunion, to which we most cordially
invite every Confederate veteran, and especially the ed-
itor of the Confederate Veteran. Large crowds
always attend the Fisher’s Hill reunions, hardly ever
less than five thousand people. It is a day that all the
old soldiers and their families and connections desig-
nate for sociability, and no business, however impor-
tant, is allowed to interfere with this gathering. This
year the Governor and staff have promised to be pres-
ent, if public business will permit. Already our able
and efficient Quartermaster. Mr. Joseph Funk, is get-
ting ready his famous beef rations, which he alone
knows how to prepare. For two months he has been
preparing a splendid steer by extra feeding.
Stover Camp never fails to observe two other im-
portant occasions every year — namely, the annual dec-
oration of graves, on which occasion a large proces-
sion is organized, composed of Veterans, Si ins, I )augh-
ters, children, etc. The most attractive feature in this
parade is thirteen sweet little girls, all in white, with
sash, to represent the thirteen states of the Confed-
eracy. The other is the celebration of Gen. R. E.
Lee’s birthday. On both of these occasions the serv-
ices of a prominent orator are secured.
On February 26 the I Confederates of Milford, Tex.,
and vicinity organized a camp, christening it as a mon-
ument to the illustrious hero of honor. Sam Davis.
The roster of officers and members illustrates how the
veterans of Texas have come together from other
es. The following is the roster of the camp :
• apt. J. M. Webb, Company E, Seventh Mississippi
Cavalry; Lieut. J. W. Jones. Companj C, First Ten-
nessee Cavalry: Lieut. W. J. Morgan. Company F,
Thirty-Fourth Mississippi Infantry; Lieut IF P.
Young, Company G. Third Texas Cavalry: Adj. Z. T.
Bundy, Company F, \ T inth Tennessee Cavalry; Sur-
geon J. R. McFadden, Fifth Arkansas; Color-Bearer
I \. Dilihey, Company H. Twenty-Fourth Tennessee;
Chaplain C. L. Carter, Company 1-:. Twelfth Texas
Cavalry; C. P. Hoskins, Company A. Nineteenth •
Texas Cavalry; A. J. Brown, Company I, Forty-
Fourth Alabama Infantry; J. C. Clay, Company H,
First Mississippi Infantry; M. X. Wray, Company F,
Twentieth Tennessee; L. M . Cunningham, Company
D, Thirty-Second Georgia Infantry; J. T. McSpadden,
npany E, Twelfth Texas Cavalry; W. G. Suggs,
quartermaster Texas: L. C. Wright, Compan) I .. First
‘Texas Cavalry; W. T. M. Dickson, Company ,
Fifteenth T< airy; H. C. Haynes, Company G,
First Mississippi Cavalry; H. L. Caldwell. Company
F. Fifteenth Texas Infantry; N. R. Rutherford, Com-
pany C, Brown’s Regiment of Cavalry; A. Harrison,
Company B-, Fifth Tennessee Infantry; W. F. Weekly,
Company I, Forty-Sixth Georgia Infantry ; J. N.
Gunn, Company K, Second Mississippi Cavalry ; D. H.
Jones, Company I, Second Arkansas Infantry ; J. E.
Thompson, Company G, Fourth Tennessee Cavalry ;
\. P.. Allen, Compam H. Fourth Texas Cavalry; J. D.
Singleton, Company E, Ninth Georgia Infantry; F. I.
Hughes, Company C, Forty-Second Georgia Infantry ;
L. L. Leary. commissary Price’s army, Alabama; W.
B. Harmon, Company A, Thirty-Second Tennessee
Infantry ;.T. W. Alexander, Company C, Fortv-Second
Georgia Infantry; S. D. Adams. Company D. Geor-
gia Legion, Army of Northern Virginia.
Confederate ,
The following paper on the Hampton Roads Con-
ference was prepared by Capt. William P. Tolley and
presented to Camp Frank Cheatham, of Nashville,
Tenn. The camp appointed a committee to investi-
gate the paper, which submitted the report following
the paper, and which report, together with the paper of
Capt. Tolley, were unanimously adopted by the camp :
Rucker, Tenn., July, 1897.
To Frank Cheatham Camp
All talk of the possibility of the Confederate authori-
ties securing more favorable terms of peace at this con-
ference, or at any other period of the war, than the un-
conditional surrender that finally befell our arms is the
merest twaddle, were it, indeed, half so innocent as that.
To give it any semblance of authority involves the stul-
tification of some of the most renowned historical char-
acters of the war period. Particularly does it so in-
volve Alex H. Stephens, the Vice-President of the
Confederacy, as will be seen in an investigation of the
subject. Any utterance contradictory to the official
report of the Confederate commissioners by either of
these distinguished gentlemen makes him stultify him-
self, and hence such alleged utterances ought always to
be taken with many grains of allowance and misgiving.
The truth of what transpired on that occasion can only
be learned from the official record. It is herewith sub-
mitted at once. The official report of the Confederate
commissioners, made immediately on their return to
Richmond, is as follows :
“Richmond, Va., February 5, 1865.
”To the President of the Confederate States :
“Sir: Under your letter of appointment Of the 28th
tilt., we proceeded to seek an informal conference with
Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States,
upon the subject mentioned in the letter. The confer-
ence was granted, and took place on the 3d inst., on
board a steamer in’ Hampton Roads, where we met
President Lincoln and the Hon. Mr. Seward, Secretary
of State of the United States. It continued for several
hours, and was both full and explicit.
“We learned from them that the message of Presi-
dent Lincoln to the Congress of the United States, in
December last, explains clearly and distinctly his senti-
ments as to the terms, conditions, and method of pro-
ceeding by which peace cm be secured to the people,
and we were not informed that they would be modified
or altered to obtain that end. We understand from
him that no terms or proposals of any treaty or agree-
ment looking to an ultimate settlement would be en-
tertained or made by him with the Confederate States,
because that would be a recognition of their existence
as a separate power, which under no circumstances
would be done ; and for like reasons that no such terms
would be entertained by him from the states separately ;
that no extended truce or armistice (as at present ad-
vised) would be granted without a satisfactory assur-
ance in advance of a complete restoration of the au-
thority of the United States over all places within the
states of the Confederacy; that whatever consequence
mav follow from the reestnblishment of th-t authority
must be accepted, but that individuals, subject to pains
and penalties under the laws of the United States,
might rely upon a very liberal use of the power con-
fided to him to remit those pains and penalties if peace
be restored.
“During the conference the proposed amendment to
the Constitution of the United States, adopted by Con-
gress on the 31st ult., was brought to our notice. This
amendment declares that neither slavery nor involun-
tary servitude, except for crime, should exist within the
United States or any place within their jurisdiction,
and that Congress should have power to enforce this
amendment by appropriate legislation. Of all the cor-
respondence that preceded the conference herein men-
tioned and leading to the same you have heretofore
been informed.
“Very respectfully your obedient servants,
Ai.ex II. Stephens,
R( ibert M. T. Hunter,
John A. Campbell.”
Next, as a part of the official record, comes the mes-
sage of President Lincoln in answer to a resolution of
Congress, with which he submitted the whole corre-
spondence that led up to the conference :
“Executive Mansion, February 10, 1S65.
“On the morning of the 3d the gentlemen — Messrs.
Stephens, Hunter, and Campbell — came aboard of our
steamer and had an interview with the Secretarv of
State ?nd myself of several hours’ duration. No ques-
tion of preliminaries to the meeting was then and there
made or mentioned. No other person was present.
No papers were exchanged or produced, and it was in
advance agreed that the conversation was to be inform-
al and verbal merely. On my part the whole substance
of the instructions to the Secretary of State, hereinbe-
fore recited, was stated and insisted upon, and nothing
Confederate .
was said inc. insistent thei ew ith, while by the < ither par-
ty it was m it s lid that in any event i ir i m any a inditii m
they ever would consent in reunion; and yet
equally omitted to declare that they never woul
d msent. They seemed to desire a tit ol
that question and the adoptii n me other course
fust, which, as s, ime i if them seemed t. > argue, might or
might nut lead t.> reunion, but which course, we
thought, would amount t” an indefinite postponement.
The conference ended without result. The foregoing,
containing, as is believed, all the information sought, is
respectfully submitted. Abraham Lincoln.”
Next, as semiofficial at least, comes the account of
the conference as given b) Secretary of State Seward to
Mr. Adams, the minister of the United States to Eng
land, w ritten I ‘in daj – after the <■< inference :
“President Lincoln announced to the Confederate
commissioners dial we cm agree to no cessation or
suspension .if hostilities, except on the basis of dis-
bandmenl of the insurgent forces and the restoration of
the national authority throughout all the states in the
Union. Collaterally and in subordination to the prop-
osition which was thus announced the antislavery poli-
cy . if the United St tes w as review ed in all its bearings,
and the President demanded that he must not he ex-
pected to depart from the positions he had heretofore
assumed in Iiis proclamat i< >ns i if emancipation and oth-
er documents, as these positions were reiterated in his
last message.”
The instructions to Mr. Seward referred to in the
above special message of President Lincoln, to which
he says he (Lincoln) adhered in the conference, were
given before he had concluded to attend himself, and
are em In (died in the three following propositions :
t . ddic rest, ir tii in of the national auth< irity through-
< mt all the slates.
2, \’o receding by the Executive of the United States
on the slaveiw question from the position assumed
thereon in the late annual message to ( Congress and in
the preceding d< icuments.
3. No cessation of hostilities short of an end of the
war am’ the disbanding of all the forces hostile to the
Idie annual message of President Lincoln referred
to in tbe bove instructions t,i Secretary Seward and in
the official reoort of the I onfederate commissi* iners as
containing “the terms, conditions, and method of pro-
ceeding by which pea., can he s, , ured to the people”
isthemess — 1nl.ero.1S04. The terms there-
in set forth are those of absolute and unconditional sur-
render, as w ill be seen from the following extracts :
“II. insurgent it an) moment have
simply by laying .low n their arms and submitting
to the national authority under the constitution.”
“In presenting the abandonment of armed re si st. nice
to tii. 1 authority on the p rt of the insurgents
1 only indispensable condition of ending the war
on the part of the government, 1 retract nothing here-
tofore said as to slavery. I repeat the declaration
made a yeai ago : that while I remain in m) present po-
sition 1 shall 11. it attempt to retract . ir modif) the eman-
cipation proclamation, nor shall I return to slavery any
person who is tree b) the terms of that proclamation or
by any of the . CtS of ( ‘. ingress.”
“In stating a single condition of peace 1 mean simply
v that the war will cease on the part of the gov-
ernment whenever it shall have ceased on the part of
those who began it.”
With this message before the writer, all scrutiny is
challenged to find one word inconsistent with or con-
tradict.. r\ t.. these extracts, from the beginning to the
end of it.
> OMR \1U 1 . ” MOTES, ATI \\ I A, GA.
Confederate l/eterai?.
Before leaving this part of the subject, special atten-
tion is called to the most significant feature of this
whole record. It is that remarkable passage in the re-
port of the Confederate commissioners to President
Davis, in which the startling fact is disclosed that in no
event would any sort of terms of peace be even enter-
tained by Mr. Lincoln as coming from the commission-
ers ; he would neither treat with the Confederate States
nor any of the states thereof separately ; that the whole
affair was informal, and in no wise binding. It is in
the following language :
“We understand from him (President Lincoln) that
no terms or proposals of any treaty or agreement look-
ing to an ultimate settlement would be entertained or
made by him with the Confederate States, because that
would be a recognition of their existence as a separate
power, which, under no circumstances, would be done ;
and, for like reasons, that no such terms would be en-
tertained by him from the states separately ; that no ex-
tended truce or armistice (as at present advised) would
be granted, without a satisfactory assurance in advance
of a complete restoration of the authority of the United
States over all places within the states of the Confed-
And the last clause of the sentence also closes the
door against even a truce or armistice, a temporary sus-
pension of hostilities, except upon the assurance, given
beforehand, of an unconditional surrender of the Con-
federate armies ; nor would they as much as grant a
military convention. Overtures to this effect were
made by Gen. Ord, of the Federal army, commanding
below Richmond, to Gen. Longstreet, commanding on
the Confederate side, soon after the Hampton Roads
affair, when President Davis promptly granted to Gen.
Lee the authority for holding such convention, and it
was declined by Gen. Grant. The authority for this
statement is found on pages 621 and 622, second vol-
ume of “The War between the States,” by Alex H.
Stephens. The official report of the Confederate com-
missioners to President Davis is found on 792 of the
same work; the special message of President Lincoln
on page 802, and accompanying documents on pages
793 to 802 inclusive ; the instructions given to Secre-
tary Seward, on page 798 ; and Mr. Seward’s letter to
Minister Adams may be found on pages 570, 571 of
McPherson’s “History of the Rebellion,” as he calls it.
Mr. Stephens’ account in full of the Hampton Roads
Conference is on pages 576 to 622 of his “War be-
tween the States,” second volume.
Now let all these authorities, so easily accessible to
everybody, be carefully read and rigidly scrutinized by
every impartial inquirer for historical truth ; and for
every such a one, a premium is hereby offered who
fails to discern the utter impossibility of there being
any truth in or decent pretext for all such wild reports
as that Mr. Lincoln “offered to write ‘Union’ at the
top of the paper and allow Mr. Stephens to write his
own terms of peace under it,” or that $400,000,000 was
offered in payment for the slaves, or could, in any
event, have been secured as the price of our return to
the Union, or anything, at any time, short of uncondi-
tional surrender. If there is any hypothesis or margin
to predicate any of these stories on, then indeed are
the most solemn averments of the most distinguished
historical characters utterly worthless in establishing
or ascertaining historical truth, the most authentic rec-
ords are without any sort of value to the student of his-
tory, or the plainest language is without meaning.
But, going outside of the record, the authentic ac-
count, let us examine the irresponsible testimony relied
on to sustain these stories designed to canonize or deify
Mr. Lincoln. The most prominent of these stories is
that alleged to have been told by Mr. Stephens con-
cerning the writing at the top of the paper the word
“Union,” etc. The story, as they have Mr. Stephens
telling it, runs :
“After we had returned to the saloon Mr. Lincoln
was very talkative and pleasant. . . . After a while
I joined him, ?nd we went apart from the others and
sat down at a small table where there was writing-ma-
terial,” etc.
Now Mr. Stephens precludes all possibility of the
truth of this statement in the very full account he gives
of what transpired at the conference in his “War be-
tween the States.” He says: “The interview took
place in the saloon of the steamer, on board of which
were Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Seward, and which lay at
anchor near Fortress Monroe. The commissioners
were conducted into the saloon first. Soon after Mr.
Lincoln and Mr. Seward entered.” This is on page
593 of the second volume. On page 618 he says:
“The parties then took formal and friendly leave of
each other. Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Seward withdrawing
from the saloon together. Col. Babcock, our escort,
soon came in to conduct us back to the steamer on
which we came.”
There is not the slightest intimation of ?ny absence
from the saloon of the steamer after they had assem-
Qotyfederate l/eterai).
bled there so there could have been any returning
thereto by any of the parties to the conference. The
discussion was continuous and uninterrupted from
the time it commenced until the close of the conference,
except when “water, cigars, and other refreshments
were occasionally brought in by a colored servant,” as
Mr. Stephens says, lliere is no time or place allowed
in Mr. Stephens’ account for him and Mr. Lincoln to
have gone apart from the others. The actual events
that occurred contradict the story, as well as the terms
laid down by Mr. Lincoln at the outset.
The whole question of what took place in the confer-
ence and the possibility of securing other terms than
those of absolute and unconditional surrender is con-
cluded in the summation of .Mr. Hunter, who “went
in t ■ i a sort of recapitulation of the subjects talked of in
the interview and the -conclusions which seemed to be
deducible from them, which amounted to nothing as a
basis of peace, in his judgment, but an uncondit
surrender on the part of the Confederate States and
their people. There could be no agreement, no treaty,
nor even any stipulation as to terms — nothing but un-
conditional submission.” Of course the wily Seward
protested against the term “unconditional submis-
sion,” but no impartial reader of the story — as told by
Mr. Stephens — can escape the conclusion that they are
strictly apropos.
The much-vaunted proposition to pay $400,000,000
indemnity for the slaves — which has been very late
coming to light — alleged to have been made by Lin-
coln to his cabinet, to be submitted to Congress, but
which never got any farther than the cabinet, can cut
no figure in this controversy nor in any wise affect the
issue, which is as to whether the “South might have
obtained advantageous terms of peace within less than
sixty days of the total collapse of the Confederacy,” the
assertion to effect being based on the assumption
that “Mr. Lincoln was eager to make peace with the
Union restored and slavery abolished, and to pay
S400.000.000 of indemnity.” because such a proposi-
tion was never even intimated to the Confederate i u-
thorities at the 1 [ampton K< ‘.ids a inference ni »r on any
oilier occasion; but on this and all other occasions
terms were always peremptorily demanded that pre-
cluded the possibility of any such settlement , as has
been shown in the official record hereinbefore sub-
mitted. The only “intimtion” of anything to the
contrary in it all was in what Lincoln said, as recorded
on page 617 of second volume of “War between the
States.*’ given as his own individual views without offi-
cial or other binding effect, “He went on to say that
he would be willing to be taxed to remunerate the
Southern people for their slaves.” “lie knew some
who were in favor of an appropriation as high as S400.-
000.000 for this purpose.” “But on this subject he
could gi\ e ni 1 assurance, enter into no stipulation. He
barelv expressed bis own feelings and views, and what
he believed to be the views of others upon the subject.”
Tf this proposition w as ever submitted by Lincoln t< 1 bis
cabinet, which it is not claimed ever got any farther,
be changed his views very much in the four or five days
between the time alleged when he made it and the 10th
of February, 1865, the date of his special message to
Congress, in which he informed Congress that he ad-
hered rigidly to the three propositions contained in his
instructions to Secretary Seward, both of which — spe-
cial message and the instructions to Seward — are given
above. Reader, turn back to them and reread them :
“The proper conclusion of this whole matter is ren-
dered clear when it is remembered that the conference
was brought about by representations made by one
Francis P. Blair, Sr., a prominent citizen on the
Northern side, who stood in somewhat close personal
relations to Mr. Lincoln, to the effect that at that junc-
ture of affairs, early in 18(15, a discussion between per-
sons representing the opposing parties to the war
might lead to a settlement. Mr. Davis — being ever
to compose the trouble and bring back peace t( 1
the country, as he and the whole South had always de-
sired peace, before, during, and after the war — readily
consented to depute persons to meet those similarly
authorized by Mr. Lincoln. The conference on the
part of the Confederates was merely tentative to ascer-
tain the views of the Federal authorities. There was
no occasion for them to go there clothed with authority
to submit propositions. We were in a situation only
to hear the other side. If there had been any disposi
tion on the part of the Federal authorities to allow any
sort of terms short oi .1 complete surrender of all that
it issue, who doubts that Mr. Davis would have
submitted the information to the Confederate Con-
gress, so they could have acted upon it, and the coun-
try would have had the full benefit of any such disposi-
tion on the Federal side. Mr. Davis’ official oath and
oblig tion as President <>i the 1 Confederacy bound him
mtinue the struggle for our independi n< e as long
as there was an organized army in the field. Nol 50
with the Congress, however; they were clothed with a
much larger discretion than he was. And who doubts
that the information would have gone to them, with
Mr. Stephens as one of our commissioners, if any had
ever come to the latter, that there was ,1 possibility of
the ‘South obtaining advantageous terms of peace
within sixty days before the final collapse? ‘
“The correct position of the 1 onfederab commis-
siom rs in these premises c: n be seen in the following
language employed by them in a noti to VI ij. Eckert.
aide-de-camp to Gen. Grant, of February 1, [865,
while negotiating for a passport and safe conduct with-
in the Federal lines, for the purpose of meeting Mr.
Lincoln or such persons as he might send to bold the
conference with them. ‘The substantial object to be
attained by the informal conference is to ascertain
upon what terms the existing war can be terminated
honorably. Ottr instructions contemplated a personal
interview between President Lincoln and ourselves at
Washington; but with this explanation we are n
to meet any person or persons that President Lincoln
may appoint, at such place as he may designate. Our
Confederate l/eterar?
earnest desire is that a just and honorable peace may
be agreed upon, and we are prepared to receive or sub-
mit propositions which may possibly lead to that end.
Alex li. Stephens,
Robert M. T. Hunter,
J. A. Campbell.”
In a note to the same officer, of d:ite February 2,
1865, they say: “It is our earnest wish to ascertain,
after a free interchange of ideas and information, upon
what principles and terms, if any, a just and honorable
peace can be established without the further effusion of
blood, and to contribute our utmost efforts to accom-
plish such a result.”
It may popularize Watterson’s lecture or his pro-
posed book on Lincoln among the people of the North,
where he knows the shekels be, to twaddle this stuff to
Lincoln’s glorification above all contemporaries, in hu-
banity and all the higher and nobler qualities ; but the
Southern people will look well to the truth of history
before they shout hosr.nnahs to his memory for senti-
ments of humane considerations toward them that
never could find expression or any sort of manifesta-
tion in a way they ever got any benefit therefrom, not-
withstanding the splendid opportunity that offered for
such expression at the Hampton Roads conference ;
and they know from official facts in the case that there
was no such expression on that occasion, and all that
remained to them was to fight it out to the only honora-
ble end left to them. William P. Tolley.
To Frank Cheatham Camp No. 35, U. C. V. :
We, your committee appointed to investigate the
acts and doings of the Hampton Roads conference,
would respectfully report that we have read all of the
standard authorities on the subject and laboriously
scrutinized and studied them. Among the authorities
are: “The Rise and Fall of the Confederate States,” by
Mr. President Jefferson Davis; “The History of the
United States,” by Hon. Alexander H. Stephens; the
address of the Hon. John H. Reagan, delivered before
the convention of the United Confederate Veterans
held in Nashville on June 22, 1897; the paper prepared
by Hon. William P. Tolley, and morerecently heard
the address of Hon. A. S. Colyar. From said authori-
ties we are fully convinced that the statement prepared
by Hon. William P. Tolley is a true and correct history
of the conference ; that there never was submitted by
Mr. Lincoln any proposition that was not coupled with
the unconditional surrender of the Confederate armies ;
that Mr. Lincoln never offered to pay for the ne-
groes of the South, but that he said, “If we would
surrender unconditionally, a large number of peo-
ple in the North would be willing to pay for them”‘
— a proposition wholly unsustained by the record of
the people of the North and utterly untenable ; that he
never said to Mr. Stephens, “Let me write ‘Union’ at
the top of the page, and you can write what you please
below it ;” and that the Confederate commissioners
at said conference did everything honorable men could
have done as the representatives of a “nation that rose
so white and fair and fell so free of crime.”
We therefore present the following resolutions, and
move their adoption :
Resolved: 1. That Camp Frank Cheatham No. 35 ful-
ly and unequivocally endorses the statement prepared
by Comrade William P. Tolley, and urges its adoption
by the United Confederate Veterans.
2. That our delegates to the convention of the Uni-
ted Confederate Veterans to be held in Atlanta, G:i„ in
July next, be and they arc hereby instructed to present
said statement, together with this report, to said con-
vention, and urge their adoption.
The committee is composed of W. J. McMurray.
Chairmsn; John P. Hickman. Ralph J. Xeal, S. A.
Comrade Tolley has been zealous for years to have
the important truths embodied herein established. He
is credited with the raising of the first company in Ten-
nessee for the Confederate States army. In the draw-
ing for letters it became E, of the First Tennessee, in
the Virginia army, commanded by Col. Turney. Capt.
Tolley w?s disabled at Gaines Mill, in front of Rich-
mond, in 1862. He returned to service in the cavalry
before he could dispense with a crutch.
The Mary Custis Lee Chapter of the Children of the
Confederacy is fittingly named, for Mary Custis Lee
was worthy to be the wife of the man of marvelous
moral grandeur, on whose strong arm and heroic heart
she leaned as they walked their way through the sor-
rows as well as the sunshine of life — a help and inspira-
tion to each other. It was proposed and organized by
the President and Vice-President of the first chapter of
United Daughters of the Confederacy in the state of
Virginia at 220, North Washington Street. Alexandria,
Va. We hope our Southern sisters will take a deep in-
terest in making it a success, that the children mnjj
work for and help all true soldiers who may b? in their’
midst in the coming struggle.
Confederate Veterans.
Gen. Stephen D. Lee is so prominent in all Confed-
erate matters that we make liberal extracts from the
“National Cyclopedia of American Biography :”
– ■ —
, —
‘.i \ . H I’ll I \ 1>. LEE.
Stephen D. Lee. soldier, was in Charleston, S.
C, September 22, [833. During the Revolutionary
warhisgreal grandf ther, William 1 ee, was one of the
forty principal citizens of Charleston confined en pris-
on ship ami sent t” St. Augustine, Fl 1.. after the city
was occupied by tin- British. His grandfather, Judge
Thomas Lee, was United States judge tV>r South t
Una during President Monroe’s dministration, presi-
ded during the nullification difficulties, and was a
strong Union man.
( ien. S. I ‘. I ,ee, upi >n his graduate m in [85 1 from the
United States Military Academy at West Point, was
assigned to the Fourth Artillery, where he was firsl
lieutenant and regimental quartermaster until r.861,
when he resigned to cast his lot with the South in the
civil war. As aide-de-camp to Gen. Beauregard, he and
Col. Chestnut carried the summons to Maj. Anderson,
demanding- the surrender of the fort, and later, when
Anderson declined, they carried the order to open fire
on the fort. .Afterward he went to Virginia in com-
mand of the light battery of Hampton’s South Caroli-
na Legion. He was in several fights with Federal gun-
1″ tats 1 >n the ! ‘1 iti tmac ; was pr< imi ited maji ir 1 »f artillery
November. 1861, lieutenant-colonel and colonel of ar-
tillery ; was with ( ien. Johnston in peninsular campaign
and in the battles around Richmond. He took part in
the battles of Seven Pines, Savage Station, and Mal-
vern Hill ; commanded the Fourth Virginia Cavalry for
six weeks, as all the field-officers were wounded ; was
complimented by Gen. Robt. E. Lee for activity and
gallantry : and commanded a battalion of artillery in
Gen. Lee’s army in the campaign against Gen. Pope.
His services at the battle of second Manassas or Bull
Run were brilliant, and attracted the attention of the
entire army. At Antietam he did conspicuous service.
for which he was made brigadier-general November
6th, 1863, and ordered by President Davis to Vicks-
burg, Miss., to take command of the garrison and bat-
teries holding the Mississippi River at that point. Here
he was signally succesful in many important engage-
ments, notably at the battle of Chickasaw Bayou, and
subsequently in the battle of Baker’s Creek or Cham-
pion Hills, where he was highly complimented for gal-
lantry. He commanded a part of the entrenchments in
Vicksburg near the railroad cut, and immediately after
the fall of that city was exchanged, promoted major-
general August 3, [863, and placed in command of ail
the cavalry in Mississippi, Alabama, Vest Tennessee,
and East Louisiana. When Sherman marched from
Vicksburg to Meridian, Miss., with an army of 30,000
men. Gen, Lee bung on his front, rear, and flanks with
a c; vary force of 2,500 men. When Gen. Polk was
sent from Mississippi to reenforce the Confederate
army at Dalton. 1 I I ,ee was promoted to lieu-
tenant gem ral, June 23. [86 |. and assigned to the com-
mand of the Department of Mississippi, Alabama,
Vest Tennessee, and East Louisiana. After the battle
of Harrisburg, 1 >r Tupelo. Miss.. Gen. Lee was ordered
to Atlanta. < la., and assigned to the command of
Hood’s old corps of infantry, Hood having relii
Gen. Johnston in command of the Army of Tenn<
I fere he was engaged in the battle of July 28 on the left
of Xtlanta : w: s also in the battle of Jonesboro, south
of Atlanta, and subsequently accompanied Gen. Hood
in his Rank movement around Atlanta and north as fat-
as Resaca, and then into Tennessee via Tuscumbia,
Ala. When the battle of Nashville was fought and
Hood badly routed, 1 ee’s Corps held and repulsed the
enemy at i tverton Hill, and in the disaster his corps
was the only one ed for three days after the
n iut. He was w mnded while with the rear-guard late
in the afternoon of the day after this battle As soon
as Gen. Lee had sufficiently recovered he resumed
command of his corps in North Carolina, and surren-
dered with the Confederate arm) commanded by Gen.
Joseph E. Johnston.
In February, 1865, (ien. Lee married Regin 1 Harri-
son, of Columbus. Miss. 1 le has but one child. Blew-
ett Lee. Since the war 1 ien. I .ee h s lab ired c< instant-
ly and energetically to build up the waste places of the
South. By profession he is a planter, and is now
President of the Mississippi Agricultural and Mechan-
ical College. He h is bad .-Targe of die college since
us opening, in 1880. his administration having been
most successful. < ien. Lee has never aspired to polit-
ical office. He has twice been called into politics —
once as State Senator, and afterward as a member of
the last constitutional convention, which framed the
present constitution of Mississippi.
Ii I.’ irv to defer until report ot reunion in August the greatei
part of sketches of commanders, staff officers, sponsors, etc. Manv engrai in^s
ure made and the August number promises t<> be unusually attract!’ i
Confederate l/eterar;.
Gen. Horner, Commander of the Arkansas Division,
U. C. V., is a native of West Virginia. His parents re-
moved to Arkansas when he was an infant, and located
at Helena, which has ever since been his home. His
father was the late Judge John Sidney Horner and his
mother, Elizabeth Johnson, was the daughter of Gov.
Joseph Johnson, of Virginia.
Gen. Horner was educated at Columbia, Tenn., and
admitted to the Helena bar just before the great war.
Earl)’ in 1862 he raised a company and reported at Lit-
tle Rock, where he was assigned to the artillery arm of
the service, and was on duty at DeV all’s Bluff until the
Federals left White River. After that he was promo-
ted to major. He was with Parsons in the fight by
L. Auguilkle River. He subsequently had charge of
a conscript bureau, and had general charge of law and
order duties in lawless regions.
In June, 1863, when the advance upon Helena had
been determined upon, at Gen. Price’s request he was
assigned to duty on his staff as inspector-general, and
participated in the battle of Helena, on July 4, 1863.
After the evacuation of Little Rock, in the fall of 1863,
Maj. Horner was detached from Gen. Price’s staff, and
ordered by Gen. Holmes to report to Gen. Kirby
Smith for duty in conscript department of Texas.
Failing to get this order revoked, he resigned, and a
few months later was commissioned by President Da-
vis, and assigned to duty on the staff of Gen. Tappan
as inspector-general. He was with Gen. Tappan at
the battles of Pleasant Hill and Jenkin’s Ferry, and in
the spring of 1865 was promoted and assigned to duty
as inspector-general on Gen. Churchhill’s staff, with
whom he served until his surrender at Shreveport.
Returning to Helena after the war. Maj. Horner re-
sumed the practise of law in partnership with Gen.
Tappan, and was recognized as one of the ablest law-
yers in the st:;te. With the years came financial suc-
cess, and he soon became identified with the leading
enterprises in his section. As attorney for the Arkan-
sas Midland Railroad at a time when its fortunes were
very low and harassed by litigation on all sides, after
a series of legal battles lasting through fifteen years, he
succeeded in freeing it from all complications and ma-
king it a first-class road. His reward was an interest
in that thriving corporation, of which he is now Vice-
President and General Manager. Maj. Horner is also
President of the Bank of Helena, President of the
Helena Gas Company, and is identified with almost
every substantial enterprise in Helena.
The cause of the Confederate veteran rppealed to
him quite early, and he was identified in a substantial
way with the movement that resulted in making Hele-
na the leading Confederate monument city of that
state. His time, capacity, and purse are at all times at
the service of his comrades. Gen. Horner was the
Commander of Samuel Corley Camp of Helena for two
vears, and was unanimously elected Commander of the
Arkansas Division at its last annual meeting, to suc-
ceed Gen. Robert G. Shaver.
Miss Hedwig Penzel, of Little Rock, Ark., is spon-
sor of her state. She is the daughter of Charles F.
Penzel, of Little Rock, and a native of that city. Mr.
Penzel entered the Confederate army in 1861, enlist-
ing as a private in the company commanded by Gor-
don N. Peay, which company became a part of the
Sixth Arkansas Regiment. He served his country
faithfully. After the surrender he returned to Little
Rock, engaged in mercantile pursuits, and soon took
front rank among the commercial men of his progress-
ive city. True to every duty in life, Mr. Penzel enjoys
the confidence of all who know him. He is now Pres-
ident of the Exchange National Bank.
Confederate l/eterai).
Maj.-Gen. C. Irvine Walker, Commander of the
South Carolina Division, U. C. V., has had a most fort-
unate career as Commander of one of the largest di-
visions of the U. C. V. When he was elected the di-
vision had not thirty
active camps, and it
now has about one
hundred and twenty;
it has been quadru-
pled. This is largely
due to the spirit he
inspired into it,
which awakened the
energies of many as-
sistants, who pushed
the good work of
bringing the veterans
into the membership
of the U. C. V. No
one man could do
such work directly,
but Gen. Walker was
the moving, anima-
ting spirit which brought these energies and this work
into useful life.
He is a Charlestonian by birth, and his education
was completed in the South Carolina Military Acad-
emy. The war broke out about the time of his grad-
uation, and immediately after bearing away the hon-
ors of his class he gave his services to his state and his
country. As a cadet he had seen service at the time
the first shot of the war was fired, when the “St ir of the
West” attempted to enter Charleston Harbor, in Jan-
uary. 1861. After serving as drill-master to several
organizations of volunteers he was appointed adjutant,
with the rank of captain, of the Tenth South C irolina
Regiment, which regiment was one of the first that
volunteered from South Carolina. His colonel was
most of the time in command of a department or a bri-
gade, so his services were largely as ad jut int general.
On Gen. Manigault’s promotion he was made adju-
tant-general of his brigade, serving with such distinc-
tion that when a vacancy was to he filled in the lieut< n-
ant-colonelcy of the Tenth South Carolina Regiment
at the age of only twenty-two he was offered the posi-
tion. All the company officers of the regiment, who
had fought with him and served with him for nearly
three years, paid him the very high and worthy tribute
of waiving rank to him, that he might be promoted
over them.
Within a week of Lieut.-Col. Walker’s joining the
regiment its gallant Col. Pressley was almost fatally
wounded on the enemy’s breastworks in the charge in
front of Atlanta. July jj. iSiq. when the Tenth South
Carolina Regiment captured Battery A. First Illinois
Artillery, and which success led to the further capture
of the famous Dc Gress Battery by Manigault’s Bri-
gade. This threw Col. Walker in command of the
regiment, which he held, except when absent from
wounds, until the final surrender with Johnston.
He has been intimately identified in all movements
in the state looking to the perpetuation of the memo-
ries of our heroic struggle. He was one of the origi-
nal members of the Survivors’ Association of Charles-
ton, one of the first, if not the first, organizations of this
character formed in the South. When it joined the
U. C. V. as Camp Sumter the distinguished services of
Col. Walker to the Confederacy when a mere boy and
his interest in everything Confederate was acknowl-
edged by his comrades, and he was first made one of
the Brigade Commanders of the South Carolina Divi-
sion and then unanimously elected Commander of the
division. He has been unanimously reelected three
times, and the comrades in South Carolina do not mean
to give him up.
Returning from the army, he entered business, and
for many years has been at the head of the extensive
business of the Walker. IA ins, & Cogswell Company,
well known all over the South. He has been promi-
nent in all movements for the good of his city and
state which were not of a political nature. He has re-
ligiously eschewed politics. The reopening of his
alma mater, the South Carolina Military Academy,
was largely achieved by his persistent and faithful ef-
forts, and is known as the West Point of the South.
No man in the city or state is more highly esteemed
Sponsoi for South Carolina a( the Atlanta Reunion,
Confederate l/eterar?
Gen. A. J. Vaughan, a native of Dinwiddie County,
Va., was born May 10, 1830. He graduated from the
Virginia Military Institute in 185 1, captain of Compa-
ny A, and chose civil engineering as his profession.
He was appointed Deputy United States Surveyor un-
der Col. Jack Hays, of California, and assigned to
work in Southern California, then occupied by roam-
ing bands of Indians, where, cut off from civilized peo-
ple and surrounded by wild and hostile Indians, carry-
ing his life in his own hands, he acquired that hardness
of nerve and fine physique which served him well in
after-life. In 1855 he was appointed Private Secreta-
ry to Col. Alfred Cummings, of Georgia, Superintend-
ent of Indian Affairs, who had been commissioned by
the government to make a treaty with the Black Feet
and other tribes of Indians for the right of way for the
Northern Pacific Railroad. In 1856 he married Miss
Martha J. Hardaway, of Virginia, and located on a
farm in Marshall County, Miss.
Gen. Vaughan was opposed to secession, but when
Virginia and Mississippi went out of the Union he
raised a company near his home and tendered it to the
Governor ; but, as it could not be armed, he disbanded
it and joined the Dixie Rifles at Moscow, Tenn., as a
private. He was soon elected captain, however, and
at the organization of the Thirteenth Regiment of Ten-
nessee Infantry he was elected lieutenant-colonel.
After the battle of Belmont he was elected colonel, in
which capacity he served until the battle of Chicka-
mauga, when he was promoted to brigadier-general by
President Davis for services in that battle.
Gen. Vaughan was in every battle of the West
fought bv Gens. Leonidas Polk, Albert Sidney John-
ston, Braxton Bragg, and Joseph E. Johnston, inclu-
ding those of Belmont, Shiloh, Richmond (Ky.), Perry-
ville, Murfreesboro (or Stone River), Lookout Moun-
tain, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, and all the
fights and skirmishes from Dalton, Ga., to Vining Sta-
tion, below Marietta, where he lost a leg on the 4th of
July, 1864. During these battles he had eight horses
shot under him, but was never wounded till he lost his
leg. He was paroled with Forrest’s cavalry at Gaines-
ville, Ala.
In 1871, when the grange movement was sweeping
over the country, he was elected Master of the State
Grange of Mississippi, and organized the State Granges
of Tennessee and Arkansas. In 1873 he moved to
Memphis. Tenn., and was elected Clerk of the Crim-
inal Court of Shelby County. He was again elected in
1882. This is the only civil position he ever held.
Gen. Vaughan was a strict disciplinarian and pos-
sessed of physical courage so lofty that his men in-
stinctively looked for him in the front when there was
danger, yet he never engaged in a personal difficulty.
In 1896 he was elected Brigadier-General of the Sec-
ond Brigade of the Tennessee Division, U. C. V., and
in 1897* he was unanimously elected Major-General of
the Tennessee Division, U. C. V., which position he
now holds.
Maid of Honor for Tennessee at the Atlanta Reunion.
R. T. Mockbee, Memphis, Tenn.: “Please publish
for the information of survivors of Company B, Four-
teenth Tennessee Regiment, that our former captain,
H. H. Averitt, spent the last years of his life in this
city. He married about 1882, and died in 1886. His
last illness was caused by old wounds, received at Pe-
tersburg, Va., resulting in blood poison. I recently
placed some flowers on his grave, in Elmwood Ceme-
tery, in remembrance of an old comrade who rose from
the ranks to captain of his company, and who was as
true and brave a soldier as ever carried a musket or
drew a sword under Lee. His widow now resides in
Nashville, Tenn., 513 Russell Street.”
^opfederate .
D. C. Kelley entered the Confederate army in 1861
with N. B. Forrest, and was paroled at Gainesville,
Ala., at the close of the war, his parole registering his
rank as “colonel commanding Forrest’s old regiment
of cavalry.” This regiment was regarded by Forrest
as his “right arm of power” from first to last. Its com-
mander is spoken of by Lord Wolseley, in a sketch of
Forrest, thus: “His second in command, D. C. Kelley,
was as brave a man as ever smellcd gunpowder.”
Col. Kelley participated in seven great battles, be
ginning with Fort Donelson and ending with the bat-
tle of Nashville. He was under fire in more than sixty
skirmishes, in seven of which, as brigade commander,
he handled with eminent success artillery, cavalry, and
infantry. Only once was he unsuccessful in fourteen
engagements when in independent command.
Perhaps his most important service was at the close
of the battle of Nashville. The soldiers under his
command had been engaged in the first day of battle
on the extreme left of the Confederate line constantly
and successfully from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. The line had
been broken between his right and the left flank of the
infantry, so that the night was spent in a most difficult
march. Daylight dawned as he made good his eon
lection with the left of Hood’s infantry on the Hills-
boro pike. The command was actively engaged dur-
ing the greater part of the day. About 4 p.m. an order
from Gen. Hood was handed him, which read: “The
army is in full retreat : hold the enemy off my flank at
all hazard.” The brigade which Col. Kelley com-
manded had by this time been reduced to less than one
thousand men. Dismounting all but t\\ ” squadrons,
which he placed on either flank, lie threw his command
across the Granny White pike just in time to meet and
repel the fierce charge of the enemy’s cavalry. For
three fateful hours, until night had closed in. he held
this position, rolling back onset after onset of the op-
posing force, until he found his command nearly sur-
rounded in the darkness. Then, mounting his men,
by a rapid gallop he threw himself between the Federal
cavalry and the rear of the army, then passing Brent-
wood. The Federal authorities vary as to the num-
ber of cavalry thus held in check. Some estimate the
number as high as fourteen thousand. Had this body
struck Hood’s flank at the hour his command was re-
ceived by Col. Kelley, half Hood’s army would never
have crossed Harpeth River. Col. Kelley preached
every Sunday when in camp, and while a member of
Forrest’s military family blessing was always invoked.
In absence of Maj.-Gen. Lyons, First Brigadier-
General D. C. Kelley will be in command of Forrest’s
cavalry organization in the C. S. A. reunion at Atlanta.
Gen. J. B. Briggs is a native of Franklin. Tenn., and
was born November 20, 1842. Early in the war he
joined Col. J. W. Starnes’s Fourth Tennessee Cavalry.
Forrest’s Brigade. He was soon appointed quarter-
master-sergeant and then quartermaster oi the regi-
ment, later on of the brigade. Gen. I’-riggs was with
Forrest at the siege of Knoxville. Tenn., and with Gen.
Dibrell at the surrender at Washington, Ga., May 12,
1865, where he paid ofT the brigade with the last gold
and silver in the Confederate treasury, paying each
man $26.25 — officer and private the same. Since the
war he has been a banker at Russellville. Ky., where he
now resides. Several years ago he organized the J. W.
Caldwell Camp No. 139, U. C. \ ‘.. at Russellville, and is
yet its Commander. Several years ago he was ap-
pointed General commanding the first Kentucky Bri-
gade, U. C. V. At the Richmond reunion he was
elected the Kentucky trustee of the Confederate Me-
morial Association (or Battle Abbey), and at the Look-
out Mountain meeting wa> appointed one oi the five
of the Executn e< ommittee. He holds all of these of-
fices at present. He is an enthusiastic U. C. V.
Qoqj e”- ?raJte l/eterag
So many things of special importance and interest to
Daughters of the Confederacy arc in hand that it is de-
termined to devote the I October Veteran specially to
the cause of United Daughters. It will be a fine issue
in paper and engravings, and it is expected to be the
most creditable periodical to Southern womanhood
ever published. Will the Daughters of every chapter
in existence begin now to make a correct showing of
what they have done and are doing in the great cause
in which they have enlisted? Looking to that special
number, sketches of Georgia Daughters designed for
this issue will be reserved, while some excellent engra-
vings will appear in this number, because of Georgia’s
interest at this time.
One of our most enthusiastic camps is in Dekalb
County, Ga., called the Clement A. Evans Camp, in
honor of that Georgia Confederate general. Recently
the camp assembled in full strength in a large hall in
the beautiful town of Decatur, a great number of Sons,
Daughters, and Children of the Confederacy and of
other pr< iminent citizens being present to participate in
the ceremonies of presenting an elegant banner to the
camp by Mrs. Clement A. Evans, whose attachment to
the county grows out of her long residence in it, and
whose devotion to Confederate soldiers is unexcelled.
The hall was beautifully decorated and the music was
inspiring. Mr. Henden Hallman, the son of a Confed-
erate soldier, a brilliant young lawyer, made a fine in-
troductory speech in presenting to the audience little
Miss Sarah Lee Evans, daughter of Gen. and Mrs.
Evans, who is said to be the youngest daughter of a
Confederate general. Sarah Lee gracefully presented
the Hag in a brief little speech. A happy response was
made by Judge H. C. Jones, the Commander of the
camp. The entire occasion was full of enthusiasm.
The camp will parade three hundred strong, in uni-
form, during the reunion, bearing their banner and the
old battle-flag over them.
“Corp.” James Tanner, who lost both feet in the
service of the Union, commends a very kindly editorial
of the Washington Post on the subject of returning
Confederate flags, and adds : “In a Memorial Day ad-
dress delivered at Rochester, N. Y., on the evening of
the 29th ult. before a great audience, made up in part
of three posts of the Grand Army and a camp of Sons
of Veterans, I pledged myself to offer a resolution at
the next meeting of the national body of the Grand
Army at Cincinnati next fall favoring such action, and
the statement was greeted with a storm of applause.
Ensign Bagley, the first to fall under the flag of a re-
united country, was laid at rest in the soil of the Tar-
heel State by the side of his father, who followed the
stars and bars from 1861 to 1865. It is safe to say that
the father of such a son was a brave soldier wherever
he fought. Now father and son rest in dreamless sleep
under the one flag that floats over the whole land, and
the son’s heroism has given greater luster to its
folds. It seems to me impossible that the people of the
South should regard the flag under which their sons
died with aught but veneration. The stars and stripes
have gathered in their folds so much glory that brave
men need not begrudge all the glory of endurance and
achievement by valor that can justly be claimed for the
late emblem of the late Confederacy. Thank God we
have lived to see the day when all the land is cheering
the old flag, now the only flag representing this great
republic ! With all my heart I say, Let us give them
back their flags. They stood by them so bravely that
we who captured them can well afford to see our late
opponents treasure them as sacred relics. Bagley and
Hobson have pointed the way for the new generation.”
A committee of the Confederate Veteran Camp of
New York, consisting of Messrs. Hugh R. Garden.
Thomas R. Price, and Clarence Cary, to which was re-
ferred the preparation of a resolution touching the dis-
position of the Confederate flags, submitted the follow-
ing as a suggestion to be offered by the camp for the
consideration of the various Grand Army Posts, Con-
federate Veteran Camps, and all others interested in the
subject of the return of our captured war emblems, re-
cently advocated by Senator Foraker: “That such ac-
tion is wise, patriotic, and timely, and that not only the
captured flags, but all such emblems and trophies of
either side in the war between the states as may be
offered from any quarter, should properly be collected
and lodged in a national depository at Washington,
under appropriate legislation of Congress providing
for their careful preservation and identification, ‘as a
source of inspiration to those future generations of
American citizens who are to continue and defend our
now united and mighty nation.’ ”
United 5095 of (^federate l/eterar^.
Organized July 1, 1S96, Richmond, Va.
BOBEKT A. SMYTH, Commander-in-Chief. I „„„„„- ,., , . e ,.
DANIEL UAVENEL, Ajjjutant-Genekal, 1 Box 887, Charleston, S.< .
ROBERT C. NORFLEET, COMMANDER, I ..„..,.,.. wi ,. efm , v r
GARLAND E. WEBB, ADJUTANT-GENERAL,! ‘”‘ x 1 “‘” ” “‘ston, M. C.
W. C. SATTXI1ERS. Commander,
J. H. BOWMAN, Aiui-tant-Uem 1; 11 . I
Box 151, Belton, Tex.
Conducted by ROBERT A. SMYTH, Charleston, B. C
Send all communications for this department to him.
[Comrades everywhere are nifred to commend the organisation oi
Sons. By doing bo they may lie very helpful to ( mnuiander Smyth. B.
We give a sketch of the Federation of United Sons
of Confederate Veterans, in order that all the young
men of the South may be fully acquainted with its pur-
“In union there is strength,” and by the concentra-
tion of separate energies more work and better results
can be accomplished ; hence the uniting of all camps of
Sons of (.011 fedora te Veterans into one federation.
The United Sons of Confederate \ derails commend
its organization to all the smis of the South. Its pur-
pose is lofty and its aim is pure : to collect and presen <
the true and unbiased history of the Southern soldiers
in the Confederate war. to extend to needy widows and
orphans of these men the kindly hand of charity, to
erect monuments to the gray, and to mark all graves
of our heroes. Can any society have nobler obja
The formation of this federation had been agitated
at the time of the Houston reunion of the Confederate
veterans, but. through lack of support, it did not suc-
ceed. In June, [896, the members .if the R. E. Lee
Camp, Sons oi Confederate Veterans, of Richmond,
Va., sent out a circular “to all Confederate veterans,
to all sons of Confederate veterans, and to all who re-
vere’ tin- noble and generous sacrifices of the Southern
soldiers,” iu which they said : ” Believing that a general
federation of Sous of Confederate Veterans is abso-
lutely necessary for the accomplishment of the ewer
islic.l purposes that every one to whom tin- circular is
addressed is singl) laboring to carry out. R, F. I ee
Cam] 1 issues a call for such federation at the time of the
reunion in Richmond.” In this circular was given an
outline of the proposed federation. It met with hearty
r> sponse from the camps of Sons then in exist rue. anil
the most cordial commendation at the hamfs of all Con-
federate camps.
