(February 7, 2021) If you believe today’s Democrats advocate Washington, D. C. statehood chiefly because the District’s residents are as justified as any in the present fifty states of Senate and House representation, then you are likely to believe that postbellum Republicans championed black suffrage in the South because it was morally correct. That is what is taught in America’s colleges today. If, however, you believe that today’s Democrats want D.C. statehood in order to gain political power—especially since they would gain two additional Senate seats—then you should understand that postbellum Republicans supported black suffrage and ex-Confederate political disfranchisement in order to hold onto political power in Washington via the formation of Republican-controlled puppet regimes in the South.
Before deciding consider four points. First, do you think that today’s Democrats would support D. C. statehood if they felt it would add two new Republicans to the Senate? Second, the District of Columbia was specifically established to be independent of any state. Third, do you think that postbellum Republicans would have supported black suffrage in the South if they felt it would bring the ex-Confederate states back into the Union with Democrat regimes? Daniel Chamberlain, who was a Massachusetts Yankee, Yale graduate and last Carpetbag governor in South Carolina, admitted the blanket answer Republicans of his time was, “No.” Fourth, do you think the modern Democrats would have supported illegal immigration for the past forty years if the illegal aliens would have led to a surge in GOP voters?