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Posted : February 26, 2022

By: Mike Thomas

The Signal Corps in Charleston was well-led, highly energetic, and gained the complete confidence of area commanders. They were composed chiefly of young Privates detached from infantry, artillery, and cavalry commands and trained as Signal Operators. Their work allowed area commanders to communicate with each other at crucial times reliably. The thousands sent reports and orders each month by these capable young men through signal flags by day and lights at night.

They were instrumental in another way. In April 1863, they cracked the signal code used by Union commanders and began close monitoring of those communications. Union messages were read regularly until September 1863, when a new cipher was used. Confederate commanders feared that the Yankees had learned that the previous code had been broken but was relieved when the old code was reinstated a short while later. From that point on, most Union messages were read until Charleston was evacuated in February 1865. Commanders of Forts Sumter, Moultrie, and Johnson and Batteries Wagner and Gregg were often forewarned when targeted for direct assault or close bombardment from Union ships. Given time to prepare their positions against these threats, the posts were able to meet and frustrate well-laid plans by Union commanders. 

while later, from that point on, most Union messages were read until Charleston was evacuated in February 1865. Commanders of Forts Sumter, Moultrie, and Johnson and Batteries Wagner and Gregg were often forewarned when targeted for direct assault or close bombardment from Union ships. Given time to prepare their positions against these threats, the posts could meet and frustrate well-laid plans by Union commanders.

The Signal Corps in Charleston enjoyed a fine reputation. Though its members may never have fired a gun, their contributions to the defense of Charleston warrant the highest respect.

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