1 hi June 30, 1896, about fort} delegates of Sons of
Confederate \ eterans met in Richmond. \ a., with the
earnest purpose to at range For the formation of such a
fed. ration. Mr. J I-“.. §. Stuart. Sen of the famous
pvalrj leader, was elected temporary chairman, and
an organization was established on a business basis.
Twenty camps and societies of Sons of Veterans
were represented there b) delegates. The temporary
formation was made permanent and the name ” [anted
Sons of Confederate Veterans” chosen. A constitu-
tion was adopted and the following officers were
elected: J. E. B. Stuart. Commander-in-Chief. Rich-
mond, Ya.; Robert A. Smyth. Commander Northern
Virginia Department, Charleston. S. C. ; J. L. Harde-
man, Commander Army of Tennessee Department,
Macon, Ga. E. P. Cox, of Richmond. Va., was then
appointed Adjutant-General by Commander Stuart.
The constitution provided that the federation should
perpetuate in its organization the plan of the Confed-
erate army by being divided into three departments:
Army of Northern Virginia Department, comprising
the states of Virginia, Maryland North. Carolina.
South Carolina. Kentucky; the Army of Tennessee
Department, including Georgia. Tennessee. Mississip-
pi. Louisiana. Florida; the Trans-Mississippi Depart-
ment, including the states west of the Mississippi, ex-
cept Louisiana. Each state was designated a division,
and the subdivision of the states into brigades.
I be meeting in Richmond was most enthusiastic,
and it was believed that the growth of the new federa-
tion would progress rapidly throughout the South dur-
ing the next vcar. However, the work of the SUCI
ing year was very tedious: ami. with no finances and
little support or help, Commander Stuart ami his Ad-
jutant. Mr. ( ..\. found it difficult to make progn
The second reunion of the federation was held in
Nashville on June 22, 1897, at the same tune as the
Veterans’, winch is the requirement of the constitu-
tion, in order that the young men can keep m touch
with the noble \\e;n< rs of the gray. In the absen
I 011:111 nder-in-Chief Stuart, Mr. Robert ^. Smyth, of
Charleston. S. C. die second in command, filled that
office and presided. \. Mutant Cox reported thirty-
three camps on the loll, an increase of nine since the
last meeting, and four more were chartered at this sec-
ond reunion, making the number thirty-seven. The
Confederate .
constitution under which the federation was working
was not perfectly satisfactory, and a committee was ap-
pointed to revise it by the next meeting, which will be
the one in Atlanta this month. Considerable work
was done bv the convention and much enthusiasm was
aroused, there being present young men from a num-
ber of states in which there were no camps.
The election of officers resulted as follows : Mr.
Robert A. Smyth, of Charleston, S. C, Commander-
in-Chief; Mr. Robert A. Norfleet, of Winston, N. C,
Commander of Northern Virginia Department; Mr.
T. Leigh Thompson, of Lewisburg, Tenn., Command-
er of Tennessee Department ; Mr. W. C. Saunders, of
Belton, Tex., Commander of the Trans-Mississippi
Department. Mr. Daniel Ravenel, of Charleston, S.
C, was appointed Adjutant-General by Commander
The members dispersed from this convention thor-
oughly aroused and determined that during the com-
ing year the order should be greatly increased, and the
results attest the fact that they executed the resolution.
Commander-in-Chief Smyth on July 7 made the fol-
lowing appointment? as his official staff to aid in the
work during the coming year :
D. Ravenel, Charleston, S.C., Adjt.-Gen. and Chief of Staff.
J. G. McAllister, Richmond, Va., .Quartermaster-General.
T. Larkin Smith, M.D., Nashville, Tenn., Surgeon-General.
W. H. Merchant, Fredericksburg-, Va., Inspector-General.
E. P. McKissick, Asheville, N. C., Commissary-General.
Rev. Theron H. Rice, Jr., Atlanta, Ga., Chaplain-General.
J. W. Sparks, Murfreesboro, Tenn., Judge Advocate-Gen.
R. C. P. Thomas, Bowling Green, Ky., Aid.
S. O. LeBlanc, Plaquemine, La., Aid.
Hugh Boyd, Scottsboro, Ala., Aid.
There is a Commander for each state as an active
worker at the head of each. A number of divisions
elected their state Commanders, but where there were
less than five camps a Commander was appointed.
The following is the list of Division Commanders :
Virginia, R. S. B. Smith, Berryville.
North Carolina, Dr. Charles A. Bland, Charlotte.
South Carolina, M. L. Bonham, Anderson.
Kentucky, R. C. P. Thomas, Bowling Green.
Georgia, W. W. Davies, Atlanta.
Alabama, P. H. Mell, Auburn.
Tennessee, Jesse W. Sparks, Murfreesboro.
Mississippi, T. L. Trawick, Crystal Springs.
Florida, D. U. Fletcher, Jacksonville.
Texas, R. K. Gaston, Dallas.
Missouri, R. C. Clark, Fayette.
Arkansas, John J. Sumpter, Jr., Hot Springs.
Oklahoma, Z. J. Woods, Purcell, Ind. T.
New Mexico, Neal E. Bailey, Deming.
The growth of the federation in the past year has ex-
ceeded the fondest hopes of its members. The num-
ber of camps having increased from thirty-seven to
ninety-eight at this time, and there are in process of
organization fifteen or twenty more.
We desire to attest the value which this special de-
partment in the Confederate Veteran has been to
the officers in extending the federation. Much credit
is due to it for the large number of new camps which
have been added to the roll during the past year. Mr.
Cunningham surely deserves the heartiest thanks of
the Sons of Veterans for his kindness in setting aside
these pages for our use. A number of camps have
been formed directly through its influence, and many
new states have been entered by means of the informa-
tion published in it, which has reached young men oth-
erwise ignorant of the existence of our federation. All
honor, then, to Mr. Cunningham and the Confeder-
ate Veteran and to the noble Veterans who have
through this medium incited the young men to action !
The following is the list of the camps of the federa-
tion, their location, and the names of Commandants
and Adjutants. Omission of names is due to the fact
that they have not been sent in to these headquarters;
and particularly is this the case with the Adjutants, as
Confederate l/eterai}.
very few of the names of these officers have been fur-
nished. Camps should give attention to this and send
in at once the lacking names. Some of the names
given are not correct, as other officers have been elect-
ed. In any of these cases send a postal with the cor-
rection :
E. B. Lee No. 1, Richmond, Va.; W. E. Walden, Command-
ant; Edwin Courtney, Adjutant.
E. S. Chew No. 2. Fredericksburg, Va.
A. S. Johnston No. 3. Roanoke. Va.; W. B. Buford, .
Moultrie No. 4, Charleston, S. C.J St. J. P. Kinloch, W. Tur-
ner Logan.
G. Davis No. 5, Wilmington, N. C; G. D. Crow, E. K. Calder.
State Sovereignty No. 6, Louisa, Va.; H. H. Anderson, Col-
lins Hart.
W. \V. Humphreys No. 7, Anderson, S. C: J. C. Watkins, J.
M. Patrick.
J.E. B.Stuart No. 8, Berryville.Va.; S. J. Moore, J. E. Ogden.
Pickett-Buchanan No. 9. Norfolk, Va.; J. S. Pickett, .
Turner Ashhv No. 10, Harrisburg, Va.; Ed C. Martz, George
M. Conrad.
Hampton No. 11, Hampton, Va.; A. T. Ransome. F. M. Dar-
Shenandoah No. 12, Woodstock, Va.; William B. Allen, .
Pickett-Stuart No. 13, Nottawav, Va.; .T. Mann, W. H. Cralle.
John R. Cooke No. 14. West Point, Va.; T. H. Edwards, .
Johnston-Pcttigrew No. 15, Asiieville. N. C; E. P. McKis-
sick. Marcus Erwin.
J. Pelham No. 16, Auburn, Ala.; P. H. Mell. A. F. McKissick.
Henry Wyatt No. 17, Winston. N. C.J Dr. H. V. Horton. J. B.
Witaker. Jr.
Thos. Hardeman No. 18, Macon, Ga.; J. L. Hardeman, .
Kemper-Strother-Fry No. 19, Madison, Va.: E. H. Gibson.
Page Valley No. 20, Shenandoah. Va.; E. L. Kevser. R. H.
Loundoun No. 21, Leesburg, Va.; J. H. Nelson. R. H. Tebbs.
Maxcy Gregg No. 22, Columbia, S. C.J Rev. D. J. Brimm, E.
S. Des Portes, Jr.
Stonewall Jackson No. 23, Charlotte, N. C.J Brevard Nixon,
W. K. Yates.
Marion No. 24, Marion, S. C.J C. A. Durham, B. R. Gasque.
John H. Morgan No. 25, Richmond, Ky.j Rev. J. K. Smith.
A. S. Johnston No. 26, Belton, Tex.;* D. S. Furman, W. C.
Wade Hampton No. 27, Mt. Pleasant, S. C.J R. V Bovall S
J. DuPre.
Joe Johnston No. 28, Nashville, Tenn.; Leland Hume, .
Maury No. 29, Columbia, Tenn.; H. F. Alexander, W. B.
John H. Morgan No. 30, Bowling Green, Ky.j G. E. Snell.
Cadwallader Jones No. 31, Rock Hill, S. C.J Rev. J. W. C.
Johnson, J. O. Mattison.
W. H. Jackson No. 32, Culleoka, Tenn.
Stone’s River No. 33, Murfreesboro, Tenn.; W. D. Fox.
William B. Brown No. 34, Gallatin, Tenn.; Thomas Boyers,
J. T. Baskerville.
John M. Kinard No. 35, Newberry, S. C.J John M. Kinard,
Z. F. Wright.
O’ No. S6, Greenville, 8.C.J J.O.Westfield, J. A. Hoyt.Jr.
James H. Lewis No. 37, Lewisburg, Tenn.; Dr. W. A. Mc-
Cord. W. \. M, Cord.
B. H. Rutledge No. 38, McClellanville, S. C; J. Y. DuPre, T.
W. Graham, Jr.
C. Allen No. 39, Abbeville, S. C.J J. A. Smith, J. L. Pen-in.
W. D. Simpson No. 40, Laurens, S. C.J Lewis W. Si ink ins,
C. D. Barksdale.
.1. M. Perrin No. 41. Greenwood, S. C.J E. C. Rice, G. P. Neel.
B. S. Jones No. 42, Clinton, S. C.J H Y. Vance, W. H. Young.
James L. Orr No. 43, Belton, S. C.J J. T. Cox. V B. Campbell.
Barnard Bee No. 44, Pendleton, S. C.J J. T. Hunter, P. H. E.
Sloan, Jr.
Norton No. 45, Weneca, S. C.J T. E. Stribling, E. K. Lewis.
J. B. Gordon No. 46, Atlanta, Ga.; R. C. Alston. .1 V Hvnds.
Richard H. Anderson No. 47, Beaufort, S. C.J Dr. H. M.
Stuart, Jr., J. M. Baker.
M. L. Bonham No. 48, Saluda, S. C.J B. W. Crouch, B. L.
W. L. Cabell No. 49, Dallas, Tex.; P. M. Gallawav, J. Haas.
J. B. Hood No. 50. C.alveston, Tex.; C. G. Sweet, W. E. .Tones.
Louis T. Wigfall No. 51, Batesburg, S. C.J J. E. Sanders, H. S.
A. Gracie No. 52. Bristol, Tenn.; S. V. Fulkerson, E. T. Jones.
L. A. Griffin No. 53, Ninety-Six. S. C.J J.C.Wier. E. J. Rogers.
J. E. R. Stuart No. 54, Marlinton, W. Va.; L. J. Marshall, A.
w Gatewood.
Joe Vaughn No. 55, Fayette. Mo.; R. C. Clark. J. T. Cunning-
J. Boyd No. 56, Lexington, Ky.j T. R. Morgan. W. H. Lucas.
A. F. Boggoss No. 57, Decatur, Tenn.; J. VV. Lillard, Jamei
James McCutchen No. 58, Kingstree, S. C.J C. J. Lesesne, L.
J. Bristow.
Charles Broadway Rouss No. 59, Austin, Tex.; J. B. Lough-
ridge, G. M. Roberdeau.
McDowell No. 60. Phcenix. S. C.J A. E. Adams, R. E. Gaines.
J. A. Broadus No. 61, Louisville, Ky.j B. Howe, J. J. Davis.
Christopher C. lVgnes No. 62, Selma, Ala.; R. A. P. C. Jones,
L. P. Dawson.
Sul Ross No. 63. Alvin. Tex.; J. T. Pnidmore. R. C. Shirley.
Fitzhugh Lee No. 64, Waycross, Ga.: J. W. Bennett. A. P.
Perham, Jr.
R. B. Baxter No. 65, Sparta. Ga.; J. D. Walker, C. F. Bowen.
Bulldog Pelham No. 66. Louisville, fia.; William F. Little,
W. P. Singuefielrl.
S. Ross No. 67, Houston. Tex.; C. W. Bocock. W. C. Timmins.
Oliver E. Edwards No. 68, Spartanburg. S. C.J J. W. Simp-
son, S. B. Jones.
J. Z. George No. 69, Yazoo City, Miss.; C. IT. Williams. W. E.
William Shippe No. 70, Hendersonville. N. C: Thomas J.
Rickman, W. L. Shipman.
Pickens No. 71. Pickens, S. C.J Julius E. Boggs. W. F. Blas-
Stone Fort No. 72, Manchester, Tenn.; F. N. Miller, R. W.
OHn M. Dantzler No. 73. Orangeburg, S. C.J M. O. Dantzler,
C. J. Owens.
Confederate .
W. E. James No. 74, Darlington, S. C.J C. B. Edwards, M. T.
Henry Buist Xo. 75, Charleston, S. C; H. Buist, C. Shokes.
Taliaferro No. 76, Crawford ville, Ga.; C. G. Moore, W. N. S.
Joseph A. Blance No. 77, Cedartown, Ga.; C. K. Pittman, W.
S. Coleman.
Jack Felder No. 78, Americus, Ga.; W. K. Wheatley, T. W.
LaFayette McLaws Xo. 79. Fayetteville, Ga.; A. J. Vickers,
Xat B. Beadles.
Charles C. Hemming Xo. 80, Ocala, Fla.; J. R. Matthewes,
W. T. Gary.
A. J. Hoole Xo. 81, Florence, S. C; H. M. Brunson, B. C.
Joseph B. Kershaw No. 82, Camden, S. C; Thomas J. Kirk-
land, J. B. Steedman, Jr.
Stonewall Jackson No. 83, Jacksonville, Fla.; T. T. Stock-
ton, C. N. Welshans.
Washington Artillery Xo. 84, Charleston, S. C: W. H. LaFar,
Louis Sherfessee, Jr.
William H. Duncan No. 85. Barnwell, S. C; B. C. Boberts,
Jr., G. M. Greene.
J. B. Culp No. 86, Chester. S. C; J. H. Marion, B. B. Caldwell.
Henry M. Ashby No. 87, Knoxville, Tenn.; A. J. Burrows,
Jacob Newman.
J. M. White No. 88, Ft. Mill, S. C: J. B. Halle, W. B. Ardrev.
Fitz. Lee No. 89, Ellijay, Ga.; A. E. Sharp, J. H. Hutchinson.
Dewey No. 90, Homer, Ga.; J. S. Chambers, J. S. Parks.
Martha A. McLean No. 91, Thomson, Ga.: I. W. Shields, A.
D. Adkins.
J. D. Blanding No. 92, Sumter, S. C; George W. Dick, .
Francis S. Bartow No. 93, Savannah, Ga.; U. H. McLaws, A.
F. Marmelstein.
Callahan No. 94, Jefferson, Ga.; J. S. Ayers, J. E. Bandolph,
Stonewall No. 95. Flowery Branch, Ga.; C. E. Hutchinson.
J. C. Smith.
Lawrenceville No. 96, Lawrenceville, Ga.; Oscar Brown, J.
L. Powell.
Troup Artillery No. 97, Athens, Ga.; S. J. Tribble, James H.
E. A. Clarke Xo. 98. Falmouth, Ky.: L. McD. Carrard, J. H.
J. Davis Xo. 99, Atlanta, Ga.; W. J. Mallard, Jr., H. C. Mead.
Joseph D. Sayers No. 100, Temple. Tex.: .. N. A. Sayre.
Harris Co. No. 101, Chipley. Ga.; .T. B. Bnrnside. B. F. Hill.
J. L. Bryan No. 102, Orlando, Fla.; William H. Jewell, D. L.
Elberton No. 103, Elberton. Ga.; William F. Jones, .
Stonewall No. 104, Dublin, Ga.; D. S. Blackshear, J. A. Pea-
Camps are divided among the divisions as follows :
Virginia, 14; North Carolina, 5 ; South Carolina, 34;
Kentucky, 5 ; West Virginia, I — total for the Northern
Virginia Department, 59. Georgia, 18; Tennessee,
10; Mississippi, 1 ; Florida, 2 — total for the Army of
Tennessee Department, 33. Texas, 6; Missouri, i —
total for the Trans-Mississippi Department, 7. This
department, however, was not organized until within
the last few months. It would have been much larger
and rivaled the other departments but for the present
war, which came just at the time the camps were being
formed, and for the time interest was directed to it.
The South Carolina Division has held three reun-
ions. At its first there were five camps represented ;
at the second, 14 ; and at the third, 34 ; and but for the
war there would have been over fifty. Tennessee
started with two camps, and has held two reunions, the
last in Nashville, June 21, 1898, when ten camps were
represented. The North Carolina Division has held
one reunion, in Charlotte, May 20, 1898, and there
were five camps represented. The other divisions
have not held any reunions, but a most satisfactory
growth has been attained by the Georgia Division. It
has increased from two camps to seventeen at this
time, and there are in process of formation in the
neighborhood of ten more. The Texas Division has
also grown from one to six camps.
Charleston, S. C, holds the proud record for the
largest number of camps of Sons of Confederate Vet-
erans. There are three in active operation: Camp
Moultrie No. 4, with 250 members ; Camp Henry
Buist No. 75, with 150; and Camp Washington Artil-
lery No. 84, with 30. All of these camps are in active
Confederate l/eterar?.
The third annual reunion of the federation will meet
in Atlanta July 20-23, m the Hall of the House of Rep-
resentatives, State Capitol. The first session will con-
vene at 2 130 p.m., on Wednesday, July 20, and it is im-
portant that all delegates and visiting Sons should be
present. The address of welcome and other speeches
will be delivered and the convention will be organized
then, and all delegates must present their credentials at
that time.
In this connection it will be well for camps to note
that unless their per capita tax has been paid, their
delegates can not be recognized. The Adjutant-Gen-
eral will issue certificates of representation to camps
that have paid their dues. Delegates must also bring
credentials, signed by the Commandant and Adjutant
of their camps, certifying that they are duly elected del-
The other sessions of the reunion will he held at 9
a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday. 21st and 22d.
All delegates should be prompt in attendance at all of
these sessions.
Atlanta offers a magnificent reception to all her vis-
itors on this occasion, and there will be a round of
pleasant entertainments and social functions. Sons of
veterans, whether members of camps or not. and
camps, whether chartered by the federation or not, are
cordially invited to come to this reunion, and they will
receive recognition and be extended the courtesies of
the social side, as well as the freedom of the convention.
typhoid fever, with a number of other students, and was
confined to his bed until September. It was a vear or
more before he regained his health complete.}’, and
thus was unable to graduate with his class. He then
entered the cotton business in his father’s office, and
was admitted as a partner in 1896. He was elected
Commander of the Northern \ irginia Department in
Richmond in [896, and last year, in Nashville, was
unanimously elected Commander-in-Chief, lie was
chairman of the committee which organizi
Moultrie, of Charleston, the first camp of Sons in the
Mate ami the largest in the federation. He served the
camp as Commandant for two terms. Mr. Smyth is
also Grand Treasurer of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraterni-
ty, astrictly Southern fraternity, the outcome of friend-
ship in the Confederate army of four young nun. who
afterward met at the Universitj of \ irginia. He edits
the Shield and Diamond, its official magazine. He is in
his twenty-eighth year.
Robert A. Smyth. Commander-in-Chief of United
Sons of Veterans, was born and reared in Charleston,
S. C. He entered the South Carolina Military Acad-
emy in 1887. In June. 1890, he was taken sick with
i he Wheeling Chapter of Daughters of the Confed-
eracy was organized at Elm Grove, W. \ a., June 4,
with the following officers : President, .Mrs. William I
Butler; Vice President. Mrs. Margaret I’.aird; Treas-
urer, Mrs. Charles Saney : Secretary, Miss Frances 1.
Jordan. Mrs. \Y. \Y. Arnctt was appointed delegate
to Charlestown, \Y. \ a.
The following letter was received by the chapter
from Gen. C. A. Evans, in acknowledgment of their
contribution to tin- Battle Abbey fund. It is dated
Atlanta, ( ra., June 0. 1898:
“God bless your chapter of loving and patriotic
Daughters for your prompt contribution $5 to our
Battle Abbey, this day received ! Yours is a tribute of
affectionate remembrance that gladdens the heart of
the Confederate soldiery, and will he cherished among
the truest and most heartfelt contributions from the
women of the South.”
Confederate l/eterao
Mrs. Jeannette Robinson Murphy, of
Louisville, Ky., is said to have won a
marked success in New York’s most exclu-
sive society by her unique rendering of ne-
gro slave songs, and can justly claim the
distinction of having created a wide-spread
interest in the picturesque musical folk-lore
of the South. Her lecture is as delightful
as her songs, and is replete with wit, pathos,
superstitions, and eccentricities of the gen-
uine Southern neg^ro.
Airs. Murphy is a Southern woman by
birth and breeding, and has given years of
study to the musical traditions and planta-
tion life of the South. She possesses a
clear, mellow soprano voice, which has
been carefully cultivated under Achille
Some of her recitations are: “Don’t
Want er Be Buried in der Storm” (frequent-
ly sung while washing windows) ; ” Roll ‘im,
an’ er Roll ‘im Baby;” “Sermon on Gold
and Silver;” “See Heah, Ma Sister!”
“Glimpses of Negro Nature;” “It’s Git Yer
Ticket Ready — hallelu” (a weird tune from
Africa)! “Ready fo’ de Water? Oh, yes” (a baptizing
song) ! “Tangible Sorrow” (a Fernandina anecdote).
Mrs. Robinson is open to engagements. Her ad-
dress is care C. H. Ditson & Co., New York City.
In sustaining and advancing that “plucky system,”
the Seaboard Air Line Railroad, the management
found in Virginia a passenger agent who has sustained
himself superbly in that department. Mr. T. J. An-
derson, the Passenger Agent, is a native of Hanover
with the passenger service of the Seaboard Air Line.
Mr. Anderson is intensely loyal to his system, and fas-
cinating offers to go elsewhere have not moved him.
It is indeed remarkable that each department of the
Seaboard Air Line system has such young men.
Charles R. Capps, General Freight Agent, is also a Vir-
ginian, born in Norfolk March 4, 1871. In October,
County, and is yet in his thirties. While in his teens
Mr. Anderson entered the service of the Norfolk and
Western Railroad, and in 1884 he became connected
1886, he secured a position with the Seaboard Air
Line system. Beginning as a messenger boy, he rose,
step by step, reaching the general freight agency in the
summer of 1895. Mr. Capps stands hard by the ad-
vantages of his system.
(^federate .
“We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for anv
Case of Catarrh that can not he fund by Hall’s Ca-
tarrh Cure. F.J. CHENEY A: C( >., Toledo. O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.J. Chenev
for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly hon-
orable in all business transactions, and financially
able to Carry out anv obligations made bv theirfirm.
Wkst& Tki-ax. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Walding, Rinnan & MARVIN, Wholesale Drug-
gists, Toledo, O.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly upon tile blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c.
per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Many delightful summer resorts are
situated on and reached via the Southern
Railway. Whether one desires the sea-
side or the mountains, the fashionable
hotels or the country homes, they can be
reached via this magnificent railway.
Asheville, N. C, Roane Mountain,
Tenn., and the mountain resorts of East
Tennessee and Western North Carolina
—”The Land of the Sky”— Tate Springs,
Tenn., Oliver Springs, Tenn., Lookout
Mountain, Tenn., Lithia Springs, Ga.,
and various Virginia springs; also the
seashore resorts are reached by the
Southern Railway on convenient sched-
ules and at very low rates.
The Southern Railway has Issued a
handsome folder, entitled ‘Summer
Homes and Resorts,” descriptive of
nearly one thousand summer resort ho-
tels and boarding-houses, including in-
formation regarding rates for board at
different places and rates to reach them.
Write to C. A. Benscoter, A. G. P. A.,
Southern Railway, Chattanooga, Tenn.,
for a copv of this folder.
THE .v .-.-
In connection with the Southern Railway,
is the
and the
With through Service between
Special rates and arrangements for
the great Reunion at Atlanta.
For detailed information address
J. E. LOCK WOOD, 0. P. A.,
Kansas City, Mo.
106 pages. All should read this book. We will
also send On.- HaH Docen Best l’ rn Points for 10
cents, all post-paid. Address soi’tmkrn Book
and Notion Co., Almond. \ , C
Operate Finest Vestibuled Pullman Ob-
servation Sleeping-Cars daily between
Kansas City and Galveston via the K.
C, P and G. R R. to Shreveport, H. E.
and W T Ry. to Houston, and G C.
and S. F. Ry to Galveston. Dining-
Car Service via this line between
Shreveport and Kansas City Meals on
the cafe’ plan — pay for what you get, and
at reasonable prices.
Passengers to and from St. Louis and
the East make close connections via Fris-
co Line at Poteo. via Iron Mountain or
Cotton Belt Routes at Texarkana or
via Cotton Belt Route at Shreveport.
Through sleepers via Q and C. Route
from Cincinnati and Chattanooga make
close connections in union depot at
Shreveport. No transfers via this route
Close connections in Central Depot at
Houston with through trains for Austin,
San Antonio, Eagle Pass, El Paso, Rock-
port, Corpus Chrlsti, and all Southern
and Western Texas and Mexico points.
Be 6ure to ask for tickets via Shreve-
port Route For rates, schedules, and
other information 6ee nearest ticket
agent, or write R. D. YoAKUaf,
Gen. Pass. Agt. ;
W. M. Dohkrty,
T. P. A., Houston, Tex.
The ” Lone Star is waving “—the flag of the
Then strikr for TeXEB if men \ou would he.
No idlers arc wanted, the thrifty and wise.
To wealth and high station r m equally rise.
Where corn, Oats, and cotton, the richest of loam
Which yields to the settlers provisions and home,
Trees of every description arise on each hand,
From alluvial soil to the rich table- land.
Here springs are exhaustless and streams n-
In the season from winter t>> autumn’s bright skv,
A wide panorama of prairie is seen,
Of grasses of all kinds perennially green.
Here millions of i attle, sheep, horses, and goats
Grow fat as if stall fed Or fattened on oats.
No poverty is found in the mighty domain.
To the man who exerts either finger or brain.
Here are homes for the millions, the rich and the
While Texas opens wide her hospitable door.
She has thousands of it res— yes. millions — t.
^ < 1 ran point without cost to where preemptors
can dwell.
Her terms will he easy with those whom she deals,
While security, ail, in their title can feel.
Buy Land win), L nd the finest
‘Twill, young man, prove a fortune w ‘
Old man, for your children, huy, rile it .,
A Godsend ’twill pro rainy day.
For 1 handsome hook free, fully describing tins
wonderful country, address E. I*. TURNER, Gen-
eral Passenger and Ticket Agent Texas and Pacific
Railway, Dallas, lex,
BERKSHIRE. Cheetor White.
Jenwv R«d and Poland Chin*
RPlGS. Jfrwr, Oirrnwv and 11.1
fftein CattU. Thoronghbr*d
Sfaocp. Fanor Poultry, Hunting
and Hnu»e DogB- Catalogue.
Mil I H, ( … linun ill. . Chester Co., Penna.
You Get
the Profits
Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbers
and Middlemen by buying di-
rect from the manufacturer.
No better wheel made than the
Acme Bicycle
Built in our own factory by
skilled workmen, using the best
material and the most improved
machinery. We have no agents
Sold direct from factory to the
rider, fully warranted. Shipped
anywhere for examination.
U/DiTr r~/-\rt
Our Interesting Offer
Acme Cycle Co., Elkhart, lnd.
Illinois Central Railroad Company.
board of directors -f the Illinois I i I
adopted the following preamble and resolutl.
e end that the stockholders oi the I
i Railroad Company ma j more readily Attend
in person, the annual meetings ..i i
which tin- In ‘law s require to be lid. I In t
thelastV in September in each year be it
R’ ••”‘ \ ‘ D, lh it until the further order .if (his
1 d <>” re maj be issued to eat h holder ..f …… ,.r
i… I. ,.i thi ‘
ilroad Company, as
of the Company, .. I
travel free over the Compa , s] .,.
■ Illinois Central Railroad nearest to his
or her, registered a, … ss, t,, c bli ,■_■ i and return,
purpose of attending, in person, the meet-
ings or stockholders. Such tick. ,i to,
Ij during tlu- four days |irer.v
and for the return journey from i rily on
the (lav of the meeting, and the four .1
follow h.l:, N. 1:,
d in the president’s offii i
1 by any r
i I
< ompanyin Chicagc I , …t.,,..
> en in his. or her, ■
gather with the number and date
e tii. in .me person «i”
respect t” an) one holding of stock .is registered on
s of the Company.
i the hoard of dire. I
A. 1..
I \. K– I \1 I .
‘ tary.
The next annual meeting of the stockholders of
the Illinois Central Railroai y will be held
office ..f the Company In I , Wed-
. St ptembcr «8, tSoS, at noon.
‘ …lln the
out™ orir. G, BR0KN, Anliuat Secretary. OUeago.
Confederate l/eterai?
Gold Plate, BOc.
9 HZ I
Headquarters for CONFEDER*
ATE JEWELRY. Largest deal*
ers in the South in
Gut Glass,
Fancy Goods,
and Spectacles.
Each department is stocked with
the choicest goods of its kind at
very moderate prices. Watches and Jewelry
carefully and promptly repaired.
Mail Orders
Receive Our Immediate Attention.
25 cents.
B. H. Stief Jewelry Co.,
LOCATION unsurpassed, with ample grounds and
the comforts of a well-regulated home.
In addition to the regular college and preparatory
courses of instruction, special advantages are offered
in Music, Art, Elocution, Shorthand, etc.
Terms Moderate
For further information, address
ROBT. D. SMITH, President,
The Place ” Character Sketches,” by G. A, Lofton, AM., D.D., now
stands as a Southern Book by a Southern Author, Its enormous sale of
*%% 120,000
only serves to establish it firmer in the hearts of the people as a Model Teacher for Character-
Building, thus creating a keen demand among the less fortunate neighbors who do not possess it.
\\ e have recently consummated arrangements giving us the entire control and ownership of this book, and
when this notice reaches }’ou, the new prospectus and full copies of the book will be
ready to place in the hands of the agents. Exclusive territory given.
…. Valuable and Costly Premiums Free Under Favorable Conditions
Do not waste time and a chance to secure choice territory. Save both by ordering outfit to-day.
Outfit 75 cents. (Stamps taken.)
346 Public Square, NASHVILLE, TENN.
Confederate Veterans.
Those Dreadful
“Not to take
a care for
an otherwise
fatal disease
is to commit
Tf you suffer from Fits, Epilepsv. St. Vitus’ Pnnee, etc., have
children or relatives that do so, or know people that are afllicted,
my New Discover}-, EPILEPTIC! PE, will cure them, ami all you
are asked to do is’to send for a Free Bottle and to try it. I am
quite prepared to abide by the result. It has cured thousands
where everything else has failed. Please give name and full ad-
dress. DR. \V. H. MAY, May Laboratory. 96 Pine St., New York.
“Some Rebel Relics,” by Rev. A. T. Goodloe. Cloth. $i.
“The Southern Cross,” by Mrs. L. R. Messenger. $1.25.
“Four Years in the Stonewall Brigade,” by J. O. Casler. $2.
“The Other Side,” a thrilling poem of 900 lines, by Virginia
Frazier Boyle, Mr. Davis being her theme. $1.
“Bright Skies and Dark Shadows.” by Henry M. Field,
D.D. $1.50. This book comprises a series of letters on the
South. Fifty pages are devoted to the battle of Franklin.
The closing chapters are on Stonew.ill Jackson and R. E. Lee.
“Old Spain and New Spain,” by Dr. Field. $1.50. Sent
with five subscriptions free.
Subscribers to the Veteran can have any book in above
list, post-paid, at half-price by sending one new subscription
A few years ago it was regarded as next to impossible to
procure a copy of “Annals of Tennessee,” by Dr. J. G. M.
Ramsey. Second copies sold at from $2.50 to $5. By good
fortune the Veteran has secured part of an edition, and will
furnish them, together with the Veteran for a year, at $2.
XJhe Smith ^Premier KJj/pewn’ter
jCeada them all.
tfor Catalogue, SPr/ces, etc., address
ujrczndon {Printing Company,
x£/<f re for by permission to t/ta
£a*itor or” tn<? tyotaran.
7/ ash vt’iie, Cjenn,
gewne DURHAM
YARArrft Kortfowcmp
iyB/rA%*\*%0 SUTtlOWCOOD!
T«_ \7 ^..4-V.I ^ OFFERS FRF.F:
m “” W1 ^ Gold W.tch, Diamom
Ring, or a Scholarship
in Draughon’s Bus.
College, Nashville.
Nashville, Tenn. J enn ” Galveston or
Texarkana, Texas, or
in almost any other Bus. College or Literary
School for a small club of subscribers.
The Youth’s Advocate is a 16-page journal, read
with interest and profit by people of all ages.
Non-denominational. Est’d iSoo. Stories and
other interesting matter well illustrated. Any
one of the several departments is worth its sub-
scription price. It is a practical educator as well
as a high toned literary paper. Indorsed by
State officials, teachersand others. Agents want-
ed. Sample copy sent free. Address as above.
‘A White Negro
f- a nunc negro ETKoTSafS
as the Afro-American Encyclopedia,
contai ning over 4m articles eml
every topic of Interest to tile rai . by
morethan 200 intelligent Neprom.-n’, mil
women. It is the best nor&./ie
fftffn hasprodu, ,-./. Sells to every (am
■ ly. Agents are having ,1 harvest.
Largest commissions ever offered. 1
i men vtantedon salary. **
J. T. Haley & Co., Publishers. Nashville, Tenn.
Old Roofs Made Good as New.
If an old leaky tin, iron, or steel roof,
paint it with Allen’s Anti-Rust Japan.
One coat is enough; no skill required;
costs little; goes far, and lasts long.
Stops leaks and prolongs the life of
old roofs. Write for evidence and cir-
culars. Agents wanted.
Allen Anti-Rust Mfg. Co.,
Great Bargains in flDP A MO
church UnuAlid
We have a large stock of church organs which
we inns! reduce at onee. Bine Instruments at
half to two-thirds regular values Prices from
1125, (200. $300 ;ind upward to 81200, A slightly
used 3 manual organ in perfect urderlorouly
(tOO, Let us hear from you.
LYON & HKALT, I9i> Wabash Atc, Chicago.
This Pen sent free with 6
subscriptions to Veteran.
Or $4 sent for pea will get
the Veteran one year free.
Confederate Veterans.
” Has stood the test of more
than one hundred years’ use
among all classes of people,
and lor purity and honest
worth is unequalled.”
•—Medical and Surtpcal Journal,
Reaching the principal citie» of the
South with its own lines and penetrat-
tag all parts of the Country with iti
Unexcelled Train Berrice,
Tleirant Equipment, Fast Time.
Short Line Between the East,tke Nortk
the West and the South.
W. A. Turk, G. P. A., Washington, D. C
S. H. H iKi.wR’K. A. G. P. A ., Atlanta, Ga.
C. A. Bknsooter, A.G.P.A ., ChAttanooca, Ttio
“®ne Country,
The ….
to Purchase ….
Flags, Banners, Swords, Belts, Caps,
and all kinds of Military Equipment ia at
J. A. JOEL «£ CO.,
** Nairn Strttt, NEW roar.
I Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown’s |
| Commentary on the Old and New Testament. |
S The latest edition containing the complete unabridged notes, in clear type , on good paper. With ^
55 copious index, numerous illustrations and maps, and Dictionary, compiled
^ from Dr. Smith’s standard work. S
I Price to Ministers, Hil B a Co,lect I
— ” I think it is the best commentary upon the whole Bible which has been
— issued within the last fifty years, and I should be very sorry to be de-
~ prived of the pleasure of consulting it.” — C. H. Spurgeon,
2 Address =
| C. P. Publishing House, nashville, tenn. I
C S A B u ** ons for Sale,
One Single Button, ‘ * ‘ 25c.
One doz. (6 small, 6 large) $1.00.
One gross (72 small, 72 large) $9.00.
Delivered Post-Paid. Remit by Post -Office or
Express Money-Order, or N. Y. Exchange.
Profits to the Norfleet Camp Confed-
erate Veterans’ Memorial Fund, Winston,
North Carolina.
Address R. E. WILSON, Winston, N.C.
Opens June I. Elevation 2,200 feet;
one gof the best family resorts in the
mountains of Virginia. Terms reason-
able. Long-distance telephone connec-
tion. For descriptive pamphlet, terms,
references, etc., address
J. H. Chapman, Manager.
Illinois Central R. R,
Of Interest to
Free Transportation to Attend the Annua/
Meeting at Chicago. Some
Interesting Facts.
In order that stockholders of the Illinois C .Mitral
Ilailmad Company may more «eadily at*end in per-
son the annual meetings, there lias* been posted in
each station of the Company a notic- to the effect
that in accordance with a resolve of the Hoard of
Directors, there may be issued to each holder of
one or more shares of the capital stock of the
Illinois Central Railroad Company, as registered
on the books of the Company, a l icket enabling
him or her to travel free over the Company’s lines
from the station of the Illinois Centra’ Railroad
nearest to his or her registered address, to Chicago
and return, for the purpose of attending, in person
the next Annual Stockholders’ Meeting of the
Company, which will be held at its General * tffic !
in Chicago on Wednesday, September 2S, iSoaJ, at
noon. Details as to the necessary procedur • to ob<
tain such ticket, the date of its i’^suo and ill- limit,
are fully set forth on the posted mil ices referred to.
In thisconnection it will be interesting to note
that since, in 1S62, the capital stock of the Compa-
ny became full paid, a cash dividend, ranging from
4 per cent, to to per cent, per annum, has been paid
semiannu;ill\ to every holder of stock, and that it
is now twenty years since the Company, in any
year, paid less than 5 per cent., the present rate of
Confederate Veteran
To the Farmer,
is offered good land at low prices,
and on easy terms; good markets for
all he raiseB,and never-failing crops.
To the Laborer:
a country where work is easy to get
and where good wages are paid.
To the Merchant:
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mate business can be carried on with S;
profit. 2;
To the Manufacturer: j|
an unlimited supply of raw materials, 5:
and good shipping’facilities to all the 5:
large markets. Liberal inducements t
are offered by the citizens of the 5;
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TTi© f otUn Belt passes «:
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best portions of these g£
l States, and is the best jg
t route for the intending g-
settler.awltiatheonly g
line running comfort- J£
able chair cars and J^
Pullman sleepers «£
; through from Memphis, to Arkansas ;
! and Texas without change. If you are ;
I thinking of moving, write for free J
! copies of our handsomely illustrated j
I pamphlets— “Ttau.” “Homes in the’,
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35 kansas and Northwest Louisiana ,” and [
5 “Lands for Sale Along the Cotton Belt,” \
«5 They will help you to find a good I
5 location.
p W- G. ADAHS, E. W. UBEirJIK,
j* Triw. Pui*r Airrnt, Om’1 P*sb. tnd Ttt. A^l.,
Attorney and
Counselor at Law.
Louisville Trust Company Building,
Practises in the State and Federal
Courts in Louisville, and in the Keni uck )
Court <>f Appeals at Frankfort, Kv.
I “g*g\’ TEN FEET
AGENTS; Towner & Co., Memphis, Tenh.; Ai
lanta supply Co., Atlanta, Ga. ; Revere Rubbev Co.;
New Orleans, La.
Do You
Wish to Gain
Fat, Strength, and
Health ?
Is exactly what you need. The best
Ionic ever compounded. Cures Indiges-
tion. $i per bottle.
For all Skin Diseases; $t per jar.
The Oil Cure P: stile for Leucorrhea and
Female Diseases; ifi per box.
The Oil Cure Suppository, Constipation.
and Diseases of the Rectum; $i per
Oils for Piles, $2.
The Oils for Cancers, $10 per month,
A BOOK with straight and honest
references to prominent, honest people
Cured bv the Oils as discovered and used
hv Drs. Reynolds; also telling the differ-
ent diseases which the Oils will cure,
sent free on application to druggists, or
Oil Cure Laboratory,
325 Church St.. Nashville, Tenn.
Elizabeth college,
A First-Class High-Grade In-
stitution for Our South-
ern Girls.
Location and Equipment. — “For
beauty of location and thoroughness of
equipment, Elizabeth College stands
among the foremost institutions for fe-
male education in this country. The
college has one of the best-equipped
modern buildings to be found anywhere,
and elegantly furnished, with all the
most approved systems of heating and
ventilation, and ranks in comfort and
elegance with a first class modern hotel.
The course of instruction is equal to
that of our best Southern colleges for
young men.
I’m i t iy -Twentj members. Every
teacher a specialist; University training,
with teaching experience, from institu-
tion of international repute, as [ohns
Hopkins, Amherst, Berlin, Germany,
Vienna. Austria, Welieslej I Diversities
of Virginia and Tennessee, New England
^ otwrv.itovv , etc.
Recti \k \m> Elective Courses,
leading to degrees, classical, scientific,
and special.
Special Advantages in Musk \\n
Art. Four principal teachers in the
Music .school, and everj one an artist of
Art Teacher, Miss Siedenburg, from
Vienna and New YorkCity. Even form
of art taught, front the teacher’s own
models, including painting in glass,
stained-glass window painting, and mod-
eling in cla\ .
A SAFl SCHOOL.— Its management is
safe and judicious, and in keeping with
the highest moral, social, and religious
Elizabeth College merits the patronage
of all who are seeking a safe and sound
institution of learning for their daughters.
Fall term opens September 15, 1898.
For catalogue, address
C. B. KING, President, Charlotte, N. G.
id over from
must I
now. New High (irade, ;tll styles, best
equipment, guaranteed. $0.75 to $17.00. L’sed
wheels, late models, all mal 1 s, $.i to $12. n ,
skip on approvat •without a cent payment. W ritt
for bargain list and ari catalogue oi swell ’08
models. BICYCLE FREE for season to ad
them. Rider agents w anted. Learn how to Earn
a Rlcvcle and make money. J. L. MEAD CYCLE
CO., Chicago, 111.
Confederate Veteran
[Prepares for tin.* Ix-ht American :uid Gi”rm;in universities.]
I. The strongest Literary courses among all Southern girls’ schools.
II. And, in ev.-ry essential feature, tin- peer ■ >£ the best in the North.
III. Piano andOrgan Director, Mrs. Doct,of Oxford, England. [Bavaria.
IV. String Music Director, graduate oi Royal College of Music, at Munich,
V*. Thus Musical advantages as in Chicago, New York, and liuston Conserva-
VI. See “Sketch of Dr. Norman,*’ catalogue, page ; .
YLl. l-‘ive languages, without extra charge, Latin, < .reek, French, German, and
VIII. l’he live ‘.aught after the best university methods, and the modern spoken.
IX. Superb advantages in Art and in Elocution,
X. Thus, for a few hundreds, we duplicate the highest-priced Eastern colleges.
XI. We confer four Literary degrees and five Musical.
XII. Very waters on tli e grounds, a few yards from the college.
XIII. Grounds [33 acres) said to be scarcely equaled in America for beauty.
XIV. Trees ana shrubs have had half a century to develop.
XV. Sleeping-rooms warmed with unlimited supply of coal, in open grates.
XVI. Table-fare unequaled in anv other hoarding-school in the country, perhaps.
XVII. Our Diplomas and strong letters secured, last year, positions for over
20 teachers.
XVIII. Thorough education never before so important, socially and fin an c i ally.
XIX. Education the best possible investment for money.
XX. Education the only possession that can not be lost.
XXI. < lur girls said to be the happiest, best-contented anywhere to be found.
TH. SMITH, A.M., President Alumnus of University of Virginia).
Dr. W. W. Smith, President of the Randolph-Macon Wom-
an’s College, Lynchburg, Va., the only endowed college for
women in Virginia, and the largest in the South, is a veteran
of the 49th Virginia Infantry, C. S. A., and bears the scars of
wounds received at Seven Pines and Gettysburg.
Miss Field’s new History of the United States, recently re-
published by the American Book Company, New York, is
especially adapted to the needs of intermediate pupils in our
Southern schools. It has been carefully rewritten, and the
best modern methods of piesenting the subject have been
adopted. The ability displayed in grouping the principal facts
of American history also appears in its concise and captivating
style. By tracing events to underlying causes and by marking
resultant effects, the texture of the whole story is woven to-
gether with marvelous simplicity and skill. The narrative de-
velops the fact that the South stands a peer among equals with
other sections — that her statesmen, her soldiers, and her peo-
ple have been true to their obligations. It includes recent in-
dustrial and political developments, and is brought fully up to
date in every respect.
Since the book is the dual product of long experience in the
schoolroom and intimate familiarity with the subject under
treatment, its growing popularity is not surprising. While it
is full of interest, its chief value lies in its accuracy of state-
ment and its freedom from sectional prejudice. Its lessons of
heroism and devotion to right are well adapted for inspiring
our youth with true patriotism, and with an appreciation of
their rich heritage of liberty, purchased through the noble
deeds of their fathers. We would be glad to see this book in
every school-house in the South.
South Carolina
Georgia R. R.
“The Charleston Line,’
Only Southern line operating Cele-
brated Wagner Palace Buffet Drawing-
Room Sleepers. Only Sleeping-Car line
between Charleston and Atlanta. Only
Pullman Parlor Car line between Charles-
ton and Asheville, N. C. Best and quick-
est route between Yorkville, Lancaster,
Rock Hill, Camden, Columbia, Orange-
burg, Blackville, Aiken, and Atlanta, Ga.
Solid through trains between Charleston
and Asheville Double daily trains be-
tween Charleston, Columbia, and Au-
gusta. L. A. EMERSON,
Traffic Manag.r.
SAWMILLS, Shingle Mills, Planers, Gano Edgers,
Send for catalogue.
DcLoach Mill Manufacturing Co.,
New York, St, Louis, ATLANTA, GA.
I Columbus, Gam
Strongest and Largest Fire Ins
3: surance Company in the
sE South.
§ Cash Assets Over One Million
jl Agents throughout the South
and the South only.
% Patronize the Home Company.
Governor R. L. Taylor, g
‘HE gifted orator and statesman,
whose fame is national in the
use of beautiful words and good
will, decides to quit politics and de-
vote himself to lecturing. Three of
his lectures are in book form:
“Fiddle and Bovs,”
“Paradise of Fools,”
“Visions and Dreams.”
The book, containing over 200 pages
and illustrations, is offered fret to
subscribers who in renewing will
send a new subscription. Those
who have already paid in advance
can have this book sent post-paid
for one or two new subscriptions.
Do help the Veteran in this way.
The book sent post-paid for 25
cents — half price
Confederate Veterans.
Memphis, Tenn.
Roarilinj^-si hool for j^irls under
charge of the Sisters of St. Mary,
with an excellent corps of teachers.
For terms and catalogue ap’
ply to JY Sister Superior,
356 Poplar St., Memphis,
or, Sewanee, Tenncesse.
Scholarship free by doing letter work for us at
your home. Write us to-day.
Accept notes for tuition or
can deposit money in bank
until position is secured. Car
fare paid. No vacation. En-
ter at any time. Open for
both sexes. Board. Jio per
month. Send for free illus-
trated catalogue.
Address J. F. Dravghon, Pres., at cither place.
•Business. Xl/Cl/tettJf
Texarkana, Texas. * Galveston, Texas.
Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Typewriting, eic.
The most thorough, practical, and
schools of the kind in Hie world, and tin
patronised ones in the Sonth. Indorsed by Gov,
Taylor, bankers, merchants, and others. * \ our
weeks In bookkeepinB with us are equal to
twelve weeks by lhc old plan. J. F. Draughou,
President, is author of Draughon’s New System
of Bookkeeping, ‘Double Bntry Mftde Easy.”
Home Mudy. Have prepared, for home study,
hooks on bookkeeping, penmanship and short-
hand Hundreds of persons holding Kood po*
sit i- mis owe i ti- it success to OUT books for home
study. {Mention this paper when writing.)
Roanokn. Vn. MATTIE P. HAKRIS, President.
URE RESORT. Jefferson Park Hotel, near the
1 nlverslty dJ Virginia. Rates low for this sum
iner. Address J. WATKINS LEE.
Illinois Central R. R.
Confederate Veteran
Alabama Polytechnic Institute.
Five Decree
Courses of Study
are Given.
J. Course in Chemistry and Agriculture,
II, Course in Civil Engineering,
III, Course in Electrical and Mechanical En*
IV, General Course, including Latin, French,
and German,
V, Course in Pharmacy,
The College has ten well-equipped Laboratories in the different departments of science in
which the students work daily. Board, $9.50 to $15.00 per month. No charge for tuition to
residents of Alabama. Tuition for non-residents of Alabama, $20.00 per session. Good
Scholarship and Conduct will entitle non-resident students to free tuition the following year
iA Wheel You Can
‘ Depend Upon.
For Lightness, Swiftness and
Strength it is Unsurpassed,
You can learn all about it
fey addressing
Hamilton Kenwood Cycle Co.
203-205-207 S.Canal St., Chicago.
Wagner Sleeping-Cars, Private Com-
partment Sleeping-Cars, Parlor
Cars, and Elegant Coaches,
■ Union Depot, Cincinnati.
No Transfer across the City.
With all the latest known improvements, at
greatly raduced prices. Satisfaction guaran-
teed. Send for circular. B.MATTHEWS,
Cor. 4th Ave. & Market St., Louisville, Ky<
No. 8.
Confederate Veteran
Gold Plate. 50c.
Slier Jewelry Co.,
Hashvillc, Ccnti.,
solid gok $1 . South . s Leading Jewelers, have made
extensive preparations for the fall
trade. Send for our catalogue.
Confederate Jewelry a Specialty.
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Cut
Glass, Sterling- Silver, Fancy Goods,
and Spectacles. Eyes tested free of
charge. Highest grade goods at low-
est prices. Latest styles and exclusive
Price, 25 cents. (MCW »V IIMI
Solicited, and receive prompt and personal atten-
tion. Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired.
B. f). Stief Jewelry Co.,
20$ and 210 Union Street, = = = Hashvillc, Ccnn.
LOCATION unsurpassed, with ample grounds ai ‘
the comforts of a well-regulated home.
In addition to the regular college and preparatory
courses of instruction, special advantages are offered
in Music, Art, Elocution, Shorthand, etc.
Terms Moderate
For further information, address
ROBT. D. SMITH, President,
7000 BICYCLES 3£2L,reiSS
feed now. New High Grade, all styles, best
equipment, guaranteed. $9.75 to $17.00. Used
Wheels, late models, all makes, $3 to $12. We
ship on approval without a cent payment. “Write
for bargain list and art catalogue of swell ’08
models. BICYCLE FREE for season to a d\ ertise
them. Rider agents wanted. Learn how to Earn
a Bicycle and make money. J. L. MEAD CYCLE
CO.. Chicago, III.
Alabama Military Institute,
You will find here the man ami the school that
may determine your boii’s character— /air in
time and fair in eternity! Highest standard in
the South! Select ami limited. No failures.
Boys live wiiii superintendent. Patronized by
best and wealthiest .
Alius COL. W. D. FONVILLE, Supt,
Tuskegee, Ala.
M.M f% Ett ^% UB B ^1 ff? Opium, Cocam,
■YlWlXr^nllll&a Whinky habits
eured at home. Remedy $5. ‘Cure Guai*anteed.
Endorsed by physicians, ministers, and others.
Book of particulars, testimonials, etc., free. To-
haccoline, the tobacco cure, $1. Established 1892.
Attorney and
Counselor at Law.
Louisville Trust Company Building,
Practises in the State and Federal
Courts in Louisville, and in the Kentucky
Court of Appeals at Frankfort, Ky.
Hightop. lOstops. Sameassold
for $90 to $120 by other dealers.
••■ PIANOS $149-50. •.•
Fully as good as pianos sold by
other dealers for $300. Send
for descriptive catalogue of Pi-
anos. Organs, and 1,000 other
articles which we sell for lowest
price for cash
196 pages. All should read this book. We will
also send One Half Dozen Best Pen Points for 10
cents, all post-paid. Address SOUTHERN Book
and Notion Co., Almond. N. C.
Columbus, Gam
:» Strongest and Largest Fire In’
surance Company in the
1 South.
‘J Cash Assets Over One Million
^ Agents throughout the South
and the South only,
5 Patronize the Howe Company, _
HEADACHE, WEAK LUNGS, lind nil dis-
eases of the Throat and Lungs are cured by
Blanchard’s Hard Rubber Pocket Inhaler.
This is the only natural and direct way to
kill 1 he disease germs in the air passages of the
Nose, Throat, lind Lungs. Made of hard rubber,
simply constructed, always ready for use. and
lasts a lifetime. Complete outfit sent by mail on
receipt of 50 cents. BLANCHARD MFG. CO.,
Dept. 5 5, Cincinnati, 0.
Entered at. the postoflice, Nashville, Tenn., as second-class matter.
Advertising Rates: $1.50 per inch one time, or $15 a year, except last
page. One page, one time, special, $85. Discount: Halt year, ono issue;
one year, two issues. This is below the former rate.
Contributors will please he diligent to abbreviate. The space is too
important for anything that has not special merit.
The date to n subscription is always given to the month before it ends.
For instance, if the Vet khan be ordered to begin with Januarj ,the date on
mail list will he December, and the subscriber is entitled to that number.
The “civil war” was to” 1″iil’ ego to be called the “late” war. ami when
irrespondents use that term II”‘ word “great” (war) will he substituted,
Circulation: “J3, 79,430; ’94, 121,644; ’95, 1.54,992; ’96, 161,332.
United Confederate Veterans,
United Daughters of the Confederacy,
Sons of Veterans and other Organizations.
The Veteran is approved and endorsed by a larger and
more elevated patronage, doubtless, than any other publication
in existence.
Though men deserve, they may not win success,
The brave will honor the brave, vanquished none the less.
.\n interesting relic of Confederate times is a chro-
nio lithographic transcript of a drawing made by a
young Englishman named C, B. Chapman, owned by
Mr. Charles Herbst, a Kentuckian, now of Macon,
pa. It represents the camp of the First Kentucky
Regiment at Corinth just before the battle of Shiloh.
The camp is near the border of a pine forest. Some of
the soldiers arc reading, some writing, some cooking,
some sleeping, while others enjoy a social game of
poker. The lazy negro is sleeping on the sunny side of
the tent, the barefooted soldier boiling his dumplings.
Young Chapman, the artist, was a member of the
First Kentucky Regiment. He was wounded in bat-
tle, returned to England, and finally died in an insane
hospital near London. The original was secured by
Col. Louis Zimmer, formerly of the Confederate army,
who saw it in London and was struck by its beauty.
Mr. Herbst bought his copy in Savannah years ago.
Confederate Veteran
“Can you afford to tell the truth about the reunion?”
has been asked, with the desire to benefit comrades at
reunions in the future. The Veteran cannot afford to
do otherwise than to print the facts. Capt. John W.
Morton, Chief of Artillery for Gen. Forrest in the great
war, states : “We notice on the cover page of the July
Veteran an excellent picture. Underneath we find
‘Atlanta Reunion Executive Committee. It deserves
the gratitude of the Gate City and the South.’ Was
not all this rather premature ?”
That was a premature statement. It was made be-
fore the actual test, but constant attention had been
given published proceedings of the committee, and it
was believed they had taken advantage of what others
had experienced. A model — almost perfect, only a
year old — was at their command. They should have
studied that and another, two years before, so as to
profit, at least, by others’ faults. At Nashville a Recep-
tion Committee of about two hundred active men, with
conspicuous badges, was organized for service. It was
divided into companies. They were assigned to duty
as regular soldiers, and served not merely at conven-
ient, agreeable hours, but all night. They were posted
from the car tracks in the railway station to the door of
headquarters and at prominent corners throughout
the city, so that any stranger could get intelligent in-
formation by asking.
There evidently was no Reception Committee at At-
lanta, and the thousands about the station could learn
nothing of any headquarters. They had a “Bureau of
Information,” and a veteran described it as follows :
“One man in the back end of the hall, with hundreds
waiting for information, and he could not answer half
of the leading questions, even about the division head-
quarters for the states. Multitudes of veterans could
not learn anything, and in their bewilderment took
homeward-bound trains as soon as it was possible.”
This calamity can never be overcome. These noble
men, many of them poor, had made great sacrifice to
get there, and many will answer the “last call” be-
fore the Charleston meeting. They returned to their
homes sadly depressed because of these blunders.
This deserved censure should be tempered with con-
siderations here mentioned. The head men of the
committee had outside cares that they could not dis-
pense with. Nearly all of its members are loyal Con-
federates, and they gave freely of their own money for
the entertainment. Money was freely enough given,
and the hospitality toward dependent veterans who
found places to lodge is gratefully remembered.
That deplorable spirit of Atlanta to gush and to per-
mit extortion was manifest. At Nashville there was
persistent vigilance against extortion. While the At-
lanta committee allowed a charge of $10 for a carriage,
only half that sum was permitted in Nashville. The
Atlanta committee should have done better in many
Atlanta’s greatest mistake was in the extraordinary
effort to make the occasion noted by social distinctions.
There seemed to be universal desire to rival all other
reunions in giving prominence to distinguished Con-
federates and to the multitude of sponsors and maids
of honor. Richly did they deserve consideration, but
they certainly would have been much happier to have
seen first consideration shown the maimed old men
who were valiant soldiers in the great war and are still
proud of it.
Unfortunate as may have been the failures to do the
best for the veterans, let us remember that as true, as
noble, and as self-sacrificing comrades live in and
about Atlanta as there are on the earth ; and, too, that
many of them gave freely of their substance to make
the reunion what it should have been.
Let us look at last, however, on a brighter side : A
proud-spirited comrade called at the Veteran office,
enthused over the kindness shown him. He had come
as leader of a party of five. Arriving, they could find
no committee to direct them. Soon they encountered
four friends in like predicament ; and as they were in an
almost hopeless dilemma “a fat man — Mr. Smith” —
spoke to them, and asked them to go home with him.
They did so, were well entertained, and the next morn-
ing drew their purses to pay. “No, sirs,” said Mr.
Smith, joined by Mrs. Smith, in the heartiest hospital-
ity ; “we don’t charge anything, and we want you all to
stay with us through the reunion.” Which “fat Mr.
Smith” it was they could not tell, and we are left to
conjecture whether it was Mr. Hoke Smith, of Presi-
dent Cleveland’s cabinet, who has ever been great-
hearted to the Confederate cause; or Mr. Jack Smith,
who built the house well known in Atlanta ; or maybe
Miss Anna B. Johnson, maid of honor for Kentucky Divi-
sion, U. C. V., at Atlanta reunion, is the daughter of Col.
Thomas Johnson, who represented Kentucky, in connection
with the Hon. Thomas D. Monroe, in the Confederate Pro-
visional Congress at Richmond, Va., in 1861.
Confederate Veteran
some other good Mr. Smith of Georgia. Bill Arp
(Charles H. Smith) would have done that way, but he
lives in Cartersville.
Daughters of the Confederacy in Atlanta did their
part royally, and so far as is known expressions of grat-
itude and enthusiastic pride in their achievements are
expressed without stint. These noble women would
gladly have given preference to the veterans, and the
sponsors, with their maids, would joyously have
changed the order and have participated in serving the
surviving heroes of the noblest army in history.
The proceedings of the convention in a general way
may be expected next month, I i;< v comprise mat-
ters of interest and of historic importance.
The action of the trustees of the Confederate Memo-
rial Association in locating the “Battle Abbey” in
Richmond would be a subject of extr ordinary inter-
est but for the fact that final failure of the project is
threatened. The utter disregard b\ the board of the
pleadings from Tennessee adverse to the management
has intensified the opposition of Veterans and the
Daughters, and the}- have determined to check further
action so far as possible. Members of the Frank
Cheatham Cam]) have secured an injunction against
transfer of the funds from Nashville, so it beco
question of law as to whether the decision for Rich
mond was legally enacted. Action is not so much
against Richmond as it is in resentment of methods
adopted by the trustees. It is felt that shameful disre-
gard is shown the benefactor of the Memorial Institute,
Mr. Charles B. Rouss, and they are determined to make
public these discreditable proceedings unless steps are
taken ere long to as far as practicable annul action
which has been so outrageous to him. The with-
drawal of Louisiana from participation in the “Battle
Abbey” was precipitate 1 hv *”e same causes that have
been so annoying to Tennesseeans. To be exact in the
foregoing criticism, it should be charged more directly
to the Confederate Memorial Executive Committee,
and it is believed that only two of the three members
persisted in disregarding the protests of a multitude.
Miss Florence Blair, sponsor for Texas at Atlanta reunion,
is the daughter of Capt. T. A. Blair, a lawyer of Waco.
Young, modest, graceful in manner. Miss Blair fills the type
of Southern womanhood.
Gen. William L. DeRosset, of Wilmington, N. C. :
I must ask you to call the attention of the readers
of the Veteran to what appears to me and others a
grave mistake made in the wording of one of the res-
olutions rushed through the convention upon the re-
port of the Committee on Resolutions, and I must
confess that they seem not to have given the matter
due consideration. They ask the press of the South
(not having the resolution before me, I can give only
the meaning, not the exact words), in speaking of the
great war of the nineteenth century, to say “the civil
war between the states.”
Now if there was one thing we claimed and fought
for, it was that we were an independent country (I
never use the word “nation”), and 1 utterly fail to see
how a war between the United States and the Confed-
erate States, the citizens of each being responsible to
their own government, could be called a civil war,
which could only occur when citizens of one country
fought among themselves.
I made every effort to get the ear of Gen. Gordon
as soon as he finished reading the resolution, to call
the attention of the comrades to the mist ike, but
it was impossible to make myself heard.
It seems to me that when the attention of the peo-
ple of the South and the press is called to this it may
be corrected ; but, going forth as the opinions of the
U. C. V.’s, it may gain strength as it goes around.
I prefer to call our struggle the “Confeder te war”
or the “war between the states.”
This grave error, committed thoughtlessly, it ap-
pears, goes to show the necessity for our meetings to
be confined during their business sessions to those
only who are delegated to represent the several camps
of the federation, which I hope to see done at all fu-
ture meetings, should we be permitted to assemble
Confederate Veteran
The Confederate Museum, established in the execu-
tive mansion of the Confederate States, the residence
of President Davis during the war, at the corner of
Twelfth and Clay Streets, is under the management of
the Confederate Memorial Literary Society. This so-
ciety was chartered in the city of Richmond May 31,
1890, its preliminary work having been begun by the
Ladies’ Hollywood Memorial Association in Febru-
ary, 1890, upon the election of Mrs. Joseph Bryan as
President. To this lady is due the conception of the
plan, and in large measure its success.
This building was erected in the early days of Rich-
mond, in what was then the court end of the city, and
is a handsome illustration of a style now passing out
of use. It was at one time the residence of the Hon.
James Seddon, who became the Confederate Secretary
of War. The city purchased this property from Mr.
Lewis D. Crenshaw for $43,000 at the time of the re-
moval of the Confederate government to Richmond,
and presented it to President Davis. He declined to
accept it as a gift, but consented to make it his home
upon the payment of a proper rent. Upon the en-
trance of the Federal troops into Richmond Gen. God-
frey Weitzel, with his staff, rode at once to this house,
and it was occupied as headquarters through the suc-
ceeding years during which Virginia was under mar-
tial law, Weitzel, Canby, Ord, and others commanding,
and was known as Military District No. 1.
In 1870 it was restored to the city, when the Federal
authority was withdrawn. In 1871 it was converted
into a school building known as the Central School,
and was in use as such when Mrs. Bryan aroused the
women of the Hollywood Memorial Association with
the inspiring suggestion that the official home of the
only President of the Southern Confederacy should be
converted into a grand memorial hall in the Southern
capital, the one spot alike representing every state of
the Confederacy.
Finding it impracticable for the Hollywood Memo-
rial Association to carry on this additional work, a so-
ciety was formed whose scope should cover not the
collecting of relics alone but the preservation of the
history, records, and literature of the Confederate
states, hence the name Confederate Memorial Literary
Society was adopted, with its charter, which reads :
,; The object of this society shall be to collect and re-
ceive by gift, purchase, or otherwise all books and
other literary productions pertaining to the late war
between the states and of those engaged therein, all
works of art or science, all battleftags, relics, and other
emblems of that struggle.”
On December 8, 1890, Col. John B. Cary, chairman
of the Advisory Board of the Society and a member of
the Board of Aldermen, offered a resolution before the
City Council for an appropriation for a new school
building and the delivery of the White House of the
Confederacy to this society, to be used as a museum
and library as soon as the new building should be
ready for use. On January 3, 1891, the ordinance was
passed by the common council, and became a law at
once by the signature of Mayor J. T. Ellyson, who
made this his last official act before retiring from of-
fice. On June 3, 1894, President Davis’ eighty-sixth
birthday, the building was formally turned over to the
ladies by Col. Cary, chairman of the School Commit-
tee, in the presence of the School Board, Mayor, the
ladies of the Confederate Memorial Literary Society,
and its Advisory Board, and accepted by Mr. Joseph
Bryan in behalf of the society.
A memorial bazaar was held in March, 1893, in which
every Confederate state was represented, giving money
and relics for the purpose of establishing a Confederate
museum in the White House of the Confederacy,
which resulted in a fund of $30,000, one-half of which
was given for the completion of the private soldiers’
and sailors’ monument, and $15,000 was placed to the
credit of the museum. This money was used to re-
store the house to the exact appearance and arrange-
ment in which it was left by President Davis, except
that it is now fireproof and steam heated, and the out-
buildings and stable have been removed, and a brick
wall ten feet high which stood around the grounds has
been torn down and the grounds and shrubbery put in
order under the direction of the city engineer. Man-
telpieces, chandeliers, ornamentations, and furniture
which belonged to the family have been replaced.
During the first year of the war little Joe Davis, the
eldest son, fell from the porch in the rear, and was in-
stantly killed. Winnie Davis, the daughter of the
Confederacy, was born there, and in Mrs. Davis’ pri-
vate sitting room (now the Mississippi Room) were
held the most important conferences between the
President and Gens. Lee and Jackson when they would
come in from the battlefields around Richmond. At
such times Mrs. Davis would serve real coffee to them
in Sevres China, both kept for such special occasions.
Mrs. James Russell Miller, of Little Rook, chaperon for
the Arkansas sponsor and maids of honor, is a typical South-
ern woman and one prominent socially by reason of her wit,
beauty, and wealth. She was Miss Geraldine Hill, of Ken-
tucky and New Orleans. She married Capt. J. R. Miller, of
Memphis, Tenn., and shortly afterwards removed to Little
Confederate .
From its east windows can be seen the monument
to the private soldiers and sailors, and the view
stretches out over the hospitals and battlefields and
down the river where so many lives were given to de-
fend the capital they loved.
Public receptions without refreshments were held
once a week by the President. The brilliant coterie
there gathered has become world renowned, and
while fame enshrines the names of those heroes the
memories of the gracious hospitality of this ideal Vir-
ginia home serve to give the touch of gentleness to
grim-visaged war.
The rooms are apportioned to the different states, a
regent appointed in each, and a vice regent (residing
in Richmond) elected to take personal charge of each
room, and its contents intrusted to her care by the
regent. The entrance hall and reception room are de-
voted to the “solid South,” the portrait gallery of the
museum and the place for souvenirs.
Miss Marguerite Sloan, maid of honor for South Carolina
Division. Atlanta reunion, is the daughter of Col. J. B. E.
Sloan of the Fourth South Carolina Volunteer Infantry.
“She is pretty and piquant, spirited and kind.”
The building was formally opened on the 22d of
February, 1896, in commemoration of the day on
which President Davis was inaugurated in Richmond.
The opening exercises were in the presence of a large
concourse of distinguished people Prayer was of-
fered by the Rev. Moses D. 1 [oge, after which the Gov-
ernor of the state in eloquent language spoke of the
work, the workers, and the cause they represented, and
introduced Gen. Bradley T, Johnson, whose address
should become a part of the education of every child
in the South.
The Southern Historical Society, in which are the
fullest and most reliable records ami data of the war,
except in the war records office in Washington, has
moved into rooms reserved for it. where it is perma-
nently established in connection with the museum.
The Georgia Room holds one of the most valuable
collections of Confederate relics in existence. It is
known as the Mary Du Renne collection, having been
donated to the museum in her memory by her son, the
late Dr. Everard Du Renne, of Savannah.
The South Carolina room is a matter of pride to her
gallant sons and daughters, and it is only by ingenious
and careful arrangement that these two rooms can be
made to hold their valuable possessions.
The Virginia Room can no longer do justice to the
display of the memorials of her sons, so filled is it with
the relics of her privates, as well as with cases con-
taining the gauntlets and boots, saddles, spurs, and
plumes of Lee, Jackson, Hill, and Stuart, the tin plates
and cups of private and general alike telling now and
ever, as in the past, that they stand side by side in the
glory of an unfading fame.
The Texas Room differs from the others in its
handsome memorial furniture to the memory of lead-
ers and battles, presented by cities and organizations.
The other rooms, though not so well filled as those
mentioned, contain collections of historical books and
papers. Their walls are nearly covered with portraits,
while the battle-scarred, blood-stained, and tattered
banners are draped upon every wall, and moth and dust
proof cases hold relics that stir the hearts of those who
look upon them.
While the value of the relies cannot be estimated,
the money value of the grounds, building, etc., is not
less than $75,000. The ground around it is sufficient
to allow of the erection of another building, which is
fast becoming a necessity, since the contributions of
relics, flags, and memorials of every kind increase daily.
The work of the societj is done by the regents, vice
regents, and committees. The vice regents are in
■ ases ladies born in the states they represent or
are closely identified with them.
\gain. at Mrs. Bryan’s suggestion, the society made
requesl of the railroads that the battlefields through
Confederate Veterans.
and near which their route lay should be marked by
them, to which courteous attention has been given.
Through the influence of Maj. E. T. D. Myers, super-
intendent of the R. F. & P. R. R., the society has re-
ceived as a gift an acre of ground upon which the bat-
tle of Fredericksburg was fought, and the railroad will
place thereon a memorial stone.
The plan for a memorial hall, to be erected at the
University of Virginia to the alumni of that institu-
tion who fell in battle, is now well under way, and be-
fore the end of the century will be an accomplished
fact. This movement, suggested by Mrs. Bryan, has
been undertaken by the Confederate Memorial Liter-
ary Society, in charge of a special committee, and has
received the cooperation of the Alumni Association.
There is a special Memorial Committee, of which
Mrs. James Dunlop is chairman, whose duty it is to
seek names, records, and incidents of all Confederate
soldiers, which, when verified, will be bound and kept
in the museum.
The Publication Committee, of which Mrs. J. R. V.
Daniel is chairman, has just gotten out a beautiful
catalogue of two hundred pages, on gray paper with
Confederate flags on it, which tells in brief of the relics
already collected.
The Membership Committee seeks annual members
at $i a year, by which the museum is partly supported ;
and life members at $10, which goes to the endowment
fund. An admission fee of twenty-five cents is
charged, except on Saturday, when it is free. The
hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mrs. M. L. Van Do-
ran, chairman of the Membership Committee, is a
daughter of our distinguished Commodore Maury and
a cousin of Gen. Dabney Maury. Another cousin of
these same honored gentlemen acts as house regent,
making it truly a labor of love.
Miss Lillian Roden, sponsor for Alabama, is a daughter of
B. F. Roden, a prominent citizen of Birmingham, who en-
listed for the Confederacy at the age of seventeen and was
dangerously wounded at the battle of Shiloh. Though in-
capacitated for active service by this wound, he did all he
could in other ways to aid the cause. Miss Roden is tall and
slender, of the distinctly Southern type, olive complexion,
and dark-brown eyes and hair.
The visitors since the opening of the house, in Feb-
ruary, 1896, up to July 1, 1898, have numbered nearly
twenty thousand, more than one-fourth of whom have
been from the North and foreign countries, all ques-
tioning, listening eagerly, anxious to learn the history
of the war as known to us.
The officers of the society are : Mrs. Joseph Bryan,
President; Mrs. E. D. Hotchkiss, Honorable Vice
President; Mrs. E. C. Minor, Mrs. James H. Grant,
and Mrs. Raleigh T. Colston, Vice Presidents ; Mrs.
B. L. Purcell, Recording Secretary ; Mrs. Lizzie Cary
Daniel, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. M. S. Smith,
Treasurer; with an Advisory Board, of which Col.
John B. Cary was chairman. The other members are :
Judge George L. Christian, Judge E. C. Minor, Col.
W. E. Cutshaw, Col. John B. Purcell, J. Taylor Elly-
son, E. D. Hotchkiss, B. B. Munford, E. V. Valentine,
Col. William Gordon McCabe, Joseph Bryan, R. S.
Bosher, and the Major General Commanders of Con-
federate Veteran Camps of each state.
Mrs. Medora Marchant Little, of Austin, Tex., kind-
ly sends the excellent engraving printed on first page
of this number, and a sketch, from which the following
extracts are taken :
In ante helium days, in the “Court End” of the city of
Richmond, at the corner of Clay and Twelfth Streets,
was erected one of those spacious old mansions, plain,
yet handsome, and typical of the solid worth and gen-
erous hospitality that marked the Virginians of that
period, destined to become the White House of the
Southern Confederacy, where her uncrowned king
would dwell during those stormy years of civil war.
As such it is environed by a thousand hallowed memo-
ries, which time will only enhance.
When Richmond became the seat of the Confederate
government the city purchased this house and ten-
Confederate Veterans
dered it to President Davis as a gift, which he declined,
but consented to occupy it.
At the occupation of Richmond by the Federals it
became headquarters for the Union generals, and so
remained until the removal of Federal troops from that
city, in January, 1870, when it again became the prop-
erty of the city, and from 1871 until 1894 it was used
for a public schoolhouse.
Through the efforts of Col. John B. Cary this man-
sion was transferred by the city to the Confederate Me-
morial Literary Society for a museum and library,
which was done by Col. John B. Cary, chairman of the
School Committee, on June 3, 1894 (complimentary to
President Davis’ eighty-sixth birthday anniversay),
and accepted by Mr. Joseph Bryan on behalf of the la-
dies of the Confederate Memorial Literary Society and
the Advisory Board of gentlemen, thus sealing it to the
service of our sacred cause and setting it aside for all
time as a memorial of an army that at the call of duty
sprang into existence as if touched by the magician’s
wand, and whose deeds of valor and self-sacrifice sur-
pass the annals of history.
The Confederate Memorial Literary Societv was
chartered May 31, 1890, the Ladies’ Hollywood Me-
morial Association having begun the preliminary work
in February, i8qo. Mrs. Joseph Bryan was the origi-
nating and moving spirit of this association, although
after its conception ladies and gentlemen promptly re-
sponded to the call for aid to perfect its organization.
Nearly $15,000 was raised by the memorial bazaar in
Richmond in March. 1893. Every Confederate state,
also Kentucky anil Maryland, aided in establishing a
Confederate museum in the Confederate White Mouse
in historic Richmond, whose loyalty to our cause and
hospitality to its soldiers enthrone her in the hearts of
the Southern people. Each Southern state has her
room, designated by name and coat of arms, and a res-
ident regent at home to collect Confederate documents
and mementos, also a vice regent, who resides in
Richmond; while the entrance hall and reception
room represents the solid South, of which Mrs. Jeffer-
son Davis is regent. The museum was formally
opened on February 22, 1896, the thirty-fourth anni-
versary of the inauguration of President Davis.
Every Southerner should feel an especial pride in the
preservation of this sacred building, with its relics pur-
chased with the blood of our beloved, and should be-
come members of this society, so as to contribute to
the necessary attendant expenses. One dollar per
year admits to the annual honorary membership, while
$10 secures a life membership, which is invested in an
endowment fund for the museum. The membership
card, presented at the door, admits the holder to the
entire museum. Mrs. Lucy Maury Van Doren (a
daughter of the distinguished Commodore Matthew
Fontaine Maury), of Richmond, is chairman of the
Membership Committee, and from her these member-
ships can be purchased.
Texans, in their eager search for relics and records
to commemorate the struggles of her brave pioneers
who delivered her from the Mexican yoke and made
her a republic among nations, must not forget to col-
lect relics and records of the heroic deeds of her Con-
federate soldiers ; and daughters of our South land, in
their just tribute of admiration for and desire to serve
the brave men now defending the honor of our coun-
try, should not forget the men who wore the gray, all
tattered and torn, through which the north blast’ sent
its frozen breath and benumbed all save their brave
hearts, which were warmed by the fires of patriotism.
Theirs was not a rich government to furnish food and
clothes, but it mattered npt ; right onward they
marched where duty pointed, often leaving their foot-
prints in blood upon the rough and frozen ground,
while the gaunt specter of starvation camped closely
Upon their trail. Often after a forced march and a
hard fought battle a supperless night awaited them.
Their decimated ranks are fast crossing to the other
side, where the bugle’s blast no more shall breathe of
glory. A few more years, and only the memory of
their daring and sufferings will be left. Let us see to
it that every possible memento of that army shall be
\< 1 within our Confederate museum, that fu-
ture generations may know and perpetuate its history.
The Hollywood Memorial Association of Richmond
has entire charge of the eighteen thousand dead in one
portion of the cemetery, and lovingly cares for those
narrow homes, where each occupant was “some one’s
darling” and a nation’s pride ; and those Spartan wom-
en have taught the youth of their homes to love and
reverence tlmse dead heroes. A Junior Hollywood
Memorial Association has taken entire charge of the
little plat wherein sleep the officers, numbering two
hundred and twenty-five graves. These young enthu-
siasts have worked faithfully, given entertainments to
raise money to beautify the sod above the sacred, silent
dead, and have already accomplished much. Howev-
er, they are compelled to appeal to those who have
loved ones there to aid them. All subscriptions will
be gratefully received and judiciously used by their
Confederate Veterans
young Secretary, Miss Lucy Clair Atkinson, 807 East
Grace Street, Richmond, Va.
In every clime beneath the setting sun,
Within the palace and the cotter’s hut.
Their deeds of valor shall be told by man
From sire to son, while endless ages run.
Mr. Charles Edgeworth Jones, of Augusta, Ga.,
kindly sends a list of the deaths of Confederate generals
since this publication was founded, in January, 1893.
Mr. Jones is very careful, and yet it is hardly possible
that he secured the complete list. Let all who observe
omissions report them :
Gen. P. G. T. Beauregard, Louisiana, February 20, 1893.
Gen. E. Kirby Smith, Florida, March 28, 1893.
Brig. Gen. R. L. T. Beale, Virginia, April 18, 1893.
Brig. Gen. Alex W. Campbell, Tennessee, June 14, 1893.
Brig. Gen. James T. Holtzclaw, Alabama, July 19, 1893.
Maj. Gen. John G. Walker, Missouri, July 20, 1893.
Brig. Gen. William A. Quarles, Tennessee, December 29, 1893.
Brig. Gen. William H. Forney, Alabama, January 17, 1894.
Brig. Gen. John R. Baylor, Texas, February, 1894.
Lieut. Gen. Jubal A. Early, Virginia, March 2, 1894.
Brig. Gen. Altred H. Colquitt, Georgia, March 26, 1894.
Maj. Gen. Joseph B. Kershaw, South Carolina, April 13, 1894.
Brig. Gen. Philip Cook, Georgia, May 21, 1894.
Maj. Gen. William W. Allen, Alabama, November 21, 1894.
Brig. Gen. X. B. De Bray, Texas, January 6, 1895.
Brig. Gen. Rufus Barringer, North Carolina, Feb. 4, 1895.
Brig. Gen. M. D. Corse, Virginia, February 11, 1895.
Brig. Gen. H. E. McCulloch, Texas, March 12, 1895.
Maj. Gen. James L. Kemper, Virginia, April 7, 1895.
Brig. Gen. M. A. Stovall, Georgia, August 6, 1895.
Brig. Gen. J. W. Imboden, Virginia, August 15, 1895.
Maj. Gen. S. B. Maxey, Texas, August 16, 1895.
Maj. Gen. William Mahone, Virginia, October 8, 1895.
Brig. Gen. Thomas Jordan, Virginia, November 27, 1895.
Brig. Gen. John D. Kennedy, South Carolina, April 14, 1896.
Brig. Gen. John Echols, Virginia, May 24, 1896.
Maj. Gen. Gustavus W. Smith, Kentucky, June 24, 1896.
Brig. Gen. Alex R. Lawton, Georgia, July 2, 1896.
Maj. Gen. P. M. B. Young, Georgia, July 6, 1896.
Brig. Gen. R. E. Colston, Virginia, July 29, 1896.
Brig. Gen. F. A. Shoup, Florida, September 4, 1896.
Brig. Gen. R. C. Gatlin, North Carolina, September 8, 1896.
Brig. Gen. Joseph R. Davis, Mississippi, September 15, 1896.
Brig. Gen. Joseph O. Shelby, Missouri, February 13, 1897.
Brig. Gen. William R. Terry. Virginia, March 28, 1897.
Brig. Gen. Daniel Ruggles, Virginia, June 1, 1897.
Maj. Gen. Lafayette McLaws, Georgia, July 24, 1897.
Brig. Gen. Samuel McGowan, South Carolina, August 9, 1897.
Brig. Gen. P. D. Roddey, Alabama, August, 1897.
Brig. Gen. H. P. Bee, Texas, October 3, 1897.
Brig. Gen. T. L. Clingman, North Carolina, November 3, 1897.
Brig. Gen. L. S. Ross, Texas, January 3, 1898.
Brig. Gen. Johnson Haygood, South Carolina, Jan. 4, 1898.
Brig. Gen. John Bratton, South Carolina, January 12, 1898.
Brig. Gen. T. P. Dockery, Arkansas, February 26, 1898.
Maj. Gen. William B. Taliaferro. Virginia. February 28, 1898.
Brig. Gen. Edward L. Thomas, Georgia, March 8, 1898.
Brig. Gen. W. G. M. Davis, Florida, March 12, 1898.
Brig. Gen. George W. Rains, Georgia, -March 21, 1898.
Brig. Gen. W. P. Hardeman, Texas, April 8, 1898.
Brig. Gen. James R. Chalmers, Mississippi, April 9, 1898.
Maj. Gen. Edward C. Walthall, Mississippi, April 21, 1898.
Brig. Gen. Henry R. Jackson, Georgia, May 23. 1898.
Brig. Gen. John S. Williams, Kentucky, July 17, 1898.
John M. Hall writes from Tullahoma, Tenn. :
In the June number of the Veteran the loss of the
Eighth Tennessee Regiment, C. S. A., in the battle of
Murfreesboro, is given at three hundred and six, when
it should have been three hundred and seventeen (out
of four hundred and twenty-five), according to Surgeon
J. E. S. Dance’s report after the engagement, published
in the Fayetteville Observer. It gives the names of the
killed and wounded. Several of the wounded who
were taken to their homes by relatives are not included
in the surgeon’s report.
In all the published accounts I have seen the loss is
given as sixty-eight per cent, when it should have been
seventy-five per cent. At Franklin the regiment sus-
tained a still heavier loss than at Murfreesboro.
While passing through the Murfreesboro battlefield
I found a board at the site of the old Cowan house, on
which was written: “This house was burned on the
night of the 31st of December, 1862, by two companies
of the Fifth Louisville Legion, under orders.” This is
a mistake. The house was burned either Monday
evening (the 29th) or Tuesday evening (the 30th) by
the Confederates, I think. At any rate, it was burned
before the battle, as a part of the Eighth Regiment
passed through the ruins as we went into action on the
morning of the 31st; and Col. John H. Anderson so
states in his official report. Doubtless some of Chal-
mers’ Brigade can tell all about it, as they were near it
when the battle began and two days before.
There are many approving echoes to the sentiment
editorially expressed in the July Veteran against the
use of blue uniforms in the amalgamated army of blue
and gray. Confederates, and all who sympathize with
them, feel much more than they are apt to express on
the subject, and it behooves those who wore the blue
and others who like it best to be promptly considerate
of this very desirable change. Happily, there is gen-
eral approval of the new color now being made for the
army. It is an ashen color, and looks well.
The writer was afraid of the bluecoats in war times,
and it is still unpleasant to see them. On one occasion
he was escorted by a half-dozen of them, who knew him
and would have fought for him ; and yet he would shud-
der at the sight of them. Bill Arp humorously quotes
that when Mrs. Fitzhugh Lee got out her husband’s
fine, new uniform he told her to put it away until he
became reconciled. He was afraid he would “shoot it
all of a sudden.”
Dr. Daniel Parker read the following poem upon
this subject at a reunion of C. S. A. veterans at Calvert,
Tex., May 31, 1898, dedicating it to his comrades :
Now don’t be crying, mother;
You should be proud of Ben.
He looked, of all, the proudest
Among a thousand men.
It set me straight to thinkin’
How I too marched away
To join the noble army,
Dressed in Confed’rate gray.
I somehow felt like fightin’
When first our Ben marched out-
Right dress, front face, a standin’
So tall and straight and stout.
But I cannot like the color
Of the clothes he wore that day.
‘Twould suit me whole lots better
If they looked a little gray.
But he don’t know the diff’rence,
I s’pose he likes the blue;
Though as for me I can’t forget
I fought it four years through.
And though I am plumb willin’
For Ben to have his way,
I just could fight lots better
If my clothes were sort 0′ gray.
Confederate Veteran
The flag’s all right, I like it,
It must not ever fall;
I sure would like to plant it
On Morro Castle’s wall,
And I know that I could do it,
In the good old-fashioned way,
If I had a few old comrades,
Dressed in Confed’rate gray.
They say its hot in Cuba,
And when the boys get there
They’ll shuck those hot blue flxin’s,
And canvas suits will wear.
I like that plan amazin’,
For when they march a day,
The dust and dirt will change ’em
To the good old fightin’ gray.
This is a great big country,
And When it comes to blows
We’ll keep the world from treading
On Uncle Samuel’s toes;
But if I should take a rifle,
I’ve just got this to say:
I could handle her whole lots better
If my clothes were sort o’ gray.
It breaks my heart, old woman,
To hear you sobbing so.
I lived through four years’ fighting,
Ben’s coming back, I know.
But when he goes to lying
(As he’s almost sure to do)
About the gallant fighting.
Of our volunteers in blue.
Why, then — why. then — confound him.
I’ll have a word to say.
And beat him with one bigger
About the boys in gray.
D filter of Cftpt. B. M. Hord, a gallant Ci
Camp Thomas McCarty No. 729 recently lost a
member in the death of Comrade John James, a good
citizen and a good soldier. He enlisted in Company
A. Twenty-Sixth Tennessee, Howard’s Cavalry, and
served to the close of the war. He moved to Missouri,
and for a number of vears lived in Clav Coimtv.
Gen. Joseph Wheeler is one of the most remarkable
military men of history. As a major general in the
United States army down in Cuba his character was
illustrated by him being on the skirmish line with fifty
soldiers and climbing a tree to inspect the situation
about Santiago.
He is associated with some of the most thrilling
events of the Confederacy. In February, 1865, it be-
came necessary to know about the movements of Sher-
man’s army across Pedee River, in South Carolina,
so he selected Mr. J. B. Nance, and the two, a lieuten-
ant general and his bugler, swam the stream to the
side of the enemy, going on a regular scout. The
river was swollen and very swift, and it took a three-
mile swim for them to land where desired. The Gen-
eral was dressed as a private, and was to be called
“Sam Johnson” in the event of capture. This thrill-
ing story deserves place in the Veteran.
Dr. J. A. Wyeth, of New York, has written recently
for Harper’s Weekly a thrilling story of how Gen.
Wheeler kept the Federal army at bay in Shelbyville
with a few men until it became necessary to leap their
horses from an embankment on Duck River to escape.
Maj.-Gen. Joseph Wheeler was born in Augusta.
Ga., September 10, 1836, and graduated at the United
States Military Academy at West Point in 1859. He
was a lieutenant of cavalry in New Mexico in 1861,
when he resigned to enter the Confederate service. He
became a lieutenant of artillery in the Confederate
army, then a colonel of infantry, a brigadier-general,
and a major-general, and finally a lieutenant-general
of cavalry. He commanded the cavalry corps of the
Western army in 1862, and was made senior cavalry
general of the Confederate armies May 11, 1864. He
declined a professorship of philosophy in the Louisiana
Seminary in 1 866, and in 1869 became a lawyer in Ala-
bama He was a Representative in Congress from
Alabama almost from early after the war.
As a cavalry officer, at twenty-six years of age he re-
ceived the thanks of the Confederate Congress for his
magnificent service, and of South Carolina for defend-
ing Aiken. He was both a strategist and a fighter —
audacious, tireless, aggressive. He was present at
Pensacola, and captured Prentiss’ Division at Shiloh,
covering the retreats from Shiloh, Corinth, and Perry-
ville, and winning commendation from the Confeder-
ate generals. He turned Rosecrans’ flank at Mur-
freesboro, capturing troops and wagons, and destroyed
much of value to the enemy. He distinguished himself
at I hickamauga. and after the battle made his famous
raid around Rosecrans’ rear, destroying twelve hun-
dred loaded wagons. In the East Tennessee campaign,
the retreat from Mission Ridge, and the struggle from
Chattanooga to Atlanta, he performed prodigies of val-
or, capturing great wagon trains and thousands of beef-
cattle, and thwarting Cook’s great raid.
During Sherman’s march to the sea Gen. Wheeler
defended Macon and Augusta, and hung on Sherman’s
course through Georgia and the Carolinas, thereby
evoking President Davis’ commendation. Gen.
Wheeler was wounded three times, and had his horse
shot under him. and seven of his staff-officers were
killed and three were wounded.
Confederate Veterans
A trio of names are here given which honor the cause
of truth, courage, and patriotism unexcelled by man-
kind. They are, first, Sam Davis, a Tennesseean,
whose matchless sacrifice for personal integrity in his
glorious yet “ignominious” death is unexcelled in the
annals of mankind. Additional subscriptions and tes-
timonials are expected for the next Veteran. The
other two are from Alabama. They are “the gallant”
John Pelham, whose heroism was unexcelled in the
Confederate army (what higher tribute can be paid?),
and Richmond Pearson Hobson, whose fame just now
exceeds that of any other individual in the recent war
between the United States and Spain. The successful
running of the “Merrimac” right under the guns of
Morro Castle, Santiago, and guiding it across the
channel for the purpose of bottling up the Spanish fleet
in Santiago Bay, and then sinking it by an explosion
of dynamite, is one of the most daring feats ever per-
formed, and its achievement redounds to Hobson’s
wisdom as to the heroism of himself and associates.
His father was a Confederate. (See next Veteran.)
When Maj. John Pelham was killed at Kelley’s
Ford, Va., March 17, 1863, in a hard fight between
Fitzhugh Lee, with three hundred, against about three
thousand, Jeb Stuart telegraphed Mr. Curry, in Ala-
bama: “The noble, the chivalric, the gallant Pelham is
no more. His remains will be sent to you. How
much he was beloved, appreciated, and admired, let the
tears of agony we have shed and the gloom of mourn-
ing throughout my command bear witness. His loss
is irreparable.” Again: “His eye had glanced over
every battlefield of the Virginia army, from the first
Manassas to the moment of his death, and he was, with
a single exception, a brilliant actor in them all. His
record has been bright and spotless, his career brilliant
and successful. He fell on the altar of his country, to
whose glorious service he had dedicated his life from
the beginning of the war. The memory of the gal-
lant Pelham — his many virtues, his noble nature and
purity of character — is enshrined as a sacred legacy in
the hearts of all who knew him.”
In the seven days’ battles around Richmond he did
his work well. On one occasion, with one Napoleon,
he engaged three heavy batteries in a way that made
the calm face of Jackson glow. Soon after this he
drove a gunboat down the James. At Manassas and
at Sharpsburg he added to the admiration already had
for him by Jackson and by Lee.
All along in those memorable campaigns Pelham
added fresh laurels to his crown, but the zenith of his
renown was reached at Fredericksburg. The Federal
army had crossed the Rappahannock, and was forming
line of battle under cover of the river bank. A great
crisis was at hand. Lee, Jackson, and Jeb Stuart
rode along the Confederate lines. As they neared
Stuart’s horse artillery that officer rode up to Pelham
and said something, when Pelham promptly galloped
away to his advanced gun. Taking it, with his “Na-
poleon Detachment” of Mobile Frenchmen, he dashed
down the embankment, advancing close to the com-
pact lines of blue, their “bayonets glistening in the
streams of sunshine.” The blue line of soldiers charged,
and cannon roared from across the river. Pelham soon
drew upon himself the concentrated fire of a half
Confederate Veteran
dozen batteries, twenty-four guns ; yet his gun con-
tinued to roar, and never failed to slaughter. That was
the only Confederate gun in action, and in the half lull
there floated from the “Napoleon Detachment” the
Marscillais hymn, and they did not retire until their last
round of ammunition had been exhausted. Two ar-
mies looked on while the Mobile Frenchmen wrote
history in blood. Gen. Lee said that under these con-
Miss )I-:NN 1 1 VAN HOOSE,
Flrsl Maid ol Honor, Alabama Division, Atlanta Reunion.
ditions, referring to Pelham : ” It is glorious to see such
courage in one so young.” In his report of the battle
Gen. Lee referred to no person under the rank of ma-
jor general except Pelham. Pelham delayed the great
battle an hour, which time to the Confederates was of
great consequence. All honor to his Mobile French-
men as well! Maj. Pelham was promoted to lieuten-
ant colonel soon afterwards, but ere his commission
had been received he gave his life to the Confederate
cause. The circumstances of his death are briefly re-
ported as follow s : He had gone to visit some ladies in
Culpeper County, when he heard some cannonading.
and hurried to the scene. His artillery had not ar-
rived, but he saw a regiment that was wavering, ami
shouted: “Forward, hoys! forward to victory and to
glory!” Just then the fragment of a shell struck him
on the head, penetrating the brain, from which cause
he died that night. The body was taken first to Rich-
mond, and lay in state at the capitol before shipment
to Alabama.
Albert Sidney Morton, a Virginian, now a resident
of St. Paul. Minn., wrote :
Into the hurtling storm of shell.
Into the gaping mouth of hell,
Pelham, the dauntless, dashed;
Out from the meager line of gray,
Out to the bloody fringe of fray,
Where thousand thunders crashed.
What is that sound? Tis not a cheer-
There, yet again — list! comrades, hear!
Hark, ’tis the hymn of France!
Rising, the lofty anthem swells;
Over the din of countless hells
Freedom defiance chants!
Never was witnessed braver deed,
Bringing of praise its richest meed,
Making a deathless name —
“Courage sublime in one so young!”
Words from the heart of Lee he wrung,
Crown of immortal fame!
From a private letter by Col. W. 11. Knaiiss. Co-
lumbus, l >. :
W ell, to say this was a success would be putting it
mildly. Just think! live years ago the G. A. R. op-
posed the Confederates coming here and decorating
their comrades’ graves ; now they were with us. The
1 . \. R. Drill Corps (twenty-four of them) were there,
and tired the salute, and the (■. A, R. posts ran over
each oilier to entertain the Confederates Only two
weeks ago a G. A. R. comrade opposed the decoration
of these graves, and thought knauss ought to be
ashamed of himself ; but he came out to Camp Chase
with the current, as the number was up in the thou-
sands, dozens of wagons carrying the people from the
cars to the cemetery. Well, this particular comrade
got there, and in Post last night the boys asked him
how it was. His reply was, “Comrades. I went there,
and I am converted, and I th ink God 1 have lived to
si ; ihis thing done. I thank God that Knauss kept at
it .” and then, pointing to the lapel of his coat, he said,
“There is the blue and the gray, and by the grace of
God I am going to wear it all the time.”
I had to keep politicians and politics out.
There were some very touching and affecting scenes.
You remember a headstone near the gate, which was
so broken that the name was obliterated. 1 was try-
ing to find the name, so as to have it cut on the base of
the stone. Saturday morning 1>\ mail I received a box
of flowers from Mississippi and a letter from a lady
asking me to place the flowers on her husband’s grave,
giving his name in full and telling me it was near the
gate and that she had a stone placed there after the
war. etc. During the services I asked a couple of la-
dies to place the flowers on that grave after I read the
Confederate Veteran
Another : When 1 was opening the services I re-
marked that if the spirits of these dead heroes, together
with the spirits of my dead comrades, could make a
suggestion to us it would be, ” Praise God, from whom
all blessings flow,” when a G. A. R. comrade, Chaplain
Winget, started that hymn ; and the Confederate Glee
Club, of Louisville, together with hundreds of the au-
dience, joined in, and you never heard it sung as it was
Another incident : Col. Young, of Louisville, Ky..
gi it up and said that they had brought with them a
large amount of flowers, and as the Green Lawn Cem-
etery, where the Union soldiers were buried, was near
by, he wished to divide the Kentucky flowers and take
part of them to the graves of the Federal soldiers ; and
he, ludge Pugh, and R. M. Rownd, our new postmas-
ter, went over and strewed flowers on the Union sol-
diers’ graves.
Many unexpected incidents were pleasant and grat-
I managed to have on the Reception Committee
Comrade R. M. Rownd, a stanch Republican and our
new postmaster ; his Honor, S. Black, our Mayor and a
pronounced Democrat ; and they had associated with
them all Confederates living here and some of the G.
A. R. comrades. We had there about forty little girls,
all dressed in white, and they looked beautiful as they
sang “Cover Them Over.” The Confederate Glee
Club, from Kentucky, was just splendid, and they
made a big impression. Col. Young and Maj. Leath-
ers made splendid talks. Let me tell you that a more
solemn service vou never saw.
I will make a report to Gen. Moorman, and send
you a copy of it.
Carting trees and shrubbery $ 4 50
Planting trees, etc., at cemetery 6 00
Two volunteers’ help no charge.
Expense for men’s lunch 1 00
For cleaning, mowing, etc 5 00
100 circular letters to West Virginia and Kentucky. . . 2 50
125 papers with G. A. R. notices 2 59
Stamps for same 1 25
Trimming trees in cemetery and cutting out old ones. G 00
Three volunteers’ help no charge.
Three men for labor in cemetery 4 50
Tracy, Wells & Co 9 66
Check to Albert Cunningham for Camp Dennison… 5 00
And I left with him 5 00
80 copies Press Post, Sunday, June 5, 1898 1 24
Stamps for same 80
Letter stamps 1 00
Nails, lumber, and wire 4 50
Muslin cloth to cover platform 3 50
Trimming for wagon for school children 1 50
Expressage on two boxes of flowers 1 50
Badges at grounds 5 00
Expenses of firing squad 3 50
Wagon and organ 2 50
Taking out and bringing back 100 chairs 7 00
Extra wagons for transfer 8 00
Charles Lauer 2 50
ChampHn Printing Co 4 50
To Mr. Landes at Sandusky 10 00
To Mr. H. C. Briggs 5 00
Z. L. White & Co 12 58
Transporting children to and from grounds 7 00
Stamps, stationery, and extras 5 00
Total $139 53
Gen. J. A. Reeves, Fourth District, U. C. V $ 3 00
Hunter Wood, Hopkinsville, Ky 5 00
G. L. Cowen, Franklin, Tenn 4 00
L. M. Moore, Greenwood, S. u 1 50
I. L. Lyons, Nerw Orleans, La 10 00
N. J. Boyd, U. D. C, Winchester, Va 1 00
F. S. Freret, U. C. \. Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La. 5 00
William M. Connell, R. E. Lee Camp, Ft. Worth, Tex. 3 00
Julia Chapter, U. D. C, Ft. Worth, Tex 2 00
D. E. Johnston, Bluefield, W. Va 5 00
Martin Thornton, Wheeling, W. Va 5 00
J. B. Truelock, Pine Bluff, Ark 10 00
J. B. KV»1I. New Orle-ns, La 5 00
Gen. George Moorman, New Orleans, La 20 00
P. J. Carter, Kingston, Tex 1 00
M. M. Jordan, Newton, Baker County, Ga 2 50
D. Lee Martz, Harrisburg, Va 2 50
Dr. T. Shields, Columbus, 10 00
J. W. Carroll, Columbus. 5 00
N. Murphy, Columbus, 3 00
J. B. Darling, Columbus, 2 00
H. Field, Adjutant, Calvert, Tex 5 00
$110 50
Promised, but not paid in 10 00
Total 8120 50
Expenditures $139 53
Receipts 120 60
Balance ‘. $19 08
The Press-Post, Columbus, O., in connection with the
list of those wbo contributed flowers to decorate the
twenty-two hundred graves in Camp Chase Cemetery,
contains a sketch from Col. W. H. Knauss, who inaug-
urated the annual decoration of the graves there.
Confederate .
The Veteran has exercised diligence to present the
colonels commanding Second Regiments in the war
with Spain from Arkansas (Cook), Mississippi (Mont-
gomery), and Tennessee (Anderson). These sketches
will interest its every reader. The three are all remark-
ably active and vigorous to have been Confederates.
Two of them wore superb Confederate badges over
their uniforms at Atlanta, while Col. Anderson, author
of that thrilling story, the “Rebel Yell,” was absent
with his command. The three are among the Vet-
eran’s stanchest supporters from its beginning. They
form a trio worthy of honor to the whole country, and
eminently so in representing the South.
Virgil Y. Cook, born at Boydsville. Graves County,
Ky., November 14, 1848. entered the Confederate army
while in his fifteenth year, serving in the Kentucky Bri-
gade of Forrest’s Cavalry Corps.
In 1866 he moved to .Arkansas and engaged in mer-
chandising at Grand Glaise, on White River. His
firm. \ . Y. Cook and Co., did an extensive business
until 1874, when he removed to a point on the St. Louis
and Iron .Mountain railroad, and founded the town of
Oliphant, and conducted a large and lucrative business
there for ten years. After that he located at ” Midland
Holm,” his country site of 5,000 acres, of which 3,200
acres are in a high state of cultivation, near Elmo, in
the famous Oil Trough Valley, on Upper White River.
He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Arkansas, and a director of the Band of New-
At the beginning of the present Spanish-American
war he was a Major General of the Arkansas National
Guard and reserve militia, commanding the northern
division, composed of eight brigades of reserve militia,
two regiments of national guards, a squadron of cav-
alry, and a light battery. President McKinley, having
called upon Arkansas for its quota of troops (two reg-
iments), Gov. Jones on April 20, 1898, appointed Com-
rade Cook Colonel of the Second Arkansas Volunteer
Infantry, the highest office within his gift. After vis-
iting Chickamauga Park, where the regiment is now
stationed, in July, and seeing the efficiency of the reg-
iment, Gov. Jones went to Washington and urged
President Mckinley to appoint Col. Cook a brigadier
general in the volunteer army of the United States,
which the President agreed to do in the near future.
Col. Cook’s regiment is brigaded with the Sixty-Ninth
New York and Fifth Missouri, constituting the Second
Brigade of the Second Division of the Third Corps.
William A. Montgomery, colonel of Second Mis-
sissippi. U. S. Y., son of Olivia Fevee Moore, of Ten-
nessee, and Charles W. Montgomery, of Mississippi,
was born October 18, 1844, and was at Union College,
Murfreesboro, Tenn., when the war commenced. He
was ordered home by his father when the state of Mis-
sissippi seceded from the Union, and was among the
first volunteers from Mississippi, notwithstanding his
father’s protest on account of his youth. He joined
the Raymond Fencibles, of the Twelfth Mississippi
Regiment, and went with that regiment to Virginia
for the first year. He was discharged near the end of
his first enlistment, and returned to Mississippi and
joined the cavalry command of Gen. Wirt Adams.
Young Montgomery made his first military reputa-
tion at Fourteen Mile Creek bridge, Miss., on May
[2, 1863, the day that Gen. Gregg fought the battle of
Raymond. I laving been sent by Col. Gates, who then
commanded at Edwards, Miss., to burn the bridges
across the Fourteen Mile Creek, to impede Grant’s
army, and after burning all the bridges below the Dil-
lon bridge on the night of the 1 ith. he stationed him-
self, with his detail of about ten men, at that bridge,
perhaps one mile from Gen. Grant’s headquarters, and
over which his army was to pass the next morning.
About midnight, while the bridge was burning, six
negro men from the farm of Mr. Thomas Haman, who
lived near by, came up. and. thinking they were Yan-
kees, proposed to show where their old master was in
the woods near by, with all his movable personal
effects. Montgomery sent to the Dillon place, got six
axes, and put them all to work; and when Grant’s
army moved the next morning he not only had the
bridge destroyed, but had a breastwork of trees on the
opposite bank of the creek, where he awaited their ap-
proach, giving orders to his men not to fire till they
heard his gun. As the stillness of that May morning
was broken by the solitary sound of Montgomery’s
gun, fired into the head of the column at short range,
every gun in the small Confederate squad was emptied
into the squadron of Federal cavalry. After this re-
pulse the Federals charged again to near where the
bridge had stood, to meet another volley from the
handful of Confederates ; and when the third charge
was made to the bridge itself a Federal horseman in
front exclaimed: “My God! the bridge is burned.”
Soon not less than fifty pieces of artillery and five thou-
Confederate Veteran
sand rifles were ranged upon the hill about a half mile
away, and bore with fury upon the spot where Mont-
gomery and his men lay. but they all escaped unhurt
during a lull in the firing. This checked Grant’s army
on that road for that day. Gen. Grant, in his official
report savs that they had quite a spirited engagement
at Fourteen Mile Creek, in which they lost twenty-four
men killed and wounded.
At Champion Hill, four days later, Montgomery so
attracted the attention of Gen. Wirt Adams that he
promoted him to chief of scouts, which position he
held until again promoted upon the field at Calhoun
Station to captain of scouts known as Montgomery’s.
Many during deeds after that made him exceedingly
popular with his command. At Champion Hill, Jack-
son, Clinton, Coleman Cross Roads, Tinnin Monu-
ment, Bear Creek, Mechanicsburg, Decatur, Calhoun
Station, Ingram’s, Deer Creek, Pritchard’s Lane,
Goodman, Concord Church, and Gypsie, he was con-
spicuous for his daring and his skill as an officer. He
led the revolution that caused Ames to disband his
militia and make it possible for the white people to re-
deem Mississippi in 1875. He was a member of the
Mississippi Legislature in 1878 and again in 1898. He
is a Mason, an Odd Fellow, Knight of Honor, Knight
of Pythias, member of Legion of Honor, Woodman of
the World, and of the Baptist Church.
A friend furnished the following excellent sketch of
a Kentuckian who since the war has nobly done his
part as an adopted citizen of another state in maintain-
ing the good name and enhancing the fame of the Or-
phan Brigade, which he helped to make :
Col. Keller Anderson is a Kentuckian by birth, a
Tennesseean by adoption, and by every instinct of his
nature a soldier. His father, John Miller Anderson,
was born in Culpeper County, Va. ; his mother, I lelena
Pope, was a Kentuckian. Keller, their fifth son, was
born Sept. 21, 1842, and reared in Cynthiana. Ky.
In April, 1861, he enlisted as a private in Company
C (Capt. Jo Desha). First Kentucky Infantry. C. S. A.,
which went to Virginia. On July 13 he was promoted
to sergeant, and held that position until the time of the
regiment expired. He immediately reenlisted in the
First Battalion of Kentucky Cavalry. During the
Kentucky campaign of Gen. Bragg he served with the
battalion then commanded by Capt. Jo Desha. He was
elected second lieutenant September 22, 1862; nd in
August, 1864, he became first lieutenant by promotion,
Lieut. Fishback having died of a wound received at
Intrenchment Creek. When Capt. Desha was disa-
bled at Dallas Anderson took command of the com-
pany, and led it gallantly until March, 1865, when he
was sent to Kentucky to recruit within the enemy’s
lines; but it was too late to accomplish anything, as
the end soon came. He surrendered on the 26th of
May, 1865, to Col. Buckley, of the Federal army, at
Newcastle, Ky., and was paroled. Buckley demanded
his horse and equipments, contrary to terms granted
by Gen. Sherman, but he was allowed his side arms.
Col. Anderson was wounded in the shoulder at
Chickamauga, and lost a brother, the gallant Ensign
Robert Clinton Anderson, who planted his colors on
the enemy’s breastworks, but gave up his life in the act.
Keller Anderson received three wounds, all in the left
arm and shoulder. He still carries one of the balls.
In a skirmish near Cassville, Ga., May 19, 1864, a
small Bible in his left breast pocket was struck by a
minie ball, which passed through four-fifths of the
thickness of the clasped book and tore out at the top.
The shock threw him to the ground. This Bible is a
Confederate Veteran
treasured and sacred souvenir in his family. He is
proud to have been of the famous Orphan Brigade.
After the war closed he started to Mexico, but
stopped by accident at Helena, Ark., engaging in
agricultural pursuits near there, and in 1869 married
Miss Jean, daughter of Hon. James Robertson, who
had gone from Tennessee. Mrs. Anderson was born
in Tennessee. Her mother was Anne Lewis Dale.
In 1872 Keller Anderson located in Memphis,
Tenn., which place has since been his home. His mil-
itary training was so agreeable to him that he was con-
nected with the military almost constantly. He was
captain of the famous Chickasaw Guards ; also held a
gubernatorial commission on the staff of Gov. Buch-
anan, with the rank of brigadier general. During the
mining troubles at Coal Creek, Tenn., in 1891-93. he
was specially commissioned, raised troops, and quelled
the mobs, maintaining the law. He was stationed
at Coal Creek for two years in command of the garri-
son of state troops. Entrapped under a flag of truce,
and for two days in the hands of an infuriated mob of
miners, barbarously treated and threatened with an ig-
nominious death, his heroism became a leading topic
of national concern. His steadfast courage and in-
trepidity overawed the mob and appealed to the better
instincts of their leaders, who by strategy slipped him
away into the mountains, where he was finally rescued
by the large reinforcements of state troops. The pub-
lic press was for a time filled with the details. The sen-
sation was so great that letters of commendation and
congratulation were sent to him from most of the states
of the Union, and even from France, Austria, Italy,
and Scotland.
He is at present in command of the Second Tennes-
see Infantry, United States Volunteers. His son,
Claude Desha Anderson, is first lieutenant of the
Chickasaw Guards and holds a position of responsibil-
ity in the Mercantile Bank of Memphis, and he has a
fair little daughter, Jean Keller.
Col. Anderson’s “Rebel Yell,” published on pages
106, 107, first volume (1893) of the Veteran, deserves
to be reproduced often.
Dr. W. J. Davis was chosen to recite the “Sword of
Lee” at the decoration service of Confederate graves
in Louisville on last Memorial Day. He did it in fine
spirit, adding the two stanzas herewith published:
Forth from Its scabbard, pure and bright,
Flashed the sword of Lee!
Far in the front of the deadly fight,
High o’er the brave in the cause of right,
Its stainiess sheen, like a beacon light,
Led us to victory.
Out of its scabbard, where full long
It slumbered peacefully.
Roused from its rest by the battle’s song.
Shielding the feeble, smiting the strong,
Guarding the right, avenging the wrong.
Gleamed the sword of Lee.
Forth from its scabbard, high in air
Beneath Virginia’3 sky—
And they who saw it gleaming there.
And knew who bore it, knelt to swear
That where that sword led they would dare
To follow and to die.
Out of its scabbard! Never hand
Waved sword from stain as free;
Nor purer sword led braver band.
Nor braver bled for a brighter land.
Nor brighter land had a cause so grand.
Nor cause a chief like Lee.
Forth from its scabbard! How we prayed
That sword might victor be;
And when our triumph was delayed,
And many a heart grew sore afraid,
We still hoped on while gleamed the blade
Of noble Robert Lee.
Forth from its scabbard all in vain
Bright flashed the sword of Lee;
‘Tis shrouded now in its sheath again.
It sleeps the sleep of our noble slain.
Defeated, yet without a stain.
Proudly and peacefully.
Forth from its scabbard once again.
Once more in the cause of the free:
In camp, in field, with never a stain,
Against a foe in a cause humane.
The tempered blade, on a Cuban plain.
Is swung by Fitzhugh Lee.
Yes. ever grasped by some loyal Lee,
This sword shall gleam on high
In a cause as grand as a cause can be,
In freedom’s van. on land or sea.
Not in defeat, but victory—
Our country’s sword for aye.
Mis* Louise Harrison Beall is a daughter of 11. 1>. Beall, who
served under Gens. J. E. 1!. Stuart and Rosser. She attended
the reunion at Atlanta as tirst maid of honor for Maryland.
Confederate Veterans
Confederate Veterai).
S. A. CUNNINGHAM, Editor and Proprietor.
Office: Methodist Publishing House Building, Nashville, Tenn.
This publication is the personal property of S. A. Cunningham. All
persons who approve its principles, and realize its benefits as an organ for
Associations throughout the South, are requested to commend its patron-
age and to cooperate in extending it.
Are you loyal to the principles known now as “Con-
federate sentiment?” Do you believe it is right to
honor the memory of the dead Confederates, and do
you respect the living who wore the gray for the sacri-
fices they made in the Confederate States service? Do
you respect Southern womanhood for her faith and
her sacrifices ? If you do, you are herein specially ad-
dressed. This publication, like all others, must sur-
vive or die upon business principles. No matter what
the diversion, by war with Spain or hard times, there
can be no withdrawal of expenses. If you have care-
fully read the Veteran and observed its business
pages, you will have seen that Northern advertisers do
not patronize it as its circulation and its class of read-
ers merit. Therefore it depends upon subscriptions al-
most entirely for support.
It is a duty incumbent upon every Confederate vet-
eran and friend of those who espoused the Southern
cause to be active for the truth of history, and this pub-
lication, many times over the most effective medium
that has ever existed, deserves their zealous support.
Let each remember his or her duty, and sacrifice for
economy in other ways, if need be, but be steadfast for
the Veteran. Let each consider that if / neglect the
Veteran, it is weakened, and resolve that my strength
shall help it.
The Veteran ought to be discussed from the plat-
form of all reunions. If it has not merit, let it be
criticised. A letter has been sent recently to good
friends who have acted as agents. If they call upon
you, please respond promptly ; and if you are not called
upon, see that your subscription does not get behind.
The letter contains the following urgent appeal :
As representative for the Veteran at your place, I
trust it may be convenient for you to look after the re-
newals now past and becoming due. It is important
that the lists be kept up to the standard, and I hope you
can also make some additions. Will send sample
copies wherever you may direct.
Don’t forget the duty of constant zeal as long as life
and opportunity last to establish the merit of your
comrades and your father’s comrades to the gratitude
of mankind for their prolonged sacrifice in behalf of
patriotic principles. Don’t be inconsiderate enough
to require the postmaster to send notice that your
Veteran is “refused,” but remember that in sending
your dollar each year you are doing inestimable good.
This appeal is to you. Do at least send names of per-
sons you think might subscribe, that sample copies
may be sent to them.
Some comrades who are officials of the U. C. V.
have not even acknowledged the following letter :
Dear Sir: Gen. George Moorman, our good friend,
ever active for the favor and success of our great or-
ganization, the U. C. V., has procured and sent to me
your photograph for use in the Veteran, as well as for
the local papers especially interested in the reunion this
year. The expense of half-tone engraving is such that
I request comrades to share it when they can afford to
do so. (Recently the engraving bills for the Veteran
have averaged over $100 per month.) If you will kind-
ly pay two dollars for the expense of the plate, it may
be yours, and you can have any desired copies of the
Veteran containing the picture at half price (five
cents), if application be made in time.
A copy was sent to Gen. Moorman, and he replied :
. . . I certainly see no impropriety in the letter
you are sending out, and I think that you are doing a
favor which a large number will avail themselves of in
getting their pictures at the low rate you name.
Comrades who are given this splendid prominence
may be surprised at the statement that it costs for every
page in the Veteran about ten times as much, and the
space, therefore, on which these pictures are printed
costs the Veteran much more than the engravings.
Every person who has a picture in the Veteran, and
can do so, ought to pay the cost of it, and they should
at least try to reimburse the space that may be given to
them or their people by their influence with others to
subscribe for it. Some, however, after getting this
great favor, appear to lose further interest.
Every chapter of United Daughters of the Confed-
eracy and every other organization of Confederate
women or children is requested to supply a brief sketch
for the October Veteran. Where pictures are desir-
able, a remittance of $2 is requested, with the photo-
graph, to pay for the engraving.
The annual convention of Christian Endeavorers
held at Nashville in 1898 used Confederate colors,
“red, white, and red.” About twenty thousand more
badges than necessary were made, and they belong
now to the Veteran. This badge will be sent compli-
mentary to all who renew their subscriptions by remit-
ting to the office before October and noting the de-
sire for it when writing. The C. E. medallion may be
removed and any Confederate emblem attached. Ten
cents will pay for one of these badges and a sample
copy of the Veteran.
Mr. J. Ryan, of Chicago, a Federal veteran, who
served with his battery at the front long enough to
know well and appreciate Confederate valor, in renew-
ing his subscription to the Veteran, states: “I have
been reading the Veteran for several years, and like
the tone of it very much ; but please remind your cor-
respondents that we Yanks did win a few little victo-
ries, and were not licked every time, as many of them
would have your readers believe.”
Confederate tfeterai}.
The Legislature of Tennessee, in 1895, appropriated
$10,000 for the erection of monuments and markers on
the battle-field of Chickamauga. With this the com-
mittee erected four monuments — one to the infantry,
two to the cavalry, and one to the artillery — and forty-
seven regiment markers. On May 19, 1898, the mon-
uments and markers were formally dedicated and
turned over to the United States government. Gov.
James D. Porter making the dedicatory speech, and
thej” were received on behalf of the government by
Gen. A. P. Stewart. They arc considered the must ap-
propriate monuments on the battle-field and the finest.
cost considered. The pedestals of the monuments are
of Tennessee gray marble, surmounted with pure
bronze statues. A picture of the infantry monument
is here given, in front of which is a company of Con-
federate soldiers in full uniform. The monument is
situated on the top of Snodgrass Hill, where Thomas’
lines were last broken.
Infantry Monument,
reverse side.
Cheatham’s Division, Polk’s Corps, Brig G<
George Maney’s Brigade, First, Fourth, Sixth. Ninth,
and Twenty-Seventh Regiments and Twenty-Fourth
Brig.-Gen. Preston Smith’s Brigade, Eleventh,
Twelfth, Thirteenth, Twenty-Ninth. Forty-Seventh,
and One Hundred and Fifty-Fourth Regiments.
Brig.-Gen. O. F. Strahl’s Brigade, Fourth, Fifth.
Nineteenth, Twenty-Fourth, Thirty-First, and Thirty-
Third Regiments.
Brig.-Gen. M. J. Wright’s Brigade, Eighth, Six-
teenth. Twenty-Eighth, Thirty-Eighth, Fifty-First,
Fifty-Second Regiments, Twenty-Eighth Battalion.
Fifteenth, Twentieth, and Thirty-Seventh Regiments,
Brig.-Gen. William P.. Bate’s Brigade, Stewart’s Divi-
sion, Buckner.’s Corps.
Eighteenth, Twentv-Sixth. Thirty-Second, and For-
ty-Fifth Regiments and Twenty-Third Battalion, Brig.-
Gen. John C. Brown’s Brigade, Stewart’s Division,
Buckner’s Corps.
Third, Tenth, Thirtieth, Forty-First, and Fiftieth
Regiments and First Battalion, Gregg’s Brigade, John-
son’s Division, Buckner’s Corps.
Sixty-Third Regiment. Gracie’s Brigade, Preston’s
Division, Buckner’s Corps.
Second, Thirty-Fifth, Forty-Eighth, one company
Third Confederate, seven companies Fifth Confederate
Regiments, Brig.-Gen. Lucius E. Polk’s Brigade, Cle-
1 ‘urne’s Division, Hill’s Corps.
Seventeenth, Twenty-Third, Twenty-Fifth, and For-
ty-Fourth Regiments, Brig.-Gen. Bushrod Johnson’s
Brigade, Stewart’s Division. Hood’s Corps.
Cavalry Monument.
reverse side.
First (6) Regiment, Lieut.-Col. James H. Lewis, J.
T. Wheeler’s Brigade, Armstrong’s Division, Forrest’s
l avalrv.
Fourth (Startles’), Eighth, Ninth, and Eleventh Reg-
iments anil Shaw’s Battalion, DibreU’s Brigade, Arm-
strong’s Division. Forrest’s Cavalry.
Second and Fifth Regiments, Scott’s Brigade, Pe-
gram’s Division, Forrest’s Cavalry.
Buckner’s Legion, composed of Twelfth and Six-
teenth Battalions. Davidson’s Brigade, Pegram’s Divi-
sion, Forrest’s Cavalry.
Kh.ll I -IDE.
Fourth (Baxter Smith) Regiment, Companies G and
II. Third Confederati Regiment, Harrison’s Brigade,
Wharton’s Division, Wheeler’s Cavalrv.
Confederate l/eterar;
Companies E. F, G, I, H, K, First Confederate Reg-
iment, Russell’s Brigade, Wharton’s Division, Wheel-
er’s Cavalry.
Gen. Forrest’s Escort, Capt. J. C. Jackson.
Gen. Buckner’s Escort, Capt. J. W. Clark.
Gen. Cleburne’s Escort, Capt. C. F. Sanders.
Federal Monument,
reverse side.
First Regiment, Lieut.-Col. James P. Brownlow,
First Brigade, Col. Daniel M. Ray, First Division,
Cavalry Corps.
Second Regiment. Lieut.-Col. William R. Cook,
Second Brigade, First Division. Cavalry Corps.
As early as April 25 of this year, upon a call by the
President for volunteers to help free Cuba, the Gov-
ernor’s guard had volunteered; then the Fourth Regi-
ment, five hundred and fifty-six strong, reported ; then,
independent of the state guard, the Adjutant-General
said he had on file over five thousand applicants as
A tablet has been erected in the assembly hall at the
Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, at Bry-
an, with the following inscription: “Erected by the
Faculty of the Agricultural and Mechanical College in
memory of Lawrence Sullivan Ross, President 1890-
98. He brought the maturity of an experience won as
soldier, Legislator, and Governor to the service of the
youth of the state. Died January 3, 1898, aged fifty-
nine years. ‘Come up higher.’ ”
Of many attractive points
in Charleston, White Point
Battery is one of the most
beautiful. It is in a splen-
did park situated at the ex-
treme southern border of
the city, on the shore of its
beautiful harbor. The beau-
tiful bronze m o n u m e n t
stands on a granite base,
erected to the hero, Serg.
William Jasper and the oth-
er defenders of Fort Moul-
trie on June 28, 1776. In-
scribed on a copper plate
are the words of Gen.
Charles Lee, “No men ever
did, and it is impossible that
any can, behave better ;”
and on the reverse side the
expression of Jasper, “Don’t
let us fight without a flag.”
The monument was erected
by the Palmetto Guards, of
Charleston, June 28, 1876.
Let those who think the
South hns just awakened to
a respect of the old flag
ponder on the above. It
will be news to many.
A vivid picture of Southern sentiment is given in the
following introductory paragraph in the Nashville
Christian Advocate: “In passing through Chattanooga
recently we were deeply impressed by the sight of men
in blue uniforms fiom Maine and Arkansas, from Wis-
consin and South Carolina. Our heart warmed within
us toward these brave defenders of the nation’s flag.
It is known to our readers that to the very last we op-
posed the declaration of war — not from any lack of pa-
triotism, but from the sincere belief that the agencies of
peace were sufficient to secure the ends desired. When
war came, however, we had not option but to side with
our own folk. Sincerely and earnestly we hope that
on land and sea our forces may be everywhere victori-
ous, and that all our victories may be so many steps in
the pathway of human progress.”
B. M. Blount, Atlanta, Ga. : “For some time I have
wanted to get the facts regarding an incident of the
war, and it occurs to me that you could secure the in-
formation through the Veteran, having read in your
May issue the article regarding Halifax Richards
Wood. My brother, Capt. (afterward Col.) Joseph G.
Blount, of Deering’s Battalion of Artillery, was brevet-
ted major and presented with a sword for gallantry
upon the field of battle by Gen. R. F. Hoke, of North
Carolina. I heard the story from others when quite
young, and, not knowing whether my version is cor-
rect or not, would like to get the exact facts in shape
for preservation.”
Capt. Will A. Miller was born on a farm near Mon-
roe, La., August 15, 1842; enlisted in the Confederate
army in May, 1861, and was a member of Harris’ Bat-
tery, Bankhead’s Battalion of Artillery, Army of Ten-
nessee, up to July, 1862. He participated in the battles
of Columbus, New Madrid, Island No. 10. Fort Pillow,
Shiloh, and different engagements around Corinth.
As sergeant, he commanded his company in the battle
of Shiloh and won a lieutenant’s commission, and was
ordered to report to Gen. Hindman, who was at Little
Rock organizing the Tran> Mississippi Department.
He served as first lieutenant of Hughey’s Battery,
Cabell’s Brigade, until December, 1864. when he was
wounded, and has been crippled ever since.
1 \r 1 . W 1 1 1 \ MILLER AND Wl PR.
Like man) other boys, lie lefl a sweetheart behind,
with whom (notwithstanding a stiff knee and his war
record were his only legacies’) he entered into copart-
nership and set up housekeeping in .1 rented cabin,
with his old saber, six-shooter, and a borrowed skillet
as the supply of household and kitchen furniture, and
the Miller family was established.
In 1876 he settled in Wise 1 !ount\ . Tex., since which
time his interests have been with the people of that sec
Hon. He organized and was the first Captain of Ben
McCuIloch Camp No. 30, U. C. V., at I >ec; tur, Tex.
Capt. Miller is a jolly, good fellow . and seems to gei
pis share of good things out of life, having a pleasanl
word for all. His purse is carried in open kinds and
with liberal heart. I fe demonstrates that “a Rebel can
be a patrii 1 and 1 1 atrii >t a Rebel.”
The Atlanta (Ga.) Camp No. 159, U. C. V., held its
annual election recently. Col. L. P. Thomas, the re-
tiring Commander, in his address appealed to com-
rades to stand shoulder to shoulder for the success of
the great reunion. Thanks were expressed by a ris-
ing vote to the Daughters of the Confederacy in their
efforts in behalf of the Georgia Confederate Home.
An extraordinary combination of incidents have oc-
curred in connection with this home enterprise, which
were expected from official source, but are not ready
for this issue. The new officers of the camp are: Com-
mander, A. 1. Wise; Lieutenant Commanders, W. D.
Ellis, Dr. Durham, C. S. Arnall, J. T. Stocks; Adju-
tant, J. C. Lynes; Quartermaster.” C. L. D’Alvigney;
Commissary. S. II. Landrum; Surgeon. Pr. K. S. Di-
vine; Assistant Surgeon. Dr. Arch Avarv; Chaplain,
Rev. T. P. Cleveland; Treasurer. R. M. Clayton; His-
torian, R. L. Rodgers. Executive Committee : A. J.
West. W. H. Calhoun, T. B. Neal, F. T. Rvan. J. H.
Shadden. F. M. Meyers, C. W. Motes. Relief Com-
mittee: Harry Krouse. Ed Cox, J. C. Carlisle, S. B.
Scott, ]. M. Payne. Visiting ‘Committee: P. M
Graves. W. H. White. ]. A. Caldwell. L C. Rodgers,
ben Floyd.
William T. Harwell, Company 1>. Jeff Davis Legion
lA. K. Ramsey, captain; W. M. Stone, colonel; under
J. E. B. Stuart, brigadier general), was killed it Spott-
sylvania Court-House, Va., on May 8, [864. A Mi-.
Annie Reed, living in bhe neighborhood, wrote that his
bod) would be exhumed die having been buried on the
battle-field) and placed in the cemetery ai Sp rttsylvania
Court-House. His brother, J. D. Harwell, of Merid-
ian, Miss., would like to hear from any one who can tell
him whether or not the body was moved and whether
marked so as to be identified.
Mr. John O’Donnell, of (apt. Butler’s * ompam
First Tennessee Regiment, testifies that the follo\ ing
conversation occurred on the first day’s fight .it Shiloh.
Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston was riding along the
lines with his hat in his hand, and was seen by I c>l.
I luine Field, who, wishing to give the 1 i
mental salute, called his men to “attention.”
were then lying on the ground resting and waiting for
orders. Gen Johnston heard the command as k
approaching Gen. Field, and said: “Colonel, what is
this for?” The Colonel said he wished the regiment t< 1
salute him, when the General remarked: “Colom .
don’t disturb your men; I wish them to rest all they
can. I will have better use for them after awhile.”
And lie did. as they were SOOn ordered to the front and
to the support of a battery of artillery. Mr. < CDonnell
says he saw ‘ .en. Johnston several times that morning
and that he looked the grand soldier he was, sei
cheerful, and carried his hat in Ins hand a mtinually.
While his regiment was en route to Shiloh Mr.
O’Donnell says they camped at Monterey and
Gen. Johnston’s headquarters, which were eighl miles
from Shiloh and about ten miles from Corinth.
Forrest captured a Federal major in the scrimn
The Federal lost his hat. and when taken to head
quarters was recognized by Gen. Johnston, who
stepped into hi- tent and br< lUght out a hat and handed
it to the Federal major, who w – taken to Corinth.
Confederate Veterans
Sketches of Officers, Sponsors, etc.
Walter S. Bearden was horn at Petersburg, Term.,
1843. 11 is father, Dr. 1!. F. Bearden, was a native of
South Carolina, and was of French Huguenot extrac-
tion. His mother was a native of Tennessee, and of
Scotch-Irish descent. Returning home from Emory
and Henry College, Virginia, in May, 1861, he at once
began to organize a company for war, teaching a pri-
vate school during the week and making speeches ev-
ery Saturday until a sufficient number were enrolled.
He entered the service as second lieutenant of Com-
pany E, Forty-First Tennessee Infantry Regiment,
and was first lieutenant commanding when disabled by
a severe wound through the right thigh at the battle of
Jonesboro, Ga., August 31, 1864. He was also wound-
ed at the battle of Peachtree Creek, and again in the
battle on the right of Atlanta, July 22, 1864.
He and his twin and only brother, Lieut. Ed R.
Bearden (deceased), were paroled at Meridian, Miss.,
May 16, 1865, and returned to Petersburg, Tenn., each
using a crutch and walking-stick. Both became law-
yers. He married Miss Maggie Whiteside, of Shelby-
ville, Tenn., in February, 1874, and they have two sons
and two daughters living. Miss Whiteside first met
him in the hospital at Griffin, Ga., severely wounded.
She was widely known and admired. Survivors of the
Tennessee troops will recall a special demonstration in
her honor on Hood’s advance into Tennessee. Judge
Bearden was elected Chancellor of the Fourth Chan-
cery Division of Tennessee in 1886, and reelected with-
out opposition in 1894 for a second term of eight years.
John H. Carter, son of a Xew England farmer, was
born in Xew Milford, Conn.. August 24, 1835. He
graduated from Union College. Schenectady, X. V., in
1859. Coming to Kentucky, he located at Lexington,
secured a position as teacher, and began the study of
law. Early in the war he enlisted as a private under
Capt. John B. Castleman, Second Kentucky Cavalry,
the famous old regiment of Cen. John H. Morgan, and
served with that command during the war, surrender-
ing at Washington, Ga., in May. 1865. He was on the
( >hio raid, was with the escort of President Davis on
the retreat South, and was present at the battles of
Cynthiana, Elizabethtown, Green River Bridge, and
tire sy Creek, Ky. ; at Gallatin, Woodbury, Green-
ville, and Bull’s (jap, Tenn.: at Saltville, Wytheville,
and Marion, \ a., and in more than a hundred smaller
battles or skirmishes. On November 5, 1862, at
Xashville, he was badly wounded, had his horse killed
under him, and was left on the field. After six weeks
of careful nursing by the devoted daughters of Nash-
ville he made his escape, and, passing through the
army of Rosecrans, reached his command at Murfrees-
boro just in time to go on the Christmas raid into Ken-
tucky. He was captured on the raid into Ohio, es-
caped from Camp Douglas in March, 1864, and in two
weeks made his way through Illinois, Indiana, Ohio,
and Kentucky to Abingdon, Va., where he found Gen.
Morgan and his command. During the last year of
the war he was made captain of the company in which
he first enlisted. After the war he returned to Lexing-
ton, near which place he now resides, a successful
In Confederate matters he is very active, and has
done much both by speaking and writing to perpetuate
the brave deeds of our fallen heroes. He w^as a char-
ter-member of the Veteran Association, chairman of
the first Battle Abbey Committee, and is Adjutant-
General and Chief of Staff to Gen. John Boyd, Com-
mander of the Kentucky Division, U. C. V.
Confederate Veteran
Comrade E. W. Short was born in the town of
Bridgewater. \’t.. May 28, 1832. He went to Mobile.
Ala., September 1. 1858. was sworn into service Octo-
ber 1, 1861, in the Twenty-Fourth Alabama Regiment,
and stationed at Fort Morgan the first winter. He
was sent to Corinth. Miss., arriving after the battle of
Shiloh. lie was under Gen. Braxton Bragg, Joseph
E. Johnston. J. B. Tlood. and again tinder ( len. John-
ton, in all of the marches and battles of the Western
arm}-; was in the battles of Corinth. Mumfordsville,
1 ‘crn ville, Murfreesb< iro, and manj smaller ones ; also
serving from Dalton to Atlanta in the hundred days’
battles and skirmishes; in Atlant 1 22d of July. Jones
boro, Franklin, Nashville, followed Sherman on his
march to the sea. battle of Bentonville, and was pa
roled at Greensboro, \. C. April 2(>, 1805. lie was
not sick a day during this time, and was away from the
army only when wounded five times, lie enlisted as
a private and w as pan iled as captain.
P. A. ( rihbs writes from Matador. Tex. :
In the January Veteran Comrade II. M. Woodson.
of Memphis, gives a good article in regard to the battle
011 Lookout Mountain ; but, as he says, a common so!
dier can’t know everything, so I add some humor;
Brig.-Gen. E. W. PettUS, with his Alabama and
Georgia troops, arrived on top of Lookoul Mountain
the day before the battle. We were posted on the right
of our line from about sundown until relieved by Gen.
Clayton’s Brigade at midnight.
While waiting for Gen. Clayton’s command to line
up. we fell back a few steps in a ravine. Comrade Jess
Davis and 1 were sitting on a log together, when a
spent ball struck him on the stomach, lie fell over
the loo-, claiming that he was shot through, and declar-
ing it was fatal. 1 felt for the wound, anil found the
ball flattened and lodged next to his skin, not having
entered the flesh. “Jess, you are not hurt ver\ badly,”
said 1 ; “here is the ball. You are all right.” He re-
vived quickly, and. jumping up. declared that the Yank
should lay his gun down, for he had “caught him out.”
The bullet passed through his blanket, which was
rolled and tied ;t the ends and worn over the right
and under the left shoulder. The bullet made seven
holes in the blanket, then passed through bis coat and
two shirts, and left a black spot about tile size of a
hand on his abdomen. The lead was mashed to more
than an inch in di meter. Jess was all right for duty,
and fought all the next day on Missionary Ridge.
George Dashiel was born in Maryland Januar) 10.
[828. The family removed to Tennessee in 1838. lie
was a merchant in Memphis at the commencement of
tin- war. and enlisted in the < onfederate army in \pril.
[861, as a private in Company 1′.. One Hundred and
Fifty-Fourth Tennessee Regiment. In ( Ictober, [861,
be was appointed captain of cavalrj b\ the War De-
partment, and ordered to report to (leu. Leonidas
Polk, and was assigned by him as paymaster of the
Cheatham Division, lie remained with that division
until the spring of [863, when he was transferred bj
the War Department, at the tequestof Gen. X. I’.. For-
rest. t,» his corps as chief paymaster, lie remained
with Forrest until paroled at Gainesville, Ala., in 1865.
H. H. Vaden. Sulphur Springs, Tex.: “If any read-
ers ,,\ the Yeterax know what became of VV. C. \b
Kaskle, Company B, Thirty-Second Texas Cavalry
(dismounted). Ector’s Brigade, who was captured near
Atlanta in 1864 and taken to one of riie prisons near
Chicago, they will confer a favor by communicating
with me.”
Confederate l/eterar?,
Maj. A. W. Gloster, Aid-de-Camp to Maj. Gen. A.
J. Vaughan, commanding Tennessee Division, U. C.
V., is a native of Fayette County, Tenn., and comes of
substantial North Carolina parentage. Early in life
he adopted civil engineering. He promptly respond-
ed to the call to arms for the South in 1861, and was
sworn into the Army of Tennessee in May, at Ran-
dolph, a small town on the Mississippi River. He and
N. B. Forrest were sworn into the cavalry company of
Capt. White, of Memphis, together, their hands being
on the same Bible. This was a few days before For-
rest was commissioned by Gov. Harris to raise a bat-
talion of cavalry. Comrade Gloster was commissioned
by Gov. Harris as lieutenant of engineers, and assigned
to duty on Brig. Gen. John L. T. Sneed’s staff, where
he remained until the Army of Tennessee was trans-
ferred to the Confederate government. Subsequent-
ly he was assigned to duty with Maj. Minor Meri-
wether, acting chief engineer of the army at Colum-
bus, Ky., remaining with him in active engineering
service at Island No. 10, Fort Pillow, and Shiloh, and
building fortifications in and around Corinth, from
which place they went to Tupelo, Miss. He was in
active engineering service until the fall of Vicksburg,
when he was captured, and remained in parole camp at
Demopolis, Ala., until October, when he was ex-
changed. He was then ordered to report to the army
at Missionary Ridge, and was put in command of
Company C, Third Regiment Engineers, and ordered
to Atlanta to build wagons and boats for the pontoon
trains of the army. This selection was without his
knowledge or solicitation. He remained in command
of this train, building necessary bridges over the
streams crossed by the Army of Tennessee, until the
close of the war. Since the war Maj. Gloster has been
engaged in locating and constructing some of the most
important railroad lines in the South, both east and
west of the Mississippi River. His home is at Gallatin.
J. Pinckney Smith was born in Natchez, Miss., Sep-
tember 25, 1840. In 1850 he moved to Louisiana, re-
siding in different parishes. In 1858 he commenced
his business life in the office of the sheriff of
Carroll Parish. In his youth he became in-
terested in state af- fairs, and made him- self popular and strong by his unflinch- ing loyalty to his
friends and his polit- ical faith. His first vote was cast for Breck i n r i d g e and Lane, and his second
for the ordinance of secession. He took a very active part in the secession convention of January 26, 1861, when Louis- iana seceded. Mr. Smith engaged in the Confederate
service as a sharpshooter, and was an extraordinary
man with a rifle. He was appointed, soon after, by Gov. Moore, recruiting officer to raise troops for
Louisiana. He soon raised three companies in Car- roll Parish. Then he raised a cavalry company of one hundred and ten men, and became second junior lieu- tenant of the company, which was mustered into serv-
ice for “three years or the war” by Gen. McMackin, at Vicksburg, Miss. He armed and equipped this company and named it the Macon Cavalry. It was ordered
at once to Corinth, and he commanded it through the two days’ fighting at the battle of Shiloh. The com-
pany had a reputation for gallantry and as being the most completely armed and equipped body of men then in the Confederate service.
After the battle of Shiloh Lieut. Smith was or-
dered to Vicksburg and Meridian in charge of a train
of wounded soldiers, during which time the army had
been reorganized, and the Macon Cavalry had been
consolidated with the Brierfield Rebels. Lieutenant
Smith was after this promoted to the rank of captain,
and was assigned to duty in the Trans-Mississippi de-
partment under Gen. E. Kirby Smith. He was then
placed in charge of the First Tax-in-Kind District,
comprising the parishes of Caddo, Bossier, Claiborne,
Bienville, De Soto, and Sabine, with headquarters at
Shreveport, La.
Capt. Smith surrendered to Gen. Canby, U. S. A.,
and was paroled in June, 1865, at Shreveport. After
the surrender he moved to New Orleans, where he en-
gaged in the cotton and general factorage business.
He was twice married. On December 3, 1868, he wed-
ded Miss Katie C. Mcllhenny, but death robbed him
of his wife and babe in less than a year. His second
wife, Miss Martha Owen, was the daughter of Col.
Miles Owen, of Memphis, Tenn., a faithful helpmate
to him in his business and social life, and herself a
loyal daughter of the Confederacy.
Since 1882 Capt. Smith has been connected with the
Daily States, and has been actively engaged in building
up the interests of that journal. It has ever been val-
Confederate .
iant under its present management for the Confederate
cause. He is Quartermaster General on the staff of
Edward H. Lombard, Major General commanding the
Louisiana Division, U. C. V., succeeding himself from
a former Commander.
Maj. T. E. Stanley, Assistant Inspector General on
the staff of Maj. Gen. John J. Horner, commanding
Arkansas Division, U. C. V., was born in Lawrence
County, Ala., October 15, 1844; was mustered into the
Confederate service in June, 1861, with Company B,
Sixteenth Alabama Infantry. He was made orderly
sergeant of the company in ( ►ctober, 1863, and served
in this capacity to the end. May 10, [865. He was
wounded three times, once severely at Chickamauga.
At the close of the war he engaged in farm work until
1 87 1, when, with the accumulation of those years, he
entered the law school at Lebanon, Tenn. He grad-
uated in 1872, and soon after began the practice of law
at Augusta, Ark. His practice was successful ; and in
addition to that he is now President of the Bank of
of every vestige of apparel and compelled to ride a
horse bareback while in that condition. Fortunately,
he was recaptured by a major of the United States cav-
alry, by whom he was treated kindly.
Augusta, President of the Augusta Mercantile Com-
pany, and lias large planting interests in that section.
Comrade Smith was one of the youngest who enlist-
ed in the Confederate army, being only sixteen years
of age when, in March. 1801, lie entered the First
Tennessee Infantry, and went promptly to Virginia.
He saw hard service of every kind, and was wounded
Several times, thus securing membership in the “bullet
department,” and still carries in a leg painful effects
of a shot, lie was captured and sent to prison in
Chin. Part of his service was as a scout, having a line
of couriers in Tennessee to convoy information to
headquarters, near Chattanooga, lie was captured
one night by one of those cruel guerrilla bands that in-
fested the territory between the lines, and was stripped
iiivhi H. SMITH, \ 1 1 \\ 1 \. G \
Mr. Smith is a fine type of the Southern soldier —
courageous, cordial, sympathetic, hospitable. Every
ex-Confederate is to him a brother. Porn of one of
the old Middle Tennessee families and brought up near
Nashville, he was happily married to a gifted and
lovely lady. Miss Cuyler, a kinswoman of Dr. Theo-
dore Cuyler. He has been quite successful in busi-
ness, and is now a resident and prominent cotton mer-
chant of Atlanta. It was grievous to him that he
could not be with the United Confederate Veterans in
Atlanta, being absent on account of ill health. In an
address to comrades delivered last spring he said :
“The roll call is almost over.”
Dr. W. J. Worsham, Knoxville, Tenn.: “1 would
like to know the whereabouts of the Rev. R. W. Nor-
ton, a Baptist minister who was chaplain of the Nine-
teenth Tennessee Regiment. Strahl’s Brigade, Cheat
ham’s Division. On the morning after my return
from the war to my home on Roseberry Creek, twelve
miles east of Knoxville, I was at the railroad to see the
Middle and West Tennessee troops go by, on their
way home from Greenville. That identical train was
wrecked, and twelve Confederates were killed, and
were buried on the bank of Roseberry Creek. I write
this that any friends wishing to learn more of them
may write me.”
Confederate tfeterai).
John II. Gaines was born at Natchez. Miss., March
7. 1831 : graduated at Center College, Danville, Ky., in
1850. He attended his first course in medicine at the
University of Pennsylvania in the winter of 1851-5J;
took his second course ami graduated in New Orleans,
La., from the University of Louisiana, in March, 1853.
He located in Lafayette County, Mo., but in a short
time returned to Chicot County, Ark., where his father
was then living, and began the practise of medicine, re-
maining there until the war began. In May, 1854, he
married Miss Helen M. Foushee, of Culpeper, Va.,
who still survives to bless his home, and who is the
mother of seven children, four living. Dr. Gaines en-
tered the army in 1862 as a private, but was immedi-
ately detailed to take charge of the sick in the battalion
then being organized, of which his company was a
part. He was commissioned a surgeon, which posi-
tion he filled till the close of the war, when he resumed
practise at his old home. In February, 1885, he re-
moved to Hot Springs, where he now lives.
M. I. Dean, of Tyler, Tex., was the proud recipient
of the following letter from President Davis, which he
has cherished all these ye::rs. It is dated at Memphis,
Tenn.. February 25, 1871 :
I hope you have not attributed the long delay of this
reply to your kind letter to indifference on my part.
Your expressions of continued affection were most
gratifying to me. It has seldom been the fate of a
man overwhelmed by misfortune to be cheered and
sustained by such true and generous friendship as it
has been my fortune to enjoy. A less noble people
than our own would, in the depth of their desolation,
ha\x- turned upon their leaders with reproach instead
of affectionate consolation. To me it has been the
greatest comfort, has made me prouder of those I
served faithfully, and makes me humbly wish I were
more w< irthy of such lasting regard.
I feel as you do, that the cause for which we strug-
was the community liberty ami constitutional
government our fathers left us, ami that 1 would trans-
mit to my children and their descendants the evidences
of our struggle to uphold the principles for which the
American Revolution was fought — hopeful that truth
and justice may yet prevail, as well by their intrinsic
force as by the purifying and stimulating influences of
the traditions of American conflicts with tyranny and
usurpation. With best wishes for you and yours, I am
truly your friend, Jefferson Davis.
John P. Hickman, Adjutant-General of the Tennes-
see Division since its organization, in 1892, enlisted as
a private in Company C, Seventh Cavalry, on Sep-
tember 1, 1862, when under sixteen years of age. He
was captured at the battle of Farmington, and was im-
prisoned at Fort Delaware the last eleven months of
the war. He was released on May 28, 1865. He has
been for several years very active in Confederate work.
He is Secretary of the following Confederate organiza-
tions : Association of Confederate Soldiers, Tennessee
Division ; Confederate Board of Pension-Examiners ;
Confederate Soldiers’ Home, and Tennessee Chicka-
mauga Park Commission. He practises law in Nash-
Gen. S. G. French, Pensacola, Fla. :
In your June number it is stated that Gen. Bushrod
R. Johnson, C. S. A., was “born in Illinois, and grad-
uated in a large class, of which Gen. U. S. Grant was a
member.” The biographical register of the graduates
of the U. S. Military Academy states (official) that he
was born in Ohio, appointed from Ohio, and graduated
Qoi)federate .
in June, 1840. Resigned from the army October 22,
1847; was professor of mathematics in Western Mili-
tary Institute. Georgetown, K\\, etc. The class that
graduated in 1843 was the one to which Grant be-
longed. Gen. B. R. Johnson was a good soldier, and
justly deserves all the encomiums given him and praise
beyond them all. I write this that you may correct the
error in your magazine. To belong in the same class
with Gen. Grant would add nothing to his fame.
William 11. Jewell was burn February 26. 1S40.
From early years he resided in Vicksburg, Miss. At
the outbreak of the war he was studying law in the
North, but ran the blockade and went in Manassas.
Va., where he enlisted in Comp ny A A icksburg Vol-
unteer Soutlin ms 1. Twenty- First Mississippi Regiment
of Infantry. Barksdale’s (afterward Humphrey’s) Bri-
gade. Me was wounded before Richmond during the
seven days’ tight, in [862. Upon partial recovery he
was detached, and in Novemb( r, [862, assigned to duty
at Charleston, S. O. principall) in the Eorts in Charles-
ton Harbor. In March. 1864 he was assigned to duty
with Gen. Wade Hampton, and served with him until
the end of the war. and was paroled at Charlotte, X. C.
Gen. Jewell is a lawyer b) profession, and is now in
command of the Third Florida Brigade, U. C. \ .
1 ri orge S. Fisher, Maryville, Tenn., wishes to know
il i apt. Crockett, of the Thirtieth Tennessee l\ej;i
(pent, is Still living, and where. lie write-: “At the
battle of ( hickasaw Bluffs Capt. \\ . P. \ an Dorn, of
the Fort} Ninth O. V. [., was shot four times, and lay
on the field expecting to die, when Capt. Crockett
came along and spoke to him kindly and grasped his
hand in an assuring way. Capt. Crockett then stepped
aside to speak to some one else, when a Confederate
private stepped up to Capt. Wan Dorn and demanded
his sword. The Captain begged to keep it; but the
private drew his musket as if to shoot, when Capt.
Crockett cried out, ‘Don’t shoot’.’ and sprang between
them, thus saving Wan Dorn’s life. This was the even-
ing after the battle, when the Confederates were tak-
ing prisoners and caring for their wounded. These
men have never met since. Capt. Van Dorn is still
alive, but helpless, having been a sufferer from wounds
received in this and other battles, and has but a short
time to live. I saw him in June, and when he found
that I was from Tennessee he begged that I would try
to find Capt. Crockett for him. He is a high-minded
( 1 ristian man. and feels a stn mg tie t< 1 ( apt. Crockett.”
1 1 1 1 r.-coL. w . 11
\ I I \N I A, GA.
W. P. bibs is .1 native of Smith Carolina anil a res-
ident of \tl ni a, Ga.. since 1869. lie was lieutenant
of Compan) I’.. Second South Carolina Volunteers,
Haygood’s Brigade. \.s he was .1 gallant soldiei so
has In- become prominenl a- a citizen of his adopted
state, and has for years been recognized a- a leading
lawyer in I leorgia. He is now First Lieutenant Com-
mander of Vtlanta Camp No. 150. I “.CM
Mai. 1 ‘alnw.iy ( i. Tucker, of the Thirt) Second Ten-
nessee Regiment, saw the beautiful flag illustrated in
the Jul}- \”i 11 ran at the \ e n ran office, Atlanta reun-
ion, and he states the regiment used a small flag
during the battle, and that this fine one was folded and
standing in Col. Cook’s tent when the surrender oc-
curred. The man who placed it in the pawn simp at
Dayton. Ohio, testified falselj in statin;; that it was
captured in a charge. That gallant regiment drove ev-
erything befor< it in the battle, that of l-‘ort Donelson.
W. W. Carnes, Lieutenant-Colonel and Inspector-
General on the staff of Gen. A. J. Yaughan. is a native
of Tennessee, born in Fayette County September 18,
1841, and later residing in Memphis, where his father,
Gen. James A. Carnes, was a prominent citizen before
the war. Col. Carnes was educated at the U. S. Naval
Academy, going through that institution with the class
of 1857. He resigned to cast his fortunes with the
South in 1861. Appointed drill-master of state troops
by Gov. Harris, of Tennessee, he was with Cheatham’s
Brigade at Union City, in camp of instruction, until
commissioned first lieutenant of artillery and ordered
to a light battery commanded by Capt. (afterward
Gen.) W. H. Jackson. After the battle of Belmont
Capt. Jackson, who had there rendered distinguished
services and been wounded, was promoted to colonel
of cavalry, and Carnes became captain of the battery
thereafter known by his name in the Army of Tennes-
see. At the battle of Chickamauga the loss in men and
horses in Carnes’s Battery is said to have been larger
than the loss in any battery in one engagement during
the entire war. In Saturday’s fight the battery was too
badly crippled for further service in that battle, and on
Sunday Capt. Carnes was placed on staff duty with
Lieut. -Gen. Leonidas Polk. After Chickamauga Gen.
Bragg complimented Capt. Carnes, and assigned him
to the command of a battalion of four batteries with
Gen. C. L. Stevenson’s Division, and in this command
he was engaged in the battle on Missionary Ridge.
His services as battery and battalion commander are
attested on the official tablets erected on those battle-
fields by the U. S. Commissioners for Chickamauga
and Chattanooga Military Park.
While with his battery Capt. Carnes was notified of
his appointment in the Confederate navy. Believing
he could do better service with the artillery, he decided
to remain with the army, and his name was borne on
the C. S. navy register as “furloughed without pay,
serving with the army.” until January, 1864, when,
he obeyed orders and reported to the commander of
the naval forces at Savannah. Ga., serving till the close
of the war as lieutenant in the C. S. navy. He was pa-
roled May 10, 1865. at Macon, Ga.
William Lowndes Calhoun, Colonel and Judge Ad-
vocate-General on the staff of Gen. Stephen D. Lee, is
a descendant of the Calhouns of South Carolina. He
was born at Decatur, Ga., November 21, 1837, and is
now a resident of Atlanta, only a few miles distant, and
has lived there since boyhood. He was admitted to
the bar when nineteen years of age, and practised law
with his father, Hon. James M. Calhoun, until the
opening of the war, when he entered the Confederate
army as lieutenant in Company K, Forty-Second Reg-
iment of Georgia Volunteers. He was afterward pro-
moted to the captaincy of the company, and served with
the regiment until severely wounded in the charge at
Resaca, May 16, 1864. He was in the battles preced-
ing the siege of Vicksburg, and endured all the suffer-
ing and hardships of the forty-seven days and nights
of that memorable siege, and was with Gen. Hood a
portion of the time on his march to Tennessee. After
the war he returned to Atlanta and resumed the prac-
tise of law. In 1873 he was elected to the Legislature
of Georgia, and served four years. In 1878 he was
elected Mayor of Atlanta, and served two years, his fa-
ther having occupied the same position during the war.
In January, 1881, he was elected judge of the court of
ordinary and probate, which office he held for sixteen
years. Judge Calhoun was President of the Atlanta
Camp, U. C. V., for five years, for several years was
Lieutenant-Colonel of the Fourth Battalion of Geor-
gia Volunteers, and is a prominent member of the Pio-
neer Society of Atlanta, Ga.
Confederate .
J. N. Smithee, Major and Aide-de-Camp on the staff
of Maj.-Gen. John J. Horner, commanding the Ar
kansas Division, U. C. V., was born in Sharp County.
Ark., January n, 1842. He was mustered into the
Confederate army as a private in Woodruff’s Batter}
May 21, 1861, at Little Rock, surrendered at Shreve-
port, La., and was paroled May 31, 1865, a first lieu-
tenant and adjutant of Blocker’s Battalion of Artillery.
He was a colonel on the staff of Gen. Baxter during the
celebrated Brooks- Baxter war in 1874. Commissioner
of State Lands for five years, chairman of the Demo-
cratic State Central Committee four years, unsuccess-
ful candidate for Governor in 1880. founder of t he Ar-
kansas Democrat, and editor and owner of the Arkansas
\laj. L. E. Abernathy, of Pulaski. Tenn., Aide-de-
Camp on Gen. \. 1. Vaughan’s staff, was the youngest
member of the Third Tennessee Infantry, C. S. A. He
was captured in the battle at Fort Donelson, Tenn.,
taken to Chicago, 111., and confined in Camp Douglas
eight months : was exchanged at Vicksburg, Miss., and
was afterward with his old regiment, the Third Tennes-
see. Since the war he has been in the banking and
mercantile business in Pulaski, and is now President of
the Commercial Bank and Trust Company there, and
is also at the head of a dry-goods firm.
Maid <-f 1 [onoi Cof A.I kansas.
Wreathe the graves with flowers,
Let fair hands adorn the sod;
Beneath it all that’s mortal lies,
While the soul has winged to God.
Their hattles fought, the cause was lost.
The brave and noble sons here lie;
la t charity’s mantle o’erspread them now,
They rest in peace with God on high.
No bugle’s sound will eall them hence.
Their work on earth was nobly done;
The truth let history’s pages tell
Of valor, chivalry, battles won.
No curfew tolled their parting time.
No loved ones near to soothe their brow;
They gave their all. they gave their life.
Their only hope a country’s vow.
Xo winding sheet, no funeral dirge
These noble Southern sons were given;
in hurried graves their bodies rest,
Their souls are resting now in heaven.
Confederate l/eterar>,
Col. Matthews is a native of Columbus, Ga., born
August 20, 1838. He entered the Confederate service
April 20, 1861, in the City Light Guards (Company A),
Second Georgia Battalion, and was ordered to Nor-
folk, Va. He was elected orderly sergeant of Compa-
ny A, Seventh Confederate Cavalry, July 1, 1862; was
appointed sergeant major in August following, and
was commissioned second lieutenant, as cadet and drill-
master, October 17, 1862, and placed in command of
artillery attached to the Seventh Confederate Cavalry,
under Hampton. In 1865 he served on the staff of
Col. Taliaferro, commanding Young’s Brigade, But-
ler’s Division. He was paroled August 12, 1865, and
now resides in Jacksonville, Fla. It will ever be a
grateful memory that Comrade Matthews secured the
under Gen. Joe Shelby, in Missouri. Capt. McCutch-
en participated in most of the prominent battles in the
Trans-Mississippi Department. He was wounded in
the battle near Brownsville. At the close of the war
first hundred subscribers in any city, Nashville ex-
cepted, solely through his devotion to the principles
set forth in the Veteran. He is a staff officer of the
Florida Division, U. C. V.
James Thomas McCutchen is a native of Carroll
County, Tenn., born in 1833. Previous to the war he
was engaged in mining in California, but sacrificed his
entire interests in that state to battle for his native
South. Arriving in San Antonio, Tex., he raised a
company, composed principally of men from Califor-
nia, Arizona, and New Mexico, who had come back to
defend their homes. His company was attached to the
Fourth Regiment (Col. Baird’s), Arizona Brigade,
and was assigned to duty under Brig. Gen. Bankhead,
afterwards under Gen. Cooper, in Arkansas, and later
he linked his destiny with that of Shelby, and followed
him into Mexico. Returning to Tennessee late in the
fall of 1865, he settled in Jackson, where he still resides.
He is a member of the staff of Gen. J. B. Gordon and
of Maj. Gen. A. J. Vaughan in state organization of the
United Confederate Veterans.
In the July Veteran, on page 322, there is an error
in the notice of Dr. Macon’s death. His name was
“Joseph” S. instead of “George” S. Macon.
Edward S. Lathrop, Atlanta, Ga. : “In the latter
part of 1864 I was captain of a light battery at Macon,
Ga., guarding the Federal officers. Gen. Stoneman
made his raid, and was captured by Gen. Howell
Cobb. Stoneman had a major, a Kentuckian, in whom
I became much interested. This major had dark skin,
black hair, and deep-brown eyes. He took the silver
spurs from his heels and insisted upon my wearing
them, which I did. I cannot remember his name or
home, and would be obliged for information of him.
John B. Wolf, of Cameron, Tex., is anxious to cor-
respond with any survivors of those who participated
in the capture of the Federal gunboat “Maple Leaf,”
off Cape Henry, in 1863. He says there were some
seventy-five Confederate officers who were being con-
veyed to prison, and among them remembers Col. A.
R. Witt, of Arkansas; Capt. O. J. Semmes and Lieut.
Ned McGowan, of the Confederate gunboat “Diana;”
Capt. Fuller, of the “Queen of the West;” Capt.
Holmes, of the Crescent Regiment, Louisiana ; and
Capt. Hughes, of Louisiana ; and his recollection is
that all the Confederate states were represented.
Confederate .
The old First Virginia Regiment, C. S. A., held its
annual reunion recently. Says the Richmond Despatch:
The old First has a history to be proud of. Bull
Run was but the first leaf in its laurel wreath. In the
battle of Williamsburg, May 5, 1862, the First cap-
tured Webber’s New York Battery, the only guns
taken by the Confederates in that battle. At Seven
Pines the First led the charge made by the brigade
which captured the enemy’s works. At Frazier’s
Farm Kemper’s Brigade, with the First, made history
in that wonderful charge through the brush and
swamp, reaching the enemy’s lines and seizing their
batteries. They were compelled, however, to relin-
quish them to the enemy, who outnumbered them
many times.
Second Manassas came, and to the First fell the duty
of capturing the enemy’s lines and guns at the Chinn
house. The batteries were taken and held, and here
it was that its colonel, F. G. Skinner, charged singly
far ahead of the advancing lines into the firing bat-
teries, sabering the cannoneers at their pieces. At
Boonsboro, Sheepsburg, Fredericksburg, and Suffolk
the history making was continued.
Pickett’s charge at Gettysburg tells the story of
what brave Virginians will dare and do. The First,
led by the gallant Lewis B. Williams, who fell on that
gory field, was the central regiment of Kemper’s Bri-
gade, and the record of one hundred and twenty killed
and wounded out of one hundred and fifty tells the
story of duty performed as they charged “into the jaws
of hell.” At New Berne (then Plymouth) the First
took important part. Then came Drewry’s Bluff.
Milford Station was the next point visited by the First.
Here the Fir9t and Eleventh fought for hours the ad-
vance of Hancock’s Corps, with the result that they
brought Grant’s army to a halt. The line of works
west of the Mattoponi River, opposite Milford, which
may be seen to this day, will testify that the enemy
thought he had before him Lee’s army, which was at
that time twenty miles away.
On June 16, 1864, at the Clay house, Gen. Lee’s
couriers called to the men to stop the charge, but, as
Gen. Lee said himself, he “could not stop Pickett’s
men from charging,” and the enemy was sent run-
ning from the trenches. Dinwiddie Courthouse, Five
Forks, and Sailor’s Creek close the history of the old
First, and the flag which carried the First to victory
on so many bloody fields was folded to be unfurled no
more, but history will not forget the men who dared
all for the cause they loved so well.
Capt. Howard, of Richmond, who commanded
Company I of the old First, has preserved the record
of his company. It is an interesting relic, and will be
given to the Confederate Museum.
Mr. W. H. Robbins, Partlow, Tenn., inquires as to
the regiments engaged in the skirmish at Sugg Creek
in 1863, their state and locality. Two men killed
there were buried on his place, and he hereby informs
their relatives or friends of their resting place. Their
names were Piper and McCormick.
Prof. C. W. Kent, M.A., Ph.D., Charlottesville, Va. :
“Fate denied them victory, but crowned them with
glorious immortality.” So runs the inscription on the
monument to the Southern soldier which keeps sentinel
over the gate of the Confederate cemetery at the uni-
versity, where lie buried one thousand and ninety-seven
soldiers who fell in the civil strife. The neat appear-
ance of the cemetery itself, and, far more, this splendid
monument, one of the most artistic yet erected to the
fallen brave, evidence the devotion of the Southern
women to the memorv of their soldier bovs. But the
University of Virginia and the whole South land will
soon have cause to praise anew and in larger measure
the zeal and success of these Southern women, with-
out whose assistance it is questionable whether a single
monument would now stand in a Confederate ceme-
tery. The university graveyard contains soldiers
worthy of all honor, but not a one of our own alumni.
What of them, whose valor and influence were every-
where known ? To our sorrow, not our shame, be it
said that plan after plan has been proposed to honor
them, but always the means was lacking.
When the war began there were living about two
thousand almuni of the LJniversity of Virginia. Of
these, about fifteen hundred sprang at once to arms.
So well had their Alma Mater trained them and so well
fitted were they for leadership that of the fifteen hun-
dred, “thirteen hundred bore commissions as officers,
from the Secretary of War down to second lieutenants,
from generals to subalterns.” It is well known that the
system of filling vacancies in the < )rdnance Department
by examination had to be abandoned because of the
dissatisfaction aroused by the fact that nearly all of the
successful men were from the University of Virginia.
Of the fifteen hundred or more in the service, four hun-
dred and sixty-three bravely gave their lives for the
cause they had gallantly espoused. Perhaps no insti-
tution, not even the military institutions, lost so large
a proportion of their serving alumni.
Almost ever since the war some fitting memorial of
these fallen brave has been discussed, and among the
plans two have been prominent, both of which ought
to he executed. In our beautiful Gothic chapel there
is left in the transept opposite the organ space for a
brass entablature of size adequate to contain the long
list of the killed ; but the space is still blank, a mute
Confederate l/eterai).
commentary not on the tardiness of chivalrous recog-
nition, but on the urgent demands of the living upon
all the available resources of the university. It is
hoped that this tablet may yet be put in place, though
this plan may be absorbed in a larger one to erect a
memorial hall, primarily to the fallen Confederates, but
as well to all the distinguished alumni. Harvard has
her splendid memorial hall, where of the long list of her
alumni, one hundred and thirty-eight names of fallen
soldiers are graven. In the miniature Parthenon some
time to adorn one of our beautiful knolls we will in-
scribe the names of three times as many, though our
alumni list was by no means so long as hers. On the
walls and around the rooms of this memorial hall will
be portraits and busts of our distinguished dead, and
in the archives will be preserved the precious memen-
tos of their lives and achievements.
This Memorial Hall, long contemplated, has now
been decided upon, and the ladies, particularly the pa-
triotic ladies of Richmond, have made the cause their
own. They will be earnestly supported, however, by
the alumni, who at their last meeting raised nearly
$2,000 for the purpose. In all, several thousand dol-
lars have already been collected, and to this sum the
Rector and Board of Visitors agree to add $1,000 as
soon as the consummation of the plan is assured. On
the part of the Ladies’ Confederate Memorial Associa-
tion Mrs. Joseph Bryan, of Richmond, Va., wife of the
editor of the Richmond Times, will answer all communi-
cations with reference to this laudable enterprise ; while
Prof. Raleigh C. Minor, Secretary of the Alumni Asso-
ciation, will be glad to confer with the alumni about
this movement.
To what purpose the hall will be put is as yet unde-
cided, except that it will be open to visitors and stu-
dents and will serve as a rendezvous for visiting alumni.
Reading rooms, committee rooms, probably a small
assembly hall, and other apartments will be provided.
It has been suggested, and the proposition will be
duly considered, that it will be feasible to use the build-
ing as a Y. M. C. A. building, and that in this event
the Y. M. C. A. would aid in the collection of funds
necessary for its erection. The Hall, if thus used,
would be under the supervision of the engaged Secre-
tary, who would do the honors of the building, bidding
welcome to all visitors. By this means, too, the build-
ing would always be open to the students, and would
furnish them a constant inspiration and keep forever
fresh in their minds the glorious deeds of their an-
cestors. The Harvard Hall is a dining hall ; would
it not be far more appropriate that a hall in memory
of the dead should be mainly devoted to the cause of
religion ?
Recapitulation of Confederate soldiers buried in the
University of Virginia cemetery, according to the
states from which they came: Alabama, 82; Florida,
13; Georgia, 224; Louisiana, 84; Maryland, 4; Mis-
sissippi, 89; North Carolina, 200; South Carolina,
181; Tennessee, 10: Texas, 12; Virginia, 192: not
stated, 29; unknown, 17. Total, 1,137.
The United Confederate Veterans, at their eighth
reunion, in Atlanta, July 21 (in a report by the History
Committee), adopted the following :
While we have of necessity adopted the policy of not
recommending any books or periodicals as represent-
ing fully the sentiments of our association, yet we must
continue to commend the Confederate Veteran,
published by Comrade S. A. Cunningham, at Nash-
ville, Tenn., which has for several years faithfully and
diligently collected the most valuable historic data pos-
sible — the personal testimony of our comrades from all
sections — and contributed largely to the maintenance
of our organization. We not only commend the Vet-
eran, but urge all who are interested in our sacred
cause to use diligence in its support.
The vote was so manifestly unanimous that the chair-
man, Gen. J. B. Gordon, Commander in Chief, said : “I
will not insult this assembly by putting the negative.”
Confederate l/eterar?
United 500s of Confederate l/eterar)$.
Organized July 1, 1899, Richmond, Va.
ROBERT A. SMYTH, Commas]. kk-in-Ciiikf. I ,.,_„,.-, , , , „„
DANIEL RAVENBL, Adjutant-Uenkkal, ) WW*”, Charleston, S.C.
it. ( . P. THOMAS, t OMMASDKK, t ,. , r, ,
. ai … 1 – -r am-. i Bowling Green, Ky.
K. B. WII.sox, run i\nn:, Galhilin, Tenn.
S^AWuS ”’,’,'” rm,,MN, ” l! – j DallHS.Tex.
Conducted by ROBERT A. SMYTH. Charleston, s. C.
Send all commnnioatlons for this department ‘” him.
[Comrades everywhere are nrged (■> commend th<- organization of
9ons. By doing >■> they may be veryhelpfnl to Commander Smyth, s.
The third annual reunion of the confederation has
come and gone, and a new year now opens before the
Sons of Confederate Veterans, in which hard work
must be done to continue the increase and growth of
the confederation in its various branches.
[“he reunion was a great success in many ways,
though the number of camps represented by delegates
was –mailer than was expected, there being onl) about
fortj camps actually represented. However, those
who attended worked hard for the advancement of the
order, and much was really accomplished at this reun-
ion. \ new constitution was adopted, which is .1 re
vise ot the old one with many needed changes. ll is
now a most complete document, and our work will
progress better under it. The proceedings are being
printed, and they will soon be distributed to the camps,
The Adjutant General’s report to the convention
showed that the number of camps had been increased
from thirty-seven, on the ist of July, 1897, to one hun-
dred and eight at this time. The numbers up to one
hundred and four were given in the last number of the
\ eteran. The new camps are as follows:
No. 105. Camp Charles W. Baldwin, Madison, Ga.
No. 106. Camp Ross R. Ihrie, Pittsboro, N. C.
No. 107. Camp John Mcintosh Kell, Griffin. Ga.
No. 108. Camp C. T. Zachry, McDonough, Ga.
The following new states were entered during the
past year, and camps formed in them: West Virginia,
Mississippi, Florida, and Missouri. The one hundred
and eight camps are now located in the divisions as
follows: Virginia, 14; North Carolina. 6; South Caro-
lina. 34: Kentucky, 5; Georgia, 24; Alabama, 2; Ten-
nessee, to; Texas. 7; West Virginia. 1 : Mississippi, 1 ;
Florida, 3 ; Missouri, 1.
It is proposed to push a vigorous campaign during
the next twelve months and increase the number of
camps in the Trans-Mississippi Department, and also
i;i the Army of Tennessee Department. While every
effort will be made to have the other divisions increase
their number of camps, special effort will be directed
toward the states where now there are so few camp–.
Tt is therefore earnestly asked that the comrades will
aid the officers in placing new camps in this territory,
and an earnest appeal is made to the Veteran camps
for their assistance, which is necessary to successfullv
develop Sons’ camps in these states. If the Veteran
camps will send to these headquarters the names of
young men through whom they think active work can
be done in organizing camps, full instructions will be
sent, with necessary papers, which will enable the Sons
to organize camps promptly. Surely Mississippi, Mis-
souri. Texas. Arkansas, and the other nonactive states
should bestir Sons to action ; so we confidently expect
that by the time of the Charleston reunion the) will do
so, and anyhow if the Veterans will lend their aid.
The report of the Quartermaster General showed
that the receipts for the year had been $46-‘. 75. with a
balance in bank at the time of the reunion of $127.05,
winch is certainly a most encouraging condition, al-
though the Adjutant General’s report showed that
only about one-halt” of the camps had paid their full
‘\ws. and stringent resolutions were adopt,-, 1 by the
onvention with reference to the delinquent camp’s.
Resolutions were adopted extending the sympathy
greeting of the comrades to those members of the
order who Were .it the front in the army. Resolutions
were also adopted condemning the partisan histories
in use in the schools of the South, and n
mending that suitable action 1 , „ M0 this
grave error.
The election of officers resulted as Follows: Robert
\ Smyth, Charleston, S. < ‘.., I ommander in Chief; R.
C. P. Thomas. Bowling Green, Ky., < ommander of
Northern Virginia Department: E. B Wilson. Galla-
tin. Tenn., Commander of Arm) of Tennessee De-
partment: Bennett Hill, Dallas. Tex.. Commander of
[Vans Mississippi Department. The various staffs of
these commanders will he given as SOOn as they shall
li.i\ e been appointed.
In making record of Commander in Chief Smyth’s
reelection the VETERAN would be derelict in duty not
to emphasize the credit due for his untiring energ) in
building up the organization of Sons. One young
man in each state with equal zeal could accomplish
amazing results for the cause of truth, of honor, and of
patriotism. Prominent as has been Mr. Smyth’s fam-
il) for generations, his lather entered the service as a
private in the Twenty-Fifth Virginia Infantry. He was
in the battle of Secessionville, April 16, 1862, and in
the engagements about Charleston generally, serving
continuously with his company in the Carolinas and
Virginia, and surrendered with Gen. J. E. Johnston’s
army in North Carolina.
His son. Robert A. Smyth, with nineteen others,
joined Camp Sumter in 1892. He was appointed by
Gen. C. I. Walker, commanding the South Carolina
Division. C. C. V., to organize a camp of Sons, and
when one hundred Sons had enlisted he was unani-
mously chosen Commandant of Camp .Moultrie, and
was unanimously reelected in 1895. Let every Veter-
an be diligent for the upbuilding of the Sons’ organiza-
tion throughout the South.
Confederate l/eterar>.
Notable Events of the Civil War.
Intimation or premonition of approaching battle
does not always spring from inside sources, nor is it
gained by apt study of the situation. You feel it in
the air or there is a pressure upon your mind or heart
you can’t account for. I noted on the morning of Sat-
urday, March 14, 1863, the rapid unloading of four
steamboats at the landings, which had come down out
of Red River, forty-five miles above, with provisions.
They were leisurely engaged up to the time a bit of
news reached them ; then their work livened up hugely,
and soon they completed all, and we saw them steam
up to the rich land which yielded us so many supplies
and whose interests were so deeply entwined with ours.
A week before the battle of Port Hudson my kins-
man, Lieut. -Gen. E. Kirby Smith, assumed command
of the Trans-Mississippi Department. It was really a
viceregal government — all civic and military power
vested in him by President Davis and approved by the
Governors of the three states included.
Little ” Nina Simms” was the fairy craft of our food
flotilla of four. Her function was to ply between Port
Hudson and Natchez, exporting our corn and import-
ing the meal thereof for our consumption. As for her
three mates, they were of a flesh-eating, Texas-steer,
cattle-train, carnivorous persuasion. A few cavilers
urged that “Nina” was much older than she looked;
that she was a relic of St. Christopher’s fleet of 1492.
Friday I had twice seen the thoroughgoing, straight-
forward Lieut. -Col. Marshall J. Smith. He was chief
of heavy artillery, and during the grand bombardment
was among his batteries from first to last. He directed
the firing, and took a hand wherever needed. While
this is the duty of every artillerist, I noted his perfect
business way beforehand. He arranged the ammuni-
tion and he gave full instructions to his gunners, and
he was able to handle them all, because he knew each
piece and its cannoneers, and had tested them all, his
cannons and his men. The organization of the signal-
service was well sustained, and each signaler under
Capt. J. W. Youngblood was trained beforehand for
each flag and rocket.
Saturday at noon a teamster — a regular waterside
character, who had. at the age of seventeen, made his
first flatboat trip to New Orleans with produce out of
the Yazoo valley — came up to Gen. Gardner and re-
ported that when he left Profit’s Island the Federal
fleet, under Farragut himself, was getting ready to run
by the batteries at night. This island rendezvous was
six miles below the fort. The teamster said he count-
ed seven warships, heavy and light, and then, in the
words and phrases of his calling, said : “The ‘Hartford’
will hitch the ‘Albatross’ well back, and the two will
make the lead-team ; then the ‘Richmond’ hitches the
‘Genesee,’ and there’s your swing-team. The ‘Mo-
nongahela’ and ‘Kineo’ are your wheelers. The ‘Mis-
sissippi’ has side-wheels ; she’ll have to go it alone.
She’s big as a wagon, and I guess the enemy may ‘wait
for the wagon’ a good while before a side-wheeler can
work past the batteries and call the turn at the bend in
front of town out into the channel.”
This grouping of the seven ships of Farragut struck
Gen. Gardner very humorously. The teamster had
given a perfect description. The “Hartford’s” spars
had caught the gaze of my mother when she looked
out upon the fleet from our home and saw the ponder-
ous ships lying off New Orleans, nearly a year before
this. This flag-ship had with her the ” Richmond” and
“Monongahela,” all three being screw-steamers of
heavy battery and tonnage. The “Albatross,” “Gene-
see,” and “Kineo” were light running.
Steaming north past our batteries, the enemy would
have our guns on his right, or starboard ; and, by lash-
ing the lighter ships well aft on the port side, he would
retain all their guns to be brought into service on no-
tice. This would give the heavier ships full play, and
the tender could draw the fighter out, should the latter
become disabled in her boiler or engines. The “Mis-
sissippi” must go it alone. Then the mortar schoon-
ers, five in number, were under the eye of the “Sa-
chem,” a coast-survey ship that served against the forts
below New Orleans.
We must not forget the “Essex,” the celebrated
ironclad. Now these seven ships would remain below
the batteries. I had a great deal of curiosity to see
this “Essex.” An elderly friend of mine had been
rambling along the levee in St. Louis in the summer of
1862, and noted the nautical shorthand letters upon
her two chimneys as she lay there in the afternoon.
There they shone — “S” and “X” — and the sailors of
the Federal vessel seemed proud of her share in the
fight at Fort Henry, up the Tennessee River, and
claimed she would work miracles as soon as her re-
pairing and refitting were complete. Much of the suc-
cess of our fort against this fleet was due to this pre-
vious knowledge of the plan of attack. The Mississip-
pi makes an almost due-east bend in front of Port
Hudson, and then the channel hugs the east shore in
due-south course. The turn at this bend is sharp —
ninety degrees — and a dangerous shoal stretches here
in front of the town. Now the fleet must pass the sev-
en batteries, reaching three and one-half miles. These
are situated upon the bluffs, forty to sixty feet above
the river. Port Hudson mounted twenty-two heavy
guns — two ten-inch and one eight-inch columbiads ;
three forty-two, one thirty-two, and two twenty-four
pounder smooth-bores ; and one thirty-two, four twen-
ty-four pounder rifles, and four sixty-two pounder Par-
rotts. Batteries No. 8 and No. 9 comprised two twen-
ty-four pound rifles, one thirty-two pound smooth-
bore, and one eight-inch shell-gun. To this must be
added over thirty field-pieces, which could be brought
into action with variable effect, and then run the haz-
ard of the shoal as well as the upper battery. Now, to
call this turn at this bend, a strong hand is needed, a
clear head, and a sufficiency of “best cards.” The
General had stacked light fuel for signal-fires upon the
shore opposite the batteries and headlights with pow-
erful reflectors down near the water’s edge. This
would exhibit the ships in the most striking light for
our gunners, thus making the dark night serve as a
blackboard or lantern-screen for them to make their
marks. Twenty-two guns commanded the river.
Confederate l/eterar).
Heavy ordnance, Port Hudson, March 14, 1863 :
Battery No. 1, Capt. J. F. Whitfield: Four sixty-
two pounder Parrotts.
Battery No. 2, Lieut. A. W. Harman : one forty-two
pounder smooth-bore ; two twenty-four pounder rifles.
Battery No. 3, Capt. R. H. Riley: one thirty-two
pounder rifle ; one forty-two pounder smooth-bore.
Kattery No. 4, Capt. W. B. Seawell : one eight-inch
and one ten-inch columbiad.
Battery No. 5, Capt. D. W. Ramsey : one ten-inch
columbiad ; one forty-two pounder and one thirty-two
pounder smooth-bore.
Battery No. 6, Capt. J. M. Kean : two twenty-four
pounder rifles.
Battery No. 7, Capt. J. M. Sparkman : two twenty-
four pounder smooth-bores.
Battery No. 8, Capt. W. N. Coffin : two twenty-four
pi umder rifles.
Battery No. 9, Capt. Felix Le Bisque: one eight-
inch shell-gun and one thirty-two pounder smooth-
I had traversed the line of fortifications landward.
Through our scouts we learned that Farragut would
proceed, unsupported by Gen. Banks, in command of
the land forces. Gen. Gardner had concentrated his
forces to the front, and the battle was well on. Port
Hudson was now a walled city, and, with his military
promptness and training, Gen. Gardner knew well
his forces, and they were in place. The front begins
from the left or southwest angle of the fortifications.
The Point Coupee batteries of Gen. Rust’s Brigade, at
Troth’s Landing, first received this tremendous fire.
At this point of picl et duty Capt. Fenner’s Louisiana
field-battery had been on duty the night before, but had
been changed to the northeast angle of the fort. Next
to the Rust batteries was Lieut. J. Watts Kearny’s fa-
mous thirty-pounder Parrott gun. and then began the
heavy guns first, Lieut. -Col. P. F. DeGournay’s
Twelfth Louisiana Battalion of Heavy Artillery, and
next the First Tennessee Battalion Heavy Artillery,
under De Gournay’s command ; then the battery
served by four companies from Col. I. G. W , Steed-
man’s First Alabama Heavy Artillery Regiment, the
remaining companies of this regiment being posted on
the bluff as sharpshooters. The corner in which I
served was, of course, the whole field. It was all that
I saw. The other batteries — well, has not Dame His-
tory written them fair in her pages
While down in the embrasure of Lieut. Kearny’s
bailiwick, his ” Parrott-cage,” about ten o’clock we
whiled away some time in seven-up, and twice my fancy
sailed along the casement of the heavy guns and swam
down the great river, homeward bound. Xow tins sail
or swim of fancy out through the window did not cause
me to lose sight of the game in hand.
Gen. Gardner was highly fortunate in his scouts.
He knew in advance and he was full) prepared, and
even waiting. The charm of night in a Gibraltar in
the repose of discipline, silence, and readiness, and the
concentration of forces, made a deep impression on me
from dusk on into the night, and 1 had an ample de-
scription in my journal of how things looked this hero-
ic night at I ‘oil 1 ludson.
So well arranged was this fort that the simple alarm
given by the sentinel alert and heard but a few yards
wis carried all around the lines with almost electric
impulse. We next heard the shouts from the sharp-
shooters across the river. This led to a quiet and or-
derly march to our posts of duty. I saw and felt the
magic spell.
I ven seven-up has no attractions when duty calls.
I looked out upon the river, as the curtain of the war
drama was rustling. < her there on the west shore
rises a hill, its red and its yellow clays reflecting the
glow of the kindling signal-fires. Word is flying to the
inhabitants of tin’ little post-hamlet in the vicinity of
POM HUDSON 1111 N’ OF 1 UK OBI’ \T ll< i\1 IIARDMF.NT.
Confederate .
either sliore. The night was not all overcast, but with
the deeper clouds of the cannonading soon to come we
felt that our enemy must rind it hard plowing in the
dark against a four-knot current. The height from
which we fired had its disadvantage : there was not as
good a chance for our balls to ricochet against the
armed vessels as there would have been had we occu-
pied a lower plane. The firing from vessels, as well as
from batteries ashore, did their part in lighting the aim
of gunners by the flashes. There sweeps a kindling
blaze across the west shore, where the accumulated
materials throw out the flickering beams, and then
broader sheets of flames, and now a spiral of fire and
a spiral of smoke soar and circulate. Those active
figures silhouetted by the bonfires show our men
are alert and working. Rockets scratch their bright
curves across the cloud background, and still the ene-
ni} driving up the great river has fired no gun. No
mortar has bellowed, no shell has yet overtured the
concert of action against the armada.
At this juncture Kearny and I were hailed by Capt.
Sparkman from the parapet down to us in the embra-
sure. Throwing the light of a lantern upward, we saw
the strongly featured face and alert manner of Capt.
Sparkman, as he shouted: “Hello there, Waterman!
Come over and help me speak to the enemy as they
pass by.” 1 felt happy in this hearty invitation, and
accepted it, asking him to wait for me. I bade good-
by to Lieut. Kearny, reminding him that I should be
around to see him “soon after the enemy passes or fails
to pass the batteries.”
The fleet consisted of the “Albatross,” “Genesee,”
“Kineo,” “Essex,” “Sachem,” -“Hartford,” “Rich-
mond,” “Monongahela,” and “Mississippi,” carrying a
total of one hundred and twenty-one guns.
( >ur signal-corps, Capt. Youngblood, on the oppo-
site shore, threw up the rockets, but we did not open
fire upon the fleet until it was abreast of a very large
headlight located in commanding position to guide our
aim, and then we opened simultaneously with the ene-
my and his mortar boats with the “Essex” and the
“Sachem.” This was at u p.m. The running fight
was not our chiefest danger, however thrilling, but the
galling fire of the mortars, with the “Essex” and “Sa-
chem” bearing a hand, was just as keen as that poured
upon the forts below New Orleans, and one which we
could not reach, much less silence. The mortar fleet
with the “Essex” and “Sachem” did not intend to run
by the town. The tall-sparred “Hartford,” lashed
with her tender, “A.lbatross,” took the lead. It was
the way Admiral Farragut had. There never was a
battle fought to order with such -correctness as this.
The hard horse-sense teamster foretold the order of at-
tack, and Gen. Gardner’s preparations were all com-
plete. The “Hartford” had just reached the lower
battery, tendered by her “Albatross.” I saw the
“Hartford,” “Richmond,” and “Monongahela,” hav-
ing glimpses of them through the cannon smoke so
vivid that I should know them again anywhere at any
time. There was unusual cloudiness, the night being
still, and the fires on the opposite shore added to the
mass of vapor ; but our batteries knew their business.
and the enemy soon found it beyond his power to keep
to the “middle of the road” up to the bend, where the
most critical point of danger awaited him.
During this terrific bombardment, from 11 P.M. till
after i a.m., I had some queer thoughts, that were not
as tranquil as those of a Sunday-school pupil. \\ e
could only stand to our guns and ply them “steadfast
to the end.” Here was a new thing the Yankee ad-
miral had devised : the doublmg-up of warships with
gunboats, in the lead, swing, and wheel-team style.
But our lower battery had sustained the opening at-
tack and the heaviest shelling from the mortars. We
had the “Essex” on the hip, while the “Sachem” fre-
quently did not “speak” as she passed us back and
forth. In one hundred and fifty minutes two hundred
and ninety-six bombs came our way and on up to
town. These shells of terror were yet things of beau-
ty as they cut their way athwart the heavens. I see
them even now, cleaving their shining, hissing paths,
crossing each other in points of bursting brilliancy —
all gorgeous yet horrible designs thrown across the
aerial trestle board of war’s master workmen. Even
at this day, amid summer night festivals, where fire-
works and music rival each other, I startle at the hiss-
ing, coruscating meteors shooting upward, for they
conjure up to me, as to thousands of comrades, the vi-
sions of long days and nights of siege, when these sky-
scraping curves of terrific beauty flashed overhead ;
and then there boomed from the armed ships in the
great river at our feet the plunging missile, the pon-
derous cannon-ball.
Again must I mention the persistency and attention
to details which I observed as our chief of artillery
moved through all the batteries, present wherever most
The cloud of battle now grew heavier, and we were
forced to fire by the flashings of the hostile guns. The
reckless “Essex,” which had served in the earliest of
these river battles — Fort Henry, in February, 1862 —
drove as nigh to the shore as the elevation of her guns
permitted, but she must remain below us with the mor-
tar fleet. We often heard voices of officers aimed at
their gun-crews, who seemed to flinch from duty. This
came through the darkness, and we could only find
her by the flashes of her guns. We spat out our shot
and shell against her casemates, and she belched forth
sheets of fire in return, aiming by our flashes. I had
the pleasure (being a water-man) of aiding Capt.
Sparkman in estimating distances, calculating curves,
and allowing for windage, and he commanded the
guns with effective accuracy. The “Hartford” and
the “Albatross” made the turn in front of the town,
while the others tried it and were baffled. The heavv
Confederate l/eterar?.
cloud of vapor and cannonade, even with snatches of
light by which we fired “on sight with faith” straight
ahead, could not prevent me from identifying the sec-
ond Federal ship. This “Richmond” was in the field.
She kept her place in the procession next the “Hart-
ford.” There she lies aground at the very bend, grind-
ing upon the shoal. Her engine is crippled beyond re-
pairing under fire, and the tide is too strong for her to
stem. The watchful eyes of the batteries concentrated
their energies, and the fire was precise and timely, so
that she must “make the best of her waj into port.”
The ••Richmond” turned south to escape this splendid
artillery service, and at i a.m. she ran the gantlet
with her tender, the “Genessee.” The “Mono
hela” did not have the luck of the “Hartford,” and
she had to turn back. The skilful cannoneers held
the town, and made it impossible for even the stoul
est ship to take the bend. With disabled engine and
the perils of navigation under the dense cloud with
the swift current, she turned back and ran the gantlet,
passing so near the shore thai it was with the greatest
difficulty we depressed our guns sufficiently, and hence
man)’ shots passed i-vcr. The ” M onongahela” *
firing while drifting by, and our sharpshooters, with
their musketry, made her gunners lie low.
But there on our righl was the grand feature of the
“Mississippi,” untendered, trying to “go it alone” —
this huge old man-of-war aground upon the shoal,
managing beneath our heavy concent r ted fire to re-
move her sick and wounded I” the wesl bank, her
captain, Melancton Smith, and First Lieut. < icorge
Dewey the last to leave her. She was fired, because
she was unsupported by the other ships, and was being
hulled by three batteries having her range. Out of
two hundred and ninety-seven, the “Mississippi” found
sixty-four missing, of whom twenty-five were believed
to have been killed. She ran aground by failure of
pilotage. It was after 5 a.m.. March [5, thai this burn
ing ship exploded, a1 a safe distance below the mortar
fleet. \dmiral Farragul had carried his “Hartford”
around the bend under fire and succeeded in pulling off
the shoal, so that, with the “Albatross,” only two of
the seven ships called the turn. The blockade of the
mouth of Red River, which these vessels maintained,
was gained at great cost. The Federal fleet, two out of
seven, spent the day after the battle in repairing dam-
ages, and all repaired aboard the flag-ship for worship.
It might have been a personal in the village pa
“Mr. David G. Farragut and a part} of friends Sun-
dayed in Waterloo, resting after the ball six miles
down the river the night before, with its brilliant dis-
play of fireworks.”
• Mir battery tired solid shot, shell, and shrapnel with
precision and persistency whenever our guns could be
brought to bear, and each member of No. 7 has been
entertaining all these years a prett) solid satisfaction
over having added his share to the injuries inflicted
upon the’ great ships in the river. Vessel after \
retired from the battle, and one drifted down oul of
range; and the bombardment that had opened up so
destructively at 11 p.m. was a mere breath about 2 v.m.,
the enemy falling back discomfited.
Resuming position alongside of Lieut, J. Watts
Kearny in the subsequent i ‘tigs, m\ agitation
was lessened, because 1 could now see more clearly,
and 1 found inn.]; to enthuse me. It must not be im-
agined that luridit) of description failed us. Now,
when the Federal ships had done their prettiest, and
only two had “made the riffle” of the shoal at the
bi nd, we watched the burning of the huge old “Mis-
sissippi.” The swift, unfailing current had “cinched”
this floating fortress of nineteen guns, and at ,} \m
she slowl) swung her head round down-stream, still
tling with the flames. By the time she reached
our lower battery the guns of her port broadside —
speechless during the ascent of the river, when sin-
worked her starboard guns exclusively — began to
“make the old girl feel her oats considerably” — so said
a cannoneer wh > had seen her below New Orleans in
the spring of 1862, and had left his shattered left arm
^”^W 5 ^
m ■-
down in the surgeon’s cockpit of his ship, a right
good reminder of her skill in artillery. As the “Mis-
sissippi” got her wrath up we were all suddenly seized
with the desire to burrow like rabbits in the rocky
depths of our sheltering battery. You know how it is
with the cannoneers who lie down to sleep under their
guns : they wake up as soon as the guns cease firing.
It was in some way a premonition, say what you will ;
for Kearny and I looked about us, and lo ! there were
the heavens all aglow, the finale of the vanquished war-
ship. Although she had floated down toward Profit
Island, five miles below, she had life enough, being
feminine by nature, to make her want to kick some-
body ; and the end came when her magazine exploded,
at half past five in the morning, shocking the very
earth and troubling the waters of the great river. The
deceased leaves a sister ship, some three years junior
of the “Missouri” and the “Mississippi,” to mourn her
loss, the “Michigan,” of the Great Lakes. The sailors
of the “Mich.” do not call her “Our love is a high-
born lady,” but sing, “Sweet thing, she has seen better
days.” I even wish I could have written the “Missis-
sippi” a good send-off in the Philadelphia Ledger style,
something like this: “Gone, but not forgotten. Gone
to join her sister ship, the ‘Missouri,’ who ‘went off’ the
very same way twenty years before in the bay of Gi-
braltar. No flowers.”
The masts and spars of the “Hartford,” “Rich-
mond,” and “Monongahela” were firmly marked in
my memory, so that I recognized them in the Bay of
Mobile, leading in the armada of fourteen ships and
four monitors, when, as officer of the deck aboard the
“Gaines” in the morning watch, August 5, 1864, a year
and a half subsequently, I made due report to the lieu-
tenant commanding, who came on deck and called all
hands to fight ship.
The enemy was sadly turned, only the flag-ship and
tender making that point. The other two ships re-
turned, while the great “Mississippi” was blown up.
The value of Red River to the Federal forces as a stra-
tegic point, so maintained by Lieut. Cenas, remained
with them to the end of the war. Gen. Gardner was a
New Yorker, appointed from Iowa to West Point,
graduating in 1843, serving through the Mexican and
civil wars, and locating in New Orleans. The master-
ly defense of Port Hudson speaks for itself. The Gen-
eral’s prompt acceptance of the new order of things and
his hearty cooperation with his fellow citizens made
him deservedly popular. The fame of the twin “Gi-
braltars” of the Mississippi needs no illustration or
eulogy at the writer’s hand, and the honor of having
been under the concentrated fire’of this Federal bom-
bardment remains to each and every participant a sol-
emn memory, even unto his life’s end.
Fielding Kenley, who served under Gen. John H.
Morgan, in Company A, Sixth Kentucky Cavalry, and
who received twenty-six Mexican dollars as pay for his
services as a Confederate soldier, in May, 1865, at
Washington, Ga.. has preserved one all of these years,
and donates it to the Sam Davis Monument Fund.
Bids are asked for this dollar, and the highest re-
ceived by October 1 will entitle the bidder to this war
souvenir. Comrade Kenley lives at Columbia, Mo.
I think it would be well through the Confederate
Veteran to discuss reunions, in order that they may
be as enjoyable as possible to Confederate veterans, for
whom they were inaugurated.
I am induced to make this communication because
in directing the reunion of 1897 our committee was
much embarrassed in its plans, not knowing just where
its authority extended, and the views here expressed
were those of our committee after the reunion :
1. A community invites the Confederate soldiers to
hold a reunion, regardless of whether or not they are
members of the U. C. V.
2. The U. C. V. are invited to hold their meetings
during the reunion.
3. The host agrees to provide such accommodations
as will enable the U. C. V. to properly transact their
business, and also promises to do all in its power to
properly care for all Confederate soldiers who come.
4. The local committee should have entire charge of
all things connected with the reunion.
5. The U. C. V. of course have entire charge of all
things connected with their meetings.
Does it not look a little odd for the Commanding
General at the opening exercises to introduce speakers
who are to welcome him and the U. C. V.? Would it
not be more appropriate for the committee to attend to
this, and after the addresses of welcome to turn the
meeting over to the U. C. V., when their representa-
tive can respond ?
Whether or not there shall be a parade or any
kind of entertainment should be determined by the
committee. If a parade is to be had, its organization,
line of march, etc., should be carefully digested and a
diagram made, in connection with a circular of infor-
mation, and copies be delivered to the various delega-
tions as soon as they arrive, or before ; and should be
so simple and generally understood that there will be
no confusion. It can be so.
We should remember that the reunion is for the
Confederate soldiers, and we should not permit in the
parade any but Confederates. It is not how big a pro-
cession we can have, but how Confederate. Such an
arrangement would be much more attractive to the
public and more enjoyable to the veterans.
I fear there is a tendency to give too much promi-
nence to the display of officers and not enough to the
private soldier. We must remember that the Confed-
erate cause has not warmer hearts to beat for it than
those of the private soldiers. Give them prominence.
By order of the U. C. V., each state is entitled to one
sponsor and one maid of honor, who have recognition
in the convention ; and by custom the committee pro-
vides entertainment for these. Is it not a mistake for
the home folks and extra maids of honor and sponsors
to monopolize the choice seats at the convention and at
entertainments given to the reunion? This is enjoy-
able to them, but how about the veterans (many of
whom will never attend another reunion) being thus
side tracked? Let us have a discussion of this whole
matter before the next year, that the Charleston com-
mittee may have the views from various quarters.
^opfederate .
The editor of the Confederate Veteran acknowl-
edges receipt of an invitation to the thirty-second na-
tional encampment of the Grand Army of the Repub-
lic, at Cincinnati, September 5-10.
As of interest to personal friends of the writer, the
following extracts are made from a letter by Paul D.
Cunningham, U. S. Engineer Service, to his father.
It is dated July 25, 1898, at Bay Guanica. Porto Rico :
We arrived this morning. A handful of marines
went ashore and found some two hundred Spanish sol-
diers in the town. The battalion of engineers were the
first troops ashore. They went through the town and
established outposts a mile and a half out all around
The resistance here amounts to nothing. I got ashore
about ten o’clock, and made a sketch showing position
of outposts. After luncheon 1 went ashore again with
small escort and made reconnoissance for road from
landing to be established at deep water. My first day’s
field work is for the most part done, and I am quite
happy. The volunteers, who make up a large part of
this expedition, are practically all armed with Spring-
field rifles, instead of the Krag-Jorgensen, and I fear it
will prove a handicap. However, I have no doubt of
our success. Am perfectly well, and am glad I am here.
The memorial volume to Jefferson Davis, by Rev. Dr. J.
William Jones, containing 672 pages, together with the Vet-
eran, for $2.25. This is the reduced price of the book alone.
“The Sam Davis Drama.” The most important events of
Sam Davis’ life are contained in W. D. Fox’s drama, which is
a history of the Confederate hero’s matchless deed, for which
he gave his life. The book lias ihe flattering indorsement of
the press and of able critics. The price has been reduced
from fifty cents to twenty-five cents a copy, and is supplied by
the Confederate Veteran. The eminence of the character
will make it all the more desirable to possess this splendid
production by Mr. Fox. Any subscriber who, in remitting a
renewal, will send a new subscription can have the drama free,
The Cosmopolitan Club, of Chicago and Baltimore, has re-
nu’inliered the Veteran in a substantial and most gei
way. The Treasurer, William S. lleffstra, sends from Balti-
more (210 Law Building) the recently completed “American
Encyclopedic Dictionary,” in twelve volume*, complimenta-
ry, express paid. In a lettei !
“You no doubt know that editors of reference works of this
character have failed to treat with fairness history and biogra-
phy relative to the South. This fact during the past years
has been brought to our attention in many ways, and we de-
termined in issuing the work we ship you to include in our
list of contributors Southern gentlemen competent to write
true history, without bias, of such articles as have been un-
questionably heretofore tainted by prejudice We believed
the time to be opportune to make nationally known facts in
history that heretofore have been suppressed for reasons indi-
cated in the foregoing. We should appreciate a careful exam-
ination of the work along the lines suggested, and particu-
larly the article on the Confederacy and Confederate veterans,
in Volume XL, and a few biographies of the leading Confed
erate generals. The two articles named, as well as biograph-
ical sketches, were contributed by J. William Jones, D.D .
Chaplain General of the Confederate Veteran organization.
We feel that wc are justified in asking not only your personal
influence to aid an enterprise of this character, but for the
consensus of a favorable opinion of the Confederate organi-
zation as a body at your next annual reunion, and shall appre-
ciate whatever effort you may make and influence you may
exert in this direction.”
“Many books have been written on the subject,” says a
Daughter of the Confederacy, “but we doubt if any of them are
of deeper interest than ‘Life in Dixie During the War.’ ”
It was published in 1892, and has now reached its third edi-
tion in a volume of four hundred pages. While possessing all
the charms of romance, it is a recital of facts concerning the
war. which occurred in the heart of the Confederacy. Writ-
ten in the first person, it has an unusual vividness of style.
The author’s descriptions are truly remarkable. The reader
seems to be living in those days and a witness to the scenes
described. Historic facts are brought out regarding the
siege of Atlanta which are perhaps found nowhere else. The
author spared no pains in preparation of the book. Not the
least of its merit is its pure English diction, with unsurpassed
pathos in many of its pages. The heroism of men, the daring
ol boys, and t lie endurance of women are alike skillfull v
ed. The author. Miss Mary Gay,’ was as true to the “Lost
Cause” as any one who lived through that trying period.
I commend the book to all ex-Confederates, their children
and grandchildren, to all Daughters and Sons ol the Confed-
and to all who wish a thrilling but true recital of life in
Dixie during the war. the authors home is in the pretty
little village of Decatur, Ga.
The students of the University of the South are preparing
to publish their ’98 Annual as a tribute to the late Bishop C.
T. Quintard. Tne publication of these Annuals has been
discontinued for the last year or two owing to the expense
and labor incident to getting them out, but the desire of
evexi one al Se« mee that the univeisity as a body should
in some way make manifest its love and respect” for the
Bishop’s nieinoH led lo the revival of Caf and i.mtcm this
As is well known, a few years after the close of the war
Bishop Quintard came to Sewanee, and in the face of appar-
entlv Insurmountable obstacles revived the univeisity, which
was projected by Bishops Polk and Otey just before the war.
At a lime when Southern affairs were gloomy from every
standpoint he courageously worked for the university, and
by his enthusiasm and personal influence gathered around
him a coterie of professors not less devoted than himself to
this cause of higher Christian education. The result of
these unselfish efforts is the present University of the South.
and it is fitting that the students of that institution should
show their gratitude for his work as well as love and rever-
ence for him personally by dedicating their chief publication
to his memory.
Confederate veterans and college students alike were
drawn to the Bishop by ties of personal association; the
former knowing and loving him as a chaplain devoted to the
lost cause, the latter as the founder of their university and
Bishop whose home was among them.
The Annual will open with a sketch of Bishop Quintard
written by his successor. Bishop Gailor, and. besides contain-
ing numerous photographs and drawings, will have some-
thing to say about all matters of interest in Sewanee. Any
Veteran wishing a copy can obtain all necessary information
by addressing Business Manager Cap and Gown ’98. Sewa-
nee, Tenn.
Confederate Veteran.
by local applications, as they cannot reach the dis-
eased portion of the ear. There is only one way I”
. tfness, :md that is by constitutional reine-
Deafness is caused bv an inllamed condition
c.£ the mucous lining of the Eustachian 1 ube.
When this tube is inflamed von have a rumbling
ierfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed
deafness is the result; and unless the inflammation
. taken out and this tube restored I., its nor-
mal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever.
Nine cases out of ten are caused bv catarrh, winch
is nothing but an inllamed condition of the mucous
surfaces. _
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case
.,f Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be
eared In Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars,
free. ” F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
~ “Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Many delightful summer resorts are
situated on and reached via the Southern
Railway. Whether one desires the sea-
side or the mountains, the fashionable
hotels or the country homes, they can be
reached via this magnificent railway.
Asheville, N. C, Hot Springs, N. C,
Roane Mountain, Tenn., and the moun-
tain resorts of East Tennessee and West-
ern North Carolina — “The Land of the
,Skv”— Tate Springs, Tenn., Oliver
Springs, Tenn., Lookout Mountain,
Tenn., Monte Sano, Huntsville, Ala.,
Lithia Springs, Ga., and various Virginia
springs; also the seashore resorts are
reached by the Southern Railway on
convenient schedules and at very low
The Southern Railway has issued a
handsome folder, entitled “Summer
Homes and Resorts,” descriptive of
nearly one thousand summer resort ho-
tels and boarding houses, including in-
formation regarding rates for board at
different places and rates to reach them.
Write to C. A. Benscoter, A. G. P. A.,
Southern Railway, Chattanooga, Tenn.,
for a copy of this folder.
On August 1 the Cotton Belt will se-
cure an entrance into Dallas.
For a number of years this great rail-
way system has run its passenger trains
almost by the “gates of Dallas,” so to
speak, but has never heretofore made an
entrance into the city.
This will no longer be, for the trains of
tliis popular line will now run into the
verv heart of Dallas, and into the hand-
somest passenger depot in Texas. A
trackage arrangement has been made
with the Santa Fe, whereby the Cotton
Belt will operate its own trains into Dal-
las over the tracks of the latter line.
This is a big move, both for Dallas and
the Cotton Belt. It will give the former
another large railroad system, and’ the
latter an entrance into the metropolis of
North Texas. Besides, it will place the
Cotton Belt in a much better position to
secure Texas business, securing for it, as
it does, the shortest and quickest line to
Dallas, and enabling it to make direct
connections with all of the roads leading
from Dallas.
With the inauguration of its new line
into Dallas, the Cotton Belt will operate
through Pullman Buffet Sleeper service
between Memphis and Galveston, via
Dallas and the Santa Fe. This will give
the Cotton Belt through car service to
Alvarado, Cleburne, Temple, Cameron,
Caldwell, Brenham, Rosenberg, Galves-
ton, and many intermediate points, in ad-
dition to its already splendid service to
Dallas, Fort Worth, Greenville, Tyler,
Corsicana, and Waco. With its new and
increased facilities for handling business,
the Cotton Belt will easily maintain its
present reputation of being the favorite
line to Texas.
The ” Lone Star is waving”— the flag of the free-
Then strike for Texas if men you would be.
No idlers are wanted, the thrifty and wise,
To wealth and high station can equally rise.
Where corn, oats, and cotton, the richest of loam
Which yields to the settlers provisions and home,
Trees of every description arise on each hand,
From alluvial soil to the rich table- land.
Here springs are exhaustless and streams never dry,
In the season from winter to autumn’s bright sky
A wide panorama of prairie is seen,
Of grasses of all kinds perennially green.
Here millions of cattle, sheep, horses, and goats
Grow fat as if stall-fed or fattened on oats.
No poverty is found in the mighty domain,
To the man who exerts either finger or brain.
Here are homes for the millions, the rich and the
While Texas opens wide her hospitable door.
She has thousands of acres — yes, millions — to sell,
Yet can point without cost to where preemptors
can dwell.
Her terms will be easy with those whom she deals,
While security, all, in their title can feel.
Buy land while ’tis cheap, and the finest select,
‘Twill, young man, prove a fortune when least you
Old man, for your children, buy, file it away;
A Godsend ’twill prove on some rainy day.
For a handsome book free, fully describing this
wonderful country, address E. P. TURNER, Gen-
eral Passenger and Ticket Agent Texas and Pacific
Railway, Dallas, Tex.
Illinois Central Railroad Company.
Operate Finest Vestibuled Pullman Ob-
servation Sleeping-Cars daily between
Kansas City and Galveston via the K..
C., P and G. R R. to Shreveport, H. E.
and W T Ry. to Houston, and G C.
and S. F. Ry to Galveston. Dining-
Car Service via this line between
Shreveport and Kansas City Meals on
the cafe plan— pay for what you get, and
at reasonable prices.
Passengers to and from St. Louis and
the East make close connections via Fris-
co Line at Poteo. via Iron Mountain or
Cotton Belt Routes at Texarkana or
via Cotton Belt Route at Shreveport.
Through sleepers via Q and C. Route
from Cincinnati and Chattanooga make
close connections in union depot at
Shreveport. No transfers via this route
Close connections in Central Depot at
Houston with through trains for Austin,
San Antonio, Eagle Pass, El Paso. Rock
port, Corpus Christi, and all Southern
and Western Texas and Mexico points.
Be sure to ask for tickets via Shreve-
port Route For rates, schedules, and
other information see nearest ticket
agent, or write R- D. Yoakum,
6 Gen. Pass. Agt.;
T. P. A., Houston, Tex.
The board of directors of the Illinois Centra’
Railroad Company, at a meeting heldjulyai, 1857,
adopted the following preamble ami resolution:
To the end that the stockholders of the Illinois
Central Railroad Company may more readily attend,
in person, the annual meetings of stockholders,
which the bylaws require to be held in Chicago on
the last Wednesday in September in each year, be it
Resolved, That until the further order of this
hoard there may be issued to each bolder of one or
more shares of the capital stock of the Illinois ten
tral Railroad Company, as registered on the books
of the Company, a ticket enabling him, or her, to
travel free over the Company’s lines from the sta-
tion on the Illinois Central Railroad nearest to his,
or her, registered address, to Chicago and return,
for the purpose of attending, in person, the meet-
ings of stockholders. Such ticket to be good for
the journey to Chicago only during the four davs
immediately preceding, andthe day of, the meeting,
and for the return journey from Chicago only on
the day of the meeting, mid the four days immedi-
ately following, when properly countersigned and
stunned in the president’s office.* Such a ticket
may Be obtained Dy any registered holder of stock
on application, in writing, to the president of the
Company in Chicago. Each application must state
the full name and address of the stockholder exact*
ly as given in his, or her, certificate of stock, to-
gether with the number and date of such certificate.
No more than one person will be carried free in
respect to any one holding of stock as registered on
the books of the Company.
By order of the board of directors.
The next annual meeting of the stockholders of
the Illinois Central Railroad Company will be held
at the office of the Company in Chicago, on Wed-
nesday, September 2S, 1S9S, at noon.
*Tbese tickets will now be countersigned and stumped in the
office ofW. G, ERUEN, Assistant Secretary, Chicago.
The great through line from
St. Louis to Kansas City, St.
Joe, Omaha, Pueblo, Denver,
and Salt Lake. Try the New
Fast Train, Kansas and Ne-
braska Limited.
Iron Mountain Route,
The most direct line via
Memphis to all points in Ar-
kansas and Texas, West and
Southwest. Free reclining
chairs on all trains. Through
coaches Memphis to Dallas
and Ft. Worth.
For maps, rates, free books on Texas,
Arkansas, and all Western States, and
further information, call on your local
ticket agent or write
Louisville, Ky,
H. C. TOWNSEND, G. P. and T. A..
St. Louis, Mo.
Confederate Veterans.
Those Dreadful
“Not to take
a cure for
an otherwise
fatal ilisease
is to commit
Tf you suffer from Fits, Epilepsy. Bt. Vitus’ Dance, etc., have
children or relatives that do so, or know people that are afflicted,
my New Discovery, EPILEPTICIDE, will cine them, and all you
are asked to do is to send for a Free Bottle and to try it. 1 am
quite prepared to abide by the result. It has cured thousands
where everything else has failed. Please give name and full ad-
dress. DR.” \V. H. MAY, May Laboratory, 96 Fine St., New York.
“Some Rebel Relics,” by Rev. A. T. Goodloe. Cloth. $l.
“The Southern Cross,” by Mrs. L. R. Messenger. $1.25.
“Four Years in the Stonewall Brigade,” by J. O. Casler. $2.
“The Other Side,” a thrilling poem of 900 lines, by Virginia
Frazier Boyle, Mr. Davis being her theme. $1.
“Bright Skies and Dark Shadows,” by Henry M. Field,
D.D. $1.50. This book comprises a series of letters on the
South. Fifty pages are devoted to the battle of Franklin.
The closing chapters are on Stonewall Jackson ami R. E. Lee.
“Old Spain and New Spain,” by Dr, Field. $1.50. Sent
with live subscriptions free.
Subscribers to the Veteran can have any book in above
list, post-paid, at half-price by sending one new subscription
A few years ago it was regarded as next to impossible to
procure a copy of “Annals of Tennessee,” by Dr. J. G. M.
Ramsey. Second copies sold at from $2.50 to $5. By good
fortune the Veteran has secured part of an edition, and will
furnish them, together with the Veteran for a year, at $2
TJ/ie Smith ZPreinier TJt/pewr/ter
jCeadj them at/.
Jor Catalogue, iPrices, etc., address
firandon SPr/nt/ny Company,
|pv roAfr Ay permission to t*A*y
£tiito r of in a tyetoran.
9/as/iv///e, 7jenn,
77TJM/VYI noTHiwcnup
me Youth’s E
Advocate, gj
Nashville, Tenn.
In Gold, Bicycle.
Watch, Diamond
lg, or a Scholarship
Draughon’s Bus.
College, Nashville.
Tenu,, Galveston or
Texarkana, Texas, or
in almost any other Bus. College or literary
School for a small club of subscribers.
The Youth’s Advocate is a 16-page journal, read
with interest and profit by people of all ages.
Non-denominational. Est’d 1800. Stories and
other interesting matter well illustrated. Any
one of the several departments is worth its sub-
scription price. It is a practical educator as well
as a high toned literary paper. Indorsed by
State officials, teachers and others. Agents want-
ed. Sample copy sent free. A ddress as above.
r’ A White Negro ir^Ms
as the Afro- American Encyclopedia.
containing over 400 articles embracing
every topic of Interest to the race, by
more than aoo Intelligent Negro men and
women. It Is decidedly the £■>/ work. he
Tflg re hat product!. Sel 1 s to everv f am
*ly. Agents are having a harvest.
I-argest commissions ever offered. .1
/. :■■ ^.:i,t men wautadon salary. 9
J. T. Haley & Co., Publishers, Nashville, Tenn.
?oT R roof leak?
Old Roofs Made Good as New.
If an old leaky tin, iron, or steel roof,
paint it with Allen’s Anti-Rust Japan.
One coat is enough; no skill required;
costs little; goes far, and lasts long.
Stops leaks and prolongs the life of
old roofs. Write for evidence and cir-
culars. Agents wanted.
Allen Anti-Rust Mfg. Co.,
This Pea seat tree with
subscriptions to Veteraa.
Great Bargains in f]DP A WC
church UnuMiiD
We have a large stock of ehnrch organs which
we mnsi reduce at once. Kino instrunienisnt
rmlf to two-thirds regular values. Prices from
1125, f-im. fcuti and upwnrd to $1200. A slightly
used 2 manual organ in perfect order for only
$4 JO. Let us hear from you. m
LTOlf & HEALY, 199 Wabash Ave., Chicago.
Or $4 scat for pea will get
the Veteraa oae year free.
(^federate l/eterai).
” Only Perfect Bath Cabinet”
Latest patent Aprils, 18SB. Absolute-
ly the Only One Automatically
, Constructed so you can supply
OQneU With drinking water, mop
or sponge your lace, and get rid <<i
spent and foal contents 01 cabin, t
. >Vithout Assistance. Setf-Pu-
rif jing— noxnms gases from
pores being promptly removed
and replaced by fresh beat—
Canning Its Full Quota
Of Oxygen, which equalizes
and stimulates its eMect.
I)un’t confound it with the
heavy, gnwkv, Bangle*
some Square, or the
, cheap rubber claptraps
. that confine the heat
i and poisonous gases,
nth which you posi-
• lively cannot take a *at-
isfact-.rv hath without some one to help you. We Sell
Ten Times as Many as Any Firm in the World
•(taking their own figures), in proportion to amount of ad-
vertising. Price, everything complete, only S- r >- Express
charges prepaid. 32-page book, ” Health and Eerutv,”
free. Agents Wanted. One agent 3f>0 in six weeks,
.some sell 12 a day. R. M. IKWIIV, Nashville, Term.
Wagner Sleeping-Cars, Private Com-
partment Sleeping-Cars, Parlor
Cars, and Elegant Coaches,
■ Union Depot, Cincinnati*
No Transfer across the City.
e. 0. Mccormick. warren j. lynch,
Pass. Traffic Mgr., A. G. P. and T. A.,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
South Carolina
AND Georgia R. R.
“The Charleston Line,’
Only Southern line operating Cele-
brated Wagner Palace Buffet Drawing-
Room Sleepers. Only Sleeping-Car line
between Charleston and Atlanta. Only
Pullman ParlorCarline between Charles-
ton and Asheyille, N. C. Best and quick-
est route between Yorkville, Lancaster,
Rock Hill, Camden, Columbia, Orange-
burg, Blackville, Aiken, and Atlanta, Ga.
Solid through trains between Charleston
and Asheville. Double daily trains be-
tween Charleston, Columbia, and Au-
gusta. L. A. EMERSON,
Traffic Manager.
lMli\ t 1l l lHABBACH&C0.809
Barber Shop, Russian and Turkish
Bath Rooms.
Also Barber Shop at 325 Church St
Do You
Wish to Gain
Fat, Strength, and
Health ?
Is exactly what j-ou need. The best
tonic ever compounded. Cures Indiges-
tion. $i per bottle.
Reaching the principal cities of th«
Bout h with its own lines and penetrat-
ing all parts of the Country with its
Unexcelled Train Berrice,
tlecant Equipment, Fast Time.
Short Line Between the East, the North,
the West and the South.
Tf . Jl. Turk, Q. P. A., Washington, D. C
*. H. H heiwii k , A. G. P. A„ AtlanU, Q».
C. A. Bbksootkb, A.G.P.A ., Ctmttanooca, T.aa
Illinois Central R. R.
Of Interest to
For all Skin Diseases ; $i per jar.
The Oil Cure Pastile for Leucorrhea and
Female Diseases; $i per box.
The Oil Cure Suppository, Constipation,
and Diseases of the Rectum; $i per
Oils for Piles, $2.
The Oils for Cancers, $10 per month,
Free Transportation to Attend the Annual
Meeting at Chicago. Some
Interesting Facts.
A BOOK with straight and honest
references to prominent, honest people
cured by the Oils as discovered and used
by Drs. Reynolds; also telling the differ-
ent diseases which the Oils will cure,
sent free on application to druggists, or
Oil Cure Laboratory,
325 Church St., Nashville, Tenn.
I With all the latest known improvements, at
greatly reduced prices. Satisfaction guaran-
teed. Send for circular. B.MATTHEWS,
Cor. 4th Ave. & Market St., Louisville, Ky.
In order that stockholders of the Illinois Central
Railroad Company may more ieadily ai’end in per-
son the annual meetings, there ha.* hern posted In
each station of the Company a notic- to the effect
that in accordance with a resolve of the Board of
Directors, there may be issued to each holder of
one or more shares of the capital stock of the
Illinois Central Railroad Company, as registered
on the books of the Company, a ‘icket enabling”
him or her to travel free over the Company’s lines
from the station of the Illinois Centra” Railroad
nearest to his or !her registered address, to Chicago
and return, for the purpose of attending, in person
the next Annual Stockholders’ Meeting of the
Company, which will be held at its General Officj
in Chicago on Wednesday, September 28, 1S98, at
noon. Details as to the necessary procedur 1 to oh*
tain such ticket, the date of its issxxm and Itr limit,
are fully set forth on the posted notices referred to.
In this connection it will be interesting to note
that since, in 1S62, ihe capital stock of the Compa-
ny became full paid, a cash dividend, ranging fn*n
4 per cent, io to per cent, per annum, has been p;iid
semiannually to every holder of stock, and th:il it
is now twenty years since the Company, in any
year, paid less than 5 per cent., the present rate of
*’®ne Country,
. • . ©ne jFlag.”
If Offlincl wt(h,|
The ….
to Purchase . .
Flags, Banners, Swords, Belts, Caps.
and all kinds of Military Equipment ii at
J. A. JOEL & CO.,
88 Nassau Strict, NEW VOKK
Confederate l/eceran.
Virginia Female Institute.
Mrs. Gen. J. E. B. Stuart, Principal.
Fall session opens September 15. Cli-
mate unsurpassed. Superior advan-
tages in every department. Home com-
forts and care. Terms reasonable. Ap-
ply for catalogue.
In a circular letter Mrs. Stuart states
that she has renewed her lease of the
property for five years, and that it has
never been in better condition. The
new building contains a tine, large au-
ditorium with ample stage, a new dining
room with capacity almost doubled, a
much larger studio, an entire floor of
bedrooms, bath rooms and closets on
every lb>or, with connecting hall ways,
etc. Two ample stairways lead from
the Upper floor to the ground, thus in-
suring safety in the possible event of
lire. The auditorium Ins new single
desks and seals, and will be used as a
si udy hall, The old dining room is eon-
verled into a gymnasium. The pianos
have been thoroughly overhauled. Her
principal teachers are retained, so the
institution is fully and completely
“If there are any persons in your
vicinity having daughters to educate, 1
shall be greatly obliged if you “ill kindly
put me in communication with them.”
Mrs. Stuart richly merits the friendly
and anient cooperation of the General’s
friends, and in fact of all Southerners.
Write to her for catalogue and secure
• patronage of your friends.
$ Governor R. L. Taylor, I
fc ^^*HE gifted orator and statesman, ^
^L whose fame is national in the *
use of beautiful words and good
will, decides to quit politics and de-
vote himself to lecturing. Three of
his lectures are in book form:
“riddle and Bow,”
“Paradlaa of Fool;”
” Visions and Oreama.”
The book, containing over 200 pages
and illustrations, is offered fret to
subscribers who in renewing will
send a new subscription. Those
who have already paid in advance
can have this book sent post-paid
for one or two new subscriptions.
Do help the Veteran in this way.
The book sent post-paid for 25
cents — half price.
Every known honorable method that
may induce friends of the Vetkuan to
solicit for it is adopted. Nearly every
premium offered in the past for clubs
may be supplied still. The watch ad-
vertisements, extremely liberal, are re-
Every friend of the Veteran is urged
to action in its behalf. Fine as is the
subscription list, it ought to be doubled
before the year is out. Will you help?
Grand Encampment K. of P.
AUGUST 22-29.
Supreme Grand Lodge Session
AUG. 30-SEPT. 10, 1898.
Tickets will be on sale Aueust
20, 21, and 22, 1898.
Return tickets will bo good leaving liniiftnnp-
–Iih I.- 1 i .:.;.i i i-.ui August ■■’■ ni ir latei than
August so, 1898, with a proviso lhal upon deposit
of ticket with Joint Ticket Agent, on or before
August 29, 1898, and payment of 25 cents, an • i
tension of return hunt to leave Indianapolis to
and including September 10, 1898, maj be secured.
For tickets and full information ‘-.ill on agents
or address I he undersigned.
e. o. Mccormick, warren j. lynch.
Pass. Trafflo Mgr., A. ■.. P. and T. \ ,
■ ^
Shingle Mills,
| Planers,
Gang Edoers,
„•- \ Serwl for catalogue.
£?”■) DcLoach Mill Manufacturing Co.,
SW New Ton St, Louis ATLANTA, GA.
5j offer to all classes of
«2 thrifty persons unequal-
^ ed Inducements to lo-
5 catewithintheirborders
| To the Farmer.
^5 in offered good land at low prices, *”
anil on easy terms; good markets for £»
all he raises, and never-failing 1 crops. g*
To the Laborer:
a country where work is easy to get ^
and where good wages are paid. 2 :
To the Merchant:
good Openings, where honest, legiti-
mate business can be carried on with j
To the Manufacturer:
an unlimited supply of raw materials,
and good shipping facilities to all the 3:
lar^e markets. Liberal Inducements 5:
*5 are offered by the citizens of the ‘
*m various localities.
The Cotton Belt passes ;
directly through the ;
best portions of these j
States, and is the best ;
I route for the intending ;
settler, asitis the only \
line running comfort- ;
able chair cars and ;
Pullman sleepers ;
S through from Memphis, to Ari
*«S and Texas without change. If you are ]
5 thinking of moving, write for free ;
jg copies of our handsomely Illustrated \
*5 pamphlets; — ” Ttsxas*** ” Homes in the !
*S Southwest*** “Truth about Arkansas***’
*&**GUmpses of Southeast Missouri, .t>-
-5 kansas and Northwest Louisiana” and j
•5 “Lands for Sale Along the Cotton Belt.” !
«5 They will help you to find a good !
5 location.
K. W. l.allKlUSIK.
r* TrnT. Pi^s’r Aecnt. Ilfn’l .ml Tkl. Act.,
5 HiASIlVIM.K. TKW. ST. L0I Is. Tin
^B. HIIH J nn.1 Whiskey Habits
Kfl cured at home willi-
I mr B I IWI out pain. Book of pnr-
■ ■I i VlWl li, sen I I HI I
\^MWaWkWma\WaM B.M.Wi nil
^Aiiaiim, 55. office Jul K. Pryoi St.
Confederate Veterans.
2d floor Cumberland Presbyterian Tub. House,
A practical school ofesUbl
No catchpenny mi thoda. Bua’n men rec m-
mend this College. Write for circulars. Men
tion this paper. Address
Bowling Green Business College.
BoBinese, Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegra-
phy, and Penmanship tanght. Gradaateseecnre
positions. Beautiful catalogue free. Address
CHERRY BROS., Bowling Green, Ky.
Shortest Line.
»J- Quickest Time.
Excellent Service.
San Antonio.
Through Sleepers
and Day Coaches
Write us for particular information about Texas
and Mexico.
General Supt. Gen’l Pass, and Ticket Agent.
Palestine, Tex.
Under reasonable
conditions. . . .
Galveston, Texas.
Scholarship free by doing letter work for us at
your home. Write us to-day.
Accept notes for tuition or
can deposit money in bank
until position is secured. Car
fare paid. No vacation. En-
ter at any time. Open for
both sexes. Board. $10 per
month. Send for free illus-
trated catalogue.
Address J. F. Draughon, Pres., at either place.
Texarkana, Texas. *
Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc.
The most thorough, practical, and pro%»essive
schools of the kind in the world, and the best
patronized ones in the South. Indorsed by Gov.
Taylor, bankers, merchants, and others. Four
weeks in bookkeeping with us are equal to
twelve weeks by tne olc * plan. J. F. Draughon,
President, is author of Draughon’s New System
of Bookkeeping, “Double Entry Made Easy.”
Home study. Have prepared, for home study,
books on bookkeeping, penmanship, and short-
hand. Hundreds of persons holding good po-
sitions owe their success to our books for home
study. (Mention this paper when writing.)’
*A^$te^&&£&8lf£’J& r 9ls*M
linois Central R. R.
Double Daily Service
making direct connections wi
for all points
h through trains
North, East, and West,
including Buffalo, Pittsburg, Cleveland, Boston,
New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Richmond,
St. Paul, Minneapolis. Omaha, Kansas City, Hot
Springs, Ark., and Denver. Close connection
with Central Mississippi Valley Route Solid Fast
Vestibule Daily Train for
Sioux Falls, Sioux
m m
m Glty 9 m m m
and the West.
R. R
Particulars of agents of the I. C.
and connecting Tines.
Div. Pass. Agt., New Orleans.
Div. Pass. Agent, Memphis.
Omaha, 4*
JUNE 1st to
NOVEMBER 1st, 1898.
Best Reached From the
South, East and West
^^ Missouri
~W Pacific
In Elegant Equipment, consisting of Reclining
Chair Cars (seats free of extra charge), Pull-
man Buffet Sleeping Cars, and
comfortable high – back
seat coaches.
Double Daily Service.
See A-.iits for tickets, time tables, ami further
tl. C. TOVXSEXD. Gen’l Pass. & Tkt. Agtj
St. Louis, Mo.
R. T. Q. MATTHEWS, T. P. A.,
(opf edeeat^ Vetera^
Julia Knox,
\ I I i |
] .ucv I— (‘* Birdie**), Thomas Harrison,
i i ii I ”, Mrs. Ella Wheeler,
Cai in Peyton,
Joseph Wheeler, }x
208 and 210 Union St.,
Nashville, Tcnn.
The South’s Leading Jewelers and
Largest Dealers in
Honest Goods at Low Prices. ^
MAfX ORDERS promptly and carefully r3 J
tilled. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. ;^J * gpj
Watches and Jewelry repaired. Med-
als and Badges made to order. De- ^» Jj Terms
signs furnished on application.
Scholarship free by doing letter work for us at
your home. Write us to-day.
Accept notes for tuition or
can deposit money in bank
until position is secured. Car
fare paid. No vacation. En-
ter at any time. Open for
both sexes. Board, $10 per
month. Send for free illus-
trated catalogue.
Address J. F. Draughon, Pres., at either place.
Texarkana, Texas. * Galveston, Texas.
Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc.
The most thorough, practical, and progressive
schools of the kind in the world, and the best
patronized ones in the South. Indorsed by Gov.
Taylor, bankers, merchants, and others. Four
weeks in bookkeeping with us are equal to
twelve weeks by the old plan. J. 1-“. Draughon,
President, is author of Draughon’s New System
of Bookkeeping, “Double Entry Made Easy.”
Home study. Have prepared, for home study,
books on bookkeeping, penmanship, and short-
hand. Hundreds of persons holding good po-
sitions owe their success to our books for home
study. (Mention this paper when writing.)
Norfolk western
Bowling Green Business College.
Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegra-
phy, and Penmanship taught. Graduates secure
positions. Beautiful catalogue free. Address
CHERRY BROS., Bowling Qreen, Ky.
All information cheerfully furnished. Sleep-
ing Car reservation made.
western p. a., passenger agt.,
Chattanooga, Tenn. Knoxvil.l-e, Tenn.
W. B. BEVILL, G. P. A.,
St. Louis, Chicago, St. jjj
Paul, Kansas Cil ■. \v
Omaha, Des Moir a , $
and Cairo, Memphis, %
Birmingham, Mont- jjj
gomery, Nashville, j|j
Chattanooga, New Or- vV
leans, Mobile, and all \t>
• . *
points *
| North, East, West, and |
South. |
Solid Wide-Vestibuled Passenger }|j
Trains, Pintsch lighted, steam Jg
heated. Vestibuled Pullman Pal- \t/
ace Sleeping Cars between St. w
Louis and New Orleans, and St.
Louis and Mobile.
>% fast trains.
jb all junction point
Double Daily \i.
Close connections at ijj
For rates, time, anil full information apply W
to any railroad :
F. E. Giedkv, D. P. A., 2ii St. Charles
St., New Orleans, La.
It. W. Smith, C. P. A., Battle House
Ticket Office, Mobile, Ala.
/|S Jno. Bragg, C. I*. A., 2 Commerce St,
fl\ Montgomery, Ala.
ff, ]•:. B. Blair, T. P. A., Jackson, Tenn.
?j II. E. Jones, Jr., C. P. and T. A., Merid
A ian, Miss.
« E. E. POSEV, G. r. A., Mobile, Ala.
Every known honorable method that
mtiy induce friends of the Veteran to
solicit for it is adopted. Nearly every
prenihirn offered in the past for clubs
may be supplied still. The watch ad-
vertisements, extremely liberal, are re-
Every friend of the Veteran is urged
to action in its behalf. Fine as is the
subscription list, it ought to be doubled
before the year is out. Will you help?
Entered at the postoflice, Nashville, Tenn., as second-class matter.
Advertising Rates: $1.50 per inch one time, or $15 a year, except last
page. One page, one time, special, $35. Discount: Half year, one issue;
one year, two issues. This is below the former rate.
Contributors will please be diligent to abbreviate. The space is too
important for anything that has not special merit.
The date to a subscription is always given to the month brfiyrc it ends.
Foi instance, if the VETERAN be ordered to begin with Januax; , the date on
mai list will be December, and the subscriber is entitled to that number.
he “civil war” was too long ago to be calted the “late” war. ami when
con ipondents use that term the word “great” (war) will be substituted.
Circulation: ’93, 79,430; ’94, 121,644; ’95, 154,992; ’96, 161,332.
United Confederate Veterans,
United Daughters of the Confederacy,
Sons of Veterans and other Organizations.
The Yetf.uan is approved and endorsed by a larger and
more elevated patronage, doubtless, than any other publication
in existence.
Though men deserve, they may not win success.
The brave will honor the “brave, vanquished none the less.
MISS VARINA anni D \\ is.
Bornjune -‘7. 1864; died Septembei 1
1. John B. Gordon. Commander in Chief of the
United Confederate Veterans, issued the following:
The Commanding General, with a Sorrow which no
words can express, announces the death of Miss Win-
nie Davis, the idolized “Daughter of the Confeder-
acy.” The boundless enthusiasm which was evoked
by her every appearance at our reunions indicated the
depth of affection and the unfeigned admiration which
all Confederates fell for her. It is not too much to say
that the ovations with which she has everywhere been
greeted by the ex-soldiers of the Southern armies
were such as have rareh been accorded anv woman.
er ‘lit. if Jeff D
Their grief at her untimely death will be as profound
and poignant as the love for her while living was urn
versa! and sincere, and their most affectionate sympa
thies are with the grief-stricken mother. The (
manding ( ieneral directs that the department and divi-
sion Commanders select delegations and escorts of
honor as they may deem proper to represent the
United Confederate Veterans and to accompany the
remains to their final resting place.
Mrs. Kate Cabell Currie sent out the following Gen-
eral Order No. I, from Dallas. Tex.. September 20:
The President of the United Daughters of the Con-
Confederate Veterans
federacy, with a sorrow too tender and deep for words
to express, announces the death of Miss Winnie Da-
vis, the much loved “Daughter of the Confederacy.”
The love and devotion bestowed upon her by the en-
tire Southland was but a just tribute to her glorious
womanhood. As daughter, sister, friend, she was true
to every duty, and we can proudly take her as a fitting
model for all to imitate and revere. The entire South
is bowed in grief, and every Daughter of the Confeder-
acy extends to the heartbroken mother her sincerest
sympathy and love. The President of the United
Daughters of the Confederacy directs that each divi-
sion and every chapter of the U. D. C, as soon as pos-
sible, take suitable action expressive of their sorrow ;
and, as a token of sympathy to the grief-stricken moth-
er and sister, suggests that each Daughter of the Con-
federacy wear for thirty days a badge of mourning,
that each chapter hold memorial services, and that a
page in the book of records be set aside as a memorial
to her.
The press of the country teems with patriotic ex-
pressions because of the death of Miss Winnie Davis.
Many gems of thought are recorded, and Daughters of
the Confederacy will take formal action in many, many
places. A tribute that seems particularly appropriate
here now is that from Miss Elvira Sydnor Miller, of
Kentucky, who is “Tattler,” in the Louisville Times:
The common call of a great nation has reunited the
warring bands of other days, and round the beautiful
brows of the South the palmetto which sighed to the
pine is wreathed by love’s hands. The light of the au-
tumnal sun falls fair on the grave of the heart-stricken
singer whose last sigh was for peace — “peace in the
mart, on the field, on sea and land,” and the desire of
his soul has been granted. And the bright pathway
leading forward to eternity has been glorified by the
passing of many of those glorious mortals who have
laid down sword and pen and rested from their labors.
Year after year the South has had cause to mourn
some stars the less in her heaven of fame, and but yes-
terday the lovely spirit of the “Daughter of the Con-
federacy” took flight by the sounding sea.
She was the object of a people’s love ; she is now the
object of their tears. The hearts which enshrined her
are as desolate to-day as some poor bird the tempest
has shorn of its nest, for to them she was the legacy of
the great leader of his people, the President who stood
with them when the storm of war. swept over the land
and laid their beautiful places in ruins. . . .
And now life’s portal has closed and death ap-
peared on the horizon. For her all things are voice-
less, and to those who knew and loved her there comes
the reproachful thought that heaven had no reviving
dew for this stricken flower of the South. The tidings
of her death have gone forth, and there is mourning all
over the land. The veterans who basked in the sun-
light of her face at Atlanta, who received the benedic-
tion of a handclasp and saw revived in her the beau-
tiful spirit of the past, to whom her voice was a song
and her presence a joy, will gather this week around
the smoldering camp fires of memory, recalling every
hallowed recollection of her who is no more. Some
will remember her as a child in the old days in Rich-
mond, when she moved laughing about, a rainbow
amid the storm. Some will tell of her as they saw her
at “Beauvoir,” dreaming under the magnolias of Pass
Christian, ever singing their magic song close by.
They will talk of her as the light of her father’s eyes, the
generous young hostess to whom the name of a South-
ern soldier was a sufficient indorsement and passport to
her heart. Every kindly word she uttered, every smile
she gave, will be cherished among the treasures of “the
days that are no more,” and there is not one among
them who would not have made smooth the rugged
pathway to the grave by flinging down his heart and
his old jacket of Confederate gray before her.
Three things are left the South she so loved : to
remember, to praise, and to mourn her. The winds
will sing her requiem among the magnolias of Missis-
sippi and Louisiana and the solemn pines of Georgia ;
the waters of Virginia will murmur through her dream,
and the mountians of her native State loom above her
as the walls of paradise. There will be sighing by the
seas that wash the fair shores of Florida and the Car-
olinas, and the wide plains of Texas echo back the
sound. The voice of lamentation will echo among the
stormy heights of Tennessee and the gliding waves of
the Cumberland ; and our own Kentucky, with tears
falling from her beautiful eyes, will weave an immortal
garland for the dead Daughter of the Confederacy.
She has lived to see a reunited people, and her father’s
old comrades honored and beloved. She has gone
forth to bear the red rose company, while beside the
bereaved mother who weeps for her stands the South
bowed under a sorrow too eloquent for speech and too
deep for tears.
Confederate l/eterai)
The Richmond Chapter, Daughters of the Confed-
eracy, at a meeting at Lee Camp, held September 20,
1898, resolved to inaugurate a movement to erect a
monument over the grave of Winnie Davis, “Daugh-
ter of the Confederacy.” Feeling sure this work will
meet with the sympathy of all lovers of the South
(Daughters of the Confederacy, Veteran Associations,
Sons of Veterans, and many others throughout the
whole country), the said chapter requests all who de-
sire to join them in their work of love to send their
names at once, as it is the intention of this chapter to
have the monument commenced in January, 1899,
whether the amount subscribed be large or small. All
contributions must be sent to Miss M. P. Harris, 202
Main Street, Richmond, Va.
In a personal letter Mrs. N. V. Randolph writes:
The Richmond Chapter desires the contributions to
Miss D.i vis’ monument a “freewill offering” from the
people all over our country and the work commenced
and completed a1 1 >nce.
The Daughters of the Confederacy, Austin, Tex.,
held memorial exercises at the Confederate Home
June 3, commemorating the ninetieth birthday of Jef-
ferson Davis. Addresses were delivered by Judge
John H. Reagan and R. R. Lockett, Esq., and the ex-
ercises were very interesting. Extracts from Mr.
Lockett’s address are here given :
“Jefferson Davis, born a citizen of the United States
June 3, 1808, ruler of a republic for four years, died
without a country December 6. 1889. He stood as the
exponent of a cruise to which was attached the most pa-
triotic citizenship and the most courageous and chival-
ric soldiery mankind has ever recorded or that tradi-
tion recalls. Jefferson Davis, whatever else may be
said of him, did his full duty at all times as he con-
ceived and understood it ; and whether he was obeying
orders as an undergraduate at West Point, enduring
I “CM II. \1 – I IN, I I \ .
the hardships of the frontier in the Black Hawk war,
training his mind for civil pursuits on his Vicksburg
plantation, campaigning as a young Presidential elec
tor, filling a scat in the ( ongress of the United States.
leading the charge at Monterey and riding against the
sturm of Mexican bullets at I’.ucna Vista, measuring
arms in the United States Senate with the greal states-
men of that day, canvassing for Governor of Missis
sippi, filling the war portfolio under Franklin Pierce,
battling again in the Senate for his people and leading
in the great debates before the crisis of i860, or presid-
ing over the destinies of a new-found empire, he al-
ways ami at all times was earnest, implacable, honest,
resolute, determined, and found in his own breast suffi-
cient justification for what he did. He believed, as he
believed in his God, that the cause of the South was
right. From that belief the adverse arbitrament of
arms, ignoble imprisonment, expatriation, poverty, and
the partial regeneration of his own people never caused
him to change or alter in the least, even to the hour of
his death. When his eves were closed upon the drama
of life, when his feeble hands pressed a loving farewell
to his weeping wife, when his thin, pale lips hushed
their oracle forever, and the great spirit of Jefferson
Davis had burst its earthly thralldom. then, and not till
then, did he remain silent when his beloved principles
were assailed. Did I say silent?’ llis lips alone are
silent. He still speaks from the grave, having taken
the precaution to leave behind him an enduring argu-
ment in ‘The Rise and Fall of the Confederacy.’ which
represents him in thousands of homes, though he lies
at rest in Richmond.”
< m ( H-fober 25 Gen. John S. Mosby’s cavalry are to
hold a reunion at Manassas, Va. A good attendance
is expected. For particulars address Norman V. Ran-
dolph, Richmond, or II. T. Sinnott, Nashville.
Confederate l/eterarp.
Because of his beautiful character, the sorrow
throughout our great country was the more poign-
ant in the death of young Thomas Harrison Wheeler,
which occurred by drowning at Montauk Point, R. I.,
September 7. In the language of a sister: “He was
marvelously manly, yet simple-hearted as a child. We
called him ‘baby,’ and he did not object to it, as most
boys would.” One of his noble characteristics, worthy
to be emphasized and imitated, was that he would never
engage for a good time with other young people with-
out first knowing if he might serve his sisters. Such
deportment, however, is characteristic of the family.
While not at all exclusive, they are notably happy in
their home circle. While the absence of wife and
mother — who died in Washington City May 19, 1896,
and was taken from the vault there and buried at
Wheeler, Ala., June 30, 1896 — can never be supplied,
the loving daughters are tenderly and diligently zeal-
ous for the father’s comfort.
Incidentally, it is fitting to mention here the senti-
mental event that Gen. Wheeler met his wife during
the Confederate war. His cavalry command was fall-
ing back ; and crossed the Tennessee River near the
home of her father, “Dick” Jones. He arrived late at
night, after the family had retired. She arose with
others and did what she could to feed the hungry Con-
federates. The General was not presented to her until
the next day. She inquired about Gen. Wheeler, ex-
pressing a desire to see him, and one of his soldiers
said she “would not see much” when she did. She
was impressed with his sadness that afternoon on re-
ceiving report of the deaths in his command. Mrs.
Wheeler was then a widow, having married Mr. Ben
Sherrod at sixteen, and was a widow before she was
twenty. She was ardently devoted to the Confederacy.
Although they have a luxurious home, surrounded
by thousands of acres of land lying along the old Mem-
phis and Charleston railroad and in bends of the Ten-
nessee River, they have lived a good part of their time
in Washington, as the father has been in Congress
for twenty years or more. Miss Carrie, the youngest,
finished school in New York last June. The older
girls are very popular in Washington. Miss Annie
has become pleasantly conspicuous during the past few
months through her arduous service and privations as
a nurse for the army in Cuba. A young lady friend,
who is President of a chapter of Daughters in Alabama
and very intimate with the family, and who went from
Tuscumbia and opened up the home at Wheeler, on
receipt of the news that “Tom” had been drowned,
mentioned Miss Annie as one .of the most beautiful
Christian characters that she ever knew. It has been
erroneouslv published that all the daughters have be-
come hospital nurses for the army.
An engraved nlate upon the beautiful burial casket
contained the following :
HORN MAR. 7, l88l ; DIED SEPT. 7, 189S.
A handsome granite shaft, twenty-five feet high, has
been erected for the family, and the name of each mem-
ber engraved upon it.
Gen. Wheeler’s modesty and gallantry are extraor-
dinary. On the Sunday of arrival at home for the
buriai of his son he and the gentlemen with him went
to the private car for their suppers, while the ladies
were provided for as well as practicable at the resi-
dence. Supper was long delayed at the car, but the
General, only desiring cold bread, butter, and a glass
of water, which were on the table, declined to eat and
retire, though greatly fatigued, until the others were
served. Mention of this being made to one of his
Confederate soldiers of the sixties, J. B. Nance, of
Tennessee, he said that it reminded him of the time
when, on a scout with Gen. Wheeler, they swam Pedee
River in January, of which perilous journey mention
was made in last month’s Veteran. Getting safely
across, Gen. Wheeler required his two associates to go
for dry clothes before he would serve himself. In ver-
ification of this fact, Comrade Nance produced the fol-
lowing letter, dated at Wheeler, Ala., November 29,
“My Dear Friend: Your very valued letter was re-
ceived a few days since. There are no associations
which I recall with as much pleasure as those in which
you are identified. It is eighteen years since you
swam the Pedee with me, and I recall as though it were
yesterday standing picket while you and our Texas
friend went for dry clothes ; and I recall particularly
that I had been on picket but a very short time when I
saw you gallop down the road to relieve me. I re-
member, too, that you had on a suit of clothes large
enough for a man twice your size. I recall, also, that
the next day the sound of your bugle led us gallantly
upon the e nemy. Rest assured that I should enjoy a
visit from you very much, and shall always delight to
hear of your welfare. Please thank Capt. Guild for re-
membering me, and give him my regards. With all
my affection, your comrade, Jos. Wheeler.”
All the people of his Congressional district, like all
the other people of the United States, are pleased to
honor the eminent citizen and patriot. It is believed
that in the coming election diligence will be exercised
by voters, regardless of party, to vote for him. Re-
publicans as well as Democrats desire to pay tribute to
his patriotic enthusiasm and dauntless heroism in the
perilous siege of Santiago and for his every act as sol-
dier and commander in the war with Spain. All the
people honor him and his devoted children, while his
own Southern people point to him as representing
what thev are and what they have ever been : self-sac-
rificing, devoted patriots.
In the deep sorrow caused bv the drowning of his
noble son the family are comforted in the evidence that
he did what was possible to rescue his companion,
Lieut. Kirkpatrick. When washed ashore his hands
were extended, ?s if trying to embrace an object ; deep
impressions, as bv the hard oressure of fingers, on his
shoulders, together with mirks on his face, as if effort
ws made to cling to him in the desperate struggle.
T. B. Stratton, General Superintendent of the Penn-
sylvania Industrial Reformatory, at Huntington, Pa.,,
inquires about a sword taken from a friend when cap-
tured by Confederates at Petersburg. June 22. 1864.
It bore the inscription: “Presented to Capt. H. B.
Huff, Company D, One Hundred and Eighty-Fourth
Pennsylvania Regiment, by His Company.” Mr.
Stratton will appreciate any information that can be
given concerning this sword.
Confederate l/eterai?
A thoroughly posted “Veteran” sends the following,
-which clearly outlines the policy that will be inaugu-
rated for the Charleston reunion :
In recent years the veterans have very wisely se-
lected as the places of their successive annual meetings
cities around which cluster dear Confederate memo-
ries, cities made almost sacred in the hearts of the vet-
erans as being the theaters of the most thrilling epi-
sodes of Confederate history. Richmond. Nashville,
Atlanta — each was, while clear to all, yet especially so to
the men who fought around them. The selection of
Charleston as the meeting place for 1899 was in the
same line. Around it cluster the most brilliant deeds
of the Southern men. First to initiate the struggle
and to fire the first shot of the war (January 9, 1861),
first to open fire under the banners of the Confederacy,
for four long years her defenders held the enemy at
bay, and only lowered the colors from Fort Sumtei
and the other harbor defenses when our cause was
practically lost. In this magnificent drama were
troops from all parts of the South, and these heroes
will fondly gather on the scenes of their heroism and
point out to their comrades the spots of their dangers
and bravery.
The propriety of the selection of Charleston is ably
shown by a gallant Confederate soldier now living in
Louisville, who wrote to a veteran in Charleston :
“1 am glad thai you succeeded in having Charles-
ton selected as the place for the next reunion of the
Confederate veterans. I was unable to go to At-
lanta, but if 1 hail gone I must assuredl) would not
have united in the effort to have this place selected
over Charleston. Not on the ground that we do not
want them here or could not take ere of them if they
did come, but purely on the ground that those old
Confederate States which furnished the troops and en-
dured the misfortunes of the war and resurrected them-
selves after its conclusion are, in m\ judgment, enti-
tled first and above all others to the annual meetings
of the Confederate Veteran Association.”
The whole people of South Carolina, and especially
those of Charleston, feel honored by the selection of
the metropolis of the State. That they appreciate it
will be shown by their efforts to entertain their guests
most handsomely. Immediately on the return of the
delegates and Committee of Invitation from the At
lanta convention the machinery was put in motion to
devise and arrange plans for the reception of her
guests. A committee of the most prominent, active,
and progressive citizens was selected, and they have
mapped out their work thoroughly and well. The en-
tire scope of the work has been assigned to the vari-
ous committees, and they are already at work. They
pave had correspondence with the committees of the
cities which have entertained the veterans before, and
thev are learning from the experience gained,
Charleston has the reputation of always doing well
anv entertainment she undertakes. The heart and
soul of the people, because of love to the Confederates
or. from pride in the city, are in it. The whole of South
Carolina will back and help her. Charleston has some
drawbacks in her hotel accommodations, but her peo-
ple have large hearts, and they have determined to
take their visitors to their homes. Every home in the
city will be opened to accommodate some veteran or
Charleston has not a suitable auditorium, and the
Subcommittee on Auditorium are considering care-
fully the matter whether to recommend the erection of
a temporary building or a permanent one. The plans
for a permanent building have been prepared, and it is
hoped that they can be carried through. Anyhow the
veterans may rest assured that when the convention
convenes in Charleston they will find a thoroughly
suitable place for their meetings.
The drift of opinion now seems to be toward placing
the auditorium near the center of the city, where it can
be reached by all veterans without long car rides.
This is particularly desired, because the committee
have in view using the auditorium each evening for
some entertainment for the pleasure of the great mass
of the veterans. They propose providing such amuse-
ments for the veterans as will nol requin swallow-
tailed coats in which to see it; and in doing this the
auditorium should he where the great masses of the
veterans and their friends can easily reach it morning.
afternoon, and evening.
Steamboats will be constantly moving around the
grand harbor, giving visitors the opportunity of see-
ing the various historic points : Forts Sumter and
Moultrie. Morris Island. Sullivan’s Island, etc. The
trolley and ferry to Sullivan’s Island will carry visitors
to the many historic points thereon
\ special committee has been appointed to have
erected signs distinguishing the various historic points.
As the visitor sails around the harbor in the steamers
he will see distinctly marked the points memorable in
the struggles of the Revolutionary war and the Con-
federate war. A system of distinguishing marks is
proposed by which they may be understood at several
miles* distance. Visits can be made to historic Fort
Sumter and the story of its gallant defense be gone
over by the veterans who so nobly defended it. It is
proposed to have committees on the spot acquainted
with its story to tell it to those who were never behind
its battlements.
The time of the reunion has not been fixed, but the
feeling of the people of Charleston is rather toward
April or May, before the hot weather commences and
after winter has passed away. These are beautiful
months in the city. April rather more so than May, and
this month has its historic associations connected with
the battle of Fort Sumter: but there is often frost in
Charleston as late as April _’o. and it would not do to
run the risks of cold weather. May is perhaps the
safer month. Rut the question has not yet been even
officially discussed for recommendation to the TJ. C.
V. authorities.
Charleston is fully alive to the magnitude of the un-
dertaking she gladly assumes, to welcome and enter-
tain the gr a nd old veterans, whom she has always hon-
ored and still delights to honor. Every energy will be
given to make the occasion an enjoyable one for her
guests and a satisfaction to her own people, who have
given SO much to the cause of the South and are still
faithful to its memories.
Confederate Veterai).
John T. McCall, who enlisted in John A. Lite’s
company at Carthage, Tenn., which was mustered into
the Confederate service at Nashville on May 10, 1861,
furnishes the following sketch :
The citizens of Nashville complimented this com-
pany by saying that it was the finest body of men that
ever marched through Nashville. There were one
hundred and eighteen, all single but one, and was
designated the “Tow-Head” company. At Camp
Trousdale the Seventh Tennessee Regiment of In-
fantry was organized, with this company (B), six com-
panies from Wilson, two from Sumner, and one from
DeKalb Counties — ten in all — Robert Hatton, colonel ;
John F. Goodwin, lieutenant colonel; and John K.
Howard, major. This was the first regiment to leave
Camp Trousdale to join Gens. Lee and Loring at Val-
ley Mountain, in Northwestern Virginia, and it partic-
ipated in the campaign of Cheat Mountain and Big
Meadows, also in the Bath and Romney campaigns
under Stonewall Jackson. After this it went to Ma-
nassas, Dumfries, and Vorktown. Here the members
reenlisted for two more years or for the war, and here
the Tennessee Brigade was organized. It comprised
Turney’s First, Hatton’s Seventh, and Forbes’s Four-
teenth Tennessee Regiments. The Thirteenth Ala-
bama Regiment and the Fifth Alabama Battalion were
added to the brigade after the battle of Chancellors-
Col. Hatton was made brigadier general, and com-
manded the brigade until he was killed at Seven Pines,
when Col. J. J. Archer, of Fifth Texas, succeeded him.
Col. Howard commanded the Seventh Regiment,
and was killed on the 26th of June at Cold Harbor.
That regiment was in all of the great battles of the
Army of Northern Virginia to the surrender.
Comrade McCall reports battle of Falling Waters :
During Lee’s retreat from Gettysburg we were de-
tained at Hagerstown, five miles from the Potomac
River, from the 6th to the 13th, on account of the high
waters. The river was swollen, and pontoon boats
were brought from Richmond, a distance of over one
hundred miles, for a crossing, although most of our
wagons had passed over before the rise in the river.
Lee’s lines extended from the Potomac River to near
Hagerstown. Our brigade was on the extreme left of
the line. The right moved across first, and left us to
cover the retreat. Early on the night of the 13th the
army began to cross the river, although it Wc.s very
dark and a drenching rain poured down. When day
broke our brigade was within a half mile of the river.
We were ordered to stack our guns and rest. Some of
our artillery had bogged up, and the men were soon
asleep. A few of us were up, when one of the boys
called the attention of Lieut. Jack (now Col. J. H.J
Moore to a troop of cavalry advancing with blue uni-
forms and Yankee flags ; but, supposing Stewart’s
Cavalry to be behind, Lieut. Moore said not to fire,
thinking the flags had been captured. But it was a
Michigan battalion of cavalry of about two hundred
and fifty men, and when in about thirty yards the major
gave the command to ”Wheel into line and, d n
’em, split their heads.” They struck the head of our
column yelling, cutting right and left, and riding over
our men while asleep, breaking arms and legs and
trampling some to death.
The major, seeing Gen. Pettigrew and staff in a
group, dashed up to them and demanded their surren-
der ; and, when they refused to do so, he shot Gen.
Pettigrew with his pistol, mortally wounding him. In
two or three seconds the major was shot from his horse
by one of Gen. Pettigrew’s staff officers.
Our men scattered in every direction, most of them
leaving their guns in the stack. Seeing an old barn in
a field about a hundred yards away, some dozen of us
made for it. About six of the Yankees saw us, and
here they came with drawn sabers, swearing they
would cut our heads off if we didn’t surrender. When
they struck at us with their sabers we would fall flat on
the ground, and before they could check their horses’
speed we would get some distance from them. A
comrade and I got to an old fence, when two of the
Yankees saw us and came at us in full speed. \\ e
jumped the fence, and before they could get their
horses over we were some distance from them. We
had it in this way for about five minutes, and were
about fifty yards from them, when we found a gun,
which, fortunately for us, was loaded. They had got-
ten on each side of the fence, and here they came, yell-
ing. We were hid in the corner of the fence, and
when they were within a few steps of us my comrade
jumped to his feet and fired at one of them, who threw
up his hands and cried out : ” O Jim, I am killed !” His
horse ran about a hundred yards, and he fell off dead.
His comrade tried to make his escape, but ran into our
men and was captured.
Our men had gotten their guns, and it was only a lit-
tle while before the Yankees were driven off. Only
six were left to tell the tale of whrt they did at Falling
Confederate l/eterai?.
Chattanooga was the southern base of the Army of
Tennessee (Bragg’s) in early September, 1863; Ste-
venson and Bridgeport, the northern base of the Army
of the Cumberland (Rosecrans). September 7 and 8
found the Army of Tennessee moving. It was a grand
strategic move to blind Rosecrans, who was scheming
for Bragg’s rear, and the conception of the plan would
have made Gen. Bragg a greater hero had it not been
thwarted in the execution.
From Stevenson and Bridgeport the Federal Army
was also in motion, McCook’s and Thomas’ Corps
crossing the Tennessee at Caperton’s Ferry and strik-
ing for Bragg’s rear and communications at Dalton,
equally distant from Chattanooga — the one penetra-
ting McLemore’s Cove, the other going across Sand
Mountain to Wills’ Valley — while Crittenden’s Corps
was marching on Chattanooga from Wauhatchie.
Lookout Mountain was the cover under which Bragg
(on the south) was paralleling and Rosecrans (on the
north) pursuing the scheme to be carried out.
Burnside was expected to march against Buckner
in East Tennessee with twenty thousand men below
Chattanooga. At one grasp Gen. Bragg saw that
the Federal Corps would be far apart, about sixty
miles, and to throw the crumb of comfort. Chattanoo-
ga, to the whale, would divert them from his object
in pouncing upon Rosecrans in detail and crushing
him before a concentration. Fighting Joe Wheeler
was on the qui vive with Southern cavalry on the left.
He had ninety miles to guard, from Lookout to Deca-
tur, Ala., and his vigilance was one of the phenomenal
triumphs of those times. The “\\ izard of the Sad-
dle,” Bedford Forrest, was equally watchful and per-
sistent in fighting back the hordes on the Southern
right from Dalton; while Crittenden, flushed with the
capture of Chattanooga, was turning loose the dogs
of war and pressing on Ringgold. Thus, it will be
seen, a repetition of Napoleon’s first campaign in Italy
— beginning with Montenotte and ending with Mon-
dovi, crushing out Beaulieu’s three corps — was
sought ; and the result would have been a counterpart
had the plans been carried out. Gen. Bragg on the
10th of September ordered Hindman to cooperate
with Buckner at Davis’ Cross Roads and crush out
Thomas in the Cove, then light on McCook. The at-
tack was to be at nine o’clock on the nth, but for
some mismanagement on the part of subordinates it
was delayed until 4 p.m. When we offered battle
Thomas had fled, and the Southern wolves had lost
their supper. Gen. McCook. near Alpine, captured a
few of Breckinridge’s Division. The idea dawned
that he had struck Bragg’s army. He beat a hasty re-
treat, and rapidly fell back to Thomas in the Cove.
This having failed. Gen. Bragg turned his eyes on
Crittenden, near Ringgold, but for some reason not
explained this failed; and so it was with LaFayette,
Ga.. south of Piegon Mountain, as the base. The dis-
appointed Army of Tennessee lingered far from
l e, itching to cheek the hordes that were gradual-
ly nearing us to sea. O. in what fighting trim the
Army of Tennessee was. when on the [6th of Septem-
ber. 1863. they received the famous battle order No.
t8o! Soldiers of Bragg’s army, do yon recollect it?
“Headquarters Army of Tennessee, in the field, La
Fayette, Ga., September 16, 1863.
“The troops will be held for an immediate move
against the enemy. His demonstration on our flank
has been thwarted, and twice has he retired before us
when offered battle. We must now force him to the
issue. Soldiers, you are largely rcenforced ; you must
now seek the contest. In so doing I know you will
be content to suffer privations and encounter hard-
ships. Heretofore you have never failed to respond
to your general when he has asked sacrifice at your
hands. Relying on your gallantry and patriotism, he
asks you to add the crowning glory to the wreath you
wear. Our cause is in your keeping. Your enemy
boasts that you are demoralized and retreating before
him. Having accomplished your object in driving
back his flank movement, let us now turn on his main
force and crush it in its fancied security. Your gener-
als will lead yon. You have but to respond to assure
us a glorious victory over an insolent foe. I know
what your response will be. Trusting in God and the
justice of our cause, and nerved by the love of the dear
ones at home, failure is impossible, and victory must
be ours. Braxton Bragg,’ ommanding General.”
Just before receiving this order of the 16th my jour-
nal says that “Capt. Humphreys, commanding the
First Arkansas Battery of Eldridge’s Battalion, re-
porting to us, told us to-day at Maj. Hatcher’s tent
that he the night before dreamed that we would soon
battle with Rosecrans, and a brilliant victory would
On the 17th Buckner’s Corps — Stewart’s and Pres-
ton’s Divisions — commenced the march at sunrise and
bivouacked for the night on Peavine Creek — miles.
Confederate Ueterap.
Early on the iSth the following circular reached our
quarters :
“Headquarters Army of Tennessee, Leet’s Tanyard,
September 18, 1863.
“i. Bushrod Johnson’s column (Mood’s), on cross-
ing at or near Reed’s Bridge, will turn to the left by
the most practicable route and sweep up the Chicka-
mauga toward Lee and Gordon’s Mills. 2. ‘Walker,
crossing at Alexander’s Bridge, will unite in this move,
and push vigorously on the enemy’s flank and rear in
the same direction. 3. Buckner, crossing at Thed-
ford’s Ford, will join the movement to the left, and
press the enemy up the stream from Polk’s front at
Lee and Gordon’s Mills. 4. Polk will press his force
to the front of Lee and Gordon’s Mills, and, if met by
too much resistance to cross, will bear to the right and
cross at Dalton’s Ford or at Thedford’s, as may be nec-
essary, and join in the attack wherever the enemy may
be. 5. Hill will cover our left flank from an advance
of the enemy from the Cove, and, by pressing the cav-
alry in his front, ascertain if the enemy is reenforcing
at Lee and Gordon’s Mills, in which event he will
ittack them in flank. 6. Wheeler’s cavalry will hold
the gap in Pigeon Mountain, cover our left and rear,
and bring up stragglers. 7. All trains not with troops
should go toward Ringgold and Taylor’s Ridge. All
cooking should be done at trains. Rations when
cooked will be forwarded to troops. 8. The above
movements will be executed with the utmost prompt-
ness, vigor, and persistence.
“By command of Gen. Bragg.
“George W. Brent, A. A. General.”
And now under said direction the army moved —
Buckner’s Corps, Stewart, and Preston resumed the
march early on the 18th — Stewart, with Bate in front,
Clayton following, and Brown in the rear, taking the
direction of Thedford’s Ford, on the West Chicka-
niauga. The booming of cannon in the distance told
us that the struggle was nearly on. Forrest’s cavalry
on the right, Pegram in the center, and Wheeler on
the left. The marching column that day told too well
what was in every mind. “Tramp, tramp, tramp, the
boys are marching” — no guying of each other, and
no frivolous flings at passing horsemen. The rapid
step toward the scene of the conflict indicated the de-
termination that was written on every brow, and re-
marks to each other such as, “Boys, we have retreated
far enough ; we will whip ’em this time or die,” were
figured in every tongue. The closer the music of the
guns the more rapid the stride. We arrived during
the afternoon (Friday) within a mile of the ford.
Gen. Buckner directed Gen. Stewart to proceed to the
support of Pegram’s cavalry, and to occupy the high
ground in vicinity of the ford, commanding approach-
es, but not to bring on a general engagement with the
enemy that afternoon unless it was necessary. Pres-
ton’s Division was ordered to Hunt’s or Dalton’s Ford.
Maj. Noequet, engineer, placed Bate’s Brigade in posi-
tion above the ford, Clayton’s below. Whilst in move-
ment a cannon ball of the enemy struck within about
five steps of Stewart and Pegram, ricochetted and came
near striking Capt. Hamp Cheney, of Brown’s staff.
Several solid shot struck in Clayton’s line, killing and
wounding two men while going into position. We
feared the bad effect of this on Clayton’s men, as this
was to be their first battle. Bate advanced about 5
p.m., with Caswell’s sharpshooters. His battery (the
Eufaula) opened in the direction of Alexander’s
Bridge, causing the enemy to retire. Gen. Bate in
his report claims for this battery the honor of opening
and closing the Chickamauga battle. Three compa-
nies from Clayton’s Brigade went across and occupied
a wooded hill ; afterwards his entire brigade. On our
right, in the direction of Reed’s and Alexander’s
Bridges, a salvo of musketry and artillery indicated a
struggle. Gen. Forrest, with a hundred picked men
from Bushrod Johnson and his detachment of Mor-
gan’s men, led a charge on Reed’s Bridge. From the
representation it was similar to that of Lannes at Lodi.
The dispute of the crossings everywhere seemed gen-
eral. Finding that it had to be fought for, Walthall,
of Liddell’s Division, with the electrical courage of
a Ney, rushed and got Alexander’s. In the mean-
time Wheeler was demonstrating on the left at Glass
Mills, with Breckinridge at his back, Cleburne and
Hindman close by. The federal army extended its
main force from Lee and Gordon’s Mills on the west
side of the river. Its right extended up the valley of
the Chickamauga.
About 5 p.m. it was whispered in our army that Maj.
Gen. Hood, of Longstreet’s Corps, had arrived, and
that Longstreet was en route. He was placed in com-
mand on our right, and Bushrod Johnson was put in
command of an improvised division composed of John-
sons’s, Gregg’s, McNair’s Brigades, with Robertson’s
in reserve. This command was to first cross the stream,
and none of our troops to go over at any point until
Johnson’s column had swept the west bank in front
of their respective places of crossing. It turned out,
however, that Gens. Hood and Johnson, the next
Confederate l/eterai?
morning, had passed Jay’s sawmill and found that their
skirmishers were in one hundred and fifty yards of
Preston’s Division of Buckner’s Corps, which had
crossed at Dalton’s Ford during the night, that their
line was perpendicular to Preston, and that most of
our right had crossed at points lower down, placing
Hood (his other brigades under Law having come up;
and Johnson near the left of our army, Hood now
commanding both improvised divisions. That night
Walker crossed at Byrom’s Ford— ordered to Hood.
On the night of the i8th the right of our army was
near Reed’s Bridge, the left at Glass’s Mills, two miles
from Crawfish Springs, where Rosecrans, on our left,
had his headquarters.
On the night of the i8th Rosecrans began shifting
his army. Thomas by daybreak on the 19th was on the
Federal left, Crittenden to close on his right, McCook
on Crittenden’s right, Gordon Granger to be with-
drawn in reserve, so that on the night of the iSth the
antagonizing armies were forming for the greatest of
battles, the Army of Tennessee pressing for an onset,
witli the Army of the Cumberland goating in once hav-
ing taken laurels from us at Murfreesboro. O how
we all felt when we “bitterly thought of the morrow.”
and the blood to flow in crushing such a foe in their
fancied security ! The resignation of giving up so
much territory and waiting till the word was given For
a fighting chance was one of the wonderful virtues of
the Army of Tennessee. When they saw sorrow ris-
ing in their way they tried to flee from the approaching
ill. and made the most of cheery moments created by
diversion. One of these, with Stewart’s Division, was
the apparent delight of old Mrs. Thedford, at tin- ford,
in having her own
boys there. They
made a raid that
night on her potato
patch, and on being
ordered out, she .^Jk^LJkk.
said: “Hold on, Mr.
Officer! They are /\
my potatoes, and £^fcj
mv bows; K-t ’em ^\
take ’em.” She was l^k^^T ^
an uncompromising
Southerner. W e
learned that she
was formerly a Miss
Debbie Simmons,
of Bradley Creek,
Rutherford County.
Tenn.. and it was a
coincidence that
mostly a Tennessee division was about her house.
going into a terrible battle. Another coincidence was
that two of Mrs. Thedford’s boys had come in with
Longstreet’s Corps, both wounded, and she never
knew that they were there until both were brought in
litters to her house. Thedford’s Ford became mem-
orable not only as the headquarters of Gen. Bragg, but
as the home of a Southern heroine, who made her
house a hospital and fearlessly ministered to many a
soul shot in battle. Buckner’s Corps christened her
“The Mother of Chickamauga.” and many a maimed
soldier has gone, and will go. to his grave with the ten-
derest recollections of that blessed spirit who nursed
him with a mother’s care.
From Reed’s Bridge up the Chickamauga to Glass’s
Mills, with flanks guarded by cavalry, was the position
of the Southern army on the night of the 18th. From
the McAfee Springs on the left to Pond Springs on
the right the Army of the Cumberland was guarded
by cavalry, ready to parry their deadly thrusts.
Bragg slept sweetly that night, confident of the re-
sult, as for once the forces were more nearly equal ;
Rosecrans, on the other hand, was restless and per-
turbed, fearful of his left being turned, so that Burn-
side, with twenty thousand men, would not be able to
swoop in from Jonesboro or Athens and lend a helping
hand. Fearful visions of Joe Johnston, of paroled
prisoners, of Longstreet, even of Ewell reenforcing
Bragg, were agitating him. Instead of a demoralized
army, he found confronting him bristling bayonets and
belching Confederate Napoleons. The increase of anx-
iety even permeated the brain of C. A. Dana, the As-
sistant Secretary of War, as the dawn of the conflict
approached. ( m the 17th. from Crawfish Springs, he
telegraphed to Stanton. Secretary of War, “Nothing
positive from P.urnside ; his forces needed here;” and
on the 18th at u «., “nothing from Burnside.”
” V,\ the Apostle Paul, shadows to-night
1 lave struck more terror to the soul of Richard
Than the substance of ten thousand soldiers.
Armed in proof, and led by shallow Richmond.”
(To be continued.)
W, C. Nixon, Dyersburg, Tenn., gives the names of
the few who answered to the last roll call of the Fourth
Tennessee (Strahl’s old regiment) at ( ireensboro, N.
( . and he asks : ” Where are they now ?”
L. W. Finley, lieutenant colonel; H. H. Hampton,
Company A : Charles Campbell, J. B. Abicromby,
J. E. Beasley, I. R. Gillerland, W. M. D. Lampier, J.
D. Mosley, W. G. Parker, D. F. Price, M. Parker, T.
A. Torian, C. C. Torian, James Omburg, Andrew
1’ope, J. A. Southworth. M. Ward, W. W. Walker.
t ompany B : J. W. Goodwin.
Company C: M. Hughes, F, M Hughes, J. H.
Fisher, I. E. Pitman, |: ( Smith. I. W. Vanpelt, H.
B. Waller.
Companv D: H. Drewrv, G. W. Lewis, J. M. Shel-
by, B. T. Reeves, J. J. Weaver. C. C. Wallace, J. T.
Company E : T. N. Blackburn, W. G. Bynum, E. C.
( lurlin, T. Z. Hudleston, C. Wrenn.
Company G: A. J. Meadows, S. A. Pugh. W. C.
Nixon, X. 0. Lovelace.
Company H : C. W. Ashford, J. T. Seay.
Company I : A. Mayo.
Company K: Capt. I. W. Lauderdale. W. R. Cali-
ban. W. A. Flowers. F. M. Hambric. T. F. Ledsinger.
A good many of the regiment were left at Benton-
ville sick or wounded after our last battle.
\. W. Simmons, of Halcsboro, Tex., inquires for
the “Life of Robert Toombs,” written by Jenkins or
Confederate l/eterarj.
On the evening of May 10, at Spottsylvania, under
the leadership of Gen. Upton, a column of a dozen se-
lected regiments, including my own, all of the Sixth
Corps (Sedgwick’s), made a charge ; and, although the
movement was unsuccessful in the end, they held for a
time a portion of the Confederate works.
Among the wounded brought to the rear was a boy
in gray, Private Thomas J. Roberts, of Company I,
Twelfth Georgia. We lifted him from the ambu-
lance, and, having spread a blanket on the grass and
laid him on it, I called a surgeon. A minie ball had
struck him in the groin, and but a slight examination
was enough to show that the wound was fatal. He
was a mere boy, and I can still see his really beautiful
face as he lifted his dark, lustrous eyes to mine. It was
little that I could do for him, but I spoke such words of
comfort as I could command. He showed fortitude
and cheerfulness for one in so sad a situation, and he
told me about his friends at home, speaking also of
those from his own family circle who had already been
killed in the war. While we were talking he asked for
a drink of water. I brought it, and as I raised him to
a sitting posture, so that he could drink, he leaned his
head forward upon my shoulder, and without a strug-
gle was dead. We could give him only the rude burial
of a soldier, but over his grave was lifted the prayer
that the God of all comfort would tenderly support
those far away. who would wait in vain the return of
the boy of their love and hopes.
Often since that night have ‘I thought of that South-
ern soldier lad who died actually in my arms, as if in a
mother’s embrace, and I pen this reminiscence that
possibly it may make known to some surviving com-
rade or dear one that in his last hour what little could
be done for him was tenderly performed.
More than one of those of my regiment who, being
wounded, fell into the hands of the enemy spoke after-
wards of kindnesses shown them by Southern soldiers.
Thanks, noble Confederate veterans, for acts of tender-
ness to those whom the stern fortunes of war cast at
your feet. Your names may be unknown to the North-
ern mothers and sisters of those to whom you showed
kindness, but their prayers have gone up to God for
you all the same. You yourself may have forgotten
your gentle deeds, deeming them little things, but
God’s angels have kept the records of them all.
Morristown, N. J., September 4, 1898.
Lieut. Col. William F. Fox, a brother of Chaplain
Fox, and who was second in command of the One
Hundred and Seventh New York Volunteers, wrote
to Capt. F. S. Harris, of Nashville, Tenn., concerning
the statistics in his elaborate history of “Regimental
Losses” in the great war :
By referring to page 568 you will see that the Thir-
teenth Alabama, Archer’s Brigade, A. P. Hill’s Divi-
sion, is mentioned as one of the regiments which sus-
tained the heaviest losses at Chancellorsville, and its
casualties in that battle are given. Still I regret that,
owing to the official records, such meager notice is ac-
corded to a brigade which did so much to establish the
fame of the American soldier.
It could not well be otherwise in a work of a statis-
tical character in which the figures are taken wholly
from official sources. The omission of further men-
tion is due to the fact that the regimental command-
ants in Archer’s Brigade made no mention in their offi-
cial reports of the number of men taken into action,
without which statement the percentage of loss could
not be given now.
It is unnecessary for you to remind me of the fight-
ing qualities of your old brigade. I was in the Twelfth
Corps at Chancellorsville, where we were confronted
by Archer’s and McGowan’s men, and where we cour-
teously vacated our position in acknowledgment of
their claims.
Rev. Dr. David H. Moore, editor Western Christian
Advocate, Cincinnati, prints in his paper that S. A.
Cunningham, Editor of the Confederate Veteran,
“one of the best-conducted war magazines in the world,
was in the city during the G. A. R. encampment, and
honored our office with a call.”
Dr. Moore commanded the One Hundred and
Twenty-Fifth Ohio Regiment in the great war, and
during the recent encampment he kept open house and
a bountifully spread table to the men of his old com-
mand, many of whom called to see their young colonel
of a long time ago.
Dr. S. H. Stout, Dallas, Tex., who was medical di-
rector of hospitals in the Army of Tennessee, C. S. A.,
states in a letter: “I never let an opportunity pass that
I do not recommend the Confederate Veteran to
Southern soldiers — to camps and to individuals.”
1 £.. *&* y
Miss Lillian C. Reeves, of Camden, Ark., only
daughter of J. A. and Elizabeth Barbara Reeves, is
slight and graceful in figure, with brown hair and dark
eyes. Her father was a splendid soldier and is, of
course, a patriot. He is a Brigadier General of the
Fourth Division of Arkansas Troops, U. C. V.
Confederate l/eterar?.
Hon. John N. Lyle, of Waco, Tex., made a strong
argument before the Pat Cleburne Camp, of his city,
taking the position that “Lee’s army has as much
right to pensions from the Federal government as
Grant’s.” He bases his claim upon the fact that the
South has contributed as much to the preservation of
the Union as the North. He quotes from Mr. Lin-
coln’s emancipation proclamation : “And upon this
act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted
by the constitution and by military necessity, I invoke
the considerate judgment of mankind and the gracious
favor of Almighty God.” Then he argues :
Accepting this as giving the true reason for his act,
the “military necessity” that justified it was the pres-
ervation of the Union. The South, we insist, then,
was made to contribute about four million slaves,
worth $2,000,000,000, to its salvation. Right and jus-
tice demand that this debt to the South be paid by the
United States government in taking care of disabled
Confederate soldiers.
The South has exhibited as much, if not mi tic, re-
gard for the integrity of the Union than the States of
the North. 1 shall introduce but one witness on this
point, and he shall be taken from the hither side of
Mason and Dixon line. \\ hen Slates of the North
nullified laws of the United States and made it criminal
for their citizens to assist in their enforcement, Dan-
iel Webster, the great statesman of Massachusetts, in
a noted speech, made m [851, at Capon Springs, Va.,
declared the compact of union at an end. He said :
“It has been said in the States of New York, Massa-
chusetts, and Ohio, over and over again, that the law
shall not he executed. That was the language in con-
ventions in Worcester, Mass., in Syracuse. X. Y., and
elsewhere. And for this they pledged their lives, their
fortunes, and their sacred honors. Now. gentlemen,
these proceedings are distinctly treasonable, and the
act of taking Shadrick (the fugitive slave) from the
public authorities in Boston and sending him off was
clear treason; and I do not hesitate to say that if the
Northern States refuse willfully and deliberately to car-
ry into effect that part of the constitution winch re-
spects the restitution of fugitive sk.ves, the South
would no longer be bound to keep the compact. A
bargain broken on one side is broken on all sides.”
But the South refused to accept this conclusion
1 let’ devotion to the republic established b) the effi irts
of Washington, Madison, and a host of venerated pa
triots and statesmen was dearer to her than even her
own section; and for ten long ye is. patiently hoping
against hope that a sense of right and justice would
prevail, she witnessed State alter State in the North
trampling the laws of the country in the dust. She
saw abolition fanaticism whetting its sword and thirst
ing for the blood of her citizens. She submitted to
this same abolition fanaticism invading her territory
with cutthroats and desperadoes armed to kill the
whites and incite the blacks to bloody insurrection.
She endured published slanders, scattered broadcast
Over the world by this fell fanaticism, some of this in-
cendiary stuff, indorsed by prominent Congressmen,
going t.. the extent of urging the negroes to rise by
night and butcher their masters and families ; and, if
that were not practicable, to poison the waters and kill
them thus by stealth. Why did the South so long en-
dure all this and not accept Mr. Webster’s decision that
the compact was at an end? It was her devotion to
the Union. And not until this abolition fanaticism,
feeding upon sectional hate, grew to a strength that
enabled it to obtain the advantage of Federal position
and, in 1861, to inaugurate the John Brown raid on an
enlarged and extended scale did the South accept the
fact and act upon it. So long as the treason against
which that distinguished statesman inveighed was con-
fined to the local governments of abolition States, she
was willing to abide by the Union ; but when Mr.
Chase, who spoke for the then incoming administra-
tion of Lincoln, declared that this same treason was to
be practiced by the Federal government there was
nothing left for her but to accept the fact that the Un-
ion was dissolved ami to exercise the right of a free
people to form a government to their own liking.
Giving an account of the peace congress called by
Virginia in [861, the Hon. Alexander 11. Stephens, in
his “History of the United States.” says: “Senator
Salmon 1′. Chase appeared as a delegate from the State
of Ohio. It was generally understood at the time that
he was to be Secretary of the Treasury under Mr. Lin-
coln, the incoming President. In view of this fact and
his universally recognized ability, very great interest
was felt as to the course Ik- would pursue and the line
of policy he would indicate. lie had from the begin-
ning been one of the most distinguished leaders 1
agitators or antislavery party, and for years had stood
nost among those leaders in the United Slates
Senate. Two days after the meeting of the peace
congress, on the 6th of February, 1861, this Ajax Tela-
mon of the incoming administration took the floor.
His speech came far short of meeting the hopes oi tin-
anxious advocates of the Union, who had been active
in getting up the congress. In all the candor of his
nature he declared most emphatically to the members
of that congress from the Southern States that the
M R s . W, 11 < . R \ \ I . \ 1 I \ s 1 \ . G A.
Confederate l/eterar?
Northern States would never fulfill that part of the
constitution which required the return of the fugitives
from service.” This speech, backed as it was by a
large majority of the delegates from the Northern
States, blasted the hopes of the most ardent friends of
the congress of any good results attending it. The
truth is, instead of healing the breach between the
States, it tended greatly to widen it. It was the opinion
of one high in authority that that part of the constitu-
tion was regarded by the party coming into power as
a dead letter, and it was a clear and unequivocal decla-
ration that they never would respect on this subject the
decision of the Supreme Court of the United States.
Many leading men at the South looked Upon this
speech as an unqualified declaration that the Republi-
can party would hold this provision of the constitu-
tion as null ; and that the Southern States would, there-
fore, be absolved from all further obligation on their
part of the compact of union. They recollected well
also, that Mr. Seward, who was to be Mr. Lincoln’s
Secretary of State, had announced similar sentiments
in the Senate as early as 1850.
Mr. Stephens continues: “As to matters of good
faith between the States, impartial history must make
up the record that the breach was on the part of the
Northern States. The South asked nothing of her
Confederates but to defend and maintain the constitu-
tion according to its known provision as adjudicated
by the highest court in the land.”
‘According to these facts of history and the judg-
ment of Mr. Webster, the only acts of treason ever
perpetrated in these United States were done by aboli-
tion fanatics ; and it looks like the irony of fate that for
more than a third of a century they have been on horse-
back, while patriots and lovers of good government
have had to walk. Understand me, I am speaking of
abolition fanatics, and am not bringing charges against
the whole people of the North. History shows that in
1861 a majority of them were opposed to war upon
their Southern brethren. In that famous line,
Erring sisters, go in peace,
Horace Greeley voiced the sentiments of the majority.
Col. McClure, a great and distinguished journalist of
Philadelphia, testifies positively to this fact. Northern
Whigs and Democrats and thousands of conservative
Republicans were duped into the strife brought on by
abolition treason, as Mr. Webster terms it.
It is “Old Glory” now, and by doing justice under the
power it symbolizes, let it so remain.
I base the claim of my Confederate comrades also
upon the ground that only justice to them can make a
union in heart of peoples of these States. In vain sing
paeans to the glory of the Union ; in-vain teach devotion
to the flag by having it float from every schoolhouse,
unless equal and exact justice prevails. Without this,
the future will see our beloved country involved in such
sectional bitterness as prevailed before the war. May
it never ag?in come to pass that our Union will be
characterized as an “agreement with death and a cov-
enant with hell,” as it then was by abolition fanatics!
Mav injustice never drive a dissatisfied section to ad-
dress our flag in the lines of an abolition poet :
Tear down that flaunting lie;
Half-mast the starry flag;
In6ult no sunny sky
With hate’s polluted rag.
The South pays, in proportion to population and
wealth, more than her share of the taxes that go into
the \\ ashington treasury ; and to demand that the
States of this section shall carry as a further burden the
pensions of Confederate soldiers is rank injustice. I he
Northern States draw more out of the Federal treasu-
ry in money for pensions than the aggregate of all their
State taxes. Curry, in his “Southern States of the
Union,” says : “The aggregate State revenues collect-
ed in 1892 by the Northern States from all sources
were $103,192,922. In 1893 the money paid for pen-
sions was $156,740,476. Of this, the North got $127,-
000,000. Not simply individuals, but whole States are
pensioners upon the government, Illinois receiving
$11,019,932; Indiana, $11,703,434; Kansas, $7,103,-
203; Ohio, $17,326,682; Pennsylvania, $15, 177,339;
Wisconsin, $4,378,353; Michigan, $7,760,227; and
Massachusetts, $6,881,243.”
By the above it can be readily seen that their State
governments cost them less than nothing. Thus re-
lieved from local taxation, they are enjoying an unjust
advantage. Injustice will lead to dissatisfaction and
bitterness that may end in strife. Better to have let
the States “go in peace” than to have forced them to
remain and hold their people as objects of inequality
and injustice. In poverty the Confederate soldiers
have toiled and sweated for thirty-three years, loyally
and faithfully contributing to the general government,
and I demand for them in their old age only their just
dues. Don’t mistake me as asking for them a bounty.
I would scorn to ask it, as they would scorn to accept
it. It is justice I demand for them, and justice only.
It is asserted that a great portion of the millions paid
for pensions are on fraudulent claims. If the unde-
serving were dropped from the rolls, and the names of
worthy Confederates substituted, justice would be
done without an increase of taxation.
At the last reunion of the Grand Army of the Re-
public President McKinley was present, and in a
speech to his old comrades congratulated them on the
fact that if danger should threaten our country she had
two grand armies to defend her, the armv of Grant and
the army of Lee. This is a beautiful sentiment. . . .
When we reflect that the army of Grant is the feasted
and caressed favorite of the country, while that of Lee
is treated as a stepchild, we call for less taffy and more
justice. But he uttered a great truth that has been
fully exemplified. The Southern soldier is for his
country, “right or wrong,” so long as she is the expo-
nent of the principles of liberty underlying our civil
institutions. . . . The South of 1898 is as firm in
its devotion to the Union as the South of 1850, that
then refused to accept its dissolution by abolition trea-
son. Shall this continue? Is it desired?
I am sustained in the position that it is the duty of
the Federal government to take care of the indigent
and disabled Confederate soldiers by no less than au-
thority than a declaration from the late Gen. W. T.
Sherman. Henry W. Grady said that the Georgians
regarded Gen. Sherman as a very careless man with
fire, but in some things he had a very level head.
Some years since, when the John B. Hood Camp start-
Confederate Veterans
ed to establish the Confederate Home at Austin, Maj.
Joe Stewart was sent North and East to solicit funds
for its endowment. As he passed through St. Louis
he called on Gen. Sherman to get his indorsement of
the enterprise. The General heartily sympathized
with the move, but said: “It is too great a matter for
private charity ; the general government ought to take
care of the disabled Confederate soldiers.”
Mr. Geo. Wilson, a Lexington (Mo.) banker, writes :
In your August number there is a picture of a young
lady, under which is the statement that she is “tall and
slender, of the distinctive Southern type, olive com-
plexion and dark-brown hair and eyes.” One of the
most widespread errors in all the world is this belief
that the distinctive type of the people of our Southern
States is the type here described. Olive complexion,
brown or black eyes, and black hair make a Southern
but not the Southern type — that is, with respect to the
whole world, it is a Southern type, but it is not the type
of the people of our Southern States. But this South-
ern type is not characterized by great stature; on the
contrary, such Southerners of the world are short, as a
race. On the other hand, the type par excellence of the
Southern States is the tide-water Virginia type : tall,
fair-haired or chestnut, blue or gray eyes, heavy lower
jaw ami forward chin, in which sometimes the lower
front teeth are in front of the upper ones when the
mouth is shut, or what is called “jimber jaw” in Vir-
ginia, and which I have identified as a corruption of
Cimbri jaw or Kimbrii jaw. In many years of study
along these lines this is one of the most interesting and
gratifying discoveries I ever made, and it is confirmed
collaterally in ways that I cannot here take space to
mention. Such a jaw had Washington, Jefferson,
Franklin, Henry the Great of France, <. harlos I. and II.
of England. The factors that make up the type are
few, and can be approximately located. For instance,
blonde hair and blue eyes are pure Northern Aryan
features. Perhaps there are no pure Aryans to-day
outside of the Russians. I am not yet satisfied where
red hair comes from or how it came. True blonde
Aryan hair is the finest of all human hair, the nearest
to fur, showing that for millenniums its owners have
lived in the cold regions, probably of Northern Europe
or Asia. Red hair is seldom line, and it makes me sus-
pect that it came from intermarriage of people with
coarse black hair with the fine-haired blondes. We
know that in mummies black hair fades to red some-
times, and by intermarriage the children might inherit
the coarse stock from one side and the inability to pro-
duce a black pigment from the blonde side. This
might produce red hair ; and the same inability to pro-
duce a dirk pigment in the hair would produce a very
fair skin, such as we always see in red-haired persons.
The young Lady in question is a Southerner by com-
plexion and a Southerner b\ height. The Virginians
of the tide water — the first lot of immigrants who came
there mainly from Yorkshire and Lancashire, or what
was called Northumbria, and only called England at a
comparatively late day — were for the most part a nearly
pure Norman or Norwegian stock. Nol only do their
physical characteristics prove this, but their surnames
add proof. The face of the young man Pelham is as
Norwegian as can be found in Norway to-day, and his
name is probably a corruption of Phol, one of the old
heathen gods of the Northmen, and Itanui, a “harbor.”
Somewhere in the North there may have been a village
whose people were worshipers ot Phol in particular,
and, being on a harbor, was called Pholham ; and the
individuals would, when among other clans, be called
Erik of Pholhamn, or Svein of Pholharnn, etc., as the
case might be. The letters o and e are interchangeable,
as Swedish hixm is our “whom.” Hobson’s name
is probably from Kapp-son, in which the k was hissed
in the back of the mouth, making the sound between h
and k, meaning “son of the champion;” or else is a
very worn form of Harabanar-son. Harabanar is a
\er\ old form of Hrafn, “rafn” or “raven,” an old
warrior name of the North, where the raven was the
sacred bird of Odin, the All-Father, to whom they only
could go after death who died in battle. Harbison is
the same name. Both are distinctively Southern
names. Hawkins, another Southern name, is the Old
Norse Hakon, a heroic name in saga and history. Step-
toe, a tide-water Virginia name, is made up of the Ice-
landic words steypa, “to pour,” as of molten metal, and
oe, an “island” — literally, the “Island of the Founders,”
or where the weapons and tools were cast. Terry, the
name of another hero in your magazine, is perhaps
“Tar-Island,” the island where the tar was made for
making the boats tight in which the vikings made their
sea raids. I saw the name of a Maj. Waddy on a I i >n
federate report, the name of some of my mother’s tide-
water Virginia ancestors. It is from Ved-oe, “Wood
Island,” near the Maelstrom, off the Norwegian coast.
What is spoken of so often as “hot Southern blood”
in accounting for the many unfortunate personal en-
counters in the South is rather the blood of the old
Berserks, or champions, who in battle became as mad-
men, lost all sense of fear, and frothed at the mouth and
bit the rims of their shields. An eyewitness of the
death of Col. Sam Owens, of this county, in the Mex-
ican war, says that he was looking at him a few mo-
ments before he was killed, and that he looked like a
madman, was frothing at the mouth and slashing the
Mexicans with deadly blows of his saber. This name,
which is what we eail Welsh and what the Welsh call
Kymry. brings in another interesting group of fight-
ers. To me the evidence of word lore and anthropol-
ogy prove that the Kymry were a branch of the Kim-
brii or Cimbri. But in Wales the) nut and intermar-
ried with a race with dark complexions. Lloyd, a Welsh
name, means “dark,” and is the same word as “cl<
1 is Ap Lloyd, or “of the dark men.” Price, a
Welsh name, the name of the great Missouri general
“Old Pap,” is ApRys, “of the red.” russet, ruddy, the
same word perhaps as Russian. There was the dis-
tinction, just as 1 have hoard it made between a red-
haired and black-haired cousin of the same surname:
Red Joe and Black Joe. Davis, the name of your
other young hero, 1 suspect is no other than David,
and is .a Phoenician name, a loan word from them to
the Jews, who were their slaves at one time. The
Phoenicians are not what they are called, “Semites,”
but I believe are \ryans from the south slopes of the
Caucasus, as the Northmen were from the north slopes.
In the Circassians I believe we have a remnant of the
original stock, what the Northmen called their ances-
tors, “the most beautiful people in the world.” That
the Phoenicians reached Wales and got tin there, and
that some of their colonies stayed there and mixed with
the ruddy people from the North, I believe probable.
From them came the dark hair and eyes and dark com-
Jefferson Davis and my father were at West Point
at the same time, and in the First Infantry (Zachary
Taylor’s and Shatter’s Regiment), and I studied Mr.
Davis’ face with much care, and have often wished I
had the measurement of his head or what is called the
“cephalic index” (the comparative length and width),
which is a race indication. I think his profile is nearly
the ideal Phoenician, or perhaps what we might call
Phcenico-Cimbrian, found mainly or only in Wales.
It is perhaps not too sweeping to say that no pure-
blooded Northern Aryan ever had an aquiline nose.
Their noses are always either straight on the profile
line or else “dished.” By this test take note of Col.
Montgomery’s picture, in your August number. The
name is Irish, and the Phoenicians exercised a profound
influence on the people of Ireland, and much of their
blood is in the Irish now.
I believe that I have traced the trading Phoenicians
to New England ; and thus it has strangely happened
that the Northern and Southern stocks of the Old
World have crossed paths in coming to the New. The
Southerners are mainly Northmen, and the Northern-
ers are mainly of a Southern stock. And this I be-
lieve to be one reason why the former suffer from liver
complaint and the latter from consumption more than
from anv other diseases.
A Maid of Honor for North Carolina, Atlanta Reunion.
W. A. L. Jett, Murray Hill, N. J. :
I enjoyed reading in the July Veteran the account
by W. R. Hall, Richmond, Va., of the “First Confeder-
ate Killed.”
Three companies were stationed at Fairfax Court-
house at the time Capt. John A. Marr was killed. The
Prince William Cavalry were in the hotel, and their
horses were in the hotel stables; the Rappahannock
Cavalry (afterwards Company B, Sixth Virginia Cav-
alry), of which company I was a member, was in the
courthouse, with horses picketed in the yard ; and the
Warrenton Rifles in a brick church in the outskirts of
the town, on the road leading to Fairfax Station, where
the Goochland and Hanover troops and the Governor’s
mounted guard of Richmond were stationed.
About an hour before day on June I our pickets
were run in, and before we could form, the enemy, a
company of the Second Regular Cavalry, led by Lieut.
Thompkins, dashed through the town, firing right and
left. The Rappahannock Cavalry were not yet mount-
ed, and, being armed with nothing but sabers, they re-
treated on the Fairfax Station road under fire. When
near the Brick Church they received a volley from the
front. John F. Rowles was shot through the right
lung and three horses wounded. The cavalry fled in
much confusion, a part of the company going to Cen-
terville ; but a portion rallied, and reported to Col. Ew-
ell. They were sent on picket during the morning,
and brought in three prisoners. After the fight Capt.
Marr’s body was found in the grass where the cavalry
was fired upon. Two days before this skirmish Pey-
ton Anderson, of the Rappahannock Cavalry, was
badly wounded, and, I believe, was the first to shed his
blood for the cause of the South.
In 1862 the Rappahannock company charged the
First Maryland Infantry, commanded by Col. Kenly,
of Banks’s army. In this charge they lost in killed :
Sergts. Benjamin F. Duncan and William T. Stark,
and Privates Dallas Brown, Tom Burke, Philip Fields,
John Haddox, Washington Nicol, Joseph Pullen, and
Samuel Yates. Wounded : Suwarron Kendall (who
died next day), Silas Atkins, Albert Brady, Elijah Can-
non, Dabney Eastham, William Fields, R. Y. Fields,
A. B. Heaton, Jack Rudasilla, Thomas Slaughter,
George Totten, George Johnson, and James Wood.
James Crawford, for whom I. F. Maull inquires as
having escaped from Elmira, N. Y., with him, was from
Company B, Sixth Virginia. Miss “Nita” Menefee,
Washington, Va., is a cousin of Crawford.
G. Garwood, now of Bellefontaine, Ohio, is anxious
to learn the name of a lady who went to the camp of
some thirty or more exchanged Confederate soldiers,
near Clinton, Miss., and entertained them with some
sweet music, singing to guitar accompaniment. She
was accompanied by a servant and two children. The
enchanting strains yet linger in the memory of this old
veteran, and he will be delighted to establish the iden-
tity of the charmer.
They’ve named a cruiser Dixie — that’s what the papers say —
An’ I hear they’re goin’ ter man her with the boys that wore
the gray.
G-ood news! It sorter thrills me an’ makes me want to be
Whar the ban’ is playin’ “Dixie” an’ the “Dixie” puts ter sea.
They’ve named a cruiser Dixie; an’ fellers, I’ll be boun’
You’re goin’ ter see some fightin’ when the Dixie swings
Ef any o’ them Spanish ships shall strike her east or west,
Just let the ban’ play “Dixie,” an’ the boys’ll do the rest!
— Frank L. Stanton, in Atlanta Constitution.
Confederate l/eterao.
The Annual Convention to Meet at Hot Springs, Ark.
On November 9 the fifth annual convention of the
United Daughters of the Confederacy will convene in
national session, by invitation of citizens of Arkansas,
in the beautifully picturesque town of Hot Springs. As
this mighty organization very nearly doubles its mem-
bership with each twelve months, it is predicted that
this gathering will eclipse the number in attendance at
previous sessions. The beauties of the place in nat-
ural wonders can scarce be conceived. In the autumn
the climate is ideal.
Mrs. Katie Cabell Currie, the President of the U. D.
C, is most active in her efforts to insure a very large
outpouring of loyal women into hospitable Arkansas
on November 9. Mrs. C. A. Forney, President of the
Arkansas Division, U. D. C, is as earnest in her en-
deavors to make the occasion in every way a success
as she was true to the wearers of the gray in times of
need. She has secured a one-fare rate from the Iron
Mountain Railroad to begin with, and the various State
Division Presidents are requested to appoint railroad
committees in their domains for the purpose of secur-
ing like concessions on the lines in the States. The
importance of general attendance upon this conven-
tion should be sufficiently impressed upon members,
since the benefits derived are obvious for both business
and pleasure. Hot Springs welcomes the U. D. C,
and no warmer welcome can anywhere be found.
Mrs. J. M. Duncan, Jr.. Cor. Sec. U. D. C.
An autograph of John M. Hobson, from Johnson’s
Island prison, was engraved under the impression
that he was the father of Richmond Pearson Hobson,
the American hero ; but. for certainty, his father was ad-
dressed, who wrote from Greensboro. Ala., August \~ :
My Dear Sir: Your favor of the 15th inst. just to
hand. John M. Hobson was my brother, younger
than myself by two years. We belonged to the same
« *££
company (E, Second North Carolina Regiment). I
was first and he second lieutenant. He was captured
at Petersburg, Va., a short while before the end of the
war, and sent to Johnson’s Island. I was captured at
Spottsylvania Courthouse May 8, 1864, sent to Point
Lookout. Md., then to Fort Delaware, then with six
hundred officers to Fort Pulaski, then back to Fort
Delaware in March, 1865, at which place I was lib-
erated after the war ended. I came to this place in the
fall of 1867. John came out in the winter of the follow-
ing year and settled in this (Hale) county. He died
more than fifteen years ago, leaving a widow and a
daughter, who now reside on their plantation. I shall
be glad to keep the autograph, unless you need it.
I read with great interest that issue of the Veteran
in which you gave a history of the North Carolina
troops during the civil war. handed me bv a comrade.
At the next meeting of our camp we will try to get
you a good number of subscribers. With best wishes.
I am sincerely yours. J \mes M. Hobson.
I love thee, green isle in Erie’s great water,
For why should I hate thee, old Erie’s bright daughter?
Hut how much I’d love thee. () how much the more.
Did the Colonel parole me to walk on thy shore!
I’d not be like “Selkirk” and boast thy domain;
The Colonel and all of his soldiers might reign
From thy tallest oak tree to thy most distant shore.
Hut if I could walk thee, I’d love thee the more.
It is not thy prison, ’tis thee that I love;
‘Twas man made thy prison, but the great God above
Caused bhee to spring forth in the midst of the flood.
Undisturbed by contention, unsprinkled by blood.
But yet for the captive thou art a sweet place.
When springtime and summer with flowery graoe
Reign mild o’er the mainland, thyself and the lake.
I love thee alone for thy scenery’s sake;
Hut if I could wander around thy wild shore,
I’d love thee, sweet island. I’d love thee the more.
Johnson’s Island, September 23, 1863.
Senator /. B. Nance, in an address delivered Feb
ruary 25, L885, before the Association of the Mar;
land Line, in Baltimore, said:
” In relation to the number of troops furnished to
the Confederate Government, I have more than once
made the boast thai North Carolina furnished, not
relatively but absolutely, more than an) other State.
This assertion has not yet been denied, to my knowl-
edge. The official records of the Adjutant General’s
Office show that North Carolina furnished 124,000
men, organized into 71 regiments, 20 battalions, and
L’4 unattached companies. All these were raised
out of a white population in 1860 of 629,942, or one
soldier to every six souls. At Appomattox and at
Greensboro, North Carolina surrendered twice as
many muskets as any other State, and in more than
one of Lee’s great battles they exceeded the dean
from all the other States put together.
” This record constitutes a proof of a very proud
distinction, but it is due to North Carolina as sure
as truth is truth. In my opinion, she was less ex-
hausted when the end came than any other State;
and she had the means and vitality and the spirit to
have continued the struggle two years longer.”
” The last to begin the fight, she was the last to
leave it. Let not these things be forgotten.”
W. H. Kearney. Cooter. Mo., of the Sixth Tennessee
Regiment, wishes to know if Robert Skclton. who
nursed him at the hospital at Tompkinsville, Ky., is
still living. Skelton’s home was McMinnville, Tenn.
11 (i
Confederate l/eterai}
Confederate l/eteraq.
S. A. CUNHINGHAM, Editor imd Proprietor.
Office: Methodist Publishing House Building, Nashville, Tenn.
This publication is the persona] property of S. A. Cunningham. All
persons who approve its principles, anil realize its benelits as an organ lot
Associations throughout the .South, are requested to commend its patron-
age and to cooperate in extending it.
Report of History Committee and other prepared
matter about Atlanta Reunion is held over to October.
Officials of the Louisiana Division. — The
most liberal responses of all the States concerning re-
union sketches came from Louisiana, and special
showing for comrades of the Pelican State will be giv-
en in the November Veteran. In that issue it is ex-
pected to report status of the Memorial Association.
October Veteran for Daughters of the Con-
federacy. — The October number is to be used as fully
as desired for the United Daughters of the Confeder-
acy and other organizations of Southern women in
honor of our Confederate cause. In that number it is
very desirable to record the acts of heroines during the
great war. Emphasis is here given of the importance
of acting promptly, so as not to be too late. Do,
please, prepare what you wish in that number, and
send as quickly as practicable. Engravings are to be
printed of worthy officials and heroines, if the sketches
and pictures are received in time. Remember that the
tax upon the Veteran for the worthy dead unrepre-
sented and those of the living who can’t pay suggests
that those who can pay the cost of engravings do so.
Did you read the appeal in August Veteran for
attention to subscriptions? You may be paid to 1900,
but the plea was to you for diligence in letting others
know of the Veteran. Did you send the names of
some who would gladly subscribe if they knew? If
you are in arrears, will you not give the subject atten-
tion without further delay? If each one would com-
ply with this request, it would save hundreds of dollars
and weeks of arduous labor, and it would be the means
of an inestimable power for good. Its success depends
upon the diligence of subscribers in paying for their
own copies and inducing others to take it. Let there be
no drones, but may Southern men and women see to it
that their common cause is correctly maintained. It
can be done better by the Veteran than through any
medium that has ever existed.
Don’t forget that through diversion by the Spanish
war and the quarantine in many sections of the South
the work of the Veteran must be maintained as if
neither had occurred.
sketches of their organizations in the October Veter-
an should write promptly, or they will be too late.
It is important now for every friend of the Veteran
to be active in its advancement. Every subscriber
who pays promptly helps the cause and advances his or
her own interest by inducing others to subscribe. The
twenty thousand could be increased to fifty thousand
in fifty days. Do be diligent to keep your own sub-
scription paid ahead and to persuade others to sub-
scribe as you think the Veteran merits patronage.
In spite of persistence to be accurate in what ap-
pears in the Veteran, errors do occur. Sometimes
they are ludicrous. For instance, Col. V. Y. Cook,
commanding the Second Arkansas Regiment, is re-
corded on page 365 of the August number as “director
in the Newport band,” which should be “bank.” It is
the richer since this “band” is composed of negroes.
Again, on page 389 Mr. Adger Smyth, of Charles-
ton, S. C, is recorded as having served in the Twenty-
Fifth Virginia, instead of South Carolina, Regiment.
The error occurred in thinking of his services in Vir-
ginia while writing.
The name of the chairman of the Nashville reunion
Executive Committee, J. B. O’Bryan, came out as
O’Brien, although it had become a household word
and the large gilt sign of O’Bryan Bros, faces the
building in which the Veteran is located.
An error was made on page 309 of July Veteran in
giving the name of the Messrs. Bynum as Byrum.
An oversight occurred in not giving proper credit to
Hon. Albert Kern, of Dayton, Ohio, for the handsome
photograph of Company A, of Nashville, by the
Tennessee Infantry monument at Chickamauga Park,
from which the engraving was made as appears on
page 369 of the August Veteran. Mr. Kern is an
enthusiastic amateur photographer, yet his work ap-
pears as that of a veteran in the business.
The picture with Lieut. Col. Augustus Gordon, in
sketch of Raccoon Roughs, the company with which
Gen. John B. Gordon entered the Confederate army, is
that of John Burnett, who was his chum. Burnett is
vet living, and has been in the railroad business much
of the time since the war.
W. H. Doggett, Hamilton, Tex.: “I see that the
long lost flag of the Thirty-Second Tennessee, Ed C.
Cook’s Regiment of Volunteers, has been found. I,’
for one, say that flag was never captured at Fort Donel-
son. The morning of the surrender Col. Cook folded
the flag tightly and put it in his valise, and kept it there
while in prison. When he started South to be ex-
changed a wagon took his valise, with other baggage,
to the train, and the Colonel found that his valise had
been opened and the flag was gone. That was some
eight months after Donelson fell. Mrs. Ed C. Cook
and other ladies of Franklin. Tenn., presented that
beautiful banner with its bright stars to our regiment,
and we were all proud of it and of our noble colonel, as
well as all of our officers ; they were gallant and true.”
Daughters of the Confederacy desiring brief
John B. Dunbar, Bloomfield, N. J., is anxious to
procure Vols. 1, 2, and 3 of the Veteran, and any
subscriber willing to part with these volumes will con-
fer a favor by addressing Mr. Dunbar.
Confederate Veterans
Comrade W. G. Loyd, of Lewisburg, Term., read a
paper before his bivouac recently concerning his regi-
ment, the Second Louisiana Infantry, of Nichols’ Bri-
gade, Ewell’s Corps, at Winchester, Ya., and at Get-
tysburg, in which he states :
On June 5, 1863, our division left Hamilton’s cross-
ing and moved in the direction of Winchester. On
June 15, 1863, the battle of Winchester was fought,
Col. Jesse M. Williams, of the Second Louisiana Regi-
ment, being in command of Nichol’s Brigade.
The Second Louisiana Regiment, under command
of Lieut. Col. R. E. Burke, and the Tenth Louisiana
Regiment, Maj. Powell, were ordered to change front
and move to the Martinsburg pike and attack the ene-
my, who were attempting to flank our left. This de-
tachment (Second and Tenth Louisiana Regiments)
captured about one thousand prisoners, and the Second
Regiment captured a stand of colors belonging to
the Sixty-Seventh Pennsylvania Regiment, Gen. Mil-
roy, commanding the Federal forces, made his escape
to Harper’s Ferry with the cavalry, but the infantry
were all captured, about twenty-three hundred.
During this engagement Maj. Gen. Edward John-
son was seen riding in front of the line with a large
hickory club. He was called by the boys “Club”
Johnson. Earlier in the war, while in the Valley, he
was called “Alleghany Ned.”
On June 18. 1863, our division crossed the Potomac
at Boteler’s Ford and encamped upon the battle
ground of Sharpsburg, where we remained two or three
days. While there we had mackerel issued to us. My
mess was at a loss to know how to cook them. One
of my messmates and I took a couple of fish to a house
near by, where the landlady prepared them for us and
furnished us a cup of apple butter, for which she
charged us ten cents. We had no money to give her
for her trouble and kindness, but. alter diligent search,
I found in my pocket a ten-cent Confeder te postage
stamp, which she said would answer her purposes, as
she wanted to write to her sister, who lived in Martins-
burg, Va. Our troops had captured that place.
We remained there till the 22d. when we moved in
the direction of Harrisburg, Pa., marching through
Hagerstown, Chambersburg, Greencastle, Shippens-
burg, and within three miles of Carlisle, Pa.
On June jq our division was countermarched to
Greenville, via Scotland, to Gettysburg. On this entire
line of march 1 saw only two negroes, and they
were a very old couple, man and woman, standing on
the roadside as the army passed. ( )ne of my company
asked the negro man if lie was “seccsh,” and he replied,
“Yes, sir, massa ; I sees you now.”
As our army advanced through Pennsylvania tin-
citizens left their homes, driving their Stock with them.
Sometimes a chicken or a hoi; would he seen, but did
not live long afterwards. If the people had remained
on their farms, their propert) would have been pro
tected ; except, perhaps, some of their draught horses
might have been confiscated. Gen. Lee’s orders were,
when marching through the 1 i ties, not to break ranks
and not to disturb any private property. How unlike
Gen. Sherman in his “march to the sea! ” Comrades,
some of vou saw Gen. Lee, but I can say with Senator
Daniel that “the man who never saw Robert E. Lee
missed seeing the greatest of God’s creation.”
Our division did not arrive at Gettysburg in time to
take part in the engagement of July 1. Our last day’s
march was twenty-five miles. We arrived there late on
the night of July 1. 1863. We formed northeast of the
town, on the extreme left of our army, and slept on our
arms in line of battle. About 6 r.M. on July 2 our bri-
gade, commanded by Col. Jesse M. Williams, of the
Second Louisiana Regiment, was ordered forward in
line of battle toward the heights in front, about three-
fourths of a mile. The enemy was engaged near the
base of these heights, anil his front line was driven into
the intrenchments on their top. The charge by our
brigade was continued till we reached a line about one
hundred and fifty yards from the enemy’s works, when
an incessant tire was kept up for about three hours,
ceasing not until nine or ten o’clock at night, when
an order was passed along our line to cease firing
and lie down. We did so, securing protection be-
hind the numerous rocks to be found on the side of the
mountain. Shortly afterwards, in my efforts to “hug
the ground,” not being behind a very large rock, 1
threw my legs out farther than necessary, when a
minie ball from the enem) on our right struck my right
leg below the knee, Vb< iu1 el. \ en < I’clock, with the as-
sistance of two comrades, 1 went back to Rock (..”reek,
about two hundred yards, where 1. with others, lay un-
til the morning of the 3d of July, when I was taken to a
barn near by, used for our field hospital. 1 remained
there about ten days, when some of us were carried to
David’s Island, on Long Island Sound, a hospital for
wounded prisoners. My wound healed, and, securing
exchange, I joined my command two months later.
The Second Louisiana Regiment lost in the battle of
Winchester two killed and nine wounded, and in the
battle of Gettysburg ten killed and fifty-two wounded.
Author of “Incident :tt Rock] Face Ridge,” p. 3t8,July \ \ <
Confederate Veterans
John W. Fravel, of the Tenth Virginia Infantry :
We came home to Woodstock as a company on fur-
lough, after enlisting for the war, from Bull Run win-
ter quarters. We returned to our command, which
was then camped near Brandy Station, below Culpeper
Courthouse. While there the enemy came up to the
Rappahannock River. We were called out, formed
in line, and were shelled by the enemy, who were too
far off for small arms to reach them. While there
Gen. Ewell came up, and Elzey, our brigade command-
er, said: “General, what were my men brought out
here for?”
• “Ostentation,” replied the General.
“Ostentation h !” said Elzey; “I’ll take them
back to camp.”
On the way a shell burst over our heads, and the
concussion so disabled our chaplain, Rev. J. P. Hyde,
that he was never afterwards fit for field service. This
camp was the first place that we found “graybacks,”
as the boys called them.
Soon after this we were transferred to Jackson’s
command, which was at Elk Run, or Conrad’s Store,
sixteen miles below Port Republic, on South River,
and were placed in the Third Brigade. Our company
was sent out toward Harrisonburg several times to try
to trap the enemy’s cavalry, who scouted out that way,
but they never came when we were there. On orders
to leave, we marched about three miles the first night.
Next day we started up the river, having to wade
through mud and water, often over our shoe tops, and
camped just across the river from Port Republic. Our
colonel told John Peer how to keep from getting hun-
gry, simply by belting his cartridge box a notch or two
tighter ; but he had it already to the last notch.
The next day we started across the Blue Ridge, and
camped by Medium’s River, where the C. & O. R. R.
crosses it. Here our mess got some chickens, and we
had a feast. From this point we recrossed the Blue
Ridge by another road to Staunton ; thence we
marched to McDowell, where we overtook Gen. Mil-
roy and whipped him. As we were going up the
mountain we met Gen. Jackson. He was evidently in
a bad humor. He told us to hurry up. We reached
the field just as the Twelfth Georgia Regiment, which
had held them in check until they were literally cut to
pieces, was giving back, and we took their place and
repulsed the enemy. We could hear their officer ral-
lying his men. The command nearest ours was the
Fifth Ohio Regiment. We drove them back each
time, until our colonel, S. B. . Gibbons, was killed.
Then we were relieved, and fell back behind the hill.
While there in reserve an officer came and asked for
two companies to move up to the left of our lines,
which the enemy was flanking. Our company (F) and
Company L responded, and soon drove them back.
This ended the fight. The regiment lost eight or ten
killed and wounded. About two o’clock in the morn-
ing we moved back across the mountain, and stayed
there all day and night.
This was the 9th of May, and on the morning of the
10th we recrossed the mountain, passed the battlefield,
and on to within one mile of Franklin, W. Va. There
our company was sent to the front on picket duty.
Next morning we exchanged a few shots with the
Yankees, and wounded several of them without getting
a scratch ourselves. We stayed there until about two
o’clock; then, with bands playing and drums beating,
we commenced to retrace our steps over the moun-
tains to the valley, stopped at Stribbling Springs a day
or two, and then on down the valley through Harrison-
burg to New Market. There we crossed the mountain
to Luray, and next day to Front Royal, where Jackson
struck Gen. Shields’s command and routed it. They
fled across the Blue Ridge. In this little fight the
•First Maryland Confederates met the First Maryland
Yankees and captured them. We did not stop, but
moved on and reached the valley turnpike after dark
at Middletown, and kept moving all night. We
reached the mills, just a short mile south of Winches-
ter. There we filed to the left and formed in line of
battle, Jackson’s Division on the west side of the val-
ley pike and Ewell’s on the right. This was just at
sunrise. Ewell had joined us at Luray. In our front
Banks’s men were formed in line behind a stone fence.
We charged them, and soon had them on the run. I
could see Ewell’s men charging and driving the Yan-
kees before them. In passing through Winchester we
could hardly get along the streets for the ladies, who
were so glad to see us. They would actually hug some
of the boys. In this fight our company only lost one
man killed and two or three wounded. We drove
Banks out of the state. After resting a day or two we
had a race back to Strasburg to reach there before
Shields could get there on the east side and Gen. Fre-
mont on the west. Shields had recrossed the Blue
Ridge, and was trying to cut off our retreat up the val-
ley, and so was Fremont. Either of them could have
done it if they had moved half as fast as we did, but they
were afraid of Jackson. Our brigade was sent out on
the Wardensville road to hold Fremont in check until
all our trains passed up the valley, our company being
sent to the skirmish line. One brigade of Yankee
cavalry charged us. We opened on them, but soon
Confederate l/eterai>.
fell back to where the regiment was in line of battle,
and stayed there until dark, then moved back to Stras-
burg and up the valley to Woodstock that night. The
boys disliked to leave Woodstock very much, as it was
our home. Fremont, with three limes our number,
was pressing us in the rear, and Shields, with as many
men as Fremont, was moving up the Luray Valley to
cut us off by crossing the mountain at New Market.
We moved on the next day to Rude’s Hill, then on to
Port Republic, within twelve miles of where we start-
ed on the ist of May. This was the 6th of June.
Ashby was killed near Harrisonburg on the evening
of this day.
Port Republic lies between the north and south
forks of South River, and the bridge across the north
fork is just above the junction of the two rivers, the
town extending down to the bridge. Our brigade
went into camp in the edge of the woods on the hill
above the bridge. The next morning a great many of
the men went down to the river to wash their clothes
and go in bathing. Jackson was in Port Republic. I
had just cleaned up my gun. when “boom! boom!”
went Shields’s guns, lie had pushed forward a bri-
gade of cavalry and one battery of four guns, followed
by a brigade of infantry. The cavalry and battery
pushed a company of our cavalry back beyond Port
Republic, and two guns ami some of the cavalry
crossed- the south fork and took up position at the
bridge. The other two guns were planted just across
the river opposite the bridge, with the brigade of cav-
alry supporting them. < >ur colonel soon had his reg-
iment in line, and, while waiting for orders, Capt.
Wooding, of our battery, ran out his guns and opened
on the infantry. The first shot cut the flagstaff off, as
did also the second shot after it had hern raised again.
Capt. Wooding then said, “1 will take that color bear-
er’s head this time;” and so he did, each shell bursting
and killing six or eight and wounding many more.
While waiting for orders, the Thirty-Seventh Virginia,
of our brigade, formed and charged down the road to
the bridge. We followed close on their heels, and as
we got halfway to the bridge I saw Jackson coming
up from the bridge. He told us to fire on the Yankees
across the river and then to fall down, which we did.
One man failed to obey the order, and was killed by a
grapeshot from across the South Fork. You ask :
“How diil Jackson get through the bridge?” His
headquarters being in town and he cut off from his
army, he rode up to the bridge and ordered the Yan-
kees to turn their suns on the Rebels up the river, wdio
were washing their clothes and bathing : and when they
did this he rushed through the bridge and met the
Thirty-Seventh charging down the road to the bridge,
and got there before the Yankees could get their guns
back into position to fire on them as they came through
the bridge. 1 saw the two brass pieces half turned
back toward the mouth of the bridge, and one of the
Yankees told my father that they had “Jackson in a
box with the lid on, but he kicked the bottom out and
got away.” We were placed along the river front in
Port Republic, and stayed there all day guarding the
bridge, and at night were put on picket duty. Jack-
son, with one brigade, went back to Cross Keys, and
there, with F.wcll. defeated Fremont. The next
morning Shields came up. and Jackson met him about
one mile below 7 Port Republic. While we were lying
down Jackson rode up to our brigade and asked for a
company he could rely on, and the brigadier turned to
our colonel, and he to our captain, and said that Jack-
son wanted him; and Jackson said: “You take your
company across the bridge and go down the river op-
posite the enemy, where there is a ford, and hold it at all
hazards.” Soon, however, we were ordered back, and
joined our regiment just as they were crossing the
South Fork on the bridge made out of wagons with
plank laid across them. Then we double-quicked
down to the battle ground, and got there just as our
cavalry made one of the grandest charges 1 saw during
the war. They charged by squadrons, and came up in
solid line just as they reached the enemy’s lines and
captured a Yankee regiment of infantry. We pursued
Shields for several miles, tnen turned him over to our
cavalry, who kept him going all day. 1 saw a Yankee
with his whole breast bone shot away by a cannon ball.
His heart and lungs were exposed. Lieut. Fontaine
and I were next to him. and he gave his watch and
money to the Lieutenant, and told him to keep the
money and send the watch to his father. 1 have for-
gotten his name, but he was from Pennsylvania. I
also saw a man with his head shot off and six or eight
lying dead with him. While we were after Shields
Fremont came up the hill overlooking the river, and
planted his guns to rake us on our return ; but Jackson
found a man in our regiment who led us through the
mountains to the road we took when we crossed the
Blue Ridge the ist of May. Fremont, not knowing
where we were, retreated down the valley. This end-
ed the \ alle\ campaign till fall.
We went into camp for a day or two, then crossed
An error was made in the name of the maid of honor for
Tennessee, who was Miss Kate Thompson Crawford, the
daughter of West J. Crawford, of Memphis. She is of engag-
ing manner, striking beauty, sunny disposition, and great
goodness of heart. Her mother is the niece and adopted
daughter of tin- late Jacob Thompson, member of President
Buchanan’s cabinet, and later an ardent supporter of the
Qo^federate Ueterai).
the South Fork and went into camp near Weyer’s
Cave. We stayed there about a week, then started
across the Blue Ridge for Richmond, to help Lee
against McClellan. The first- day we camped on top
of the Blue Ridge. Well, we next got to Richmond,
and as we were moving along, waiting our turn to be
put into action, Longstreet’s men captured some pris-
oners, and among them were the noted Pennsylvania
Bucktails. As they came up to us we said: “Hello,
boys ! we are getting you, ain’t we ? ”
“Yes,” they replied; “but Fremont and Shields are
giving Jackson h 1 in the Valley.”
We said : ” Do you see that man there on that horse ?
That is Jackson, and we are his men.” Then we told
them that we had “done up” Fremont and Shields, and
would do them up.
One of them threw his hat on the ground and said :
“You will do it! it is no use to try to lick Jackson.”
We got into the last charge at sundown, and kept
“Little Mac” going until he got under his gunboats
on the James River.
Frank A. Bond, Richmond, Va. :
During the winter of 1861-62 the Confederate Army
of Northern Virginia occupied cantonments near Ma-
nassas, and their picket line was about fifteen miles in
their front, one of their advanced posts directly toward
Washington being at Fairfax Courthouse. At the
same time the Union army was in winter quarters near
Washington, and their picket line was about ten miles
nearer us, and in the neighborhood of Falls Church.
The Union army was then very deficient in cavalry,
as their men had to learn to ride, as a preliminary to
becoming useful cavalrymen, and their picketing was
done almost entirely by infantry, while our picketing
and scouting was done by mounted men ; and, in the
language of Gen. Jeb Stuart, our cavalry was the
“eyes and ears of the army.”
I was at that time a lieutenant of a Maryland compa-
ny in the First Regiment of Virginia Cavalry, and our
lieutenant colonel was Fitzhugh Lee. Col. Lee is a
splendid horseman, and, when well mounted, a very
conspicuous figure. The pictures one sees of him now
do not in the least resemble him as he was then, as dur-
ing the war he wore a full and very heavy beard of un-
usual length. He had been instructor of cavalry tac-
tics at West Point, was an ideal soldier, and at that ear-
ly date the idol of the regiment.
One damp day in February, 1862, about one hun-
dred men were chosen from our regiment, and, under
command of Col. Lee, started on a scout. It was ru-
mored that we were to strike the enemy’s pickets and
capture some prisoners, as a means of discovering what
their intentions were. The roads were very muddy,
and, after advancing beyond our lines, the command
was halted for a more perfect formation. Col. Lee se-
lected eight men, two sections of fours, and placed
them under the command of an officer, and directed
him to advance two hundred yards ahead of the main
body, and to keep his eyes open. He then chose eight
other men, all of whom were strangers to me, not be-
ing from my company, and placed them under my
command, and gave me strict orders to follow those in
front, at a distance of two hundred yards. We pro-
ceeded in this manner probably a mile, when an inci-
dent occurred that in a very marked manner shows the
kindness and courtesy of Gen. Lee’s disposition and my
egotism and ignorance of discipline at that time. I
left my rear guard and rode up to Col. Lee, who was at
the head of the main body, and complained of the duty
he had assigned me. I told him that I did not want to
be riding along behind everybody else, and that if we
were going to attack the enemy I wanted to be up with
the advance. I know now that there was scarcely an-
other officer of his rank in the army, especially a West
Pointer, that would not have peremptorily ordered me
back to my place, with a threat to put me under arrest
if I dared to again leave my duty for any cause ; and twi 1
years later I should very probably have acted in that
way myself. Col. Lee, however, very kindly explained
to me that he had given me that place as the post of
honor; that, although I was farthest from the enemy
during the advance, I would be nearest to them when
we returned, and that our troubles were not likely to
be many until we retreated ; and he assured me that I
would have my full share of all the glory. I returned
to my command in better spirits, but it was years after-
wards before I fully appreciated his consideration.
After riding silently along the main road until with-
in about two miles of Falls Church, we turned to the
right, through heavy timber, and proceeded very cau-
tiously for some distance, when suddenly there were
several shots from the front and a rapid advance of the
main body. I took the gallop, and soon got through
the wood and out into a long open valley with quite an
extended view. Nearly half a mile to the front, upon
a sparsely wooded eminence, was a blotch of crimson,
with a thin cloud of blue smoke above where a compa-
ny of red-legged zouaves were firing in our direction
as fast as they could load. All order had been lost by
our people, but all were galloping as fast as they could
directly at the enemy. I kept my squad together, with
some little difficulty, and increased the pace, as Col.
Confederate l/eterar;.
Lee’s positive order had been to keep just two hundred
yards in the rear. Before we got very near the red
blotch disappeared over the hill, followed by all our
people ; and Col. Lee, with heavy black ostrich plume
in a broad-brim, slouch hat, and mounted on his splen-
did bay horse Dixie, was well to the front.
Going at speed, we topped the hill, and before I could
draw rein we were right in among all our people ; and
as they were in great confusion, with much desultory
firing, it was impossible for me to tell what was going
on. I remembered my orders to keep two hundred
yards behind, and wheeled my men about and started
to the rear. I had scarcely gone the length of my
horse when from the swamp on my right I heard some
loud command given, but. not thinking it could be
meant for me, continued mi my way. Immediately it
was repeated, and this time I understood I was the par-
ty addressed, and that the order was to halt and turn
back ; but I glanced over my shoulder and saw that the
speaker was a small man, on foot, and covered with
mud, and unknown to me, so I told him to mind his
own business, that I knew mine. This seemed to ai;
gravate this small man almost to frenzy, and I never
heard such peremptory orders given in so loud a voice
and accompanied by some very bad language. Some-
thing about the speaker caused me to look again, more
carefully, and to my horror 1 saw it was Col. Lee.
Dixie had been killed under him while going at speed,
and he had taken a header into the mud, and it was
small wonder that I had not recognized him.
T immediately galloped up to him and explained that
I thought I was obeying orders, and was told that
”circumstances alter cases;” to dash down to the
swamp, dismount, and go in and capture some half-
dozen men who had taken refuge there, and put an end
to the tight at once. This was promptly and effec-
tually done. We had several uninjured prisoners, two
badly wounded, and two dead. On our side we had
one man and Col. Lee’s splendid horse killed. We
mounted our prisoners behind some of our cavalry-
men, Col. Lee took one of the men’s horses, a cart was
procured from a near-by farmer to carry our dead
comrade, and we returned without further adventure.
I understood that, speaking of the matter to some
brother officers the next day. Col. Lee said that the
only officer he had with him “worth a d was that
little Maryland lieutenant.” 1 considered this glory
enough for one occasion.
At this time John S. Mosby (afterwards the famous
guerrilla chief! was adjutant of our regiment. There
could not have been a greater contrast between two
men than there was between Lee and Mosby. Lee
was the precise and punctilious soldier, with a great
regard for all the etiquette of the profession. Mosby
was absolutely careless of all this, and seemed to take a
pride in violating every rule that it was safe to do.
For instance, he used a civilian’s saddle and bridle, and
his uniform was trimmed with red instead of buff. It
is said that when he was promoted from private to ad-
jutant and went to Richmond to equip himself he
found a ready-made uniform for a lieutenant of artil-
lery that lilted, and, being cheap, he bought it. When
at dress parade he paced down the line on a small sor-
rel horse, with his citizen’s equipments and his artil-
lery uniform, it was gall and wormwood to our lieuten-
ant colonel ; but our colonel. William E. Jones, was a
great friend of Mosby’s, and it was thought rather en-
i’ \ ed Col. Lee’s chagrin.
On one occasion Col. Jones was absent, and Col.
Lee was in command and waiting in front of his tent
for his horse. Mosby sauntered up. and. with a drawl
more pronounced than usual, said: “Colonel, the horn
has blowed for dress parade.”
If a look could have killed him, Mosb) would never
have moved from the spot. After a mi iment Lee said :
“Sir. if 1 ever again hear you call that bugle a horn, I
will put you under arrest.”
A monument erected to the memory of Francis Scott
Key. author of the “Star-Spangled Banner,” was ded-
icated at Frederick. Md., August o. witnessed by a vast
assembly of people. Tt was unveiled by a great-grand-
daughter of the author. Miss Julia McHenry Howard,
of Baltimore.
The Confederates who served on the frontier of
Texas during the civil war had little fighting to do, but
they had lots of fun. A certain cavalry company
which spent a good deal of time there had for its cap-
tain a very positive, irascible officer, and for one ‘of its
sergeants a man named Harris, whose whole code of
duty consisted of strict and literal obedience to his
captain’s orders. In the fall of 1863 the company was
detached from its regiment and ordered to patrol sev-
eral miles of the north bank of the Rio Grande River.
The duty was very light, and, to make it lighter, the
valiant captain selected a camp more with reference to
wood and water, to grazing for his horses, and to pro-
tection from northers than either to accessibility or
strategic purposes. In fact, it was so hidden by chapar-
ral and so surrounded by water fordable only in a few
places, and so unapproachable, except by cow trails,
that the colonel commanding at Brownsville, eight
miles distant, had not an orderly who was ever able to
find it. As very few orders, however, were issued that
winter, this was not a matter of any great consequence.
One very cold day in December the colonel dis-
patched a note by a lieutenant of the company who
happened to be in Brownsville that day, informing
Capt. D that Gen. Somebody and Col. Somebody
Else, then on a tour of general inspection under the or-
ders of Gen. Magruder, were in the city, and requesting
the captain to send in a guide early next morning to
conduct the two officers to his camp. The doughty
captain, in his wrath, swore that he would not do it.
He was not going to be subjected upon such short no-
tice to the critical observation of noted martinets.
“I’m not going to tear up my camp and put my tents
in rows to suit every d fool’s sense of the fitness
of things, and I won’t send in a guide.”
But during the night the spirit of subordination
prevailed, and at sunrise next morning the captain said
to Harris : “You get to Brownsville as soon as you can
this morning, and report to those infernal inspectors.”
“What am I to do with them, Captain?” he asked.
“Do with them? What are you to do with them?”
repeated the captain angrily. “Why, sir, offer your
services as their guide to this camp, and then drown
them before you get here. That’s what you are to do
with them ! ”
“All right, Captain ; I’ll do my best,” curtly respond-
ed Harris ; and, turning away, he was soon mounted
and en route to Brownsville.
About two o’clock in the afternoon cf the same day
a sadly demoralized cortege approached the camp.
Harris came first, bedraggled with mud and slime, and
water dripping from himself and steed ; while behind
him, in an ambulance drawn by four mules and driven
by a detailed soldier, came the two inspectors — all
showing incontestably that they had been in deep wa-
ter. When the procession halted, and the newcomers,
their teeth chattering and their bodies shivering with
cold, emerged from the ambulance, Capt. D
stepped briskly forward and saluted them in approved
military style. Returning the greeting with the most
precise and chilling formality, the general angrily de-
manded, “What do you mean, sir, by pitching your
camp in a place surrounded on all sides by deep wa-
ter?” and then proceeded to complain that they had
been wading lagoons and resacas, lakes and ponds, ad
infinitum, all the way from Brownsville, and had not a
dry stitch of clothing on them.
The captain stood speechless as he listened to the
recital of the innumerable woes and hairbreadth es-
capes his superiors had undergone ; in fact, such was
his pertubation and inability to think that he could
only offer as excuse the drunkenness of the guide.
But, whatever the cause of the mishap, the officers were
too thoroughly wet and miserable to make a long stay
or any but the most perfunctory and hasty inspection ;
yet they were prudent enough to insist upon having a
new guide back to Brownsville.
When they had gone Capt. D called up Harris,
and the following colloquy ensued — angrily and high-
toned on the part of the officer, but mild and low-
voiced on the part of the sergeant. The captain be-
gan it : “What was the matter with you to-day, sir? 1 ”
“Nawthin at all. Captain, that I knows of.”
“Did you not lose your way ? ”
“Why no, Captain! How could I, when I go to
Brownsville every week after your whisky? ”
“Were you not drunk, sir? ”
“No, sir, I warn’t, fur I didn’t have as much as a pic-
ayune in my pocket and nobody offered to treat me,
fur all them plaguy fellers brought a jug along, which
I seed you all a drinkin’ out of.”
“How did it happen, then, that you missed all the
fords and got so wet? ”
“Why, Captain,” and now Harris spoke gravely and
reproachfully, “don’t you remember what you told me
to do?”
“Certainly I do. sir ! I told you to go to Brownsville
and guide those officers out to this camp.”
“So yer did, Captain; so yer did,” rejoined Harris
emphatically; “but that wasn’t nigh all ner the impor-
Wife of the Passenger Traffic Manager of Lhi
‘ Plant System. ‘
Confederate Veterans.
tantest part of it ; fur arter that you told me to drown
’em on the way here ; and I wish I may die ef I didn’t
do my level best to ‘bey the order. All I lacked was
findin’ water deep enough to kiver the top of the ava-
lanche and them a stan’in’ on top of it.”
The captain had to “acknowledge the corn,” and
ever remembered that it was only the failure to find
water deep enough that prevented the drowning, in
supposed compliance with his orders, of two officers.
List of officers buried in Hollywood Cemetery,
whose graves are under care of the Junior Hollywood
Association :
\\ . B. Adder, Fourth Alabama; J. P. Addington,
Fifth Alabama; J. II. Alexander, Company F, Fif-
teenth Georgia; J. S. Allan, Company I, Twentieth
Virginia; Serg, F. F, Anderson, Company I, Seventh
Tennessee; L. A. Anderson, Company H, Twenty-
Second Virginia; G. P>. Bahan, Washington Artillery;
P. Bailey, Company B, First Louisiana; Lieut. F. W.
Baker, Twelfth I Georgia Regiment ; C. Barhan ; T. W.
Bayley, Company F, Thirtieth Virginia; Lieut. J. T.
Beach, Fifth Louisiana; J. H. Biggs, North Carolina;
Bowers; Lieut. J. \Y. Braver, Company C. Washing-
ton Artillery; Col. B. T. Brockman ; Lieut. E. Chase,
Company H, Fortieth Virginia; F. E. Chisman, Fif-
teenth Alabama; R. Chisman, Company A. Thirty-
Second Virginia; W. T. Clark. Virginia, Hampton’s
pilot: Capt. W. R. Clark, Twelfth Mississippi; J.
T. Cook, Company F, Nineteenth Georgia; J. N.
Cooper, Virginia; Lieut. J. Cook, Company G,
Third Alabama: J. J. Cook. Third Alabama; J. E.
Cosby, Company C, Tenth Virginia ; Craigg, Virginia ;
Dr. J. C. Currie. Kentucky; Capt. A. J. Cunningham,
Company H, Fourth South Carolina; Col. T. J. Da-
vidson, Third Mississippi ; T. S. Duke, Virginia ; J. A.
Edwards, Fifteenth Virginia Cavalry; Capt. R. E. El-
liott, Second South Carolina ; Lieut. Col. Fields ; J. B.
Fleet, Company D, Fifty-Third Georgia; Lieut. Col.
W. W. Floyd, Seventeenth Tennessee ; Col. R. W.
Fblson, Fourteenth Georgia ; Lieut. C. E. Ford, Stew-
art’s Artillery, Virginia ; Lieut. B. C. Foster, Company
I, Fifth Alabama; W. P. Gibson, Company E, Forty-
Fourth Georgia; Sergt. J. S. Gilliam, Virginia ; J. Gra-
ham, Ritter’s Battery, Virginia ; Lieut. P. H. Grandy,
Company D, First North Carolina; J. Greenwcll. Vir-
ginia Artillery; Lieut. W. B. Guess, Company A, Sec-
ond Louisiana; Lieut. G. B. Haupt, Company G, Sec-
ond Maryland: Lieut. E. R. Hawkins. Company C,
Eighth Virginia ; John Hobbs, Company H, Mary-
land ; C. A. Hoge, Company F, Second Maryland ; W.
H. Holiday, Company A, Second Maryland; H.
Houseley, Stuart’s Artillery; Capt. A. Johnson, Tenth
Louisiana; Johnson; Dr. J. F. Jones, Black Horse
Cavalry. Fourth Virginia; Maj. W. M. Jones, Ninth
Georgia; Lieut. W. M. Jones, Company < , Eighteenth
Georgia ; Capt. A. Jont, Company I, Tenth Louisiana;
R. Fl. Key, Company B, First Maryland Cavalry;
George Lambert; Surg. F. P. Leverett, Fifth Tex-
as; Lieut. Lewis, Company C, Thirty-First Virginia;
Capt. Thomas Lilly, Company R, Twenty-Sixth North
Carolina; Capt. I.ogue, Company I’.. Twenty-Second
rgia; Lowry; Serg. 1′. C. Maffett, Company E,
Eighteenth Mississippi; J. H. Marr, Clarksville,
Tenn. : X. I.. May, Company A, Fifth North Carolina;
John May. Company 1, Thirteenth Alabama; Lieut.
aster; P. 1′.. McGinness, Hampton’s Artillery;
Lieut. C. G. McLendon, ( lompany 1′., Fifty-First Geor-
gia : Col. McPearson; Lieut. Col. McShell, Company
D, Fourteenth Louisiana; Lieut. Col. J. M. Miller,
Georgia; J. L. Miller, Twelfth South Carolina; J. p!
Mitchell, Fortieth Virginia ; Lieut. E. Mizell, Compa-
ny D, Twenty-Sixth Georgia ; T. Y. Moffett, Company
E, Eighteenth Mississippi; Lieut. J. G. Moore, Com-
pany D, Eighth Virginia ; W C. Murdock; L. W. Pa-
gand, Petersburg, Va. ; Capt. John Parker, British
steamer; Col. C. C. Pegues, Fifth Alabama; Capt. T.
^opfederate l/eterag.
Phelan, Company A, Eighth Alabama ; Philips, Com-
pany E, Thirty-Second Virginia ; Serg. T. C. Pinkard,
Company I, Fortieth Virginia; Pippin; F. M. Pitts,
Company I, Fourteenth Alabama ; B. F. Polars, artil-
lery; Serg. C. Rowe, Company B, Ninth Virginia
Cavalry ; W. Rowell, Alabama ; Capt. J. M. Saunders,
Fifty-Third Virginia; H. C. Shewmake, C. S. Navy;
Capt. J. Stoop, Company C, Eighteenth Virginia Ar-
tillery; Capt. J. P. Strickland, Georgia; J. L. Ustick,
Company Y, Fifth Alabama; Capt. J. E. Vanter; C.
Voulant, Maryland ; F. Walker, Palmetto State Guard,
South Carolina; Capt. A. C. Watkins, Company A,
Twenty-Fourth Georgia ; W. R. Waugh, Third Ala-
bama ; Capt. J. A. Whitfield, Company C, Second Mis-
sissippi ; J. O. Whitnell ; J. H. Winder ; L. A. Winder ;
D. P. Yarbrough, Company A, Cobb’s Legion.
Comrade J. N. Potts writes :
In an article by W. R. Hall, of Richmond, Va., on
page 73 of the July Veteran, he says: “As we are
writing history, we had as well have the facts in the
case.” Yet his authority led him into quite an inac-
curacy regarding the “battle” at Philippi, and I have
no doubt he will appreciate having the “facts in the
case.” I was within a few miles of Philippi on the 3d
of June, 1861, and have a vivid memory of what trans-
pired. There was no battle at Philippi. The night
of June 2 was very dark and rainy. The enemy
marched all night, and just at dawn completely sur-
prised our forces, the roar of Kelley’s artillery being
the first intimation that the enemy were near. Know-
ing that they outnumbered us many times and were
better armed, Porterfield’s command got out of that
place in a hurry. Of course there was a good deal of
firing, but to little effect, although published reports
stated that many were killed. Brig. Gen. T. A. Mor-
ris seemed gifted as a reporter. His first dispatch to
Gen. McClellan was in these words: “We surprised
the Rebels, about two thousand strong, at Philippi
this morning. Captured a large amount of arms,
horses, ammunitions, provisions, and camp equipage.
The attack was made after a march during the entire
night in a drenching rain. The surprise was com-
plete. Fifteen Rebels killed. The gallant Col. Kel-
ley, of the First Virginia Volunteers, I fear, is mortal-
ly wounded. No other important casualties on our
side.” (Official Record, Series I., Vol. II., page 64.)
As I now remember it, Porterfield’s command at
the time did not exceed four hundred men, and was
made up of the following companies: Capt. Thomp-
son’s company, from Marion County ; Higginboth-
am’s, from Upshur County ; Stover’s, from Pocahontas
County ; Bradford’s, from Barbour County ; Turner’s,
from Harrison County ; and Arch Richard’s cavalry,
from Bath County. None of these companies were
full, and probably did not average over sixty-five men.
Two other companies of cavalry had reported to Col.
Porterfield, but he had sent them home for want of
arms. Capt. Currence’s company, from Randolph
County ( of which company I was a lieutenant), had
been in camp at Beverly for a few days, drilling and
tning to procure arms; and, learning of the danger
that threatened Porterfield’s command, we left Bever-
ly very earl)’ on the morning of June 3, intending to
march all the way to Philippi that day, thirty miles dis-
tant, but we met Col. Porterfield at the head of his col-
umn about twelve miles out from Beverly. I am confi-
dent that the only person hurt on our side was Leroy
Dangerfield, of the Bath Cavalry, who had his ankle
broken, and the surgeons amputated the limb the next
morning at Beverly. Col. Kelley, who commanded
the attacking force, was seriously wounded, and was
the only one known to be hurt on the Yankee side.
Capt. Arch Richards, reported killed in Mr. Hall’s
paper, was not hurt, and to my own personal knowl-
edge remained in command of the Bath Cavalry until
the 15th of May, 1862, when his company reorganized,
and left him out.
Confederate l/eterat)
J. A. Holman, Company F, Texas Rangers, writes :
Mention is made by comrades of a very critical mo-
ment in the situation of Johnston’s little army at Ben-
tonville, March 21, 1865. I will give an account of
what I saw, and I feel confident that many of Terry’s
Rangers now living will bear me out in the main state-
ments. In the January (1895) Veteran, page 20,
Comrade B. L. Ridley quotes from his journ il, “kept
at the time:” “Cummings’ Brigade charged the enemy
in front; Eigihth Texas Cavalry struck the two divi-
sions of the Seventeenth Army Corps in flank and
routed them.” In the February number of the same
year, page 37, Capt. Guild calls Comrade Ridley to
“taw,” and states: “About three o’clock on the evening
in question Gen. Mower’s Division of the Federal
army advanced so far and unexpectedly on our left
rear as to threaten the bridge. Everything was in grea*
confusion. Gen. Hardee came rushing down the road,
and the first troops he came across were a part of the
Texas brigade (Eighth Texas and Fourth Tennessee
Regiments), commanded by Col. Baxter Smith. He
at once ordered Col. Smith to charge, which he did in
gallant style with these two regiments, throwing Mow-
er’s Division into confusion and driving them back.”
Now, to mend matters, in the February (1897) num-
ber, page 68, Comrade Fuller, doubtless speaking of
the same event, states: “The Yankees, about six thou-
sand strong, poured through the gap between the left
of Wheeler’s Cavalry and the river. These six thou-
sand valiant veterans were hurled back not by an equal
number, but by one hundred and eighty men and offi-
cers, a fragment of Cummings’ old Brigade and a
South Carolina battery.”
The creek, across which was the bridge, runs north
and south (?), and our line of battle in the morning
faced southeast, with the Rangers on the extreme left.
The troops on that part of the line during the day had
repulsed several assaults of the enemy in an effort to
turn our left, which necessitated the continual shifting
of lines farther north and in the direction of the road
leading to the bridge and running parallel with the
creek. In repelling these assaults the Texas brigade
lost heavily, including the entire field and staff officers
of the Eight Texas, which left Capt. “Dock” Mat-
thews — a smooth-faced boy, as gallant as ever drew
sword under the Confederate flag — in command of the
regiment. In the confusion Gen. Hardee came up in
great haste, and, after apparently a few words with
Capt. Matthews, the regiment filed left, and moved rap-
idly north. It came into the road before mentioned
just as a body of demoralized cavalry had passed on
toward the bridge. We understood these to be South
Carolinians. The regiment was right-faced into line,
the charge was sounded, and down they went through
the heavy pines and thick ‘underbrush, and soon ran
over the enemy’s skirmish line, killing and capturing
about all in their front, and on to a double line of in-
fantry, who poured a volley into them at only a few
paces’ distance. After the third charge, they retreated
some distance up the hill, when a body of Confederate
infantry came to their support. This may have been
Cummings’ Brigade, but it was understood at the time
to have been Cheatham’s Division.
The regiment was estimated at about two hundred
men when it went into action, and among the losses in
killed was the sixteen-year-old son of Gen. Hardee,
who had joined the Rangers a few days before, the fa-
ther not knowing but what his son was at Chapel Hill
in school until after his death.
If any other portion of the Texas Brigade was in this
charge, but few if any of us knew it. At all events, it
is certain that the Rangers were personally compli-
mented by Gen. Hardee, and the gallant charge was the
general talk among the infantry for several days after.
No, comrades; we did not strike these fellows in the
flank, but square to the front.
In a concluding sentence Comrade Holman says:
“Boys, subscribe for the Veteran.”
James W. Albright, Asheville, N. C. :
1 desire to make a correction in the article of Wil-
liam E. Anderson, of Pensacola, Fla., in the May issue,
215. He says : “In the town of Hillsboro, N. C,
on the banks of the Alamance River, was shed the first
blood of the Revolution. . . . North Carolina
should build a monument on the banks of the Ala-
mance River to those of her sons who fell there in the
first great struggle for independence.”
The error is in the statement that Hillsboro is on the
banks of the Alamance River, which is a mistake; it is
twenty-five miles from the site of the battle of the Ala-
mance, which was fought May 16, 1 77 1 .
In 1879, July 4, a neat monument was erected and
dedicated with much ceremony. Daniel Albright
Long made the speech. Gov. T. M. Holt, Gov. D. G.
Fowle, Col. J. S. Carr, and hundreds of others, includ-
ing myself, were present. The shaft is appropriately
inscribed, but 1 cannot trust to memory to give the in-
scription. The battle was fought near where the coun-
ty line between Guilford and Alamance now runs,
about sixteen miles from Greensboro and four or five
miles from Burlington, on the N. C. railroad.